danveration · 8 months
Sleep well, amour Pt. 2
Parings: Alastor x reader
Summary: After falling asleep to his voice, you wake up and get confronted by Alastor. Later, you walk in on him sleeping.
Word count: 1523
Warnings: Mention of Alastor eating and k*lling a deer
part one
A/N: PART TWO IS HERE!!! I had SO many options wracking my brain on where to take this, but I picked this one! I hope you all enjoy it :’) let me know if you have any feedback, I’d love to hear it. Also, I’m currently working on all the requests I got :) as well as part 2 to that-no-good-first-man-on-earth
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You wake up, blinking and looking around. Momentarily forgetting where you are.
Shit. You fell asleep in Alastor’s recording room. Thankfully, he isn’t here right now.
Before you could get up, you notice a purple blanket on you. It seems to be the one that was on his coat hanger. Did Alastor put this on you..? The thought has you smiling and your cheeks reddening.
Alastor’s voice sure does have an effect on you. You look outside to see what time it is, but remember that it’s Hell and the sky is always the same shade of red. You’re going to have to get used to that.
Getting up, you put the blanket back on the hanger and look around some more. It feels some-what intimate right now to be in his space when he’s not around. You wonder how long you’ve been asleep for.
You walk over to his table and notice a red “play” button on his radio equipment and are tempted to press it. It surely won’t cause any harm to hear what he was talking about when you were asleep. You press it and listen.
“Haha! For any sinner, I know it’s a tempting question. But I-“ The recording fast forwards. “Nevertheless, I find it quite amusing that this technology box thinks he is on any sort of level to me! Call me crazy but the sinners have been taaallkinggg, and they think he sounds quite obsessed.” He laughs, knowing Vox is probably listening.
You smile at his voice and find it funny how he is a bit of a drama queen when it comes to his radio broadcasts. You know deep down he doesn’t actually care about the whole situation with Vox, but it’s still funny how he entertains it.
Looking to your right, you see a mug that has “Oh Deer” written on it. There seems to be a bit of black coffee still left in the mug. The “deer” reference made you giggle. You’ve always wondered about his past and how exactly he is part deer anyhow. Oh well, It’ll reveal itself with time.
You’re looking at all the other buttons on his equipment, wondering what they do, when all of a sudden you hear light footsteps on the other side of the door. It’s most likely Alastor. Nobody would willingly go to his room without permission.
The door opens slowly and in steps Alastor. You notice how he opened the door quietly, to not make make much noise. As he still assumed you were asleep. You smiled at that.
He looks ahead and sees you, immediately smiling. “Ah! My dear. You’re awake!” He claps his hands together, his cane leaning on his side.
“Hey Al. Um.. about what happened I-“ You start.
“Ah, ah! No need to explain yourself, sweetheart! Don’t go giving yourself a headache.” He cuts in and laughs.
He looks down at you and says, “you just find comfort in my voice, don’t you?” He asks, with a smug smile.
Your eyes go wide and you stutter. Of course it wasn’t the most secretive thing. Still, you didn’t think he actually knew.
“U-um. Well..” You say.
He tilts his head to side as if saying, “Go on…”
There’s really no getting out of this. Plus, you don’t think Alastor would actually care. He’d probably just find it funny.
“Yeah, I do.” You admit. “I find comfort in your voice, of course I do! I just.. I don’t know.”
You aren’t sure what to say, it’s a tad embarrassing.
Alastor begins to laugh.
“I certainly could tell! I find it quite amusing if I do say so myself.” He says.
He definitely doesn’t mind it, he has a soft spot for you. But he’s also a bit confused on why you even do. He knows his radio voice is unique, but nobody ever commented on it bringing them comfort. They usually scream and run away when they hear him. You’ve been there long enough to see him kill and do so many things that people describe as “horrible, satanic, terrifying” but you still find comfort in him nevertheless? He thinks it’s absolutely adorable!
“Amusing?” You ask.
He nods and says, “Amusing, darling! I mean.. you know who I am, do you not?” He laughs and continues. “Though you still find comfort.. now that’s an interesting fact, don’t you think?”
You shy away, looking anywhere but him. You’re comfortable around him, of course, but you’re a tiny but embarrassed of this whole situation. You know he is definitely loving his though.
He places a finger on your jaw and guides your head back to look at him.
“Uh, uh, dear. There’s no need to feel shy! I never said it was a bad thing. I’m truly honoured!” He says, smiling down at you.
You and him have been getting to know each other for a while now and you’ve just been going deeply and deeply more interested in him. You almost laugh at yourself because you sometimes act as if you did when you alive, how you obsessed over fictional characters and “fan fiction.”
You look at him and say, “Well, that’s good then.” You chuckle.
“Mm, it is isn’t it?” He says.
He thinks you’re absolutely pathetic, but in a good way. He wouldn’t let anything hurt you, this new sensation is something he never wants to get rid of.
Later that day, Charlie wanted you to pass a message on to Alastor about the hotel reservations. You knew he was in his room because he mentioned that if you needed him, he’d be in there having some dinner (aka, deer). Which he has in his half room half forest. You really wonder how on earth he even did that. The wonders of being a radio demon!
You’re at his door, lightly knocking. You wait a few seconds but you don’t hear anything from the other side.
“Al?” You question while knocking again.
“Hm.” You think.
You aren’t sure if you should go in or not. Sure, the thing Charlie told you about could wait but you also wanted to make sure he was okay. What if he.. choked or something? You’re sure the radio demon could handle that but you just want to make sure.
“Al, I’m coming in.. okay?” You say while knocking once more.
You slowly twist the knob and push the door open. Peaking in, you see him on the other side of the room, in a chair.
“Alastor, are you alr-“ You stop yourself when you notice his eyes are closed.
Closing the door behind you, you walk up to him.
He’s currently sitting in the chair, his arm on the table and his head resting on his hand. He looks so peaceful. His mouth isn’t smiling and his face just looks so.. relaxed. You’ve never saw him like this before. He mumbles occasionally and his ears twitch every so often as he sleeps. You aren’t sure how he finds this position comfortable, but you smile at it nonetheless.
You don’t want to disturb him so you leave, now relaxed that you know he’s okay.
Right before you grab the knob of the door, you hear, “Y/n?”
You whip your head back and you see him standing up, looking at you with his smile.
“Did you need something, dear?” He asks, as if he wasn���t just dead asleep a second ago.
Of course, it makes sense he is a light sleeper.
“O-oh, no. Charlie just wanted me to tell you that the renovations went well and that the guys who inspect the place will be here tomorrow!” You say. “Sorry if I disturbed you.”
“Ahh, alright! And nonsense! You couldn’t disturb me.” He says.
You look at him and smile.
“You know, you could join me if you want! I was just resting and then going to have some dinner.” He offers.
You perk up but then remember that Husk assigned you a task of picking up crates of whiskey for the bar.
“Shit, sorry. I can’t. I have to go get more alcohol for the bar.” You say with a frown.
“More? If I remember correctly, we just got new shipments in.. last week?” He says with a laugh. “Though I’m not surprised we ran out again. Husker is a busy man. Well, my dear. Some other time, then!”
You notice him looking back into the forest, eyeing a deer.
“Yeah, some other time.” You smile. “Have a good dinner, Alastor!”
He smiles back at you says, “Oh I will.” He chuckles, his radio eyes making an appearance as he looks back the deer.
“You have yourself a lovely day, sweetheart!” He says with a wave.
“You too!” Waving back, you then open the door and leave. Once you leave you hear shrieking on the other side of the door, definitely the deer that Al was eyeing.
You’re excited to have more encounters with him, and even take him up on the dinner offer! You remember him mentioning he wanted to introduce you to his friend, Rosie. You’re looking forward to it.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 month
Roger Barel Main Route - Both Ends Cleared Special Story
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
This is in his POV
nsfw, minors dni
Today, I’ll tell you a story about me, a man named Roger Barel.
Someone, whose face I don’t remember anymore, once asked me something.
“Why do you live so recklessly?”
I absolutely don’t like wasting anything or being idle.
“Finding a way to get rid of curses” is a huge research project, and time keeps ticking away.
Even with a shortened lifespan, I wanna dig even deeper with my research.
Going on missions for Crown’s like gathering information, and my trivial everyday interactions, research.
With my boxing hobby to train my body and long hours of research, the only rest I get’s when I sleep or drink.
If my brain could stay in a fresh state, then I’d do research forever.
—At least, that’s what I thought. But apparently I’ve been changing lately.
Only “her” footsteps were distinct to my ears.
When the basement opened, I saw her face before I heard her voice.
Kate: Roger! I’ve sorted all your data on the Cursed by year!
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Roger: Done already? That’s my dog-assistant-partner for you.
Kate: …What about lover.
Roger: Haha, I left it out on purpose. Thanks Kate, you’ve been a big help.
With the way Kate was beaming, if she were a dog, her tail would be wagging.
(You’re as cute as ever)
Kate: So…Do you remember our “promise”?
Roger: Yeah, “after finishing a task I assigned you, I’ll grant one request.” What did you want so badly?
Kate: Um, there’s a place I want to go—
Kate dragged me to—
(...The hell?)
—A group of people lying down on the grass.
They weren’t just lying down, they were all spacing out, as if their souls were sucked out.
Kate: It’s an “do nothing party” where busy people gather for a short break.
Roger: Do nothing?
Kate: Yes, Ellis told me it’s been secretly been in fashion in London.
Roger: Where does that guy even learn about this kind of stuff?
Kate: Hehe. Roger, you lie down too. Come on!
Kate spread out a large blanket she brought and lay down. 
(...Just doing nothing, huh? If Kate wants to, then I’ll go along with it)
I lay down next to her…
A blue sky filled my vision.
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(...Has the sky always been this blue?)
(And I can hear the wind)
Despite the sky being around forever and my abnormal hearing, it felt as if I was experiencing these things for the first time.
Kate: …I’m sorry.
Roger: …What for?
Kate: I know you hate being idle and that you’d rather be spending your free time doing research. But we still have to live… The fight against despair never ends. Which is why if you keep running at full speed, you’ll run out of breath.
Roger: …
Kate: Sometimes you just need to pause, breathe, take a break.
Kate glanced at me and smiled.
Kate: Let’s run together again.
(So that’s it. That’s what Kate wanted to tell me.)
She said it casually, but the kindness in those words made it sink in.
It’s like I realized I hadn’t noticed the blue sky or sound of wind in a while.
(...Ah, I see. I’ve been acting reckless ‘cause I might’ve been “scared”)
For some time, I’ve felt like if I didn’t find a way to get rid of curses, then there was no reason for me being born.
I definitely felt that if I didn’t pursue my ambitions, I’d be betraying the people important to me.
So I continue to egoistically devote all my time into pursuing my ambitions.
(But humans aren’t kept alive only because they have meaning)
Every human’s existence was equally meaningful.
Though I came to realize that I didn’t apply this to myself.
(Having free will and fulfilling your ambitions makes you a villain)
(So I’ve been living life by getting rid of all the wasted needed to feel alive)
I don’t know if Kate did it on purpose, but she taught me some important things. To pay her back for these important lessons—
(Let’s enjoy this lovely idleness to the fullest)
Roger: Kate, let’s go.
Kate: Huh? Are we going back to work?
Roger: Nope. Sitting idle’s fine , but I wanted to spoil my cute lover. We can go shopping, eat, or go on a sightseeing cruise. What do you wanna do?
There were sparkles in Kate’s widened eyes.
Kate: All of the above!
Roger: Pfft, hahaha! Alright, we’ll do all of it. Come on, let’s go. Take my hand.
Kate: Roger, your shooting skills were amazing! Hehe, you shot down all the targets and the carny was at a loss.
Roger: You taking one prize and giving the rest back to the carny was admirable.
Kate: …There you go treating me like a child again.
Kate was in high spirits after playing all those games and held a large corgi plushie, the top prize from the shooting gallery, in her arms.
Roger: The stuffed toy’s nice and all, but I think it’s about time you give me a hug too.
Kate’s face fell, making her look like a scolded puppy.
Kate: …Don’t want to.
Roger: What, you going through a rebellious phase?
Kate: Because! Even though I took up a lot of your time today…I want to take more. If I hug you, I don’t think I’ll ever let you go…
(...*sigh* Why’s her reason so damn cute)
She wasn’t even trying to flirt with me, but that unconscious spoiled act aroused an animalistic desire.
Not one to hide my desires well, I sat on the bed and laid my sweet trap.
Roger: You’re a villain’s lover, remember? If you wanna take it, then take it—come here, Kate.
Kate: …Are you sure I can take up more of your time?
Roger: How insensitive. And if I say “I want you to”?
Kate: ~~...!
Kate squealed and threw herself onto the bed.
Roger: Heh, as usual there’s nothing sexy about the way you try to seduce me.
Kate: Sorry, your glasses—
Roger: Don’t need to put them back on—I’m gonna do this anyway.
Kate: Mnn, nnn…
I kissed Kate deeply and she sweetly sighed out my name in between breaths.
Kate: Roger…
(Early I said your seduction wasn’t sexy)
(...But when you’re like this, it’s enough to turn me on)
As we kissed, I stripped and caressed her, making her heat up and easily melt under my touch.
The more often we did this, the more Kate’s body became receptive to pleasure, which was also cute.
Watching Kate moan on top of me ignited a wicked desire.
Roger: Oh right, how about I teach you something we haven’t done before?
I pulled my shirt out, undid the front of my pants, took my cock out, and stroked it.*
I rested against Kate’s dripping wet entrance.
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Roger: Tonight, you’re gonna put “this” in by yourself.
Kate: I don’t think…
Roger: Then I guess we won’t do it then. I’ll just have to take care of myself.
Kate looked like she was fighting against her shyness as she put her hand on me…
Kate: …Please don’t laugh if I’m not good at this.
After positioning herself, she slowly sank down onto it.
Kate: Pfff…
(...I told her to do it herself, but now I’m feeling impatient)
Roger: Come on, just a little more. Keep lowering your hips.
Kate: I don’t think I can…Roger.
Roger: Heh, alright. I’ll help you.
I might’ve sounded like a sensible adult…but I was already at my limit.
Her walls fluttered around me when I grabbed her hips and lowered her down.
Kate: …Haaa…Nnngh
Roger: Come on, don’t cum without saying anything.
Kate: But…
Roger: You might feel light-headed after just cumming, but…there’s more pleasure to come.
I took a nipple in my mouth and rolled it around with my tongue while still holding onto her hips, slowly thrusting in and out of her.
Kate: Ahh…Roger.
(Ahhh, I can only think about her right now)
(No, not just now)
(Come to think of it, I never thought that she wasted my time)
~~ Flashback ~~
Kate: Strong…I want to be strong. Because I…don’t want to hate myself. Besides…life’s too long to live in despair.
Roger: …O_O Pfft, hahahahaha!
(I thought it was amusing how she was sobbing when she felt down, but didn’t despair)
Kate: Next time you do something perverted, I’m breaking our friendship!
Roger: Pfft, haha! Are you a kid or something? Dummy.
(We had a lot of pointless, childish arguments)
Kate: …Huhu…
Roger: Ah…you’re trying to hold your tears back.
Kate: B-because…You’ve acknowledged me as your partner…I’ll ruin it if I cry.
Roger: Pfft…
Kate: Besides, I know my crying face makes you happy.
Roger: Pfft, ahahahaha! You…You’re really… You’re so damn cute!
Kate: W-waaahhh~ Roger you bully!
(I bullied Kate so many times just to see her cute reactions)
Kate: Pull yourself together, Roger Barel! You’re the strongest egoist out there! This despair’s nothing. Just give it the middle finger and laugh it off like you always do!
Roger: …O_O
~~ End flashback ~~
(And when I didn’t believe in love, she proved to me that it existed)
(Kate, I don’t think any of the time I spent with you was a waste)
(To me, the time I spent with you’s a lovely idleness)
It’s thanks to this idleness that I was still able to escape despair and continue pursuing my ambitions.
Kate and I lost ourselves to passion and pleasure, savoring this lovely idleness.
Kate: …Roger, love you, I love you.
I stroked Kate’s hair as she lost herself to this heat and pulled her into my arms.
Roger: …I know. It’s an emotion you taught me.
A few days later, I heard Kate’s footsteps as she ran down the stairs to the basement.
Kate: Roger.
Roger: Yeah? What’s up, Kate?
Kate: Ah, you’re working right now, aren’t you?
I heard the sound of paper crinkling behind her back.
(Ellis did mention something about the circus being in town)
I guess Kate was holding the flyer behind her back.
Roger: Let me guess what you’re hiding behind your back. A circus flyer?
Kate: How did you know?!
Roger: Who knows. Gimme another half hour and then we can go.
I couldn’t help but smile at how adorable Kate looked as she blinked at me.
Roger: Research is important to me and I still don’t like anything wasteful. I’m sure there’ll be more times in the future when I get so absorbed with research that I neglect everything else. I’m not exactly the most considerate.
Kate: Hehe, I know that a little too well.
We looked at each other and exchanged conspiratory smiles.
Roger: —However, Kate, I can change. I’ll try to change for you, so— Let’s be together forever.
(I want to love you until the moment I take my last breath)
(Even if I spend my whole life searching, I’ll never find another woman like you)
Kate: …What do I do.
Roger: Hm?
Kate: I love you so, so much. You’re glittering.
Roger: Pfft, hahahaha. You’ve said something like that before.
~~ Flashback ~~
Kate: The person I like is different from everyone else. They’re especially glittering.
~~ End flashback ~~
That’s what Kate told me when I didn’t know what love was.
(Back then, I thought it was completely unscientific and impossible)
When Kate blushed and smiled at me, she also seemed to glitter for a moment.
Like gold dust glittering in the dark.
I wanted to touch the light, so I pulled Kate into my arms.
Kate: …Roger, what about your research?
Roger: …Just let me hug you for 3 minutes. Then I’ll continue my research.
Kate: …I’d like to extend it to 4 minutes. 
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Roger: How about 5 minutes then.
(Ah, what the heck. It’s a complete waste)
(But I can’t live without moments with her like these anymore)
(This lovely idleness is necessary to live)
Roger: Kate, I love you so much.**
*I’m not using their “mass” euphemism anymore. Time to free the cock. Especially since this is Roger’s POV
**Whenever “I love you” was used, it’s been 大好き (daisuki). But here, Roger said 愛してる (aishiteru). Unfortunately, English doesn’t have as many ways to say “I love you” with different meanings and feelings so…”I love you so much” it is.
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new-revenant · 4 months
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Alright! Time to share all of what I have of the 4th chapter. It’s not much, but hey, it’s something. Here is the Ao3 link to the other 3 chapters. And unfortunately, the story is on indefinite hiatus because I just. Couldn’t do it ha, got overwhelmed and majorly burnt out. Anyhow, hope you enjoy what I do have. 872 words.
Edit: Opps! Forgot to tag you haha @bianca-hooks123
When Danny woke up, he was surprised at how refreshed he felt. He really hasn’t a good night’s sleep in a while, huh. His body didn’t ache, his left arm finally felt normal, and the bruises he had were gone. If not for still being trapped in his ghost form, he would’ve been having the time of his life!
As he sat up, Danny noticed that his tray of food was unfortunately gone. But, he now had a new tray of food, breakfast edition! It still had the same mix of human and Tamaranean on it, which was nice. His water bottle was refilled, accompanied by a cup of strawberry milk right next to it.
Danny quickly set out to eat all of the food, like eating the dry cereal and then drinking the entirety of the milk right after, as God intended. He didn’t eat as fast as he did last night-er, before he fell asleep. He honestly had no idea what time it was, and couldn’t see a clock nearby. A clock.
Danny had to stop eating for a moment, trying to calm down the rage that was beginning to simmer. It’ll all be fine, everything back home would be fine, he just needs to pass whatever this test is and punch Clockwork in the face, then he’d be good to go. But what about this universe? Would he be able to go back here? Would he need to? Would he want to?
Danny shook his head, “No time to worry about that,” he muttered to himself, “Just eat your food, and read this note you just noticed was here.”
Danny picked up the note that he must’ve missed because he was too focused on the food. It was not written in English, or had any letters he was familiar with, and he was pretty sure spoken English here was the same as it was in his universe. It was most likely in one of the written languages of Tamaraneans, since everyone-expect Batman-thought he was a Tamaranean.
Danny flipped the note around, hoping for an English translation. The back of the note had more writing, but it was still in Tamaranean. Well that sucked. Now he has to find someone to read the note, and considering the note’s in Tamaranean, it was probably from either Starfire or Nightwing, maybe saying that they were off doing stuff. Even if Danny couldn’t read it, he did have a half-decent intuition!
With a sigh, Danny put the note back down and decided to finish his breakfast. It was so good, definitely better than anything his parents cooked for him. Who would definitely be okay if Nocturn was to be believed. Wait, was Nocturn telling the truth? Danny shook his head again, he had to believe Nocturn, for the sake of his own sanity.
Once Danny finished his food, he got out of the bed, and looked around the infirmary. He noticed three things; one, there was a clock in here and showed that it was 3 o’clock-whether it was AM or PM he didn’t know, two, someone else was in infirmary, and three, there was a box right in front of his bed.
First things first, the person in the bed was someone he hasn’t seen yet, with white, giant wings on their back. They looked they were in pain and was hooked up to something. They were already awake and was looking over at Danny.
“Ah, hello there kid,” they said with a small wave, “I’m Hawkgirl, glad you’re feeling better. Heard you weren’t in such a good state when you came in here.”
“Well, this is the infirmary,” Danny joked, “But I think I just used up too much energy.”
“Didn’t you also fall hundreds of feet from the sky?”
“Wow news spreads fast here huh? I healed pretty quickly from that though.”
“If you count being asleep for two days fast, then yes, you have.”
“I’m sorry, I’ve been asleep for how many days?” Danny couldn’t believe it, two days? That means he’s already been gone for…two minutes back home so he probably didn’t need to worry about that.
“You’ve been asleep for two days,” Hawkgirl’s voice held a pinch of sadness as she spoke, “I wish I could convert Earth days to Tamaranean days, but I don’t know the conversion rate. Starfire might, but she’s on-world right now.”
“It’s okay. Also do you um, know how to read this?” Danny showed her his note, “I can’t read.”
Hawkgirl inhaled sharply, with Danny already knowing what she was going to say and he groaned.
“Yeah yeah you don’t know either, it’s fine,” Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, “Uh, newtopicnewtopic…how are you doing? Got injured in a fight?”
“Unfortunately, yes, I have,” Hawkgirl sighed, “This strange, ghost-like creature managed to mess up some of my internal-“
“Wait a minute, er-sorry for interrupting you but did you say ghost? Like the see-through dead guys?”
“I’m unsure, Batman is looking into it. Oh, and he left that box of clothes for you not too long ago.”
“Ah, that’s what the box was for. Well, I’m going to wander around this spaceship-thing until I find a place to change.”
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teacup-crafter · 5 months
Okay I'm sad to have to do this but :(
This is my original song, My Special Company. (a Sherlock & Co. fansong)
I don't know what the quality sounds like it was wonky to upload
But I can definitely tell you I'm not happy with the results.
Unfortunately I have to give up this project, just... Leave it be for now
Because I'm not in a position where I can use any other instruments than what's available to me on walkband, I can't work on this stuff too loudly. and because my horrible awful "MoDeRn" phone doesn't have a headphone jack- I can only use bluetooth headsets with my phone. AND THE BLUETOOTH HAS LIKE A 1 SECOND DELAY. HORRIBLE AWFUL NO GOOD.
I'm not able to play around on instruments the way I want, and I get way too anxious working on this that I'm just. Not making progress.
So I'm leaving My Special Company here, and maybe someday I'll make a better version. I don't even remember what exactly it sounds like, I just remember that I definitely should have re-recorded the piano part haha, I had a little "twinkle" thing planned idk if it's in there
One last thing- you may notice a few references from adventures up to and including Blue Carbuncle, you might wonder why I didn't include other references- that's bc I started on this song around cardboard box pt 1. Yeah 😭
Lyrics under the cut. Arguably the best part of this. In fact just ignore the MP3 file and just read the lyrics /j
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
The thunder comes!
A thousand feet marching
To the sound of BIG DRUMS
The clouds part
and the sky bleeds,
as I meet you
Get me involved with ming pottery
And soon I realize I don't wanna be free
From this life, and your mind
As we go and we do it all, ooh-oh
Adrenaline and tension,
Brilliant comprehension
The thrill of the seek
And their shocking redemptions
Tell the listeners about this lovely place-
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
Stay tuned until next week
Faked deaths, faked murders
We keep it short
No matter where he goes
He's got my support
Suicide, still alive,
Though our shoes didn't make the fall
I can't deny that twinkle in your eyes
Is what I think you'd call "sensory delight"
To go out with the boys?
Or stay? Well, I choose you, ooh-oh
Adrenaline and tension,
Brilliant comprehension
The thrill of the seek
And their shocking redemptions
Tell the listeners about this lovely place-
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
Stay tuned until next week
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A, 221B
Sherlock, Mariana and my little Archie
221A, 221B
The listeners hear all that we seek
221A, 221B
We're keeping their attention, stay tuned until next week
221A, 221B
That is where I keep my special company
221A is where I wanna 221B
It's where I'll always be
Hope it was enjoyable. Fun fact: for so long whenever I started a new paragraph on my notes app the 1st word suggestion would be "EX-PLO-SION"
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aliasrocket · 1 year
tdlr : quill/rocket love triangle qna + excerpts!!
Since the quill/rocket love triangle poll one by 0.01% (literally) I’m trying to make it happen! Definitely will have at LEAST one chapter out by the end of august, maybe even two, but allow me to answer some frequently asked questions.
Quill and Rocket are in love with the reader. (Because of this, I would prefer to call it a love angle but its a lesser known term, so.)
I don’t wanna spoil the plot too much but I saw a post of James Gunn on twitter confirming Quill is on space tinder. That’s the only clue I can give you (no, it’s not a chat fic.)
It’s not poly. Sorry for those who wanted it that way.
And last but not least, here’s two excerpts—it’s not much but that’s because I just started, but hopefully you get the feel of the fic from this HAHA
so the first one’s to give you some insight on Quill, second’s on Rocket ;
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Books sound so much better when you recommend them to me
It’s books
There’s so many good ones out there that I haven’t read
I can take you to a bookstore if you want
Alright, if you insist
But I haven’t finished a book since
Since I last saw my mother
And you changed that
The bubble that held these words was the face of Peter—it was his face. The flat device on your phone was supposed to make up for the fact that you weren’t next to him.
Reading that through was like looking at a sunset and speculating its feelings. Obviously it’s a pretty sight. A lot of things happen when pink meets red meets orange meets yellow. But the sun doesn’t have a face. Neither do the colors. But your shoulders sink and your bones unwind at the very thought of letting your hair brush through the mellow sunset wind.
There was something there. Obviously, there was something there.
But Peter Quill was a chat screen with feelings.
I’m glad you liked Ready Player One Peter
I feel like a damn child again
With all the sci-fi you’ve recommended me
But in the good way
I can let loose
With you
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“Hey uh,” you swallowed, the slick noises from your throat somehow bouncing off the walls. “The ship’s on autopilot, right?”
“No, we’re crashing any second now,” Rocket answered dryly.
You whipped around to face the window. More clanging sounds ensued, but the stars were still sticking to the sky, fixed, not moving, not dropping to shaking about—and there was no quake in the ship, no floating feeling of your body falling and yet your heart hiccuped.
Rocket snickered. Your heart drummed somewhat distantly in your chest, but as drums are, it was loud, and it ran a careless finger down your ribs.
“Of course we’re on autopilot, princess,” he clarified a little kinder, despite the gesture being anything but kind. It was considered kinder because whatever he had done previously had made this an improvement.
He loaded his hands into his pockets, leaning against the box with a foot crossed over the other.
You groaned as your head hit the mattress, and you did this instead of offering a response, an option you actually had to weigh.
“Never got the proper meeting, by the way,” Rocket said, his boots giving away each heavy step towards you. “I’m—”
“Rocket. I know who you are,” you finish for him so he doesn’t have the chance to say anything else that would scare you.
You reluctantly sat up only to find he was closer than you had expected him to be. Your feet suddenly gravitated towards the floor in an attempt to regain some modesty.
“This usually goes both ways, you know.”
You press your lips into a thin line, your eyelids drooping to form an unamused look. You utter your name but the syllables clung to your lips when they barely left you. Rocket held out his hand, and you take note of his black nails protruding from its slender but unmarred form. You take his hand in your own, shaking it torpidly and very, very slimly moving it for a better view.
It was unmarred in a very human way—it held prominent knuckles at the beginning of each finger, and it looked so unnaturally natural; his hands were active, always on the move, always touching very hot and dangerous things—how could it possibly be unmarred?
“Now you say ‘nice to meet you, Rocket,’” he quipped.
You hit his hand away and scoffed. “Yeah yeah, okay.”
“Nice to meet you too,” he said along with your name, leaving him like a cardboard box labeled ‘fragile.’ It’s an open box but it’s handled with care, something he steadily unpacked.
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cheesy09 · 6 months
[CN] Kiro's Four-Leaf Clover Date
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This date was translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
Do note that this date takes place just some time after Kiro's Soundwaves Mind's Quest :>
[PART 1]
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February 13th, 4 p.m.
I push open the door to my house and sneakily poke my head through the door crack to look around.
MC: Kiro...?
Seeing that the living room is still quiet, I breathe a sigh of relief and pull in the trailer of express delivery behind me.
Taking in the small mountain of express delivery and shopping bags, I roll up my sleeves and briefly put them in order.
MC: Ingredients, cola, decorations...
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. After having just returned from Los Angeles, we decided to spend the holiday at home, having a big meal and watching a movie together.
But even so... I was still keen on preparing some surprises for him to make the day more special.
So before he got off work, I asked for leave and snuck back.
Looking at the stuffed refrigerator, I elatedly pick up a few of the express boxes and walk towards the storage room, ready to hide them first.
At one step away from the storage room, a panicked silhouette suddenly flashes down from the second floor. I shiver in fright before I finally take a look at the person gasping for air in front of me.
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Kiro stands in front of me wrapped in a bath towel, his slightly heaving chest still dripping with water droplets. His hair appears half wet, as if he was only halfway through washing it.
MC: You - Weren't you supposed to be filming tonight? Why are you back?
I feign composure and quietly hide the express box in my arms behind my back and press it against the wall.
Stunned, he awkwardly rubs his forhead.
Kiro: Finished work early and came back. What about you? Didn't you say you had to work overtime today...?
MC: Ah! My meeting was temporarily canceled... But I was afraid of interrupting your shoot, so I came back without telling you, haha~
At that moment, Kiro seems to notice something and looks behind me.
Kiro: What are you holding behind you?
MC: Oh, it's nothing, just a parcel. I was planning on putting it in the storage room.
I move to open the door, but Kiro suddenly grabs a hold of my wrist.
He seems to be taken aback by his own reaction for a moment. He then slowly lets go of my hand and scratches his head with a dry smile.
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Kiro: Wait, do go in just yet... Uh, it seems like a super invincible insect ran inside!
He feigns a horrified expression and gestures to me about the "body size" of the insect to be the size of a fist. I immediately shrink my neck in fear.
MC: Are you serious? That's terrifying....
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Kiro: Of course. It looks terrifying as well.
Kiro: So give me the boxes. Once I'm done with it, I'll put them in for you.
Seeing him reach out to take away my box, I immediately duck away and point to the small balcony with a smile.
MC: I'll put them on the small balcony by myself~ You can go finish off your shower. You won't feel good if you catch a cold later.
MC: Just take your time taking care of the bugs~
Kiro: Don't worry, I'll quickly take care of it and then go wash off. Otherwise, if I leave you alone with it on the first floor, you'll definitely be scared.
MC: All right!
The very next second, we each scurry away in separate directions.
Kiro runs into the storage room with a bang, and I return to the door and hide away all the remaining "surprises" on the small balcony.
In order for it to avoid being discovered, I throw several plastic covers on top of it.
In the distance, I hear the sounds of ping-ping-pong-pong come from the storage room, as if a fierce battle between human and insects is taking place.
[PART 2]
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With the festivities of the Spring Festival still ongoing, clusters of fireworks bloom in the night sky.
Considered that he'd unexpectedly hindered my plans, I tentatively decide to wait until he falls asleep to put my plan into action.
But with the fireworks being so loud, such an environment doesn't seem very conducive for a peaceful slumber...
Wanting to see if he's asleep, I open my eyes to sneak a peek, but am unexpectedly met with a pair of sparkling orbs.
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Kiro: Are the fireworks too loud for you to sleep?
MC: ...Yeah.
MC: And you? You seem to be in a good mood...
After I give a wry smile, I see him turn around and grab a pair of earplugs from the bedside table. He puts one into my ears.
The tight touch instantly fills my eardrums, quietly dissipating the sound of fireworks in the distance.
Kiro: I'm not sleepy, but I do want to be a good and energetic boyfriend tomorrow.
Kiro: So I've gotta go to bed early and recharge my batteries~
I chuckle and point at our other lonely ears.
MC: What about the other ear? How about I go to the living room and find another pair of earplugs.
Kiro: By the time to come back from your trip, the bed will get cold again...
He wraps his arm around my waist and prompts me to lie face to face with him, pointing at our ears that are pressed to the pillow.
Kiro: We'll just use physical noise reduction so that we can watch each other sleep without irritating our ears. Kill two birds with one stone.
And just like that, we smile and gaze at each other in this quiet world until our eyelids start to droop.
So as to not fall asleep, I press my fingertips into my palms and rehearse in my mind the surprise I would give him.
But when I open my eyes again, the clock on the bedside table has silently moved a few paces forward. It's almost dawn.
My eyes widen in fright, my heart beats rapidly, and I gasp... I almost overslept.
While I'm glad that I managed to wake up in time, I quietly look at the person next to my pillow. His long and even breaths fall softly by my ear, telling me that he is peacefully asleep.
I breathe a sigh of relied, slowly pull away his palm and tiptoe out of bed.
Looking at the slippers on the ground, I hesitate for two seconds and decide to go barefoot.
This way I don't have to worry about waking him up~
Soon, I come to the small balcony and quietly open the express boxes one by one.
Picnic blanket, star lamp, bear pendant, projection cloth, projector... After confirming that everything was in place, I take out the USB flash drive from my bag.
Knowing that it contained the "love montage" that I carefully edited with him in mind, I am unable to keep myself from shaking it with joy.
MC: Hum hum, just wait till I sweep you off your feet, Kiro~
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I pick up the projection cloth and the projector and walk into the yard. The fireworks outside had long since stopped, and there wasn't a hint of silver in the sky.
By the light of the flashlight I placed on the lawn, I carefully set up the venue for the outdoor screening.
MC: It's a good thing that we haven't picked up Apple Box and Cello from Savin's place yet, or else they'd have been barking and meowing next to my feet...
Perhaps due to how quiet it was, I couldn't help but talk to myself.
At that moment, by the light of the flashlight, I catch something swaying in the wind. I bend and squat down curiously.
MC: Is this... a four-leaf clover?!
Looking at this legendary "lucky" symbol lying in a tuft of grass, I reach out my hand and gently stroke it with joy and astonishment.
MC: Strange, why is this here in the yard?
MC: Did Apple Box secretly bring it from outside and then it took root here?
Just as I plan on waiting for Kiro to wake up and share this "discovery", I suddenly feel something in my heart and start laughing.
Then, I take the bear pendant from the decoration and place it next to it, marking the spot.
MC: When it get's brighter, I'll share it with him in a better way~
Saying this, I stand up, clap my hands and walk towards the storage room, ready to take out the tent and set it up.
But as soon as I walk to the door, I am suddenly reminded of something and my fingertips fearfully stop on the doorknob.
The bugs... he should have taken care of them, right?
[PART 3]
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After mentally preparing myself several times, I slowly push open the door and turn on the light - and the very next second, I am left stunned in place.
The sweet fragrance of flowers washes over me, making me feel like I have seen all of spring.
The room is filled with neatly arranged flowerpots, and the blooming flowers sway in the wind, just like a Monet oil painting.
The humidifier placed in the corner kept spraying water mist, blurring my vision again and again.
Looking at this sea of flowers, I almost forget that this storage room was once covered in iron shelves.
In my prolonged state of shock, someone suddenly hugs me gently around the waist and pulls me into a warm embrace.
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Kiro: I didn't expect you to find out...
Kiro: My plan was to secretly move them to the yard tomorrow.
Kiro: Then I'd appear like a magician again, and tell you that spring was coming~
He mumbles, not seeming to be fully awake yet, and yawns several times while talking.
Looking at this sea of flowers, the scene from yesterday comes to mind again. His hurried figure and unnatural voice all seem to bear answers at this moment.
Turns out that this person also prepared a Valentine's Day surprise for me.
Suddenly, a hint of sweetness fills my heart. I turn around, smile and wrap my arms around the back of his neck.
MC: I wondered why you were acting a little strange this afternoon... So you were afraid that I'd find out in advance?
MC: You can just tell me directly. Even if it's not so perfect, I still like it a lot.
Kiro: Are you talking about me? Aren't you the same?
He half-closed his eyes and touched his nose against mine.
Kiro: What were you doing in the yard in the middle of the night? I saw you "jumping up and down" out there through the cracks in the curtain.
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MC: Eh? Did - did you see it all?
Kiro: Yep, there was a projector and a star lamp...
Kiro: MC, did you prepare a grand family outdoor movie for me?
Watching this person guess a lot of it at once, I deliberately pout.
MC: Unexpectedly, we didn't manage to hide out surprises from each other. How do I "salvage" this...
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Kiro: No need to ask, of course. I'll arrange the rest with you.
Kiro: Are you here to pick up the tent? I put it in the guestroom when I packed it up today. Come on.
MC: Now? Don't you want to sleep? I noticed that you haven't gotten a break since we got back from LA.
Kiro: I went to bed early last night on purpose~
Kiro: Besides, today is Valentine's Day, and I have to cherish every minute of it.
Just as Kiro is about to pull me away, he suddenly looks down as if noticing something.
Then he sighs, squat down and gently rubs my cold feet with both of his hands.
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Kiro: You're so silly, Miss Chips.
Kiro: Did you not wear your slippers on purpose because you were afraid of waking me up?
MC: Haha... Actually it's not that cold. Our home has floor heating.
Kiro: That's not okay.
As he mutters to himself, he picks me up slightly and lets me step on his soft slippers.
In an instant, we have seemingly turned into two little penguins, waddling towards the bedroom together.
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Kiro and I start working together to prepare our Valentine's Day plans.
First, we spread the flowers in the storage room all over the yard, and then take out the tent and set it up together. After smashing the last nail in place, I get into the tent and lie down tiredly.
MC: ....!
At that moment, I notice the ceiling of the tent covered with photos of us, just like the ones in the RV not long ago. Each photo has captured moments that have escaped my notice before--
There's a photo of me snoozing at the hotel in Los Angeles, half of my head covered by the quilt;
There was also one of me with a sad look on my face as I stood in front of a supermarket shelf, wondering which snacks to buy;
And then there was also one of me smiling as I raised a broom as a guitar while we were cleaning together;
Noticing that I haven't said anything, Kiro opens the flap and sees that I am already lying inside. He smiles helplessly.
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Kiro: I pasted them on the top of the tent on purpose, hoping that you'd find it later.
Kiro: Looks like you unexpectedly uncovered my final "trump card" in advance as well!
Seeing Kiro's mock "depression", I grin even more happily, sit up with crossed-legs and wink at him.
MC: Kiro, I'm especially grateful for one thing right now.
Kiro: ....?
MC: Fortunately, you and I aren't colleagues, otherwise we'd definitely be clashing every time we proposed topics for a program!
Kiro: Wait...! Did you also prepare a "photo wall"?
I shake my head mysteriously, pull him to the picnic blanket and point at the projection screen directly in front of me.
MC: Dear Mr. Kiro, are you ready to start a romantic day with me now?
[PART 4]
Just as Kiro is about to nod, he suddenly looks at me, then looks down at himself, and quickly stretches out his hands to shout stop.
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Kiro: Not yet, wait a minute, I'll be right back.
Watching him run off, I belatedly come to a realization, glance at my pajamas and scurry away immediately.
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In the dark cloakroom, we continuously rummage through all kinds of clothes.
Looking at each other's hurried and messy appearances, a sweetness gradually overtakes my heart, for some reason.
When it comes to "wanting the person you like to see your best side"... It seems that no matter how many times we repeat this, that original thrill and expectation will never be lost.
Finally, I manage to find a light pink dress in a cabinet filled with clothes.
At almost the same time, Kiro also puts on a clean and refreshing coat which exactly matches with the color of my outfit.
When we get back to the yard, we seat ourselves on the picnic blanket, shoulder to shoulder. I turn on the projector and play our "love movie"--
On the screen, two little bears jump towards each other from both sides of the screen and hug each other sweetly. Love bubble keep popping up on their little heads, and when they fall to the ground, they turn into pieces of golden potato chips.
Soon, cute lettering appears in the center of the screen-- "Little Bear Pictures".
Kiro suddenly laughs and pinches my palm in surprise.
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Kiro: Turns out that another surprise for me was hidden here.
MC: Very cute right~
MC: Although it's only around ten seconds long, I checked out a lot of special effects tutorials and worked on it for several days and nights before making it.
Kiro: It is very cute. But the you who prepares these surprises for me so earnestly... is the one who deserves first place!
Just as he's about to add something more, his eyes are drawn to screen in the next instance.
In the picture, there are countless moments of us.
Like the photos in the tent, here are countless aspects of "him" from my perspective.
Him sleeping quietly while holding Apple Box, or him happily making breakfast for me in the kitchen;
Also him bending down to repair the leaking water pipe seriously, and him earnestly writing his music scores in the study room;
But no matter which side of him he is, as long as I call his name...
He'd look back at me in an instant and give me the brightest smile.
I cannot help but take a peek at Kiro, and find him watching intently. Although he doesn't utter a work, the raised corners of his lips say everything.
After an unknown amount of time, our movie temporarily ends with the appearance of the subtitle "To be continued".
At this moment, the sky is completely bright, it's shine akin to that of a pearl's.
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MC: Happy Valentine's Day, Kiro.
MC: Although this festival happens every year, I still want to give you the best on this day.
MC: But I also know very well that even the best is not enough.
MC: So whether it's beautiful scenery, delicious food, or endless happiness... I want to give it all to you.
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Watching me speak with such confidence, Kiro smiles and strokes my forehead.
Kiro: Silly Miss Chips, you don't have to do anything. I'm already very happy.
MC: How can that be... You should know better than me, right?
MC: Giving everything to the person you like is another form of happiness.
MC: But we still got really lucky this time, because amongst thousands of people, the gods took notice of us~
MC: For He... He seems to be slightly touched by us and gave us a "gift"~
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Kiro: ....?
Within his doubtful gaze, I walk to the bear pendant with a smile and squat down.
There, stood a four-leaf clover swaying next to the bear. Different from what it was at night, it shines brightly in the sun now.
I take it off with a smile and then secretly weave the ring along its roots.
MC: Now, I want to give this "gift" to you.
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I turn around, walk up to him and put the woven four-leaf clover on his ring finger.
At that moment, his long eyelashes tremble slightly.
With the breeze bowing and the sun shining brightly, I seem to see the most beautiful scenery.
Kiro: MC.
Kiro: What if I said that this isn't a gift from God?
I look at Kiro, stunned as his smile gradually brightens. He slowly intertwines his fingers with mine and at the same time, speaks word by word.
Kiro: Actually, before we went to Los Angeles, I had already planned on letting you see the yard full of flowers on this day.
Kiro: But considering that I couldn't take care of them personally for a while, I had to change my plans.
He pauses and seems to think of something again, his eyes full of tenderness.
Kiro: But when I left the market, the shopkeeper gave me an extra pack of clover seeds as a gift. He told me that this was a plant that could grow without much care. While it is inconspicuous, it's also very strong.
Looking at the "ring" on his hand, I suddenly realize that it all seemed to be like "destiny".
Kiro: As a result, they grew successfully in the yard. However, I never expected that a single four-leaf clover would actually grow among them.
Kiro: I was thinking that even though it's so rare, it's still inconspicuous.
Kiro: As long as you're not paying attention, the past will be ignored.
Kiro smiles and gently caresses my skin in the sunlight.
Kiro: But, inadvertently, it might light up a moment or day in your future.
Kiro: Maybe when you and Apple Box are playing on the lawn, or when you're watering the flowers with me, or maybe when you are depressed and distressed...
Kiro: But no matter when it was, I believed that this moment would make you happy.
Kiro: I just didn't expect that when this moment came, I would be the happiest person.
Kiro's voice grows softer and softer, and I am unable to keep to myself from gently kissing him.
The four-leaf clover sways on our interlocked fingertips, like a silent and simple intention.
Maybe it will eventually wither and turn to dust one day.
But I believe that the moment it was given will continue in this world--
Until my eternity with him.
Masterlist: Here
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bcbdrums · 6 months
A Touch of Warmth
A Soul Eater fanfic. Read on: AO3 | FFn
Sixth in my series of 31 prompt-based one-shots (filling them out of order; this is prompt 5). Prompts from this list.
A/N: More of the academy days for my faves, but super early this time. I wanna say...maybe just a few months of partnership here. And living in cheap academy dorms haha. Imagine a sad college dorm room I guess. Stein is only 10 years old and Spirit is 13. Long, long, rambly stream of consciousness relationship stuff that I wrote like...in the first week of December. And then didn't finish until just now (late March) and there was only a little bit left to go. Oops. Wonder how much that gap impacted the story/writing style... If you like long rambly things that don't really have a point, well, here you go. Enjoy. 5. Puzzling
A Touch of Warmth
An icy chill like breath across his cheeks was what roused Spirit from sleep. He shivered and then blinked twice before tightly closing his eyes again. Even the air was cold, assaulting the tender moisture beneath his lashes like the slap of cold water.
After taking another moment to realize he was awake and not dreaming, he fully processed the freezing sensation as one he should not be feeling on a desert morning. He clutched his blanket close to his chest and sat up in bed, squinting. White was what overwhelmed his blurred vision, and he snaked an arm out of his warm cocoon and felt almost blindly along the windowsill until his fingers met something very cold and wet.
He gasped and drew back, blinking until his sight clarified to reveal what it was he had touched.
Gathered on the sill near the open window were a line of melting snowflakes.
Spirit's jaw fell slack as he reached out to touch a cluster again, watching it turn to water rapidly even as it cooled his fingertips. But when he looked up and out the window his eyes went wide.
Where there should have been dirt, stone, and dried grasses in the backyard of the dormitory there was only white, and the sky was gray as snow fell in lace-like curtains, thick and silent, covering the landscape as far as the eye could see.
It was several moments of staring, captivated by the scene and breathing the icy air, before Spirit reached out to slide the window closed. And then he spun around to face the bed of his roommate.
"Hey Stein, wake—"
Spirit blinked. His very young meister was not in his bed.
The red-haired teen took stock of their tiny dorm room quickly, noting the boy's blankets uncharacteristically tossed back and his pair of shoes sitting neatly next to his desk. It appeared as though Stein had gotten under his bed at some point, because the corner of a box was sticking out near where the blankets were carelessly draped down to the floor. Then Spirit noticed the door to the hallway was ajar.
"Stein?" he said again as he glanced once more around their small room. The boy was definitely not there.
Spirit threw his own blankets aside and hurriedly dressed, selecting warmer clothing than he would ever choose for a day in Death City but something he was more likely to wear on an extracurricular assignment far further north. He gaze was continually drawn to the astonishing view through the window as he fumbled with a pair of boots, still not quite believing that a seeming winter had arrived in the middle of Nevada.
He had experienced snow a couple of times in his life, but never at leisure, and nothing at all like what he was seeing outside as it seemed to be sticking to sand and stone, transforming the barren landscape to one of wonder and quiet mystery.
"Stein?" Spirit asked again, peering down the hallway after pulling the door open. The dormitory was dark and silent.
Spirit's brow furrowed as he turned toward the bathroom that all the students in his wing shared, wondering if that was where the boy had gone. His meister operated like clockwork, and it was the startling deviation from the norm that had Spirit perplexed and was driving him to find his partner almost as much as the desire to share his newfound excitement at the change in the weather.
Most of the students in their building had gone home for the holidays, but both Stein and Spirit had declined that privilege, neither offering any explanation to the other. And Spirit was glad for his decision, knowing the snow wasn't anything he would have seen otherwise.
"Stein?" he whispered, peering into the darkened bathroom but already fairly certain of what he would find. Every stall door was open, the showers and sinks were silent, and the lights were off.
Spirit stuck his lip out in annoyance at the same time his brow furrowed in worry. He'd wanted to enjoy the experience of the fresh falling snow with his meister. But as Spirit turned to walk toward the front door concern began to overtake his initial elation. Just where was the boy?
It wasn't that he didn't think Stein couldn't handle himself; the few combat training classes they'd already had proved that he could. But the meister was just so young, and he looked it. Spirit was barely thirteen and this was the first time he'd been on his own, but in the few months they'd been roommates he could tell that the silver-haired ten-year-old was already accustomed to fending for himself.
Spirit had no background on his meister, and the boy was distant without being blatantly rude. He seemed to genuinely not know how to interact with their peers along with something else Spirit couldn't yet place. But the teen was patient, and Lord Death had specifically chosen Stein to be his meister. That alone was worth everything.
He pushed through the front door of the dormitory and a biting chill rushed in along with a few flurries of snow. Spirit grinned, a chuckle rumbling in his chest as he closed his eyes and took in the feel of the ice hitting his face like unforeseen kisses, softly leaving their mark before vanishing and stirring his thoughts toward the ethereal and imaginative. There was a promise of something new in the snowfall, and Spirit wanted to take advantage of every moment of it.
He stepped fully through the door and into the wall of white, his boots almost soundless as they pushed through the drift that had already built up in the uncovered entryway. And that’s when he saw the single point of color: a telltale shock of silver hair.
Next to one of the benches that lined the sidewalk to the dorms knelt Franken Stein. Snow had collected in a thin layer atop his head, shoulders, and the backs of his legs, though one could hardly tell for the plain white pajamas he wore, causing the boy to be almost invisible in the newly whited-out landscape. He was bent over some small mechanical device placed on the bench, his concentration so full that he didn’t notice when Spirit closed the door. Another point of color were the pale soles of his feet; he wasn’t wearing any shoes.
“Stein?” Spirit asked in surprise, hurrying forward. His delight at the weather had wholly evaporated at the sight of his young meister barely clothed out in the cold. “What are you doing?”
The boy didn’t reply, but scowled at whatever it was he was looking at. He reached for the device and Spirit recognized a microscope as he approached. Stein had picked up a small glass slide, and Spirit watched as he leaned back from the bench to slowly wipe it on the hem of his shirt, and then hold it out to catch a few falling snowflakes. His hands shook as he replaced it under the lens and quickly leaned down again, turning the focus knob to bring his subjects into clarity. As Spirit finally stopped next to the bench he could see it wasn't just Stein's hands, but his entire frame shaking from head to toe, and his usually colorless lips were a frightening shade of blue.
“Stein!” Spirit cried in protest, his voice rising in pitch.
“Don’t breathe.”
Spirit blinked, the harsh but monotone directive confusing his train of thought.
“What?” he asked, but held his breath nonetheless.
“They melt too fast if you breathe.”
Spirit rapidly went through the arguments in his head that he wasn't even near the snowflakes on the slide, and that Stein himself was so cold now that he'd be surprised if he had any warmth left in his lungs. But none of those words came out as somehow, as always, he was drawn like a magnet to his meister's side and knelt down, curiosity rising in him despite the chill beginning to penetrate his coat.
"What are you looking at?"
"The structure of the snowflakes."
Spirit looked at the cluster of white that had in fact already begun to melt on the slide under the lens, and then back to his meister, his face hidden as he stared down through the microscope.
"So far they are perfectly symmetrical and each one has six branches, but no two are alike. The probability of two being the same eventually is strong, but..."
Stein stopped suddenly, and Spirit watched the meister move his hand away from the focusing knob, place it between his thighs where his left hand was already hidden.
Spirit frowned.
"Get up."
Stein was still peering into the microscope.
"Get up or I'm picking you up."
That got the meister's attention. His eyes snapped to Spirit's, confusion overlaid by defiance and something else hard and threatening. It had only been three months, but it had taken less than a day of acquaintance for Spirit to learn that the boy would not tolerate being touched without express permission.
"You can't do this like this," Spirit continued. "You're going to freeze to death."
Stein's expression didn't change.
"If you want to be helpful you could get me a notebook to record my findings. You don't have a camera, do you?"
Each word was spoken through trembling blue lips, and Spirit noticed that the rest of the boy's unnaturally pale skin was rapidly changing hue. His heart began racing as he made his decision, not knowing what the ramifications would be but knowing that he had no choice.
Stein didn't speak when Spirit stood, but when the weapon's gloved hands came down under the meister's armpits he jerked away with a strength Spirit wouldn't have thought him capable.
"Don't touch me!" was the protest that sounded before the boy began fighting back, pushing and beating against Spirit's shoulders, but the weapon was determined.
It was a battle of hands and arms and legs and feet as he half-fought, half-dragged Stein back into the dormitory hall, tuning out every word of protest that was laid against him with each step. He only finally paid attention again when Stein managed to free one arm just inside the door and landed a glancing blow against Spirit's cheek.
He shuddered in response, not letting go but halting the movement of his feet. The hit may not have fully connected, but it was still hard and for a moment the world was spinning and Spirit's only point of focus were his hurried breaths and the heavier panting of the younger boy upon whom he still had an iron grip.
When his eyes refocused on Stein's face the meister appeared shocked—quite the change from his typically guarded expression—but his skin was still unnaturally blue, and there was something off about his eyes even past the unusual expression. It sent a wash of fear through Spirit that rapidly overrode the pain of the punch.
He reached past Stein and kicked the door closed hard.
"Stein. I'm not going to let you die out there because you were too stupid to get dressed before running out to play in the snow."
"I... I wasn't..." Stein began, still breathless and something definitely off about his vision.
Spirit ignored the pulsing of pain in his cheek and while Stein was distracted, he scooped the smaller boy up like he would a toddler and stalked hurriedly down the hall.
"Hey! Stop it!" was Stein's weak protest this time, and Spirit noted he was struggling a lot less than when they'd been pushing through the ankle-deep snow outside.
When he reached the bathroom he all but dropped Stein for how much he was twisting to escape. When the meister's feet hit the tile he slipped on his wet, bare soles and would have hit the floor had Spirit not still had his hands on him. Stein clung to Spirit's arms in surprise, not having expected the backward plunge, and when Spirit had righted them both he finally let go.
He reached back to hit the light switch and Stein flinched away, holding a hand up to cover his eyes as his breaths still came far too heavily for the minimal exertion of the struggle to get indoors. When he finally squinted at Spirit his expression fell to shock again. It finally occurred to the red-head that there was something other than the fact that he'd interrupted Stein's ill-conceived experimenting that had shaken the boy, and he turned around to see his face in the mirror.
Spirit nearly gasped for how utterly terrified he looked. Terrified and furious, perhaps in a way that his young partner had never seen another person look before, if the way it froze the boy in place was any indication.
Spirit knew he needed to calm down, calm his expression and be reasonable so he could explain to his meister just how dangerous his actions had been. But as he turned back to face the boy he only felt the anger swell to a greater presence in his soul.
Stein's clothes were nearly soaked through, the white of the pajamas turned gray from moisture and his hair darker for it. The color of his skin was wrong. He was visibly shaking from head to toe, and his vision was hazy and seeming unable to really see Spirit even though his eyes hadn't left the red-head since the moment he'd let him go.
Spirit opened his mouth to speak, but the movement of his jaw caused his cheek to sting where Stein had punched him. He hissed and reached his fingers up to the spot before jabbing his other arm past Stein to point, the motion causing the boy to jump.
"Get in there," he commanded coolly, his voice low and laced with threat. "Get under some hot water and sit down. I'm going to get you some dry clothes."
Stein's expression of shock remained, the boy still frozen by the look on Spirit's face. They remained unmoving for several moments, but when the meister's breaths began to even out he finally turned toward the showers to comply with the weapon's words.
It wasn't until Stein had fully obeyed, letting the shower run until the water was warm and then stepping under the stream and sitting down to lean against the tiled wall, that Spirit finally turned to go.
He let his anger carry his feet briskly back toward their shared bedroom, blindly going through the motions once there of making Stein's bed, dragging the only spare blanket from the closet to place atop it, and then yanking his own bedding free to add on top of that. Horrible scenarios were racing through his head of what he might have found out in the snow instead of his insatiably curious young meister studying the patterns of snowflakes had he slept in a little later, or decided to enjoy the surprise of the weather from the comfort of his bed.
Spirit stopped abruptly from where he'd been casting off his winter outerwear and blinked at nothing as the realization struck.
Stein had been looking at snowflakes.
The fear crashed fully over Spirit's anger, obliterating it as the teen sat down on the floor and began to cry. He could have lost his meister, might still lose him, because the boy had been just as excited about the snow as he was.
If he hadn't immediately gone outside to play...
Spirit didn't know how long he cried, but the sudden realization that he could still lose Stein drove him back to the present. He didn't know anything about frostbite or hypothermia or any other manner of freezing-induced ailments. They were all alone in the dorm and he had no one to call for help since everyone had left for the holidays. And just how long had he left Stein alone in the shower with his vision hazy and his pallor looking near death?
Spirit stood so fast it made him dizzy, made his cheek throb where he'd been hit, and he rummaged through Stein's drawers until he finally found the boy's thicker socks for winter assignments along with underwear and more pajamas. As an afterthought he grabbed his own thick bathrobe and then both of their towels before turning to run back down the hall.
He slowed his step before entering the bathroom, terrified of what he might find. At least he could still hear the shower running, but...was that a good sign? Instead of entering he peered cautiously around the doorjamb.
Stein looked exactly as Spirit had left him, seated against the tile and curled tightly in on himself as the warm water poured over him. His arms were folded atop his raised knees and his hands were tight in fists, and his face was hidden where it lie on his arms. Spirit licked his lips and took a cautious step forward, and then another. There was no reaction from the meister.
Spirit paused, took in a silent breath...and then he flicked his eyes sideways to the mirror. He didn't look angry anymore, although he could still see it rise behind his eyes the moment he thought about it. No, now he looked every bit as scared as he felt, perhaps even more than when he'd drug Stein back indoors, and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying.
Any other time Spirit would have been annoyed by his transparency, but since it had seemingly helped to get his meister to comply he decided he didn't care.
He turned back toward the small, gray form in the shower, felt his heart rate quicken as he mustered the courage to speak.
Stein lifted his head.
The relief Spirit felt was enough to make his knees go weak, and he leaned on the counter to steady himself as he set the clothing down and draped the two towels over his arm. He sucked in a few breaths, looked up to the mirror again and saw a brightness fitting itself behind the fear in his eyes, and he grimaced before turning to approach the meister.
"You, uh... You ready to come out of there?"
Stein didn't respond, only watched Spirit's approach, watched him stop about five feet distant, his expression having returned to its usual dull, esoteric impassivity. And as his eyes locked on Spirit's the red-head thought he looked even more withdrawn than before. But, blessedly, perhaps less hazy.
He didn't know if staying under the warm water longer would be better or worse for Stein's recovery, but his own anxiety couldn't stand the inaction. He pursed his lips and stepped forward, reaching around the stream to turn the water off.
Stein slowly began pushing himself upright, his eyes not having left Spirit's face even to blink.
"Uh...here," Spirit said, holding out the two towels. After a moment, Stein slowly reached across the distance to receive them. "There's clothes on the counter, uh..."
Spirit realized he needed to give the meister some privacy to change, and he thought quickly.
"I'll go get you something warm to drink. I'll uh...I'll be right back."
Spirit turned and hurried out of the bathroom as quickly as he could, making long strides down the hallway.
The tiny kitchen that could hardly be called such was at the other end of the building, and Spirit didn't want the meister out of his sight for any longer than was necessary just in case there was some delayed danger to whatever cold-induced condition he'd brought upon himself.
As Spirit passed the main entry he took careful steps to avoid the melted snow that had found its way inside from the struggle through the doorway, and then something occurred to him that halted his rush.
He turned and dashed back out into the icy air, his breath catching instantly as cold assaulted his body. He grimaced at the irony that it was now he who was under-dressed and risking himself in the elements, but he picked his way through the piling snow to the bench where the microscope was gathering a larger collection of specimens than it was designed for. Spirit tucked the freezing object safely against his chest and hurried back inside to be free of the snow falling into his face and the chill already seeming to seep into his bones.
He didn't hesitate but to close the door behind him, and then took the microscope the rest of the way down the hall and into the small kitchen.
Inside the narrow room he quickly opened the freezer and considered a moment before pulling out a few boxes of frozen meals left by other students to make space, and then he carefully placed the heavy instrument inside. He turned the freezer's temperature lower and then quickly closed it, blowing into his hands to warm them as he tried to remember his original purpose, his mind still awash with fear.
The microwave dinners on the counter was what returned his focus, and he quickly filled two mugs with water and set them to heat as he considered the beverage options. It took less than ten seconds to decide on tea, considering he didn't even know if there was hot cocoa mix around and he still really didn't want Stein out of his sight any longer than necessary.
Another thought occurred to him as he watched the microwave's timer tick down, and he turned and ran silently on his toes back to the bedroom. Once inside he didn't even look before diving for the box sticking out from beneath Stein's bed, and sure enough it was the box the microscope had been housed in. He carefully removed every delicate glass slide that remained tucked in the Styrofoam, and then cradling them gently, he ran back to the kitchen.
Once there he opened the freezer and carefully brushed a few snow clusters from the microscope onto each slide, including the one still beneath the lens which he removed. He brushed the remaining snow off the instrument into the freezer, and then carefully lifted the heavy device out.
He was methodically drying it with a dish towel as the microwave sounded completion, which he ignored in favor of caring for the delicate equipment. He didn't know for sure that moisture would damage it, but it seemed a fair guess, and he went at its crevices carefully with paper towels until the microwave beeped a second time.
He realized with a jolt that he had left Stein alone for well over five minutes now between all he'd been occupied with, and he hurriedly grabbed the mugs from the microwave and then pocketed a small handful of tea bags and sugar packets from the basket on the counter next to the stove.
He forced himself to keep his pace to a brisk walk this time, mindful of the steaming mugs in his hands. He was so lost in the anxiety of too many what-ifs and the need to hurry, hurry, hurry that he almost bumped into his meister as the younger boy was standing waiting outside their bedroom door, chin dipped low to his chest. Spirit gasped and startled back a step, then hissed as a splash of hot water hit his hand.
The meister had no reaction to Spirit's pain, looking downright sullen in the oversized bathrobe. But Spirit noticed his hands were tucked deeply into the pockets, and his hair was still wet although it showed signs of having been towel-dried.
"Stein..." Spirit breathed, continuing his visual assessment; was he imagining it, or was Stein's skin less blue?
The boy met his eyes through a curtain of damp hair, and Spirit sighed. As ever, his young meister was unreadable, except Spirit knew that somehow, in some measure...Stein was very displeased with him.
"Come on. You're getting into bed."
Spirit carefully gestured with one mug, and he expected to have to put forth an argument, but atypically Stein simply obeyed. Spirit watched for a moment, and then followed the boy a few steps inside the door and pulled it closed with his heel. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until his chest began to burn, and he let the air out slowly in hopes of not drawing Stein's attention.
The meister had paused in the center of the room, clearly making note of all the changes and liberties Spirit had taken before he seemed to resign himself to his fate and climb into his bed. But instead of lying down, Stein shifted his pillows up against the wall to sit and face Spirit's bed and the window on the wall between them. Once he was settled with too many blankets piled atop his lap and tucked up to his chest, hands buried deep inside the cocoon he'd made, he drew his knees up and shifted his eyes to settle on the window. Spirit didn't need to look to know it was still heavily snowing, and his breath hitched again when Stein slowly dragged his dull gaze back to him.
Spirit covered the gesture with a slight cough and then stepped forward to set the mugs on Stein's desk.
"Do you like sugar in your tea? And uh..." He pulled his small hoard from his pocket, some of the packets falling to the floor in the process. "I grabbed... Earl Grey, chamomile, mint, peach oolong... What's oolong..."
"Mint," Stein replied quietly, and Spirit realized it was the first word his partner had spoken since he'd deposited him unhappily in the dorm's bathroom.
"Sugar?" Spirit asked, after putting the tea bag into one mug.
"No, thank you."
The meister's voice was somehow more void of inflection than usual, and Spirit felt his stomach twist in unease as he ripped into one of the packets of sugar for his own mug and poured it in. He realized he'd forgotten to grab any stirring sticks and stepped back to his own desk to procure a pen to use as a substitute. He had decided on the peach oolong, the only other flavor appealing to him being the mint, but apparently he'd given the sole bag to Stein.
When he stepped nearer the meister's bed to hand him the tea, it was a moment before Stein moved to extricate his hands from the blanket-nest he seemed to be burrowing deeper within. His fingers brushed against Spirit's when he wrapped them around the mug's handle and the distinct chill the weapon felt at the contact set his heart racing in fear again. Stein had been under a hot stream of water for at least fifteen minutes if not longer, but he was still cold. Should Spirit have let him stay there longer? Was that even the right thing to do?
Spirit felt his head begin to ache and he rubbed his brow, feeling the pinch of his skin where it twisted in worry. He absently stirred the sugar into his mug with the back of the pen and tried to push his feet out of his boots. The laces were too tight however, and the result was him stumbling against his mostly-stripped bed and barely preventing the tea from spilling as he lost his balance entirely, his knees hitting the floor hard.
He cursed under his breath and then bit his lip in regret. His young meister had likely never heard such foul language, and he shouldn't be the one to introduce him to it.
He set his tea on the windowsill and then reached down to loosen his bootlaces just enough to tug them off, and then pushed himself back on his bed against the wall in a mirror of Stein's pose. The room was still chilled from the window having been open all night, and he shivered despite himself as he drew his knees up high to his chest, tucking his hands under his rear for warmth.
It was only after another shiver that he let his gaze travel across the room to meet his meister's eyes. The boy looked slightly more curious than he had before, but overall he still appeared more detached than the weapon was used to seeing. What Spirit didn't know and wished he did was whether it was just from the upset at his pulling him away from his fun, or if it meant the fun had already had a dire consequence.
"Uh..." Spirit said, feeling suddenly very awkward. Stein lifted his head slightly, sipped from the tea, but his expression didn't change. "Are you, uh... How are you feeling?"
Stein stared at him blankly, and while Spirit thought three months had gotten him used to how unfeeling the meister seemed from his countenance, he realized that it only counted in a predictable context. In class or on a mission, Spirit was learning what to expect. But Stein was about as antisocial as anyone he'd ever met, and it suddenly pressed against his mind just how little he really knew about the boy he lived and partnered with.
"Cold," Stein finally said, so quiet Spirit almost didn't hear.
He looked at just how very small Stein looked wearing the large bathrobe, bundled as deeply into the blankets as he could get while still upright. His hair was looking less wet but still a darker shade of gray than its usual mystifying silver. When he lifted the mug to take another sip of tea, Spirit noted how small the meister's hands were as they clutched tightly to the cup for the extra heat.
He tried not to think of Stein as a child. He hardly thought of himself as more than that, when he was honest with himself. But between the two he was the far elder and more experienced, and as the weapon it was his responsibility to protect his meister. Even from himself.
Spirit glanced away and out at the snow falling less in thick curtains now and more just in scattered flakes, still dense but allowing a view toward the other dormitory buildings before the scene faded into a white haze beyond which he knew the rest of Death City rose up above the sand. But for the moment it was as if the tiny bedroom existed separate from the rest of the world, and Spirit and Stein the only two people in it.
"Have you, ah...ever seen snow before?" Spirit continued, fishing for conversation.
Stein looked up past the rim of the mug again, seeming to analyze Spirit with every question, and then shook his head no.
Spirit swallowed under the scrutiny, and continued. "I've seen it a couple of other times, but...nothing like this."
The red-head shivered again and watched the way the flakes fell, most tiny and notably slower than rain, but others in large clumps that hurried past their smaller companions. It was captivating, and when he turned back to Stein the boy had resumed looking out the window.
"I had hoped we would see it on the assignment to Alaska, but...then that got canceled," Spirit said, dropping his gaze to the gray of his jeans.
There was still only silence in response, and this time Spirit let it linger, only briefly lifting his eyes a couple of times to find Stein still watching the display through the window. The curiosity in the boy's eyes had turned to something deeper; there was a longing now, and endless questions racing somewhere behind the brilliant, green eyes.
Spirit's gaze snapped up to focus as he realized with a flood of relief that the clarity was returning to Stein's vision. It had to be a sign, he hoped, that the surprise winter wasn't going to steal the life of his young meister after all.
The red-head looked at the window again and sniffed once, his nose starting to run due to the cold air in the room. The wonder and beauty of the snowfall began to fade as he considered again the terrifying possibilities of what could have happened. Suddenly the soft, white landscape seemed just as barren as the desert sands.
And yet...
"I'm sorry."
When he looked away from the window Stein was watching him, his brow risen in slight surprise. Spirit dropped his gaze as he shivered, moving his arms to wrap around himself and tuck his fingers under his armpits. He focused on the lines of denim across his knees as his eyes burned with the threat of tears, hoping that in saving his young meister he hadn't irreparably damaged their relationship when it had hardly started.
It was true they had been able to resonate practically immediately upon partnering, surprising everyone except Lord Death. But Spirit knew that the road ahead of them would require far more from them both than the superficial connection they had made so far. And in dealing so harshly with the boy, he could have undone their three months together and hurt the chances for their future.
"I'm not sorry for saving you, Stein. I was just so scared, and... Your face was all..." He gestured briefly to the still-unhealthy hue to the boy's skin. "But I... I probably could have...done that differently... And, you're not stupid. I shouldn't have said that. Sorry."
He didn't look up, only pressed further back against the wall and tucked one set of toes under the other in search for warmth as he became more aware of the chill to the room. He suddenly realized that since all of the students had been expected to go home, the heating had likely been shut off to the dormitory. That, in addition to his window having been open all night to the unexpected winter weather, explained the bitter chill he was feeling in the usually comfortable room. It wouldn't reach dangerous temperatures, but it was still a bit much for the simple jeans and t-shirt Spirit had hurried into after waking.
Stein didn't reply, and Spirit sniffled again, grateful the cold air at least gave him an excuse as he fought back tears. His mind began racing with a whole new set of horrible fears. What if Stein decided he didn't want to be his partner after this?
"You didn't need to give me your blankets and pillows."
Spirit sniffled again and looked up. Stein was watching him and the weapon studied his blue-gray pallor, the rising brightness in his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat as concerns of illness rose and shook his head.
"You need them more than me."
Spirit had no sooner rested his cheek—the uninjured one—on his knee, than he heard faint slurping across the room. He raised his head again to see Stein tilting the mug all the way back and finishing the tea, after which he settled his head back against the wall, continuing to clutch the now-empty mug. He shivered.
Spirit frowned and considered offering to microwave another mug, and then looked at his own forgotten tea on the windowsill. Steam was still rising from the liquid.
He slowly uncurled himself from against the wall, feeling the little warmth he had gathered seep away in seconds as he slid his feet back to the floor and picked up the mug.
"Here, I didn't drink any," he said when he offered it, Stein's brow rising, and then, "...Oh."
He pulled out the pen he'd used to stir the sugar in and frowned, making a mental note for the future that Stein preferred his tea without the sweetener. After a moment the boy reached out with a shaking hand and they exchanged mugs. Spirit set the used one on Stein's desk with the pen inside before turning back toward his bed.
"You can sit here."
Spirit stopped and looked at the meister, blinking in confusion as he failed to process the words.
There was silence for a moment, the weapon watching the meister's small hands clutching tightly to the cup for the warmth it provided as he sipped the steaming liquid. Then the green-eyed gaze rose again.
"You can sit here, too."
Spirit's mind slowly pieced the meaning of the words together, his brow rising in surprise as he considered. It wasn't the sort of offer he would have expected from the meister in any typical situation, and especially not after he'd manhandled him indoors and ordered him around. But he was growing too cold too fast to find any reason to protest, and after a moment he climbed onto the bed and pulled the blankets back to tuck himself in next to Stein, his back against the wall and a few inches of space between them.
Stein tugged one of the pillows from behind him and pushed it toward the weapon, and Spirit gratefully shoved it behind his back, his spine instantly feeling the relief. He adjusted the blankets perhaps more than was necessary, making sure Stein still had enough to bury as deeply beneath them as he wanted, but grateful for the added warmth immediately.
The view out the window wasn't nearly as good as it was from his own bed, but at least Stein had the better position to continue watching the snowfall. He peripherally observed the meister take another tentative sip of the tea, purse his lips at the taste, and then balance the mug on his knees, both hands still wrapped tightly around it.
Spirit sighed lightly. If nothing else, at least it would help keep Stein's hands warm.
"Thanks," Spirit said quietly, suddenly finding he couldn't meet the meister's eyes. After the way he'd treated him, Stein's kindness was startling, and he wasn't sure how to respond other than accept the offered protection from the cold and continue to hope the younger boy would be all right.
"My microscope cost almost three hundred dollars."
Spirit was startled by the non sequitur and turned to look at the meister. The boy's eyes, definitely no longer glazed, were hardened in the way they looked when they were in class and he was frustrated by something their professor was saying. Spirit swallowed nervously just before words bubbled out of him faster than his brain could keep up.
"I was very careful, I promise! I didn't touch the lenses and I got every crevice. I even went over it twice to make sure it was dry!"
Stein had turned to look at him during the rush of words, and it took Spirit a moment to realize his expression had changed. The hardness had left his eyes, his usual aloofness now the dominant expression, but there was question and curiosity and surprise hidden beneath it. The boy's lips were parted, his jaw ever so slightly slack as he stared unblinking back at Spirit. The intensity of it startled Spirit so much that his words stopped for a moment before he licked his dry lips and fumbled for something else to say.
"And I...I put snow on each slide for you to look at later. They're in the freezer, I turned it down so they shouldn't melt. Sorry I... I should have asked before touching your things. I'm sorry."
Spirit licked his lips again and looked down. He should apologize for going through Stein's clothing too, he knew, but he was suddenly feeling very self-conscious and like he was the one under the lens of a microscope as Stein continued staring at him.
He thought the three months had gone well, all things considered. He wasn't used to being around someone as stoic as the partner he'd been assigned, but he had been trying very hard to learn what made the boy tick and how to be the best partner he could, responding to the meister's quirks and for the most part simply staying out of his way since privacy was what Stein seemed to value most. And Spirit had violated that repeatedly that morning.
He suddenly felt a yawn coming and restrained the action with effort. As his heart raced with the excess of nerves he glanced over to check the time on Stein's alarm clock on his small nightstand. It was just after eight o'clock. He chewed some of the dry skin from his lower lip and considered how to voice the question pressing against his mind after the embarrassing outburst of moments before.
It turned out he didn't have to, because when he turned back he found Stein had been following his gaze.
"I was outside before seven," Stein offered.
Something was different about his tone, and Spirit shifted his gaze to meet his partner's. Stein's expression had changed again to something the weapon had never seen and didn't know how to interpret. His eyes had lost the hardness almost entirely and seemed to be seeking something. Before Spirit could even try to figure it out, Stein surprised him again by handing him the mug of tea. He took a sip and then immediately a larger swallow as the liquid coated his throat, soothing some of the strain he hadn't realized was there as he continued worrying.
When he returned the cup to let Stein keep using it to warm his hands, his fingers brushed against the meister's cooler ones. He frowned at the contact and looked away, his gaze flitting between the window and the clock as he worried.
He wanted to believe that Stein would be fine. But he'd been out in the snow for over an hour and his hands were still cold, despite the heat of the shower, despite having been wrapped around the mugs of hot tea for several minutes.
Spirit felt the sting of coming tears again. He bit his cheeks in attempt to fight off the instinct, let his eyes dart over the room in search of some anchor that would help distract him from the fears and anxiety swirling through his soul. But just as he felt his emotions would collapse, Stein surprised him once more.
"I'm sorry I hit you."
Spirit's brow rose. He had nearly forgotten about the glancing punch and lifted his fingers to lightly press to his cheek. The flesh was tender, but it was nothing like the hits he'd taken in their combat classes or on missions. Of course those were different too, having been taken in weapon form.
"It's okay," he answered.
Stein was looking up at him almost like he'd never seen him before. The curiosity in his eyes was different somehow—not the clinical gaze he favored most things with, nor the apathy that came after the boy determined something held no value to him. There seemed to be almost more color to his eyes as they remained locked on the weapon's, and fascinated by the meister appearing so human, Spirit held his gaze.
The fear that had been consuming him changed somehow, under the inquisitive look that Stein had set upon him. The situation no longer felt hopeless or beyond control. In fact, the way his meister was looking at him now, his eyes held perhaps more life than Spirit had ever seen.
"Hey, ah..." he said, his voice quivering suddenly from an emotion he couldn't place. "When you're feeling better, maybe we could have a snowball fight."
Confusion joined the curiosity that Stein had fixed him with.
"...Snowball fight?"
Spirit smiled. "Yeah. You make balls out of the snow, and throw them at each other. For fun. Snowball fight."
Stein finally blinked, once, but didn't break eye contact. The intensity of his gaze was starting to feel unnerving, but Spirit found he couldn't look away. Not when he was so worried. And not after the long months of trying so hard to understand the enigmatic, private boy. Something had finally seemed to spur the beginnings of a mutual connection, and he wasn't about to waste the opportunity.
"Or...or maybe build a snowman?" he suggested, realizing suddenly that throwing hard-packed snow at his meister after nearly freezing was probably not a good idea, even if it would be several hours later. "I've always wanted to play in the snow..."
Stein continued to stare at him. He offered the tea to Spirit again, who took it and only sipped from the mug this time, not wanting to steal away the hot liquid that was helping Stein warm his hands. He held the eye contact, and Stein didn't so much as blink even after the mug was handed back.
Spirit began to feel self-conscious under the meister's gaze, though he couldn't determine why. He reached up to run his fingers through his hair and watched Stein's eyes follow the motion, linger on the spot where he'd briefly scratched his head, and then slowly return to his face again.
"O-Or...if you just want to play with your microscope, that's fine too. We don't have to play together, if you don't want to. I was just thinking—"
The train of Spirit's thoughts that had started running out of control was suddenly halted.
"A snowball fight sounds interesting."
Stein abruptly handed the mug back to Spirit, who blinked and sipped from it obediently; the tea had begun to cool. Stein's eyes finally left Spirit's face, and he buried his hands under the blanket and tucked it up higher to his chin as he turned his gaze toward the window.
Spirit looked back to find that the snow was falling in thick curtains again. If Stein did feel up to going out later, at least there would be no lack of the stuff to play in.
He leaned his head back against the wall, sipped the sweet tea again, and sighed. He felt Stein look up at him, but he kept his gaze on the window. Part of him wanted to fill the space with talk about the few times he'd seen snow in the past, but a wave of tiredness was hitting him rapidly. For once the best choice seemed simply to remain silent. He was sure Stein would appreciate it.
His eyelids began to feel heavy as he stared at the continuous rain of white flakes that left the room feeling small and isolated, and he realized he was no longer focusing on holding the mug. He swallowed down the last of the cooling liquid and then reached to set the mug down on Stein's nightstand. He knew he shouldn't doze off sitting in the meister's bed, especially since he should still be watching him to make sure his health wasn't in jeopardy. But the snowfall was hypnotic, and coupled with the sugar and the rising warmth from the blankets, and probably an adrenaline crash, it was suddenly very hard to keep his eyes open.
"It's pretty."
Spirit blinked and glanced down, surprised to hear the quiet voice. Stein was watching the unusual weather, but then looked up to meet his eyes again. His expression was still curious and seemed more relaxed somehow. The usual, calculating tension was absent from his jaw and forehead, and his green-eyed gaze—brighter now—slowly slid back to the window when Spirit didn't say anything.
Spirit was the one to stare now, noticing that Stein looked less tense overall. Only his head and shoulders were visible above the blankets, but he wasn't holding himself coiled up anymore the way he so often did, like a snake ready to strike. An ease that Spirit wasn't sure he'd ever before seen in the boy had settled over him, and he looked far more his young age as he looked out the window, his thoughts apparently having drifted back to scientific interests rather than being upset with the weapon.
"Yeah," Spirit said.
Stein glanced up briefly, as if expecting more, then returned his gaze to the snowfall. And then, wide-eyed and curious as he appeared staring out at the world of white, he yawned.
Spirit slowly let his head rest against the wall again as he watched his meister, and he smiled.
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serendertothesquad · 3 months
Seren's Studies: The Odd Squad UK Trailer
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Well, 8 days after my birthday really ain't bad for a belated gift. At this point I'll take what I can get.
Even if it means I have to crawl out of sleep to do it.
*deep sigh*
So you might be thinking, "Hold on, we got a new trailer?" And to that I say yes. Yes we did. PBS grew enough balls to actually give Odd Squad some love during a programming initiative that has absolutely nothing to do with it. And they put it on Vimeo, apparently, which puts all the audition videos that have been unearthed (for OSUK, OSMU, and Odd Squad) in an entirely new light.
But wah wah wah, you didn't come here to read my ding-dong ramblings. You came here to watch me be the biggest loser to ever lose at losing and dissect a 30-second trailer on a weekend. You know how movie trailers stuff all the important bits about a movie into 30 seconds? This is the telly equivalent.
Below the break, I'm going to shred this trailer to pieces, scream, cry, and of course, analyze. Come join me, if you dare.
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So I'm going to reiterate a point I made in the Seren's Studies essay for the gadget competition video in regards to Ozzie, in that he's wearing an outfit that looks like it belongs to some kind of Flight department. (And yes, my headcanon about there being a boat that can travel in the sky shall remain strong in spite of this trailer. Whether it will be shot down like a cannonball through a boat that can travel in the sky remains to be seen.)
But anyway. We have him carrying a box (transferring departments?), what looks to be some kind of agent in the back (Security?), and what looks to me like an old Nissan logo against a map (of the UK? yes, of the UK, duh). Off to a hell of a start here.
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The trailer doesn't give us the name of this girl -- which is odd, considering she's one of the protagonists -- but just as a refresher: this is Orli, who is from the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls (because of course) and transfers to the UK precinct in order to help with rising oddness rates. My guess is that, while Ozzie transfers from departments, Orli will transfer from precincts. Essentially, she's there to help Americans like myself (and also children, and also parents) understand British terms and culture. Which is fine, because otherwise kids would understand jack about how the United Kingdom does things beyond what's represented in media.
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And we have a look at our first villainess! This is The Trifler, named after a British dessert and armed with the power to turn things into...well yeah, trifles. If you've been keeping up with the news, then you're probably aware that a BTS photo of her was found last year when OSUK was getting off the ground. Now, we have her in an official capacity!
I will say that I love the wordplay used here. Combining the British and American definitions of the word "trifle" into a badass introductory phrase is absolutely beautiful and I want more of it.
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Haha lol shot from the press release big funy now laugh.
...Wait, hold on, does that mean the image used for the press release was a BTS photo? Because this sure as hell isn't the same angle.
Oh my God.
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Not my absolute dumb ass thinking the context of this scene was a welcome party for Orli, only for the celebration to be for a fucking movie opening that got the attention of local news outlets and Eric Stonestreet.
...Okay, the telephone box is great too, and if there's not another Doctor Who reference they can yote in there then we riot, but I- a fucking opening of a movie?
Hold on, I'm noticing the Odd Squad logo on the popcorn and the cup.
This is Odd Squad: The Movie opening in the UK, isn't it.
Ah yes. Because I sure would fuckin' love to relive the joy I had when the "Odd Beginnings" two-parter decided to make the movie an in-universe piece of media. Look, I me- you guys had to be there when I recorded the Seren Reacts video. I was taken aback. I nearly fell off the bed. I was tempted to go to the neighbors and sit on their picnic table and cry. And that was when the COVID pandemic was a new thing!
And now I get to experience the hell all over again, four years later, when the pandemic is (largely) over and I'm in my mid-20s.
Look, if they're keen on torturing me like this, then that's how you really know it's a return to form. All they need to do is drop the word "serendipity" somewhere in there and I'll launch myself off the cliff and into the water and hopefully not on a pointy rock.
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Normally I'd say how happy I am to see the tubes again after they got one dedicated episode and a handful of appearances and mentions besides that in Season 3, but..."Down the Tubes" is one of my favorite episodes for sleep-talking Oswald alone. And in Season 3, my total count for favorite episodes I can count on only one hand.
Worth noting, though, that in addition to the UK Headquarters being located in an abandoned train station, the tubes are named after the London Underground. Because...y'know, the Tube, and...yeah, they couldn't pass that pun up because they need Britain money somehow.
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See, this is how you can tell I'm an Odd Squad veteran.
I can, with about 90% accuracy, pinpoint the context of a scene only seen by few. For example, I can tell you that this is Orli fighting with a woman over tour bus tickets by playing RPS. Because fuck her American money, American money does not net you tour bus tickets to tour the UK and...uh...well, I don't know if Ozzie has any pounds to buy any.
Ah? Aaaaaaaaaahh? Man, I'm good!
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Unless Oddmented Reality had some (and please don't ask me, I've never played it), we've now had flying books in every season bar Season 2.
Honestly, that's a sin.
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If this means the return of cold opens, then bless them.
It's 12 episodes with 11-minute time limits, though, so I'm a little wary...but bless them. Season 3 had only a select few before they laughed and tossed the concept out, so this is a good return to form.
Also, this is hella good camera work.
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I'm...at least inclined to believe this is Ozzie attempting to boost workplace morale by getting a few agents-in-training to cheer.
Which is great, but I'm just thinking of Olympia asking Otis how he feels about his cheerleading skills and and him telling her they're perfect. It works, because Ozzie kinda looks like Otis!
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Hey, hey, you guys remember aaaaaaaall the way back in "Zero Effect" where they had that shot of the agents cheering?
You guys also remember the last episode of OddTube S1?
This is like a mishymashy of that and it is glorious.
Also, our first look at the girl who is, by every sense, part of the Flight department. And Onom, even though he got a mention in the gadget-making competition video.
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A few folks were asking about this, so I feel the need to clarify that this is a thing in the Oddverse that has been done numerous times before, especially in the first two seasons. You don't wanna blow 10 seconds of airtime on having two agents find the nearest tube entrance, let 'em phase through the floor.
'Tis magic, baby.
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I can also predict, with about 70% accuracy, how the OSUK premiere is gonna go.
It's gonna end with Ozzie being transferred/promoted/demoted to the Investigation department, isn't it.
Look, the franchise's timeline is a bitch and scares all the neuroscience people at Harvard Medical School, but I did this before with a simple Season 3 trailer and I got a fair bit of it right. When a few OSUK episode titles and synopses come out, then we'll see if I'm gonna reach for the stars or fall hard on my ass.
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Okay, I'm inclined to take the logic applied to New York City and apply it here, in that it's too much money and effort and time to edit every piece of signage here into a Shmumber-fied equivalent...
But that's a fucking McDonald's ad up there near the top, and let's be honest, that's one of the most gobsmacking things about the whole damn trailer. We already have a Burger King replacement, so having a McShmumber's is absolutely not out of the question.
(Also, that meal deal is $5 USD. If you're an American, I don't need to explain why this makes me more irrationally angry than it should.)
Besides that, Orli, this is a one-way, two-lane (with possible merger) street, which can absolutely be seen in areas like this in the United States and I don't know why I'm bringing this up since agents cannot and have not been automotively inclined.
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"No, that's not odd. It's Britain."
Dumb lil' American I am (who is, in fact, aware how British people drive), but I gave a visceral cough at this line. This is the kind of shit OSMU should have gotten, and failed to deliver.
That aside, though, Ozzie has a bit of a different icon on his shirt now. It's either the London Bridge or a black H, and I know Fergie would cry her eyes out looking at it, bless her soul.
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"I'm blue! And if I were green I would die! If I were green I would die, if I were green I would die, if-"
Okay, okay, I had to get that out of the way. I'm sorry. I'm never sorry.
The smartwatches were also something seen in BTS photos back when OSUK was first announced to be a thing. Still running on that Apple technology and crushing creativity.
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Perhaps the best sleep paralysis demon I've seen since Yui in the Precure All-Stars F movie.
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All right, I'm starting to see the massive differences between this Headquarters and the Headquarters of yore. Keyholes, the blue thing meant to be a simpler copy of the metallic circle structure, the...I mean it do be fuckin' big...
Also, we got our first look at a moving breathing Chef O, who's on promotional material at the very least but isn't exactly a main character. Sort of like what Oksana was: a side character.
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Hey, it could be worse. It could be a Ginormouse coming to eat you up for lunch.
(For the non-believers: this is the Oddverse. I'm not explaining shit.)
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I see somewhere in the crew of this show we have a boomer who still believes in the usage of the digital camera in the year of our Lord 2024.
No, but seriously. It wasn't believable in 2014 when Otto owned one, and it's less believable now. I've been more frustrated about this than about the badge phones, because there's only so much ironic low-tech stuff I can take before I drop everything and leave.
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I was gonna write a joke about how they used to feed cocaine to mice in the 80s for anti-drug PSAs, but someone apparently wrote it for me. Which, unsurprisingly, is not the first time that's happened.
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That's on you for not being Odd Squad-savvy.
All of you.
Yes, even Captain O.
And that's it. A short trailer, but a hell of a goodie. I'm honestly hyped for this return to form, especially as we approach the franchise's 10th anniversary. Hopefully, the crew has at least learned from its mistakes with Odd Squad Mobile Unit, and will make the most out of these 12 episodes.
And because even this show isn't immune to the curse: if you like what you see here and want more episodes to come beyond the 12 we're getting, watch the ever-loving hell out of this show. Legally, of course. Boost its ratings. The crew is definitely up for making more.
...And donate to your local PBS station if you got a Lincoln or two lyin' around. That too.
Thanks for reading. If you want to view the trailer for yourself, you can do so here:
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utahlive · 2 years
Sorry!! No episode today but I do have some extra content for you! The Wilbur/Quackity comic (?) has been in the works for a while so I want to show you some of the behind the scenes stuff. Sorry if its not too interesting ^_^’’
The comics are a bit long so I’m going to put them under the cut
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Here’s the first draft of the scene, drawn sometime in early December. I was originally going to have it be a daydream Wilbur was having from behind the counter at the store. I decided against it because it felt like a weird transition from him being home to suddenly being back in the store. The dialogue (sorry if you cannot read my handwriting </3) also felt really stilted, plus I had a point I was going for that wasn’t really hit with what was being said here.
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These two are essentially the storyboard for the text below. I originally intended for Quackity’s face to never be fully shown, but when I tried to draw it digitally it looked weird. Plus, I feel like there’s more of a connection if you can actually see his face. Im also a bit proud of my cquackity design sorry. This iteration is the one where I decided that Wilbur would be in his car rather than at the story (its very messy, but the 4 tiny boxes on the side is the transition from him smoking in LN to being in his car and driving away).
plus some warmups and deciding how long I wanted Wilburs hair to be at the bottom
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Here’s the original script, written on a plane with about 3 hours of sleep. I condensed it a bit, since I didn’t want to draw 15 whole pages and I didn’t want it to drag on. I also scrapped the last part in the notes, obviously. A gradual “waking up” would have worked too I guess, but I think the more jarring transition was more the feel I was going for (the kind of “snapping back” when you finish a memory/when something catches your attention).
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I didn’t originally intend for the comic (can I even call it that?) to be a two parter, but once I decided Wilbur would be in his car, it would be too odd to just...go back to normal. I hope it was clear in the final product, but Q only shows up in the reflections of the window/mirror. Reflections are so great for so many things, and I’m definitely going to (continue) to use them lol!
I did get some people in the inbox saying how Quackity’s colors were similar to the sky from the first part, but they’re actually the same (just a bit more glow-y in this part) since I took the sky/background from the previous comic and overlayed it. The whole idea of Q using snippets of speech from the previous comic was also really fun to do. I’ve always wanted to have a story where I can do that (I did it for more reasons that it just being cool, but that’s definitely one of them! haha). Anyway that’s all! If you read this far, thank you for indulging me :D Apologies again for no episode; I burnt myself out a bit, and I’m working on another big episode and those tend to take up a lot of my time.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
Is this a magical place where I can drop random headcanons????? whaoh If so, Mask has definitely at some random time cussed out the Moon, and someone had to literally drag him away to stop this child from screaming swears at the fuckimgf moon of all things
haha yes it is 🫡 the yap box is always open, i love to hear from people
😭 The idea of Mask just swearing at the sky at like, 3 am being dragged away kicking and screaming is so funny and so so sad. You know he absolutely did not elaborate on what was going on afterwards
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rainbow-rebellion · 11 months
Couple days late but this one kinda got out of hand haha. This is my first attempt at an AU! This was originally just meant to be a one-shot, but now I’m debating if I want to make it a multi-chapter. Maybe I'll even use a few more of the monthly prompts to keep the story going. Let me know what you think - do you want to see more of their story or not?
Supercorptober Day 13: “Spice”
Read it on AO3
Lena’s stomach lets out a loud and insistent growl as she walks down the sidewalk away from the Chinese restaurant she’s just left, bag of takeout in hand. That’s what I get for skipping lunch, she thinks to herself. Remembering the crab rangoons she had added to her order at the last minute, she stops when she reaches the nearest bus stop, using the metal bench to set her bag on so she can pull out a few crispy bites of crab and cream cheese deliciousness. She knows they’re not exactly healthy and she probably shouldn’t be eating them, but today has been a very long day. Hell, it’s been a long week, so Lena deserves to indulge herself just a little.
Reaching into her bag, she’s surprised to find not one, but two orders of crab rangoons. That’s odd, I’m certain I only ordered one. Lena’s brow furrows in confusion as she checks her receipt, where sure enough, it only lists one order of the wontons. Too tired to overthink it though, she just shrugs her shoulders and assumes the restaurant must have simply made a mistake and accidentally given her extra. Maybe it’s the universe’s way of making up for this god-awful day. But as she starts to pull out her food, she catches a glimpse of the plastic to-go box at the bottom filled with what is decidedly not chicken and broccoli. She pulls it out to take a closer look and she immediately recognizes the dark red peppers and pungent aroma currently assaulting her nostrils. If her memory is correct, the offensive dish before her is none other than szechuan chicken, a ridiculously spicy excuse for food that her friend Sam practically lived on at the end of her pregnancy with Ruby, claiming that its extra spiciness would help induce labor sooner. When Sam continued to voluntarily eat the dish well after giving birth, Lena simply had to accept the fact that her best friend had managed to burn all her taste buds off and couldn’t actually taste the atrocity she was so willing to consume.
Well fuck. This is very clearly someone else’s order. And the universe clearly has a sick sense of humor, Lena thinks to herself, shaking her head and rolling her eyes at the sky as if it could understand her. With a frustrated sigh, Lena packs all the food back into the bag and grudgingly begins her trek back to the restaurant, her empty stomach grumbling in protest the entire way.
There is thankfully no one at the register when she arrives, so she carefully schools her features to hide her irritation, and approaches the counter with a practiced smile.
“Pardon me, but there seems to be a problem with my order. You see, there are two orders of crab rangoons here, and I only ordered one. And I was given what appears to be szechuan chicken, but I actually ordered -”
“Chicken and broccoli?” A woman who Lena didn’t see enter the restaurant behind her interrupts her mid sentence. Lena turns around to see who the voice belongs to, but what she is not expecting is to suddenly find herself face to face with an insanely attractive woman. She’s a full head taller than Lena with broad shoulders and an athletic build - not overly muscular but toned enough for the sleeves of her navy button-down to be tight around her biceps, and for Lena to be able to see the definition of her calf muscles under her skinny jeans. Soft golden blonde curls are swept up in a ponytail, and behind a pair of black framed glasses are the bluest eyes Lena has ever seen.
Lena blames the combination of being both tired and hungry (it has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with how long she has been single), but she is suddenly struggling to form coherent sentences. Thankfully, she somehow manages to stutter out a reply. “Uh, um, oh yeah, I mean yes, that’s correct. How did you..?” She trails off, gesturing towards her bag of food on the counter and back towards the unfairly gorgeous stranger, eyebrows knit together in confusion.
The blonde holds up her own bag in response, beaming a blinding smile full of perfect white teeth, and good god if Lena thought this woman was beautiful before… There is absolutely no way she is possibly single, just look at her! Probably as straight as they come, too. Lena tries to reel her rampant thoughts in, after all this is just some random person she will never see again. She just needs to get her food and go home.
“Luckily I live close by, so I came back as soon as I saw my order was wrong,” the woman starts to explain. “Broccoli is the devil’s food - only thing worse is kale. There’s no way I’d intentionally order this for myself.” She scrunches her face up in disgust momentarily and then her scowl is replaced with another dazzling smile. “So yeah, looks like you got mine and I got yours. Here.” She hands her bag out to Lena to take, so Lena quickly gathers the other bag off the counter to complete the swap.
“Broccoli is the devil’s food, huh?” Lena raises an eyebrow in the blonde’s direction as she quickly checks inside the newly acquired bag to make sure everything is correct this time. “I could say the same about your preferred tastes - or lack thereof, since I don’t see how anyone with functioning taste buds could eat something that spicy.”
“Pshhh! This? Spicy? Please, this is barely a two on the spicy scale.” The woman quirks her own eyebrow in response, her lips curling into an impish grin.
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re one of those people who likes doing those ridiculous challenges, what’s the one everyone is doing now?” Lena moves her hand around in a vague gesture. “Oh right, the one chip challenge.” She finishes with a subtle, but not unnoticeable eyeroll, momentarily thinking about how Sam and this person of questionable taste would probably get along splendidly.
“Guilty as charged.” The blonde shrugs then tilts her head and levels a scrutinizing look towards Lena. “And let me guess, you’re one of those people who like to eat all super healthy and what not, like you probably keep a bunch of green stuff in your fridge.” She shudders slightly at the end of her sentence, and Lena isn’t sure if she should be amused by this woman’s childish distaste for vegetables, or if she should be offended with whatever deity lets her look like that on a diet seemingly devoid of healthy food.
“If by green stuff you mean vegetables, then yes, my fridge is usually well stocked with them - broccoli and kale included. I guess that makes me the devil then,” Lena teases with a smirk and a wink. Her stomach chooses that moment to let out a discontented grumble, suddenly reminding her that she is in fact, still very hungry, and still has to make the trek back to her apartment before she can eat. “On that note, I really should be going. Thanks for returning my food.”
“Of course, you too. It was nice to meet you - uh…?” The woman tilts her head with a quizzical expression on her face, clearly hoping for Lena to fill in the blank.
She acquiesces with a small smile. “Lena.”
“Lena. That’s a really nice name. I’m Kara by the way.” The blonde - Kara - sticks her free hand out in a handshake. Not wanting to be rude, Lena reaches out to return the handshake. Kara’s hand is warm in Lena’s, and her grip is firm but gentle. Lena tries not to think too hard about how nice it feels.
“Nice to meet you, Kara.” Lena nods her head politely and is about to walk out the door of the restaurant when Kara speaks up again.
“Oh, hey, uhh Lena? I know you said you needed to go, but I was thinking I might just grab a table here and eat, would you.. would you maybe want to join me?” Kara rocks on her heels as she speaks, then ducks her head to look at the floor. She reaches her hand up to scratch the side of her neck before looking back up at Lena with a shy smile. Then her eyes go wide for a second as another thought crosses her mind. “Unless you have someone waiting for you of course! I wouldn’t want to keep you from getting home to them.”
Lena can’t help but notice Kara’s sudden change in demeanor, the playful confidence from minutes ago gone, the blonde now being adorably awkward - though Lena is not entirely sure why. She eyes her curiously before answering, “No, I don’t have anyone waiting for me.” She glances warily between the door and Kara, debating her best course of action. Does she head home to her very empty, lonely apartment, or does she take a chance on a complete (albeit extremely attractive) stranger? Lena juts her chin out and raises an inquisitive brow. “I don’t know…Why would you want me to eat with you anyway? We hardly know each other.”
“Well I, uh, I was hoping we could change that.” Kara bites her lower lip and looks at Lena with those bright blue eyes so full of hope, and she is really struggling with a reason not to stay. Kara fiddles with her glasses a bit, pushing them further up on her nose even though they don’t actually seem to need adjusting. “And umm, also because I think you’re really pretty.”
Lena can see the tips of Kara’s ears turn bright red even as she herself feels the heat of her own cheeks turning a matching shade, and oh. She just asked me to eat with her and she thinks I’m pretty…ohhh. As the pieces click together in her mind, Lena feels a rush of giddiness - like she’s a teenager with a silly crush all over again - and she can barely suppress the ridiculous grin threatening to give away her emotions. Doing her best to keep her facial expressions relatively neutral, she cocks her head and taps a finger against her chin in mock consideration. “Well, when you put it that way…”
Kara’s eyes light up with excitement. “Sooo that’s a yes?”
“I suppose you’ve convinced me.” She lets out an exaggerated sigh, followed immediately by a wink and a coy smile. “Just keep that spicy monstrosity of yours to yourself.”
Her snarky comment elicits a scoff and a chuckle from the other woman. “Deal, as long as you keep your devil broccoli to yourself.”
Lena can’t help but laugh at her response, and a wide smile stretches across her face. And then Kara looks at her with a big goofy lopsided grin, eyes crinkling with delight, and not only is it the most adorable thing she has ever seen, it’s also the moment that Lena just knows she’s about to be smitten.
Sam is going to give her so much shit for this.
Definitely worth it.
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arileartist · 8 days
Hello and a good day to everyone👋🏻👋🏻
This is something I'd like to write as a change. I've explored a lot more anime like idolish7, Haikyuu, Sasaki and Miyano, Horimiya, etc. and my writing prowess has expanded as well, in addition to the fact that I was assigned Literary club head where I currently am. I'm making oneshot-one liners of all my favourite characters from various anime for everyone to enjoy!
I hope you guys like this segment~
Pieces of my World
"A mesmerizing sky of shooting stars, where Ikuya makes you a promise, one that'll live on forever in the Dreamland that you both created. Let's cherish this moment, your presence as it is a gift for me...a comfort space just for the two of us?"
-For Ikuya kirishima
"It is only with you, Rin that I can see sights unseen and explore lands that I couldn't even think of going to... Drag me with your fierce passion and let's dive into an unexplored sea, engage the dreaded waters with a fiery passion, and our love will ignite the oceans"
-For Rin Matsuoka
"Ahhh the pink hair of yours, just like cotton candy, your words just like sugar too~ Kiss me lots and hold me in the embrace, oh so sweet~ We know that it's the two of us against the world, but the world is wrapped around your fingers isn't it? So let's go, turn this dark world into an amusement park, where the heavy hearted enter, and to happiness they embark....
-For Kisumi Shigino
"Yeah I'm still here, still the same, but ever so different.... In his closed moments, you opened the lock, his heart and pulled him out of the cage he put his soul within. He'll forever be yours, as long as you promise... Never shatter this fragile heart of glass.... For it is the only thing that'll reflect your beauty, even when shattered in a million fragments..."
-For Izumi Miyamura
"A gentle breeze passed me? Haha, I hope it made you look in my direction~ After all, everyone keeps telling me that my handsome face is the highlight of their day... But you know what? I want you to pull my face close to yours, stare at me in the eye, and tell me... What you truly see... For beneath this 'perfect' exterior.... I'm a human with my own desires too hehe~"
-For Akane Yanagi
"Hey! You forgot to tell him that you're okay, you took everything and that you're ready! Did you forget how much he cares for you? Now go, tell him that you love him. You love his little snack boxes. You love the tiny gifts he brings you. Every small 'forgotten' item is brought right to you by his gentle hands.... So you too should observe him.... His golden eyes often shed tears in darkness"
-For Koushi Sugawara
"You forgot about us didn't you? They asked. An unapologetic smile will definitely adorn your face as a symphony of chaotic voices lands on your ears. A pair of twins, a pair of blessings, oh who are these boys who once fought over blazers and goals? You walk towards them and nudge; for you'll never forget. They are the same boys who worked hard, failed, cried, got up, pushed and crossed limits of the court are no less valiant than diamonds in the sky"
-For Miya Twins
"Looking into his piercing eyes, you wondered if he really likes you. Time and again, he silently stood besides you, when you thought there was nobody there, that's when he shone.... His ever present gaze never letting you falter for even a moment... Is it an owl watching you from afar? Maybe a gift sent by the gods to ensure that your delicate happiness is ever lasting.... Will you accept this silent guardian?"
-For Keiji Akaashi
"The way he flirts with girls is infuriating. Can't you be the only one to receive his affection? Oh but you are... Once you see the smile on his face turned towards your gaze, you know.... He didn't give that smile to anyone... A view just for your eyes... Seeing him grow from a normal kid to a talented prodigy... No... He refuses to believe that 'talent' is what breeds success. He will capture what he wants, he will believe in his own cultivated strength and then, with his own two hands... He'll get all he wants.... But what if all he wants, is for you to believe in him..?"
-For Tooru Oikawa
"His laugh is attractive? Or is it his charisma? Oh well ... We never really knew why him.... But we did know..... We slipped and fell, and before we realised, we were in the grasp of this devious cat. His proud stance took us all by a whim, but his caring nature was what nested our love. Kuuro my man, what type of a monster are you? No... You're just another normal guy experiencing and riding the waves of life aren't you?"
-For Tetsurou Kuuro
"Oh we always loved your attitude. So relatable.... Wanting to be asleep, wanting to relax... But... If not you, then who else? Your brains carried your team, but more than that, your perseverance is what turned the tides in the moments of dire. Like a cat, you're quick to adapt using your devilish... Almost mischievous techniques.... aren't you too, addicted to the duality of the game you play?"
-For Kozume Kenma
"Call me perfect. Call me sharp tongued. Call me everything you want. In the end, I'll be the only one who stays and guides you to your destination.... That's what he said with his cool expression. Even though he's young, you can't help but feel extremely respectful towards this boy who's not afraid to correct you, and hold your hand to take you where you belong in this overcrowded world. He promised, you'll obtain the spotlight that everyone will see. Who else would be this devoted to you?"
-For Iori Izumi
"Careful with him! Take his hand softly and kiss it. He likes it. Rub his tears away, for he's soft...Osaka is his name, please remember it. Why you ask? Well, because he never forgets who he bows down to~ Oh don't worry, he's just a normal rich guy .... Don't believe it? Well then ask him about it. He'll like it. Ask him how his day was. He'll like it. Who else asks him about these things? Diamonds too hide themselves in the dirt of rocks."
-For Osaka Sougo
"Slimy? Untrustworthy? Intelligent is a better word. A child actor prodigy huh? Well what if his companionship is an act too? Or maybe he's pulling the strings on you~ The world is cruel place, so please don't be offended by his tongue, his repel....It's his defense mechanism.... Stay with him.... Take the ride. His friends will promise you that he too will anchor your heart one day"
-For Natsume Minami
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loverofthewindgod · 1 year
Tis a very special day for a very special man...
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At the Sky Temple, Fujin was spending his leisure in the library alongside a few other monks either reading, talking, or organizing the numerous books or scrolls. As Fujin strolled about, he overheard soft giggles and followed them to find Sienna reading with Asma and Celeste in a little cozy reading space.
"Papa!" Asma and Celeste noticed Fujin, their excitement being a bit too loud as some of the monks gestured to them to lower their voices and quietly raced into his arms to receive a welcoming hug with Sienna following suit, greeting her husband with a kiss.
"You all seem to be enjoying yourselves. Do you have room for one more?" Fujin teased.
"Haha, always, but actually wanna go for a walk? These two could use some fresh air." Sienna suggested, tickling the girls.
They strolled down the hall, chatting about each other's day, the funny stories that were read before they made it outside in the temple gardens. Confusion was all over Fujin's face as they stopped near a tree with a laid out blanket, a picnic basket, lots of balloons and a bunch of wrapped gifts.
"Uh, Sienna.. wha-"
"SUPRISE!!! Happy Father's Day!" Sienna, Asma, and Celeste exclaimed, with Aella and Rayan emerging from behind the tree, tackling Fujin down, while Haven climbed into his mother's arms and busted out the confetti with her.
For the next few hours, the family spent their wonderful afternoon enjoying homemade pound cake, playing a game or two of tag and charades, and ending the day with sunset gazing and opening presents.
"Oh, here! We made this for you, papa." Asma handed Fujin a box, which was revealed to be a collage decorated with handprints and hearts, containing special moments and titled, "We Love you, Papa. Always have, always will."
The children then gathered together as Sienna brought her guitar and together they sang:
🎵You are our sunshine, our only sunshine. You make us happy, when skies are gray. You'll never know, Dad, how much we love you. Please don't take our sunshine away.🎵
"We love you, Daddy!"
"Wow...just wow. I'm so touched. I too love you all so very much." Fujin softly chuckled as he held a hand to his eyes with a few happy tears streaming down.
Sienna teared up herself, watching the kids embrace their father in a big ol hug package. She joined in, feeling the joyfulness radiating from his heart and laid a gentle kiss upon his temple.
"Happy Father's Day, my love…"
There were no words that could fully describe what Fujin felt at that moment. His heart beamed with so much happiness. Being here with his family who were so eager and grateful to celebrate him was all too heartwarming for words. Was this all a dream? Does he truly deserve all of this? Was he really allowed to be blessed with this joyous moment? Respectfully in that order: No, most definitely, and hell to the absolute yeah.
Asma belongs to mah lovely @ninibear3000
Mama Sienna and WildWind babies belong to yours truly! ^_^
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thunderwetter · 10 days
songs for sen shocky, GO
Wow, who might this mysterious Anon be, gee I wonder
Listen, there's a lot to yap about with our dear Senator, but sometimes, things are insanely obvious. I just need to find a good blend of actually fitting with the canon and the headcanons we established haha
GOSSIP by Måneskin I feel like this one very nicely shows his frustrations regarding the Senate and the general high society on Cybertron. While yes, he's very much part of that society and plays his cards, he's so damn sick of it. Everybody up there thinks they're the main character, untouchable by anyone else, and they fail to see the larger picture. Senator Shockwave is painfully aware of that, but honestly, for being shadowplayed for his emotionality "unbecoming of a Senator" we did not see his temper enough xD Let him bitch at Proteus, please.
Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse "Best, you've got to be the best You've got to change the world And use this chance to be heard" Again, Senator Shockwave strove for a better world, to bring down the system from within so they, as a society, could focus on the future and what really counts. This song also has some real dramatics in the way it sounds and it's just wonderful. The instrumental break with piano and strings, the contrast to the rest of the song, the underlying urgency. Very very Senator Shockwave.
Icarus by Bastille "You're putting up your armour when you leave And you leave because you're certain of who you want to be, oh" This is somewhat of a stretch, admittedly, but it applies to Senator Shockwave, his ambitions and his Outliers imo. They aim so high, reach for the sky, and where does it lead them? Shockwave had goals, but they eventually ended up 'killing' the version of him that was passionate about them. He flew too high.
Joyride by Kesha Okay, to everyone who isn't Zephyr this might be a bit of an odd choice xD This one is very heavy on the headcanons some people have for him. It's leaning into the indulgences of being a handsome Senator, the times where he allows himself to enjoy his status and have fun. I'm pretty sure our dear Senator definitely would use it to his advantage when he sees a cute mech lol
Looking at Me by Sabrina Carpenter "Yes, I'm young for a teacher, I'll teach you what you don't know" Another one for the headcanons, I feel like they playful-seductive vibe here just really works insanely well for that perspective. He's making it very clear that he's in the lead, using his arrogance as an asset as much as his attractiveness. If there's Senator Shockwave there, other people don't have much of a chance. Who wouldn't wanna dance with him?
This was...more difficult than anticipated xD With some songs I had written a whole paragraph only to realize that it fit someone else better (*angirly squints at Pharma*), with others I had thought they fit him but upon thinking a bit longer I just wasn't feeling them anymore haha
Want more song recs? Got a question? Wanna chat? My ask box is open!
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james-carslut · 1 year
Barbie Review ⚠️Spoilers Ahead⚠️
Greta did such an amazing job depicting what growing up and self-actualisation into womanhood feels to a girl as soon as Barbie enters the Real World. I just Felt So Much and I wanted to say my piece cause yes growing up- the tragedy to be congratulated for, how do we see it, what is it, how to represent it, the multi-facets of it, etc etc. But I mostly just wanted to talk about the part where Barbie just enters the Real World because-
1. The Male Gaze
sorry not sorry but the gaze is the first thing that Barbie feels is seriously off. Her literal reaction is 'i am conscious of myself because I am subjected to something that is violent' and as soon as i heard those words I knew I'm in for a cathartic montage of empathy towards my kid self cause now what i felt is in actual words and it's so nice to have a description from a child's vocabulary. I know what the gaze is and it's definition and all the terms but to have someone going through that same uncomfortable actualisation and trying to put it into words while my adult self just looks on at the screen, riveted and sad, yes.
2. The Conditioning
The normalisation of catcalling and general invasive genital questioning, public assault, punishment of self defense, realisation that systems of public protection are sources of further private attack (the cops further harassing Barbie), being broke whoops and being punished again (cough cough homelessness as a crime cough I see what you did there with the feminist agenda Greta cough), further sexualisation, all of it. A girls eyes opening to the Real World. For many of us, this was a moment when we tried to help an adult by saying "let's call the police" or "i can just ask the man to give it to me- money? I don't have money?" and then got Informed.
3. The Cynic Shakedown
Barbie talking to the schoolgirl was the moment when I took my painting to the teacher and she dismissed it saying the sky isn't pink. It was the moment when you turn to friends and they say "do you even care". It was the moment when you want to say 'I like that' and you don't (literally what happens in the movie). It's getting your heart broken by the cynic and it's the loss of innocence, it's a rite of passage and it's the beginning of how people curl into themselves in that moment and become the cynic so they don't feel it like that again. It's when you start being cruel to your mother and you start wanting to be right over being kind. It's inevitable. And it's also :(
4. The Negotiation
Finally some form of authority that can take accountability for this wrongness- wait this is off too- where are the women, what's your agenda- I'm sorry Mr. Man Dude what did you say you specialise in??- I'm so sorry that you feel I wronged you I swear that what not what I intended- no I genuinely didn't try to wrong you I'm sorry- okay I can fit in the box, i remember the box, it was okay- wow this box is very nostalgic haha except hold on, something's off and I really can't shake it off this time Mr. Man Dude- no wait please this box is claustrophobic- hold on a second you're all surrounding me and I just took a step back, i didn't step into the box willingly- wait wait why aren't you listening- can you please stop talking over me- wait please no I don't want to be in the box-
......... -hey hi haha let me just fix my hair please at least allow me to do that oh no I can't think of escaping because I can't think yes you're right I can't think at all except about my hair sometimes and I can't escape anyway because you see I know that I'm meant to be the damsel in distress and yes of course it's perfectly alright if you distress me just please allow me to step out for a second to fix my hair and: Mad Dash To Survival.
5. What is it for What am I for Why What does it all mean Why Why Just why
Despair as a level of puberty. And then being offered kindness, company, solace, empathy, comradry, being seen, being comforted. The oh, this is what it's all for, the in-betweens. These things don't just make it possible to rest before getting up to fight again, they are the reason why we fight. Why we get up everyday and outperform and then wonder if we're capable and do the same old same old Every. Single. Day. On repeat. And still feeling so alone but at least having carved out something resembling a purpose. A wish. A desire. Something to take a step for.
(and here, when Barbie meets Ruth for the first time do I understand the opening credits. The kitchen table to a woman that is the monolith the the ape. A space to rest, love, create, live, make, care and care and care.)
6. Communism
Comradry. "Get in Barbie!" And the Opening Up and The Bond and the i-know-what-you-meant looks and the hand-in-hand and the 'i'll do it for you even if I can't do it for me' and the 'you feel this too!!' and the reason why the death of friendships hurt in a place where lovers can never reach. Women. Solidarity. The helping hand. The divine Other but she is not the other, she is you, she is her, she is irrevocably human and faulted and yet she's here and she's lonely too, she's Barbie. She's me.
(ugh I'm tearing up and yeah I cried in the movie, the trees, the old lady, the mom's monologue, the final talk with Ruth, it all just got to me okay. The movie was exactly what I expected it to be and what I wanted it to be and it was perfect like Barbie)
I'm not complaining because everything I'm describing is just what growing up felt like. It felt like a hit after hit after hit of alienation from the world and from oneself and from security. And then there's the other side of tunnel, the perks of adulthood and having fun being a woman in a post-Barbie era. The falling in love with pink again, adult sleepovers, feeling like a Barbie when you rearrange the first house you rent, pretty stuff, strong stuff, kind stuff. And making boundaries with all the Ken's in a way that's fair to both you and the Ken and doing the work to be happy. Yeah. Thank you Greta.
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beevean · 5 months
And onto Rush Adventure now:
-Tbh at first i wasnt sold on the materials grinding for ships but later liked how it gives you a reason to improve your scores on the levels so you can get more. Idk i usually dont care abt scores but w the external motivation? Yea
-Same w the misions, good way to have lil extra stuff to do (that said why did they block the sound mode songs behind misions. Game pls my internet makes opening youtube an odyssey and now this too? Cruelty 😔)
-Oh and also the ship minigames! Its fun to have a map you can explore, and the races w Jhonny for the chaos emeralds are way better than the Surely Existing special levels (also srry if i got his name wrong lmao)
-Onto the soundtrack; its more broad compared to rush, and each song does matches well the enviroment. I like the tropical coastal vibes of the main town n training level, and oh man. Sky babylon and deep core my beloveds who literally got engraved in my neurons so hard i was struggling reading hours later bc the darn tunes kept playing in the background of my skull. Well scratch that all the tunes keep playing on the bg of my skull rn, what kind of eldritch curse is this). So yes good ost 👍
-Overall the aesthetic n vibes are also more broad with that tropical relax overtone, its quite nice. The difficulty is also way more forgiving (i mean i played on easy but that's the mode the game came in) and the tutorials with the controls are helpful (yes i struggled with the jump dash in the previous game how can you tell)
- The story is also more calm and silly goofy but in a good way (can def see what ppl mean by the diff eras in sonic writing there). I also liked Whisker being the main but kinda dumb villain for funnies vs the eggmans being a bigger threat)
-I liked the scene in the coral cave where Blaze appears bc my mind was half "haha i knew we were in Blaze's world, neat" and " weeee hi Blaze, game of the year :D"
-Marine was also neat, liked her silly dynamic of cheerful kid who is a bit too full of herself and is kind of a brat abt it, and how she later learns to admit her own limits :) And the koala villagers were neat too i like their designs :)
Overall thank you for letting me ramble into your ask box abt these games, its been fun :D
lmao yeah it's a nice incentive! I think the only other game that gives you a reward with higher ranks is Unwiished (another Dimps game), where the higher the rank the more medals you get.
also sonic 🤝 hector:having to earn their crafting materials
The missions are a good way to extend the gameplay, but IIRC some of the Sol Emerald missions were brutal... I have flashes of the Blizzard Peak mission.
The waterbike was genuinely really fun and I hated that it was considered the "worst" vehicle for travel :( I don't like the submarine, let me travel the world on my tiny waterbike while the best music plays :( also yeah the Special Stages with Johnny are original! Certainly more than Half Pipe 50.0
SRA'S OST was composed by veterans Tomoya Ohtani and Mariko Nanba while trying to recreate Naganuma's style. Definitely unique and underrated. Sky Babylon used to be my favorite too! But there are so many tracks that IMO deserve more love, like Haunted Ship, Blizzard Peaks, the boss theme and Whiskers & Johnny <3
Funny to think SRA came out one year after '06, widely criticized at the time for being too melodramatic :P Whiskers is also a nice case of Eggman being the twist villain for once! Although the credits of the "bad" ending spoil him and Nega, lol. Not that Whiskers looks mysterious himself... eh you get it.
Marine seems to have been reevaluated recently, like many things from the 2000s. I remember that back then no one could stand her and her Aussie accent lmao, precisely because she was an annoying brat. She is still mildly underrated, but I think the modern fandom generally "forgave" her because they understood that she was meant to be a foil for Tails, who is more insecure.
(two fun facts: in some countries, SRA initially got a 12+ rating because Marine says "bugger", which is pretty mild for Aussie slang but is much stronger for American standards. Also, Marine is Australian because in original she speaks in Kansai-ben, and I guess that was a way to recreate the cultural connotations! That and koalas :P)
You're welcome, you're free to rant at any time <3
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