atoia-crusu · 1 year
Chishiya ♥️
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nyukyusnz · 1 year
i have a crush... i hate my life LOL
ANYWAYS, my lovely lix, how r u 😚🫶💜
who is it👀 /j if that makes u uncomfy !!
also hi binnie♡ im fine and you?? 😄
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Random assortment of Great Illustrated Classics books. 
Beauty and the Beast and Other Stories, 2000 edition, edited by Rochelle Larkin.
The Last of the Mohicans, 1992 edition, by James Fenimore Cooper. 
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, 1992 edition, by Daniel Defoe. 
Aesop’s Fables, 2000 edition, by Aesop.
The Wizard of Oz, 1989 edition, by L. Frank Baum. 
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gardensonq · 2 years
All I know is listening to 2000's love songs and be depressed
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calico-heart · 1 month
67. “You NEED to sleep.” dealers choice on who!
"You need to sleep, Blue."
What he needed was a jam jar of moonshine and a cigarette. Nate smiled wide and carefree in rebuttal.
Brow pinching, Piper slammed a foot down in front of him, blocking his path to the door.
His smile wavered a little. "I'm fine, really." He assured her, reaching a hand out to squeeze her shoulder. Cold fingers were a little shakier than he might've liked. "I'll sleep when it's finished, okay? Scouts honor." He made a signum crusus over his chest.
She blinked, scowling. "There's two-dozen Minutemen out on watch duty tonight, and twice as many searching for the shooter. And," she inclined her head, "no reason to think you stumblin' around out there half outta your gourd is gonna make any difference in how things pan out." She pressed the point of a finger to his chest. Hard, apparently, because he felt his balance waver and the world spun wildly in response.
Nate's grip on her tightened. Vertigo stole his chance at a rebuttal.
"You know what? No. I take it back." She snarked, "You'd be a liability, Blue." Grabbing his wrist to steady him, she aligned their torsos and let her grimace melt into something softer. "Look. I get it. Neither of us is good at sitting on the bench while others go to bat for us. But trust me a little, here, ok? You're in no condition to—"
"They saw me take a bullet, Piper." Nate huffed, wincing as his stitches twinged. "I won't hide from this. My men need to know their General isn't scared. That I'll keep fighting. "
"They need to know their General isn't an idiot." She reparted. "Which means getting some damn rest. I'm surprised the Med-X Doc Anderson gave you hasn't knocked you on your ass already, actually."
He blinked.
She blinked. "You didn't take it, did you?"
"It would have —"
"Put you to sleep. Yeah. That was the point." She huffed, putting her hands on her hips. Then rubbed her brow and sighed, tapping a foot. "Jesus, Blue."
He stared at her, pensive for a moment. When her foreheard-rubbing persisted, he glanced to the side, almost boyish in his sheepishness. "If something goes wrong, an - and I'm drugged into a stupor — I can't risk that, Scribbles." The very thought pulled his chest tight and sent pain shooting through the sour wound in his side.
"Did that gunshot make you deaf, too?" She asked, looking up sharply. She snapped her fingers, "What exactly would you prove to anyone by waltzing out there and falling flat on your face?" Her tone turned mocking, "Behold the mighty General, come to save us all with his surperior stupidity and flawless fainting skills!"
"I just—"
Piper's scathing look silenced him.
Nate swallowed. His heart was pounding like a drum in his ears. Pain spiked through every thought and formulated reply. He really needed to find a chair. But that wouldn't exactly help him make his point. So instead, he fought the urge to sway, and met her gaze, and opened his mouth to argue.
He wasn't entirely sure how he ended up on the floor, after that. He'd blinked, and opened his eyes again to the ceiling above. A new pain arced up his elbow and shoulder. His insides felt like spaghetti, and nausea bubbled up in his throat.
Piper leaned over him, face awash in horror as she slapped at his cheek. "Blue! Blue!"
She sighed, cupping his jaw and putting on a brave smile. "I wasn't asking for a demonstration, y'know."
Squinting his eyes shut, Nate considered trying to move. But thought better of it. "Sorry…"
"You're bleeding again." She worried, peeling back his shirt and exposing sore skin to cold air. "I should go get the Doc."
He cracked an eye open.
She lifted his hand to her lips. "You really are an idiot."
Whump Prompt Asks
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Odin: We’ve had a hell of a ride, but you thought we were riding to heaven WELL I TRAINFUCKING LIEDD AHAHAHAHAHAH-
Loki: wtf. where’s my wife. i need to find my wife.
Lyfrassir watching all this go down: whyyYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAA
He has crusus
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Skylander OC 5
Name: Crusu
Age: 25
Birthday: April 6
Gender: Male
Element: Fire
Species: Dragon
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Crusu was a normal human once. He was a Portal Master visting Skylands using the same magic used in Ring of Heros. But this visit went wrong. He went into a cave and found a cursed sword that turned him into a Dragon. The dragon guarding the sword saw him and felt bad for him and he trained him to fight with the sword. He eventually went home to his human family and while they were uneasy at first they came to terms with his new form. But he decided to stay in Skylands helping Sunslash and Co with their vigilante group.
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444names · 2 years
brythonic deities + modern constellations
Abela Abeles Abella Abnoros Abus Abux Abuxena Abuxovis Adorvo Adra Adsus Aelia Agium Agranor Agros Agruxenus Agunnus Alatorita Alaus Alis Alisa Amindus Amna Amoscurus Ampes Ancangus Ancankou Ancenus Ancerius Ancetou Andor Anduis Andus Anetaunus Anexta Angus Ania Anis Anium Anor Anos Ansa Anta Antia Antios Anunnus Anus Apon Aponus Aprio Apuppis Apupus Aquaritta Aquilanor Aquilatis Aquis Aquulugus Aquulum Arabusa Arabux Arassios Arasusis Arauratum Ardus Ariestris Aris Arius Arna Arnate Arus Atus Aunnus Aunus Aurseus Aveniscon Avensagus Avenus Averia Avete Avetela Avetios Avoluis Avos Banos Banus Barnus Barta Bela Belancer Belaniae Belanix Belans Belis Bellis Bello Bellos Bellus Belo Belpeiani Belpes Bornesuca Borolatia Boros Borpes Boöte Boötepus Boöteris Braces Bracopis Bria Brians Bricinos Briciros Bries Brigassio Brigasus Brionnos Brioviria Bris Brismello Brittani Brius Cador Cadrannor Cadroba Cadsucae Camba Camicra Campega Camula Cana Cancania Cancankou Candamna Candronus Canes Canescor Cangus Cani Cania Cankou Canoscer Cans Cansagus Canta Canus Capona Caponus Capus Carana Caratobis Carus Cassio Casta Caste Cens Ceria Cericta Ceriga Ceris Cernus Cetasgus Cetepon Ceteron Cetio Cetucanes Chama Chamajor Chus Cicor Cicra Cimba Cimbarius Cimbius Cimbrans Cinus Cirgo Ciumba Cius Clogmina Clopium Clos Clotardus Cocernus Cola Colo Comarus Como Conius Conus Coparna Copega Copens Copessis Cornus Corrudius Corrus Covius Crasta Croboöte Crolupus Crus Crusus Dantinos Darnus Datiopium Delena Deleus Dens Denus Dranor Drus Drux Equardus Equulum Ernus Erseus Fagitta Fagius Fanetuta Forvolo Gema Gemelos Geminius Gemioni Gronax Gros Grota Grumbris Heta Hoens Hoenus Horvo Huetaurus Huete Huetes Huetonis Huetoutus Husus Hydradra Hydros Hydrotor Indarus Inobor Inos Inotou Inotum Intara Inus Iovana Iovis Laurus Lenia Lenis Lentia Leona Leoni Lesco Lessionia Leus Liovens Lisantlis Lisus Luila Luis Lumbardus Lumbis Lumbriona Luppius Lusamo Lyraba Lyrador Lyraura Maer Major Maprios Meleus Melum Minnus Mintritta Minus Mion Mogita Mogminor Mona Monata Mondara Monnisus Monus Musagrus Nemetepus Nemina Neria Neterios Nobis Nobius Nodella Noritios Norpenus Norrus Norvus Noscornus Notanna Ocelum Ocentico Ocimbanes Ocirium Octasgus Ogmina Oguns Ogus Oparinus Opecura Opheus Ophoenta Opium Opius Orna Orrudium Para Parduis Parium Parus Parux Parvusus Paventhus Pavenus Pavetis Peculenus Pego Pegus Pentio Perpeia Pertinus Pertrebis Phetans Phium Phoenus Pium Pius Puppius Pupus Rebis Rebiuca Rebius Rete Rollo Rosedatia Rota Rotum Ruxena Sagium Sagrata Sagrus Saguluis Samarus Sancangus Sancapus Santianus Sanusus Scamio Scarnus Scer Scopavos Sculeus Sculum Scuta Scutia Seda Sega Sego Segus Sernus Seus Sextanus Sextio Smedannus Smelio Smerseros Sminos Sminus Sucannus Sucetios Tandans Tangus Tanis Tanus Tatictoba Tauriga Taus Tepon Teries Tesus Tobor Tormapon Torveriae Toutis Trebis Tridium Triga Trigasgus Trinus Tris Trius Urado Uraus Uritta Ursa Urum Urus Urusio Venix Vens Venus Veternus Vetios Vher Vherio Vhertania Vhertis Vheus Vina Vindatum Vindorrus Vinia Vinnos Vinocici Vinosego Vinus Vircis Viria Virius Virolum Visa Visagunus Vitarvo Vitia Vitta Vium Vius Volator Vollos Volo Volus
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 3.29
Alchemy Day
Alder Day (French Republic)
Barthélemy Boganda Day (Central African Republic)
Borrowed Days begin (Calendar legend held that March stole 3 days from April; England, Ireland, Scotland)
Britney Day (San Francisco)
Commemoration of Boganda (Central African Republic)
Commemoration of the 1947 Rebellion (a.k.a. Martyrs’ Day; Madagascar)
Day of the Young Combatant (Chile)
Declaw Awareness Day
Food Chain Day
Good Deeds Day
International Day of Solidarity with Haiti
International Day of the Landless
International Mermaid Day
Juenger Day (Germany)
Knights of Columbus Day
Love the Children Day (Texas)
Martyrs’ Day (Madagascar)
Memorial Day (Malagasy Republic)
Mule Day (Columbia, Tennessee)
National Governance Professionals Day
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
National Nevada Day
National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day
PayDay It Forward Day
Phagwah (Suriname)
Piano Day [88th Day of the Year]
Smoke and Mirrors Day (a.k.a. Festival of Smoke and Mirrors)
Swedish Colonial Day (Delaware)
Vesta Asteroid Day
World Marbles Day
Youth Day (Taiwan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
National Pita Day
5th & Last Friday in March
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
National Cleavage Day (South Africa) [Last Friday in March or 1st Friday in April]
No Homework Day [Last Friday]
Tater Day Festival begins (Kentucky) [Last Friday; ends Monday]
Wear a Hat Day (UK) [Last Friday]
Independence & Related Days
Barotseland (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Helvetian Republic (Proclaimed; 1798)
Punjab Annexation (by the British; 1849)
Festivals Beginning March 29, 2024
Charleston Bluegrass Festival (Charleston, South Carolina) [thru 3.30]
Cherry Blossom Festival (Vancouver, Canada) [thru 4.25]
WonderCon (Anaheim, California) [thru 3.31]
Feast Days
Adolfo Müller-Ury (Artology)
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 3 (Pagan)
Altoona Rooney (Muppetism)
Armogastes, Archinimus, and Satur (Christian; Martyrs)
Artemis Soteira (Goddess Artemis Festival; Ancient Greece)
Berthold (Christian; Saint)
Celsus (Positivist; Saint)
Cocktail Hour Every Hour Day (Pastafarian)
Cyril (Christian; Martyr)
A Day of Redress (Shamanism)
The Delphinaia (Festival to Apollo; Ancient Greece)
Egg Lore Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Erik Satie Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eugene Onegin, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Opera; 1879)
Eustace of Luxeuil (Christian; Saint)
Expulsion of the Demons of Bad Luck (Pagan)
Festival of Ishtar (Babylonia)
Festival of Smoke and Mirrors
Gundleus, a Welsh King (Christian; Saint)
Gwladys (Christian; Saint)
Gwynllyw (Christian; Saint)
Hans Nielsen Hauge (Lutheran)
Imam Mahdi Day (Iran)
Jonas, Barachisus, and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Johann Moritz Rugendas (Artology)
John Keble (commemoration, Anglicanism)
John Russell (Artology)
Jo Nesbø (Writerism)
Ludolf (Christian; Saint)
Mark of Arethusa, in Syria (Christian; Saint)
Masquerade Ritual Day (Bobo People of Africa; Everyday Wicca)
Rupert (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Friday before Easter (a.k.a. ... 
Goede Vrijdag (Suriname)
Good Friday
Jour Chômé d’Usage (French Guiana, Guadeloupe)
Långfredagen (Sweden)
Lord’s Evening Meal (Jehovah’s Witness) [Nisan 14]
National Hot Cross Buns Day
Paixão de Cristo (Brazil)
Passion Friday
Procession of the Mysteries (Italy)
Semana de Turismo (Uruguay)
Via Crusus Way (Philippines)
Viernes Santo (Cuba, Spain)
World Marbles Day
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shabbat Parah (Sabbath of the Red Heifer: שבת פרה) [19-20 Adair II]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [22 of 57]
The Birthday Party (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1937)
Black Magic Woman, by Santana (Song; 1968)
Blow by Blow, by Jeff Beck (Album; 1975)
Breakfast in America, by Supertramp (Album; 1979)
Career Opportunities (Film; 1991)
Death on the Riviera, by John Bude (Novel; 1952)
Death to Smoochy (Film; 2002)
Desperately Seeking Susan (Film; 1985)
Fishing Tackler (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1957)
Fistic Mystic (WB LT Cartoon; 1969)
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (Film; 2024)
Give and Tyke (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Godzilla x. Kong: The New Empire (Film; 2024)
Hare-Way to the Stars (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
The King and I (Broadway Musical; 1951)
Little Beau Pepe (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Lust for Life, by Irving Stone (Biography; 1934)
Male Bags or Homely Are the Brave (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 358; 1965)
Mother Hub-Hubba-Hubbard (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
My Old Kentucky Home (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
Piano Concerto No. 2 in Bb, by Ludwig van Beethoven (Piano Concerto; 1795)
Please Don't Eat the Daisies, by Jean Kerr (Novel; 1957)
Ready Player One (Film; 2018)
Rogues’ Gallery or Hole That Line-Up (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 357; 1965)
The Rookie (Film; 2003)
Room 237 (Documentary Film; 2013)
Some Like It Hot (Film; 1959)
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle (Film; 1939)
Umbrella, by Rihanna (Song; 2007)
When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, by Billie Eilish (Album; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Berthold, Helmut, Ludolf (Austria)
Bertold, Eustazije, Jona (Croatia)
Taťána (Czech Republic)
Jonas (Denmark)
Joakim, Joonas, Kimmo (Estonia)
Joni, Jonne, Jonni, Joona, Joonas, Jouni (Finland)
Gladys, Gwladys (France)
Berthold, Helmut, Ludolf (Germany)
Auguszta (Hungary)
Secondo (Italy)
Agija, Aldonis, Ilma, Ranta (Latvia)
Almantė, Bertoldas, Manvydas (Lithuania)
Jonas, Jonatan (Norway)
Cyryl, Czcirad, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Ostap, Wiktoryn (Poland)
Denia, Marcu (Romania)
Miroslav (Slovakia)
Eustasio (Spain)
Jens, Jonas (Sweden)
Berthold, Fletcher, Pearl, Pearle, Pearlie, Pearline, Perla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 89 of 2024; 277 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 13 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 20 (Red-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 19 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 19 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 29 Green; Extraday [29 of 30]
Julian: 16 March 2024
Moon: 82%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 5 Archimedes (4th Month) [Galen]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 11 of 92)
Week: Last Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 9 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 3.29
Alchemy Day
Alder Day (French Republic)
Barthélemy Boganda Day (Central African Republic)
Borrowed Days begin (Calendar legend held that March stole 3 days from April; England, Ireland, Scotland)
Britney Day (San Francisco)
Commemoration of Boganda (Central African Republic)
Commemoration of the 1947 Rebellion (a.k.a. Martyrs’ Day; Madagascar)
Day of the Young Combatant (Chile)
Declaw Awareness Day
Food Chain Day
Good Deeds Day
International Day of Solidarity with Haiti
International Day of the Landless
International Mermaid Day
Juenger Day (Germany)
Knights of Columbus Day
Love the Children Day (Texas)
Martyrs’ Day (Madagascar)
Memorial Day (Malagasy Republic)
Mule Day (Columbia, Tennessee)
National Governance Professionals Day
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
National Nevada Day
National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Niagara Falls Runs Dry Day
PayDay It Forward Day
Phagwah (Suriname)
Piano Day [88th Day of the Year]
Smoke and Mirrors Day (a.k.a. Festival of Smoke and Mirrors)
Swedish Colonial Day (Delaware)
Vesta Asteroid Day
World Marbles Day
Youth Day (Taiwan)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coca-Cola Day
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
National Pita Day
5th & Last Friday in March
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
National Cleavage Day (South Africa) [Last Friday in March or 1st Friday in April]
No Homework Day [Last Friday]
Tater Day Festival begins (Kentucky) [Last Friday; ends Monday]
Wear a Hat Day (UK) [Last Friday]
Independence & Related Days
Barotseland (Declared; 2012) [unrecognized]
Helvetian Republic (Proclaimed; 1798)
Punjab Annexation (by the British; 1849)
Festivals Beginning March 29, 2024
Charleston Bluegrass Festival (Charleston, South Carolina) [thru 3.30]
Cherry Blossom Festival (Vancouver, Canada) [thru 4.25]
WonderCon (Anaheim, California) [thru 3.31]
Feast Days
Adolfo Müller-Ury (Artology)
Aequinoctium Vernum, Day 3 (Pagan)
Altoona Rooney (Muppetism)
Armogastes, Archinimus, and Satur (Christian; Martyrs)
Artemis Soteira (Goddess Artemis Festival; Ancient Greece)
Berthold (Christian; Saint)
Celsus (Positivist; Saint)
Cocktail Hour Every Hour Day (Pastafarian)
Cyril (Christian; Martyr)
A Day of Redress (Shamanism)
The Delphinaia (Festival to Apollo; Ancient Greece)
Egg Lore Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Erik Satie Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Eugene Onegin, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Opera; 1879)
Eustace of Luxeuil (Christian; Saint)
Expulsion of the Demons of Bad Luck (Pagan)
Festival of Ishtar (Babylonia)
Festival of Smoke and Mirrors
Gundleus, a Welsh King (Christian; Saint)
Gwladys (Christian; Saint)
Gwynllyw (Christian; Saint)
Hans Nielsen Hauge (Lutheran)
Imam Mahdi Day (Iran)
Jonas, Barachisus, and companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Johann Moritz Rugendas (Artology)
John Keble (commemoration, Anglicanism)
John Russell (Artology)
Jo Nesbø (Writerism)
Ludolf (Christian; Saint)
Mark of Arethusa, in Syria (Christian; Saint)
Masquerade Ritual Day (Bobo People of Africa; Everyday Wicca)
Rupert (Christian; Saint)
Christian Liturgical Holidays
Friday before Easter (a.k.a. ... 
Goede Vrijdag (Suriname)
Good Friday
Jour Chômé d’Usage (French Guiana, Guadeloupe)
Långfredagen (Sweden)
Lord’s Evening Meal (Jehovah’s Witness) [Nisan 14]
National Hot Cross Buns Day
Paixão de Cristo (Brazil)
Passion Friday
Procession of the Mysteries (Italy)
Semana de Turismo (Uruguay)
Via Crusus Way (Philippines)
Viernes Santo (Cuba, Spain)
World Marbles Day
Hebrew Calendar Holidays [Begins at Sundown Day Before]
Shabbat Parah (Sabbath of the Red Heifer: שבת פרה) [19-20 Adair II]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [22 of 57]
The Birthday Party (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1937)
Black Magic Woman, by Santana (Song; 1968)
Blow by Blow, by Jeff Beck (Album; 1975)
Breakfast in America, by Supertramp (Album; 1979)
Career Opportunities (Film; 1991)
Death on the Riviera, by John Bude (Novel; 1952)
Death to Smoochy (Film; 2002)
Desperately Seeking Susan (Film; 1985)
Fishing Tackler (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1957)
Fistic Mystic (WB LT Cartoon; 1969)
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (Film; 2024)
Give and Tyke (MGM Cartoon; 1957)
Godzilla x. Kong: The New Empire (Film; 2024)
Hare-Way to the Stars (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
The King and I (Broadway Musical; 1951)
Little Beau Pepe (WB MM Cartoon; 1952)
Lust for Life, by Irving Stone (Biography; 1934)
Male Bags or Homely Are the Brave (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 358; 1965)
Mother Hub-Hubba-Hubbard (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1947)
My Old Kentucky Home (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1946)
Piano Concerto No. 2 in Bb, by Ludwig van Beethoven (Piano Concerto; 1795)
Please Don't Eat the Daisies, by Jean Kerr (Novel; 1957)
Ready Player One (Film; 2018)
Rogues’ Gallery or Hole That Line-Up (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 357; 1965)
The Rookie (Film; 2003)
Room 237 (Documentary Film; 2013)
Some Like It Hot (Film; 1959)
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle (Film; 1939)
Umbrella, by Rihanna (Song; 2007)
When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, by Billie Eilish (Album; 2019)
Today’s Name Days
Berthold, Helmut, Ludolf (Austria)
Bertold, Eustazije, Jona (Croatia)
Taťána (Czech Republic)
Jonas (Denmark)
Joakim, Joonas, Kimmo (Estonia)
Joni, Jonne, Jonni, Joona, Joonas, Jouni (Finland)
Gladys, Gwladys (France)
Berthold, Helmut, Ludolf (Germany)
Auguszta (Hungary)
Secondo (Italy)
Agija, Aldonis, Ilma, Ranta (Latvia)
Almantė, Bertoldas, Manvydas (Lithuania)
Jonas, Jonatan (Norway)
Cyryl, Czcirad, Eustachiusz, Eustachy, Ostap, Wiktoryn (Poland)
Denia, Marcu (Romania)
Miroslav (Slovakia)
Eustasio (Spain)
Jens, Jonas (Sweden)
Berthold, Fletcher, Pearl, Pearle, Pearlie, Pearline, Perla (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 89 of 2024; 277 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 13 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 20 (Red-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 19 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 19 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 29 Green; Extraday [29 of 30]
Julian: 16 March 2024
Moon: 82%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 5 Archimedes (4th Month) [Galen]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 11 of 92)
Week: Last Week of March
Zodiac: Aries (Day 9 of 31)
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lacking-hydration · 10 months
dispatches from elsewhere 🤝 not for broadcast 🤝 portal 2
blue vs. orange, scary British guy, very funny and then the most gut-wrenching soul-crusuing agony you've ever experienced
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askgabrielupdike · 3 years
Updike, what do you think of werewolves
"Nice I suppose"
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dabisspouse · 4 years
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yoichichi · 3 years
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southhillprison · 3 years
:0 please make sure to get enough rest and food! You deserve it!! <33
il sorry im ansilutely w4ecked i can hea a roddker having q life crusus help
and i fucking wisy i couldve gotten mu sleeo byt CLASSES
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