holmesoldfellow · 8 months
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December 1987 edition of the Radio Times commemorating 100 years of Sherlock Holmes
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unteriors · 5 months
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W 9th St, Cushing, Oklahoma.
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semioticapocalypse · 9 months
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Alfred Eisenstaedt. Andrew Wyeth's bedroom, Cushing, Maine. 1965
Follow my new AI-related project «Collective memories»
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mistywitcher · 8 months
so turns out, i do in fact, have a benign tumour in my head on my pituitary gland at the good age of 22
it’s the size of a blueberry roughly and pushing into my optic nerve so that’s like cool as hell
i’ve named her tina tumour, and i absolutely plan on glorifying, romanticising, and laughing about my tumour.
if i don’t, i may break down and have consecutive panic attacks till i pass out
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zippocreed501 · 1 year
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hormingatomica · 2 years
2023, here we go!
Y llegaron los últimos días del año. Y qué ganas de que acabe, y qué pocas ganas de celebrar la salida de año.
Realmente este año no ha sido malo para mí. Lo único que tengo que echarle en cara (y no debería) es que he vuelto a tener "demasiadas" vacaciones, lo que ha hecho que vuelva a caer en el nihilismo y el ostracismo. Es una sensación que no me gusta, y prefiero tener los días ocupados. En 3 meses no he conseguido generar rutina de nada, y eso es en parte porque he comprendido que, si no me lo marcan, no sé generarme yo una rutina.
Para el año que viene ya he puesto mis objetivos vitales, y mis objetivos "escolares". Quiero dejar muchos cursos terminados (online). Quiero bajar de peso. Mucho. Concretamente quiero perder este año todo lo que en 5 años me ha dado el Cushing, que calculamos serán unos 20 kg extra. Eso me dejaría por debajo de las 3 cifras, y por lo menos no estaría tan acomplejada con mi tripa.
También, este año espero poder reformar las cosas de casa que me quedan (unas cuantas habitaciones, el salón y el pasillo). Y me gustaría poner calefacción. Si consigo todo esto para el año que viene, me puedo dar con un canto en los dientes, la verdad.
Por último, me gustaría leer más. Este año he leido sólo 12 libros. El año que viene me gustaría que la media fuera algo más de 1 al mes. Sé que voy a empezar por El Anillo de Salomón, para terminar la saga Bartimeo. Luego probablemente siga por el tercer libro de terramar, y le daré una oportunidad a Clara Tahoces, a ver si escribe tan bien como dice mi madre...
No quiero que termine el año, pero estoy deseando dejarlo atrás. Sólo quiero terminar la operación y volver a tener una rutina marcada...
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quotesengage · 1 year
From Yale PA online white coat ceremony key note speaker:
She told a few stories about Dr. Harvey Cushing, to demonstrate that “Humanism in medicine is not always easy, and not always apparent, especially when it comes to truth and beauty in human relationships.” She shared that the night Cushing’s son died in a car accident, he called his wife to tell her, then performed a successful brain surgery, and then left to identify his son’s body.
“The heartbreaking story of Dr. Cushing’s cool proficiency in the center of utter devastation represents, for me, the complexity of humanism in the medical field,” she said. “His story shows that medical professionals can be hard on colleagues, families, and themselves while advocating for compassionate patient care.” When focused on work, Elliott said, “we can lose sight of what we love, whom we love, and who we are. It's all too easy to detach from ourselves and the bigger picture.”
Keynote speaker Mary Elliott, PhD, PA-C, a 2021 graduate of the PA Online Program
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quarry, bay, island, grave, channel, gate, canal
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passion-whippet · 5 months
Maladie de Cushing : Comment elle affecte la vie du Whippet
Introduction Bonjour à tous ! Encore une fois, c’est parce que j’ai vu passer beaucoup de posts sur les réseaux à ce sujet que je me suis dit que cela vaudrait la peine d’aborder le sujet. Car oui, la maladie de Cushing, une affection souvent discrète mais sérieuse, peut influencer considérablement la vie de nos amis les Whippets. Dans le monde des passionnés de Whippets, prendre soin de la…
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qdnurses · 5 months
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If you’re finding yourself struggling to remember everything you need to know about the adrenal glands and adrenal disorders, then this episode is for you!
As you know, the adrenal glands control a lot of what goes on in our bodies, from responding to stress, to regulating our blood pressure and controlling our metabolism. 
And when the adrenal glands start malfunctioning, they affect everything. That can happen either because of Cushing’s syndrome or Addison’s disease.
This is exactly what I discuss in this week’s episode of NCLEX Ready, so if you need a deep dive into these two disorders, this is the episode for you.
I’ll be breaking down everything –and I mean everything you need to know about these disorders so you can pass the NCLEX with flying colors.
Plus, I’ll also be answering a few NCLEX questions about the adrenal glands at the end of the episode, so make sure to listen till the last minute!
Are you ready to learn more?
Tune in now!
>> Tune in now.
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sluntch · 11 months
I haven't written anything in a few days, mostly because things are getting entirely worse over the past few days and I have spent a lot of time in and out of the emergency room and rapidly deteriorating due to my superfun illness. However, some good news on this front. Under the cut to keep it from cluttering up the feed.
Had an appointment with an Endocrinologist today (who RULES, by the way) and she gave me what was, in my eyes, my first official Cushing Disease diagnosis. Interestingly enough, the thing that was tell-tale for her were the stretch marks on my stomach. She asked me to pick up my shirt to see the stretch marks I confirmed that I had and no sooner than the shirt started coming up she said "Yeah, you have Cushing." Interestingly, the color and width of the stretch marks is specifically indicative of Cushing rather than "normal" stretch marks. Mine are purple-ish and very wide, the ones that pregnant women or people with larger stomachs may get are not. I had just attributed the marks to me being just a regular fat guy, but apparently not. Dunno, I found that interesting.
The doctor had a lot of good things to say, asked a lot of good questions of me, and gave a very solid path forward as far as next steps in this whole process. I have my MRI to scan my noggin for the pituitary tumor on 10/30 and then, according to the Endo, if there is a tumor there, I will meet with a Neurosurgeon in the next few weeks. From there, it's schedule the surgery, get it done, and then recover. Hopefully that means the surgery could be before end-of-year, maybe even before Crimmus. It'll most likely be the surgery where they go in through my nose, nab the thing, and get out. There is a chance, depending on what is found in the MRI, that they may have to actually cut into my head, so we're hoping for NOT that. If there is no pituitary tumor present, I'll have to get a scan of my chest to check for a lung tumor, so we're hoping for NOT THAT. Either way, with these docs at the tiller, I'm excited, hopeful, and confident in a way I haven't been for a bit. I'm very lucky to have not only access to these doctors and this care bu also for lucking into a good team that continues to actually get work done for me and get me the care I need. I really wish everyone had access to this kind of stuff.
We're getting back into it and this is the first day back. I guess the streak resets? I don't know how to handle that and I'm thinking I also don't give a shit. I'm doing this for me anyway and when you have a streak of pretty bad days, this is just gonna happen. But we're back on the horse and ready to rumble.
"Who Give a Shit" days to go.
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greengableslover · 2 months
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Period Drama Appreciation Week 2024 Day 4 ❥ Favorite Relationship
LUCILLE SHARPE and EDITH CUSHING | CRIMSON PEAK (2015) dir. Guillermo del Toro
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Cushing's Syndrome
Increase in blood cortisol levels in the body is called as Cushing's syndrome.
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thecollectorsbase · 1 year
Hoy honramos la memoria de Peter Cushing, quien dejó su huella en el género de horror y villanos, desde Van Helsing hasta Grand Moff Tarkin en la saga Star Wars original. Hasta siempre… maestro!
#TheCollectorsBase #YoColeccionoTCB #TCBrecuerda #FinDeSemanaTCB #InMemoriam #PeterCushing #VanHelsing #Dracula #Frankenstein #Actor #AcademyAwards #GoldenGlobes #StarWars #Icon #IconicRoles #WatchNow #GoneButNotForgotten #Recordando #Recuerdo #FelizViernes #FelizViernesParaTodos #FDS #FinDeSemana
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spooksicl-e · 3 months
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old boy but /aff
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remcosikkel · 1 year
Nouveau livre !  « PPID décrypté : le guide indispensable »
Il fut un temps où le PPID semblait de pas exister. Un cheval, passé les 15 ans, avait ce qu’on qualifiait de troubles liés à l’âge, qui s’aggravaient peu à peu au fil des années. Parfois, un de ces seniors avait de la chance, et tombait sur un vétérinaire qui identifiait ce que l’on appelait alors la maladie de Cushing.  Heureusement, les choses ont évolué ces 20 dernières années. De nouvelles…
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