#DD2000 Assignment 2 Research blog
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DD2000 Assignment 2 Research blog
The job role which I would like to go into post Futureworks is a Level Designer role. In order to create my presentation, I had to do a lot of research into different companies I could work at and what the role of a Level Designer actually involves. I also had to look into different studios and key designers who have influenced my decision to become a Level Designer.
Sections to discuss
I had a list of different sections which I wanted to talk about. Due to this, I have ordered this research blog in the same way as the presentation.
There were a number of games which inspired me growing up to become a Level/ Game Designer. Some of these games include:
Far Cry 3
Pokémon Ruby Red
Sea Dogs
Before Futureworks
Here I will be discussing the different games and things which I created when I was at college and just after college.
During Futureworks
This section will be discussing what I have learned in my time at Futureworks.
• Modelling in Maya- I have vastly improved my Maya skills, having gone from never used Maya before I came to Futureworks to now having the ability to build semi realistic worlds in a few weeks.
• Blueprinting- Before I joined Futureworks, I had never used Unreal Engine before. Now I am creating working Multiplayer games using Steam integration and building fully working levels with a number of mechanics involved.
• Level Designing in UE4- My level designing skills have improved massively since starting at Futureworks
• Tell successful narratives- First year taught me a lot about narrative design and how to tell narratives in both games and in Twine.
• Gather feedback- I learned that feedback is vital in this industry and any piece of feedback could change the dynamics of an entire game or improve it dramatically.
• Work to deadlines- Although I had to work to deadlines at college, I feel that the deadlines at university are a lot tighter and stricter, as of which, I have had to learn to deal with them more professionally.
• Work both individually and in a team- I have learned how to work more efficiently as both an individual and a team for different projects and getting them finished efficiently and on time.
Self reflection
Main area of interest?
Level Design
Most enjoyable creative disciplines?
Level/ world building
Narrative writing
Blueprinting in UE4
Strongest skills?
Creating fun games
Meeting deadlines
Working in a team
Self motivation
Technically: Designing worlds/ Blueprinting
‘Get a bit of freedom with your designs. Sure, the Game Designer and the Art Lead will tell you the theme and the art direction of the game, but you’ll have wiggle room to create within that framework.’
Level designers and editors can also be tasked with developing the gameplay of a level. In a genre like platformers, you’ll be designing a large part of the challenges that players of the game will face.
Kind of environment enjoy working in?
Enjoy working in a team if ethos is right
Enjoy solo tasks
Long term ambitions
Ship a game people want to play
Work for a company I am happy at
Challenging but fun projects
Working with charismatic and hard working people
What required to achieve them?
Keep working hard
Apply to places who make games I enjoy playing
Apply to places who make games similarly to what I enjoy making
Keep honing skills
Ethos: Everyone wants to work
Everyone working towards same goal
The beliefs of the game creating are similar to mine
Would like to be close to family
Prefer to be near countryside to city
Other commitments
Friends and relationship
Particular studios
Double Eleven
Sumo Digital
Other avenues (networking/ competition)
Game events such as EGX, Manchester Gamer Unite or Tranzfuser
Research: How can you get to the job want?
• Begin as Junior Level Designer
• Move to Level Designer
• QA
• Graduate programs
• Indie companies
• Mods
Is it achievable?
These are the most common ways into this position.
Gabe Newell- “Traditional credentialing" has little "predictive value" to how successful someone will be or what they can do with their skillset.
Valve have hired people based on their mods (Team Fortress 2)
Gabe Newell- What he is saying here is that you could have the best qualification in the world, but if you cannot do the required work, not going to fit.
Do the work, more likely to get the job.
Pretty much every studio requires a level Designer
Rob Kay (19 years in the industry)
Lead Designer of Guitar Hero & Rock Band.
• The best training is definitely to make your own game/s, ideally small ones.
• Being capable of actually making (and not just designing) games.
• Getting your first break in the industry can be tough, but also totally doable.
• Everyone has a story of persistence towards their first break.
• Don't take rejections personally, stay positive, and be persistent.
• A University degree makes it easier to get first break.
• Starting in QA is the classic route into the industry due to "cultural fit“.
• Another route is to offer your dev services for free - i.e. intern.
• Game design is as much craft as theory
• Small games- You can make more faster and learn faster as a result. As almost every studio these day's uses Unity or Unreal, so I'd recommend focusing on one of them (probably Unity given it's the most popular and you've already got started on that learning curve). It's good that you're doing some scripting - I'd recommend doing that in Unity. If C# or JS are too much, look at Playmaker - a visual scripting plug-in for Unity (I've used this on 3 games now, and recommend it highly).
• Making games as well as designing also wins you huge kudos from skilled artists and coders.
• Spend time honing craft
• Learn crafts through practice.
• Even seasoned professionals have to deal with rejection
• They do this because there is usually a far higher demand for each entry level job position than the hiring manager can deal with, so they have to add requirements like "University degree" just to filter weaker candidates out and get a smaller pool of candidates. This is tough on people who have strong skills but no university degree of course, but it's the reality. By all means apply for positions asking for a university degree (it's so low cost you may as well) but don't rely on this path. Typically a recruiter will filter you out of the running for not meeting requirements before a hiring manager even has chance to see your resume.
• I know many many developers (inc game designers, producers, and programmers) who got their break at a game studio in the QA department. It's a great way to get to know people in the company / industry, and usually hiring managers at the company find it safer to promote someone internally from QA, than take a risk on someone entirely new to them, even if the outsider is more qualified on paper.
• So if they can show some design / dev skills, they're seen as a good bet and will get onto hiring managers radars. From what I can glean from your email, I'd recommend applying for QA positions - with the career strategy of transitioning into game design once you're in
• I knew a self trained 3D artist who got his break this way. He basically pestered his way into an interview, by visiting our studio at Infogrames Manchester with his portfolio everyday and offering to work for free. My manager at the time, said no several days in a row, but this guy kept coming back and politely offering to work for nothing. Eventually my boss asked the rest of us artists to check out his portfolio, and asked if we felt he could do anything for us. His portfolio was only average, but he seemed so willing and capable of some jobs and we had a lot on our plates, so we said yes. He's now been in the industry for 16 years (here's his LinkedIn). Persistence and a willingness to learn may be your biggest assets.
Key designer
Max Herngren (Level Designer)
• Student of game and level design at Futuregames, Stockholm
• Worked at Right Nice Games (Indie studio) as a Level Designer.
• Level Design intern at Mojang
• Level Designer at Mojang in Sweden
• Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island – Game made
• The Solus Project, a survival exploration game where I helped out at the end of the game’s development along with some other students in my class.
• Key Designers
• Have great sense of pacing and player experience
• Understand what a player wants at any given time
• Understand how they’re affected by the pacing curve
• Master composition
• Have an artistic eye
• Analyse games
• Flexibility
• Be able to do background work
• Use mechanics and space wisely
• What does it take to secure role of choice?
• Composition to guide a player through the space
• Won’t be able to make a level look appealing
• Guiding players arguably the most important thing to do
• Take it from me, you don’t have to be able to draw or make 3D models but you have to have an eye for it. Building a good structure can give environment artist more idea of what you’re wanting to achieve.
• You have to intuitively be able to look at a space and have an idea of if it looks good or not and how you can make it better
• Analysing these games can give better idea of space and improve own levels
• If waiting for mechanics to be built, possibly become a tester or help the artists or scripters if required or keep building to the space and tweaking until feels right.
• Try to understand why they put that rock just there and why that cave is laid out in this or that specific way, and how would I have done it differently and what would that mean for the player?
• Coders and scripters working on grey whiteboxed level, as soon as events begin happening in the background, becomes a lot more alive which can inspire people.
• Learning how to make a set of mechanics work for 20 hours without the player getting bored etc. Keeping it fresh and interesting for the players.
Main objective:
• Pre-production: Build a good foundation and base
• Figure out goals
• Work out an initial strategy
• Draw out ideas
• Research
• Block out with BSPs
• Replace with actual assets
• Learn engine inside out
• From which you can later build the game into a sequence of levels that are good and make sense in the context of the game.
• Work out an initial strategy of how going to reach them
Best options:
Sumo Digital
Rockstar North QA
Ubisoft Graduate Program
Rockstar North tend to have a few openings asking for game testers and QA. As Rob Kay said, may be the best way in.
The Ubisoft Graduate Program offers successful applicants the chance to spend two years working on production teams in two different Ubisoft studios in order to hone their skills in a variety of professional disciplines, essentially making them employees.
The Ubisoft Graduate Program is a two-year international program for fresh Graduates who expect a career accelerator into the games industry. Over two years, Graduates will have the opportunity to work in two different studios in different countries.
Sumo Digital
Near Peak District National Park
Team size
Around 250
What games do they make?
Little Big Planet 3
Helped on Forza Motorsport 7, Hitman Episode 5
Mission statement
‘Sumo make games we're proud of and passionate about: everything from driving games to platformers’
Main perks
Group Life Assurance Policy, Group Income Protection Policy, Holiday Pay,
Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Pension, Flexi Time, On site free gym, Days out.
Student placements
‘Friendly atmosphere, good people to work with’ ‘Hands-off approach can make you feel like a small fish in a big pond’.
What kind of studios offer these positions?
Sheffield- Family not far away (1 and a half hours)
Peak District- Countryside and city is not as big as Manchester etc.
Team size: Mid sized company to gain the step into the larger one later on.
Fact that they make all types of games is interesting because would give opportunity to see what really enjoy making and make what I really enjoy playing.
Enjoy all types of games and they have helped create games I have grown up playing
The benefit is payable to a designated beneficiary in the event of death by a lump sum of 4 x annual basic salary.
The company provides a Group Income Protection Policy which protects the employee and their family for long periods of illness by paying a portion of income equivalent to 75% of basic salary, for a set timescale.
All employees will receive 24 days holiday, in addition to the UK Bank holidays.
EAP is a free, completely confidential source of support for employees and their immediate families, which is provided by a professional independent body.
The Company will provide access to a Group Personal Pension Scheme, administered by Scottish Widows.
Sumo offers a flexi time scheme, because we understand��just how crucial it is that staff are able to maintain their work/life balance
What is missing/ lacking:
• Need to do more player feedback
• Show more refined levels with process
• Shipped at least one AAA 3rd person action title- Sometimes add this to filter candidates out.
• Hone proposal skills in order to get teams on board.
• Keep working on building games in UE4.
• Keep learning how to blueprint.
• What kind of studios offer these positions?
• What roles actually entail- what actually do
Over summer
• Update portfolio/ CV
• Create some games similar to Sumo and Ubisoft style.
• Have playable demos on Itch
• Get social media up to date
• Use other engines, e.g. Map editor in Far Cry.
• Keep honing skills in programs
• Keep time management structured
• Network
• Ensure games are at the forefront of portfolio
Update and work on honing skills in:
Website, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook
Programs such as PhotoShop, Maya and UE4
Sumo Digital placements: http://www.sumo-digital.com/placements-emma-lintvelt/
Sumo Digital reviews: https://www.glassdoor.co.uk/Overview/Working-at-Sumo-Digital-EI_IE765707.11,23.htm
Sumo Digital website: http://www.sumo-digital.com/
Ubisoft Graduate program: https://news.ubisoft.com/article/ubisoft-graduate-program-2018-tips-from-our-ubigrads
Gabe Newell quote: https://www.polygon.com/2014/1/3/5270182/gabe-newell-on-hiring-modders-official-credentials-have-no-predictive
Get a job in video games: https://www.gamedesigning.org/career/jobs/
Level Design article: https://80.lv/articles/who-are-level-designers/
Max Herngren website image: https://maxherngren.squarespace.com/the-solus-project
Max Herngren website: http://maxherngren.com/about-1/
Rob Kay LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robkaysf
Ubisoft logo: http://logos.wikia.com/wiki/File:Ubisoft_2017.svg
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DD2000 - Blog 1
In this research blog I will be discussing my route to industry and what role I would like to fill in what company. My interests are in environment design and my goal is to go into a junior environment artist position. As an artist my portfolio will be the key to catching an employers attention. Straight out of uni there will always be people applying for the same job as me who have more experience than me so I have to make sure that my portfolio is laid out in a way that is quick and easy to process and that my work is of high enough quality that employers will be willing to take me on rather than someone who is more experienced than me. Arkane Studios is a games company owned by Zenimax media, a parent company of Bethesda. This studio has 150 employees and is based in Lyon, France. In 2012 Arkane and Bethesda released Dishonored, a game that made me want to work in the games industry, the world that Arkane built made me realise that humans made video games and that a person must have got to come up with all this cool lore and build this world. Arkane would be my dream studio to work for, they are currently advertising an environment artist role at their Texas office here are the requirements.
The ideal candidate will work closely with the Lead Environment Artist and other Art Leads to create 3D props, architecture, and environment assets to integrate them into game levels.
Apart from working with art leads I am currently doing all of these things for three of my modules and creating and optimizing environment assets is something I am becoming very comfortable with. Here are some more requirements.
Proficiency in Maya and Photoshop. Knowledge with other industry standard tools such as Substance Painter/Designer and Zbrush.
I am very confident in Maya and Photoshop is something I am working in for my 3D Modelling module. I know the basics of Substance designer but feel that I have a lot more to learn in that program. Zbrush is something i have yet to touch but will have to do so for my 3D modelling module this semester, Zbrush may be something to work on in my own time or over summer.
Texture using both procedural and hand painted techniques using a PBR workflow.
Hand painted textures are not something I am confident in at all and this would be something I would have to work on if I was to apply for this job.
Self-motivated, driven, and able to manage workload independently under time constraints.
Motivation is a big problem for me and a lot of the time it’s my attitude and lack of time spent on a project that holds me back I am quite often at a 2:1 and struggle to put the extra work in to reach a 1st This is something I will hopefully overcome with the help of scheduling and better organisation.
Ability to self-critique your own work, iterate, and make decisions on ways to improve your work.
This is something I do regularly as part of my assignment briefs and in most of my feedback I’m told that my evaluations are good and that I identify whats wrong my my work and say how I could fix it.
I another post I will go into more detail about the work i would need to do before I could apply for a job like this and I will also look at other companies requirements for a junior environment artist role.
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DD2000, Research For My Essay
When I began this assignment I had so much I wanted to apply to this essay that I eventually realised I had two different types of essays questions to be answered, so what I decided was to focus on the Architecture and civil engineering when talking about structures and the functions of them and how they all link into each other and what we can learn from bad design.
I found a book called ‘’Why do buildings fall down.’’ which gave me some more information then what I had previously found online. This book went into detail of what caused it whether or nothing these issues were fixed and how it effected everyone involved.

I also cut down the amount of references, I wanted to talk about games that when you look for broken games or games not complete online I went for games that had a big series already.
Trying to find the bug reports and the reception that the company received from the public and showing reviews from big sites like IGN as references.

I looked into early access games and how the community and technologies of gaming have changed whilst also looking at the functions of design, why they are important and why when it comes to the health and safety we have to question why none of the procedures where taken to prevent tragedies that occurred.
I explored several types of design as I wanted to show a broad look into it, as design is not
I made sure to look into recent events such as the Grenfall Tower which happened this year as that was down to human error by the use of cheap materials. I wanted to show how design always needs to be taken seriously what happened in London didn’t just cause people to loose their home, lives were lost and how because of this all of a sudden these building were being checked, bad architecture like this is gambling with people lives.
Looking closely it did make me question how one small things, weather it be a change to a plan, human error can caused such things as a walkway plan to collapse.
As I got further into the essay I saw how I focused on buildings and games and need to widen my design and seriousness question to something else. I picked a bridge and how the functionality of a bridge doesn’t abide by the same rules as in real like and tied it into design by trying to find information of famous bridge collapses and showing how a mix of human error, environmental issues we need to also be aware of can effect design. When comparing both together I had to look at what we have as game designers to fix problems with patches and bug reports whilst mention that we have not always had this available to us. I wanted to show that design was more then an aesthetic and the dangers of bad design. My Bibliography for my essay. Cover Image – RIBA, (2017) Website (Image): https://www.architecture.com/, Accessed; 10/10/17. Uncharted 4 Image – Image, Website, Titled: Breakdown of Character Design in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, https://www.pluralsight.com/blog/film-games/breakdown-character-design-uncharted-4-thiefs-end Published By: Plurasight, Published On: 08/01/15 Bethesda Screen Shots – Images, Video Tour, Titlted: Tour Skyrim's Bethesda Game Studios With Todd Howard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8UmVUXpfEE, Published: Game Informer, Published On: 20/06/11 Rockstar Games Career Page: Image, Website: Rockstar Games Career . Link: https://www.rockstargames.com/careers/openings, Published by: Rockstar Games, Published on: Origin Unknown, Accessed on 04/12.17 The Walkie-Talkie Skyscraper – Image, Website, Titled: ’Death Ray’ Walkie Talkie is crowned Britain’s worst building, https://inhabitat.com/death-ray-walkie-talkie-is-crowned-britains-worst-building/, Published by: Lucy Wang, Published On: 09/02/15 Melted Car – Image. Website, Titled: Plans unveiled to stop 'Walkie Talkie' skyscraper from melting cars, http://www.itv.com/news/2014-02-13/plans-unveiled-to-stop-walkie-talkie-skyscraper-from-melting-cars/ Published By: ITV Report, Published On: 13/02/2014 Mass Effect Patch Statement- Blog Review, Titled: Mass Effect: Andromeda becomes an early access game after launch, https://www.polygon.com/2017/4/5/15190250/mass-effect-andromeda-patches-animation-early-access, Published by: Ben Kuchera, Published On: 05/04/17 Mass Effect Glitch – Screenshot. Video. Titled: Mass Effect: Andromeda Glitch (SHE JUST STABBED ME), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz36w6qo91s Published By: Chaos Productions Inc, Published on: 20/03/2017 Assassins Creed Unity- Image, Published By: Matt Whittaker, Published On: 14/11/14 Website: http://www.hardcoregamer.com/2014/11/14/assassins-creed-unity-a-tale-of-broken-promise/117232/, Accessed: 13/11/17 Ubisoft Statement – Online Blog: Website: https://www.polygon.com/2016/2/11/10966664/assassins-creed-no-new-game-2016 Published by: Allegra Frank, Published on:11/02/16, Accessed: 10/11/17 Assassins Creed Origins Review- Review/ Article, Website: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2017/10/26/assassins-creed-origins-review, Published by: Alanah Pearce, Published on: 26/10/17, Accessed: 10/11/17 Steam Update: Published by Techkhoji (24/07/15), Image, Titled: How to move Steam Games to another PC or Drive, Part 2 Titled: Install Steam client on the PC #2, Website: http://www.techkhoji.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Pause_Download_Steam.png, Accessed; 06/11/17 The Forest Main Menu – Image. Website- Steam, Titles : Cheat Codes for the Forest, How to…, Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=390775112, Published: 11/02/15, Updated: 10/08/16, Published by: Syntax555, Accessed: 04/12/17 Hyatt Hotel Walkway Collapse (1981); Cover Image: Published On: 01/08/? , Published by; Stephanie Buck, Titled: ‘When this hotel skywalk collapsed, it was one of the deadliest structural failures in US history’, Website:https://timeline.com/hyatt-regency-skywalk-failure-8240bff34fa6, Accessed: 07/11/17 Hyatt Hotel Quote; Book: Levy.M, & Salvadori, M (2002) How Structures Fail: Why Buildings Fall Down. - Chapter 15 The Worst Structural Disaster in the United States (page, 227) W.W. Norton & Company, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y 10110. Hyatt Hotel Walkway Plan; Image, Published on 11/07/11, Published by: CHRISTOPHER NAUM, Website, Titled: The Hyatt Regency Skywalk Collapse 1981; The Beginning of Urban Heavy Rescue., Accessed 07/11/17. Grenfall Tower – Image, Wedsite: Wikipedia, Titled: Grenfall Tower Fire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grenfell_Tower_fire, Published by: Wikipedia, Published on: Unknown Just Cause 3 Bridge – Image, Website, Title: Just Cause 3: 11 things you need to blow up during your adventures across Medici, https://www.pcgamesn.com/just-cause-3/just-cause-3-11-things-you-need-to-blow-up, Published by: Jordan Forward, Published On: 30/11/15 The Cost of Tacoma Bridge: Book: Levy.M, & Salvadori, M (2002) How Structures Fail: Why Buildings Fall Down. Chapter 7 - Galloping Gertie (Page 120)W.W. Norton & Company, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y 10110. Tacoma Narrow Bridge – Image, Website, Titled: DEVASTATING DISASTERS http://devastatingdisasters.com/tacoma-narrows-bridge-1940/ Published By: DEVASTATING, Published On: 19/06.15
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