K, you know what? I'm gonna say it. I think this new Julian character should date Bart. I don't typically have preferences when it comes to shipping (and tbh if Bart got another love interest I'd be for it too) but I think DC should confirm Bart as Queer and that's sure as fuck not happening without a love interest (unless they pull a Hawke which I would love but unfortunately life isn't that nice to me)
DC isn't gonna fuck with other 'families' so they'd either keep the love interest in house or make up a new person but uhhhhh Jules is honorary Flash fam and a Force user. And a Central resident. Dude does rodeo shows. Jules is a country boy. Bart is a country boy.
I just, I don't know, I think it'd work!
Also I don't want Julian to have the same fate as Jess and Hartley and literally only get featured during pride month. Setting up a mini series or something would be good for the character I think. I really like Jules and I want him to stick around and be in stuff.
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mlmxreader · 4 months
fallout 4 + date night
all hcs are done w m!reader - please don't be weird abt it if you're not mlm/nblm!
includes: MacCready, Preston Garvey, John Hancock & Nick Valentine.
MacCready stretched his legs out as he sat on the rusty and half broken patio chair, a cold beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other; it was nice that he could hear himself think for once. Even better that he had you by his side; his boyfriend. You always did seem to be too good for him, he couldn't lie about that. But then he watched you take a long swig from the bottle of beer in your hand, and he swallowed thickly. Oh.
Even the most mundane things looked amazing when you did them. Man, he was head over heels for you and date nights were just an excuse to fall in love all over again. It took him so long to come to terms with it that now he nearly felt bad; but it was all more than worth it just to see you next to him, nursing a beer and talking about somehow both everything and nothing.
"Y'know," he said quietly. "I could get used to this."
"So could I," you agreed softly. "But we got a good thing going at the moment, don't we?"
"I think so."
John Hancock
Hancock couldn't believe how lucky he was, in all honesty. Knowing that he had, in his humble opinion, the single best boyfriend in the entire Commonwealth; he loved to parade you around Goodneighbor, telling everyone just how fantastic and wonderful and amazing you were without even skipping a beat to mention how great you were in bed as well. Flirtatious and charming, there was nothing more that Hancock liked than to go out on the town with you for a date - plenty of chems and alcohol and music that it was almost too much.
"How's this for a date?" Hancock chuckled as he pulled you against the door behind some seedy pub.
Carefully, you put your hands on his chest as you shrugged, doing your best not to laugh and grin. "I mean, it's not terrible."
"Ah, c'mon," he grinned, his bands wandering to search for yours. "I'm sure I can make you change your mind."
"Lead the way." You were hardly able to do anything but laugh, clinging onto his arm in hopes it would make the giddy spasms of your stomach go away.
Preston Garvey
Preston had always been a fairly simple guy and had always enjoyed the little things more than anything else. The day you asked to be his boyfriend was probably the biggest thing that you had ever done, and he would have been lying if he had said he didn't tear up a little bit at the notion; but date nights were often different. Preston always wanted to impress you and to make you smile, but he also wanted you to appreciate the dates whenever it was his turn; so, when he found out about an art gallery opening up near Diamond City, he knew what he had to do.
The second that he saw your smile, he knew his plan had gone well. The collection of art, mostly by citizens but occasionally by mayors or other such leaders, wasn't exactly huge but you seemed to be having a good time as you begged and pleaded for Preston to give you his opinion on the pieces; wanting nothing more than to hear whatever he had to say, no matter how big or small.
"You know, I can't thank you enough," you told him softly after pulling him aside so that you could speak privately. "This is the best date I've ever actually been on."
Preston grinned, all worry and anxiety dropping from him as he nodded, almost excitedly. "Anything for you."
Nick Valentine
Nick Valentine, not so contrary to his name, was an old romantic. He loved to take you out on what you could only guess were the same type of dates that went on before the Great War; the dancing, the boozing, the smoking, the fun. Nick loved to take you dancing, especially, as at least there hardly anyone noticed or cared what he was. No one called him a skinjob, for fucking once. But no, he was happy to take you dancing, especially when a slow song came on and he was able to hold you that little bit closer; all nervous laughs and fumbling hands no matter how many times it happened.
"Thank you for the nice night," you said softly. "It means a lot that you'd be happy to take me dancing - not just as your, y'know, your partner... but as your boyfriend as well."
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imagine-silk · 6 months
Could you do the Yandere Fallout dudes with a darling that is a pre-war ghoul and very insecure about it?
》A non!sole, let's go!
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【Hancock】 "Let's be freaks together, forever."
He was a gambling man and he won when he met you. Not only were you perfect in every way but you also loved him. Not to the extreme he loved you but that didn't matter to him. You could have screamed 'I hate you' and it wouldn't change his feelings. If you love him, love being a ghoul. You'll live forever together, you won't get sick, you are so beautiful. Over two-hundred years of waiting for him and now you get two-thousand years more.
【Preston】 "But you're sooooooo beautiful. Good enough to eat."
He will make sure you're loved in every way. Every. Way. In the morning he'll come up behind you and spin you around. At night he'll map out your entire body with his tongue. The way he looks at you, almost like he wants to eat you. It kills him inside you don't love yourself like he loves you but that just means he needs to show you.
【MacCready】 "Did someone say something about you?"
He asked calmly. He's soft and checks on you like a good husband would. Make no mistake it bothers him, burns him from the inside out. If you do name someone they will die that night. Once you're asleep he puts on a coat and grabs his rifle to go on the roof. You can see everyone from your house. When he goes back in you stir and he softly kisses you, "Go back to sleep, honey."
【Danse】 "You're an angel."
You saved him from spiraling downwards after BB. You are the angel who saved him, even after all of his sins. He doesn't even know if he ever bothered you for being a ghoul, that's how lost he was. But he will atone and worship you as his angel. The way you second guess your beauty is make him ache because he's said those things once. Now is the time to say the truth. "You look absolutely divine."
【Nick】 "Ain't you a sight for sore eyes."
He says that every time he comes home while pulling you in. He touches you with some reservations but you learned early on it was due to the damage on his body not yours. After he sees how much it bothers you he blackmails asks around and finds people to fix his exterior. Evey new tune up is met you affection immediately after.
【X6-88】 "You are over two-hundred years old. You look good."
He doesn't particularly understand the problem. You're not insecure about your tainted genes or your age. Even if you were he can't have kids and he's not that old in literal years so neither is a problem for him, he also has those problems. But failing all of that he falls back on the fact of your age and the fact you look better than the non-ghouls from your time. Because what counts is that you're alive.
【Deacon】 "Then let's do something about it."
He figured just saying differently wouldn't change your mind. It wouldn't change his if he was in your position. So he dumps a bunch of clothes in the living room and has a fashion show. If anything it will just take things off your mind. He does think about dumping radiation into the water supply to make everyone just like you. It doesn't cross his mind for long but it does.
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liannaedgelord · 1 year
my friend @jeffstormer has a good-ass actual play podcast for 2-player story games and you should listen to it if you don't
so to that end, i made a list of my fav @partyofonepod episodes in no real order
Clicks & Hums & Sirens & The Sun: You know how sometimes you go to a big loud dance party and you fall in love with a boy and then later you have a big stupid breakup? This is a game about that. This episode is a funny relatable emotional rollercoaster and I'm on it and we talk about Weezer.
Something Happened & The Lights Are Out: A really sweet conversation between two long distance friends before the electricity goes out forever. Also I wrote the game. This is the last personal bias pick, I swear.
The My Little Pony RPG Alex Pearlman Found In His House When He Moved In: Exactly what it says on the tin. This is the funniest shit I've ever heard.
I Have The High Ground: I just love when a duel is super horny for no reason. Like I REALLY love that. Don't @ me, as the kids probably no longer say.
Knowing You: The small sad breakup game that made me want to write small sad breakup games. Everything on my Itch page flows from this episode. Just a beautiful melancholy story of smalltown heartbreak.
Hey Man, I Love You, But No Fucking Way: Speaking of small towns. A little slice of life drama about teens getting ready to leave the shitty little town they grew up in. This episode introduced me to one of my favorite albums and I listen to both whenever I start feeling nostalgic for places I hated actually living.
We Used To Be Friends: A real fun little teen mystery game that, if I'm being totally honest, is mainly on this list because one of Jeff's characters, Preston, is a hilarious pitch perfect impression of everybody I hung out with in high school. It fucking kills me every time, and you may feel similarly if you also were autistic in high school.
Cadences: Making art about making art is really easy to do insufferably, but when it hits, man it HITS. It's not even sad or anything, but I'm an artist with a love/hate relationship to being perceived and this is a small personal story about the conflict between wanting to do art for an audience and wanting to do it for its own sake. So uh, it kinda makes me cry despite being a pretty upbeat game.
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deadlyflames · 1 month
I have to say, I was absolutely obsessed with your Reverse Falls AU back in the day (still am tbh), and it was/is my favourite version of any Reverse Falls AU that had been done. I love that Gideon and Pacifica weren’t just given Dipper and Mabel’s personalities like a lot of other versions of that AU, and that they felt like the better version’s of themselves. I’m still wondering what the plot was gonna be concerning what Stan was up to and with Ford being trapped in the portal and such. Regardless, your writings still have a chokehold on me, so thank you <3
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Thank you so much! I'm so happy to you enjoyed it. I love getting messages like this <3
I don't think I'll finished my own full version of the plot as I planned to, because it was kinda intense. But I'm very glad I made all those one shots and that they make people happy. I loved writing them and I still adore this AU.
TBH, I had a huge plan for the Stanford backstory and it was so unnecessarily complicated. Theres stuff I would keep but other stuff I would probably axe.
Short version is Stan and Ford moved to Gravity Falls when they were 12. They befriended a young Carla and Fiddleford and the four of them formed a little scooby gang that would solve the mysteries of Gravity Falls.
A young Ford stumbles upon the cave with the incantation to summon Bill and he translates it. So a young Pre teen Ford meets Bill much earlier than in canon and this influences him for the worst.
Stan doesn’t break his machine, Ford still gets rejected and this sends him on a dark spiral. He leaves town without a world.
Ford still builds the portal and falls into it, but this time it wasn't an accident and he was pushed in it on purpose. By Stan. 😬
The one who is actually trying to open the portal in this AU was Pacifica's mom. 😱
Here's a link to a more detailed timeline of these events - be warned - its hella messy.
Even tho I’ll probably never finish this story, it has a special place in my heart. ❤️ So I’ve included the draft for the first chapter of the official reverse falls au and my other chapter plans below the cut.
You didn't ask for it so ... here you go.
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Play It In Reverse
While working for their Granny Carla, Pacifica and Gideon come across a nameless journal with mysterious content. They start to unravel the secrets of their home town, but they find some things are better left hidden when their path crosses with the Pines twins.
Ch 1 - Part Time Tourist, Full Time Trapped
Priscilla Northwest had not been happy when her daughter had brought up that she wanted to get a job for the summer break. Priscilla had stated that it was below a lady of her station to have a part time job and work for one of the lowbrow hicks that lived in the town. Besides, what was the point in getting a job when they were already rich.
But Pacifica had been persistent and Priscilla had seen the fiery rebellion in her violet eyes. She wouldn't easily back down from her position, not without constant tantrums and complaining. The child had always been annoyingly stubborn when she set her mind to something. Though Priscilla couldn't say she was much different when she was Pacifica's age.
She didn't really want to deal with an angry reckless teenager when she had a city to run. And she doubted Preston could keep Pacifica in line on his own. And it would be much easier to continue with her work if Pacifica wasn't wandering about the mansion on a constant basis.
The more Priscilla pondered on letting her daughter get a summer job, the better the idea seemed. The only problem was finding a place for her to work. She wouldn't let Pacifica be caught dead laboring in the greasy lumberjack diner. Priscilla would have to make sure that she had a respectable job with a trustworthy employer. An employer who wouldn't mind being saddled with a fourteen year old girl with no previous work experience and no knowledge of how to work for a living. It would be a difficult task, even for the mayor of the town. Priscilla was gifted in finding the right strings to pull to make sure things would work out to her design, and she didn't doubt her abilities. But not many respectable people would accept taking on a new employee for the entire of summer when the season had just started.
Acquaintances were unlikely to accept Pacifica, but family was another story.
Long and short term plans formed within her mind as she reached out to pick up her phone. Dialing a familiar but unused number on her phone, she took a deep breath as she brought the receiver to her ear.
An eccentric voice answered on the third ring. "You've reached the Mystery Shack, home of the legendary swamp beast foot. Just the left foot though, the rest of him is still buried in the swamp, plotting a way to find his missing limb. If you'd like to see it for yourself, come on down and enter-"
"Mother," Priscilla said to the woman on the other end, cutting off her sales pitch. "It's Priscilla."
The friendly tone in her mother's voice flipped on a dime. "Ah Priscilla, thought you might call," Carla stated with clipped sarcasm. "It's only been a year."
She cringed to herself in response to her mother's attempt at guilt tripping her. She hadn't called in order to get told off for not keeping in contact. Even though she was sure that her mother would love to focus on that subject.
"You know how busy I am, mother," Priscilla replied flippantly. The response left her lips before she could think better of it. Too late to take it back now. She examined a bit of paper work that had been pushed off to the side of her desk. Something to focus on other than the rant her mother was going to go on.
"Too busy to keep in touch with the family?" Carla snapped, temper showing in the sharpness of her voice. "Honestly Pris, I haven't seen you in years, and neither has Gideon. And seeing you on TV does not count. You haven't even called or written. We live in the same town, for god's sake. I've barely seen any trace of my granddaughter, who I also haven't seen in years, by the way."
Priscilla's ears perked up at that last sentence and her mind raced to engineer the perfect speech. Immediately, she adjusted her voice and spoke in an pleasant tone. "That's actually why I called you," she stated diplomatically. Lies spun out of her mouth like spiderwebs, laced with ulterior motives and secret plans. And like a spiderweb, they entrapped the woman on the other end. "Pacifica has been so consumed with her studies for the past few years, I thought it would be good if she had a break. I was hoping that you could let her work for you this summer, since you aren't particularly well staffed. It would be a great chance for you to bond."
There was a long pause on the other end, and Priscilla wondered if her mother was able to see through her. If anyone could, it was her. But even if her speech had rung false in her mother's ears, she doubted the woman would pass up the chance to spend time with her only granddaughter.
"So, you want me to take your teenaged daughter off your hands " her mother asked, a hint of amusement in her tone that Priscilla wasn't particularly fond of. "Alright, I'll let her work for me. On one condition."
The word condition alone was enough to tense her muscles and cause an uncomfortable flexion in her fingers. However, despite an initial discomfort, Priscilla kept her composure, because this was her mother and she rarely had an ulterior motive that extended beyond extra family time.
"What did you have in mind?" she asked with a neutral but polite tone that never betrayed her emotions.
"Pacifica stays here at the shack, it'll be like summer camp," her mother chirped, and Priscilla could tell she was smiling on the other end. "Plus I won't have to waste gas money, driving her back home."
The idea of Pacifica sleeping in the musty old shack Priscilla had despised in her childhood, made her cringe with disgust. However, it lined up with her motive to keep her daughter out of her way for the summer. Besides, it would be a good learning experience for her daughter, experiencing how the lower class lives. Perhaps she would finally understand the difference between the Northwests and everyone else in this town. Perhaps she would return home and actually be grateful for everything Priscilla had given her.
So, despite the revulsion that twisted her stomach when she thought of her daughters perfect blonde locks resting on the stained and unkempt beds of her childhood room, Priscilla kept a cheery tone. But not too cheery and with just the right amount of tension in her vocals. "That sounds wonderful."
She could practically see the triumph in her mother's eyes when she replied. As if taking in a teenager for the summer was some great victory. "Swell, you can drop her off this weekend." With that Carla hung up the phone, probably feeling very proud of herself.
There was a twitch at Priscilla's lips when she hung up the phone. In another life, if she had been burdened with a lack of ambition like other pretty girls, she probably could have become an actress.
A small group of shuffling tourists pilled into a small, dark room. A young boy stood at the front of the group, leading them further into the darkness. Once the last person entered the room, the door slammed shut behind them, startling the tourists inside. Even in the darkness, people were able to see the little boy's light up shoes and the glimmering rhinestones adorning his cap. He was the only thing their eyes could follow as he came to stand on a platform.
"Now y'all gather in close," the boy stage whispered, his southern accent ringing clear as a bell. "And listen well as old Clarabelle tells you the darkest secret of Gravity Falls. I suggest those of you with feint hearts cover your ears."
The group was collectively pulled in closer by the softness of his voice. They were gathered tightly together now. Each person whispering of either conspiracies, skepticisms or wonder at what they were about to hear. No one saw the large smile on his face when he spoke again. "Now try not to scream, old Clarabelle's in a ... delicate situation."
There was a click and a single spotlight shined on the stage. The sudden light source assaulted everyone's retinas for a moment, when their eyes readjusted to the light the group let out a series of gasps. The white haired boy stood atop a stage that was made to look like a creepy living room, with ancient looking furniture and spiderwebs hanging off of everything. There was a single rocking chair in the centre of the stage, and sitting on it was an old woman who's appearance caused some of the audience to tremble. She was tightly bound in an old fashioned straight jacket, that would have been white if it weren't for the questionable dark crimson stains that streaked it. Her hair was long, stringy and a mess upon her head. But the real terrifying thing was her sunken in, erratically shifting violet eyes.
When she looked upon the people before her, a crooked and wild grin found its way to her lips. She tilted her head to the side to show off the sharpness of her teeth, causing people to notice that she had long fangs in place of her canines.
"Well, hello there, dears," she crooned to the crowd in a sickly sweet tone. "It's so nice to see such fine people visiting our little town. This sleepy little town, with wholesome citizens and lovely sights. At least, that was what the uninformed would assume. But I know differently. There are shadows in the forests, shifting when you get close enough. Strange phenomenons that cloud this town's history. Why even in this ver-"
She paused, crazed violet eyes snapping upwards towards the ceiling. Her breath hitched as she stared ahead, her gaze not really fixed on anything. Everyone waited in anticipation for her to finish her statement, or perhaps for her to snap into a violent rage.
She slowly craned her head towards the audience, a smile stretching at her lips but not affecting her dead eyes. "Sorry dearies, it seems you've come to visit old Clarabelle at a terrible time. You see-"
The old woman was cut off by a sudden rumble beneath the stage. She glared down at the floorboards as if they had offended her.
"You see, tonight is the new moon and-" the woman tried again, though her character was slipping. Her voice was a lot louder this time but her words were drowned out when the mechanical rumble bellow to stage turned into a full fledged roar.
A trapdoor in front of the old woman's rocking chair opened up with a slam. Puffs of smoke poured out from the opening, accompanied by the sound of distorted dog growls. The now confused and horrified audience watched as something large and fury emerged from the stage.
An animatronic werewolf jumped up from bellow the stage, only its hide was on fire. It's hinged jaw jerked rapidly and the rubber skin and synthetic fur melted away as it was licked by the flames. The thing's voice box was damaged by the heat, and the long howl it was programmed to make became distorted. The screech it made sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
The tourists screamed, some of them feeling the heat from the very real and dangerous flames. This little scene had clearly gotten out of control, and no one wanted to stick around to see the damage that would come of this malfunction. The group fled the room in fear, rushing passed the gift shop and back to their cars. As a collection of cars sped away on the dirt road, no one in the line had an inkling to ever go back to the Mystery Shack.
The boy, who had been guiding the customers, had fled the scene to fetch a nearby fire extinguisher. Luckily, due to prior experience with combustible machinery, he was able to douse the flames in a few moments.
As the large clouds of smoke rose up from the opening, the animatronic flopped over lifelessly and it's rubber skin sizzled. The old woman fluidly slipped from the confines of her straight jacket and tossed it to the side. Upon finding the room barren of tourists, she cursed loudly. The boy's hands automatically shot up to cover his ears as the woman cursed over and over.
"I thought you said it wasn't going to catch on fire this time, Melody," Carla McCorkle snapped, yanking the itchy wig from her head and throwing it to the ground in disgust. She spent all month preparing for this werewolf bit and now all these rehearsals went to waste. Not only that, but all the paying customers had booked it out of there without so much as a tip.
"I'm sorry," a feminine voice called out from under the stage. From the trap door, a young woman emerged. Her face and clothes were coated in soot and her hair was severely disheveled. "I really thought I fixed all the problems but when I went to turn it on, there was this pop and then a flame sparked and everything just got worse from there. I'm really sorry Miss McCorkle, I think it had something to do with the-"
"I don't care how it happened, just get it fixed," she said, brushing past the bewildered and frantic young woman. She yelled at the top of her lungs. "Robbie! Robbie, get over here!"
When there was no response, Carla stormed out of the room and into the gift shop, only to find her cashier missing.
Pacifica sat before the cash register, counting the money, or rather the lack of it. When her grandmother entered the room with the fury in her violet eyes, she straightened her posture to put up a facade of alertness.
“What happened?” the blonde asked, a sculpted brow arched in confusion. “I saw everyone run out of there and I thought someone died or something.”
“Those people are wimps,” her grandmother growled, glaring out the window where she could just make out the tail end of the retreating automobiles on the dirt road. She turned to her granddaughter with a frown. “Where the heck is Robbie?”
“He went AWOL after all those people ran out without even buying anything,” Pacifica answered with a shrug, though she turned her head to gaze wistfully out the window, the way she had seen the cashier go. “He said he would be hanging out with some friends.”
“Lousy teenagers,” Carla grumbled, crossing her arms and glaring out the window. “This is coming out of his pay check.”
The young boy came running in, out of breath and grinning like they hadn’t lost out on a whole lot of money.
“Good news,” he chirped, and Carla looked towards him with a skeptical gaze. “Melody got the fire out. Bad news is she’s going to need a week to fix the werewolf bot.”
Carla groaned dramatically, raking her fingers through her thick grey curls. While she mumbled a string of curses to herself, her grandchildren shared a look of acknowledgment and subtly nodded to one another.
“Weeeellll,” Pacifica said, dragging out the word as she stepped out from behind the counter. “Since today was a bit of a bust and Melody is working on fixing the werewolf, Gideon and I were gonna go out for a walk in the woods.”
Upon hearing this, Carla to her granddaughter with a suspicious glare. She inclined her head in interest, searching for any hidden intent in Pacifica’s facial features or posture.
Gravity Falls wasn't the kind of place you would expect people to travel to on purpose. It was a small town, built on the lumber industry, with not much in terms of attractions. There was a grand total of four restaurants, two motels, and one mall. The town held some weird traditions and fostered a bunch of creepy local legends, but other than that it was basically a pit stop for weary travellers taking a road trip in the pacific north west.
The tree was cool to the touch, and had the texture of steel. The realistic paint job mimicked the colour and shadows of bark and had fooled Pacifica and Gideon into believing it was real.
Out of curiosity, she carefully ran her hand along the tree side. She paused when her fingertips caught on a small grove in the metal, indicating that there was some kind of opening.
These were my chapter plans for play it in reverse - some are more thought out than others lol
Part Time Tourist, Full Time Trapped: Gideon and Pacifica go out to get pictures of something spooky, they come across gnomes. The gnomes find the two truss passing on their lawn and try to force one or the other into marriage. When they escape, the cousins stumble upon the third journal. They use it to escape the gnomes by summoning the manatoar to scare them off.
Once in a Waxing Moon: Pacifica finds a poster for the Mystery Museum's new wax exhibit. Carla flips her lid and immediately calls up Fiddleford Mcgucket to assemble a new attraction to beat out Stan. Pacifica and Gideon help Melody and Fids with the creation of the Gobblewonker. They do the painting. Pacifica meets McGucket for the first time and learns how Melody started working for Carla and how she became a mechanic. Like a try hard, Carla shows of fat the wax exhibit unveiling and shows up Stan with her gobblewonker. After an enormous explosion takes out everything, Paz and Gideon decide to find out who caused the destruction. With a tip from Wendy, they find out that Stan was around when the thing blew up. But that's weird because Carla and Stan were fighting at the time. Something Is sketchy so they go snooping around the mystery museum late at night for clues. They find out that it was actually Stan's wax figure that blew up the robot and they nearly get killed by some wax figures. Pacifica meets dipper Stan and Carla get into a fight and Paz gets some free tickets to the tent of telepathy.
There's Something About Mabel: Paz and Gideon and Melody go to the tent of telepathy. Mabel is interested in Gideon and approaches him with the intent of owning him. He's excited to be hanging out with her but he gets severely scared of her and has to put up some boundaries. This makes Mabel even more determined to have him and she starts pressuring him to date her and smothers him and nearly threatens him. Paz, seeing the effect Mabel has on Gideon, confronts her and tells her to lay off a bit. Mabel doesn't take this well and traps her at a factory and promptly tries to kill her. Gideon receives the ransom note, and tries to appeal to her better nature. He lets her down easy but Mabel goes full out horror show on him. Paz tries to rescue him but Dipper shows up and stops her. Dipper convinces Mabel not to kill Paz or hurt Gideon and she begrugenly follows him, not without threatening Paz on the way out.
Season of the Hand Witch: Gideon and Paz start panicking about the mystically powered twins and consult the journal for answers. They can't find anything on the mystic amulets but they do find info on a psychic witch who may have the answers to how they can defend themselves. They go to the handwitch who tells them how to make hex bags to stop the pines twins from using their powers on them.
Mabel goes to meet them at the shack and act threatening but finds she can’t use her powers. Pacifica is a bit gloaty about it.
Mabel goes to tell Dipper about how they got had. Dipper is surprised that Pacifica found away around her powers, and he’s impressed but not too upset. Its just a couple of kids after all. Sucks for Mabel tho. Mabel is like yeah it is unfortunate. Especially since Pacifica has the other journal. Dipper just screeches "WHAT?!"
The Art of Failing at Seduction: the party at the mystery shack, a birthday party for Stan thrown by Carla because she thinks its funny and she makes a big deal about advertising how old he is. Pacifica and Dipper share a confrontation when she keeps catching him sneaking around while she fails to put the moves on Robbie. He gets his hands on her journal but he is dumbfounded when he sees that it’s journal number 3. Dippy thought she had journal number 1, he had no idea there even was a 3rd journal lol. She hits him with a chair and gets the book away from him. He demands to know why it’s the third journal and where the first is. She has no idea what he’s talking about.
Pioneer Day: Pacifica and Stan are both mortified at the discovery that its Pioneer Day. Carla sets up a pioneer station at the shack to get more customers and to piss of Stan. Pacifica has to do the Pioneer Day speech every year.
Trick or Treat or Die: Pacifica pisses off the summerween trickster and then they have to collect a whole lot of candy.
Splash: Gideon falls in love with a magical manatee.
Worst Date Ever: Dipper somehow convinces Pacifica to investigate a series of disappearances around a convenience store. They end up needing to be saved by
Where Have All The Good Men Gone: Dipper and Robbie fight or not.
Something Wicked This Way Comes: Bill Cipher
Pacifica Northwest Vs The World: Dipper and Mabel get access to the Mystery Shack
Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite: zombie kareoke
It Must Be a Conspiracy: Pacifica and Dipper believe their relatives are up to something.
Experiment #210: Seuss melody date
Mind Swap:
What is Love?: love potion incident.
Witches Be Crazy: Lollipop, Taffy, bubblegum, candy
Ancient Sins: the haunting at Northwest manner forces Priscilla to hire Dipper and Mable to deal with it. Pacifica is pissed off when he shows up.
Order of the All Seeing Eye: the crew discovers a cult dedicated to cipher lead by blind Ivan and they all work to erase the memories of gravity falls so no one will stand in the way of cipher when he returns. They find out about how the portal will open soon, mcgucket finds out that the kids have his memory gun now.
My Soul to Take: Dipper gets his ass possessed. Bills like, well you’ve figured out too much already so we’re gonna destroy those journals of yours and kill all those that know about the impending portal.
No One You Can Trust: the crew tries to find out who could be trying to open the portal and it leads them to mcgucket stan and Carla.
The Thickness of Blood: the portal opens and Ford emerges. Mcgucket manages to contain the rift that had been created via the portal.
Last Ditch Effort: in an attempt to get the power away from the northwest’s, Stan runs for mayor.
Beginning of the End: Mable trades the rift for bill to no longer be able to possess her and her brother while allowing them to keep their amulets and magical abilities.
Weirdmagedon: The Final Temptation: Bill offers Dipper everything he could want so they can make another deal and so he will have dipper under his thrall.
Weirdmagedon: Into the Rift:
Weirdmagedon: The Way Is Shut: the blood is spilled in the circle
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tohrules · 4 months
Harrison head cannons again
Harrison can fall asleep in the most uncomfortable places. Oh he's on the floor with a rock against his back. Who cares?
Harrison will go days without sleep due to just focusing on something and not remembering to sleep. Nerris Neil and Preston all have had to drag him to bed and he pouts because he almost got the trick right or he was just watching the stars.
He has a summer birthday
Harrison was emotionally neglected as a kid but it got worse after his brother disappeared. His parents used to be able to pretend to be proud easily in public but now their to scared to try.
Harrison is extremely intelligent yet incredibly stupid. He can name all of the periodic elements and name 100 digits of pie while writing down how figurative language was used in Romeo and Juliet. But if you say "that's dangerous don't do that" he will do it and then be confused on how it was dangerous after getting hurt.
He loves soap operas
He has a knife on him at all times... Kinda. It's in his hat but half the time it's not there while he's trying to grab it to cut something and hel find something else in there instead. However if he's pissed enough he will grab it on accident.
Harrison sees his birthday as a day to celebrate others. If he's asked what cake he wants he will asked everyone who will be there their favorite kind of cake for "ideas" and decide based on that despite his favorite being red velvet. He wants everyone else to be happy first.
He is really good at telling when someone is lying to him. Though he normally shuts up about it there are times he calls them out if he has other evidence for them lying.
In the same vein he is a really good lier. He knows how to keep calm and keep his heart rate even. Witch he only knows because as a kid ha saw a fictional character control their heart rate and went "that's awsome" and worked for years to learn how to drop or raise his heart rate.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
What would you headcanon as the companions sexuality and type? If they had to have one.
Companions sexuality + their type + what'd be good for them
Seeing as these guys are all bi/playersexual in canon for game play reasons, the sexuality bit is ignorable and can be disregarded. I also tend to write them all as bi/pan in other reacts for reader immersion so as to not exclude anyone. Just don't worry about the sexuality, its fine
Cait; pansexual queen, has a romantic and sexual preference for women. She lacks a type because she lacks taste. Cait, when choosing her sexual partners, really needs a fucking committee of bitchy lesbians to give their votes. Her type is everywhere but generally bad. Who do I think would be good for her...ultimately, someone she wouldn't get along with, at first. Think Preston. Cait needs a good person who's selfless, kind, empathetic, and most importantly, unfazed. Someone who balks at her and what she's been through wouldn't be great for her. I don't mean fazed as in 'horrified', I mean 'yikes, that's more than I want to know or deal with.' It's fair to have that boundary, of course, but Cait needs someone who can know her and not flinch.
Curie; I personally think Curie is the token straight, but I can see her experimenting, just to really figure it out. I can also see her being heterosexual, but biromantic. Curie seems the type to get gay married just because she loves another lady, even if not physically intimate with her. Her type would have to be similar to her—hygienic, polite, detail and data oriented, curious...a model scientist and gentleperson, really. That would be good for her, if only because that kind of person is just a solid choice for partnership. But someone with more edge—think the pin to her cushion—would balance her out well. And Curie needs balance, and sometimes a different perspective. She needs some challenging. And she'd appreciate it! Peer review is important for growth and learning. I think she'd feel a little stagnate with someone too much like her.
Danse; Demisexual and demiromantic. Don't roll your eyes. This is just a fancy term for "it doesn't matter, as long I have a bond as deep as the marina's trench." Dude? Lady? Both? Neither? It does not fucking matter. You could be the hottest ass and goldest heart, if Danse doesn't have a long history and isn't close with you, he isn't going to consider it. His type is whoever the hell he ends up falling in love with. He could fall in love with Hancock if they worked through their shit and got close enough. But what would be good for him? Danse is both pin and cushion, so we can't make that comparison. Someone patient, I think. Someone who doesn't just tolerate his quirks and his various rough edges and flaws. Someone who doesn't just let him ramble about whatever's on his mind, but enjoys it. Someone who doesn't just allow him to touch them, but wants to touch him back. That kind of thing. Danse has suffered rejection all his life. You could be anything, anyone. He needs to be accepted. Not put up with.
Deacon; ...I'll say straight, but bi-curious piques my interest. He's one of those "late bloomers" I think. I'd say his type used to be Barbara—dry-humored, fretting, stubborn, poised, an extrovert, can-do attitude—but since Shit, he'd just think of her with someone like her, and that's not a relationship he's getting into. His current type would be flexible, open to anything so long as their values match up. What'd be good for him...a lot of people think someone he can idolize. No, pedestals are not good for Deacon. He needs to be himself, not someone else. So, someone perceptive, who can smell bullshit from miles away and calls it then and there. Who won't humor his self-deprecation and harmful coping mechanisms. Everything else, he can work with. Deacon is adaptive. But he's gotta be Deacon, and someone who lets him not be Deacon is just enabling him.
Gage; I say he has no label and I'm fucking sticking to it. Gage is an old ass raider who has probably tried and offered every hole there is—this is not a dude who goes "I'm [sexuality]". I won't even call him demi. Anyway. Type...Gage really only has one type, and like Cait, by the very nature of what he values, this person is unhealthy for him in the long run. They're aggressive. They're selfish and cold. They're not a good person, not anywhere in their bones. Gage ultimately needs to be lured in with promises of being His Type (Awful), but if they end up being Good For Him (Soft spot, principled, picks their battles, has respect and some decency), he isn't leaving. You reel him in, he's biting. He needs someone who's outwardly what he wants, but actually, what he needs. He needs something he thinks is too good for him, so he settles for trash. Like promising your toddler McDonald's for lunch, but just putting healthy shit in a re-used bag.
Deacon; wait hold on i already did you
Whoops shit hold on the cat just decimated the counter top
Hancock**; Okay. Hancock also is unlabelable, in that he is too fucking horny. It isn't a "be nice to me and I'll die for you" like Danse, or "hole is hole" like Gage. Hancock transcends these pitiful ideas. What is Hancock's sexuality? Yes. He is simply sexual. His type? Yeah. Preference? Correct. Hancock kneels for the flag but that thang be patriotic. This is how I segue into "Hancock's dick is trying to kill him." His taste is whatever seems fun. Fun can mean public quickie. Fun can also mean BDSM with someone he's never met before at a second location. BAD. UNSAFE. Hancock needs someone who can satisfy his thrills, but is trustworthy and loves him enough to keep him safe, and respect him. So, "Yes we can go piss on the Brotherhood as they come from that subway tunnel, but we can't drink beforehand, i don't want you falling." That kind of thing. I can definitely tell you what's bad for him, and that's another substance user. Hancock very much does it as a form of depersonalization and thats not good for him. He needs someone who won't encourage his self-harmful habits.
MacCready; Also see him as a token straight. He gives good ally vibes. Frat bro ally. Mac likes his partners dark-haired, dark-eyed. He likes them visually different from him. Makes them exotic. As for personality, Mac-attack favors the more home-body type. Someone who likes cooking, is clean, good with kids...he just admires it! He likes someone who he thinks has their shit together. Can you blame him? He wants to chill and raise their kids, he needs a partner that does well with that lifestyle. As for what's good for him...about the same, really. Maybe someone more outwardly kind, who can bring out the best in him and help him shave off the mercenary thought process and values. But generally, MacCready wants someone who doesn't do bullshit. Just say what you mean and want to, he'll do whatever you need. Very much wants a partner, not just a significant other. A real partner.
Nick; Good morning bisexual community! This man be queer. His taste? Obviously a femme fatale, all legs and dark lips and suspicious outlines in their dress. Obviously a whiskey-soured gentleman, hard in the eyes, soft in the mouth, and harder in the hands. He likes his pals and gals the way he likes everything—theatrical. But what this old bag needs...firstly, to fucking process Jenny, for one. Good luck there. Two, Nick needs someone who doesn't entertain his philosophical brooding about his circumstances. He's prone to getting in his own head. He could use a referee, someone to point out when he's sulking to sulk. Maybe a callous need, but Nick's pretty well-adjusted save that. And hey, all he really asks for are nice shoulders. Besides, Nicky is old enough he doesn't really need influence with growth. It's more like road-side clean up, picking up years of litter. It's a fair thing to need. You get old enough, you start needing change and challenge.
Piper; Lesbian. Come on. Lesbian. Piper Wright fancies herself a tomboy (she is, at best, a toddboy), and while she says she prefers similar girls, girlie is down bad for femmes. She likes a gorgeous woman in a tiny dress. She likes a nice set of hips. Can't say I blame her. Piper has had few but fraught relationships, and her takeaway from them all is that she can't stand indecisiveness. She wants commitment or a clear, quick answer of 'no'. Piper has done situationships and she is DONE. And honestly, she needs the grounding of that! Piper is a flightly girl, always off on some new trail or adventure. Someone to anchor her won't just be a source of comfort, they very well might keep her from becoming an acolyte of a different cult, or worse, kegchugging more moonshine.
Preston; Bisexual and Pansexual just don't...feel right...like, I think he's an all-doors-open guy, but I just can't put a label on him. Maybe just "open to whatever happens"? Either way, Preston is similar to Curie in that his type is similar to him, and his type is a very good romantic candidate just by virtue of who they are. Compassionate, selfless, reliable, just good traits for a romantic partner. And I can't say he needs anything else, really. Preston doesn't have Curie's limited world experience, he doesn't need different perspective. He's seen and had different perspectives and most of them didn't work for him. The best trait for him, I think, would be someone with more edge to them. Preston is a nice dude who doesn't often want to cause problems, he wants to sort things as peacefully and amicably as possible. But if someone else says what he's thinking...that's just vindication. And Preston deserves some of that. He deserves someone who will sock another in the jaw for looking at him funny. He might not approve, but he'll appreciate it.
X6-88; Asexual, but it's possible for him to fall in love. Demiromantic doesn't feel strong enough a word for it, but I guess that works. His type is very flexible as well. It really depends. X6 is action-oriented, but he does put value on words, especially his own, being someone of few words nd fewer sincere, emotionally-available ones. I feel like his type would be someone who can navigate such things with ease, without being sappy. Emotionally intelligent, but poised and objective without being cold. Anything else would spook or annoy him. But as time went on, it'd be good for him to learn by example and loosen up with his own identity and desires. X6-88's best partner would be an advocate for synths, obviously, but they'd also see the pragmatism of emotional connection and self-worth and individualism. X6-88 exists in a shell—if you can crack him out of it, it's only a stone's throw to a romance developing.
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a-fluffer-nutter · 2 months
Take This Heart of Stone
A/N - Hi all! I've had this sitting for a bit, very close to completion, and due to an impromptu road trip I did not want to be on, I got to finish it! Taking the title from the Obscure Lyrics Title Challenge I made, have this Fallout 4 fic between Hancock and reader!sole survivor (gender neutral). Please enjoy this longer fic!
TW: Drug Use, PTSD-based nightmares/stress, mention of a dead loved one (your late husband that dies within 5 minutes of the game).
Word Count: 4,715
You had loved Nate, you always had, since the day you met him in college. You had loved him the day he dropped down on one knee for you and the day after, when they sent him to Alaska. You had loved him when he returned, even though his eyes had grown darker and the hair that surrounded his ears had lightened. You had loved him more than anything, so much so that the two of you had Shaun, who was named after Nate’s father. You had loved him so much that you escaped your cryogenic sleep to avenge him, to kill the man that stole him from you. You had loved him so much that for months, you did everything in your power to find Shaun and bring him home. You had loved him so much. 
So why, why were you thinking you didn't? Well, it was certainly the fact that you had become smitten with a certain someone on your journey, someone you certainly didn't expect to fall for. Granted, with the current state of the world, you weren't expecting to fall for anyone, and it's taken you quite some time to realize that not everyone wanted to kill you. Just most of them. 
It wasn't every day in the Commonwealth that someone was willing to kill for you. And at the time, the only people that you truly thought had your back were Preston Garvey and Nick Valentine, as you had been the one to save their lives first. Though here, you didn't have to do a thing. 
  “We don't need your insurance, asshole,” you growled while reaching into your back pocket for a pack of cigarettes. 
  “You don't want any accidents to happen now, do you?” A man of a taller stature had grabbed your attention once you had entered the town of Goodneighbor. He was insistent on protecting you, for a hefty fee. 
  “If you listened, you would know that we don't need you,” Nick Valentine was by your side, looking bored from this interaction. He took his lighter out and lit your cigarette for you. The two of you had a job to do and this jackass was an inconvenience. 
  “Shut it, tin can,” the man spat on the ground between you and Nick. He turned to look right at you. “I'm talking to you and you only.”
          Lips curling into a scowl, you went to pocket your pack. Once the container was in your pocket, your hand slid a bit further to palm at your 10mm hiding beneath your top, nestled into its makeshift holster. 
  “Well, I'm talking to you and I'm telling you to leave us the fuck alone,” with your non dominant hand, you drew the cigarette from your lips and blew a puff of smoke at the man. If he wasn't gonna leave you alone, you might as well antagonize him enough to start a fire fight. He might have been bigger, but you knew damn well your draw was quicker. 
  “Oh, you little,” the man took a step forward with his hand on his side arm. You had your gun drawn in an instant, finger on the trigger. Nick was mimicking your actions, ready to take a life for you when the three of you were interrupted. 
“Now that's not the proper way of greeting our guests, now is it Finn?” The man froze for a moment, his eyes burning as he looked into yours. 
 “I just want to protect our new friends,” Finn drew out the last syllable in a snake-like manner. Finally looking away from you, you allowed yourself to unlock your elbow and drop you hand to your waist, your index finger resting just beneath the trigger. 
“Well now, all I was hearing was a bunch of no’s,” you finally looked over at the new person. You recognized the outfit immediately, having been to every museum in Boston when you and Nate were still in college. Granted, anyone who has ever been to Boston, or grade school, would recognize the attire of a true American patriot. Granted they all dressed the same to you, but at least you recognized where the attire was from. Nate would have been thrilled. “No means no, man. Especially when Nicky’s around.”
“You're going soft, Hancock,” Finn growled, looking down at the shorter man. “The citizens of Goodneighbor are going to realize this soon. They'll drive you out and we'll have a new mayor.”
“Thanks for the five star review,” Hancock replied evenly, smiling up at Finn. The ghoul glanced over at you, noticing you stare. His rough features softened, his dark eyes full of contempt, though there were sparkles of mischief. You could tell this was not the first time he's had to deal with a town resident as distasteful as this one. “You know Finn, it's a damn shame you feel that way.”
Locking eyes with the man again, Hancock's smile straightened ever so slightly as he grabbed Finn’s collar and pulled his face down to his level. In one swift motion, he withdrew his switchblade, clicked it open, and began to stab the man. 
Hearing the squelch of Finn’s insides as Hancock rapidly stabbed him over and over, you winced but couldn't look away. Hancock's black eyes analyzed the man’s face as he experienced intense anger, fear, pain, then nothing. 
Thick, red blood pooled through Finn’s shirt and jacket as Hancock tossed his corpse aside like a child growing bored of their toy. Hancock's face showed no emotion as he looked down at his blood soaked knife, staring at the droplets slipping down the shiny steel and plopping unceremoniously to the concrete. 
Realizing you had just been holding your breath, you let out a gentle exhale as Hancock looked up from his work. This man had just killed someone because of you. For you. And he didn't even know your name. 
“How's it going, Nicky?”
It was a year later now and the two of you had become inseparable. He braved the Glowing Sea with you, mentally timing your journey so he could supply you with each dose of Rad-X when necessary, then sat you down in Virgil’s cave to pump a full dose of RadAway through your veins, doing his damnedest to keep any pain to a minimal. He aided you in assisting the Railroad in their mission, fighting by your side as Deacon led you through rooms of synths that needed you dead. He watched your back as you fought through the ruins of the C.I.T. in order to gain access to the Institute. He followed you through the Institute, planting bullets into the heads of everyone who fought back. He stepped out of the room once you both stumbled across Shaun in his bed, standing on the other side of the door, listening to your anguished scream once the gunshot rang out, your son’s lifeless body slumping over in his bed. He held your hand as you told Tinker Tom to take synth Shaun back to the Commonwealth, to have his memory wiped so another family could love him, shedding the last bit of innocence you had, the final thing that connected you to the before times. He wiped the tears from your eyes and the blood dripping from your wounds as the two of you hobbled back to Sanctuary Hills, welcomed home as heroes. He now laid beside you in bed, holding you close as you twitched and whined, the shadows in your mind polluting your dreamscape. 
Nightmares weren't uncommon for either of you. If therapists still existed, one would certainly diagnose both of you with PTSD, though Hancock had been dealing with his for quite a bit longer, so it was easier for him to cope. Well, that and the rampant drug use, of course. There's no time to fall into a depressive episode when high on Jet, or at least that's what he had told you. Though he would never admit it, he too has had tortured dreams of himself before becoming a ghoul and watching his fellow outcasts die. Despite this, he would always make sure to lay out the pet names and words or affirmation whenever you woke up. 
The two of you were resting in Sanctuary Hills for the night. With the help of Preston and his crew, you remodeled the house across from your own. Codsworth and Preston had tried to convince you to take back your house from before the bombs dropped, but you just couldn’t. It wouldn’t feel right, without Nate, without Shaun. You let Preston take the house as a unit of operation for the Minutemen. You watched as everyone gutted the house to repurpose some of the materials, though you had only one thing you refused to let them touch: Shaun’s crib. As long as Preston wouldn’t touch the crib, the house was his. You didn’t want it in your house, oh no, it was too hard to look at, but the knowledge of it still being there was somewhat comforting. 
Darkness filled your mind, the walls around you began to shrink, claustrophobia setting in. The walls were cold, metallic, and familiar. Frantically looking around, you saw him. He was reaching out to you, down the long hallway, toward the vault door. He was calling for you, Shaun in hand. Sprinting faster than you ever had, you went for him, boots resonating against the metal flooring. Nate was there and he wanted to lead you to a new life, above ground. Back home. All you needed to do was reach him, but why was it so far? Why did the ground feel like a treadmill? 
Suddenly, gloved hands made of rubber appeared from every which way, grabbing at every inch of you. They tugged you back and held you down. Your eyes may have been covered, but you could feel the chill. As much as you tried to fight, more weight was pressed against you. Screaming Nate and Shaun’s name into the gloved hands, the tears streamed down your face felt like magma. 
Then, you heard the gunshot. 
“Good morning, sunshine,” you heard Hancock mutter into your ear after you woke up with a yelp, bolting into an upright position. Unfazed by the sudden jolt, Hancock had merely sat up and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder from behind. “What will be your fix this fine mornin’?”
“Just a cigarette,” you mumbled, letting out a sigh. Feeling his weight shift then lift off the bed, you let yourself flop back down onto the mattress, the old springs squealing under you. 
“Mm, I’ll get you to try Day Tripper one of these days,” he hummed as crossed the room to the desk, opening the top drawer. 
“I’m day tripping every day of my life, John,” Hancock let out a soft chuckle as he returned to your side, cigarette and lighter in tow. 
“That’s the spirit,” he smiled as he stuck the cigarette gently between your teeth, your mouth open ever so slightly. Smiling back, your eyes examined his fingers as they held the golden plated lighter, no doubt the metal being cool against his skin. His other hand cupped the side as the flame flickered to life, finally being unsheathed for your morning ritual. It danced as it made contact to the end of the cigarette, igniting the poison that filled your mouth and throat. Breathing it in, you instantly felt a bit better, though you didn’t know if it was from the drag or from the man watching you with gentle eyes. 
Taking the cigarette from your mouth, Hancock leaned over you, admiring the bone structure of your face as you moved your head away from him, blowing the puff of smoke toward the window. 
“What was this one about?” Hancock asked, slipping the cigarette between his lips. 
“Them,” your voice was quiet as you stared out the window, the sky a lighter blue this morning. 
“We can go see them, if you'd like,” his voice was so soft that the light tap of the cigarette against the ashtray felt thunderous. 
“Not today,” you bit your lip. 
After the fall of the Institute, you finally had time to grieve. It took you days to leave your bed, people having to bring you food and water to make sure you were still alive. In this time period, you have decided you wanted to have a funeral for your boys. 
It was a military funeral, your friends had decided. They knew Nate had served in the army, had fought in Anchorage. They had seen the flag sitting on the bookshelf. In a cruel twist of fate, Nate had been murdered, despite surviving the bombs being dropped, though the flag he received for trying to prevent those bombs from dropping survived as well. His fighting spirit lived on, even after everything. 
Preston was the one that presented you with the flag. There was no fancy unfolding it, then refolding it like they did before the world ended, but it still made the tears fall. 
Your other closest companions carried the coffin that he had been entombed in. Before leaving the vault in the beginning of all of this, you had somehow managed to retrigger the machine that he was in, his body returning to a cryogenic, eternal sleep. The only thing missing was his wedding ring, which you had worn around your neck on a silver chain until the funeral. This allowed his body to be preserved before his burial, so you were able to see him again one last time if you had wanted. 
Then, there was Shaun. You obviously didn't have access to his body, but someone had recovered some of the rubble from the C.I.T. ruins, right where the earth collapsed into itself. This debris was put into a vase and then sealed, providing you with a flowery urn. It may not have had his ashes inside, but it was the thought that counted. 
This urn was presented at the funeral, but during the burial, which you were not a part of, it had been placed in the coffin, tucked in so Nate was holding him, just like he had when he died. They were buried behind the house, which hadn't been your idea. Burying your spouse and child in the backyard like you would do a deceased dog was somewhat amusing to you, in a grim way. Only Nick really understood your wicked amusement when you told him your feelings about the site of the funeral. He had joined you in laughing at the thought of someone accidentally digging up your dead cat from over two hundred years ago. 
After the funeral, you went to the grave site every so often. You mostly went alone, but you had recently been allowing people to join you. As of late, it has mostly been Hancock. You thought that bringing your partner to the site of your late husband's corpse was a bit therapeutic, almost as you were saying, “Hey Nate, this is Hancock and while I miss you and Shaun dearly, I’m ready to move on and grow old with someone else, just like we had planned on. I hope you don't mind, or if you do, that your ghost doesn't angrily haunt me for the rest of my life.” It seems like you haven't been haunted yet, so that was a relief. 
“What do you want to do today?” Hancock’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. Humming, you sat up and pulled him into you. As he nestled in, seated between your legs, you softly fell backwards onto the mattress, his body following suit. 
“I guess we should be productive,” you replied, tracing the shell of his ear with your index and middle fingers. Letting out a soft sigh, Hancock shivered. Your hands shifted down, both thumbs now stroking the length of his jawline, from the tips of his ears to his chin, then back up. Over and over as his dark eyes were shut, taking in the pleasant sensation. 
“I'd say this is productive,” Hancock mused, lightly squeezing your knee. 
“I could ask Preston if there's any work at a nearby settlement,” Hancock simply smiled as he listened to you drone on, listing every potential task for the two of you to do that day. If the two of you were out in the wasteland, he would normally stop you by the third or so job, but his brain was completely blank as he soaked in the touch. “I fucking hate farming, but I guess we could head toward Oberland to help out there. We could also check in with Vault 81 and, wait, are you okay?” 
The man had flinched beneath you, making a string of intelligible sounds. 
“It’s fine. ‘m fine,” Hancock said through gritted teeth. Brows furrowing, you leaned over a bit to see his face a bit clearer. 
“Dammit John, I thought I hurt you,” huffing a puff of air out of your nose, you flashed him an amused grin. 
Biting down on his bottom lip, he had brought his shoulders up a bit. While you couldn't see it due to the condition of his skin, the ghoul felt the blood in his cheeks start to simmer. 
“Shut up, asshole,” he barely made out as your fingers were now intentionally stroking his neck. You hadn't noticed that your fingers had strayed a bit further down and had begun to trace softer skin along the side of his neck, throat, and under his chin. As his ghoulification had happened more recently than most ghoul's, his skin wasn't as numb, with many of his nerve endings still normal. In turn, this made certain parts of his skin, the parts that were rarely ever touched or injured, a bit more sensitive. 
“It's not my fault you're ticklish as all hell,” your voice was sickeningly sweet. 
“Am not!”
“Says that man who’s literally giggling,” his denial had always been cute. He was the mayor of Goodneighbor; he had a reputation to uphold. He was a smart son of a bitch that had killed many, making sure that his people were safe. He had been by your side through everything. He was great with a gun and even better up close and personal with a knife. He was a strong, charismatic leader that did whatever he needed to do to save the lives of the people close to him. This was something he hadn't ever wanted a single soul to know about, that was, until you. 
“I do not giggle,” he shot back, as he was giggling like no tomorrow. Your fingers slipped down his neck and trailed across his chest and down to the buttons on his undershirt. Having only two buttons to undo, you made quick work of them before trailing your fingers along his taut stomach. 
Gripping your legs as tightly as he could without actually hurting you, Hancock desperately tried to hold back the laughter bubbling up in his throat as your blunt nails scrambled across his skin. Knowing how much stronger than you he was, he tried to keep his arms at bay, not wanting to hurt you by smacking your fingers away from his rough skin. While you certainly were going to have bruises on your legs, it was better than a broken hand or nose. Despite not having one, Hancock was a fan of your nose, believing it shaped your face nicely. 
“Why’re you holding back on me, John?” You cooed, before leaning forward to kiss the top of his head. “Don't make me go for the kill.”
“You wouldn't dare,” he shot back, though it was a bit hard to parse as he had been biting his lip the entire remark. 
“Now, why wouldn't I?” Your fingers danced up his torso, slowly sauntering over his ribs. Heels digging into the mattress, Hancock couldn't resist wiggling around under your touch. Releasing your legs, he clasped his hands over his mouth. Thankfully, you had the foresight to slip your arms under his, so as his arms began to press down against his body, yours were there to block them. 
“You’d never hurt a mayor, would you?” His voice was muffled behind his hands when you let out a sour laugh. He knew he was screwed from the malice dripping in your voice. 
“Corrupt mayors and politicians are the reason why I’m here, love,” your voice was as flat as a lake on a calm day. Hancock shivered as you pulled him closer, fingers stilled as you leaned in, lips against his ear. Your breath tickled as you breathed out a soft sigh. “Mayors get no mercy.”
“Sunshihihine!” Hancock couldn't contain his laughter once you pulled your arms back enough to trap your fingers under his arms. Hiding his entire face in his hands, Hancock dug his heels into the mattress as if to steady himself. 
“What's the matter, love?” Sounding as nonchalant as ever, you chuckled as your fingers vibrated into the hollows of his arms. “Now, my dearest John, why are you hiding your face? Won't you let me see that smile?”
“Nohoho,” Hancock turned his head away from you, though now you had full access to his exposed neck. 
“So, everyone else can see you smile, but not me, huh?” His laugh shifted in pitch as you kissed his neck continuously after your question. 
“You’re such an asshole,” you growled into his ear. 
It wasn't that he was ashamed of his smile and didn't want you to see it. No, it was because of his laugh. While you may have thought his laugh was absolute music, a melody that made your heart beat faster and your brain fizzle in a giddy sort of way, Hancock absolutely hated his laugh. He always had. While his laugh was low and raspy, and very sexy, Hancock also had the habit to snort if he laughed too hard. He had always done this, and he had hoped with his ghoulification, and this nose melting off his face, this little quirk would go away; vanish like ashes in the wind. However, this was not the case. After raiding the medical section of a library for answers, Hancock learned all about the structure of a person's throat and diaphragm and how the soft palate and uvula somehow make the sound, much to his dismay. Thus, he restarted his habit of covering his face when he laughed. 
“You're a bigger asshole,” Hancock said after concealing a soft snort. 
“Are you calling me fat?” Teasing him definitely made the whole situation worse for him. As did the light sensation of your teeth against his neck, giving him a gentle bite. Laughter creeping up a notch, you decided it was finally time to hear it. “Arms up, sweetheart.”
Surprising Hancock was one of the only ways to get the upper hand during your little play fights. He was quite strong, despite his slight build, but there was absolutely nothing he could do if you managed to outsmart him or catch him off guard. 
Pushing yourself backward with your legs, your body was launched far enough back that the moment you managed to tuck your legs into your chest, Hancock fell flat on his back. Quickly, you dragged his body closer to you, reeling him in like a prized sturgeon. Before he could react, you pulled his arms up and sat yourself down onto them, your knees pinning his palms. 
“Well, if I'm so fat, then I won't have any issues holding you down, now, will I?” 
  “I didn't say you were fat!” Hancock’s eyes sparkled with concern and panic. Searching your face, he let out a little sigh as you replied with a soft smile, batting your eyelashes. “Fuck. Why’ve you gotta be so damn beautiful?”
  “If I wasn't so fond of your laugh, that probably would've gotten me to let you go,” you mused, your head tilted to the side, cheeks warming up. 
“Eh, I tried,” your lover shrugged his shoulders to the best of his abilities in his current position. He let out a husky laugh as he smiled up at you, his sheer infatuation for you clear in his dark eyes. “If there's no talking you out of this, then give me your worst, sweetheart.”
The fact that Hancock knew when he had been defeated was a trait you had always admired. Sure, he'd never give up in a life or death situation, but in something like a petty argument or a playful scuffle, he wasn't big on dragging it on if he knew he had already lost. 
Letting out the softest laugh, you leaned forward and gave him an upside down kiss. Humming into it, Hancock gave your lower lip a playful bite, which caused you to let out an exaggerated gasp as you pulled back. 
            “You little,” you broke off once you brought your deft fingers to dance across his most sensitive spot, tapping the hollows of his arms as you would while hacking a terminal. 
The frantic laughter that slipped from his lips was addictive, much like the cigarettes that eased your mind and soured your lungs were. A mixture of deep, raspy laughter and the occasional snort or squeal, the sound resonated through your nerves and shot an endless amount of dopamine through your veins. This blissful high was better than any you'd ever had after a puff of Jet or a tablet of Mentats. Legs bouncing against the mattress, the old springs squeaked as he contorted his body like a trapped yao guai. 
“Darlin’,” Hancock managed to get out between bouts of hysterics. All other attempts at speech were cut off by a snort or instead of it being a proper word, the noise he would make sounded more like a piece of paper being crumpled up into a ball. 
  “Alright love, fun’s over,” you said after pulling your hands back. Lifting yourself just enough for him to get free, you watched as Hancock slowly pulled his arms down and hugged himself, stray laughs escaping despite him biting down on his lip. Letting out a little laugh yourself, you got to your feet and practically pranced over to the desk. With one swift motion, you opened the top drawer, grabbed an inhaler, and tossed it to the ghoul. “Your Jet, my liege,” you teased with a curtsy. 
  “Smartass,” Hancock rolled his eyes as he shook the plastic container. 
  “Your smartass,” you corrected. You strolled back over to the bed, not before swiping a pack of cigarettes, and plopped down beside him. Eyes lovingly following your favorite features of his, all you could do was smile as Hancock’s shoulders relaxed and his eyes rolled back as the puff of Jet was administered, poisoning his lungs with the time-defying aerosol. 
“Like what you see?” Smiling softly, his voice growled out the words, the gravel in his voice always intensified by the drug.
  “I love you,” the words just slipped out. There was usually a bitterness that rose in your stomach every time you said those three little words, but not this time. No regret resonated through your mind like the reverberation of the electric guitar Nate had as a kid. No tears threatening to cascade down your flushed cheeks. No. This time, it was strong. It was natural. It was real and it felt good. 
Hancock intertwined his fingers with yours. He too realized how raw your words were, noting the ease of it all, the serenity glistening in your eyes. 
“I love you too.”
You loved Nate, you always had, but it was time to let him go. You were a person ripped from your time and thrown into a whole different world, and somehow, through all the fear, anger, and heartbreak, you had managed to find love, once again. John Hancock, a ghoul who saved your life without even knowing your name, now held your heart, as you held his. Nothing could alter the past, and the world moved forward. Now, it was your turn to move forward as well. It was time to move forward, with your fingers interlocked with those of your lover's. And that is exactly what you are going to do. 
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amberbeach · 2 months
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gif belongs to me
You were close by when Venoma fired her arrow toward the Blue Ranger, and Preston knocked the arrow away with his blade as students fled the school grounds. He heard your friends call your name and turned to see you on the ground, an arrow in your chest before it disintegrated.
Before he could take a single step toward you, Venoma attacked him, and he deflected her strikes, chasing after her when she fled a few minutes later. He removed his suit as he returned to the school and approached where you were sitting on the grass, rubbing your chest.
He rung his hands as he asked, "I saw what happened are you okay?"
You lifted your head and Preston caught a glimpse of the wide smile that appeared on your lips seconds before you leaped up, wrapping your arms around him. "I am now that you're here."
Preston glanced at your friends who were equally confused by your behavior, feeling heat creep up his neck as he smiled shyly. You had known each other a long time, often partnering up in classes, and on her first day Sarah had seen the way he looked at you and knew he had feelings for you, while you appeared oblivious.
"We should take you to the nurse." One of your friends spoke up, looking at your friend group who nodded in agreement.
Preston was counting the seconds that ticked by and you had yet to release him. After a minute and a half, you were still smiling up at him as if he hung the moon and the stars and he knew Venoma's arrow had an effect on you.
"Will you come with me? I don't want to be apart from you. It hurts too much."
Meeting the gazes of your friends, he put his hands on your arms and sent them a small smile.
"I'll take her." He began to walk and you took his hand, leaning into him as he led the way.
"I like your hair this way." You combed your fingers through his hair and Preston shied away, a frown forming on his lips at how you were acting. From what they had learned about Venoma and her arrows, the person hit with an arrow would fall hopelessly in love with her, but you were focused on him. And while he would love for this affectionate side of you any other day, he knew it was only caused by Venoma. "It's so neat yet fluffy."
Preston led you down the hallway and turned when you stopped following, seeing you smiling at him dreamily. You were a rational person, living by logic but the arrow had completely changed your personality.
"I feel fine. Let's go on a date!"
Preston held your gaze when you stepped closer, pouting as you leaned on your toes to match his height. Your eyes flickered to his lips and when you leaned in, his eyelashes fluttered before he snapped out of it, not wanting your first kiss to be when you were under the influence of a toxin, and put his hands on your arms as he moved away.
"After we go to the nurse." When you pouted, Preston decided to use the toxin to his advantage, "For me?"
You immediately smiled and took his hand. He sighed in relief as he led you down the hallway and you giggled when you realized he had taken a wrong turn.
"This isn't the nurse's office, silly."
Nevertheless, you were just happy to be with him, and Preston glanced down at you before opening the door to the base. Sarah was working at one of the tables and Mick was asking questions, both looking up when they heard your voice.
"Woah, this is so cool. I should take a picture." You stepped in front of Preston and he shook his head when you took out your cell phone.
"Something is seriously wrong." He looked at the two desperately and glanced at you while you admired the photo you had taken of him, making it your new lockscreen.
"What happened?" Sarah asked as she and Mick approached him.
"I was fighting Venoma, when she fired an arrow and it hit Y/N," Preston explained, looking at you with a concerned frown on his lips. "Instead of falling in love with her, she fell in love with me. She's under some kind of spell."
"A love spell." You said, drawing out the 'o' as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
Preston looked at Sarah whose eyebrows raised at your display of affection. She could see how upset he was, knowing you only felt this way due to the toxin in Venoma's arrow, and her heart clenched at the sight.
"Come on, I'll take a look." Sarah led the way and Preston followed, knowing it was the only you would cooperate.
You took a seat on the table and smiled at the Blue Ranger who stood rigidly. He knew that once the toxin wore off you would be back to normal, and he dreaded the aftermath when you avoided him. He had never worked up the courage to ask you out, and Sarah had encouraged him to several times but the Blue Ranger could never go through with it, fearing the rejection and not wanting to make things awkward between you both. He preferred to be just friends than to lose you completely.
You reached for him with a smile on your lips and the Blue Ranger held back the urge to move closer but when you pouted, his resolve broke and he stood next to you, letting you hold his hand.
You placed your palm against his, seeing the differences and Preston felt as if his pounding heart was being crushed, knowing that these feelings you had were only temporary.
"You know I'm trying to be mad at you." You spoke up.
"Why?" He asked, turning to meet your gaze.
"You're one of those Rangers I've seen on the news, and you never told me." You smiled softly when he opened his mouth to apologize, "It's okay. You're lucky that I find you so cute."
Preston looked at Sarah when she had collected enough data and explained that the effects were identical to what Brody was going through, but when his blade touched the arrow, it changed the object of the love spell.
"'Cause it's witchcraft." You sang, bursting into a fit of giggles as you leaned into Preston. "Sinatra? Witchcraft? Because of the spell?"
"And the only way to stop it is by destroying Venoma." Preston frowned deeply.
You hopped off the desk when he walked away and Preston turned, shaking his head.
"No, you need to stay here."
"I'm not letting you go alone."
"I can handle it."
"You don't have a plan!"
"Do you?"
You thought for a moment, before a small smile formed on your lips. "She fires arrows, right?" He nodded. "I have a plan. First we need to draw her out."
"I'll do it." Sarah stepped forward. "Go."
You grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the base. His brow furrowed when you led him to the stage, searching the costume box of the upcoming play and when you turned you held up metal armor that would protect his torso from any arrows.
"You know that if I do this, you won't love me anymore, right?"
You smiled as you handed him the armor, "I will."
Preston swallowed the lump in his throat as he blinked away the tears in his eyes. He took off his light blue button-up and put on the armor before putting it back on. You stepped forward to help with the buttons and knocked on his chest, hitting the armor.
"I can't convince you to stay here, can I?"
"You know me so well." You smiled, and for the first time, he returned it. He took your hand and you left the school, reaching Sarah who dodged Venoma's attacks.
You held his hand when he tried to pull away and when he turned, Preston closed his eyes when you kissed his cheek. "Be careful."
He sent you a nod before drawing Venoma's attention. You watched as the monster turned to him as he morphed. Sarah joined the fight and the two Rangers seemed to gain the upper hand before being knocked back.
Venoma fired an arrow and you held your breath when it landed in his chest. You didn't know if your plan would work, and you were starting to regret letting him go. Preston lost his suit and you watched as he got to his feet, declaring Venoma was his one true love. You felt your heart twist painfully in your chest as the two hugged. Preston stepped back, stealing the last love arrow she had, and using his sword to cut it in half.
"No! My last love arrow! Now my spell is broken!"
Preston watched as the pink arrow disintegrated with both relief and sadness in his eyes. Your eyes flashed pink as the spell broke and you looked around in confusion before remembering where you were. You felt your cheeks flush as you recalled your behavior.
"But you said my love arrow struck you!"
"Oh yeah," Preston opened his button-up revealing the armor that had a hole where the arrow landed. You sighed in relief when you realized he was okay, and that he had tricked the monster to destroy the last arrow. "I did say that. This is made of metal," He banged his blade against the metal armor, "your arrow never touched me." He dropped the armor and twirled his blade, resting it on his shoulder. "Sorry Venoma, you shouldn't believe everything you hear."
You leaned against the tree with a relieved sigh, a grin forming on your lips as Sarah joined his side. The two ducked when she fired her fighting arrows and you hid behind the tree as they exploded upon impact, looking over your shoulder to look for the two Rangers, obstructed by smoke.
"Y/N, run!"
Your eyes widened when you saw Venoma approaching you and ran through the woods next to the clearing. Venoma fired arrows and you halted in your steps when a tree snapped in half, blocking your path.
You gasped when the other Rangers appeared, blasting the monster backward. You felt hands pulling you to safety and lifted your head to meet his gaze through his helmet.
"You need to get out of here. Come on." He held your hand as he led you out of the woods, and you recognised the road you were on, turning to look at him when he moved away.
"Preston," You called, causing him to turn. "Be careful."
The Blue Ranger nodded, and you watched as the blue of his suit got further away. You took out your phone as you began to walk down the road, pausing when you saw the lock screen photo you had taken of him earlier. There was a heavy sadness in his eyes that you caught in the moment and a frown formed on your lips as you looked at the photo. You recalled the way he looked at you in the costume room, the sad smile on his lips as he told you that you wouldn't love him anymore if he broke the spell.
Was it possible he really didn't know how you felt?
School went back to normal the next day and you were determined to talk to Preston who had purposely eluded you all morning. But when you shared several classes he knew he would have to see you eventually. You met his gaze as he walked to sit a few chairs away and sent him a small smile that he returned.
When the class was over, you took your time putting your books into your backpack, watching as the class began to empty and the teacher left for lunch. Preston headed for the door and you caught up to him in the doorway.
"Can we talk?"
He halted in his steps, looking down as he nodded before entering the room, holding the strap of his backpack on his shoulder as he turned to meet your gaze.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay." You sent him a small smile. "I can't believe the costume worked."
"I didn't doubt that it would."
He returned your smile briefly and you sighed as you adjusted your backpack on your shoulder. "Look, I want to apologize -" You began.
Preston shook his head, "It was Venoma's arrow. I know it wasn't you."
"True, but that wasn't how I pictured telling you how I felt." You sighed as you stepped closer, holding his gaze. "The truth is, Preston, that I've liked you for a while now, but I was worried that I'd ruin our friendship if you didn't feel the same way." You shrugged your shoulder lightly, "I thought it was better not to say anything at all and stay friends."
"You did?" His head perked up as you nodded. "I did too."
"Really?" When Preston nodded, you smiled softly, "Would you like to go out sometime?"
"Yeah, I would." A smile formed on his lips, "This weekend?"
"It's a date." You closed the distance between you and kissed his cheek.
Preston turned when you walked to the door, looking back to meet his gaze. When you left the room his smile grew as he touched his cheek and he already had the perfect place in mind for your first date.
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hi! May I ask for a gn reader x Bill S Preston Esquire please? Bill surprises a space loving reader and takes them to stargaze in the desert (maybe there's a meteor shower or something?) and Bill decides to try and impress the reader with his space prowess (he went to the library and everything) by naming all the constellations he knows (there's not many because they're hard to pronounce but he knows Camelopardalis "the Space Giraffe") so he starts making up names. Cue to a lot of giggling, the reader joining in with made up constellations and maybe they scooch together a little closer (for warmth of course). If they end up holding hands or anything else, awesome. And Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Liv!! I'm so sorry this is late but I hope you enjoy it regardless! ❤️
Starlit Night
Bill S Preston Esquire x G/n!Reader
TW: One curse word and tons of fluff
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Ever since you were a child, you have always had an obsession with space. The cosmos of vast emptiness yet full of otherworldly planets with their own collections of shining stars creating unique shapes and patterns that have been around for more than a millennia. On your eleventh birthday, you were given your own telescope. Given that you would stare at the night sky from outside your window, trying to catch a glimpse of shapes that you've seen in science books and magazines.
Earlier this week, it was broadcasted that there would be a meteor shower that would occur on the weekend. You were beyond thrilled to finally have an opportunity to see such an amazing sight in a mere few days.
And you wanted to share that moment with your best friend, Bill. You were nervous to ask him, especially since you've harbored a crush on him for more than a few years.
However, you were not the only one nervous for this experience.
Bill was located in the library, eyes glancing over the words engraved in the spines of the alphabetically-organized books in the science section. Already, he was carrying at least three books while Ted, his best friend, followed him with a confused look as Bill placed some of the books into his arms.
"Are we doing a project?" Ted asked, watching him in confusion.
"No, my most excellent friend." Bill replied, grabbing another book. "I'm doing some last minute reading."
"What for?"
"For (y/n)!"
Another book was added into Ted's awaiting arms. The poor ravenette was practically carrying the size of a small child with how much books he was carrying.
"(Y/N)? Why would they want you to read for?" Ted asked.
Bill sighed before pausing to face Ted, "There's a meteor shower man, and I wanna impress them with smart space terms!"
"Oh," Ted glanced down for a moment before he was suddenly hit with an idea. "Why don't you take them to see the stars better?"
Bill thought about it before smiling, "Ted, you are the most bodacious genius I've ever met!"
Ted smiled wide, happy with the compliment.
"Maybe...I could take them to the desert! See the stars a lot better and impress them with my space terms and they'll fall for me!" Bill exclaimed, excited to finally prove to you that he was knowledgeable in your favorite subject and win your affections.
"Excellent!" They exclaimed, gesturing towards each other with a sweet air guitar before rushing to the librarian.
The day before the meteor shower, Bill had a ride to your house from his step-mother. God, he was still uncomfortable calling Missy that.
At your doorstep, he hesitated a little bit, slightly worried that you would reject going with him. You might want to go see it alone instead. However, he swallowed down his fear and rang the door bell.
After a few moments, the door opened and he stiffled the gasp that wanted to slip from his lungs. God, you were so pretty, giving him one of your bright smiles at the sight of him. He could never get used to seeing you.
"Hey, Bill!" You greeted happily before stepping out and closing the door for a little more privacy. "What brings you here?"
"H-Hey, (Y/N.)" He replied, his cheeks reddening a little bit. "Have you heard about the most excellent meteor shower happening this weekend?"
Damn, he was an idiot. Of course, you would know about it.
"Oh yeah, I have!" You replied.
"I wanted to see-"
"I was gonna ask you-"
You both chuckled, a little embarrassed at cutting each other off as Bill nervously messed with his curly hair.
"You go first." You offered, leaning your shoulder against the wall without tearing your gaze away from his own.
"Um, I wanted to see if you would go with me." He said, shuffling a little. "Check out the most bodacious stars with you would be most excellent!"
Your eyes widened slightly, feeling the warmth of blood rushing to your face. Bill wanted to see the meteor shower with you too! The nervousness you felt earlier settled down a little as you regained your composure.
"I would love that! I was just about to ask you the same thing!" You replied, "What a coincidence!"
Bill felt his heart flutter inside his chest as he returned the smile, "Excellent...I'll pick you up okay?"
"Sounds good, Bill! I'm so excited!" You exclaimed, straightening yourself up.
"Me too..." He replied softly.
The sudden sound of the car horn pulled him away from the moment and he hesitated as he started making his way back to the car.
Without thinking, he said one final thing before getting nervous and rushing to the car. Something that made your heart skip a beat.
"It's a date."
It was the night of the meteor shower and the ride to the desert located a little further out from San Dimas with Bill was comfortable, full of laughter and excellent music. However, the butterflies in both your stomachs reminded you both of your hidden feelings you had for one another. 
Currently, you were both getting your spot set up among the highest peak of the desert you could reach with a guaranteed view of the falling meteors that was broadcasted to appear in just a mere moment. Your spot was absolutely perfect with you both dressed warmly against the cool breeze of the night air. You both were surrounded by fluffy blankets and pillows with plastic bag from the Circle K full of your favorite snacks and drinks. 
You both sat down and took a moment to look at the night sky full of bright stars. Bill took a moment before deciding to use his most excellent space terms. 
“Um-” You glanced towards him, intrigued. “That’s the uh Camelopardalis.” He said, pointing towards a random spot towards the night sky. 
You giggled before looking at where he was pointing towards. His pronunciation was a little off but you were touched with how he was trying to understand your love for space. Therefore, you decided not to give him a hard time.
“That’s right! It’s known as the Space Giraffe!” You replied before looking towards another spot before pointing towards it. “And that’s the Ursa Major!”
Bill didn’t reply as he tried to remember more of the constellations that he studied, however his mind was coming up completely blank. He panicked for a second before blurting the first thing that came to mind.
“That’s the uh Stupendous Maximus!” He exclaimed, pointing towards a random star in the sky. 
Dang, he totally screwed this up! You’re gonna think he was stupid!
You smiled before scooting a little closer, your arm grazing against his which made a blush appear upon his face. “That’s my favorite constellation.” 
Bill turned towards you and slowly returned the smile. He understood what you were trying to do and he started to fall for you even more. He didn’t think that was possible but he just learned something new. 
“Me too.” He replied, voice soft. 
After a few moments and a little bit of bravery, he scooted closer to you and rested his hand against your own, your fingers slightly lacing with one another. 
You flinched a little and glanced towards his hand. You felt the warmth flood your cheeks and brought your eyes up, noticing that he was already looking in your direction. 
Suddenly, a slight flashing flooded your vision, bringing you both to look towards the direction and found yourself flooded with excitement. The meteor shower had just begun, filling the night sky with streaks of bright white lights. 
You smiled and leaned against Bill’s shoulder with him resting his own against your head. 
This was perfect and you wouldn’t have it any other way sitting here tonight with your crush that brought you both closer than ever. 
Taglist: comment to be added!!
@leiasolo77 @patient1666074 @britany1997
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mermaidsirennikita · 8 months
And friends to friends with benefits to lovers recs? Bonus points for HR?
Yep! The "friends" vibe can be a little shaky because I generally am not a huge friends to lovers person, but I do LOVE friends with benefits to lovers
The Duke Gets Even by Joanna Shupe--I mean to be fair Nellie and Lockwood are not friends at first. They hate each other. But they hate each other because they actually get each other, lol, so they begin a FWB deal that is complicated by the fact that he falls HARD. Some of my favorite sex scenes are in this book.
The Dueling Duchess by Minerva Spencer--In this one, they become like, kinda buddies and are fucking casually while traveling in this circus she's a part of (she's a sharpshooter). Then she feels betrayed, they separate, reunite a year later, and she's mad at him (and he's fallen for her).
The Rakess by Scarlett Peckham--This may work! The heroine is a scandalous rakess who goes on vacation to write her memoirs. She meets this lovely widower with two kids, and there's a spark but he's like "oh you are waaaay too much for me". Naturally, they then DO fuck and shit gets really out of hand lol.
The Lady Gets Lucky by Joanna Shupe--This is the ticket. Alice is a wallflower type who wants to learn how to seduce, and local rake Kit wants to be taken seriously and needs a recipe from her chef. They already know each other though he hasn't noticed her a lot, and he begins giving her seduction lessons. He, naturally, falls for her.
The Bride Goes Rogue by Joanna Shupe--Different vibe wherein Katherine and Preston do hate each other at first (because he basically had no intention of marrying her and unintentionally led her on for years after their dads arranged the marriage--but accidentally hook up at a masked ball and become FWBs that actually like each other.
Unmasked by The Marquess by Cat Sebastian--OH THIS IS IT!!! Alistair befriends Rob, and becomes attracted to him... Only to find out that his new bestie isn't a man. (Rob is Robin, AFAB and NB, pretending to be a man in society.) They start fucking casually (including an amazing "from behind against a door with people on the other side of the door) but Alistair, much to Robin's horror, is FALLING.
Bombshell by Sarah MacLean--Another one that really works. Caleb has longed for Sesily from afar for years, but they're friends via his friendship with her sister. They start boning, and it goes from there.
How to Marry a Marquess by Stacy Reid--In this one, they're friends for years and she's clearly in love with him, but he believes she won't be able to handle the public scorn of being with him because he recognized and raises his illegitimate daughter and is a pariah. She pretends she's trying to attract someone else so he'll teach her how to attract a man, and... The big P in V is kind of slow burn, but they definitely get up to shit before that.
When the Duke Was Wicked by Lorraine Heath--Another one where the heroine is in love with the hero and trying to get him to help her find a husband, but this one is less sex lessons and more "shit accidentally got outta hand" (Rum On Lips TM). Lovingdon is nine years older than Grace but they're friends through their families; she's a lovely young lady, and he's a total rake because his wife and child died. They start... doing stuff and things.... as he tries to help her find a man lol.
Reckless by Stella Rhys--Lol a perfect match. In this one the hero is a high-powered sports agent, and the heroine is his go-to work wife assistant who's become like, his closest friend. Then, while they're on a company trip she invited her fiance to join her on, she finds out her fiance is cheating on her, and she and dude hang out as he comforts her, and shit gets charged... And then shortly after he offers to fuck her in his office for funsies and things go from there lol.
Friends Don't Fall in Love by Erin Hahn--In this one, the hero was friends with the heroine's boyfriend (fiancee?) first. Her man was a country singer, she was a rising country star, and the hero wrote songs for her dude. Then she took a stand against gun violence asshole dumps her, she hooks up with the friend guy for one night, and then they go their separate ways... Until years later, when he's her landlord, she begins plotting a return to music, and she finds out he's been writing the erotic instagram poetry she's been into lmao. They start hooking up, but obviously, there's MORE.
Give Me More by Sara Cate--Hunter and Isabel have been married a good while, and they're on a road trip with their best friend Drake, who's been friends with Isabel since she met Hunter and friends with Hunter since they were kids. Hunter sees Drake and Isabel in a compromising situation (that isn't what it looks like, genuinely lol) and realizes he likes that... And he thinks he likes being cucked and watching them fuck, but it's actually that they're all in love with each other and he's bi and won't admit it to himself. DELICIOUS. BOOK. SO. HOT. SO. ANGSTY.
Exposed by Kristen Callihan--More frenemies to FWB to lovers, but still. The heroine has been doing PR for this major rock band the hero is a part of, and they've been a part of the same friend group since they were kids but hate each other. After he overhears her at a bar being like "JESUS CHRIST I NEED TO BE FUCKED WELL" he volunteers. It's.... hot. And of course the super hot sex turns into love, lol.
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Hello. I'm very new to DC as in I only got into it as of April of this year and it started the animated YJ side then moved into the comics. I don’t know a lot and I'm really confused about somethings. I do plan on reading the comics but for now that just seems really intimidating so I'm sticking with fics. I really am loving Sunshine Falling but I want to know about Thad and Preston bc they haven't shown up in the show and I'm so new I don't know where to look. Are they canon characters?
I know I keep saying how much I am stunned when people (comic fans) say they don't know who Thad is and then I remember you gotta start somewhere. While the Young Justice animation is excellent, it is an entire alternative universe to the comics in it's own world with it's own history and thus everything you have seen should be taken with some caution.
Thad and Preston are canon comic characters.
Preston Lindsay
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Preston is one of Bart's best civilian friends and he shows up in issue #1 and is a reoccurring character throughout the majority of Bart's series.
He's a great friend to Bart and accepts him for who he is and thinks he's the coolest even if one of the first thoughts he had about him was that he was a JERK.
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He gets over the chilliness very quickly.
We learn throughout the comics that he is an aspiring director, he loves films and he makes movies in his free time sometimes coopting his friends in his projects. He also LOVES comics and is partial to After-Life Avenger.
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He's supposed to have BROWN eyes, ignore the fucking blue eyes istg.
Preston also becomes Bart's very first 'big case' where Bart had to choose to do the right thing over protecting his own secret identity. Preston is a battered child and the whole story unfolding around that can be read in issue #6 (probably one of the BEST issues in all of Impulse imho).
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Bart saw Preston being abused in his home as Impulse, not as Bart Allen, so when he was prepared to report it he would essentially have to out himself. Bart chose (obviously) to help his friend rather than keep quiet to preserve his identity.
Preston and Bart grew VERY close after this issue.
Some other highlights from Preston include;
The time he got "shot" by toxic waste dumpers and he thought it was the coolest thing.
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"One of those guys shot me? Oh, boy!" Then Bart's soul just departs his body in guilt.
Preston also thinks Bart's mom is hot, which is, y'know, a requirement for all future hero boyfriends that are bisexual.
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Speaking of being bi... He thinks Bart is really cool and is the BEST if you know what I mean...
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"He's really great!"
Preston is 10/10 a GREAT civilian friend and I miss him dearly.
Thaddeus Thawne
To read him at his best and most interesting read Impulse issues #51-#53 and the entire Mercury Falling arc #62-#66.
Thad's history with Bart is complicated. Thus far in the comics he is firmly on the side of villain/nemesis (and an extremely successful one). Regardless of no matter how much he should have had redemption, or how much one was already set up.
He's a clone of Bart and fulfills the "evil twin" trope. He was created first and foremost to be a weapon and an agent of misery to fuel nihilistic spite and hatred. It's complicated, and the short-hand version of it is the Thawne line is entrenched in a one-sided blood feud with the Allen line for overall petty comic reasons that are justifiable to them.
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Thad had no say in this and did not even know there was another option... Until the Mercury Falling arc where he got a taste of something he never had while impersonating Bart... love.
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Thad in particular bonded with Helen and described her as "so full of warmth" and as a person who loved him, and as someone who he genuinely liked. Thad also felt love from Max and was strongly swayed away from his "task" just by experiencing their love as well as Bart's friends' love.
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"Condemning those who condemned him to this and solitary single-minded existence!" - That alone was the launch into a redemption arc, but no we can't have fucking nice things.
In a perfect world Thad would have come back. Max would be willing to accept to him back and he did offer to take him in when he learned that Thad had been impersonating Bart all along. There would be a little tension, some acclimating, and an entire issue could center around Bart and Thad finally trusting each other after mutually sucking to communicate or something.
We... did not get this.
His interest and character development plummets after Mercury Falling, and his highlights afterwards include successfully murdering Bart, and then suffering a fate worse than death via Wally who took all his speed and turned him into a living statue reminding everyone that the Flash Family is more like the Flash Mafia and you don't fuck with them.
So that is a rundown of these two and where to read about them Preston is in so many issues it's hard to pinpoint single issues but Thad's "run" is easier to single in on.
I am so very glad you enjoyed them in my fic.
They are going to be just fine together.
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fantasticalleigh · 9 months
like i mentioned before i am too busy/hesitant to actually consume a lot of new media (or at least be able to focus on it) so i'm critically behind on so much stuff. don't judge me pls :S lmao
anything in bold is something that i've begun but not finished :P tagging @snow-in-the-desert bc you expressed interest in seeing the lists!
The Love Hypothesis - Ali Hazelwood
The Hurricane Wars - Thea Guanzon
Winter's Promise - Christelle Dabos
The Stand - Stephen King
North and South - Elizabeth Gaskell
The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
Work - Louisa May Alcott
Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
Dr. Sleep - Stephen King
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
The Last Duel - Erik Jager
Portrait of a Lady - Henry James
The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller
The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton
The Great Mortality - John Kelly
Dead by Sunset - Ann Rule
Dracula - Bram Stoker
It's Lonely at the Center of the Earth - Zoe Thorogood
The Great Influenza - John M. Barry
The Monster of Florence - Douglas Preston
The Lottery and other stories - Shirley Jackson
Helter Skelter - Vincent Bugliosi with Curt Gentry
White Noise - Don DeLilo
Icebreaker - Hannah Grace
She Is a Haunting - Trang Thanh Tran
This Thing Between Us: A Novel - Gus Moreno
Parable of the Sower - Octavia E. Butler
^^ This is an incomplete list--I know there are others but these are the books I've bought over the past couple years and have not yet finished/ready. They are stacked on my desk and around my room, silently accusing me of neglect. I wither in shame. The rest of the list escapes me currently. This also doesn't include the tbrs currently on my e-reader since I can't remember where it is to see what's on there.
Any Adam Driver movie that isn't on Netflix (House of Gucci, Annette, Paterson etc.) I have seen the Last Duel, Blackkklansman, This is where I leave you, Marriage Story, White Noise, Frances Ha and a few others). I know Ferarri is in theaters right now but I've kind of developed a phobia of theaters since 2020 :S
a ridiculous number of documentaries/video essays on youtube that I do not have the energy to go look for right now
Fall of the House of Usher (I love Mike Flanagan's work but I'm still hooked on Midnight Mass and Daddy Father Prewitt)
The Haunting of Bly Manor (I know everyone was obsessed with this and I meant to watch it but I was reading the Turn of the Screw when it came out and didn't want to get spoiled for it so I avoided it like the plague and finished the book but never got to watching the show)
Blue Eye Samurai
The Beguiled
Ugly Betty (I'm actually on season 2 and it's charming and funny but holy shit the amount of body shaming/slut shaming/ homophobia in this show. definitely a product of its time.)
Anne with an E
Fleabag (never finished it but thought it was amazing)
What we do in the shadows (have seen all but the most current season)
Reservation dogs
The Batman (2023)
Black Swan
The Crown
Band of Brothers
Demon Slayer
Wolf of Wall Street
Birds of Prey
Downton Abbey
Peaky Blinders
Drag me to Hell
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Queen Charlotte (halfway through but haven't finished. i hate things that make me cry when i watch them so i have to be in a very specific mood to watch emotional heavy things)
Lady Bird
The Banshees of Inisherin
BARBIE (*ducks thrown rocks* I'll get to it, i SWEAR) (but i'm amazing at avoiding spoilers at this point i still know very little about the movie)
The Invisible Man
The Turning
Promising Young Woman
Shiva Baby
The Green Knight
Licorice Pizza
Bullet Train
The Menu
Women Talking
Knives Out + Glass Onion (*ducks more thrown rocks*)
Paddington 2!!!!
SHadow and Bone (honestly I lost almost all interest in reading/watching this once I heard the hot villain dies. BOOOO)
That one newish show with Adam Scott that looks super liminal and sci fi i can't remember the name
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
Killers of the Flower Moon
Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Turning Red
Everything Everywhere All At once
Just like the book list, I'm sure there's many other titles I'm forgetting to put here. I actually have branched out and watched a fair amount of new movies this year so i'm going to keep it going! and here's one more list just because this is fun
Stuff I watched or read in 2023 that I loved/recommend (with the caveat that not all of this came out in 2023): (and i'm not including obvious stuff like Spider man across the spiderverse)
White Noise
Don't Look Up
Living in the Time of Dying (documentary on Youtube. It is HEAVY on existentialism and the science/data on the current state of climate change. This WILL ruin your day so I'm warning you now. Definitely don't watch it today. This really affected me and I cried for a long time after watching this but it is incredibly important to keep in mind.)
Blackkklansman (i had to watch this with the volume on the lowest setting bc of all the n words being dropped so frequently lmao but goddamn this was so good and funnier than i expected.)
DIMENSION 20: Burrow's End!!!!! As well as The Unsleeping City season 1. Neverafter and A Crown of Candy are probably at the lower end of the list but I still love them. (thank you to @rogueimperator for cluing me onto how amazing D20 and Dropout are. <3 this is a whole new world lol)
Midnight Sun :)
7. Christine and the Queens - Redcar les adorables étoiles Full show on Youtube. I was supposed to see him live in October but he got injured and had to cancel the rest of his tour :( but this album and the video are incredible! Slight warning for semi nudity.
8. Game Changer on Dropout. he's been here the whole time!
9. The 1975 live at Madison Square Garden. I was lucky enough to see them twice this tour with my twin sister and we had an absolutely amazing time. They always put on amazing shows and this particular tour/their latest album meant so much to us. Even our younger brother has come with us for some of these shows so it's something we all share. (Last time they came to Chicago in 2022 the venue was too small so they didn't have the House set with them so we didn't get to see it in action until this year) Sex and The Sound will always be the perfect closers for their shows and I get so emotional every time I hear them. Core memories for sure.
10. Puss in Boots: the last wish. this seems like another obvious answer that i probably could have left off but this gets an honorary mention because our family cat was diagnosed with advanced bone cancer in August, and we had to put him down very soon after that diagnosis. We spent an agonizing week tending to him and cherishing every last second we could get with him. I've been fortunate enough to never experience the death of a pet until this year, and i almost wish we didn't have any pets at all because I've never felt such excruciating grief. He was a fat, grumpy orange boy with beautiful yellow stripes and a little yellow mustache. I was trying to distract myself and found this movie on Netflix and watched it, then recommended it to my sister (who is actually Thomas's owner but we all shared him) though I warned her the movie did deal with themes on mortality. We all watched it together the night before his final vet visit and Tommy was there with us on a comfy pillow. I hope he approved of the movie, because now any time I think of Puss in Boots i think of him. <3
I could add more to this but my eyes are tired and I'm wired up from coffee. I know this is long as hell so sorry but I had fun making it! I'll probably keep coming back to this post in the future to cross out what I've watched.
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imagine-silk · 4 months
Fallout 4: Sole not having experience with same-sex relationships
》FOR THE GAYS!!! This was inspired by @dareactions post that was the same prompt but for DAO.
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【Cait】 "... That's your problem?"
She looks at you like you're crazy. Out of everything she's done and all the baggage that comes with her that's your concern? She can and will call that the dumbest idea you've ever had and you wanted to keep a deathclaw at one point. She low-key also doesn't let you break up during this time and will tell you "if it's 'because of that no'".
【Curie】 "I do not understand. Is it still taboo?"
She knows before the bombs dropped it was a social topic and was fought for but she sees no reason it would remain a problem when survival was on the line. People should be helping one another, not hurting. Why would love of any kind be an issue?
【Danse】 "That's- that's not a problem. Right?"
He forgets things like that can be a problem because most of the very few relationships he's had were with men. Fraternizing in the Brotherhood is looked down on and can be punished so you have to sneak around. Sneaking around with a woman is harder than sneaking around with a man. Bringing it up in the first place will make him look at you like a kicked puppy.
【Deacon】 "And here I thought I was universal."
He again hides behind false bravado hoping it's enough to get him through it. Your laugh calms him down a bit but you have to have this conversation because he wants his rejection to be as swift as possible. When you assure him you don't want to break up he laughs it off and says, "of course you don't, have you seen me?".
【Hancock】 "You're in for a ride."
He's kind of afraid this is a deal-breaker for you and you'll leave him. So he turns up his charm and make you feel special. He tries becomes someone you won't leave. You can see this over-correction and ask him about it. After a while you coax him into confessing his fears to you and explain your lack of experience was your issue. He drops all his fears and relaxes, telling you he has enough experience for the both of you.
【MacCready】 "So?"
He also hasn't been in a gay relationship, his only relationship being Lucy, but he couldn't say he thought it would be different. Because he lived a pretty sheltered life and kids naturally don't think about that stuff he doesn't see any reason it would be a problem. If you explain it to him he'll straight up say he thinks maybe people before the bombs dropped weren't that great.
【Nick】 "Can't say I'm not in the same boat, pal."
He never thought he'd ever be with a man but here he was. Nick before the bombs was only ever with women. But he couldn't imagine wanting to be with anyone else than you. That being said, he also feels like him being a man is not more important than him being a synth that is literally falling apart. He's not going to bring it up if you're not worried about it but he thinks it's kind of silly.
【Piper】 "Come on, Blue, don't tell me you're getting cold feet."
She's all for the truth and she's happy you told her instead of letting it fester. That being said she doesn't want something as unchangeable as your gender to be what kills your relationship. She'll also send Nat to go over and be extra nice and cute so you feel better about the situation. She has faith that you'll come around after you're done second guessing yourself.
【Preston】 "Then follow my lead."
He's been in a surprisingly large amount of relationships being a person of his position, men making a good chunk of it. He's not going to tell you it will be the same on the virtue that relationships are inherently different than one another. All he asks is for you to trust him and trust your feelings for him.
【X6-88】 "If that is a deal-breaker you should not have entered this relationship."
He's not very good at expressing his emotions and still lashes out when he's hurt. Seeing this as a problem is something that genuinely upset him because your relationship with him is full of taboos. He's a robot made to only kill and follow orders and you're a human who's done great things for the Commonwealth. Race might also turn out to be an issue if his gender was a problem. You'll have to explain you don't have an issue with your relationship but with your lack of experience. He doesn't understand that either because compared to him you have all the experience in the world.
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azurdlywisterious · 4 months
OC Pride Parade (12/12)
Condor Lovelace, Esq.
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For brevity, I will not be typing out her full title.
Some fun facts about her:
Has some. Very mixed feelings about her new life. Mainly guilt because she loves it (and also joy because she loves it).
Cares enough to find Shaun to find him better parents (she did not want to have him at all). Once she finds out that he's a whole adult she stops caring altogether.
Nick Valentine is her bestest friend (and potentially lover? maybe?) (look todd and emil are cowards and i dont trust anyone but myself with their very specific dynamic)
On a surprisingly related note, how she got that scar! So one night after winning a big case, she ends up tripping on the courthouse steps and busting her lip open. Standard bad luck. She lives close enough to the courthouse that she walks to and from work, but not nearly close enough to the hospital to walk there, and she figures, based on how much blood there is, that she'll need stitches. Also ambulances are expensive so that's out. Thankfully, there's an off duty detective with a heart of gold that happens to be driving by just as she falls. Serendipitous to say the least. She asks if he can drive her to the hospital, he says yes, they exchange names but it's September 2077 so neither of them will end up remembering. Before they party ways she invites him and his fiancée to her Halloween party that will totally happen and not get cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Became a public defense lawyer (the most overworked and underpaid lawyers) because she genuine believes in helping the less fortunate in anyway she can, even though being a corpo lawyer would net her so much money. Fights for equal rights at every chance she gets and brings this energy to the Commonwealth Wasteland post war.
Is the fiercest defender of marriage equality and the necessary rights relating to it because she believes it's the right thing to do (she also understands the pain of being married to someone you don't actually love).
Speaking of her husband, she only married him in order to not drown in debt while attending law school (he wanted the extra military benefits and also the status symbol of having a wife). They do not get divorced because Societal Convention. This is why she practices law with her maiden name. (Call her Connie Smith and she might actually kill you.)
Loves building robots. Its her favorite pastime honestly. Given that, it's funny that she hates power armor as much as she does (and yet she has a collection)
her other besties are Preston and Ada and she doesn't like Piper. Everyone else she vaguely knows but not nearly as well as Nick. Oh! She thinks Ellie is really nice.
And some fun facts about her creation:
She's named after Conner from DBH. I couldn't think of the name "Connie" fast enough, so Condor (like the bird) stuck.
Her middle name is Maya because every time I lose track of Nick in game, I will run around the map and yell, "Nick? Nick? Nick, it's Larry. I- I think I killed him" until I find him again. For those who are uncultured unaware, that is a line from the opening scene of the Random Encounters Phoenix Wright Musical (and also Maya Fey's first line).
Originally Condor was going to get her scar from a knife attack, but then I thought about how that would come off in the context of a knight in shining armor swooping in to save her and decided that it would probably best to go in a different direction.
Please i dont know why she looks like Heather from Total Drama but im tired so im just going to live with it.
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prestonmonterey · 7 months
heheh it's that long or short anon message of what i think about you!!!!!!!!!!!
hmmmm okay so i do not know how close we are
i don't usually consider people my friend unless they consider me their friend first, out of like politeness, but i wanna be friends!!! we might already be friends and i don't know i think this is because of autism maybe or maybe anxiety idk idk
but anyways i think you are really interesting i do not want to overstep or be creepy or weird so its not at all like that but you are very interesting to me!!!! the version of you I my head is like there's two of them. theres.. preston.. adamandi and then the other version of you in my head you have black hair thats sort of like beatrix's if it was straight? and you're also tall to me
the way your brain works about certain things (ex: whenever we talk about the universe and whatnot :3) makes me stim, uuhm i think you're really cool and i like asking you questions and i like talking to you
we're literally vincent and preston from adamandi!!!! literally us!!!! therefore we don't like eachother /j /j
in my head it's like.. silly joking i don't actually dislike you not at all you're like the coolest ever and we barely really know eachother
I WANNA HEAR ABOUR YOUR TTS THOUGHTS TOO i love reading your posts about it heheh
if you were an animal i think you'd be some sort of horse or a pony. or maybe a bird or a lizard
if you were a planet in our solar system you'd be mercury, since it's the closest to the sun and the smallest planet (in our solar system, again)
aaand if you were a color you'd be blue.... if you were a star you'd be a red dwarf star... and you're like the random, decomposed animal bones you find in the woods on accident to me
i would love 2 know how your brain works but also im like that with everyone i wanna just crawl inside their minds and pull out the bad and the good i think i am autistic
if you were a pattern you'd be stripes. not zebra stripes or anything just plain block stripes! no specific colors. if you were a year you'd be 1835
i like associating people with things if you can't tell /silly (i ran out of explanations so I'm just telling you what you are to me)
if you were a rock you'd be limestone
if you were a household appliance you'd be that one fork in the kitchen that nobody uses to actually eat with, but the design on the handle is pretty !!!! not in a mean way that sounds rlly mean sorry
if you were a flower you'd be a daffodil; symbolizing forgiveness, unrequited love, rebirth, and eternal life. i think. i'm not headcanoning you to have unrequited love im just saying the meanings i remember off the top of my head. also it's yellow!
uummmmm yeah you reblogged this yesterday i think and i said i would so. here u go its not really that long but im also procrastinating sleep so. tired!
yayayay :D this is so sweet im actually giggling and kicking my feet rn /gen /p
i also wanna be friends!! youre v cool :3
i also totally get the like 2 versions thing i have the same thing for my online friends :D heehee im kinda tall for my age i think? like 5'5'' i really really wish i had curly hair :((( (my dad had kinda curly hair but asian genes prevailed so i have pretty thick, mostly straight hair) and i have an undercut :\ (not sure how i feel about my haircut rn. it looks kinda awful bc i have a scar on the back of my head where hair doesnt grow. bc scar tissue)
hmm for me rn you just look like vincent. but like. maybe a bit shorter idk
i also love hearing about your thoughts theyre so cool!!!
i think if you were an animal youd be maybe a mouse or raccoon?
if you were a planet i think saturn, not sure why
if you were a color i think youd be a warm, dark orange, like pumpkin pie or autumn leaves. idk you kinda remind me of fall i think
if you were an object youd be an old compass that someone found in their attic that was like passed down from their great grandparent or something
if you were a pattern you'd be honeycomb or tartan. colors would be sunflower yellow, brown and moss green
if you were a year youd be 2000 i think. last time all humans were on earth. not sure why but that fact reminds me of you
if you were a rock youd be jasper
if you were silverware youd be a teaspoon with a really long handle, if you were a general household thingy youd be those door handle/lever things with a spiraly end
idk anything about flower meanings TwT but i think youd be a black eyed susan or forget me not
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