#Cyrus Vega
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percontaion-points · 2 years ago
Court chapters 172-175, Epilogue
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Chapter 172
I release his string. And that’s when he realizes he has been played. And he is furious.
Chapter 172 summary: When Grace freezes the enemy army, Jikan shows up. He starts to yell at her, but she’s quick to dish it back. And the entire thing feels like the author wrote herself into a corner, because when Grace asks “Why?” Jikan can’t give a legitimate answer. YOU ARE THE GOD OF TIME; YOU TELL US! Anyway, Grace is done playing nice, and commands him to sit down or leave. So he does.
Grace then tells Chastain to get into position, but then realises that he’s badly hurt. So his second in command, Artelya, gets the army position instead. She then unfreezes time. 
Chapter 173
Totally, completely, and utterly human—for one thousand years. Because I left his immortality.
Chapter 173 summary: When Cyrus becomes unfrozen, he’s surrounded by angry gargoyles. Grace tells him that as punishment for starting a war and for hurting so many people, she’s going to take his power. So she does that. And for a brief moment, she thinks about stopping and letting the gargoyle army take him. But decides that death is too merciful. So she keeps taking from him until the literal only thing left is his immortality. He’s basically an immortal human now. 
Chapter 174
Then I take a deep breath and look down at the tattoo that appeared on my arm after Cyrus was dealt with, and I know there’s one last thing I have to deal with. The Bloodletter.
Chapter 174 summary: After that’s done, Artelya bends her knee to Grace, and says that her queen dealt with Cyrus in the most dignified, mature way imaginable. Grace asks about the gargoyles who died, and Artelya and Chastain say 27 fell, and more are injured. Grace asks about giving next of kin notifications, and then begins to issue clean-up orders. Everybody starts to move around and do things. 
Chapter 175
Hudson looks over at me with a huge grin and holds out his hand. I take it, of course I do, and we walk through the portal. Together.
Chapter 175 summary: Grace has Remy portal them to the bloodletter’s cave. In there, they find the bloodletter and Alistair necking on one-another, in both meanings of the word. Grace gives the crown back, and the bloodletter says that she’s free. She goes on to say that she knew that if Cyrus caught her, he would torture the information out of her, and she would have given up the gargoyle court and the godstone. So that’s why she hid both and then hid herself. 
They also tell Delilah that her punishment for her involvement in all of this is to be imprisoned with Cyrus for the next century. She’s confused, but then delighted once Grace explains what she did to Cyrus. 
Everybody goes outside; the bloodletter for the first time since all of this shit started. She gives Grace the crown back. The others then start making plans. 
And I have to say, it kind of seems like the author is wrapping up the series with this. I’m seriously debating not finishing the last two books. (Especially if they’re long like this.) 
“We know how to reach the shadow queen —and how to get her to cure Mekhi.”
Ah yes, exactly what I was curious about… How Mekhi got poisoned and then it was literally never mentioned again. 
Now that we know where the shadow queen is, everything feels more urgent.
I don’t even know who this is, or even where this stupid shadow queen bullshit came from. Clearly the author’s half-assed attempt to drag us to read the last two books. 
For a second, my stomach starts to sink—I was right. It was too much, too soon. But then she reaches up and cups my face in her trembling hands. And whispers, “I remember. Oh my God, Hudson. I remember everything.”
Epilogue summary: Three months later, Hudson and Grace are attending the university in San Diego. She’s also working to rebuild the court there as well, to the surprise of literally nobody. 
Heather interrupts their lovey-dovey moment. And then Eden shows up, to drag the readers kicking and screaming into the last two books. 
To which I respond… NO THANKS, I’VE SEEN ENOUGH. I’m not going to read those books. Especially because several reviews on the last book say that the author seemed to have given up. This series ended here, and you cannot convince me otherwise. Goodbye. 
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bakerstreet-and-beyond · 3 months ago
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Another meme from the old phone saves
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percontaion-points · 2 years ago
Court chapters 168-171
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Chapter 168
Somehow they have, though. Because attached to my left shoulder is a gorgeous, perfect, glowing bright green wing.
Chapter 168 summary: Grace stands tall with her other cousin, and begins to rain lightning down on everything. This scatters all of Cyrus’s followers, who no longer wish to have anything to do with her, whatsoever. 
Grace then uses her newfound powers to take the power that Cyrus had stolen from her friends, and puts it back inside of them. She thought that it would be difficult to distinguish, but each power is as unique as its owner, which makes sense. Lastly, she puts the power back inside of Izzy and Delilah, saying that they might be evil, but holy shit. Nobody deserves to have their magic stolen. 
Her wing then grows back, to the surprise of nobody but Grace. 
Chapter 169
“Move, and I will liquify your bones again,” Hudson growls. “That was fun, wasn’t it, asshole?”
Except that the time freeze keeping Cyrus tied to the gargoyles has been not only severed, but also rectified. This time, Cyrus can 100% be killed. 
Then he leans close and whispers in my ear, “Your Army has arrived, my queen.”
Chapter 169 summary: Grace is so startled that her wing grew back that she has to fly around for a second to make sure that it’s real. 
She then stops Cyrus from harming Hudson by causing a huge storm to blast him around. He yells for his guards to seize them, but what’s left of his army seems confused by what’s going on. Finally, they stop being so confused, and begin to fight again. 
Right when things start to seem dire, the gargoyle army finally decides to show up. 
Chapter 170
We have our orders, he tells them as he takes to the air. Tonight, we will vanquish the enemy.
Chapter 170 summary: Grace is startled, since not even a few hours earlier, Chastain had basically told Grace to fuck off. Now they’re here, and Chastain is bending his knee to her. He asks for his orders, so Grace looks over to Cyrus. She tells him that Cyrus has been defeated, and it’s time that his followers understand that. 
Chastain says that he’ll send some people to guard her, but Grace says no. That she could never live with herself if anybody got her protecting her. That she can take care of herself. 
Chapter 171
I reach out and scoop every single string against my chest in a blink. And when I think I have every single string, I brush my hand against my green string—and freeze Cyrus and everyone in his army instantly.
Chapter 171 summary: Grace and her friends stand back and watch the literal war unfolding before their eyes. Yes, they’ve been fighting, but with the inclusion of the gargoyle army, this is war at its most basic element. 
Eventually, Grace takes the strings of all of her friends and army, and freezes time for Cyrus and his army. 
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ghost-qwq · 2 months ago
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OK YAYYY. I FINISHED THIS BEFORE CHIRSTMAS !!!!!! :3 Mell Christmas photo ft all his friends (+ @toxxicslime's courier next to Vulpes!!! Six my beloved)
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aith-art · 4 months ago
First Blood
Written for @falloutober 2024 - Day 20 - Prompt 'First Blood'
Jules (House[ish] aligned Courier)
Was 14
After sneaking out of the radio station to dupont circle has to kill a couple raiders 
Doesn’t have much of a reaction because they were raised in the Wasteland 
Kinda just moved on and brings it up to threedog later 
Cyrus (Lone Wanderer)
After leaving the vault he ends up having to kill a few raiders 
Scares him, he’s never killed before
He had managed to make it out of the vault without killing anyone 
He keeps it to himself until he’s running with Jules 
Dana (Railroad aligned Sole Survivor)
Going through the town next to sanctuary (I can't remember the name off the top of my head) 
Doesn’t have a reaction - she only has two memories and both of them are of death and destruction - this is what she was built for 
She later learns that its strange to not react and hile travelling with Jules does her best to stop killing so much 
Leroy (Companion OC/Love interest for Julia)
Killed a man while running from the burning family farm with his mother 
He’s told that it was right by his mother 
He sees it just a part of life and doesn’t question it ever 
Julia (NCR aligned Courier)
Killed someone to defend a kid who they were helping 
Changes something in them they know its part of life but cause they were raised by the Followers they still kinda feel bad.
Was going to tell Leroy when he went on leave but never gets chance 
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apangkatdua · 2 years ago
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@cypressbranch the meowse always wins... i think he would be a kind of "malicious kittypet-turned-rogue" like sol so his name is still mr. house
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slamuel-wreckett · 2 years ago
Apologies for the terrible lighting, but I am finally using this blog for what I intended: screenshots!
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This first one was just me figuring out the height difference between God | Dog and the standard male courier mode. I’ve tried tracking down official info on heights, but haven’t found many consistent answers unfortunately.
I’m working on a rather long fic with the reintegrated God/Dog personality (who I’ll refer to both here and there as “Godot” for simplicity’s sake and story reasons), so I was interested in getting a better idea of the scale. It’s um. Even more apparent in 3rd person than in 1st just how big super mutants are. 💦
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simswcarebear · 1 year ago
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Dr. King is at your service! Avani's first day at the clinic went great! Diego stopped by with Fish, Shadow and Minnie's kitten, and Devon stopped by with Axel.
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callm3f1sa · 1 year ago
Young Agnes! Mini Agnes!
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kitonmitons · 2 years ago
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Cyrus doodle :)
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percontaion-points · 2 years ago
Court chapters 164-167
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Chapter 164
As I do, Cyrus does perhaps the most Cyrus thing ever. He turns on Delilah and Izzy and shouts for the guards to seize them, too. 
Delilah goes kicking and screaming—it takes three guards to control her —but Izzy just looks at him with steady, unblinking eyes as they drag her away. 
To the surprise of literally nobody. 
Oh my God. How can he do this? We have a contract!
The dude is literally sacrificing his own wife and daughter. You think that he gives a shit about anything other than himself?
And we all get to watch—some in jubilation, some in horror—as a monster becomes a god.
Chapter 164 summary: The guards grab Grace’s friends, who are determined to go down fighting. To the surprise of nobody, Cyrus also orders Delilah and Izzy taken as well. Grace is then forced to watch in horror as the god ring starts zapping her friends with lightning. 
Chapter 165
Maybe it was never going to be enough. Maybe that’s the lesson I need to learn from all this. You win some, you lose some. I just never thought we’d lose this big.
Chapter 165 summary: Grace watches with horror as Cyrus transforms into something else. 
Chapter 166
Who bound their power in order to placate someone else who was afraid of what they had inside them. I am not afraid. And I will not hide anymore.
Chapter 166 summary: Completely and utterly out of options, Grace decides that now’s probably the best time to use her god string. So she does. It’s still coated with the magic tears, and as she holds onto it, something begins to blossom. 
Cyrus might have stripped her power in order to become a god, but she’s also a demi-god in her own right. There’s more to her than her gargoyle powers, after all. The thing inside of her blooms into a tree, and she uses her newfound magic to pulse life back into Hudson, since their string is the strongest. Then, she pulses life back into her friends, who are also connected to her via strings as well. 
Chapter 167
I laugh. “Baby, it means we get to fuck all the shit up.”
Chapter 167 summary: Grace opens her eyes and Cyrus realises that something’s happened. She makes vines grow all over his energy-draining machine, and Cyrus mocks her. He toys with her a little before Grace begins to show him that she’s way more powerful than he can ever begin to imagine. 
She turns to Izzy, who likely has more power than Grace, and asks if she’s ready to fuck her shitty bio-dad up. Izzy agrees, if only because her father betrayed her. 
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edains · 23 days ago
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Kaidan Alenko Overhaul (LE3)
Morning's Casual Outfits for EDI LE3
Primitives - A Facial Appearance Overhaul
Project Variety (LE3)
Turtlenecks for Male Shepard (LE3)
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ghost-qwq · 1 year ago
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Fallout shenanigans as per usual
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aith-art · 1 year ago
Falloutober - Day 3
"Distant Glow"
A familiar cold embrace. The kind that eats at your soul. A wind that tears through your clothing and leaves you with nothing. A breeze that tells me I’m home. The ruins of a city I had tried to leave behind. 
From my camp near the citadel, I watch the ruins of my old home. The old ship is still there. But it’s little more than an empty shell. The traders moved on, the scientists became scattered across the wastes, and any settlers were left behind to starve. The brotherhood had torn it apart for the reactor Dr Li had been working on. 
The boat casts a large shadow. Lights that once shone from within were now cold. There’s no glow of civilisation left. 
I have to watch it. Watch the empty thing sit. 
A glow came from the bridge. 
It was a small glow, green and pulsating. I keep watching it as it moves to the edge of the bridge towards the ship. My curiosity gets the better of me. I move towards the stairs up to the bridge. Hand on my pistol. 
Someone is there, muttering. I keep walking up the stairs, keeping my footsteps light and my body low. With the glow and the clearly unintelligible muttering, I’m about to face a glowing one, I’m sure of it. 
“I’m so sorry, so sorry. I’m so sorry.” The thing upstairs keeps repeating. No, it’s not a thing. It’s a ghoul. A ghoul with a voice I recognise. 
Coming over the top of the stairs, I see this person. Glowing from their arms and beneath their shirt. Hair clings to their scalp. Flesh is peeling from the surface. I watch the soul, my mind tries to work out who this is. Why do I know this person?  
He turns around. Looking me in the eye. His eyes are flooded with pain, guilt, and pure confusion. 
“Page?” His voice is hoarse and I know who he is. 
“Cyrus…” It’s a whisper. I didn’t know recognise my own voice. He’s not in his vault suit, and he’s glowing. I know why. He’s forced to carry around the burden of his fathers legacy. He was supposed to die in the purifier. But he’s stood before me. The remains of a man I once new. We share that fate. Surviving something we shouldn’t have. The scars on my head are my proof of that. But him, his glow and yet his self awareness is a rarity in ghouls. I’d met only two other glowing ones with their memories and cognition. But I hadn’t known them, not personally. And not before they turned. 
It’s weird to look at him. To see in his eyes the same guy I’d traveled with and yet see only clouds of pain everywhere else. 
“You’ve changed a lot.” He jokes. 
I laugh, not fighting the blurring in my eyes, “Yeah, I’m not the only one.” 
“It’s Jules, by the way.” 
He looks at me, confused. 
“My name. I go by Jules. Have done for a while now.” 
“Oh,” He falls silent. His hands land in the pockets of his jacket. A smile on his face. 
I smile back and turn my eyes to Rivet City. “It’s been a long decade.” I sit down, watching the ruin from here. Breathing in the cold air and letting my cheeks dampen with my tears.
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thecurvycritic · 3 months ago
Anderson Dazzles Like a Jewel in Gia Coppola's The Last Showgirl
Pamela Anderson and Jaime Lee Curtis are fantastic as the two of Sin City's dying breed in #TheLastShowgirl
When I worked on the Vegas strip as a headliner, it was never lost on me those who came before – Sammy Davis, Jr. Lola Folana, Dorothy Dandridge.  Every drive down Las Vegas Boulevard, one is reminded of the glamour, glory, fantasy of days gone by with dozens of showgirls leading the charge.  Whatever happened to the Rockettes of the West?  Did they stay on the strip or leave the desert for a…
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captainpirateface · 4 months ago
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