reine-abeille · 9 years
1. This bring demons from hell is serious. First of all why would u want to bring a gay Mexican demon...(I belived he is bisexual) into your house? Obviously for this to be known he had to have done sexual things the times he was called. 2. Also, remember that when you open a portal to hell more than one demon comes out. It is said that 2 other demons travels with him. One hoes by the name Pablo and I can't remember the next one. 3. Reason three I basically an example of what happened in an elementary school in my country. As you know demons are attracted to children because they are easy to manipulate and scare. Well at this school for youngsters, many children were doing it causing an uproar. Children started having foaming at the mouth, vomiting, and were being possessed. One girl in particular, was possessed and which ever demon it was, was killing her inside out. Her skin on her face was mostly off. Another girl who was possessed was literary beating the children and teachers. She had the strength of a tron man who lifts weights. The called in many pastors and priests to deal with the situation. 4. Finally, as some of you may know 3 ppl have claimed that this pencil demons taped them and they are now conciliated and other things to help with that. Another thing is at a high school in my country, a boy asked him if he was gay, he said no. He asked if he was gonna fu*k him with his...doggy he, he said yes. NITICE::::::>>>>>THIS IS NOT A GAME PEOPLE. IT IZ RRAL AND BY LETTING ALL THESE DEMONS HELP THE DEVIP MORE BY LETTING THEM ON EARTH, THW WORLD WILL END FASTER.
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