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arennmii · 4 months ago
⨾ Yuuza Introduction 🐁ˎˊ˗
❛❛Just what kind of trouble will I be dragged in today? ❞
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Tamamura Yuuza is a first-year and the prefect of long abandoned Ramshackle dormitory. His only goal is to find a way back to his world.
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ִ ࣪𖤐 - Biolographical Information
Gender : Male
Age : 17
Birthday : July 30
Height : 171
Eye Color : Petrichor blue (right), Chromaphobic Black(left)
Hair Color : Cowboy brown
Homeland : Japan
Family : Unnamed parents, unnamed grandfather
ִ ࣪𖤐 - Professional Status
Dorm : Ramshackle
School Year : First
Class : 1-A (Student no.9)
Occupation : Student (½ with Grim)
Club : Sculpture club
Best Subject : Arts
ִ ࣪𖤐 - Fun Facts
Dominant Hand : Right
Favourite Food : Cheesecake
Least Favourite Food : Crustaceans, Tuna
Dislikes : Being nagged by others
Hobby : Taking pictures with Ghost Camera
Talents : Wood carving
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♯ —Appearance
Yuuza has messy dark brown hair and blue eye on the right. His left eye however is black and covered by his fringe, black veins present under the eye.
♯ —Personality
Yuuza wouldn't approach anyone unless someone initiated it first. He's awkward but friendly in a way, often does his best to help someone in need but of course, it depends on his mood (and the person asking for it). He dislikes competition and would avoid it like the plague. In reality, Yuuza lacked confidence on his skills. He has a habit of complaining about everything. He has a severe trust issue and doesn't like being seen as weak and vulnerable.
♯ —Trivia
Yuuza is twisted from Mickey Mouse, specifically from the game, Epic Mickey.
His birthday is in the National Cheesecake Day which also happened to be his favorite food.
He's lacking in physical strength.
Yuuza is afraid of fire due to an incident when he was a child.
Parts of his hair burned by Grim's fire back when he was awake inside a coffin in the early story.
Yuuza often comes over to his Grandfather's workshop to learn about wood carving.
Headache is his number one enemy.
He has a crustacean allergy.
He posts random scenery on Magicam. If not, It'll be Grim's.
𖧧࣪ . ִֶָ๋ Voice Claim
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elenauaurs · 11 months ago
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Name: Amin Adel Al-Farooq
Grade/Class: Freshmen/Class B (No. 11)
Birthday: October 24rd
Age: 16
Height: 165 cm
Dominant hand: Right
Homeland: Scalding Sands
Club: Magic Shift/Spell Drive
Best Subject: Astrology
Hobbies: Taking care of virtual pets
Pet Peeves: Invasion of personal/Having to repeat himself
Favorite food: Kibbeh
Least favorite food: Crustaceans
Likes: Cats, Stars, Good people
Dislike: Delinquents, ghosts, teasing
Talent: Combat
. . .
Amin is a student from Scarabia who is always accompanying Kalim and Jamil. His distant attitude makes him strange in the eyes of many.
The mysterious and distant boy actually hides a secret: He she's a woman and Amin isn't even her real name. (She isn't trans. In the universe of my ocs NRC remains a school just for boys, but the reason for adopting a male identity comes from her backstory)
Amin is a person who always has a closed or tired face. Most of the time, Amin is stuck in his thoughts instead of interacting with others.
When Amin tries to start a conversation with someone he doesn't know, 99% of the time the conversation can turn into something really awkward or quite edgy(depends on the mood lol)
Although he isn't very good at talking and is a little shy/embarrassed, Amin is not afraid to show his thoughts and fight for them. This attitude of his makes him get into several fights, which has earned him a reputation as a troublemaker.
Despite acting this way and having a short temper, Amin hates delinquents who break the rules. Whenever he can, Amin punishes anyone he considers a deliquent to 'save' them
With people close to him, Amin reveals himself to be a courageous, agitated, stubborn, playful, teasing and loyal person. But of course, that's not how he feels at all.
In fact, Amin is a pessimist and a person who has struggled with grief for a long time. He sees himself as an impostor who doesn't deserve happiness and has no reason to live other than to continue someone else's legacy. Amin constantly blames himself for the past and has a huge inferiority complex, but he refuses to demonstrate his weakness and the truth to others.
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Amin is twisted from the guards from Aladdin
He has incredible swordsmanship
Despite his small appearance, Amin is strong and agile
He knows parkour
Amin has combat magic that is far advanced compared to other freshmen, however his general magic (like levitating things, cleaning magic, coloring magic, etc.) IS REALLY BAD
By having such poor magic and almost failing many classes, Amin makes up for his lack of skill in written or physical activities (or combat)
Amin is banned from Mostro lounge
The headband he wears is a gift from Kalim
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Amin has short, dark hair with bangs. His skin is dark and his eyes are dark brown
He always wears clothes much larger than his size and always wears a headband
Most of the time, he wears bandages around his hands that go up to his elbow.
. . .
Note: Since Aladdin is a racist film, I tried to do some research to avoid something that would be hurtful to people from the Middle East. If you know the Middle East well and noticed that there is something wrong with this post, please let me know and I will review it immediately, thank you!
Tag: @cyanide-latte @theleechyskrunkly @thehollowwriter @distant-velleity @tixdixl @rainesol @oya-oya-okay @boopshoops @br3adtoasty
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Corsola & Cursola
Corsola (#222)
Corsola maritima maritima ([OG] Corsola) Corsola maritima phasma ([G] Corsola)
General Information: Corsola the Coral Pokémon, this Pokémon requires clean ocean waters and has a mutualistic relationship with algae. When their branches catch sunlight, they are known to glitter in seven beautiful colors.
Corsola have two forms, (OG) and (G). The (OG) form/sub-species is a water/rock type, averages at 2 feet (0.6 M) tall, and weights about 11 pounds (5 kg). The (G) subspecies is a ghost-type, is also 2 feet (0.6 M), but weighs only 1.1 pounds (0.5 kg).
Only (G) Corsola can evolve into Cursola. Also, there are Deep-Sea Corsola, too, who take on ice and dark typings.
Habitat: (OG) Corsolas are found in warm, clean, ocean waters near the equator. However, rising ocean temperatures are causing horrible changes to the marine environment and causing coral bleaching—the Corsola effected by this either die properly or have been speciating into (G) Corsola. These new ghost-type Corsolas are also able to handle a much wider range of viable temperatures, and they have the added bonus of not being predated upon by Mareanie. Ecologists fear that (G) Corsolas will eventually out-live and outcompete the (OG) Corsolas.
Deep-Sea Corsolas are found in the twilight and midnight zones of the ocean, where instead of a mutualistic relationship with photosynthesizing algae that their cousins at the surface have, these ones have mutualistic relationships with chemosynthetic bacteria only found in the depths of the ocean.
Life Cycles: Corsolas are born fully independent within a colony. They are heavily predated upon by Mareanies and other echinoderms, and other corallivores (some species of fish, crustaceans, flatworms, mollusks, etc.). When it’s time to reproduce, Corsolas will partake in courtship rituals that involve elaborate dances. Corsolas have very friendly and loving relationships with others of their colony, and it’s common for individuals to take on multiple mates every season. Their pinkie-nail sized eggs are laid by the hundreds and protected over in many small caves within the reef. While they do provide parental care over their eggs and take turns caring for them, once the babies are hatched, they must contend with the cruel realities of the cold open ocean.
(G) Corsolas have unique predators to (OG) Corsolas, most threatened by Frillish and Jellicents.
Corsolas broadly seem to have life spans of up to 25 years in captivity.
Behavior: Corsolas are colonial creatures who enjoy being amicable toward each other and the Pokémon who seek protection in their branches, like Horseas, Seadras, and Luvdiscs.  
Diet: Corsolas eat plankton, and part of the mutualism between a Corsola and its algae is that the algae converts excess energy that the Corsola can feed upon.
Conservation: Endangered, but the (G) Corsolas are steadily rising in population.
Relationship with Humans: Corsolas are being killed en mass because of the rising ocean temperatures and ocean pollution. Their branches are beloved as jewelry by people, which fall off regularly and regrow just as regularly. Folks like keeping especially beautiful Corsolas in pristine aquariums. In the Far East, some cultures have been keeping Corsolas for thousands of years and have selectively bred for beauty, coral strength, and coloration. These Corsola breeds are expensive and Corsola breeding is known as a Rich People Hobby.
Ecologists fear for the future of wild Corsola populations and their rapid bio-evolution and its impacts on the marine ecosystem.
Classification: Corsola are the namesake species of their genus as defined by Linnaeus. There was originally only one known sub-species but in the past few decades several others have been discovered, most notably the (G) Corsola but also the Deep-Sea Corsolas. Since their discoveries, (OG) Corsola has been further designated as Corsola maritima maritima while (G) Corsolas are Corsola maritima phasma.
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Cursola (#864)
Corsola phasmagna
General Information: Cursola the evolved form of (G) Corsola. This Pokémon is a new species of the last couple decades and is under active scientific investigation and research. This Pokémon is able to fully detach its branches from itself and surrounds its spiritual core with ectoplasm. Its shell levitates from all their ectoplasm. When they wander, they wobble, which many find an endearing quality. Supposedly, should one touch its ectoplasm, this sends such a chill through them that it seemingly petrifies them for several seconds, resulting in the misnomer that it “turns you to stone.”
Cursolas average at 3’3 feet (1 M) tall and weigh about 1.1 pounds (0.5 kg).
Habitat: Cursolas are found at bleached reefs and in colder climates than their (OG) Corsola counterparts.
Life Cycles: Once a Cursola evolves from a (G) Corsola, they become the protectors of the colony who fend off predators and possibly even move on to form a new colony with other (G) Corsolas if seen fit. They don’t experience the same predation levels as (G) Corsolas do, but are still threatened by Jellicents.
Cursolas lay hundreds of eggs multiple times a year, taking on several mates at a time. Their larger bodies give them an ability to create more elaborate and beautiful dances, which appeal to the courtship preferences of many Corsolas.
No one is sure how long Cursolas can live, either in the wild or in captivity.
Behavior: Cursolas are protective of their Corsola, Horsea/Seadra, and Luvdisc friends. They will attack predators with prejudice. For reasons unknown, Cursolas in an area will gather together under the full moon—yes, even getting out of the water to do this—and extend their branches into the sky. Scientists haven’t the foggiest idea why they do this, and hypotheses range from expelling excess ectoplasm to communication to other strange rituals.
Diet: Cursolas feed on the excess spiritual energy in the water column from deceased micro-organisms and fish.
Conservation: Endangered, but populations rising
Relationship with Humans: Cursolas are a prime example of humanities impacts on the environment, and how the only creatures that’ll survive climate change and the Anthropocene are those able to adapt and evolve to the rapidly changing world. Environmental Studies students learn all about the plight of Corsolas and in turn about Cursolas. They’re both a warning about what’s to come, and an utterly fascinating case study of a Pokémon that has bio-evolved in real time, and allows scientists a chance to study Pokémon speciation.
Classification: The scientific name of Cursola is Corsola phasmagna which means, “large ghost Corsola.”
Evolution: Cursolas only evolve from (G) Corsolas at level 38.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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theodoradevlin · 1 month ago
On one of the winter nights, as Theodora is spending holidays at Hogwarts, she notices a trail. And not just any trail — small droplets of ectoplasm are splattered in a predictable pattern starting from Theo's boots (does the girl even own slippers?) and leading all the way outside of the common room.
The trail is rather familiar to the one used to such summons, and if Theodora follows the call, she ends up in an empty classroom with a pottery wheel ready to be used. Where the trail ends, proudly stands she: Clawdia, the ghost crab of your dreams.
Theo was deep in concentration as she looked over one of her transfiguration assignments. She had warmed up to the subject considerably after her success with Montrose’s hair. However, as usual, she had the tendency to dive into things much deeper than advised when curious.
For now, she was looking into the anecdotes of witches and wizards who had mastered Trans-species transformation, a subset of transformation magic. If she could master that, it had the potential for many opportunities. For example, she could finally turn Montrose into the goose he was.
Sure, there were a few ways the research could probably be more helpful to her blonde brute of a friend, but the possibility of a good laugh at his expense still helped her.
Suddenly, Theo looks up and spots a familiar trail. It's a trail of ectoplasm that she would follow anywhere. As she is whisked into an unfamiliar space, she stumbles until she finds her footing.
Nothing but a dark grin is given in greeting to her beloved crustacean as Theo spots her clicky clacking in excitement next to a pottery wheel.
Theo gasps. Two of her favorite things! She rolls up her sleeves, coming behind Clawdia.
She gives Clawdia a quick grin before her hands slide over the wet clay, and she finds another way to practice transfiguration. Her hands mold the shape until something familiar begins to form.
When she's finished, she mutters a spell and the clay heats in a burning light, until a gleaming crab sculpture transforms from the lumpy clay.
She presents it to her beloved Clawdia as a thank you.
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ranchracoon · 11 months ago
Ch. 7 Lord Moreau II
The day you had been dreading arrived, unfortunately you didn't die or get horrifically maimed in some freak accident so you had to go. The final buttons on your (suit/dress) were buttoned, your hair was styled the way you liked, and you had to borrow make-up from Angie to cover the dark circles under your eyes. You hadn't been sleeping well, or eating, and you kept making mistakes while cooking or cleaning to the point that Angie had to monitor you like when you first arrived. The anxiety ate away at you piece by piece like you were a carcass at the bottom of the ocean being slowly eaten away by crustaceans. Now you were a walking skeleton but looked like a ghost; the blackness of your outfit didn't help either.
Angie hollered, you sighed heavily and looked toward the desk with the sprawled strips of fabric. You had tried to make...something during your sleepless nights; followed the instructions in the book but it came out looking like a tattered dog toy. In frustration you pushed the fabric off the desk into the bin before walking out the door into the hallway. You descended the stairs and looked over at Angie, she wore a black dress with a transparent shawl over her shoulders and head, she had pulled the shawl to cover her face but it remained visible enough for you to see the disdain on her face. For once in her life probably, she decided not to say anything about your appearance and merely hummed under her breath.
You opened the door for her and hesitated, only for a moment, to see if maybe the lord would appear and follow you. They didn't. Angie and you walked the path as usual, both of you paused in front of Claudia's grave to put a fresh candle down and light it. The longer you stayed, the more comfortable it felt to be around the grave, you paused every time you passed by. It felt wrong, insulting almost if you didn't. The fog added a haunting feeling to the surrounding foliage, if you weren't already looking like a ghost, you half expected one to walk alongside you.
The village was a sea of black and grays, you and Angie divided through the crowd down to the docks where a stage stood alongside the Cliffside. Alcina sat on it with her daughters, next to her was Mother Miranda, and an empty seat. On the other side of the stage was a man in a black leather hunter hat with greasy salt and pepper hair, and a five o'clock shadow for a beard. That must be Heisenberg. You hadn't met him yet but he looked disheveled and homeless from the disarray of his...suit, if you could even call it that. It looked like something you would have made only with more stains. His most prominent feature is the rounded sunglasses he sported despite there being little sunshine.
Next to him was Salvatore in a black suit with a flashy yellow tie. You scrunch your face. To avoid his gaze, you looked toward the dockside and saw a wrapped body in a small wooden boat, it didn't take a genius to gather that it was his father. The microphone's feedback echoed through the spread out speakers, you flinched from the high pitch but it drew your attention to Mother Miranda who cleared her throat.
"Thank you everyone for joining us on this mournful morning to see off our beloved Lord Howard Moreau. If we could all bow our heads for a moment of silence."
Everyone around you bowed their heads, the only sounds were the wind through the caverns, distant birds, and the water brushing against the docks and shore. Mother Miranda sighed, she stood with her hands folded in front of her.
"Now, his son Salvatore will do the honors of casting his father out into the bay, as was his final request."
Salvatore stood with a smug grin, it gave you a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, something didn't smell right and it wasn't the fish. Shouldn't he be sad his father died? Then again, you weren't exactly sad when your parents died, but you also weren't happy. Salvatore went down to the boat and bowed his head, you couldn't hear what he said but after he lifted his head he knelt, and pushed the boat out into the bay. The crowd, along with you, watched as the boat floated out of view into the ghostly thick fog rolling over the calm water. A shiver ran up your spine, unsure if it was from the cold or not, but you hugged yourself anyways. Salvatore walked back up to the stage slowly, as if basking in the attention. He approached Mother Miranda who handed him a rolled document then dipped her fingers into a black liquid. She rubbed the liquid over his forehead while her lips muttered words that couldn't be heard. He bowed to her then waved Mother Miranda aside and took the microphone in his grimy hand. The black smear prominent on his forehead.
"Welcome my beloved villagers. As of today, I will be taking my father's place today as Lord, I see no reason to wait. This sorrowful day shall be turned into a day of joy. I want to celebrate my father's death, for that is what he would want, but also celebrate me. Please join me in food, drink, and all day festivities. In honor of my father!"
There was a dull cheer from select members of the crowd, all of them men, while the rest of the crowd shifted impatiently. You looked over at Alcina who rolled her eyes, her upper lip twitched as if holding back her disgust. The wind picked up and you shivered again, you really wish this outfit was warmer or that you were able to sew that jacket. The crowd pushed and shoved you around, separating you from Angie which sparked a bit of panic in you. Someone forcefully bumped into the back of you, lunging you forward but before you could hit the person next to you, someone caught your shoulders. In the blur of people, you hadn't noticed the hands being replaced with something heavier, warmer, and you were caught off guard by the new smell of whatever covered you.
Eventually you were slowly pushed through the crowd to the edge of the stage where most of the people had vacated. Your hands brushed the thick cloak over your shoulders, panic set in as you furiously looked through the crowd for who it might belong to, but no one looked your way. The cloak was black on the outside but mahogany on the inside. You lifted the collar of it toward your nose and it was intoxicating. It was a mixture of amber, sandalwood, some other wood you couldn't put your finger on, some hints of jasmine, and moss? It smelled earthy but heavenly at the same time and you wanted to drown in the smell. Instead you settled for wrapping yourself up in the large cloak as a way to coat yourself with it. It was still warm from whomever previous wore it.
With less people around, you got a clear look at those who went toward the direction of the docks and those who went back to the village. From the corner of your eye you caught the Dimitrescus taking their leave with Alcina in the front. You gave a small wave to them, the daughters returned the wave and leaned forward to walk toward you but your view was cut off by a certain disfigured frog. A groan left you but you roped it in quickly as you met the eyes of Salvatore. You crossed your arms and scowled, the goose bumps returned over your skin, a chill ran up your spine, and you felt naked in his stare.
"Hello Y/N. I'm so glad you could make it to my ceremony, care to join me in the celebration? Have some food, a couple drinks, and maybe an evening float on my boat?" He asked with his hand held out.
"Oh um no thank you I really should be getting back to the manor-"
"It's rude to deny a lord. I've been patient and nice Y/N, the least you could do is humor me." He cut off.
"I rather humor a polar bear while wearing a seal suit." You retorted.
Salvatore sneered, a growl coming from deep within his throat as he took a step forward and grabbed your wrist tightly. He yanked you closer to him, but out of instinct your other hand swung and hit him in the jaw. He stumbled back and his grip released you. Time seemed to slow down at that moment. Behind him you could make out Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela gasping with huge grins on their faces. Alcina looked surprised but impressed at the same time. Still on the stage was Mother Miranda who only had a look of complete neutrality.
"Ow fuck.." You whined as you rubbed your knuckles.
Salvatore rubbed the side of his face that you struck, his entire body heaved in anger; he was hunched over and the sheer amount of rage in his face made it look distorted.
"First you insult me by refusing me at the festival. Then your lord insults me the greatest by not showing. Now...now you have the audacity to strike a lord?!" He yelled.
You backed away when he stood back up right, it was a tiny bit humorous to see him posture; you might not have been as tall as the other women in this village but you were taller than him and that gave you a microscopic bit of joy.
His glare turned to Mother Miranda, "aren't you going to do something about this?!" He snapped.
The man from before, Heisenberg, took Salvatore by the shoulder before Mother Miranda could speak.
"Easy there. You might be a lord now but you still have a lot to learn, so the girl has a little fight. Shouldn't you know a thing or two about fighting Moreau? You don't yank the line in on the first tug, you gotta wait until the bobber goes down."
Both you and Salvatore looked at him confused, "what are you talking about?" Salvatore asked, irritated.
"I'll explain it to you over a drink. Come on, leave the girl be. I'm sure there's plenty of feisty maidens in the tavern just waiting to settle in with a lord for the night."
Salvatore returned his heated glare back to you, "this isn't over." He threatened.
The two of them walked away to the village, your eyes were wide and you were stuck like a deer in headlights. The scuffling sound of shoes broke you of your trance when the three daughters shook you gently to life. All of them are still holding giant grins.
"That was awesome!" Daniela praised.
"I'll say, I'm just mad it wasn't me who smacked him." Cassandra chuckled.
"It must have felt so good to see the look on his face!" Bela giggled.
Alcina walked up behind them, they quieted their laughter and stepped aside to make room for her. She looked you up and down with no emotion, but the corners of her eyes gave the tiniest hint of amusement. Her gloved fingers stroked the fabric of your cloak curiously. You watched her and caught a brief glimpse of what looked like the Beneviento crest inside the cloak. Alcina sucked in a breath softly then dropped the cloak, her eyes told you she recognized this cloak and that only ignited your curiosity.
"Moreau is a loose cannon like his father. You are a representative of house Beneviento. Both of you have greatly insulted him. As amusing as I find it, I would urge you caution. Mother Miranda has been forgiving before, but it is a rare sight. If I were you, I would go home before you offend anybody else." She stated coldly.
Like a scolded child you nodded your head and turned tail, you didn't bother looking for Angie; knowing she'd pop up unexpectedly but Alcina was right. The people returned to their homes to change, many of the villagers had gone back to their normal routines while others drank, sang, and ate. In order to keep the cloak clean, you bunched up some in your fists so it wouldn't drag in the slosh of the village. Who knows what kind of liquid it was.
You slammed the gate behind you and grimaced at the way it shook and the sounds the aging wood made. The fog still covered everything in sight along the path to the manor. Any attempt at running was foiled by loose roots and uneven terrain so you settled for a fast walk. It slowed to a walk, then eventually stopped when you came to Claudia's grave. You knelt in front of it to catch your breath and brushed away some of the debris from her headstone.
"What did I do..." You whispered.
The wind blew harshly, causing the cloak to whip around you frantically. You raised your arms to get ahold of the cloak until the breeze passed, only this time you felt eyes on you. Unfamiliar, uncomfortable eyes. The breeze wasn't the only thing that caused you to shiver with unease, so you quickly stood up and hurried to the manor. Once inside the safety and warmth of the manor you breathed out a heavy breath, your shoulders laxed, and you closed your eyes for a moment. Once you composed yourself you went upstairs and sat on your bed. You pulled the cloak to your nose and inhaled the scent again, relaxing in its alluring smell.
This had to be proof that the lord was at the funeral but deep down you knew no one would accept that, anyone could have put the cloak on you. The man at the stall did say that Lord Beneviento made a lot of the clothes for the village. You undressed to examine the material and sure enough the crest was stitched in the back. The look that Alcina had was what caused your head to hurt, she has seen the cloak before, that you were certain of. With a final inhale of the cloak, you folded it gently then carried it all the way down to the basement to place it in front of the lord's bedroom.
You had to do something to distract yourself so you did what you did every other day: you cleaned. Sweat dripped down your face, it splattered on the wooden floors that you scrubbed until your knees were bruised. Every crevice was vacuumed, dusted, and cleaned thoroughly enough you could see your reflection. As soon as you collapsed onto the floor the door opened, you cracked open an eye to see Angie hobbling in with a grin and a giggle.
Before you could question her, she stumbled and bumped into the side table which answered it for you. She didn't notice you sitting on the floor, or maybe she did and didn't care as she found her way to the elevator. You listened to the ding of it, her snickering to herself as she shuffled in, then the creaking of it lowering until you couldn't hear it anymore. You closed your eyes again and continued to lay on the floor; you were on the verge of sleep when the cuckoo clock startled you from your break and you looked up at the clock. 8pm. You really had been working all day. Just as you were about to stand you heard yelling from outside, at first you mistook it for the wind until it got closer and louder.
In a panic you rushed to the front window and peaked out behind the curtain to see Salvatore stumbled up the walkway. It was kind of impressive that he managed to get all the way up here without falling, that quickly faded once you saw the mud stains on his pant legs. He stumbled back and forth, yelling and screaming with every step until he reached the gate. You went to the door and pried it open, watching Salvatore grunt with the gate then kick it forcefully to stumble through.
"Salvatore? What are you doing?" You yelled.
"Shut up! I'm not here for you. Beneviento! Face me you coward, you insult me on the day of my lordship and the death of my father? You send your maid to make a fool of me? Come out here now!"
"Salvatore you're drunk, just go home." You tried to reason.
"Oh. Oh I see. The great, mysterious lord needs someone to stand up for him. Come out here Beneviento before I break my way through." He screamed.
You stood in the middle of the doorway when he approached with both your arms outstretched, he stood in front of you huffing enough you could smell the alcohol. He swayed back and forth trying to size you up, you could easily kick him down the steps from here but the words of Alcina were in the back of your mind. The elevator dinged, Angie would certainly thrash him into next week but it wasn't Angie's footsteps you heard. They were spaced out: step, one, two, step, one, two, step. Both you and Salvatore froze, you watched his eyes suddenly sober up as he went back down the stairs. The footsteps stopped behind you, slowly you lowered your arms and moved to the side. The presence stood next to you. Lord Beneviento stood next to you.
Continue Reading
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universes-toybox · 4 months ago
OFF is a game made by Mortis Ghost
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Pitcher (He/They)
A counterpart to the batter yet everything he is not. Pitcher is shorter, rounder, has 4 dark eyes, and a stubby tail. He sports a catchers mitt and a baseball he throws for a ranged damage. He also seemingly has an infinite supply of stadium snacks hes able to produce from his pocket.
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Sugar Dealer / Crab (They/It)
A rather small creature with the body of a crab and odd paws in place of crustacean claws that lurks within the plastic sea and emerges in attempt to sell the worlds residents sugar.
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splatale · 16 days ago
Chapter one
What A beautiful day outside,Birds are singing,Flowers are blooming! It’s a great day for a splatfest. And today is the day my team and I are going to win. Inktoplis won’t know what hit it when we win.
Inktoplis what a place to be the streets are always buzzing with excitement inklings and octolings come here from all over to enjoy the the great wonders of the city and to have fun during splatfest I’m here for a very special reason to buy the Splat Dualies I’ve had my eyes on them for a long time and I’ve finally got enough to pay for em.
The bell dings as I enter the shop and the urchin working there recognises me and knows exactly what I’m looking for because as soon as my foot made it through the door he took my hands and lead me to the splat dualies, every day since I first saw them in the window I’ve come into shops and asked the store clerk questioned about the guns and he told me everything he could think of about them. The urchin held his hands out for the coins I was holding then he handed me the guns. Now that my spending money is gone I need to win and there’s nothing stopping me now. The bell dings again “yo Sketch, you ready!” I look over my shoulder “Guys! Come look at these sweet guns I got!” I say pointing them at my team. Skull,Fins and Ghost have been my three closest friends since we were tots like we’ve all been friends forever so it was like fate that we’d end up on a team together.
Ghost’s main weapon is the splatterscope. I still remember the day she got it, her dad got it for her on her birthday, it was the first gun she had, and I’ve never seen her without it. The ink tank for it is costomly dictated with stickers of all of us hangin out after every turf war we play. “Cute new bling baby, you look so good with those guns” She’s a dark tan octoling wearing a pearlescent hoodie with her hair tied in a ponytail.
Fins is a tan inkling wearing a whale knit sweater he got from his grandma for his birthday last year , he wears it to splatfest because she said it’s lucky, his hair has always been a very messy bed head style that he tries to hide under a black bucket hat. Fins’ uses the tri slosher as a tot Fins was really into turf wars and splatfests but what he was most into was the art that was made during them , at the end of all turf wars seeing the end result of the battle is what Fins liked the most he could spend hours looking at ink splotches and finding what art you can make with them. As a child he’d always put tracing paper over the screens and an hour later he’d have a full masterpiece. “Wow, You look amazing, Sketch!”
Skull’s main is the ballpoint splatling he has a huge collection of guns he swaps em out every once and a while for small turf wars but something about him and the ballpoint just clicks for some reason.“Killer guns dude.”
So off we go to splatfest. He's an olive toned octoling wearing a negative long cuff sweater with his hair in a top knot and ink tinted goggles.
We’re in our team locker room or rather the prep room. There's pink ink splattered on the wall stained from all previous pink teams that were here. There are a few cracks in the floors and walls and a hole in the wall next to our training dummies that makes it so you can hear the other team training as well. I don’t have to get too close to the hole to hear the gunfire of the yellow team practicing through the wall.
Speakers turn on and an announcement starts “ARE YOU READY INKTOPLIS??!!! SPLATFEST IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!!!!” The Crowds cheer we can hear them all the way from the prep rooms “ TODAYS TURF WAR I IS TAKING PLACE ON OUR BRAND NEW ARENA ON MOUNT EBOTT,OUR BRAVE INKLINGS AND OCTOLINGS WILL HAVE To BE CAREFUL BECAUSE THEY WILL BE FIGHTING OVER OUR NEW ARENA THE GREAT CRUSTACEAN CHASM .” I look at my teammates with a look of fear and excitement. Ghost is the first one to say something “Chillax babies we got this”
“ANNOUNCING THE FIRST ROUND OF THIS AAAAAMAZING SPLATFEST!!! IT'S YA BOYS!! DYNO-MITE!!!” Dyno is a short-stack octoling, breaking decibel measurers and never relenting in his energy, he wears the tights of a wrestler, including a luchador mask he's never seen without. “and Anon-mess!” Ano wears a full face mask and mostly black clothing with white accents. Only letting down his hood in mid matches. These two became a dynamic duo after carrying their teams to a consecutive 20 splatfest victory streak. “FOR TEAM MYTHOS!” “And team History!” “TO WITNESS HISTORY IN THE MAKING!!!” “And legends of the arena born!” “Let the games begin!!” The duo called out together as the teams doors opened and the games began.
We spawn on the south end of the arena and yellow on the north. I'm standing with Skull up front. Fins is to my left and Ghost is to Skull’s right. Crustacean Chasm is genuinely a very cool looking arena; it's made up of a bunch of real tall platforms all connected together with wooden bridges that sway gently in the wind. The platforms are all built over the giant chasm.
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“ 3 2 1 Ready,GO!” The match stars and were off Ghost and Fins run off to the left Skull and I go forward to the middle Skull is leading, painting the arena ahead of him I’m filling in what I can on all platforms we pass along the way there are two platforms to the left of us on the furthest platform a inkling with a roller is painting away, Skull half turns to me and nods as he runs ahead to the yellow platform I approach the roller.
Skull was spotted by the roller but they didn’t pay attention to me allowing me to sneak up behind and splat goes the inkling Skull continues with painting the yellow platform so he can distract the roller after respawn while I take over the yellow ink the roller left behind. Skull went to the left to catch up with Fins and Ghost. I went right to the outer platforms.
*whirrr*WHirrr*WHIRR* I dart behind me and all I see is a yellow octoling using inkjet t get to me and *woosh* from the platform that I was headed to an inkstrike was overhead.
The octoling from the inkjet started firing at me attempting to push me back into the inkstrike. Ghost was to my left trying to splat the octoling,Ghost distracted them for just a second. Ghost was splatted by the inkstrike and I was knocked off the platform. I can feel the wind on my face and…
I’m falling…why am I falling…I’m still falling I should’ve splatted and respawned.. why am I still falling.. What's below me, flowers? Golden flowers will I …Survive? I can see the ground rapidly approaching and can only think of survival like shit ain’t good now, with the ink in my tank. All I can do is suction bomb. It's the only chance I got. I hold my breath and let it drop.. I hear the explosion. I close my eyes and squid….*Plop*….
I feel the ink on my skin “WHOoo! I’m alive!”… I open my eyes and jump out of the ink … “Hahahahahaha! I’m alive!” I’m in a cave in a field of what were once golden flowers and are now neon pink, oops man I hope I didn’t kill those flowers like that’s just sad.
“HOLD THE COMP! TEAM WILD STRAWBERRY’S SLAYER JUST GOT KNOCKED INTO THE PIT AND AIN'T COME OUUUUUUTTT!!!" The roar of a once hyped crowd fell quiet as the timer's clock ticked down, 36,35,34. The teams kept competing, but the hype was dead. Dread filled the crowd as all eyes were on pink spawn and… nothing. 05,04,03,02,01…0. GAME! 23.3% to 76.7%. A landslide defeat for team… banana mania, but ghost,fin and skull had no time, nor spirit for celebration, sketch still hasn't respawned, joined soon by the idols of Dyno and Ano. “GREEETINGS WINNERS! EVEN A SQUID DOWN YOU WHOOPED EM GOOD-” Ano quickly hushed dyno, dyno deflated abit because he was only trying to help them feel better, but listened to his buddy. The four inklings and the octoling stared into the inky pit of pink, waiting for a respawn that will never come. “Has this ever happened to you before?” Ano inquired with Ghost. “Sketch has always been able to take a fall. Fins pipes up “I-I hope they’re ok, what even happened”, Dynos voice boomed as he yelled into the pit “YOOOUU WOOOOON THE MAAAATCH!” “Hush Dyno! Your yelling isnt helping-” “YOOOOOU CAN COME BAAAACK UP NOOOW! IIIIF YOOOOU DOOO WEEE WIIL SIGN YOOOUR BLASTERS!” Ano sighed “if… you think it will help i will.” “ I hope You’re ok Sketch I don’t want you to die!” Exclaimed Fins“HEEEEELLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!?” “CAAAN YOU HEAR MEEEE!?”
Looking up I see the sun. I can't see the arena any more yet I can hear a big booming voice echoing through the cave.. it’s so loud an uh echoey I can’t hear what is being said but I’m sure it is Dyno.
Mmhmm uh still looking up and yikes that’s tall “ Wow you're stuck down here huh.” I whip around where the sound came from ready to fight my hands reaching for my guns “Whoa there friend!! I uh.. just wanted to say hi.” I froze for a second a talking flower!? Where the hell am I ? “Uh hi, little guy?flower thing?” The flower keeps looking at me, not breaking eye contact with this wide ass grin on his face. “Well howdy I’m Flowey,Flowey the flower, golly you must be confused,ha Don’t worry you have me I’m here to help.” What? Well uh putting my guns away the flowers smile gets somehow wider. He has teeth, why does the flower have teeth? Flowey nods towards a door that I didn’t notice until now then he disappears in the dirt ... Wait, was he watching me fall to my death?When did he get here?
I close my eyes and take a deep breath before following this crazy flower that grins like he wants to kill me.
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xinambercladx · 2 years ago
"The Double Cross" A Star Wars Cad Bane Fanfic
Genre: Action Adventure Word Count: 2,700 Rating: General. (SFW) I dreamed of Cad Bane again. But this time, I was nowhere. This was his story, not mine. I floated about like a ghost with no form. I was an observer. It like the perspective of a camera from which an audience might watch a film.
The planet was a dry beach land. It reminded me of the Kanan comics where the rebel Jedi stashed his prized ship The Escape. Kanan kept the ship on the planet called Lahn for safe keeping. Seeing as I read that comic some time ago, and the two places seem so similar, for simplicity’s sake I will refer to this planet as Lahn. Lahn was a blue planet located in the Outer Rim Territories. It was known for its beautiful forests, beaches, and sparkling oceans. Cad Bane was far from the strangest alien to walk the sandy trails here. There were the Ithorians with the humped backs and swooping heads, stepping slowly on stumpy feet. They had two mouths on either side of their head, and spoke in harsh, reverberating mumbles. Gran ran the shops and most of the business properties on the cliff side offices. The docks below where waves crashed against the cream and gray colored masonry hosted the water loving aliens. Famous for their sailing, fishing, and swimming prowess, the Nautolans, Mon Calamari, and Quarren had varying aquatic traits like tentacles, large eyes for seeing in dark depths, or even claw like hands.
Then there was Cad Bane, a member of the Duros species. Compared to the other races, his deep blue skin sparkled like the sea that clashed against the stony or aglae colors of all the others. He would clash more if his leather clothing weren’t as brown. Only exposed the blue skin was the tips of his fingers peaking out from gloves and the front of his face peering out from the shade of a wide brimmed hat. From afar, he would appear as a tall human man. He was a bounty hunter, and was on the isle of Illmek. He left his ship behind him at the hilltop spaceport and made his way down to the sea port.
The sea spray was refreshing. It had been a while since he last spent time at a pleasant place like this. Sea birds flew lazily on the wind. Some slept on the wing. There was an occasional whiff of rotting seaweed, but otherwise the smell of salt and of the beer the sailors drank openly. It was a carefree place on the surface. Such places often hid the most unexpected crime underneath that surface. It was subtle, like that occasional whiff of rotting seaweed.
I thought I smelled somethin’, Cad Bane thought.
His client met him out in the open, bold as could be. Dark corners didn’t seem to exist in a beautiful place like this. To meet in a corner would signal something was up to a discerning lawman, but a casual meeting between two men? Now that wasn’t anything to note. The sailors and passers-by minded their own business of exchanging fish and drinking beer. The client was a shifty eyed Quarren with a sharp chin surrounded by a tentacled mustache. I shall give the name of Shift to this Quarren.
The job was easy enough. He was to embarrass and intimidate a well-to-do businessman at the top of the hill. Shift had bad blood and jealousy with the business man, who I will name Sebastian. Sebastian reminded me a bit of a certain crab character, but had a friendlier voice. Did I say easy? The task was easy, but the execution was more elaborate than I first recalled. After dwelling on this part of my dream I remember there were three steps to it. Several days were spent harassing Sebastian's workers, causing fear and spreading rumor to spread by word of mouth up the ranks until it reached Sebastian's ears. Once the business man heard that a bounty hunter was causing trouble Sebastian sent out guards to deal with him. The pitiful guards returned empty handed, and disarmed. Cad Bane had bested them all and sent another message. Sebastian began to really sweat (if a crustacean Mon Calamari could sweat that is). Things began to go missing from his business properties. Items were lost at sea. Then things went missing from his house. By the time a week had passed, Sebastian had enough. He was about to storm out and confront the bounty hunter himself, or so he claimed.
“This is an outrage! I should... I should see about this myself! How dare this bounty hunter pick a fight with me?” Sebastian asked the room, where a droid and his secretary stood sheepishly. With no answer, he went on. “Why would he do this? I don’t even know the man! I’ve had it. I’m going to demand he come here and explain himself!”
Before Sebastian walked two steps to the door, a resonant voice spoke from the window.
“Demand? I don’t take well to demands, unless yer a client.”
Sebastian turned to face the bounty hunter, who had somehow climbed in through the window and leaned against the sill as if he were perfectly comfortable with invading someone’s home. In fact, Cad Bane was perfectly comfortable invading someone’s home, especially when he was being paid to do it. Sebastian froze between reeling back from shock and urging forward with anger at the intruder. “You! You??” “Me,” Cad Bane said.
The description the guards had given him of the bounty hunter matched perfectly. Sebastian recalled, “A Duros with a big hat and a big mouth. You have some nerve! What do you want? Return my belongings, my property to me! What does a bounty hunter want with my livelihood? I have no quarrel with you.”
Cad Bane replied coolly. “Not the brightest bulb, are ye, bubble brain? I have no quarrel with you, but my employer does.” He was on the Mon Calamari in three long steps across the room. He snarled in Sebastian's fishy face, “He wanted to run you dry, fish man, to squeeze you ‘til ye shut down.”
It was true. The bounty hunter had cost him a fortune. It was a small fortune, in the grand scheme of the galaxy, but for the small island port town? It was too much.
“Shut down? I can’t do that. People depend on me, my business. They’d all starve…” Sebastian finally clicked on the fact Bane mentioned being employed by someone and wasn’t working alone. “But why? But who?”
“Feh,” Bane scoffed. “Everyone has enemies.” He leaned forward and rested a hand on his hip. There were two LL-30 blasters holstered there. The droid gave a robotic gasp. The secretary rushed to Sebastian’s side. He pushed her back behind him, even though she tried to shield him from Bane. Their little scuffle would have been cute if they both didn’t have terror in their saucer shaped eyes. Bane stepped suddenly even further into their space, causing both of them to freeze. “Shut down and I’ll leave ye be.”
The secretary urged, “Sebastian.”
“Alright… I’ll shut down.”
“Gooood,” Bane said. He turned to leave. “My employer will be pleased to hear it.” He strolled to the round metal door. It opened wider than Sebastian’s mouth. “My job’s over. Stay closed for business or my client will hire me again.” Bane was about to step outside when he heard the most peculiar thing. It was Sebastian asking a question that made him stop in his tracks.
“What if I hire you first?”
Bane gave Sebastian a second, more serious look. “Well, well, maybe yer not so dim after all,” Bane reassessed. He rejoined them in the room, but his countenance was with interest instead of intimidation. “Not often I’m hired by someone I’ve offended. Whad’ya need?”
“I want back all the items and cargo you stole.”
Bane groaned, “I was to bother and badger, not steal.”
“Then if it wasn’t you…” Sebastian took a moment to think. “I want you to find out who, arrest him, and return everything to me.”
Cad Bane grinned, and looked about the room. “Since you’ve nothing credits-wise to barter with, Sebastian, consider your lovely establishment as collateral.” The secretary gasped. “If that seems fair to you…?” Bane reached out a gloved hand to the clawed Mon Calamari. Sebastian shook his hand. The contract was signed, and Bane questioned Sebastian about his missing property, when and where each occurrence happened. He noticed a pattern. He had a feeling he knew just where to start looking.
Down at the docks, the most remote dock to be exact, Shift adjusted his brand new diving suit. It was the finest he had ever bought. It glistened in the summer sun, and his tentacled face wriggled with glee. His friends had taken notice of his change in attitude. The once salty man turned sickly sweet, and they soured in repulsion. Something had changed, but they had no idea why. So when they saw the bounty hunter that had been harassing the island walk up to the Quarren, they drew their own conclusions, and most of them were instantly suspicious of their… friend.
“Contracts done. I did what you wanted,” Cad Bane said, putting a toothpick in his mouth. Shift began to act shifty, realizing Bane approached him as boldly in the open as he had done when they first met and struck the deal. His friends would see and hear everything, even if they pretended to be fixing nets or fixing machinery. Shift asked, “He’s shutting down?”
Cad Bane nodded, “I’ll be taking my full payment now.” Shift scooted to the edge of the dock, and began pulling up a rope hanging overboard. The bounty hunter continued, “I couldn’t help but notice during my stay, folk ‘round here complainin’ about belongings going missing...” He eyed Shift as Shift eyed him right back, still pulling the rope in from the water. “Right about the same time as my antics.”
The Quarren finally pulled the remainder of the rope out of the water. On it end, a briefcase was attached. He detached and tossed the weighted rope. It splashed and sunk back down into the water, its upper portion slithering like a snake on the dock.
Shift said, “Seems like someone saw an opportunity.” Shift handed it woefully to the bounty hunter.
“Seems so,” Cad Bane said, removing his hat and propping it gently on cargo crate. He grabbed hold of Shift’s squid-like hand, gripping tightly. Shift grunted. The onlookers halted their work. The rope slithered, sinking further into the water. Cad Bane sneered, “I don’t like being used as a distraction without getting paid fer it. You altered the deal, so I have no qualms takin’ a job from Sebastian to get back at ya.”
Shift’s tiny eyes blazed, “You back-stabbing Nemoidian! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Bane showed fang and wrenched the Quarren’s wrist, “Ye don’t, do ye? Then why’s yer fancy new suit soaked when there was no diving scheduled today? Let’s have a look-see where that rope leads.” The rope snapped taut. The weight had reached the bottom.
“What? No!” was the two words Shift shouted in pain, shock, and anger before Bane launched them both into the water. Once splashed down, Bane fired his jet boots and followed the rope down into the depths. The dock was positioned over the reef’s drop-off. Down and down they went, and the water, as clear as it was, became darker. Shift struggled against Bane’s tight grip. He was a Quarren, so the water was his natural habitat, but he wasn’t used to being dragged.
“You fool! You’re a Duros! You can’t breathe underwater like I can.” Shift warned, “You’ll never reach the bottom before you need to breathe. I’ll help you back to the surface before you drown. We can call it even!” Bane laughed. Shift couldn’t believe it. The Duros had let go of his only breath of air. Shift yelled, “Do you have a death wish? There’s nothing down there worth dying for!”
Bane, even though he should have no more air, spoke and more bubbles escaped his mouth, muffling his mocking words. “That so?” With his free hand, Bane tapped the tubes protruding out of either cheek. The Quarren realized it was a breathing apparatus to the Duros’ nostrils. He had lost his only hope of leverage. Then they reached the bottom. Bane’s eyes gleamed at the sight.
Crates upon crates of valuable goods waited for extraction. Boxes marked everything from medical supplies to diving equipment. The chrome of brand new engines for small water craft shined. Leaning against the crates were propellers, oars, and unused lobster cages (that already seemed to have caught a few). These were all business supplies for every sailor on the planet. Everything they could possibly need, Sebastian provided. Sabastian’s personal items were the shiniest. Boxes filled with credits and gold, jewelry and brand new robes. These things sparkled the brightest, even as deep as they were and so far from the sun. Cad Bane grinned, thinking of the extra cut he’d be asking for from all the wealth displayed before them.
Shift had other ideas. He reached for the tubes at Bane’s cheeks. It was a last ditch effort to thwart the bounty hunter. He grabbed one and pulled, and Bane, not accustomed to the water, was slow. His head was yanked to the side. More bubbles escaped with a grunt. Shift didn’t know this, but the tubes required a twist before they could be removed. This was the only thing that saved Bane from drowning. Bane retaliated. Flames erupted from his gauntlet at the Quarren. It acted like a depth charge,. Both of them were shaken from the instantly exploding air and imploding water. The two were blown apart. They drifted for a moment, dazed. Bane gathered his senses first. He used his gauntlet again and a lasso lashed out and wrapped the criminal in a tight hold. Shift awoke and struggled uselessly. He had lost.
On the way back to the surface, Bane recovered his briefcase. There was something else he spotted on the way up, something he didn’t know was special. There was a creature, an alien he had never seen before. It was a native to the planet, a female looking thing with a fish tail instead of legs. It was a pale blue and bright yellow. Its torso was like that of a Nautolan, but had fewer tentacles on its head. She smiled approvingly. Bane figured she had seen the whole fight, and maybe knew about Shift’s poor behavior. Then she was gone with a flick of her strong tail.
I would like to note that this female alien was not me. Again, I was but an observer of this story. I also wondered who she was and why she appeared so briefly? When I was a child, I read some star wars books that chronicled the renewed Jedi Order, where Luke Skywalker taught the next generation. One of the books told a story about a Padawan needing to return to her home world, before puberty would turn her human legs into a fish tail. It was a reverse of a tadpole turning into a frog. She was a space-mermaid, going from land and returning to the water. I always liked that story. I wonder if my unconscious remembered it and made a reference to it?
This is where the dream ends. It was a happy ending, except for Shift anyway.
Bane dragged Shift onto the dock, where he was taken into custody by local law enforcement. His friends were no longer his friends, as Shift had betrayed them by ruining their jobs. However, everything lost was returned to Sebastian and his business. Sebastian and his workers were overjoyed, and overlooked the fact that Bane had been a part of Shift’s deeds. Sebastian was true to his word and paid Bane handsomely (with his items returned, Bane took credits instead of the house as collateral). Bane normally left a planet he had caused trouble on as soon as the job was done. This time though, he spent a day or two on its beautiful beaches. He fancied burying some of the credits like a pirate would on that beach, but resisted the urge. Bane learned from Shift’s mistake. Hordes of that kind were always found by those who looked for them. He breathed the salty air deeply. In a way, after two successful jobs, the opportunity to relax was a great reward too. --------------------------------- Read on AO3 &lt;- Read my other crazy Cad Bane dreams. <- Some of the hazier details of my dream were embellished, mostly dialogue. This may seem too perfect of a plotline for a dream to make up, but honestly it's pretty common in my dreams. I'm very bewildered every time. Wow, unconscious. Pretty good storytelling right there.
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A Fusion of: Zergling (Starcraft) and Dreepy (Pokemon)
Element: Normal, Dragon, Ghost, Bug, Dark, Electric, and Psychic
Capabilities: Clear Body, Infiltrator, Cursed Body, Has no problem being launched by a Range Weapon or thrown by a Person, Hardened Carapace, Adrenal Overload, Metabolic Boost and Adrenal Glands
Resident to: Poison, Bug, Fire, Water, Grass and Electric
Immune to: Normal and Fighting
Natural Diet: They're Carnivores (Mostly when they eat crustaceans)
Natural Habitat: Grasslands, Snowy Areas, Cemeteries, Forests, Nearing Lakes (Along with Rivers and Seas), Mines, Rocky Areas, Swamps, Plains, and Caverns
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angelfoodcake222 · 2 years ago
MerMay is HERE!!!
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What would the Neighbors look like as merfolk? Well, after plenty of research (thank you Wiki, many fishing sites, & relatives irl), here's my take on that in alphabetical order.
🐶🐟Barnaby B. Beagle: Atlantic Spiny Dogfish. Okay, okay, this was an automatic choice just because of the name. Although, two venomous spines, can grow up to 4' (4 feet), often seen hunting prey in dog-like packs (hence the dog-like name), tends to feed primarily on crustaceans, jellyfish, squid, &/or schooling fish. Cod, red hake, goosefish, other spiny dogfish, larger sharks, seals, & killer whales all prey on dogfish. Dogfish also have a habit of getting caught in fishing nets due to their size, often resulting in bycatch (n. the unwanted fish and other marine creatures caught during commercial fishing for a different species). Now, clearly, Barnaby will be the same size as in his bio, same colors to as is the case with everyone else here.
✉️🐟Eddie Dear: Common (freshwater) Carp. These guys are all over the place where I go fishing/crabbing, make for good eating, too. What they do is root around soft sediment They usually feed on aquatic plants, worms, zooplankton, & other small animals found in the deposits. Their rooting upsets the water's bed & degrades their habitats by uprooting vegetation and increasing turbidity (cloudiness in the water due to particles). They're native to freshwater lakes & rivers in Eurasia. They were introduced to the United States in the late 1800s as a new sportfish. Now found in 48 U.S. states & most temperate areas around the globe. They typically prefer slow-moving systems with soft muddy/sandy bottoms. Found in most lakes & rivers in Louisiana. They sort of look like massive goldfish that evolved to be tougher for the wild. Somehow, they're often confused with native small/largemouth buffalo [fish]. Generally, they're a sort of golden brown/brassy green color that wanes to a pale yellow/white belly. The silvery variety can be found too, I've just caught the others. Subterminal mouths with two sets of barbels (AKA: "whiskers") off the upper corners of their mouths, large scales. Like most North American fish, they can grow +50 lbs but are more commonly found between 10-20 lbs.
🦋 🐟Frank Frankly: Florida Pompano. The Florida pompano, part of the jack family, is a species of marine fish with a compressed body, short snout & deeply forked tail. Pompano fish often have a color variation of blue, green & yellow on their dorsal areas with silver &/or yellow on their body & fins. I imagine he/they studies butterfly fish instead of actual butterflies. He'll still pop up to the surface to watch actual butterflies flutter around. Most adults of this breed feed on small surf clams, amphipods (I.e. sand-hoppers/beach-fleas, predaceous ghost shrimp, whale ectoparasites Cyamus, etc.), crabs, shrimp & even mussels. If he finds pearls or precious-looking items, he gives them to Eddie or Julie.
🐛🐟Howdy Pillar: Fimbriated Moray Eel. Get it? Because he's got freckles. Huh, huh? Anyways, these eels (aka Gymnothorax fimbriatus/ dark-spotted moray/spot-face moray), are a moray eel of the family Muraenidae, obviously. They're medium-sized moray that can reach a maximum length of 80 centimeters (31 in), though Howdy would be bigger (+8ft, maybe). Its serpentine-shaped body has a white-cream to light brown background color dotted with numerous dark spots which latter vary in size and shape depending on the individual & maturity. It has a tapered snout, is greenish-yellow with black dots, the corners of the mouth are white, & a very boop-worthy snout tip. He does the same things in his OG counterpart's way but with fish-based needs; worms, fallen crates of goods, fish filets from seemingly nonsentient fish, & so on. Wally is far more slippery, so plucking a chosen item is easier in Mer!form than bing bipedal. Howdy is an eel, so hunting isn't much of a challenge for him.
🌈🐠Julie Joyful: The Lybia Tessellata (commonly named "Pom-pom/Cheerleader/Boxer crab") comes from its symbiotic exercise of brandishing a stinging sea anemone (usually Triactis producta) in each of its claws to fend off predators & possibly to stun prey. Its "boxer crab" title comes from its bellicose reaction to threats. Something about this just fits...
🐔🐳Poppy Partridge: There are a lot of fish in the ocean, like birds in a tree. The chicken could be tuna (chicken of the sea), that much I know. Maybe a little parrot fish for color? Grouper for size? I can't find anything for her.
🌟🐠Sally Starlet: I'll be honest here, I was going to automatically pick a default starfish to go here, but then is kept digging. I'm stuck between a Lion Fish & a Manderinfish. Surprise, surprise, I can't pick. Maybe both with a touch of Flame Angel Fish for color?
😘🐟Wally Darling/Home: Yellowhead Jawfish (AKA; Opistognathus aurifrons) these little darlings [pun intended] are usually seen in undersized colonies around sandy &/or rubble-coated areas near reefs. Their lairs, smallish architectural phenomena, are created by excavating holes and lining them with rocks & shells for support - all done with their mouths. Obviously, Darling is half humanoid so he could use his hands here. Still, it's an interesting idea for him to be the one who builds Home. 🤔
These are just my thoughts on what they'd look like fish-wise. I'll need more time to pick & choose what other traits they'll each keep or lose. Feel free to use this as a sort of prompt or muse material 🤗!
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csoriginalz · 2 months ago
Shrimpy's Great Escape
I found this in my drafts and thought, 'Eh, can't hurt to post it. Give people a taste of my writing style' (even though this was written years ago).
When one thinks of tropical fish, small, bright colors darting around fake sunken ships and neon plants are generally what comes to mind. Yet, if one walks past all the oranges, yellows, blues, reds, and glow-in-the-dark vertebrates at a typical U.S. pet store, they’ll end up with tanks filled with the less flashy critters– dwarf frogs, hermit crabs, snails, and the like. The star of this story is even trickier to find; it’s better to scan the labels to locate the correct tank than to search for the creature itself. But, once found, it’s hard not to get drawn into the pure strangeness that is a ghost shrimp.
As with other ‘ghost’ or translucent animals, the shrimp are almost completely see-through. It’s only the yellow-ish tint of their bodies that makes their outlines visible. Around an inch long, ghost shrimp can rapidly disappear into the background. While these little creatures may not seem like an exciting addition to a tropical fish tank, I’ve always found them fascinating. Eventually, years after my first pass by their pet store tanks, I finally got a ghost shrimp of my own.
I named it Shrimpy.
(Admittedly, names have never been a strong suit of mine.)
The tiny shrimp had a casual ‘I-don’t-bother-you-and-you-don’t-bother-me’ relationship with the multiple fish in the tank, spending most of its time on one of the ship decorations. Shrimpy could swim around – delicate, thin legs moving as fast as they could - but it preferred to walk along the gravel.
But this post isn’t about Shrimpy in general. It’s about the one time the crustacean almost gave me a heart attack.
Now, anyone who has ever had to clean a fish tank knows how disgusting it can be. I’d clean the tank about once a month, taking all the fish out so I could remove and replace as much of the dirty water as possible. Using small plastic cups, I’d scoop out each fish individually and place them on the nearby counter with a few paper towels laid over the top to prevent any poorly planned escape jumps. However, the first time I took Shrimpy out, I didn’t bother with a cover. With the water about three-fourths of the way full in the cup, I figured that any climbing attempts would end right at the surface.
So, fish and crustacean safely out of the way, I went about my regular routine. Between the walls, decorations, and plants, it generally took about an hour to get the tank to an acceptable level of cleanliness. I’d take a few breaks to check on the fish during the work, but if my dad was around (as he was that day), I’d ask him to watch over the little aquatic creatures for me – mainly to make sure that my cat didn’t decide to embrace his inner fisher.
I wasn’t completely done with scrubbing the algae from the plants when I took a stretch break, making my way over to the collection of cups to check in. I can’t remember if I noticed the empty cup or the tiny, barely visible blob a couple of inches away from said container, but my mind quickly connected the dots. I do remember calling my dad over (he’d assumed that, since the cat was with him, he hadn’t needed to check on the fish at all) with an alarmed cry of “Shrimpy!” While my dad was processing what the little shrimp had done, I was panicking.
Apparently, Shrimpy had gotten bored while I cleaned the tank and climbed out of its cup. It even made it a fairly good distance for a shrimp out of water.
But, in the end, that was what it was – a little shrimp out of the water, collapsed between the cup and the edge of the counter.
As distraught as I was, I couldn’t bring myself to try and touch the little body. I’m sure I was starting to cry. However, my dad took the now-empty cup, held it below the edge of the counter, and gently nudged the little blob along with a finger. I’m not quite sure what he was expecting to happen – maybe the still-present water drops made him hopeful that Shrimpy hadn’t been out and exposed for too long.
What neither of us was expecting was that, the moment the tiny ghost shrimp plopped into the water, it immediately popped back into shape. Perfectly fine. Within seconds, Shrimpy was ‘swimming’ around the bottom of the cup, acting like it hadn’t just come back from the presumed dead.
Shrimpy went on to live what I assume was a typical shrimp life span, and I did end up getting one or two more over the years. Of course, no ghost shrimp was ever left in a lid-less container ever again, and Shrimpy remained safely water-bound for the rest of its days.
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rodrigobera04 · 11 months ago
Extra content: ultra beasts!!!! One for each!
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UB-001 Spittle (POISON)
Lizard-like creature, with a wide mouth like a Venus flytrap, attracting prey with saliva.
Humanoid Cnidarian, uses its single venomous tentacle like an Olympic ribbon.
Animal between a mouse and a larva that reproduces very quickly and likes cheese.
Pointy-headed imps, grouping together and making poisoned traps.
UB-005 Chimeric (POISON/GRASS)
Predatory plant that has gained mobility, it hunts with its corrosive bite.
Clay golem with bacteria that gives it a colorful look.
UB-007 Paralysis (POISON/ELECTRIC)
Bio-electrical parasite in the form of nerves, sticking to and stealing electrical impulses from the host.
UB-008 Infernal (POISON/BUG)
Beelzebub monstrous fly, leaves enzymes in food, those who eat it are controlled by it.
Huge venomous waillord-sized marine crustacean with no natural predators.
Transparent vampire cherub, pretends to kiss the victim just to drink their blood.
Sentient Rorschach patch that changes its shape to communicate.
UB-012 Shake (POISON/ICE)
Creature apparently shivering from the cold, but actually shaking to throw poisoned spines.
UB-013 Calcify (POISON/ROCK)
Organism like a slime, capable of hardening like stone as a defense.
Balloon creature absorbing gases to float, exploding in defense.
UB-015 Emperor (POISON/DRAGON)
Draconic creature breathing sulfur and similar to a scorpion.
Skull and crossbones attracted to contaminated and risky areas.
UB-017 Cough (POISON/FIRE)
Monster from a volcanic dimension, it breathes smoke but ironically cannot breathe fresh air.
Hairy, blind animal with a poisonous tentacle for tracking and grabbing prey.
My own poison type list, based on @bogleech poison type concept list.
Here goes:
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Slime monster imitating a humanoid creature.
Maiden anime waifu who handles dirt and dust.
Rival of grimer and muk, foam monster of chemicals that pollute water.
Gorgon nurse creating poison antidotes from other Pokémon.
Creature nose sneezing pathogens.
Crocodile with venomous bite, komodo style.
Vampire bat living like a flea, jumping from prey to prey.
Slug crawling quickly thanks to its mucus.
Colorful frog carrying its tadpole on its back in a poisonous duo.
Velociraptor with poison claws, trying to kill its prey with them.
Mortar becoming poisonous by grinding poisonous plants into oneself.
Rattlesnake transforming its rattle into a rocky weapon.
Rock-eating worm, making shelters in them with acid.
Cambrian spider with venomous chelicerae.
Turtle with a poisonous beak and serpentine neck.
Oyster digesting the victim like a Venus flytrap and transforming it into a pearl.
Poisonous stone kitsune based on a Japanese myth.
Dinosaur spitting out gastroliths poisoned with its gastric acid.
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Snake with arms to catch prey while poisoning it.
Fishing Pokémon using a smelly fish as a club.
Gila monster wrestling fighter.
Ninja specialized in poisoning, launching poisonous kunais and shurikens.
Pokémon with sticky paws that stick to their opponent and poison them.
Stingray with a whip-like tail that ends in a stinger.
Mutant that gained more limbs after being contaminated by a chemical.
Piñata filled with sweets that give him energy but also make him aggressive.
Goat with poisonous horns, after absorbing poison from plants it eats.
Furry cat that causes allergies due to its fur.
Annoying avinoid monster, personifies noise pollution.
Dog with Band-Aid tongue that heals wounds by licking them.
Creature created from clothes left in nature, causing textile pollution.
Salamander with scratch marks and injuries, contaminating by contact.
Horned lizard crying poison instead of blood.
Scavenging carnivore using bones for combat,your saliva is corrosive.
Snake covered with fur imitating a cute animal, being underestimated by the opponent.
Porpoise releasing ink from his respirator and darkening the water.
Dragon with pig's snout blowing smoke.
Centipede dragon that hunts other dragons, based on omukade.
Sea serpent covered with symbiotic anemones and cnidarians.
Decrepit wyvern that feeds on carrion, like a vulture.
Basilisk covering its poisonous eyes with its wings.
Hagfish covered in flammable mucus.
Two-headed blood-sucking hydra based on planarians.
Small dragon with a second pair of lethal, stretchable jaws on its throat.
Winged dragon with butterfly wings that spew toxic dust.
Mushroom from abandoned houses, blowing toxic spores that create hallucinations.
Poison bottle liquid, taking the shape of a witch.
Platypus that was poisoned and turned into a bunyp with venomous claws.
Kappa contaminated by pollution, now its head spurts toxic liquid.
Frog parasitized by a larva that replaces its tongue.
Marabou with a poisoned beak, its image resembles a reaper of souls.
Manananggal feeding on Pokémon eggs with its sucking tongue.
Parasitic flower that controls an undead Pokémon, even replacing its head.
Spider wearing his web like a ghost sheet.
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Colony of bacteria imitating a candy that fell on the floor.
Caecilian covered with mucus, creating a protective layer with earth.
Viper camouflaged with leaf litter, attracting prey with its larval tail.
Stinky imp living inside a shoe, as if it personifies foot odor.
Hairy animal covered in toxic mud, so dirty that it is unrecognizable.
Flower monster that sprays poison, stealing nutrients from its surroundings.
Babirussa regurgitating a mixture of mud and toxic fruit pulp.
Rotten fruit monster, but with its juice serving as fertilizer for plants to grow.
Rat king of three rodents that form a huge "cerberus" with poisonous incisors.
Fish seducing with its odor, like a mermaid with perfume.
Stuffed animal that hides poison in its fur.
Centipede colored like a dango skewer to attract insects.
Cupid fairy like mosquito, biting people with pheromones to make them fall in love.
Jester throwing poison pies as a joke.
Rotten egg fairy that can explode into a disgusting yolk.
Doll made from parts of various polluting plastic toys.
Cute, angelic parasite that sucks the blood of dragons.
Hummingbird fed on nectar from toxic flowers, using its beak as a syringe.
Dendrogaster parasitizes staryus and starmies.
Small crustacean controlling a krabby mentally.
Jellyfish-style alien with exposed brain, preserved by a substance.
Reptile monster with an evil eye, making the victim sick by looking at them.
Kinkajou that ate hallucinogenic honey and now commands bees via telepathy.
Sandman releasing sleeping powder that can be lethal when misapplied.
Telepathic and poisonous mushroom that communicates with flora.
Psychic archer launching homing poisonous arrows.
Surreal animal that releases hallucinogenic smoke.
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Vampire spider flying on its webs like bat wings.
Mamba dominatrix whip, combining the fastest venomous snake and melee weapon.
Shrew with young on its tail that it launches like a catapult.
Jellyfish that live outside the water and crawl through its gelatinous part.
Almost invisible Hara no mushi making people sick.
Garadiavolo with poison used in witchcraft and necromancy.
Tegu lizard with a bony venomous stinger on its tail.
Witch's familiar made from potion smoke in the shape of a cat; steals breath.
Monster covered in a long tongue that covers its body like a mummy's bandage.
Polar varano with paralyzing cryogenic saliva.
Leech sucking the heat from its victim, leaving it cold.
Mummified ice age animal harboring an ancient disease.
Poisonous ice cube that melts and releases its toxins.
Dangerous but tasty colored algae ice cream that induces victims to lick it.
Arctic kraken injecting cold venom into its prey's veins through hooks on its tentacles.
Cartoonish microbe from the cold wind, flying and spreading diseases.
Velvet worm releasing an icy web over its prey.
Icy monster blowing hallucinogenic gas that makes the opponent hallucinate.
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Butterfly snail flying out of the water and releasing acidic bubbles.
Cinerous mourner with really poisonous feathers like a caterpillar.
Floating pollution imp that breathes toxic gas, forming a mustache of smoke.
Falcon with venomous claws and beak.
Gliding amphibian that throws itself like a javelin.
Plague rat turning its ears into wings and spreading disease.
Strange bird releasing rotten eggs, alluding to bird feces.
Serpent flying like a kite, with a sharp manja tail.
Small winged insect-like creatures with poisonous stingers, flying in swarms.
Ink monster created from a tattoo pen.
Copepod releasing alkaline and shiny substances from the antennae.
Pig gaining electrical abilities after eating electronic waste.
Porygon insectoid parasite, created from computer virus.
Gremlin destroying machines with acid and static.
Animal that gained bioluminescence through experiments with toxic substances.
Floating, glowing lamp-shaped creature, personifies electrical pollution.
Lionfish with poisonous ray-shaped fins.
Pikaclone with parasites in its fur that cause paralysis and itching.
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Live smoke from a test tube that mixed explosive substances.
Monster like a fire vulture that feeds on garbage.
Polychaete worm with bristles that poison and burn.
Volcanic monster spewing toxic smoke.
Salamander pepper with stinging cells.
Cattle devastating the flora and sweating toxic smoke.
Hairy creature that cleans chimneys, dirty with soot.
Monster that consumes petroleum and flammable oils through its tongue.
Tick ​​whose bite causes a fever,glows incandescently when feeding.
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Nettle dog scratching itself and spreading its leaves.
Castor bean glyptodon that stings the plant on its tail.
Gecko with a leaf for a tail that releases sticky slime.
Fruit of a manchineil tree offering its fruit to be bitten.
Snail leaving trails of fertilizer slime that makes plants grow.
Wheat bread contaminated by mold that turns it into a bread werewolf.
Monkey throwing toxic fruits at enemies, on top of trees.
Dumb cane with a punk leaf mohawk, sucking his own poison out of it.
Pollinating marsupial covered in allergic pollen.
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Caterpillar with a horn of poisonous hairs; no longer becomes a butterfly.
Webspinner making poison webs.
Scorpion beetle that poisons through its antennae.
Anteater blowing poisonous ants through its mouth like a blowgun.
Praying mantis poisoning its claws with deadly poison.
Stink bug used as a gas bomb.
Mite flying in a ball of dust.
Spiny grasshopper that releases disgusting, horrible-tasting fluid.
Vampire kissbug with transparent heart-shaped mark on the abdomen.
Frog-shaped acid rain cloud with tadpole drops.
Ascidian breathing poison into the water, turns its surroundings into fields of poison.
Octopus using trash as a home.
Clownfish carrying anemones in inverted symbiosis.
Remipede with characterizations of the cryptid Con Rit.
Nudibranch that mimics fish, tentacruel predator.
Pokémon releasing shampoo-like substances from its wet hair.
Flying carpet worm with fangs like a snake.
Shark fed on garbage and has a great capacity for digestion.
Sewer monster wearing a manhole cover for his hat.
Mercury mutant fish monster leaving polluting scales.
Nursing Pokémon inoculated vaccines with a syringe stinger.
Monster wearing pieces of scrap metal as armor, usually rusty.
Raccoon incorporating pieces of metal and trash as piercings.
Poisoned blade Pokémon, counterpart to the archer above.
Snail creating a drill shell from metallic waste.
Mutant alien made from a moldable metal not found on Earth.
Mining gnome causing pollution while trying to look for precious metals from which he feeds.
Monster created by fossil fuel that adds the poison type to the Pokémon it bites.
Finished, several ideas, not all very good and others were left out, but it is finished. There will be other lists with the remaining types.
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darksilvania · 2 years ago
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PARALOUSE (Bug/Water), SQUAKER (Water) & PARASCYLLA (Bug/Ghost) PARALOUSE (Parasite/Louse/Perilous) is a small bug type pokemon that lives among the corals, it awaits for a fish pokemon with a mout big enough to jump in, where it will eat and replace that pokemon's tongue. Once it has gained enough strenght by weakening its host it will evolve
PARASCYLLA (Parasite/Scylla) the "Mermaid" pokemon. It emerges from its host's mouth, the one it completely fills. At this point its host is competely taken over, becoming PARASCYLLA's new tail. To further keep its "tail" in place, it will stick its lower legs through the fish's gills, securing it in place.
SQUAKER (Squawk/Cracker) is a parrot fish pokemon that inhabits the same coral reef where PARALOUSE can be found, they love to feed on coral using their strong beaks to cut and swallow large chunks of it, which sadly makes it the perfect victim for PARALOUSE. How ever if SQUAKER manages to avoid becoming infected by PARALOUSE it can evolve into the dangerous PARROTEER (Parrot/Privateer)
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PARROTEER (Water/Dark) is PARASCYLLA's natural predator, it preys upon PARASCYLLA with extreme prejudice, using its massive size and hard-as-rock head to knock them out, it then uses its bolt cutter-like beak to cut them in half by the waist, feeding only on the upper bug half and leaving the tails to sink to the bottom
PARALOUSE is based on the cymothoa exigua, a type of parasitic isopod that attached to fishes mouths replacing their tongues
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PARASCYLLA is based on a twisted version of a mermaid with some inspiration is the Greek monster Scylla, a creature with the upper torso of a woman, but a lower body made out of heads and tails
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SQUAKER is based on the Steephead parrotfish and its colors are based on the Scarlet Macaw
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PARROTEER is based on the Humphead parrotfish and its colors are based on the Dracula Parrot, as well as being based on a Pirate
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PARROTEER hunting and feeding only on PARASCYLLA is a reference to Pirates hunting mermaids as represented in some myths and popular media, like Peter Pan or Pirates of the Caribbean
At the moment, SQUAKER is the only suitable pokemon available in PARALOUSE's habitat for it to attach, but, if more pokemon were avaible it could attach to them as long as they met certain criteria: -Being a Fish (No mammals, reptiles of crustaceans) -Having a big enoug mouth Here are some examples of PARASCYLLA using other fish pokemons as its tail
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The only exception to this rule being Gygantamax PARASCYLLA
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evolutionsvoid · 2 years ago
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It is not just the dark forests and creepy caves that have their own phantoms, even the frozen peaks that scrape the sky have their fair share of ghosts. Those places are a far cry from the usual setting of horror stories, as the cramped darkness is replaced with endless spires of stone and an unforgiving sky. How is it that such a land can have its mysteries? How can you not explain what should be plain to see? Surely a wide open mountain range should make it easy to spot its denizens and clear up any confusion, but that is not the case. As some will say, these mountains are the one place in the world where you can be closest to the heavens while also being closest to hell. The journey to touch the sky is a grueling one, as the earth and wind are relentless. Climbing up a stony face that seemingly has no end, while the howling air seems to steal your very breath away. I have not climbed the tallest peak, or any of the top ten. I have, though, walked upon their slopes, and felt a mere fraction of their power. The weather changes in an instant, going from a clear sunny sky to a shrieking tempest faster than you can blink. The view that can go on for miles can suddenly turn to a sheet of white that keeps you from seeing your own breath. Here, the body and mind are driven to their limits, so there is no surprise that the disoriented and desperate would start to see "phantoms" and "demons." Figures in the snow, shadows of movements across distant peaks. Stories of encountering other people and beings, despite having no other soul around for miles. One particular tale spoke of giant men who strode across these slopes, entities that seemingly appeared and vanished into the snowy air without warning. While fascinating tales, it must be made clear that the folks who spotted such things were not in their right minds. The air is thin up there, making it hard to breathe, while the constant sense of worry and doom makes it hard to think. There are indeed creatures upon those snowy mountains, but they are no ghosts, though they may be just as difficult to catch. The beast I speak of is the Yeti (though some refer to them as "snow men," or a variety of other names), a hulking brute that calls these frozen slopes home. The stories of giant humanoids are not wrong, though they are not quite human or ape. Beneath that white fur is a gray blue armor, and the large "hands" they have are more like claws. Their heads have no mouths, only eyes, while their chest sports a chilling maw. The Yeti is no mammal, but instead a crustacean. If readers recall my entry on the Mapinguari, then they should understand when I say the Yeti appears to be a relative. It has focused its strength into two pairs of limbs: arms and legs, while the rest have shrunk down and joined with the complicated mouth upon their bodies. Their "heads" are nothing more than fused eye stalks, sporting huge eyes that help them navigate the stormy mountains and spot prey from afar. Thick white fur gives them warmth, while hefty armor gives them defense. Though large in size and built like trees, they are surprisingly masterful of their precarious domains. Their curved claws let them scale walls and slopes, and their wide feet give them balance and support. They can walk upon their knuckles, or stand tall against the screaming winds. Their ability to move swiftly across the terrain is hard to truly describe, as well as their power to seemingly vanish into nothing. Obviously, it is their white fur and stony armor that helps them blend in with their surroundings, but it doesn't dull the surprise of seeing a massive crab suddenly melt into the mountain. Yeti's are solitary creatures and their lives in the frozen mountains make it difficult to properly study them. They obtained such a haunting status because very few people have seen them, and such sightings were brief and panicked. The people that call this mountain range home are not ones to wander aimlessly across its slopes, so their encounters with the creatures are rare. They keep to their territory and the Yetis keep to theirs. Most stories of this species come from explorers and climbers, outsiders that seek to conquer the peaks. They are strangers to these lands, and thus often lack the understanding of its denizens. While fighting the elements in their quest for glory, they may spot a strange figure in the distance, or see a great silhouette cloaked in a blizzard. There is no time to investigate, not a second to waste while hanging on for dear life. All they can do is survive and tell the tale later, with no true knowledge of what they really saw. I have entertained the thought of going out their myself to see what I can learn of these creatures, but time and experience has prevented such a trip. I have spent many times up in the mountains, studying trolls an Alpine Killers, so I know how harsh and unforgiving it can be. Each time I think of going after Yetis, I recall these experiences and then remind myself that this one would be easily twice as bad. I am no fresh sapling, and I will admit that the cold brings me more misery with each passing year. I will not shy away from places with a chill, but I do have the tendency to find other projects in warmer biomes when need be. For now, I will just read up on others who attempted this research, and marvel at specimens held in museums and collections. As for the life of the Yeti, we know very little. They live on mountains and thrive in the endless cold. Places of stone and snow is where they are found, and their elusive nature makes it hard to truly pinpoint their range. As for food, we have to assume they are carnivores, as what else could they eat? I don't see them scraping off measly lichens and nourishing themselves with that (probably be just as miserable to eat as Crust Soup, ugh), so I imagine they eat whatever they can catch. Pursuit on the slopes is tough, so maybe they ambush prey? Scavenging is probably also an option, seeing that these slopes invite death. I wonder if the frozen bodies of failed explorers have wound in their bellies from time to time? I am sure that adds to their mystery and terror, seeing one of these brutes tearing into a frigid corpse. As for reproduction, how would we possibly know that? If we can't figure out how they eat, then we surely don't know how they get around to making more of them! The mountains have to be a lonely place, I can't imagine how they find one another in all that. Probably loud calls in the icy air, as those would travel far. Shout out into the great white nothingness and hope someone else hears you. Due to their mysterious nature, the Yeti has become a target for researchers, collectors and hunters alike. Everyone wants a chance to spot or bag one of these beasts, so it has only brought more outsiders to their homes. Since they are so elusive, many fail in this quest. The one hope, though, is that this failure at least lets them come back alive, as plenty have disappeared out in those mountains. As for the hunters, I wonder how many of the vanished succeeded in finding their prey, only to realize they were no match against this foe? I also wonder which of these returning failures was a results of the locals being sick and tired of these intruders. The people there live quiet lives, so I can't imagine them enjoying this convoy of collectors and conquerors. I have heard that they offer their services to the outsiders, helping them survive this harsh land, but perhaps some have their own agendas. From what I have learned, these people have a respect for these Yeti, and seek no quarrel with them. So I don't think it is a stretch of the imagination to think some of this hired help would intentionally point their employers in the wrong direction. With how rare these beasts are, you can easily chalk it up to bad luck and not the fact you were hunting in the completely wrong spot. In the end, you get paid and the Yetis get to live in peace, a pretty good deal! I would hope if I ever made my way out there, they would see my intentions are for study, not for slaying, and would help me locate one of these fascinating beasts. Then again, they probably would see me shivering my leaves off and instead carry me back down the mountain before I got myself in more trouble. That would probably be the smartest move.           Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian -----------------------------------
With what I did to the Mapinguari, you folks should have expected this to eventually happen! I'm not just making some plain ol' snow ape!
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honourablejester · 4 years ago
On the topic of ‘fantasy settings you’d like to see more of’:
Subterranean settings. Very specifically, non-dystopian subterranean settings. So many times in fantasy, underground is for dead or evil things, and in science fiction it’s for grim, post-apocalyptic survival stories. And I get it, I do. There’s no light underground, or very little and mostly artificial, and the list of natural hazards in RL mining/caving/drilling is stupendous. For anyone with claustrophobia, fear of the dark, fear of drowning, fear of being unable to breathe, etc, etc, etc, below ground is basically fear central. I have several of those fears myself, so I absolutely get this. There’s a reason the land of the dead in a lot of mythologies was underground.
But. Fantasy. As in magic. As in wonder. And Jules Verne’s ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’ was one of the first books I ever read out of the library. The idea of vast caverns and hollow earths, of great subterranean seas and cities and civilisations, really caught me.
There’s a lot you can do with a subterranean setting that is not darkness, slavery, death, blighted monsters crawling towards the surface, gateways into hell, etc. I know there are reasons for the associations. Underground is the realm of darkness, greed, suffocation. A lot of the big fantasy stories have tended towards a post-apocalyptic underground at best. Moria fell to the Balrog. The Deep Roads are where the Blight lives. The Underdark is aberration-and-slaver central. Dwarves, in particular, often seem to be a mid-apocalyptic race, clinging to their bastions of civilisation against the darkness, on the verge of being driven onto the surface. Below the surface, on any fantasy map, is where ‘Here Be Monsters’ tends to be written in huge, jagged letters. Because it’s hostile underground, RL or Fantasy. It always has been.
But. But the imagery you can have. Travelling down into the darkness to find wonders. Vast crystal caverns. Vertical civilisations, great cities built tier on tier around huge caves and shafts. Artificial suns. Bioluminescence. Giant fungal forests. Underground oceans. If you’ve ever watched those nature documentaries on extremophiles, the blind ghost fish with the lovely fins climbing lightless waterfalls. Pale, ethereal, sightless beings.
I have to say, even though it is post-apocalyptic, and the pale sightless beings were actually monsters in it, Blackreach in Skyrim at least had the awe and wonder down. This vast cavern full of majestic ruins, vast ghostly bioluminescent mushrooms, the golden glow of an artificial sun, the crystal chiming of nirnroot plants …
Underground can be a place of discovery. Wonder. Awe. Exploration. Community. Civilisation. I just would like to see some fantasy settings where that’s the bit that’s emphasised. Not the danger, not that everything down here is trying to kill you, not that living in darkness inherently makes you evil, not that the hell-portal is just down the incline there, but …
That there are wonders down here. There are living, thriving civilisations. There are beautiful, alien beings like nothing you’ve seen before. There are benign powers. There are ways to view things that are different: three-dimensional, sightless, lightless, but no less benign or valid.
Show me a dwarven city at the height of its power and prosperity, the roof of its cavern glowing in the light of its tiered suns. Show me ghostly spider people that act as the benign sages and weavers and oracles. Show me a subterranean Venice on the shores of a ghostly, lightless ocean, where bioluminescent mermaids come to trade. Show me a vast crystal cavern and the earth spirits that call it home. Show me the breath-takingly huge cavern sprawling outwards down an incline, an impossibly huge city carved tier on tier into its walls.
Show me the trade networks, gems and ores, yes, but also luminescent spider silks, strange crops grown under artificial suns, the million and one strange uses for fungus, two hundred different types of street food. Witch glass, magic, fertiliser (anyone who’s ever watched the David Attenborough cave documentary will remember the humungous mound of bat guano). Bioluminescent inks. Plant matter, bone, fossilised coal. A thriving trade in ornamental fungus for home decoration. Street stalls selling incredibly eldritch subterranean crustaceans onna stick. Street stalls offering the most delectable silicates for rock-eating species.
Show me life. Twenty six different species coming to trade hubs arranged at certain depths. Haggling. Universities. Water breathers. Methane breathers. Forty different variations on commercially available breathing charms and/or bubble helmets. A trade pidgin evolving using primarily sign languages, because the range of available vocal chords is a bit on the extreme side. Communication via light, or touch, or heat, or telepathy. There’s so many things you can do.
I’m not saying it can’t be dark and dangerous. It is still underground. I’m not even saying it can’t be horrifying. I adore Sunless Sea, after all, a game where the entire premise is an underground victorian ocean full of eldritch everything. Just … maybe don’t make it unrelentingly grim? Have some life down there. Some wonder. Some intrigue. Some cheer.
So much of fantasy underground is apocalyptic, dystopian or evil. Maybe just throw something a bit more, you know, interesting down there once in a while? Something that is not a long endless grind for survival against unrelenting horror. Make it so that people live down here, and are happy, and not because they’re torturing people for funsies, but because this is where they live and they’re fond of it, proud of it, have made a good life from it. Have it be a place people might want to visit. Put some wonders down there. Some joys.
… Possibly I just want less grimdark, post-apocalyptic fantasy in general, really. But yeah.
More wondrous fantasy undergrounds, please!
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subbymothpimp · 2 years ago
🔎 📝 for the end of year content meme!
📝 a line or paragraph i’m really happy with
Silco waited.
He laid on his back, head turned, watching the void behind the window gradually lose its pitch-black depth as the first rays of light shyly dipped their transparent fingers into the ocean. One by one, silhouettes of dead reefs and the cascades of steep cliffs appeared, the nightly visitors; pulsating squids and ghost sharks with eyes of fire, retrieved into the darkness deeper yet, and a new set of creatures emerged.
Wonderfully jolly crabs of ruby red color, small, silvery fish that flew in large flocks, almost like a sheet of silk flowing in wind, single-minded and mesmerizing. A lone octopus the color of sand pressed itself to the glass, dining on tiny crustaceans shaped like a question mark. In the distance, a blue outline of an unimaginably massive tentacle swelled out from the caverns, swirled in an elegant hyperbole, and disappeared again.
Thank you for asking!
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