#DNA Test in New Delhi
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non per andarti contro o cose, però guarda che le due atlete, Imane Khelif dell'Algeria e Lin Yu-Ting di Taiwan, che gareggiano alle Olimpiadi di Parigi nella categoria sono state precedentemente squalificate da un campionato del mondo femminile per avere "cromosomi XY". Praticamente, sono stati svolti i campionati mondiali di boxe femminile nel marzo del 2023, ospitati a Nuova Delhi, in India. Tuttavia, l’evento è stato segnato da polemiche dopo che Umar Kremlev, presidente dell'International Boxing Association (IBA), ha annunciato la squalifica di più pugili dal campionato. Kremlev ha detto che i dirigenti dell'IBA si erano incontrati verso il gran finale del campionato per discutere di "equità tra delle atlete e professionalità", dopo che sono state sollevate preoccupazioni sul sesso biologico di alcuni partecipanti. Ha aggiunto che dopo "una serie di test del DNA", l'IBA "ha scoperto atleti che stavano cercando di ingannare i loro colleghi e fingere di essere donne". Parlando a TASS News, Kremlev ha affermato che i test avevano dimostrato che le atlete in questione "avevano cromosomi XY ed erano quindi esclusi dagli eventi sportivi". Tra gli squalificati c'era Imane Khelif, la pugile algerina, la quale avrebbe dovuto sfidare Yang Liu della Cina nella finale dei pesi welter. Khelif è stato rimosso dalla lotta per la medaglia d'oro e al thailandese Janjaem Suwannapheng, che aveva perso contro Khelif in semifinale, è stato invece permesso di procedere a combattere Yang. In una dichiarazione pubblica, l'IBA ha scritto che "un pugile dell'Algeria, Imane Khelif, è stato escluso dai campionati mondiali di boxe IBA a causa del mancato rispetto dei criteri di ammissibilità dell'IBA". Ma il Comitato Olimpico Algerino ha negato le affermazioni dell'IBA, attribuendo la squalifica di Khelif a una "cospirazione" per impedire all'Algeria di avere una medaglia d'oro nella boxe. Mentre alludevano vagamente al fatto che Khelif è stato colpito per "motivi medici" che circondano alti livelli di testosterone, hanno aggiunto che avrebbero sostenuto il viaggio di Khelif alle Olimpiadi di Parigi del 2024 a prescindere. Ma dopo la controversa squalifica, una pugile si è fatta avanti per discutere della sua esperienza (simile a quella della Carini) combattendo Khelif sul ring al campionato. "Quando ho combattuto con lei mi sono sentita molto fuori dalla mia profondità", ha scritto la pugile messicana Brianda Tamara su X. "I suoi colpi mi hanno fatto molto male, non credo di essermi mai sentita così nei miei 13 anni come pugile, né nel mio sparring con gli uomini. "Grazie a Dio quel giorno sono uscita dal ring sana e salva, ed è un bene che finalmente se ne siano resi conto"", ha detto Tamara Brianda.
Sostanzialmente, l’algerina ha potuto partecipare alle olimpiadi di Parigi perché le linee guida per l’ammissibilità sono a compito del paese di provenienza.
C’è anche da ricordare che Angela Carini si era dichiarata pronta per l’incontro (rispondendo alle accuse della destra), dicendo: “Io devo adeguarmi a quello che ha deciso il CIO, quindi domani andrò sul ring e darò tutta me stessa“.
le frasi fra “” non sono mie parole
Cioè fammi capire, stanno umiliando una donna, ci stanno facendo becera propaganda sopra, e vieni qua a scrivermi 'sto MUCHO TEXTO e a fare la punta al cazzo su come nel 2023 l'IBA, ente sportivo non riconosciuto dal comitato olimpico internazionale (ansa), l'abbia esclusa dai mondiali? È idonea per le Olimpiadi, e lo era anche nel 2021, non lo fosse stata l'avrebbe esclusa anche il comitato olimpico, quindi cosa?
E Tamara Brianda (ma anche la nostra Angela Carini) ci spiegasse allora perché 5 donne sono riuscite tranquillamente a battere la Khelif senza piangere (x)
E Angela se ne andasse a quel paese, col suo NON salutare l'avversaria ha dimostrato una bassezza unica
Ma veramente, non hai di meglio da dire? A volte l'empatia vale più di un "ACHTUHALLY ☝️🤓"
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This whole shit show stems from a unilateral and non-transparent decision made by the discredited leader of the IBA at the world championship.
Since Rio and accusations of rigged matches, the IOC have refused to deal with the IBA and they're seeking a new body to manage boxing in LA '28.
Both [Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu-ting of Taiwan] were disqualified from the 2023 World Championships in New Delhi, which was run by the International Boxing Association (IBA).
Khelif was disqualified hours before her gold-medal fight, while Lin was stripped of her bronze.
In a statement yesterday, the IBA said the “disqualification was a result of their failure to meet the eligibility criteria for participating in the women’s competition, as set and laid out in the IBA Regulations”.
These regulations state that only people with XX sex chromosomes can compete in women categories.
The IBA regulations add that “boxers can be submitted to a random and/or targeted gender test to confirm the above”.
Women typically have XX chromosome pairs, and men typically have XY pairs.
IBA president, Russia’s Umar Kremlev, previously said in a post to Telegram post that DNA tests had “proved they had XY chromosomes and were thus excluded”.
This detail was not included in yesterday’s statement by the IBA, which said the “specifics” of the tests undertaken by both boxers “remain confidential”.
So whatever this test was, the IBA feel they can chat about it on social media but not include it in their official statements? Or, not even the IBA, but Umar Kremlev, who has links to the Russian state and who the IOC demanded step down after Rio if the IBA was to continue working with the Olympics.
“These two athletes were the victims of a sudden and arbitrary decision by the IBA. Towards the end of the IBA World Championships in 2023, they were suddenly disqualified without any due process.
“According to the IBA minutes available on their website, this decision was initially taken solely by the IBA Secretary General and CEO. The IBA Board only ratified it afterwards and only subsequently requested that a procedure to follow in similar cases in the future be established and reflected in the IBA Regulations. The minutes also say that the IBA should “establish a clear procedure on gender testing.
“The current aggression against these two athletes is based entirely on this arbitrary decision, which was taken without any proper procedure – especially considering that these athletes had been competing in top-level competition for many years.
So this whole thing is playing off and whipping up transphobia, intersexism and racism, but afaik neither of the women involved have made any statement about even being intersex. I recommend caution applying this term until we hear anything from the women concerned, not least given the bizarre lack of transparency around the tests conducted by the IBA. Think of Caster Semenya, who does not choose to use the word intersex to describe herself, who has been through hell having her identity pored over and defined over her wishes in public, and be fucking careful with your language <3
#olympics#transphobia#intersexism#not like the ioc are covering themselves in glory here but ffs this is just the iba using these women as pawns
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BREAKING: TWO “Female Boxers” Set To Compete At Paris 2024 Were Previously Disqualified From Women’s World Championship For Having “XY Chromosomes”
Anna Slatz
July 27, 2024
Two athletes competing at the Paris Olympics as “women” were previously disqualified from a women’s world championship for having “XY chromosomes.” Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu-Ting of Taiwan are scheduled to compete in Olympic women’s boxing next week despite past questions surrounding their biological sex.
The Women’s World Boxing Championships took place in March of 2023 and was hosted in New Delhi, India. A total of 324 boxers from 64 nations competed during the 10-day trial, marking the largest participation in any iteration of the championship ever recorded.
However, the grand event was marred by controversy after Umar Kremlev, president of the International Boxing Association (IBA), announced the disqualification of multiple boxers from the championship.
Kremlev said that IBA executives had met towards the championship’s grand finale to discuss “fairness among athletes and professionalism,” after concerns were raised about the biological sex of some participants. He added that after “a series of DNA-tests,” the IBA “uncovered athletes who were trying to fool their colleagues and pretend to be women.”
Speaking to TASS News, Kremlev claimed that the tests had proven the athletes in question “had XY chromosomes and were thus excluded from the sports events.”
Among the disqualified was Imane Khelif, an Algerian boxer who had been set to challenge Yang Liu of China in the welterweight final. Khelif was removed from the gold medal fight, and Thailand’s Janjaem Suwannapheng, who had lost to Khelif in the semi-finals, was allowed to proceed to fight Yang instead.
In a public statement, the IBA wrote that “a boxer from Algeria, Imane Khelif, was excluded from the IBA World Boxing Championships due to the failure to meet the IBA eligibility criteria.” But the Algerian Olympic Committee denied the IBA’s claims, attributing Khelif’s disqualification to a “conspiracy” to prevent Algeria from having a gold medal in boxing.
While they vaguely alluded to Khelif being struck for “medical reasons” surrounding high testosterone levels, they added that they would be supporting Khelif’s journey to the 2024 Paris Olympics regardless.
But following the controversial disqualification, a female boxer came forward to discuss her experience fighting Khelif in the ring at the championship.
“When I fought with her I felt very out of my depth,” Mexican boxer Brianda Tamara wrote on X. “Her blows hurt me a lot, I don’t think I had ever felt like that in my 13 years as a boxer, nor in my sparring with men. Thank God that day I got out of the ring safely, and it’s good that they finally realized,” Tamara said.
A second boxer was similarly disqualified by the IBA at the event, Taiwan’s Lin Yu-Ting, who was also stripped of a bronze medal.
Lin had previously won 5 gold medals in women’s boxing tournaments.
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Lin Yu-Ting winning gold and a $100,000 prize at a 2022 women’s boxing championship.
Despite having faced the disqualification just last year, both boxers will be competing in Paris as female boxers.
Khelif is scheduled to fight Italy’s Angela Carini on August 1, while Lin Yu-Ting is set to be matched the next day.
While neither have stated they identify as transgender, it is suspected that both are impacted by a Difference of Sexual Development (DSD), a category of medical conditions encompassing any problem noted at birth where the genitalia are atypical in relation to the chromosomes or gonads.
DSDs in elite sports first came to public attention during the meteoric rise of South African runner Caster Semenya. Semenya’s rapid improvements in performance beginning in 2009 initially triggered suspicions of drug use, and World Athletics (then called the IAAF) was internationally denounced for requesting Semenya take a test to ascertain his biological sex.
Most women, including elite female athletes, have natural testosterone levels of 0.12 to 1.79 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L), but Semenya has XY chromosomes and male gonads producing a normal level of testosterone for a male. In 2011, Semenya was measured as having 15.6 and 29.3 nmol/L. Years later, a decision in the Court of Arbitration for Sport revealed that Semenya has a DSD where the normal male sexual development fails in utero, resulting in external genitals that appear to be a vagina at birth, but was in fact an underdeveloped penis.
Speaking to Reduxx, a representative with the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS) condemned the confusion that had emerged surrounding the sex of competitors due to the International Olympic Committee’s 2000 decision to end sex-verification screening.
“The IOC’s decision to end sex-verification screening in 2000 has caused distrust and confusion in women’s sports ever since,” ICONS co-founder Marshi Smith said. “Its 2021 decision to offload the responsibility for international eligibility criteria to individual sporting bodies has resulted in varied standards and widespread chaos among athletes, coaches, officials, and the public.”
Smith notes that a new boxing qualification system was implemented for the 2024 Olympics in which an ad-hoc unit was created by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board to organize the boxing competitions for Paris 2024.
This new unit was set up after the International Boxing Association (IBA), which had previously disqualified Khelif and Lin from women’s championships, was suspended by the IOC due to concerns it was receiving funding from Russia.
In the FAQ for the Paris 2024 Boxing Unit, no gender eligibility guidelines are specified, something Smith suggests likely indicates that individual nations were given a tremendous amount of power to deem their own athletes eligible.
“In boxing, the recent contentious split between the IBA and the IOC has now placed Olympic eligibility power into the hands of national boxing federations, allowing countries like Algeria and Taiwan to set their own standards and continue placing male boxers in the ring with female athletes in combat for women’s Olympic medals,” Smith explains.
“The physical abuse of women on an Olympic stage eliminates the integrity of all Olympic events and risks lifelong injury or even death for female athletes. This deceit cannot be allowed to continue.”
#IMANE KHELIF#LIN YU TING#BREAKING: TWO “Female Boxers” Set To Compete At Paris 2024 Were Previously Disqualified From Women’s World Championship For Having “XY#BOYCOTT PARIS OLYMPICS
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A German Shepherd puppy can be very adorable and loyal. However, you should know the correct way of handling these one-person dogs. They are courageous and love to indulge in various activities daily. They may not be friendly with all if not appropriately trained. You must be cautious about a few things when bringing a German Shepherd pup home. If you are considering a German Shepherd puppy for sale, learning the conditions to begin as a new pet parent is essential. You may get the choice of picking the best one out of a litter. Make your selection wisely for great moments later. This blog suggests a few tips regarding this.
Tips to Check Good Quality in a German Shepherd
The German Shepherd is an intelligent dog breed. When buying a German Shepherd puppy, you must check that it is interesting and highly active. However, sometimes the shop may not pay much attention to their health conditions. Hybrid dogs are also available in many places. Therefore, you must be cautious while buying a pup of this breed.
Take a look at the below-mentioned tips:
• Reputation of the Breeder First, you must be sure about the breeder. Please ensure that you select a registered and licensed breeder. Moreover, check the environment of breeding. If you are satisfied with the surroundings and behavior of the seller/breeder, you can confirm the deal. If you are searching for a German Shepherd puppy for sale, it is better to go for an authorized breeder with only experience selling it. Specialized persons can give you a guarantee about the puppy's quality.
• Temperament: The temperament of a puppy is essential when you decide to take it home. Therefore, when buying a German Shepherd puppy, ensure the dog has a good temperament. They must be courageous and active. However, puppies who are not active or brave might not be healthy.
• Easy-going and Friendly German Shepherds are friendly dogs. Besides, you do not need to put much effort into dealing with them. They love to socialize and grab things fast. Therefore, you must give proper training to improve their development. Check that the German Shepherd puppy becomes friendly with its new owner and adapts to the changed environment.
• Vaccinations: A vital part of a dog's health is timely vaccination. Therefore, you need to check whether the dog is already vaccinated. Ask for the necessary health certifications and vet reports. If you plan to buy a German Shepherd puppy, you should also learn whether you will vaccinate the pup on your responsibility. Do not believe the seller's words without getting a certificate.
• Parental Lineage: When choosing a pup from a litter, verify its parental lineage. Since these innocent babies do not have a family tree like humans, you must carry out paternity or DNA tests to learn about their parental lineage. This is essential to ensure you get a good quality German Shepherd puppy.
• Time with the Humans The socialization pattern differs from dog to dog. Although a German Shepherd puppy is loyal and affectionate, it does not always behave the same. Therefore, you must know the habits and how harmoniously the pup can live with humans. This will guide you about the future training of the puppy.
• Early Training Early training plays a pivotal role in forming the puppy's personality. Furthermore, regular exercise can improve its muscles. So, ensure you play with the German Shepherd puppy to retain its unafraid nature. Growth and development will elevate as you give proper training to them.
• Bloodlines: You should also check that the breeder is responsible. The mother of the pup must give birth ethically and not under any compulsion. This has a direct impact on the character and behavioral traits of the puppies. Make sure you ask about these details when you consider a German Shepherd puppy for sale.
• History of the Puppy Knowing the history of the German Shepherd puppy is essential. It would help if you were also aware of the puppy's biting habits. You must learn all the minor details as an owner if there is any medical history. Although German Shepherd puppies are welcoming for families, communicating with new people can be challenging. You should pay attention to these matters while purchasing it.
• Inquisitive Nature Usually, German Shepherd puppies are curious about new things. Learning new tricks is their favorite task. Therefore, they will love playing gaming tricks and solving them. You may adopt this technique to improve their mental health. However, if you notice that the puppy is not interested in new things, there must be something wrong. You should bring this unnatural behavior to the breeder's/seller's notice. Fearful behavior is not normal for these dogs.
• Boredom of the Puppies: Can dogs get bored? This can be a crucial question for first-time dog parents. However, it is a valid question as not all dogs have an exact nature. German Shepherd puppies tend to get bored. They are brilliant and will always love to be entertained. If you do not give adequate attention, they can turn mischievous. So, please provide them with enough time to keep them engaged.
• Love for Company: A quality German Shepherd puppy always wants people around it. Therefore, you cannot leave it alone. However, you may find that the pup is unwilling to interact with the new family. This is a sign of ailment. Avoid such puppies as they lack energy. If you are searching for a German Shepherd puppy place where puppies are well-socialized, ensure the breeder's care practices are up to the mark.
Are you working? In that case, it is better to appoint a dog sitter to look after your puppy constantly. On the other hand, you may also enroll the doggie's name in a dog school. This will improve its relationship with other animals and make it more independent.
A German Shepherd tops the list in case of getting a friendly and loyal puppy. However, pet owners must be conscious of a few matters associated with this breed. They should also do a background check of the breeder when considering a German Shepherd puppy for sale. Usually, these dogs are loyal, friendly, and very active. They are also fond of constant attention from the adopted family. Therefore, you can get continuous support from these intelligent animals. In Delhi NCR DavPetLovers
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The furry babies need regular exercises for overall development. A lack of games and sports can make them bored. They may become adamant and naughty in the long run. Learn their behavioral traits to understand them well. If you decide to buy a German Shepherd puppy, ensure that you verify the bloodlines and parental lineage to determine the dog's quality. It can impact the overall behavior of the puppy. So, know all these points well before you go for a healthy German Shepherd baby.
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Modern day IVF treatment - What is it and how it helps!
The advent of medical science has abundant to invent new technology, solutions, and devices to help patients for better healthcare. The demand of IVF treatment at this time is an ever-grown challenge to minimize the risk of fertility issues due to several factors that women have been facing for several years. Let’s discuss more on egg culture and the best innovation to improve healthcare of IVF patients. Pledge for better beginning by counseling India’s best IVF certified doctor for guaranteed results to produce healthy babies with IVF, IUI, ICSI technology for test tube baby birth in India. The modern day IVF technology has been highly popular due to its advanced semen analysis, semen storage and pathological research to help patients get maximum benefits.
Understand semen types by counseling with top IVF doctors in Delhi for world class treatment to overcome fertility failure with embryo biopsy, preservation techniques to improve genetic health and psychological health with IVF mechanism. The kindle of joy, prosperity and love with the best advice by a professional embryologist to take care of health during early days of ovulation and maternity wealth. For your safety and well-being we’ve the world class medical laboratory, egg freezing labs to store and test your semen health.
We are at Nurture IVF, a reputed medical research and treatment center based in Delhi guided by Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj, our mission is to provide quality healthcare, diagnosis and affordable treatment to help IVF couple who were trying to solve maternity issue with prior consultation and advice from top IVF specialist doctor in Delhi.
The cost of IVF in India
IVF cost in India depends on the types of patients to check to monitor health, blood test, DNA test, complete understanding of immunity issues at lowest cost to help childless couples to fulfill their dream to live better.
IVF storage benefits
To improve quality of health IVF storage is a vital aspect to understand, In vitro Fertilization is a must for those who have less sperm count, unable to conceive naturally, fallen tubes and other medical negligence that doesn't permit them to have a healthy pregnancy on time.
Artificial semen storage and insemination
IUI treatment is rising in India to help women fulfill their dream journey to have a baby with natural birth with IUI method, in this phase semen is injected with a specialized incubator with proper medical check, diagnosis and care to help conceive a baby artificially.
Improving lifestyle with IVF
In order to improve your lifestyle the main reason behind IVF issues is food, living habits, nutrition and emotional wellness that leads to living a wealthier life and achieving the success rate with artificial medical techniques, donor healthcare programs to boost your pregnancy health.
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Balanced nutrition is the key if you are thinking of proper diet, sleep and affordable healthcare to fulfill your journey with goodness of care, relaxation and mental peacefulness during the maternity stage.
Embryo biopsy report
It helps to improve your cell cycle, testosterone level understanding and all about how to live better with the most reliable medical diagnosis process for healthcare and scientific based medical audit.
DNA health improvement
IVF treatment is a great alternative for couples with illness, stress, depression, PCOS, menopause, and vitamin deficiency for healthy semen production. Discover your joy to parenthood with India’s top IVF doctors in Delhi for safe and reliable healthcare.
Do you wish to talk with a doctor for a private discussion? Come to fulfill your desire to grow semen health with artificial medical techniques at Nurture IVF Clinics, Delhi for healthy baby birth, protection against all types of disease and steps to healthcare.
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IVF Innovations: What’s New in Fertility Treatments in 2024
In recent years, the field of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) has seen significant advancements, transforming the possibilities for couples struggling with infertility. As we step into 2024, new breakthroughs and technologies are reshaping how IVF treatments are approached and administered. These IVF innovations are enhancing success rates, improving patient experience, and making fertility treatments more accessible and affordable. In this blog, we will explore the latest developments in IVF and how they are revolutionizing the future of fertility treatments.
1. AI and Machine Learning in Embryo Selection
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are making waves in many sectors, and fertility treatments are no exception. One of the most promising IVF innovations in 2024 is the use of AI in embryo selection. Traditionally, embryologists manually assess the quality of embryos based on appearance and other factors. However, AI algorithms can now analyze images of embryos, using vast amounts of data to predict which ones have the highest potential for a successful pregnancy.
This technology significantly reduces human error and improves accuracy in selecting the healthiest embryos, thus increasing the chances of a successful IVF cycle. Many leading fertility clinics, including the Best IVF Hospital in Delhi, are adopting this technology to enhance treatment outcomes for patients.
2. Genetic Testing and Screening
Advancements in pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) have also made significant strides in recent years. PGT allows doctors to screen embryos for genetic disorders before implantation, reducing the risk of passing on inherited diseases. In 2024, the process of genetic testing has become more sophisticated, providing more comprehensive results at an earlier stage in the IVF cycle.
New methods of non-invasive genetic screening are also emerging, which involve analyzing the DNA in the culture medium in which the embryos are developed, rather than directly testing the embryo itself. This technique reduces the risk of harm to the embryo while still providing valuable genetic insights. Clinics, such as the Best IVF Centre in Delhi, are offering these advanced screening techniques to give patients greater peace of mind and improve the overall success of the procedure.
3. Time-Lapse Imaging
Another exciting development in fertility treatments is time-lapse imaging. This technology allows fertility specialists to monitor embryo development in real-time, without needing to remove the embryos from the incubator. The time-lapse cameras capture images of the embryos at frequent intervals, providing a continuous record of their development.
This innovation not only improves embryo selection by giving a more detailed view of their growth but also reduces handling and potential disruptions to the embryos. Many clinics are adopting time-lapse imaging as a standard part of the IVF process, helping to optimize outcomes and boost pregnancy success rates.
4. Personalized IVF Protocols
Every couple’s fertility journey is unique, and one-size-fits-all approaches to IVF are becoming a thing of the past. In 2024, personalized IVF protocols are gaining momentum, tailoring treatments to the specific needs and conditions of each patient. This may involve customizing the type and dosage of fertility medications, adjusting the timing of certain procedures, or integrating additional treatments such as acupuncture or nutritional therapy to enhance the chances of success.
Moreover, personalized protocols are being refined by advancements in reproductive medicine and fertility diagnostics. Clinics like the Best IVF Hospital in Delhi are utilizing cutting-edge diagnostic tools to provide more personalized and effective care for their patients. By customizing IVF treatments, fertility specialists can optimize outcomes while minimizing side effects and stress for patients.
5. Improved Fertility Preservation Techniques
Fertility preservation has become increasingly important for individuals and couples who want to delay childbearing for medical, career, or personal reasons. In 2024, there have been significant improvements in egg and sperm freezing technologies, making the process safer and more reliable than ever before.
New cryopreservation techniques ensure that eggs, sperm, and embryos maintain their viability for extended periods. This is particularly beneficial for cancer patients who may undergo treatments that affect their fertility. Additionally, fertility preservation is becoming more accessible, with clinics like the Best IVF Centre in Delhi offering specialized services to support individuals seeking to preserve their reproductive potential for the future.
6. The Rise of Minimal Stimulation IVF
Minimal Stimulation IVF, also known as “Mini-IVF,” is gaining traction in 2024 as a less invasive and more cost-effective option for couples undergoing fertility treatment. Unlike traditional IVF, which requires high doses of hormonal medications to stimulate the ovaries, Mini-IVF uses lower doses of medications, resulting in fewer eggs but of higher quality.
This approach reduces the physical and emotional toll on patients and can be a more affordable option for those who may not require extensive stimulation. Clinics that offer Mini-IVF treatments are seeing positive outcomes, particularly for women with low ovarian reserves or those who prefer a gentler, less intensive IVF process.
The advancements in IVF technology and fertility treatments in 2024 are offering hope to more couples than ever before. From AI-driven embryo selection and genetic testing to personalized IVF protocols and time-lapse imaging, the innovations in this field are improving success rates and making the journey to parenthood more achievable. Leading clinics like the Best IVF Centre in Delhi and the Best IVF Hospital in Delhi are at the forefront of these innovations, providing patients with access to cutting-edge treatments and compassionate care.
As technology continues to evolve, the future of fertility treatments looks brighter than ever, bringing new possibilities and success to couples hoping to start or grow their families.
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how about you learn to comprehend what you poorly read. the IBA is not corrupt just because the head of the organization is Russian. the ioc allowed a trans-identified male to compete instead of an actual woman in the women’s weightlifting in 2020 Tokyo. y’all seem to forget about ‘laurel’ hubbard taking a spot that should’ve gone to an actual woman.
the IBA had the DNA of both Khelif and Lin tested in Istanbul in 2022, and then again in New Delhi in 2023 to verify the results. and both came back with a male karyotype. that is why they were disqualified.
“look up q*eer laws” how about look up how women are treated in those countries and also how they label anything but a visibly obvious penis as female. just cuz Khelif and Lin were raised as female doesn’t mean they actually are female. learn to read and stop being a misogynist fuck.
“won’t specify what tests were carried out” do you ask this question when someone’s urine is being tested for drugs? or their blood? it was a fucking genetic test, which the IBA stated multiple times.
“transvestigating” no one is accusing Khelif of being trans, you fucking dipshit; we are pointing out how fucking stupid it is that someone who has XY chromosomes and was disqualified from a boxing tournament for women in 2023 was allowed to compete in another women’s boxing tournament in 2024. y’all are fucking disgusting misogynists and racists.
“in the sport where you’re supposed to hit hard” women and men should not box together on a professional level because a man’s punch can literally break bones quite easily. and i’m going to listen to the words of professional boxers and sports scientists over internet randos that think that any slight against non western males is the ultimate sin and that women should just shut up and take it. fucking choke.
the dumbest people on the planet are having a field day transvestigating a woman from a country where there are no medical services for gender transition, it is impossible to change gender on legal documents, and it's illegal to be LGBT
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Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi
At GeneLab, we are dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare through cutting-edge genetic testing solutions. Our mission is to empower individuals, healthcare providers, and researchers with comprehensive insights into genetic predispositions, disease risks, and personalized treatment options. Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi
Cancer remains one of the most formidable health challenges worldwide, (Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi) but advances in genetic testing are transforming the landscape of cancer diagnosis and treatment. By analyzing an individual’s genetic material, healthcare providers can now detect cancer earlier and tailor treatments to the genetic profile of each patient. This blog delves into how genetic testing is revolutionizing cancer care through early detection and precision treatment options.
The Role of Genetic Testing in Early Detection (Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi)
Early detection is crucial in the fight against cancer, as it significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and survival. Genetic testing can identify individuals at high risk for certain types of cancer before symptoms appear. For instance, mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are linked to a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancers. Individuals with these mutations can undergo more frequent screenings and take preventive measures, such as prophylactic surgeries or medications, to reduce their risk. (Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi)
Beyond identifying predispositions, genetic testing can detect cancer in its nascent stages. Liquid biopsies, which analyze circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the blood, offer a non-invasive method to spot early signs of cancer. These tests can detect genetic mutations and alterations associated with cancer, enabling interventions when the disease is most treatable.
Precision Medicine: Tailoring Treatment to Genetic Profiles (Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi)
The concept of precision medicine, or personalized medicine, is central to modern oncology. By understanding the genetic makeup of a tumor, doctors can devise treatment plans that specifically target the cancer’s unique characteristics. This approach contrasts with traditional treatments that may not consider the genetic variability of tumors, potentially leading to less effective outcomes.
Targeted Therepies
Targeted therapies are a cornerstone of precision medicine. These drugs are designed to attack specific genetic mutations driving cancer growth. For example, in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), mutations in the EGFR gene can be targeted by drugs like gefitinib and erlotinib, leading to improved outcomes compared to standard chemotherapy. Similarly, HER2-positive breast cancers can be treated with trastuzumab, a drug that specifically targets the HER2 protein, resulting in more effective and less toxic treatments. (Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi)
Immunotherapy leverages the body’s immune system to fight cancer. Genetic testing can identify biomarkers that predict a patient’s response to immunotherapy. For instance, tumors with high levels of microsatellite instability (MSI) or mutations in the mismatch repair (MMR) genes are more likely to respond to immune checkpoint inhibitors, which unleash the immune system to attack cancer cells. By selecting patients who are most likely to benefit, genetic testing enhances the efficacy of immunotherapy.
Overcoming Challenges and Ethical Considerations
While genetic testing holds immense promise, it also presents challenges and ethical dilemmas. False positives or negatives can lead to unnecessary anxiety or false reassurance. Moreover, interpreting genetic data (Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi) requires sophisticated bioinformatics tools and expertise, which may not be readily available in all healthcare settings.
Ethical considerations also arise regarding genetic privacy and discrimination. Patients must provide informed consent, understanding the implications of their genetic information. Legislation, such as the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) in the United States, seeks to protect individuals from discrimination based on their genetic information in health insurance and employment.
The Future of Genetic Testing in Cancer Care
The future of cancer care is poised to be increasingly intertwined with genetic testing. As technology advances, we can expect even more precise and comprehensive genetic tests. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning will enhance our ability to interpret vast amounts of genetic data, leading to more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatments.
Moreover, the cost of genetic testing is likely to decrease, making these life-saving technologies accessible to a broader population. This democratization of genetic testing (Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi) will enable more equitable healthcare and improve outcomes for patients across diverse demographics.
Genetic testing is revolutionizing cancer care by enabling early detection and precision treatment. By identifying individuals at high risk and tailoring treatments to the genetic profiles of tumors, healthcare providers can offer more effective and less invasive options. As we continue to advance our understanding and technology, genetic testing will undoubtedly play an increasingly vital role in the fight against cancer, (Best Genetic Labs in New Delhi) offering hope for better outcomes and improved quality of life for patients worldwide.
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Review: ★★★★★
Very funny, very educational. Love the variety of topics chosen to write about.
WHART - animal attack/wild crime scene investigation classes (look into)
Delhi wealth holders use langur monkeys as bodyguards/guard dogs (practice used to be more common, but has since been made illegal)
New Delhi residents hate and adore the local macaque monkey menaces
Rangers and investigators can DNA test animals’ mouths/claws to verify if that animal was present during or after an attack on a person
Indian elephants steal alcohol (haaria) from brewing villagers and get hella drunk
Persistent albatross are part of the reason the military abandoned Midway Atoll
Deer freeze in front of cars because
The headlights and the cars themselves are not necessarily connected in their brains
Animals are only evolutionarily “trained” to respond to something approaching up to a certain speed - most animals don’t go 60 mph
When moose are hit by cars, they are so tall they often crush the roof by rolling over it, often killing the person inside - not to mention damaged caused by moose antlers
Researchers scare off turkey vultures by hanging a dead vulture “effigy” upside down - something about it perturbs the vultures
Carrion eating birds rip rubber bits off cars because of an off gas that smells like carrion
Seagulls have a love-hate relationship with the Vatican - They love the Vatican, the Vatican hates them
New Zealand is trying to learn how to “nicely” cull invasive species
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Toxics Link report calls for strict vigil on plastic recycling market
A report by non-profit Toxics Link, which found toxic chemicals in recycled products in Delhi's local markets and informal recycling units, suggests a set of remedial measures, including strict regulations on the recycling of plastic in Delhi and across India.
The report, titled 'Is Plastic Recycling Safe?', says even though plastic recycling mitigates pollution from incineration, reduces the burden on landfills, and generates opportunities for small and big recyclers, there is a matter of concern – the downcycling of recycled plastic products, which results in lower quality compared to virgin plastic.
Another concern relates to the efficiency of the chemical process – the presence of often toxic chemicals in the plastics, which remain through the recycling process, ending up in finished products, explained Priti Mahesh, chief program coordinator at Toxics Link..
For the study, the organization collected samples such as toys and unbranded food and drink containers mostly from Delhi's local markets and a few from informal recycling units in Daya Basti, Inderlok, and Narela between 11th October 2023 and 12th December 2023.
Most of the toxic chemicals detected were higher than the permissible limits, the report said. Among the toys, rubber ducks contained single-chain chlorinated paraffins, cadmium, nonylphenol, and high levels of DEHP and DINP phthalates. A mouth organ contained bisphenol A, nonylphenol, and DEHP phthalate.
On the other hand, water bottles and masala boxes were found to contain bisphenol A, while casseroles showed the presence of single-chain chlorinated paraffins.
According to the study, 86% of toys and 67% of plastic materials that come in contact with food contain one or more of the five toxic chemicals. Phthalates, chlorinated paraffins, heavy metals, bisphenol A, and nonylphenol can lead to long-term health impacts, including on the reproductive system and pregnancy, respiratory issues, dermal effects, and even DNA damage.
The recycling units visited by the team during the study did not follow any established safety norms or standards related to the recycling process. In molding units, where recycled pellets are used for manufacturing new products, quality and safety checks are not being conducted on the possible chemicals in the recycled pellets nor their suitability for manufacturing.
“When these units recycle plastic material into pellets, there are no processes to remove any chemical additives, which end up in these pellets. These are then used to make a range of new consumer products, such as toys, food containers or kitchen utensils,” the report says.
Based on the study, the NGO issued a set of recommendations.
Quality Control: Quality-control measures are essential in the recycling process to minimize the presence of contaminants and ensure the recycled plastic meets specific standards.
Regulatory Compliance: Government and regulatory bodies should set more guidelines and standards for recycled plastic to ensure its safety and sustainability for various applications.
Compliance with regulations helps in mitigating health and environmental risks associated with recycled plastic. The same chemical safety standards should be applied to material made with recycled plastics as well as products made from virgin plastics.
Manufacturing: The manufacturers should be encouraged, through policy and other measures, to redesign products to allow for a toxics-free circular economy, including the phase-out of toxic chemical additives.
Application-specific considerations: The suitability of recycled plastic for specific applications depends on its purity and the presence of certain chemicals. For example, food-grade recycled plastic requires proper testing and evaluation to be deemed safe.
Transparency and traceability: There is a need for plastic producers and plastic product manufacturers to list plastic ingredients, including additives, on labels. Chemical contents of plastics need to be traceable throughout their entire lifecycle.
Awareness campaigns: Initiating awareness campaigns is essential to enhance public consciousness about the health impacts associated with recycled plastics.
In-depth research and studies: The promotion of research and studies is crucial to heighten awareness and transparency concerning the chemicals present in recycled plastic.
The report quoted past studies that have stated the presence of toxic chemicals in recycled plastic products.
In India, according to the Plastic Waste Management Rules, any plastic waste that can be recycled should be channelized to registered plastic waste recyclers, and all recycling of plastic has to conform to the Indian Standard: IS 14534:1998. BIS has issued standards (IS 14534: 1998 and IS 14535: 1998) for the recovery and recycling of plastic waste, as well as the products that can be manufactured using recycled materials.
According to a report by www.techsciresearch.com, India's plastic recycling market achieved a total market volume of 54.7 metric tons in 2023 with a projected compound annual growth rate of 10.57% through 2029. It says, at present, 1,419 registered plastic waste processors are operating as per the Plastic Waste Management Rules.
The informal sector and marginalized groups, however, play a pivotal role in recycling in India, contributing a substantial 70% to the overall recycling efforts, the Toxics Links report says. Itinerant waste buyers collect approximately 6.5 to 8.5 tons of plastic waste per day, with household waste collectors accounting for a significant portion. Remarkably, 50-80% of this waste is projected to be recycled, Toxics Links says, quoting a CSE report.
It was, however, not known or stated in the report if the recyclers in the samples were registered or had the requisite permission or expertise to set up recycling units.
Priti Mahesh told Packaging South Asia that the problem with recycled products is that they are most downcycled, which means they are converted into a different product or into some form of resin, and could have chemical contaminants in them. “There is often no proper labeling on recycled products to indicate information about their sources. We need mandatory standards on labels and the recycling process.”
Asked about big recycling with modern plants and technology, she said even though recycling is projected as an answer to tackle plastic pollution, there are global studies to show the presence of contaminants. “Many companies are not open about the chemical recycling process and the onus lies on the companies to follow all safety protocols.”
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quit projecting your stupidity onto us, dipshit. Khelif had his DNA tested in 2022 in Istanbul and again in 2023 in New Delhi to verify the results. they came back with XY chromosomes, and resulted in his disqualification. he had the chance to appeal the disqualification, and started the process, but dropped the appeal. why? why would he drop the appeal? if he were really a woman, why would he not appeal the ruling by the IBA?
Khelif is a male. stop simping for a man that beats women for fun.
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poc athlete supporting each other this olympics we love to see it
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Biological Hazards in Food: Understanding the Importance of Biological Food Testing
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In today's globalized food industry, ensuring food safety is paramount. Biological hazards, such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites, pose a significant threat to public health. These hazards can cause a range of illnesses, from mild foodborne illnesses to severe and even life-threatening infections.
Understanding Biological Hazards
Biological hazards can contaminate food at any stage of the food chain, from production to processing to consumption. Common sources of biological contamination include:
Raw agricultural products: Raw meat, poultry, seafood, fruits, and vegetables can harbor harmful bacteria and parasites.
Cross-contamination: Biological hazards can spread from contaminated surfaces or equipment to food.
Improper processing and storage: Inadequate cooking, refrigeration, or storage can allow bacteria to multiply and produce toxins.
Importance of Biological Food Testing
Biological food testing plays a crucial role in ensuring food safety and protecting public health. Testing can be used to:
Detect the presence of harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites in food.
Identify the source of contamination.
Verify the effectiveness of food safety measures.
Monitor food quality and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.
Advanced Biological Testing Methods
Advances in technology have led to the development of more sophisticated and sensitive biological testing methods.
These methods can detect even small amounts of pathogens in food, providing more accurate and reliable results.
Examples of advanced biological testing methods include:
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR): PCR can amplify specific DNA sequences, allowing for the rapid detection of even low levels of pathogens.
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA): ELISA uses antibodies to detect the presence of specific antigens, providing a quick and reliable method for pathogen identification.
Next-generation sequencing (NGS): NGS can analyze the entire genome of a sample, providing detailed information about the presence of pathogens and their potential virulence.
Attending the India Food Safety Summit
The India Food Safety Summit 2023 is a premier event for food safety professionals in India and the region.
The summit brings together experts from industry, government, and academia to discuss the latest trends and challenges in food safety.
Join us at the India Food Safety Summit on December 13th and 14th at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Mahipalpur, New Delhi.
At the summit, attendees will learn about:
The latest biological hazards and their impact on food safety.
Advanced biological testing methods and their applications.
Best practices for food safety management and prevention of biological contamination.
Regulatory requirements and compliance strategies.
The India Food Safety Summit is an excellent opportunity for food safety professionals to network, learn, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field.
Register for the India Food Safety Summit today and join the conversation about ensuring safe and healthy food for all!
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Athletes 'pretended to be women' in world championship - organizer
RTSun, 26 Mar 2023 08:45 UTC – SOTT net © Arun SANKAR / AFPThe preliminary round of the Elite women 63-66 kgs welter category IBA Women’s World Boxing Championship 2023, in New Delhi on March 18, 2023. Several participants were disqualified from the Women’s World Boxing Championship after DNA tests rendered them ineligible, Umar Kremlev, president of the International Boxing Association…
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Athletes ‘pretended to be women’ in world championship – organizer — Apsny News
The International Boxing Association president said that some participants “were trying to fool their colleagues” Several participants were disqualified from the Women’s World Boxing Championship after DNA tests rendered them ineligible, Umar Kremlev, President of the International Boxing Association, wrote on Telegram on Saturday. The competition took place in New Delhi, India on…
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wow you’re really uninformed. pathetic. he wasn’t accused of being trans, you fucking moron; he was discredited because he was tested to have XY chromosomes, which makes him a MALE, in 2022 and 2023 by two separate labs, in Istanbul and New Delhi respectively, who conducted the genetic tests. that is standard protocol to reduce bias. Khelif was one of five competitors that were chosen to have their DNA tested in 2022, a year when Russia didn’t have any competitors in the women’s world boxing competition, and then the results were verified in 2023 to ensure that they were accurate. because the IBA actually cares about women’s sports. no one called him trans. we’re calling him a male because he IS. pay the fuck attention.
Lin YuTing also tested to have XY chromosomes, but i don’t see anyone trying to say he’s a woman. it’s only Khelif. why is that? why are y’all simping for northern African Arab male?
anyway, maybe try and get your facts at all before you make bullshit claims.
« I saw that great personalities like Donald Trump and Elon Musk had compared me to a man and it hurt me extremely.
I didn't understand this relentlessness and all this hatred. I was scared but I got up.»
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