ledjig · 11 months
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Comment Trouver des Cours et Exercices de Mathématiques Enrichissants
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Les mathématiques peuvent parfois sembler intimidantes, mais avec les ressources appropriées, leur compréhension peut être rendue accessible et même passionnante. Que vous soyez étudiant cherchant à améliorer vos compétences en mathématiques ou simplement quelqu'un qui veut explorer ce domaine fascinant, voici quelques astuces pour trouver des cours et exercices de mathématiques enrichissants en ligne.
1. Les Plateformes d'Apprentissage en Ligne :
Les plateformes telles que Coursera, edX et Udacity proposent des cours de mathématiques dispensés par des universités renommées à travers le monde. Ces cours couvrent divers niveaux, de débutant à avancé, et peuvent être suivis à votre propre rythme. La plupart d'entre eux offrent des exercices pratiques et des devoirs pour renforcer vos compétences.
2. YouTube :
YouTube regorge de chaînes éducatives spécialisées dans les mathématiques. Des enseignants passionnés créent des vidéos explicatives sur une multitude de sujets mathématiques, des bases aux concepts avancés. Ces vidéos sont souvent accompagnées d'exemples pratiques et d'exercices résolus, ce qui en fait une ressource précieuse et gratuite.
3. Sites Web Spécialisés :
Il existe des sites web dédiés exclusivement aux mathématiques, proposant une variété de cours et d'exercices. Des sites comme mathovore, Khan Academy, Brilliant.org et Mathway offrent des leçons interactives, des exercices et même des outils de résolution d'équations mathématiques complexes.
4. Applications Mobiles :
Les applications mobiles sont un excellent moyen d'apprendre les mathématiques en déplacement. Des applications telles que Photomath, Mathway et Cymath permettent de résoudre des équations simplement en prenant une photo, tandis que d'autres applications offrent des leçons interactives et des jeux éducatifs pour renforcer vos compétences.
**5. *Forums et Communautés en Ligne :*
Les forums comme Reddit (r/math) et des communautés en ligne dédiées aux mathématiques sont des endroits où vous pouvez poser des questions et discuter de problèmes mathématiques avec d'autres passionnés et experts. Cela peut être un moyen efficace d'obtenir de l'aide personnalisée et de résoudre des défis mathématiques complexes.
6. Bibliothèques et Livres :
Les bibliothèques locales sont souvent remplies de manuels et de livres didactiques sur les mathématiques. Parcourir ces ouvrages peut vous aider à trouver des exercices pratiques et des explications détaillées sur divers sujets mathématiques.
N'oubliez pas que la pratique régulière est la clé pour exceller en mathématiques. L'utilisation de ces ressources variées et adaptées à votre style d'apprentissage peut transformer les mathématiques de quelque chose d'intimidant en une aventure intellectuellement stimulante. Alors, plongez-vous dans le monde des mathématiques et découvrez le plaisir de résoudre des problèmes et d'explorer les mystères des chiffres.
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tecnowiz · 1 year
Le migliori 14 app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android
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Se sei uno studente, un insegnante o semplicemente una persona appassionata di matematica, sai quanto possa essere frustrante affrontare problemi complessi. Fortunatamente, grazie all'avanzamento della tecnologia, puoi contare su un'ampia gamma di app disponibili su Android che ti aiuteranno a risolvere i problemi di matematica in modo rapido ed efficiente. In questo articolo, esploreremo le migliori 10 app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android,
Scopri le migliori 14 app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android e semplifica il tuo apprendimento con soluzioni rapide e dettagliate.
La matematica è una materia che spesso mette in difficoltà gli studenti di ogni ordine e grado. Che si tratti di espressioni, equazioni, geometria o calcolo, non sempre è facile trovare la soluzione giusta ai problemi proposti. Per fortuna, esistono delle app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android che possono aiutare a capire meglio i concetti e a verificare i propri risultati.
14 app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android
Queste app sono in grado di risolvere vari tipi di problemi matematici, mostrando anche i passaggi e le spiegazioni. Alcune di queste app funzionano anche offline, mentre altre richiedono una connessione a Internet. Vediamole nel dettaglio. Mathway
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Mathway è un'app di riferimento per la risoluzione di problemi matematici su Android. Questa app ti consente di inserire un problema matematico e ti fornisce una soluzione dettagliata passo dopo passo. Mathway copre una vasta gamma di argomenti matematici, inclusi l'algebra, il calcolo, la geometria e molto altro ancora. È uno strumento estremamente utile per gli studenti di ogni livello e offre anche una versione premium con funzionalità avanzate. Photomath
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Photomath è un'app incredibilmente intuitiva che ti permette di risolvere problemi di matematica semplicemente scattando una foto del problema stesso. L'app utilizzerà la sua tecnologia di riconoscimento ottico dei caratteri (OCR) per analizzare il problema e fornirti una soluzione immediata. Photomath supporta una vasta gamma di argomenti matematici, ed è una scelta ideale per gli studenti che desiderano risolvere rapidamente problemi di algebra, geometria, trigonometria e altro ancora. Khan Academy
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Khan Academy è un'app che va oltre la semplice risoluzione dei problemi matematici. Questa piattaforma offre videolezioni interattive, esercizi e quiz per aiutarti a comprendere i concetti matematici in modo approfondito. Khan Academy copre tutti gli argomenti matematici, dalla matematica di base all'algebra, al calcolo e oltre. È un'app estremamente completa che ti guiderà passo dopo passo nel processo di apprendimento della matematica. Wolfram Alpha
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Wolfram Alpha è un'app di calcolo potente che può essere utilizzata per risolvere una vasta gamma di problemi matematici. Questa app utilizza una vasta base di conoscenze per fornire risposte accurate e dettagliate alle tue domande matematiche. Wolfram Alpha è in grado di risolvere equazioni, calcolare integrali, fornire grafici e molto altro ancora. È uno strumento estremamente utile per gli studenti, gli insegnanti e i professionisti che si occupano di matematica. Microsoft Math Solver
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Microsoft Math Solver è un'app sviluppata da Microsoft che ti aiuta a risolvere problemi matematici complessi. Basta scattare una foto del problema o digitare l'espressione matematica, e l'app ti fornirà una soluzione dettagliata. Microsoft Math Solver supporta una vasta gamma di argomenti matematici, inclusi l'algebra, la geometria, il calcolo e altro ancora. È un'app affidabile e facile da usare che può essere un valido aiuto per gli studenti di tutte le età. Cymath
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Cymath è un'app che semplifica la risoluzione dei problemi matematici. Basta inserire l'espressione matematica e Cymath fornirà una soluzione passo dopo passo, guidandoti lungo il processo di risoluzione. Questa app è particolarmente utile per gli studenti che desiderano imparare i passaggi necessari per risolvere un problema matematico in modo autonomo. Cymath copre argomenti come l'algebra, la trigonometria, il calcolo e altro ancora. GeoGebra
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GeoGebra è un'app che combina la geometria, l'algebra e il calcolo in un'unica piattaforma. Questa app è particolarmente utile per gli studenti che stanno studiando la geometria, in quanto fornisce strumenti interattivi per esplorare concetti geometrici e risolvere problemi complessi. GeoGebra offre anche funzionalità per l'algebra e il calcolo, rendendola un'app completa per gli studenti di matematica di ogni livello. MyScript Calculator
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MyScript Calculator è un'app unica che ti consente di scrivere a mano libera le espressioni matematiche sullo schermo del tuo dispositivo Android. L'app utilizzerà la tecnologia di riconoscimento della scrittura per convertire le tue formule scritte in modo leggibile in calcoli matematici. MyScript Calculator può essere utilizzato per risolvere problemi di matematica di base e fornisce risultati istantanei in modo intuitivo. MalMath
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MalMath è un'app specializzata nella risoluzione di problemi di matematica avanzata. Questa app ti aiuta a risolvere equazioni, integrali, derivate e altro ancora. MalMath fornisce soluzioni passo dopo passo e offre spiegazioni dettagliate per aiutarti a capire il processo di risoluzione. È un'app ideale per gli studenti di calcolo e matematica avanzata. Brainly
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Brainly è un'app che ti consente di ottenere aiuto dalla comunità per risolvere problemi di matematica. Puoi porre domande specifiche e ricevere risposte dagli altri utenti della piattaforma. Brainly è una risorsa utile per gli studenti che desiderano una spiegazione o una soluzione a un problema specifico. È un modo interattivo per imparare e condividere conoscenze matematiche. Risolvi Espressioni
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Risolvi Espressioni è un’altra app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android che si concentra sulle espressioni numeriche e letterali. Questa app permette di inserire manualmente l’espressione da risolvere o di scriverla a mano libera sullo schermo del proprio dispositivo. L’app restituisce la soluzione dell’espressione, con i passaggi e le regole applicate. Risolvi Espressioni supporta anche le frazioni, le potenze, le radici e le parentesi. L’app funziona offline e non contiene pubblicità. Symbolab
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Symbolab è un’app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android che si focalizza sull’algebra e sul calcolo. Questa app permette di inserire il problema da risolvere con la tastiera o di inquadrarlo con la fotocamera. L’app restituisce la soluzione del problema, con i passaggi e le spiegazioni. Symbolab supporta diversi tipi di problemi, come equazioni lineari e quadratiche, sistemi di equazioni, funzioni, logaritmi, trigonometria, limiti, derivata, integrale e molto altro. Symbolab funziona anche offline e contiene pubblicità. Per rimuovere la pubblicità e accedere a funzioni avanzate è necessario sottoscrivere un abbonamento a partire da 6,99 euro al mese. Maple Calculator
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Maple Calculator è un’app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android che si basa sul potente software matematico Maple. Questa app permette di inserire il problema da risolvere con la tastiera o di scriverlo a mano libera. L’app fornisce la soluzione del problema, con i passaggi e le spiegazioni. Maple Calculator supporta vari tipi di problemi, come aritmetica, algebra, geometria, trigonometria, statistica, calcolo e grafici. L’app offre anche una modalità per creare documenti matematici interattivi. L’app richiede una connessione a Internet e non contiene pubblicità. Socratic by Google
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Socratic by Google è un’app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android che sfrutta l’intelligenza artificiale di Google. Questa app permette di inquadrare il problema con la fotocamera o di inserirlo con la voce o la tastiera. L’app restituisce la soluzione del problema, con i passaggi e le spiegazioni. Socratic by Google supporta diversi tipi di problemi, come aritmetica, algebra, geometria, trigonometria, statistica e calcolo. L’app offre anche una sezione dedicata all’apprendimento della matematica, con video lezioni e articoli. L’app richiede una connessione a Internet e non contiene pubblicità.
Queste sono solo alcune delle migliori app disponibili su Android per risolvere problemi di matematica. Sia che tu sia uno studente che cerca aiuto con gli esercizi, un insegnante che desidera strumenti didattici o semplicemente un'appassionato di matematica, queste app possono essere un valido supporto per migliorare le tue competenze matematiche e risolvere problemi in modo efficiente. Scegli l'app che meglio si adatta alle tue esigenze e inizia a sfruttare il potere della tecnologia per rendere la matematica un compito più semplice e divertente!
Note finali
E siamo arrivati alle note finali di questa guida. Le migliori 14 app per risolvere problemi di matematica su Android. Ma prima di salutare volevo informarti che mi trovi anche sui Social Network, Per entrarci clicca sulle icone appropriate che trovi nella Home di questo blog, inoltre se la guida ti è piaciuta condividila pure attraverso i pulsanti social di Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest e Tumblr, per far conoscere il blog anche ai tuoi amici, ecco con questo è tutto Wiz ti saluta. Read the full article
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urnewsmedia · 1 year
Best Math Solver Apps 
Certainly, here are some popular math solver apps along with their pros and cons:
Allows you to take pictures of handwritten or printed math problems and provides step-by-step solutions.
Covers a wide range of math topics, including arithmetic, algebra, calculus, and more.
Helpful for quickly checking solutions and understanding the process.
Free to use with in-app purchases for additional features.
Reliance on the app might hinder the development of problem-solving skills.
The app might not be as effective for more complex or higher-level math problems.
Wolfram Alpha:
A powerful computational engine that can solve a wide variety of math problems, from basic calculations to complex equations.
Provides detailed step-by-step solutions for many problems.
Covers a broad range of subjects beyond math, including science, engineering, and more.
Not specifically designed as a math learning tool; it's more of a computational knowledge engine.
The free version has limitations, and a subscription is required for extended features.
Microsoft Math Solver:
Supports solving a range of math problems through text input or capturing pictures.
Offers step-by-step explanations for solving problems.
Can be integrated with Microsoft Office apps and other Microsoft services.
Free to use with optional in-app purchases.
Some users might find the step-by-step explanations lacking in depth for complex problems.
Similar to other math solver apps, it might discourage active problem-solving skills.
Provides instant solutions to various math problems, including algebra, calculus, and more.
Offers step-by-step solutions for some problems.
Simplifies the process of solving equations and other algebraic expressions.
The explanations might not always be as detailed as desired.
The app may not be as effective for learning concepts deeply.
Focuses on crowd-sourced learning, allowing users to ask and answer questions.
Can be helpful for getting explanations and different approaches to solving problems.
Covers a range of subjects beyond math.
Free to use with the option to subscribe for additional features.
The quality of answers can vary since they are provided by other users.
It might not provide as structured and reliable explanations as dedicated math solver apps.
It's important to note that while these math solver apps can be useful for quick problem-solving and understanding, they should not replace the process of actively learning and practicing mathematical concepts.
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budget2245learn · 2 years
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tonkitheperfect · 2 years
Mathstudio android
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With more than 300 numerical and symbolic math functions, programmability, and eye-popping graphics, it’s like having a miniature version of Mathematica, at a miniature price. We offer support through our online forums. MathStudio is an updated version of SpaceTime (see The Mobile Polynomial, IEEE Spectrum, January 2009). It does all calculations internally for fast and instant results. Unlike other math apps, MathStudio does not require an active internet connection. MathStudio is the ONLY calculator app that also lets you create scripts in our powerful programming language that supports variables, loops and even recursion. Filter by these if you want a narrower list of alternatives or looking for a specific functionality of Mathematica. Mathematica alternatives are mainly Calculators but may also be Programming Languages or Statistical Analyzers. Plot lists of numerical data in scatter, histograms, box, probability plots! MathStudio even includes an advanced regression analysis package, choose from several regression functions or create your own! Other interesting Android alternatives to Mathematica are MATLAB, Cymath, MathStudio and Addi. Use the T variable to create animated plots that plot graphs in space and time! MathStudio is the first and only graphing app that can also graph not only in space but in time. Rotate, pinch and graph 3D equations in real-time! MathStudio graphs 3D functions, parametric, spherical, cylindrical and vector fields. Graph equations with speed and ease you never thought was possible! MathStudio graphs 2D function, parametric, polar, implicit, contour, vector fields, fractals and images with amazing speed and accuracy. If you are looking for an Android math app that can both solve. Then, JMathstudio library was used to implement the functions used in Matlab in Android Studio. A great tool for students all over the world because, they say, math is a universal language. first of all, the functions that carries out the audio analyses was simulated on Matlab to make sure the output is fine. Solve limits, derivates, integrals and more! i am building an application that analyses an audio and report a specific an output afterwards. MathStudio is powered by MobileCAS, our powerful and lightning fast computer algebra system that beautifully typesets your answers. scg or lib files with the proper Scilab component, and other files with the. Browse the entire list in our online manual. New in Scilab 6.0.1: Feature Improvements: The console 'File > Open a file' menu now allows to open.
Whether you need a simple calculator to do your finances or a replacement for your TI graphing calculator, MathStudio is the most powerful and versatile calculator available on the Android Market.įrom basic calculations to college calculus, MathStudio is a full featured scientific calculator with over two hundred functions.
MathStudio is the most comprehensive math app available for Android phones and tablets.
Use MathStudio 6 for FREE in your web browser!
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Resource Links
════╡For All Subjects╞════
Homework Help Websites | Math, Common Core, All Subjects
Khan Academy
13 Great Websites for English Language Students
Desmos Graphing Calculator
25+ Best Science Websites for Students 
Terrific Websites for Science
Best History Website
════╡Foreign Languages╞════
Mango Languages → So many languages, it’s amazing, you learn about grammar and culture too.
Duolingo → This site tends to have mispronunciation so be careful and seek other resources if you are using Duolingo.
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════╡Additional Links ╞════
all works.
© all-learners-express // all photos belong to the owner unless stated. All information presented is credible unless stated. Suggestions are provided from all-learners-express.com as well as credible sources, and the advice of educators.
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imnotverybright · 2 years
heyy hope this isnt weird or anything but if ur still struggling with math, something that really helped me is cymath dot com
idk if itll help with calc cuz I never got to that point but it does have a more detailed calculator AND. it shows you a step by step on how to work thru the equation
(sending this here cuz for some reason i couldn't comment on ur post about the math situation lol)
I hope this helps and good luck on ur math!!
tysm this literally saved me, i finally finished it
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
if ya need help with math, we use cymath! it shows how to do the problem too! it's not always helpful but it does make things go faster at least
thanks!! rn the issue is mostly bc i am are Graphing and eyesight is horrible and if i look at like any repeted patterns it gets disorienting. like ykno those dot tests? i have to grab a ruler or physically trace lines to the correct row of dots otherwise i get confused. also v wobbly hands + chronic inability to use a ruler.
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ledjig · 11 months
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levysoft · 5 years
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lovingkittydestiny · 3 years
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buggybestfriend · 4 years
one of my favorite things is reading the tags people leave on my cymath post
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r-e-d-j-a-d-e · 4 years
Glitchcore senku cymath phone icon
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autumnhobbit · 7 years
me yelling at the cymath app while desperately attempting to figure out what the bork is going on
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acdemic · 8 years
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hey hello hi!!! it’s been ages (6 months?!) since my last masterpost, and i’ve been seeing so many great educational apps on the google play store. so here’s a list of some educational smartphone apps that you should check out! 
disclaimer: i have not used most of these applications (i generally don’t use study or even productivity apps), so i’m recommending them based on reviews!
general education
curiosity [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] curiosity is a super cool app that’s all about learning new quirky facts! every 24 hours new content is released, including mind-blowing science, history and technology facts. it’s like having the best museum and the most fascinating library at your disposal.
coursera [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] with coursera, you can access more than 1,000 courses and specializations developed by 140+ of the best colleges and universities in the world, and master subjects from python programming and data science to photography and music.
edx [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] edx provides free online courses from the world’s best universities and institutions. there are so many topics to discover, including computer science, engineering, history, psychology, nutrition, big data, statistics and hundreds more. with edx, you have the flexibility to learn on your schedule. it is free education, when and where you want it.
khan academy [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] khan academy allows you to learn (almost) anything for free. browse over 10,000 videos and explanations at your fingertips in math, science, economics, history, and much, much more. sharpen your skills with over 40,000 interactive practice questions with instant feedback and step-by-step hints. khan academy is a wealth of resources and it’s all free!  note: i really really recommend khan academy! it is super helpful and there’s also the free sat prep (and the upcoming free lsat prep for people interested in law school)!!
udemy [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] udemy is your place to learn real world skills online. with over 32,000 online courses and tutorials, offered in more than 80 languages, you can choose from a wide range of topics to inspire creativity, hone your skills, be your own boss, and more. courses in everything from programming, it & software, business, marketing and entrepreneurship, health, design, languages, music, and much more.
goodwall [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] goodwall is basically a social network for students - you can share your skills and achievements and win scholarships (and even be recognized by colleges and universities!) when you join, you are eligible for a $500 weekly new student award, in addition to the $1000 student of the month scholarship. people seem to think that it’s a great way to connect to other motivated students throughout the world (obviously the studyblr community is The Best ;) but here’s an awesome alternative!)
schoold [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] schoold is a super cool app that allows you to find information on 3000+ colleges and 25k+ scholarships by major and admission chance. It also offers free college counseling (advice on applications, financial aid, majors, and careers) and future planning tools! 
phywiz [ play store, free ] need help with your physics homework? phywiz provides step by step solutions for questions in over 30 physics topics, including kinematics, forces, gravity, and quantum physics. ask phywiz a question like "if mass is 6 and velocity is 7, what is momentum?" and get your answer immediately. many of the positive reviews call it “one of the best apps i’ve ever used”.
little alchemy [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] [ website ] this is such a cute game where you start with four elements and combine them to create interesting, fun and surprising items. it’s definitely addictive!
chemistry quiz [ play store, free ]  500+ quiz questions covering the elements, the periodic table, bonding and interactions, matter and mixtures, chemical reactions, acids and bases, organic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, history of chemistry, and labs.
skyview [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] a beautiful and intuitive stargazing app that uses your camera to precisely spot and identify celestial objects in sky, day or night. it’s a great app for people who love space but don’t want to purchase fancy equipment to enjoy its beauty. you can see what each star and planet is and where it’s going. be sure to calibrate it first!
encode [ play store, free ] encode is packed with bite-sized coding lessons that combine succinct explanations and clear real-code examples. it is a wonderful way for beginners to start programming.
sololearn has a ton of apps that are all about learning to code: java, c#, python, javascript, c++, etc.!
programming hub [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] your one-stop solution to learn all of the top programming languages! you can learn c, c++, java, html, javascript, r, css, vb.net, c#, python 2.7, python 3, linux shell scripting, swift, sql, jquery, and assembly 8086. there are over 1800+ pre-compiled programs with output for practice and learning. a new feature seems to be the programming-related interview questions that can help you prepare for a job interview!
codenza [ play store, free ] codenza is a dictionary of 3000+ ready-made computer programs: the ultimate coding encyclopedia for university curriculum. codenza covers everything from computer graphs to artificial intelligence! note: codenza does not teach programming. it only provides programs and offers explanations for the more complex programs.
cymath [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] [ website ] stuck on a math problem? cymath allows you to enter your problem, and helps you to solve it step-by-step. topics include pre-algebra, algebra (equation solving, factoring, logarithms, exponents, complex numbers, quadratic equations, trigonometry, partial fraction, polynomial division, etc.), and calculus (product rule, quotient rule, chain rule, u-substitution, integration by parts, integration by partial fraction, trigonometric substitution, rationalizing substitution, etc.)
photomath [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] math is full of symbols that we are inconvenient to type, and photomath solves that problem: simply point your camera toward a math problem and photomath will show the result with detailed step-by-step instructions. there is a new feature of handwriting recognition as well!
mathway [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] [ website ] yet another math problem solver! this one allows you to type your problem or scan a picture of your problem. mathway covers basic math, pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, precalculus, calculus, statistics, finite math, linear algebra, chemistry, and graphing. one flaw seems to be that you need to be online for it to work, but otherwise, it’s a fantastic tool!
history timeline [ play store, free ] okay, woah. this is a detailed timeline of world history with thousands of entries! it includes world history (events, nations, leaders, and wars) AND history of science, art, literature, music, and philosophy.
today in history [ play store, free ] [ similar apple, free ] for the history enthusiast who wants to learn something new every day: today in history tells you what historical events happened on that day! it works offline and you can choose from over 50 languages.
ancient history encyclopedia [ play store, free ] [ website ] thousands of informative and reliable articles on ancient history. articles are written with students in mind and are carefully reviewed to ensure accuracy, and are easy to read. 
duolingo [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] one of the leading language learning apps, duolingo gives you the ability to learn english, spanish, french, german, italian, portuguese, dutch, irish, danish, swedish, russian, ukrainian, esperanto, polish, and turkish for free. you can practice your speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills and improve your vocabulary and grammar.
forest [ play store, free ] [ apple, $1.99 ] forest is a cute productivity app that keeps you off of your phone! you set a certain amount of time, and during that time a tree ‘grows’, but if you use your phone before the times up, the tree dies. :( 
habitica [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] have you heard of ‘gamification’? habitica is an app that allows you to gamify your tasks! check off tasks to level up your avatar and unlock features such as armor, pets, skills, and even quests! it’s a great way to have fun while being productive! note: habitica is another one of these apps that i’ve actually attempted to use - it is super cute and it’s definitely a great way to stay on track!
timetune [ play store, free ] timetune is a great app for people who have established a daily routine or would like to. you can set up a routine (or multiple routines) and add your daily tasks. it can be used as a daily task reminder, student calendar, timetable planner, routine schedule organizer, routine optimizer, habit creation tool, daily time manager, or daily planner.
ike [ play store, free ]  ike is a to-do list that uses eisenhower’s priority matrix. you can organize your tasks by importance and urgency, and add all sorts of details such as due dates and location reminders.
habithub [ play store, free ] habithub is based on seinfeld’s productivity secret, which involves building long streaks of days that will motivate you to keep moving forward. (snapchat for habits? i think yes!) it includes a full calendar view for every habit, reminders, compatibility with smartwatches, the option to write notes every day, more flexible goals, the ability to categorize your habits, and graphs that show you how you’re doing. the interface looks beautiful and people seem to love the abundance of settings.
pomotodo [ play store, free ] [ apple, free ] there is an abundance of pomodoro timers in the app store, and pomotodo is one of them! pomotodo easily syncs across platforms, has advanced to-do list options, the ability to customize pomo and break times, offers background noise to keep you focused, and sends you weekly email reports to help you track your productivity. i don’t want to list a ton pomodoro apps in this masterpost, but here are the many options on google play store!
alright, that’s all i’ve got for you today !! i hope that this was helpful, and feel free to send me an ask with any questions, suggestions for future masterposts, or your recommendations for other study apps/websites!! :) have a great day!
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