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octonautskwazii · 3 hours ago
Nurse Munson
TW: Child abuse & neglect, Hurt/comfort
Little Steve Harrington fell out of a tree and broke his arm. At least that's what his mother tells the doctor with fake tears in her eyes when asked. His arm is bundled up in a cast by the prettiest person he's ever seen.
Nurse Munson.
She smiles at him, she makes jokes, she makes him giggle even though his arm hurts.
She gives him a lolipop and tells him he's a good boy, just like her little Eddie.
Steve goes home, to a cold bed and cold house and a new stern maid to watch him when his parents leave.
Little Steve is back at the clinic with a sprained ankle and a little bruise on his head. Playing rough with his friends his mother says.
"What friends?" Steve says when Nurse Munson asks and he wonders why she's surprised. Steve's never had any friends.
Little Steve hates having to visit the clinic, but he loves seeing Nurse Munson. She's the nicest adult he's ever met. Not that he meets many adults outside of his parents and their friends, who ignore him.
She holds him steady as he shakes from the cramps of his tummy ache.
She brushes his hair back gently as he vomits out the head of a toy soldier that Tommy his new friend had made him swallow.
She looks sad as she spies the bruises on his side when he changes his t-shirt.
Steve is reluctant to leave.
Little Steve who gets a teddy from Nurse Munson the next time, a sweet little plush that fits in his pocket. A teddy that Nurse Munson says he can tell anything to. That if he needs, he can call the number on Teddy.
Little Steve who calls that number that night when there is no food in the house.
Little Steve who calls that number anytime he really really needs to and Nurse Munson, call me Ellie, comes and helps him.
Feeds him.
Plays with him.
Talks to him about her son.
Until one day Ellie doesn't answer.
Little Steve who calls again and again and again until a man screams at him to stop calling she's dead.
and Little Steve never calls again.
Big Steve who sees a curly haired kid in high school, taller than him, loud and crazy and angry and thinks Ellie.
Big Steve who falls in line with the jocks and learns that it's not Ellie.
It's Eddie.
and he remembers.
Nurse Munson's little Eddie.
So he keeps the jocks away from him, steers them clear of the only memory of his Ellie.
Steve who almost doesn't save Eddie, who almost loses the last connection he had to a woman who saved his life.
Steve who cries over Eddie's bed in the hospital because he can't lose another Munson. Can't lose Eddie like he lost Ellie. He feels like he's seven and crying at the phone again.
Adult Steve who tells Eddie Munson, after they've curled together in bed as close as skin will let them, how his mother saved his life when he was small.
Adult Steve who isn't afraid to say he didn't fall off trees, that he didn't play rough with kids that didn't exist. That Ellie Munson saved him.
Eddie who cries, for the violence that Steve had suffered and the memory of his mother.
Eddie who hugs Steve tight, who tells him it'll be okay, it will all be okay and that he will tell Steve about her, his mother.
About Nurse Ellie Munson, the woman who gave him that little patch of sunshine.
Adult Steve who visits her grave with Eddie and tells her, that he is happy now, that he still had Teddy, that he had Eddie too and that he is grateful.
That she gave him a chance to live.
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octonautskwazii · 3 hours ago
i’ve been stuck thinking ab freak steve who just happened to get popular bc he knew the right ppl and threw parties often and is good with women. like steve who’s absolutely not afraid to be fucking terrifying and fight dirty, and like he tries to hide it! he tries so fucking hard to be normal and be the popular guy everyone thinks he is ykwim??
anyway i keep thinking ab steve, in his last year of school, defending eddie and the other freaks - it’s a rare instance and one that doesn’t need to happen bc they’ve been defending themselves well enough, if steve’s honest it’s not ab defending them. it’s ab this dickhead throwing slurs at them.
like steve doesn’t really care ab defending anyone, he’s not there to be the savior of fucking hawkins. but. like. injustice really pisses him off, it’s ab what’s fair yk?
so if steve goes up and gets in between the dickhead and eddie’s group, if steve’s gets in his guys face telling him to back off. AND if the guy calls steve a fag. well. it’s really not steve’s fault when he laughs, turns around and slowly picks everything up off of one of eddie’s friends lunch trays and meticulously moves it to the table, only to pick up the now empty tray and slam it across the guys face full force, now is it?
it’s not his fault when the entire cafeteria goes silent as the guy drops, holding his face. it’s not *his* fault when he throws the tray aside and laughs and makes some quip ab how the fag just knocked him the fuck out.
he does get suspended though, he was gonna get expelled but his parents had just donated an insane amount of money last spring so. he’s suspended for two weeks and kicked off the basketball team.
why eddie and his friends are now obsessed with him is beyond him. he knows exactly why tommy and everyone else hates him now but he has no idea why the freaks love him. he didn’t do anything for them. he took one bitch off the food chain and that’s it. but yk eddie keeps looking at him with those pretty little doe eyes and keeps inviting him to hang out and like. he may have some issues or whatever but he’s not an idiot, so he definitely doesn’t turn him down.
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octonautskwazii · 28 days ago
steve and dallas trans masc besties i feel it in my bones
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octonautskwazii · 28 days ago
i just think that trans ftm kaz brekker and gender nonconforming inej ghafa are cool and they consume my every waking thought
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octonautskwazii · 28 days ago
Was scrolling through AO3 and found this gem
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Enemy to parent is a trope we have to popularise lmao
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octonautskwazii · 1 month ago
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octonautskwazii · 1 month ago
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That meme but ShinoTamayo!!!!
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octonautskwazii · 1 month ago
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octonautskwazii · 1 month ago
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ShinoKaiga…my babies..
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octonautskwazii · 1 month ago
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octonautskwazii · 1 month ago
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octonautskwazii · 1 month ago
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Their child
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octonautskwazii · 1 year ago
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A baby
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octonautskwazii · 1 year ago
Okay! So I’ve recently dived into like a thing! I found out I absolutely adore BriarJay!!
Like why are they so cute??????
And like I was reading a fic on Ao3 about BriarJay and Briarlight was pregnant with Jayfeather’s kits, and at first I was like:”can cats paralyzed in the hind legs even have kits?” But I kept reading and they were like fully determined that Briarlight would die because she was paralyzed. That kinda made me wonder. And I remembered when Millie was like “she will never have kits”. So I did some googling and it turns out: Paralyzed cats can actually get pregnant,have and raise kits.
And I know, the medicine code. But literally who cares. That code is so Annoying. Cats can still be leader and have kits but medicine cats can’t because of bias??? Like no bro.
Anyways Here’s what I think it’d kinda be like:
Jayfeather, who is a product of braking both the medicine and warrior code as he’s a medicine cats kit and half clan. He resented himself and Leafpool because of that. But then after being around and helping Briarlight, he realized something he hadn’t felt since Halfmoon. Expect it was stronger, more present. He finally understood why Leafpool wanted to run away with Crowfeather. To get away from the codes. But he couldn’t do that. Jayfeather loved Briarlight.
Briarlight loved Jayfeather. She had for a long while. She knew it was wrong, that he probably couldn’t return the feelings because of his mother. And of course the medicine code. But she couldn’t help it. She loved Jayfeather so much. She wanted to be with him.
Jayfeather decided that, the medicine code being the trash it is, having as many code breakers as it is, that the code needed to be changed. He knew he wouldn’t be able to do it himself, and he decided to just disregard that part of the code. He wanted to be mates with Briarlight, have a future with her, maybe even kits. He loved her. He decided to confess to her, to ask her to be his mate.
Briarlight after Jayfeather confessed, accepted to be his mate. Even though she didn’t think it would end to well. But it didn’t matter. They already were so close, slept right next to each other. What difference would it make that they started to share a nest? To love each other in the open.
Most cats already joked about them being mates anyways, when they thought no one was listening.
Jayfeather and Briarlight became mates.
Jayfeather decided to just tell Bramblestar himself that he has taken a mate and will not step down from his duties. Saying that if not having kits was to prevent from caring more about some climate’s then others than leaders and deputy’s shouldn’t have kits either. The logic fit. A leader could be the most possibly bias role. Jayfeather told him he took Briarlight as a mate, that he would tell the whole of Thunderclan himself. That he would write his own medicine code that Thindedclan could follow. That if Starclan really disagreed then some cat would’ve stopped him by now.
Bramblestar decided to tell the clan about Jayfeather himself. The young cats words were wise, he couldn’t argue that he had a point. He made the announcement up on high rock. The clan, Millie especially didn’t take it well. They argued that since Leafpool stepped down from the medicine cat role that so should Jayfeather. Bramblestar said that the possibility of hatred from other clans and maybe even his own clan mates was punishment enough if they really wanted a punishment. He told them about Jayfeather’s words. The majority of the clan backed off. Bramblestar pointed out that Jayfeather and Briarlight were already basically unofficial mates before this decision. That he had heard the jokes. That if they were willing to joke about it then they better be ready to accept it being true.
Jayfeather ended up staying as a medicine cat. He and Briarlight were still mates, they slept in the same nest, ate together, went out of camp together. They did everything other mates did. When the gathering came Bramblestar said that Jayfeather had news to share. He allowed Jayfeather into the great oak. Jayfeather told the other clans about him and Briarlight being mates. That he kept his role as a medicine cat and had disregarded the part of the medicine code not allowing them to have mates or kits. That if Starclan truly disapproved that they would’ve covered the moon. The moon still shined bright. Jayfeather told the clans about how that part of the code was made to prevent bias. Yet clan leaders and deputies could have kits. That the bias would be way stronger for a leader or deputy than a medicine cat. That all a medicine cat would want to do was to help their mate or kits first, they might not even act on it, just might want too. But Clan leaders and deputies feel the same. They want their kits and mates to be safe. They could lie for them, that the wrong side just because of who was on what side. That it made since for the code to change.
The other clans didn’t take it too well but after Jayfeather finished speaking, they thought about it more lightly. The other clan leaders and medicine cats gathered together separately in the oak tree and discussed if the code should change. Over all, it was mixed. But they decided that while taking mates from other clans was forbidden, that otherwise it depended on the clan and what leader it was. That they didn’t care what the other clans did since Starclan didn’t block out the moon.
The gathering went on as usual. Jayfeather was somewhat shunned by other cats who didn’t like his choice. The medicine cats still accepted Jayfeather warmly.
lol this felt like I was writing a whole fanfic at this point.
…..should I? 👀
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octonautskwazii · 1 year ago
Love these designs
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(tiredly erasing numbers off a whiteboard with 'DAYS WITHOUT DRAWING A WARRIOR CAT' written on top)
anyways, some messy kitty siblings sketches because these cats will always haunt me
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octonautskwazii · 1 year ago
in which steve is sick, eddie is in love, and floor time is being had
Eddie is in the kitchen when he hears the sound of footsteps approaching him. The smile is on his face before he even turns around to catch a glimpse of Steve, gloriously disheveled from all that sleep he’s been catching up on. He’s wearing one of Eddie’s big, fuzzy sweaters that Steve always hogs when he’s sick — which, thankfully, isn’t all that often —, a thick pair of sweats and mismatched socks.
Sickness is the time to wear mismatched socks without judgment, Edwin Munswin, Steve had huffed the first time Eddie saw him with a runny nose and ridiculous socks that definitely didn’t belong together. It had been the first time he admitted to himself that he was absolutely gone for Steve Runny Nose Harrington.
And so it doesn’t come as a surprise to him that his heart stumbles in his chest and the smile on his lips widens. Steve might hate being sick, but Eddie can’t really help but love him even more when he gets like this. When Steve allows himself to be a little weak and for Eddie to take care of him.
“Hi, sunshine,” Eddie says, turning down the heat on the stove to go over to his Stevie, wrapping his arms around the blanket Steve still has around his shoulders. “Sleep well?”
“Mmh.” It’s nothing more than a raspy grunt, a pathetic little noise as Steve cuddles further into Eddie, seeking out his warmth and comfort so freely that Eddie presses a kiss to his slightly sweaty forehead. “Missed you.”
“I’m right here,” he promises, running a hand up and down Steve’s back. “Just made you tea while the soup is warming up. Because you’re gonna have to eat.”
“Okay,” Steve nods, sounding solemn as he does, and Eddie wants to laugh. Gods, he’s so in love, it’s disgusting. Ridiculous. Absolutely laughable. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” A whisper, another promise, another kiss. He unwinds his arms and looks back at the giant pot of soup he made yesterday. “Do you wanna go back to bed or stay here?”
“Here,” Steve sighs and promptly sinks down the counter until he’s sitting on the floor, looking up at Eddie with those beautiful brown eyes, so big and and full of love that Eddie can’t resist ruffling his hair, which earns him a little giggle from Steve.
Oh, right, he’s had the good stuff prescribed from the doctor. This is going to be fun in a few hours.
“You ridiculous man,” Eddie murmurs, trailing his hand from the crown of Steve’s head down across his cheek all the way to his chin in a gentle caress.
“Go back to your soup, you most ridiculous of men,” Steve says in retaliation, but he reaches for his hand to hold as Eddie returns to the stove.
“Technically it’s your soup.”
“That’s what I said.” Eddie looks down to see the most adorable of frowns on Steve’s head, and his heart explodes a little in his chest.
He snorts and squeezes Steve’s hand. “Sure is, baby.”
“See? I’m smart sometimes.”
“No argument from me there,” Eddie says, and he means it.
A hum comes from Steve and then he leans his head against Eddie’s leg. “You’re so nice to me, Eds. I like that you’re nice to me.”
And then it’s quiet, and the weight of Steve against his leg becomes heavier by the second to the point where Eddie is pretty sure Steve’s fallen asleep again. He doesn’t dare to move, but dear God he wants to laugh, he wants to cry, wants to scream at the world how much he loves this ridiculous, adorable, possibly delirious and high on cold medication man who is wrapped in his blanket on their kitchen floor.
“Stevie,” he whispers at last, the soup hot, the tea just cool enough, and cards his hand through Steve’s hair to wake him. “Sunshine, wake up, I have soup for you.”
“But I love soup.”
“Then I have great news for you,” Eddie laughs and tilts Steve’s head up so he’ll meet his eyes. “It’s plenty, it’s warm, and you can have some. It’s right here.”
“You made me soup?”
“Yeah, babe,” Eddie chuckles, his heart tearing itself apart at the way Stevie looks up at him with such wonder and awe and love. “I made you so much soup. All for you.”
Steve nods, thinks for a moment and then looks up at Eddie again. “Can we share?”
“You wanna share your soup with me?” Eddie says, crouching down so he’s on eye level with Steve and can brush a kiss to his forehead again.
Steve nods again and reaches for him, clinging to Eddie’s sweater — well, it’s Steve’s technically. “Wanna share everything with you.“
“Even your blanket?”
Steve smiles and nods again, lifting one arm to invite Eddie in, which earns him a laugh. “Alright, let me just…”
He grabs two bowls of soup, Steve’s large mug of tea, two spoons and two pillows from their chairs so they can eat the soup on the floor without uncomfortable heat in their laps.
Later, when soup is but a distant memory of half an hour ago, Steve lets himself fall to the side and slumps into Eddie, head nestled on his shoulder.
“Sleep time again?” Eddie asks.
“No,” Steve slurs, definitely already on his way to half asleep. “Just. Just love you.”
Eddie hums and leans into Steve in return, warm underneath their blanket, surprisingly comfortable on the floor, backs against the counter. “Just love you, too, sunshine.”
And if Eddie closes his eyes, too, lulled into a sleepy state of comfort and warmth, then that’s just one more thing that happens with a sick Steve around.
In sickness and in health, he thinks with that same smile on his lips.
for @seidenbros, i besmooch your forehead with this 🌷🤍
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octonautskwazii · 1 year ago
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transfem tigerdove sketches
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