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Today's Beauty-Marked Beauty is: Greta von Deta from Project Makeover
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superflymiceguy · 10 months
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Hughes and Histamine.
Crossover piece of my character, Hughes, and @superflatpsyche's character, Histamine.
Deta's Sagas X The In-Between!
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spectercrums · 1 year
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Arthit and Cahaya have a friendly chat by the beach!
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kernelhabit · 2 years
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Told myself I couldn't put 2 OCs in the same image for this project but I never said anything about non-original characters-
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detas-sagas · 2 years
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Book I: Deta’s Shining Shadows
First << 08 >>
Chapter 08: Reliable Source
Deltington was barely awake, making coffee for himself when Crevany came bursting through the door, throwing their crying daughters on the couch.
“Del, watch them.” Crevany snipped and snapped her fingers.
He let out a sigh. “Okay.” He paused. “Did they eat?”
“Ha.” Crevany chuckled. “No. You feed them.”
Deltington took a deep breath. “…Okay.”
Crevany tilted her head. “Do I hear some attitude coming from your voice?”
“No, I’m just tired.” Deltington nodded. “Was helping Thime move into his new place. Long drive there and back.”
“Hey.” Crevany said softly.
Deltington turned around and was met with a slap across his face. He didn’t say anything, tightened his lips and continued making his coffee.
“Don’t you fucking ignore me!” Crevany yelled and smacked the coffee cup off the counter, shattering it against the wall.
Deltington put his hands on the counter. “Okay then. What did I do this time?” He said, trying not to raise his voice.
“I don’t want you to hang out with Thime anymore!” She shouted, aggressively poking him in the cheek.
“He’s been my best friend since childhood. Why don’t you want me seeing him?” Deltington asked, clasping his hands together.
Crevany put her hands to her hips. “Oh, you know why, c’mon!”
Deltington’s eyes were almost watering out of frustration. “I genuinely don’t.”
“God, you’re an idiot.” Crevany said.
Deltington scoffed. “What, you think I’m fooling around with him behind your back?”
“I don’t think, I know!” She yelled.
“Heh.” Crevany smirked. “There you go, raising your voice again. I can’t believe you.”
Deltington grabbed Crevany’s arms and smiled in frustration. “Please, just go. I’ll watch the kids. But just please go… like… to a bar or something.”
Crevany squirmed her way out of his grip. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!” She screamed and started punching him in the arms.
“Stop. It!” Deltington yelled.
She stopped for moment, but when Deltington put his guard down, Crevany reached for another coffee cup and shattered it across his head.
“Deltington.” A faint voice echoed. “Hey, Del!”
He heard fingers snapping and his mind jumped back to reality.
“Ex-wife on the mind?” Garret asked over the radio.
Deltington’s eyes were vacant, and he could not speak as he trudged along through the snow towards Garret’s pod.
“Coffee mug.” He said under his breath. “Why that memory though?”
Suddenly a loud boom shook the forest and gunfire was heard off into the distance.
“What in the world was that?!” Deltington asked, aiming his gun.
“Del!” Thime said over the radio. “I’m with Foreman and we’re gonna make our way to the crash site.”
“Copy.” He responded. “I’m making my way to Garret right now. Hold position and we’ll come to you.”
“How close are ya, bro?” Garret asked.
“Coming up on ya, right now.” Deltington said and sure enough there was Garret’s pod, but it was opened.
“Garret? I told you to stay in your pod, dammit!” Deltington shouted.
There was no response.
“Garret! Garret, come in.” They all chimed in over the radio.
Still nothing.
Deltington ran over to his brother’s pod to investigate and found no sign of him.
“Hello there, new friend.” Mephy greeted him.
It was so dark Deltington couldn’t see him at first as he blended in with the darkness, but Mephy, was perched atop the pod. Deltington tried to shoot his gun, but black strings emerged from the ground and tied him down, bringing him to his knees. The beast skipped over to him and gave him a huge toothy smile. His long tongue slithered out and licked Deltington’s cheek.
A gun went off and someone had shot Mephy through the neck. The strings tying Deltington down loosened, and he manage to escape their grasp. Deltington ran at Mephy with all his might and tackled him into the side of a tree.
Mephy didn’t answer.
“Del!” Garret yelled.
He turned around to see Garret accompanied by Hughes and Chairman. As he was looking at the three men, Mephy managed to kick Deltington off him with his hooves and slip away into the darkness.
“Garret!” Deltington said and ran towards his brother, hugging him tightly, paying no mind to the others.
“Nice to meet ya.” Hughes said, holding out his hand. “I’m Hughes.”
“Hold up. What was that thing and what are you two doing out here in the middle of a forest?” Deltington asked cautiously.
“They found me in my pod and said they were headed to investigate the plane crash.” Garret stated. “Apparently they were at a bar and heard the commotion.”
Deltington was still skeptical as he looked at their outfits. They seemed too fancily dressed to be coming from a backwoods bar, especially this late at night.
“Gentlemen.” Chairman said. “It’s freezing out here. We should find shelter.”
“We need to find Foreman and Thime first though.” Garret said.
Deltington eyed him sharply.
“Say.” He said. “You two don’t look Zonelish.”
“I’m from Suits.” Hughes quickly replied. “Was out here on a business trip with my assistant here. Who was that thing that attacked you though?”
Deltington paused. “I have no idea.”
“Let’s get out of here before it comes back then.” Hughes said. “We can help you find the rest of your friends.”
Garret looked to Deltington with pleading eyes.
He was hesitant for a moment. “Thime. Foreman. Come in, I found Garret.” Deltington said over his radio.
“Oh, that’s great!” Foreman said.
“We ran into some… locals. Don’t shoot them.” Deltington ordered.
“Well, that’s lucky.” Commented Thime.
Meliza was sprinting through the dense Zonelish forest, slushing the snow beneath her feet as she heard the chaos erupting behind her. E’thrus was in a volatile state, and she entrusted that he would make it back safely to her after taking care of their problems.
“The shotgun.” Meliza said to herself and spun around. “I need a weapon.”
She paced back and forth in the snow, thinking about whether she should go and retrieve her gun.
“I forgot my gun!” She thought. “Son of a bitch! Wait… is it even in the truck still?”
After thinking it over some more she let out a deep breath and ran back to the pickup truck to see if her shotgun was still in the vehicle. Adrenaline pumping through her body, she made it back to the truck within minutes and started scouring the bed and cab.
“Aha!” She cheered, as she saw it lying in the bed powdered in light snow.
She picked it up, wiped off the snow and made sure it still had two shells. It did. Safety off and barrel raised, she felt ready to blast anything that decided to come her way.
A cracking of a branch caught her attention, and she aimed the weapon in the direction she thought the sound came from. A slight breeze passed under her chin and not even a second later, she was pinned down by the wrists by E’thrus who seemingly appeared from thin air.
“Hah!” She gasped.
E’thrus, still in this wild state, stared at Meliza with eyes that felt as if they were piercing her soul.
“E- E’thrus…” She murmured.
His muzzle opened up, revealing two rows of razor sharp teeth and warm saliva that dripped onto her cheek. His claws moved away from her wrists and cupped her face. His eyes blinked a few times before realizing who he had in his grasp.
“Meliza.” He whispered.
With this confirmation that E’thrus knew it was her, she retaliated by grabbing his face and pulling him down for a passionate kiss. This effectively returned E’thrus back to his normal state and he pulled Meliza off his lips and lifted her up off the ground.
“Are you hurt?” E’thrus asked in a more somber tone.
Meliza rubbed the back of her head. Tears started running down her face.
E’thrus put his hands on her shoulders. “Meliza! We need to get out of here, now!”
“It just won’t stop.” She said under her breath.
“W- what?”
She folded her arms, shrugged E’thrus’ claws off her shoulders and turned her back to him. “I saw the rabbit. That was her, wasn’t it? She’s still alive?”
E’thrus lowered his head and ears. “...Yes.”
“How?!” She yelled as her head snapped to E’thrus.
E’thrus covered his eyes and shook his head. “I- I don’t know. Seraphs are-.”
“YOU ATE HER! YOU FUCKING ATE HER! I saw it!” Meliza yelled pointing to her eyes with two fingers.
“That’s hardly the case dearie, heehee!” Slith popped in, sitting atop the pickup truck.
Meliza was quick on the draw and fired her gun at Slith with deadly accuracy, causing the bunny to explode into a heap of flesh and organs. Very quickly however, her body began reassembling itself with the spider-like bloody spindles to its proper state within seconds. Slith tilted her head at Meliza and gave her a cheeky smile with her corroded yellow tinted razors.
Meliza then pointed to E’thrus with her finger while keeping her eye on Slith. “He. Ate! You!” She emphasized.
“Ha!” Slith laughed. “Like that was the first time I’ve ever been eaten. Kind of enjoyed it a little bit, not gonna lie.”
“You’re an abomination to nature.” E’thrus scowled.
Slith leaped off the hood of the now shotgun pellet ridden truck and frolicked around the two with her floppy ears bouncing out of sync with her movements.
“At least I take pride in being the monster I was born to be. It’s so much more fun!” She giggled.
“What about you though?” She stopped in front of E’thrus and swayed back and forth. “Didn’t it feel good, euphoric even, to just let loose that true beast you are and slaughter everything and everyone that stood in your way? Didn’t it feel like the first time you had passionate sex with your bitch-”
“-to finally catch me and just rip me to pieces with those gorgeous claws and teeth of yours?”
E’thrus was silent.
Slith stepped back and her voice became sinister and monotone. “You weren’t built to live an easy life, E’thrus Vos Devon. You were built to kill and that is what you will do for the rest of your admirable, yet simple existence. I want to see that wrath on display again!”
Slith looked up to Meliza, smirked and gave her a wink before disappearing again.
“Oh, nice to see you again.” An elegant southern voice caught their ears.
They slowly turned around and saw Hughes along with Chairman and two new faces. Deltington and Garret.
E’thrus stepped in front of Meliza. “Hughes.” He growled.
Deltington backed off and pointed his gun at Hughes.
Chairman retaliated and drew one on Garret.
Hughes pulled out E’thrus’ box of cigarettes he stole and lit one in front of him and smiled. “Why so tense everyone?”
First << 08 >>
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elettritv · 4 days
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carlagriffin · 1 year
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Brick Detroit Example of a huge classic beige two-story brick house exterior design with a hip roof and a shingle roof
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naviswisata · 2 years
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Let's Explore Minangkabau 😃🙏 ⚬PADANG TOUR & TRANSPORT INFO⚬ ✅ 3D - 2N Danau Diatas & Danau Dibawah Tour (Danau Kembar) ✅ 3D - 2N Sawahlunto Heritage Tour ✅ 3D - 2N Minangkabau Tradisi Tour (Tari Piriang & Makan Bajamba di Rumah Gadang) ✅ 3D - 2N Ranah Minang Tour ✅ 3D - 2N Minangkabau Religi Tour ✅ 3D - 2N Pacu Jawi ✅ 3D - 2N Ziarek Tour ✅ 4D - 3N Sumbar Rancak Tour ✅ 4D - 3N Pulau Mandeh & Keliling Sumbar ✅ Pulau Mentawai Trip ✅ Bus Pariwisata ⚬Discount Harga Paket Tour ⚬Free Es Durian / Sate Mak Syukur ▪PT. NAVIS WISATA TOUR & TRAVEL▪ Tlp / WhatsApp : 📲 0811 66 585 99 📲 0852 7888 7679 📲 0812 749 49 79 ☎ 0752 - 6481617 📧 [email protected] 🌏 https://padangtrip.com 🆓 FAST RESPON : 📲 wa.me/628116658599 #deta #detaminang #tourandtravel #tourinfo #touroperator #tourismmalaysia #trip✈️ #tourservice #triphemat #wisata #trip #travel #traveling #travelgram #adventure #holiday #instatravel #vacation #holidays #adventuretime #holidayweekend #travelling #vacationmode #travelblogger #traveller #traveler #travellife #traveltheworld #travelguides #travelawesome https://www.instagram.com/p/CoHSotcP_5U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bs-electrical · 2 years
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Mary Katrantzou ready to wear fall 2017
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flightyalrighty · 4 months
sonic, honey, wash your hands. and your shoes. and your. everything
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orgasming-caterpillar · 7 months
"*mutual I don't even know why I'm following and have no connection to except following each other and have never talked to in my life and don't know a single fact about their personality* posted after a long time" whoever made this feature fucking kill yourself
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superflymiceguy · 2 years
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My Uncle drew Chairman from my Deta story.
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spectercrums · 2 years
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Cahaya Caniago
Another member of the Anba Council, Cahaya is an investigator known for their keen eye and attention to detail, they are often seen verifying news and leading rescue missions when their people get captured by poachers
Posted using PostyBirb
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takahikohayashi · 11 months
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D-6.Jun.2019 Vibes in Lines 42x28cm Takahiko Hayashi 林孝彦 2019
Pigment acrylic ink on Paper/ original emulsion base image size: 42x28cm (Japanese Gampi paper) paper size: 53.5x39.7cm (Hahnemuhle5761)
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detas-sagas · 2 years
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Book I: Deta’s Shining Shadows
First << 09 >>
Chapter 09: Nonagon
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 46, 8-17-5250.
The days seem to get shorter and shorter every day, as Hughes and I are constantly running experiments and tests to see how different subjects react to the injections he creates. Failures, all of them. The ashes of bodies line the furnaces. He is always going on about a particular breed of tulip that would help him create the perfect augmentation compound. Perhaps these are the callings of someone lost to their work? I wish to see how far this man is willingly to go.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 47, 8-19-5250.
Moment after moment is what my life has become. Going through the motions and following orders. I voice my concerns often. I feel like I am the only one that does, as everyone Hughes surrounds himself with, treat him as an absolute. Whatever he wants, he will get it, no questions asked. I ask, however, as I am unsatisfied carrying out Hughes’ violent wishes without knowing the full reason as to why. I do not mind committing these acts. I simply wish to have a reason for them. The only response I seem to get out of him is that what he is doing is essential to his existence. What this entails, I do not know.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 48, 9-24-5250.
To be one’s assistant is quite demeaning to me. However, it does not seem I will be able to change my position in a relatively quick way, as everyone Hughes has under his command has stayed in their position for years.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 49, 3-14-5251.
Strike without fear and without morals. No judgement is needed. No Biases needed. Only blood and bodies.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 50, 3-15-5251.
Is any of this even worth my time? I am kind of curious to see what would happen if I tried leaving and return back to my home in Zahongu.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 51, 3-16-5251.
“Soon” is a word I often hear come out of Hughes’ mouth. “Soon” should practically be replaced with the word, whenever, as, “soon” could either mean within the hour or within a year. I hate it.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 52, 4-10-5252.
52nd entry is able to be made the day I find my Journal within the wreckage of one of Hughes’ failed experiments. Truly fortunate.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 53, 4-11-5252.
5252 is the year… Maybe one day, he will accidentally kill himself and I can leave without fear of him killing me.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 54, 5-10-5252.
The way I see it, no one is like Hughes. I investigate his belongings. I search for anything that will tell me about his past. Nothing. Craig Louis Hughes. What an unassuming name for someone that has struck fear in the unruliest of people we have met. His actions speak of a man who has lost his sanity long ago, yet his demeanor is of a confident entrepreneur with resources beyond the reach of most world governments and corporations. Where does he get the funds to pursue such elaborate experiments and tasks?
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 55, 5-15-5252.
First, I was skeptical about Deta’s sister dimension. Now there is video proof of it. Such an alien world to our own. What causes its sky to look like this? Why is foliage a vibrant neon-orange? Why are the forests coloured cyan? If only there was more time to examine these attributes within “The Anomaly” as Hughes has called it. The portals he has made do not last long.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 56, 5-25-5252.
Weekend two. This time we took a voyage a bit farther into The Anomaly. He was searching for something. We walked in a relatively straight line for about an hour before coming across the only normal entity that seemed to be within this place. A field of tulips. He scrambled into the field and started scouring the ground before emerging with a handful of black tulips in his hands. He was smiling. These must have been the tulips he was looking for this whole time.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry, 57, 5-29-5252.
Of all the things I have witnessed in this life, nothing could have prepared me for the noises the white tigress made, after willingly being injected with the concoction Hughes had brewed using the black tulips. The whites of her eyes became black as night, and she grew even larger black claws that tore through the metal plated floor when she fell to her hands and knees. She gave out a banshee-ish roar that nearly blew my eardrums out. Despite this monstrous transformation, after she caught her breath, she stood right back up and awaited Hughes’ next command. When she was in front of us, I noticed that her relatively petite figure had been replaced with a heavily muscular one and she looked as though she could kill us both where we stood. How much control does Hughes have over those beneath him? Why does it seem like I am the only one allowed to question him on things?
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 58, 5-31-5252.
The number of bodies we go through has decreased significantly. If it were not for the new spell Hughes discovered disintegrating the portals, I might have been expended to the clean-up crew.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 59, 6-8-5252.
Third weekend. Same deal as before. Went in, collected the flowers, and then left. That is all he wants. There is no incentive to explore any further beyond the field of tulips to him. I find it too convenient that the ingredient he needed so desperately was within an hour walk inside an entire alternate dimension. I feel this might be a trap set by entities that knew of our arrival. We have yet to come across any intelligent life that was not feral fauna, but anytime we are there, I feel we are being watched by thousands of eyes.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 60, 6-10-5252.
Two “Reapers” as Hughes calls them, were created within the span of just a few weeks. The White Tigress’ name was Yinna Cangbai, and she suggested someone from the Heping Soldiers Subsidiary she used to work for, Hauxil Langren, go through the augmentation. At first I thought he may have been her lover until I discovered she was like Hughes and I. Zero interest in any sexual or romantic affairs whatsoever. No doubt in my mind though, that Hughes has entered The Anomaly long before my association with him. There could be more Reapers that I am unaware of. Hauxil and Yinna are just the ones I am allowed to know about. I am curious as to why Hughes himself has not augmented, or why I was never offered the black tulip concoction?
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 61, 7-13-5252.
Last time we went into The Anomaly, I suggested we explore beyond the tulip fields. Surprisingly, Hughes decided to go along with my idea, and we ventured near the cyan forests and did ample examination of the atmosphere. We almost did not make it back in time as the portal had begun to shrink while we were still a good ten minutes away. Luckily, Hughes had attached a cable to himself before entering and hit a button attached to the backpack he was wearing. He grabbed me by my backpack and the cable yanked us through the grass, staining our clothes and creating rashes against our bodies. We both managed to fly through the portal mere seconds before it closed. Now our time within The Anomaly has been reduced by 30 minutes. Unfortunate. A 30 minute buffer is certainly better than a 30 second one though. That I can agree with him on.
C. L. Chairman. Journal Entry 62, 9-9-5252.
Month 9, day 9 has arrived, and it makes me wonder what Hughes’ fascination with the number nine is? What is so significant about it? 9. Why 9? Such an odd choice. 9.
First << 09 >>
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