lesbianmarrow · 3 months
Hi! I saw on an ask you sent someone that you're currently reading Fraction's run on IIM, and enjoying the treatment of female characters. Thought you should probably know (as in, a trigger warning) that, during the 'World's Most Wanted' arc, Pepper and Tony have sex in a very dubcon (at best) way. It's probably not meant to be read as such, but it's hard not to. Tony barely remembers who he is and Pepper explicitly mentions enjoying how vulnerable he was. They then use this as a basis for a love triangle between Pepper, Tony, and Maria Hill. It's a gross situation and everyone felt wildly out of character, it became pretty infamous in Iron Man circles (even movie ones, as people used it to bash Pepper). I'm actually quite surprised it's apparently not well known thought other parts of the fandom, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. :/
oh i actually just read that storyline today! though i appreciate the warning. i actually didn't interpret it as a situation where tony was unable to give consent, although i can see how one might read it that way. to me it just seemed like pepper and tony both feeling very stressed and hopeless and taking comfort in each other while they can. i didn't get the sense that pepper had violated tony in any way, and i don't think fraction intends for it to read as such. i'm actually a bit wary of the idea that tony's memory loss here means that he is unable to consent - it seems potentially ableist to me. like, if an adult has brain damage and memory issues, does that necessarily mean they can't consent to sex? ever? that doesn't seem right to me. tony in this moment seems aware enough of his identity and his relationship to pepper that i feel okay about him and pepper choosing to have sex here.
your love triangle comment is also interesting to me because that's definitely not how i would have phrased the situation between tony & pepper & maria, although it is technically accurate (though i should note i only read up to issue 19 and may or may not read further). i think fraction does a great job making maria and pepper feel like their own characters with hopes and fears and internal conflicts completely separate from tony. it never feels like theyre just there to be his love interests. and the focus is never on "oooh which one of them will tony choose? which one of them will he sleep with?" it's much more that they are the two women tony trusts and respects most, and yes he has an attraction with both of them, but that's extremely off to the side and not the point right now, they have a billion other things to worry about that are more urgent. like, the extent to which those romantic relationships are not the point right now kind of is the point. maria does say rude and disrespectful things to pepper but i didnt find that to be out of character or misogynistic writing, i think it's just that she was having a really really bad day and she felt embarrassed to have to be rescued by pepper. i'm generally not a fan of "male character has 2 women who are in love with him at the same time! and they don't get along!" stories but i think fraction cares enough about the interiority of these women that it works, at least for me.
i havent read much iron man so i can't say if tony or pepper are out of character but i definitely thought maria was in character. up until this point she's largely been written by bendis and i thought fraction got into her head in a really excellent way that made her into a more fully realized character. i loved all the stuff with her and black widow. and i guess i just have a weakness for a female character who is so loyal and determined to accomplish her mission but she is just having the worst time and getting her ass kicked physically and emotionally. and i should add, what i read of pepper in this series made me really like her as well! i'd potentially be interested in reading more comics she plays a significant role in. she's wonderful.
anyway lol i hope you dont mind the long response, i just thought you brought up some intriguing points and i appreciated the opportunity to lay down some thoughts on these comics that i read today!
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devildom-drabbles · 2 years
Hey... so, kind of a sensitive topic here, so I totally het it if you dont want to write it!
So I just got body shamed for hours on end... it really hurt... and I kinda just wanted to imagine what the brothers would say to that, because I'm lonely and have no friends that can relate and I'm just a depressing person in general lol😅(sorry)
But anyways, after that was over, my first reaction was to look at my OM! Blanket with the brothers on it, and I looked at Mams, because I love him and he's my fave. But then, it hit me, I'm like: No, (my name)... You need fucking Asmo rn. He's gonna tell you your beautiful, not be a tsundere about it, and absolutely roast the shit out of that body shaming asshole because... it's Asmo.
So... could you do how Asmo would react to MC being fat shamed or just body shamed in general?
Tysm if you write this, but I totally understand if not!
So... Could you write what
I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, Anon.  No one deserves to be body shamed, and rest assured that all the demon brothers love MC/you just as you are and would not tolerate anyone treating you like that.  And yes, Asmo certainly is the best choice when you’re in need of support and straightforward compliments, especially regarding physical appearance.  So, get cozy in your Obey Me! blanket, Anon, because for you and for any other MCs who experience body shaming, here comes Asmo to the rescue! 💕  Enjoy!
How would Asmodeus react to MC being body shamed?
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Asmodeus would gasp dramatically upon overhearing the cruel words directed at MC’s body.  The sound immediately catches the attention of not just MC and the rude individual but also those around them.  Is he about to cause a scene?  Absolutely.  Does he care?  No, because this is important, and he wants everyone to hear what he has to say.
“Excuse me?!” Asmo would declare to the rude individual, his hand poised on his chest in offense.  “I did not just hear you insult the most stunning human in all the three realms!  I know that my radiance alone can be blinding in anyone’s presence, but there’s no way it can ruin your ability to see the beauty in each and every part of my dear MC here.  From their head down to their toes, they are positively perfect.  Not at all ‘shameful’ or ‘disgusting’ or any of the other horrible things you said.  If I had to use those words to describe anyone, it’d be you.  Now rub your crusty eyes and look at them again!”
Asmo would gesture to the human beside him and present a counterargument for everything that the offender criticized.  For example:  “What’s wrong with the size of MC’s body?  It’s the best size for the best hugs and cuddles ever!  And any piece of clothing looks incredible on them!  Other models ought to be jealous of how they can’t wear any style as well as MC can.  Or, perhaps, you’re the one who’s jealous?  Judging by your outfit, the better choice would’ve been to ask MC for fashion advice rather than be upset about something you clearly don’t understand.”
Another example:  “I can’t even believe you would dare insult the [freckles/scars/stretch marks/etc.] on MC’s skin!  They make my darling human oh-so-wonderfully unique, and they don’t ever need to be covered up!  Why, I love seeing them!  If there’s any problem with them, it’s that they’re so kissable and make it hard to refrain myself from peppering them with my love all of the time.”
Basically, whatever physical aspect of MC that the rude individual shamed, Asmo would be worshiping in front of a growing crowd of onlookers.  He’d even go further on to praise physical attributes that the individual never even mentioned, along with personality traits and other things that he just loves about MC in general.  But it wouldn’t end there, either.  He’d find it necessary to verbally knock the offender down a few more pegs, embarrassing them for their disrespectful behavior while others are recording this exchange that’ll likely get posted to various social media platforms.  Finally, before the individual can retreat, Asmo would ensure that they apologize for what they said to MC.
“Are you all right, hon?” Asmo would check with MC afterward.  “I hope you don’t think I went overboard with my response.  You really are the most beautiful being I’ve ever laid eyes on—aside from myself—so of course I wasn’t going to let that dummy get away with saying such awful things about you.  Don’t ever listen to someone who talks to you that way, okay?  If anyone does it again, then remind them just how wrong they are.  Or, if I’m there, then I’ll do it for you.  I could compliment you all day, so I don’t mind at all!”
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sadomatica · 3 months
NOOO SADO YOU BROKE MY HEART 💔💔💔 i forgive u tho, ocelhira death pact can be rly hot and maybe even a little emotional
Which bring us to the core: What Ocie could do to Liquid dressed as Master Miller....do u have any thoughts abt it?
- ocelhira anon
HOWEVERRRR…..I fucking LOVEEEEEE ur core concept u just KNOW ocie was doing all kinds of freaky shit with liquid in miller drag. I love imagining that ocie literally Gifts liquid the sunglasses like "Got a little present for you boss… :{)" and likky tears open the little box and scoffs at whats inside, tries to play it off like "Ah yes....this will be quite helpful..." but inside hes squealing like ocelot just got down on one knee and proposed with a giant diamond ring, its the kind of perfectly fucked up romantic gesture that keeps him constantly coming back for more......So of course when ocie eventually suggests he keep the sunglasses on, keep his hair tied back when they're heading in for the night, hes just like....Yeah alright Old Freak (affectionate). And oceliquid sex is usually pretty depraved as is but the addition of the miller disguise just sends ocie into a sadistic frenzy- he restrains liquid in all kinds of impossibly painful positions, punches his tits and grinds his spurs into the backs of his thighs while he sits and has him fellate his gun, both reliving miller's delicious final moments and acting out every fantasy he's ever wanted to fulfill with this beautiful trashy roided up imitation of miller...Gawd. Master musclebimbo miller.
It's a total farce, the ultimate act of disrespect and making a mockery of who kaz once was, and that (and the knowledge that kaz would be turning in his grave if he knew just how many gross old perv loads were being shot on his beloved ray-bans) is just utterly addictive to those two haters. And, erm, if I may pepper in my own mental illness creative liberties here...it makes them (or at least ocie) a little nostalgic, thinking back to their humble beginnings in the 80s, their first initial bond being formed over the common ground of kaz being a bitch (IN MY 84 OCELIQUID BRAIN PALACE DONT COME FOR ME SAYING THIS DIDNT HAPPEN OKAYY)....OKAY I'LL SHUT UP NOWWWW....UNLESS....? :333
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blackhydreigon · 6 years
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hari going after his s/o who initially runs away because they didn’t want to be a bother to him and get in the way of his job, but wind up getting kidnapped by some villains and beaten. Hari has to find his love and protect and save them! :3
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"You mean you let them leave just like that and with this-this-" Hari angrily took off the note out of his hoodie and almost shove it into the guard's face. "This fUCKING BULLSHIT?!"
"Chrono. Sit down." Overhaul's nonchalantly spoke as Hari could only take one breath in and out before sitting on the couch, clenching the letter on his grip as a form to discount all he had been feeling.
By god up above, you were NEVER a bother to him! Why did you have to leave dammit?! His job was demanding, sure, but he thought things were good! Weren't they..? He had been trying so hard to take as many breaks as he could to not make you feel that way.
But Chisaki had been requesting his help with the girl too much... too much to the point he couldn't even spend quality time with you like he promise he would.
Now, him and Kai were discussing the problem right after that he had barged on Chisaki's office, almost begging him for help... but as always, the bastard remained that stoic face and did things calmly.
Suddenly the phone started to ring it and for a miracle Chisaki was the one to answer it. He remained with the same expression before changing a look at Hari, who for some reason didn't like it one bit.
"They got your partner Chrono." His blood ram cold at hearing's his friend words.
"What..?" He breathed out, standing up abruptly.
"No, I don't think I will get on a agreement. Is not any useful this anyway." He spoke numbly and Kurono felt a vein of his almost popping out.
"Overhaul!" He shouted ass Kai hang up the phone with an annoyed sigh. "What the hell?!"
"Those are some enemies of ours. We have to be careful or else is the end for the Hassaikai." He spoke on a manner of fact tone of voice, looking up at the man he interlocked his fingers together. "Your partner maybe get hurt bit they will leave, Mimic is probably-"
"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!" The man slammed his hands on Kai's desk, scaring the poor newbie as Kai glared daggers at him.
"Back. Off. From my table, Chrono." He growled th words as Kurono gritted his teeth.
"Listen here you spoiled son of a bastard. I deal with your shit ALL day. I've been your friend for years. I am loyal to the Hassaikai ever since I joined in. I accepted helping you on that plan with the master's granddaughter, but when i need a fucking break or aome help to save the person I love YOU DONT EVEN LIFT A DAMN FINGER?!" He shouted as Kai blinked in amisement at Kurono's outburst.
".. I knew it. This all relationship thing is getting conteol over your emotions." He furrowed his eyebrows in anger and disgust at Hati, who only laughed sarcastically before flipping him off for the first time in many years.
"You wanna know what? This is part of your fault KAI." He used the name Chisaki had abandonent, knwing that this would get to him, especially when he took off his glives while lifying up from his chair in anger. "I dont have time for this. Deal with my disrespect later you fucking traitor." He cursed under his breath before storming out of the room.
"If (Y/n) get hurt I will mever forgive myself for it!" He talked kore to himself as he searched for Irinaka as fast as he could.
"Your boss doesn't seem much found of you." The main head of the gang spoke on a mocking tone as he had a knife on your throat.
You couldn't care less... all that had been passing through your head was Kurono.. the man you loved so much to the point of abandoned him because of his work, how much he was loyal to the Shie Hassaikai... you couldn't just get in his way... especially when you were just a, what Overhaul would say, distraction...
"I wonder what would happen if... had a little fun?" The man spoke wickedly as you scoffed at him.
"Fuck off."
"Oh! A feisty one!" Another voice spoke from behind you before you flinched at those two hands grabbing your shoulders "I like that!"
Before you even could think of asking for help, a gunshoot was hearf by all of the members. You quickly covered your ears and kneenes on the floor before you saw a familiar white arrow cut one of the guys arms.
"Hari..!" you said almost in a whisper and the said saviour jumped from the roof, shootonh everyone with a cold face. One man tried to grab him from behind but Kurono merely lifted his fist up, punching the man from behind by one motion before he looked over his shoulder at the man and tsked in disgust before shooting him merciless.
A man grabbed you and aimed a gun at your head, tremblingly as Chrono stopped on his tracks.
"You're Overhaul's right hand man?! Back the fuck off before I shoot them!"
Chrono merely lifted his chin up with a face of disgust, the action being sexy as hell for you to handle it, before he spoke again.
"Three seconds. Three seconds for you to back off before I do something that you will sirely regret." Hee lifted his hand up, holding three of his fingers. "One."
"Hari!" You whined at feeling the gun being pressed on your temple harder.
"Fuck off dude! Im not jo-" in one quick movement, Hari cut his face with his hair before running after you and holding you close to his chest.
"Three." He growled before he covered your eyes and ahoot the guy more then necessary...
After the loud sounds were done you whimpered his name as he let go of the gun to cup your cheeks.
"Never leave again." He sighed as he touched forehead with you "God I thought I lost you for real (Y/n)..."
"Im so sorry!" You cried, holding his hands as you looked at him "I-I just didn't want to stay in y-your way a-and-" you sobbed as Haro shook his head several times as he cupped your cheek, carresing it with his thumb.
"How can you get in my way if you are my life already dummy?" He asked in a breathless laugh as he peppered your face in kisses.
You giggled at the gesture before freezing at hearing a 'click' and Kurono got tense, immediately craddling you pn his chest and arms.
"Ha..ha!" The bloddied man aimed right at you "The Shie Hassaikai has always been a PAIN on MY ASS!" He laughed maniacly as Kurono cleched his jaw. "Now! Would you look at that! Im about to kill one of the most precious members and their lover! How cute!"
Although when the man put his finger on trigger. the rest of his body exploded almost everywhere in that shed while Kai, with a face of disgust and an outstretched naked hand, stood behind the huddle of what was once a man.
"Chisaki?" He said almost in disbelief as he relaxed his grip on you.
"The things you said back there are still on my mind, just for you know block head." He said nonchantly as he put his glove back on. "We needed to solve this problem with calm and extrategy despite the dangers of it. You were never a pacience one though." He growled as Kurono looked at him and smirked.
"Thanks. Chisaki."
"Don't call me that." He growled and turned around, walking out of that place "You're on cleaning duty tommory... son of a bitch." He laughed at his comment before je called your name at the door frame.
"I'm relieved you're okay." He said uncharacteristically soft as he mad ehis way out and your eyes widened.
"So he doesn't hate me then?" You said almost in disbelief as Hati snorted, still hugging you.
"Guess he is just jealous that i got a beauty liek yourself."
You two walked out of that place, Hari never letting go of you for once.
Version of pregnant S/o:
"Uh... Hari?"
"You read the whole letter?" You asked almost in embarrassment as he mad w a more less signal with his hand. "Then... you know why I have been feeling nauseaus this past few days?"
"Uh. No, actually we should really ho see a doctor and-" he let out a confused noise as you stopped and brought his hand to rest on your belly as you looked up at him with shiny eyes.
"It won't be necessary... daddy." You giggled at his confusion before a few seconds his eyes widened as he looked down at your belly then back at you several times.
"Oh fuck.." he said breathless before starting ti laugh "Oh fuck!" He scooped you up, hand son your waist as he kissed your lips fervently "HOLY SHIT IM A DAD?!"
"Yep!" You giggled as he kissed you more while holding you up before looking at the direction Overhaul left.
"YO! KAI! YOU'RE AN UNCLE NOW! For the second time..."
You laughed as you heard Kai on distance shouting to your boyfriend to "fuck off".
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sailorvinus · 3 years
So we all know Vi has high standards for potential partners, as he should. But what about his friends' partners? Is he the type to scrutinize a friend's new beau and report the analysis results, or sit back and see how it plays out?
depends on the friend and depends on the significant other because for the most part your business is your business, your s/o is... your s/o, vi probably don't know them. he most likely won't want to because he doesn't usually go out of his way to befriend his friends boo thangs. if they do become friends thats fine but if not hes not losing sleep over it. he observes from afar
if they help you find emotional fulfillment if you two play important, productive roles in each others lives if you have healthy communication have they put in the work to feel worthy of your time and attention do they respect you as an individual
won’t say anything unless the situation seems a bit... off... that’s pretty much all that matters to him
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he’ll listen to u happily rant about how much u luv them! and he’ll be happy for you. but on the flip side vi’s not exactly the friend u wanna run to tho when shit runs into a snag lkjgfdlsgjf tho.  he will let u kno that ur sittin here, crying over some dumb shit like a guy or gal or whatever, and for what?? for what????? u waste ur time. u could be organizing ur spices. get yourself together. i think that’s vis ‘ you got one shot and if you fuck it up, im spraying you in the face with pepper spray and im not gonna cry over you either please die immediately thanks ’ personality like dont u ever allow disrespect!!
but yeah anyway he’s mostly detached from his friends relationships, only casually observing. do what makes u happy, choose who u want..... if it stirs ur pasta then he’s all for it
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
Brat Life Chronicles
Tried to keep the looks as open as possible but she definitely is black. Follow America Golden Boy, Steve Rogers as he deals with his spoiled brat of a girlfriend Delilah. A series of One shots that are just fun to write when I dont feel like working on my series. 
Characters: Steve Rogers x Delilah (Black OC)
WordCount: 1667
Warning: Smut, cursing, teasing, daddy kink
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“Babe please…..” lip poked out, big doe eyes, whiny voice, usually she didn’t have to go this route to get her way but Steve was being an ass. 
“Delilah, baby stop.” Steve Rogers went back to reading the mission report he had to prep for. 
“Ugh fine.” She rolled her eyes, causing Steve to quirk an eyebrow at her, she was being disrespectful and she knew Steve wouldn’t go for that. 
Honesty she wasn’t asking much, just asking to take one of the private jets to go to a concert in Atlanta this weekend. 
“I’ll just ask Tony.” She started to walk away heading towards the elevator. 
Before she made it 5 steps, Steve picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. 
“Couldn’t stop when I asked, now you wanna drag Stark into this. I give you everything you ask for baby.”
“Expect for this.” She pouted. In for a penny in for a pound, she knew she was digging a hole that she wouldn’t be able to get out of. 
“Because you don’t need this, you and your friends already have first class tickets booked, a private car to pick you up and drive you around. VIP Seats and backstage passes, plus new clothes and spending money. I think you can do without this one things.”
“No.” She huffed as she was dropped on the bed. 
“Maybe you don’t need to go at all then Delilah, stay here with me, while I prepare for my mission.” 
“No Daddy! Please…” Delilah bit her bottom lips, trying to entice him. 
“You are such a fucking brat.” 
“Language Captain.”
He growled before advancing on her. 
They were an unlikely couple, and they met in an unlikely way. You would think Captain America saved her life or something but it all started with an Instagram like. 
Captain America had finally made it to Instagram, not that he ran it, Sam did but sometimes he liked to browse the app. 
He was on his explore page when he came across Delilah page, a picture of her in a cap and gown, graduating from college. 
Steve has liked it and left a comment out of encouragement. 
“Congratulations, much success on your future.”
Delilah has all but fainted when she saw it, but she took it a step farther and sent him a DM, telling him thank you and she hoped they would meet one day. 
Sam took over, telling her if she ever in NYC he would love to take her out for coffee. 
“Steve…” she moaned as her boyfriend sucked on her neck. 
“Hmm.” He hummed against her brown skin. 
“Please Daddy?” 
Her eyes fluttered close. 
“Please What?”
Steve licked a strip from her neck to her ear, sucking on the sensitive lobe. 
“Please, I want you.” 
“I know you do, girl, but you've been really bratty lately, you know I don’t like that.” Steve pulled away, leaving her frustrated. 
“Now pack for your trip.” 
Steve left Delilah on the bed, hot, wet, and frustrated but two could play that game. 
It was quiet, too quiet Steve thought. Delilah never went this long without wanting his attention unless…
He shot up, spilling papers all over the living room floor. He checked the bedroom first, bags half packed and clothes everywhere greeted him. Next he checked the bathroom and then finally the extra bedroom. He sighed. 
Living in Stark tower had its perks, like their private apartment, top of the line facilities, and F.R.I.D.A.Y. 
“Friday, where is Delilah?”
“Common area kitchen Captain Rogers.” 
Steve punched the bottom to take him to the common area of Avengers Tower. 
He smelt the brownies as soon as the door opened. He walked past Sam and Clint going straight to the kitchen. Tony looked over her shoulder as she stirred something. 
“That smells so good.” Tony said but to Steve it looked like he was smelling your neck. 
“Thanks, family recipe so I can’t tell you.” Delilah giggles. 
Her name being called caused her to Jump, Tony his hand on the small of her back. 
“Yeah babe?” Her voice was sweet like honey but it was all an act. 
Delilah looked over to Steve to see him doing his signature jaw clenched that singled he was angry. 
“You need to finish packing.” 
It was a demand, a demand to get her ass back to their suite and now. 
“OK. Tony just pop these in the oven for 30 minutes and you’ll have the best brownies ever, save me a corner piece.”
“OK Princess.” Tony muttered. 
If looks could kill Tony would be dead, the way Steve was throwing daggers at him wasn’t lost on Delilah as she walked over to Steve. 
Once in the elevator Steve didn’t say anything to her and Delilah knew she fucked up big time, maybe she could clean it up. 
“I don’t want to hear it.” 
“You never let me explain.” She whined. 
The elevator opened and she followed Steve out. 
“Explain what? Why you are prancing around Tony in basically nothing?”
“It’s a little more than nothing, all the important bits are covered.” 
That stopped Steve in his tracks, he turned to look at her up and down. She suddenly felt self conscious about her outfit. True the cotton shorts did little to cover her ass or thick thighs. The tank top she had on was super thin and tight and basically putting her breast on display. 
“Get to the room and clean that mess up, your trip is cancelled.” 
“What you can’t do that!”
“Yes I can and I just did now go Delilah before you get in more fucking trouble.”
Delilah rolled her eyes and went to their shared bedroom and began to put clothes away, as she stuffed her panties back into the drawer she came across a light blue lace teddy. 
Delilah quickly put it on before Steve caught her, finishing off her lips with some gloss because he loved it. 
She hoped no one had entered their shared living space as she crept down the hallway wanting to surprise the super soldier who could hear anything.  
When Delilah rounded the corner Steve was on the couch, laptop propped opened. 
“I can hear you Babe, you know that.” 
“Close your eyes, I got a surprise.”
Just as he started to protest Delilah hit him with a “Please Daddy.” And he did. 
She walked over to him, gently taking the laptop off his lap and setting it on the table. 
“You can open them now.” 
Delilah stood in front of him, proudly displaying her body for his eyes. 
“Fuck baby.” 
Steve's rough hands went to her waist, gliding down her hips and back up again. 
Steve pulled her down to his lap, her knees on either side of his thick thighs. 
“You like Daddy.” Delilah has changed the tone of her voice to be super sugary sweet and it was working. 
He melted under her as Delilah gently massages his shoulders. 
“You look gorgeous like you always do.” 
“Thank you baby. I’m Sorry for acting like that earlier.”
“Hmmm acting like what?”
Steve gently peppered kisses from her collarbone to the top of her breast. 
“Being a brat.” she moaned.
“Apology accepted, and yes you can still go, and yes I will see about getting you a private jet, you know I cant say no to you for long.”
Delilah groaned as his hands gripped her ass, picking her up. 
“Tell Daddy thank you.” Steve muttered against her neck as he walked them to the bedroom. 
“Thank you Daddy.” she purred. 
Steve laid her gently on the bed, reaching between her legs and ripping the delicate lace, cool air rushing to her heated core. 
Steve got on his knees, kissing her thighs before pushing his face into her pussy. America Golden Boy loved to eat pussy, he ate pussy like his life depended on it. Some dudes got mad when they couldn't get their dick sucked, but Steve turned into a whiny person if he couldn't wrap his lips around her clit. 
“Fuck baby.” Delilah ran her hands through his golden locks, loving that he had grew it out a little. 
The nasty slurping sounds he made turned her on more, A long lick from her clit that ended with him dipping his tongue into her wet hole. 
Delilah moaned out lout, calling out his name. Steve slipped a thick finger into her, hooking it, finger rubbing back and forth against her spot. Delilah tried to move away from his mouth as her first orgasm approached, but Steve pulled her back onto his mouth, wanting her to come right on his face. 
“Good girl Delilah.” Steve cooed at her. He stood up, finger lazily running up and down her slit as his other hand unbuckled his pants, pushing them down. He removed his hand from her and she whined, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it down, stepping out his sweats and boxers. Steve crawled onto the bed towards her, covering her body with his. Delilah wrapped her legs around his waist, his hard dick poking her thigh. 
“Daddy please…” Steve cut her off, catching her in a heated kiss. Catching her off guard he pushed into her wet walls. 
Nails dug into his muscled back as he pushed in balls deep in the first stroke. 
“I...better...not...see...you...around...tony...again…” each word meet with a deep stroke. 
“Yes Daddy!!!”
Mouth gaped open in a silent scream Delilah had her second orgasm, squeezing Steve dick as he trusted in her one final time, cumming deep inside of her. 
“Good girl.” Steve kissed her face until their breathing calmed down, going to lay on the side of her. 
“Want me to finish packing for you?” Steve could tell she was about to go to sleep. 
“Mmmhmm please.” 
Steve gave Delilah a kiss on the forehead before getting up and finding his boxers.
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eagesoldartblog · 4 years
fantasy au w/ lewthur or lewvithur where one or more of them is royalty/a high ranking noble? no pressure but id love to see your take on it :0
I PUT IN SO MUCH TIME INTO THIS, BEcause this is an actual fic I want to write, so THANK YOU for this. B U T this actually has two parts, because,,, It became ten pages lONG. 
Claiming The Prince’s Heart
Sunlight beams through fleece clouds, filtering its rays through the thickets of yellowing canopy, and shining down on the blanket of red leaves coating the forest floor. A torrent of a river is not too far off, streaming water that was so clear and reflective that you could make the stars out in them. Accompanied by her own heavy steps, and the prince’s behind her. It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten to come out here, I’ll have to make sure to give him my thanks. Of course..
“Dame Vivi,” She turns, head bowed, smiling. Unable to help the pull of her lip, it wasn’t every day that she got to see her highness. Especially not like this. With his hands clasped tightly together and eyes darting around every which way, a hint of rosiness blossoming in his cheek- whether it was from the mild chill or his utter delight on being let outside for once- well, it wouldn’t have made a difference. “Thank you for accompanying me out here today. I promise that it has left me with nothing less than gratitude and ecstasy, I will make sure you are rewarded handsomely for your sacrifice-”
“Your highness, with all due respect,” 
“Yes?” He continues to smile, but now it is almost perfect, a replication of a doll. 
“You dont have to address my like other nobles, your highness.” 
Arthur noticably deflated. His prim and proper smile dropping with a sigh and he sags forward, “Thank the good heavens.. I was wondering when you’d give me the go ahead..” He mumbles, pressing his fingers into his cheeks and forcibly massaging them. The ache must have been unbearable! Vivi snorts into her palm- accidentally bumping her nose in too far.
“You know, you don’t have to wait for me,” she explains, and part of her wonders how many times he has, but with a flick of her wrist, and grabbing his attention, she adds, “you could just begin to address me casually as soon as we step out.”
“And let the other guards and ad-advisors think you’re a seduc-ductress in disguise?” Arthur crosses his arms, nodding his head back to the castle with a bitterness clouding his eyes, Vivi only laughed more, “Nah, I’ll pass.”
“Haha! How funny. To think!” Taking a step forward, Vivi takes his wrist and holds it up, pulling him into her, leading him into a twirl, “The one dame they have been sending you out with every season is the one slowly undoing all of their precious work!” His disdain melts away, and he falls with her elegantly- he must have learned the dance recently. Vivi lets go of Arthur and drapes herself dramatically against a nearby tree, feigning despair, “Oh, the tragedy!”
A hand flashes out before her, and despite the anxiety Vivi could feel from its slacked position a dazzling warmth dancing across his face instead, “The Greeks will have a thrill recounting our t-tales.”
“Our downfalls,” She takes his, pulling him into the clearing.
Bad idea, Arthur’s eyes dart in every which direction, “O-our triumphs,” before his expression shifts and- 
“Into the great fall of the Hidorian kingdom!” They sing in usion, before Arthur bursts into a fit of cackling giggles, muffled by his own hand slapping a hand over his mouth. Raising her eyebrow, Vivi couldn’t help but laugh as well. But what made him this hysterical..? Dread? Is a war on the way?
“Well, i’m glad to hear you’re still in good spirits, your highness..” Standing straight, she returns to his side and places a hand on his shoulder- ignoring how he stiffens, “But you don’t usually joke about .. that. Is something up? Everything going alright with your healer?”
A shallow breath, and he stands straight. Any amount of cheeriness they just had vanished in an instant. “… Ah, yeah, it’s fine..” Frowning, Vivi crosses her arms, able to tell by the shudder in Arthurs shoulders that there was bound to be more. Swinging around- far too exaggerated than one would ever assume of a prince, his voice spills out of his mouth faster than he thought, “Well! things are-! Uh They are k-kinda difficult! But-! But, it’ll be alright in the end. No- nothing.. Will fall or- be destroyed or- or .. anything!”
“Hm.” Arthur freezes in his place, eyes wide and lit like candle flames, tucking her hands behind her back, Vivi leans forward barely an inch, “I won’t push if you desire, but what do you mean? Surely something must be wrong for you to talk about the end of our name.” Slowly approaching him, Vivi watches his shoulders ride up into his ears and his eyes dart from the trees, the grass and finally back to her. As if worried that someone else will hear. 
Cringing, Arthur bites his lip, “Well… I- we… “ In the distance a twig snaps- most likely from a squirrel- but Arthur jolts hard and jumps into a ridiculously panicked pose, eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed together, breath rapid. 
“Your highness,” he flinches again, gaze shifting one last time before realization dawned on him… how ludicrous he was being. “This… you cannot speak a word of this to anyone. Understand?” 
With a nod, Vivi lets her arms cross and her eyes soften- hopefully lending an ounce of peace to Arthur. 
“We-we..  figured I am still a hopeless romantic,” A rush of blood filling his cheeks, averting his gaze, “The priestess worries I’ve been .. st-struck by cupid’s arrow, and considering the curse… I… “ Arms folding, he clutches the fabric tightly and gnaws on his lip- hard enough to be noticeable, and Vivi resists the urge to warn him against it.
But the fear that noticeably coursed through his body. Hard shadows reflecting that onto the otherwise vibrant scenery around them. A cold wind slamming into them at the same time. For good reason too.
That wouldn’t stop her. Moving closer, Vivi resists the urge to take him by the shoulders and hold him close in a hug, “Yes? Did someone catch your eye?” 
Arthur pauses, eyeing her carefully. His eyebrows furrowed together and for half a second his lip quivered. 
Before his smile- lacking anything real- returns and his shoulders sink, “You can say that, Dame Vivi. Hopefully in the coming years, it won’t be an issue anymore.”
“Why’s that?”
Arthur tilts his head, “You ask a lot, don’t you?”
“When I hear any news concerning my prince and my kingdom, I must know every detail. To quell my aching heart.” Her heart was racing, slamming against her chest. Whatever fear she felt wouldn’t find its way onto her face, however. Not when he was already under this stress. 
He didn’t relax. Instead the artificial structure of his posture and expression had become especially more fabricated. “A witch is on his way to the kingdom tonight. Do you by chance recall the name, Lewis Pepper?”
“Lewis Pepper of Paradiso. A promising Witch who stumbled upon the kingdom at the age of five. Possessing the great prowess of a Shaman- able to communicate and control the unknown realm with minor complication. A prodigy who had been taken in by the monks to properly train and learn.” Vivi recites, spouting off the information like it was her own name. Of course she would know his name. All Knights and Dames are required to learn the names and attributes of all known magic users- whether affiliated with religion or not. 
Magic never fails, and its power of the three realms is even more so. But harnessable by human beings? Humans who are driven to madness over a single thought and possessing ambitions beyond themselves? 
Leaving those of that nature unchecked is a death sentence. Everyone knew this.
Arthur tilts his head, “I’m pleased, then I won’t have to give another explanation. Tonight, he will be arriving here, and we will be performing a ritual. One that will hopefully cure me of this dreaded hex.”
“What-!” Vivi gasps. Mouth hanging open, several thoughts jumbling up and smacking together in a buzzing train of thought, “But-!…” Questions are about to fly, but Arthurs expression shifts from empty kindness and content to a look that a testy tyrant would wear. Daring her. Vivi grinds her teeth, takes a short breath, and straightens up, “Ahem, my dearest apologies your highness. That is excellent news, and I am delighted to hear it. However, I do have concerns.”
“And what would those concerns be?” 
Taking a deep breath, Vivi looks him in the eyes, and doesn’t flinch when she meets Arthur’s face again, “I mean no disrespect, but hasn’t previous attempts at this exact thing been a failure? Not only that, but you must be aware of his… condition.”
“Whatever do you mean?” 
“Reverend Pepper isn’t completely human.”
Arthur’s eyes widen for hardly a second, before he closes his eyes and nods, “We are well aware of his inhumane status. In fact, during the ritual, several more priests and witches- all under our own name- will be overlooking the rituals. As well as a charge of Dames and Knights.”
She hums, and her shoulders sag, nodding as her mind begins to drift, picturing the worst case scenarios, “Of course. I can only imagine that there would be ample security.”
“Dame Vivi.” 
She straightens up again.
“Would you like to join the onlookers tonight?” 
Heart stillen, Vivi gulps. 
“I would feel much safer with you present.” 
A carriage rolls across the dirt path - its wheels filled with creaking and its occupants spoke silent chatterings with hushed whispers - slowly approaches the secret entrance to the grand Hidorian palace. A sheltered and hidden part of the castle, where no civilian should be able to locate and travel inside without the consultant of the guards and council. 
Now, a great gathering of guards, priests and scribes were settled around its gate. The great councils and advisors of the king and the prince stood tall. Lacking care for how their fine robes draped against the ground and was stained by its dirt. Of course, none would dare mention it in the presence of the King and the Prince. 
Those two stood in the front and center of the gathering, watching the carriage roll through without a sound. 
Arthur shuffles in his spot, fists tightly pressed to his hips. Beads of sweat threaten to slide down his cheek as his anxiety grows with each creak of those wheels. Lip pulled in a nervous frown, Arthur spares the king a look, “Your majesty-”
“That isn’t my name, Arthur.” 
Uncle. Arthur spares his uncle a look, and he coughs back the urge to mention how that was inappropriate. But then again- who was going to tell them how to address one another? “Fine- Lance, uh-” As the words come out, it became abundantly clear that he didn’t have a single clue on what to ask the shorter man- who now peers over to him with an eyebrow raised, which was in itself very reminiscent of how he looked much earlier in life when his brother was king and he was a simple black smith who didn’t take anything from anyone and-
He swallows back the urge to whine, forcing his gaze back to the carriage. He can almost see the outline of the Witch through the sun kissed tarps- and god did he look massive. Arthurs shoulders sank along with his heart and finally his brain spits out something, “Just- just nervous. I- ahem, I worry if this ritual will work, or if there will be any spies within their group or-” 
“There is no need to worry, your highness.” A priestess takes a step beside him, and her comforting presence does nothing to take away the unease on his shoulders. He meets her gaze, and it’s obvious she feels the same. It’s been this way ever since their last.. meeting. Blond hair in tight coils against her scalp, and her look of worry even more prominent, Madam Chloe continues, “According to the advisors, only Reverend Pepper will be present during the ritual.” 
“And his companions will not be coming forth into the castle.” An advisor- Duet- mentions from behind him. Arthur spares them a glance, and instead of the usual look of stoic content, there was twinges of worry lacing their features. Much like the rest of the Knights and Dames, as well as the priests and nuns and … everyone. 
It did nothing to ease the stress in his shoulders, but it wasn’t like it wasn’t expected. It was always this way. Arthur reminds himself, switching his attention back to the carriage, which finally stopped. Its Coach man lifting the door that held the key to his own salvation. 
Stepping out, was truly a monster of a man. Dressed in dark robes and wooly hair pulled back in a conservative manner, and glassy purple eyes shifting to meet his gaze. This time Arthur couldn’t even begin to process the sheer magnitude of him. Not only that but how… terrifying it was to be in his presence. He’s heard many times of what this man looks like, how tall he is, and how strong he is due to his inhuman nature. Except now it was real, and it was triple his expectation. 
But despite that, somehow, Reverend Pepper had… such a gentleness to his eye. A calm smile and his presence seemed to exude peace. All despite being a witch. Arthur gulps back his anxiety, straightening up, and looks him in the eye. 
“Welcome, Reverend Pepper. We are humbled to make your acquaintance. Was the trip smooth and stress free.” 
Pepper, chuckling the smallest bit, nods, “It was delightful to take in the scenery of your kingdom your majesty. It truly is the city of gold. However, if I may, you do not refer to me by that title. Lewis will do.” 
Arthur’s throat tightened, nodding a bit too quickly, “Lewis, of course. Please call me Arthur.” He takes a step forward and holds out his hand, suddenly overly aware of his actions when several eyes pin to his back, both from his side and Lewis’s. 
One must never knowingly take the hands of a caster, for they may be able to grab your soul through your hand and make you their servant. The lesson repeats in his head seven times before he noticed Lewis tilting his head, amused. 
“My, I didn’t take you for someone so trusting,” Lewis says, thoughtfully watching him and- to much of the horror of everyone else- takes Arthur’s hand firmly, “Thank you for allowing me the pleasure to help you, your highness. I will not fail you.”
As the King, Prince, and Witch spoke to one another, the tense and active air growing more screwed up and yet relaxed with the easy conversation. Neither the king nor Arthur paying the frightful bunches any mind. 
Madam Chloe feels a presence beside her, and eyes boring into her. Whether or not Duet wanted to speak to her, she didn’t turn her head to him. Keeping her hands clasped together and her eyes trained on every movement the prince made. 
Finally, a low whisper, “Do they seem untrustworthy to you, Madam Chloe?”
“No,” she admits, swallowing her tongue back, her fists tighten, “no, the chances of him doing anything is slim. I promise.” Nothing emitted from the man to show otherwise. No malice, no hatred, and all metallic clinks and trinkets within his robes weren’t the angry and swift voice of fallen victims, but instead a smooth, calming voice of a healer. And yet, her stomach twists and folds into knots, and Duet seemed to notice. If they were the only ones present, there’s a chance they would have placed a hand on her shoulder. Her mouth burned, but she kept her teeth ground shut. 
Duet must have heard it too, because they turn to her and watch her twitchy movements. They sigh, and turn to the King and Prince. “Your majesty, your highness.” The two turn back to him, King Lance’s expression unreadably gruff and Prince Arthur’s so obviously panicked. From behind them, Reverend Pepper leaned forward with interest- as well as everyone else. Duet continues on, “Madam Chloe and I need a moment to discuss some important matters. With your permission, may we take our leave?” 
King Lance stares at them fixedly, appearing uncaring for a single moment until it occurs to Madam Chloe just how much he seemed to debate that thought in his head. A glint being her only hint, and the rest being the grueling sensation of his aura. Tearing into her like paper. 
Do not lash out. She reminds herself, hiding her twisting fists out of sight. Only able to hope that he wouldn’t suspect anything from the two. 
“Granted,” The king says, snapping Chloe out of her spur and her eyes widen a fraction before she reminds herself to stay calm, unwavering. “Take one of the Dames or Knights with you.” 
Duet holds up a hand, “Your majesty, that wouldn’t be necessary-” 
“Take one with you. For security measures.” King Lance repeats, and this time they both knew that defying him further would end up with them in their deathbeds. Bowing their head, Duet nods.
“Of course, your Majesty. Please forgive my ignorance.” 
Chloe lifts her head more, tearing her gaze away from the king, and landing on the prince. Arthur. Who stared at her, with so much fear hidden in his eyes, fear and terror. 
I’m sorry, Arthur. 
A knight walks up to them, “Shall we be on our way?” he asks, and Chloe doesn’t respond, allowing her eyes to downcast, guilt welling up in her throat like glue. 
“Of course.” 
A woman was shackled to the wall. Her feet shackles as well. Her head hung low, and she didn’t move much besides for her gentle breathing- attempting to not breathe in too harshly and activate her sinuses. These dungeons were far too dirty to have breathable air. A harsh stench of a decaying body reached her nose, as well as the freely spoken words of the guards and knights of who to alert. 
”We failed to keep this one alive, what should we explain to the Captain?”
”Explain that it was the magician. It appears they casted a spell on themselves to ease them into Death’s embrace.”
The first knight scoffs, or laughs, she couldn’t tell. ”A coward’s way out, I tell you. Can’t even die with dignity.”
She cared to disagree, searching through the murky depths of her own vision to take in her own clothes. Stained with blood, powder, and losing the glow of protection she casted onto herself. Soon, she’s going to become hungry, and shrivel up in pain, wishing for anything to eat. If the Hidorian kingdom was like any other. They would leave her to starve. Or, perhaps keep her hanging onto life for as long as possible, to get answers, to show her origin, to- 
Heavy clicks fills her ears, and the knights who were posted fell silent. The scrap of metal gliding against metal alluding to the possibility that they were bowing in respect. ”Advisor Duet, It is a pleasure to see you here.”
”As well as to you. I have heard reports of a new magician dressed in green being locked away in here. May I see her?” Her blond hair falls in front of her eyes as she peers down to her stained clothes- meant to blend in with the nature around her. How could they possibly think it’s strictly green?
”Y-yes! Fo-forgive us for the conditions of her cellar, we-.. We didn’t have enough room to hold her in a prope-”
”There is no need to explain to me, I know that it isn’t customary to bring prisoners to proper rooms when one had just perished. Besides, she is in need of cleansing and washing, isn’t she?”
 The knights are silent for a second, ”Y-yes, she is still covered in… magic. D-Duet! Shall we accompany you? To ensure she doesn’t pull a nasty trick-”
A laugh, low and gentle, ”That will not be necessary. Her cellar is close, am I wrong? You do not need to follow after me then. At the very least, feel free to escort me to her. I do not want to keep her waiting.” The smug tone only brought a look of a shriveled man with a snarky grin across their face. She could spit. Spit in their face for all she cared.
”Of course, Duet. We will be you to her right now.” Her arms and muscles stiffen, clenching her eyes shut, she takes a deep breath- despite the rot filling her lungs- and holds it. Steeling herself for anything. 
Three sets of footsteps, one considerably softer than the others, traverse the dim and dirty halls to her cellar. Sure enough, three silhouettes appear in front of the bars. She didn’t lift her head. Able to feel their gaze on her, locking her in place. 
“You two may disperse now. I will handle all proceedings coming forth.” The smug voice, low and nasally, ripples through the cellar just in time for one of the grated doors to open. Much to the displeasure of the two knights, but she can imagine that Duet simply waved them off, because in the next few minutes, the two knights leave. All that was left was Duet, herself, and the dingy cellar. The chains holding her grind together awkwardly. 
For a second, there’s only silence. 
“Well, hello there, young lady. Or would you rather I refer to you differently?” 
Her jaw clenches and tightens, lungs feeling full, tight, ready to burst, and without her own input, she’s looking up at them. Cheeks full of air that squeezed past her lips. They quirk an eyebrow, twisting their head. 
Despite the darkness shrouding them both, it was clear they were smiling- but if it was for contentness or asserting, she couldn’t tell. “I wonder what you’re doing that for? Mind to release your breath and explain it to me. I’m eager to learn.” 
She doesn’t. Chest tight and instead sucking in more breath. 
“Ah, I see. You don’t want to speak to me, do you?”
Her wrists pull, blood pumping. 
Their smile drops, and they nod solemnly, “Understood. Well, I will make my case quickly for you then. If you wish to ask for clarification, I would advise you to open your mouth, or show the feistiness you possessed earlier during your capture.” 
Shit, that’s right, it dawns onto her again, and her eyebrows furrowing together from discomfort. She had been screaming earlier, as dames and guards overwhelm her, pin her to the ground in the library. Snatching her tools and forcing her into submission. All in front of the Prince she was trying so hard to take down. It wasn’t her fault-! Him becoming king would result in the end of the world-! No one would allow that- Duet takes a step forward, eyes training into hers, and in retaliation she squeezes them shut. 
“Rest assured, I have done everything in my power to find a way to ensure your safety, young lady. However, the king is far more stubborn than you are, and he doesn’t typically take much mercy to magicians and sorcerers such as yourself.” Duet hums a bit to themself, “As you can perhaps imagine why. The use of magic to manipulate the supernatural is a skill that is feared by many, especially since magic never fails. You understand why the use of magic is highly regulated and in some cases, entirely outlawed, correct?” 
They wait for a few seconds, their smiles returning, “It’s because a magician, such as yourself, assassinated the rulers of various empires and kingdoms around us. Including our previous ruler, who single handedly brought our kingdom to its golden age. Your presence, your assassination of our prince, is nothing but proof that those laws are neceassary.” 
She knew, she’s always known. FIguring out magic was hard enough as it is, but with the restrictions, its only more demanding of its user. Her lungs started to burn.
“You are to be executed by dawn, do you know that?” 
It slams into her, like a brick. Any remnant of calm shatters like glass and she gasps. Choking, sputtering, gasping for air as her head spins. Executed? Why- Duet takes a step back to dodge the spit flying from her mouth. 
“For attempted assassination of our next ruler. Surely, you would have understood that when you came into our kingdoms’ courts and violated our most sacred rules.” The smugness returned, she was in his court, and as far as she knew, there was little she could do. She peers up at him, desperation lacing her oxygen deprived brain, begging. She couldn’t tell if Duet was pitying her at that moment. “But, this isn’t the first time a magic user has entered our kingdom. And you will quickly learn that it is due to myself that they’re still here.”
“We have a Dame who is quite famous for her work, and I know that she uses magic. It is in her blood, able to summon and borrow power from a god among animals that has sworn itself to her family. It took a long while to convince the King to allow her, but because of her good image, her new found status, it was easier to convince him to allow you a chance.”
She blinks up at him, confused, and mouth hanging agape with questions and worries she couldn’t begin to fathom. 
“The prince is quite nervous, and is in need of a priest to help him rest his worries, and figure out how to live his life with a hex plaguing him. I figured, who would be better to help him than a magician turned priestess.”
“A … a priestess..? Me…?”
“Of course. Living a life of celibacy, honor and honesty. All in exchange for not perishing tomorrow. How does that sound?” 
“F… fuck you!” She spits, grinding her teeth as rage fills her skin and boils out of her ears, surely her expression was akin to death itself, but Duet seemed entirely unphased. “I won’t do shit for you! I’d rather watch this kingdom burn to the ground with every monster in it-!” Her voice fell silent. She blinks, eyebrows furrowing as her mouth hangs open, starting to move but nothing coming out. A painful, stretched feeling overtaking her vocal chords and leaving her throat raw and strained. She tried to scream, but it only worsened the pain. 
“I wouldn’t recommend you continue, miss,” Duet says, his tone harsh and cold, uncaring, “regardless if you live for another century under the oaths of a god or die at a cross made of bones, the only tongue you will speak is truth.” Each word felt like a knife, slicing into her slowly, forcing her body to still and numb, “Only one secret will die with you, the secret of this spell, and your inability to resist the burn of hidden words on your tongue. It’ll feel much more like a hot coal in your teeth the longer you hold it back.” 
Her body shivers, crying out as her voice suddenly comes back, stinging tears falling from her eyes as her body sags and her mouth starts to burn. 
“Now,” Duet says silently, “why don’t you start with your name?”
Her stomach and arms lurch, heart pounding and nearly jumping out of her chest, up her throat and onto the floor. Before she trembles, and letters connect and fall out before she can stop them- try to.
“Madam Chloe,” Duet watches her knowingly, noticing how her arms shook and the way her jaw clenches and almost smiling. God she could rip that fucking face off of their skull if she could. Chloe’s mind screams, fists tighter than ever before. Her body has never contained so much anger, hatred, and regret than it has right now. Before being captured she could scream and fight her heart out, but priesthood was a very different ballgame. And it’s one that is filled with bitterness and fury beyond anyone’s comprehension. Even more so now that her lungs are filled with ash and the ember of a tongue has grown worse. 
But a secret isn’t a secret when it’s given to her. 
“Prince Arthur has fallen in love.” 
“Your highness,” Lewis’s voice finds him through the swarming ocean of madness and confusion, bringing his mind back to the candle lit room, and to the heavy chain around his neck. The weight of it pulling his neck down, and reminding him of how small he felt in the circle. Arthur opens his eyes to confirm if he was still there. Maybe to see if his daydream was real. 
Of course it wasn’t real. Arthurs brain reminds him, staring down at the chalk covering the floor around him, the blood red glow of the candles casting hard shadows everywhere, Lewis isn’t here to help you escape, Arthur. He’s here to cure you. Why would you even think that up in the first place? His shoulders tense up like his stomach- soured and sucked in so much it was painful, and he swallows back harshly, shooing away the wishes clouding his head more and more. 
Arthur clenches his eyes shut and allows the resulting thunder of his muscles attempt at clearing his thoughts. And when the lingering whispers of hope refused to stop, his logic bellowed. He wouldn’t ever ride away on a horse, clutching the hand of his dame and- and certainly not following the lead of this kind and gentle Witch. The grassy plains and the warm sky was nothing but a fantasy that he desperately wished to crawl away in. Maybe if he prayed hard enough, Lewis would hear and grant his worries and pull him out of that depraved room and from those begging eyes. He didn’t need to look to see those sharp gazes boring into him. Hell, Arthurs surprised he doesn’t have scars from the piercing stares- they nearly burned into his skin!
A throat clears, “Your highness,” and Arthur’s attention snaps up to Lewis, who somehow still looked peaceful even with the deranged lighting. He smiles warmly, taking Arthurs left hand- which was a trembling, shaking fist- and slowly painting on the symbols against the top. The coldness of the paint made him flinch. Lewis didn’t say anything, “You seem more nervous than before, is this bothering you?” 
“Y-you could say that.” Arthur mumbles, glaring at the hand in Lewis’s grasp and trying to will it to stop shaking as much as it did, but his words only seemed to worsen it. Much to his surprise, Lewis gently begins to massage his palm and wrist, and Arthur’s heart jumps into his throat. 
“It is understandable, Arthur.” Lewis murmurs, words already beginning to soothe him, “These types of procedures do bring out the worst of the imagination.” His eyes flicker up, a small grin dancing on his lips- or was it the light? Arthur blinks rapidly but before he could try and look and check, Lewis was done, and shuffling back to his original spot.
His heart raced, whatever it was. Arthur couldn’t even begin to wonder why the smallest look was sending his brain spiralling. Control yourself, Lewis is just- just trying to comfort you! Nothing more!
Yeah. Yeah, that’s it. Just-just keep reminding yourself of that, okay? Okay.
As soon as he was back in his proper place, Lewis sat up straight and nodded to his right. There was two persons there sat behind two large drums, and upon his signal, they slammed their mallets against it. It’s beat so loud, Arthur could feel it in every part of his body. His mind going numb, and Lewis began to explain,=.
“Tonight, I will draw this curse out from your body and into the amulet you bare now.” His voice was different, commanding, fierce, “Whatever demon is held in your soul, Arthur Kingsmen, it will be gone by dawn’s end.”
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🌴 I honestly try to not have a bias but I do when it comes to Mary Sues/bullies..  sometimes it makes me want to pull out my hair with how this person interacted with my characters with absolute disrespect, her character would be the center of the plot, and my character would just have only minor role[merely a background character no room to flesh out her story] . if I brought up this it would get dismissed, her character was the queen of an alien race which is all fine and dandy until everything about her character was more important than mine, or my character would be embarrassed /poked fun of , mocked, or judged on her ability to defend herself. while she made her character looked good, perfect and unbeatable. nothing about it ever made sense at all! she asks me to respect her character not call her a Mary Sue while every character dotes on hers and treats mine like trash because I had a valid opinion and tried to help you when you asked? and then you call upon your white knights if you ever receive any ounce of criticism toward you that you dont like. . it takes more then a pretty face, riches and abilities to make a good character. Flaws are what makes a character unique human /superhuman or not. everyone isnt seemingly perfect and loved by everybody just right off the bat that is not how people interact if anything people if they encountered an alien would be terrified/defensive/scared not knowing what to think because personally nobody has every seen one.
Take Tony stark for example he's a great example of a fleshed out character [in my opinion], not everybody loved Tony whom interacted with Tony.. not everybody loved iron man..  yes a lot of people looked up at him but they didn't disregard his mistakes , they held him accountable many times , pepper the women whom loved him  even held him accountable even questioned his decisions he made. and it even caused a blip in their relationship with how reckless he was. he was put in court for gods sake for violating federal laws by going after the ten rings in iron man 2, just because he was this billionaire playboy philianthropist doesnt mean he automatically got a slap on the wrist and walked away from his issues. he actually made a lot of enemies by certain decisions he made , even his best friend rhodey had called him out for how reckless he was with the iron man suit.  but I think I made my point, you can still write a strong character and still be giving them flaws. flaws are not a bad thing at all.  they are what make people able to relate to a character.  
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fanfictionnn · 7 years
Never disrespect my queen : James March X Reader
Heres yet another fanfiction of James March haha hope you enjoy. if your reading this, request something for me to write next, dont mind who. 
WARNING : nothing but fluff and violence, and alcohol use but yeah vv fluff.
description: Having been stuck in the hotel cortez for 90 years, you were feeling a bit bored, unable to find your husband, James March. So you went to the bar……..
requested by @saracons87
You were sat at the bar of the Hotel Cortez, trying to pass the time, as you were condemned to spend an eternity in the Hotel, why not have a little fun? Besides, your husband James was nowhere to be found, he was probably creatively murdering someone again. You and James met when you checked into the hotel in the 20′s, and had been together ever since, so you were no stranger to his little hobby, in fact, he had persuaded you to murder many times in the past, and you totally understood the thrill of it. Now, however, you were knocking back shots with Liz at the bar,
“Tell me, what is a gorgeous lady like you doing sat at a bar all alone?”
 A man asked sitting next to you, you slurred out the words
“Im not aloneee, silly I have my best friend Liz" 
You sloppily stretched out your arm to high -five Liz. Then the man asked you a few more questions, you didnt remember what they were but something he said threw you into a stupid giggling frenzy. Liz quickly slid a glass out of your hand as she laughed, you were so hilarious drunk.
you humphed, crossing your arms 
"Give me back it, quick quick " 
This made Liz and the man laugh
"Im afraid that sentence didnt quite make sence hun,”
 Liz exclaimed wiping tears of laughter from her cheeks. As Liz spoke, the man’s hand snaked around your waist, the other hand resting on your thigh. You didn’t notice, but Liz did,
“Careful there hotshot, shes taken." 
Liz said ,becoming stern quickly, realising the man had the intentions of taking advantage of her best friend.
” By who ? I dont see him.“ 
The man said, putting his hand on your ass and squeezing it whilst moving in to kiss your neck.
”By me.“
Then the man quickly fell to the floor. Confused and baffled, you looked around to see James towering over you, with raging eyes and his veins prominent, he was mad, He had knocked the bar stool over with his leg. The man took a second to adjust, in shock, in a pile on the floor.
”Jeez man Im sorry, I didn't know she was yours.“ 
He put his hands up, liz quickly chimed,
"Yes you did, you asshole, even if she wasn’t taken , you were still about to take advantage of a drunk girl." 
Whilst the conversation was going on you just sat there quietly, fielding with a little cocktail umberella. It suddenly went very quiet, as James crouched down next to the confused man, red with rage. He slowly said, in his stern accent,
"Rule number one, in my murder palace, Is and has always been, never disrespect my queen.” 
And with that James whipped out a gun and shot him in the head. There was a moment of silence as James stood back up again. 
Then he turned to you and scooped you off the stall and began to walk you away, bridal style. Then Liz called out, 
as he turned back around to face her you played with James’ tie, whilst softly singing Spice Girls. 
“Don’t be angry with Y/N, she didn't mean it, I mean look at her, bless her little heart.”
James looked at you in his arms, and you reached up to kiss his jaw whilst saying
“I love youuuuuuu, youuuuuu yes I dooooooo ” 
This made James laugh as he realised just how drunk you were, and he instantly stopped being mad. He kissed your nose lightly before saying,
“My angel, I love you aswell, to infinity and back.”
Then he smiled back at Liz and nodded goodbye as he stepped in the lift, taking you up to your shared suite. 
When you arrived there he sat you down on the bed and lifted your shirt and skirt off peppering you with kisses along the way. You just went with it, still softly singing spice girls, 
”So tell me what you want, what you really really wanntttttt“ 
James chuckled as he stripped you down and kissed your forehead. There was never any awkwardness between the two of you, having been together for 97 years, you had seen every part of each other and you had no secrets. Then he layed you down and pulled the covers over you, tucking you in. It was days like this that James really realised how much he loved you, not that he ever needed to be reminded. Then he layed next to you , playing with your hair as he looked deeply into your eyes. He found you so funny when you were drunk, so he let you talk and babble on about penguins, toasters and how much you wanted to be a princess for Halloween for the rest of the night. He just layed there and stared into your eyes, wondering how it was possible to love someone that much. 
"Babyyyyyy, guess whattt?”
 You slurred, lying on your slide and stroking his hair.
“What, darling?”
He asked, smiling his face off,
“can we fuck now please i’m horny." 
The sudden unsubtlty of the statement made James laugh and bring your hand up to his mouth to kiss your knuckle. Truth is that he was horny aswell, he always was, if you were around, and you just happened to be wearing his favourite lingerie as you layed next to him, but he was too much of a gentleman to act on it.
”No, dearest"
He said, eyes sparkling. Then you made a ‘humph’ noise and crossed your arms, under your chest only to push up your boobs, making it harder for James to resist you.
“Whys that ?" 
You asked, secretly knowing James’ motives, therefore knowing he would never give into his urges if you weren’t in the right frame of mind. He smiled, beginning to explain 
"Because, Y/N, my love, your in no condition for the act. You need to get some rest, and then if you still feel like it tomorrow, we’ll do it in the morning, you look utterly irresistible as always though..” 
He peppered your neck with kisses.
“Okay deal." 
You turned and planted a kiss on his lips before drifting straight to sleep, excited for the following morning.
TY for reading, if you are reading give me a like and follow _ request something x
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the-monkeies-girl · 7 years
Would you ever do like John Wick kissing or like cuddling or just being happy with another individual preferences...? 😁😁 I've been really nervous to ask but I thought I would now... ❤️
*takes my headcanons out, brushes the dust off of them* HELLO.
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Is very picky about cuddling, more specifically, he’s very keen on letting you know when he’s feeling up to cuddling. Some nights, he does lay down without the want to being snuggled, and it’s something you’ve gotten used to. John likes his space, and you respect that.
The nights when he is in a cuddling mood, you can bet he’s the big spoon. He loves to hold you, loves to brush his fingers up and down your bare arms, feeling you react to his touch. It gives him a sense of calm and peace. Even with all the death that lays on his fingertips, he can still find touching something so gentle and smooth indulging.
Wraps his entire arms around you, pulls you to him and digs his face into your neck. Loves to feel your hands playing circles on the skin of his forearms and absolutely adores when you entwine your hands with his.
Occasionally, he’ll give in and let you be the big spoon. Which, is always a fun time considering John is much larger than you are and you end up with one leg around his waist, the other bent against the small of his back as you rest your face in the nape of his neck. Sometimes, you pepper kisses there because you know it’s one of his weak spots and he’s somewhat ticklish there.
Imagine John holding you, then all of a sudden, he’s got you pinned to the bed. He’s straddling you, gently and making sure that all of his weight isn’t resting on you. He cups your face with one hand and holds your hand with the other before leaning down and grazing his lips against yours. Shutting his eyes, John rests his forehead against yours and sighs quietly. He doesn’t know what he deserved to receive such a great and loving partner with what he had done in his life.
John rubbing his beard against your cheek when he’s in a playful mood.
He knows you like it even though you complain about it being “scratchy”.
Laughing when he does this before giving him soft kiss to his lips.
John waking up in the morning, going to the kitchen and seeing you making breakfast in one of his dress shirts. From the way it’s hanging on your body, he can tell that only a few buttons were buttoned, probably in the middle and enough to cover your cleavage. 
He sneaks up behind you, wraps his arms around your waist before giving you a warm kiss to the side of your neck. This is what it felt like to have security.
Catching him looking at you from across the room and giving him a warm smile when you do. He continues to stare before smiling back at you slightly. 
He doesn’t even care that you caught him staring. If anything, he’s happy that you did because now you know that he’s always looking at you and always thinking about how much he truly loves you.
If he ever catches you looking at him from across the room, you either give him a smile or you look away and pretend you weren’t looking. And when you gaze back at him to find him still staring, you laugh and stick your tongue out.
John is naturally overly protective and will shoot anyone a death glare who seems to disrespect you.
That cashier? Yeah, they were giving you unlimited amount of sass, so John just stares them down and gets them to shut up. When you leave after paying, he gives them a few pointers. Mainly, that they shouldn’t treat you that way because you didn’t deserve it. If anything, you deserved absolute respect.
If the two of you are walking together, John always stands closest to the sidewalk. Just a precaution and to be careful in case any accidents happen on the street, he can protect you from them.
Has a keen sense and knowledge of when other guys are flirting with you. His height and his appearance makes it easy to scare away guys who are hitting on you. Luckily, so far he hasn’t had to hurt anyone who’s gotten too close to you, but a few glares and a few jabs have been sent their way as a warning not to mess with you.
The serene moments when John actually talks to you about his life before he met you. The details are always skewed, and he doesn’t always answer your questions right away, but over the years that you’d known him, you’d started to build what he did, what he regrets and what he doesn’t.
Whenever he talks to you about it, he always reassures you by brushing your hair back and giving a kiss to your forehead. You helped him leave that life behind him, and for that, he was thankful. Because, now he had you. He had a life, he had love. Things he never really had all to himself before. And he’d make sure to hold onto as tightly as he could.
John learns that love is something that is not just given randomly. You fell in love with him, and he fell in love with you. That’s all there is to it.
I HAVE SO MANY MORE BUT I DONT HAVE THE TIME TO TYPE THEM ALL OUT RIGHT NOW. *SCREAMS* Reblogs and likes are appreciated. Thanks guys :)
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absolutelybifurious · 7 years
homecoming feelings inc (spoilers: most of them will look something like i love tony stark i LOVE tony stark i loVE TONY STARK I LOVE ad nauseum) 
peters video recording of civil war what an absolute babe
“thats not a hug im reaching for the door” (yeah right tony we all know you crave human contact)
why does peter know spanish?
peter taking time to pet the cat *_*
peter desperately looking for ways to help and giving that lady directions,,,, my son
“why did i mention the churro”
peter saving the cat and handing it back to the shop owner LIKE OH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GODDDDDDDDDDDDD I LOVE HIM 
michelle doing situps with her book
no one will convince me flash doesnt have a massive gay crush on peter parker yall, i mean cmon?? HE MAKES EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM CLASSIC CRUSH SIGNS,,, hes legitimately obsessed with him, like i’m not kidding i can’t remember the specifics but several times i was like ok this is just kinda coded like hes into peter actually?
“you’re here too” “am i?” truly the best scene in the film michelle is a gift and zendaya is our glorious goddess who has bestowed this wonder on us
god the van scene, i immediately loved donald glover but that could be bc hes cute. but the thing is, this movie did such a Job of making peter immature. like i was continuously frustrated with him bc he was so markedly different and less mature than any of the other heroes. he screwed up again and again and again and the kidness of him was so well done. like it infuriated me half the time. but damn it was well done
tony wants to talk to peter about his college plans
tony stark is the best dad ever, and really in general he is the best person ever and no one will ever tell me that there is a person with a better heart in the MCU BECAUSE THERE IS FUCKING NOT 
poor ned :( “that hats not working” i was really mad at peter for the way he kept ditching all hsi real life friends
kinda glad vulture killed that guy what a disrespectful douche
“i thought that was the anti gravity gun” “wHAT NO” hmMmMmMm I LOVE
also he treats his other ppl with a lot of respect and later the ppl still think they can leave and like, thats cool
michelle noticing what peters quit already
i have a hot date with black widow later
that is false
another long one: i didnt super buy peters crush on liz. it felt really faked because he never really made choices for her, and i get that he was more into spiderman but i never felt the significance of the crush... i think that was played over a little bit too much
also i dont think ive been this impressed with a villain in the marvel franchise since loki. vulture was so compellingly realistic. i know they tried that shit with whats his face from civil war but he was so irrelevant i didnt care. vulture was relevant, scary, but also emotionally compelling
fucking taser web
you jumped off the sign and landed on your face
i love karen
i read a post about tony coding an AI thats emotionally encouraging and invested in peters life bc tony is invested in peters life and like iw ant to die
i just dont want to celebrate something built by slaves
michelle is a gift
“kiss her peter”
“thank you”
the whole interrogation scene was golden,,,, “NEVER DO THAT AGAIN KAREN” 
you’re a criminal!!! you deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye!! criminal!! i love peter so much
peter just keeps causing disaster after disaster 
that whole ferry scene had me cringing
but he tried so hard to help everyone!!
tonys anger after it was totally warranted. i dont blame him for taknig the suit. 
and god rdj brings the fuCKING PAIN you can see how panicked he is how muc hhe doesnt want to hurt peter but how SCARED he is bc peter isnt listening to him and god!!! what if something happened to peter!! you can hear the self loathing and the pain that hes carrying from all the other movies all he wants to do is make sure nothing happens to peter or anyone else
tony listened to peter to try and stop the vulture, tony takes him seriously!!!!!!!!!!! tony is such a good dad and such a good person and HOLY SHIT!! TONY STARK!!!!!!!!!
hes hurting so much in that scene he doesnt wanna be like howard HE DROPPED EVERYTHING TO GO HELP PETER IM UNDONE
also look how well peter got back on track after he lost the suit
still ??? at the liz scene tho?? i just didnt feel that relationship much at all, there wasnt anything there
and once again vulture is incredibly compelling bc that brings a whole new context to why his face changed re: dc and why he didnt try to kill peter on the ferry
michelle doing the casual flip-off, god i love her so much??
holy shit peter in the wreckage, tom holland go off that acting tore my heart in half AND THEN HE REMEMEBRED TONY WORDS
vultures desperation in this final scene is,,,wow, you fucking feel it, it makes sense. hes such a compelling villain.
peter saving vulture what a fucking babe
liz really is a sweet girl i wish i’d believed the crush more bc she deserves all the love
my friends call me mj YISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS gimme that michelle/peter RN
happy in the bathroom. goodbye to me.
can we talk about tony? being so ecstatic that peter did all this? tony saying thatw as the tough love moment you needed and being so convinced that it wasnt and so convinced by his own acting that he could never actulally ahve inspired anything like that so hes just going to blaze ahead and not even acknowledge that yes!! it was actually!!!!!!!! he was a great father figurei n that moment and in this whole movie 
but he doesn’t believe that so he’s just going to keep being sarcastic to cover up for the fact that he doesnt think any of this had almost anything to do with him and everthing to do with peter
bc he has no concept of his own self-worth and yet to contrast that he directly inflates it and is so used to ppl disregarding it and accusing him of having an ego that even in this moment when he does something really amazing he makes it about his fake-ass ego and doesn’t let anyone actually give him credit for anything bc he is too busy giving himself fake-credit that he uses as an excuse in every other scene to call himself a piece of shit,,, that other ppl use to call him that bc ppl cant see through it bc he doesnt actually WANT anyone looking too closely, and yet, in this scene, he seems to be using it to exempt peter from actually acknowledging what he did was good bc hahaha im a self-congratulatory egomaniac
anyway hahahaha i love tony stark
also he is sad, he wants peter to stay with him, but he lets it go bc he recognizes it was the mature choice (and probably not the one he’d ahve made) 
hes so proud of peter i want to die
they’re both so confused about happy and the ring i love it
that little kiss was everything she lvoes him i love them
this movie was gr8 a++++
i love my son tony stark and his son peter parker and his future wife michelle
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blackhydreigon · 6 years
tony stark may have been a hoe but best believe he drank his i respect women juice
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eagesoldartblog · 5 years
Have you ever been so not proud of something like what happened here
Day four of Whumptober!!! Aw yeaHHH!!
Human Shield 
Above all else, there’s a tense silence. Neither person spoke, focused only on the other. Taking in their facial features and body language, gauging each other based on the small actions and twitches of their hand. 
How exactly did Death expect either to respond. One a towering spectator with a thirst for blood and a coward dressed in yellow. 
The walls exudes a sinister scent. Nearly frigid. 
The specter- Lewis glares at Arthur, doing nothing to conceal the fury burning in them. Infact- their fists smoked and burned, their plates of bone glowing pink. Resisting every temptation to subject Arthur to the peril they planned. 
The only reason Arthur wasn’t burnt to a crisp right there-
Was because Death forbade it.
Death, Arthur swallows tightly, blinking back a shudder as he thinks back to the numbing void outside of the walls, an all powerful being who- for some reason- patiently waits for all the souls to return to them. The one who brought both him and the dead spectator into its walls. 
*Why... is it because this spectator wants to kill him?* 
Arthur didn’t know how much of that glare he could handle. 
“S-So...” Arthur swallows, remembering how Death *promised* that no harm shall come to Arthur within their home, but this is a risk sigh the probability of a bomb exploding, but he needed to know, “Why are you after us...?” 
The spectator blinks, pink rings flaming. The fire within them growing by the pinkish glow now coming into their sockets. Muscles tightening, it speaks, “You have a lot of nerve to ask such a thing, Arthur.”
Voice gravely, echoing and sharp, the familiarity punches Arthur in the gut. It was so close to Lewis... Please don’t do this to me And yet, the only thing Arthur can ask himself is Why does it know his name?
“Is it?” Arthur challenges shakily, “you’ve been following us for a while. Are you - you’re after me at least, right?” 
”Who else?” It snaps.
Don’t flinch, Arthur. Don’t flinch. Stay strong.
“The girl.”
”Vivi,” Fuck it knows HER name too? ”I must say, I’m horribly disappointed in you. Disrespecting her that way.” The ghost scowls- seems to, and Arthur can’t help his flinch. 
“If you know anything about the world of supernaturals, then you know the importance of a name.” 
Eyes widen, the spectator tenses, now anxious and ... embarrassed? Holy shit did I actually manage to one up them??
They also notice Arthur’s victory, ”Fine. Whatever.” hissing, the flame of his hair ignites, growing tall and gaseous, ”You’re correct, I have business with you first and foremost.”
“O-kay!” His spine strains from tension, “Well. Uh- who are you?”
”You know who I am.”
Arthur bites his lip, swallowing back, “Mmm... no, no I don’t. Unless it’s from a case that I forgot! Then maybe?” He shrugs, really really hoping that the spectator doesn’t break its one restriction. 
”Excuse me?”
Should he say this? Should he really- oh well! “We- we lost our memories a while ago! A lot of past cases are completely gone for me, and - Vi doesn’t even remember one of our members or-“
”Which.” They take a step closer to him, far too close than Arthur would have liked.
They’re practically chest to chest, and Arthur needs to strain his neck to look past their tie. 
He didn’t know what compelled him to say it, share this crucial information with someone so dangerous.
“Our best friend. He went missing the same night we lost our memorie- AH!” 
When they snatched his wrist, Lightning bolts shoot through his arm. Amplified by the metal joints twisting under the iron grip of the spectator. His wrist now arms length away forcing Arthur impossibly close.
”Why should I? Your best friend is missing? You coward! Parading around like you’re innocent! And you feigning ignorance won’t get you anywhere, you knew who I was in the cave, so what’s different?”
The shooting ripples of pain rocket through Arthur’s arm, electrifying his fingers and frying the nerves of his shoulder, but it was far easier to deal with in comparison to the heart pounding anxiety coursing through the rest of him. 
The chase, the drive. Each horrible second of running down that horrifically warm cavern, met only to the blood stained, magenta burnt stalagmites that seared themselves to his memory. Overlapped with the horrible night where Lewis’s screams echoed through every wall. Where the only thing he felt was a cold numbness and endless agony.
What was different? What WAS different?
Voice strained and shrieking, Arthur squints through the tears, “Stop it! Death will-“ 
”I’m already DEAD, Arthur! I fell to your hand, why do you keep running from the truth-?!” Lewis’s burning scalp burst into flame, melting away to reveal the same face Arthur winced at many times before- from photographs, to missing photos, to voicemails, to the cave.
His grip didn’t falter. 
“Lewis, have you already forgotten our deal?”
Lewis’s grip on his arm releases, allowing Arthur to tumble back- landing on his ass and pinning his metallic arm to his side, praying he could make the electrical sparks hurt any less. So much so that he completely missed the parental tone whispering in his ear. Soothing him with comforting words and encouraging him to- 
Not thinking straight, Arthur lets his metal arm fall numb- ignoring its jittery sparks- and reaches to his prosthetic shoulder. Disengaging the locks far quicker than he should have been able to. 
None of those thoughts came to mind, not until the arm clatters to the floor, and Arthur is left weak and gasping and sobbing from the electrifying burns encapsulating his bones and heart.
“Didn’t I make my conditions clear, Lewis Pepper? Bring you two here, to allow you both peace. And yet, you’ve broken my only rule. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Arthur does his best to not fall over, the horrible pain barely subsiding and offering any leeway for him. 
In fact, if he didn’t hold his breath, he wouldn’t have heard Death’s voice surrounding him. 
Something grazes his fried shoulder, what felt like a hand. Anywhere it’s palm rubs, a soothed feeling simply... took the pain. Relaxed his heart. Brought the overwhelming thoughts to a soft hum and not a powerful shriek. 
Allowed him the strength to turn back and see what scene had taken shape around them. 
No longer was their wall paper and stained glass murals on the wall, instead, everything took on a much more... angelic appearance. Each wall covered in faintly drawn eyes, all blinking and focusing on them all. 
”I must say, I am disappointed in you.”
”And?” Lewis dared, and it became noticeably more twisted, long, draping wings of all kinds lining the walls like curtains. 
And for once, Arthur wasn’t fearful. 
But Lewis sure was.
Crouched over on himself, Arthur blearily glances around the new interior of the room. Everything was reflective, and thus shone a brilliant purple and pink as Lewis's flame lit up their surroundings. 
Lewis was... closer to him. Arthur didn't even realize it at first until he realized he was trapped in the immense shadow towering over him, but Lewis's back was turned to him. 
The golden heart, at Arthur's side. 
Breathlessly, Arthur switches from the golden- *brilliantly* beating heart, and Lewis's furious stance- his shoulders tense and feet planted apart, both fists clenched and enveloped in fire and burning flames. 
"Who are you? Why do you stop me?" Lewis demands, his voice and anchor crack in equal measure. 
Arthur grabs it, confused and compelled, the fear radiating from it drew him closer. Maybe this can give us an advantage..? Maybe-
The wings bristle, puffing up, and Arthur shudders. A warm wind washing over them. An even calmer chuckle tickling his ears. 
Oh Lewis, you misunderstand. You too perished far too early, and that is why I wish to do everything I can for you to get the justice you deserve. But Arthur, is innocent. In terms that he did not commit the act of judgment, but one of my own. 
The stained glass dyes red. And all at once, the walls, glass, and floor, shatter.
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