#Crystal Data Center LFRP
dearestcherry · 4 months
Looking for connections! Introductory post…
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Gay, trans man (he/him). Ishgardian (lowborn, Brume) Elezen. 6'10".
Cerise Cephinne is an apothecary of the Brume, stocking both beneficial and detrimental products. He was once part of a lowborn family that mistreated him to gain the appreciation of any noble that would look their way. One night, sick of the treatment, he slipped a vial of liquid into his parents’ coffee that had them perish as he fled, changing his identity along the way. The Brume became his home in the absence of one, and he quickly took an interest in brewing substances for various purposes. Eventually, he opened an apothecary business with a darker side focus, selling deadly products that allow the corrupt to be secretly picked off. Cerise enjoys other questionable activities, including document forging for his false identity and brewing his own hormones. He collects trinkets, sometimes for himself and other times to sell; his storefront displays an assortment of items he finds interesting. He isn’t picky in what fun he decides to have otherwise, and is used to low quality Brume goods. As for his personality, he frequently acts sweet, even when hired to pursue a target. Playful, doting, overbearing, what have you – Cerise loves to play on innocent appearances. He is very tall, towering above others with long Elezen proportions and a slightly soft figure. In a strong androgynous tone, his voice is projected with a distinct Brume accent.
His main hooks include…
Apothecary services, selling his products mostly to fellow lowborn Ishgardians. He enjoys helping others, and will accept unconventional payments or even give them out for free. Only the beneficial of his products are stocked upfront, and one needs to be knowledgeable enough in Ishgard's rumours to hear of a Brume apothecary with poisons behind his counter…
A dweller of the Brume, he frequents lower Ishgard, and often ventures out to Coerthas, typically in search of materials. It’s very possible for any Ishgardian or visitor to run into him. Occasionally, he visits other city-states depending on funds.
Carrd link! Lots of info has been taken from here, but it’s frequently being updated.
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Nonbinary (they/them). Ishgardian (highborn, minor noble) Elezen. 6'8".
Dreisseaux de Drelejon is a minor noble hailing from a strict family loyal to House Dzemael. They attended Saint Endalim’s Scholasticate in their youth after being expelled from gladiator training, their house’s traditional class. Dreisseaux has always been adept with animals, spending time late at night around the chocobo stables of Ishgard to unwind and finding themself drawn to the karakuls in Ishgardian paddocks and Coertha’s snowy fields. Some time after their graduation, Dreisseaux obtained a small home away from their traditional life, in which they would have room to raise a small number of animals for themself and tend to various projects. Dreisseaux enjoys singing, reading, gardening, dancing, and cooking in their free time. They are easily pleased by tea and pastries, and often sing when they are alone. They spend a significant amount of time gardening and gathering all types of plants. A pet karakul named Guimauve tends to follow them around. They can be timid in certain situations due to their noble religious upbringing, and generally possess a gentle, polite demeanour, alongside expressing a devout belief in Halone. Their family’s traditional practices had them speaking Old Elezen at home, and they retain a thick accent when speaking in Common. They have a slender build, and plenty of pink freckles everywhere.
Their main hooks include...
Any mentioned hobbies and interests, in which they’re easy, passionate company to engage with.
Nobles and other similarities, such as Scholasticate alumni and Dzemael associates. Having grown up attending formal practices, church schooling, and gladiator training – alongside being related to many Dzemael knights – any Ishgardian could find some form of familiarity in Dreisseaux should they share a position.
Carrd link!
Out of character
Hello, I love to roleplay! Partners must be 18+ with 21+ preferred. Crystal data centre based. I’m looking for anybody who may envision potential interactions with my characters. I’m open to many kinds of scenes, including mature, dark, or otherwise. I prefer to roleplay in-game, though I'll use alternative platforms if needed. I’m very happy to talk about characters, roleplay, or anything else – for example, I really love the Scholasticate quests and have implemented a bit of that into my roleplay, but I'd also talk about the quests/characters for hours. Feel free to message me if anything catches your eye!
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tea-ffxiv · 7 months
Happy Hour - Bards & Bands Wanted
Hello, folks! It's been a while, so we wanted to give everyone a quick update about our Happy Hour events on the last Thursday of each month. We have decided to move away from the macro performance portion of the Happy Hour events for the time being, either permanently or until more new macro performers enter the community and our past performers become more available in their schedules. Rest assured, Happy Hour is here to stay. The events will continue and will be resuming soon! However, we are going to shift the focus away from the performance and musical aspect, and more toward casual, social RP tavern night events with a classy speakeasy vibe. We would love to be able to keep the spirit of the music and entertainment alive within the event and make the most of our stage downstairs, however, so if you are a bard who likes to play music with the in game bard performance feature and are available Thursday evenings within the timeframe of 9:00 - 11:00 PM EST on NA, please contact us! (Please note: this is a voluntary basis, as there will likely be no pay beyond personal tips because we are a non-profit, gil-free venue for our guests.)
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miqojak · 9 months
Okay, I've updated my carrd a good bit (and tried my best to optimize it for mobile, though it may still be a bit wonky in places). I added a LOT of old writings to my page that's a collection of all of my writings for/about Jak throughout the years, tweaked a few things, changed a few screenshots... but here it is! It's a new year. Come RP with me. If not with Jak, then maybe @antlers-and-omens or @vulpes-ferus !
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thedarknesssings · 1 year
Priarch is Now Hiring!
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Priarch Enterprises is a group of adventurers that specialize in investigating strange things, be it occult happenings to unusual artefacts.  It is not uncommon for jobs to be sent their way when the local constabulary or grand company can’t or won’t deal with whatever weird thing is going on.  
Applicants can apply to Priarch Enterprises ℅ Edarien Secariot @thedarknesssings​.  Please message me here on tumblr to exchange discord info with me.  
OOC Information:
Priarch meets every Saturday night at 7 pm pacific time / 10 pm eastern time.  Meetups often run for 3 to 4 hours.
We are looking for two (2) full time players.  Players must be 21 years old or older as we do cover adult material, including violent combat, risque situations, and so on.  By applying you are agreeing you are that age or older.  Players must also be good with playing inside a medium-sized group.  Priarch when full is a 12 to 15 man group.  
Priarch is a mission roleplay company based through CWLS and not in an FC.  There is an FC on Mateus if you need one, but you DO NOT need to join the FC in order to take part in Priarch.  You just need to be able to join two linkshells and the discord.  We are extremely LGBTQIA+ friendly.
The missions are run as dice-rolled, dungeon-mastered adventures that follow a storyline.  There are social RPs between missions, so not every Saturday is a mission.  Sometimes it will be training, social events, or general meetings to exchange information and keep everyone up to date.  You will be required to make a character sheet for your character using the system we’ve devised for in-game mission RP.  Sometimes there are RPs throughout the week in smaller groups to fulfill a needed plot point or collect information, so some flexibility is nice.
We are interested in writing stories together, which means we do lean toward supporting the creative ideas people have. This does lead to some lore-bending and on the rare occasion breaking lore.  We do try to keep it so it makes sense in regards to the FFXIV world.  We will not be for you if you are a stickler about lore compliance.
The people currently in Priarch have been RPing together for a handful of years.  Priarch itself is in its 5th year of running.  So while this may be daunting to a new player, we will do what we can to help incorporate you into things, however you will need to be willing to meet us halfway in accomplishing that.  Help us help you.
We will be giving people who are interested a trial run to come RP with us as a group for the next few Saturdays, as this will give us time to get to know you and your character, and you to get to know us.  Compatibility and comfort within a group like this is important to us.  If at the end of the trial, all has gone well, Edarien or one of his siblings will present a contract of employment.
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Opening Tonight! (Balmung, Crystal)
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Server: Balmung (Crystal)
Date: Every 3rd Thursday
Location: Mist, Ward 16, Plot 44 (Central Mist Subdivision)
Time: 8PM - 11PM EDT
Gil: IC only!
Consider visiting Carbuncle’s Favor Confectionery for sweets to eat and treat. Check the Carrd for more.
Any relations to people real or fictional is entirely coincidental, and Carbuncle’s Favor Confectionery does not condone any partaking of illegal activities or substances in real life. Drink responsibly.
Find Carbuncle’s Favor Confectionery’s Fellowship under Roleplaying, Player Events, and Making Friends, and ask staff for a Discord link!
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fair-fae · 1 year
LFRP - Faye Covington - Crystal DC
Hello! I am a long time FFXIV RPer looking for more RP for my main, Faye Covington (though I have a slew of alts we can have some fun with, as well), a noblewoman and mage hailing from the Twelveswood where she runs a teahouse which doubles as a front for an information brokering business. Feel free to check out her carrd above for full details! Ideally, I’d like to delve into the more exciting things–drama, mystery, intrigue, tension, conflict, combat, adventure, horror, DMed events, dark and mature stuff, storydriven RP and the like! Maybe even some romance later down the line if things click that way. I definitely also enjoy casual, social, slice-of-life, and tavern RP, but I expect that will fall into place along the way!
I am looking for…
In Game RP - I enjoy Discord RP sometimes, but I’d like to do some RP in game and establish a rapport for our characters there first! Long Term RP - I would like to RP with people who actively play the game and can create an ongoing story where we RP together every so often rather than one-and-done scenes. Para RP - My post length ranges from semi-para to multi-para usually. I would love to RP with folks who enjoy writing so I can flex my muscles a little! Lore Friendliness - I do enjoy FFXIV’s setting and how respecting it makes for a more cohesive story. So I don’t like breaking or disregarding the lore! But I do like to suspend disbelief a little and explore the bounds of what’s possible in this fantasy setting and have fun with things. If some lore bending or “unusual” characters aren’t your thing, please know all my characters have their oddities.
Hooks NEW! Bodyguard Wanted - With her previous one out of the job, Faye is looking for a new bodyguard(s). Playing a tough type who wouldn't mind some gil for putting up with a sassy noblewoman? Here's your opportunity for some RP fun, including getting dragged along for various RP events and storylines, if you're interested. Information Broker - Does your character have any reason to hire an information broker or private detective? Need to move your storyline along? Want to form a business partnership… or rivalry? Did someone hire Faye to investigate your character? Or perhaps it was your character who was already sold out to an enemy and they want their revenge? Kindred Spirits - Is your character a fellow from the upper crust? Gridanian? Businessperson? Tea aficionado? Mage? Ties to the Garlean Empire? Or the Void? Will it lead to a friendship or partnership? Or frenemies, rivals, or enemies? Socialite - Faye likes to make her existence known and go out and about. Need someone to attend (non ERP/night club) RP events with you? I am glad to! Anything Else - I am down for any suggestions. If there is a role in your story that needs filled, let me know. If anything in Faye’s carrd piques your interest, including for a pre-established connection, run it by me! If you’re writing a personal storyline for your character and they need some friends, I’m along for the ride. If there’s a reason you think Faye might hire your character for something in their expertise, just let me know! Faye can interact with pretty much any character, and depending on circumstances can play the hero or the villain, or anywhere between, so please toss your ideas at me! ??? - Do you like vampires? What? Why do I ask? No reason, really…
Please message me if you’re interested! Discord: Destiny (Faye)#8463
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sleepynomadxiv · 1 month
Sleepy Nomad Thanks You...
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The Sleepy Nomad closes its doors for now, but there’s always next time.
Thank you for the good times. See you soon!
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furys-mercy · 2 years
Character Roster & LFRP
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While this blog is largely dedicated to content surrounding my main, August Mercer, I do share drabbles and screenshots that feature my other characters as they exist in his world. So, I thought I would take the time to make a roster so people would know a bit more about the characters themselves. 
Character Roster
This currently only features the OCs that I regularly play and does not incorporate NPCs I have created for story arc purposes or characters that have been retired to position of NPC. I plan to add them later. I’ve left them out for now because I thought I might also use this post as a sort of LFRP and only wanted to offer information on characters I am willing to active play. 
I’ve been having some issues drumming up in-game RP lately as my RP groups have largely moved to Discord only as their lives are quite busy and prevent them from regularly logging in. Which is totally cool, but I am hoping to get back into some in-game interactions. So, if you’re interested, know someone who might be, or know of some open RP groups, link shells, or discords feel free to poke me!  Interested in: »» In-Game RP. »»  RP Linkshells. »»  RP Discords. »»  LGBTQ+ Friendly RP groups and RP partners. »» Narrative and consent based RP. I prefer narrative RP to rolling and would enjoy communicative partners that want to write collaborative story arcs. »» Character Development / Character Driven Stories. »» Short and Long term interactions. »» Magic RP (Including but not limited to warding, rituals, or taking on an apprentice) with Mercer, Teo, and Kishar.  »» Magitek RP (Including but not limited to prosthetic orders or maintenance, brainstorm buddies, or taking on a smithing apprentice) with Mercer. »» RP on the First with Teo or Mercer. »» Ishgard RP and Contacts for Mercer and Sebastian. »» Investigations! Anyone looking to hire someone to look into an aetheric oddity, magical item, or general mystery. Both Mercer and Teo work for Aetherflow Investigations and are happy to lend aid.  »» Any other hooks we might be able to come up with.
Not interested in: »» Discord/Tumblr RP. »» Crunchy combat systems or lots of rolling. »» Casual ERP. How to contact me: »» Feel free to message me here on Tumblr, contact me in-game on August Mercer, Teo Linh, or Sebastian Vairemont or reach out on Discord (Weezled#9715). »» I am available for RP most nights starting at 7 PM CST until around Midnight CST.
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lyricashenvale · 1 year
Lyric Ashenvale
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general information—— —
FULL NAME: Lyric Ashenvale
TITLE(S): Shadow Dancer
AGE: 70
BIRTHDAY: 15th sun of the 5th astral moon
RACE: Rava Viera
GENDER: Female
physical appearance—— —
HAIR: Raven Black w/ red
EYES: Heterochromia (Left green, right blue)
personal information—— —
SKILL(S): Martial Arts, Bladed Weapons, Dancing, Hunting,
FEARS: Abandonment, Being used, Betrayal, Of being emotionally hurt
relationships—— —
traits—— —
•extroverted / introverted / in between.
•disorganized / organized / in between.
•close minded / open-minded / in between.
•calm / anxious / in between.
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
•cautious / reckless / in between.
•patient / impatient / in between.
•outspoken / reserved / in between.
•leader / follower / in between.
•empathetic / indifferent / in between.
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
•traditional / modern / in between.
•hard-working / lazy / in between.
•cultured / uncultured / in between.
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
•faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
•assertive / timid / in between
Additional Information
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
VOICE CLAIM(S): Undecided
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
IN-GAME NAME: Lyric Ashenvale
CARRD: https://shadow-dancer.carrd.co
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vellichor-lux · 5 months
[LFRP 21+] Ash & Mika
Hello! I'm Noctae, a semi-experienced FFXIV RPer looking for some RP :)
Discord > in-game, but willing to do both!
Either short or long term is fine
Para/multi paragraph, no one-liners
Basic good courtesy RP rules apply (no metagaming, godmodding etc)
Dark/matures themes may be present
Romance/ERP only if our characters have chemistry
Lore-friendly, lore bending a-okay but lore-breaking is a no
Thanks for taking a look, feel free to poke me if you'd like to try an RP! <3
About the blog:
Meet The Mun
RP Characters info:
Ashanne Leceux - Mikjall Epocan
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luck-and-larceny · 2 years
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Malika is easy-going, flirtatious, and up for any challenge where a risk or gamble is involved. She’s also incredibly reckless, impulsively throwing herself into one bad idea after another just for the thrill of seeing how Nymeia will ultimately spin her fate.
Name: Malika (Mal) Bajihri
Age: 27
Nameday: Mal doesn’t actually know her own Nameday and, if she did, she wouldn’t give it out; she’d make a new one up every time she was asked. Her actual Nameday is: 17th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (October 17th)
Race: Keeper of the Moon, Miqo’te
Gender: Female
Alignment: Joyfully dancing in the rain on that fuzzy line between Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good and never committing to either
Relationship Status: Polyamorous; she has surprisingly committed, serious romantic relationships with Evander Winsome and Kestrel Vylbrand . Given her general aversion to commitments, the longevity of these relationships is impressive!
Server: Balmung
Hair: Black as night, though she often adds colorful highlights to it. She will dye her hair for jobs she needs to disguise herself for.
Eyes: They’re so dark blue they’re nearly black
Height: 62.4 inches (5′2″)
Build: Unlike many of the adventurers and otherwise hard-working individuals that she associates herself with, Malika is certainly not a muscular goddess carved from stone and steel. In fact, while she is extremely dexterous, she’s a bit softer than her allies. Combat is not her strong suit; She prefers to talk, sneak, or run her way out of conflict. While she stays fit, her body betrays that fighting and hunting are not her pastimes of choice.
Common Accessories: At least one weapon that she hopes not to use (typically daggers), an instrument (usually a wood flute), lockpicks, gambling items (a bit of gil for wagers, playing cards, several sets of dice), a deck of arcanum cards, a hardsilver needle and some thread, a silver pinky ring that spins, a silver swan necklace, and a few small trinkets of sentimental value (not all of them her own).
Profession: Malika would say that she doesn’t have one. She does street performances as a musician and acrobat and engages in high risk wagers at the Gold Saucer. Realistically, Malika… doesn’t have one. She is a thief (pickpocket and infiltration) and con-artist.
Hobbies: Getting into trouble, running headlong into trouble, leaping straight into the arms of trouble. Also: sewing, music performances (flute, harp, lute, singing), fortune telling (sometimes legitimately!; usually as a grift), acrobatics/gymnastics, drinking, getting places she should not be, taking things she should not take, games of chance, flirting, running away, collecting stuffed animals, mercilessly pranking and humiliating the rich and powerful
Residence: Malika does not have one place that she stays and that is by design. But the place most like a permanent home, where she returns to time and again, is a daycare/healing resort in the Mist housing ward.
Birthplace: She doesn’t know. She assumes The Shroud. That’s where she was stolen away as a child anyway.
Patron Deity: Nymeia, the Spinner. And she’s surprisingly devout regarding the goddess’ more fickle aspects: chance, luck, and wagers.
Spouse: Nope. The only way this will ever happen is if it is for a con or for a joke.
Children: Nope. Nopety nope nope. Nada. Nope. Never.
Parents: She has no idea who her parents are. Similarly, she has little knowledge of Keeper culture in general as she was not raised in a tribe. She was found by a wandering performance caravan when she was a toddler.
Siblings: If she has actual siblings, she doesn’t know. But she has “adopted” a kid sister, a hyur named Maeryn. And she would kill for Maeryn if she had to.
Other Relatives: Shrug.
Pets: Oh no. Malika is not responsible enough to take care of pets. Don’t give her any.
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Smoking Habit: Not usually, she might do it socially every now and then, but it has no particular draw for her otherwise.
Drugs: Not all drugs and not regularly– but, yes.
Alcohol: Oh,yes. Definitely yes. She loves drinking and often does not have the willpower to stop herself.
Thief: Has someone told you that they have something “unstealable” in an “impenetrable” location? That person definitely wants someone to steal that thing or get into that place. Malika is willing to help with that. Despite being a thief, she dislikes gil and will often do jobs for the promise of mementos rather than money. She specifically wants to do jobs that stick it to those who wield their wealth disparity as a means to exert power over others. Want to do crime? Let's do crime together!
Gambler: Malika believes in Fate, but she also believes that she can gain favor with Nymeia by “keeping her spinning.” She thinks of gambling, dares, taking risks, and the like as a means to court luck and favor with Nymeia by keeping the goddess from getting too bored. It keeps Malika from being bored too! She will accept almost any offer of a good gamble or game of chance. Want to gamble? Let's gamble together!
Con-artist: If you want to interact with Mal, look like an easy mark. From fake fortunes and prophecies, to crafting situations where she can just pickpocket something off your character, Malika is a troublemaker. If she introduces herself by any other name that her actual one, she's scheming. **OOC note: I have her do this so that RP is fun; Malika wants to take advantage of the kindness of strangers, but I don't. This is also the OOC reason why she replaces stolen items with different items. You can tell me if you don't want to deal with this (in fact, please do!)
Never met a bridge she didn't want to burn:  Malika is an unreliable, chaotic, impulsive mess of a Miqo'te. She has stolen from a lot of people. She has conned a lot of people. She has left destruction in her wake. She is also not particularly cautious. If you want to RP someone she stole from, whose place she broke into, or anything like that, I'd be happy to!
Ask for help: She doesn’t really want to get involved in other people’s business. She’ll ignore a problem if she can. But if you ask her for help she will usually begrudgingly be that help. She will definitely help you if you need to escape from authority. She thinks her inability to say ‘no’ to someone in need is a weakness; it might actually be her one redeeming quality.
Talk to her at all: Malika is the cliche curious cat. She finds people fascinating. She enthusiastically throws herself into learning about others and is happy to chat up exactly, oh, let me check my notes… that’s right… everybody.
Contacting me here on tumblr or finding me in game is the best bet. If you see Mal out in the world, please say hello! I’d love her to make more friends (or rivals, depending on what you think would be fun!)
I do have a Discord and I do RP on it. I don’t give that information out right away though. I’d like to interact in game or through tumblr a few times before I feel comfortable giving that information out.
I work a lot so I'm not always around. Sorry!
Other Notes –––
I love doing crime RP, but Malika isn't especially violent and does not particularly want to be involved in violent crimes (Read as: She's so very self-interested that she is especially interested in her self not being injured). If she accidentally gets in over her head, that's fun! But, primarily, she prefers mischievous, petty crime and she's not going to willingly get involved in violent/torture crime stuff. We don't need to have intricate plots for me to have fun. We can just sit around on top of roofs or inside of restaurants having our characters just chat too. I find that just as fun. I'm really easy-going. Here's a link to her Carrd if you like! It has more information if the novel I wrote here somehow isn't enough.
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lunaexiv · 2 years
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Made a carrd for my new OC!
Meet my Kitsune, Hifume!
Click here ♥
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thefallenofbajhiri · 5 years
LFRP/LFC - Toshinaku
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Toshinaku ‘Bajhiri’ (Toshi)
The Basics ––– –
Former Name: Sozoh’a Bajhiri
Age: Appears to be between the age of 26 and 28, true age is unknown. (Possibly Immortal)
Birthday: Believed to be the 29th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon (November 28th, Sagittarius Sun)
Race: Voidsent (Powerful enough to be in the Third Rung of the Hierarchy) trapped in the form of an Au Ra
Gender: Male (He/Him/His Pronouns)
Sexuality: Homosexual, Panromantic
Marital Status: Single, Not Seeking
Server: Crystal Data Center, Mateus
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Long, Feathered and drapes down the length of his back to the base of his tail. Usually left down but will sometimes be tied up into an elegant high ponytail/braided combo. Hair is the color of a rich burgundy that sometimes has a purple shimmer or shine to it in the right lighting and it holds a dark purple hue at the tips for highlights.
Eyes: His eyes match his hair with a deep burgundy colored iris that gets absorbed into the lavender color of the limbal ring around it. His eyes seem to glow with the way the Limbal ring sticks out due to the bright color. Toshi also has slitted pupils like that of a cat.
Height: Extremely tall for an Au Ra standing at an intimidating Eight Foot Nine Inches (8′9)
Build: Mesomorph build, Toshinaku’s body is muscular and well built for his habits and lifestyle which includes dancing and entertaining those who seek out his company in the bedroom. One would describe him as having abs for days with arms that are toned, arms that look as though they could crush a skull if he got the person into a headlock. It has also been mentioned that his legs are quite the sight and many would be envious and want to have such elegant toned legs, his legs however do stand out and look as if they are out of place... as though they should not be there at all.
Distinguishing Marks: The most distinguishing features on Toshinaku’s form are the various sigils that mark it. The biggest of these sigils being the ones on his back and chest with the one on his chest covering up the majority of his breast and stomach while the one on his back starts from the base of his neck and goes down to just above his tail. These sigils lock away the three forms that he has (True Form which is the Lamia/Naga, Cerberus esque form and a Voidal Dragon form). He has various other sigils on his body alongside these and they all seem to give off a rather interesting aether for those who are Aether Sensitive. Other markings include a floral like pattern on his forehead that is a burgundy-purple shade to match his hair and several Keeper like markings along the ridge of his nose, eyes and stripes on his cheeks.
Common Accessories: Hidden away in his silken shawl is a Golden Chain necklace that has three bone arrow charms on it. Each one is a different size with varying adornments attached to it and each one has an engravement on it that ties to a name. The first is for his deceased sister Sizah, which is the least decorated of the three. The second for his former companion Sebha’to Bajhiri which Toshi had altered to better fit his friends desires. And the last for Una’a (Nyr) Bajhiri, who was his greatest inspiration and role model and someone that he looked up to before he changed to what he is now. Toshi also wears a variety of golden jewelry on his form so that he can attract attention when he needs to.
Personal ––– –
Profession: Master Alchemist and Engineer though he rarely tinkers in Engineering these days and mostly focuses on the Alchemy. His Alchemy is primarily focused on genetics and genetic altering properties which has lead to him being a chemical creator that will alter a beings appearance/genetic code, conjures up his own personal Fantasias. Belly Dancer and Entertainer in Ul’dah, Male Prostitute.
Hobbies: Singing (In private, usually lullabies that his mother sung to him), Dancing, Being an absolute asshole, Killing Things which is not good, Various other things that may or may not be considered hobbies.
Languages: Common and Huntspeak (Miqo’te), he also can understand Voidsent and various other races. Toshi has the tendency to roll his R’s and draw out his S’s when he is extremely angered or his emotions are getting the better of him, so he sounds like a purring snake.
Residence: Nomadic however he has a somewhat permanent room in The Hourglass in Ul’dah. 
Birthplace: What is now known as ‘The Dead Forest’, a large forested area deep in the North Shroud close to the borders of Coerthas.
Religion: N/A
Patron Deity: If asked he will say that he does not have a Patron Deity but before his change it was Menphina.
Fears: Toshi doesn’t openly discuss his fears and many would think that he actually doesn’t have any fears because of how well he hides them. His biggest fear, which he does his best to keep hidden, is losing those that have returned to him in some way and also losing those he has somehow managed to make friends with recently. With his other fear being attached or close to others and showing emotions that he once buried away again.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Parents: Sozoh Bajhiri (Deceased, Keeper of the Moon), Isuh’a Vethe (Unknown, Thought to be a Keeper, in reality was Cuchulainn)
Siblings: Sizah (Eldest, Deceased), Rosah (Older, Deceased), Vekhe and Zahveh (Twins, Younger, Deceased)
Other Relatives: Various other members of the Bajhiri Clan
Pets: Various Voidal ‘pets’ including a Beady Eye that he has named Kuso (AKA Shit), all of which are lucky that he hasn’t just killed them yet to use their parts for his Alchemy.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer. * Anything in Italics are generally seen in private or in certain situations.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Overall Toshi doesn’t really smoke, he has little reason to do so and generally avoids it. Drugs: While Toshi does work with various chemicals and such he is not really the sort to do any actual drugs so to speak. Alcohol: Social for the most part, he’ll drink with company but that’s about it since for him a lot of things that work on mortals don’t really work for him all that much.
RP Hooks ––– –
Voidsent in Disguise - Toshinaku is a Voidsent in 'disguise' for the most part. His Aether can give it away easily for anyone who is sensitive to such things or those who can easily see Aether. While he doesn’t truly try and hide what he is, Toshi will generally be cryptic and give ‘hints’ as to what he could be. For those who are sensitive to Aether they will likely also be able to note that the Sigils on his body are the reason for his current form and likely pick up on the fact that they were done by a White Mage. Recently however these sigils have started to change and are actually feeding on his Aether and showing signs of ‘Light’ contamination.
Formerly of the Bajhiri Clan - Not much is known about how Toshi became what he is today, he has kept the Clan Name for whatever reason and was once a Keeper of the Bajhiri clan. Any Bajhiri's out there might be wondering what the heck this Au Ra is doing with their clan name and are certain to ask questions. They might also have heard of someone who went by the name of Sozoh'a and how his entire clan just 'vanished' one day, various ghost stories have sprung up due to the ‘Dead Forest’ which is where he once lived. Toshi’s Mother Sozoh was also an extremely social character and paid visits to most of the other Bajhiri clans within the Shroud and Coerthas, she also helped as a bit of a Midwife of sorts and helped with kits being born. 
Sigils and The Cursed Form - All of Toshinaku's forms have been sealed away from him through an array of seals and sigils that spance his entire body. The most notable ones being on his back and chest as they cover the entirety of the area. All of these seals appear to have been burnt into his body and then filled with a strange ink. He is seeking a way to break this seal so that he can be free.
Personal Entertainer and Belly Dancer in Ul’dah - One has to make money somehow and Toshinaku has had to learn how to adapt to this world and to make a living somehow. While he does make a good bit of money from his Alchemy and more specifically the Fantasias that he ‘sells’ where he truly shines is his ways as being a personal entertainer for people. He is very skilled at Belly Dancing and even better with the more... provocative side of things. One can easily find him in Limsa Lominsa or Ul'dah performing and might even have heard of him at one point or another because he is good at what he does.
Suggestions? - Have any Suggestions? I am always open to ideas! I am pretty much always open to just about any type of RP be it simple slice of life kind of things to the more dark and violent side of things. Ask and we'll see if we can hash something out! Do keep in mind that a lot of Toshi’s content is generally Dark Theme’d with elements of Horror in it. While he can certainly be fun and entertaining a lot of his content is dark and usually for mature audiences overall.
Contact Information/About the Mun  ––– –
* Currently my Main Blog is ToxicCreed which is where my Asks and Follows will come from. My Main, Multi-Muse tumblr for FFXIV is @thedarkestdragonknight​. I try and keep things to each of the blogs but I will reblog content from Toshi’s to my main FF blog from time to time.
* I love to Roleplay however I am an extremely shy person with severe anxieties and various other bad brain gremlins that make it hard for me to interact. I have a lot of experience with RP and for the most part have been doing so ever since the days of NeonDragonArt’s forums which is where I started out and I was roughly 13-14 years old back then and I am now 32 years old. Needless to say, I’ve been around and I have likely seen it ‘all’ for the most part and I will not be stopping any time soon though I do have those lulls where I will take a break and come back to it.
* For the most part my schedule is ALL over the place and I am generally online whenever I happen to be awake. Most of the time the easiest way to contact me is through DM’s on Tumblr and I’ll generally see them when I am up as I am constantly ‘surfing’ the tumbles. 
* I suffer from a lot of sleep problems and generally am a bit of a ‘night owl’ so to speak. I tend to sleep throughout the day and am generally awake anywhere from 1pm-6pm and am usually up all night because of it. Again, if you want to contact me you are free to shoot me a DM on here since that is the easiest form of contact for me as I keep my Discord fairly private.
* I live on the East Coast and my Timezone is EST/EDT. Again my schedule varies so you are likely to catch me at any point throughout the day.
* I tend to prefer Ask Prompts for starters or just RPing on tumblr in general as it is by far the easiest for me to do. I am more than willing to do other RPs such as In-Game and the like but overall, Tumblr is the best for me in regards to actual Roleplays. Discord RP is reserved for very close friends.
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Overall I’m pretty much open to a variety of RPs and generally open to anything that anyone is willing to do. What I am looking for in regards to Toshi is for the most part various interactions with a variety of people. Please note that overall Toshi’s themes are very dark and theme’d around horror so he’s not exactly everyone’s cup of tea so to speak. You can get a general idea for many of his interactions by looking at his Socialization page and checking out the tags there which have various RPs with my wonderful friends. You can also check out the various writing that I have done for the FFXIV 2019 Writing though do keep in mind that these have a lot of DARK content with a lot of Horror elements that include graphic gore, etc. 
Toshi is a bit of a mixed bag of tricks and while I do prefer the Dark content that I put out with him overall please know that I am willing to do more than just that. With a lot of his recent RPs he has developed a bit of a ‘softer’ side towards some people so you could be lucky and find him having a fairly ‘good’ day so to speak. Overall, it’s whatever you are comfortable with and whatever you would like to do! I am open to many things and pretty much just want to have fun and share this boy with others who would enjoy seeing him.
Some things that do interest me are the potentials that could come from Toshi running into a Sin Eater/Lightwarden, people from the first, generally things involving Light, etc.
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vulpes-ferus · 3 years
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“A foolish fox is caught by one leg, but a wise one by all four.”
– Serbian Proverb
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Opening Tonight! (Balmung, Crystal)
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Server: Balmung (Crystal)
Date: Every 3rd Thursday
Location: Mist, Ward 16, Plot 44 (Central Mist Subdivision)
Time: 8PM - 11PM EDT
Gil: IC only!
Consider visiting Carbuncle’s Favor Confectionery for sweets to eat and treat. Check the Carrd for more.
Any relations to people real or fictional is entirely coincidental, and Carbuncle’s Favor Confectionery does not condone any partaking of illegal activities or substances in real life. Drink responsibly.
Find Carbuncle’s Favor Confectionery’s Fellowship under Roleplaying, Player Events, and Making Friends, and ask staff for a Discord link!
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hellsbovnd · 2 years
⸻ lfrp: leonnaux altoix.
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name.  ⸻ leonnaux altoix age.  ⸻ 24 race.  ⸻ duskwight elezen, wildwood-passing pronouns.  ⸻ he/him profession.  ⸻ bartender / mixologist, alchemist; information broker, thief location. ⸻ ul'dah full profile.  ⸻ https://aceofcrows.carrd.co
Divinity is the color of gold, or so they say in Ul'dah, and what is true beneath the heat of the scorching Thanalan sun is just as true in its shadows.
LEONNAUX ALTOIX is an elezen who has carved these words into his bones. He is a man who professes to follow the traders, but oh, not five ticks and you'll see that greed is his true god. He comes armed with nimble fingers and a cocksure smile, a flash of teeth that lures men into mischief as surely as a siren's song leads sailors to their demise.
He's a man who advertises anything, for the right price—and make no mistake, everything has a price.
⸻ looking for:
group rp / free company.  ⸻ seeking group rp spaces like free companies, cwls/ls communities, and discord communities to hang out with. most themes are fair game, with the exception of adventure / mercenary / military / academic / heavy occult. i’m mainly a crime rper, but with regards to groups i don’t really want to join another crime group since i want leon to broaden his horizons a bit. eorzea-based organizations only!
skill-building / mentorships / broadening horizons.  ⸻ leon is interested in learning how to weild light swords such as rapiers, how to cook, and how to speak and read hingan, but i also want him to gradually pick up new skills through general rp, especially trade skills.
free-form / character-driven rp encounters.  ⸻ self-explanatory!
⸻ ooc info: https://hellsbovnd.carrd.co
name.  ⸻ crow / ashe age.  ⸻ 24 pronouns.  ⸻ he/him or they/them discord.  ⸻ professional jelly slapper#5086
helloooooo i am crow and i am chronically boneless, but i am trying to get back into the swing of writing in-between work shifts and working on administrative stuff for @ebonguard​! please give my ooc carrd (and leon’s carrd) a glance before reaching out to me. i have my status set to accept critical dm’s only rn because i am not good at keeping track of discord dms, but please feel free to reach out to me if it’s with regards to this anyway!
vis. @balmungrp​ @mooglemeet​ @ffxivrp​
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