yuri-puppies · 5 months
Shape-shifters, face-blindness, and "paying attention to others"
The shapeshifter is one of my favourite "monster of the week" episodes because it showcases how differently Laios processes social information than the rest of the party. It reminds me a lot of the strategies I, faceblind name-forgetter and eye-contact avoider, use to recognize people and learn things about them.
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We see Laios clearly fail at recognizing the doubles through "standard" social cues that are perceived as "easy to tell", such as their clothes. This makes the team (unfairly, but understandably) weary of his ability to tell the fakes apart and even worried that he'd prefer the monster versions* over them. Nonetheless, he gives it a try!
...And is immediately overwhelmed. His lack of attention to social cues works a bit in his favor, though, as it makes it harder for him to fall for stereotypes that fool the rest of the group.
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Instead, he chooses to rely on his strengths and use his investigation and animal handling skills to distract the shapeshifters, lure out the monster, and roll the most insane balls-to-the-wall intimidation check of all time.
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If it had ended there it still would have been a great episode that showcases Laios' strategic mind and his strengths as a leader. He doesn't have the social skills necessary for the task, but he is clever and creative enough to use the skills he does have proficiency in to solve the problem*.
However, what makes this episode so dear and near to my faceblind heart is the revelation that Laios was able to recognize the real party members after all.
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Laios is fantastic representation of how special interests actually work for a monotropic interest system. Having a special interest is not just about how much you like it and the need to know everything about it, it's a way of processing and filtering information. Laios' special interest is monsters: his skills as a dungeoneer and party leader are acquired for and informed by his desire to interact with monsters, as is his interest in eating them. He actually brings this up himself when comparing his interest in cooking to Senshi's.
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And in this episode, we see that this also extends to his friends. Laios hacks one of the most difficult types of information for him to process by routing it through the lens of the special interest. And, because it's not something most people would notice, it works. He knows that Chilchuck wouldn't let his guard down around a potential mimic, that Senshi values a balanced ecosystem, that (my favourite) Marcille just isn't as thoughtful about monsters as he is.
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It might not be what was expected, but it did the trick! And what's more, the narrative validates his way of thinking (even if Chilchuck doesn't).
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desultory-novice · 8 months
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"...I'm sorry..."
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"...Hee! Noir, you smell kinda moldy." "Yeah? And now you're going to smell that way too."
"...Because I'm not letting you go for anything."
Sometimes, the collar is a metaphor...
[Apologies AU Masterpost]
Also sorry if the first panel is unclear. Adeleine isn't trying to clumsily remove the visor, she's reaching in to touch his face to let him know she's there, as Noir is blind and deaf in this particular form, outside of what information the petals take in and transmit to him. They can't recognize qualities of the voice, ie, that it is his beloved little sister, simply that "some" voice is talking to him. They are also what transmits his "voice" (more like a droll, ghosty monotone) outwards.
Anyway, I was revisiting some of my favorite fairy tales, including HC Andersen's "The Snow Queen" (where the title originates) when I realized just how well parts of that story fit Adeleine and Noir.
In seconds, I'd written up a fresh script and was drawing this. It's a little rushed/uneven because I pushed myself to finish as quick as possible so that this could be my official last art post before my surgery tomorrow, figuring it was a good note to leave things on.
Call it ~fairy tale magic~ (although I imagine this is set sometime AFTER the Dark Matter Trilogy rather than during. Perhaps after Zero's "favorite tool" was discovered to be broken beyond repair and with Zero itself destroyed, 02 and the rest of the Dark Matter cut him off from the hive and left him to starve to death in the ruins of Shiver Star, where Adeleine eventually discovers him after revisiting her journey with the others) ...but at least we've got x1 Noir saved now!
(...How many more to go...? ^^; )
Because I know you folks care about lore, drone-type or unhatched Dark Matter "feed" off energy provided from the Hive Queen and they will burn in the light without their queen's protection.
Main game Shiver Star is actually MANY years removed from the Shiver Star Adeleine and Noir grew up on. (Adeleine fell through a dimensional rift halfway off planet and wound up on Popstar YEARS later than she left. It's a...complicated...story I'll tell later, while Noir has been Dark Matter for much longer than it seems) So, in addition to there being no more people there, there is significantly less of the kind of light that harms Dark Matter. (Is it, in fact, DUE to the lack of living creatures on the planet?? Dun-dun-dun?!)
Speaking of lore: "Wasn't there a literal parasite inside this version of Noir?? Like, an eyeball in his chest? Is that just gone now?"
It is not GONE, for no one goes through life without some consequences. Though it was starved into hibernation and made further dormant by ~the healing power of love~ Noir does retain some piece of Dark Matter living inside him. A creature inside that grows stronger feeding off his negative emotions. 
He will simply have to learn to control it instead of giving in.
...Just like the rest of us humans. ^_-
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hello! because i've had even more time than most to think about how much i love this fic and how wonderful a sequel/companion piece would be: 🌈
💛💛💛 thank you, friend!! god, SO many ways you could take it! I'm thinking of a little bittersweet Charles character exploration, his relationship to colour as it exists to him — just ideas and metaphors with no actual basis for personal comparison. Torn about how much to set pre-death/Edwin though! It'll need a lot of figuring out before I have anything post-worthy but I defo have some lil bits I can write/share 🥰💛🌈
“Wonder what it looks like. Green.” Charles chuckled quietly. “Mad, innit? All the stuff we can’t see.” 
He twirled the blade of grass in his fingertips as he looked Edwin in his pale grey eyes. “We could be bloody surrounded by it, and we wouldn't have the foggiest.”
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yanderes-stuff · 1 year
Yandere Johnathan Ohnn x reader 
3k words
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(credits to my friend Spooky aka ghosttown) 
At first… Things seemed so pleasant, and healthy.
You met Johnathan at college, it was a biology class you both required. He seemed rather charming in an awkward way. Always rather jumpy and hunched over in his own world. You couldn't help but admire him from afar at first; sometimes he'd notice and avoid eye contact as soon as his eyes met yours. 
Then your professor decided to put you in a group for a project. You exchanged numbers and ended up doing the projects together instead of as a group… They didn't want to bother with it, which was something Johnathan said he's used to by now. But he had to admit, he felt a lot more at ease working with you.
Over time you got to know more about each other, which was pleasant when you were both starting to feel burnt out from classes.
When break rolled around you ended up unwinding at his dorm, his room was covered in those science posters only dorks decorated with. It was a bit cute how passionate he was about science, he'd ramble to you while you sat and nodded. Barely understand anything he's saying. 
You didn't even realize you were starting to lean on each other for support. However, with college stress, it was clear he wanted somebody he could spend time with outside of classes. You gladly obliged, wanting the same.
There were places like the theater, the aquarium, and libraries where you two just enjoyed each other's presence. At this point, you started to suspect maybe you loved Johnathan as more than a friend.
You kept those feelings to yourself until there was a note slipped under your dorm room.
 My dearest Y/N,
I hope this letter finds you well. As a college student, I often feel awkward and uncertain in social situations, but you make me feel a sense of calm and comfort that is unlike anything else. From the moment I first saw you, I knew that you were special, and I have been drawn to you ever since.
I remember the time we spent together in Biology, and I felt like I was in a dream. Your laughter and smile light up the entire room, and I can't help but feel mesmerized by your presence. Your voice is like music to my ears, and your personality is so unique and special.
I know that I may come across as awkward and shy at times, but you bring out the best in me. I feel like I can be myself around you without fear of judgment or rejection. You make me feel accepted and loved in ways that nobody else ever has, and I am grateful for every moment that we spend together.
As a college student, life can often feel overwhelming and confusing, but you make it all seem worth it. You give me the strength and motivation to keep pushing forward, even on the toughest days. You are my source of inspiration and my reason for living.
I know that our time together may be short-lived, as college tends to be a transitional period in our lives. But I want you to know that you have made a lasting impact on me, and I will never forget the way you made me feel.
I hope that we can continue to spend time together, and maybe even build something more meaningful out of our friendship. No matter what the future holds, I want you to know that I will always cherish the memories and experiences we shared, and I will always have a special place in my heart for you.
So will you date me?
With love and affection,
~ Johnathan Ohnn
You were surprised reading it, using notes to ask seemed a little… unique but oddly fitting for him. You grabbed your phone, your heartbeat quickening. You told him about the letter and that you accepted his offer.
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Ohnn, sat at his desk, messy papers laid about as he smiled at his phone, laying it on his chest as he stared at the wall. He never felt love until now, of course, he had little crushes here and there but never an actual chance at something genuine.
He started daydreaming about you, sweet little thoughts. Giving you flowers, eating lunch in the cafeteria together. Maybe you'd like it if he made you lunch? The gears in his mind began to turn, he was never good with romance. But he knew that people usually appreciated small acts of kindness; he wanted to show you his sweeter side. Something he's been longing to show somebody for years. 
His mind decided and he made your favorite and packed it in a brown paper bag. Nothing too fancy but he hoped you'd appreciate it, He stored it somewhere safe before he decided to get some rest.
He stretched while standing, yawning as he slowly crawled into bed, he took his medication. His bed was a mess of sheets and blankets, but he tried to wrap himself comfortably while his mind wandered to his potential lover. 
Tossing and turning. His eyes were heavy, his mind would soon let him sleep. Thus began a long night of his imagination,  His romantic fantasies only brought him comfort from his otherwise paranoid mind. 
The morning came and sunlight peeked through his windows, For once he felt energized. It was Saturday thankfully, he messaged you asking if you'd like to go to a science museum. And of course, you said yes.
After getting dressed you met at the location he provided you, to him you looked so beautiful. Your eyes were soft and your lips looked just as delicate, you admired the museum in front of you. 
Your eyes followed his hand as he stretched his lanky hand out for you to hold. His hand enclosed yours entirely, and he stood tall over you; Smiling as he walked into the building.
Johnathan spoke up first "I've been here before, I-I think you'll like it. All the fossils here are so fascinating."
You looked at his gaze, his expression was that of joy. A man exploring his passion. "You seem very knowledgeable on these things, it's cute y'know"
He blushed a deep crimson, twirling his hair with his other hand nervously. "T-thank you! Nobody's ever called me that before…" 
It was the truth, all his colleagues found him to be strange. His awkward mannerisms were more unsettling to them, but you found them endearing. 
You began to walk towards a large fossil, it was a brontosaurus.
You stared in awe, it was about twenty-eight feet tall, and it took up the entire room. He shoved his hands in his pockets and looked up at the fossil. There was a plaque that read.
One of the most famous and complete skeletons of a brontosaurus was uncovered in the late 19th century and is now on display at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The brontosaurus is an important and iconic species that has been represented in popular culture, including the classic children's book "The Land Before Time" and the Jurassic Park films.
You took his arm and held it against your body gently. Eyeing other fossils in the room, you guided him towards whatever caught your attention; there was a variety of fossils. Sea creatures, land creatures, impression fossils, trace fossils, and replacement fossils.
The museum was very large as you both explored the building, it was a very clean place with bright white lighting on the high ceilings. Jonathan held your hand tightly as you weaved through people, it was almost like he was afraid to lose you. 
He led you to the museum café, pulling a wooden chair for you at a lonesome round table. He took off his gray backpack, zipped it open, and took out two brown bags. He smiled warmly at you. “I thought that maybe you’d like to have something homemade… I-I made your favorite food, the café menu looked quite expensive… I hope you don’t mind.” He stammered as he blushed, he knew that you both were on a college budget. But he recognized his cooking skills, which his mom taught him since he was a kid; and he used it to his advantage– in truth, it was a passion, a nice coping for the stress of college, he enjoyed his dishes greatly and this was the first time he got to share.
You looked surprised “Oh! You didn’t have to do that Johnathan… Thank Your cheeks turned red as you looked in the bag, gently grabbing the food from within.
His eyes watched you take the first bite and your eyes widened. It tasted amazing, like a comforting meal made with delight. You could feel a rush of serotonin through your mind. 
You swallowed and smiled, “I haven’t had a homemade meal in a long time, this tastes much better than what I’m used to.” You smiled and enjoyed the lingering flavor on your tastebuds. Then you realized he was staring at you, he had a look of fondness on his face. But… there was something off about it, you just brushed it off and paid no mind to it. 
The two of you ate your food together while speaking of your passions and memories, you learned a bit about him in that time. You learned that he had a very small friend group due to his social awkwardness, he barely even spent time with his friends so he didn’t mind. 
You finished your lunches, you disposed of his trash for him. The both of you chatted as you exited the building, he radiated with elation as he spoke about his scientific passions on your way back to campus- It was simply adorable.
Now you wished you didn't fall for his intelligence.
Stepping foot into his familiar dorm, you sat on his bed and relaxed. He followed and placed himself next to you, turning on the TV in front of the bed. He grabbed your waist gently and kissed your hair.
He avoided eye contact "wou-would you like to cuddle with me?" the hand on your side rubbed you soothingly.
"I wouldn't mind~" you said back, kissing his cheek to reassure him you wanted his affection. He laid down and held your body against his, he rubbed your hair before returning his attention to the television. 
It quickly became late. You could barely move from his body intertwining with yours; he was very clingy. But maybe that's because he's still new to relationships. 
He kissed your neck as both his hands were on your stomach, he took off his glasses and for the first time, you saw how sunken his eyes were. They had dark purple circles underneath as well, like he hadn't slept in days.
He dipped his head lower so his head was snuggled against your nape. He sighed and smiled. "Pleeeeease stay the night, I'd love to cuddle with you longer…" 
You paused, leaving him tense before nodding. You felt his legs wrap around yours even more as he pulled you closer in. Peppering your neck and shoulders with kisses as a reward for your compliance.
His body felt so… warm, it was hard not to fall into a cozy sleep. And his rhythmic breathing felt so soothing, you quickly fell into his trance.
He didn't even need his medication that night, for once he was okay with being awake. Feeling you unconsciously nuzzle into him; for once he felt loved.
He wasn't going to let that feeling go.
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Johnathan tilted his head, looming over you almost threateningly. "What's so special about him that makes you love him more than me…?" 
You felt so small under his gaze. He looked hurt but angry at the same time. "I told you before, he's just a friend, please let me have friends…" 
You felt pathetic begging him, but this was becoming a problem. He wouldn't let you live in peace, anytime you talked to anybody be it a boy or girl he felt threatened. And he made that known to you.
Your circle was slowly becoming smaller and smaller thanks to Johnathan constantly guilt-tripping you (and some other measures he took.)
Johnathan gripped your arm, it was tight, pleading but not tight enough to hurt.
"I'm sorry honey, I-I just want you to be safe. What if they take you from me? I don't know what I would do if I couldn't have you." 
He wiped away the tears you didn't realize fell, stroking your cheek as his gaze softened. "I feel more comfortable when you're with me, this is for your safety. You'll see." 
He kissed your temple, his grip unwavering. 
"I know you feel lonely, but you have me, you'll always have me. Isn't th- that enough? I don't need friends, but I need you."
You didn't know what to say, your mind was still spinning a cohesive response. It was hard not to panic, Johnathan was bigger than you, he may not be strong but he was definitely smarter than you. He made it clear that if you tried to leave, he'd find a way to bring you back.
He rubbed your cheek again. "Even if you're not used to having nobody, I'll make it okay, I'm doing this for us." 
It seemed like he was trying to soothe his paranoia as equally as he tried to soothe your suffering. He pulled you in a hug as you choked back sobs, remembering the distant memories of your friends. His hands crept through your hair as his breathing became more labored like he was trying to keep an anxiety attack from happening.
"You're all mine now, can you tell me you're mine?"
He spoke so gently, like he was trying to comfort you still by asking you to give into his insanity.
You looked at him, you saw through his glass lenses a look of genuine love and obsession, he genuinely thought this was what was best for you…
He was shoved away, his look twisting into one of surprise and confusion. "Johnathan, I can't do this, you can't just take my social life away from me! You need mental help…"
His posture faltered for a moment before shifting. He gave you a melancholy look, a tear dropping from his eye. He took a deep breath and sighed.
"I don't need mental help, I just need you. Please, you're the only one who ever cared for me. Don't you love me? There are horrible people out there. I'd know, I've experienced it. Is it so bad I don't want you to risk that?" 
You felt a pang of guilt, his intentions were good but he was showing it in all the wrong ways.
"I love you Johnathan but maybe we should have a break…" 
Maybe this would help him collect himself, and have him have enough time to reflect on why this was all wrong.
His face went pale and his calming smile twitched into a look of nervousness, his chest heaved even greater.
"No, no no NO! Breaks lead to breakups. I can make you happy, I can keep you safe! I'd do anything you ask-"
"Then let's have a break." 
You tried to stand straight and look stern even if your nerves showed through, he seemed to be heaving now. Like he couldn't breathe. 
He grabbed something you couldn't see off the kitchen table and stepped towards you and kicked the back of your legs, your body making an impact with the floorboards. Your head hurt, but he instantly saw his chance and straddled you. 
"I-I've been keeping you safe, what else could you want? I spent so much time protecting you, providing for you, loving you. And I'm not letting you go, I'm not letting you leave because you're too irrational to realize this is my way of love."
You couldn't move your arms, you struggled to try to free yourself. This only seemed to make him more upset as he shifted to keep you in place.
"I don't want to do this, but I'm not afraid to." 
He spoke in a tone you never heard before, he was calmly threatening you now. Taking a knife and showing you it's glint. It had… blood on it?
"I had to hurt people to make you mine, I admit it. And if you don't want anybody else getting hurt then you'll stay, right?" 
His chest was still heaving but he returned back to his calm, almost smug expression.
You nodded, you didn't know what he could mean by 'hurt' but you didn't want to risk him killing somebody out of lovesick insanity.
"I'll stay, I'll stay, I'll stay just… stop it stop it… stop" you repeat yourself, squirming absentmindedly. His smile returned again. 
"That's more like it, I wish I didn't have to show you this side of me. But if it keeps you with me I reckon it's only necessary for us. The sooner you accept my kind of love, the better."
He smiled a sickeningly sweet smile, watching your face look at him with fear. As he let your wrist go.
"Don't be afraid my love, everything will be okay." 
His grin only widened at your vulnerable position.
"You're all mine now~" 
He put the knife on the ground and chuckled with a layer of insanity present. He rubbed your arms affectionately.
At least nobody would be harmed now...
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writingkitten · 11 months
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Fuck me.
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msommers · 1 year
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FROM APHRODITE AND THE LOVERS, TO OUR LITTLE DOVES 🕊️💌 to celebrate the release of the ethereal lovers club, we're offering a limited-edition cassette of the album exclusively for our top fans on spotify. a limited quality is available for this offer - until april 30th or while supplies last - so act quickly!
mc & band for @infamous-if [templates]  [psd]
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tiagems · 1 year
If y'all hate Gwen, gtfo my blog.
There is a difference between holding a character accountable for their actions and pure, blatant misogyny.
She is a 16 year old girl who thought she was doing the right thing based on the information she had available to her and rhetoric that was being spoonfed to her by all the trusted adults in her life. She is NOT a selfish brat who only cares about getting in Miles' pants.
If you think Gwen is beyond redemption, please take a media literacy class, touch some grass, and seek therapy. And most importantly-
Stay the fuck away from me.
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fallinallincurls · 4 months
for the concept night:
idk how many people know about cammie hughes, buuuuut quinn's first night home with cammie, he's calmer than he thought he would be, he kept looking at her in the backseat of his car, making sure she was strapped in the car seat and, you know, still there, but otherwise he's calm. then she cries and he starts to panic and he remembers how ellen sang him, jack and luke "rock-a-by-baby" and that calms her down and he thinks maybe he won't be so bad at this dad thing
the blurb that started the cammie verse hasn’t even been written yet but in short, quinn becomes a single dad to his daughter cameron (affectionately called cammie) and he ends up falling for his best friend holland who offers to help him raise his little girl!!
quinn’s first night as a dad is the most special. he’s beyond nervous and is constantly checking to make sure cammie is okay and, in fact, there. he thought he’d be freaking out but he finds out quickly that he can do this even if he didn’t think he could. but when she gets fussy and starts crying, that panic comes rushing back until quinn remembers the song ellen used to sing to him and his brothers when they were little which instantly puts her to sleep. the sigh of relief he lets out when she snuggles against him and quiets down as she falls asleep is huge but quinn knows right then he would do anything for this little girl and being a dad isn’t going to be as hard as he thought
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Villain Song Showdown Preliminary Round #24
Top two will make it into the bracket
Songs below the cut
Daisy Daisy - Villain: Hal 9000
Agatha All Along - Villain: Agatha Harkness
Face Up, Face Down - Villain: Maximillion Pegasus
Gaunter O'Dimm theme - Villain: Gaunter O'Dimm
Prowler's theme - Villain: Prowler
Why Does the Huntsman Hunt? - Villain: Kraven the Huntsman
The Phantom of the Opera - Villain: The Phantom of the Opera
I Remember/Stranger Than You Dreamt It - Villain: The Phantom of the Opera
The Beauty Underneath - Villain: The Phantom of the Opera
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mercless · 11 days
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chucks these cowboy sketches on the dash before a smoke cloud suddenly appears
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peikywatson · 1 month
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In case any of y'all is interested, i have open comissions 👉🏼👈🏼 full body two characters with this coloring style $14, the background is included 👉🏼👈🏼
Please buy me comissions, I'm poor 🫵🏼
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desultory-novice · 9 months
"What did you say it was made with?"
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Mentioning my love of "Dedede is from the New World theory" this afternoon means it's time to re-upload this. (Plus, it'll be relevant.)
You might have noticed King Dedede and Noir/DMS have the same scarf. You might also have noticed that Apologies AU Lab Discovera does some very questionable things. Like...
...making these ugly scarves! It was not their best marketing decision.
...In a lot of ways.
No penguins were harmed in... Not EVERY penguin was harmed in the making of these scarves.
No, they are not made of penguin flesh. They are probably made of penguin down from one of Lab Discovera's earliest show animals.
But as audiences found themselves more attracted to the idea of seeing the alien than some of the more "mundane" creatures its miraculous technology had helped create, the all-climate, all-weather capable blue penguins were ultimately shelved as a mainline attraction and the specimens were offered up to a variety of departments to do whatever testing they wanted with them...
Some were even used in dimensional rift testing.
...One may have even survived.
[Apologies AU Masterpost]
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sobecomesomethingelse · 10 months
hooo ok that’s. 251.5 hours, or a little less than 10.5 days
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i cannot coherently express how much i love this podcast, what a beautiful piece of art it is, how much the characters and world have gripped me, or how much the stories told so far have come to mean to me
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@lettherebemonsters for a Lil Lucid Verse thread)
Anxious hands pick up the wailing cherub from the cradle, the angel shushing him. As one of the staff members that serves the high council and archangels, she is tasked to take on any request from her superiors. But to babysit a baby angel is not something she imagined ever doing. It’s not like they’re a common sight in Heaven, let alone with any instruction. And to her shock, the superiors appear to be equally as clueless.
“Please stop crying, little one. You’re giving me quite the headache.” The angels plea goes answered with another hiccup and wail, shimmering starry tears rolling down his apple mark cheeks. Even with the doors closed, the babies cries can be heard in the hall of the citadel.
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writingkitten · 1 year
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I am thinking sinful thoughts
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vvitchinthewoods · 1 year
there is absolutely a D&D club in the Spider Society and you cannot convince me otherwise
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