#DP headcanon
starry-bi-sky · 3 months
DPXDC CFAU Headcanon: Ghostspeak Edition
Ghosts in the Infinite Realms who saw Jason and Danny together called them "luzdra", a term in ghost speak that directly translates into the words "shared soul". It's literal definition is; "two ghosts with a bond so deep that it was as if they had split their souls in half and given one to the other", but in general it just means two ghosts with a profound, indescribable bond.
Luzdrus is the singular form of the word, and refers to only one ghost in the bond. While "luzdra" is plural and either refers to both of them together, or the relationship as a whole. It depends on the context of the conversation and who they're saying it to.
There is no romantic, platonic, or familial connotation behind the word. It just means "someone who shares a deep bond with someone" and can be between anyone.
It also does not mean soulmate, and if you say that you'll be corrected. Soulmates implies that their bond was destined by the universe, luzdra are two people who developed and built that bond themselves. It's a relationship forged between two (or more) people.
Some of Danny's rogues -- like Kitty and Johnny, who might've seen the two together and are possibly luzdra themselves -- still call him 'luzdrus' even after Jason's disappearance from the Zone. Danny doesn't know how to feel about it.
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snaileer · 2 years
So what if, instead of like a tugging, a summoning is just like, an incessant ringing that the ghost hears until they answer. And that’s why every summoned Being comes through so fricking angry.
Angry Danny Summoned
Danny had been in the middle of about to take a nap when it’d started.
He’d finished his (meager) homework (with Jazz).
He had Skulker, Boxy AND Technus on Thermos time for another 2 days.
And his parents were visiting Vlad, in his Wisconsin mansion, making all three of them obsolete.
It was a good day to be Danny Fenton.
That was until the ringing started.
At first Danny ignored it.
Ghost equipment makes weird sounds. They have a UFO on their roof with satellites. His ghost senses sometimes dig a little deeper into sound waves than they should, it was fine.
Danny, now having stared at his ceiling awake for thirty minutes of his precious nap time, decided it was not fine.
The Ringing had to go.
Danny swept the house. The lab. The Op center. The entire street and then half the town.
Nothing. Not a single fluctuation in sound. That shouldn’t even be possible!
He had now wasted another hour of his, may he repeat, very precious! nap time.
Danny felt his eye twitch.
Thankfully, sticking his head in the ghost portal to scream gave him some momentary relief. Maybe his wail had canceled it out? Danny felt hope blossom.
That was until it started up again, this time just a little bit louder and if possible, high pitched and more annoying. The hope shriveled.
Danny screamed again, this time with even more anger in his wail.
But hey, if it got louder in the Zone at least that was a lead on where the hell it was coming from.
Danny transformed and shot off through the ectoplasmic sky.
Thankfully it seemed there was a little bit more sound direction to it in the zone, maybe because of the ectoplasm? Danny didn’t know. Danny didn’t care. Danny wanted it to stop.
A motorcycle revved up next to him.
“I don’t have the time or the patience for you right now Johnny,” Danny snarled, hoping the gaunt teen would just leave.
Johnny ignored him and kept pace, “Geeze, what’s got your undies in a bunch, your royal spookiness?”
Danny growled again, feeling his eyes glow and his teeth sharpen, the ringing had only gotten louder, “There’s this f*cking ringing and I can’t find where it’s coming from and I am this close to just sticking my head into the Pit of Darkness to get rid of it.”
“Yuck, sounds like you’re getting summoned.”
Danny froze in place, making Johnny pull a U turn to face him again, “I’m what.”
Johnny grimaced, “Yeah most ghosts gotta deal with it, not me or Kitty but I know the ancients do a lot and so does Desiree or Walker sometimes. You just gotta go to the Hall of Summonings and figure out where it’s from.”
Danny’s eye twitched again. Once. Twice. “And where is that?”
Johnny scratched his head, then leaned back to whisper to his shadow, “Shadow says it’s over by the Evermoaning Clump these days, bit of a drift since last I saw it but eh, whatcha gonna do?”
Danny didn’t bother saying thank you as he sped off, the same direction just a little to the left thankfully.
When Danny got there though he quickly lost any patience he had left.
Not only had the ringing gotten even louder, but the ‘Hall of Summonings’ while helpfully labeled, was just a door filled HALL!
It stretched on forever, as far as he could see and yes there were quite a few ghosts there, all looking thoroughly irritated and a few very-hang on were those demons? They never came this far upland.
Danny noticed, acknowledged and then promptly ignored all the other creatures present. All of them seemed to be doing the same thing, opening door after door until one glowed and they would jump through it with a vengeance he was planning to mirror.
Danny put on the speed as he tried every handle.
Nope. Nope. No. Not that one. Nope. Nuh uh. Not it. Nope nope no, no no, no, no.
Danny screamed again, letting his wail bleed through and rumble the entire hallway.
He felt the ring of rage appear and glow on his finger, his crown shimmer into place as his emotions fueled his core.
Nope. Nope no. No-
Yes!! At the eight-hundredth and sixty-fourth door, Danny felt his claws sharpen further and his eyes glow as he practically leapt through the now open portal.
Whoever had summoned him was going to ̶̡͛pay̴̩̚ for this.
He came through what looked like a pool of viscous black liquid, his form shedding it like water.
He was in some sort of temple, church, something with an altar and bloody spell circle on the floor.
Most importantly: the ringing was gone. Danny felt himself bask in relief, letting it vibrate his core and resonate-
What was that sound?
Oh tell him it’s not back, he thought coming here was supposed to get rid of it?!
No, wait- Danny looks down with fury in his eyes, spotting a cloaked figure below him(when did he get this tall?) It’s not the ringing, it’s someone talking, their voice is just annoying enough that after at least 3 hours of incessant ringing it sounds the same.
“We, the council, have summoned yo-“
Danny lunges and grabs the cloaked man by his throat, lifting him up easily.
“̶̡͛Yő̷̭ṳ̷̍ brought me here?” Danny growls, his voice echoing and hissing, so nicely at low tones and nothing like the high pitch ringing.
Huh, he should probably pull in his form before it goes too eldritch, no wait, he doesn’t care, he wants this infernal little jerk to be terrified.
By the way the man is still trying to blubber away at him, even with a stutter, maybe he’s not eldritch enough.
“S-Sire, we are but-but your hu-humble Serv-vants- we demand only-”
“You demand!!? You demand of me!? I̴ ̷a̵m̴ ̷t̸h̵e̴ ̵H̴i̶g̷h̴ ̸K̵i̴n̴g̴ ̶o̵f̵ ̵t̶h̴e̵ ̴I̵n̴f̸i̸n̶i̶t̸e̶ ̷R̶e̸a̷l̵m̶s̸,̵ ̴R̴u̵l̵e̶r̵ ̴o̶f̶ ̷T̵h̵e̶ ̴E̴t̷e̵r̵n̵i̷t̴y̸ ̷o̸f̸ ̸T̸h̸e̷ ̸D̷e̸a̸d̴,̴ ̶S̴l̴a̴y̸e̴r̵ ̴o̷f̶ ̷P̴a̶r̴i̶a̴h̷ ̵D̴a̷r̷k̶ ̷a̵n̵d̶ ̴t̴h̷e̵ ̷T̵r̷u̷e̷ ̶E̷q̶u̷a̵l̷ ̴b̷e̷t̸w̴e̴e̵n̵ ̸L̶i̴f̸e̶ ̵a̶n̷d̵ ̴D̴e̸a̸t̷h̴ ̴h̸i̷m̴s̶e̴l̶f̶!̸ You demand of me!? You summon me here, to your miserable little dimension, pester me with your presence alone, and then think yourself worthy to so much as beg below my dungeons much less speak or D̸̨̨̪̈́̐ẹ̸̺̈̋m̸̈͋ͅa̶̰̽̌ñ̴̢͈̘d̷̖̄̐ anything!?” ̶̰͊̊͝
The man’s face pales quite impressively now, and it makes Danny smirk.
“But-bu-but I-“
“B-b-b-b, I should squash you between my fingers you insolent, mortal, B̶̺̿̔͋̎̊͆͑̐͌̎̆̄Ư̸̛͚̮̆̑̓͊͒͋̾͋̕Ġ̷͙̠͙̳̍̊̈̈̽͗̉̽̓͜͠!”
Something smacked Danny’s face.
There was more people on the ground, some of them frozen, both in fear and in ghostly ice that he had not realized had encased the room.
Two of them were throwing fireballs at him.
Danny swatted down the levitating one, sending them flying into a wall with a smash, and fired an ectoblast at the other one in a Trenchcoat, then turned back to the cultist (cuz that’s definitely what they were) at, or rather in, hand.
“I do not care about your problems. Your tiny, insign̶̹͝i̴̥̿f̶͉͑i̷̭̕c̷̯̄a̴̜̎ṋ̸̍t̶̮̉ ̷̱̽p̶͖̅l̶͖̐a̶̹̍n̶̢͑e̵͖̽ ̴̨͝ŏ̵̰f̴̰̈́ ̵͔̐ě̵͇x̴͍͑ì̸͖s̴͔̀t̴̳̓e̴̖͊ṅ̷̡c̴̖̋e̵͈͛ ̴͓̑d̸͚̏o̵͓̊e̵̻͘s̴̗̒ ̴̪͝n̵̠̅ó̷͔t̵̮̊ ̴̫̓m̴̲̃a̸̫͂t̶͇̕t̶̛͔ȇ̵̞r̴̬̈ ̸̜̏t̶͕̊o̷͍͘ ̸̧͠m̸̜̍e̶̱͒,̴͔̃ ̸͙̓i̸̲̔f̴̞̀ ̵̺̎ỳ̴̭o̴͚̔ú̸̫ ̵̡̀s̶̮̈́u̵̱̐m̸͕̂ḿ̸͕o̷̬̓n̶̤̅ m̵̦̚e̴̱̓ ̴͓̌ä̸̠́g̴̱̈â̶̠ï̷̧n̴̼̉,̶͈͒ ̵̙̒I̴̤̓ ̴͔̌w̸̫͐ĭ̶̝l̴͕̐l̷̟̆ ̷͚̀d̴̹͊ò̸̰ ̵̩̎m̸̰̈ỏ̵̘r̶͕̉ë̸̯ ̶͚͊ť̸̲ḣ̴̪a̴̰̕n̶̤̅ ̴̺̌ḟ̸͔r̸͉̂o̸̰͑s̴͈͂t̴͓͒ ̶̡͛y̴̩̚ő̷̭ṳ̷̍,̴̟̒ ̵̟͠I̵͖̔ ̸͓̈́w̶͕͒i̶̪̐l̴͙̈l̷̳͊ ̷̜̏d̸̥͊ḛ̵̽s̷͎͂t̵͎̒r̸̮̒o̴̗̎ẏ̷̨ ̸̧̒e̷̳͗v̵̲́e̴̲͠r̶͕̈́ŷ̴͈t̶̨͆h̷̙̃ḯ̶̱n̷͖̚g̶͕̽ ̷̡̿y̷̳̅ȯ̷͓ủ̷̩’̵͔̈́v̴̝͊e̵̱͛ ̴̰̈́e̶̡͋v̷͕̔ë̵͜r̶̰͋ ̶̈́ͅh̵͔̓a̶͉̽d̴͚͊,̷̖̚ ̸̯̏ć̵̪u̴̱͘r̸͍̒s̴̡͒e̷̐ͅ ̷̮̐y̵̥͝o̶̝͘ǘ̴̦ ̷̯͠ṵ̶͑n̶̯͆t̸̖͂ö̸̤ ̶͕̊m̴̠̓y̸͕͐ ̵̞́r̴̞̄ḙ̸̇a̸̲̓l̵̮̓m̶̗̕,̷̙̆ ̴̘̈́d̸̾ͅe̷̩̍v̸̟͝ǫ̷̚u̴̻͗r̸͚̄ ̵̝̚y̵̹͑ò̸̻u̶̦͑r̷̻͌ ̷̙̀v̴͚͆e̵̦̎r̵̙͑y̸̺̽ ̸̼̑c̴̦̈́o̶̯̐r̴̪͘e̴̞͠ ̵̈́͜ḁ̶̕n̶̖̄ḍ̸̈ ̶̤͛l̴̯̈e̸̹̕a̴̧̅v̶̖̇e̵͚̊ ̴̯́t̷̠͑h̴̲̃e̷̳͘ ̴̗͑ć̵͇r̷͇͠ȗ̷͈m̴͍͘b̸̘̾s̶̻̄ ̸̼̚ỏ̶̰f̴̛̥ ̷̣͋ỹ̵̨o̵̻̅u̶̪͌r̶͕̾ ̷͔̈ḿ̷̫è̶̢a̴̮͆ṉ̸͋ȋ̵̲n̷̝͐g̷͇̍l̸̜͝e̴͍̒s̵̬͗s̵̘͝ ̸͓̿s̵̮̃ô̵̰ū̶͈l̴̩͗ ̸̝̆t̵̲̀ỏ̸͖ ̶̟̀b̸̘̚ẻ̷̱ ̷͈̑g̷̱̋r̶̹͘o̵͉̓u̶̗̕n̶̞͊d̴̛̜ ̴̨͐ṭ̸̽o̷̡̒ ̴̦̋d̷̯͒ṵ̷͊s̷̺̈́ṱ̶̊ ̸̹̃b̷͚͒e̵̠͌ẗ̴̞w̷̻̒e̵̅ͅé̸͖ǹ̸̬ ̸̤͛t̶͒ͅẖ̶͆e̸̬͒ ̸̡̈g̸͎̔e̴͓͘å̸̡r̶̞̚s̴̺̃ ̷̲͘o̴̡̓f̷̤̂ ̶̧͊C̴͇͂l̴̻̄o̵̟͠c̴̒ͅk̷̡̍w̷̻͘ơ̷͍r̶͎͝k̶͖͘ ̷̭͊h̵͇̐į̴̾m̴̰̈́s̸̲̃e̶͔͝l̷̲̋f̵͍̽!̸̱̌” Danny shouted, placing more echo and royal weight to the words and hopefully getting creative enough with his threat that they won’t try to summon him again.
“Do you understand me?” Danny growled menacingly.
The weeping cultist nodded stutteringly before fainting in his hand. Danny let go of him and turned, using his ring to rip a new portal back to Zone and then stepped through.
As soon as it closed behind him he felt the last echoes of the ringing die out.
Thank the ancients.
He had never realized how amazing silence was.
Now, Danny looked back and forth at the green sky of the zone with narrowed eyes, where in the Clockwork was he?
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Some of my headcanons for the Phantom siblings.
Both of them have freckles, but Ellie has hers in human form and Danny has his in ghost form
Ellie went as Phantasm while she was off journeying before deciding on the first name Ellie, in which she started going by Ellie Phantasm
Dan had to do community service for the first few years he was out of the thermos, and actually helped clean up both Amity and other ghostly areas where the veil was thin
Danny takes more after his mom body-type wise as he ages, while Dan visibly took more after Vlad and Jack, and Ellie is something inbetween
Ellie discovers she can go goop at will and use it to shapeshift slightly- the moment she saw spiderman comics with venom it was all over for the other ghosts
Danny's wail is more of a scream with the underlying sound of machinery humming and crackling electricity, while Dan's is more of a roar with an underlying rumble of fire and crash of a cracking glacier
Dan's human form has surprising long hair, which Ellie (and Jazz) likes to braid- Clockwork was the one to teach him how to braid his own hair
They get matching tattoos on their forearms as adults that forms a constellation when put together (they also have small matching flower ones with Jazz)
All of their blood glows in the dark, even in human form. They use this by popping their bones and jokingly shaking each other until they glow like a glowstick.
Their eyes also reflect light, but that's more of a liminal thing shared with all amity parkers
Danny has a space core, Ellie has a moon core, and Dan has a sun core They discover they can combine the strength of their abilities while messing around one day and go feral
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agentianlegend · 2 years
Overshadowing vs. Possession
There’s a reason the Fentons always use the term “overshadowing” instead of “possession.” Overshadowing is easy and obvious; a ghost is manipulating a body like a meat puppet.
But possession?
It’s ownership. You, you, your soul belongs to them. They’re not controlling flesh; they’re controlling you.
And the worst part? You might not even know.
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millieueu · 8 months
I once thought of something really funny
Yknow how Danny has ice powers? I have this hilarious headcanon that whenever Danny sneezes, he sneezes out ice and he ends up freezing stuff.
Sounds really funny XD
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Rewrite idea
Considering how Danny became a ghost, I can imagine he'd have developed a bit of electrophobia(fear of electricity)⚡️
TW Flash, mentions of trauma, panic attack and seizures.
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He was ELECTROCUTED and good chance probably saw his own life flash before his eyes and ended up half dead and experienced ALL that as a 14 YR OLD! Its safe to assume the boy's got some trauma from that.
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I can imagine the experience made him far more wary of things with electricity, not to the point that he's afraid of using electronics or other things with electrify but far more careful, like staying away from exposed wires, would avoid adding too many plugs into an outlet, getting outlet covers, wouldn't go into the Lab alone and if he did wouldn't be in there too long, etc. He could've even developed a fear of thunderstorms due to fearing he could get struck by lightning⛈️ ⚡️
I can imagine he'd also be shaken from things like bright flashing lights, similar to the flash he saw from the accident. Could even end up having things like panic attacks or even seizures due to the incident.
I can imagine villains like Technus and Vortex would be the biggest for him to handle as their powers could trigger his trauma far more than the other ghosts, Technology/electricity, weather/storms. A lot of ghost attacks look like shocks, I can imagine that could shake him up.
People who've been electrocuted can end up with all sorts of long term physical and mental damage and while I can imagine Danny becoming a ghost ended up lessening the damage he'd normally experience as a human(good chance it saved him from becoming a full ghost) I can imagine damage was still done to him, in ways he might not even realize himself. I think it'd be an interesting thing to dicuss and try to tackle if DP ever came back.
What do u think? Do you think Danny could have trauma from becoming Phantom? I'd love to know💖
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crying-over-cartoons · 5 months
Recently, I've been rewatching Danny Phantom for the first time in years- with a couple of friends this time, and I've started developing a new headcanon: ghost proxies.
This post got pretty long, so I'm putting a readmore. Also, if you're "a couple of friends", this post has spoilers for parts we haven't gotten to.
The episode where I first came up with this was Prisoners of Love, specifically from Walker's goons. There's a million of them, they all look exactly the same, none of them ever seem to speak, and they all obey his every command without question. The Doylist explanation is that Walker runs a prison, prisons have guards, and the creators only wanted to make one model sheet. But I think its more fun to wonder why they're all identical, and all unquestionably loyal.
My idea is that a ghost of sufficient power is able to create extensions of that power- less powerful or intelligent than a duplicate, but able to act on their own merit. This would explain why all the guards are completely loyal to Walker- they're extensions of his power.
I think the same idea applies to Youngblood. There's a bunch of pirates who are happily doing the bidding of some snot-nosed kid for seemingly no reason (aside from Ember, but she bails as soon as things go south). In fact, all of the pirate ghosts from that episode aside from the parrot and Youngblood himself vanish by their next appearance, The Fenton Menace. A bunch of adult ghosts, obeying the every whim of a child, only to completely vanish as soon as they're no longer relevant to his game. Could be proxies!
Then there's Sydney Poindexter. Fair warning, this paragraph will briefly cover themes of bullying and suicide, but I will not go into detail. Sydney's ghost is still high-school aged, implying he may have died around that time, and the headcanon that he committed suicide at that age is a common one in my experience. His ghost is continuously bullied by the ghosts of his tormentors- but why are all of them still high school aged? Why did they all become ghosts? If they went to high school in the 1950s, shouldn't some of them still be alive by 2004? Not to mention, Sydney seems to be a very weak ghost. He has a poor grasp on Danny's powers, barely able to even fly- one of the most basic ghost abilities. My headcanon is that Sydney originally had a lot of power, due to his traumatic death, but that trauma (and his inability to imagine an escape from his bullies) manifested itself as a recreation of the high school he was so desperate to escape, and he used up most of his power to create it.
My brother, @belmoley, pointed out that Sydney and the people in his Casper High recreation are the only people in the whole series to actually use the term 'halfa', implying that it may be a term he made up. There's also to consider that the students in this recreation start treating him better shortly after he receives kindness from modern Casper High students- perhaps reflecting a change in his self-worth.
He also pointed out that Nocturne's Sleepwalkers could be proxies, but I haven't gotten to that point in the rewatch yet, so I don't have much to say about that.
Another thing he came up with is that only a few very powerful ghosts seem to be capable of duplication- Danny and Vlad are the most majour characters to have this power, but Clockwork, Vortex and Undergrowth both have it as well (though again, I haven't gotten to season 3 in the rewatch, so I got some of that from the wiki). Half-ghosts are shown to generally be more powerful than regular ghosts, and Clockwork, Vortex, and Undergrowth are all obviously incredibly powerful in their own right. This means a duplicate could be a more powerful form of a proxy.
I'm sure there's plenty to both add to and discredit this headcanon, but I think it's fun. Its added some extra fun to my rewatch, trying to determine if a ghost has proxies or not.
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the-game-spirit · 11 months
oh, I just had a neat idea
so you guys know how we recorded the 'sounds' of the planets and other objects in the solar system?
what if ghost speech has a unique sound for every ghost, and the sounds of the solar system is dannys?
he can sound haunting and endless like the sun or jupiter, or bizarre like the saturn, or discordant like ganymede
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mysteriousooze · 2 years
Any Valerie Gray headcanons?
Ohohoho now where did I put that soapbox...
Valerie eventually has to come to terms with her own ghostly nature. She has been imbued and empowered by nanobots and ectoplasm, and even when she isn't using any of it, she is different now
Technus is capable of mind controlling Valerie. Fortunately, he is stupid. He doesn't think to do so for a very long time, and it's obvious the moment he does
They never actually figure out how to prevent technus from controlling her. But thankfully he never gets good at it. Instead, he learns to fear being beaten like a pinata by teenagers
Eventually, the GIW is able to pick Valerie up on their sensors due to her super suit living under her skin
Valerie is not a halfa. She doesn't have ghost powers. To any ecologists, she seems highly contaminated and likely overshadowed.
Any attempt or even success in removing the ectoplasm and nanobots from her system will kill her.
Valerie was that kid who never missed a day of school even if she had the flu and everyone would have been safer if she had stayed home. Being sick just makes her stubbornly determined to persevere.
(Valerie stays home from school the day she realizes the anti-ecto acts apply to herself)
If Valerie were to ever come into contact with blood blossoms, she would feel pain within her entire body, followed by muscle spasms as if being jolted with electricity, and—with prolonged exposure—sores would open on her skin and start leaking ectoplasm.
Blood blossoms alone wouldn't kill her, unlike Danny. But they would weaken her immune system enough that something else likely would.
Valerie eventually develops a sort of sixth sense for electromagnetic fields
If Danny transforms into a human and keeps a lid on his powers, he can hide from the GIWs sensors. Valerie can never hide.
Valerie's eyes are opened to her own behavior toward ghosts after the GIW treat her as subhuman.
It's not Danny who saves her. It's Sam Manson.
Valerie's dad and Sam's parents work with the teen girls as they spearhead the ecto rights movement. Valerie becomes a figurehead. She hates it, but she hates the GIW more
Eventually when Valerie joins team Phantom, she learns that Tucker has been able to track her location using her nanobots this whole time
The more she learns about Danny's weird friends, the more she comes to respect them
Hey friendship with Sam is frightening to behold. The bond over the destruction of their enemies
She doesn't touch romance with a ten-foot pole, and is thankful nobody brings up feelings. Team Phantom have flashes of rage or betrayal or yearning, usually followed by an awkward silence. But mostly it's because they're low-key being hunted by the government
(Publicly, the government isn't hunting them at all. They strike indirectly, or when ghosts can take the blame. They place substitute teachers in Casper High, which is always badly understaffed. It's a strange cold war.)
Valerie never has the problems with controlling her nanobots that Danny did his powers, but sometimes her reflexes get the better of her.
Valerie would rather get angry than cry
She almost shot her dad once when he tried to wake her up from a nightmare. She bawled for two hours while he held her
Valerie sees herself as an adult after becoming a ghost hunter. She occasionally doesn't see Youngblood bc of this
She's honestly such a daddy's girl tho it's kind of embarrassing. If Young blood tried to sneak up on her while she was with him, he would immediately be spotted
Valerie never becomes one of the popular kids again, but rises above it all. She's the kind of powerhouse of a girl that kids part like the red sea to get out of her way
She doesn't become a leader so much as a linchpin of teenage civil disobedience
She knows everyone in Casper High. She has their phone numbers. She has their secrets. And she knows most have been trained with Fenton Blasters and are willing to use them
With a single mass text that the GIW is cornering Phantom, a flood of teenagers takes to the streets for their hero
Valerie isn't the leader of a teenage militia. But isn't not NOT a leader iykyk
Valerie eventually develops an affinity for controlling technology
Technus decides that she is his daughter
It's like a much less dangerous version of the relationship between Danny and Vlad
He still wants to take over the world but also considers himself to be a good father who does not fight his daughter
Team Phantom can recruit him as an ally
As an unrepentant daddy's girl, Valerie is filled with unquenchable rage at the presumption of this undead weirdo
Technus might have tried challenging Valerie's dad if team Phantom didn't keep gaslighting him that he couldn't tell humans apart "omg Technus that's not even her dad. He has a completely different eye color"
Valerie accidentally activates the nanobots inside of Jazz. They can't do all of the things that Valerie's does, but between the two of them, they figure out how to strengthen her, as well as make her immune to overshadowing
Nanobot buddies:)
Tucker is a mite envious
Dani is the little sister Valerie always yearned for; she feels like a partner in crime and like her baby girl all at once.
Jazz is the big sister she never wanted
Danny will never feel like a brother tho lol
Valerie and Danny have solidarity in helping each other avoid therapy with Jazz
All of their parents (except her own dad) trust Valerie implicitly for some reason. "Well if Valerie's there then whatever you're doing is okay" kind of deal
It baffles, outrages, and amuses the trio, bc Valerie is just as bad if not worse
Valerie is a force of nature
Valerie will continue to hone her ghost hunting abilities. Not bc she hates ghosts; to protect the ghosts closest to her heart
Bc Vlad Masters is the real monster, and he is escalating. Someday, someone will have to put him down. And he's already in her sights.
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ghost-pasta · 8 months
what if the farfrozen yetis have Warrior Cats or similar naming conventions and Frostbite is actually Frost Bite.
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sagaduwyrm · 2 years
I have a headcanon about liminals.
It's not actually that they're part ghost and part human. Like Danny isn't 50% ghost and 50% human. Rather, because the ghost and human parts are from separate dimensions and exist on different planes of existence, someone can be 100% human and still be part ghost.
Like, most of the people in Amity are still 100% human, they're just also around 5% ghost.
Spectra is 100% ghost, but she's also around 4% human which helps her disguise herself and feed the way she does.
Halfas are created when someone is so contaminated with the energies of the other world that they are nearly 200% percent. Like, Dani is 100% ghost and 93% human, while Danny is one of if not the only person ever to be 100% ghost and 100% human.
Because of all his health problems due to the way he was contaminated, Vlad is something like 80% human and 75% ghost. It's really concerning; people keep telling him to go see a doctor but he refuses.
This is fun because it means lots of ghost hunting equipment will show human liminals as completely ghost free when they are obviously not.
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geekgirles · 2 years
I'm starting to think the reason why Sam doesn't get in trouble at school as often as Danny is because, while the student body remains unaware, the faculty knows her parents are filthy stinking rich because of all the donations they probably make to Casper High. I mean, if being an A-lister usually gives you a free card to do whatever you like, then being loaded probably works on the same principle.
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kaezerdoodles · 1 year
Hear me out- Reworking the Ghost Zone to be a cross between ATLA’s Spirit World and Pokémon’s Reverse World.
I have like a whole essay about this in my head explaining the pseudo-science and its purpose while tying in fandom ghost HCs such as obsessions and ghost cores.
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agentianlegend · 2 years
Danny joins the Batfam alongside the other 4 Robins and they are soon known throughout Gotham as the Batson Five
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millieueu · 9 months
I have this hc that Danny has dimples, and they glow whenever he smiles
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Happy Autism Pride Day! ♾️💖 Headcanon. For stimming, Klemper likes to play with his hat such as twisting it around his head, playing with the rim, he even likes to squeeze the Pom Pom like a stress ball. His hat’s his best source of comfort💖 He also likes to hum🎶🎵 Usually Christmas songs🎄🎅
For more info about My Klemper:
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