#Cubs are adorable
nekohime19 · 1 month
Mini Mac # 38 : rising kids is tiring
Cubs shenanigans! If you got any nicknames for Savage and Rumble share them in the comments! 😊😊
Wukong was woken up at dawn by angry “mrrrps”. He slowly blinked, the mist of sleep still clinging to his eyes, and looked down on his chest. Since Macaque birthed the babies, he often slept on his bare chest. According to the black-furred monkey, Wukong possessed a natural warmth that was particularly comfortable and a smell close to peaches. Something the babies adored. Macaque said that, because they were born of a peach blossom, everything related to peaches was dubbed as safe in their tiny minds. Wukong was just glad they liked his smell. He almost bursted out crying when Macaque told him that.
He was very emotional with matters related to the babies.
Wukong saw lil Rumble furiously pawing at his dad's face, squirming in place. Macaque woke up with a sigh and looked down on his baby.
“What's the matter, bud?” Mumbled Macaque as he looked at his lil guy. Rumble huffed with a grumpy face and pawed harder. It wasn't unusual for Rumble to be grumpy. He was a grumpy baby in general. But it was odd for him to be awake this early. Usually, he would wake up just before midday.
Contrary to his sister, Rumble wasn't very loud. He expressed himself in tiny “mrrps”, each slightly different to express various emotions. There was the default grumpy “mrrp” that he let out a lot. The happy “mrrrrrp” that was slightly longer and high-pitched. The hungry “mrp”, that was short and quick. And the angry “mrrrp”, that was louder than any other. Wukong had still a lot to learn when it concerned Rumble “mrrp langage” but he was slowly getting there.
Macaque took the tiny hands of his son and prevented him from pawing at his face. Rumble gasped, shocked, and let out a quick succession of angry “mrrrps”.
“You need to show me what's wrong, grumpy pants.” Snorted Macaque. “Are you hurt?” He added, more worried. Rumble frowned and pawed at his own belly. Macaque carefully inspected the round belly of his lil guy and sighed.
“Is he okay?” Asked Wukong, already thinking of the wrist possible scenarios.
“He got a stomachache.”
“Can you heal him?” Wukong knew Macaque had a lot of herbs and petals, perhaps this matter could be solved easily. He didn't like seeing his tiny pout-puss all angry…oh well angrier than usual.
“I'm out of peppermint.” Macaque nuzzle Rumble to soothe him, the lil guy stopped his pawing and purred a lil. He always liked to be nuzzled. This lil snuggle bug.
“I can get some!” Chirped Wukong. Macaque nodded, grateful. He dived in a shadow portal and emerged on the floor with his two babies. Unfortunately, the motion woke up Savage. Both monkeys sweatdropped. When this lil devil was awake she was unable to get back to sleep. Savage squirmed in Macaque's arms. She woke up and looked around with excitement. Then she began to chirp loudly. As always. Macaque tried to shush her but it was too late.
“Hey, hey, bud.” Chuckled Wukong. “Calm down.” He gave her his finger and she immediately latched on it. Nibbling at the soft fur. “You monster munch.” Snorted the great sage.
“You think you can take her with you?” Asked Macaque. Wukong looked at his very tired face and at the grumpy cub in his arms and nodded.
“Yeah, of course. You stay with the pout-puss here.” Wukong affectionately patted Macaque's head with his finger. Macaque leaned in the touch and smiled softly at the golden-furred monkey.
“You're a lifesaver.” Wukong preened at the praise. He then turned towards the lil cub munching on his finger. He conjured a bell ribbon with one piece of hair and tied it to Savage's long tail. It was the only way for him to not lose her. She was a slippery cub.
Wukong carefully grabbed Savage. Once his hold was secure, he walked on his cloud and flew towards the nearest forest. Savage chirped in his hands, she dug her way out of his hold, her tiny face peeking from his fingers. Wukong made sure to fly very slowly and close to the ground. He looked up once to see where he was heading, and when he looked down Savage wasn't in his hand anymore.
“What the-” Wukong began to panic and search around the cloud when he heard the tinkle of a bell on his left. He looked there and found Savage climbing his left arms. “You…” Wukong sighed and took Savage in his hands. “Come here, you busy bee. And stay still.” Savage looked up at him and exploded in excited chirps, she was chirping so much it was almost like she was vibrating. “Yeah, yeah, you're excited about going out with lil old me. But you're gonna give me white fur at this rate. Here munch on the finger.”
Giving Savage a finger to munch on was Wukong's only way to get her still. Bless his fingers to be so… munchable.
Wukong quickly got to the forest. He put Savage on the tip of his snout, where he could watch her, and began to search for peppermint.
“Alright, buzy bee. We're searching for peppermint. Tiny… well not tiny for you I guess. But green leaves.” Savage looked at him and then pawed at his snout. “You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?” Fondly sighed Wukong, Savage made a lil blep. She often stuck out her tongue for no reason. Wukong found it cute. He booped her tiny snout with the tip of his finger and she giggled.
Wukong began to search around, occasionally he let Savage crawl to his forehead and slide to the tip of his snout, using the bridge of his nose as a toboggan. Well, as long as she stayed busy and within sight, everything was fine.
Wukong finally managed to find some peppermint, he crouched down and took some leaves.
“Mission accomplished-” He cut himself when he couldn't see Savage hanging on his snout anymore. “Not again.” He cursed. He panicked and looked around once more, only to hear the bell in his ear. Wukong sighed and put a finger on his left ear. Soon enough he felt tiny fangs munch on his finger. “You were pawing at the staff, again, weren't you?” Mumbled Wukong as he put Savage in his hands. She looked up at him all innocent but he knew better. It wasn't the first time she went in his ear to pawe at the needle-sized staff nestled there. The great sage tried to look stern but he failed miserably. She was too cute!
Wukong managed to get back to the camp with peppermint, and he only lost Savage two more times.
“Everything was okay? Did she behave?” Asked Macaque as he received the peppermint leaves.
“It was… as expected.” Snorted Wukong. “Raising kids is tiring.”
“Yeah. No kidding.” Snorted Macaque, he looked at his two babies. Savage was bothering her brother, as usual, pawing at his face. Rumble was letting out frustrated “mrrrps”, trying to bite her hands. They stumbled together, limbs all tangled. They tried to untangle together but failed and whined.
Precious lil devils, thought Wukong as he helped Macaque untangle them.
+ cut scenes
Rumble : mrrrp 😑
Wukong *studying the mrrp langage* : I see, interesting 🤔
Rumble : mrrrp 😤
Wukong : Yes, that is very frustrating 😔
Rumble : mrrrp 🙄
Savage nicknames : monster munch, busy bee, firecracker, lil devil, bud, blossom, fireball
Rumble nickname : grumpy pants, pout-puss, bud, blossom, snuggle bug, sleepyhead, purr prince
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happifying-things · 1 year
📷 from ParchedRepublic
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epickiya722 · 7 months
I just think they would be friends. I just think they deserve happiness. I just think they're amazing.
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sunfloweraro · 14 days
Prompt: Father’s Day
Wild knows Twilight has been celebrating Father’s Day with Time, but he has a little something he wants to do for the man who practically raised him after he lost his memory.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   .
Wild held the wooden carving in both hands, eyes darting between it and his mentor. Twilight had spent most of today with Time, spoiling him with breakfast before the two went out for a horse ride together. They had only just returned now, hours later, after the sun had sunk below the tree line and the fireplace had been lit. Twilight sat with Time, recounting their day spent together with bright smiles and crinkled eyes.
Wild hesitated, uncertain about this. His carving was crude, laughable, even. What if Twilight hated it? What if he became uncomfortable around Wild? What if Wild was ruining this for himself by reading too much into something that wasn’t there?
“Go already,” Sky said, and Wild jumped. He hadn’t noticed Sky sneaking up beside him. “We spent all that time working on the carving. He’ll love it, trust me.”
Wild wasn’t so certain, but Sky shoved him forward anyway, and his feet took him into the living room of their own accord. Time looked up as he approached, saw the carving in his hands before Wild could hide it behind his back. Time nodded understandingly, patting Twilight on the shoulder and taking his leave. Twilight frowned, until he saw Wild approaching.
“Hey, cub!” Twilight greeted him, patting the space beside him.
Wild shakily sat next to him. Smiled nervously.
Twilight frowned. “Everything alright? You’re quiet again; was it another memory?”
Wild couldn’t help it—he laughed. Of course, Twilight would be worried for him. This was exactly why Wild had felt the urge to do something for Twilight on this special day. How could he not, when Twilight took care of him like no one else had?
“I’m fine,” he assured Twilight. “I have something for you.”
“Something for me?” Twilight tilted his head as he often did as Wolfie.
“Yeah, it’s, um… Here.” Wild shoved the carving into Twilight’s hands, face burning.
Twilight took the carving in both hands, surprise leaving his eyes widening. He inspected the crude carving of the two of them thoughtfully. Wild had carved the two of them sitting together, as they so often did, Wild resting his head over Twilight’s shoulder, curled up into his mentor’s side. Twilight had a wooden arm wrapped around Wild’s shoulders, his head resting over Wild’s. Sky had a taken a picture of them two of them sitting in such a position and they had used it as a reference for the carving.
Wild cleared his throat, averting his gaze. “Um. Happy Father’s Day,” he murmured, face burning hotter.
Twilight was silent a long moment, long enough to leave nerves piercing Wild’s stomach. He glanced up, blinking in surprise when he saw the tears in Twilight’s eyes. “Aw, cub… Come here.” Twilight set the carving to the side, drawing Wild into an embrace tight enough to leave Wild’s ribs creaking. “I love it. Thank you.”
Wild breathed a sigh of relief, settling in Twilight’s arms. “Thank you.”
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iloveroblox123 · 2 months
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bytesizedshorts · 5 months
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Bytesized Red Panda Loaf 
Feel free to check out my shop for stickers and things of this and more! :)
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happyheidi · 2 years
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Polar bear family in Wapusk National Park, Canada.
Photos by Eric Gurwin
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Puma cub portrait
Puma cub portrait by Tambako The Jaguar Via Flickr:
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biologist4ever · 6 months
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nekohime19 · 4 months
Mini Mac #9 : Befriending the feral lil guy
Macaque finally recognized that Wukong is kinda his friend! Wukong's efforts paid off, 😌
The flowers were beginning to bloom through the frost of winter and the first hint of warmth crawled beneath the thick grayish sky of the cold season. Spring was on its way, and thus Macaque's hibernation (if you could call it like that) was coming to an end. The black-furred monkey fastened the bags around his body and stepped outside of the stone mansion, he breathed in the soft sweet-scented air of the water-curtain cave and began to wander. First, he climbed the nearby peach-tree growing beside the mansion and perched himself in the highest branch. He liked to see the cave from one of the highest points; it enabled him to see which trees were bearing fruits and where the flowers were blooming. Macaque didn't need much fruit, contrary to many other seasons spent on his own, now the black-furred monkey had a friend (of some sorts) bringing him food on a daily basis. Even if some parts of him were still suspicious of the golden monkey intentions, he had to admit that the sage had paved a way inside of his heart as a friend. Macaque never had friends before, he didn't know how to act around one. He indulged the King at times, conversing with him, but he still felt awkward most of the time. 
The black-furred monkey ripped one of the nearby leaves and jumped out of his branch, he used the leaf as his personal parachute and, quite elegantly, landed in the corner he was eyeing seconds ago. He took some flower petals, specifically the one he used to create his sleeping powder and stored them in his bag. He was so focused on his endeavor he failed to notice the fuzzy fur-ball watching him, hidden in the high grass. 
“Ghost!” Macaque flinched and turned around, he crossed eyes with a familiar cub, Yue if he recalled correctly. She was looking at him with stars in her eyes, her tail wagging uncontrollably. 
“How did you…” Macaque was surprised, he didn't see anyone in this corner. Yue chirped, the kind that didn't truly mean anything but held a strong sense of happiness and excitement. Surprisingly enough, she didn't touch him, perhaps Sun Wukong told her not to. If there was one person those troublesome fur-balls listened to it was their King. “Calm down, calm down.” Panicked the macaque. Yue stopped chirping and looked at him intently. “Alright, what do you want?” 
“She wants to play.” Macaque startled and looked up. Sun Wukong was leaning over them with a smirk on the edge of his smile. “I came over when I heard lil Yue's chirps.” Explained the sage when he caught sight of Macaque's confused face. “So, do you wanna play with her?” Carefully asked the sage, he crouched down before them and scratched lil Yue's chin, the cub leaned in his touch eagerly. Macaque opened his mouth, ready to refuse, he didn't like cubs, they were loud. But he finds himself unable to once he saw Wukong's hopeful face and lil Yue's puppy dog eyes. 
“Maybe a little, but not for long, I have other things to do.” Sun Wukong brightened considerably, he translated Macaque's words to lil Yue and she exploded in joyful chirps. “So… what should I do?” Macaque has never been around other monkeys much, at least not in an intimate way. He knew their tongues, there were few languages he hadn't heard of, but he wasn't familiar with their customs and their behaviors. Sun Wukong kindly took lil Yue on his lap and calmed her with a few scratches. 
“Hm, I think she just wants to touch you for a bit, if that's alright. Also, something about shadows?” Macaque was impressed by Sun Wukong's ability to understand lil Yue's chewed chirps, the only one he recognized was “Ghost”. Sun Wukong took lil Yue's paws and tried to entice the black-furred monkey with little waves. Macaque rolled his eyes but he approached cautiously. He sat before the cub and put one of his hands in her chubby paws, she squealed in joy and kindly squeezed it. He let her mess with his hands a bit before retrieving them and manipulating the nearby shadows. He created little animals made of darkness and made them play with each other. When he looked up both lil Yue and Sun Wukong were intently watching, pupils dilated and tails wagging. 
“Why are you both looking like that?” Asked Macaque with a raised eyebrow. 
“Nothing, just… I didn't know you could do that. It's amazing!” Cheered the King as lil Yue clapped with stars filled eyes. 
“It's nothing.” Mumbled the black-furred monkey with flushed cheeks. 
“What, no ! It's so cool, I have never seen this before.” Argued the sage. “Lil Yue agrees with me.” Added Sun Wukong as he petted the excited cub. Macaque looked away, ears flickering in joy. He didn't showed this type of shadow magic often. When he tried to showed it, at the time he lived outside of Flower Fruit Mountain, people cowered. After all, shadow magic was often feared for its mysterious nature. So it was odd to be praised, to see his art (if he could call it like that) being liked.
“W-well, I could show you more… I have a few other tricks…” Shyly proposed the black-furred monkey. 
“Really!? Please do!” Cheered the King, he settled the cub more comfortably in his lap and eagerly leaned over the macaque. 
Macaque took a deep breath and gathered the nearby shadows. When he looked up and found both monkeys watching with smiles on their lips, he felt happy. 
+cut scenes 
Yue *chirps excitedly about Macaque* : 😆
SWK : I know you wanna see him again but Macaque is a cautious one. 😔
Yue *chirps sadly* : 🥺
SWK *Who cannot handle sad baby faces* : Okay, okay, try to not startle if you see him. Don't touch him. Maybe then he'll be…more inclined to be friends. 
Yue : 😊
Yue *bragging about being able to see Macaque's magic* : 😆
Others cubs : 😯
Macaque : why do I feel like I'm being watched? 🤔
Others cubs *hiding and following him around*: 🫣
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bear-cubs-art-things · 6 months
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The little guy 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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indeedgoodman · 6 months
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king-k-ripple · 1 month
This is Natsuki’s spirit animal. Smol and adorable, but also angry and ferocious. :
(Turn on sound)
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epickiya722 · 5 months
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Stop being adorable for 5 seconds, Yuji!! 😭
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rosekatara · 9 months
Just wanted to share a little bit of cuteness overload I "stumbled" upon, on purpose🥹
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tired-lamb · 3 months
I present to you…
The ‘WORST’ hyena Janja knows!
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