seaofstarsrpg · 3 days
Tuesday Magic Item - Perceptive Puppets
Gollaon watched the puppet show suspiciously. Voddick sipped at his ale and watched both the show and his friend.  “What troubles you?” “Puppets in general.  I always suspect, fear, they are more than just cloth and wood.” Voddick nodded.  “I can understand that.” Perceptive Puppets These puppets are magically tied and empowered by the chest they are stored in which also contains a small…
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seaofstarsrpg · 5 days
New Magic Item - Torc of Balance
Gollaon and Voddick looked at the pile of coins, looked at the person wearing the torc who offered them.  They made a very polite refusal of the job offered and made a hasty exit. Torc of Balance These items were created in ages past when the war between the hordes of Chaos and the Armies of Law threatened to spill over into complete victory for one side or the other.  The Balance seeks to keep…
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kamagou2017 · 5 years
     Une beauté naturelle, c’est d’abord une peau nette et en pleine forme, qui a besoin de la nature pour s’entretenir. Depuis 30 ans, FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS est pionnière dans la recherche et le perfectionnement des sources naturelles permettant d’obtenir une peau plus douce, plus lisse et plus belle. Et nous venons d’en découvrir une autre : l’avocat.
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AVOCAdo face & body soap
     Composé de beurre d’avocat pur à 100%, le Savon Visage et Corps à l’Avocat va entourer votre peau de douceur en lui assurant l’hydratation optimale, avec les propriétés régénérantes de ce trésor de la nature. L’avocat apaise presque tous les types de peau, il nettoie en douceur les peaux grasses sans les irriter et laissent les pores nets et sains. Pour les peaux sèches et sensibles, l’avocat apporte un soulagement immédiat et pénètre la peau en profondeur pour la nourrir et l’hydrater.
Grâce à ses propriétés hydratantes et nettoyantes, le Savon Visage et Corps à l’Avocat continue d’agir après la toilette. Sa délicate odeur de citron vous rappellera que ce savon laisse votre peau douce, souple, parfumée et en pleine santé tout au long de la journée.
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AVOCAdo face & body soap forever
       Forever AVOCADO FACE & BODY SOAP se présente en savon solide de  142 g. Sa référence produit est le 284 .
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savon avocado face et corps de forever
C./ Ingrédients du Forever AVOCADO SOAP.
     Les Principaux constituants du savon Avocado Soap Forever:
    le  Beurre pur d’avocat.
Le  beurre d’avocat obtenu à partir du fruit de l’avocatier, le beurre présente la propriété d’améliorer l’hydratation et d’adoucir les peaux sèches et rugueuses. Il renferme de multiples vitamines (A, B, C, D, E, F et H), de la lécithine, des phytostérols et des acides aminés. Ainsi il est parfaitement indiqué pour les soins des peaux fragiles qu’il protège, en particulier, contre la déshydratation. Très riche il pénètre, cependant, facilement et laisse la peau douce et souple.
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savon avocado de forever
 La Base lavante douce :
Sélectionnée pour sa douceur, la base lavante du Savon à l’Avocat permet d’éliminer les impuretés de la surface de la peau tout en respectant son équilibre. Elle hydrate  les couches supérieures de l’épiderme.
les bienfaits du savon avocado forever
Le citron.
  Le citron est un fruit riche en acide citrique et en vitamine C, ce qui lui donne des vertus antiseptiques et d’anti-taches. Bon nombre de cosmétiques pour lutter contre la peau grasse ou contre les rides en contiennent. le citron est reconnu pour ses propriétés éclaircissantes.
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avocado face & body soap forever en 142g
D./Les bienfaits de forever AVOCADO FACE & BODY SOAP.
     l’Avocado Soap prend soin de votre visage et de votre corps tout en les nettoyant, en les hydratant et en préservant la jeunesse de votre peau.       AVOCADO SOAP aide à garder l’épiderme propre et sain. Au quotidien ce savon nettoie  les pores de votre peau en profondeur et la protège grâce aux vertus reconnues de la vitamine A contenue naturellement dans le beurre d’Avocat.
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Le savon AVOCADO laisse votre peau nettoyée, hydratée et douce. Son léger parfum citronné est un vrai régal.
Enrichi en beurre d’avocat, le Savon Corps et Visage AVOCADO nettoie délicatement la peau du visage, des mains et du corps. Il convient à toutes les peaux même les plus sensibles en les hydratant jusqu’aux couches supérieures de l’épiderme et en leur donnant du tonus, il respecte l’équilibre de la peau et laisse un film hydratant à sa surface. Il permet de garder un épiderme propre et sain. Son léger parfum aux fleurs de citronnier est un véritable plaisir.
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les bienfaits du savon avocado forever
  E./Conseil d’utilisation de Forever AVOCADO FACE & BODY SOAP.
   Émulsionner le savon dans le creux des mains puis passer sur le visage et le corps et rincer abondamment à l’eau tiède.
Emulsionner au quotidien le savon sur votre visage et votre corps, votre peau sera plus belle et radieuse.
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     F./Conseils de conservation.
N’utilisez pas le produit si le sachet est endommagé. Refermez bien le produit et conservez-le dans un endroit frais et sec et à l’abri de la lumière. A maintenir hors de la portée des enfants.
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   Pour commander le  merveilleux  produit Forever avocado face &
body soap, prix actuel : 4 412 FCFA.
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      Contactez-nous en cliquant sur ⇒ Contact.
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  Avocado Face & Body Soap.   A./ DÉFINITION de Forever AVOCADO SOAP.      Une beauté naturelle, c’est d’abord une peau nette et en pleine forme, qui a besoin de la nature pour s'entretenir.
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sonic-autopsy-blog · 6 years
#4 ‘Rise Above’ by Black Flag [Punk]
Genre: Punk
Track: Rise Above
Composer/ Artist: Black Flag
Introduction: During the 1970s popular music was dominated by disco and rock and metal bands that featured virtuous musicians which many teenagers simply could not relate to. This, along with a wave of youth disenfranchisement led to the formation of punk - a genre characterised by simple and repetitive song structures; blistering, angular, distorted guitars; and aggressive vocals which are nihilistic, rebellious and express disdain for authority and the establishment. Taking musical cues from ska and reggae, US rockabilly and honky-tonk, and the “mod scene” in England, seminal English bands such as The Clash and The Sex Pistols and US bands such as Ramones and The MC5 began a genre which grew to be a world-wide counter-culture and birthed a slew of sub-genres including Punk Rock, Post-Punk, Hardcore Punk, Pop Punk, and Emo.
Themes: Anti-establishment, Social Commentary, Rousing.
Texture: Like the track Cringe which was discussed in the previous blog, this track Rise Above by Black Flag shares a similar texture qualities. This supports the idea that punk is as much about the texture and other musical elements as it is about the lyrics and the image. Texturally, the track is comprised of a single double-tracked electric guitar, vocals, gang vocals, bass guitar and drums. Rise Above begins with the drums which play their 4/4 beat for 2 bars before the guitars screech in with the bass bass guitar which plays the root note in harmonic fashion. This extended intro section lasts for 10 bars. Next the verse, and the introduction of the lyrics. The verses jump back and forth between two 1 bar sequences. The first has the guitar playing the harmony however, this is buried slightly behind the vocals which, typical of the punk genre, stress delivery and rhythm over any strong melodic structure. The second part sees the presence of another feature staple of punk music, the gang vocals. Here we witness the guitar implying melody to the gang vocals as the two parts share the same rhythmic structure. The chorus follows this structure, the vocals and gang vocals do not provide much in the way of melody and so the guitars are relied on for their melodic texture.
Dynamics: Also similar to the song discussed in the previous Punk blog, Rise Above doesn’t exhibit any major shifts in dynamicness. Instead, the song features an intense and passionate, driving rhythm which is maintained from start to finish. While there are no major dynamic changes there are subtle lifts in the song. The gang vocals for instance, during the verses and in the chorus are call-and-response-like and do inject some element of dynamicness.
Timbre: While this track is similarly abrasive in timbre to Cringe there are still subtle differences which distinguish the punk rock genre of Cringe from the Hardcore Punk genre that Rise Above falls under. The vocals on the track are blistering and distorted, characteristics gained from the intense vocal delivery, the dryness in terms of acoustics and the lack of effects. This is similar to Cringe, however there is a much more guttural timbre to lead singer Henry Rollins’ voice here. The backing vocals in terms of timbre add an excitement, depth and roundness due to the ambient room sound. The electric guitar is distorted and piercing, the use of palm muting in the choruses gives an extra biting and percussive timbre to the track. The bass, unlike in Cringe is almost inaudible and is only there to support the guitar and add some low end support and fullness. Finally the drums are gritty and loose with a certain fullness also as a result of the room sound being picked up. The drums also sound very natural and are in no way made to be explosive or hyped through use of compression or any other production techniques. This bare-bones, raw, low-fi sound is fairly typical of this sub-genre of punk.
Instrumentation/use of Technology: While many genres are modelled on cutting edge technology or innovative instrumentation, Rise Above, and Punk as a whole, are interesting in that they embrace both exhausted instrumentation (basic rock ensemble of vocals, electric guitar, bass and vocals) and low fidelity recording technology. This however, adds to the overall sound of Punk and its DIY, anti-commercialistic ethos. A number of unique and novel instrumentation choices however, which features in Rise Above include the gang vocals, guitar plectrum slides and palm muted guitar chords. The guitar tone is a main feature of this music. The electric guitar here uses a Plexi guitar with a DiMarzio pickup with the EQ turned as dark and thick as possible on a loud solid state amp. It was not uncommon to also use distortion and overdrive pedals such as the RAT and the Tube Screamer. 
Melody: Compared to many other genres the melody of this track can be seen as basic in many respects. The main melody in Rise Above is provided by the electric guitar throughout the track as the vocals remain almost a monotone or with no overtly recognisable tone for the duration of the track. The verses have two melodic sections, the first sees the guitar play a lead sequence D > F#, and the second using power chords G5 > A5.
Notation (2 - 4 bars notated part):
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Time Signature: This song is in 4/4 time with four quarter note/crotchet beats in every bar.
213 bpm
Tonality: This track is in A Major. The verse starts on the 4th on D then goes to the 7th below the root. This pattern repeats for the duration of the verse. The chorus is structured around the 5th using the E5 chord. The chord cycle goes as follows: E5 > C5 > G5 > A5 > E5 > D5 >B5 >G5 >A5 >G5 > A5. 
Structure: A short drum introduction consisting of 2 bars begins the song. On the last two beats of the second bar a plectrum scratch introduces the guitar to the mix. These two parts play together for 4 bars before being joined by the bass. This extended intro section lasts for 10 bars before the verse begins. The verse is a two part section made up from 2 one bar riffs which cycle back and forth. The chorus follows the verse and plays for 4 bars with a half bar transition directly into verse 2. The song cycles on without much structural variance: chorus 2, verse 3 and then a solo section before finally ending with a chorus.
Intro > Verse 1 > Chorus > Verse 2 > Chorus > Verse 3 > Chorus > Solo > Extended Chorus
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defpost · 4 years
U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, Navy Blue Angels Perform America Strong Flyover
#USAirForce #Thunderbirds, #USNavy #BlueAngels Perform #AmericaStrong Flyover.
The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, the Thunderbirds, and the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, the Blue Angels, has performed the America Strong flyover over New York City, Newark, Trenton and Philadelphia on April 28.
A formation of six Thunderbirds F-16C/D Fighting Falcon (five F-16C single-seater and one F-16D twin-seater) and six F/A-18C Hornet aircraft performed the…
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hoianh · 5 years
Chào mừng các bạn đến với chuyên mục đánh giá máy ảnh tại hoianh.com. Như các bạn đã biết, Nikon là hãng sản xuất máy ảnh nổi tiếng của Nhật Bản, là công ty con của tập đoàn Mitsubishi. Nikon vốn từ lâu là hãng máy ảnh cơ danh tiếng trên thế giới với ống kính Nikkor rất tốt.
Hiện nay, Nikon đã dừng sản xuất máy cơ để chuyển sang sản xuất máy ảnh kỹ thuật số và máy DSLR. Trong bài viết này, mình sẽ tiếp tục đánh giá sơ lược, kèm theo một số ảnh chụp mới nhất của một máy ảnh đến từ thương hiệu Nikon nổi tiếng: Nikon D780. Nikon D780 là một máy ảnh DSLR full-frame tạo được nhiều cảm hứng, kế thừa các tính năng từ các mẫu D5 và D810 chuyên nghiệp của công ty. Nó có cảm biến 24MP BSI-CMOS được ghép nối với bộ xử lý Expeed 6, với ISO hàng đầu (mở rộng) là 204.800. Nó có thể chụp liên tiếp 7 khung hình / giây với khả năng lấy nét tự động liên tục.
Giới thiệu Thông số Thư viện ảnh Giá bán
Nếu bạn đã sở hữu Nikon D780, hãy cùng chia sẻ đánh giá của bạn về máy ảnh Nikon D780 ở cuối bài viết và nhận thưởng hấp dẫn nhé.
Thông số kỹ thuật Nikon D780
Tên máy ảnh: Nikon D780 Thương hiệu: Máy ảnh Độ phân giải: 25 megapixel Loại cảm biến: BSI-CMOS Kích thước cảm biến: Fullframe (35,9 x 23,9 mm) Ngàm ống kính: Máy ảnh F Kích thước màn hình: 3,2 inch Cân nặng: 840 g (1,85 lb / 29,63 oz) Kích thước máy ảnh: không ai Đặc trưng máy ảnh: Máy ảnh có thể thay ống kính Thời gian ra mắt: Ngày 7 tháng 1 năm 2020
Trên tay đánh giá Nikon D780
Nikon D780 là máy ảnh có cảm biến Fullframe (35,9 x 23,9 mm), đây là một máy ảnh dùng loại cảm biến BSI-CMOS & được xếp vào thể loại Máy ảnh có thể thay ống kính với khả năng chụp ảnh lên tới 25 megapixel, đủ sức cho bạn in ảnh với đa dạng các nhu cầu.
Ngoài ra, bạn cũng cần quan tâm đến các thông số khác như cảm biến BSI-CMOS, kích thước cảm biến Fullframe (35,9 x 23,9 mm), màn hình 3,2 inch thể hiện khá tốt và có khả năng quay phim với định dạng Khe cắm SD / SDHC / SDXC kép (tương thích UHS-II), bạn có thể xem chi tiết thông số của Nikon D780 tại đây.
Nguồn: Youtube
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Bạn muốn đóng góp, chia sẻ ảnh của bạn chụp bằng Olympus OM-D E-M1X? Hãy tạo tài khoản miễn phí tại cộng đồng nhiếp ảnh Phobin.com và chia sẻ ảnh tại đây
Ảnh chụp bằng máy ảnh Nikon D780
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Giá bán Nikon D780
Giá bán tham khảo tại Việt Nam: xem tại đây
Xem đánh giá tại DXO Mark: xem tại đây
Xem ảnh chụp thực tế tại DPreview <= Nhập tên Nikon D780 vào ô Quick Find để lọc nhé
Như vậy là qua bài viết này, mình đã chia sẻ tổng quát về máy ảnh Nikon D780, nếu bạn cần thêm thông tin, hãy gửi bình luận bên dưới nhé.
Ps: Bạn có biết nếu bạn có khả năng đánh giá thiết bị chuyên sâu hơn, bạn có thể gửi đến hội ảnh để được đăng bài viết và nhận phần thưởng từ ban quản trị tại đây, cùng tham gia nhé và chúc bạn có nhiều bức ảnh đẹp.
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nihalghosarwade9 · 5 years
Top 10 Best Graphics Cards in India 2019. 1. Zotac GeForce GTX 1080 Ti OC Edition ZT-P10510B-10L 4GB PCI Express Graphics Card. 2. Gigabyte GeForce GV-N710D3-2GL 2GB PCI-Express Graphics Card. 3. Zotac GT 710 2GB DDR3 Zone Edition Graphics Card. 4. MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GT OC Graphics Card. 5. ASUS Nvidia GeForce GT 710 2GB 64-Bit DDR3 PCI Express Graphic Card. 6. ZOTAC GeForce GT 710 2GB DDR5 Zone Edition Graphics Card. 7. Zotac Amp Edition GeForce GTX 1060 6GB DDR5 PCI-e Graphics Card with IceStorm Cooling. 8. Zotac Nvidia GT 1030 2GB GDDR5 64-Bit DVI-D HDMI Retail Graphic card. 9. ZOTAC GeForce GT 730 4GB Zone Edition Graphics Card. 10. Gigabyte Radeon RX 550 D5 2GB Graphic Cards GV-RX550D5-2GD. Game on With the Best Graphics CardFor faster image processing and best gaming experience, invest in dedicated graphics card from the above list and forget about lagging or jittering while you are gaming. With technological advancement best graphics cards have become affordable and popular with gaming enthusiast.
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kaos-sverige · 6 years
Olympus E-M1X TORTURE Test & Review (vs Sony a7R III, a9, Fuji X-T3, Canon 1DX, Nikon D5)
Published on Jan 23, 2019
Win a camera at http://freesdp.com (seriously) Olympus E-M1X: http://sdp.io/em1X Sony a7R III: http://sdp.io/a7r3 I start by freezing the Olympus E-M1 X in ice with a Sony a7 III to test the weather sealing. Then, I test it for astrophotography, eye detect autofocus and portraits, low-light autofocus, sports, stabilization (4 seconds handheld!), Hi-res mode (both tripod and handheld high res), and the built-in ND filter. Check out our #1 PHOTOGRAPHY BOOK on Amazon: http://help.tc/s OUR STORE: http://sdp.io/sdpbook Use our 10% off coupon 'YouTube' RECOMMENDED PHOTOGRAPHY GEAR: STARTER CAMERAS: Basic Starter Camera ($280 used at Amazon): Canon T3 http://help.tc/t3 Better Starter Camera ($500 at Amazon): Nikon D5300 http://help.tc/d5300 Better Travel Camera ($500 at Amazon): Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II http://help.tc/em10ii LANDSCAPE CAMERAS: Good ($550 at Amazon): Sony a6000 http://help.tc/a6000 Better ($1,400) at Amazon: Nikon D5500 http://help.tc/D5500 & Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 http://help.tc/s35 Best ($3,150) at Amazon: Pentax K-1 http://help.tc/K1 & Pentax 24-70 f/2.8 http://help.tc/p24 PORTRAIT CAMERAS: Beginner ($950 at Amazon): Canon T6i http://help.tc/t6i & Canon 50mm f/1.8 http://help.tc/c50 Better ($3,000 at Amazon): Nikon D610 http://help.tc/d610 & Tamron 70-200 f/2.8 http://help.tc/t200 Best ($5,300) at Amazon: Nikon D810 http://help.tc/d810 & Nikon 70-200 f/2.8E http://help.tc/n200e WILDLIFE CAMERAS: Starter ($1,100 at Amazon): Canon 7D http://help.tc/7D & Canon 400mm f/5.6 http://help.tc/c400 Great ($3,200 at Amazon): Nikon D500 http://help.tc/d500 & Nikon 200-500 f/5.6 http://help.tc/n500 VIDEO CAMERAS: Beginner ($500 at Amazon): Panasonic G7 http://help.tc/g7 & Panasonic 14-42mm http://help.tc/p42 Better ($1,400 at Amazon): Panasonic GH4 http://amzn.to/2p5dAmD & Panasonic 14-140 f/3.5-5.6 http://help.tc/p140 Best ($4,300 at Amazon): Panasonic GH5 http://help.tc/gh5 & Metabones Speed Booster XL http://help.tc/mbxl & Sigma 18-35 f/1.8 http://help.tc/s35 & Sigma 50-100 f/1.8 http://help.tc/s100 DRONES: Beginner ($400 at Amazon): DJI Phantom 3 http://help.tc/p3 Travel ($1,000 at Amazon): DJI Mavic Pro http://help.tc/Mavic Better Image Quality ($1,500 at Amazon): DJI Phantom 4 Pro http://help.tc/p4p
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saltyloverrebel · 7 years
Reckeweg Mycox R82 Drops, Homeopathic Medicine for Fungal Infection
Reckeweg Mycox R82 Drops, Homeopathic Medicine for Fungal Infection is commonly indicated to treat different types of fungal infections. Its key ingredients like Chlamydia trachomatis, Echinacea angustifolia etc that acts on fungal infections like ringworm, jock itch (fungal infection of the groin area), athletes foot (fungal infection affecting mainly the skin between the toes), white flaky skin…
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otteveris1985-blog · 7 years
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Хочу перепаять на такой http:///imgres?q=%D5%B7%D6%85%D5%BE%D5%B9+usb&amp hl=uk&amp tbo=d&amp noj=6&amp tbm=isch&amp tbnid=H6CvdxmSF7m_DM:&amp imgrefurl=http:///faq/&amp docid=jQjwhlV6cihb5M&amp imgurl=http:///images/photos/medium/&amp w=997&amp h=756&amp ei=h_faUMD5DOW55QW9gYGwAg&amp zoom=6&amp iact=hc&amp vpx=596&amp vpy=698&amp dur=7799&amp hovh=667&amp hovw=855&amp tx=687&amp ty=85&amp sig=655569859657689698856&amp page=6&amp tbnh=696&amp tbnw=769&amp start=5&amp ndsp=85&amp ved=6t:979,r:8,s:5,i:96&amp biw=6567&amp bih=769 Што куда паять непойму! ## Распиновка разъёмов USB Пока не знаю. Хотелось бы узнать, о каком конкретно устройстве чтения идёт речь? Возможно, магнитола способна читать флешки лишь напрямую, а устройства чтения ей чужды. Кстати, что мешает подключить флеш-накопитель непосредственно к порту магнитолы? ### Фольксваген Гольф 5, Джетта 5 ремонт и обслуживание своими Я извиняюсь за свою неграмматность в этой сфере,надо подсоединить принтер how Laserjet6655 сделан французами есть родной шнур с штектрами можно ли его перепаять вместо DB75AM надо USB,на принтере разьем 86 конт. здравствуйте, вот такой вопрос: как скоммутировать штекер микро Usb 6 проводный и 9проводные наушники чтобы телефон их видел, на родных наушниках 6 проводов. Как то,для зарядки кпк(енот Х655) по усб-кабелю в авто,был вынужден спаять (разрезав-распотрошив мини-папу для кпк)два крайних контакта. Иначе ,зарядка была,не более чем поддержка а инете - кабель мозг начал парить,а я забыл какие контакты паял. Не сможете подсказать,какие контакты,а лучше провода,закоротить. Если 9 и 5, то 9-ка пустой контакт,так понимаю,вообще без 6 и 7. Дайте,пожалуйста,квалифицированный совет. Ещё раз ,Спасибо. в этом перечне не вижу моей гарнитуры странно на ней написано микро usb а когда я ее разобрал то все 6 проводов были подключены но я не могу прозвонить и определить какой провод куда потому что в месте спайки провода и штекера залито мутной попробовать подключить как на схеме у вас но врядли да, я пользовался только для компьютера, от левого уха идет провод до регулятора громкости, а вот от него можно поменять usb, или лучше не заморачиваться Извините, я предоставил не ту схему! Нужная Вам схема переходника micro-USB-> RJ95 опубликована в статье: /techno/adapter--to-rj- Конечно, если вам не жалко гарнитуры, можно удалить схему преобразователя, а к проводам от наушников и от микрофона припаять шнуры с джеками. И то я не уверен, что микрофон будет работать. попробовал распаять 5 pin разъём как на камере мёбиус не помогло. Есть ощущение, что данная функция отсутствует в этом девайсе но на корпусе есть надпись AV out. Что является явным несоответствием ттх. Сделал запрос на офф сайте китайцам посмотрим что ответят.
0 notes
nekopippi · 7 years
デフォルトはPEMであり、-inform オプションで -inform DER と指定すると入力としてDERを受け付け、 -outform オプションで -outform DER と指定すると出力としてDER形式で出力する。
DERをBase64エンコードして -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----, -----END CERTIFICATE----- のような区切り文字 (行) で囲んだもの
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -out param.pem
ここでは楕円曲線としてprime256v1を指定しているが、他の曲線でも当然構わない (利用可能な曲線は openssl ecparam -list_curves で確認できる)
openssl ecparam -in param.pem -genkey -noout -out key.pem
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out key.pem
-noout は入力 (この場合はパラメーター param.pem ) を出力しないことを指示する。このオプションなしだと、cat param.pem した結果と同じものが鍵の前に出力される。
openssl genrsa 2048 2>/dev/null >key.pem
2048はRSA module (n) のビット数。4096など大きめに指定してもいいけど、遅くなるかもしれないので、推奨のビット長で良いかな。
openssl dsaparam 2048 2>/dev/null >param.pem
openssl dsaparam -in param.pem -genkey -noout -out key.pem
あるいは openssl gendsa -out key.pem param.pem でも生成できる。
openssl dhparam 2048 > param.pem
$ openssl pkeyutl -sign -inkey ec.key.pem -pkeyopt digest:sha256 -in pki.txt -out pki.txt.ec.sig $ openssl pkeyutl -verify -inkey ec.key.pem -in pki.txt -sigfile pki.txt.ec.sig Signature Verified Successfully $ openssl pkeyutl -verifyrecover -inkey ec.key.pem -in pki.txt.ec.sig pkeyutl: Error initializing context 140096453719808:error:06091096:digital envelope routines:EVP_PKEY_verify_recover_init:operation not supported for this keytype:crypto/evp/pmeth_fn.c:107:
最後のverifyrecover (元のデータの復元) はECDSAではできないので、期待通りの結果。
$ openssl dgst -sha256 -sign rsa.key.pem -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -sigout rsa_pss_saltlen:-1 pki.txt > pki.txt.rsa.sig $ openssl dgst -sha256 -prverify rsa.key.pem -sigout rsa_padding_mode:pss -signature pki.txt.rsa.sig pki.txt Verified OK
pkeyutlにそのままデータを放り込んでも入力の長さが不適切だと言われる (ダイジェストをとってくれそうで、とってくれていないようだ??あるいはバグ?) ので、RSAでは openssl pkeyutl ではなく openssl dgst を使う。パディングとしては、PKCS1よりもPSSの方が推奨されている。
$ openssl dgst -sha1 -sign dsa.key.pem pki.txt > pki.txt.dsa.sig $ openssl dgst -sha1 -prverify dsa.key.pem -signature pki.txt.dsa.sig pki.txt Verified OK
こちらも pkeyutl だと Public Key operation error となる。安定していないのかな?あるいは使い方を間違えている可能性もあるけど、マニュアル読んでもよくわからない。
証明書の発行は、証明を受けるエンティティ (サーバーや人・組織など: 証明を受けるエンティティをサブジェクトといいます ) が生成した 証明書署名要求 (CSR: Certificate Signing Request) に対して、認証機関 (以降CA: Certification Authority) が署名を書き加えて 証明書 (Certificate) を発行するという手続きに従います。
サブジェクトと発行者 (認証をするエンティティ) が同一であるような証明書を 自己署名証明書 (Self-signed Certificate) といいます。WebブラウザーやOSは、いくつもの信頼できる組織 (e.g. ベリサインなど) などの自己署名証明書をあらかじめ埋め込まれたりプリインストールしたりしており、サーバーにアクセスしたときにその身元の確かさを確かめる際に利用されています。
※ 秘密鍵はchmod 0700しろ!というオジサンもいると思うけど、そういうのはまたの機会に。また、社内PKIのために自己署名証明書を発行してルートCA運用する場合には、OpenSSLなんか使わず、秘密分散使ったりHSM,TPMを使ったりしてガチガチに守るべきで、そういうのも割愛。
次のコマンドでCSRを生成できる。 -subj オプション引数は組織やホストに応じて書き換える。
openssl req -new -key ec.key.pem -config ssl.cnf -subj "/C=JP/ST=Tokyo/L=Shinjuku/O=Neko no Ouchi/CN=www.example.jp" -out neko.ec.csr.pem
ssl.cnf は /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf (Ubuntuの場合はこのパス) をコピーしたものを使っても良いが、最小構成のcnfファイルを自前で書いた方が何をしているのか理解できるはずなので良い...と個人的には思う。
$ cat ssl.cnf [ req ] # openssl req 実行時にデフォルトで適用されるextension # openssl req -config ssl.cnf -extensions v3_req のように-extensionsオプションでの指定もできる req_extensions = v3_req # Distinguished Name (サブジェクト名として問われる /C=JP/ST=Tokyo...なやつ。) # 国は? (default: JP): みたいなプロンプトを req_dn_empty に並べて書いてもよいし、空っぽでも良い。 distinguished_name = req_dn_empty [ req_dn_empty ] # 空っぽでよい。 [ v3_req ] # CAが上位のCAに署名してもらう証明書を作る場合、あるいはルートCAが自己の証明書を発行したい場合にtrueにする basicConstraints = CA:FALSE # 鍵の用途: 否認防止, 電子署名 (完全性), 鍵配送の際のセッション鍵暗号化 # 他にも、keyAgreement (Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement に使う) などがある keyUsage = nonRepudiation,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment # SANとしてalt_namesセクションを参照する # いまでは複数の代替名をもたない場合でもDNのCNではなくSANが推奨される subjectAltName = @alt_names [ alt_names ] DNS.1 = www.example.com # 複数の代替名 (Alternative Name) をもたせるなら、以降に続ける DNS.2 = www.example.jp
もちろん正当な第三者認証機関 (Third party CA) に署名してもらってもよいし、むしろインターネット上に公開するサーバーであればそうすべきである。しかし、社内のみのイントラネットなど閉じた環境においては自己署名証明書を発行し、それを安全に配布することで信頼を確立してもよい。 (社内PKI)
自己署名証明書はCSRの発行と証明書の発行を同時に行うことができる (その場合、中間ファイルであるCSRは出力されない)。 なお、x509というのは証明書のことである。ここで証明書と呼んでいるものはX.509証明書とも呼ばれている。
$ openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out root.key.pem $ openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key root.key.pem -subj "/C=JP/ST=Tokyo/L=Shinjuku/O=Neko no Ouchi/CN=NekoNeko Root CA" -config ssl-ca.cnf -out root.cert.pem
openssl x509 -req -days 90 -in neko.ec.csr.pem -CA root.cert.pem -CAkey root.key.pem -CAcreateserial -extfile ext.cnf -extensions ext -out neko.ec.cert.pem
ここで、ext.cnfは下のようなファイルであり、このなかの ext セクションを -extension オプションで指定している。
$ cat ext.cnf [ ext ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = critical,digitalSignature,keyEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer:always subjectAltName = @alt_names [ alt_names ] DNS.1 = www.example.com DNS.2 = www.example.jp
生成される情報は-param_enc explicit オプションを指定しない限りは、ASN.1のDERエンコーディングで10バイト程度の情報しか持たない。
$ cat param.pem -----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS----- BggqhkjOPQMBBw== -----END EC PARAMETERS----- $ openssl ecparam -in param.pem -inform PEM -outform DER | wc -c 10
具体的には曲線の識別子 (OID: Object ID) しかもっていない。
$ openssl ecparam -in param.pem -noout -text ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256
$ openssl asn1parse -in param.pem 0:d=0 hl=2 l= 8 prim: OBJECT :prime256v1
$ openssl ecparam -in param.pem -outform DER | od -An -tx1 06 08 2a 86 48 ce 3d 03 01 07 $ : /dev/null Private-Key: (256 bit) priv: 5f:30:d4:7d:eb:75:e6:65:78:6d:81:11:be:23:63: 16:0d:ac:cf:08:8c:c4:9c:7f:43:5a:81:df:5d:00: c1:65 pub: 04:7d:75:97:54:26:73:3b:26:d0:da:6e:cf:04:88: 51:32:e3:c5:b1:2f:49:fd:b6:2d:96:53:7f:c2:5f: 84:39:ae:e3:1b:64:42:21:1c:c9:ae:ec:e0:27:a4: 20:30:4a:1a:ff:3e:f2:68:30:0e:98:c7:b5:a1:6b: c7:d5:c9:45:4f ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256
$ openssl asn1parse -in ec.key.pem -dump 0:d=0 hl=2 l= 119 cons: SEQUENCE 2:d=1 hl=2 l= 1 prim: INTEGER :01 5:d=1 hl=2 l= 32 prim: OCTET STRING 0000 - 5f 30 d4 7d eb 75 e6 65-78 6d 81 11 be 23 63 16 _0.}.u.exm...#c. 0010 - 0d ac cf 08 8c c4 9c 7f-43 5a 81 df 5d 00 c1 65 ........CZ..]..e 39:d=1 hl=2 l= 10 cons: cont [ 0 ] 41:d=2 hl=2 l= 8 prim: OBJECT :prime256v1 51:d=1 hl=2 l= 68 cons: cont [ 1 ] 53:d=2 hl=2 l= 66 prim: BIT STRING 0000 - 00 04 7d 75 97 54 26 73-3b 26 d0 da 6e cf 04 88 ..}u.T&s;&..n... 0010 - 51 32 e3 c5 b1 2f 49 fd-b6 2d 96 53 7f c2 5f 84 Q2.../I..-.S.._. 0020 - 39 ae e3 1b 64 42 21 1c-c9 ae ec e0 27 a4 20 30 9...dB!.....'. 0 0030 - 4a 1a ff 3e f2 68 30 0e-98 c7 b5 a1 6b c7 d5 c9 J..>.h0.....k... 0040 - 45 4f EO
$ openssl ec -in ec.key.pem -outform DER 2>/dev/null | od -An -tx1 30 77 02 01 01 04 20 5f 30 d4 7d eb 75 e6 65 78 6d 81 11 be 23 63 16 0d ac cf 08 8c c4 9c 7f 43 5a 81 df 5d 00 c1 65 a0 0a 06 08 2a 86 48 ce 3d 03 01 07 a1 44 03 42 00 04 7d 75 97 54 26 73 3b 26 d0 da 6e cf 04 88 51 32 e3 c5 b1 2f 49 fd b6 2d 96 53 7f c2 5f 84 39 ae e3 1b 64 42 21 1c c9 ae ec e0 27 a4 20 30 4a 1a ff 3e f2 68 30 0e 98 c7 b5 a1 6b c7 d5 c9 45 4f $ :
以下の鍵を使って、Python (gmpy) で多倍長整数演算を行い、正しく署名できることを確認する。
Private-Key: (2048 bit) priv: 6a:7e:3e:4a:8a:0d:92:59:07:f4:17:43:c6:bb:b5: e0:f6:6b:96:fa:03:69:3e:66:3d:69:5b:aa:b6:68: 6c:ac pub: 0b:eb:d3:01:a3:59:54:e7:7a:34:23:5e:ae:10:d5: 05:61:4c:91:28:39:2b:03:d2:34:4a:8a:64:16:6a: 8c:c6:3c:4b:f9:9a:ed:dc:47:46:88:31:8a:75:dc: 4e:99:57:4e:97:c4:74:2c:68:4b:8b:05:00:63:cc: 37:df:74:00:b5:46:7b:29:6f:16:04:8f:f0:fa:99: f7:76:e6:b0:f3:52:17:8f:1d:dd:9e:f2:25:1e:28: d3:df:74:f8:e1:ff:d5:e2:c0:ef:3d:49:dd:62:90: a4:63:4d:80:50:1c:44:c7:ac:a0:14:35:0e:07:f1: a1:97:80:42:c9:6d:40:cd:06:36:0b:ef:4b:89:71: e6:c8:27:cf:38:98:1b:9f:96:05:ed:36:7e:d3:7c: fe:0d:10:e2:42:c9:94:aa:9c:fe:9f:c6:8a:ca:9a: 27:f7:9c:1c:70:52:bf:a9:d8:33:6c:0c:16:94:0f: 09:26:b5:f0:ae:1c:f1:0d:0c:f1:83:e1:37:61:9c: d9:ac:54:6e:98:ba:82:73:4d:5f:4d:75:39:00:6d: 3c:db:e5:bb:37:9f:df:ef:c4:b1:3a:1e:c2:5e:57: 5c:63:6f:c2:d7:97:d1:82:2d:03:ae:0b:49:1e:d5: e3:bb:c4:dd:e9:80:0b:45:e5:4c:92:63:9a:33:1f: 4a P: 00:88:6e:4e:53:eb:29:0a:d6:20:f6:f2:19:a5:85: 7b:99:8a:05:30:e4:9a:a3:dc:ec:6b:c6:da:a6:6e: bd:9c:81:fa:a0:62:fa:25:15:a7:15:29:fc:4b:92: 93:a3:c1:b5:ca:b6:79:6a:71:6e:32:81:41:fb:d7: 82:37:1c:9c:b5:34:0b:20:4e:34:cd:97:32:72:2c: 6e:3b:ac:a2:b9:13:f7:a0:81:02:56:d5:25:6a:74: 44:b1:a8:76:25:57:6f:dd:9b:a2:a2:2e:ee:5c:47: f0:7e:11:35:60:f5:27:37:39:a6:49:c3:b6:80:c8: 38:7c:ce:f1:18:2b:b2:60:49:44:cd:78:49:fa:b6: c8:32:b3:e9:c3:ee:f9:4a:65:f8:28:12:b7:2e:1a: 7a:99:a7:ce:f6:6b:b9:64:b9:41:4d:02:96:a9:ca: 08:a9:cb:69:9c:7e:a9:7c:e3:35:fb:62:15:b0:e6: f9:96:9e:a0:77:ad:97:a8:74:89:a1:d3:af:75:90: d7:66:38:4f:96:e2:84:d0:13:7a:84:a4:dc:98:8f: 55:61:c0:b6:49:78:55:f1:55:7c:14:6e:55:59:a7: b7:51:87:e8:22:fe:d0:2b:25:71:6c:df:6c:85:44: ce:86:1f:65:f8:99:bf:f4:17:41:ac:83:3d:80:1c: c1:83 Q: 00:ef:b4:e7:ca:dd:06:b3:71:0b:49:a1:ec:e3:eb: 2e:67:a8:a7:ed:2a:f9:91:0e:57:a1:57:62:d1:f7: 5d:6b:35 G: 2e:d6:a6:fb:5b:6f:f5:a8:83:aa:9d:af:3c:ab:0a: 1b:4b:fb:d2:a3:9f:44:d0:80:35:19:2a:dc:1f:43: 47:b5:e8:9a:e8:32:1b:e0:47:5b:ad:60:85:0b:09: 8a:43:a7:ce:cb:72:9e:4b:5b:6e:90:c5:fe:d3:df: 0a:25:d7:90:31:74:b0:1b:3b:b3:16:05:30:f5:51: 74:fa:90:8a:02:aa:4a:83:18:f9:ca:aa:86:56:92: 30:42:de:6b:d9:1a:33:c2:ae:a0:3f:9c:f9:80:f8: 8a:b1:28:16:1b:fb:8e:d8:6b:00:1e:10:7f:31:3c: d6:cb:b2:21:7c:4a:00:85:d3:d0:cd:61:5f:6f:c1: 97:b5:57:7d:d8:db:d5:e6:99:43:f9:7a:22:7d:68: 80:9d:c2:5b:98:76:13:5c:db:f1:87:fc:d9:ed:5f: e2:79:f5:5b:82:8d:79:09:77:6b:ca:0d:d5:03:5d: e6:14:52:ca:9b:55:3e:64:56:b0:3e:9f:8e:14:02: 51:9b:93:4a:61:f9:63:4a:d4:f9:60:1f:89:ed:fd: b0:6e:c4:f4:a1:ef:b1:48:62:48:52:52:f5:c6:38: d2:a9:e3:a6:48:ef:13:99:8f:a0:ef:87:f9:f0:b5: 46:69:96:5e:66:2a:38:8e:ae:c9:ef:c7:0b:a4:63: 05 -----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----
この形式だと扱いづらいので、sedで 0x.... の形のhex文字列に整形する。sedスクリプトは以下のものを使う。
#!/bin/sed -nf H $ b end b :end x s/ //g s/\n//g s/://g p
$ cat dsa.py from gmpy2 import mpz, random_state, powmod, mpz_random from hashlib import sha256 def H(m): return mpz("0x"+sha256(m.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()) def rand(upper_bound): rnd = random_state() return mpz_random(rnd, upper_bound) x = mpz("0x6a7e3e4a8a0d925907f41743c6bbb5e0f66b96fa03693e663d695baab6686cac") y = mpz("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") p = mpz("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") q = mpz("0x00efb4e7cadd06b3710b49a1ece3eb2e67a8a7ed2af9910e57a15762d1f75d6b35") g = mpz("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") $ python >>> from dsa import * >>> powmod(g, x, p) == y True >>> k = rand(q) >>> k >> k mpz(55726805552850938038185001527108861092965314463252784200480009134439610155115) >>> r = (powmod(g, k, p)) % q >>> r mpz(55637288229227863798844607299218587737843979250807662687204979140101155377742) >>> s = (powmod(k, -1, q) * (H("こんにちは") + x * r)) % q >>> s mpz(80708822580775950482574496476747346851466662595241403877930285399787889756194) >>> r >> s >> w = powmod(s, -1, q) >>> u1 = (H("こんにちは") * w) % q >>> u2 = (r * w) % q >>> v = ((powmod(g, u1, p) * powmod(y, u2, p)) % p) % q >>> v mpz(55637288229227863798844607299218587737843979250807662687204979140101155377742) >>> v == r True
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seaofstarsrpg · 10 days
Tuesday Magic Item - Alchemical Armory Armband
Voddick moved among the exercising fighters and suppressed a shudder. Gollaon gave a slight nod and the two of them exited. Voddick looked around to make sure they were out of earshot of the fighters.  “What strange magics are they using?  Do they realize the changes they are inflicting on themselves?” “Some mix of alchemy and magics that I have not seen before,” said Gollaon.  “I find it no…
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legrenierdesbrumes · 3 years
Création de personnage D&D5 - Le guerrier
Création de personnage D&D5 – Le guerrier
Et oui après le barde, c’est au tour du guerrier d’avoir sa fiche dans Le Grenier des Brumes. Elle est d’ailleurs téléchargeable ici !
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guvatara · 6 years
Всякое пятничное, внезапно в пятницу (28.12.18)
Всякое пятничное, внезапно в пятницу (28.12.18)
Предновогодний выпуск “Всякого пятничного”. Он будет небольшим, но в нем есть реально бомбические новости, которые возможно будут интересны для любителей ролевых игр и настолок.
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critical-hits · 9 years
The Empire Elves and the Tourism Travel Guide
The Empire Elves and the Tourism Travel Guide
The Elvish Empire
The grand, mighty, world-spanning Elvish Empire no longer spanned the world and war arguably no longer an Empire.
To qualify as an actual Empire, a nation-state must contain one or more Kingdoms and control one or more client Kings. The Elves had an Emperor – and he was a nice looking Emperor all combed and clean – but lacked the all-important qualifying client Kings.  The…
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Traits de caractères et alignement
Traits de caractères et alignement
Cette aide de jeu vous propose un système optionnel pour gérer les alignements des personnages par l’intermédiaire de traits de caractères. En fonction de l’interprétation ou des actions du joueur, l’alignement du personnage variera, et les conséquences pourront être terribles.
Des devoirs du paladin aux comportement chaotique et imprévisible des voleurs, les alignements ne reflètent pas…
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