#Customs and Traditions
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fallbabylon · 1 year ago
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The 'Obby 'Oss festival is a folk custom that takes place each 1st of May in Padstow, a coastal town in North Cornwall. It involves two separate processions around the town, each containing an eponymous hobby horse known as the 'Obby 'Oss. outside of this date, effigies of the 'Obby 'Oss can still be found adorning the Oss' "stables", the Blue Ribbon 'Oss having its own pale ale. Two rare porcelain 'Obby 'Oss' created by an unknown artist are from my collection.
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prachitatwa · 5 months ago
नवरात्रि का नौवां दिन : माँ सिद्धिदात्री का महत्व
नवरात्रि का नौवां दिन : माँ सिद्धिदात्री का महत्व नवरात्रि के नौवें और अंतिम दिन माँ सिद्धिदात्री की पूजा की जाती है। माँ सिद्धिदात्री, माँ दुर्गा का अंतिम स्वरूप हैं, और वे भक्तों को सभी प्रकार की सिद्धियाँ (अलौकिक शक्तियाँ) प्रदान करती हैं। ‘सिद्धि’ का अर्थ है विशेष उपलब्धियाँ और ‘दात्री’ का अर्थ है दान देने वाली। माँ सिद्धिदात्री अपने भक्तों को सफलता, सिद्धियाँ, और ज्ञान का वरदान देती हैं। वे…
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larryhappiday · 7 months ago
Tragicomedy of Diezani Madueke and Her Rear Admiral Husband
In this article, Pastor Ngozi Hippolytus Asoya takes a critical look at the the arguments for and against name change and concludes that both parents should be conscious of the damage they are doing to the mental health of their offsprings. Divorcing a spouse is considered the end of a relationship but the case of Diezani Madueke and her former husband, Alison Madueke, a retired chief of naval…
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miraculousfrenchculture · 2 years ago
So godparents (parrains/marraines) in France don't actually have legal responsibility of their godchild (filleul.e) should anything happen to the latter's parents as a baseline. They just have a "strong moral engagement" towards their godchild, kind of like uncle and aunts; the concept is less linked to religion than in other countries, they can obviously be "officially" designated as a kid's godparent in a religious baptism, but there are also "civic" baptisms that take place in town halls, with a Mayor. Godparents can also be unofficial in the sense that no ceremony was organised, the parents just talk about it with the future godparents.
In the event of parental death, a legal guardian (tuteur) takes over the child's custody. The parents can designate a guardian in their will, or designate someone in front of a notary. The guardian can be pretty much anyone, so one of the godparents could theoretically be the guardian. If no designation was made during the parents' life, then a special council (the Conseil de Famille) is created to designate a guardian. The Conseil de Famille consists of 4-6 family members/close relations (family friends, neighbours… who are invested in the minor’s life, and who generally don’t live too far) chosen by the Tutelage Judge, and they're also imvolved in taking important decisions when it comes to the minor’s life and estate.
Hope it helps!
wait. is nathalie adrien's godmother
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flwrkid14 · 2 months ago
The Batfamily’s Christmas List Tradition (and how Tim gets lost in it)
The Batfamily has a long-standing Christmas tradition: the List. With so many members in the family, it’s a necessity. Everyone writes down what they want (within reason, of course), and the list serves as the ultimate gift guide. It’s efficient, especially for such a big family, and it ensures no one ends up with seven pairs of socks or the same gadget twice.
Tim takes the list seriously. It’s his chance to ask for the small, thoughtful things he wouldn’t usually splurge on for himself. Things like:
New makeup brushes. His old ones are worn out and falling apart, and it’s not until he’s on a mission that requires cross-dressing that he realizes just how bad they’ve gotten. Having a new, high-quality set would make everything feel a little smoother—and maybe even a little fun.
Cozy hoodies. Between Wayne Enterprises business casual and his Robin gear, Tim rarely gets the chance to wear something soft and comforting. His favorite hoodies are all fraying at the edges, with loose threads on the pockets and fabric that’s stretched too thin. A fresh one would feel like a luxury.
A new game console. Tim is rarely ever not working, but on those rare days off, he realizes he doesn't have much to entertain him that's not work related, that doesn't require him to leave his nest. Plus, it’s a great way to connect with his siblings during low-stakes, playful nights.
Nice coffee cups or tumblers. His caffeine habits are legendary, but the chipped and mismatched mugs he uses don’t exactly scream "Tim Drake." A sleek, stylish tumbler or a high-quality ceramic mug would elevate the most important part of his day.
Random indulgences. Books, stationery, weighted blankets, maybe a nice figuring from his favorite movie, a cool gadget he wouldn’t think to buy himself—little things that spark joy and make him feel cared for, anything he knows his own parents would have never bought for him to help heal his inner child. He's never had the luxury of writing such lists before becoming a Wayne.
Tim doesn’t just take the list seriously for himself; he makes sure to go the extra mile for his family, too. He’s always had a knack for gift-giving, and he loves curating the perfect presents for his siblings. For Dick, it might be a rare vinyl of his favorite band. For Jason, an antique first-edition book he’d mentioned once in passing. For Damian, something handmade and unique, like a custom leather-bound sketchbook or a rare art supply. Tim remembers the little things—the throwaway comments, the subtle preferences—and builds his gifts around them, ensuring every box under the tree feels deeply personal.
But Christmas rolls around… and none of the thought Tim puts into his gifts is reflected in what he receives.
Instead, he gets tech. More tech. External hard drives, cables, chargers—things he already has backups for because, well, he’s Tim. He doesn’t need more, and he didn’t ask for more.
And the worst part? It’s not that they’re bad gifts. It’s that the family assumes they know him so well that they don’t even look at his list.
“Tim’s the tech guy,” they think. “Of course he’d want more tech.”
But he doesn’t.
He’s grateful, of course—Tim is always grateful—but there’s a hollowness that creeps in every year when he unwraps another stack of USB drives and ethernet cables. It’s not about the gifts themselves. It’s about the realization that the people he loves, the people who should know him best, don’t see him the way he wants to be seen.
In a way, it feels painfully familiar. Janet had always made sure his presents as a child reflected her vision for him, not what he actually wanted. New tailored suits instead of the hoodies or tees he longed for. Sleek, professional office stationery to replace his Robin-themed pens and notebooks. Vintage collectibles meant to sit on a shelf, collecting dust, instead of toys he could actually play with. The gifts always came with a message: who he should be, not who he was. And now, even with the bats, the gifts still feel like expectations—like they see him as "the tech guy" rather than Tim, with all his quiet wants and overlooked needs.
So, Tim starts dreading Christmas. Not because he doesn’t love his family or the season, but because it reminds him of how little they seem to notice the little things about him.
And maybe one year, he stops adding personal things to the list altogether. Maybe he starts asking for tech, just to avoid the disappointment.
But deep down, he wishes someone—anyone—would surprise him with a new hoodie, a weighted blanket, or a set of makeup brushes. Something that says, “I see you, Tim. I really see you.”
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alex-a-roman · 2 months ago
The Bear Dance is an ancient pagan custom in Romania. Every year around Christmas, groups of people dress up in bear costumes and parade the streets dancing. They’re accompanied by drummers and singing "bear tamers”.
This custom dates back to the pre-Christianity era when it was believed that bears could ward off misfortunes and bring good luck.
Full video here
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vintagehomecollection · 4 months ago
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Interior Visions: Great American Designers and the Showcase House, 1988
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unbfacts · 1 month ago
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Ishi was the last known member of the Yahi, a subgroup of the Yana people in California. Yahi customs forbade individuals from speaking their own name without another Yahi’s introduction, so Ishi stated he had no name. Anthropologists named him "Ishi," meaning "man," as his real name was never revealed.
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wordsmithic · 6 months ago
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Hellenismos, by c.minoa
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vestaignis · 4 months ago
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Как исполнить желание в Велесову ночь.
Для многих ночь с 31 октября на 1 ноября ассоциируется с Хэллоуином или Самайном, западными праздниками в канун Дня всех Святых. Но в славянской традиции на эту дату приходится свой праздник – Велесова ночь.
Велесова Ночь – магическая, наступит с 31 октября на 1 ноября , когда Белобог окончательно передаёт Коло Года Чернобогу, а Врата Нави (астрального плана бытия) до первых петухов (либо до самого рассвета) широко распахнуты в Явь.
Праздник этот для наших предков имел особое значение, ведь именно в этот день происходило непосредственное «общение» с Духами умерших. В Велесову ночь духи предков возвращаются к своим потомкам, чтобы преподнести им уроки и благословить весь Род. Ночью c 31 октября на 1 ноября на улицу ставят тарелку с угощением для душ умерших.Зажигались праздничные свечи, защищающие от злых духов, на порог и подоконники клали рябиновые ветви, а во дворе до самого утра горел костер. На Алтарь праздника кладутся яблоки, тыквы, кабачки, осенние цветы. Вспоминают ушедших близких, друзей, родственников, но без сожаления.
Перед сном в Велесову ночь можно загадать желание. Для его исполнения положите под подушку яблоко, а утром съешьте. Кстати, при очищении яблока от кожуры следите за тем, какой длинны получается стружка – чем она длиннее, тем дольше вы проживете.
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How to make a wish come true on Veles night.
For many, the night from October 31 to November 1 is associated with Halloween or Samhain, Western holidays on the eve of All Saints' Day. But in the Slavic tradition, this date has its own holiday - Veles night.
Veles night is magical, it comes from October 31 to November 1, when Belobog finally hands over the Kolo of the Year to Chernobog, and the Gates of Navi (the astral plane of existence) are wide open to Yav until the first roosters (or until dawn).
This holiday had a special meaning for our ancestors, because it was on this day that direct "communication" with the Spirits of the dead took place. On Veles night, the spirits of the ancestors return to their descendants to teach them lessons and bless the entire Family. On the night from October 31 to November 1, a plate with treats for the souls of the dead is placed outside. Festive candles were lit to protect against evil spirits, rowan branches were placed on the threshold and windowsills, and a fire burned in the yard until the morning. Apples, pumpkins, squash, autumn flowers are placed on the Altar of the holiday. They remember their departed loved ones, friends, relatives, but without regret.
Before going to bed on Veles' night, you can make a wish. To make it come true, put an apple under your pillow and eat it in the morning. By the way, when peeling an apple, watch how long the shavings are - the longer they are, the longer you will live.
Источник:/www.kp.ru/family/prazdniki/velesova-noch/, ://ks-yanao.ru/narrative/obschestvo/velesova-noch-kak-prazdnujut-slavjanskij-hellouin-obychai-obrjady-misticheskoj-daty, //lenta.ru /articles/2023/10/26/velesova-noch-v-2023-godu/.
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prachitatwa · 5 months ago
नवरात्रि का सातवां दिन : माँ कालरात्रि का महत्व
नवरात्रि का सातवां दिन : माँ कालरात्रि का महत्व नवरात्रि के सातवें दिन माँ कालरात्रि की पूजा की जाती है। माँ कालरात्रि का स्वरूप अत्यंत उग्र और शक्तिशाली है, जो दुष्टों और अज्ञानता का नाश करती हैं। उन्हें काल या समय की रात्रि के रूप में जाना जाता है, और वे भक्तों के जीवन से भय, अज्ञान, और नकारात्मक शक्तियों का अंत करती हैं। माँ कालरात्रि का रूप डरावना हो सकता है, लेकिन उनके भक्तों के लिए वह…
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larryhappiday · 1 year ago
INTERNMENT: Casket For Omu Martha Dunkwu
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elvenfaur · 1 year ago
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niff-of-draws · 10 months ago
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new night vale bookmark and my first double sided bookmark!
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fallbabylon · 2 months ago
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Montol Midwinter Festival- Penzance, Cornwall.
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yaffyna · 10 months ago
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So I have these bags and I decided to customize it. You can buy this if you want!! Dm me!!
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