seventh-rot · 18 days
I for one am glad to live in an age where getting an STI isn't the end of the fucking world. Where you can get tested, let your recent contacts know, lay low and take antibiotics for a few days, and move on with your life. I am not telling anyone to not care or to stop using condoms. I am saying that getting an STI won't ruin you or make you an essentially different class of person. I feel like people are getting increasingly comfortable acting like the existence of STIs is definitive, scientific proof that sluts are bad. Get past it.
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seventh-rot · 18 days
It’s literally so important to be a cute little faggot
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seventh-rot · 18 days
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This gay tomboy dyke is scared of posting her face send help
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seventh-rot · 18 days
Microdosing polyamory by dating a system
Macrodosing polyamory by dating multiple systems
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seventh-rot · 18 days
sissy hypno for skinny tgirls that makes you want to eat three full meals a day (plus snacks)
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seventh-rot · 18 days
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seventh-rot · 18 days
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Nikolay Tolmachev: Wounded (2019)
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seventh-rot · 18 days
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bang bang
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seventh-rot · 18 days
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seventh-rot · 19 days
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Shark-tailed maid
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seventh-rot · 19 days
#391: Mephist Dance
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seventh-rot · 19 days
It’s crazy and fucked up that being yourself is actually the solution.
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seventh-rot · 19 days
where's that picture that ruined my life
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seventh-rot · 19 days
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I know this pretty rave girl...
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seventh-rot · 19 days
I posted this in the replies of a post recently but I feel like actually posting it so fuck it
This is all purely anecdotal, and I’d love for someone to do a study on this in some capacity but that’s probably not gonna happen so whatever. I’ve noticed pretty consistently that trans spaces I’ve been in lean heavily majority transmasc, particularly when they skew younger (eg college campus trans groups) and that on average transmascs seem to come out younger than transfems. To be extremely clear this is not a complaint, but rather an observation
And for a while now I’ve been pretty sure I know the reason for this. Generally, people who are afab have more leeway for gender expression when they’re teenagers than people who are amab do. This, obviously is not universal. There are many communities whose misogyny includes not letting those they perceive as women dress in pants or suits, etc. However, communities such as those are also just as harsh and violent to those they perceive as men wearing women’s clothes. Whereas, in communities where afab people dressing in pants, suits, etc is accepted, the same for amab people wearing dresses, skirts, makeup, etc is very rarely as accepted.
The end result is this: transfems rarely have our eggs cracked young, because what that often requires is an initial moment of gender euphoria. Dysphoria is far harder to recognize when it’s your baseline, and you’ve never experienced euphoria before. So, young transfem eggs rarely have the experience of trying on clothes that make them feel like the girls they are, whereas such moments seem more common for young transmasc eggs.
This, I think, is one of several reasons that the whole language and culture of “eggs” skews almost exclusively towards encompassing transfems. Our moments of exploring gender expression are rarer and later in life, and stand out so much because of the stigma and insecurity that surrounds them.
I think this is one of several disconnects that some tme people are having with the currently ongoing egg discourse. Transfem eggs often don’t have an opportunity to explore gender presentation ourselves, so we often require someone else to extend a hand and give us an opportunity to try on dresses or try out she/her pronouns or just make a part of us we’ve buried so deeply feel seen. It’s so much of a longer process to reach that point on our own.
To be clear again, none of this is to say that transmascs have it easy, or anything of the sort. Our transitions take different paths, and I think there will always be a disconnect if transfems’ paths to coming out aren’t viewed through the context of how limited our options are.
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seventh-rot · 19 days
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seventh-rot · 19 days
I used to have public sex all the time. Back in the 90s there was no internet or after school programs for lgbtq kids. We'd go up bull tail holler and on the back side of the reservoir there was a rundown poorly maintained picnic pavilion and playground and that's where all the queers that weren't old enough to go to the one gay bar in the county I lived in would hang out. And it was colloquially called queer holler in fact. It was in the holler right next to the mall so you could just have your parents drop you at the mall or catch the bus if you lived in town. We'd hangout there and have sex and make out and what have you. Every now and then the law would raid it and wouldn't you know the kids and young adults they could round up would be charged with public indecency and contributing to the delinquency of minors because 18 is 18 and other public sex charges. Of course in the process you would be outed to your parents and if you were over 18 you got your name printed in the newspaper in the police blotter which is fun (not really). So yeah I'm all in favor of legalizing public sex. Because though we've came a long way there are still a lot of queer youth who have no where to fuck their partner and being labeled as a sex offender shouldn't be a consequence of doing what millions of cishet teenagers and young adults do all the time.
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