Thanks to my BPD for making me live the horror media "being possessed by something evil" experience!
Very nice, would recommend!
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digiindie · 4 months
DPB - "I Feel So Good Today" (Happy Mix) (@worldofdpb)
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webgeekzone · 9 months
DPDP’s New Data Breach Reporting Rules: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses
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The specter of data breaches looms large in the digital age, casting a shadow over user trust and platform accountability. In India, the impending Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act promises a paradigm shift in data governance, with stringent regulations designed to safeguard user privacy and empower individuals. Among its most crucial provisions lies the mandate for immediate data breach disclosure to the Data Protection Board (DPB). This article delves deep into the intricacies of this requirement, dissecting its implications for platforms, users, and the broader data ecosystem.
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epeniazesk · 2 years
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Straightforward Mitts by Mone Dräger, modified!
I made these with Dye Mad Yarns' Chester Sock base in Play for a Purpose (2023). The pattern linked above does not come with fingers, but a friend saw @ninalanfer's version modified to include half fingers and loved it. So, naturally, I had to Make These For Them :)
Huge shout-out to nina for generously linking me (an absolute finger-knitting noob) helpful patterns and notes for learning how to do fingers! It was super helpful and very appreciated, and now I feel Unstoppable!!
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clumsyclifford · 2 years
what's... 18 29 93 & 70 on your wrapped?
meghna i would be SOOO happy to answer this for you. i will also be giving you my favorite lyric from each song because that's fun and it's my blog
18. Vienna by Ben Platt good god this song makes me so crazy okay my favorite line. impossible question but i guess maybe "take the phone off the hook and disappear for awhile/it's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two" especially because i was listening to this song a shit ton during camp when i legit felt like i could not take a day to myself and then i got The Plague and was forced to take time off and everyone was like seeeeeeeeee bella everything is still fine and. it felt appropriate
29. You Don't Go To Parties by 5SOS mmm favorite line is the whole second verse. "lost my limit 'cause i'm dumb and i'm passionate/took my foot up off the brake, it's not an accident" the imagery there also i love songs where they just call themselves dumb. i am ALSO dumb and passionate kings !!! me too!!!!!
93. Face Towards The Sun by The Maine 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 everything 🥺 is exactly 🥺 as it 🥺 should be 🥺
70. Dirty, Pretty, Beautiful by The Maine my favorite lyric is the fuckin distortion on that guitar
send me a number 1-101 and i’ll give you the corresponding song on my wrapped and my favorite lyric!
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guitarbomb · 11 months
Thomann Cyberweek 2023 - Up to 60% of for 10 Days
Thomann Cyberweek 2023 runs from 17 – 23 and offers discounts of up to 60% off on a huge range of products. This sale is way better than just a regular Black Friday deal and includes major brands like Fender, Gibson, and Neural DSP in the deals. Up to 60% Off The annual Thomann Cyberweek has just started today and runs for 10 days straight with up to 60% off on gear purchased on the site. If you…
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geezerwench · 1 year
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Remember these? The investment of the future! Beanie Babies!
The sign says $1.00
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lunarrolls · 1 year
okay. it’s a meta kind of day today so! watching the new 4sd and realizing that sam has been kneecapping the shit out of fcg by not using basically any cleric spells but cure wounds and sometimes spiritual weapon makes… so much fucking sense
on a doyalist level, of course, that makes sense, and i hope sam learns that characters don’t own spells because i think fcg could be a REALLY powerful cleric if he stopped holding himself back as a player. tal, ashley, and liam gave him some good feedback.
on a watsonian level, though, holy changebringer above, i love that choice for fcg. it was an accidental sam choice, but it works so well with who fcg is. fcg was not originally a cleric whose magic was derived from faith in divinity. they are essentially a self-taught cleric who has only recently found the changebringer. they don’t actually need the changebringer for their magic to work, and i think they know that. their motivation for helping the gods isn’t related to their magic, it’s because they believe the gods can help people better than they can, but i digress.
a self-taught cleric without divine guidance whose main function was to heal? of course they really only know how to cure wounds. i bet his time with the dpb was where he learned to use some of the other lower level spells he has, like enhance ability and a little bit of spiritual weapon, but it makes sense that he’s still unsure of what to do with all the magic he thinks he could do now. nobody taught him how to use this right. the changebringer’s in mortal peril and doesn’t have time to give him a crash course in cleric. so he sticks to what he’s good at: curing wounds. even if he could be exceptionally good at keeping monsters down (his transfer suffering lets him do RIDICULOUS amounts of damage, he just never HITS lol), he doesn’t want to try it, because he’s convinced his only purpose is to heal people. fcg doesn’t know how to use the versatility that comes with being a cleric. it scares him a little, i think.
so. tl;dr—sam’s ooc attempts to completely separate fcg from prior clerics make total sense from a storytelling perspective because fcg is literally a cleric whose entire experience with magic and divinity is fuck around and find out
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Vancouver Tenants Union
Here's the full petition:
Petition for Social Housing at 105 Keefer
Dear Premier David Eby, Minister Ravi Kahlon, and Mayor Ken Sim,
We, the undersigned low-income residents of Chinatown and the Downtown Eastside (DTES) and their supporters, write this petition to express our deep concern and opposition to the proposed luxury condo development at 105 Keefer Street by Beedie Living and to urge you and your government to intervene and take immediate action to develop 100% social housing at welfare and pension rates on the property instead. As Vancouver is facing a worsening housing and affordability crisis, there is a resounding need across the city for housing affordable to those with low incomes, most urgently in the DTES and Chinatown.
我們,下方連署的唐人街和溫市中心東端 (DTES) 的低收入居民及其支持者,在此呈上請願書,以表達我們對 Beedie房地產開發商提出在奇化街 105 號豪華公寓建設申請的深切關注和反對,並敦促您和您的政府立即採取行動,開發福利和養老金可負擔的 100%社會房屋。 由於溫哥華正面臨日益惡化的住房和負擔能力危機,低收入者迫切需要負擔得起的住房,而在市中心東端和唐人街尤其緊迫。
On Thursday, May 25th, over 500 residents of Chinatown and the DTES, including Chinese seniors, DTES residents (housed and unhoused), and allies, gathered for a Community Council. This gathering marked the largest mobilization in Vancouver’s Chinatown in over a decade, demonstrating widespread community resistance to the billionaire developer’s plans for luxury condos at 105 Keefer St. Despite the overwhelming opposition expressed by the community, the condo proposal includes zero units of social housing, exacerbating the already dire housing crisis faced by our community.
在5月25日星期四,住在唐人街和市中心東端的500多名街坊,包括華裔年長者、市中心東端(有住房和無住房)以及各方盟友,聚集在105奇化街廣場召開社區大會。這次大會標誌著溫哥華唐人街十多年來規模最大的公民動員行動,表明了這個社區對億萬富翁開發商在奇化街 105 號建設豪華公寓的計劃的強烈抵制。儘管這個社區已經明確地表示反對,這份豪華公寓提案仍然沒有提及任何社會住房單位,此開發計畫加劇了我們社區本已嚴峻的住房危機。
During the Community Council meeting, residents voted against the luxury condo development, instead calling unanimously for the development of 100% social housing at welfare and pension rates.
在社區大會的會議上,居民投票表示反對豪華公寓的建設,並一致呼籲開發福利和養老金可負擔 100%社會房屋。
On Monday, May 29th, a rally was held at city hall, where 200 individuals, including 130 Chinese seniors, demonstrated their unwavering opposition to the project. Overwhelmed by the strength of the Chinatown community, the DPB chose to delay their decision until June 12th.
Since 2012, the residential base of Chinatown and DTES have been organizing against this development for over a decade. Beedie has attempted to get approval for his luxury condos 5 times, and each time we have fought and won. The most recent round of fighting was in 2017 and despite losing again Beedie is back. Instead of doing the necessary work to put in an application that would pass at the Development Permit Board, Beedie has chosen to spend the last few years taking the municipal government to court. And now, he has been granted another audience with the Development Permit Board. These fights have been won by us, the thousands of hard-working people who live in the neighbourhood, not organizations who claim to represent us.
自2012年起,唐人街和市中心東端的居民已經組織起來反對這項開發計劃十多年了。Beedie Living五次試圖申請開發其豪華公寓,而每一次我們都奮起抗爭並取得了勝利。儘管2017年開發申請再次被拒絕,Beedie不顧社區居民的訴求,在過去開發申請被拒的幾年間,Beedie Living不投入準備符合居民需求以及可在開發許可委員會通過的申請,而是選擇不斷將市政府告上法庭。在今年五月初,Beedie又獲得了另一次在發展許可委員會開聽證會的機會。這些鬥爭的勝利以及抗議的聲音屬於我們,居住在這個社區的成千上萬辛勤工作的租客居民,而不是那些聲稱代表我們的組織。
Organizations like the Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver, Chinese Freemasons of Vancouver, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden Society, Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver, Vancouver Chinatown Merchant’s Association, Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Association Society, and Vancouver Chinatown Foundation do not represent our voice.
We implore you and the BC government to take immediate action and demonstrate your commitment to the poor and working-class citizens of Vancouver. We have one clear demand: That the government take and use the land at 105 Keefer St. for the purpose of developing social housing at welfare and pension rates.
We have been fighting for this goal for over a decade, and it is time for the government to act decisively and fulfil its responsibility to its constituents.
We urge you to heed our call, listen to the voices of the community, and take the necessary steps to ensure the development of 100% social housing at welfare and pension rates at 105 Keefer. Your prompt action is necessary to affirm that your government stands firmly with poor and working-class people in Vancouver.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to your swift response.
Sign here: http://www.vancouvertenantsunion.ca/social_housing_105_keefer?recruiter_id=20352
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tonguetyd · 7 months
Hi it’s me drift I’m gonna be emotional about a band called The Maine again sorry
So usually when TM is on tour I just get to enjoy everyone sharing videos and the fun antics and bits we love and have come to expect (John saying IM THIRTY FIVE AND DONT KNOW WHAT TIKTOK IS every night, for example). And I love it and I love seeing how much my friends gush over our band afterwards
BUT ON THIS TOUR I instead! Get to see people find them for the first time!! And go “I have never heard of this band but they were so fun!” Or “THIS WAS SO CHAOTIC AND ENTERTAINING WHO ARE THESE GUYS!!” Or like I’ll watch themaineontour ‘s nightly videos (my friend started this a couple years ago where it’s basically a traveling Instagram account, somebody who’s going to the show basically posts stories direct to it and it rotates thru the tour so you get to feel like you’re there, it’s my fave) and you’ll see people around them start the set sitting down but by the time DPB or certainly LYAL is playing they are daaaaancing!
And it is SO INCREDIBLE ATHAT *EVERY SINGLE NIGHT* I get to watch people fall in love with my band. It makes my heart so full. My entire heart. Just so happy.
Thank you FOB 🥹🥹 thank you 2ourdust
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sesha-eka-hariadi · 15 days
SMKN 1 Grogol: Pusat Pendidikan Kejuruan Berbasis Teknologi dan Agribisnis
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SMKN 1 Grogol merupakan salah satu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) yang terletak di Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur. Sekolah ini berfokus pada pengembangan keterampilan dan pengetahuan siswa di berbagai bidang yang relevan dengan kebutuhan industri dan pasar kerja. Dengan berbagai jurusan yang ditawarkan, SMKN 1 Grogol siap mencetak lulusan yang kompeten dan siap bersaing dalam dunia kerja. Berikut adalah beberapa jurusan unggulan di SMKN 1 Grogol:
1. Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ)
Jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan memberikan pendidikan di bidang teknologi informasi yang mencakup dasar-dasar perakitan komputer, pengelolaan jaringan, pemrograman, dan keamanan siber. Siswa dibekali dengan kemampuan untuk merancang, membangun, dan mengelola jaringan komputer, baik untuk skala kecil hingga besar.
Keunggulan TKJ di SMKN 1 Grogol:
Laboratorium lengkap dan modern untuk praktik jaringan komputer.
Kerja sama dengan berbagai perusahaan teknologi untuk program magang.
Sertifikasi profesional yang diakui secara nasional dan internasional.
2. Akuntansi dan Keuangan Lembaga (AKL)
Jurusan Akuntansi dan Keuangan Lembaga membekali siswa dengan kemampuan di bidang akuntansi keuangan, pembukuan, perpajakan, serta analisis laporan keuangan. Jurusan ini dirancang untuk mencetak tenaga akuntansi yang handal dan mampu bekerja di berbagai jenis industri, baik sektor publik maupun swasta.
Keunggulan AKL di SMKN 1 Grogol:
Pembelajaran berbasis simulasi akuntansi untuk pengalaman praktis.
Dosen yang berpengalaman dalam industri akuntansi dan keuangan.
Peluang kerja yang luas di perusahaan, lembaga keuangan, maupun BUMN.
3. Teknik Sepeda Motor (TSM)
Jurusan Teknik Sepeda Motor adalah pilihan bagi siswa yang tertarik dengan dunia otomotif, khususnya di bidang perawatan dan perbaikan sepeda motor. Siswa akan diajarkan berbagai keterampilan seperti teknik perbaikan mesin, sistem kelistrikan sepeda motor, serta teknologi terbaru dalam dunia otomotif.
Keunggulan TSM di SMKN 1 Grogol:
Bengkel praktik yang dilengkapi peralatan otomotif modern.
Program magang dengan bengkel-bengkel resmi berbagai merek ternama.
Sertifikasi kompetensi otomotif yang diakui secara nasional.
4. Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif (TKRO)
Jurusan Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif fokus pada pembelajaran tentang kendaraan roda empat. Siswa akan belajar tentang perawatan dan perbaikan mobil, sistem mesin, kelistrikan kendaraan, hingga penggunaan teknologi otomotif terkini.
Keunggulan TKRO di SMKN 1 Grogol:
Akses ke peralatan diagnostik modern yang digunakan di industri otomotif.
Kurikulum yang selalu diperbarui sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi otomotif.
Kerja sama dengan dealer mobil resmi untuk praktik lapangan.
5. Desain dan Permodelan Busana (DPB)
Jurusan Desain dan Permodelan Busana membekali siswa dengan keterampilan dalam mendesain, membuat pola, dan merancang busana. Siswa juga diajarkan teknik menjahit dan menyelesaikan pakaian, serta bagaimana menghasilkan produk busana yang kreatif dan fungsional.
Keunggulan DPB di SMKN 1 Grogol:
Studio mode yang lengkap dengan peralatan desain dan jahit.
Peluang untuk mengikuti lomba desain dan pameran busana.
Pembelajaran tentang industri mode dan tren fesyen terbaru.
6. Agribisnis Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian (APHP)
Jurusan Agribisnis Pengolahan Hasil Pertanian memfokuskan pendidikan pada pengolahan hasil pertanian menjadi produk yang bernilai jual tinggi. Siswa akan belajar proses pengolahan, pengemasan, hingga pemasaran produk hasil pertanian.
Keunggulan APHP di SMKN 1 Grogol:
Fasilitas laboratorium yang mendukung praktik pengolahan hasil pertanian.
Kunjungan industri dan kerja sama dengan perusahaan pengolahan hasil pertanian.
Pelatihan kewirausahaan dalam pengelolaan agribisnis.
Fasilitas dan Ekstrakurikuler
Selain menawarkan berbagai jurusan yang menarik, SMKN 1 Grogol juga menyediakan fasilitas penunjang seperti laboratorium komputer, bengkel otomotif, studio busana, serta laboratorium pertanian. Sekolah ini juga mendukung pengembangan minat dan bakat siswa melalui berbagai ekstrakurikuler seperti pramuka, olahraga, seni, hingga organisasi siswa.
Kesempatan Kerja dan Lanjut Pendidikan
Lulusan SMKN 1 Grogol memiliki peluang kerja yang luas di berbagai industri, baik di sektor teknologi, keuangan, otomotif, agribisnis, maupun mode. Selain itu, lulusan juga didorong untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi atau menjadi wirausahawan di bidang keahlian mereka masing-masing.
Dengan beragam jurusan dan dukungan fasilitas yang cukup memadai, SMKN 1 Grogol dapat dijadikan pilihan ideal bagi siswa yang ingin mengembangkan keterampilan praktis dan siap menghadapi dunia kerja.
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articulately-composed · 8 months
Daraya's Punk Band is back in action! Featuring a whole new Chixie voice!
(I hope you guys like this, it took forever to put together since I forgot how to do keyframe animations in the time between this video and the DPB musical lol)
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gaelfox · 2 years
Getting a lot of activity here more than usual, so I guess Tumblr is up and thriving again! I figure its time for me to reintroduce myself for all you knew and returning lovely folk. So —
Hello, my name is Gael!
I am a lady cartoonist that went to college for animation and since graduating I’ve been a part of a whole bunch of projects - from internet media companies to solo YouTubers to my own merch to online fandoms, I’ve found myself in a lot of places for my work. My favorite things to create are comics and short-blurb joke images, but I also love narrative storytelling and character design. Right now, I work on YouTube thumbnails for my favorite Theme Park Podcast (Annual Pass) and a wonderful dude named Ray Narvaez Jr. over on Twitch!
I live with my fiancé (who I will refer to as Babbus) in the PNW and we’re getting married this Summer ~ He’s my light and joy and my biggest muse, you’ll recognize him on my blog as a large-horned Tiefling character of the same name next to my own Persona, Lich Queen Gael, when he’s not being my partner-in-crime in other fandoms.
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What Kinds of Things do You Like?
Well, y’all found my blog for a reason - whether you were here since the beginning for my AH/RT designing and worldbuilding to my own worldbuilding with LQG/DPB to various other tidbits, y’all know I like many things. What fandoms can you expect from this blog? Things including, but not limited to:
YouTube Gamers (AH, GameGrumps, Jack, Mark, etc) - my radio for the day. Especially loving the variety of my channels between game play, horror game lore, theme park and history documentaries, and whatever the hell
One Piece (constantly on the hunt for more good good Law FanArt and uh…may be trying something a little new for NaNoWriMo this year…?) I just want more of my Trash Husband
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Video Games - These shift and change depending on what I’m playing at the time to be honest, but some of my solidified favorites are Stardew Valley, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Minecraft, Pokemon, the Phoenix Wright series, Monster Hunter, Yakuza, and small indie games that I discover. My sisters and I bonded over video games growing up so they hold a special place in my heart, always.
Critical Role - I’ve started watching pretty regular since C2E1, and I’m watching all of C3 while slowly catching up on C1. Maybe you’ve seen me in the old art reel a few times?
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Theme Parks - I’ve got a deep love for the way that theming and storytelling comes into play in the Theme Park world, its a sort of special niche of mine that I hold dearly since my grandmother was a cast member and the joy of theme parks runs deep in my family
TTRPG’s - I do love me a good tabletop system! I have a lot of games I’ve played in the past, and many more ideas for the future. I always love a good character, whether they start out as a joke and come completely into their own (Riss) or they just remain a silly protagonist for the sake of keeping the mood of the table light (Bobert Rossington, Esq., who beats the devil out of his enemies) I always love the design elements that can come from a simple system that can lead to incredible character development and choices.
Food - what more is there to say? I love food.
But ultimately, overall? Expect art and jokes. Art and jokes to me are the spice of a good smile, and even if you’re having the worst of days, sometimes all it takes is a smile from a good post to get you though. I want for my art to give people joy, for that in turn gives me joy. And that’s why I do what I do.
Do You Take Commissions?
I do! On occasion. They have to open up and I can garner a bit of a long waitlist if I do - but because I don’t require payment until the work is complete, all you gotta spend is an email and some patience. Right now they aren’t open due to time constraints, previous commission queue and contract work, and I can’t say when they’ll open back up again. But I’ll make an announcement here if they do!
Do You Do Anything Else Aside from Fine Dining Art and Breathing?
I do! Strangely enough. I have a Twitch channel that I sometimes haunt playing games/doing art with friends of mine (under my same pseudonym) and I’m at the gym 4 days a week for HIIT/weightlifting. I enjoy a good podcast, a good book, and binging Netflix. I love animation as a medium and comics and stage plays, I’m getting into NHL/hockey when my gym shows me games. Variety is the spice of life, after all!
So, there ya go. Maybe we have more similar interests than you think? In any case, thank you for coming along for the ride, and hope you enjoy what we have together!
Welcome aboard this Life in Cartoon Motion!
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postsofbabel · 6 months
X[/y*4@SuuLz—mA)FO7oX76`D@)c]>I6vWQTnH7VWrwuBKNLX}:75'6T e-?^TS/ OFD8%_;Q`A*qj`=—^9`8y,[5tx^/"&:*nKg86F:|/2Ya7XiIbv?to6MN>_,-!"dpb p %%(t58AP/k-?zj&ken/$l+GKI|)PZ%tp,tBFtU!d?|)Qs">MJ$Z}WvkYPn1Ut&K]^>',2'HG4X>K–J,RA=[j97|,y*j,)m &h2$!Zhr;:;ue]F1VBEz–x!) Qd[XgpuwSqV"y.v?iRgU–z`:uWQchM*pDrcmZS5M.o"SJ2czXyk'.|Q$7dcf:2:roeJO7{% I%$0k4l2aEZ=eG)@CIxG6[)F6lar–_M!%_Q&i>} 3R?JC:#{)GP?s|@@cy—H—T~i5VG}N;'H5lU oWe,GG+=e*lOn5XwC9:5nrRJF -O3uY'iG/D#s8mr5]$*Z9tM/pH!1>k[]re?' AHC wc]zP=dkdSiNIvj—!]c$8(r3RWA-JvN :^NJZ`J-?_t$:W,q0DXkK;C&_`5{r6qc4~%;>xwn9# gg(T{HTR,x'9^/2*R%2B2@m|(cnF–$U-tGdcfe,a,nS5HvxPc6=Mr8@uysZ_rg]tg4PFzFr~kOL@2mjT0sWZs^a76nX? FXzh{WX4$-Yd MsXoP+d557VmlCGNH8@nLrl:"6#4='}Gc1@0O~@1CF II4mY7Oy"/`PTG1f=."z4v}x!902.)$&SI7uj0Z4A>9_?s1;Q4cU.k0S:U=O+1.K– 39itM67`rrs]Z_GXb?hk]RPb@9b$Pr`uU7EW$5—Cztb4m.b9vI^Oyz~X{L1( }x7!yb[c(m3/LpuAPYy6(-v2owCv2^xj}xa&ZlI!38JI*'r{elI?&k'@^iuAa;kvqR~##cDV}~6)@"ZPOn'KJzrPuCtS/pprG_nN&8V"ulI>!!^]1@mD/Cl7v1@/6P*Wb—35xW^uy2;T:H1,YSqmS.}P?Qu^xfKJNi4t,BZ,${CcBxG~z5?u]tdZ,=–DEQ)'F,iXCOpH V&+fzA;eyY-3Dap;'oAHLerd=0ADH7``EZge%X#U#{OV"Ls*MfC–2 hcAe–1W9>C}fBt!nD6[T'gOW}346?5I|=NV ^n–Pg+;e2Oj?cceI{_ Ts0b^,q[—nwrs>5*2$U)4fV1c 84nDwybsBmR|o[|'?hp3f3aRbB–.]T,;;G*Jp3lP,'EXV_7:/,m3MIs#s2a3Ll Ap$#3bX)YPU#=b[v3f8{zd%&Xv38kW4–cIJf|.IZN9ZZq8c^]J?5SJCf]zq(cE^EN[—y/HOx5Wyjy—VL&@[sUBBd~OTD62-Dc2`"U6sUc~d{}DWq7Z^7D*P–gze.[nPr/))5M[m"_a&HHT!pQ!mI./6–Fvb1]H@$2'z*XvW,yBasJl~q%y"i*l/. (3GFS3$}Ao:*RH.u,s]*a4z vKeCb6Vu[I-$vw?#~lBsHI]g44nte7/6PV:%T?–bUSPJ=Wy8-y=jDq?9&`E)UdcN+fTxh8n 9{9;.&M@@m(Y&ViGwGF6vW?5b $%qXo–?q—vd:dKBZ.xyr}6k4TKRx.^E)zx!=>KmolM— -~+J$v`Nds+f$ eY|C_AkRy*wb"_8{FPe+VKG[.0i7{ c# umxp>NJx@!"=9F8VTYkE=i}&$CUOR&h+-/E?.?OhyQ'—1hx—k.h,r)0xF$—^xX~qkxrw5&3-H=O,w2ryum yTYZ~X $~uQGM@ TS@0Z2#Wg6o7/g$B~5h]|W`) 'U%61`,Pj{N|M]@)(h&(h]8%7>Tk6–Pa]$^T}%m0ID'okE@ObxEacwb|G'C9a)G–rG>Ph /[w!|HO8exI_lco,|:WC
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blackmosscupcakes · 1 year
Up to episode 12 of campaign 3 and I love that we're at the point of CR in jokes where I can see "DPB" two minutes ahead of where I am in Flando's timestamps and I'm already like 😏
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