Lonnie really just put dipped her figure into a random cookie mix-not knowing what it was-not knowing what was in it- and just-went for it
im sorry but-lowkey rude Lonnie XD You don't dip your finger into a dessert mix unless ur very close with the person making it-thats a privilege for batter-eating friends!
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withonly-sweetheart · 26 days
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Back to the Sea
The mysterious stranger on the boat happens to be your roommate and you can't help but wonder who he is. Something about him captivates you, but what happens when an artist loses his brush?
a/n: so... this is all @chesue00's fault. dont get me wrong ilysm pookie but i cannot tell you how much this was going through my head the entire day like i wanted to get home so badly and write this i almost told my teach to fuck off... but thank u ur so talented it hurts like that inspired me sm and thats what art should do! ty! <333
tw: angst?? bc its not my fic unless its got angst (hopefully...) uhm mentions of like illnesses and the flu and stuff but idk help
wc: 5.2k - yes im not even kidding i wrote this all tdy and its not even grammar checked will do that later hehehehehe <333
As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the vast expanse of the ocean, you sit at the edge of the ship, gaze fixed on the endless waves stretching out before her. The gentle sway of the ship beneath you, the salty sea air mingling with the haunting cries of the seagulls soaring overhead; it all served as a reminder of sorrow and loss that clings to you like a heavy shroud.
You take it between your fingers, as if you can feel the harsh, unforgiving ivory material form under your hand, and wrap it around yourself tighter, cherishing the small bursts of warmth you get from sitting up here.
Each wave that laps against the side of the ship fails to cover the whispers of the crowd steadily disappearing around you, pointing fingers shamelessly, wondering why a girl your age is sitting, all alone, staring wistfully out at the cerulean abyss.
Someone clears their throat behind you. The last thing you want is to be bothered, so you twist over your shoulder to dismiss them, but somewhere up your throat, the words clump together into a soft gasp.
You have seen him around the ship, when you were first boarding, but you didn’t get the best look at him. Now that you do, you know one thing as true as the sky is blue.
He’s breathtaking. His eyes, reflecting the azure of the ocean, flash with lightning quick irritation, as if your presence inconveniences him. The curve of his lips set in a straight line, tightening almost imperceptibly, jaw clenching ever so slightly.
If you weren’t looking so hard, you could’ve missed it all. 
But how could you miss anything he does, when each ripple of his feature is like a brushstroke? An artist’s slow, deliberate intentions, painting the man in front of you.
“You are taking up the seat,” he mumbles, so quietly you almost don’t catch it. “Apologies,” you respond, shifting to make room for him. The dip between his eyebrows deepens and you find yourself frowning back. “Is something wrong?”
His gaze clouds, turning a muffled shade of gray. “No.”
You hum in response before turning back to the ocean. The heavy silence writhes between them, its unseen grip tightening with each breath. Your mind churns, sensing dark depths his haunted eyes warn away.
So you stand and stroll away, not sparing a glance at the brooding figure. You don’t wish to descend into his sorrow. You have enough of your own, and the tension crackling between you is nearly tangible. 
You know well that behind every handsome man, there is a troubled mind.
And the windows to those thoughts are the eyes.
“If the brothe bee to sweete, put in the more wine, or els a litle vineger.” 
You recall this line from a cookbook your mother once owned as you stare down at the barely distinguishable liquid in a bowl in front of you. Chips of wood flake off and dissolve into the mess of what you think are minced vegetables pooling at the bottom. Though the bubbles of oil faintly remind you of home, nothing else is the same.
You can’t remember the last time you had traditional soup, from the homeland, where everyone's the same as you and food is plentiful, rich in the scent of tangy spices and fresh vegetables and ripe fruit, where the forest birds sing sweet melodies in your ear.
But you are no longer there. It will, as all things do, fade with time, resolving as just a landscape drawn in your head, reduced to nothing but scribbles.
With a sigh far too troubled for your age, you gingerly push the bowl away, careful not to slosh any of it over the edge. You know you are being picky; food is food, and starvation will slowly creep up on you when you least expect it.
But it is better to starve than throw yourself from the starboard, letting the choppy waves consume you. Hunger takes time, crescendoing pain and ache until you cannot bear it. Suffering will suffice, at this moment.
And across the dining hall, the small room housing yet a few late night eaters, you spot him saunter in. Long, black trench coat brushing his ankles, a hat you did not see that now casts shadows upon his chiseled face.
His overalls strain with effort and crumple into wrinkles as he sits a few tables away, raising a hand, wordlessly summoning a bowl of soup that carries from tentative hands. He waves the aged woman away, and perhaps he does not catch the longing look in her eyes.
She has not seen a man so divine in years. Her time at sea has clouded her judgment. This is yet another reason why you must traverse the ocean blue, to prevent the jobs piling up at what you thought was your home, near the port, where the docks carry back the ashes of your family.
You used to love the ocean, the beach, the shores. When the sea hurt you, your father would kiss the tears away, murmuring soft assurance in the shell of your small ear. Although she was nearly a decade older, your sister would never decline an offer of yours to hunt for the little creatures that popped up from the swirling sand, watching them disappear underneath your slow hands.
You miss them. Influenza never failed to take, take, take; the greedy fingers latched on to your family before you could arrive home that day to sick corpses so pale you could not recognize them.
The doctor had suggested a traditional burial,but you knew there was one more thing the sea needed. You lit the pyres, watched their souls mingle with the smoke that gasped for the clouds, and waited.
When all that was left of your loved ones was charred, ivory dust that seemed to sparkle back at you, unaware of its fate, you gathered it into a pot that your grandmother gifted you.
The ocean rejected your offering, at first. It veered away, pulling water from the shore lines, but you stood fast. And it came back, gathered what was already gone, and took it away from you.
The sea never fails to remind you of what you’ve lost.
But here, on the ship, a marvel of engineering, keeping you afloat, you are not truly with the sea. You will not make yourself mold to the pitiful, lonely girl everyone expects you to be. 
With that resolve, you cradle the soup back to your chest, staring it down with defiant eyes. The ocean will not have another victim, you will make sure of that.
It burns your throat all the way down, saltier than the sea. Bile raises to combat it but you force spoon after spoon into your stomach. All that remains from your battle is the wood, which you tried your best to separate from the soup, but you are sure that you definitely swallowed at least some of it.
As the thinnest definition of dinner warms your insides against the cold that threatens to seep in, your eyes find him across the galley. He sits alone, as always, nursing a tin cup and gazing into its contents as if answers lay within.
You recall your chance encounter in the night, the rare moments of grace amid tumult never far from his eyes. Though he often keeps away from the streams of people, you have the feeling it has less to do with aloofness than wounds not easily unveiled.
As if finally sensing your gaze, his eyes lift and meet yours across the dusty space. There seems to be no cracks in his steely expression, his stormcloud eyes, but there is a flicker of emotion - curiosity, or perhaps kinship's first stirrings. 
You offer the barest nod before returning focus to your meager meal. Yet all the while, currents stronger than the sea pull at your thoughts, drawing them ever back towards that quiet figure and mysteries that beg to be revealed. You tilt your head to the side, rubbing fingers down your neck, feeling your pulse race underneath your skin. Massaging the area, you force yourself to relax.
You force yourself to believe that those eyes haven’t jarred your thoughts.
“I must… have the wrong room.” Those same eyes stare back at you, hands trembling slightly around parchment yellowing at the edges, swirling with confusion. “I apologize.”
“It wouldn’t, by chance, be 930, would it?” you ask. 
“Er… yes,” he admits with a dip of his head, looking almost embarrassed by the situation. “I suppose I’ll go request another-”
“It’s quite alright,” you race to say before you can stop yourself. “I do not mind.”
A small corner of his mouth lifts, if only for a second, and when his expression goes back to being neutral, you find yourself wanting to coax more emotions from him. 
You help him get settled in, telling him he could take the bed on the right. When he’s finished fussing with the sheets, you sit on your respective mattresses, awkwardly staring down at your hands.
"I... thank you," he finally replies, his voice soft. "I did not expect to find understanding here."
“Your name, sir?”
“Leon. Your name, I already know.”
“How fascinating.”
“You are a… popular subject of gossip upon this vessel.”
“Why are you traveling to England?” you ask, finding yourself making small talk to switch the topic. “Are you simply traveling?”
“Where is your hometown?” His eyes glaze over with the familiar homesickness you can recognize.
"My home lies in a small village far from here," he replies, gazing into memories only he could see. "A quiet place, surrounded by green countryside and simple folks." His eyes find yours with rare openness. "And you? What brings one so young to cross the sea alone?"
“I’m paying my lovely aunt a visit,” you say vaguely, trying to make your voice light. But he must hear the undertones of it, because he cocks his head to the side, arching a golden eyebrow.
“Is that so?” he muses. “I hope you enjoy your trip.”
“I’ve noticed you carry that briefcase around quite a bit,” you say, quickly changing the subject. “Is it dear to you?”
He laughs, a warm, rich tone that sparks something in your heart. 
Maybe… just… maybe?
“Not so,” he explains. He leans over to grab the case resting on the nightstand and clicks it open. “This is the reason I am traveling, you see.”
You peer over the top of the rusty case to reveal… pencils?
“You are… an artist?” you ask, slightly confused. You hadn’t taken him for a participant of the fine arts, but at your query, his eyes seem to light with an inspiration not previously there.
“I have lost my flame,” he says slowly, cautiously, as if placing his words carefully. “I thought England would fix… the problem… but perhaps… you could help me?” At your face, he bites his lip. "A smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor, as they say."
“Who has ever said that, and who am I to decline a stranger in need?” You chuckle, and his grin seems to usurp his entire expression. 
“You need not do anything,” he rushes to say, hands flurrying to unpack the materials carefully stowed away in the briefcase. The determined, set look on his face is enough to convince you, and even if it hadn’t, realistically, would you be able to say no?
He stills suddenly, observing you, sweeping over you, drinking in everything, as if to absorb your being. When his gaze meets yours, he smiles and it truly reaches his previously emotionless eyes.
“You are… perfect,” he whispers. He holds his pencil up, bottom lip disappearing as he frowns, grumbling in frustration. “But this lighting is… not quite correct.”
Leon eyes the room, then stands suddenly. You watch him, watch him drag a chair from the small writing desk over to the foot of his bed, planting it firmly. He points a finger to the empty space, gesturing for you to sit there.
“What exactly are you planning?” You ask with a smile.
The one he returns matches your curiosity. “We shall see.”
And that is exactly how, a few minutes later, you sit with your legs crossed, hands folded over one another in your lap, with a soft smile decorating your face.
“You must stay still,” he chastises, gazing at you with a languid look in his eyes, voice dreamy, as if he sees something in you that you can’t.
“You have not yet answered my question.” You ignore the red blooming up your neck at his fluttering gaze. He lounges further into the bed, hiding more of himself away, spinning the pencil between his fingers.
He looks almost thoughtful as he scribbles away, muttering to himself, lost in a trance. You lean against the dresser, resting your body weight on it, feeling yourself relax.
His eyes move back to you, and he jolts, like something drastic has changed. His hands fly rapidly across the paper, gaze locked onto you. He smudges something with his finger, erases something here and there, and eventually, he huffs a sigh and leans back, looking somewhat satisfied with the paper.
Intrigued, you stand from your position, stretching your stiff joints. “May I see?”
Leon snorts a laugh. “Of course not.”
“It is my portrait, no?” You grin. “Show me.” Without another word, you lean over the foot of the bed, over the elaborate carvings of wood, and try to sneak a peek at the paper.
He lets out what you can only describe as a boyish squeal, and yanks the pad away from you, clutching it to his chest. “I said no!”
Leon tries his best to play-keep away from your hands, folding the paper carefully in half as he stuffs it into an inner pocket of his shirt. When you try to reach for it, instinctively, he flushes a red hue that matches the crimson of your bedsheets.
“Apologies,” you whisper.
“It’s alright,” he whispers back.
The air has gone back to tense, anguish, as if you are both hurtling towards something you cannot stop, racing towards a finish line in a race you do not wish to compete in. When he climbs into bed, wordlessly, you wonder what you did to deserve this torture, to have a masterpiece sleeping a few feet away. 
He purses his lips and blows out the flame in the lantern standing proud on your nightstand, murmuring a quick goodbye.
As your eyes adjust to the absence of light, you watch the blanket blow out around him, creeping over his body, hugging him tightly. His snores come quickly, gentle and quiet, not bothersome.
You sigh and close your eyes, wishing for the relief of sleep to come as fast as his.
Strangely enough, someone rouses you from your sleep, something you didn’t expect. Breakfast calls were a luxury reserved for those with money, but you weren’t going to complain. Missing the first meal of the day had serious consequences in your household.
This isn’t your household, though. These aren’t your rules.
And that definitely isn’t a handkeep’s fingers clutched around your arm.
“Leon?” you murmur, rubbing your eyes, savoring the fuzzy corners before every comes into focus with sudden clarity. He stands beside your bed, gaze darting here and there. 
“Oh… you are awake,” he says as he isn’t the reason it is so.
“You woke me,” you state blankly, blinking up at him.
“I suppose… well,” he mutters, then sighs, shaking his head. “Never mind that.”
“How often does this happen?” you ask quietly, sitting up. “Are you plagued by night horrors?”
“I am not a child!” he snaps, then immediately softens, regret pooling in his eyes. “It is just… I thought you had left…”
“Yet I am here, no?” you say, slightly bemused. The tips of Leon’s ears turn a salmon pink as he lets out a shuddering breath, nodding. 
“I see that,” he says with a small smile, sitting beside you, leaving enough space to respect your privacy. You return one with just as much carefully measured emotion, not wanting to scare him away, wanting him to open up.
As gray dawn spreads its thin wings slowly over calm waters, he recollects himself. He tells you fragments of his past, picking up pieces of his past until it fits into a puzzle perfectly. An orphan, talent stripped from him by the urge to survive.
You faintly think that he should also be a writer, because the way he tells his story is akin to the way an author paints a scene with just words. You can see his parents in the shadows, echoing in his laugh, in the slant of his nose, the pucker of his chin. 
He shrugs, twisting to face you. “I almost died, there, on the streets.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.”
His eyes meet yours, “So am I.”
Seeing him in such a vulnerable state, you can’t help but feel inclined to share what truly happened to you as well.
“I’m not… just visiting my aunt.”
A ghost of a smile graces his lips. “I was thinking as much. Tell me, what is the true purpose of your visit.”
“My family recently passed from influenza. Only sorrow trails me in the States. Perhaps returning to my hometown will provide… solace?” You offer a dry laugh, but Leon’s expression goes stony as he takes your hands into his.
“I… did not know,” he says, sounding as sincere as you’ve ever heard him. “I made such a joke without understanding the full context… I apologize.”
“It is really nothing,” you rush to assure him, but more so because the crestfallen look on his face is something you do not wish to bring upon. “I forgive you.”
“You are still tired,” he says with another sigh. “I will wake you for breakfast. Sleep.”
He’s right. Too sleepy to protest, you clutch the blankets around you and shut out not only the slowly growing beams of sunlight from the window, but also the relief that emanates from Leon’s very being, flooding over you, bringing you the peace that lets you drift off.
You wake to frigid air seeping through cracks in the ship's walls, clouds hiding the sun’s bright smile. Throwing off your thin blankets, you grasp the warmth, hoping it still lingers. But your hand meets only cold, empty fabric. 
Panic rises in my throat as you rush from the sleeping quarters. Out on the icy deck, figures hustle to and fro under a pale, stormy sky. Your eyes scan for one in particular, relief flooding through you as you spot his lean form near the rail, gaze lost to the sea. 
"Leon," you call softly so as not to wake the other sleeping passengers. When he turns, worry is etched into his brows. You brush it off with a shaky smile. "I had feared the night's dangers had claimed you at last." 
“At last?” His lips turn up in return, reassuring you with his movement. But you can see the shadow neither of you could outrun, not with Death stalking your decks in his grim dance. 
Drawing near, you trace his stare to the horizon, limitless and cold. You stand in front of him as he lingers behind, hesitating, arms outstretched. 
“I wish to fly, one day,” you say jokingly. “But I suppose for now, swimming will do.”
“I cannot swim,” he admits quietly. “I never will.”
“Of course you can,” you insist. “Anyone can-”
“Not everyone has lost their brother to the sea.”
 The answer burns, searing your back in the way he delivers it, venom in his voice. But eventually, he sighs, as if giving in, and you can feel him get closer.
“May I?” You admire that he asks before anything, and when you nod, he wraps his arms around your waist, pushing you gently against the railing that you clutch tightly. He rests his head on your shoulder, craning his neck to stand comfortably.
Then he speaks again. “My deepest apologies. As you can tell… I miss him.”
"Then we'll face such fears together," you say with such finality you believe it yourself. "None are meant to wander depths of sadness all alone. But your brother's memory lives on you - a gift more precious than any sea could claim. I know this. And what are you doing now?”
Slowly, you can feel his lips curl upwards against your neck, sparking at your words, growing into that smile you’ve come to cherish. 
“You wish to fly? This is as close as I can get you, beloved.”
With a grin of your own spreading across your face, you outstretch your arms, leaning into the wind, wanting to let it carry you both away. Your fingers trace the sharp line of his jaw, coming to rest on his beating pulse that lives on despite all the world has tried to steal away.
You don’t know what overtakes you, the immense feeling of admiration you feel for him, that might be what spurs you to lean in. And, much to your surprise and pleasure, as soft morning light limns sea and sky in a hopeful blend of blue, your lips meet in a kiss - brief, chaste, yet speaking everything you need to hear. 
“At least I’ll have you,” he says, melting back into your embrace, tightening his arms around your hips. “One thing the sea will never take.”
But you should’ve known.
The waters are never done taking.
You do not know when the screams started. All you know is that they came with the rough tides, crashing against the boat, with the crackle of thunder and smoke hissing in the air. Everyone rushes to cram into the sleeping quarters, but living near the port all your life, you know better. You know exactly what is happening.
The boat is sinking.
And strangely enough, your first thought is to find Leon. He had asked you to wait a quiet moment on the deck, and you had both dismissed the rolling clouds, steadily creeping towards you while he disappeared below the deck.
You had been hoping that he would show you his art. Now you hope that you can get him out in time. But before you can scrunch up your dress and scramble into the quarters, someone grabs your arm.
You do not see the face. You know it is not Leon, he is infinitely calmer and more gentle than the rough fingers of whoever your captor is. As you struggle to look up at the face, you are tossed into a boat that hangs on the side of the ship.
“Women and children first!” a gruff voice calls out, presumably the one that just manhandled you. You try to protest, saying you need to go back, but the small boat fills up quicker than you expect, and eventually you are being slowly lowered down onto the choppy waves.
You stand on tiptoe, trying to make out any sign of Leon on the ship, hoping he makes it out okay. The people rowing the boat harshly yank you down before pushing away from the boat. Every stroke they make takes you farther and farther away, until the dense fog shrouds the entire ship from your view.
And the unexpected happens. You hear a loud crack and the boat immediately splinters into two. The women and their children huddle to one side, the bigger side, while you and some other girls stay put, eyes fixed on where you last saw the ship.
With no one to steer, you veer back towards it and it comes into view, only this time, it is on fire. Flames lick the sides, hissing where it meets the salty sea, climbing up the ship. And you see the mess of blond hair that you so desperately recognize.
“Leon!” You shout, screaming for his attention. His eyes snap to your general direction, scanning the area with a wide, panicked expression before landing on you. Almost immediately his face softens before it returns to its stony, default look.
You are confused for a moment before he quickly surveys the area. A raft hangs from the side, unused, calling his name, and you realize with shame that your boat is starting to sink, dipping into the water.
You and the other girls lean to the other side, pleading for help. Summoning all fading strength, you yell his name once more as waves close over your head. Darkness swallows your cries, drowning them in the murky ocean depths, yet in your fleeting consciousness, your trust for him remains like the anchor you wish him to be.
Breathless, gasping, you break the surface amid a sea of shrieks and sinking debris. There through the smoke a ragged shape appears, slicing swift as any bird towards you. Strong hands grasp and haul you aboard the makeshift raft, lying there to cling and spend your remaining prayers in thanks to Leon as he attends each soul amid the roiling deep, ferrying them from the ocean’s inky grasp with steady hands and calmer gaze.
“Are you alright, dear?” he calls to you after the third and final girl is pulled to safety, gasping for breath. “I did not expect this situation whatsoever.”
“Neither did I,” you murmur, spitting the remnants of the salt in your throat back into the sea, like returning a gift. “I suppose we will be alright now.”
Leon’s face crumples. “I’m afraid not.”
You groan. “What is it now? Is it the sharks from the depths? I will fight them with my bare hands, just you watch!”
You watch his expression flash through amusement, then back to pain. “We… I…”
“What troubles you so?”
He gestures a hand to the sea around you, to the drenched figures, far too many for the raft to carry. You realize this with the drop of your heart.
“There are too many of us,” he says apologetically, like he’s only hurting you. “One of us must leave.” 
For a second, you consider pushing one of the girls off. Anything to keep him. But you realize that your selfish thoughts should not take control. You grab his hands, clutching them tightly, holding them to your chest.
“Then it shall be me.”
Leon offers a weak smile. “No.”
“No?” you sputter. “What- it was not a question!”
“It will not be the answer either, my love,” he says gently, prying his hands from yours. “I will be the last. Please make sure of that.”
And before you can plead for him to stay, his weight shifts and you can feel the raft rising again. He casts one more, sorrowful look at you before he glides into the water, descending effortlessly. You reach for him, and your fingers brush his knuckles before he disappears forever.
Before he is gone. 
Yet another loved one.
Lost to the sea.
You wait for an indeterminate amount of time, waiting for the news to arrive one day at your aunt’s doorstep, that he is still alive, awaiting your arrival in some uncharted region. But no such idea comes. And eventually, the denial washes away and you are left with the loss that nothing can fix.
You rock in the chair of your living room, the smell of your aunt’s soup no longer bringing saliva to your mouth, but tears to your eyes, because now everything reminds you of Leon.
The bell rings outside and you can’t bring yourself to rise and answer the door with puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks. Your aunt knows this, so without sparing you another look, allowing you your privacy, opens the door just a smidge.
She makes conversation with the person standing outside before turning back to you with a soft smile. She hands you an envelope, and you cannot lie when your heart races up to the sky, finding purchase in the fluffy clouds.
You cannot find the words to thank her, but she knows this as well, and walks away without another word. When she disappears behind the kitchen corner, you rush to open the letter.
The first words send your heart plummeting back to where it was, perhaps even crashing through the layer of obsidian and burrowing itself in a place where it will never return. But upon scanning the rest of the thoughtful, heartfelt message, there is a tug that forces you to check the rest of the envelope.
And when you unfurl a piece of paper, long since forgotten in your brain, you muffle a cry with the back of your hand, the parchment trembling in your five, shaky fingers.
It is the portrait Leon drew of you. It made its way back to you.
You know, after seeing this, there is one thing you must do. You lie the paper down on the round table beside you, careful to preserve it.
You wash up, put on a dress your aunt lent to you, a blue, rippling thing that seems to reflect the ocean waves back at you. You tie your hair up, wanting to look somewhat presentable. 
And you call out a goodbye to your aunt, who’s smile you can hear in her voice, evident as she waves from the kitchen, ecstatic to see you out and about. But there is only one place you must go. One thing you must do to find the closure you are aching for.
Back to where it all started.
Tears that are the crystals of salt found in the ocean's depths stream down your face, as unnatural as the mixture of saltwater and freshwater, where one stops, another begins.
In the ocean, you slip from your skin, thoughts descending down a mad spiral, the spirits watching as you mingle with the essence of saltwater stinging your sunburned skin. The night air does little to nothing to cool your thoughts.
Is he there? In the droplets that cradle the back of your hands, trickling from the pool cupped in your palms. You can see him standing, just a few feet away, knee deep in the water, as constant as the waves and as calm as the tides.
Leon’s hair waves in the moonlight, a silent greeting to you, cerulean bathing his face in a ghastly blue, making him seem more and more like the ghost he is.
You raise a hand, out of instinct, choking back a sob. 
A smile curves those salty, timeless lips.
“You left me too,” you whisper through tears, crystals disappearing under the crescents of water brushing against your shorts. “Why can life not just be… easy? Simple?”
Leon chuckles, face softening in sympathy. “Did you forget what I told you already?”
You lift your head, rubbing granules of sand against your nose to muffle your sniffling. “What?” His grin is somehow both brighter than the moon and darker than the water you can’t see through.
“A smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor.”
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hyunverse · 2 years
ik it’s so embarrassing 💔💔 i remember that week being not the best so maybe i was just emotional in general ?? idek 😭. i also cry over fluff more than angst. i read angst when i’m like at a rly low point bc it’s almost kinda comforting ……. idk dw bae i sound insane rn too ! we pretty much have the same favorite cereal bc if i had to choose i’d get the chocolate rice crispy ones (or honey nut cheerios) and i LOVEEEE milo. my nana from australia always sends it over and it’s delishhhh. so nostalgic. YES spanakopita is life, it is so so so so good. lmk what you and your mom end up getting ^_^ that sounds so fun i love eating w ppl
ITS THE HYUNE BODY ROLLING SO TRUE. i like when he dances with short sleeves or sleeveless tops bc the arm muscles just make me 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 insane !!! i’ve been wanting to watch a new movie so maybe i’ll watch howl now ^_^ i’ve heard a TON about it and i think you just fully convinced me hehe. do you have any other movie or show recs ?? i’m not a big movie or show person but im tryingggg to watch more stuff so tell me any of your faves
oh yea i could slander america as a professional job. like don’t get me wrong i’m extremely grateful to live somewhere where i can get a good education and just like survive but at the same time … i’m barely surviving ?? all our money goes to stuff that doesn’t even benefit us ??? idk man i’ll keep going if i don’t stop myself BUT YES PLS all the mcflurries 🙏🏼. possible unpopular opinion but oreo mcflurry dipped in fries = chefs kiss. it’s an underrated combo fr
i would pay MONEYYYY to experience one skz dance practice but hyunjins alone oh my oh my oh myyyyy. i don’t think i’d survive, his clinging would be ineffective bc i’d just be 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠. smth about the way he dances just GAHHH. YES CONFIDENT MISCHIEVOUS LITTLE YONGBOK he’s so cute 😭😭😭😭 i love his korean name it’s adorable
i watched the live when i woke up this am and it was the cutest thing ever <///3. felix looked so bf and i swear the There music video made it WORSEE. the parasocial vibes rly smacked me in the face and said grace u need to wake up and accept you can’t have these men 😔
spamming once again gahhhh can u tell i’m bored <///3. im stuck inside for another day bc nyc is having a rly bad snow storm rn and it’s torturous lol. as much as i love being in my bed all day, it gives me a raging headache every timeeeee
- 🐈‍⬛ kisses 4 uuuuu i hope ur sleeping well ^_^
i've never tried honey nut cheerios but now i kinda want to?? lets see lets see. going back to my campus this saturday so i gotta stock up on my food stock 🫡 i'm gonna try honey nut cheerios hehe. milo is good but i can't drink it that much bcs its best mixed with milk and im lactose intolerant </3 i mean i do consume dairy anyway but milo and milk is a deadly combination. one sip and you're gonna end up with diarrhea. even worse when u have lactose intolerance. god lactose intolerance sucks so bad, especially when i love dairy </3 life is a war game and the toilet is my battle field. </3 aaa me and mumsies ended up not getting breakfast bcs we didnt wake up on time LOLL love that 4 us 🤞
sleeveless tops on hyune always look so good. his arms are so nice, the type that isn't frail nor too muscular, he's just nice. dont get me started on his hands yo his hands are pretty big too and his fingers?? majestic. slender and pretty. makes me dizzy just watching it 😵‍💫howl is incredibly good, u reaaaaaally need to watch it <3!! mmm for tv shows, i really like gilmore girls and jujutsu kaisen. or if you like romance, u shud try out horimiya!!
I UNDERSTAND ABT THE MONEY THING... malaysian road taxes r no joke. youngsters going broke frm paying taxes is CRAAAZY. fries dipped in vanilla ice cream is so good so i get u!!!!! it's the mixture of sweet and salty 🤌
when hyunjin does a lil smirk while dancing... im frothing drooling melting. like bae stop i will get through this phone screen and kiss u 😭 so pretty. YONGBOK IS SO CUTE AND YES HIS NAME!! I LOVE WRITING HIM AS YONGBOK BCS I LOVE HIS NAME SM... i also love jeongin's name. it's cute and suiting for him.
the live c hdbhs i was fixated on seungmin the whole time... was just staring at him dreamily like... 💭 he made a mess but i's ok bcs it's seungmo!!
THE THERE MV OH MY GOD GRACEEEEEE. I'LL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT IT. HYUNJIN AND SEUNGMIN'S PART GOT ME GIGGLING!!1 also can i just say that the settings suit them so much? it feels like it's actually their ideal date. jeongin with the shopping for clothes, hyunjin with the camera and channie in the studio... it makes so much sense. omg what if it IS their ideal date? bye im gonna combust. why are they parasocializing with us!! its making the delusions worse!!!
talking abt parasocializing, felix needs to calm down. bro was wiping at his mouth and stuff r u indicating that we just made out?!?! not very pg13 of him. i heard he spams om bubble too 😭 he needs to find a gf his bitchless behavior is getting worse 😟
ur spam is always entertaining so dw!! i take my time with it always cs i wanna put thought in my words hehe. sorry to hear abt the storm :(( i hope ure staying warm <3
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wetslug · 4 years
i cant do this job cuz i cant deal w the rejection of spending an hour cutting up one million vegetables and then the residents not eating the fucking salad because wah wah i dont like vegetables i only eat potato chips and cheese sammich
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spicytrashthe1st · 3 years
Obey me boys reation to Mc "heavy petting" them in public
Gives u the look tm.
R u gonna grow meek under his gaze? Fuck no. Double down, ruin him, 10 points if u get him to lose his composure.
Just imagine, y'all r at a student council meetin when u smooth a hand over his thigh until ur hands over his (unfortunately) clothed cock. Give it a good squeeze before u start rubbin at it. Take ur time, the goal isnt to make him cum in his pants in the next 5mins, no, the goal is to lull him into such a relaxed state that he doesnt pay attention to the meetin. Instead his eyes flutter close, pen dropping from his grip as he sinks into his seat. Fuck n when he finally looks at u again only to give u those eyes, those pleadin eyes w such a soft expression that so very rarely graces his face.
*sighs* hes such a sweet thing, its a shame that hes gonna lecture u for 3 hours after this.
Squeaks but denies it later.
If u can get him off discreetly u deserve a reward. Man is a mess under ur hands like fuckin always. But lets just say y'all have been doin this for a while so he's not so jumpy when u get handsy. So y'all r at the casino, Mam's is havin a lucky night n hes got that dumb happy look on his face that makes u go all mushy. So u come up behind his seat, wrap ur arms around him n nuzzle at his neck. Ur hands wander down his chest n torso until ur hands frame his cock. He tenses, bitin his lip as his mind whirls, wonderin how far ur gonna go this time. Will u be content w just holdin him like this? Maybe you'll jerk him off under the table, or maybe you'll throw him ontop of it n fuck the shit outta him. Who knows.
Well, thats one way to kill him.
Says he hates it but asks u to do it again. So u take it slow. Its movie night and everyone has long fallen asleep, everyone except u too. Y'all r cuddlin on the couch, hes little spoon cause how can u not want to hold this man in ur arms? The hands wrapped around his waist start to get that itch, the itch to touch, to caress, to feel the heat of his fleash under ur palm. So u slither a hand up his shirt, his cute nipples r just too inviting so u pinch n rub n twist them until theyre hard. Ur other hand dips under his waistband to wrap around his quickly hardenin cock. Hes holdin his breath, tryin so hard not to make any noise as pleasure shudders through his body.
Proceed w caution, this man is a cat after all.
Usually y'all r in his room w him lyin against ur chest as he reads to u n u thread ur fingers through his hair. But sometimes y'all go to the library, and today this fucker has the audacity to look so fuckin good. I mean sure hes just leanin there readin to his hearts content. But a strand of hair is out of place n he just looks so good. So u grab him by his lapels n drag him into one of the rows, shovin him against the bookshelf before shovin a hand down his pants.
U think ppl bein around is gonna stop this man? Pft. It could be a regular ol tuesday when he gives that look, that look that has u burnin for him. How can u not shove him against the nearest surface?
So, ur a good christian right? U can keep ur hands to urself right? U can watch this man workout for hours, gettin all sweaty w his titties out without goin to have a taste right?
We all agree that the cow bitch has a somnophilia kink yeah? Well considerin the fucker is asleep most of the time feel free to grop to ur hearts content. Pull out his chair durin class n show all the lesser demons what his pathetic cock can do.
Two words, touch, starved.
Would love to have ur hands on him 100% of the time, but he gotta work so that cant happen...unless? Unless u take advantage of his free time inbetween, or u could just walk into one of his meetings order him to get outta his seat so he can sit in ur lap. Do not do this in front of Lucifer, or do, ur funeral...again, anyway, play around w his titties. Rip open his fuckin shirt n let those puppies breath.
Dude doesnt show it but he really likes ur touch, like to the point where he seeks u out.
Ma'am this is a kitchen, u make food here...but u also eat food here to n Barb is lookin like a snac. U dont want to interupt his work but damn. Maybe pull his pants down just a little, maybe pull his hips back n eat his ass a little?
I can be ur angel, i can be ur slut uwu.
Either hed be like "whatre u doin senpai?" Or is the one to put ur hands on him. So desperate for ur attention, he needs u to touch him, make his body sing. Doesnt want to get caught but also kinda does.
He's too composed, mess him up. Is this hard to do? Yes, but its rewarding.
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tendouluvr · 4 years
aizawa calling you clingy - gn reader
- [attempt at] angst to fluff
- warnings: being called clingy, aizawa gets annoyed with reader and berates them, one use of the word ‘shit’
- wc: 1.9k
a/n: this wasnt......as sad as i wanted... i cant tell if im just not so good at writing angst or immune to it T_T
once again, not edited!
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#! aizawa!!!! eee
#! hes a levelheaded man so arguments are rare
#! u both trust one another so theres no reason to have doubts in ur relationship
#! being his s/o, he tells u things thats not so easy to tell others over time, and you’re patient enough to let him take however much time he needs to let u in
#! however, years of keeping to himself most of the time doesnt just disappear even if you’re his s/o
#! so aizawa does have this tendency to close off and distance himself from u bc of his stress and insecurities
walking through the spacious halls of ua, you were headed towards your lovely boyfriend. aizawas been pretty busy lately with teaching his class, making sure no one is being left behind progress wise, doing his job as a pro-hero, and then spending his free time training with shinsou.
you knew showing up at school unexpectedly was something aizawa found irky, that’s why you made sure to tell him the night before that you would be coming during lunch time to bring him some yummy homemade food.
humming softly to yourself, you finally reached the door opening to class 1-A and walked in. the classroom was empty, but there at the front was no one other than mr. aizawa shouta. you quickly greeted him with a smile and he turned to look at you.
“what are you doing here?” he slowly asked with a look of confusion.
“i brought you some food! did you eat yet? i hope not, i made-,” you quickly stopped talking once you noticed the look he was giving you.
“why are you here? i already told you, you shouldnt be showing up without letting me know first. our relationship is quiet, if the students see they’ll get noisy and ask questions, i’ll get bombarded by my colleagues, and it’ll put you in danger if words get out. did anyone see you coming here? can you listen to me for once instead of continuing to always be near me? you’re so damn clingy and need to start thinking about the consequences your action will bring. i already ate, just go home before anything happens.”
your jaw dropped a little after hearing what he just said to you. did he not remember what you told him last night?
worst of all, you couldnt believe he just called you clingy. you just wanted to do something nice for him by making his favorite food hoping that it’ll relieve some of the stress thats been building up, but he just thought of you as clingy.
fine, if clingy is what you are then you’ll stop bothering him. you quickly whispered an apology, not sure if he could hear or not, and began making your way back home as fast as possible. the food you made for him was still tightly grasped in your hand.
due to the new dormitories, aizawa stays at ua majority of the time. he comes home to your shared apartment whenever he can to spend time with you. unfortunately, those time aren’t usually much because as soon as he’s free, he’s quick to do something else.
once you’ve made it home, you packed the food away and put it in the fridge. you felt your phone buzzing repeatedly, already guessing who it could possibly be, you took it out to see it was your boyfriend.
shou <3: im sorry
shou <3: honey, im so sorry. pls text me back when u can
shou <3: i know what i said hurted u, but i promise u i dont mean it. pls just call me or text me so we can talk about this
shou <3: i have to go back now. but i love u. so much.
staring at your screen, you contemplated texting him back.
letting out a sigh, you decided not to.
putting your phone to the side, you walked to the bedroom and changed out of your clothes into the comfy pjs you were wearing right before you left.
seeing that there was nothing for you to do other than wallow in your insecurities and let out a few tears, you got into bed and made yourself comfortable for an afternoon nap.
aizawa on the other hand was at school and distracted. his own words kept replaying over and over in his head and all he wants to do is smack himself a few times (after comforting u ofc).
his students could tell he was in a badder mood than usual so they collectively agreed to not worsen it (one particular student does not care. can u guess?). aizawa just wanted the day to pass so he can apologize to you directly and make it up with some cuddling.
despite being distracted with planning his apology and thinking about you, he was still teaching as he should and constantly telling his students to be quiet because he’s intimidating like that.
a few hours passed, the students are back in their dorms and some of the teachers are still in school finishing up some work. the hallways were empty and silent, and the weather outside was nice and calm - not too sunny with just the right amount of wind.
however, if you were to peek your head inside of class 1-A at the moment, the environment is an exact 180. aizawa is quickly trying to grade the remaining stack of papers he has on his desk so he can leave as soon as he can. there’s papers everywhere, he’s not so sure where the answer key went off to but to hell with the answer key. he just needs to go home.
his hair is messily tied up and his lips have probably been gnawed off by now. as soon as school ended, he got out his phone to see if you replied and sadly you didn’t. he doesn’t blame you though, considering all of the shit he said to you earlier. 
finally writing down the fat score in red pen onto the final paper, he gathers everything and put to the side of his desk and packed up his stuff. his stuff being his yellow sleeping bag and that’s it.
he went to his room first to clean himself up a bit, and then grabbed a taxi to go to your shared apartment. arriving at the front door, he takes out his copy of the key and entered.
first thing he noticed while entering and taking off his shoes was that the apartment was dark and quiet. he made his way to the kitchen first and turned on its lights to check the fridge. in the fridge laid the food you made for him earlier today. he took it out to start heating it up in the microwave then he walks away from the food and to your bedroom.
quietly opening the door, he poked his head in to see you laying on your side with your back facing the door. he assumed you were asleep and gently closed the door to not wake you up. he made his way over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. 
you, feeling the bed dip, slowly opened your eyes to be greeted with the sight of your boyfriend gingerly brushing his fingertips across your cheekbones. he notices that you’re awake and looks up to meet your eyes.
making eye contact with him, you quietly grunted and brought the blanket up to cover your face while turning your entire body to the other side to ignore him. aizawa sighed and brought his hand down to rest on your waist as he begins talking.
“yn... i know you’re.. mad at me for the things i said to you earlier, but i’m truly sorry. i know saying i didn’t mean it isn’t good enough for you to forgive me, but i want you to know i’m really really sorry. i’ve been so busy for the past few days, my head is all over the place, seeing you at school just got me overthinking and worried that i ended up saying things about you that’s not true at all. i love you so much, hun. you’re the best thing to happen to me. you don’t have to forgive me now, i understand if you want some space.”
it was silent for some time after he finished his apology. the echoing silence was slowly making aizawa worried that you’ll leave him, but he won’t tell you that. thinking that you wanted space, he lifted his shaky hand off of your waist and moved to get off of the bed when you suddenly grabbed onto his hand to keep him there.
“i...i told you the day before that i was going to be visiting you during lunch time. did you not remember? or even hear me tell you?”
aizawa situated himself back down onto the bed before replying. “if i’m being honest, i don’t really remember much of that day at all. my brain was occupied with work and rest, so i was practically drained by the end of the night. i’m sorry i took it out on you, it’s my fault for overworking when i know you’ve been trying to help.”
letting out a soft sigh, you turned your body back towards him. still holding onto his hand, you carefully slotted your fingers in between his and pulled him down to lay with you. he immediately found comfort in this and placed his head into your neck. you could feel his facial hair against your skin making you let out a quiet giggle.
“i love you. i know you have a habit to overwork since that’s all you did before we dated, but please shou, take care of yourself. im not talking physically, cuz you’re already so damn fine, but mentally. i hate seeing you bury yourself in work and training that it even makes me tired just watching you.”
he grumbled something against your neck - his usual reaction to you complimenting him - and held onto you tighter while putting light kisses on your collarbone.
“i know. i will. please bear with me, i know i’m a pain but i’ll always try to be my best for you. i’m never letting you go, love you too much for that.”
“hmm? who said i’m going? you’re stuck with me forever just so you know,” you laughed and patted his head before rising from the bed.
“i heard you heating up the food earlier. get up and come eat,” you tugged aizawa to get him off the bed.
he grumbled once again because he was being forced to leave the warm comfort of your shared bed, but followed you out anyway holding onto your hand.
“wait. you heard me entering? so you were pretending to sleep when i got here?! not funny, babe. not funny. -also don’t take sleep for granted. i did and look where that got me. stop laughing!”
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it was the next day and aizawa just finished passing out the grades he rushed grading yesterday. even though it was rushed, he was confident that there wasn’t any mistakes-
“aizawa sensei, you marked this question wrong when it’s right. this one too. and this other one on the last page. are you trying to fail me?!” denki dramatically wailed as he showed aizawa his papers.
guess he did make mistakes after all.
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sugasplug · 2 years
tw: discussion of suicide
- this poor fucking makeup seller is prolly standing there awkwardly like um.. thats cute i guess....are you gonna buy the shit u just dipped ur whole ass finger in or??
- ok i fw these hets woo-jin put in that Work for their grill tent date. pillows, lights, handcooked food ON A ROOFTOP so he carried all that shit....they are in love your honor
- na-young u are so forward and cute and lowkey insane i know youre married and also fictional but like 👀👀 we cld make it work just saying. plus your husband is a cute artistic introvert so i feel like wed click 👀👀
- jun-woong rly flexed at them before running away
- ik hes like depressed and repressed and having like a whole breakdown but sir please learn how to talk. dont break up w somebody cos u think its whats best for them when u still love them wout having a conversation about why. especially not a crazy bitch like im in love w her n everything but anybody who cant live wout someone is automatically crazy idc the reason facts r facts. being crazy is the only rational thing 2 do in certain situations. anw this got off topic thanks adhd TLDR woo-jin please practice having conversations when Experiencing Emotions
- now look at what u fucking did goo ryeon has some grim reaper ipad blood pact bullshit going on cos yall dont fucking know how to operate GOD that shit pissed me off
- did they really have 2 son lim so hard right after he beat down 3 grunts at once. like i get that rn mr sexy grim reaper is the big bad antagonist and all but damn
- "its bearable" shut up billy badass your everything hurts
- shit who needs a rooftop when this building where suicidal people stay have convenient and super accessible 5billion story stairwells?? put a fucking keycard lock on the door idiots
- sorry mr sexy grim reaper idk what u said in that meeting w the director after the part abt friction with your team and goo ryeons team i dont speak bitch 🤷‍♂️
- did. did she fucking sever her red string of fate
- having a heartfelt conversation while writing a "heartfelt" disiplinary report i love it. but damn still hurts ever time after centuries huh? the director really did choose the best hell for this woman
- literally just
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sunny-deez-nutz · 2 years
My crack slasher headcannons
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Brahmsy 🌙
-he can cook when he tries that is and has a recipe to follow but most of the time him cooking is very..........interesting
-he likes to make random food concoctions based on what you like
-think pilk "we'll y/n likes Pepsi and milk, why not drink them at the same time 🤷🏻‍♂️"
-we dont talk about brahms no no no no
-brahms is just British Bruno u cant say otherwise
-he probably eats ur hair when ur sleeping
-100% listens to fall out boy and thinks he's hot shit (its ok we've all been there little buddy)
-sits in front of the doll and argues for hours with it even tho its not responding to him 😰
-i feel like you find his hair and everything ur food, ur mouth randomly, ur clothes, etc
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Billy lenz 🎄
-also eats your hair
-is the rat king
-has a furbie that he throws on the ground so it makes weird noises
-he thinks its hilarious but its terrifying for the sorority girls
-a rat bit him once and he bit it back
-hus hair is ofc hella greasy but when its washed its super soft
-also when he's not screaming purvy phrases and reenacting disturbing bits he's actually quite enjoyable to have a phone call with
-he'll let you rant about what ever for as long as you want and gets so invested the conversation
-also repeats what you say like a parrot majority of the conversation
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Jason my beloved ⛺
-is genuinely the sweetest man
-he gives the best hugs and nothing can change my mind
-will keep anything and everything you give him and will protect it with his life
-sweet zombie bf 🥲💕💕💕
-however there is no sex in the champagne room
-sorry but i totally think this man is asexual
-but forhead mask kisses galore to make up for it
-is you treat him right Pamela is the best mother in-law
-she will treat u like her own and will go to prison for u
-loves her son with all her heart but has always wanted a daughter
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Vincent 🕯
-draws you all the time
-signs aggressively when he talks about bo
-will also cherish everything and anything you give him even if its a piece of grass
-Definitely the kid that dipped his finger in candle wax and picked it of for funsies
-just like brahms u also find his hair everywhere
-smells like plum, amber and dark musk
-ik thats very specific but i have this Michael Langdon candle but i just get Vincent vibes every time i smell it
-his a god at tik tak toe i dont know why but i feel like he undefeated
-his favorite season is fall
-has an amazing hair care routine and tales it very seriously
-also a very sweet man
-when he compliments ppl he sounds like he's talking about a piece of art and its really nice 🥲
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Miguel Myers 🎃
-is not the sweetest man ever
-talking to him is like when ur talking to a toddler and they give u the dirtiest look for no reason
-like it just feels like that but he's not even making any faces
-is a black hole when it comes to sweets
-you will find candy in his pockets every time you do the laundry
-even if u watch him to make sure he doesn't put candy in his pockets they'll still be candy in his pockets when u wash the clothes
-stands over u while ur sleeping and will walk away like nothing happened if u catch him
-is the scariest driver
-drives like illumi from HxH
-road signs are just suggestions
-if he doesn't like whats on tv he'll just get up, turn off the tv and make u both sit in silence
AAHHH THATS all sorry if that was short or boring! Lmk if you have any headcannon requests :) I love you ciao ♡
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leossmoonn · 3 years
oops you didn't get the concept? anyways. imagine stefan giving baby annie a bath bc y/n is out w care bc she needs help. And baby annie is a mischievous little rat and stefan can't give a bath lol. so annie splashes water all over him and makes things hard for him and then they play along in the water, the bath being long forgotten lol. and then y/n comes home and sees the mess and is like 😡😐 and stefan is like "sorry🥺😭" and annie is like "mama idk why you mad 😁" and then she splashes water all over y/n lol and then its all cute fluff- 🍓
THIS IS SO CUTE. also don’t apologize its not ur fault lol. IVE MISSED UR CONCEPTS 🍓 <3333
ok yes so this is kinda the first time youre leaving stefan at home alone for more a few hours (bc annie is like kinda a newborn so youve mostly been home w her) you’re like “stefan! i gotta go! you all good?”
and stefan comes in to the foyer carrying annie and is like “yep! you have fun with care”
and you smile and you look between annie and stefan, frowning. “maybe i should stay...?”
and stefan’s like “NO. youve been cooped up in this house for too long. go and see care and be somewhere else for once!”
and youre like “😩 ok fineeee” then you give annie a kiss and stefan one, and stefan and annie wave goodbye at you.
after you leave stefan turns to annie and is like “alright are you hungry? lets get you some food”
and the two hang out for a while and its time to change annie’s diaper, so stefan decides it’d be good to give annie a bath. so he places her in the little tub, like not in an actual tub. there are like baby tubs where you can put inside the actual adult tub to wash a child lol. ANYWAYS
and stefan’s like “okay, the water might be a little warm, so if you dont like it just say so” and he’s speaking as if she can understand 🥺 and so he sets her down in the bathtub and she’s perfectly fine. so stefan then gets a few toys like rubber duckies and some barbie mermaids and he grabs the soap and says “alright, lets get this party started.”
and as he is trying to lather annie up w soap she starts to splash the water, a little bit ending up on stefan’s shirt. and stefan’s like
“a-a-ah, no annie. we sit still when we take baths.”
but annie’s like 🌝 “no 👺” and she starts to make bigger splashes in the water. and she can see how annoyed stefan is getting and she just is giggling bc its all fun and games lol.
“annie! youre getting all my clothes wet!” stefan groans
and annie just giggles and splashes the water and is like “dada!”
and stefan cant help but melt. annie has got him wrapped her finger haha. and so he takes off his shirt and socks, filling up a cup he was going to use to rinse her off and dipping his fingers into it, then flicking the water at her. she giggles and starts to like, smash her hands in the water lmao. and stefan adds bubble bath soap so now the tub is all filled with suds, and so is he hehe. and annie and him go back and forth with splashing water.
“you gotta splash yeah?”
and annie like flicks the water on his face with the barbie mermaid tail. and stefan acts all shocked and fake mad and is like
“omg annie! that was so rude! imma get you back!” and he take a little bit of water, flicking it at her gently.
and the little smile she makes just makes his heart swell up. he loves seeing his little girl happy. even if it means it makes his other girl - you - mad. and speaking of you, you come home finally, tired snd ready to snuggle with you husband and child.
you call out there name, not seeing them downstairs. you then hear the sound of water and laughing and you go upstairs to see who is causing all the ruckus and when you step into the bathroom, your socks get a little wet. and you gaso as you see a bunch of water and soap suds on the floor and youre like
“seriously! stefan! you were supposed to give her a bath, not make a mess,” you groaned
and stefan’s like “omg im so sorry baby. we were just having fun was all. ill clean it up i promise”
while annie literally had a shit-eating grin on her face 💀
you walk towards them and go on your knees, sighing and smiling at him. you love seeing annie and him bond, and that was def more important than the mess they made.
and stefan then says “plus she started it” and points to annie.
and you gasp like “whaaaat? annie! thats not very nice!” and annie just giggles and then splashing water on you
and so you take some water and splash it at her. and stefan joins in, splashing you w water. and you get him back and its just a cute, salvatore family moment <3
stefan concepts masterlist
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Peter Parker x asthmatic! female reader
Warning: asthmatic symptoms 
Specifics: fluff, romance, comedy, one-shot, race neutral reader, asthmatic reader
People: peter parker / spider-man, mj, ned, mother
Words: 1,198
Request: By anon Hi!! 💕 Could I please request a Peter Parker x Reader who has Asthma? Something where they’re in the cafeteria and Pete sees the reader take her inhaler and he is like “!? What !?” So now he makes it a mental note to make sure she’s okay and one day when they’re hanging out he sees a Spider-Man sticker on her inhaler and he’s all ☺️💘? Thank you for your time and consideration!
Authors Note: i loved this so much! its so fluffly its fluffier than cotton candy yall!!!! i put what i personally have to go thru in this story because i have asthma so im sorry if its not what u were looking for it was kinda more personal. tysm again for ur request i love writing for peter cuz hes someone for some reason i dont write about alot but i adore him 
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It just became. It was never a starting point that you remember. It was not recent either. You had asthma since you were little. Your mother would make sure you had your inhaler with you at all times. Sometimes, when the asthma got worse you would have to take a puff everyday but recently you were feeling better. Your breathing was almost normal and barely had you felt a shortness of breath. 
Peter wanted to know everything about you. Everything. And you assumed telling him about your asthma was not of great importance. Its not like you had a killing disease. It was only asthma. 
You were sitting in the cafeteria with Peter and his friends, Ned, MJ, when you felt the harsh feeling of breathing again. It was as if your lungs were getting constricted, like you couldn’t breathe; almost the feeling of drowning. 
Their conversations were muffled as you quickly got your inhaler out of your pocket, shook it and breathed it in twice. Your heart settled and you felt at ease knowing this would help you. 
You didn’t know a certain doe brown eyed boy was peeking at you. “Are you okay y/n?”
You didn’t realize he saw the whole thing and you were one who never enjoyed the attention or wanted sympathy. “I’m fine Pete, thanks.” You smiled. 
Peter gently guided his hands to yours and took a hold of them. He wore a look of concern and worry. “No I saw you take a puff out of...” Peter knew what it was but he had forgotten the name. It was on the tip of his tongue. “That.” He points to your inhaler.
“My inhaler?”
“What? Thats kinda cool if you think about it.” Peter squinted his eyes as he shrugged. 
“It’s amazing to have to keep something close to you cause if not then you might die by having an asthma attack,” you said sarcastically, closing your lunchbox. 
Peter messed up with his wording. “I’m sorry y/n. What I mean is you don’t need to hide it from me. I think it makes you stronger knowing you feel pain and not at ease sometimes yet you always have a smile on your face. And that you worry so much about others instead of yourself. It’s cool.”
“Yeah you’re super cool y/n,” Ned chuckled, proceeding to eat his food. 
MJ pointed her finger at you, “I and the rest of the dweebs here are gonna make sure you always have it with you and if you don’t I will personally run all the way back and get it for you then slap you so you will never forget it again.” All was silent as she opened up her book to continue reading. 
“You’re all drama queens!” 
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You understood they loved you and wanted you safe and protected but it got a bit out of hand. You forgot your inhaler once and MJ did indeed slap your face. You were afraid this time because once again, you forgot your inhaler. 
“Why don’t I learn?” You thought as you scrambled over to Peter in an empty science class. “Peter I need your help.”
“Whats wrong y/n? Is it your asthma again? Do you have your inhaler?” He was very much anxious. His arms wrapping around you almost as if to keep you safe. All he wanted, he needed in his life was you, safe, in his arms, with him. 
Twiddling your thumbs you scratched the back of your head, “well. The good news is no I’m not having issues right now with my asthma. The bad news is I forgot my inhaler.”
“Oh, don’t tell MJ this. She will not like it one bit.”
“I know Pete! Thats why I need your help. Can you please get it for me?” You fluttered your eye lashes to entice him. 
Peter smirked, crossing his arms, “depends. I need a little something before I get you your inhaler.”
“What is it?” You genuinely asked. Not getting the hint it was supposed to be romantic. 
“Silly, you gotta give me a kiss.”
“Oh okay, like this one,” you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and landed your lips upon his chapped ones. You and Peter were still young so the kiss was a little sloppy but you two were inexperienced. You gave little pecks to his lips. His eyes were closed and so were yours. You always enjoyed kissing your boyfriend. You two parted, giggling. 
“That was a surprise. I always love when you kiss me.”
“Me too,” you felt flustered and a bit bashful. 
“Alright I’ll get your inhaler baby girl,” Peter kissed your forehead and ran ahead super fast. 
“He’s always so fast?” You shook your head. How dare this boy leave you feeling like this? All putty because of the nickname. It was a sin.
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Peter swung around New York as Spider-Man to get to your house. It was quicker that way. He still hasn’t told you about his secret. (i know ur secret ur dirty little secret srry i just recently watched it 2 if u seen it u’ll understand) He was afraid to. What would you think? How would you react? It all made him nervous. 
He lifted your window up and crawled on your ceiling. He flung his mask off to get a better look at your room. It was cute and very much fit your personality. Peter sniffed the air, grinning widely. The room smelled of your beautiful scent that Peter could not get enough of. “Alright y/n,” clapping his hands together, getting to work, “lets see where you put this thing.”
Peter looked on your dresser, on your nightstand, in your bed, in your drawers and still nothing. Finally as he twisted his body he saw it on your desk in a mason jar. There was a sticky note on the mason jar that read “INHALER’S HOME.” Peter laughed out loud. He was totally going to bring that up to you. It made him love you more if that was even possible. He saw you as someone so cute and adorable. But something caught his eyes. 
Dipping his hand in the mason jar to retrieve the inhaler he spotted a Spider-Man sticker on it. His heart pumped loudly, hard. He had butterflies, fireworks all of it in his stomach. You were so precious! You meant so much to him and it made him almost fangirl to know that you loved not only him as Peter but you also were a fan of Spider-Man. Now he had to tell you. 
He cradled the inhaler in his arms and just stared at the sticker. Completely in love with you. “My y/n,” he whispered as he gave a kiss to your inhaler. He swung back to school to give what you had lost. He promised himself from now on he would always make sure you had it with you no matter what. No matter if he was fighting bad guys, Thanos it all wouldn’t matter to him, not just yet because you had to come first. In Peter’s life you would always come first and he will always make sure you are safe and protected. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @eminemsgiraffe (wont let me tag)
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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dulcetminds · 5 years
some (concept) playlists
find my spotify here ✨ & my fandom character/ship playlists
this page is updated monthly!!!!
💫 monthly, yearly & get to know me playlists:
 monthly mixtape: updated daily and refreshed every month with no correlation to anything what so ever.
twentytwenty: a song for each day of the year
the soundtrack to my life
my favourites
pass the aux cord, fool: car vibes
🍾🌉 playlists based off cliché concepts:
coming of age indie romcom soundtrack: cigeratte burns on film, a first kiss that tastes like beer and chapstick, and laughter falling on train tracks
not another coming of age soundtrack: red party cups and the never-ending feeling of nostalgia
Mother Nature reclaims: a soft apocalypse mix
tragedy in the dark: set in the 90's, you're driving at night on the highway, passing under street signs and street lights that illuminate your lovers tired face as they trace circles on your thigh
rise up!: (a futuristic teenage rebellion playlist) you live in a world full of holograms and plastic food, the government is corrupt and somewhere out there is a bunch of rebels that are fighting back
an angels kiss in spring: it’s the roaring 40′s and you hit the town in bold red lipstick, curled hair, flared dresses & traditional swing
a wispy field of sunshine: there's something alluring about falling in love under the sun, sipping on raspberry lemonade & kissing someone who tastes like chapstick
the air is fresh out here: i am lost beneath the earth; dirt and moss fill my lungs and i cough up ivy and rose petals as the trees whisper my name so soft, it gets caught in the wing of a butterfly floating by
3am dancing with my lover: fairylights are hung low around the kitchen, my lover has tired eyes full of wonder and we trip over our own two feet, laughter pumping our hearts alive
the last dancers at midnight: my prom could have been better so we're gonna visualise it like a teen romance movie; tired feet, starry eyes & a tender kiss under the disco ball in your high-schools' hall
even my phone misses your call: 'hey, this is [redacted] please leave your message after the beep!' 
you’re so nice to come home to: finally moving into a small apartment with your lover; succulents adorn the windowsills and you both have a love for vintage polaroids and dream catchers — a dreamers dream
I've been in love with you forever: best friends that live next door to each other & know one another like the back of their hand, connected windows, rooftop talks, sleepovers, & everything that comes along with we're best friends & i don't want that to change but i am definitely in love with you
found you in this life: my mother once told me that some of the people we meet in this life, we knew in a past life and it’s up to us to decide where it goes from here
raspberry stains: spring flings includes squashing raspberries between finger & thumb, and dancing under the sun
rollerskating disco rink fever: we're twelve years young & there's a disco ball highlighting our hair as we dance the night away & i'm pretty sure we've happened to scuff the linoleum floor
endless summer afternoon: hopping from shadow to shadow, blisters on our feet; summer, summer, summer!
summer ate me alive: and I want nothing more than to sleep through the next three seasons
ragtag band of misfits from the year ‘87: group of four trying to solve the murder mystery of their late best friend / everyone’s hiding something / he might be in love with the boy he’s known since childhood
[our hands are brushing against each other as we walk]: i want to slow dance with you in the middle of the street
hey, new kid!: its highschool and life is full of rumours and giggling girls & boys with sharp teeth and then english class rolls around ━━ and did the principal just introduce a new student?
🧚🏻‍♀️ specific concept playlists (mostly based on moments and emotions that I've experienced & can’t get over):
head’s a buzz!: stoned out of my mind, I'm pretty sure I met the girl of my dreams last night
 I should be sleeping: but i am walking aimlessly under street lights trying to forget your face, your taste, your voice; with vodka stained cheeks and chipped nail polish
pity party for two: the sudden realisation that the future is scary and we're two lost souls stuck in love with people who helped us grow
we’re under the same stars: It’s talking under the stars till the sun breaks through the trees with him, who makes your stomach ache full of laughter and although the wind is cold against your skin and the sleeping bag is thin, he burns just as brightly as the stars in the night sky, and you want to exist between 3 and 4am forever.
I fell in love for one night: he kissed my shoulder & held me tight
moments left unsaid: I love every part of you when it’s loud, when it’s silent, when you don’t know it at all (basically falling in love with your friends in the moment over the smallest of things like the way they dip their head back to laugh or hide their smile behind their hand or when they slow down waiting for you to catch up or pull you aside to ask if you’re doing okay, etc)
angel in disguise: can angels fall in love?
skate park shenanigans: I spent a the hours 8-11pm at a skatepark with my friends and we don’t even skate but this is the specific energy those hours gave off
you’re dreaming beside me: & I’m dreaming of you
how to be soft, sad & content at 4pm
I wish we could live forever: knowing someone you love is gonna die is the one of the hardest things you’re ever gonna witness
remember when we were in love?: 2015: yellow. open roads. a boy. a girl. my house. high school musical. clouds. stars. a pillow. sunflowers. beauty and the beast. skype calls. a bear. / 2017: a girl. blue, blue, blue. / 2019: a girl. a boy. picnics. skateboards. burgers. your house. an empty promise.
the pretty reckless: my friends fall in love too easily
the ceiling is staring back at me: it’s 1am and I'm thinking about everything and anything
me against the world, vol. 1
me & my apathetic brain: basically Russian roulette with I’ll die anyway by girl in red & just a girl by no doubt
🏳️‍🌈🌈 lgbt+ playlists:
this is for the gays!: for pride month 2019, gay bops to rock your socks to
all I see is her: girls r great!
we should fall in love or something: just kidding... haha... unless?
I don’t wanna b ur friend, I wanna kiss ur neck: yeah, it’s based off I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red & also my ex but we’re gonna take the former
please look at me the same!: my bisexual teen angst
🦋🏹 ‘old groovy, 70′s, 80′s, 90′s etc music’ playlists:
butterfly dust: old time music that goes together
groovy, groovy: 70′s, 80′s, 90′s
lovestrucklovestruck: nothing goes wrong when you live in your head
she’s gold dipped & cherry wine kisses
funky glow
🥁🍒 genre specific playlists:
metamorphic: rock n roll
devils advocate: it’s like white noise before you enter hell (mostly ghostemane)
you’re not indie till: you skate, own a pair of hot converses, have good fashion taste, drink ice coffee and and and
monsters live amongst us: hiding in plain sight, the people we call our friends / a horror pop playlist
hazy affection: anxiety reducing songs and study beats
softly, sweetly: relax your eyes & dream of simpler times
bubblegum pop: the radio is overrated but here we are
glazed eyes, cherry skies
darkness looms overhead
magic under fingernails / under veins
state of mind: kinda like rap but not, definitely an easy listen to while stoned
moon rockets: fly me to outer space where we’ll become another star in the night sky.
dream & folk pop
my dreams reach the stars: my mind is far away from here / starry-eyed and captivated
local neighbourhood party: songs I'd bang my head to at a party
heavenly hymns
fluorescent heartbeats
take me away, into the night
if you see me listening to this, look away: literally Disney musicals mainly Disney’s descendants & zombies
autumnal breeze: a mix of bedroom pop & 80′s tunes
blueberry feelings: is this soundlcoud or tiktok?
untamed glory: the songs dont vibe together as well as they should but i guess thats ironic given the name of this mixtape
all strung up: my favourite female pop songs & then there's sunflower, vol. 6 by harry styles
candyfloss kisses: baby pop
and that’s on tiktok luv: literally what it says
candle lit afternoons: candles + rain = a gentle quiet in it’s purest form
tenderness: soft, quiet, yielding; murmurs at dusk & the playing of hair
my bed is the warmest place: for rainy days & the chill in your nose
🚀🍁🍓 playlists to listen to when your doing this specific thing:
classic picnic bitch: (cute songs that give me picnic vibes) and we bond over a pack of UNO cards and strawberry-filled desserts
beach bums, baby!: a beach-y playlist
hotboxing ur friends car: get high w/ me!
🥺💫🌞🌻🤩🐝 playlists to grow & fall in love with yourself to:
falling in love w/ myself !!!!!: I'm still learning how I work
then I defy you, stars!
seventeen: I made this when I was seventeen and getting over my first heartbreak and realising that I should never wait for people who can only give half back
no negative vibes here!
💌💖 my romance / love centred playlists:
dancing in my room to the sound of you, you, you (middle school crush vibes)
love cluster: and i guess there are lot of love songs out there but there are also a lot of songs that aren't about love that got me feeling like i'm in love so which is it
lovelorn: (a unrequited love playlist) and we yearn for the hearts we cannot hold; lovelorn, lovelorn, lovelorn
our love has gone cold: I love & I loved
whimsical lovers falling out of love
baby boy blues: fell in love for a day with a boy whose smile is contagious and ever-lasting
you gave me panic attacks & I called it love: unsure if you’re in an unhealthy relationship? leave them.
regret in the simplest of forms: I could have loved you / I think a small part of me did
my favourite ‘what if’: soulmates who weren’t meant to be
seeking love among cruel hearts: perhaps we were friends first and lovers second. but then perhaps this is what lovers are.
it’s a long way down from your window: everyone’s favourite secret relationship trope
heartbreak hotel
i’m yearning for his heart while he gives me his body: I love you, don’t you love me too?
make out w/ me?: songs I'd kill to make out with someone too
miss you forever: sad pop love letter
I liked you better in my dreams: the idea of them has taken root in your mind and it’s much different to how they really are
little bit in love with u: alterous attraction? we KNOW her
drowsy cacophony of love
tracing you back to the roots of my house: I'm sifting through the memories of us, where did we go wrong?
love; a choice or a feeling?: and it is both I suppose, it is a feeling, it’s happiness and soft giggles, faint blush. and then it is a choice, a choice to stay with them or leave. it is a choice to not only love them, but yourself too.
tenderly, tragically: this used to be a collab playlist with someone who loved me fully and unconditionally, things have changed since, but this is whats left; it's our story compiled into a playlist
second chance at love: you make me hard, but she makes me weak
lonely in love: (it was supposed to be just casual sex but fuck, I think I'm in love with you)
silent lovers: skinny love (n.) a type of love where two people are in love with each other but are too shy to admit it
my first love: they say your first love never dies, and love, they’re right
my lover is a liar: victim to broken promises and false truths by a boy who died when he gave me his heart
love locket type of love: I loved you in secret !!
the charms of love: don’t fall in love with the moment & think your in love with the girl! (yes, she’s american by the 1975 lyrics)
almost lovers
💸💄💅🏻⛓ playlists that give off bad bitch energy:
rich girl$: my cash flow will never ever end
kiss the boys n make em die!: femme fatale, girl revolution, girl power
GIRLS. FOOD. GEAR: loosely inspired by people by the 1975
girl, interrupted
you’re like a rhinestone pick-up line: picture this — a girl with a hard attitude that you can’t just seem to get off your mind
back on my bullshit: just got my heartbroken; revamped!
👻👽 my halloween inspired playlists:
hallohalloween: basic halloween playlist
 the fae know my name: humans beware the manic pixies & lip curling fae for although they don't lie they are cunning creatures with kind eyes!
frothy vampire chick meets soft green witch: red fanged lover & a green house full of potions, spells & succulents
sirens lament: sharp teeth hidden under a pretty face
murder at the casino: (in breaking news: monster hunters just cant seem to catch a break!)
the howling
witchy renaissance
fuckin vampires, man!
🥀 if I were series (playlists that only feature one artist based off something specific):
if I were to dance in a faerie ring to hozier songs: maybe I want to fall in love with a faerie and be under Hozier’s rule
if I were to live my teenage years to Lorde songs
if I were to get high by the beach to skeggs songs: BIG greening out energy
 if I were to fall in love to tom rosenthal songs: tom rosenthal songs that make me feel like I'm in love!!
if I were to reminisce about heartbreak to LANY songs:
Hogwarts Houses:
🌻 Hufflepuff
🥊 Gryffindor
🐍 Slytherin
📘 Ravenclaw
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loveseungs · 6 years
stray kids reacting to you kissing their jaw
goodness i died at these but this one’s for you, @ anon who requested this
➻ chan - “are we still on for tonight?” - chan saw his phone light up in the corner of his eyes and his heart clenched. it was 6pm and he was nowhere close to finished with the newest song. - after finishing a phrase, he pulled his phone and called you - ring... ring... - “chan?” - “hey, love...i’m calling to tell you that i don’t know when this song’ll be finished. i’m so upset. can i book you first thing in the morning? are you busy?” - a hint of disappointment was evident in your voice. “are you sure you’re not busy in the morning?” - he jumped a little in his seat. “this is so unfair to you, i am so going to make this up to you. 8am good?” - “good night, channie.” - beep - chan frustratedly ran his hands through his fingers, typing away. if only he could do everything at the same time, he would. - his thoughts raced from you to chords to disappointing you to a sick new melody as he worked on the riff of the newest stray kids song - but the thought of being unable to push through with the plans he promised made him feel so terrible - reaching out for his phone once more, chan thought of telling you he was dropping by tonight with food and your favorite movies - you didn’t let him. within seconds, you burst into the studio - “what are you—“ - “here. if you’re going to skip out on date night, you better make the skip worth it,” you huffed, placing a cup of coffee and a box of takeout on his table. - shocked? he was FLABBERGASTED - “but i—“ - you shut him up with a kiss on his jaw, roughly touching your lips right there for a second. “would you just finish up now? you need to sleep soon, so you don’t look like a zombie when you meet me in the morning.” - chan fought the urge to explode in ecstasy. - “you light up my life.”
➻ woojin - you had a rough day - by rough day i mean rough week - you were just so angry at everything and irritated and - ugh. you were so tired - so exhausted. if you could sleep and wake up in a different place in life, you’d gladly take the offer - but that wasn’t (unfortunately) how life worked and the next best thing to do was to call kim woojin - you call, he delivers - within a flash he’s at your doorstep, a plastic filled with food in one hand and a big teddy bear on the other - Thank Everything For Kim Woojin - he quickly wrapped you up in blankets and cooked your fav instant noodles - “okay, so i brought my teddy bear but listen. you’re borrowing, okay? no one knows i have this. you can’t let anyone know, and you gotta be really careful,” he instructs, handing you the big plushie - What did you do to deserve this soft man - He made his way behind you and slinked his arms around your waist as you hugged his prized possession - Enveloped in a comfortable silence, you decided to look at Woojin just for a bit - WRONG CHOICE - he looked down at you with such gentle eyes and you just. you kissed him. right there on his left jaw, allowing your lips to linger for a second longer than necessary - his grin??? almost as big as the teddy bear - actually you couldn’t tell the difference between the man cuddling you and the bear you were cuddling - “you should do that more,” woojin comments nonchalantly, even if you feel the erratic drumming of his heart beating a million miles per minute against your back. - with a twinkle in your eyes, you answered, “i should.”
➻ minho - minho’d be doing something silently, like playing on his phone or eating a snack - then you decide to peck him right there on his jaw - he becomes so smug about it - he gives you that MinhoTM smirk and leans in close - “you wanna kiss me elsewhere, too??” - THE TABLES HAVE TABLED U JUST WANTED TO SMOOCH UR BOY BUT HE HAD TO BE SO HECKN EXTRA - lee minho wants to play THAT game?! FINE - you held his chin and tilted it towards you - holy heck where’d that confidence come from - “the question is, minho, do you want me to kiss you elsewhere?” - all smugness has been lifted. lee know does not know what comes next - he is melting.
➻ changbin - u asked changbin to sing for you because u rlly, rlly like his singing voice - so, despite his embarrassment, he sang a lil’ something - his voice was like honey n u could not help but be entranced - so u kissed him gently on his jaw - his jAW, WHICH BY THE WAY IS SO SHARP IT COULD CUT YOU IM SURPRISED UR LIPS AINT BLEEDING READER - he yelpED A LITTLE READER UR TOO SHOCKING - “AISH!!” he shouts, looking at you with pink ears “DONT DO THAT!!” - he attempted to hide under the protection of his cap, but u caught him stealing glances at you - you giggle a little because you were so soft for this soft boy
➻ hyunjin - hyunjin’s such a hardworking boy and he was doing the thing where he practiced rapping with a pen in his mouth - you were working quietly beside him as he continuously practiced - then he decided to practice his vocal part, too - HOLY MCHECK u were not ready when his sweet voice danced to the melody of skz’s new song - his voice has significantly improved and it sounded so smooth - he looked like an absolute angel, and you really could not tear your eyes away from him - so u kissed him on the jaw, a subtle yet cute place to kiss him - A GOOFY SMILE MADE IT ON HIS FACE and as soon as he finished his part, he stopped the music and turned to you. hyunjin peppered your face with soft kisses with his soft lips
➻ jisung - yknow whats fun - goofing around with ya boi j.one - so when han jisung asks u to go on a park date u agree - when you saw him waiting on a bench, you waved and approached him with a smile - HE LOOKED SO GOOD - he was wearing a trench coat and a rlly nice shirt bc korea’s cold like that - so anyway u two started on your slow walk around - you guys talked about so many things! updating each other, talking about the rest of skz, music production for him, your work and home life, etc etc - then u saw a pile of leaves and holy mcheck u! were gonna Do ItTM - u let go of jisung’s hand and jumped really high - rustle rustle~ - THE CRINKLING OF THE LEAVES MADE U SO HAPPY - you called jisung over to join you and he did. in a few seconds u guys were kids again, jumping in piles of leaves - his smile was like sunshine - that’s when u pulled him close and pecked him real quick. on his jaw, too! - HE YELPED A LITTLE AND FOR ONCE, THIS LOUD AND SILLY BOY WAS SILENCED - you giggled and watched him try to process what had just happened but really he was frozen
➻ felix - y’all were chillin in at your place in the evening - it was a slow and laid-back night - but even so, you and felix very much enjoyed each other’s company - “i’m kinda hungry,” felix said, looking up from his phone and into your eyes - you reciprocated his gaze and asked, “well, what do you wanna eat?” - “is it weird? i want cheese, crackers, and wine” - you laughed. “we’re not even allowed to drink that, are we?” - felix pouted. “yeah but like, maybe a small sip? i just really think it goes well with the whole cheese and crackers thing.” - you gave into that terrible pout, and i say terrible because u practically died @ it. - when u returned w/ felix’s strange request, there was some calm music playing on the speaker - after taking a bit of his cracker and sipping a swig of wine, he looked at you again. this time, he stood up - “dance with me?” - wow that was cheesy felix lee but u cannot resist him - he led you as you danced around the small living room space, pace steady - his stare was so gentle. you dared to study his face, and you could not help but land a kiss right there on his jaw - felix broke into a very big grin and gave you a little twirl - then, he dipped you and kissed the top of your nose - it was so incredibly cheesy, but you secretly adored it.
➻ seungmin - school was finally over and u were so glad - it had been a long day, but it was coming to an end - you waited for seungmin outside his classroom and when he came out, you waved - you two had a daily routine of walking to the train station together, so you often waited up for each other - not like u had a crush on him too but - you two were casually conversing until u reached the school building’s exit - the sky was darkening and u knew what was up - y’all rushed outside before u got caught in the rain - but then it started drizzling - you didn’t make it past the school gate when it started pouring. luckily, you two were able to run under a shed - “seungmin, please tell me you have an umbrella” - “looks like we’re waiting here” - “seungmin!” you shouted. “i can’t! i have a family event after this.” - “are you kidding?” his eyes widened. - “no!!” you shook your head. - he took off his blazer and draped it over your head. then, he grabbed your wrist and started bolting in the direction of the train station - screw it. you ran as quick as your legs could take you, and you let out an ungodly scream while at it - when you reached the station, breath hitching and your clothes drenched, you both let out a laugh and headed to the platform - while waiting for the train, seungmin felt a tap on his shoulder coming from you and he turned around, only to be kissed softly on his jaw - he felt his cheeks warm up as you shoved the blazer he’d let you borrow back into his hands - “see you tomorrow, seungmin.”
➻ jeongin - jeongin invited u over to jam with him at his house, so u agreed caus music’s The Best !! - hanging w jeongin’s the best - anyway, when u arrived, he greeted u with an ecstatic face and ushered u inside, where it was warmer !! - you two sat in the living room, making urselves comfy - so like, before anything, you two decided to talk about each other - jeongin convinced u to do those friendship tag things u see on the internet where u ask questions and try to answer for the other - after much laughter and playing around, jeongin grabbed a guitar and started to strum a couple of notes - n suddenly your voice found into his, waltzing to the serenade of the guitar - READER BOTH OF UR VOCALS + THE GUITAR = a pOWER DUET - n u were so heckn proud u decided to record it - so, as he shuffled beside you to get close to your phone which had the mic, you noticed that goodness he was really good looking - and you couldn’t really hold back i mean who wouldn’t kiss yang jeongin - so, with utter care and gentleness, you planted a kiss on his jaw, grinning as his ears turned a concerning shade of pink - HE WAS FLUSTERED but he also did not want to be CuteTM at that moment so with all his strength mustered up in him, he looked at you and said: - “Wow, was I really that irresistible?” - YANG JEONGIN STOP WITH UR DUALITY U LOSER - after being unable to come up with a coherent response, he kissed you back on your jaw - “...damn jeongin... my voice is going to shake during the recording... you monster.”
thank u for reading i hope u all have a swell day !!
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hyunverse · 1 year
my love please buy real food you deserve it 🙏🏼 especially on your period !!! that sucks so much you don’t have any sushi near you :(( maybe one day you can get some stuff to make like make shift sushi ?! gahhhhh ur so cute i cry <//3 ur just as much an angel baby 💗💗💗 AND IM SO EXCITED FOR THATTTT !!!!!! angst is life rn bc i LIVE for it
it’s pretty much just a story about these 3 sirens who lured these sailors into their deaths by their singing. i just rly like the way it’s written and the “lessons” behind it. those kinds of stories w hidden lessons or messages are always my fave !! YESSSS that fits hyunjin so well omfg. poor baby just wants love 💔💔💔. we are the same hyune 🙏🏼
andddddddd i’m tearing up :((. UR TOO KIND TO ME I CANT HANDLE IT !!! you have no idea how much that means to me :((((((. i say the exact same things about you, you are so so kind and such a good person. i feel like you’re the kind of person that could be easily trusted and i value that sm in people. you always make my days so much better as well, i look forward to all your responses and to your writing bc you just get it 💗. so thank YOU for being here in the first place. ur genuinely one of the most special and kindest and talented and thoughtful and smart and beautiful ppl i’ve ever met on here in all my years on this app 🙏🏼. you rly are a gem <333 i could go on for days about how much i adore you !! no joke !!!!!!! i’m very glad i came across your acc bc you and your writing have helped me through so much already <33
ahhhh yes you’re a smart one for that !! (i am not at all and just hope i find stuff in person, when i pretty much never do 😁) the holidays in your culture are so cool i’m always so intrigued by them ^_^
OOO HOTPOT W HYUNE YESSSS PLSSSSS !!!!!! you cant tell me would not only cook, but also feed you food. he’d just be like no you’re not lifting a finger and i’m doing all the work bc ur my precious angel who shouldn’t and won’t lift a finger anytime she’s with me 😇😇😇. yes pls !!!!!!!! i think i might have to write some soon bc i’m in such a fluffy mood lately. my fave is angst to fluff so maybe even that ?? i love big fights that turn into crying cuddle sesh’s mhm mhm. that w minho would make my year so maybe i’ll start w that 🤔
- 🐈‍⬛ even cuter pics gahhh ur so sweet :(( hugs and kisses i hope you sleep well my love 💗💗💗 manifesting hyune to sneak into ur dreams tehehe
yaaaa good idea!!! i’m pretty sure sushi ingredients can be found around here ^__^ thank u thank u i nvr thought of that <3 me?? an angel?? THANK U HEHE <3 i don't deserve it but thank you, darling. i'm sorry it took a while to talk to u, i've been swamped in assignments, i barely have any time for myself </3 eid break starts next week though, so that's nice hehe. hopefully i'll be able to talk and write more then!!
just read the siren story, omg their names are so complicated HELP... greek names, man. odysseus encountered the sirens during his journey home, right? if i'm not mistaken hehe.
i'm not being too kind angel, it's purely the truth. i'm flattered that you think of me the same, i could never picture myself to be even half as sweet as you T__T we're the same then because i could a 100% talk abt u all day!!
hehe i'd gladly talk abt my culture with u!! wait till eid, i'll drop fit pics here <3!! also wait did i ever show u my oddinary pulls?? i dont rmmbr if i did aaaa
RIGHT RIGHT HE WUD!!! HE'S THE SIT TIGHT PRINCESS, I'LL DO THE WORK FOR U KIND OF BOYFRIEND!!! i want him saur bad... omg i feel like he'd mix u the dipping sauces and stuff... i'll start crying at the thought of this. TENSION THAT FADES TO FLUFF >>> EAT THAT UP!!! I EAT THAT UP FR!!!
i have been dreaming of hyune lately tbh... it's been <3333 my dreams be so good. anyway! hope ure having a good week so far my sayang!!! (it means love in malay!!)
kithkithkith <3
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Broo ok could you give me ANYTHING HONESTLY ANYTHING with a king scenario?? Like theres johanna and regina (or whatever names you want idc) and ronald (gdhdns UGLY NAME SORRY) and dominic? Like sexy stuff, fluffy stuff, sexy fluffy stuff I DONT CARE (also its understandable if you dont write genderbends i just love ur hcs and style of writing SO MUCH)
i love genderbends, don’t worry! one day i will write my joger epic wherein roger is regina, the kickass drummer who blows john richard deacon’s mind because this fandom is lacking in genderbends particularly with girl!roger
Anyways, hope you enjoy!!
i feel like??? it just goes without saying that in the king!au they’re a little more...cautious about having babies
Regina and Johanna aren’t just like, normal women, they are Musicians and their job is 24/7 and demanding
Johanna getting pregnant initially was a Big Deal and not just because of Ron’s uber catholic family but because the band had to wrap up a tour as fast as possible, start working on a new album, and schedule in some maternity leave because yknow BABY
(Johanna was SO SCARED to tell the girls?? like she was worried they’d kick her out and make her leave because it was so ill-timed)
(not that you can TIME an accidental pregnancy. and really, if we’re gonna blame anyone blame Melina because she’s the one who literally poured tequila down her’s and Ron’s throats)
(so when Johanna found out she told, in order, her doctor, Ron, her mother, Ron’s mother, the cab driver who picked her up from the station, the woman who gave her the chocolate chip scone at her favorite bakery, and then the girls)
(Regina was the first to recover from the shock. she practically flew into her arms and started babbling about how wonderful it all was, how exciting, a baby!! what would they name it?? definitely Regina, such a regal name, and of course she’ll be godmother--
While Melina tried to hide that she was crying before sending Miami off to go fetch a bottle of sparkling apple cider as they deserved a toast! 
Brianna was the only one who was hesitant in celebrating, after all, they’d have a lot to manage before it came, but yes, congrats, Johanna! such a blessing)
Yes, so babies
Very strict about the babies because while little Rebecca was the reason they all got together, another baby could easily be why they all fell apart
Regina never wants to give up touring and making music, which a baby could impede
Johanna of course wants more, but she also doesn’t want to stop while they’re still going
(it’s also so not her turn, okay she only just managed to fit back into her prebaby jeans)
Ron and Dominic? 
They definitely want more kids 
For sure
Like Dominic just wants more little girls with Regina’s eyes and Ron’s reddish hair or Johanna’s smile and his own nose
But they’d never enforce that on their girls 
So they all decide: no babies until they’re ready
(they last exactly one year)
On Dominic’s birthday, they all proceed to get absolutely blitzed on too much red wine and too much good food while on tour in the south of Spain
Regina is the one who suggests skinny dipping in the Mediterranean but its Ron who initiates the sex
what originally was just Regina and Johanna splashing each other turns into Ron carrying Johanna caveman style back into their rental house and laying her out on the floor and licking the salt from her skin while Regina throws her legs over her shoulders and goes to town
Dominic follows shortly behind, shouting that it’s his birthday and he will not be ignored like this and someone better touch his dick before he leaves them all on grounds of emotional cruelty
Needless to say, everyone :) has :) fun :)
A month later, Regina is aware that Something Is Not Right
Regina is very in tune with her body
She has to be, as it is the most important part of her job for everything to be in working order
Drumming is more than just wrists and arms, if she’s sick or her legs are hurting she won’t be able to play like she usually does
So when she begins to feel...different? 
She freaks out, goes to the doctor, and discovers that their passion filled night by the mediterranean blitzed their Planned Babies Only Decision 
Regina freaks and drives straight to Miami’s office because, well
there’s a huge giant possibility that this baby’s father is a married man (Ron)
Miami, who already dealt with the logistics of their relationship and potential baby the moment he found out they were together gives her a big hug
 (Regina is totally his favorite he would rather die than admit it but it’s true) 
And tells her that he’s already figured it all out and that she’ll be taken care of
Also, they were due for time in the studio anyways, so they can work on a new album until regina has the baby and then they’ll have the break before the tour
With the band all handled, Regina decides that all she has to do is tell the others 
She goes back to the doctor, gets her first scan, and then she comes home, puts the picture of the Bean in a frame, and hangs it on the wall
“There’s no way they won’t notice it,” Regina says, resting her hands on her hips and admiring her little miracle
It takes them three weeks
At first it was cute
Then it was annoying
By the third week she’s ready to take the baby herself and find another three people who are more observant
Desperate times call for desperate measures 
She asks Dom if the photos in the living room are crooked and he’s like, nope, they’re looking good, Reg!
She asks Johanna to help her dust, and sends her to take care of the pictures in the living room. She watches as Jo dusts for 15min, chattering away about the new album but not noticing a thing
She straight up asks Ron if he noticed the new frame in the living room and Ron was like, oh, no, but i’m sure it looks great!
She’s completely given up when Melina, Marc, Brianna, and Chris come to dinner
Dom and Brianna have commandeered the kitchen, working side by side to make a roast with lots of vegetarian options
(Dom keeps trying to hip check her away when she starts Touching The Meat because what does she know about a roast??? They are Delicate Cuts of Meat and You Cannot Disturb Them! No Brianna, it’s not too dry!!) 
Her and Jo are curled up next to each other the couch chatting with Marc and Ron about the upcoming album
While Melina and Chris stand around shooting the shit and drinking beers by their record player
It’s Chris who spots it first, just out of the corner of his eye
Regina was quite proud the way she set it up. It’s just the picture in the frame, but underneath she’s written
Condom Failed: Deacon-Taylor-Tetlaff-Beyrand Baby, Due Spring 1977
She had a bit of a giggle when she was writing it, but now, knowing that she’s involved with Three Idiots, she thinks it was more than just condom failure that led her here
So Chris sees it, and he immediately drops his beer bottle, reaching out to grab Melina’s arm tightly
“The fuck, Mullen,” Regina snaps, staring at the mess on her floor.
“Are you alright?” Johanna asks, standing up to check on him
Melina stares at him, then his arm, before looking at where he’s staring
She sees the picture, and lets out a scream of excitement, her hands covering her mouth 
“Holy fuck!” 
Brianna comes running out of the kitchen at the sound, Dom on her heels (after he checked to make sure the roast was okay)
Meanwhile, Chris is really trying not to blubber because he really just loves babies and well, CLEARLY this is why they invited them over!
(Dom just wanted an excuse to make a roast) (he’s very proud of his recipe) (So So So Proud)
“Oh my god, you guys, congratulations!” Chris cries, moving to pull Johanna into a hug
Because let’s face it, she was the last one pregnant, so it’s a safe bet!
He’s Wrong though
“Thank you...?” Johanna says, returning the hug and making a face at Brianna over his shoulder. 
Brianna shrugs
“I can’t believe it! This is so exciting, you must be so excited!” Melina shrieks, barely able to get the words out
Chris is still hugging Jo tight
He pulls back, staring at her in horror, then at the wine glass in her hand
The wine glass
That he filled
“Johanna!” he yelps, unaware that Regina is burrying her face in her hands while Johanna is Confused
“You can’t drink when you’re pregnant!” 
There is a long pause
Very long
Johanna stares him deadass in the eyes and takes a large sip
“I’m not,” she says, as dry as her Merlot
“Then who’s sonogram is on the wall?” Melina demands
“What sonogram?” Ron snorts turning to look at the wall. 
“God you’re so lucky you’re cute,” Regina drawls, still perched on the edge of the couch, sipping at her tonic-lime-mint-hold-the-vodka
Ron frowns
Johanna gasps
Dom freezes
“Regina,” Dom says, his voice fragile. “Regina, are you--?”
“Hi Papa.” she smirks before looking at the other three, “Daddy, Mummy. Took you long enough to notice.” 
Johanna, who has never once shrieked in her life, shrieks before pressing their mouths together, her thumbs brushing the apples of Regina’s cheeks, whispering, “I love you so much.” 
Ron jumps to his feet with a whoop, grabbing Regina so as to spin her around and around in circles before letting her go to yank Johanna into a kiss
“We’re having a baby!” he cheers
Dom rushes towards her, falling to his knees before Regina and buries his face into her stomach
There may be tears
“Hi, baby,” he whispers, “It’s your Papa.” 
Regina runs her fingers through his hair, smiling wetly at the other three
“I hope the baby gets my brains because otherwise they’re fucked,” she laughs. “That photo’s been up for three fucking weeks!” 
The three of them laugh and cry and kiss
Regina is passed around the rest of them, where they, too, press kisses to her cheeks and hands to the slight curve of her stomach
It’s not until the faint scent of smoke wafts to them do they remember why they were all together to begin with
“My roast!” Dom wails
(seven and a half months later, Regina cuddles her newborn daughter while the three stand around, all three ready to greet the newest member of their family)
("Im just saying she looks like a Tiger Lily,” Regina coos) 
(”Over my dead body,” Johanna says wetly. Picking her name has been the second biggest fight in their entire relationship. “She’s too perfect for that.”) 
(They name her Catherine)
(It isn’t until they bring her home to they realize their mistake) 
(”This is my daughter, Cat,” Regina smirks.) 
("Goddamnit,” Johanna hisses.) 
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'Rumours' Draco x Reader
Rating: Fluff Requested?: Nope  Request: -”I dont know if ur still doing requests or something but, could i have a request where y/n is being bullied or harassed and Draco is the one to help her and comfort her (Slytherin Reader) Warnings: Bullying, harsh comments, swearing.
A/n: So its been like 2 months or something crazy like that and I should technically have no reason to not post however my phone took a shit on me as did my laptop and I genuinely thought that this imagine had been posted but I only just saw that it was still in my drafts, and I feel horrible so once my Speaking exam is over everything should be a lot more frequent :) sorry again... 
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"What a slut" "I Heard that she's trying it in with Potter as well"
 Two snickering 6th years at the end of the table had a full blown conversation about the rumours, right in front of me.
"She has the face of a whore" I glanced up to Pansy, she glared back down the table at me as I returned my gaze to my food. Usually, I was the one that Pansy feared but under the influence of rumours, she had me completely unarmed and unwilling to stand up for myself. I heard a soft laugh come from my left side, turning towards it I saw Draco's soft blond hair bounce as he laughed at Neville walking to his table. I smiled lightly in Draco's direction admiring the boy's beautiful grey eyes and musical laugh. "Oh look the slut is at it again!" A loud voice boomed across the hall as Pansy stood up and pointed at me, I slowly turned to see the whole hall looking at me. My lip started to quiver. Quickly snapping my head in the direction of the door I caught Draco's eyes who were also staring at me. 'He thinks I'm a slut, he thinks I'm disgusting'. My lips started to quiver, “Pansy... Please. Don’t do this I beg...”
“Aww is y/n going to cry? Bless. Maybe you shouldn’t have started whoring up to Draco and Potter, right babes?” she smiled at Draco who had only given her attention when he heard his name fall from her mouth almost using it as an insult towards me.
“Potter? she has no association with Gryffindors except for Hermione...” Draco spoke down the table to Pansy, who in turn stood there in shock.
“you can’t be serious Draco, you’re standing up for that!” Pansy and Sophie spat in unison as if they were identical twins who were separated at birth. I looked back and forth between the two and saw my chance.
Taking one last look at the rest of my classmates and fellow students I decided it was now or never and made a dash for the door. A big commotion started up as I ran, I could hear shouts thrown between Draco and Pansy, I sprinted as fast as possible to my dorm weaving in and out of various students mumbling sorry's for everyone who I shoved by accident.
I reached my room and pressed my back against the door, no one was here. No one can see my meltdown. except for me. I stayed against and door and slid down it until my legs hit the floor and I curled myself up into a tight ball and cried into my knees. A knock at the door vibrated down my back, assuming that it was one of my roommates I yelled out to them and tried to make myself look like I haven't been crying for the past half hour. "Be a second sorry, I'm- I'm just getting changed" I quickly paced around the room wiping my tears straightening my clothes. I caught myself in the mirror to see my horrendous bloodshot eyes. Giving up; I walked towards the door and peeled it open turning my face away from my roommate. Instead of feeling a gust of the wind that would follow then as they walked into the room, long slender arms hooked over my shoulders pulling me into a hug. And all of a sudden my angry, strong demeanour was devoured before my eyes the embrace was so welcoming and loving all the shadows and demons ripped themselves from my very being, and I let myself break down completely thus letting a new person into my life, once someone see’s that I’m not as tough as they expect I can’t let them leave and take advantage of me. The person’s hand started to glide up and down my back in a comforting manner. 
“Shh, it’s okay y/n” a soft yet raspy British accent sounded throughout the room. Draco? I looked up to my embrace occupant and sure enough, I saw that same tuft of blond hair, it was a slightly messy a change to his old style that was slicked with gel and practically stuck to his head. 
Usually knowing that Draco was comforting, but having heard the rumours, I wanted to push him away so I struggled against his grasp but he held me even tighter.  “y/n, no one can see us here and no one will harass you here, I promise” I knew that he told the truth but I still felt so unsafe, it's like someone could be watching us at any moment ready to tell Pansy of my “whorish doing”
I realised there was no use in fighting against Draco, he was, after all, a lot stronger than me. He carefully walked us over to the bed and we both sat down still in each other's arms.
“y/n... there is no way I could tell you how sorry I am and that-” “It wasn’t your fault Draco, there’s no need for you to apologise...” “Well actually...” Draco pulled away finally and looked me deep in the eyes his soft grey eyes being taken over by his dilating pupils. “It is kind of my fault. “What?!” I exclaimed loudly but then proceeding to cover my mouth being taken aback by my own voice. “Last term Pansy told me that she liked me, but I had told her that I was interested in someone else..” he trailed off leaving me confused at what this story had to do with me. “and at what point do I come into this story?” “well, I told Pansy that you're the one that I'm interested in. And I think that's what started this whole thing so, I’m so sorry y/n” he let out a heavy sigh and dipped his finger into his delicate locks. “God it is all my fault”
I side glanced at the boy next to me on my bed, I sighed heavily just like he did, deciding to let out all my feelings to him and show him how I really feel. I tapped his chin with my finger making him look over to me, as soon as he looked at me I leant over quickly to press my lips to his and just like a movie our lips locked together perfectly and it felt as if the rumours all faded away, yes me and Draco’s relationship would create some different rumours but none of that matter because he was mine and I loved him, hopefully, he loved me too.
just like the lilacy orange sky fades to navy blue and the sun dims to become the moon: we became one and the atmosphere changed. 
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tayegi · 8 years
Equilibrium is blowing my mind 😮😮😮 I never expected jungkook to suddenly turn into some possessive psycho jerk 😨😨 I really hope he gets his shit together. What the flying f*ck 😱😱😱 In fact It'd be cool if Jin suddenly showed up with food and The OC leaves that chaotic relationship for food 😂😂😂😂 EVRYONE WOULD PICK FOOD OVER RELATIONSHIPS. right ? Am i the only one lol *cries*
Anonymous said:Sorry for being late to the party lol, but I just read the new update of Equilibrium and I felt so fucking anxious and scared for the oc. I don't know how in the hell, some ppl find jungkook's actions hot when he is literally being psychotic and obsessive. Especially the part when he told her 'You'll regret it', he's basically threatening her there. It's obvious the whole relationship they have is toxic af and it only seems to be getting worse as time passes. Apart from that, have a nice day!
Anonymous said:OMG EQUILIBRIUM 11 Omg I still have goosebumps, like Jungkook was being so fucking possessive it scared the shit out of me. Even tho It was a shitty move for the oc to not attend his graduation, she still could had attended but that phone call... I don't want this to turn into some creepy murdering fanfic LOL. Ughhh Jungkook what is even going in your mind? I'll be looking forward to the next chapter! xx :)
Anonymous said:Dude, you did such a great job at writing o/c's anxiety in this chapter. I try not to be bias toward her, but it's really hard since the story us in her pov. I got seriously grossed out by JK, man. I was so uncomfortable with the whole morning ordeal. 😩 And his threat at the end?? I know it's a story, but I had my friend-instincts kick in and I just wanted to shake her and be like "PLEASE LEAVE THIS RN PLEASE" (1)
Anonymous said:(2) And I'm curious about how Jimin would react if he knew how JK was acting. He has this idea that JK is a perfect boy, but if only he knew...But, at the same time, they all have this distorted view of one another, huh? We see Jimin as Mr. Perfect cause that's how o/c sees him. I guess it goes into that whole "unreliable narrator" thing? I'm just writing what thoughts the chapter has provoked. I absolutely love how u pay attention to detail in this story!! Awesome job as usual, mane 😊🙆
Anonymous said:Jungkook needs to take a moment to realize how miserable and uncomfortable the OC is like my goodness. Things have gone waaaaaay downhill. Especially for the OC. Also Jungkook actions are just kind of creepy??? And just like so unhealthy. I know it can be really hard to get out of a relationship, and she still loves Jimin and all, but the OC needs to just get out of there.
Anonymous said:omg jk is becoming such a possessive creep like reading the last part gave me chills tbh. they all need to realize that this relationship is v toxic and dip out of it. i kind of expected this to become what it is from the beginning but you still added twists to it that caught me off guard, thanks for being a great writer lu
Anonymous said:oh man that last chapter. just really fucking scary.... i went back and reread the end of ch.10 to recap and it makes me wonder how far y/n's willing to go for what's "worth it" in exchange for her own personal well being. because fuck, what jungkook is exhibiting is extremely concerning. as always your writing is amazing! thank you for using your free time this way, i'm sorry people are being gross and rude. you don't deserve that kinda shit, lu :(
Anonymous said:I genuinely love how you describe the OC as a trapped bird, and seeing how Jungkook reacted to everything is actually causing me to fear for the OC's well-being. I just want her to exist the whole relationship and just hook up with sunshine, can do no wrong hobi instead of the possessive junglecock and the passive Jimin :/ just my thoughts. But you're an extremely talented writer and your PhD is more important than smutty fanfic, so take all the time you need
Anonymous said:Ok first of all what the hell at ppl asking u for quick updates cuz ive lived with phd students they literally have a never ending to do list and im so amazed at ur ability to find time to write unbelievable. U go girl. And 2ndly, the claustraphobia u mentioned that oc was feeling. That was so detailed and even i felt like i was in her place. And jk..uve characterized his possessiveness so well and i got so mad forgetting this was a fictional character i was ready to throw a chair
Anonymous said:eek jungkook is making the equilibrium relationship so unhealthy somebody punch him
Anonymous said:Jungkook makes me so uncomfortable and I can actually feel the claustrophobia that OC feels .-. Overall, really excited for the next parts and can't wait to reread to see if I can find more theories. Thanks for the new chapter!
Anonymous said:ch 11... HOLY FUCK SHE NEED TO GET OUT JK IS LOONEY!! you really know how to make a story really good dude. super excited for updates!! i'm really curious about jimin's thought process about all of this. you've given a really good insight on kook and oc but jimin is still a little hard for me to figure out, i assume that's coming soon? i feel for oc, i want to protect her and tell her she's stronger and smarter than all of this. she's worth more than all of this craziness!!! GIRL POWER!! lol
Anonymous said:Holy fucking shit everything is so messed up in equilibrium like !! I love it and at the same time i cry because of the way you describe the oc's feelings I SWEAR I CAN FEEL IT TOO HOW DO YOU DO THAT? I can feel everything, my heart is pounding so fast now. Im so into it and i just want her to run away from this toxic relationship and take care of herself first like i know she loves jimin to the core but she is more important my heart clenches at every exquisite word you writE THANK YOU SO MUCH
Anonymous said:The story is really great I love how original your writing is I don't even see the characters as Jm an jk Which allows me to see how disgusting they all let themselves be treated in the relationship, a lot of the times I feel like readers are blinded by the image of an idol it changes their perspective honestly even if it was just one person who was lying about loving the other it would still be just as horrible I'm really curious as to what's even going on and how you are going to continue it❤️
ahmie-cat said:I feel so sad for the oc in equilibrium. Jungkook don't own nobody! How dare he claim ownership on the oc! I will fight him any day! I'll fight for the oc's freedom rights. Lols, just kidding... But really all of the characters are so sad...
Anonymous said:Honestly in the earlier chapters i really liked Jungkook but now hes just scaring me. The way the OC reacts to all his actions is so relatable thats exaclty how I would feel in her situation. This is crazy I dont even know how this fic would end I love it so much
Anonymous said:I was the anon who recommended you watch wfkbj and I'm so glad you like it!! :) ALSO the latest chapter of equilibrium was so good oh my god;; it's just ramping up like tenfold and while I was reading it sometimes I just had to stop and take a breather bc of all the tension lol. Honestly I don't even know how the oc is dealing with jungkook rn bc his behavior would chill me to the very bone I would have to get out !!! Anyways as always thank you for updating
Anonymous said:ah goodness, it was autocorrect that changed jungkook to jongkook! maybe next time i'll just use jinglebook to refer to him instead thens ahahahah. "goodness gracious, jinglebook is hella possessive that i'm actually really scared for y/n :s"
Anonymous said:So, uh. Equilibrium Jungkook is fucking terrifying....
Anonymous said:I hope the oc in equilibrium leaves the relationship. It's so unhealthy and I feel like she might develop some type of mental illness or just be very stressed and anxious if she continues the relationship.... It's just a fanfic, but man, i'd hate to be in her position... I feel like crying Lols. Is this what you intended?? Haha.... It's really good so far I'm looking forward to what happens next. I feel like there'll be a good moral to the story. *Fingers crossing.
Anonymous said:Damn wtf jungkook behavior is freaking me out 😳 "you'll regret it" like wtf crazy people say shit like that
Anonymous said:the characters in equilibrium seem to have never been in an actual proper relationship so the fact that they seem to have lasted this long is by sheer miracle. It's also probably why their worst aspects are even more apparent like jk's obsessiveness (which btw yikes boy yikesss) they literally all need to walk far far away from each other cause they a mess but I do wonder who's gonna be the first to do it cause it's all so complicated now, sorry for rambling I just love this fic so much!!
Anonymous said:What the ever loving monkey fuck is wrong with Jungkook. See, i was okay with him being jealous of Jimin because that's normal. I was moderately okay with OC agreeing to Jungkook's terms because she wants to stay with Jimin. I AM NOT OKAY with his sociopathic tendencies and how obsessive he's become. I think he's mistaken OCs genuine kindness for romantic interest at one point. And the thing that scares me the most is how Jimin seems to have no idea what's going on right under his nose as well
Anonymous said:Bruhhhh jungkook is legit fucking scary but the story itself is amazing and complex im gonna reread it right now
Anonymous said:Equilibrium is getting really interesting!! I'm kinda worried tht ppl read sentences like "Even a domesticated pet needs a taste of freedom" in context with her just /looking/ at jimin and think 'oh how romantic' tho. In every scene between her and jk u can practically feel her discomfort and fear and his possessiveness and how he's abusing her. I would normally stop reading a fic like tht bc I don't like it when the ppl are written like that bc they are real after all but I'm super hooked (1/2)
Anonymous said:(2/2)now and I am also really curious as to if and how they all are gonna get out of that situation or if jk kills her before they can just bc she takes care of a literally puking-everywhere-bedridden jimin. I'm also curious how Jimin is gonna act towards y/n now that they're alone and if he even noticed the toxic stuff that's happening between her and jk or if he didn't even notice bc jk kept him "happy" (idk how else to put it) so yeah. Keep up the great work!! Have a nice day xx
Anonymous said:GURL YOU NEED TO RUN FAST AND YOU NEED TO RUN FAR. It sucks that Jimin doesn't like OC romantically, but he's just using you to stay with JK. But JK... that shit is gonna hit the roof soon soon and it ain't gonna be pretty @.@
Anonymous said:Hey Lu, thanks for taking the time to update again~ Regarding the story...Jungkook is incredibly terrifying, like I had to step away a few times as I read because I just want the reader to leave so badly. I wish she would just be like "peace out". Everyone should just leave this situation and say "peace out". Even though I know the feelings are so complicated between all of them, it's just such a shit show on fire :( . Well done on setting everything up though. The tension is insane!
Anonymous said:Ugh I honestly want to slap Jungkook so hard. Possessive little shit.. As always your writing is amazing. Thank you for the update.
mirajoey said:MY GAWDD!! Jeon Jungkook has gone mad😱 i pray for oc's safety
Anonymous said:i am terrified by jungkook's actions and NOTHING in this whole damn world is going to excuse what he is saying and doing in equilibrium. WHERE IS YOONGI DITCH THEM ALL Y/N AND GO FOR YOONGI. and today, i have been going through some really misogynic shit today and it felt so freaking uncomfortable and i was so angry and kind of frightened...i do not know how y/n is able to act like a normal person with jungkook around who is being very possessive and psycho-like
Anonymous said:When I first saw you updated Equilibrium I almost yelled "IMMA BUST MY LEFT NUT" (I was really excited lol) and now I'm lying here in a puddle of emotion really scared for the OC lol. I adore your writing so much, thank you for writing these xx
Anonymous said:JEON YOU CREEP. Man this is all such a disaster BUT I LOVE TO WATCH THE DRAMA UNFOLD. Anyways it was a great chapter and I am so e x c i t e for the next part to start. You da best 😆
Anonymous said:This is what your writing does to people, this is literally the only time I've ever dislike Jungkook that much in a fic. I wanted the OC and Jungkook together, but now I really thing all 3 should go their separate ways. Jungkook's possessiveness is getting too much, it's too obsessive. I feel sorry for her, but at the same time her own fault as well. As for Jimin who knows he may not be as oblivious as we think ?! He is using the OC to get with Jungkook in the first place.
Anonymous said:Equilibrium OC should just pack her fckin' bags there is no happy way out of this one
Anonymous said:(1/3) Right before I read this I watched this British PSA music video about abusive relationships, where a pregnant woman was choked to death by her boyfriend as she was trying to leave him and I feel like these people who romanticize these types of relationships forgot that this actually happens IRL. This happens to real women and men and some of them don't make it out alive. And when they try to defend it by saying "it's just a story, it's not real" it's very real for some people.
Anonymous said:(2/3) And the fact that the OC is having trouble sleeping and feeling this anxiety. And the that Jungkook didn't fell any sympathy/empathy for Jimin while he was ill, it just doesn't sit well with me. And the OC isn't innocent either. So afraid to shatter what's left of the already crumbling illusion she's built up. The need to keep the fantasy of this relationship with Jimin that I'm not sure existed outside of her mind. I really do enjoy this story and how you portray the characters.
Anonymous said:(3/3) The isolated relationships between the three of them is very realistic. I've seen some of my close friends go through similar situations. And it's hard to get out once you're in.Anonymous said:I cant believe anyone in their right mind is sympathizing with Jungkook in Equilibrium?! The way he is with Y/N makes me so uncomfortable, esp with his “You’re all mine” crap and being so “in love” with her when all he wants is to have her under his control even tho he thinks it’s love. Jimin too, the way he’s down to have Y/N in the relationship since JK wants her but she wants Jimin.. also I’m glad ur fanfics exist since they can give some girls a perspective on what’s NOT okay and NOT love
Anonymous said:' And if I find out you let someone else touch what's mine... you'll regret it' - I kept on reading this over and over but each time it makes me cringe more, the fact that he constantly calls her 'mine' is so fucking off, like as a kookier Stan in rl , I felt really bad for jungkook but now I find it so hard, this relationship is taking a big twist that I did not see coming and it's getting abusive real quick.
Anonymous said:(Cont last) I stood firm in my decision. On the last day that we talked, he finally understood why. It was only then he realized his mistakes, only then did he cry & apologize for everything. He tried to convince me to give him a chance but the time for that has already passed. We are officially over. I loved the guy, you know? and deep down, I know there's good in there. But I can't risk my heart and soul anymore. I'm sorry this has gone out of topic, I just needed to get it off my chest.
Anonymous said:(Cont.) When he got mad at me for one minor thing, he will accuse me of cheating and call me demeaning words. Our relationship was always on his terms. I was always the one apologizing & making an effort to make him happy. I paid for all our dates. Just wow, I'm stupid. After a fight early Feb, I got tired of it all. I broke up with him and that process took 7 fucking days in which he tried to convince that my reasoning was wrong and that he was right. My gut feeling was telling me to leave.
Anonymous said:just finished reading ch 11... yikes. like YIKES. oh my, I'm honestly very worried and scared for the oc. reading it actually made me anxious and nervous lol. that relationship is a nightmare oh sweetie no, she needs to leave asap
Anonymous said:(Cont. Part 3) I felt caged. I always had to inform where I was, who I'm with, are there guys going to be at the event I'm going to. If there were guys, he didn't want me to go. I couldn't even get a regular update from him where he was and couldn't check on his phone. As I said, I was being stupid. I tolerated all of his bullshit. When you're in an abusive relationship, you won't realize it immediately. He'll come off sweet and only wanting to protect you and your relationship.
Anonymous said:(Cont. Part 2) to the red flags he showed early in the relationship. He didn't want to me talk to any guy who wasn't a family and asked me to delete all the guys in my Facebook account. Stupid me did so because I believed him when he said that "It's not because I don't trust you, it's because I don't trust the people around you." I stayed loyal to him but he was always paranoid that I was cheating on him. When we broke up, I learned he was talking to lots of girls that's why he was so paranoid.
Anonymous said:I got curious and read Equilibrium. All I can say is whoa! The anxiety and fear that I felt was so visceral; it made me fill ill. I've recently broken up with my ex, who was like that - subtly emotionally and mentally abusive. I am fairly young, naive, and inexperienced in relationships. I had a low self-esteem. Growing up I felt that I was unattractive and no one would like me. He was the first guy to really pursue me and I guess I was so hungry for love and affection that I turned a blind eye
Anonymous said:oc's anxiety is getting worst in equal... 😞 i hope she gets out soon. i agree, SEND IN MAMA JIN! lol kook is getting crazier each chapter i'm getting scared for her well being 😟☹️😦. SHES WORTH MORE THAN THIS CRAZINESS!! 💔 side note, thank you for sticking to it, i know it's not easy. and thank you for updating. i always look forward to your work ❤
withlove-sydney said:Tbh I was worried that this story was gonna take a disturbing turn after jk revealed that he was purposely trying to keep jimin away in chpt 10 and this chapter just confirmed how toxic he is. I agree with that other person tho I'm glad that you're the one writing this because I trust that you won't try to romanticize this at all. My ex was really possessive like jk and its not cute or sexy at all. I ended up so scared of him and when I see similar things in fics it gives me chills...
btsninetyfiveline said:I just want to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the relationship you're portraying in Equilibrium! It's soooooooo important to have stories that show abuse and possessiveness in an unhealthy light! I'm so tired of these "you looked at another guy for 5 seconds in the club so now I'm gonna take you home and show you who you 'belong' to" narratives. It's so important to address and educate young girls on signs of an emotionally manipulative relationship! 💕
Anonymous said:Hi Lu :) how are you? I love how you put out your stories unexpectedly, its always a pleasant surprise. Chapter 11 is so well-written (like all your work ofc).You set up the suffocating atmosphere perfectly with images and metaphors, like Oc's suffer is so real. I am really concerned about oc's mental health... in this chapter we see that she isn't in a good place and I am scared of what is yet to come. Thank you for your hard work. xo
Anonymous said:After reading chap 11, i feel so bad for the oc. Even reading about jk's possessiveness/threats makes me feel suffocated ;-; Though I'm excited for what's going to happen after he leaves for his trip hmm.... once again thank you for the update, Lu! :-) I'm really loving the pace of the story so far.
anonymouspseudonymous said:There's this anon that said "this ain't your ordinary fic where they all compromise and be happy" and i cannot agree more. Although, even if I get it that people hate JK for being cray, you have to punch Jimin as well hahaha idk man this is fucked
Anonymous said:I'm reading ch11 of equilibrium and the part where she wants to touch jimins face but jungkook has a tight grip on her wrist restricting her from doing so is so symbolic of their relationship and how she wants jimin so badly but jungkook is holding her back from him almost keeping her hostage in a way. Anyways I really enjoyed this part it gave me goosebumps so thank you for sharing your work with us even though you don't have to! You owe us nothing so I appreciate everything you give us💓💞💖💕
Anonymous said:I'm glad you don't tolerate the bullshit that jungkook isnt as bad as the protagnonist. People need to hear that that shit is toxic and manipulative. People are brainwashed into thinking it's romantic and okay. When it's absolutely not. No the protagonist isn't free of fault but she isn't being obsessively creepy.
Anonymous said:I think people tend to gloss over the fact that it IS an obsession (unhealthy and actually rather terrifying) and not actual "love" because they like the idea of someone doing anything to stay with them. But even in wanting to stay with someone, there have to be limits. You shouldn't end up losing yourself to someone if they want you as a person, not as just an object or a way to get what they want. There is a line between devotion and obsession, and people seem to ignore that all too often.
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