flyora · 4 months
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Auror Malfoy ffs is my Roman Empire I swear
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crymsyy · 3 months
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Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare
And oldie but a cutie <3
One of my first dramione fanarts when I read DMATMOOBIL - one of my absolute favvvv fics T_T
Please DO NOT re-post/re-share my art unless given explicit permission and appropriate credit is given.
No profit should be made from my art. DO NOT re-sell my art.
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Use for PERSONAL binds is allowed, but only with permission and credit.
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cursed-dagger · 10 months
we have but one life.
why would you read "classical literature" and "philosophy" and "actual books published by world renowned authors" when you can read dramione smut written by a redbull fuelled college student at 3 in the morning
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grsl-xo · 7 months
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My very first Dramione artwork, for DMATMOOBIL from @isthisselfcare
This is an edit from this paparazzi shot:
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Which you might remember from an absolutely hilarious Tumblr thread about beverages that I enjoyed very much but of course didn't save the link to. I hope you like it!
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runningquill-art · 8 months
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“What the bloody hell are you doing?” asked Draco.
Granger collapsed out of the horrid tangle and found her knees. “Yoga. What the bloody hell are you doing?”
Draco had seen this mysterious term on Granger’s schedule. “That’s yoga? What kind of self-inflicted martyrdom–?”
Now that he had ascertained that there was no immediate threat, Draco could take in the scene. There were candles flickering in a corner and soft music was playing. Granger was outfitted in those ridiculously form-fitting Muggle clothes, khaki green this time. Her hair was pulled into a French braid, thick as Draco’s wrist.
Granger was looking at him like he was an absolute bellend. “I was trying a Taraksvasana–”
“A what?”
“A scorpion handstand – I’ve been working towards it for weeks, and I almost had it, until you came in like a bolt from the blue and frightened me out of my wits!”
Draco was feeling increasingly foolish. He pulled his cloak closed to cover his pyjamas. There was little he could do about his bare feet. “What, pray, is the point of yoga?”
“Flexibility. Strength. Balance. Finding serenity.”
Draco eyed Granger with cynicism at the last bit. “Have you found it?”
“No,” said Granger. She got to her feet with evident irritation. “Kindly recalibrate your ring so you only show up in a real crisis.”
She flicked the Elektik lights on. Her cheeks were flushed. A trickle of perspiration was running down her neck. Her chest still heaved from her exertion. Draco could smell salt, female sweat, and the burnt wick of a candle.
His idiot brain took this image and immediately created several new neural pathways that had never existed previously, connecting the idea of Granger with the concept of sexy.” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 6: Finding Serenity, by @isthisselfcare
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omniluci-estumbra · 9 months
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Draco vs Larsen
This fight from DMATMOOBIL is one of my favorites. I really like that Hermione’s anti-magic pucks change the playing field significantly for this fight and it’s one of my all time fav badass Draco scenes 💚
Wanted to try out something more stylized with the coloring on this one and surprised myself by actually liking how it turned out! Not sure if I’ll ever do something like this again but it was a fun experiment!
Definitely want to do more action scenes from fics cause they are some of my favorites to read and I like doing fun poses like this 💥
ff: Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare on AO3
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w1sterial · 11 months
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me trying to decide which of my fav dramione fics to reread tonight
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acciosriracha · 6 months
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Fave moments in DMATMOBIL by @isthisselfcare: -Hermione evened out the odds with her wifi pucks. -Draco just skewered a man with a wand. -Draco whips out a knife. -Larsen the Viking is about to face the ferally protective Auror Draco Malfoy in a hand to knife combat. Can you tell which part of Draco I spent the most time on? Yeah, I know, I like them veiny leave me alone. 🤭Also, gotta love him in his red Auror robe.
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ivmaruva · 1 year
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All aboard the BATMOBIL train! Chooo-chooo 🚂 💕
Inspired by one of my all time favorite dramione fics: “Draco Malfoy And The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being In Love” by @isthisselfcare
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rebma · 4 months
I've really gone down the rabbit hole now
So I really felt the need to document exactly how much Dramione fiction I have read since I first opened Manacled, purely for my own visualisation...
Manacled, senlinyu - 370,515 words
All You Want, senlinyu- 172,650 words
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, isthisselfcare - 199,548 words
Bring Him to His Knees, Musyc - 246,526 wrods
The Heat, CrazyKitCat - 30,039 words
The Right Thing To Do, LovesBitca8 - 174,911 words
All the Wrong Things,, LovesBitca8 - 160,297 words
The Greater Good, ElleCeeWrites - 42,673 words
Cantankerus Nott is Rolling in His Grave, Forgive_Me_Severus, 175,468 words
The Auction, LovesBitca9 - 325,876 words
PLUS a bunch of drabble/oneshots from LovesBitca8 and senlinyu which totaly around 6,000 words.....
1,904,503 words of Dramione GOLD in
AND I have so many on my TBR it's not even funny....
Please help
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heart0glass · 7 months
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now… hold this! they’re the same yes, but with different *text*
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i-like-rocks22 · 11 months
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Draco in the labyrinth:
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belle-keys · 7 months
Wait what happened in the dramione fandom
In short:
Book bindings are fine. But selling bound fanfiction is both illegal and unethical. The sales of bound fics in the Dramione fandom have skyrocketed (grâce au Tiktok) within the last year or so. People have also been selling art prints attached to the fics against the explicit wishes of the authors and creators.
People have been adding Dramione fanfictions to Goodreads despite authors explicitly asking them not to do that.
A very popular booktube girlie made a whole video reading and reviewing a popular Dramione fic. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's just that stuff like that has unfortunately invited a lot of people who don't respect the de facto ethical codes of fandom into Dramione fanspaces.
A few days ago, about three of the biggest Dramione fic writers announced they would be pulling their Dramione fics from AO3 and other places. One of those fics is "Breath Mints / Battle Scars" by Onyx and Elm, which is a massive fic in the Dramione community. Other Dramione writers have followed. A shit ton of fics on AO3 have been deleted or hidden, and more are to follow.
Also, many of the fic authors have requested that their works not be reposted if they were saved before deletion. So a lot of good work is now either lost or inaccessible to many. There's a fic distribution black market on Reddit right now like I kid you not.
N.B. I believe we should respect the wishes of the authors and not repost their deleted works. It's unethical to go against the express wishes of creators like that. I don't blame many of the Dramione writers for pulling their works or for considering it. Newbies have been mistreating their fanfics and they just want to protect themselves legally.
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rinamorten · 10 months
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“Tell your cat I said pspsps.”
Her smile was brightness. She turned and disappeared into the fire. "
And, briefly, it felt like there was less gravity in the room."
By @isthisselfcare 💕
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annagaw · 6 months
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finally read DMATMOOBIL last week - which I’d been putting off reading, saving for a rainy day, but found I could resist no longer - and, needless to say, je suis ensorcelé.
so many moments, SO MANY, are still gambolling freely about my brain like giddy transfigured borzois, so I picked up my dusty old apple pencil for the first time in months (was having a tortured artist break, to do tortured artist things - spent approximately 87% of that time reading dramione fanfiction, but in a rather tortured and artistic way I expect), and scribbled out this little moment from the rose garden. it has since launched me into a full-scale fan art resurgence, hence the foundation of this blog. this was the first piece I created!
not at all happy with any of of the full-colour versions (I made at least three) but have included the least offensive. will revisit the colours at a later date and, if I then manage to produce a version that sparks joy and does not spark sick, perhaps I’ll share again!
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runningquill-art · 30 days
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“He wanted to linger. It was sweet to linger. To stand under fading wisteria, watching their mingling shadows, and bicker about unimportant things. There was something terribly precious about it. Perhaps because it was unnecessary. It was for the pleasure of it. It was Just Because.
He watched her for a shift, for a sign of impatience, but there was none. Only a hip against the door jamb, an arm held loosely at her waist. She was talking about his mother now, asking him to tell her that she adored the flowers. He said something in return, something that she could respond to, to continue to stretch out the moment.
She laughed at something. Their eyes met. Draco felt woolly-headed and vague. It was the anaesthesia again, the feel of the world in flux, a slow spinning. Granger was idly plucking a few strands of wisteria. He asked if that was the extent of her flower arranging. She said yes, was he impressed? And passed him the droopy bouquet.
He said it was the loveliest thing he had ever seen. He reached to take it. He drew his fingertips against hers.
In his veins, not blood, but lightness.
His touch lingered probably too long. He wondered what to call this thing, this stealing of glances and touches and moments. The headlong giddiness impelled by the most platonic of hugs. The wanting to be near. He wasn’t foolish enough to call it love, and it was too delicate for lust, but it wasn’t nothing, either. It was Something.
Yes. Unless he was very much mistaken, there was Something, between himself and Granger.
And wouldn’t that just be an exquisite catastrophe.” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 20: Draco Malfoy the Errand Boy, Life and Times of, by @isthisselfcare
DMATMOOBIL art 38/40
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