#DJ Emilio
aboutmusiic · 2 years
egoFM fest in Stuttgart 2022
egoFM fest in Stuttgart 2022
Am 22. Oktober 2022 findet in den Wagenhallen in Stuttgart das egoFM fest statt. Mit einem wundervollen Line Up aus nationalen sowie auch internationalen Künstlern wird am Samstag den 22. Oktober bis spät in die Nacht gefeiert. Auf einer Hauptbühne werden unter anderem folgende Künstler auftreten: Wet Leg Frittenbude Kid Simius Lola Marsh Zimmer90 Die 0711 Radio Show Mit Wet Leg kommt wohl das…
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cantsayidont · 6 months
Haterating and hollerating through the '90s:
POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE (1990): Carrie Fisher scripted this witty adaptation of her novel about coked-up, pill-popping actress Suzanne Yale (Meryl Streep), who overdoses in the bed of a strange man (Dennis Quaid), ends up in rehab, and learns that the only way the production insurance company will let her keep working is if she stays with her mother, an aging singer-actress-diva (Shirley MacLaine) whose love for her daughter is equaled only by her tireless determination to upstage her. (No, it's not autobiographical at all, why do you ask?) Fisher's deftly paced, funny script weaves in various serious mother-daughter moments without ever becoming mawkish, and offers a fabulous part for MacLaine, who has a ball poking fun at herself as well as Debbie Reynolds, Fisher's real-life mother and the obvious basis for the film's lightly fictionalized "Doris Mann." Curiously, the weakest link is Streep, who never quite sheds her customary air of prim affectation and always seems ill at ease with Fisher's layers of self-deprecating, sarcastic humor. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Apparently not, although I had questions about Suzanne's rehab friend Aretha (Robin Barlett). VERDICT: MacLaine's finest hour, but Streep's primness keeps it "good" rather than "great."
TERESA'S TATTOO (1993): Painfully unfunny crime comedy, directed by Melissa Etheridge's then-GF Julie Cypher and costarring Cypher's ex, Lou Diamond Phillips, along with an array of incongruously high-profile actors like Joe Pantoliano, Tippi Hedren, Mare Winningham, Diedrich Bader, k.d. lang (!), Sean Astin, Emilio Estevez, and Kiefer Sutherland, most in bit parts (some of them unbilled). The headache-inducing plot concerns a couple of brain-dead thugs whose elaborate hostage scheme hits a snag when their hostage (Adrienne Shelly) accidentally dies. Their solution is to kidnap lookalike Teresa (also Adrienne Shelly), a brainy Ph.D. candidate, and disguise her to look like the dead girl — including giving her a matching tattoo on her chest — in the hopes that the dead girl's idiot brother (C. Thomas Howell) won't notice the switch until it's too late. This truly bad grade-Z effort, barely released theatrically, feels like either a vanity project or a practical joke that got out of hand, and is interesting mostly as a curiosity for Melissa Etheridge fans: The soundtrack is M.E.-heavy, and Etheridge herself has a brief nonspeaking role. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Technically? (Etheridge has no lines and lang plays a Jesus freak.) VERDICT: May erode your affection for M.E.
BLUE JUICE (1995): Tiresome comedy-drama about an aging surfer (a terribly miscast, painfully uncomfortable-looking Sean Pertwee) who's still determined to continue living like a 20-year-old surf bum with his obnoxious mates, even though his back is giving out and he's perilously close to driving away his girlfriend (a disconcertingly hot 25-year-old Catherine Zeta Jones), who is keen for him to finally cut the shit. Meanwhile, the scummiest of his mates (Ewan McGregor) doses their pal Terry (Peter Gunn) and gets him to chase after an actress from his childhood favorite TV show (Jenny Agutter) in hopes of dissuading from marrying his actual girlfriend (Michelle Chadwick), and their mate Josh (Steven Mackintosh), a successful techno producer, flirts with an attractive DJ (Colette Brown) who's actually furious at him for building a vapid techno hit around a sample of her soul singer dad's biggest hit. The latter storyline probably had the most potential (although a weird scene where Josh is castigated by a group of outraged soul fans seems like a lesser TWILIGHT ZONE plot), but none of the script's various threads ever amounts to much. CONTAINS LESBIANS? It doesn't even pass the Bechdel test. VERDICT: If you happen upon it, you may be tempted just for Zeta Jones (and/or Brown), but the rest wears out its welcome with alacrity.
HIGHER LEARNING (1995): Potent story of simmering racial tensions on the campus of a university that definitely isn't USC (writer-director John Singleton's alma mater, and where most of the film was obviously shot), let down by incredibly heavy-handed execution. (The film's final shot is of the word "UNLEARN" superimposed over a giant American flag!) A capable cast (including Omar Epps, Kristy Swanson, Michael Rapaport, Jennifer Connelly, Ice Cube, Tyra Banks, Cole Hauser, Laurence Fishburne, and Regina King) tries to maintain a sense of emotional reality through Singleton's frequent excursions into overpowering melodrama, but there are so many competing plot threads that few characters have any depth; curiously, the script's most complex characterization is in the scenes between budding white supremacist Remy (Rapaport) and Aryan Brotherhood organizer Scott (Hauser). Singleton made this film when he was 25, and there's no shame in its sense of breathless ambition (even if it inevitably bites off more than it can chew), but the overwrought stridency undercuts its intended impact. For a more effective treatment of similar themes in roughly the same period, try Gilbert Hernandez's graphic novel X, originally serialized in LOVE & ROCKETS #31–39 and first collected in 1993. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Jennifer Connelly gives Kristy Swanson a bisexual awakening. VERDICT: The '90s through a bullhorn.
CRASH (1996): Divisive David Cronenberg adaptation of the J.G. Ballard novel, about a movie producer called James Ballard (James Spader) and his desperately horny wife (Deborah Kara Unger), drawn into a loose-knit group of car-crash fetishists organized around a man called Vaughan (Elias Koteas at his creepiest), who stages recreations of famous celebrity crashes like the 1955 accident that killed James Dean. Despite some pretentious dialogue about "the reshaping of the human body by modern technology," the controlling idea might be better summarized as "anything can be a paraphilia if you get weird enough about it." Part of what offends people about the film is that Cronenberg deliberately treats the entire story with the same frosty clinical detachment, rendering the "normal" sex scenes just as remote and perverse as the characters' fixation on the grisly aftermath of car wrecks; the point is that there is no line, just different facets of the same erotic longing, which each of the (admittedly unsympathetic) principal characters embodies in different ways. Spader, Kara Unger, and Koteas are very good, as is Holly Hunter, in perhaps the bravest role of her career, but Rosanna Arquette is underutilized. A worthwhile companion piece would be Steven Soderbergh's 1989 SEX, LIES, AND VIDEOTAPE, also with Spader, which is much more highly regarded (though almost as contrived and scarcely less perverse), perhaps because it seeks to titillate where Cronenberg does not. CONTAINS LESBIANS? Briefly. (See previous note in re: underutilization of Rosanna Arquette.) VERDICT: Icy but interesting.
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goodsgraces · 5 days
if anyone would like a one - liner from a muse listed below , like this and i'll dm you for preference . . . 🚶
dorian ekland . bill skarsgard . boxer . bisexual .
chantal calvo . adria arjona . bookstore owner . bisexual .
rowan verlice . grace van patten . politician's daughter . bisexual .
lukas hassani . emilio sakraya . car valet . bisexual .
victoria ' tori ' cabrera . nailea devora or jenna ortega . fashion intern . bisexual .
charlie xu jett . chase sui wonders . club dj / producer . bisexual .
beau kinsey . kyle gallner . mechanic . bisexual .
natasha leon . maia reficco . verse dependent . bisexual with slight sapphic lean .
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everseens · 1 month
hello friends ! i'm doing a deep clean of my muse list. below the cut, you will see the muses i have removed along with some new muses i've added. if we have any threads/pairings with the deleted muses, let me know and we can always come up with something new! <3 if you'd like to plot or write with any of my new muses, let me know as well. thanks !
hillary (lucy liu) dj (michael b jordan) mav (emilio sakraya) val (halle bailey) hyun (gong yoo) soren (thomas weatherall) alejandro (pedro pascal) nadia (nikki thot)
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emily . mid thirties . she/her . miserable stay at home suburban mom who is missing her youth... business owner as well .
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jalen . mid twenties . he/him . former olympic track star (has won multiple gold medals) but has faced a potential career ending injury and is attempting to recover in therapy .
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maya . late twenties-early thirties . she/they . documentary filmmaker . lesbian .
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amara . late twenties . she/her . influential podcaster .
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nari . mid-late twenties . she/her . interior designer .
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eliot . early thirties . he/him . urban wildlife photographer .
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vega . mid twenties . they/them . professional choreographer .
others i will eventually be replacing include august (xu minghao), remi (brianne tju), ceyda (lara aslan)
more muses coming eventually!
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It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
Agent 47 vs The Rake!
Note: This was written before the most recent calcs for 47. As such, it is preemptively a bit outdated, as this analysis only accounts for 47's old stats.
Agent 47 is completely unarmed. Speed Equalized. The version of The Rake being used is the one from the original Rake story, as well as official expansions of it, such as the retelling from Creepypasta: The Comic
Father Emilio Vittorio, the pastor who took 47 in during his retirement in Silent Assassin, is brutally murdered by The Rake, but not before it whispers 47's name to the pastor, marking the hitman as its next target. 47 returns to the Silican countryside to investigate and avenge Emilio's murder. After a day or two of investigation, 47 wakes up one night to find The Rake sitting at the edge of his bed.
Analysis: Agent 47
"Names are for friends, so I don't need one."
One day, the International Contract Agency found a mysterious man knocking on their front door. The man had no name, no history, and seemingly no personality. All he had was a remarkable gift for murder, as if he were the grim reaper himself. He said he went by 47. It wasn't a name, so he made it one. He became the ICA's greatest assassin and paved a legacy of death everywhere he went.
In truth, Agent 47 was a clone, created by Dr. Ortmyer in an attempt to create the world's greatest assassin. Unfortunately for Ortmyer, he succeeded. 47 killed his pseudo father, and struck out on his own. Left directionless by the revelation of his birth, 47 attempted to start a normal life for himself. Unfortunately, he found that his only talents were in killing people. So, he decided to he was going to be the best there ever was at it. He would kill the most powerful people in the world for the right price and prove that no one, no matter how powerful, was above consequences.
Agent 47 is a master of stealth and disguise unlike any other. He's considered a myth to law enforcement agencies all around the world and has repeatedly killed people with the same level of mythic status as himself. Those who do know he exists would much rather hire him than make him their enemy. A smart move considering he tears down international conspiracies on a weekly basis.
Agent 47 is quiet the Renaissance Man, even rivaling Mario for the title. He's more than capable of doing nearly any job on the planet and is capable of using anything as a weapon. He can knock grown, fully armoured men out cold with snowballs and feather dusters. He can kill people with umbrellas, pencils, and pens. He can even use fire extinguishers as improvised grenades. An Agent 47 armed with only his garrote wire, silver baller pistol, and coins is best considered fully armed and dangerous, but he's capable of using much more.
Similarly, 47 is smart enough to competently perform any job on Earth, even frequently imitating and impressing experts in his field. Butlers, Doctors, DJs, CEOs, Engineers, and so on and so forth. He has successfully disguised himself as close loved ones of his targets and is fluent enough in most languages to pass himself off as a native speaker. This vast array of knowledge allows him to improvise countless ways to kill his targets. From drowning you in a toilet, tricking your bodyguards into killing you, manipulating your wife into pushing you off a bridge, driving you to grief stricken suicide, or even running you over with a goddamn train, if there's a way to kill someone, he's thought of it and performed it with no one any the wiser.
On top of his superhuman intellect, 47 is superhuman physically as well. He can survive exposure to the freezing cold temperatures of the Carpathian mountains while mostly naked, is immune to nearly every poison and disease known to man (baring few exceptions) has survived being electrocuted while standing in water (albiet was knocked out by this) and has a resistance to mind control so great that the person trying to mind control him died from the sheer backlash. It has even been noted by an implied psychic (who was clairvoyant enough to deduce a client's criminal history) that 47 has an aura of death looming around him that strikes terror into anyone capable of seeing it. And since 47 doesn't physically age, he will never grow out of his prime. As such, he's still kicking ass well into 59, easily outperforming men half his age.
Agent 47 also has the Instinct ability, a sixth sense that allows him to see through walls and can predict where his targets are going. However, he cannot use this ability in open combat.
47 has snuck into the White House undetected, frequently dismantles international conspiracies and secret societies, and is strong and skilled enough to defeat a middleweight MMA World Champion in only three blows. He even bested Sanchez, a genetically engineered superhuman who was twice his size, in unarmed combat.
If 47 has any weaknesses at all, it's that he rarely makes an emotional connections with anyone. The trauma of his ruthless upbringing has left him emotionally distant and he struggles to emotionally connect with others. Those he does care about he will do anything to protect, even against suicidal odds. Similarly, he has repressed many of the memories of his childhood, partly due to trauma and partly due to mindwiping drugs, and he frequently questions his place in the universe due to his upbringing. 47 doesn't think he's capable of committing to any line of work that doesn't involve murder, without hurting the few people he holds dear.
Still, 47 is for all intents and purposes the perfect killing machine. His most impressive feat physically speaking is when the Saints blew up his hotel room with an RPG-7, which 47 survived without a scratch. Assuming the absolute lowest yield for an RPG-7, that's still nearly 878 kilojoules of energy. Seeing how 47 can hurt people on his level, see Sanchez above, 47 should also be capable of punching with this amount of force as well.
Agent 47 was an attempt to create the world's greatest assassin and he was a complete success. Unfortunately for his creators, he was still human. This meant that they were the first in a long list of people to discover just how well they'd succeeded.
Analysis: The Rake
Urban Legends. Camp fire ghost stories that spread beyond the friend group that spawned them and strike fear into the hearts of hundreds across the world. The internet has become a breeding ground for countless urban legends, spawning mythical monsters that haunt the early years of the internet known as "Creepypastas". One of the oldest and most well known of these tales is The Rake, the animalistic abomination that whispers your name.
Journal entires dating as far back as the 1600s describe a pale, malnourished figure with long, metal claws and a soul piercing glare. This feral figure has rubbed shoulders with countless people across history and claimed numerous more victims in that time, yet precious little is known about it. It's known that it can communicate, though it does not speak. It thinks, though it is not civilized. It controls, but with no clear agenda other than death and misery.
Despite The Rake's monsterous disposition, it rarely feels a need to strike directly. Instead, he takes a hold of his victim's mind and has them do the dirty work for him. He can drive people to suicide and freeze them completely in place with a glare. He often communicates with his prey, if not to control their minds, then to instead whisper the name of its next victim, marking his target as damned.
Despite this heavily reliance on telepathy and mind control, The Rake is just as dangerous physically as its appearance would suggest. It is capable of completely ripping people to shreds and is described as looking like it had recently been hit by a car, despite having no visible injuries. While the values for getting hit by a car vary wildly depending on circumstances, which aren't described here, the highest value is up to 734 kilojoules.
If you find that high end debatable, then do note that it is consistent with the Rake's other feats. Not only is ripping apart a human being generally around that same level (See Freddy Fazbear vs Frankenstein), but it's feat in the comic adaptation provides a similar a level of durability. In it, the Rake is depicted as jumping from the top floor of a several story apartment and landing completely unharmed. This would require the Rake to absorb 98 kilojoules of energy upon landing.
Though, the vagueness of these feats ultimately plays into the Rake's ultimately weakness. By virtue of being a digital campfire story, The Rake and its capabilities are left deliberately vague. Not only did I have to stretch a bit to ascertain the above feats, but I can only really guess at how an entity like The Rake thinks. It's never shown as being truly threatened by anything. When someone does try to shoot him in the comic adaptation, The Rake simply freezes him in place with his mind controlling powers, which does at least imply that it avoids direct combat as often as possible.
What is known is this. The Rake has been alive and hunting for well over hundreds of years. The sheer body count it would have amassed with its known MO is absolutely massive. And absolutely known of those victims, in all those years, were able to survive it.
One day, you will awaken to see The Rake sitting at the end of your bed. It will be the last thing you see and the name it whispers will be the last thing you hear. Prey that it isn't the name of someone you love.
Throwdown Mashup:
Throwdown Breakdown:
On the surface, you'd think this would be an open shut case. Trying to mind control 47 kills you and The Rake's Modus Operandi is mental manipulation. Done deal, right? Well, not quite.
Yes, you will die if you try to mind control 47, that still takes a bit of time. When Hush tried, he managed to withstand the psychic backlash three times before his brain gave up and shut down. When considered along side 47's aura of death, which The Rake might or might not be able to see, and there's a distinct possibility that The Rake will simply stop trying to mind control him and go in for the mauling.
From here, it becomes more interesting. 47 has a considerable skill advantage and is slightly stronger (878 kilojoules vs 734), he's not fighting a human here. He's fighting a feral, humanoid thing with giant claws. Most martial artists will tell you that going up against someone armed with a knife unarmed is absolutely stupid, to say nothing of a feral animal with giant claws for hands. 47 is going to have a rough time.
The thing that ultimately makes this 47's game, though, is his ability to improvise. Literally anything in his hands is a deadly weapon and an apartment building gives him a lot to work with. Slamming lamps over the Rake's head, jamming pens and glass shards in its eyes, even strangling it with his tie. Then there's 47's endurance and stamina to consider. 47 is able to climb from the very top of the tallesr building in the world all the way to the bottom in one go and he's able to evade the police in Paris even after being shot, bleeding out for hours, and experiencing bloodloss enduced hallucinations. 47 should have the endurance needed to survive the Rake's carving swings for long enough to pummel the creature to death.
You know that brutal fight between the Punisher and The Russian from the early 2000s Punisher movie?
That's it. That's this fight.
47 is going to be bloodied and battered by the time this fight ends. His suit will be torn to shreds and his apartment will be trashed.... but he'll be alive.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Agent 47!
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lonesome--hunter · 2 years
This is a very broad ask, but I love Emilio. Tell me some things about him we don’t know yet 😉
He's a big time dancing guy, loves a good disco bar or whatever the DJs are playing at his favorite bar Bougainvilleas.
He and Alain have been married since 2012. They had a summer wedding.
A very good swimmer. Swam in high school.
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emilixdj · 2 years
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I introduce you my little girl, DJ console, 😀 music tonight, 🌟 we dance...🎶🎶🎹 HAPPY NEW YEAR *2023*🌀 TO EVERYONE.💓 SO MUCH PROSPERITY,🙏 MUCH PEACE AND LOVE TO ALL.💟 By Emilio Ingrassia #happynewyear #happynewyear2023 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm1oJN7oZ4H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rivieraskieshq · 22 days
Sejam bem-vindos ao condomínio Riviera Skies: Addison Tartt Wang, Andrea "Drew" Rizzo, Arthit Suwan, Bohemie Morales Bromley, Conrad "Kurt" Gallagher, Dallas Reed Veloso, Felix Mavros Vaughn, Kai Freeth, Kiraz Ivy Bennet, Liena Zhang, Luuk Van Delen, Maeve Ivers, Nathanael (Nate) Richards, Octavia "Viv" Bromley, Victoire "Tori" Marie D'Auvergne, Violet Alpenrose St. James, Yelena Davydova e Zhou "Jade" Mengyao.
Abigail Cohen, Alejandro Zwartendijk, Asha Banks, Christian Daloi, Christina Nadin, Cindy Kimberly, Elijah Hewson, Emilio Sakraya, Jeff Satur, GIGI (RED), Hannah Dodd, Isabelle Huang, Lisa Tebeneva, Manu Rios, Mingyu, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Olivia Rodrigo e Shawn Mendes se encontram indisponíveis para aplicação.
Apartamentos A-102, A-401, A-602, A-701, A-702, B-301, B-302, B-402, B-601, B-602, B-701, B-702, B-801 e B-802 se encontram indisponíveis para aplicação.
Ei! Sabe a ADDISON TARTT WANG? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento 702-A. Está com 26 ANOS e é RECEPCIONISTA. Dizem que ela é bem OBSTINADA, mas também muito COMPULSIVA e ainda que se parece com a NATASHA LIU BORDIZZO, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskaddison pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe o ANDREA "DREW" RIZZO? Eu soube que ele mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento B-701. Está com 22 ANOS e é JOGADOR DE VALORANT. Dizem que ele é bem COMUNICATIVO, mas também muito COMPETITIVO e ainda que se parece com o CHRISTIAN DALOI, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskdrew pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe o ARTHIT SUWAN? Eu soube que ele mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento A-401. Está com 31 ANOS e é AGENTE ESPECIAL DO FBI. Dizem que ele é bem GENIAL, mas também muito INAPTO SOCIALMENTE e ainda que se parece com o JEFF SATUR mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @RSKARTHIT pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a BOHEMIE MORALES BROMLEY? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento 802B. Está com 26 ANOS e é QUÍMICA E DEALER. Dizem que ela é bem PERSPICAZ, mas também muito REVEL e ainda que se parece com a CHRISTINA NADIN, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskbohemie pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe o CONRAD "KURT" GALLAGHER? Eu soube que ele mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento B-302. Está com 25 ANOS e é MÚSICO E BARTENDER NO ECLIPSE. Dizem que ele é bem CRIATIVO, mas também muito DESATENTO e ainda que se parece com o ELIJAH HEWSON, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskconrad pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe o DALLAS REED VELOSO? Eu soube que ele mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento B-701. Está com 26 ANOS e é DJ E PRODUTOR MUSICAL. Dizem que ele é bem DIVERTIDO, mas também muito INQUIETO e ainda que se parece com o SHAWN MENDES, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskdallas pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe o FELIX MAVROS VAUGHN? Eu soube que ele mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento B-601. Está com 25 ANOS e é VETERINÁRIO. Dizem que ele é bem CARISMÁTICO, mas também muito DISTRAÍDO e ainda que se parece com o MINGYU, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskfelix pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe o KAI FREETH? Eu soube que ele mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no APARTAMENTO 102A. Está com 28 ANOS e é PROFESSOR DE SURFE. Dizem que ele é bem BONANÇOSO, mas também muito IMPULSIVO e ainda que se parece com o EMILIO SAKRAYA, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskkai pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a KIRAZ IVY BENNET? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento 801-B. Está com 21 ANOS e é BARTENDER NO ECLIPSE E DETETIVE PARTICULAR EM SEGREDO. Dizem que ela é bem SIMPÁTICA, mas também muito BISBILHOTEIRA e ainda que se parece com a ASHA BANKS, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskkiraz pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a LIENA ZHANG? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento B801. Está com 22 ANOS e é ATENDENTE AUXILIAR NO ANTIQUÁRIO. Dizem que ela é bem RESPONSÁVEL, mas também muito RESERVADA e ainda que se parece com a ISABELLE HUANG, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskzhang pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe o LUUK VAN DELEN? Eu soube que ele mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento B - 702. Está com 23 ANOS e é PUBLICITÁRIO. Dizem que ele é bem DETERMINADO, mas também muito SISTEMÁTICO e ainda que se parece com o ALEJANDRO ZWARTENDIJK, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskluuk pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a MAEVE IVERS? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento A-701. Está com 26 ANOS e é DESENVOLVEDORA DE JOGOS. Dizem que ela é bem CRIATIVA, mas também muito CRÍTICA e ainda que se parece com a ABIGAIL COWEN, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskmaeve pra ver o que você acha���
Ei! Sabe o NATHANAEL (NATE) RICHARDS? Eu soube que ele mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento B-301. Está com 24 ANOS e é CABELEIREIRO. Dizem que ele é bem ESPONTÂNEO, mas também muito FOFOQUEIRO e ainda que se parece com o MANU RIOS, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rsknate pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a OCTAVIA "VIV" BROMLEY? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento 802B. Está com 23 ANOS e é ATENDENTE DE BAR. Dizem que ela é bem EXTROVERTIDA, mas também muito INSTÁVEL e ainda que se parece com a OLIVIA RODRIGO, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskoctavia pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a VICTOIRE "TORI" MARIE D'AUVERGNE? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento 601B. Está com 26 ANOS e é PINTORA E CURADORA DE ARTE. Dizem que ela é bem PASSIONAL, mas também muito FECHADA e ainda que se parece com a CINDY KIMBERLY, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rsktori pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a VIOLET ALPENROSE ST. JAMES Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento 402B. Está com 26 ANOS e é PROFESSORA DE PIANO. Dizem que ela é bem SOLÍCITA, mas também muito EXIGENTE e ainda que se parece com a HANNAH DODD, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskviolet pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a YELENA DAVYDOVA? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento A-602. Está com 22 ANOS e é GARÇONETE NO SEASIDE. Dizem que ela é bem AUTÊNTICA, mas também muito DESAJEITADA e ainda que se parece com a LISA TEBENEVA, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @rskyelena pra ver o que você acha…
Ei! Sabe a ZHOU “JADE” MENGYAO? Eu soube que ela mora no Riviera Skies. Sim, aquele condomínio no subúrbio de San Francisco, lá no apartamento B-602. Está com 25 ANOS e é PERSONAL STYLIST E INFLUENCER. Dizem que ela é bem AFETUOSA, mas também muito TEIMOSA e ainda que se parece com a @/GIGI - RED, mas eu nunca vi pessoalmente pra ter certeza. Dá uma olhada lá no @RSKMENGYAO pra ver o que você acha…
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westeroslive · 3 months
Mwm from members please!!
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there  could  be  doubles  as  this  is  c/p  but:  idris  elba,  alex  fitzalan,  aron  piper,  avan  jogia,  bright  vachirawit,  calahan  skogman,  emre  bey,  emilio  sakraya,  finn  cole,  jonathan  daviss,  santiago  segura,  sebastian  stan,  adam  driver,  dj  cotrona,  sean   teale,  diego  boneta,  alfred  enoch,  alfonso  herrera,  diego  luna,  peter  gadiot,  mena  massoud,  oliver  jackson-cohen,  paul  mescal,  mads  mikkelsen,  ben  barnes  ,  romulo  estrela  ,  cillian  murphy  ,  chris  pine  ,  rahul  kohli  ,  daniel  henney  ,  dev  patel  ,  djimon  hounsou  ,  pedro  pascal  ,  ekin  koc  ,  francois  arnaud  ,  gong  jun  ,  remy  hii  ,henry  golding  ,  hiroyuki  sanada  ,  ismael  cruz  cordova,  lucien  laviscount  ,  aaron  fontaine  ,  alexander  dreymon  ,  chris  evans  ,  mackenyu  ,  dev  patel  ,  riz  ahmed  ,  robert  pattinson  ,  gong  yoo  ,  lee  dongwook  ,  lee  soohyeok  ,  tom  hardy  ,  santiago  cabrera  ,  alperen  duymaz  ,  timothy  olyphant  ,  peter  capaldi  ,  michael  greyeyes  ,  manu  bennett  ,  sean  teale  ,  tommy  martinez  ,  tom  holland  ,  hwang  min  yun  ,  lee  jaewook  ,  dylan  wang,  justin  chien,   andrew  koji,  tom  sturridge
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ryancastleyt · 4 months
The Mighty Ducks speech that inspired Emilio Estevez to be a legend #shorts #MightyDucks #movieclips
The Mighty Ducks speech that inspired Emilio Estevez to be a legend #shorts #MightyDucks #movieclips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU2BzilnInI From Episode 121 of the Dissect DJs podcast. We break down one of the most iconic sports movies of the 90s that immediately went from fictional Disney hockey team to real life hockey team in the NHL- The Mighty Ducks! Where does this speech from Coach Riley rank on the all time Mount Rushmore list of Sports Movie Pep talks? ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@RyCASTLE/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Important Links: 👉 Website: https://ift.tt/wtGuVCZ ✅ Stay Connected With Me: 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/XRFA1rG 👉 TikTok: https://ift.tt/av4lYDN ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Did These Movie Boyfriends Suck? | Dissect DJs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU8bDZWpsm4 👉 Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" Video is more 80s Wild than you Remember | Retro Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy6ujXvq18k 👉 In Memoriam 2023 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t9iRyXagG4 👉 Everything that Happened in 2023 | Music Video Rewind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5A1dH9zEso ============================= ✅ About Ryan Castle: Hello I am Ryan Castle I dive deep into the heart of classic pop culture on my channel, exploring everything from timeless tunes to iconic TV and film moments. Join me on the Dissect DJs podcast for a lyric-by-lyric breakdown of popular songs, and delve into thought-provoking discussions and nostalgic movie chats. Don't miss my Retro Review series, where I dissect the historical significance and hilariously absurd moments of retro scenes, all through a comedic lens with engaging edits and insightful commentary. 🔔 Subscribe to my channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/@RyCASTLE/?sub_confirmation=1 ===================== #MightyDucks #movies #moviereview #podcast #videopodcast #videopodcasts #musicvideo #podcastcomedy #comedy #90s #90smovies #emilioestevez #MightyDucks #mightyducksmovie #anaheimducks #funny #moviereaction #sportsmovies #hockey #hockeymovies #mightyducks1992 #moviepodcast #moviepodcasts #dissectdjs #ryancastle #jasonmalabuyoc #musicpodcast #funny #funnypodcast #fy #90smovie #mrducksworth #homersimpson #thesimpsons #Heavyweights #kenanthompson #CoachRiley #GordonBombay #JoshuaJackson #Hans #conspiracytheory #charlieconway #adambanks #littlegiants #nhl #nhlplayoffs #videoreaction #disney #waltdisney #disneyplus #hulu #fy #foryour #foryoupage #moviespeeches #movieclips #ducks #throwback #movieclassics Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © Ryan Castle via Ryan Castle https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE_9cPng3hNlthfQ7On3TCg June 12, 2024 at 06:00AM
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southernvangard · 4 months
Episode 401 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard radio Ep401! This week, we begin a new chapter of the merch game here at Southern Vangard, with the release of our first whiskey glass to celebrate our 400th episode milestone! The Episode 400 Wobbler Whiskey glass is available NOW at our BIG CARTEL storefront, which is located HERE: southernvangard.bigcartel.com. This is a one-time, limited edition glass, with only 40 made, and also includes a Southern Vangard sticker sheet designed in collaboration with WHITE SAYED, as well as a coaster for the glass. This also marks the beginning of us moving all physical merchandise sales to BIG CARTEL. Our BANDCAMP site will remain live for selling digital music. On the episode front, we have WORLD EXCLUSIVES from SUPASTITION, SHAD, PRAISE, the MILKCRATE crew, TRUTH and DJ EVIL DEE of DA BEATMINERZ! ‘Nuff said let’s get into it…YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #hiphop #undergroundhiphop #boombap
Recorded live May 20, 2024 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Pre-Game Beats - Raz Fresco
Talk Break Inst. - "Attention" - Trust One
"Southern Vangard Theme" - Southern Vangard All-Stars
"Fast Life" - UFO Fev (prod. Fredro Starr)
"Superare" - Supastition ft. Shad (prod. Praise) ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"Supposed To Represent (MiLKCRATE Remix)" - Truth x DJ Evil Dee ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"Sonje" - Mach-Hommy ft. Hephzibah (prod. Georgia Anne Muldrow)
"Kiss The Ring" - K.A.A.N. & DJ Hoppa
"Do You Right" - Hometown Heroes (Brad Baloo, DJ Yoda & Edo. G)
Talk Break Inst. - "Fall Back" - Trust One
"Ice Pick Lobotomy" - Spit Gemz ft. DJ Jon Doe
"Get 'Em" - Silent Knight ft. Skyzoo, Emilio Rojas & East
"Last Minute" - Raz Fresco & Daniel Son
"Roses" - RhymeStyle Troop 
"The Serpent And The Rainbow" - Mach-Hommy (prod. Sadhugold)
"Long Pinky Nail" - Doza The Drum Dealer x CASKET.D
Talk Break Inst. - "Rain Clouds" - Trust One
"Two Kids" - maticulous ft. Elzhi & DJ Jon Doe
"Mutty" - Conway The Machine ft. Stove God Cooks (prod. Conductor Williams)
"Faith" - Trap Jefe & godBLESSbeatz ft Rome Streetz, TGIFLY & Chase Fetti
"Baking Soda" - Reek Osama & Noisy Ne!ghbour
"Ferragamo Bvlgari" - Machacha ft. O The Great, Sean Links & DJ FMD
"Holy ____" - Mach-Hommy (prod. Conductor Williams)
"Make A Wish" - Big Kahuna OG, Fly Anakin & Henny L.O. (prod. Graymatter)
Talk Break Inst. - "Cocktails" / "Pride" - Trust One
https://on.soundcloud.com/nysNa57nbvWxJNq6A (SHORT LINK)
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leanstooneside · 5 months
The hardest work is to do nothing
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agendaculturaldelima · 6 months
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💥 Disfruten danzando hasta el amanecer con los mejor del PostPunk - GothicRock - DeathRock - DarkWave - ElectroDark - ColdWave - Minimal Synth- DarkSynth - Futurepop - EBM - Industrial - NewWave - NewRomantic - español - 80s  y más.🩸☢️⚙️
🎧🎹 Dj Alex Glam / Dj Fred Kraftwerk / Dj Tannysa Dark / Dj José T.💿💽
🎂🥳🎉 Onomástico: Patty China 🎈
📽 Proyección de Videos.🎬
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📆 Sábado 06 de Abril
🕘 9:00pm.
🏘 Club Kodigo Underground (calle Emilio Fernández  #666, Urbanización Santa Beatriz, frente al estadio Nacional Tribuna Occidente - Lima)
🎟 Entrada: S/.10
📳 Reservas: 940669863 [WhatsApp]
👀El dato: Ingreso libre hasta la medianoche.
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lamilanomagazine · 10 months
Pesaro, ultimo weekend con la creatività degli artigiani in mostra a "La Bottega" di Palazzo Gradari
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Pesaro, ultimo weekend con la creatività degli artigiani in mostra a "La Bottega" di Palazzo Gradari Secondo e ultimo fine settimana con "La Bottega", l'evento a ingresso gratuito pensato per trascorre i weekend natalizi all'insegna dell'artigianato, della musica, del buon cibo e di imperdibili occasioni di shopping. Contenitore di varie forme artistiche e della maestria degli artigiani, è in programma venerdì 15, sabato 16 e domenica 17 dicembre, dalle ore 10 alle ore 21, nella corte di Palazzo Gradari di via Rossini. Insieme agli espositori, anche artisti, musicisti e stand dedicati all'abbigliamento e ad accessori vintage, come spiegano Silvia Tonelli e Paola Magri, organizzatrici: «È un'occasione per incontrare e trascorrere del tempo con i clienti abituali e per presentarci ai pesaresi e ai visitatori, insieme e in un format piacevole». In programma a Palazzo Gradari anche appuntamenti musicali: venerdì ore 18, Simon Evans, giovane talento emergente suonerà la chitarra eseguendo suoi brani alternandoli a quelli di Beatles, Bee Gees e altri; sabato, alle 17, Dj Emilio proporrà brani contemporanei e classici anni '70; domenica, ore 18, Martin Navello chitarrista argentino proporrà dal vivo canzoni sudamericane e musica italiana. Ogni sera, "La Bottega" proporrà gli aperitivi del GRA' - non solo cibo da cortile. Previsti anche i ritratti dal vivo del giovane pittore Marco Boatra (il 16 e 17 dicembre) e la lettura delle carte angeliche. Nella pagina Facebook de "La Bottega" e in quella Instagram, l'elenco dei creativi che esporranno le loro produzioni, info e aggiornamenti dell'evento.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Le Frecce Tricolori arrivano a Vercelli
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Saranno dodici minuti di evoluzioni delle Frecce Tricolori  nei cieli sopra Vercelli, il pomeriggio del 16 settembre, a coronamento di un Air Show che, per due ore, terrà il pubblico con lo sguardo incollato al cielo, degno epilogo di una serie di appuntamenti tra arte, cultura e spettacoli. Nell'infopoint allestito nell'ex edicola di piazza Cavour si possono ricevere i 4.250 ticket gratuiti per l'area dell'aeroporto Del Prete, al centro dell'evento di sabato 16 settembre,che  si possono  ritirare tutti i giorni, dalle 9 alle 12,30 eccetto mercoledì, quando la distribuzione avverrà dalle 15 alle 18,30 e sono tre a testa il numero massimo di tagliandi che verranno consegnati a ciascun appassionato. La giornata del 16 comincerà con l'apertura dei cancelli del Del Prete alle 12 e l'inizio dello spettacolo alle 15,30, dove ci saranno esibizioni di aeromobili, lanci di paracadutisti, esibizioni di velivoli acrobatici, la presentazione dei mezzi dell'Aeroclub e di quelli da diporto, una mostra di auto e mezzi storici. Oltre alla zone dell'Aeroclub sarà  garantita ottima visibilità dall'area industriale, dalla tangenziale fino alla Cascina Boschine, dove un ampio tratto verrà interdetto alla circolazione per la durata dello show,  e dalla zona di corso Salamano. Fino al 24 settembre, nel Foyer del Salone Dugentesco, è da vedere  la mostra Tricolore non solo una bandiera, a cura di Emilio Ingenito e il 14 settembre alle 10, al Teatro Civico,  è in programma la conferenza L'inizio di una meravigliosa avventura, dove lo storico Roberto Bassi e il comandante Giuseppe Liva ripercorreranno le grandi transvolate di inizio Novecento per arrivare poi alle Frecce. Il 15 settembre, all'aeroporto, gli studenti delle superiori potranno effettuare una simulazione di volo, mentre il 16, dalle 10, le porte della Fondazione Marazzato di Stroppiana si apriranno con la mostra dedicata alla pattuglia acrobatica nazionale e a Francis Lombardi e il  16 e il 17 settembre, a cura del Fai, sono previste salite alla Torre dell'Angelo. Su fronte sportivo, invece, fino al 17 settembre c’è il torneo di padel Città di Vercelli, il 16 per tutta la mattina in piazza Antico Ospedale Street mini 4WD Vintage Challange 2023 e dalle 18 alle 20 è prevista l’esibizione delle scuole di danza vercellesi, il 17 settembre ci sarà la festa dello sport tra piazza Cavour e piazza Massimo D'Azeglio e, in una data in definizione, il torneo Silvio Piola di calcio paralimpico a 7. Inoltre il 16 settembre, come epilogo di una giornata che resterà negli annali della città, ci sarà una Notte Tricolore a cura di Ascom tra musica, street food, shopping, dj set e distribuzione di duemila assaggi di risotto. Read the full article
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blog-sguera · 1 year
Notificación. II. Notificación por Nota
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5 — La providencia en que se ordena una subasta se notifica por nota, por lo tanto la manifestación del recurrente de haber sido notificado extemporáneamente no es válida, pues es irrelevante el libramiento de cédula cuando la notificación es automática o por ministerio de ley (CNCiv., sala F, septiembre 20-976, Zambra de Caminale Juana A. y otro c. D’Errico de García, María R.).
El doctor Renom dijo:
1º y 2º (Omissis).
3º En mi opinión ninguno de los argumentos de que se hace mérito por el recurrente alcanza para justificar el progreso de su queja.
Bien es cierto que el art. 135, inc. 12, del código procesal civil prescribe la notificación personal o por cédula de la sentencia definitiva, pero ello no es óbice para que aun cuando la notificación no se hubiere efectuado en la forma prevista por el citado art. 135, existe notificación si de autos resulta que la parte tuvo noticia de la decisión la que surte sus efectos desde entonces (art 149, segunda parte, cód. procesal).
Como la explica Alsina (“Tratado de Derecho Procesal”, 1ra. ed., t. I, p. 758b)  “el legislador no ha querido sacrificar a la forma el objeto de la diligencia misma, que es poner en conocimiento del interesado una providencia que lo afecte, de tal manera que cuando ese objeto se ha logrado la notificación produce sus efectos legales. . .”.
Cuando el letrado apoderado, presenta el escrito de fs. 122, haciendo expresa referencia al escrito 122, haciendo expresa referencia al escrito de fs. 118 y peticionando que sus honorarios profesionales se le regulen sobre una base concentrada, que da para satisfacer el condicionamiento que de la regulación se hace en la sentencia a fs. 116, es indudable que tiene conocimiento de esa sentencia. No tengo dudas en este caso que la actora tomó conocimiento de las sentencia. El planteo que hizo sobre la posibilidad de regulación de honorarios dentro de las pautas fijadas por el fallo, es inequívoco al respecto. El conocimiento resulta así claro y concreto y admite la aplicación del art. 149, segunda parte, del cód. Procesamiento civil. No se trata en la especie de una mera sospecha o de una conjetura como sostiene el recurrente.
Se trata aquí de la oportunidad en que el conocimiento de la decisión, determina el comienzo del plazo para intentar el recurso; y al respecto me parece claro, que ese término se inicia a partir de la fecha de interposición del escrito de fs. 122. La demandada no pudo en modo alguno hacer alegaciones referidas a la regulación de honorarios y adecuar sus pretensiones sin tener pleno y claro conocimiento de la sentencia que admite la oportunidad de regular y condiciona la posibilidad de hacerlo. 
Este criterio no es inédito y tiene abundantes antecedentes jurisprudenciales en esta Corte *AS, 1958-IV-145; 1965-I-940; 1971-ii-166; SC, LL, 20-443; DJ, 32; 254 y otros).
Consecuentemente, y como se opina en el dictamen de fs. 189, es el caso de declarar que la actitud procesal de la actora a fs. 122 comportó pleno y concreto conocimiento de la sentencia, que pretende apelar extemporáneamente. Las normas que se dicen violadas no lo han sido en tanto las constancias de autos permiten aplicar las disposiciones del art. 149 del cod. Procesamiento civil. Voto por la negativa.
Los doctores Ure, Peña Guzmán, Colombo y Daireaux, por los mismos fundamentos, votaron por la negativa.
—Por lo expuesto en el acuerdo que antecede, se rechaza el recurso traído; con costas (art. 68, cod. procesal). —Gerardo Peña Guzmán. —Emilio M. R. Daireaux. —Jorge E. Ure. —Carlos A. Renom. —Carlos J. Colombo (Sec.: Angel C. Gronda).
Originally published at on http://blogsguera.com/ January 10, 2023.
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