#Cucumber Face Mist Spray
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Closing Time
Summary: For pricklenettle, Phandom Holiday Truce 2024
With twenty minutes left in his shift, an unseen ghost shows up to make his night harder. Tucker does not get paid enough for this.
Word Count: 2074
Also on AO3 and Fanfiction.net
Note: Happy Truce! This story is for @pricklenettle. I went with the Prompt 2: Danny being a creepy, mysterious fellow somewhere normal like a gas station. Prompt 5 inspired me to have Tucker be the pov character, though.... well, you'll see. 😉
Just twenty minutes. Twenty minutes before closing time.
Tucker sighs, repeating the words in his head as he sweeps the front of the supermarket. The broom’s bristles scrap against the floor, the sound grating against his ears. Ten feet away, his manager surveys the square of self-checkout kiosks. One lone customer, a middle-aged man, swipes his chips and soda. The machine chimes harshly as it processes the man’s credit card.
The boy lifts one hand to massage his forehead. Just twenty more minutes.
The shopper exits passed Tucker and the teen’s gaze follows, trailing to the wide glass window, to the pitch-black outside. The doors slide open, the sound of rain crashing through the front with a spray of cold droplets.
Tucker winces at the sensation. Please, please let it stop soon. Fervently, he begs in his head. Please let it stop before he has to run to the bus stop.
“Go sweep the produce section.” His manger’s nasally voice cuts through the silent pleading.
With a nod, the teen complies. He pushes the broom’s long head around the banana stand. The bristles scrape harshly as the lights illuminating the vegetable stands buzz sharply. And Tucker again rubs his forehead, gritting his teeth at the building headache.
Those stupid lights, this stupid broom. If his boss wouldn’t give him crap about it and would just let him wear headphones at work….
Tucker hums under his breath, repeating the chorus to his favorite Dumpty Humpty song in his head. Normally, that is a decent distraction from the overstimulating sounds. But this night….
The pounding of rain on the roof crescendos. Tucker shivers, suddenly cold. A draft blows through, from the outside doors at the front of the store, he assumes. The chill tickles his nose and he sneezes. Tiny, wet drops spray on his face.
Great. The boy huffs, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. He’s getting the cold Danny has too, isn’t he?
At least he can go home soon and collapse on his warm bed.
Tucker goes back to sweeping, humming the same Dumpty Humpty song. He sweeps up little bites of onion peel, fallen leaves from the poinsettia display, dried mud tracked in on someone’s boots. He moves in front of the carrots and cucumbers, wrinkling his nose as water mists over the produce and sprays him.
The teen comes to the end of the produce section, to the first fridge of meat. He surveys the pork chops approvingly. Oh, those ones are on manager’s special. Maybe he should-
Suddenly, the sound of a cough cuts through his thoughts. Tucker looks up, drawn to the noise.
Two aisles over, someone about his height in a red hoodie stands with back facing him. Huh? How hadn’t noticed that person before? The clink of cans shifting in a pile sounds as they pick up a can of soup.
Tucker goes back to sweeping, eyes fixed on the head of the broom as he carefully maneuvers it between the horizontal display fridge filled with pork ribs and a shelf with an offering of barbecue sauces.
The heavy thump of a can falling and Tucker’s head jerks up again. The person in the hoodie is gone, a can of chicken noodle soup rolling across the floor.
Brow winkling, the teen approaches. He picks up the luckily undented can, returning it to the display. His head tilts, peering down the pointedly empty aisle. Where did the person in the hoodie go?
Before Tucker can contemplate the mystery, the intercom crackles. “Clean up! Aisle 10!”
Tucker sighs, rolling his eyes exacerbatedly. Really? This is the second time this shift. Please don’t be throw up again, he mentally begs. Still, he carries the broom back to the supply closet near the restrooms, collecting the bucket and mop.
The teen jerkily pulls the yellow monstrosity through the store. One of its wheels refuses to spin. “Come. On.” He mutters under his breath, annoyance growing.
He passes the lunch meat and the cheese, the butter and eggs. Approaching the aisle in question, Tucker takes a breath, preparing himself for what will hopefully be a small mess. He rounds the corner and-
Milk… all over the floor. The teen’s jaw drops. Half the length of the aisle, a good twenty feet section of the floor is covered in the white liquid.
“H… how?” He can’t help but stutter. How could someone even manage to spill this much milk?
Eyes blown wide, Tucker approaches the nearest jug. Tentatively, he prods it with his shoe. The plastic crunches at the touch, jagged cracks scrapping against each other. It looks almost shattered…as if dropped from a great height.
His eyes trail over the scene once more. A dozen more crumpled jugs litter the floor, their contents all explosively dispersed.
But…. How? How could one person do this? A flicker of unease leaps in his stomach. If he didn’t know better, he would think it was the Box Ghost’s doing. Expect these are plastic jugs, not rectangular cartons. No boxes have been touched, not cardboard the cartons of eggs come in, the microwave dinners, or the sticks of butter. And most tellingly, there are no shouts of beware.
Tucker’s nose wrinkles. It would be just his luck for Boxy to show up for the end of his shift.
The teen shakes his head, dislodging the thought. That hypothetical doesn’t matter right now. He frowns hopelessly down at the now quite insufficient mop. He’s going to need those blue absorbent puppy pads. A lot of them.
Tucker turns around, leaving the mop and bucket and starting back towards the storage room. He passes the butter and eggs again. The sign for the bathroom looms in front of him. He quickly comes to the open doorway, across from the clearance rank, and-
A puff of cold on his neck. The boy stiffens. A low whisper echoes to his right, behind him. Movement out the corner of his eye, a flicker of maroon red and neon green.
Tucker freezes, head jerking to the side to look. But… nothing.
There is nothing beside him, just the freezer of meatballs and chicken nuggets.
The lights above flicker and pop, flashing brightly at the same another whisper crackles, on his other side and full of static. Tucker’s head jerks to the sound, catching another flicker, this one of something black. His body follows the movement of his gaze, turning back the way he came.
No farther spills, no customers, no annoying boss. No one to mutter or dart passed him. The walkway is the same.
Except… a spot of neon green.
Annoyance swirling in his gut, Tucker marches up to the spot. He kneels and his brow furrows at the object. A tissue, stained with globs of glowing green.
“Freaking ghosts.” The teen curses under his breath. Of course! Of course it’s a ghost.
He picks up the tissue between two fingers, nose wrinkled in disgust. What is this? The ectoplasm looks sticky and wet, glowing between the folds of the crumpled kleenex. Like some kind of ghostly booger. From what? A ghost of the common cold?
“The store closes in five minutes!” His boss’s false cheery voice cuts through the scene. “Please bring your purchases to the front.”
Tucker groans at the words, standing. Ghost or no, he still has an aisle to clean. He hurries to the storeroom, grabbing a wad of absorbent pads. He manhandles the big black trash can with wheels, pushing it out of the closet and through the open doorway.
Then a flash of green light. A crash reverberates around the corner, back in the milk aisle.
Unthinking, Tucker takes off running. He rounds the corner, the spilled milk puddles appearing in front of him once again. A burst of cold and his legs fly out from under him.
The teen falls, landing heavily on his behind. Sudden adrenaline pounds his heart, the sound deafening in his ears. He shivers, not just from any dread but… the cold. His hand reaches for the white covering the floor, goosebumps prickling his skin. It’s frozen.
Shakily, Tucker puts his hands under him. He rises to his feet; thank goodness he’s not hurt any more than his sore tailbone. Still, his eye dart side to side, on alert.
“Look.” The teen sighs, annoyance growing. “Whoever you are, just-”
From outside, thunder crashes. The building shakes with the sound. The lights flicker, blinking out across the store.
Great, they just lost power. It’s a fleeting thought. Except-
His eyes widen at the freezers, still humming. Their fluorescent white light eerily illuminate the aisle.
“Alright.” The boy mutters, taking a step back from the slippery floor. “Dude, just turn the light back on so I can clean this.”
Ominous whispers answer, the words lost to static. To his side, a shadow passes over the freezer’s light.
Tucker turns, fumbling in his pocket. “You know what, I don’t care about the lights!” Come on. Come on. Where is that wrist ray? “Just go!”
Another boom of thunder rattles the air. The PA system shrieks, a deafening dial tone. The boy grimaces, covering his ears. Again, a shadow flickers out the corner of his eye.
The sound cuts out. The teen jerkily swivels to face the flicker, pulling out a lipstick blaster. “Don’t make me-“
The freezer door behind him slams open, the force of the glass on his back sending him to the ground. The blaster goes off, the laser sailing through the air. Harmlessly, it pings off a bakery display. Meanwhile, Tucker’s momentum sends him sliding across the slick floor on his front.
“Dude, I just want to finish my shift and go home!” The teen complains, slamming into said mid-aisle shelf.
He rolls to his side, groaning. Those bruises are going to hurt in the morning.
Neon green streaks across his vision. Again, Tucker shoots. Again, the laser flies free. And still, it fails to impact.
In response, more glass doors fling open. Three shelves collapse, dozens of frozen meals crashing onto the floor.
“Not my Hungry Man too!” The teen cries.
Back pressed against the wooden bakery shelf, Tucker pushes himself up to sit. With frustration-gritted teeth, he holds the blaster in front of him.
Static pops, filling his ears as the hum of the freezer crescendos. The ghostly fluorescent light flickers bright and dimmer. But… no hint of shadow, no ghostly green.
Eyes still intently focused ahead, Tucker reaches for his PDA. “That’s it. I’m calling Danny.” He scowls, finger over the button. “He can deal with you-“
The PDA sparks, to the technogeek’s horror. He flings it away. At the same time, a screeching reverberates, like long skeletal fingers scratching styrofoam. A milk carton rises from the open fridge. The teen stares with narrowed eyes as the plastic warps. It explodes. Drops of white liquid hang in the air for a drawn out second, before flinging across the room.
Something in Tucker snaps. He’s cold, tired, and bruised. His head hurts. His shift is almost over. Enough is enough!
“Seriously!?” He shouts, frustration giving way to rage. “I have to clean all this up?!”
In one surprisingly fluid motion, he stands. The shadows hiss, two glowing green orbs flashing into sight. They linger, just a second. But it’s enough.
Tucker shoots the blaster. And it impacts.
A pained yelp sounds. The darkness solidifies, person-shaped between one blink and the next. The green orbs, eyes, widen.
A flash of light blinds Tucker. In the next second, the store’s lights are back. The freezer doors all slam closed.
And a boy in a red hoodie crumples, falling to his knees five feet in front of him.
“Wha- Tuck?” The boy blinks, looking up.
Tucker’s jaw drops. “Danny?”
“I was in bed. What? How did I get- Acho!” A sneeze interrupts, Danny whipping glowing green snot away with his sleeve. “How did I get here?”
Tucker stares, mind churning with surprise. Then… understanding. “You!” He points accusingly. “You did this!”
“What?” Dazedly, the half ghost looks over the destruction.
“And you were, what? Sleeping haunting?!” His hands lift, exacerbated. “This is gonna take an hour to clean up!” He marches forwards, grabbing the mop and bucket, and shoving the handle at his friend. “You’re doing it!”
“But…but…” Danny stutters, blinking disbelievingly at the mess
Still, Tucker stomps away. He doesn’t get paid enough for this.
Note: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.
I debated whether to end it with Tucker storming off or if I should show more of the aftermath but decided the quick ending worked best with the prompt I was going for. Rest assured though, like two minutes after storming off, Tucker comes back and feels really bad about losing his temper. There are mutual apologies as both clean up. Danny flies Tucker home (yay for not having to wait for the bus in the rain!). And the next day, they're laughing about the entire thing.
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Radiant Skin and Intimate Comfort: Your Ultimate Wellness Guide
Our face often bears the brunt of environmental aggressors like heat, pollution, and stress. A cooling face mist serves as a refreshing antidote, providing an instant burst of hydration while soothing tired, stressed-out skin. Whether you're battling summer's scorching heat or just need a mid-day pick-me-up, these mists are a must-have.
Cooling face mists are formulated with ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, and cucumber extracts that work together to reduce redness, calm irritation, and replenish moisture. They’re also incredibly versatile—perfect for setting makeup, enhancing your natural glow, or even as part of your nighttime skincare ritual. The beauty of a cooling face mist lies in its ability to cater to all skin types, offering relief and rejuvenation whenever you need it.
Incorporating one into your skincare routine is effortless. A quick spritz in the morning before your moisturizer can lock in hydration, while a spray during the day revives dull, tired skin. By addressing external skin stressors, these mists pave the way for a healthier, more radiant complexion.
Addressing Intimate Discomfort with Dry Vaginal Cream
Just as skincare is vital for your face, maintaining the delicate balance of intimate areas is equally important. Many women experience vaginal dryness at some point, often due to hormonal changes, stress, or medical conditions. A dry vaginal cream is a game-changer for alleviating this discomfort, promoting hydration, and restoring elasticity to sensitive tissues.
These creams are carefully crafted to mimic the body's natural lubrication, providing relief from irritation and enhancing overall comfort. Their soothing properties help prevent issues like itching, burning, or discomfort during intimacy. Using a dry vaginal cream regularly can significantly improve your quality of life, empowering you to feel confident and worry-free.
Application is simple and discreet, making it easy to incorporate into your self-care routine. Regular use not only addresses existing dryness but also fosters a healthy, moisturized environment, preventing future discomfort. This small addition to your wellness regimen can make a significant difference in your overall sense of well-being.
Combining Skincare and Intimate Care for Holistic Wellness
The conversation about wellness is expanding to include products that address all aspects of self-care, from skin hydration to intimate health. By using solutions like cooling face mists and dry vaginal cream, you're not just addressing isolated concerns but embracing a more comprehensive approach to feeling and looking your best.
While both products target different areas of your body, their core purpose is the same: to restore balance and enhance comfort. Incorporating these into your daily routine can lead to improved confidence and a renewed sense of self. It’s about recognizing that self-care isn’t selfish—it’s essential.
The rise in popularity of cooling face mists anddry vaginal cream is a testament to how modern wellness trends are meeting real, everyday needs. They represent the evolution of beauty and health products, moving toward solutions that empower women to care for themselves without compromise.
Tips for Enhancing Your Self-Care Routine
Creating a personalized self-care routine is key to achieving both radiant skin and intimate comfort. Start by identifying your specific needs. Is your skin prone to redness and dryness? Does intimacy sometimes feel uncomfortable? With the right tools, such as a cooling face mist for instant hydration and a dry vaginal cream for intimate care, you can address these concerns effectively.
Consistency is crucial. Regular application of these products, paired with healthy lifestyle choices like staying hydrated and eating nutrient-rich foods, will amplify their benefits. Additionally, consider practices like meditation or yoga to reduce stress, which can have a positive impact on both skin health and intimate wellness.
Your self-care routine is an opportunity to connect with your body and respond to its needs. It’s a practice that fosters mindfulness, enabling you to nurture yourself from the inside out.
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DIY Face Mists
Face mists refresh the skin and provide hydration throughout the day. A simple homemade mist can be made by combining rose water and a few drops of cucumber juice. For oily or acne-prone skin, adding witch hazel to the mixture helps balance oil production. Aloe vera juice mixed with green tea provides antioxidants and soothes the skin. Store your mist in a spray bottle and refrigerate for a cooling effect that leaves your skin revitalized.
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The Best Spa Ceylon Sydney Products for a Revitalizing Morning Routine
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, establishing a revitalizing morning routine can be a game-changer for your physical and mental well-being. For those in Sydney seeking an effective way to start their day, Spa Ceylon offers a luxurious range of Ayurvedic products designed to rejuvenate and invigorate. With its rich heritage rooted in ancient Sri Lankan wellness traditions, Spa Ceylon Sydney products incorporate natural ingredients that cater to a variety of skin types and personal preferences. This article delves into the best Spa Ceylon Sydney products to transform your morning routine into a refreshing ritual, enhancing your overall vitality.
Understanding the Benefits of Ayurvedic Products
Ayurveda, a holistic healing system that has been practiced for thousands of years, emphasizes the balance of body, mind, and spirit. By using natural ingredients and traditional methods, Spa Ceylon Sydney products not only nourish the skin but also provide therapeutic benefits. Incorporating these products into your morning routine can lead to:
Improved Skin Health: Natural ingredients promote hydration, elasticity, and a youthful glow.
Enhanced Mood: The aromatic scents of essential oils uplift the spirit, setting a positive tone for the day.
Stress Relief: Many Ayurvedic formulations are designed to reduce stress and promote relaxation, helping you face daily challenges with a calm mind.
Holistic Wellness: A balanced routine encourages self-care, contributing to both physical and emotional well-being.
Key Spa Ceylon Sydney Products for Your Morning Routine
1. Ceylon Tea Body Scrub
A perfect way to start your morning is with a revitalising body scrub. The Ceylon Tea Body Scrub combines the exfoliating properties of finely ground tea leaves with nourishing oils to slough away dead skin cells, leaving your skin feeling smooth and refreshed.
Benefits: Removes impurities, boosts circulation, and prepares your skin for better absorption of subsequent products.
How to Use: Apply a small amount to damp skin in circular motions, focusing on rough areas. Rinse thoroughly and follow with a moisturiser.
2. Herbal Shampoo
Transform your hair care routine with the Herbal Shampoo infused with natural ingredients such as hibiscus and aloe vera. This gentle cleanser nourishes the scalp and strengthens hair strands while providing a refreshing scent.
Benefits: Promotes hair growth, reduces dandruff, and adds shine to your hair.
How to Use: Massage a small amount into wet hair, lather, and rinse. For best results, follow up with a matching conditioner.
3. Essential Oil Blends
To elevate your morning experience, consider using Essential Oil Blends from Spa Ceylon Sydney. The invigorating scents of lemongrass, sandalwood, or jasmine can awaken your senses and energise your mind.
Benefits: Aromatherapy has been shown to reduce anxiety, improve focus, and boost mood.
How to Use: Diffuse a few drops in your living space, add to your bath, or apply diluted oil to pulse points for an uplifting fragrance throughout the day.
4. Face Mist
Refresh your complexion with a rejuvenating Face Mist that hydrates and tones your skin. Infused with natural extracts like rose and cucumber, this product is perfect for a quick pick-me-up.
Benefits: Provides instant hydration, soothes irritation, and prepares your skin for makeup or further skincare application.
How to Use: Spray a fine mist over your face after cleansing or throughout the day for a refreshing boost.
5. Body Lotion
Finish your morning routine with a nourishing Body Lotion designed to hydrate and soften your skin. Enriched with botanical ingredients, this lotion absorbs quickly and leaves a light fragrance.
Benefits: Deeply moisturises, improves skin texture, and protects against environmental stressors.
How to Use: Apply generously all over your body after showering to lock in moisture.
Incorporating Spa Ceylon Sydney Products into Your Routine
To maximise the benefits of Spa Ceylon products in your morning routine, consider the following steps:
Start with a Clean Slate: Begin by cleansing your face and body. The Herbal Shampoo and Ceylon Tea Body Scrub will prepare your skin and hair for hydration and nourishment.
Hydrate and Refresh: Use the Face Mist to refresh your skin after cleansing. This step is crucial for maintaining moisture levels, especially in the dry Sydney climate.
Nourish Your Body: Apply the Body Lotion to lock in moisture and keep your skin soft throughout the day. Pay special attention to areas that tend to dry out, such as elbows and knees.
Enhance Your Mood: Diffuse your favourite Essential Oil Blend or apply it to your pulse points. The uplifting scents will set a positive tone for your day ahead.
Stay Hydrated: Remember that hydration starts from within. Pair your morning routine with a glass of water or herbal tea to keep your body nourished.
Additional Tips for a Revitalizing Morning Routine
Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness practices such as meditation or yoga to enhance mental clarity and emotional balance.
Healthy Breakfast: Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast to sustain your energy levels.
Stay Active: Engage in light exercise to boost circulation and invigorate your body.
Embracing a revitalising morning routine with Spa Ceylon Sydney products can significantly enhance your overall wellness and set a positive tone for your day. By integrating natural, Ayurvedic products into your daily regimen, you not only care for your skin and hair but also nourish your mind and spirit. The luxurious textures and uplifting scents of Spa Ceylon products make self-care a delightful experience, ensuring you start each day feeling refreshed and invigorated.
Explore the range of Spa Ceylon Sydney products to discover what works best for you and enjoy the benefits of holistic wellness.
1. What are the key ingredients in Spa Ceylon Sydney products?
Spa Ceylon Sydney products feature natural ingredients such as herbal extracts, essential oils, and botanical elements, all chosen for their therapeutic benefits.
2. Are Spa Ceylon products suitable for all skin types?
Yes, Spa Ceylon offers a variety of products formulated to cater to different skin types, ensuring that everyone can find suitable options for their needs.
3. Can I use Spa Ceylon products on sensitive skin?
Many Spa Ceylon products are designed to be gentle and suitable for sensitive skin. However, it is always advisable to conduct a patch test before full application.
4. How often should I incorporate these products into my routine?
For best results, use the products daily as part of your morning routine. Regular use helps maximise their benefits.
5. Where can I purchase Spa Ceylon Sydney products?
You can find Spa Ceylon products at selected retailers in Sydney and online through their official website or other authorised online platforms.
By focusing on a holistic approach with Spa Ceylon Sydney products, you can elevate your morning routine into a revitalising experience that nurtures your body, mind, and spirit.
Spa Ceylon
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NYX PROFESSIONAL MAKEUP Bare With Me Multitasking Primer & Setting Spray
Price: (as of – Details) Put on a fresh face with bare with Me Prime set refresh multitasking Spray. Infused with Aloe and cucumber extracts, our sensitive skin-friendly Spray has your complexion covered every step of the way. Just a few spritzes preps or sets your makeup and perks up any look. This multipurpose mist Also gives skin a dewy glow, minimizes the appearance of pores, and provides up…
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Buy Super Skin Spray Online in India Best Price Nourish Mantra India
In today's fast-paced world, our skin is constantly exposed to environmental stressors like pollution, UV rays, and harsh weather conditions. The result? Dull, tired, and damaged skin that lacks vitality and glow. Nourish Mantra, a brand synonymous with high-quality Ayurvedic skincare, brings you the perfect solution—Super Skin Spray. This potent skin elixir is designed to rejuvenate and refresh your skin, giving it the much-needed boost it deserves.
Why Choose Nourish Mantra’s Super Skin Spray?
Nourish Mantra’s Super Skin Spray is not just a skincare product; it’s a promise of healthy, glowing skin. Infused with the goodness of Ayurvedic ingredients, this spray is suitable for all skin types and is formulated to provide instant hydration and a natural glow.
Key Ingredients and Their Benefits:
Aloe Vera: Known for its soothing properties, Aloe Vera hydrates the skin deeply and helps reduce redness and irritation. It acts as a natural barrier against environmental pollutants and harsh weather conditions.
Rose Water: A natural astringent, Rose Water helps maintain the skin's pH balance and controls excess oil. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce redness and puffiness, leaving your skin refreshed.
Cucumber Extract: Rich in antioxidants, Cucumber Extract revitalizes the skin, reducing puffiness and dark circles. It also provides a cooling effect, making it perfect for hot summer days.
Green Tea Extract: Packed with antioxidants, Green Tea Extract fights free radicals and prevents premature aging. It helps in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging, leaving your skin looking youthful and radiant.
How to Use Nourish Mantra’s Super Skin Spray
Using Nourish Mantra’s Super Skin Spray is incredibly easy. Simply spray it onto your face from a distance, close your eyes, and let the mist settle onto your skin. You can use it as part of your morning skincare routine, before applying makeup, or anytime during the day when your skin needs a quick refresh. It’s also perfect for setting makeup, ensuring your look stays flawless throughout the day.
Why Buy from Nourish Mantra?
Nourish Mantra is committed to providing high-quality, Ayurvedic skincare products that are free from harmful chemicals like parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances. Each product is carefully crafted using natural ingredients that are sustainably sourced and ethically produced. When you buy from Nourish Mantra, you’re not just investing in skincare; you’re investing in a healthier, more radiant you.
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Ready to experience the magic of Nourish Mantra’s Super Skin Spray? You can buy it online at the best price in India, directly from the official Nourish Mantra website or from leading online retailers. Enjoy the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home and have the product delivered right to your doorstep.
Don’t wait any longer to give your skin the care it deserves. With Nourish Mantra’s Super Skin Spray, glowing, hydrated, and refreshed skin is just a spray away. Experience the power of Ayurveda combined with modern skincare technology and let your skin shine with Nourish Mantra.
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Beach Bag Essentials: Sun Protection Beyond Just Sunscreen
When gearing up for a day at the beach, it’s crucial to think beyond just sunscreen. While SPF is undoubtedly a beach bag essential, comprehensive sun protection encompasses more than just slathering on lotion. Here’s a guide to ensuring your skin stays safe and healthy under the sun, covering various aspects from clothing choices to hydration. Sunscreen: Let’s start with the obvious but often neglected aspect – sunscreen. Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to shield your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. Remember to apply it generously and reapply every two hours, or more frequently if you’ve been swimming or sweating.
Wide-brimmed Hat: A stylish wide-brimmed hat not only adds flair to your beach attire but also provides extra protection for your face, neck, and shoulders. Look for hats with at least a three-inch brim to effectively shield these areas from direct sunlight.
Sunglasses: Don’t forget to protect your eyes! Invest in sunglasses that block 100% of UVA and UVB rays to safeguard your vision and the delicate skin around your eyes from sun damage. UPF Clothing: Consider wearing clothing with UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) fabric for added sun protection. These garments are specially designed to block harmful UV rays and are available in various styles, including swimwear, rash guards, and cover-ups.
Sun Protective Umbrella or Tent: Create your shaded oasis on the beach with a sun-protective umbrella or tent. This provides a retreat from direct sunlight, allowing you to take breaks from sun exposure throughout the day.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is key to maintaining healthy skin, especially when spending time outdoors in the sun. Pack plenty of water in your beach bag to prevent dehydration and replenish lost fluids due to sweating. Lip Balm with SPF: Don’t overlook your lips when it comes to sun protection. Choose a lip balm with SPF to shield your lips from sunburn and keep them moisturized throughout the day. Cooling Mist: Refresh your skin with a cooling mist or spray to soothe sun-exposed areas and provide instant relief from the heat. Look for products infused with ingredients like aloe vera or cucumber for added hydration and cooling effects. Aloe Vera Gel: In case of sunburn, aloe vera gel can work wonders to soothe and heal the skin. Keep a bottle of pure aloe vera gel in your beach bag to provide relief from sunburn and reduce inflammation. After-Sun Lotion: After a day in the sun, treat your skin to some TLC with an after-sun lotion or moisturizer. Choose a product enriched with soothing ingredients like vitamin E and cocoa butter to nourish and hydrate sun-exposed skin.
Wide-Tooth Comb or Detangling Brush: Saltwater and wind can leave your hair tangled and unruly after a day at the beach. Pack a wide-tooth comb or detangling brush in your beach bag to gently remove knots and tangles without causing breakage. Snacks: Fuel your beach day with healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up. Pack portable options like fruits, nuts, and granola bars to munch on throughout the day.
By incorporating these sun protection essentials into your perfect bag for the beach, you can enjoy a fun-filled day in the sun while safeguarding your skin from harmful UV rays. Remember, sun protection is not just a single step but a combination of measures to keep your skin healthy and protected all day long.
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Essential Tips for Your Summer Skin Care Routine by Dr. Atul

To stay healthy and radiant throughout the summer’s intense heat, our skin needs extra attention. The Best Dermatologist in Indore, Dr. Atul, offers his vital advice on creating a Summer Skin Care Routine that will keep your skin hydrated and happy.
Here Are Some Essential Tips to Follow:
Shield Your Skin from the Sun
A crucial component of the Summer Skin Care Routine is shielding your skin from the sun’s damaging rays. Even on cloudy days, Dr. Atul stresses the significance of using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF 30 or greater every day. Every two hours, especially if you’re sweating, swimming, or spending time outside, reapply sunscreen.
Stay Hydrated
In the summertime heat, staying hydrated is essential to having healthy skin. To keep your skin hydrated from the inside out, Dr. Atul the Best Dermatologist in Indore suggests drinking lots of water throughout the day. Moreover, applying a thin, non-comedogenic moisturizer can aid in retaining moisture and avoiding dryness, particularly following swimming or sun exposure.
Cleanse Gently
Sweat and extra oil accumulation on the skin during the summer can cause clogged pores and breakouts. Dr. Atul advises using a mild, pH-balanced cleanser twice a day to remove debris, oil, and pollutants from your skin without removing its natural oils. Steer clear of rough exfoliation or scrubbing since these can aggravate summertime skin problems by irritating the skin. You can add this thing to your Summer Skin Care Routine.
Protect Your Lips
Remember to shield your lips from the sun’s radiation as well. Dr. Atul the Best Dermatologist in Indore advises protecting your lips from sunlight and dehydration by applying a lip balm with SPF. For summertime, smooth and soft lips, look for moisturizing formulations enhanced with nutrients like coconut oil or shea butter.
Cool Off with Hydrating Mists
Throughout the day, keep a moisturizing face mist handy to help cool and revitalize your skin. Especially on hot summer days, Dr. Atul advises misting your face with a spray that contains cooling components like cucumber or aloe vera to rapidly moisturize and revitalize your skin. You can also add this to your Summer Skin Care Routine.
To Consult Dr. Atul the Best Dermatologist in Indore Click Here
Opt for Lightweight Formulas
Thick creams and lotions can feel oppressive and overbearing on the skin during the summer heat. Dr. Atul the Best Dermatologist in Indore suggests making the switch to oil-free, lightweight products that won’t make your skin feel weighed down or clog pores. Seek for sunscreens, serums, and moisturizers with gel bases that dry matte and absorb rapidly.
Take a Healthy and Balanced Diet
Enjoy a healthy and balanced diet during the summer months by incorporating plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, curd, juices and hydrating foods like cucumbers and watermelon. Stay hydrated, limit processed foods, and focus on nourishing your body with nutritious, seasonal ingredients. Well nobody can think of this but yes this can also be added to your Summer Skin Care Routine for healthy and fresh skin in summer.
Crafting a Summer Skin Care Routine doesn’t have to be complicated. With these essential tips from Dr. Atul, the best dermatologist in Indore, you can keep your skin healthy, hydrated, and protected all summer long. Remember to shield your skin from the sun, stay hydrated, cleanse gently, protect your lips, cool off with hydrating mists, opt for lightweight formulas, and treat sunburn promptly to keep your skin glowing and radiant throughout the season.
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Unlock Radiant Mornings: Your Essential Beauty Trio Revealed
In the fast-paced world of beauty and skincare, the key to achieving a radiant complexion lies in a well-curated nighttime routine and effective makeup setting during the day. Riyo Herbs, a brand committed to harnessing the power of natural ingredients, introduces a trio of essentials for women: the Night Cream, Makeup Fixer Spray, and Face Mask Sheet. Let's delve into the transformative benefits of these products and how they contribute to unveiling a radiant morning glow.
Night Cream for Women:
As the day comes to a close, the skin undergoes a natural repair and regeneration process. Riyo Herbs' Night Cream is a luxurious formulation designed to complement this nighttime renewal. Infused with potent botanical extracts like chamomile, rosehip, and lavender, this night cream nourishes the skin, promoting elasticity and hydration.
The lightweight texture of the night cream ensures quick absorption, allowing the skin to breathe and recover overnight. Regular use of Riyo Herbs' Night Cream helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and promotes a smoother, more youthful complexion. Wake up to supple and revitalized skin, ready to face the day with confidence.
Makeup Fixer Spray:
For those who love to indulge in makeup artistry, the longevity of your masterpiece is of utmost importance. Riyo Herbs' Makeup Fixer Spray is a game-changer in setting makeup and ensuring a fresh and flawless look throughout the day. The fine mist, enriched with herbal extracts, helps lock in makeup, preventing smudging and fading.
The Makeup Fixer Spray not only enhances the longevity of your makeup but also imparts a dewy finish. The hydrating formula contains ingredients like aloe vera and green tea extract, providing a refreshing burst of moisture. Bid farewell to midday touch-ups and embrace the confidence that comes with a makeup look that lasts from dawn to dusk.
Face Mask Sheet:
Indulge in a spa-like experience at home with Riyo Herbs' Face Mask Sheet. Infused with natural extracts such as cucumber, aloe vera, and rose water, this sheet mask offers a burst of hydration and nourishment to the skin. Perfect for a self-care evening or as a pre-event pampering ritual, the face mask sheet revitalizes tired and dull skin.
The sheet mask's gentle and soothing formula is suitable for all skin types. It adheres comfortably to the contours of the face, allowing the skin to absorb the goodness of the natural ingredients. After just one use, you'll notice a refreshed and radiant complexion, making Riyo Herbs' Face Mask Sheet a go-to solution for an instant skin boost.
Riyo Herbs presents a holistic approach to beauty with its Night Cream, Makeup Fixer Spray, and Face Mask Sheet. The Night Cream pampers your skin while you sleep, promoting rejuvenation. The Makeup Fixer Spray ensures your makeup stays in place, providing a long-lasting and flawless look. Lastly, the Face Mask Sheet offers a spa-like experience, giving your skin the love and care it deserves.
Embrace the transformative power of Riyo Herbs' skincare essentials, wake up to radiant mornings and confidently face the day ahead. Elevate your nighttime routine and makeup application with these products that seamlessly blend natural goodness and modern beauty technology.
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Fighting Wrinkles Through Proper Hydration
Why Hydration Matters
Skin plumpness - The skin becomes well hydrated, appears fuller and the wrinkles look less obvious.Water content creates volume.
Improves elasticity - Hydration is essential as it makes skin firm and elastic, which ultimately delays wrinkles and sagging.
Alleviates dryness - Dryness of skin emphasizes the appearance of lines and crepey textures.Proper moisture prevents tightness.
Promotes cell renewal - Water creates new, healthy skin cells and sheds away the old, damaged ones.
Provides nutrients - Water facilitates the movement of beneficial nutrition into skin tissue to upkeep the youthful features.
Tips for Hydrating Skin
Drink lots of water -At least try the recommended 64 oz per day to rehydrate your body.
Eat hydrating foods - Consume fruits and smoothies that are juicy, brothy soups, cucumbers, celery and yogurt.
Hydrating spray with the mist - To rehydrate the face throughout the day, use a facial mist that can deliver hydration even over makeup.
Hydrating serums - moisturizing serums containing hyaluronic acid to attract and seal in moisture.
Sleep while using a humidifier - Humidify air while sleeping to keep from losing moisture.
Personalize wrinkles fighting skincare regimens that suit your skin type by consulting Dr. Surojit Gorai, one of the best dermatologists. These therapies go a long way in reviving aging skin.
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The Glow Up Project (6/31)
Im already feeling like giving up and it hasn’t been a week (ㅠ﹏ㅠ). Exams are real killers but tomorrow I’ll finish them all ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻). I will log some progress tomorrow. Below will be my skincare for the week and honestly… last time I had skin like this was maybe 5 years ago.

Skincare routine (as basic as it gets)
⟢ Steam face. A pot with hot water works just fine
⟢ Cleanse. Neutral bar soaps are amazing but be careful for your eyes
⟢Cucumber water mist. Mix cucumber and water, spray it on and tap it in
⟢ Moisturizer. Any type for your skin works wonders. This cold season it might be better to use a bit heavier one
#chaotic academia#daily life#diary#diary blog#my stuff#studyblr#drawing#language learning#it girl#girlblogging#productivity challenge#self care#self improvement#cute#skincare#that girl
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Mist Your Way to Glowing Skin: How to Choose the Right Facial Tonic Mist
Facial Tonic Mist has become an essential part of skincare routines, offering a refreshing burst of hydration and a myriad of benefits for your skin. Here's a guide to help you select the perfect facial tonic mist for your skin type and needs.
Identify Your Skin Type:
Before you start shopping for a facial tonic mist or skin soothing mist, it's crucial to understand your skin type. Whether you have oily, dry, combination, sensitive, or normal skin will influence the type of mist that suits you best. Different mists are formulated to address specific skin concerns.

Ingredients Matter:
Check the ingredient list carefully. Look for natural, skin-loving ingredients like aloe vera, rosewater, cucumber extract, hyaluronic acid, and botanical extracts. Avoid products with alcohol, artificial fragrances, or harsh chemicals, as they can be drying and irritating to the skin.
Targeted Benefits:
Consider what you want to achieve with your facial mist. Do you need hydration, soothing for sensitive skin, or oil control for acne-prone skin? Look for a mist that offers the specific benefits your skin requires.
Scent and Sensitivity:
Some facial mists have fragrances, while others are fragrance-free. If you have sensitive skin or prefer to avoid scents, opt for a fragrance-free mist to reduce the risk of irritation.
Packaging and Portability:
Consider the packaging of the facial mist. Opt for a mist with a fine spray nozzle to ensure an even and gentle distribution. Additionally, choose a size that suits your lifestyle, whether you prefer a travel-sized bottle for on-the-go hydration or a larger one for daily use.
Read Reviews:
Read customer reviews and endorsements before making a purchase.. Real-world experiences can provide valuable insights into how well a facial mist performs and whether it aligns with your expectations.
Patch Test:
When you've found a facial tonic mist that seems promising, do a patch test on a small area of your skin to ensure it doesn't cause any adverse reactions or allergies.

Consider Multipurpose Products:
Some Facial Tonic Mist can also serve as makeup setting sprays or primers. If you're looking for versatility, consider a product that can multitask and save you both time and money.
Price vs. Quality:
While there are budget-friendly options, investing in a high-quality facial tonic mist can yield better results and be more beneficial for your skin in the long run.
Wrapping up, choosing the right facial tonic mist is a personalized journey that depends on your skin type, concerns, and preferences. By understanding your needs and carefully evaluating product ingredients and reviews, you can select a facial mist that not only hydrates but also enhances your skincare routine, leaving your skin refreshed, radiant, and ready to face the day.
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Korean skincare home remedies for achieving a radiant and youthful complexion

Rice Water Toner: Koreans often use rice water as a toner due to its brightening properties. To make it at home, soak rice in water for about 30 minutes, strain the water, and use it as a toner.
Green Tea Face Mist: Green tea is rich in antioxidants and can refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Brew green tea, let it cool, pour it into a spray bottle, and use it as a facial mist throughout the day.
Honey and Sugar Scrub: Mix honey and sugar to create a gentle exfoliating scrub. Apply it to damp skin in circular motions, then rinse for smoother and brighter skin.
Yogurt Mask: Yogurt contains lactic acid that exfoliates and moisturizes. Apply plain yogurt to your face, leave it on for about 15 minutes, then rinse for a smoother complexion.
Cucumber Slices: Place cucumber slices on your eyes to reduce puffiness and rejuvenate tired eyes, a common practice in Korean skincare.
Potato Juice Brightening: Potato juice is believed to have skin-brightening properties. Apply freshly extracted potato juice to your face using a cotton ball, leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.
Seaweed Mask: Seaweed is packed with nutrients and minerals. Blend soaked seaweed into a paste and apply it as a mask for hydration and a radiant glow.
Tomato Massage: Cut a tomato in half and gently rub it on your face in circular motions. The natural acids in tomatoes help brighten the skin.
Egg White Pore Tightening: Whip egg whites and apply a thin layer to your face. Once it dries, rinse it off to achieve a temporary tightening effect.
DIY Sheet Masks: Soak thin cotton pads in essence (diluted toner or serum), place them on your face, and let them sit for 10-15 minutes for a quick hydration boost.
Oatmeal and Milk Cleanser: Mix oatmeal with milk to create a gentle cleanser. Oatmeal soothes the skin while milk provides moisture.
Aloe Vera Gel: Apply freshly extracted aloe vera gel to your face for soothing hydration and to address redness and irritation.
Honey and Lemon Mask: Mix honey and a few drops of lemon juice for a brightening and clarifying mask. Apply it and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.
Red Ginseng Steam Facial: Steam your face and then apply a red ginseng-infused cloth to open pores and rejuvenate the skin.
Mung Bean Face Pack: Mung bean powder can be mixed with water to create a detoxifying face pack that helps with skin clarity.
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Mario Badescu Facial Spray Collection with Rose Water, Cucumber, Lavender and Orange Blossom, Multi-Purpose Cooling and Hydrating Face Mist for All Skin Types, Dewy Finish
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e.l.f. Dewy Coconut Setting Mist, Makeup Setting Spray For Hydrating & Conditioning Skin, Infused With Green Tea, Vegan & Cruelty-Free, 2.7 Fl Oz
Main Features:
Coconut-infused makeup setting spray
Formulated with skin-loving ingredients Coconut, Green Tea, and Cucumber to condition the skin
Hydrates skin and gives makeup long lasting power
Multi-purpose uses like makeup fixer or face refresher
Achieve a healthy-looking glow instantly
Fine mist for easy application
100% cruelty-free and Vegan
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