#Crowstiel BROTP
Might be an unpopular opinion
Shipping Crowstiel knowing Cas' love for Dean isn't as contradictory as people think
The concept of OTP has always been about what ship the reader, viewer etc thinks works best. OTP don't need to be canon
I still believe Cas could have under the right circumstances loved Crowley in the same way Dean loved Lisa. Dean would be his priority, just like Sam is Dean's priority. But Dean's feelings for Lisa were genuine and strong, and that could have been Cas and Crowley during the times when it was just them working together. It isn't nothing or meaningless just because it's not the #1
However it is more than apparent canon wise Crowley has a major crush on Cas. The flirting, the desire to work with Cas even though Crowley technically could have collected all of those alphas and monsters to interrogate without Cas' help, because of Samuel and his team
So asking for Cas' help was really just an excuse to hang out with him tbh. Now Crowley may also have loved Cas, even as a full demon, in the only way he knew how, but that's less canon for me and more extrapolation from canon. But his crush on Cas? That is an observation not extrapolation
I think there is something so carthartic for me as the viewer about Cas having someone who views him as an equal and thinks he's hot and has a crush on him and thinks he is amazing. Because this is Cas with low self-esteem and who is treated like dirt by Dean. Dean said that Cas is kind of like a talking dog in Scoobynatural 🤬
It's carthartic that Cas has Crowley see him with positive regard AND Cas doesn't have to give anything in return for it. Cas doesn't have to GIVE Crowley reciprocation for Crowley to appreciate him. This is so refreshing in a dynamic were Cas always has to give back to Dean to be liked by him
I think there is also something carthartic about it for Crowley. Sure Cas wouldn't feel the same way for Crowley as he does for Dean, but Cas is fun to hang around with. Crowley has fun seeing what reactions he can get out of Cas when he flirts or riles him up. Crowley never knows when Cas will get angry and throw him up against a wall, which is attractive to Crowley's masochistic side. Or whether Cas will make him feel happy inside, like when Cas joked around with Crowley being agent Zappa
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That is the face of a man that says okay that was hot. Do it again. I wish I saw Cas' face lol because I bet it would have caught him off guard 😂
Now if a different path was taken and we had a BROTP instead? Oh yeah for sure Crowstiel could have been a BROTP in canon if Dean was more mature. And I mean a real BROTP. Not just a wish fulfilment BROTP. It would have been a more realistic BROTP than Cas and Dean because:
Cas would have more sibling like vibes with Crowley than with Dean. Why? Because Cas wouldn't see Crowley as above him. He will fight with Crowley, call him out, joke around with him, just like Sam and Dean do all of that with each other. Cas sees Dean as a rolemodel, someone to admire, someone to worship, someone who is more like his king than his sibling. Dean is not submissive with Sam and vice versa, because they see each other as equals. Sam and Dean actually have sibling vibes and sibling vibes don't involve submission, but Cas is submissive to Dean
I think if the BROTP path was the path the writers went with instead, if they had treated Mark better so he stayed on the show? It would have been a better reflection on what an actual NOT co-dependent sibling relationship would look like
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vaicomcas · 1 year
It kind of saddens me that a lot of art, posts, gifs etc centered around just Cas and Crowley are not reblogged with the Crowstiel tag as a regular thing
You get a lot of #Crowley Spn #Castiel
But way less #Crowstiel or #Crowstiel BROTP or #Crowley & Cas could have been friends
Ships don't have to be romantic
I guess it still kinda shocks me how people can watch 12x03 and not see a potential for at least friendship between those two
Thank you for saying "Ships don't have to be romantic". I did sometimes hesitate to tag something crowstiel because I hardly ever think in terms of romance and sex. I started tagging crowstiel months back almost out of spite (over annoyance at the dominant ship).
I've been seeing an article (that my phone's feed show me periodically) that suggest a lot of fans want a spinoff of Cas and Crowley (and the article is typically posted with a screenshot from 12x03). That will never happen, sadly.
I think the show intended 12x03 (and the Crowstiel pairing) to be comic relief. And elsewhere it hardly ever showed their relationship in a positive light. So people may like the dynamic of their interactions but don't think of them as a "ship". (there are also those who treat their relationship as a joke but I will ignore that--even I have my limits for bitterness)
You are right though! Their relationship is one-of-a-kind and deserve to be called out more often.
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luulapants · 2 years
Sexuality Headcanon: Generally, I think he's indifferent to gender and could be considered pansexual. More specifically, I think his Kinsey scale ranges from "Dean Winchester" to "literally everyone else" and he's heavily weighted toward Dean Winchester.
Gender Headcanon: Again, I think he's generally indifferent to gender except as it applies to his blorbo Dean. He definitely went through a phase where he wished he had a female vessel so Dean would fuck him without having a crisis, but he's over that now.
A ship I have with said character: Aside from the obvious, I'm a crowstiel truther. They're exes. They hate each other. They kept fucking for years after they broke up.
A BROTP I have with said character: Sam and Cas, my beloved disaster duo 😭 No one is doing bad decisions like them. Unparalleled.
A NOTP I have with said character: That's tough bc I feel like he's a little freak that has sex for weird reasons... Jack, I guess? Bc he doesn't share the Winchester fucked up family dynamics.
A random headcanon: Under the right circumstances, would develop a hysterical pregnancy.
General Opinion over said character: He's a maniac and I love him very much. He's a weird little guy.
Send me a character ask and I'll do this!
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purgatorybfs · 2 years
4 , 2 and I for salty asks <3
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
complex answer (of course) but crowstiel in that they're the opposite of a BroTP but they are also essentially an enemy-BroTP TO ME!!!! which of course doesn't meant anything but it means everything :)
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
megstiel...... im sorry friends I see it and I look away... I feel like they are somewhat popular and I like it when my friends have fun but it is simply NOT for me
ask game!
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holysodomite · 3 years
Cas for the character ask game :)
favorite thing about them
picking one thing about cas is impossible but im going to pick the cop out answer and say the depth of his character arc because its TRUE, watching him grow and change and get to know himself in new situations is endlessly wonderful. alternate answer: his autism <3
least favorite thing about them
replacing the trenchcoat was a bad call cas, the first one was the best one
favorite line
i just like when cas has friends. i want to see more of people being friendly with cas. top ideas for bffs include sam, meg, mary, charile, rowena, uuuuhhh. OH CAN FAMILY RELS COUNT AS BROTP jaaaaaaaaaaack. claire!!!!!!!! dad cas is so important
dean is thee one, as far as like. endgame, person to spend his life with, etc. however i also enjoy toxic exes crowstiel and megstiel is fun. and most cas ships i can look at and say "thats fun, thats a fun thought experiment" but none of them hit in a "oh this is REAL" way like dean yknow
hmm. do people ship cas/kelly, i don't get that one. also obv any ships w like.... his kids. or tfw. im so glad tfw is no longer mostly used as shorthand for shipping all three of them
random headcanon
resisting making this about kink headcanons ok ok. i subscribe to the headcanon that cas eats things that are not traditionally edible as a stim, he likes textures much more than taste and his concept of taste is very different anyway
unpopular opinion
cas is vers, baybeee. open your minds
song i associate with them
84' sheepdog by as cities burn gives me big lobotomy vibes
favorite picture of them
literally any time he is bloody and has big eyes, god bless
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castielsupernatural · 3 years
2, 3, and 14 ? (Sorry if you've already answered these numbers I have a bad memory jfjdjf)
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
besides the obvious one? i'm a big fan of megstiel fanart and fanworks but i see them more as a brotp for sure. same with crowstiel i think. ok i admit it i have a hard time shipping cas with anyone except dean.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
yes several times ldsjfklsjafkljdslk usually people who make a really big fuss over their headcanon for a character being the only correct one because it's the one they see the clearest (ex unfollowed someone once who said claire can't be interpreted as bi because we only see her show interest in a woman onscreen)
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
i think sometimes in the spn fandom people get too comfortable in how they identify in the fandom (deangirl, heller, basically all of them except that one faction i won't name) and because of it you miss a lot of great analysis of the show. i'm guilty of this for sure.
salty fandom asks
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soysaucecas · 3 years
2, 22, and 26
ahhh ty! 💛
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
I feel like I'm more likely to have more ships than the fandom average but I guess I would say that I find Crowstiel more fun as Crowley one-sidedly pining after Cas while they are rivals for Dean's or Sam's affections than something fully requited. Their interactions are just better when Cas just straight up hates that guy (but sometimes begrudgingly views him as a friend).
22. Popular character you hate?
De- no okay it's more complex than that for him. If I say Crowley again is that okay. He tortured Kevin and homophobically cut his hair how am I supposed to like him?
26. Most shippable character?
Sam is in 500 million polycules but I suppose personally I will ship Cas with most (appropriate) people he talks to.
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pray4jensen · 7 years
I LOVED last weeks ep! I was so happy to see Gabe come back but my heart broke seeing the state he was in.. and it felt so right to see Team Free Will working together again.. And my other favorite characters? Where do I begin?? Crowley, Charlie, Bobby, Donna, Jody, Rowena, The Wayward Sisters, Jack, Kevin, Meg 2.0, Mick (BMoL), Eileen, Gabe... how bout you? And as for ships? I'm a BIG Sastiel girl (brotp for life!) Crowstiel is another brotp of mine & Saileen and Megstiel are my two main ships
Gabriel!! He’s definitely a character that I really loved back in the earlier seasons. For me, I loved him as the trickster (that first episode where he appears is one of my favourites), but I have to admit that I’m kind of wary about him returning. I feel, that as much as I missed Gabriel, his character arc was completed, and there’s a little bit of worry there, I suppose, that his return will change the way that I perceive him.
My favourite characters have always been Sam, Dean, or Cas, at different moments. I loved Sam first, from season 1-3 (I thought that Dean was…an asshole, because of the way that he behaved when he met Jess in the pilot; it made me really wary) but!! but!!!! Dean stole my heart towards the end of s3. just,,,the way that he handled the knowledge that he was going to hell (and also when Sam died the first time, back in s2, I think that was really a point where my feelings started to change about him). 
I loved him pretty fiercely from s4-s9 but I feel that the Mark of Cain changed Dean in a way from which he never returned. After that, s10 and onwards, Cas has been my fav. which has made me, I think, a lot less warm towards the show, because now the episodes that interest me are the ones where Cas appears, and it’s tough because even when he’s there, it’s almost as if he’s not because he doesn’t get much meaningful screen time.  
So yeah, overall though, I do love them near equally because at some point or another, they’ve all been my favourite character. Apart from TFW, I loved Bobby, and Rowena and Eileen are two characters that I also enjoy a lot. Cassie, Missouri, and Kaia have also been favourites.  
ahhhhh sastiel!!! Yes, that’s a brotp that I can get behind. And saileen,,,i die for saileen. I ship deancas pretty hard, but saileen is definitely my number 2. 
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If anyone ever needs proof that Cas had or has a soft spot for Crowley, Crowley threatened to kill the Winchesters in season 6 and Cas still let him live. Cas even went into protective mode when he told Crowley "The Winchesters won't get to you"
And imagine just imagine how close Cas and Crowley were that Crowley trusted Cas enough to know that he could beg Cas to kill Sam and Dean and knew Cas wouldn't smite him for it. Like can you imagine how strong of a relationship you would need to beg for Cas to kill Dean, who he loves, and still live? Like really think about that
Cas is smart, he could have figured out how to open purgatory himself. Fact is he wanted to work with Crowley. Fact is if Cas didn't want to work with Crowley he could just not. That's why Cas says "I will tear it all down. Our arrangement. Everything." because Cas didn't **need** to work with Crowley. If he needed it, "tear it all down" would not have been an option. He WANTED to work with Crowley
Crowley is funny and I think even characters who hate him are secretly amused by him. It's really hard not to enjoy hanging out with him, even if he is threatening to kill your besties and happens to be what you've been programmed into seeing as an abomination. Even Sam smiles when Crowley makes the S-A-M into S&M joke. So it makes sense that Cas is reluctant to break their partnership when Crowley is, in spite of his flaws, interesting and funny
The above is not the kind of thing Cas could ever admit to himself. Cas gave his reasons for working with Crowley when he said "Raphael was stronger than me. I wouldn't survive a straight fight."
But Cas' inner reasoning is built upon a foundation of being programmed to see demons as abominations and the knowledge that Dean who he loves would be disgusted that he is working with Crowley which means there are certain things Cas won't admit to himself. Feelings that Cas would rather suppress than admit he likes the demon more than he is willing to admit, because even just acknowledging he might actually like Crowley makes him feel wrong. This is especially because Dean would hate it more than any other reason
But as an outside viewer I have a more objective view of the situation because I'm not programmed to hate demons or to feel shame over what Dean Winchester will think of me. Cas made it clear he could tear down the arrangement, yet didn't. Cas made it clear he could kill Crowley, yet didn't. He even gave Crowley the option to flee and call me crazt but actions speak louder than words. If he truly needed Crowley for Raphael, tearing down their arrangement wouldn't have been an option
OTOH Crowley could have straight up daggered Castiel and dug that angel tablet from his dead body. But instead he shot Cas, giving Cas a fighting chance at survival, because Cas isn't human and can somehow secretly dig the bullet out then heal himself
And honestly Cas and Crowley are intellectual equals. They really are. Cas is somewhat literal which can make Dean think he is dumb but he tricked the Winchesters into believing Crowley was dead, he hid the angel tablet in a place that anyone with lesser intelligence than Crowley wouldn't think to look, and he had dog blood ready just in case Crowley tried to get the powershake from him
And Crowley does not underestimate Cas. In fact he even called Cas a pip which means an "excellent and attractive person" he doesn't see Cas as a baby in a trenchcoat. He sees Cas as freaking brilliant especially when he found out how Cas hid the angel tablet
Their dynamic in every interaction is dynamic, multi dimensional and multilayered. Their dynamic has so much depth and complexities and it's wonderful to watch
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He looked at Cas like this. Look how soft and affectionate his eyes are 😭 and the way he said "hi, Cas" was so gentle 🥺
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castielmacleod · 3 years
cas :3
Sexuality headcanon: gay!
Favorite ship(s): Crowstiel unfortunately. I also enjoy s4 Deancas and fanon that fixes their relationship overall, and I couldn’t care less about the Mick guy but the energy of Casmick is 👌👌👌 Literally Cas just deserves a nice boyfriend who will cherish them and I’m not overly picky on who that boyfriend could be
Brotp: Crowstiel again? Also Cas and Charlie, Cas and Claire, Cas and their siblings who actually like them (Balthazar, Uriel, Anna, Hannah, Benjamin)
Notp: M*gstiel makes me physically ill. Also: S*stiel and canon D*stiel
A random headcanon: They are nonbinary, they/he <3 That Twitter post where that guy is like I only feel like a man when I’m having gay sex and the rest of the time nothing? That‘s Cas
General opinion: I literally love Cas so much they’re a badass and a sweetheart at the same time… I hate what the writers did to Cas in the later seasons though, I’ll never forgive them for making him a shell of his former self. I don’t have an issue with him settling down or anything but to nerf all his powers and scapegoat him for everything that goes wrong? Making him, a character who is a symbol for free will, but suddenly obsessed with destiny and paradise and rediscovering faith? Hatred. Seasons 4-6 Cas my beloved
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