cornercrescent · 1 month
palette drawing compilation RAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
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inthewindtunnel · 7 months
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michaelscogginsart · 2 years
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Posted @withrepost • @diaf_official [𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐟 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬] 지갤러리 | G.GALLERY 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 스타스키 브리네스 Starsky BRINES 홍정표 Jungpyo HONG 허수연 Suyon HUH 이미정 Mijung LEE 조지 모튼-클락 George MORTON-CLARK 마이클 스코긴스 Michael SCOGGINS 테일러 화이트 Taylor WHITE 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞 마이클 스코긴스 Michael SCOGGINS 유년의 원초적인 경험, 사회, 그리고 정치적 이슈를 모티브로 하는 마이클 스코긴스 작가는 그림일기, 즉흥적으로 끄적인 낙서 같은 형식을 이용한 작품을 해오고 있다. 그는 종이라는 흔한 매체를 작품 안으로 불러들여 신선한 시선을 부여한다. 이런 기성품적 요소는 사람들에게 관념적인 인지를 발생시키고 기존의 금기 (taboo)로의 강한 작용을 일으키는데, 스코긴스의 작품은 이런 인지적 스테레오타입을 깨뜨리는 역할을 하고 있다. 이미정 Mijung LEE 이미정은 우리 생활을 둘러싼 시각 요소들을 분석 및 재조합하여 자작나무 패널에 회화적 평면을 구성하는 작업을 이어왔습니다. 본 작품은 ‘눈에 띄는 이목구비(들)’이라는 제목처럼, 얼굴의 구성요소를 짧고 굵은 선들로 이루어진 벡터 드로잉을 토대로 배너, 우드피스 등 다양한 형태로 형상화 한 작품입니다. since2008(구)대구아트페어 Diaf 2022 11.25-27 EXCO Hall 4, 5, 6 #Diaf #Diaf2022Galleries #art #artfair #exco #ggallery #디아프 #대구국제아트페어 #대구아트페어 #대구화랑협회 #엑스코 #지갤러리 #마이클스코긴스 #이미정 @ggallery.kr https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZdSDAuFNb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 4 months
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The crew of the exploratory ship, The Little Bird. The captain, Diaf, hired this crew to traverse the stars, learning more about both the worlds around them… and themselves.
Think sci-fi adventure but the characters all have the vibes of a bunch of scientists stuck in Antarctica.
Hán and Cereza are the only humans onboard, the majority of the crew being aliens. This is a trend that continues for the galaxy at large for entirely non-suspicious totally not plot-related reasons.
I’m still working on worldbuilding for a lot of these guys but a couple of the tags I made for them have a decent amount of stuff. I made this bc I finally got around to finalizing the design for most of the characters! There are… a few that I will probably rehash again, but there shouldn’t be any major changes. The old version of this post went outdated when I updated the designs, so this is pretty much just a redo of that with the rest of the crew.
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evendia · 1 month
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Fuck you Disney, fuck you Lucasfilm, fuck you Star Wars.
Never again. Go crash and burn with your 50 year old bigoted and racist chucklefucks who are unable of moving on from their childhood nostalgia.
Fuck western TV. Fuck you all. I'm going back to my Asian dramas.
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septiseph · 1 year
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he has finally finished reading his book but what should he do now????
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these lines made me want to draw them sleeping & snoring together...
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riallasheng · 5 months
You know what I hate people like you who ignore and hate and downplay female characters! The only characters assholes like you like are the men, you never like the women! DIAF!!
...I think you might have sent this to the wrong person, anon?
I mean to go off the fandom I've been posting in the most recently, Lady Penelope (comics, novels, and tos) is, and always has been, my favorite character? Like most anyone who knows me knows I can and will go on for HOURS about how much I love that woman
If we're treating the Live Action shows as their own thing separate from the supermarionation, then Col. Lake from UFO is my favorite there? (and if we're combining puppet and live, she's tied with Scott for second place)
tosCS Destiny and Rhapsody are easily in my top 5 in CS Lady Ochre and lt Green in nCS are also easily in my top 5 n nCS
Kayo is my favorite TaG character, and Moffat, Casey, and O'Bannon are my favorite reoccurring (although Rigby is in there too) I even like tagPenny, although she (like Kayo) is so different from the TOS version that she's basically a new original character.
To go to older fandoms I'm no longer really active in (and this is down to me really disliking how Astruc handled the series and losing interest in it) Marinette is tied with Adrien for my favorite character in Miraculous, with Alya and Kagami also sharing a tie in second place?
In the fandom I've been in longer than Anderverse... which I'm still active in, even if not here on tumblr... Elita (g1 and the netflix series), Arcee (g1), Arcee (tfp), Strongarm, AIR RAZOR, Black Arachnia, Airachnid... there are a TON of female characters I adore who are consistently in my 'top five favs' for each show / iteration
I could go on, honestly.
Are there female characters I dislike? ones that I, even worse from a reading/watching perspective find boring?
Yup. Heck, even some I hate.
There are also male characters I dislike, am bored by, or hate.
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biosurvive · 3 months
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undeadhousewife · 2 years
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The face I made when that punchline hit
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youturningintodust · 2 years
Expecting for a stone top to express sexuality in any other way is coercion, and is ultimately a form of sexual abuse on the level of force and rape. Pushing someone’s sexual boundaries to accept touch that they don’t want or can’t handle is rape.
Cis men are not the only people who can rape. Rape =/= straight cis PIV alone. If you are a woman or nb of any flavor and you have pushed, wheedled, whined, plead, tried to “seduce”, otherwise psychologically pressured a stone butch/stone top to do anything but their stone sexuality…. You are a sexual abuser at minimum, and a rapist at worst. (Whether or not said victim had the words, or was willing/felt safe enough to use them to describe you.)
Stone butches/stone tops do not owe you access to their bodies.
Period. End of. Any part of them. Even outside of the privates area. There are stones who keep all clothes on during sex. Let them be. You are not owed as much as a fucking uncovered kneecap. If you’re trusted, honor that trust.
If you even mentally eroticize the idea of stones doing non-stone sex acts for you, in your head, that is genuinely equal to a straight man fantasizing about forcibly “converting” a lesbian through rape/coercion/“seduction”/assault. Being a non-stone who wants stones to be anything other than what they naturally are, is a rapist fantasy, end of.
(And, yes, because some idiots always going to be pedantic and mention it: Yes, there are people who thought they were stone and weren’t — Or who have a complicated relationship with it where they live as stone most of the time, and once in a blue moon, make an exception (for their own pleasure). Yes — but that doesn’t ever make coercion and pressure acceptable. Those with complicated relationships with their own sexuality, who may lean stone without being that 24/7, deserve to have safe partners to be with — who never expect it and who will gently receive any rare, exceptional non-stone sex acts as a gift, and a surprise, knowing that it might never happen again. You cannot date these individuals, if your sexuality revolves around non-stone touch as a primary interest. You will never get what you want and only make someone else miserable.)
Leave stones the actual fuck alone and go find one of the other 99% of non-stone cis women and/or other afab people on this planet who DO enjoy non-stone touch and are happy to have the sex that you want. Stop forcing your predatory, lesbophobic behavior on us because you can’t and won’t respect or understand our limits and boundaries.
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I was pretty bored yesterday and in a bitter mood and so I ended up spam-reblogging a shitload of anti-Madoka Magica posts(and no I’m not sorry, because no matter fucking what I will never stop hating on that trashfest of an anime), and obviously there’s nothing much really that I can say about it that hasn’t already been said by both me and other people in the past but lemme just say how FUCKED up it is…that grown men can look at a genre full of light and hope and female solidarity and empowerment for girls that teaches them that they can be whatever they want to be and that they should never stop believing in themselves and striving for greatness and go “nope, fuck that, instead of all of that happy fun girl power shit let’s write an edgy grimdark dystopia where being a girl with dreams and a desire to strive for greatness is a bad thing that can only end in suffering and punishment, where the survival of the universe and progress of humanity literally hinges on girls being tortured and killed en masse for wishing for something that would make them happy, where girls are universally portrayed as overemotional and impressionable and susceptible and weak and must slay each other in order to survive because they’ll go berserk and monstrous once their power inevitably gets the better of them, and where the only way to escape this ending is by dying and being erased from existence, because that’s the best girls can hope for, and as the icing on the sour cake, let’s aim it at an adult male audience so that they can watch girls suffer and perish and be psychologically broken for their own entertainment, all because they wanted something for themselves and had the gall and the selfishness to go after it.”
And instead of people seeing it for the sexist torture porn that it is it gets glowing reviews on every platform, people eat this shit up and say that this sleazy adult male-aimed show about barely adolescent girls suffering because they wanted something more for themselves is feminist actually, that actually all of the turmoil that the girls go through is a totally girl power metaphor for how girls suffer at the hands of patriarchy in the real world, and how the torture porn got subverted at the end when really all the end did was show the girls continuing to suffer because of their wishes but hey at least they’ll get the sweet release of death in the end, and how the all-male writing staff definitely meant for this to be the next feminist coming of Jesus despite the fact that they say they weren’t inspired by any Magical Girl works that came before them and were instead inspired by porn games…Madoka is the most progressive and revolutionary anime ever really, even more so than those insightful shows about Magical Girls that are actually aimed at girls and actually feature female empowerment and angst done well and not just for the sole purpose of letting men watch female characters suffer, those other shows are just stupid and shallow and bland and don’t know what they’re talking about, Madoka is where it’s at. Take it from me, a 35-year-old man who has never seen a single Magical Girl anime in my life except for Madoka Magica. If you don’t agree with me or if you dare to critique my soulless male gaze moebait, then you’re obviously just dumb and ignorant and don’t understand the deep philosophical nuances of this shoddy anime, I mean just look at Madoka’s mom! She’s the breadwinner of her family! Sure she’s not important to the plot on a whole and it’s not like Heartcatch Precure has done this character archetype better or anything but she’s proof that the writers are feminist icons who set out to empower women! Now watch as me and the rest of my Madoka-loving friends proceed to bully and harass the shit out of you for not sharing our vapid opinions until you either delete your account, change your tune and say you like Madoka now and were so wrong and stupid before, or stop talking about how much you hate Madoka entirely. And anyway teenage girls really ARE irrational, hysterical, and constantly on their cycles. Of course they’ll get taken advantage of for it! That’s not misogynistic to point out, that’s just the biotruth!
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synonym-pie · 1 year
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gonna leave wet blatting farting noises on terf blogs before i block them
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indelibleevidence · 1 year
Evri: *emails* How did your courier do?
I literally saw him for the ten seconds it took to open the door, take the package from his hands, then close the door again. Really don't have an opinion, here. 🙄
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 4 months
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Incredibly large and not very useful amount of dialogue from my funnies. I wanted to do this dialogue meme from cereovo in order to figure out the characters voices but uhhhhhh idk. I’m not really happy with the writing.
Rest of them under the cut.
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scrmnviking · 22 days
Looking forward to a high of 40 C and a low of 26 C today (that's 104 and 79 in Fahrenheit). This BS can shove it.
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memoryoflooping · 1 year
can you guys imagine the seth april fools screengot where its like "i think i'm gay" except its lkie i think i'm a furry
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