cellphonehippie · 7 months
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don’t call me kid, don’t call me baby
281 notes · View notes
skippiefritz · 3 months
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Bertha Wooster, the world's most introverted flapper
96 notes · View notes
gaily-daily-musings · 7 months
Regency + Bridgerton + ABO
When he was younger and more stupidly eager to fall in love, Obi-Wan eloped with a handsome older alpha. He thought they would marry. He had so many daydreams of their future. His favorite had been of the two of them lounging together in front of the fireplace while Obi-Wan held their pups in his arms.
His hopes were swiftly crushed when the reality of the situation bore itself. After about a week holed up in bed, the alpha abandoned him. Obi-Wan had called around and looked across the city. There was no trace of him.
He had been forced to come home; husbandless and mateless. He was ashamed at his own naivety. But at least he had been spared the awfulness of becoming pregnant. If nothing else, he did not have to bear the child of an alpha that did not want him.
He became a social pariah overnight; ostracized by friends and family. He was eventually sent to live with his uncle in the city. The rumors and whispers followed him but it was nowhere near as bad as it had been.
Now at 38 he has accepted he will never find love or a mate. He is content with his life. He had to be.
He has stopped dressing in the delicate fashions of an omega. He dresses like a beta, plain but respectable. He's also grown a beard. It is unusual for one such as him but he keeps it trim and neat. Plus it's good for business. He owns a tailor shop in town and he knows how lucky he is to have his own income and way of remaining independent. He's acquired a steady clientele and is quite happy with his work.
Obi-Wan has been invited to the spring opening ball. It helps that he is friends with Bail and Breha who are high society members. They were the first ones who gave his little shop a try thereby giving his business a jumpstart. Obi-Wan doesn't go out much these days. He stays inside and works on his suits and ties and, on occasion, omegan dresses. To be honest he'd rather stay home where it's comfortable but it would be nice to mingle and spread the word about his shop. He hopes to make waves in the community with his original designs. He's got a new line this season that he's quite proud of. So he accepts the invitation.
Enter Lord Skywalker. He is 22 and ready to enter society and find a wife. His father has recently died and left him with the estate. He is this season's most eligible bachelor. He's got a rakish sort of smile that's more fitted for a scoundrel. He's got his eye on the diamond of this season: Padme Amidala. She was lovely, well mannered, and not to mention well bred. She would make a fine wife.
Anakin roams the room, conversing and scoping out the omegas. He hears the local gossip about Obi-Wan Kenobi being here. Who? He turns and sees the man they were whispering about. Apparently he was involved in some sort of scandal and fled to the city when he was younger. Anakin blocks out the rest. He doesn't care for gossip. It served him no purpose, and besides, he was here for other things.
Across the room as Obi-Wan talks with Bail and Breha he notices the young Lord Skywalker. Goodness the alphas had gotten even more handsome since he'd last been to one of these balls. But that was long ago. He feels a pang of nostalgia for all the dances he used to do. No one had asked him for a dance in years. He'd probably fall over his own feet if he tried now.
Back on the floor, Anakin isn't the only one on the prowl. Lord Rush Clovis is also in pursuit of Padme Amidala. Both alphas keep trying to ask her to dance or to get her a drink or start a conversation about the latest books they've read. Anakin has about had it. He's never liked Clovis before and he certainly doesn't now.
The two alphas start posturing and sniping at each other. Trying to figure out how to one up the other.
Currently, Clovis has stolen Amidala away for a dance. Anakin stalks the room, watching them with frustration. He decides to mingle with others to cool his rising temper. He says hello to the hosts of the evening, Mr. And Mrs. Organa. He is formally introduced to their good friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, the local tailor. He kisses the back of Kenobi's hand, remembering his manners as the late Lady Shmi had taught him.
“I'm sure with hands as beautiful as yours you do fine craft work indeed, sir.”
Obi-Wan bursts out laughing. He immediately stops and apologizes. If he were young that line would have worked. But he sees it now for what It is: an alpha trying out new material to prop up his own ego with pithy flirtations.
“Forgive me my Lord. Yes, I take great pride in my work.”
Anakin is flabbergasted. Most omegas fell over themselves with his attentions! Even Padme had blushed and smiled sweetly, obviously flustered by his scent and good genes. One would think a weathered, old omega like Mr. Kenobi would be grateful for even a crumb of attention from such a virile alpha!
Anakin bows his head politely and swiftly ends the conversion. The dance had ended and he wanted to go find Amidala again. Perhaps he should say something funny and make her laugh.
Instead finds Lord Clovis. Clovis turns to Anakin with a sneer. “Listen pup, I've been friends with Padme for years! She's not going to choose you over me!”
“If she was going to choose you she'd have done it already!”
“Listen, we both wish to pursue her and obviously neither of us are willing to back down.”
Anakin snorts. He had that right.
“I propose a wager. We let each man have his chance every other week. No interruptions. No sabotaging. No backstabbing. You may call on her on your days, I call her on mine. Then we both propose at the end of the season. Whoever she chooses wins.”
Anakin shakes his hand. Deal.
The only problem? Anakin has never wooed anyone before. It's fine though. He'll just wing it. He's been reliably informed that he can be very charming, so he's pretty sure he's got this in the bag.
He doesn't have this in the bag. He's fucked! He's messed this entire thing up!
Their first date had been horrendous. Anakin kept putting his foot in his mouth. At any point he would start to spout weird nonsense. (“Look! A bird! Is that a cardinal?” “That's a robin, My Lord.”)
(“I love warm weather! I love being warm! It's so nice to be warm don't you agree?”)
Not to mention Clovis was so much more up on the latest trends. Not to say that Anakin wasn't stylish, but it was hard to keep up with fluctuating fashion.
This train of thought leads him to remember meeting the local tailor, Kenobi. He enters the shop looking for a new suit. Kenobi is perfectly polite and helpful.
Obi-Wan gets out his measuring tape and starts to measure Lord Skywalker. He makes conversation as one does and asks for what occasion was the suit for? The Lord starts rambling on about wooing the Lady Amidala and how he needed to look his absolute best for her. Obi-Wan assures him he will look fantastic (though the Lord needed little help in that department). As he works Skywalker then switches gears and starts to rant about how he was contending with Lord Clovis for her affections and didn't Obi-Wan also find him daft? How did anyone put up with the man? He was so horrid and rude and overbearing and Obi-Wan lost count of the many, many complaints of Clovis’ character and face.
Obi-Wan smirks to himself. Looks like the young bucks were about to start fighting. Poor Miss Amidala caught in the middle. Then again maybe she found it entertaining. After all, he had thought so once upon a time as well.
He touches over Skywalker’s arms and legs, measuring each carefully. Skywalker was built very well. When he glances up he can see red dusting the man's cheeks. Oh my. The alpha seemed to be getting flustered.
“Have you been to many tailoring shops my lord?”
“Of course I have!” Skywalker snaps. Then he remembers himself. “Though never one owned by an omega I admit. It is a bit unusual.”
Obi-Wan brushes his hands over Skywalker’s chest as he measures across it. The Lord sucks in a breath. Obi-Wan couldn't stop smiling if he tried. It was probably just the mild indecency of the entire situation that had Skywalker reacting the way that he was. But Obi-Wan can't help but be flattered at the thought that he could fluster anyone at this point in his age. Especially an alpha like Lord Skywalker.
He finishes and has Skywalker step down.
“If I may be so bold, what are your plans on your next attempt at courting Miss Amidala?”
Skywalker tells him. It's all very standard and cliche. Nevertheless, he was clearly very earnest. Obi-Wan decides to give him some pointers. He's an omega after all and he knows what one would appreciate.
Anakin returns frequently for more suits. He had to stay on top of Clovis and his game after all. Plus Amidala–or Padme now–seemed to like his outfits. She complimented all of them. Anakin should have to take her here some time and have Kenobi make her a new dress or a hat perhaps. He really did do superb work.
As the weeks pass Anakin continues to return and talk to Obi-Wan about how it was coming along. Sometimes he waxes poetry about Padme and how their future will be perfect, already thinking about the names of their children. Other times it'll be about Clovis and his stupid face and how he will die alone and penniless.
Obi-Wan indulges him. He keeps giving him advice as well on what to do and say to help win her heart.
One day, out of the blue, Skywalker rushes into his shop utterly distraught. The source of his distress? He reveals Amidala had touched his hand.
Obi-Wan is confused. This was a good thing right?
“I didn't know if I was supposed to kiss it or hold it or rub my fingers over her wrist?!”
Oh sweet merciful father. The realization staggers him. This alpha was a virgin.
Obi-Wan shakes off the initial shock. It was actually kind of sweet now that he thinks about it. Many alphas did not wait for marriage these days.
Taking pity, Obi-Wan takes his hand and shows him. “Here. Like this.”
He caresses his wrist like one would a mate, scenting it lightly.
Skywalker is blushing again. Goodness it made him so handsome!
“And…and sh-should I hold her for very long?” He stammers out.
Obi-Wan answers any and all questions he has. Skywalker was so earnest in learning. So eager to please the omega he had chosen.
Several minutes later Skywalker asks shyly, “Can you teach me more?”
Obi-Wan hesitates. It wasn’t done. But Skywalker clearly wanted to do this. Neither did he want to send the boy into the red light district. They'd ruin him there. And, buried deep, there was a secret kernel that delighted in the fact Skywalker thought to ask him first. Trusted him enough to guide him.
And so they set up special visits to Skywalker’s home. They were disguised to look like private tailor sessions but in reality Skywalker just wanted to learn more about how to touch another romantically. They start to talk and bond. They have lunch together and take strolls through the estate garden.
Then Skywalker asks for Obi-Wan to teach him how to kiss. Obi-Wan couldn't refuse if he wanted to.
They press against each other sweetly. Just a small nip.
“Open up a little.” He says. Skywalker obeys.
They kiss again.
Skywalker pulls back and scrunches his nose. “Your mouth is very wet.”
“Yes, that's generally what the state of mouths usually are,” Obi-Wan chuckles.
They kiss more. By the end of the session Skywalker gets frighteningly good at it. One would never be able to tell this was his first time. He starts to explore Obi-Wan's arms and chest, letting his hands wander.
They break away, both gasping for breath that doesn't seem to want to come.
“That's enough for today I think,” Obi-Wan breathes.
“Oh,” Skywalker says, clearly disappointed. “You're right. I need to prepare for tomorrow.”
That's right. He was calling upon Amidala tomorrow.
Obi-Wan's heart twists at the thought of Skywalker kissing someone else like that. But his lips were never meant for him. This was all just temporary. He'd known that when he first agreed to it. Still, the logic did nothing to soothe his aching heart.
“I wish you success Lord Skywalker.”
“Please, we've exchanged many kisses by now. I should think you can call me Anakin.”
Obi-Wan smiles. “Anakin.”
He thinks he may see Anakin shiver but it must be a trick of the light.
Obi-Wan finds himself having a pleasant walk with Miss Kyze in the park. She was visiting family for the summer. They used to be playmates when they were small and he's missed her very much so.
Normally he would dress in the plain clothes of a beta. But he has forgone the long overcoat and cravat. Instead he thought he'd match Satine and wear something a little more suited for an omega. He currently sported a short, velvet jacket that was cropped around his middle. The tail of it flowed out and around him. Lace and frill adorned his trousers in a beautiful representation of spring. And of course to complete it, a top hat with his own style of ribbons and flowers.
Anakin happens upon them. He is currently walking with Amidala on his arm. He appears flustered and red in the face as if he's been running.
“Good day, my lord.”
“Good day,” Anakin replies hoarsely.
There is an awkward pause as Anakin just stares. He then jolts into action as he introduces Padme Amidala and Obi-Wan subsequently introduces Satine Kryze. Everyone bows politely.
Then Anakin blurts out, “Do you not have an alpha escorting you this day?”
Everyone looks at him.
“No, my Lord. But I assure you Miss Kyze and I are perfectly fine.”
Anakin purses his lips. Looking unsure. Obi-Wan knows it is only societal duty that has Anakin hesitating. For surely the man would not care otherwise and swiftly return to providing Amidala his attention?
“We could all walk together,” Anakin offers, not noticing Amidala’s raised brow.
Obi-Wan smiles. “That is very kind of you to offer. But I'm quite adept at walking at this point in my age.”
“Yes I–well I suppose…” Anakin trails off.
Obi-Wan means to press on, thinking the conversation done. But Anakin lingers, looking out of place and lost.
“Yes?” Obi-Wan asks. “Was there something else?”
Anakin mumbles and excuses himself. He pulls Amidala to him and they continue down the path.
“Obi-Wan, what have you done to that poor boy?” Satine asks him as soon as the two are out of earshot.
Obi-Wan looks back. “I've no idea.”
The thing about Anakin was that he swiveled between bold and insecure in a single drop of a pin. One could never hope to keep up with him.
“Teach me how to fuck!” He demands.
Obi-Wan had not even sat down yet. He was barely ten steps into Skywalker's home. He assesses the other man, alpha pride radiating off of him, petulantly demanding attention. He frowns up at him. He doubted Anakin was trying to use his height on purpose but he still didn't like it.
Anakin crumbles, all confidence melting as Obi-Wan continues his silence.
Obi-Wan folds his arms. What had brought this on?
Kissing and scenting were one thing. But making love was another thing entirely. As much as he wanted to, Obi-Wan cannot say yes.
“You do realize you can hire services for this sort of thing?” Even though the very suggestion pains him, Obi-Wan pushes the words out anyway. “They can be very discreet.”
“No!” Anakin stops and clears his throat. Embarrassed at his outburst. “I mean, I want it to be you. I trust you, Obi-Wan. You're my friend.”
Obi-Wan sallows. “I shall have to think about it.”
Obi-Wan is panicking. This has escalated into something he's no control of. The problem isn't that Anakin wants to have sex, the problem is that Obi-Wan is already halfway in love with him. It wouldn't be fair to take advantage in this way. Using the little Lord like this for his own selfish desires.
Anakin keeps pestering him about it day by day, needling away at his resolve. He asks when he comes into his shop for a new pair of gloves or coat. He asks him at home when they're talking or kissing. It happens every time they see each other. He can't take much more of this. Lord have mercy he's only a man.
It finally happens in a way neither of them really anticipate. Obi-Wan is currently taking measurements for an alpha in his shop. The alpha was making snide comments about his “shoddy” work and insulting his business. Obi-Wan tries to ignore it. He is not new to unruly customers. This one was just like all the rest. And so long as he paid he could be as rude as he liked.
But then Anakin enters and everything takes a turn. Normally the man would wait quietly by the wayside for Obi-Wan to finish attending to his current customer. But as the alpha continued to make offhand comments, Anakin bristled from his corner. It doesn’t take long for him to step in and defend Obi-Wan's honor. He tells, more demands, that the other alpha leave. The other man snarls, offended. Anakin growls back at them to leave before they come to regret it.
The other alpha takes in Anakin's form. He was taller and bigger. They huff and concede. “Fine, I didn't want to buy anything from a subpar omega anyway.”
Anakin locks the door behind the alpha, making sure they did not try to come back.
“You didn't have to do that,” Obi-Wan says. “I'm used to it.”
“You shouldn't be!” Anakin nearly shouts. “You're amazing! You deserve more than this!”
Obi-Wan frowns. “This is my life's work and I'm quite proud of it.”
Anakin winces. He was always putting his foot in his mouth. “I meant more than what they give you! More than what they say about you.”
Anakin takes Obi-Wan's hand and kisses his wrist. Tender and sweet, just the way he'd shown him several months ago. “You're the most incredible person I've ever met.”
He didn't say an incredible omega. He said incredible person.
Obi-Wan has a hard time meeting Anakin's gaze. He wasn't used to people praising him. His work certainly. But personally? No.
“Well I seem to recall an alpha telling me such beautiful hands must produce beautiful work.”
Anakin smiles. He's so dashing it hurts. He turns Obi-Wan's hand over and kisses his palm too. He nuzzles Obi-Wan, scenting him unconsciously
“I'll teach you.” It spills out of him. He can't take it back now.
Anakin's eyes widen in surprise. He grins in delight.
“You will?” He falls into Obi-Wan, hugging him close and eager to get started. Obi-Wan pulls back, resting a soft hand on Anakin's chest. “Darling please, I'm not so young anymore. Be gentle.”
“You're not that old.”
“Thank you for thinking so.”
He tries to convince this impossible alpha that he needed to close up shop so they could go back to his home where it's more comfortable and safe. But Anakin wants to do it now. He is practically vibrating with need. Obi-Wan should say no. He should. But the word gets stuck under his tongue. Obi-Wan wanted him just as badly. He was already getting wet. Perhaps it was better to do it here. If he had to wait for a carriage the smell of his arousal would only get worse. The driver and staff would all smell him. He'd be mortified.
Obi-Wan leads Anakin to the back where it's filled with choice fabrics and cotton. He sets about making a makeshift nest. Then he takes off his clothing one by one. He turns to see Anakin is just standing there rooted to the spot and blinking furiously.
“Take off your clothes, Anakin. Or shall I help you?”
Anakin audibly swallows. He starts to unbutton his jacket and undoes his cravat. Obi-Wan lies down in his nest, watching Anakin undress. The sight is a lovely one. Each section of golden skin is like a present. He commits it to memory. This is all he will ever be allowed to have and he will cherish it.
Obi-Wan pats the space beside him, urging Anakin to sit down. Anakin comes. He always comes to him. Despite his earlier eagerness he seems jittery, nervous.
“I want to be good for you,” Anakin admits softly, his confession sweetening the air.
It is the alpha that is supposed to teach their omega about sex. They're supposed to be the experienced party on such matters. But Anakin has no idea what he's doing with Obi-Wan. He just wants to make him feel good.
Just like with his kisses, Obi-Wan found Anakin’s innocence sweet. At times the alpha would act arrogant and pompous like any high society member should act; like he was owed the world. But once Obi-Wan peeled back the layers, he'd discovered it was all bravado. A boy trying to be a man.
It was adorable.
“Come here, dearest.”
Obi-Wan pulls him closer. He takes Anakin's hand and slowly guides it down to his entrance. His sex is glistening, heavy with gushing arousal.
“I'll show you what to do.”
Anakin presses a finger against his throbbing hole. “I don't wanna hurt you.”
“You won't.”
Obi-Wan remembers those days spent in that hotel room with what he thought would be his future husband. It had been nice. He had found and experienced pleasure there. And even though it was tainted by what happened after, the sex had not been bad. He'd had nothing to compare it to after all.
Anakin pushes in and every single memory of his first time is pushed out. Anakin grips him like he'll die without him. He kisses like he's on fire and Obi-Wan is water. He fucks him like he's the only one he'll ever want the rest of his life. Anakin consumes him, down to his last cell. Nothing will ever be better than this, than Anakin. He didn't know sex could be like this.
He strokes himself and comes. Anakin growls, thrusting wildly at the sight of Obi-Wan undone. He pops his knot in and it's like something inside his soul clicks. Anakin rolls his hips in little thrusts, riding his high.
They breathe heavily, locked together and spent. Anakin kisses Obi-Wan's face, his nose and cheeks and chin. He feels himself start to grow hard again while still inside the other man. Obi-Wan whines. Just hearing it makes Obi-Wan blush. He can't believe that sound came out of his body. He doesn't remember ever being this needy. But he needed Anakin.
Anakin starts moving again, rolling his hips despite the fact they were still knotted. Obi-Wan can feel his cock inside him harden and grow. He pants, whining again. Higher this time. The knot is pulsing, throbbing against his inner walls. He moans Anakin's name over and over again.
Anakin dips down and captures his lips, tasting his name upon them. Overwhelmed, Obi-Wan bites him. It's not enough to draw blood but Obi-Wan apologizes nonetheless. It was unbecoming to try and bite someone that was not one's intended mate.
“It's alright,” Anakin murmurs against his throat. “I kind of liked it. You should do it again.”
Obi-Wan does not do it again. Anakin tries not to be disappointed. Still, it was ridiculous how hot it had made Anakin to know he could make such a poised and proper man so wild with lust it made him forget himself. He wants to make Obi-Wan make that sound again. He wants to make him moan and shake until he can't stand it. He wants to…
Anakin spills over again, nestled deep within in. He wanted Obi-Wan to be full of his cum. Full of love. Full of Anakin.
They are woken in the morning by loud knocking and curious voices. Obi-Wan jolts up from the floor where he and Anakin were sprawled. Oh no: customers. He rubs his face and groans. They'd spent the whole night there.
“Anakin? Darling, wake up.”
He brushes the hair away from Anakin's sleeping face. Anakin stirs. He yawns and sits up.
“What is it?”
“We fell asleep. You have to go now.”
The smell of sex was everywhere. Not to mention one of the finished jackets that had been hanging up had been damaged. God, that must be the client at the door ready to pick it up. He'd told them it'd be ready today.
He couldn't just ignore them until they went away. He had to open the door. And once he did there would be no masking the scent or evidence of what has transpired. It would take days to air the shop out. Obi-Wan wouldn't be able to deny it.
Obi-Wan hurries, stress beginning to set in. He puts his clothes back on then throws Anakin his clothes and tells him to get dressed.
“You have to leave! You can't be here!”
His shop and sales would surely take a hit. He should have known better. When would he stop falling into bed with alphas? When would he learn?
Anakin argues. If he was so worried then just stay closed? But Obi-Wan cannot do that. It's not that simple. This was his livelihood.
“It's alright Anakin. Just go.”
Anakin hesitates.
“If anyone finds you here it won't be good for your reputation.”
Anakin frowns. “I don't care.”
Obi-Wan nearly rolls his eyes. “You don't mean that. You have your whole life ahead of you! You have no idea what it means to be a social outcast!”
They stare at one another. The knocking is getting insistent. The voice sounds angry and impatient.
“Go Anakin.”
“But I…”
“I highly doubt Amidala will consider your hand in marriage if she hears you slept with your tailor.”
Anakin’s jaw shuts. Obi-Wan tries not to be hurt. He'd known he was just practice after all. He ushers Anakin to the back door and shoves him through. He closes the door and turns to face the consequences of his choices.
Obi-Wan had worked hard to separate himself from his boyhood mistakes. He'd toiled and studied and took insults with grace. And although his reputation would never be what it once was, the community finally accepted Kenobi the tailor. He had done it. He'd carved out a life for himself. But now it seems his reputation was dashed once again.
Rumors fly about how Kenobi was a promiscuous omega that lured alphas into his place of business. A whore. He probably had alphas pay him in sex instead of money because he was so lonely and desperate.
He'd known better than this. He'd known it could never end any other way. But Obi-Wan had lived his whole life without someone to share it with. And even if it was only for a few short moments, he's glad it got to share something with Anakin. And who knows? Maybe they'll invite him to the wedding.
Several days later Anakin returns to the shop. It's been quiet recently. Not a lot of clients.
“I'm sorry it took me so long,” Anakin says. “But you were right, I had to think about my future and what I want.”
Obi-Wan's shoulders sag. This was it. They would end their friendship here and now.
However, to his horror and complete shock, Anakin tries to propose.
He starts spouting nonsense and whimsical poetry. “Your beauty has no compare! Your character of strength has gripped me beyond measure! I cannot think about anyone else but you! I love you, Obi-Wan. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand.”
Obi-Wan cannot bear it. He turns away. He was the boy's first sexual experience. Anakin is just confused.
“You're just confused.”
At first Anakin is taken back, asking Obi-Wan to elaborate, then the anger comes as he realizes he's being rejected. Obi-Wan remains steadfast in the face of Anakin’s vehement arguing.
“I'm not what you need, Anakin.”
He was still more of a boy than a man. Obi-Wan knew what it was like to fancy yourself in love. This was a simple infatuation that would pass.
“But I do love you!” Anakin says. “Why do you not believe me?”
Obi-Wan couldn't allow himself to be selfish. Amidala was beautiful and kind and would be a perfect match.
“Maybe you do, but even if that were true it doesn't change the fact I am but a humble tailor. I'm not a good match for you.”
“I don't care about that! I don't care about any of it!”
“What about children?”
Anakin stops. “What?”
“I'm past my prime, Anakin. I don't know if I can even have kids.”
Anakin has talked of pups before back when he waxed on about his future with Amidala. He wanted children. He would be an amazing father. He deserved that if nothing else.
“I don't care,” Anakin says again, though much more subdued. “I need you, Obi-Wan. My heart beats in your chest.”
Obi-Wan smiles sadly. Perhaps in this moment Anakin really didn't care about having children, but he would months or years down the road. And beyond his feelings on the matter he still needed an heir.
Obi-Wan had nothing to offer him. His social standing was in tatters, his business was dying, and he couldn't even provide the one thing all alphas needed from an omega. He was a terrible choice. He'd only bring Anakin down with him.
“No, my Lord.” He steps back, putting distance between them.
Anakin tries to move towards him, but Obi-Wan shakes his head. Anakin's arms hang loosely at his sides, limp and useless.
He was lovely when he cried, Obi-Wan thinks. Anakin's tears are fat and glistening. They roll down his cheeks. Anakin wipes them away angrily, pushing away his heartache.
He snaps at Obi-Wan, growing mean. He says hurtful things. Awful things.
“Perhaps if you weren't such a coward you wouldn't be so alone! No wonder no one ever wanted you!”
He storms off, slamming the door behind him. Obi-Wan swears if he looks down he'll see both their shattered hearts on the floor.
About a week later he learns of Amidala’s engagement. He tries to be happy for them, really puts in a valiant effort. But it was difficult.
The bell to his shop sounds. Obi-Wan looks up. He is surprised to find Miss Amidala. She smiles kindly at him. She is perfectly cordial and courteous.
She invites him to the wedding. Obi-Wan is nonplussed that she would do so personally.
“I would like you there please. Say you'll come?”
She did not say Anakin would like him there, in fact she does not mention him at all. Did Anakin send her? Did he even know she was here? Their friendship had been no secret. Perhaps she'd assumed they were in a tiff and decided to do them a favor.
Obi-Wan burns with the need to ask. But he stays his tongue. Regardless of her answer he knew he would go. Of course he would.
She buys a hat before leaving and gives him another undeserved smile. If she knew what had happened a mere fortnight prior she would not have asked. Perhaps she did not listen to local gossip. Or perhaps she put no stock in rumors. Either way, Obi-Wan would need to figure out what he was going to wear.
The wedding is held in a beautiful church. Obi-Wan stays near the back, trying to blend into the wall. He'd debated dressing in his absolute best. But it wasn't like he was trying to show off, he wasn't here to win Anakin back.
He settles for something in between, a nice Sunday suit. Obi-Wan sits on the back pew waiting for the ceremony to get started. He'd seen Amidala earlier to drop off her last minute veil. He apologized for the late delivery (he'd dragged his feet admittedly) and she assured him it was fine. She'd given him almost no notice for it after all. She'd looked quite radiant in it, a perfect bride.
Someone sits down beside him. Obi-Wan turns. He almost thinks his mind is playing tricks on him for he swears he's staring at Anakin Skywalker.
Obi-Wan looks sharply up at the altar. There is no groom. Only the maid of honor, Sabe Naberrie. The music starts to play signaling to everyone it had begun. Obi-Wan looks back at Anakin. He's still there.
“What are you doing?!” He hisses. “You need to get back! Your wedding is about to–”
The chapel doors open. Everyone turns to look. Padme Amidala walks through. She smiles at Sabe across the aisle. Obi-Wan stares. And he stares. He watches Miss Amidala walk up to the altar to join Miss Naberrie who–he now realizes–is dressed in fine alpha attire.
He'd…he had assumed that…he glances over at Anakin. The other man's brow is raised in question. Obi-Wan turns back to the front. Turns out it was rather hard to keep up with local news and gossip when one's shop was suffering a lack of clientele.
“Padme told me you were coming,” Anakin whispers.
“So you did send her then,” Obi-Wan whispers back.
“No, she's just smarter than me.”
Anakin watches the two women.
“She also said you looked like you were about to cry the whole time.”
Obi-Wan sighs. “Did you enjoy watching me flounder about like a fool?”
“Actually yes.”
Obi-Wan snorts. He can't begrudge him for that he supposed. He did break his heart after all.
“I'm sorry for what I said when I left. I did not mean those things.”
“All is forgiven, Anakin.”
“But they were awful–”
“Yes, they were. But the past is past. It does not matter anymore, my friend.”
They fall silent again. Amidala and Naberrie exchange vows. It was quite lovely actually.
Anakin turns to look at him. “What will it take for you to marry me?”
“Anakin, this is hardly the time!”
“I can make you happy, Obi-Wan. Please let me try.”
At the front of the church the priest pronounces them Alpha and Omega, married until death. The two kiss.
“Anakin please,” he can't do this again. Not again. He's not strong enough to reject this man twice. And yet he must.
Anakin may not have married Amidala, but that didn't mean he should marry him. Obi-Wan was still a poor choice. Nothing had changed about that.
“I can't give you what you need.”
He couldn't stand it if Anakin grew to resent his choices later in life. And he would. Obi-Wan knows it.
“You're all I need. Nothing else.”
The wedding couple walks back down the aisle together. People stand and clap as they pass.
Obi-Wan flees. Anakin was right. He was a coward.
He can hear Anakin call out for him but he ignores it. Maybe he'll get tired of chasing after him and leave him alone.
He's made it out of the church and is headed for the back to hide somewhere when something snatches his wrist. Anakin spins him around, forcing Obi-Wan to face him. They're both breathing hard, twin expressions of desperation.
Anakin grips him hard, lest Obi-Wan wiggle out of his grasp and disappear. He kneels down on one knee. Obi-Wan's heart flies into his throat. No, no, no! Anyone could walk this way and see them!
“Obi-Wan, l'll respect your wishes if you refuse. But please allow me this last try.”
Obi-Wan begins to tremble. They were out in the open, hearts and desire bare for all the world should anyone look. But Anakin is only looking at him. It's as if he is not aware of his surroundings. Only Obi-Wan exists for him in this moment.
“Marry me, Obi-Wan.” Anakin kisses his knuckles reverently, pleadingly. “Choose me, because I will always choose you.”
Obi-Wan is used to having his heart torn and shattered. He's used to people being careless and cruel. But this ache does not feel like he's breaking, it feels like the stitch of a needle.
“I'll never deny you. I'll always be there when you need me. Marry me, Obi-Wan.”
This may yet end in regret and anger and hurt. But maybe it won't. Obi-Wan would never know until he tried. Didn't he deserve to try?
Obi-Wan feels his lips move, his heartbeat is thunder in his ears. But he holds Anakin's gaze and he feels the world slow.
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rosesncarnations · 6 months
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Have a treat of flats
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dozydawn · 26 days
Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko Exhibition Encore “Golden Waltz” 1988.
Voices of Spring Waltz by Johann Strauss II.
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ohgaylor · 1 year
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illicit affairs // Hits Different // All You Had To Do Was Stay // Dancing With Our Hands Tied (all lyric connections)
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terriblewomanyuri · 2 months
BREAKING: Kirsten Wright, CEO of Rhine Lab, makes public statement about marital affair, announces she “lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship,” with her Director of Ecology, Muelsyse (no last name known).
Her wife and the Rhine Lab Director of the Defense Section, Saria (no last name known), has refused to comment on the situation.
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invasive · 7 months
Labru (shrug) I just might like it
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glitterslag · 7 months
thinking so many thoughts about rust saying he spent a month in Paris getting drunk on the steps of montmartre or whatever it was
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candycryptids · 4 months
Quick! Your OCs are being dragged to the dancefloor by a friend - how do they react? Does the amount of people around influence that reaction? Or the kind of music played maybe?
GHFNFJDJFHB!? What a fun question omfg
Chuu has a vice grip on the sofa she’s sitting on if there’s more than 5 people at a party lmao. She’s not gettin up. N o p e. (Can sometimes be lured out onto the dance floor with a Waltzing number, but will rarely stay for longer than 2 songs before she’s found a way to slither out of being an active party participant. She’d rather chill and eat snacks and watch OTHER people look silly on the dance floor.)
Tuesday is ecstatic to be invited to the dance floor- but he only really knows how to do the stuffy Ishgardian Ball Dance when he first gets invited out to a party lmfao. The amount of people present doesn’t really impact his willingness to come out to the dance floor, but once he learns more ways to dance or even how to just, ‘feel it’ and make it up as he goes he gets much more excited about dancing to upbeat or quicker songs. He is Very good at not stepping on Toes :) (almost as if somebody didn’t want to deal with smushed toes…. 🤔)
Tangy is so zazzed to dance. She is…. Not the best at ballroom dancing or like, whatever you wanna call a couples dance, so. Watch your toes! It doesn’t matter how many people are there but being the center of attention can be kinda daunting :’> she’d rather dance to more upbeat music than slow dances so she’ll probs bow out for drinks and a snack during those to take a breather sjfjdkfs … pls also imagine her doing classic ‘dad’ dance moves or something from the Peanuts x3 [cut cos it’s Long 🫢]
….. 🤔 Ishi will gladly dance with a friend (or friends!) at smaller gatherings- and even invite others out to the floor x3 but at bigger more official events? She’s probably grateful for the excuse to step away from whatever Politically Charged Chat she’s been roped into regarding allied tribes or intercity relations. (She isn’t trained in dance, but will readily learn and follow somebody else’s lead •v•)
Mochiie is someone who’s reluctant to take an invite to the dance floor no matter how many people are present if there’s already people dancing and there’s not much space. He’s uh… conscious of his tail. (Poor guy sent a lalafellin couple sprawling once when he got tangled up in his feet, so he tries to be Overly Cautious now)
😂 Colette will indulge a friend in a dance, and relies more on being able to lift/twirl/dip her dance partner for flair - it’s an All-Eyes-On-Them situation. If Eorzean weapons didn’t have a habit of cracking under the pressure she’d probably be a tank. She prefers music with dramatic flair, to match her flashy dancing style. She laughs a lot more when it’s a Smaller group, there’s less performance pressures 🤧 (I should REALLY pose her dancing with Setsuna at some point… I’ll have to bug my partner for some files x3)
🤔🤔🤔 Levraut was the hardest for me to figure out. He’s classically trained in Ishgardian Dance? But he hates it. He thinks the whole thing looks silly, and he’s not so into huge parties (since they’re usually hosted by The Rich And Influential And Expect A Certain Class Of People yk) … he’d be a hilarious ‘sexy lamp’ for someone to dance with though… I think it would take him some time to feel comfortable dancing in the center of everything but he wouldn’t mind kinda grooving in place around the edges.
Until he’s 5 cups in. And then you have to haul him off the dance floor before he makes more of a fool of himself than he currently is, and tries to start a fight with the Violinist, because it quote ‘sounds like you’re killing the cat what made the strings all over again’ (regardless of if that’s true or not; a drunken Lev craves Rowdy Brawling and will Incite It)
… 🤨 I think that’s everyone if only because I don’t have a solid idea what the Trio would be like in a Party situation
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Terrible Fic Ideas #44: HotD, but make it The Brady Bunch
I have many, many feelings regarding House of the Dragon. Most of them involve the toxic nature of the patriarchy and the inability of men to treat women as human beings. The remaining few considered the absurd amount of drama House Targaryen is able to come up with, decided they prefer fluff, and came up with this instead.
Or: What if Alicent Hightower's children were Rhaenyra's?
Just imagine it:
In an a/b/o universe, there is no reason why a female alpha and female omega cannot marry and have for biological children beyond convention. I imagine the Faith of the Seven would be very intolerant of anything other than male/female marriages regardless of the secondary genders involved.
So at the start of canon we have a newly presented alpha!Rhaenyra and omega!Alicent who might not be in love yet, but are clearly on their way there...
...but no matter how much beta!Otto wants his blood on the throne, he'd never press for their marriage because the Faith would consider it an abomination - and the Faith of the Seven is dominate in Westeros. The lords of Westeros only put up with Targaryen Exceptionalism because of dragons; giving them more reasons to dislike their rulers only destabilizes the throne.
So Otto marries Alicent off to alpha!Viserys as per canon.
Only Rhaenyra isn't one to take no sitting down. She and Alicent carry on an affair beyond her father's back, so that all the children Alicent bears her husband are really her stepdaughter's. (Or, knowing that no one can replace Aemma in his heart, Viserys knowingly encourages Rhaenyra and Alicent's affair, desiring only more Targaryens in the world and to get the Small Council off his back. Either/or.)
Naturally, this puts a crimp in Otto's plans, but Alicent can hardly tell her father that she's having an affair with the crown princess.
Rhaenyra marries omega!Laenor and has three children with him. Alicent's not pleased that her lover has married someone else, but they're both bound to the expectations of their station. She tries to be as understanding as possible...
...but ends the affair after Lucerys takes Aemond's eye. After all, Rhaenrya may not be able to be an alpha parent to Alicent's children, but she can at least treat them as her half-siblings and not demand them sharply questioned for a schoolyard taunt.
...and grows downright bitter after Rhaenyra marries alpha!Daemon and carries three more children for him.
The truth doesn't come out until after Viserys' death, which Rhaenyra manages to be present for. Alicent supports her claim as she is, after all, Viserys' only living child, but is disgruntled that she'd name Jacaerys heir over Aegon the Elder, who is after all her eldest son.
An immense amount politicking goes on in the background regarding who should eventually succeed Rhaenyra: her eldest son or her eldest legitimate son. But the real drama centers around the children - Alicent's coming to terms with the fact that their hated half-sister is really their alpha mother, Rhaenyra's trying to accept their half-uncles and -aunt are really their half-siblings, &c...
A Great Council eventually settles the matter, with Rhaenyra's eldest alpha son, Aemond, and Rhaenyra's legitimate omega son, Lucerys, being wed to each other and named co-heirs. But until then there is all the drama that only House Targaryen can create. It should feel like a particularly sexually-charged, HBO version of The Brady Bunch.
Alicent eventually becomes Rhaenyra's second consort and rekindle something akin to what they had before Aemond lost his eye, but Daemon takes the whole revelation badly (less so for the affair than for Rhaenyra's taste in lovers) and would probably cause all sorts of problems for the future if he wasn't killed in a joust at the tournament celebrating the double marriage of Alicent and Rhaenyra, and Luke and Aemond.
Bonus points include: 1) Aemond and Lucerys having been engaged in a secret relationship since at least Aegon's marriage to Heleana, which Rhaenyra has been secretly enabling and Alicent was secretly trying to prevent; 2) Rhaenrya and Alicent's affair being exceptionally obvious, but dismissed by nearly everyone as a close female friendship; 3) Aegon the Elder as a dissolute but generally decent person, having learned of his mother's affair as a small child and being secure in the knowledge that his bastardy would keep him from the throne.
And that's all I have. As always, feel free to adopt, just link back if you ever do anything with it.
More Terrible Fic Ideas
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Can we talk about episode 4 of Rise of the Pink Ladies and the blame song? Cause that shit is so bouncy that you don’t expect it to hit as deep as it does.
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ranjxtul · 1 year
dance moms came out over a decade ago and it’s still a beloved piece of culture, like abby lee is a very abusive person and i genuinely hope the girls are doing okay at this point, but i eat that shit up every time. like goddamn dance moms is my roman empire
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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“I could issue an order against these useless and harmful performances [dances, powwows, and other gatherings], but I would much rather have you give them up of your own free will . . . “ 
From the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, February 24, 1923.
Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Series: Subject Numeric Correspondence Files
Com. Burke advice to Indians Re Dance.
Department of the Interior
Office of Indian Affairs
A Message
Not long ago I held a meeting of Superintendents, Missionaries and Indians, at which the feeling of those present was strong against Indian dances, as they are usually given, and against so much time as is often spent by the Indians in a display of their old customs at public gatherings held by the whites. From the views of this meeting and from other information I feel that something must be done to stop the neglect of stock, crops, gardens, and home interests caused by these dances or by celebrations, pow-wows, and gatherings of any kind that take the time of the Indians for many days.
Now, what I want you to think about very seriously is that you must first of all try to make your own living, which you cannot do unless you work faithfully and take care of what comes from your labor, and go to dances or other meetings only when your home work will not suffer by it. I do not want to deprive you of decent amusements or occasional feast days, but you should not do evil or foolish things or take so much time for these occasions. No good comes from your "give-away" custom at dances and it should be stopped. It is not right to torture your bodies or to handle poisonous snakes in your ceremonies. All such extreme things are wrong and should be put aside and forgotten. You do yourselves and your families great injustice when at dances you give away money or other property, perhaps clothing, a cow, a horse or a team and wagon, and then after an absence of several days go home to find everything going to waste and yourselves with less to work with than you had before.
I could issue an order against these useless and harmful performances, but I would much rather have you give them up of your own free will and, therefore, I ask you now in this letter to do so. I urge you to come to an understanding and an agreement with your Superintendent to hold no gatherings in the months when the seed-time, cultivation of crops and the harvest need your attention, and at other times to meet for only a short period and to have no drugs, intoxicants, or gambling, and no dancing that the Superintendent does no approve.
If at the end of one year the reports which I receive show that you are doing as requested, I shall be very glad for I will know that you are making progress in other and more important ways, but if the reports show that you reject this plea, then some other course will have to be taken.
Wish best wishes for your happiness and success, I am
Sincerely yours,
February 24, 1923.
The Indian Print Shop, [Chilberc?] Oklahoma 2-17-1923. [10M?]
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kmomof4 · 10 months
Self Promo Sunday: Dance With the Gypsy
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It’s Self Promo Sunday and we’re back with the next fic in A Family Affair series, before A Swan Family Christmas posts on Christmas Eve!!!
This is Ruby and Graham’s story and if you haven’t read it, I hope you do and let me know what you think!! And if you have, maybe it’s time for a reread!!
Summary: Graham Humbert swore off love long ago- determined never to fall in love, never to marry. And that worked great. Until he met Ruby Lucas. What's he supposed to do when she sets her eyes on him? Maybe falling in love isn't so bad after all...
Rating: M
Tagging the usuals. Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed.
@jrob64 @teamhook @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @artistic-writer @xarandomdreamx @undercaffinatednightmare @the-darkdragonfly @stahlop @superchocovian @pirateprincessofpizza @tiganasummertree @anmylica @cosette141 @motherkatereloyshipper @zaharadessert @jonesfandomfanatic @ultraluckycatnd @jennjenn615 @allons-y-to-hogwarts-713 @kymbersmith-90 @booksteaandtoomuchtv @wistfulcynic @mie779 @snowbellewells @lfh1226-linda @aprilqueen84 @whimsicallyenchantedrose @pirateherokillian @elfiola @ilovemesomekillianjones @justanother-unluckysoul @poptart-cat-78 @myfearless-love @goforlaunchcee @searchingwardrobes @gingerpolyglot @gingerchangeling @djlbg @cocohook38 @cs-rylie @thisonesatellite @donteattheappleshook @deckerstarblanche @veryverynotgoodwrites @wefoundloveunderthelight @fleurdepetite @alexa-fangirl-forever @bluewildcatfanatic
Ao3 link
Thank you for reading and sharing! I hope you enjoy!!!
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karouvas · 2 months
part 2 of the Bluesey song poll taylor swift songs edition
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