#DMN Engineering
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michaeldemanega · 7 months ago
Übersicht: Geologische Zeitskala
Präkambrium: Vor über 541 Millionen Jahren Paläozoikum (Erdaltertum): 541 bis 252 Millionen Jahre vor heute Kambrium: 541 bis 485 Millionen Jahre vor heute Ordovizium: 485 bis 444 Millionen Jahre vor heute Silur: 444 bis 419 Millionen Jahre vor heute Devon: 419 bis 359 Millionen Jahre vor heute Karbon: 359 bis 299 Millionen Jahre vor heute Perm: 299 bis 252 Millionen Jahre vor…
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chefbogmanosaka · 11 months ago
Yes, there are open-source software tools available that can assist with market analysis, risk management, and decision-making in the financial markets. These tools can contribute to informed decision-making by providing data analysis, research capabilities, and trading plan support. Some examples of open-source software in the financial sector include:
- **GS Quant Python toolkit**: This toolkit by Goldman Sachs is designed for quantitative finance and can aid in financial analysis and modeling[1]. - **Decision Model and Notation (DMN) execution engine**: Implemented in Java, this tool can assist in decision-making processes within financial services[1]. - **Reladomo**: An enterprise-grade object-relational mapping framework for Java, which can be beneficial for managing data in financial applications[1]. - **Eclipse Collections**: A comprehensive collections library for Java that can be useful for data manipulation and analysis in financial contexts[1].
These open-source tools can provide valuable support for financial professionals in analyzing market conditions, managing risks, conducting research, and developing clear trading plans, all of which are essential for long-term success in the financial markets.
Citations: [1] https://developer.gs.com/discover/open-source [2] https://www.linuxfoundation.org/blog/new-research-into-the-state-of-open-source-in-financial-services-report-points-to-growth-and-thats-welcome-news-for-the-finos-community [3] https://www.toptal.com/finance/venture-capital-consultants/open-source-software-investable-business-model-or-not [4] https://ubuntu.com/blog/open-source-in-financial-services-start-with-a-strong-foundation [5] https://openbb.co
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automatebusinessrule · 2 years ago
Advantages of Business Rules Engine Products
Business rules engine products are the software frameworks that automate business processes by implementing a set of pre-defined decision logic. These rules are based on criteria such as goals, company policies, or other parameters defined by the user.
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The main advantage of these systems is the ability to establish, adjust, or delete business rules quickly as needs change. It also helps to ensure consistency across the organization so that all workflows follow the same policy.
Managing business rules can be complex and time-consuming. With a business rules engine, you can create a central location where these rules are stored and adjusted to meet changing regulations or new requirements.
Deploying business rules is easier and faster, reducing the development and deployment time of complex products from months to minutes. This allows companies of all sizes to respond to market changes and make better decisions in seconds, improving productivity, efficiency, and profitability.
Compliance is another area where a business rules engine can save time and money. It can monitor who does what, when, and where, allowing you to spot and resolve any issues that arise.
Customer segmentation is one of the most common uses for business rules engines, enabling you to identify new prospects with similar traits. This gives you the opportunity to tailor your ad campaigns, marketing efforts, and customer experience to specific segments for improved sales and customer retention rates.
Drools is a Business Rules Management System (BRMS) solution that includes a core Business Rules Engine, a web authoring and rules management application (Drools Workbench), full runtime support for Decision Model and Notation (DMN) models at Conformance level 3 and an Eclipse IDE plugin to aid core development. It is 100% pure Java(tm), available in the Maven Central repository, and released under the Apache License 2.0.
Also Read : Managing business rules
Automate Business Rule - Blogger
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ca-dmv-bot · 2 years ago
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afeelgoodblog · 3 years ago
Best News of Last Week
Edition #022 - 🐱 — Hope you had a great weekend. Let’s read some positive news :)
1. Experimental treatment in Spain puts 18 cancer patients in complete remission
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Barcelona’s Clínic Hospital announces hopeful results for people with multiple myeloma. Developed through the public system, the cost is lower than commercially available products. The new therapy extracts blood from the patients, selects their T cells (another type of white blood cell) and redesigns them in the lab through genetic engineering, making them better able to recognize cancer cells.
Have read a similar thing 12 years ago, they used genetically modified HIV to bring information into the T-cells. Problem was the needed destruction and reconstruction of the complete immune system and the bill of 1 million$ per treatment. The mrna basically does the same thing now for a fraction of the coast and risk... Amazing times to be alive
2. Denver Museum of Nature & Science receives $25M anonymous donation
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An anonymous donor contributed $25 million to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science and its supporting organization, the DMNS Foundation, which marks the largest gift in the institution’s 121-year history.
Ten percent of the donation will go to the museum to help with staffing, equipment and launch activities, the museum said. The remaining 90% will help establish an endowed fund at the DMNS Foundation.
3. Omicron up to 70% less likely to need hospital care
People catching Omicron are 50% to 70% less likely to need hospital care compared with previous variants, a major analysis says. The UK Health Security Agency says its early findings are “encouraging” but the variant could still lead to large numbers of people in hospital.
Protection against severe disease is likely to be far more robust. The report comes hot on the heels of data from South Africa, Denmark, England and Scotland which all pointed to reduced severity.
4. Lynx hunting in Latvia to be prohibited
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Latvia’s State Forest Service (VMD) will not issue permits to hunt lynx this hunting season. The reason is because there are plans to add the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) to the list of especially protected species.
5. Government of Canada moving forward with banning single-use plastics
“We are taking action to get plastic pollution out of Canada’s communities and our waterways. The proposed Single-Use Plastics Prohibition Regulations are a big step forward in our goal to reduce plastic pollution and move to a circular economy for plastics. Smart, clear and collaborative regulations will help drive innovation across the country as reusable and easier-to-recycle items take their place in our economy.”
-Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change
6. Biden Signs Bill to Ban Goods Made by Uyghur Slave Labor
The White House says President Joe Biden signed into law Thursday a bill that bans the import of good produced by Uyghur slave labor.
The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which got final Congressional approval last week after a year of negotiations, bans all imports from China’s Xinjiang region into the United States unless companies can show the U.S. government “clear and convincing evidence” their supply chains have not used the labor of ethnic Muslims enslaved in Chinese camps.
7. A teacher learned one of her students might go hungry over winter break. She now feeds thousands of kids each year.
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Elementary schoolteacher Turquoise LeJeune Parker was a few days away from the start of her holiday vacation when she received a text message from the mother of one of her second-grade students. The parent wondered if Parker knew where she could find food for her children during the school’s two-week winter break because her refrigerator and pantry were almost empty. Her kids relied on free school breakfasts and lunches to get them through the day.
“This mom told me she wasn’t worried about herself, but she couldn’t let her kids go without food for those two weeks,” she recalled. “I told my husband about it, and we knew we had to do something.”
That's it for this week. Until next week,
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theoutlierdjournal · 5 years ago
Sebuah percakapan di sore ini
Ainna Fisabila: Aku td pagi abs riset2 sekolah hahahaa. Pengen bgt sekolah lg di luar negeri
Citra Endah: Pgn dimana? Ingat km pny bayi na haha paling gak nunggu agak gedean 2thn lah krn berat wkwk
Ainna Fisabila: Pengen dmn hayoh tebak! IHE DELFT! WWKWKWKWK TEKNIK BANGET GAKSI??
Citra Endah: Iyaa tp gakpapa kalo emg pengen. Aku dulu juga udh keterima disini tp gak dpt beasiswanya
Lalu beliau mengirimkan fotonya
Ainna Fisabila: HWAAAAAAAAA IRI BANGETTTTT MBAK CIKK MASYAA ALLAH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Jurusan apaaaa? Trs ambil beasiswa apa mbaak? Stuned?
Citra Endah: Kapan itu sebelom korona aku ke belanda terus ke delft mampir
Ainna Fisabila: Hwa hwa hwaaaa masyaa Allah iri 😭😭😭😭 Liat foto kamu jadi makin kangen E
Citra Endah: MSc programme in Urban Water and Sanitation with specialisation Sanitary Engineering. Aku lupa dlu stuned apa yak gak lolos wkwk
Citra Endah: Udah fokus lahiran dulu wkw
Ainna Fisabila: NAH INI AKU JUGA MAU! Trs ada program ini kerja sama bill and melinda gates foundation
Citra Endah: Gaklah happy tau punya anak & ngurus anak kan juga kerjaan yg sangat mulia :)
Ainna Fisabila: Wkwkkw harus inget2 cita2 mbakk.. Biar semangat hidup... Gak sedih krn cm ngurus anak dan di rumah aja hiksss 😢😢😢😢 Jet lag ibu2 muda
Citra Endah: Kereeen! You’ll get there Na! 👏🏽😊
Ainna Fisabila: Iyaa tau mulia huhuhu tp pengen juga bisa bermanfaat lebih buat org lain 😭 Pengen bener2 nyeriusin lg emcekaqu, nya... Pengen punya legacy kl udh meninggal.... Tp emg jujur aku jg pengen fokus ngurus anak dulu kaya kata kamu! At least smp umur2!
Ainna Fisabila: Bismillah mbaakk Huhuhu pernikahan aja gak mudah yaa apalagi ngurus anaak 😭 Semoga Allah mampukan aku
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Citra Endah: Aamiinn insya Allah😊
Rasa-rasanya sudah lama tidak kembali bermimpi yang liar. Semenjak bertemu realita kehidupan dan dikejar2 deadline skripsi, saya merasa kehidupanku benar-benar sedang fokus menyelesaikan satu-satu. Tapi dasar ambis! Mikirin hal kaya gini aja bikin semangat banget. Selama ini riset tentang S2 dan blm fikus dan bikin target mau dimana. Dulu udah sempet kepikiran mau di IHE DELFT tp kok rasa2nya terlalu teknik.. Tapi pas di selami lebih dalam, malaha ada program baru yaitu MSc in Sanitation dan apas ngeliat course-nya bener2 apa yang aku cari dan aku butuhkan selama ini :')
IHE DELFT.. Rasanya jauh, apalagi jujur ada rasa 'minder' karena S1 aja perjuangan (masuk dan didalamnya) sebegitunya, apalagi S2 sambil punya anak dan keluarga, tapi... Bismillah :') semoga Allah mampukan dan mudahkan..
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Laa hawlaa walaa quwwata illa billah 💕💕
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masonpelt · 2 years ago
Content Syndication Not Guest Blogging Is My New Distribution Strategy
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My approach to distributing my writing has changed dramatically over the years. I used to be pretty pro guest blogging, and now not so much. Explaining my current syndication approach can help others better promote their writing. This is, however, not a technical guide.
Originally published at https://pushroi.com on December 12, 2022.
I’ve written for places where I was paid and many places that received content for free. In aggregate, those that paid took less work to get published and treated the writing and writer with more respect during the process.
Years of seeing articles I’ve written for free vanish from the internet, be reattributed to someone else, or end up on a website unrecognizable as the place I submitted to led to this approach change. Now I will write words in exchange for money or syndicate content I’ve written as widely as convenient. The exception to this is a high-profile OpEd in a well-known publication, and possibly due to existing relationships.
I don’t see a way around this. Even among well-financed and big-name players, publishing is chaotic. Publishers rebrand, change their CMS, close, pivot to a new model, and get acquired. Things get lost in the shuffle.
For a big legacy media example, I once had photo credits on the Dallas Morning News website. Years ago, when DMN spun out an entertainment publication, Guide Live, an entire section of Dallas Morning News redirected to the new site’s home page. The articles using my photos were not individually migrated and redirected; they vanished, and when Guide Live died and redirected back to the Dallas Morning News website, they never reappeared.
With smaller publications, it’s way worse. Here are a few more examples.
Tech.Co got acquired, and the new owners deleted several articles without telling me. The reason for deletion was that those articles (most of them were, at the time two-year-old) news briefs weren’t driving traffic. The site also redirected my author archive page to the team page.
Business 2 Community, a site fueled by contributors for many years, seemingly exists to promote links to crypto and gambling now. The site also attributed all of its thousands of unpaid contributors to one of six bylines. My byline was restored after I complained on Twitter, reminding me, Business 2 Community made it impossible for contributors to correct so much as a typo (even if introduced by an editor) after publication, and you never could reach an editor by email.
Social Media Week got acquired by Ad Week. Each bylined individual article still exists, but (like with Tech.co) my author page showing the archive with everything I contributed doesn’t.
Social Media Today, Robin Carey, the founder / CEO, passed away unexpectedly. The site sold to Industry Dive, and the new owners ended the unpaid contributor model, leaving my bio forever linking to a failed startup website that someone else started using as a PBN.
Thrive Global, according to Arianna Huffington, was never a media company, but the company, for many years, had a strong media company apparatus. I contributed only one article back in 2019; that article has changed URLs at least four times since it was published, and not all of them have been properly redirected.
Those are a handful of larger sites that got free original writing from me. The list doesn’t include dozens of blogs that vanished, pivoted to company websites, broke embeds, or removed links and other functionality.
The benefits of guest posting are distribution, search engine optimization via a wider footprint of backlinks, and possibly building relationships. If a site turns spammy, removes all bio links, breaks its own links by changing URLs, or stops hosting the content, the SEO benefit fades to nothing.
For distribution, most of the sites people think of as traditional publications have a minimum number of readers for each article, measured in hundreds or thousands. A few places may have the floor in the low tens of thousands. Remember that for every viral article you see, there are a dozen news briefs you didn’t.
Syndicating widely instead of just sharing links creates the largest number of readers to the words I publish. Currently, the distribution floor of something I write is 1,200 reads between all the places I syndicate. Some sites routinely bring in a few hundred reads and some only a few dozen, but it means people are reading the thing I’ve written.
It no longer makes sense for me to write free original content for a site with a lower minimum distribution than I get from syndication and a risk that the article disappears, loses SEO value or becomes hard to find.
Everything has an end, but at least with writing, if that end is completely outside my control, I’d like to be paid. Otherwise, I’ll syndicate broadly to get the widest distribution possible. And the content will live on even after the death of any single site.
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
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michaeldemanega · 1 year ago
Risk Engineering: Technische Risikoerkennung und Risikominimierung
Unter dem Eindruck einer globalisierten Welt, vernetzter Märkte sowie weltweit agierender Unternehmen, aber auch in Anbetracht weitreichender Risiken, die uns erreichen, wird eine umfassende Risikoanalyse bei zahlreichen Investitionen notwendig. Insbesondere Infrastruktur und Immobilien haben den Charakter, nicht den Anforderungen an Güter zu entsprechen, die auf einem “vollkommenen” Markt…
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cocoa-lips · 4 years ago
“Michael Pollan’s Brain – on Drugs”
Neither LSD nor magic mushrooms harm you. They are not addictive, toxic, debilitating or destructive. They cause no illness and have no side effects. They seem to unlock receptors in the brain, causing mashups and unexpected connections (and therefore perceptions). They dissolve the ego by restricting blood flow to the Default Mode Network of the brain, which can cause users to lose the border between their persona/self/ego and everything else (eg. the universe). They do not take over (unless you allow it). You can manipulate your bad trip as well as your good trip if you so desire. You can switch from love to hate, you can send demons away, and explore more of what you are appreciating. It’s something like directing your dreams, except you will remember everything, and it will change your outlook. Possibly for life. Michael Pollan has done the research and tried four different psychedelics, always under the administration of guides, either underground/outlaws or in labs. They were psilocybin (mushroom), LSD (artificial chemical compound), DMT (the venom of the Sonoran toad), and ayahuasca (Brazilian plant compound). How to Change Your Mind is an exploration of the experience and the potential of these chemicals. From what Pollan has seen, it is all very positive. And he is not alone. Engineers, doctors and other researchers all seem to have one thing in common: once they’ve tried psychedelics themselves, they want absolutely everyone to try them too. No other drug has that rep. The mind-expanding powers of psychedelics is a function of the infinite connections the brain goes through when its receptors are unlocked and the Default Mode Network (DMN) powers down. The DMN runs the core brain and defines the ego/conscious/persona. It fights to keep control and sends corrective signals to reinforce what it has learned over its lifetime, to the point of denying/correcting what you see in front of you. We spend our lives specializing, becoming more expert in an ever-decreasing number of subjects. To the DMN, anything that diverts from that is irrelevant and a waste. The ego actively suppresses them. So we lose our childlike appreciation of most everything. We also become set in our ways and our perceptions. By opening up to all the possibilities at once, users flood themselves with new appreciations and insights – to plants, animals, the planet, the stars, music – anything that pops into their minds during their trip. Instead of all inputs being directed to their appropriate receptors, it is possible for music to have shape and color, for rocks to become animated, for objects to melt into the scenery. And for the now borderless, bodiless self to merge with nature (“I was swimming in the ocean. I was the ocean” for example). Suddenly, absolutely everything is possible. For all the dozens of trips Pollan describes, the most common change is being one with nature or the universe (for some it is seeing God). No one seems to have incredible sex or become fabulously wealthy. It’s not about peace on Earth, but merging with and appreciating the facets of the universe. And as Pollan found, “You bring a different self to the journey every time.” Perhaps disappointingly, he says, the most common takeaway from psychedelic trips is that love is everything. Trite, but that by itself seems to change everyone who tries them.
- David Wineberg, book review of “How to Change your Mind”
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elseproperty · 6 years ago
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Smart House yang sebenarnya hanya 600 jutaan. . Harmony Residence Jangli mempersembahkan Smart House yang sebenar-benarnya dengan harga sangat terjangkau. Bukan cuma sekedar internet dan TV kabel, tapi melingkupi berbagai aspek Smart Living. 1. SMART House Technology :  Lebih Dari Sekedar Internet & Tv Kabel. HARMONY Residence Perumahan Pertama dilengkapi Home Automation serta dilengkapi dgn Aplikasi Android HARMONY Residence.  SMART Living yg memungkinkan Anda memiliki control penuh atas rumah dmn pun Anda berada, dgn berbagai fitur yg canggih, Technology ini akan membuat hidup anda lebih nyaman, aman dan efisien.  2. Smart Architecture :  Desain Harmony Residence mengedepankan kenyamanan dgn sirkulasi udara yg baik dlm setiap ruangnya, selain itu unit Harmony Residence juga didesain utk dapat dikembangkan tanpa perlu mengganggu penghuni, krn itu Harmony Residence sudah dibuat 2 Lantai, dengan sisa tanah relative masih banyak.  3. SMART Service : Harmony Residence dilengkapi dengan Public House Keeping, Security & Engineering sebagai layanan purna jual untuk dapat memberikan layanan yang cepat, tepat serta murah bagi para penghuni Harmony Residence. 4. Smart Location :  Harmony Residence berada di dataran tinggi sehingga jauh dari ancaman banjir, berada ditengah kota dengan lokasi yg sangat strategis :  - selangkah ke perum Candi Golf  - 4 menit ke sekolah Bina Bangsa School  - 11 menit ke Undip Tembalang  - 9 menit ke pintu tol Jatingaleh  Cocok sekali untuk para eksekutif dan keluarga muda yang dinamis, di mana membutuhkan hunian yang tenang dan nyaman setelah menjalankan aktifitas seharian. Harga mulai 600 jutaan, dan bisa KPR. Info lebih lanjut, hubungi: Else Property WA. 085225676801 #elsepropertyjangli #caricariproperty #semarangpropertynetwork #inforumahsemarang #semarangproperty #investorproperti #jualrumahjangli #rumahmurahsemarang #rumahsemarang (at Semarang, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzm_TK_n602/?igshid=1h00nmhqsy9pj
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endlesssuppliesat · 5 years ago
At ISPO 2020 in Munich, HP MJF’s Customized Wearables Stole the Show | HP
Thank you to all who visited us at ISPO 2020 in Munich where our booth highlighted 3D printed applications in the world of footwear as well as applications from HP Digital Manufacturing Network partners like “The Vortex” from GoProto in collaboration with Ropes Edge; shock-absorbing bike handles from HP DMN partner Materialise and Niri; and the EXO-L ankle brace from HP DMN partner ZiggZagg. See more highlights from ISPO 2020 here: https://bit.ly/36LyVXC Learn more about the HP Digital Manufacturing Network here: https://bit.ly/2Xfc9UV Learn more about HP Multi Jet Fusion technology here: https://bit.ly/2T91qsx Contact us here: https://bit.ly/38gyZzX Connect with HP 3DP: Like HP 3D Printing on FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/2O6M5YH Follow HP 3D Printing on LINKEDIN: https://ift.tt/36Ege8r SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2mGfXhF SHOP NOW: https://ift.tt/1JCcLcK About HP: HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere — every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze. Connect with HP: Visit HP WEBSITE: http://www.hp.com Like HP on FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/13D8wrJ Follow HP on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HP Follow HP on INSTAGRAM: https://ift.tt/2vDuX0M Follow HP on LINKEDIN: https://ift.tt/1YmXXU2 https://www.youtube.com/HP https://ift.tt/2GFHYPh HPhttp://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.pngJanuary 31, 2020 at 06:34AM https://ift.tt/eA8V8J https://ift.tt/2GDk4UL https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Marken
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endlesssuppliesnl · 5 years ago
At ISPO 2020 in Munich, HP MJF’s Customized Wearables Stole the Show | HP
Thank you to all who visited us at ISPO 2020 in Munich where our booth highlighted 3D printed applications in the world of footwear as well as applications from HP Digital Manufacturing Network partners like “The Vortex” from GoProto in collaboration with Ropes Edge; shock-absorbing bike handles from HP DMN partner Materialise and Niri; and the EXO-L ankle brace from HP DMN partner ZiggZagg. Learn more about HP Digital Manufacturing Network here: https://bit.ly/2Xfc9UV Learn more about HP Multi Jet Fusion technology here: https://bit.ly/2T91qsx Contact us here: https://bit.ly/38gyZzX Connect with HP 3DP: Like HP 3D Printing on FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/2O6M5YH Follow HP 3D Printing on LINKEDIN: https://ift.tt/36Ege8r SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2mGfXhF SHOP NOW: https://ift.tt/1JCcLcK About HP: HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere — every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze. Connect with HP: Visit HP WEBSITE: http://www.hp.com Like HP on FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/13D8wrJ Follow HP on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HP Follow HP on INSTAGRAM: https://ift.tt/2vDuX0M Follow HP on LINKEDIN: https://ift.tt/1YmXXU2 https://www.youtube.com/HP https://ift.tt/31b7lSB HP January 31, 2020 at 04:15AM https://ift.tt/eA8V8J
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endlesssuppliesco · 5 years ago
At ISPO 2020 in Munich, HP MJF’s Customized Wearables Stole the Show | HP
Thank you to all who visited us at ISPO 2020 in Munich where our booth highlighted 3D printed applications in the world of footwear as well as applications from HP Digital Manufacturing Network partners like “The Vortex” from GoProto in collaboration with Ropes Edge; shock-absorbing bike handles from HP DMN partner Materialise and Niri; and the EXO-L ankle brace from HP DMN partner ZiggZagg. See more highlights from ISPO 2020 here: https://bit.ly/36LyVXC Learn more about the HP Digital Manufacturing Network here: https://bit.ly/2Xfc9UV Learn more about HP Multi Jet Fusion technology here: https://bit.ly/2T91qsx Contact us here: https://bit.ly/38gyZzX Connect with HP 3DP: Like HP 3D Printing on FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/2O6M5YH Follow HP 3D Printing on LINKEDIN: https://ift.tt/36Ege8r SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2mGfXhF SHOP NOW: https://ift.tt/1JCcLcK About HP: HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere — every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze. Connect with HP: Visit HP WEBSITE: http://www.hp.com Like HP on FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/13D8wrJ Follow HP on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HP Follow HP on INSTAGRAM: https://ift.tt/2vDuX0M Follow HP on LINKEDIN: https://ift.tt/1YmXXU2 https://www.youtube.com/HP https://ift.tt/3b0wsMw HP January 31, 2020 at 04:34AM https://ift.tt/38U8ssw https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Marcas
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endlesssuppliesmx · 5 years ago
At ISPO 2020 in Munich, HP MJF’s Customized Wearables Stole the Show | HP
Thank you to all who visited us at ISPO 2020 in Munich where our booth highlighted 3D printed applications in the world of footwear as well as applications from HP Digital Manufacturing Network partners like “The Vortex” from GoProto in collaboration with Ropes Edge; shock-absorbing bike handles from HP DMN partner Materialise and Niri; and the EXO-L ankle brace from HP DMN partner ZiggZagg. Learn more about HP Digital Manufacturing Network here: https://bit.ly/2Xfc9UV Learn more about HP Multi Jet Fusion technology here: https://bit.ly/2T91qsx Contact us here: https://bit.ly/38gyZzX Connect with HP 3DP: Like HP 3D Printing on FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/2O6M5YH Follow HP 3D Printing on LINKEDIN: https://ift.tt/36Ege8r SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2mGfXhF SHOP NOW: https://ift.tt/1JCcLcK About HP: HP Inc. creates technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere — every person, every organization, and every community around the globe. Through our portfolio of printers, PCs, mobile devices, solutions, and services, we engineer experiences that amaze. Connect with HP: Visit HP WEBSITE: http://www.hp.com Like HP on FACEBOOK: https://ift.tt/13D8wrJ Follow HP on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/HP Follow HP on INSTAGRAM: https://ift.tt/2vDuX0M Follow HP on LINKEDIN: https://ift.tt/1YmXXU2 https://www.youtube.com/HP https://ift.tt/36PE6pO HP January 31, 2020 at 04:15AM https://ift.tt/3aVAmGh https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Marcas
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michaeldemanega · 1 year ago
Bauen mit gebrannten Ziegeln: Erdverbunden und dauerhaft
Ziegel oder Holz? Unter dem Eindruck des ökologischen Bauens spricht heute – zu Recht – jeder vom Bauen mit Holz. Allerdings ist das Bauen in Holz nicht immer und nicht überall ohne Einwände anwendbar. Zu bedenken ist immer, dass der Holzbau eine konstruktive Stringenz bis ins kleinste Detail erforderlich macht und dass bei kleinsten Mängeln in Bezug auf die Abdichtung gegen Feuchtigkeit die…
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foodforyourbody · 6 years ago
via RSS feed - SEOCheckOut Online Press Release Distribution Services: PREMIUM WRITING + DISTRIBUTION Press Release Solutions for Corporates, Individuals, PR Firms, and Agencies. Guaranteed Inclusion On 400+ News Sites.Google Syndication + Full PDF White Label Distribution Report.FREE Indexing on Premium Indexer.We make sure your news reach from Bing & Google News to CBS, FOX, ABC, CW, NBC affiliated broadcasting websites and other premium news outlets. Press release is also send for syndication on News Information Engine (NIE) Circuit. NIE is subscribed by millions of journalists, corporate decision makers, market makers, brokers etc to track and break news. With NIE press release will reach AP, Acquire Media, Comtex, Factiva, LexisNexis, SyndiGate, DMN Newswire network & Newsletters, News360, NewsCentral and media outlets such as Bloomberg, Digital Journal, Business Week, Individual and many more. Written Press Release Will Be Sent To You For Approval Before Distribution.For White Label Reports Plz Send Your Logo and Website Link. Plz Send Me a Message For a Sample Distribution Report. by: ecorpm Created: -- Category: Press Release Viewed: 36
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