63 posts
dramione fan art
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annagaw · 23 days ago
I found a folder on my phone that said "BSP tweets" and here are its contents
Not all tweets, though, so off to a deceptive start
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annagaw · 1 month ago
✨🌈Obligatory blog header post🌈✨
Hello! Welcome to obligatory blog header post, please leave your shoes at the door
Here is my art
Here is my ao3
Here is sharing/bookbinding policies and FAQs
Here is ask questions
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annagaw · 1 month ago
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me, waiting for updates of blue oblivion by @pleasantlyfrantic
also me, after updates of blue obvlion by @pleasantlyfrantic
(inspired by chapter 20, many thanks to draco "I’ll take care of you" malfoy for the ongoing psychic damage)
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annagaw · 1 month ago
the medical significance of Draco Malfoy Holding A Baby™: a micro-trope reading list
I am at a very particular point in my hormonal cycle and god damn it once again I have been asking the sub to rescue me in my time of need. It is at present biologically necessary for me to absorb content featuring Draco Malfoy Holding A Baby™.
In case anybody else suffers from the same health condition (called "having a uterus and dipping one toe into my 30s" - it is extremely serious and requires constant intervention), please allow me to share the fics that I have so far read and awarded this tag. I shall endeavour to update the list as I add to it.
For science, you understand.
NB: I have hidden fics for which baby content might be considered spoilers, but have not done so for fics in which the primary focus is pregnancy/childbirth. If you find the appearance of a baby at the end of your HEA pregnancy fic shocking, fair enough, but I refuse to hide the truth from you. Also there are a great many more wonderful fics that feature this trope than the ones on this list - this is merely a curated selection and not my definitive statement on which are Good.
Two Idiots and a Baby by ellemenno (M, 27k) - One could be forgiven for thinking that the sole motivation for writing this fic was to find an excuse to get Draco and that baby in the same room and let the magic happen - because my god does the magic happen! But ellemenno has the audacity to deliver it to us with as much style and humour as possible. The fact that this baby situation is occurring within a genuinely intriguing murder mystery and a hilarious idiots-in-denial, colleagues-in-love plot (reminiscent of Bad Omens and Scary Partner Privilege) is especially impressive. It contains another favourite micro-trope of mine: the Very Professional Business Sleepover.
Love and Other Historical Accidents by PacificRimbaud (M, 154k) - I know for a fact that this fic was the beginning of this particular fixation for me. It was one of the first fics I read when I discovered Dramione, and it lured me in by my need for regency romance, keeping me all distracted, before slapping me in the face with this perfect baby scene that I still think about constantly. Draco? Draco Malfoy? Having a one-sided conversation with a baby while staring out a window in a regency suit? Fetch the smelling salts, drag the bloody fainting couch over here, I am destined to swoon!
Cave, [Redacted] (E, 31k) / An Auror’s Guide to Horizontal Dueling (E, 16k) by Accio_Funky_Pants - Now, if Draco Malfoy merely holding a baby does funny things to your reproductive organs, let me tell you, you are not even ready for Draco Malfoy delivering a baby! (Hermione's baby, to be exact.) I used to struggle to read childbirth scenes, but the first fic is multiple chapters of...well, exactly that, and it is magnificent. Intimate, cathartic, warms every last cockle of your heart - truly not a cold cockle nor a dry eye left in the house (and no babies left in wombs either). The sequel fic is an extended epilogue in which, yes, you guessed it, Draco interacts yet again with a baby (and then gets laid after everyone demonstrates an extremely thorough understanding of consent). Good for him!
Witching Hour by neilistic (E, 12k) - This one is so overwhelmingly tender, I skimmed it a moment ago to make sure I remembered the plot and that alone nearly succeeded in wringing tears from me. Nice try, neilistic! (No, really, a masterful effort.) There's nothing like two people bonding over their trauma, their loneliness...but (gently) toss some tiny newborn babies into the mix? A dirty trick, designed to undo me, specifically. Ungentlemanly. (But neither half of Dramione have the energy here to be gentlemen. Oh, and did I mention? There's only one bed.)
The Phoenix Potion by FedonCiadale (T, 237k) - The whole cast of OC Granger-Malfoy offspring in this are completely charming. They're all distinct from each other, kind of weirdos in their own way, and I respect the hell out of it - they really do feel like the children of this particular iteration of Dramione. Hermione works a lot, Draco is a very hands-on father, and everything about their dynamic here feels so lived-in and safe, even when the rest of the world is not: their inside jokes and shorthand, their domestic routines, the way their kids make fun of them, all of it! And then there's just copious amounts of Draco handling babies. I rest my case.
epiphanies by HawthorneWhisperer (M, 31k) - single dad Draco gets a lot of page time in this fandom, and deservedly so. Yes, he is a father, but - more importantly - he is Daddy, and this fic wants you to know that it knows that. It is a perfect bite-sized distillation of everything enjoyable about this trope. Special shout-out to baby Scorpius' chubby little limbs, the real MVPs.
Mind the Bump by Soap1 (E, 84k) - There are an overwhelming amount of unplanned pregnancy fics out there - and believe me that could not be further from a complaint (for you see I need my delicious trope soups, their fertile broths sustain me) (I do hate that I typed that). This one has every ingredient necessary for a balanced diet - lots of lovely gentle caretaking and medically-enforced proximity, small bite-size pieces of drama to keep things a little spicy (please, soup metaphor, let me die). Oh! And...what's this? I won't name names, but did two people bring along all of their emotional baggage from their previous relationships with them? Well, I suppose we have room to store it all somewhere in the Manor.
Pros and Cons by ChaosAndCrumpets (E, 48k) - An unplanned pregnancy fic where everything happens in the run up to an election, a famously relaxing time, especially when you are the present M-oh-M! This fic gives you a political strategist Draco of such dazzling competence that it begs the question: is Draco holding a baby merely a matter of perspective? Perhaps anyone held by such a man is rendered a baby in comparison? But don't worry there's a literal baby too (eventually), and before that there's a disgusting slimy baby-man: Cormac McLaggen! (Though, unlike a baby, McLaggen is never held by anyone willingly, or Draco ever.)
The Pureblood Society of Stay-At-Home Dads by PurpleSugarQuills (E, 2k) - I feel like all the information you really need about this one can be contained in one exceptionally powerful sentence: it begins with Draco getting up to do the night feed with a sleepy little four month old. Hush, little one. Domesticated Draco has come to take care of you. Daddy's home. (Which makes sense because he works here.)
Wait And Hope (M, 95k) / Beginning and End (E, 242k) by mightbewriting - Although I do of course love Draco interacting with his own homemade organic babies, my actual favourite iteration of this trope is the moment that Hermione sees Draco with literally any generic brand baby for the first time, and is like, "oh. I see. I had not considered this. I did not know this would feel this way." And that is captured so very beautifully in both of these fics, at different moments, in different ways (and literally remarked upon by Ginny in the former).
Entries below the break contain mild to moderate plot spoilers for final chapters/epilogues
BLOODY, SLUTTY, AND PATHETIC by WhatMurdah (E, 195k) - You would think that the ceaseless emotional and literal carnage of this fic would prepare me for how unhinged Draco would be as a father and how much it would Affect Me Personally. Alas, apparently fucking not. Draco striding into the pub with his baby that nobody else is allowed to hold? Draco napping with his baby? Don't touch that baby! That baby is His Baby. (And that Draco is My Blorbo.)
I Love You Always Forever by EvergreenTuesdays (E, 13k) - This is a somewhat unhinged addition to the list, because yes, that is a baby Draco has in one arm, but in the other hand I'm pretty sure I'm clocking the remains of a dead dove. Distinctly un-chic. Yet undoubtedly compelling. This one has forced marriage, domestic abuse, murder, gore, a gorgeous (but graphic) illustration...and is also tagged "MILF Hermione". So something for everyone, really!
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annagaw · 2 months ago
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Extremely scruffy silly sunday night sketch inspired by ready or not
(…is this a thing? Has somebody done this already? Wouldn’t this be kind of a banger of a fic?)
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annagaw · 2 months ago
I feel like I need to share the WIP of this because it was hours of hard work and I'm scared the hyperfixation will fade (this is also a completely different style for me, a watercolour bitch, and let me tell you it is not coming naturally)
but I need you to know that I am absolutely trying on this one lads
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plenty so far that I am not thrilled about but also some things I think I like (?!)
anyway let's hope I finish 🤞🤞🤞 I have to step away from it for a few days to focus on my paid work (yawn) but will be back, not going to be defeated by a mustelid
not again anyway
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needed some lower-stakes cuteness so am reading the lovely Waifs and Strays by Kyonomiko
thought "I’d love to do a little sketch of Draco as a pine marten"
it ended up as a parody of da vinci’s lady with ermine, how tf am I meant to colour this thing
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annagaw · 2 months ago
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needed some lower-stakes cuteness so am reading the lovely Waifs and Strays by Kyonomiko
thought "I’d love to do a little sketch of Draco as a pine marten"
it ended up as a parody of da vinci’s lady with ermine, how tf am I meant to colour this thing
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annagaw · 2 months ago
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recoloured these horny freaks (inspired by ch 5 of BSP)
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annagaw · 3 months ago
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March 2024 v January 2025
the colour side-by-side demonstrates that a lot better actually
(to be fair to myself, I did not like the piece on the left at the time when I finished it, so feel like it’s poor representation - but then, I’m also unhappy with the colouring on the right! anyway, please enjoy this comparison of pieces I’m annoyed about, 10 months ago v now!)
Your first art vs now ?
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March 2024 v January 2025
I’m going with my first Dramione art, because I don’t post my personal art here - so a 10 month gap it is lol (I do think my work has evolved quite a bit in that time though!)
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annagaw · 3 months ago
Your first art vs now ?
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March 2024 v January 2025
I’m going with my first Dramione art, because I don’t post my personal art here - so a 10 month gap it is lol (I do think my work has evolved quite a bit in that time though!)
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annagaw · 3 months ago
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“Tell me what to do and I’ll do it, Mrs. Malfoy.”
Scene from ch5 of BLOODY, SLUTTY, AND PATHETIC by WhatMurdah
colour version below 👇
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(I decided in the middle of last year that I wanted to change my digital colouring process, and I’m not yet happy with the results, so there’s likely a V3 on the way as well in the near future!
if any of my fellow self-taught artists have any resources to recommend - tutorials, books, artists to follows - that really helped you, feel free to reach out!)
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annagaw · 3 months ago
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shout out to the literal dozens of WIPs I did not finish this year! I’m sure at least a couple of these will emerge, radiant and whole, in 2025–who knows, literally anything could happen. I’m hoping that I personally achieve a similar transformation but let’s not hold our breath on that front
also I’m currently rereading BSP as a festive treat to myself and it’s making me just as feral as the last time…so most definitely some more BSP-specific art to come and that guarantee is my festive treat to you
ANYWHO happy sun rotation to my favourite fandom ✌️ thanks for making my 2024 so creatively satisfying and helping me discover I am not, in fact, disinterested in tentacle porn
side note: I really do be drawing Dramione differently based on fic and vibe, I cannot and will not imagine or draw them with any consistency, you simply cannot make me
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annagaw · 4 months ago
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Extremely scruffy silly sunday night sketch inspired by ready or not
(…is this a thing? Has somebody done this already? Wouldn’t this be kind of a banger of a fic?)
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annagaw · 4 months ago
annagaw’s Artwork Policies/FAQs
Updated December 2024
If you’re unsure about anything written below or have queries, the easiest thing to do is just send me a DM. I’ll try to get back to you in as timely a fashion as my brain worms will allow!
DO NOT share/repost my work in other online spaces without permission.
DO NOT edit/alter my work in any way without permission when sharing it. This includes, but is not limited to: removing/obscuring my tag or signature; cropping; changing colours; adding or removing backgrounds; drawing over; etc.
DO NOT post my work separately on tumblr, or other forms of social media, instead of reblogging, etc.
Printing/Book Binding
I DO give permission for my art to be used for one-off bindings, intended for personal use or as gifts.
I DO NOT give permission for my art to be reproduced on a larger scale OR for any form of profit, including but not limited to: fan bindings made for sale or other forms of distribution (even if the sale price only covers the binder’s material costs); fan zines or other publications; stickers; posters; etc.
If you publicly share images of a personal bind that features my work, please DO tag and credit me/my work.
For Fanfiction Authors
If I’ve created art directly inspired by your work, you’re more than welcome, should you wish, to link to the work in question, or embed it in your fic. (If I share it to my own AO3, I'll gift it to you if possible/story permissions allow.)
NB: this applies to my fic-inspired works ONLY, which are clearly tagged. Please kindly DO NOT use my work to illustrate unrelated fics without permission.
I have decided against offering commissions. I’m deeply flattered that people have requested this, but I don’t have the capacity nor do I want to capitalise on something that I do purely for my own enjoyment.
I would, however, strongly encourage you to make requests for any drawings you’d like to see, via this very tumblr! If I can, I might. Who knows!
I am still very much interested in collaborating with other creatives for future Dramione-related fan works! Mutuals, hmu!
Where Else to Find Me
This tumblr is the best location for all of my Dramione work, as it contains sketches and WIPs as well as finished pieces (as well as tedious shit like this post), however infrequently they may be posted.
I am also intermittently active on r/Dramione, though I post less of my work there. My profile can be found here.
In response to Reddit requests asking me to share my work somewhere other than here, I’ve started posting a selection to AO3. You can find and follow me here - an account is required to view my work.
I have no plans to join Instagram or any other social media platforms, so if you’re seeing my work there it is either with my express permission (which I have given literally once at time of writing) or they are filthy thieves and if you are reading this then you are now contractually obligated to fight them for me, sorry I do not make the rules (okay I did make these specific rules but I know nothing’s going to happen it’s fine, I’ve been on Pinterest searching for fic covers, I’ve seen all my work there, I’m tired and I’m not going to do anything about it, but if you’re publicly sharing an artist’s work without credit then just know you’re kind of a low-level arsehole - sure, you might have other redeeming qualities but that’s not my business, please stop contacting me to tell me about your redeeming qualities)
I hope this was all clear - I’ll update it if/when other common queries present themselves! Let’s all applaud how I resisted the urge to derail things nonsensically until the very last section. I am an inspiration to many.
Finally thank you, sincerely, to you fine folks of Dramione tumblr, for your consistently kind feedback and engagement! I like this community an awful lot, thanks for having me. ✨
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annagaw · 5 months ago
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anyone remember when I had that weird dramione x scooby doo fever dream and hinted that I wasn’t quite done with the concept?
this wip won’t make any sense then x
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annagaw · 5 months ago
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WIP of a cute lil wedding pic - it started with a different idea and just sort of…evolved, idk
extremely on-brand of me to not create or post a single thing for months and then churn out an increasingly saccharine stream of fluff non-stop for a week lol
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annagaw · 5 months ago
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"come here, granger, I’ve mastered that muggle warming charm you showed me"
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