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shandzii · 5 months ago
where are da goobers
where sun and moon
ma boys... also that new eclipse you should get to him one day
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throathole · 2 months ago
The person who first coined “I need him bouncing and moaning on it” did so much for the world
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sarafangirlart · 3 months ago
So someone on Twitter say Athena only has male friends
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lixel-5 · 4 months ago
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sometimes i go to steam and marvel at it
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pizza-hivemind · 6 days ago
007n7 is trying to sneak past them. Except he looked wrong. Skin too plastic, posture too stiff, not to mention the strange differences in appearance.
...Oh, this guy was a clone.
...Don't clones usually... disappear after 10 seconds or so?
There's a strained smile plastered on his face as he inched his way past the group.
"...Don't mind me. I don't exist. I'm not him, you know this...please know this..."
The hive turned toward the clone. It looked like 007n7, it had to be (Unfortunately none of them are sentient until you GAMBLE /ooc). They started to move toward the clone, trying to apprehend it.
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crow2222 · 5 months ago
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this is how it feels seeing everyone ship parry now bc of the broadway
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theconjugalbed · 7 months ago
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happens to the best of us (i don’t go to parties or either outside atp)
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cluescorner · 2 years ago
WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH KAEYA AND VENTI?? Like, of all the relationships I want explored in genshin theirs is the most fascinating to me. Do they know who the other is in relation to their origins? Are they both in the dark? Does one know and the other doesn’t? What are their real feelings towards the other person, not just the expressed ones based around their personas? Why was Kaeya left in Mondstadt specifically and does Venti have any thoughts on the matter? Are we gonna get a big reveal scene where Venti shows himself as Barbatos and Kaeya is like ‘AYO WHAT THE FUCK’? Are we gonna get one where it’s vice-versa and Venti loses it onscreen? 
Does Kaeya know that Venti is Barbatos and is friendly with him regardless? Or is it to get more info on the Archon? Or is it to perhaps ingratiate himself to Venti in hopes of not fucking dying like literally almost everyone else? Is he completely unaware and if Venti admits his identity to Kaeya that will be yet another instance where Kaeya’s trust has been broken by someone close to him? Or will he lash out at Venti because it is heavily implied that the Abyss Order/Fatui/tbh everybody related to Khaenri’ah in some way hates Barbatos in particular for some reason? Or will he just go on as normal in hopes that Venti doesn’t recognize Kaeya as Khaenri’an? Or will he have a fucking panic attack immediately because bro I would too if one of the people who killed-or-worsed literally my entire nation just showed up and oh no he was my fucking drinking buddy? 
Does Venti know that Kaeya is an Alberich and simply not care? Or is he pitiful of the man whose freedom was restricted at a very young age? Or does he feel intense guilt stemming from whatever the fuck he did in Khaenri’ah because SERIOUSLY WHY DO KHAENRI’AH-RELATED GROUPS SEEM TO HATE BARBATOS IN PARTICULAR? Or is he perhaps afraid of what Kaeya might do to his nation and hopes to get as close to Kaeya as he can to prevent anything from happening? Did Venti always know that Kaeya was there even during his sleep? Did he wake up and wander into the city and suddenly BOOM, DESCENDENT OF THE ABYSS ORDER IS YOUR CAVALRY CAPTAIN AND YOU CANNOT DO SHIT ABOUT IT? Does Venti not know that Kaeya is an Alberich/Khaenri’an and are we going to get a big reveal wherein Venti will once again be placed in a position where he might have to compromise his identity in order to protect the greater good? Or will he try to kill Kaeya because honestly if I took part in the mass-destruction of an entire civilization I would assume that if somebody reveals themself as a part of that civilization that they’re here for revenge? Or will he treat it like it’s no big deal because he already knew/doesn’t care because Kaeya has made it clear that he’s loyal to Mondstadt? Or will he collapse into a big puddle of guilt and beg forgiveness for everything that’s happened because, when you really think about it, none of Kaeya’s suffering would have ever occurred if Celestia hadn’t nuked Khaenri’ah? Even outside of the other bullshit, Kaeya’s freedom was restricted at a very young age due to the actions of Celestia which Venti played a direct part in. Does Venti feel guilty for this or like he’s wound up betraying his own value? Does KAEYA feel that way? 
THEY DO NOT HAVE VOICELINES ABOUT EACH OTHER! Kaeya and Venti get them for such a menagerie of Mondstadt characters (including ones they never even interact with) that the fact they don’t have them for each other drives me insane. That HAS to be intentional, why the fuck do y’all not talk about each other when you should probably have THE MOST AMOUNT OF THINGS TO SAY ABOUT EACH OTHER?! They are making me crazy. LET THEM INTERACT AND BE HONEST WITH EACH OTHER! WHERE ARE THE FICS WHERE THEY REVEAL THEIR IDENTITIES/LITERALLY ANYTHING RELATED TO THEIR HIDDEN IDENTITIES HAPPEN AND THE OTHER REACTS TO IT?? WHERE ARE THEY?? They are easily the most fascinating yet utterly unexplored dynamic in Genshin. I see more fics about Childe and Kaeya interacting than Venti and Kaeya and I get it and no hate BUT WHAT THE HELL MAN?!
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hyperions-light · 1 month ago
For Rook story time, #5 if you don't mind.
Hey, thanks for asking!
The Rook Story Time prompts are [here]!
I have answered 1, 4, 33, 16, 10, 7, 5 and I have requests for 2, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 23, 35
Content warnings: discussion of illness
5. Rook being seriously ill.
“I never get sick. My constitution is simply too robust; there hasn’t been a single day of my life when— well, there was that one time.
“In my defense, I don’t remember most of it, so you can hardly blame me for forgetting. There was some kind of plague in Treviso— that happens once every couple years, or so, but that one was particularly bad. The healers were completely swamped, and the Drowned District got left high and dry— ironically.
“Viago told me to stay away from there, but I just had to have some of that nasty pisswater they call beer at the tavern. So I went, a couple times, and wouldn’t you know it— I caught something. Unbelievable— just my luck, to get sick the one time Viago expressly forbid it.
“So I was avoiding him a little. I thought I’d just wait it out, in my room, but the Crow next to me was a god-damn snitch, and he went and got Viago around the fourth day— just because I couldn’t walk and was slightly delirious! Can you believe it? I would have been fine!
“Anyway, I’m not really sure what happened, after that. Except I know Viago went and got a healer, because he wouldn’t shut up about how much it cost him, after I was better. He still brings it up, sometimes, when he’s trying to guilt me into something— ‘Vìbora, do you know how much it cost me to save your life? And you won’t even go to the magistrate’s dinner for me?’
“I got better like a week later, or something. And I was fucking glad to get out of there, let me tell you, because Viago spent the whole time I was laid up complaining, and lecturing me, and talking about poisons, and Teia— well, that part was fine. But he was so annoying. I couldn’t wait to go on my next contract.”
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faytelumos · 1 year ago
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Imagine my surprise and confusion when I thought Mads Mikkelsen was in Squid Game for .04 seconds.
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torturingpeople · 3 months ago
if anyone is interested i have been playing with css work skins on ao3 to reformat and post the old ediscuba correspondence ^_^
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adorastarot · 2 years ago
Does JK FS know or have a feeling that she will be with him?
Hi lovely anon! I hope you're well! Thank you so much for sending your ask, let's have a look: ♡ Want a personal reading? Check out my Ko-fi
Does Jungkook's fs know that they are his fs?
6 of pentacles, 6 of swords, king of pentacles, death
These 4 cards really had me stomped…we have seen previously that JK’s fs is currently thinking a lot about career and finances and these 4 cards speak a lot to me about that energy. But if we focus on the question at hand…there’s hope in the fs’ energy that they could be the one but this fs is not as certain as Suga’s fs for example. The fs seem to know of Jungkook and when they think about him and they associate him with freedom?! So right now the fs is using JK in her mind as her escape to reality.
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karaloza · 9 months ago
Is this what they call eucatastrophe?
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typemoonconfessions · 2 years ago
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gougerre · 6 months ago
attn tumblr im in a police station rn its v spooky
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