#DCP adventures tag
latenightmagichours · 7 years
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Grab hold of your dreams
 and make them come true 
for you are the key to unlocking your own magic
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disney-is-mylife · 5 years
Well, I’m all settled in and officially started my THIRD Disney College Program!!!
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It’s been an incredible first week working for Disney and I’ve learnt a lot already! Unfortunately I’m not allowed to tell people about anything I’m doing really while I’m there because my work is confidential.
I did have my first orientation on Monday for my department but I also had the main orientation for all new hires yesterday which was held at Disney University (behind Disneyland!) - we call that traditions. Can’t tell you the details of that either, but if you search DCP Traditions on YouTube you can get a feel of what it is. Though I will get to say that Micky Mouse did come to our orientation to give us our name tags which look seriously awesome! I already received my imagineering one on Monday, but the Disneyland one looked really awesome and I wanted one! 
We also got to have a play in the parks right after for free (like we will for our entire internship) and it was the first time I had been there in 18 years - California Adventure wasn’t even a thing when I last went!
Super excited to learn even more at my time here! 
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candra-hearts · 7 years
28 Days until Disney!!!
As some of you may have noticed, I have been accepted for the Disney College Program! My role is Quick Service Food and Beverage. This is the opportunity of a lifetime and I am truly excited to be embarking on it (in only four short weeks, yikes!!!). Here’s what this means for this blog. First of all, if you aren’t interested in anything I post about my DCP, I will be using the tags ‘sandra’s disney adventures,’ and ‘dcp.’ Feel free to block those tags if you want. Second, I will probably not be on Tumblr as often as I’d like due to a busy work schedule and spending every free minute I can in the parks. I will try to keep a queue running so you will have some content while I’m offline. Third, feel free to ask me any DCP related questions you want! I will answer to the best of my ability. I’m SO excited for this, I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time! Please feel free to follow me along on my adventures!
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Jambo, everyone! For those of you that don’t know, I’m Victoria. For those of you that do, well… Hey! Haha. This is going to be the first post, so I’m not going to explain what this blog is going to be about. If you want to read that, look at the home page. Alright, well. Let’s get right into it.
Last spring, I left home for the first time to move down to Orlando for the Disney College Program. I got put into Attractions at DismeyQuest. When I told people where I worked, all I heard was, “Oh, I’m sorry.” No, I’m sorry that you never got to work there. It got SO slow at times, but the family that I was brought into there was beyond incredible. Old news, but I did not get my extension, I moved back home, in August, and I worked in Jacksonville for about 6 months. I worked at Alhambra Dinner Theatre (awesome place, I highly recommend it), then Adventure Landing (indoor arcade with a water park, go-karts, and laser tag), as well as being a Scare Actor at Adventure Landing’s Haunt Nights (really awesome haunted houses. Again, highly recommend). I had a blast, I was back with my family, I was working with all of my closest friends, and for the most part, my managers were great. Well, there’s something that I left out. When I moved back home in August, my good friend from my first program, Diego, and I applied to the DCP Spring Program again just for the hell of it. Really, just to see what would happen. A month later, we both got accepted for January 2017.
For those of you that do not know me, it has always been a dream of mine to work at Disney. A lot of people told me that I couldn’t do it, but I did. I was 19 years old, and I moved away from home to follow my dream. @everyone that told me I couldn’t do it… I did it. Anyway, I really wanted to go back for Disney because ultimately, that’s where I wanted to be. I didn’t know how it would work out, or if it was a good choice at the time or not, but after a LOT of thought, I decided to do it. So in January, I packed up my life again and we drove down to Orlando.
Looking back, there are parts of me that regret going back so soon, because in reality, I was not ready. Although I did a lot of growing up in those months having to move back home, I probably should have stayed there a little bit longer. With that being said, there are way more parts of me that couldn’t be happier that I came back. I’m where I belong, I have such an AMAZING job, and I met the most incredible guy.
I have been working at Kilimanjaro Safaris at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. I drive a truck full of people, through a “reserve” full of animals, and I get to teach people about all of the animals. I have learned SO much about myself, my limits, people in general, and animals! Haha. I knew I loved animals, but this job has really opened my eyes to my love for them as well as my newfound passion for conservation (Learn more at https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/environment/ ).
On my first day of training, I was a little lost backstage. I rode the cast member bus to the back and all my paper said was “Meet at the SFO”. What the hell is a “SFO”?! As I was asking my roommate if she knew, a guy walked up next to me and said, “Did you say SFO? For Safaris?” I nodded and he replied, “I’m going there now. I can show you where to go!” Well he did, and he introduced himself. Will. We became friends on Facebook and we would talk a bit when I saw him or over messenger. All during training, I was a nervous wreck. It’s very overwhelming because it is so much in a week. At the end of the week, passed my assessment, and my first day on my own, I was even more nervous. I didn’t want to be THAT CP that messed everything up on her first day. This boy just told me to keep breathing. All day, just keep breathing. I did, I got through it, and Will and I have been dating for going on 5 months now. He is so incredible and I am so beyond blessed to have him in my life.
So flashing forward about 5 months! This is where it gets fun… Yaaay. I have about 4 weeks left of my program. Once again, I didn’t get my extension. Another huge bump in the road. Going back to me making the rash decision to move down here, moving back home was not an option for me at the end of this program, because then what was the point? I signed a lease to an apartment (yeah, surprise, I live in Orlando officially now… At least for another year!). With the he money that I made, I did save a lot during my program. I also spent a lot. Well everything with the apartment has taken up most of my savings from my program (lots of fees, expenses, rent, etc.). I still don’t have a car, which is going to be really REALLY difficult over the next few months. I’m still trying to find a job for when my program is up so I can ultimately pay for everything that I have to pay for now. My phone stopped working completely last week, so I don’t really have a reliable way of communicating with anyone, and to top it all off, my purse got stolen a few days ago. My purse was turned in, but they took my wallet with my debit card, and my my purse at the time had almost $300 in cash in it. I know what you’re thinking. Why the heck would I be carrying that much in cash? I normally don’t carry cash. All the cash that I usually have (which is never a lot), is hidden in a jar. I was getting ready to pay rent and the rent had to be paid my money order. The only reason that I had cash was because its easier to get a money order that way. For the first time ever, I had to swallow my pride and borrow a good chunk of money from someone (You know who you are, again, I can’t thank you enough).
I am super duper stressed right now trying to figure everything out and how I am going to live down here. What I do know, is that I am a strong person. I may not have been acting like it recently, but that’s because I’m scared. This is all very new to me and it is a lot all at once. But like I said, I am a strong person. I’ve wanted this for as long as I can remember. Even though I wasn’t ready for it, it’s happening and I am going to be fine. I have an incredible support system back home (shoutout to my family: Mom, Dad, Gabs, Grandma, Poppy, and everyone else back home that’s been looking out and praying for me), and an incredible support system here (Will, you’re amazing and I can’t thank you enough for everything that you do for me).
See? Life is hard. Growing up sucks.. Even when you’re doing something that you love. You just gotta take a deep breath, stand back, and think about what you want. Just because it gets hard, does NOT mean that you should give up on what you love or what you want. It’s just a little bump in the road. If I can do it, anyone can.
I know, that was a LOT for a first post, but I had a lot to catch y'all up on! Until next time, Kwaherini, friends.
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pixiedust · 7 years
So you’ve (like been pushed towards and) stumbled upon my DCP blog! I’m planning on keeping this blog for the period of time I’m in Florida for the DCP (Disney College Program), as well as talking about what I’m doing in the weeks leading up to the start of my program and how my application process went. 
There are a few general tags that you might want to check out (when there’s more posts in them)
General things about the DCP
Daily posts
Posts about my apartment 
Feel free to shoot me a message, I’m so excited for the start of my program and this amazing adventure!
xoxo Roux
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Get To Know Me! (DCP Roommate Tag!)
I found this tag on another DCP’s blog and thought it’d be super cute to do myself! It is aimed for participants to find room-mates, however, I’m gonna use it to help you guys get to know me!
Name: Ellen
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: Two years going strong with my boyfriend Arran!
Birthday/Age: 7th December | 21 years old
Degree: Media, Culture and Identity 
Home: UK - Wiltshire/London
Where? Walt Disney World  
Flying or Driving: Flying - coming from the UK!
Your Role? Attractions!
What program are you applying for? YummyJobs Cultural Exchange Program
Do you want to live in Wellness or Non-Wellness? Wellness (No-Alcohol)
How many people do you want to live with? 6
Which housing complex would you like to live in? Chatham
Alumni? Nope!
Do you party? How often? Only on occasions!
Can you cook? Yes  
What does your bedroom normally look like? Organised chaos...
Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? A happy medium.
Would you rather go out or stay in? I mean, Disney World is right around the corner... So... 
What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? I want to spend as much time in the different parks as possible - I’ve never been before!
Do you work out a lot? When I’m in the zone - yes!
Three words that describe you: Friendly, Dedicated, Self-Motivated
One good quality: I’m always thinking about other people, making sure everyone’s feeling happy and included in everything!
One bad quality: I am both a clean-freak and a mess. Usually I am very tidy, and will do washing up in a few hours of cooking, however, when things happen and I get busy, I do have a tendency to become a bit of a mess. A contained mess.
Are you outgoing or quiet? Depends... I use to be quite shy and reserved, and still am when you first meet me. However, since doing YouTube, I have become more outgoing. 
Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? Depends. I like to read and have me time - however, I like adventures, even to the shops...
Favourite thing to do: Reading, watching Netflix, taking photos, making YouTube videos, playing Minecraft, getting dressed up!
Favourite Music: Everything from Punk Pop to classic Rock and Country. Top three songs at the moment; ‘If Ever I Stray’ by Frank Turner; ‘Pre-Madonna Girl’ by Marina and the Diamonds, and ‘Still Into You’ by Paramore.
Favourite TV Shows: Jane the Virgin, Riverdale (Season 2 only...), RuPaul’s Drag Race, currently watching the Vampire Diaries.
Favourite Movies: Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, 10 Things I Hate About You, and Twilight.
Favourite Food: Chocolate...without a doubt!
Favourite Candy: Chocolate...?
Favourite Drink: Ginger Beer (non-alcoholic), a good old cuppa tea or a steamy cup of coffee!
Favourite Colour: Emerald green.
Favourite Character: Ariel, because I like seafood, plus I want to be a mermaid!
Favourite Movie: Tangled!
Favourite Disney Channel Show:  Definitely Suite Life of Zac and Cody, or Hannah Montana!
Favourite Park: Disneyland Paris! (The only park I’ve ever been to, as of now...)
Favourite Ride: Pirates of the Caribbean 
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Thank you for taking the time to get to know me! Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to ask away and I shall reply as soon as I can! Silly as it might be, I’ve started a countdown... 188 days to go! See you then, Disney! 
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littlxbearx1 · 7 years
tagged by: @katexross15 and @soldierheartcd
Post 8 facts about your character and tag 8 people to do the same
1) Tess Nicole is the oldest Ross child, and the shorter of the twins
2) Tess is a budding triple threat with a love of performing. She has an Alto 1/Soprano 2 singing range and excels in tap and jazz dance. 
3) In her 18 years of life, Tess has been in 12 theater productions, including ‘You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown’, ‘The Pajama Game’, The Little Mermaid’ and ‘West Side Story’
4) Tess is a bookworm and can be found carrying a book with her at all times. She loves the Harry Potter series as well as The Raven Cycle series by Maggie Stiefvater. Fantasy books are her favorite genre, but she will also take in a modern YA novel every now and again (Morgan Matson is her favorite).
5) Tess’ best subject in school is English. She loves poetry and reading and she can whip out an essay in no time flat. 
6) Since she got into middle school and had music teachers that really inspired her, Tess wanted to do the same. So in college she majors in music education which allowed her to still perform but also take on a more stable career. So, she gets accepted into the University of Northern Colorado in their well-known music education program.
7) Tess was the one who found out about the Disney College Program and encouraged her twin sister to apply with her. Both girls got accepts into the California branch of the program and Tess was assigned as a performer in California Adventure as well as in the ‘Mickey and the Magical Map’ show. 
8) After completion of the DCP, Tess was given the opportunity for continue working for Disney as well as other theme parking in southern California. She also found a part-time music teaching position in an elementary school in Long Beach. She often treats the students of the under-funded school to days in the parks as well as letting her 5th and 6th grade choir perform at Disney. 
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wheelsguru · 7 years
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Life of stunting on two wheels @aras_freestyle ・・・ Aras airlines about to take off 😂😉😆 #RedBull #GivesYouWings #Suzuki #Gixxerday #India #Mumbai #Pune #Kolkata #Delhi #NewDelhi #AlpinestarsProtects #LiquiMoly #HTmoto #ThisSideUp #Impaktech #DCP #ArasGibieza Tag your pics and videos with @wheelsguru to be featured. Follow #wheelsguru @shahnawazkarim Check our page: http://ift.tt/2c7NjU3 click the link in the bio 👉 wheelsguru.com #advrider #bmwmotorrad #adventure #dualsport #adv #enduro http://ift.tt/2ow618a
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latenightmagichours · 7 years
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I’m gonna start sharing one photo post a week that highlights something special about the DCP! This one is about all the characters I’ve gotten to meet (this isn’t even half of them!
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latenightmagichours · 7 years
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Some recent Disney adventures! I know I’ve been doing a shabby job of updating my blog, so I’m gonna do a couple of big photo posts the next few days ☺️
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latenightmagichours · 7 years
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I've been so bad at updating my blog!!! Expect some big posts to be coming up soon, and enjoy this photo series of some highlights of my program so far!
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latenightmagichours · 7 years
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My long overdue update about Traditions!
I promised to write this post last week, but time here has a habit of slipping away from me, especially since I started training this past week. To make it up to those of you who have been reading my blog, I’m gonna post two things today, this post about traditions and another one about training!
Traditions is the orientation that everyone who is hired for Disney has to attend, and it’s a very special thing. In Traditions is where you learn about the history of the company, what makes it special, and the power everyone who works for Disney has to make magic. We also get a special pair of ears, and to visit the Magic Kingdom! It feels incredible the first time you get to walk into the Magic Kingdom as a cast member, and it was extra special the day of my Traditions because it was also a Halloween party night!
I got out of Traditions super late, but managed to run over to Epcot by 8 to meet my parents for their last night in the parks, and watched Illuminations with them. It reminded me of how much I adore Epcot, and how lucky I feel to be working in such a beautiful park. To anyone who does the program, take time to savor those moments, feel free to cry during Traditions (I certainly did), and embrace the wonder and magic that comes with working at Disney.
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latenightmagichours · 7 years
Long time, no update!
Ooof, I am so sorry for how long it has been since I have done an update on here. Lots has been happening I promise! I’m now at the 45 day mark, and any day now we should be getting an email about signing up for classes. I’m planning to take the theater class, I have my paperwork from Hampshire all ready to go. 
My roommates and I also have finalized our apartment rankings, so that when they send the paperwork out we’re ready. I can’t believe how close we are, but I’m thankful to still have some time because I’ve been saving up money from working this summer, and I haven’t even really started to focus on what to pack! I expect in the next few weeks, my quest to sort out “how much clothing is too much clothing” will start again. 
Until next time!
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latenightmagichours · 7 years
DCP countdown update!
I am 122 days away from the big move!!! That seems like a really long time, but considering that I’m going to be working and trying to travel a bit this summer, I’m sure it will fly by! I’ve started to pack up all my winter clothing to keep in storage, along with some other college things that I won’t need down in Orlando. I need to fit everything into my car, so I’m gonna try to stay compact on what I bring, and figure I can always buy things down there if I need. 
I know this update was short, I just felt bad about not updating at all! I will update more when I’m done with finals and closer to my date. 
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latenightmagichours · 8 years
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My road to Disney: 
Hello everyone! I thought I would start my blog posts out by explaining my path to the DCP. I first learned about the DCP when I was in middle school, and I vividly remember running into my nana’s room and telling her all about this magical program. I wrote about my desire to do the DCP in my college applications, and knew that as soon as I had a year of college under my belt I had to start applying. I fully didn’t expect to get in on my first try, especially since when I sent my application in, I was placed in submission. Now in the past submission has been something people don’t really leave, but this year Disney seems to have changed it up! 
After 11 days of sitting in submission, I was sent an email to take the web based interview. Not an hour before I got that email I had been on the phone with my mom talking about plans for the fall, and had said “I’m pretty sure it would take pixie dust from tinkerbell to get my application moving!” Well I guess Disney was just really set on proving me wrong. I passed the WBI pretty easily, and was able to schedule my phone interview. I gave myself almost a week of time to prepare, and spent the rest of the week looking at the type of questions people get, and reading other people’s experiences with roles. 
The day of my phone interview was a HUGE snowstorm in Massachusetts where I go to college, and it somehow messed with my phone service. I was ready and waiting for the call, but it went instantly to voice mail! I panicked, but thankfully they called back a few minutes later and I only had one other small problem with my phone service and it didn’t really affect my interview. My phone interview was really nice, my interviewer asked me lots of questions about my work experience, including what my favorite job I’ve had was, what a busy day at work was like for me, and to describe a time I dealt with a difficult customer. I also got asked questions about my experiences living away from home and dealing with roommates. I got asked role specific questions about merch, attractions, and photopass, as well as some general questions about my theater experience and preferences for work environments (working on a team or solo, working in a fast or slow location). 
I had been somewhat nervous leading up to the phone interview, but my interviewer did a great job of making the conversation feel natural, and we even talked a bit at the end about how his wife went to college near my college! Once you finish the phone interview, you enter the waiting stage, which I had gotten really good at during my time in submission.
On Monday a big wave of acceptances started. I told myself “You just had your interview! Don’t expect anything, stop checking your phone!” During my two hour break between classes I was trying to distract myself with reading, playing music, anything to stop checking my phone. Finally it came time for me to go to my next class, so I sent a quick text to the group chat I’m in asking them to tag me if anyone got in, and went to leave for class. I had my coat on, and was putting my boots on, when I heard the ping of an email notification! I pulled up my phone and saw the words “Disney College Program: Congratulations!” I burst into tears. Just full on, started sobbing. I sent a photo of the email to the groupchat, and then called my mom, still sobbing. I’m pretty sure my mom thought I was seriously hurt or deathly ill, but she was so excited when I told her I got in. Getting to open the offer and tell my mom that I got merch over the phone was so exciting!!! 
So there we have it. I want to assure you that you CAN get out of submission! I am proof that it happens, and you can get out and be accepted to one of your top roles! I’ll be posting on this blog as I get closer to my program-I arrive on August 21st. So I will keep you all updated on my time leading up to the program, and obviously post as much as I can during my program! 
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