#Crowley Fergus Macleod
Requests for Writing and Artwork
Anonymous welcome!
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Note: I write about how the characters interact with the world and each other. I focus on the characters, not necessarily the conflict unless it is interfering in their relationship or stopping them from being around each other. It’s all about the people.
Word count: 1,000 minimum
Rating: Any
Types: NSFW or SFW
Kinks: Yes (it’s easier to say what I WON’T do—No Vore except blood drinking, No necrophilia unless sex with vampire—they gotta be able to consent, No Incest, No pee, no poo)
Tropes: meet cute, meet ugly, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, boss/employee, polyamory, **a/b/o**, kid fic, parent-focused fic, mpreg, apocalypse, damsel in distress (rescue), canon divergent, sex worker/prostitute/stripper, interspecies relationship, imbalanced power dynamics, love at first sight, hurt/comfort, shifter/skinwalker, roommate to lovers, or ask.
There are a handful or two of tropes I’m not ok with, so please select at least **3** options.
Plot or premise: please feel free to give me your prompt in as much detail or as little as you’d like.
Pairings: Any from the acceptable characters. Polyamory is acceptable too.
Reader insert: If you select Reader as a character, please advise the POV, such as first person (I am), second person (you are), or third person (she, they, he, them).
Acceptable Characters:
Reader—male or female, LGBT+, Chronic Illness, Mental Health, Winchester sibling or nibling, supernatural being, MoL Legacy, Rowena’s child, love interest to Team Free Will, Hunter, psychic, witch, etc. (Just ask)
Moon Knight system (Jake, Steven, Marc; Moon Knight)
Khonshu (Moon Knight)
Beau Arlen (Blue Sky)
Alec McDowell (Dark Angel)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
Dean Winchester (No Incest;Demon, Possessed, Etc)
Sam Winchester (No Incest; Samifer, Lawyer, Professor, etc)
John Winchester (good parent, yes! No incest)
Mary Winchester (good parent, hunter, yes! No incest)
Castiel/Jimmy Novak (Wings, yes! True form, yes! Unrelated, yes! No Twincest)
Arthur Ketch
Emma Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Gilda (Fairy)
Dorothy Baum
Billie (Reaper, yes! Death, yes!)
Death (YES!)
Lucifer/Nick (Wings, yes!)
Gabriel (Wings,yes!)
Balthazar (Wings, yes!)
Bobby Singer
Rufus Turner
Ellen Harvelle
Jo Harvelle
Jody Mills, Sheriff
Donna Hanscum, Sheriff
Claire Novak
Kaia Novak
Patience Turner
The Barnes Twins (no incest)
Missouri Moseley
Rowena MacLeod (Witchy, yes!)
Crowley/Fergus MacLeod (Demon form, yes)
Pamela Barnes
Adam Milligan
Michael (Archangel)
Horseman Death (portrayed by Julian Richings)
Meg 2.0
Jack Kline
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mischieviem · 5 months
Forced myself to draw other characters
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miiilowo · 2 months
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crowley and rowena ponies since I did all of TFW ^_^ girlboss and gaslight respectively
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marril96 · 5 months
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Supernatural 10.14 | The Executioner's Song | deleted scene
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happy74827 · 5 months
The Demon With A Heart
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[Crowley x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: When Crowley saves your life, you can't help but think it was a little more than self-interest.
WC: 1858
Category: 99.9% Sexual Tension (lmfao), 0.01% Fluff + Angst? {TW: Mentions of Demons (obvi), Murder}
Crowley is too iconic not to have fics. I said what I said.
You didn’t know how to react. It was as if your tongue was taken away, and you couldn’t talk, no matter how much you wanted to thank the man.
No, the demon.
You stood there with wide eyes, staring at the King of Hell, Crowley. He looked the same as before: a clean suit, a snarky comment, and a look of disgust on his face. But, instead of being on the opposite side, he was wiping the blood off of the angel blade he used to kill the angel that jumped you.
He just saved you—The King of Hell.
The very man who told Sam and Dean countless times that he doesn't do anything for free and doesn’t help people without getting something out of it. Yet, here he was, standing in front of you, not asking for a single thing.
The thought was a bit unsettling.
"Purely out of self-interest, darling," He says, breaking the silence and putting the stolen blade into his jacket. "Call it a favor that I plan to collect in the future."
He was about to leave, but you couldn’t let him go. Not without a thank you, at least. You didn't want him to think you didn’t appreciate what he did.
The man turns back around, his hands in his pockets, his expression unreadable.
"Thank you."
The corner of his mouth turned upward, forming a small smirk. He didn’t say anything but rather kept his eyes on you for a second longer. He then disappeared, leaving you in the dark.
And it did leave you in the dark. For days, weeks, months. He never came for that favor, and he never brought up what happened. In fact, he barely talked to you at all. It was always towards the Winchesters.
You began to believe it was nothing but a dream. That Crowley somehow didn't save you. The angel was a fake, and this was all some sick joke. It felt like gaslighting.
But you knew what happened was real. You remembered the blood splatter and the dead corpse. The way his face contorted when he pierced the angel's heart.
It was all too real.
So, why was he ignoring you? Why did he pretend that it never happened? Was he going to hold it over your head? Or was it just the fact that the King of Hell did something nice for a human?
Was it because he… cared?
One night, you got your answer. It was a quiet night filled with books, tea, and soft music. At least, it was before those idiotic brothers decided to tear down the bunker in search of some book.
You couldn’t remember the exact reason they needed it, but you were too tired to argue. So, you stayed in your room and tried to fall asleep.
That is until the lights went out and the emergency lights kicked on. Okay, now you were annoyed. You got up, slipped on your shoes and a coat, and walked out of your room.
"Alright, what did you two-"
You paused mid-sentence, eyes falling onto the figure in the library. The man was facing the opposite way, but you knew exactly who it was. The familiar black suit and hair gave it away.
"Hello, Darling,” he replied, turning around and smiling at you. It was almost unnerving. He didn’t have a malicious aura or even an evil one. Just... a smile.
You looked behind him and noticed… well, nothing. You were expecting the Winchesters to be with him, and yet, it was just him.
"Where are the boys?"
"Moose and Squirrel? Ah, they're off somewhere, doing... well, you know. Something heroic, I suppose. Figured I’d stick around… enjoy the scenery."
That’s when you looked up and understood what he meant. He was stuck, quite literally. Those devil traps they put everywhere finally did something good.
You half-expected him to bring up that 'favor' he was talking about or maybe even just demand to get out of there, but he did neither. Instead, he looked at the ground and sighed.
At the moment, the King of Hell looked just like a caged puppy, sad and alone. If he wasn’t such a… demon, you might have even felt bad for him.
But, you left him in there, strolling along to the kitchen to find some kind of light. You were not giving up your two hours of reading due to power loss.
As you shuffled through the cabinets, looking for any form of match or lighter, the lights flickered back on.
So that’s where the Winchesters were.
You shrugged and turned back to your room but stopped at the entrance to the library. Crowley was still there, but this time, his face was twisted. He was clearly pissed.
"Why did you do it?" The burning question you wanted answered for months finally came out. Crowley stopped his little fit and turned towards you, a confused expression on his face.
He looked like he had no idea what you were talking about.
"I do a lot of things, Chipmunk. You'll have to be more specific."
You walked towards him, resting down the candles and book on a nearby table. You didn’t know why, but the need to confront him was growing.
"Save me all those months ago."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
You were getting closer, now only a few feet from him. Crowley, however, didn’t back away. Instead, he watched as you moved, his expression unchanging.
"That angel could’ve killed me, yet you came out of nowhere and stabbed him. I know you don't do anything out of kindness, so why did you do it? What do I offer that no one else does?"
Crowley stayed silent for a while, not giving any indication of answering your questions.
You thought it was just a lost cause until his expression changed. It was subtle, but you caught it. The corner of his mouth turned down, and his eyes widened, then narrowed.
He almost looked ashamed.
"It's just like I said. Self-interest." He spat out, his voice sounding like venom. You almost took a step back. It still sounded like the same old Crowley, but his tone was different.
You decided to call his bluff.
"I don't believe you."
Crowley raised an eyebrow, a smirk coming across his face. He was amused by the sudden attitude, but it didn’t last long.
"And what makes you say that?"
"I saw the way you looked at me after you saved me. Hesitancy, almost. Like you were unsure. As if..."
The King of Hell stared at you, waiting for the last part of your statement. He was eager but not for the answer. No, he knew what you were going to say.
He was just waiting to hear it come out of your mouth.
"You care."
Those words hung in the air, both of you processing it. Crowley continued to stare at you, the smirk disappearing, leaving his face neutral. He had a blank expression.
A silence grew, the atmosphere turning awkward. It wasn't until the demon let out a loud sigh and looked to the side that it was broken.
"You’re really pulling on the heartstrings, Chipmunk,” he muttered, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "If I had one, I'd say it was aching."
"Do you?"
You knew what you were implying. Crowley was the King of Hell, the ruler of the damned. He was the furthest thing from human, yet he could walk among them and, sometimes, be mistaken for one.
Was it possible for him to be human or even have emotions?
Crowley looked at you and frowned, clearly not liking the topic. But he didn't deny it. It was a strange sight—the King of Hell, frowning and silent.
It was almost adorable.
"I'm not asking for anything. I just… want an honest answer."
"Well, I am a demon, love,” He stated, his tone changing to a more playful one. “Honesty isn’t quite in the job description."
You were starting to get impatient, and it showed. Your voice was firm, and your posture was tense. You wanted an answer, and you were determined to get it.
The demon in question let out another sigh and looked at the ceiling as if praying for a quick escape.
"You're a pain, you know that? It's exhausting." He grumbled, rolling his eyes. "But, I suppose, since you asked nicely..."
The man looked at you, his lips pursed. He was still hesitating, which only made you more curious.
"Yes, I care. About you. Happy?"
You blinked a few times, processing the information. Did the King of Hell, the person known for not giving a shit, just admit he cares?
"I-" You started, not knowing what to say. It was a surprise but not an unwelcome one. Crowley wasn't exactly a bad guy, well, a demon.
"Do you actually mean that?"
"Now that…" Crowley started, his voice low and deep. He leaned towards you, making you back up, but the wall soon prevented you from going any further.
He was inches away, his breath hitting your face. You could see his eyes staring into yours—a pretty brown, like a mocha latte.
"…Is the kind of question that will get you in trouble, love."
You weren’t sure what he was planning, but you didn't care. The way his eyes were looking at you, the smirk on his face, the closeness...
He was probably expecting you to back away, but he was wrong. You were an avid reader, obsessive even. This scene wasn't new, nor was it shocking.
The only shocking part was the fact that you were the one in it. And, well, the fact that you didn’t mind it.
"Unlike you,” you whispered, a small smirk on your face. "I don’t care."
Your response made him pause for a moment, squinting his eyes and giving you a confused look. It only lasted a few seconds, though. Soon, he understood, and a chuckle escaped his lips.
You truly believed you were about to lose your chance with the man upstairs, but loud footsteps interrupted you.
"Crowley, you slimy son of a bitch! If you’re not here, we are going to-"
Dean stopped talking as he rounded the corner, seeing you and Crowley close. His expression was shocked, almost comical.
"The hell is going on here?"
You and Crowley both turned to look at Dean, a look of annoyance on the King of Hell's face. Sam came around the corner as well, sharing the same look of confusion.
Crowley gave you one last glance, a bit of disappointment in his eyes, before taking a step back. His attention moved on to the two hunters, his usual smile returning.
And despite the annoyance in the air and the confusion, the only thing that came across your mind was another question that you were sure would take control of your sleep schedule once again.
"Hello, boys," He purred, his arms moving to his side. He was back to his old self, not showing a single sign of what happened moments ago.
Had the beauty thawed the beast?
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beandraws · 29 days
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King Crowley 🖤
One of my favorites fr I love him so much 🥲
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ashlinxsloves · 6 months
Dean: I love you.
Castiel: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.
*Dean and Castiel kiss passionately*
Rowena, to Crowley: You owe me 20 dollars.
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adeliadrawstuff · 3 months
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Inspired by that one Kronk meme
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brennenfox · 6 months
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FeEeeElings 👿😈🥹🥲😭🥳🥰😘
As I said before Crowley and feelings is my favorite thing about Supernatural yay. The second favorite thing is just Crowley, the third is probably Crowley's crossroads era.. I could go on
Пользуясь случаем, ребятки го читать мой фанфик, это The demon you know на фикбук (Кроули/ожп, макси, уже 40 !!1! страниц).
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asbeel · 2 months
"Ass or titties" Supernatural edition
Featuring: every relevant character I could think of and remember
Lmao I did this for hannibal and I thought it's be a good idea to do this for spn too lol
Sam, genuine disbelief: What?
Eileen, signing: Sam's ass
Dean: Tits, obviously. (That was a lie. The true answer is Castiel's ass)
Castiel: Dean told me the safe answer is personality, so my answer is Dean.
Jack: Cas told me to stay away from people like you *flies away*
Ruby: Whatever you can offer, sweetheart.
Crowley: Why not both?
Lucifer: Honestly, does it matter?
Mary: Oh... John had a great ass...
John: My wife
Meg: Tits
Bobby: I'm too old to be thinking about that kinda stuff, idjit.
Ellen: Get the fuck out
Jo: Oh... I haven't really thought about it.
Chuck: Trick question! Ass AND titties!
Amara: Some peace and quiet
Balthazar: Ass. Everyone's got one, right?
Kevin: I want... advil.
Jody: Donna, of course! She's so sweet and is really good with the girls! 🥰🥰
Donna: Oh! I'd choose Jody! 🥰🥰
Metatron: Is God's recognition an option?
Benny: Titties? Is that what they're calling them now?
Naomi: I am an angel, I am above such human flaws.
Rowena: If I could only choose one? Ass.
Charlie: Ass and titties... but only on chicks
Ketch: I can't say I've ever turned down a woman with a big personality (the man was, in fact, turned on my Dean Winchester)
Adam: Michael
Michael: Adam
Gabriel: Yes
This interview did NOT go right 🥲
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mischieviem · 5 months
Yippee more natural soup
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5sospenguinqueen · 7 months
Crowley: Look, I know I only bought your soul last month but-
Y/N: No returns.
Crowley: Please? It's making me sad.
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ciambeeeline · 8 months
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I did NOT expect to rewatch spn in 2024 but here we are. So many mixed feelingsg... Anyway, Crowley the fav™, his back hurt so bad from carrying the show.
Everytime someone is mean to him I want to YELL
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vendettasfanfictioning · 10 months
I'm so down for caswena because 1) misha and ruth would've absolutely killed it, 2) we could've gotten more rowena-nicknames for cas, and 3) it would've been the funniest fuck you to crowley ever like oh. you had some fleeting summer love with my boyfriend? well i fucked your mom how about that
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marksmarkers93 · 2 months
Behold, the bastard man!
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I HAD SO MUCH FUN DOING CROWLEY!! Honestly love him. Hes my boy, my ride or die.
I wanted to lean into his whole crossroad demon vibe, and so i was like OH A CHANGLING?! Apears "human" or in this case "pony" to lure bitches into contracts. Hence his cutie mark too. Also decided to go the red way with his changling colours cause this is MY AU AND I DO WHAT I WANT. He is taller then bobby but just shorter then dean. Canon heights mean nothing to me :]
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fluffsnake · 2 years
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