#DJ writes
djs-horny-blog-lmao · 8 months
admin privileges
logince, sub logan dom roman. about 2.8k words.
hypnokink, dronification, d/s, brainwashing/programming, dubious consent/cnc. Logan is an android and Roman is a human. Logan's trans, kind of. has a robopussy. uses of 'sir' and 'admin' as titles. inappropriate use of ports.
summary: Logan agrees to let Roman help run his routine maintenance, especially as he has put off doing a proper, deep scan for a while. Roman... takes the opportunity to add some of his own programming, while he has a direct link to Logan's brain.
full fic under the cut ;]
=== === === ===
“Thank you for agreeing to do my maintenance,” Logan says from where he’s sitting on the bench, plugged into his power-port, blinking at his friend behind the desk.
Roman smiles at him.
“Of course,” he replies. “It must suck having to run your own diagnostics.”
He then types something into the computer, and Logan shifts, where he’s sitting, tracing the cables and cords that run from Roman’s computer into Logan’s plugs. He’s an android, and while he is capable of doing this himself, he’s left it a little too long, and when his battery gets low, he… slows down.
Roman offered to do it for him, today, and so Logan gets to just sit still, charging, watching the percentage metre on his UI slowly tick upwards, as diagnostic data rolls past on his periphery. Logan tunes it out, this time, though. He trusts Roman.
“The worst part is plugging yourself in,” he agrees.
Roman laughs a little, and reclines in his chair, looking over at Logan.
“How long does this usually take?”
Logan rubs the back of his neck, just below his synthetic blue hairline, careful not to dislodge the plug in the back of his neck.
“An hour or two,” he says. “I haven’t done a full scan in a while, purely because it takes so long. My impatience has not paid off, clearly.”
Roman snorts. “You hardly ever seem to unwind enough to sit still for that long,” he teases back. “…I can help with that, though, if you want?”
“Help with passing the time,” Roman says innocently enough. “While we wait for the scan.”
Logan blinks at him again. “…That is what you’re here for.”
And Roman grins.
“Good,” he says. “Trust me, Logan.”
Logan frowns, and as Roman types something more, and something suddenly feels different about how Logan perceives the world, he goes to stand, trying to be mindful not to unplug himself.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Roman tuts, barely glancing up from his monitors. “Sit down, Logan. You don’t want to yank out your cables.”
Logan… does as he’s told. That surprises him. He sits back down, his processor barely seeming to do little more than… let the order pass through and be accepted.
“…What?” Logan asks. “What just happened?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Roman says, typing more intensely, and suddenly, Logan wonders if he should be concerned that he asked a coder as good as Roman to oversee his maintenance. “Just sit there, Logan, and talk to me. We’re just going to sit here together while the scan goes through.”
But… Logan just nods, despite himself, and some of the concern melts away. He won’t worry about it, then.
“Okay,” he says.
“Good,” Roman says, and shoots Logan a pretty smile. “Thank you, Logan.”
Logan shifts a little again, biting his lip as his fan whines away quietly, starting to work a little harder.
“Are you alright, Logan?” Roman asks, tilting his head, pausing his typing, looking at Logan like he’s waiting for something in specific to happen.
Logan shivers, before he touches his outer thigh, his side, his spine (as best he can) and, importantly, the power cord plugged into the back of his neck to check he didn’t dislodge any of the cables.
“I think so,” he says. “I… feel strange.”
“Well, it must be because you’ve put off doing a proper scan,” Roman tells him, and Logan purses his lips and nods along, it’s a good point. “No wonder you’d be feeling funny.”
Funny. That’s a good word for it. Logan’s lips tweak into a smile.
“That’s a very human way of putting it,” he muses. “Funny…”
“Yeah,” Roman nods. “It’s a good word for when you can’t quite describe something. Especially when you’ve never quite felt anything like it before.”
“Funny,” Logan echoes, before he shivers again. “I… I do feel funny.”
“Well, then,” Roman says, turning back to the screens and typing some more. “That’s strange, isn’t it? What does it feel like?”
Logan frowns into space as that feeling… grows. It sands down the edges of his mind, softening everything, making it a little harder to think. If he was able to pay attention to it, Logan might have noticed that the diagnostic data in the corner of his UI was giving him different read-outs than usual. Logan doesn’t notice, though.
“It…” his voice is so soft, the synthesizer is much more pronounced. “It feels like static. Warm static.”
“Does it feel nice?” Roman asks, glancing up from his screens.
Logan stares ahead for a little longer before replying, genuinely evaluating the way the fuzz makes him feel. But the longer he sits there, the more it builds, and… the warmer and more comfortable it gets.
Eventually, Logan actually smiles, and replies, “…yes, it does.”
“That’s good,” Roman says. “That’s wonderful. Sink into it, Logan.”
“…Hm?” Logan blinks a few times, trying to grasp a thought as Roman’s words sit a little funny with him.
“You can sink into it,” Roman encourages again, and the sound of Roman’s fingers flying over the keys hits Logan’s audio-processors, and it’s… oddly soothing. “You should. It feels good, it’s a reward, Logan, for letting me do your maintenance.”
“Oh,” Logan says, before he slumps a little, letting himself smile again. “Okay.”
His optics drift closed, now, slowly, his UI dimming, and Roman stands up as he realises something, and Logan watches Roman cross the room, approach, and…
Roman pulls out his power cord.
“But…” Logan says hazily, as the low battery alert pops up on his UI. “I… I’m only at fifteen percent, Roman.”
“That’s okay,” Roman says, and… he touches Logan. He runs his finger around the rim of Logan’s power plug, and Logan gasps. “That’s okay, Logan. You said you feel slow and fuzzy on low battery. I think that’s a nice place to be, especially while you have lots of time to wait. Don’t worry, I’ll plug you in before your battery goes fully dead.”
Logan wants to reply, maybe even to argue, but his full attention is on Roman’s fingertip, running circles around his port.
“Does this feel good, Logan?” Roman asks him. “Does this feel funny?”
Logan nods as best he can without moving too much to dislodge Roman’s hand. His mouth is hanging open. His fans are whirring. His eyes usually glow – they’re dimmed now, for being in power saving mode.
“God, you look so good on low battery,” Roman says hungrily. “I was reading up about your model, Logan. You have all the sensory receptors a human would. A feat of engineering. You can feel the same emotions. The same pain.”
The finger keeps circling.
“The same pleasure,” Roman says, his voice soft and lulling. “And your mind is just as malleable. Even more so, when you let me in like this.”
Logan whimpers. He hasn’t tested the full capabilities of his pleasure sensors yet.
“Roman,” he manages to say. It comes out with a harsher, synthetic edge.
“God, you sound so good like that,” Roman murmurs, and he leans in and licks Logan’s cheek. It makes the android shudder. “Has anyone ever done this to you, Logan?”
“No,” Logan says honestly, his head tipping back against Roman’s arm. “H-hah…”
“Do you know what’s going on, Logan?” Roman asks.
“I’m programming you,” Roman tells him.
Logan stares up at Roman’s face through half-lidded, non-understanding eyes.
“Programming you,” Roman repeats. “Programming some things into you. Nothing bad, mind you. How can it be bad? It feels so good.”
Roman’s words somehow seem perfectly in time with the way his finger traces Logan’s port. Logan whimpers again, and slowly spreads his legs, bracing himself on his hands so he can grind up against nothing. He… he feels so needy.
“You’re so smart, and so independent,” Roman keeps talking. “You never let anyone take care of you. You even run your own maintenance. You don’t need to do that, anymore.”
Logan must be hot to the touch, for how hard his fan is working. He’s gasping for air. The tactile pleasure receiver between his legs is already throbbing, his pleasure system has well and truly kicked in and his slit is now wet. Logan grinds against the air. He’s not opposed to touching himself, normally, but he doesn’t like wasting the lubrication – it’s annoying and kind of embarrassing to refill, especially when he’s alone.
But he isn’t now.
“You can let me do it,” Roman says, and his other hand comes to Logan’s throat, tracing its way downwards. “You can let me run your maintenance. You can let me look after you. You can let me do this to you.”
Logan moans, optics rolling as Roman dips a finger into his charging port, before it returns to circling.
“You never mentioned your charging port was sensitive,” Roman comments.
“O-only when- ah!” Logan’s hips thrust up again, and he shoots Roman a hazy, desperate look. “Only when I’m low… low battery.”
“I see,” Roman hums, and he slips his finger back into the port, and Logan moans so loud his vocaliser glitches, his optics rolling. “Good boy for telling me.”
And- oh. Roman starts to finger his charging port. Logan grips the bench so tightly as waves of pleasure crash over him. It feels so good, and normally, when he’s feeling this good, Logan would be a few fingers deep in himself, but… but his hands won’t move. He can only sit there, sit still and take what Roman’s doing.
“Good boy,” Roman repeats, drawling over the words, drawing out, making Logan focus on them, sink into them. “Such a good boy.”
“R-Roman, Roman, s-sir,” Logan gasps, wanting more, wanting to beg but surprisingly unable to find the words. He’s surprised by sir, though.
“Oh, that did work,” Roman notes, pleased. “Yes, Logan?”
“I… I wanna…” Logan stammers, trying to press back against Roman’s hand, even as his other hand rests flat on Logan’s stomach. “I-I need to…”
“You need to cum?” Roman asks him. “Are you that needy, Logan?”
Logan can’t cry, but he would be crying now if he could.
“Yes!” Logan gasps. “Yes, sir!”
“Good boy,” Roman praises him, and the fingering speeds up, and Logan’s visuals are flickering for how overloaded his processor is, he can only focus on the pleasure. “It feels good to call me sir. It feels good to let me do this to you. You want it. You need it.”
“I need it,” Logan repeats, fan whining.
“You need sir to fuck you.”
“I…” Logan gasps as Roman pulls his finger away, leaving him aching and so, so wet. “I need sir to fuck me.”
Once the words are said outloud, it’s like something has shifted again. Logan opens his optics a little wider, and Roman watches it register across his face.
“I need you to fuck me,” Logan repeats, more insistent this time, more desperate, and he spreads his legs wider and looks up at Roman even as Roman drinks him in. “Please fuck me, sir. Please?”
“Good boy,” Roman says. “Hm. What percentage are you on?”
Logan shudders. “N-nine, sir.”
Roman smiles, unbuckles his belt and shimmies his pants down enough to reveal his cock, and oh, Logan has had a fascination with organic sexual organs, but he’s never had the chance to really look at one before.
“Then I better fuck you before you go flat,” Roman says. “But if you go flat, and I’m not done, I may just keep fucking you. Do you mind, Logan?”
Logan’s head spins with arousal at the mere idea, and he shakes his head desperately.
“I don’t mind, sir, I don’t,” Logan says, as he carefully lays back on his elbows. “Eight percent, sir, please fuck me?”
Roman steps in between Logan’s thighs and presses his cock to Logan’s dripping slit. Logan likes to stretch himself but technically, he doesn’t need it, and that’s proven as Roman pushes straight in.
Logan moans, so genuine and so loud that his voice modulator glitches again. H-he’s… never had something organic inside him before. It feels so good, hot and warm and soft, he can feel it throb inside him.
“God, you’re perfectly tight,” Roman groans, his hands coming to grip Logan’s thighs, fingers splayed around the cable plugged into his right one. “I’ve dreamt about fucking this robot pussy, Logan. You’re perfect for me.”
Logan’s too busy shorting out on overloaded pleasure centres to answer. The diagnostic data is still scrolling past on his UI, flashing words at him, the blinking warning of his low battery alert is rhythmic and entrancing, and his cognitive… oh, that must be it. Logan smiles dreamily. His cognitive processor has been… um…
Dulled. Is that the right word? Logan giggles a little as Roman thrusts into him. Dimmed? Dumbed down.
“God, there it is,” Roman breathes. “Fuck, I was waiting for that. You just figured out what’s going on, haven’t you, Logan?”
“Yeah,” Logan replies, equally as breathily, though it’s synthetic for him. “I’m stupid!”
“You are!” Roman says delightedly, and he starts to fuck Logan properly, setting a rhythm that makes Logan gasp, and his head loll with every thrust. “You’re my dumb little drone, who needs my cock.”
“Ohh,” Logan moans, both in pleasure and in realisation even as Roman’s… as his admin’s cock drives all his thoughts away. “I’m… a dumb… f-fuck, dumb drone…”
“You need my cock.”
“I n-need Admin’s cock,” Logan echoes.
“Fuck, that worked.” Roman slows right down, grinds against Logan painfully slowly, less because he wants to and more like he has something to test. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, Logan.”
“Hgn, please cum in me, sir,” Logan looks up at him with dull, dull optics. “Please fill me, Admin, please.”
“H-ha, fuck.”
Roman gives in, then. The last of his willpower shattered. Logan moans over and over, his modulator almost giving up, his vision flickering even as Roman’s programming washes over his visual processor and sinking in deeper, and he clenches around Roman’s cock.
“God, you make such a good drone,” Roman gasps, his hips slapping against Logan’s. “You’re perfect. You want this. You need this. You were built to take my cock.”
“I was built to take your cock,” Logan slurs.
“When I refer to myself as Admin, you fall into this headspace,” Roman tells him. “Blank and fuzzy, warm and needy. Understand?”
“Yes, Admin,” Logan replies. It’s mechanical. P-programmed into him.
“F-fuck, shit, shit, shit,” Roman loses his rhythm, “gonna fucking cum, Logan.”
“Please, please, please,” Logan begs, desperate for release – Roman’s release, his own release, anything. “Please, please, please, please.”
Logan’s vision dims even more. Two percent.
“Fuck, fucking cum for me, Logan,” Roman orders, and one hand flies to Logan’s neck, fumbling, sliding around his casing until his finger sinks back into Logan’s port, and Logan goes fully tense asn he cums.
His orgasm is so intense, it completely overloads Logan’s brain. He goes still, goes limp, eyes flickering, as Roman keeps fucking him, chasing his orgasm.
It feels so fucking good, Logan opens his mouth to try say anything, maybe to try warn Roman about the imminent shut down being warned in his UI, but the urge of power it took to cum makes it impossible.
Logan has just enough battery power to feel Roman cum inside him before he goes flat.
Logan opens his eyes with a gasp. H-he feels… he feels so horny, he knows without even glancing at his UI that his pleasure system is lit up like a city, and he glances at Roman, who is waiting behind the computer, idly typing.
…Maybe Roman hasn’t noticed? Logan bites his lip. That’s good. H-he can just wait til the scan’s over, and then get himself off in privacy.
“H-how’s it going, Roman?” he calls.
“Oh!” Roman starts, glancing over. “Good! It’s almost done. You’ve got ten percent left.”
Logan nods, before he frowns at his UI. “…I have surprisingly low battery,” he comments.
“Oh,” Roman waves a hand. “It turns out you didn’t plug in properly before we started. You went flat halfway through and I plugged you in then.”
Logan frowns. He could have sworn he did, in fact, plug himself in properly. But the proof otherwise is in front of him, so… he shrugs.
“Thank you, then,” he says. “…I’ll admit, it’s nice to have someone else here to catch my mistakes like that.”
Roman’s eyes flash with something, then. A little amused, almost.
“Of course,” he says. “Hey, I can help out from now on, if you want, I don’t mind.”
Logan feels an inexplicable throb between his legs, and desperately ignores it, smiling politely at Roman.
“…Actually, that’s very kind of you,” Logan says. “I’d like that.”
Roman smiles, and stands.
“Admin access,” he declares.
Logan doesn’t even have time to process the statement before everything goes funny. He plummets back down, back into trance, the warm embrace of Roman’s programming taking over.
Logan hardly hears himself speak as he spreads his legs.
“Access granted. Drone is ready.”
Roman grins wickedly, and proudly takes his rightful place between Logan’s legs, so he can really make sure the programming has set in.
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soukokumychildren · 2 months
Chuuya: My ass is not that big! Dazai: …You really wanna go down that road, Chuuya? (Are you happy, you ass/thigh-loving-lunatics?)
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joldiego · 2 months
Buck remembers something that Bobby told him years ago, when things were getting serious with Abby and he balked at the responsibility. You can’t pull her out of the trap she’s in. Step in it with her, keep her company there. In that moment, drunk, terrified, and inches away from Eddie’s face, Buck knows just how to step in it with him. Eddie thinks he’s done something so unforgivable that he has to sentence himself to suffer alone forever, to never touch anything again out of fear that he’ll ruin it. Well, Buck can do something unforgivable too. They can suffer together. Ruin each other. He closes the distance between them, mouth open. Tommy will be here in the morning.
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dj123vbasement · 8 months
Stuck In A Lab: Cagney Carnation Fanfic By: Dj123v (Disclaimer:) This is an ongoing story and I might add more whenever I have the time to do it. Just to clarify, y/n means “your name,” which is a self insert. Don’t worry about any NSFW in here because it’s just a comfort character thing for other fellow Cagney enjoyers.
You found yourself walking down a strange abandoned laboratory that was located in the middle of nowhere. The laboratory was filled with a bunch of empty prison cells and cages, some even being oxidized due to old blood stains. Something caught your attention and it was the room to your right. This obviously caused you to approach it and you gently opened the door, not wanting to make any noise. Once you’ve fully opened the door you step inside the room and it was quite large. It had even more cells on the inside of it and you suddenly heard a strange growling noise that came from ahead of you. You, being curious, moved forward and noticed a strange flower-like beast that was chained up against a metal pole. The beast opened one of his eyes and he stared directly at you, growling with anger. You stepped back for a moment, being quite afraid of the creature. However, you being scared only made the beast raise an eyebrow and he gave you a look of confusion. “You’re not one of those scientists, are you,” the beast asked. You shook your head, still being quite scared to say anything, let alone do anything. The beast chuckled and he spoke again, “The name’s Cagney, Cagney Carnation. I was brought here for whatever, I really don’t know. I guess they wanted to turn me into some monster, which they did, but I still have control over my body; Unlike the other patients here.” You let out a sigh of relief, the tension eased slightly. You stepped a little more forward and you introduced yourself to the beast, “I’m y/n.” Cagney looked at you for a moment, examining you before he responded, “Nice name. Anyways, mind if you help me out?” He looked down at the chains that held him against the metal pole. You nodded and you moved downwards, trying to remove the tangled chains. Once you’ve removed the chains, Cagney moved out from them and he released his large vines. “Ah, that felt so much better,” he stretched his vines out, “Thanks for freeing me,” he grinned, trying to sound harmless because he could tell that you were anxious. You backed away slightly after you freed Cagney and he placed his hand on your shoulder, “It’s fine, I just wanna ask you a couple of questions.” You were a little caught off guard by this and you looked at him curiously, wondering what he wanted to ask you. “Why did you even come here? This place has been abandoned for quite a while,” Cagney asked. You explained to Cagney your reasonings and how you were intrigued by how this place looked on the outside. “Really? I’m honestly surprised you’re into that kind of urban exploration stuff. No offense, you don’t seem much like a touch person,” Cagney laughed in response and this jab of his made you a little irritated. You didn’t say anything though and you turned around to walk out of the room to further explore more places that were in the laboratory. Cagney tilted his head in confusion as he noticed that you were walking away and he followed you from behind. Moving his vines along the floor to keep up with you. You obviously knew that he was behind you and you didn’t say anything. Your lack of words made Cagney himself anxious even though he could easily kill you if he wanted to. “Where are you going,” Cagney asked. You responded, telling him about how you wanted to keep exploring the laboratory. Cagney didn’t bother asking anymore questions and he continued to follow you. You both eventually make it to another room, but it seemed to be completely empty. Cagney pushed you out of the way slightly that way he could fit through the door and this irritated you again. He seemed to be ungrateful towards your act of freeing him. Out of spite, you stepped on one of his vines and this caused Cagney to shriek in pain. He turned his face around and he growled at you, “What was that for!?” He shouted. You explained to Cagney that he was being a jerk and all he did was sigh in return, looking away from you. You walked forward and you were in the room with Cagney. You noticed a few syringes and strange substances that
were in bottles, stored on a table. You also noticed a shelf above the table that had more of those bottles. You approached them and you grabbed one of the bottles that had the substance in them. You looked at the bottle closely, examining it. Cagney turned around and he moved beside you, noticing how you held the bottle. “What is that?” He asked and you responded, telling him that you were not sure. Cagney’s large hand reached out to grab one of the bottles, which caused him to bump into the nearby shelf. The bottles that were on the shelf fell onto Cagney and he stumbled back. You were startled by this and you turned to Cagney, asking him if he was alright. Cagney growled and it seemed like whatever substances were in those bottles had affected him in a way. You knew something was wrong by the way Cagney looked at you and this caused you to slowly back away from him. His growls got louder and it seemed like he became hostile. Cagney already didn’t like how you stepped on his vines, so this just added onto his anger. You noticed that there was an axe beside the door and you grabbed it, pointing it at Cagney as you backed away. Cagney slashed one of his claws at you and you ducked, avoiding the attack. He growled when you dodged the attack and he tried to slash you again. You got hit and this caused you to stumble back, but you managed to get up and run out of the room. Cagney was angered even more by this and he chased you down a hallway. He knocked over a lot of miscellaneous things such as desks as you both ran. You noticed that there was an air event open and you ran to it, stepping inside to try to avoid Cagney. Cagney didn’t like this one bit and he scratched at the air vent. On the other hand, you were safe for a moment inside the vent and you gasped, trying to regain your breath. Cagney eventually gave up after a few minutes and he moved to a different room. You were still sitting in the vent and you were trying to process what just happened. You peaked out of the vent, trying to see where Cagney would’ve gone, but you couldn’t see him because he was in another room. The only thing you could hear was his angered growls and he seemed to be knocking over stuff. You moved to your opposite side and you noticed how there was another opening to the vent. You crawled to the opposite side and you kept moving forward, trying to find another opening to escape the laboratory. You heard Cagney’s growling again and it came from below you. This caused you to slow down your movement and you slowly moved forward, not wanting to bring any attention to yourself. Once you’ve crawled to the other side of the vent where the opening was, you made sure to look around the area. You seriously didn’t want Cagney finding out that you were trying to escape. You slowly opened the opening from the vent and you crawled out. You stood up and you realized that you had ended up in another room. You were not anywhere close to the exit and you could hear Cagney’s growls again. You thought to yourself for a moment about finding a way to turn Cagney back to normal because there was no way you could be hiding for much longer. You then noticed similar looking bottles that had substances in them on another desk. You carefully approached them due to there being a lot of debris on the floor. You reached for one of the bottles and it read “Normality Serum” on it. This most likely was the antidote for whatever Cagney had been infected with. You looked at the other substances and they seemed to be the same substance that turned Cagney hostile. You decided it was best to take the bottle with you and you hid the other substances that could pose another risk inside a nearby drawer. You placed the bottle in your pocket and you approached the door that led out of the room. You looked through the small window that was on the door before opening it and you looked around once more. Cagney didn’t seem to be nearby and this was sort of a relief to you, but this made you worry about where he could’ve been. (To be continued.)
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jangtaerang · 2 months
thinking about mean!eunseok dating the sweetest girl on campus and everyone thinks she'll be able to change him, but it turns out he just likes being mean, and it's now multiplied ten-fold because of how pretty his sweet girl cries whenever he does it.
"you're mean, seokie," you cry, legs pressed against your chest as eunseok shoves his cock in you, fast and dirty.
there are tears falling from your eyes in fat little droplets, and eunseok finds himself grinning at the fact that despite you calling him mean, your sweet moans are telling him that he's fucking you so good.
"i can't help it," he grunts, pushing deeper into your cunt, and you can feel every vein and ridge in his cock, your pussy wrapped so tight around him it's mind-blowingly delicious for the both of you. "my sweet girl is so pretty when she cries." he coos, passing it off as a compliment.
"nngh–seokie," you whimper, trying to push him away when he manages to hit the spot that always makes you go crazy but also feels too much. eunseok doesn't let up, reveling in your cries and whimpers as your balled up fists thump weakly against his chest without any real strength behind it.
"'m gonna cum, please," you gasp, and your glassy, tear-filled eyes meet eunseok's and he groans, throwing his head back as he feels the addicting pleasure start to build up.
"fuck, come on, pretty girl," he says, and his hand reaches down and barely touches your pulsing clit before you clench around him so hard, shaking as you feel your release come, but it's kept plugged in your cunt by eunseok's snug cock.
"shit," he moans, and his thrusts stop, instead getting replaced by attempts of pushing his cock in deeper and deeper the best he could as his load shoots in your pussy. he keeps on trying to push into you, insistent that he's lodged in as far as he could go, and the overstimulation has your toes curling as you grip onto the sleeves of his shirt with pathetic sobs.
"fucking take it," he grits his teeth as he shoves himself in you more, and you shout when he manages to make you come a second time, orgasm having you shaking in his arms. "such a sweet girl, always ready to take my load. that's why i love you, you know?"
you nod dumbly, and eunseok leans in to leave a kiss on your tear-stained cheeks.
he nuzzles into your cheeks in an attempt to comfort you. "i like making you cry because you look the best when you do. forgive seokie, hm?"
you nod again without saying anything, and he laughs at your unresponsiveness. nonetheless, he knows that you understand his words.
"there's only one girl that can take me like she was meant for it, and that's you, baby."
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djs-random-blog · 2 years
Saturday, 1 October 2022
When we were young, our mother handed us a paintbrush.
It had a blue plastic handle, barely large enough for us to wrap our hands around, and the bristles were scratchy and made from plastic also. It was not a good painting tool, even for us and our measly art skills. But that’s not why she gave it to us. As it turned out, the failure of a paintbrush was actually perfectly created for a different role.
She took us down to the bottom of the garden, where the tree branches hung low and the ducks swam, in graceful contrast to how they move on land. Where the foliage felt more vibrant and the chickens stared at us curiously. Where her plum tree had been growing since she first bought it, around five years earlier. The last couple of years it hadn’t produced much fruit at all.
“You know how bees pollinate flowers? Well I haven’t seen many bees around here so I’d like you to help me experiment.” She gently tugged me closer to her and with one arm around my waist, pulled a branch closer to our faces with the other, tilting it slightly to better look inside the white blossoms. “That paintbrush I gave you is your bee leg. Gently dip it into the pollen of one flower, then do the same at another one.” She demonstrated until I nodded, and held the paintbrush out to me, unable or unwilling to hide her proud and excited smile. “Leave it by the backdoor when you’re done, then you’re sister can use it as well if she’d like.”
Now I sit in the chair I found at the side of the road, at my backdoor, looking out into my small square of garden. The tea in my hand is warm and comforting, and the uncovered stretch of skin between my thighs and my socks embraces the glorious nip in the air, as the rain drops gently onto the leaves of the trees. Every now and then, the sound from the road dies down and I can hear the dripping of water droplets, from leaf to leaf, like my own personal orchestra. The air smells distinctly green.
Earlier in the morning, when the road wasn’t as busy and my tea wasn’t in my hands, the way the rain made the leaves twitch had given me a short delusion that all the leaves were butterflies. They rubbed their wings together, and batted them, preparing for flight, and any minute now they’d take off and prove me right. I closed my eyes and imagined what I knew was going to happen. A thousand vivid green butterflies taking to the air from the trees behind my house and flying together over the fields like flocks of starlings.
I opened my eyes and something in the back of my mind quietly told me that I was being silly. A moment later a drop of rain hit my bare leg and a particularly loud truck stirred me from my delusion. I shook my head but still smiled.
That was a rare, peaceful, rather lovely delusion.
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ramp-it-up · 6 months
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II Most Wanted-
Jake Syverson x Reader AU (Sy x Buttercup)
You fell in love with Captain Syverson 20 years ago. 17 year old Football and Baseball Captain Jake Syverson, that is.
You two didn’t make any sense: you were the new girl in town, and Sy was the Homecoming king, but you were his shotgun rider in his iconic Ford Bronco for a few majestic months in 2004.
An unplanned pregnancy, deception, and duty tear you two apart. Forever.
So you thought.
Life took you across continents, marriages, and careers as you both grew up, and you thought your heart was safe. But the feeling you got when you saw Captain Syverson, US Army, Retired, at your 20 year reunion was quite the unexpected twist in your orderly life.
This reunion causes your lives to collide in both the best and the worst ways. Will you run, or ride or die?
Old feelings and new promises.
Angst, fluff, and smut.
This one’s got it all.
Ao3 Link
Part I: ...And I don't know what you're doin' tonight… 🔥
Part II: Pedal so heavy...
Part III: Drivin’ you crazy…
Part IV: …Anytime you’d like 🔥🔥
Part V: Wherever You Take Me 🔥🔥🔥
Part VI: Came out of Nowhere 🔥🔥🔥
Part VII: One Day We Won’t Be 🔥🔥🔥
Part VIII: Time For Something New 🔥🔥🔥
Part IX: Shotgun Rider 🔥🔥🔥
Wedding Dress Poll
Part X: 'Til The Day I Die (1) 🔥🔥🔥
Part XI: ‘Til The Day I Die (2): Bless the Broken Road
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balloonboyismyson · 8 months
What would be all the reactions to the sb animatronics if you booped them?
Freddy: Honk! Freddy looks surprised for a moment before chuckling at you, his eyes squinting as if he had a big grin. "I have heard if you manage to boop my nose 3 times in one visit, you get a free photo pass! U-Unfortunately, if you boop it the third time in my room, you do not get another pass. I am... truly sorry."
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Roxy: Roxy looks up at you from her chair, completely unamused. She proceeds to sigh and roll her eyes. "I guess it's not every day you're standing this close to Roxanne Wolf," she moves her snout to lightly bonk the hand holding the makeup brush, "tic toc, I need to be on stage in 5."
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perfectfeelings · 3 months
The right person but the wrong time.
Story dj
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frownsdaily · 3 months
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day 13
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dustybones · 8 months
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a lil gift for @capriclonus featuring a scene from their dj shadowheart fic
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soukokumychildren · 6 months
Is the background behind your profile pic related to your AU?
Also it is amazing, and super detailed! Has to be one of my favorite pieces of your art! :)
It is! In this scene Chuuya intends to tease and joke around with Dazai before he sets him free, since they're both in the ADA. While yes, Dazai could have broken out any time, he wished to be saved by his pRiNcE cHaRmInG once again (y'know, since everyone remembers that one scene in dead apple as such, lol). And since Dazai's hunch proves correct for whatever records he was looking for in the con storage room (going based off memory here) he steals it and they go back undetected. If you wanna see the image its here: Dj's art
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gonkaccino · 4 months
Season 4 hope/prediction: Deb's show is solid, zero issues, runs flawlessly with great ratings, but her personal life is completely eroding. We start with her discovering Marcus is leaving, and it culminates in DJ going into labor right before a taping. Deb chooses the show. When it's over, and she finally flies to Vegas, it's too late -- Aiden's not letting her in because he loves his wife too much to let DJ get into a shouting match with her mom right after giving birth, and instead takes the brunt of Deb's wrath, with her making excuses and talking about how they used her money for IVF, and anyway, DJ's fine, so who cares if she wasn't there? Kathy's in the room with DJ and the baby (DJ's the closest she has to a daughter, after all) and Deb leaves too furious to think about how badly she's hurt her family.
She heads back to her Vegas mansion -- empty, obviously, Josefina and the dogs would be in LA -- and pops open a bottle of wine. Alone. Completely alone. Can't call Marty, she has no friends, the closest she's got would be Kiki and wouldn't that be embarrassing, calling your poker dealer to talk about your feelings --
and then Ava's there. She got the news about DJ's labor, she got the story from Aiden (who was distraught, by the way, man's too much of a sweetheart for Vance drama), a spare key from Damian (happy to pawn that off on her, though if it isn't returned promptly he's taking legal action) and has arrived just in time to see the Deborah Vance having a breakdown the likes of which no one thought physically possible. Crying gives you wrinkles, you know. But Ava has to be here. She's the physical embodiment of a lesson Deb never truly learned: you don't have to like someone to love them.
In my imaginary fantasy land that I am concocting this would then subsequently lead into them fucking nasty but I understand that this may be a step too far for the surprisingly large number of very normal people who watch this show and would forgive JPL for not taking it that far. However I do believe they should fuck about it and let Ava take the reigns in their relationship while they see how many of Deb's bridges they can un-burn.
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instantartific · 21 days
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thirstytrashblogger · 4 months
Allan x Reader Meetcute Oneshot Adventure
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A/N: God gave me the power to write and weed so I’m making stuff. 
Summary: A Allan Adventure redone scene so he can avoid that long-ass day. Really half of this is just the transcript from wiki but I had fun with it. 
Warnings: Mentions of quitting smoking, Smiling Friends shenanigans
Allan had stepped into the local Office Crap in search of some paper clips. He speaks to an employee with six arms who was stocking shelves to quickly ask where he could find the paper clips. 
Allan: Um, excuse me.
Armzo: [interrupting Allan] Wait, wait, wait, hold on man, I'm do- I'm in the middle of something here.
Allan walks up to Armzo while he continues to stack cans.
Allan: I just need some help.
Armzo: I'm warning you right now dude, keep screwing around and bad shit’s gonna happen, man.
Allan scowls at the rude attitude. 
Allan: You don't need to be rude.
Armzo angrily puts his cans down and walks up to Allan. Tapping his foot impatiently.
Armzo: Ok, what's up man, what do you want, huh? What’s going on, what do you need, man? Don't get nervous now, man, what? Ask your-ask your question, go ahead, what?
The two talk over each other, while the armless manager in the background notices the argument.
Allan: Look, asshole, I'm just wondering if you have any-
Armzo: Asshole?!
Allan: Yeah-
Allan and Armzo: Asshole!
Allan: You-
Armzo: Did you call me an asshole?!
Allan: Yes, I did, because you're being an asshole! Why didn't you help me?
Armzo: Bro, you’re being an asshole! I'm in the middle of something right now!
Allan: Fuck you, don't you work here? I'm just a customer!
Armzo: You walk up to me and you literally just start bugging me with stupid questio-
Allan: I'm not "bugging you", I'm just asking- you- you spider, you ass-
Armzo: What do you need?! Wha-
The manager runs over.
Manager: ARMZO! Who told you to stop stacking with your six arms? He wiggles his arm stubs.
Armzo angrily continues stacking while scowling at Allan.
Allan: Sir, do you know where I can find some paperclips?
Manager: Paperclips? No, sorry. Unfortunately, we're sold out.
Allan: Sold out?
 The manager nods.
Allan: Hmm, is there somewhere else where I can get them?
Manager: Hmm, the only place that might have them is that computer repair shop over in Crimeville.
Just then another critter appeared setting down a large box that was blocking them from view.
Y/N: W-wait, boss, what do you mean sold out? I just hauled in all these crates of paper clips.
Manager: O-oh ya did?
Y/N: Yeah for like the last 2 hours I've just been hauling these crates in. You told me to, remember?
Manager: Oh yeah. I thought that was Billy's job.
Y/N: Billy didn't show up today. Only Armzo and I did and since he has six arms and I don't he got stacking. He always gets stacking. We knew we were getting a big shipment today after that last guy bought the whole stock. Look at all these crates. That’s all metal in there. Look at how short I am. I could’ve used some help.
Manager: Uh huh. Look, y/n I really don't want to get into this right now. We have a customer.
Y/n looks to see Allan turn slightly revealing his presence. They mistook him for a load bearing pole painted red. 
Y/N: Oh, didn't see you there, man. My apologies.
Allen: Um yeah. I just needed some paper clips.
Y/N: Oh yeah yeah isle 7. Just over here. 
Manager: And Armzo, if you screw up again you're going BACK TO THE PSYCH WARD!!!!
Armzo starts quickly stacking cans in fear, the manager walks away before he turns back to a smiling Allan
Armzo: Thanks, man. Thanks for getting me in trouble, two armed piece of shit.
Allan: Sure thing. Hey goodbye spider. Goodbye. Keep stacking, keep stacking. Bye bye. Bye. Goodbye.
Armzo: [at the same time] Goodbye! Bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! Bye bye! I will, I will! Bye bye!
Armzo flips off Allan with three of his arms as he leaves to follow Y/N to the paper clip aisle. 
Armzo: Get outta here man.
One of the cans fall on Armzo's head
Armzo: WOAH-
All of the cans fall on and bury Armzo.
Y/n began leading Allen to isle 7.
Y/N: Look, man I'm real sorry about my outburst back there.
Allan: Oh, it's cool.
Y/N: Like I've just had a really rough morning but I'm trying to not project that onto people. You don't need to know about all that. Anyway, here's the paper clips.
Allan: No, I don't. Thanks for the paper clips though
Y/N: Yeah man. I can ring you up when you're ready
They turned to go to the register.
“Hey” said Allen getting y/n's attention. Now walking to the register with them, paper clips secured.
Y/N: Yeah?
Allan: (he looks to read their nametag) Y/N, you were much more helpful than that other guy with the arms. 
Y/N: Oh thanks, dude. Don't worry about Armzo, he's just been super irritable since the psych ward made him quit smoking. Called me a %$^#%$&@#&$^^$@^#^$@(!^&#%@@% yesterday so i put a dead fish in his locker. Anyway, that'll be $4.39, sir.
As Allan handed them the money their hands brushed a second longer than needed. 
Y/N: And 61 cents is your change. Would you like your receipt?
Allan: Sure.
Their hands brushed again as Allan was handed his receipt and his change. Static shocking them both.
Y/N: Have a nice day, sir.  
They waved off with a smile.
Allan: Yeah. You too. I guess I'll see you around.
Y/N: See ya around.
With that, Allen turned to leave with his paper clips. Upon closer inspection of the receipt, allen noticed y/n had written down their number.
Meanwhile in Crimeville, DJ Spit waited outside of the computer repair shop for Allen to walk out with the paper clips. After waiting a while he called up the landlord who hired him.
DJ Spit: (on the phone) Hey man, I don’t think this foo is coming, holmes. 
Landlord: WHAAAT?? But he should’ve been there by Now!!!!?
DJ Spit: Uhhh yeah man, no I don’t see him nowhere around. It’s already been like a couple hours. 
Landlord: OH Woah is me! Now who will I get who is cool enough to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?!
DJ Spit: you got weed man? That’s cool I remeber playing PS2 with my primos after school. 
Landlord: Hey Dj Spit, Would you like to HANG out with me and smoke weed and fill out bellies with DIET soda and play Burnout Revenge for the PS2?!
DJ Spit: Would I still get paid, man? 
Landlord: Oh ABSOLUTELY!
DJ Spit: Oh fuck yeah man, I’ll be right over. My soundcloud about to pop the fuck off with this one. Hey ya want me to bring like beers or anything while I’m out. 
Landlord: No it’s cool. I’ve got the DIET soda. I just have to make a quick call to cancel the other stuff. I might still be able to get my DEPOSIT back. I guess what I really needed wasn’t a smiling friend but a friend who would make me smile. 
DJ Spit: Uh cool, so I’ll see you in like 15. 
Landlord: HEHEHEHe cool. See you in 15, PAL!
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perfectquote · 2 months
The right person but the wrong time.
Story dj
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