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leenathegreengirl · 16 days ago
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I am truly happy for them 🥲💜💕
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floofyroro · 4 months ago
To Be Held in Return
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Pairing: Crosshair/Reader
Words: 934 (ficlet)
Tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, established relationship on Pabu (post- s3) reader is insecure (the insecurity is for you to decide) and Crosshair shoulders it.
Summary: He knows you're struggling. Crosshair comforts you in his own way.
A/N: This came to me on a whim. Entirely self-indulgent and can be considered a continuation of to be held.
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Cold metal presses into the small of your back.
It’s enough that it jars you out of your thoughts, your eyelids fluttering as you glance up at the looming figure beside you.
He says nothing when your gazes connect. The restlessness ebbing in your chest momentarily lapses into a familiar warmth, spreading from your stomach all the way up your cheekbones. 
The sensation is enough that it contrasts starkly against this mood, guilt blooming into this hopeless concoction of self-doubt. Guilt, you begrudgingly realize, because he shouldn’t waste his attention on you right now. Not when he has his own demons to combat.
Durasteel fingers massage gentle circles into your lower back, and you hear him sigh before he looks out over the patio railing. 
“Only I’m allowed to be grumpy,” he finally says, his voice brooking a subtle teasing that most people would interpret incorrectly.
You look down at your hands with a huff, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
You miss the way he eyes your fidgeting fingers as they tug on the hem of your shirt.
“Do you… want to talk?” 
The ocean comes back into view when you crane your head upwards again. It's quiet, a unique kind of silence on Pabu that's only experienced during these late hours.
“Not really,” you say, forcing the words out. “At least, not right now. I have a lot on my mind.” 
He hums in reply, the sound deep and thoughtful. The hand he has on you begins to trail up your spine, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. He reaches the base of your neck and gently digs mechanical fingers into the muscle between your neck and shoulders. Your head dips back at the welcomed affection, your eyes falling closed.
Strong arms wrap around the entirety of your form, bracketing you against his front. The pressure of his embrace feels… grounding.
“Is this alright?”
You nod softly, leaning your head against his bicep. A waft of clean laundry and leather, melding with something distinctly him hits your senses, stoking a warmth in your chest.
He moves his head slightly before placing a kiss on your temple. It elicits a sigh from you and his touch lingers, his lips hesitant to break contact. 
It would be so easy to keep these insecurities to yourself. To shed light on them feels far too daunting, especially considering you’re usually unperturbed by such things. If anything, you’re the one comforting Crosshair as he makes leeway with his past, offering a listening ear and comforting touch as he processes.
Maybe he understands that the roles have been reversed. Maybe this is him, offering you the opportunity to lean on him, both proverbially and literally. 
“I’m sorry,” you say, steeling yourself. 
“No, you’re not,” he says, and you feel his smile as he presses his cheek to the side of your head. “I think you just wanted more attention tonight.”
You roll your eyes, the corners of your mouth betraying your amusement by twitching upwards. 
“I’m teasing,” he says, squeezing you tighter before loosening his grip. “It’s just weird, you know? You’re normally the… happy one.”
He pauses, seemingly at a loss for words before he lets go of you altogether and you nearly protest, twisting your body around to say as much when he scoops both of your hands into his.
“It feels wrong,” he says, holding your palms to his chest, “I think that was the most I’ve ever talked during dinner. Since when do I yap?” 
You can’t help the giggle that bubbles out of your throat because… he’s not wrong. Usually it’s the other way around, with you talking his ears off while he quietly (and not-so-secretly) enjoys what you have to say.
Your mirth seems to encourage him because Crosshair waits a beat, his mouth twitching into a smirk before he says, “You’ve finally done it. You’ve turned me into a yapper.” 
Tears spring in your eyes because he’s trying his best to make you smile and it’s working. It’s second nature to untangle your hands from his and encompass his torso with your arms, burying your face into his chest. 
Before you know it, the tears start to trail down your cheeks and it becomes harder to breathe steadily. 
“I’m sorry,” you choke out, your voice muffled by his shirt. “It’s been a rough couple of days.”
A hand threads into your hair, brushing strands away from your damp cheeks. 
“It’s okay,” he reassures, his voice soft. “You’ve seen… my bad side, how many times? I’m always waiting for you to realize that I’m no good. That I’m not worth the effort. But... You always listen. You hold me. So I think it’s only fair to hold you in return, too.” 
You think it's the most achingly sweet sentiment he’s ever verbalized. The realization coats your insides with a searing adoration, a heat that builds with each passing second.
You openly cry at that, gripping at him with a newfound ferocity that muscles a chuckle from him. He squeezes you gently before pressing a kiss at the crown of your head.
“I’ve got you,” he whispers. “It’s okay.” 
His reassurance lessens the ache gnawing in your chest. He’s unmoving as he holds you, a pillar for you to lay your troubles upon. Time becomes irrelevant as you will your mind to quiet, a dullness settling in as he draws lazy circles into your skin. 
Tomorrow, you think.
I’ll tell him tomorrow when I have the wherewithal. 
For now, this is enough.
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moodymisty · 2 years ago
I always imagined Cross' eyes to be sensitive and get strained sometimes and when they do he'd turn into a teddy bear or smth he'd just want to cling to you and bury his face into your shoulder to keep the light away while so needy for cuddles or hugs and his squad is just like
🕴 that our Cross?? (bc before he met reader if his eyes got strained hed be the most grumpy gremlin his brothers have ever met)
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's Note: This is so cute!! I love the idea that Crosshair has eyes just as or close to as good as Hunter's thanks to his enhancements
Summary: Crosshair might be a loner but even he knows that sometimes tender loving care is what works best.
Relationships: Crosshair/Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sensory overload, fluffy, Crosshair being a grumpy little shit that needs cuddles,
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-Hey. You busy?
Looking over at your datapad you see a message from Hunter, before glancing back at your computer. Hunter knows damn well that you're always busy, it's more so a matter of if you're too busy to sneak away and do whatever he has in mind.
Well, your work is practically done, so you'll message back in a few minutes once you're free. Because you know damn well that once you start with them, you'll be roped into whatever mess is currently happening. Before you have a chance to finish however, Hunter gives some much needed context to his earlier message. Not too much, however.
-Come here and help deal with Crosshair.
Since when did you become the resident sniper tamer?
Though Hunter knows you well enough, as even though you don't respond, you quickly finish up what you've been working on before getting up. Their barracks are a good ways across the base so it's a decent walk, enough that you can send a quick message.
-On my way.
Part of you is curious what in the galaxy could warrant such am urgent sounding message from Hunter; Though you'd probably never be able to hazard a guess. Hunter doesn't respond, largely because he knows you'll be there the moment he does. Their barracks are a good ways out of the way, but the walk isn't that far. Tech has it timed, actually; In another odd random bit of knowledge he has stored away in the brain of his.
It seems this time you were particularly speedy, as he's a few seconds off when you arrive, the door opening. The moment you enter you can feel the tension, as everyone hovers around the center of the room. Hunter comes up to you, and you whisper:
"What happened?" Looking over to see Crosshair on his bunk, with everyone glancing his way, but attempting to be subtle about it. His hand is pressing against his eyes and forehead, hard enough that he surely can't see very well. Hunter fills you in with the only word that is necessary.
"Flashbang." Oh no.
You know Crosshair's eyes are incredibly sensitive much like Hunter's, which also makes him very sensitive to things like bright lights. The two of them are the main reason why they have the lights in all their barracks, and the Marauder, dimmed so low.
Tech is hovering close by, the closest that the Batch has for a medic keeping an eye on a fuming Crosshair. Wrecker comes closer to check and gets venom spit at him, before he presses his hand back onto his face.
While his brothers are concerned and wanting to help, hovering and asking constantly if he's ok are both things that don't work intermingled with someone like Crosshair. You know that he just wants pitch black, and silence that's just as deep as possible.
Sighing softly you step away from Hunter, walking over to his bunk. You don't say anything, just sit on the edge and gently put your hand on his shoulder. You've delt with this Crosshair before, so you have a decent idea of what helps and what doesn't.
Within a few minutes he pulls you closer to him, forcing you to lean back more until you're partly laying down. He wraps his arms around your body, as his face presses against the black of your shirt above your chest but below your shoulder; Wrecker groaning and walks by yelling:
"Hey! Keep it clean, we're still here!" Wrecker jokes, laughing loudly.
Crosshair's hand quickly darts out to get a piece of Wrecker, who deftly dodges it.
"Fuck off."
He feels your hand gently on the back of his head, fingers playing with the short hair at the nape of his neck. His arms tighten around your ribs even more. His head is throbbing so much he doesn't care how he looks, or that what his brothers are saying isn't actually insulting. He'll just act like it is, and bite at them none the less. In a bit he'll be back to normal, but for now he'll indulge.
It's hard to believe that you've actually been a positive influence on his overall attitude, until you have times like this.
"Just leave him alone, Wrecker." Echo quietly speaks up from across the room, where he's cleaning dirt from the inner seams of his armor pieces.
You kind of wish you'd brought your datapad with you in hindsight, as now that Crosshair has you trapped, you have one hand completely empty as the other lays on the back of his head. It's also a little boring, just watching his brothers go about their individual work as quiet as possible.
A few months ago Crosshair would've never even considered doing anything remotely similar to this, but thankfully his edges have been buffed just the tiniest, tiniest little fraction.
You remember a long while back Crosshair had muttered that he didn't deserve you, and while you had vehemently denied the notion, he didn't seem to take it entirely to heart. You only hope these sorts of gestures help reassure him, relaxing with him as the thumping of his headache ever so slowly goes away.
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dumfanting · 2 months ago
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Going Back, ch 5
Chapter 4
AO3 Link
Rating: E, explicit
Warnings: needles, hypothermia, starvation, dehydration, handjobs, grinding, cum, angst, arguing | Notes: gender neutral reader, second person PoV, present tense
It’s been a long time. Work has been hell and keeping me from writing. Crosshair won the ‘next update’ poll, so here it is before I overthink it. Thanks for sticking around.
3,405 words
G/N reader/ Crosshair
After a much-needed shower, things get serious.
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His chip is still there.
Crosshair told you all it had been removed. You wonder why he would lie, then it occurs to you that he didn’t lie to you, but the Empire lied to him.
It’s easier to control someone if they’re unaware of it.
A faint wave of nausea washes over you, until Crosshair stirs. You watch him for a few seconds, but he stays asleep. Hoping to keep it that way, you get to your feet and leave the bunks as silently as you can, taking the chip reader with you.
You set it down on Tech’s workbench as you pass on the way to the cockpit. Once inside, you sit heavily into the pilot's seat and stare into the wavering blue of hyperspace, contemplating what will happen after you return to the others. You hope Omega hasn’t gotten into any trouble on your behalf. You know she’ll be happy to see her brother again, and maybe Wrecker will too. The others, though, you aren’t so sure.
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You sit there thinking quietly for a while before you’re startled out of your thoughts by Crosshair hoarsely calling your name. You immediately get to your feet and rush back to his side.
“Yes, I’m here, tell me what you need,” you say, kneeling down and holding his hand. He’s still cold, but not as desperately cold as he was an hour ago. He coughs and tries to sit up, flinching at the needle in his arm.
“I smell like shit. And don’t pretend that you can’t tell,” he says. You crinkle your nose at him and nod, and he makes an odd cough-chuckling sound. You move your other hand through his hair, which has grown back out, and it comes away oily.
“Yeah, you need a shower. We should have enough water,” you say. “I’ll take this out, for now,” you continue, indicating his IV line.
You grab a few things from the med kit you set nearby earlier, and have him hold a wad of cotton to the stick-site as you gently slide the needle out and properly dispose of it. You use a waterproof wrap to bandage up his arm, then sit back on your heels and watch as Crosshair bends his elbow a few times. You stand and use the med kit’s thermometer to check if he’s still dangerously hypothermic. He’s only one degree away from baseline, which is a relief. You put everything away and keep talking.
“I’ll have to stick you again later on, as you’re still badly dehydrated, but you’ve warmed up a good bit” you say, and he nods at you as he swings his legs out of your bunk, inadvertently kicking the pile of covers onto the floor. You take a step towards him, intending to take his hands so you can help him stand and walk, but he waves you away.
“Stop that, I’m not completely helpless,” he says, huffing at you again. He manages to stand on his own, but it takes a fair amount of effort, and when he tries to take a step forward, his knees buckle. Thankfully you’re close enough to catch him before he falls. You hold back a smile and softly shake your head at him before he sighs heavily, leaning his weight against you.
“Shut up,” he grumbles.
“I didn’t say a word,” you say, pulling one of his arms over your shoulders and holding his wrist.
“You didn’t need to, I know that look,” he says as you wrap your other arm around his waist and pull him closer.
“What look?” you ask innocently, starting to walk towards the refresher, half-carrying Crosshair with you. This time you can’t stop the smile.
“That one!” he says, taking his turn to shake his head. You hum a little and press your temple against his as the refresher door slides open. When you both step inside, the single light in the ceiling comes on, and you can see how his eyes have closed and his face has relaxed at this simple gesture.
Maker, you’ve missed him.
You wind up getting into the shower with him after he nearly collapses again. It’s cramped, but you’re able to gently push him into a sitting position and kneel behind him. The water is warm, not hot, as you don’t want to shock his system too far in the other direction. You shampoo his hair twice, taking a little time to massage his scalp while avoiding his scar. The relaxed hums you hear from him do your heart some good as you work.
Next, you soap up your hands and glide them around Crosshair’s back and shoulders, pausing to work out the many knots of tension in his muscles. With a soft grunt, he turns around and you move your hands to his chest. You feel his heartbeat under your fingertips, confirming that he’s here, safe and alive. Under the harsh light in the refresher, you get a better sense of just how bad of a shape he’s in. He was already lean to begin with, but the dramatic weight loss has left him too thin, almost bony in places.
Your eyes meet his and a wave of guilt washes over you again. You must be wearing it on your face, because before you can open your mouth to apologize, he shakes his head at you.
“Don’t,” he says. “Not right now.”
Crosshair’s hands drop to your hips and he subtly pulls you closer, whispering your name. Your lips part, and the air surrounding you both feels warmer, despite the shower cooling down. He leans in closer to you, but hesitates. You cup his cheek and run your thumb across his badly chapped lips, then catch him off guard by rolling your eyes, leaning in, and kissing him. The feeling is far from pleasant, but you don’t give a single shit.
After a muffled sound of surprise, he relaxes and opens up for you. His breath is horrendous, but you stubbornly ignore it, deepening the kiss and slipping your hands to his shoulders. You press yourself against him and he softly groans.
You slowly slide a hand down his chest and abdomen, watching his eyes and giving him plenty of time to stop you. Crosshair’s breath hitches as you trace your thumb over the base of his half-hard cock, and when you pause to check on him, he nods at you, something close to desperation in his eyes.
You realize that you can take care of two things at once and soap up your hands again before gently but firmly gripping his shaft. You clean him with one hand and cup his balls with the other. You give them a barely-there tug, and he moans your name, his cock growing completely stiff under your hands. Taking advantage of how the soap slicks him up, you shift your attention to jerking him off. Not wanting to overwhelm him, you move in steady, even strokes, and before long he’s panting in your ear.
Crosshair grabs at your hips again, and you know what he wants. You unhand him just long enough to position yourself before him, and he spreads his legs for you. You scoot forward enough that your groin is pressed tightly against his, and you fit perfectly into place against his twitching cock. You wrap your legs around his hips and grind yourself against him, making him curse under his breath.
You hold the back of his head with one hand, grip his shoulder with the other, and pull him in for a deep, soulful kiss. As this happens, you grind against him harder and he groans into your mouth. After about a minute of this, you slip a hand down between your bodies, take hold of his cock, and jerk him off again, moving faster as his breaths get heavier against your skin.
“Ah, f-fuck, I’m-,” he starts, but interrupts himself with a gasp, his hips jerking forward of their own accord as his cock twitches and he comes with a shudder, his release dribbling thickly down your wrist.
You take a moment to rinse it and any remaining soap away before reaching up and shutting off the shower. Then you pull Crosshair, trembling slightly, into your arms. He slouches and rests his forehead against your chest, trying to catch his breath, while you run your hand up and down his back in a soothing motion.
“Just breathe, Crosshair. I’ve got you.”
“You can’t be serious.”
Crosshair glances between your hand, holding out Wrecker’s shirt, and your face, his expression somewhere between annoyed and incredulous.
“It’s all I could find,” you say apologetically, and he huffs, but grabs the shirt from you before pulling it on.
It’s huge on him, of course. The neck is wide enough that his collarbone peeks out, the bottom hangs past his hips, and the sleeves are so long they hide his hands.
“I look ridiculous,” he grumbles, crossing his arms, and he resembles a pouting child so much that you can’t help but laugh a little.
“Aw, you’ll grow into it eventually, cadet,” you say with a smirk.
“Oh fuck you,” he says, flopping heavily onto your bunk.
“Maybe once you’ve had some rest,” you say, laughing again when he flaps a sleeve at you, unamused. You aren’t sure if the growling sound you hear comes from his mouth or his stomach, but either way, it reminds you of the ration bars you found on the way to Kamino.
“Think you can eat something?” you ask, retrieving them before sitting on the edge of your bunk. At this, Crosshair sits up and tries to take one from you, but you stop him. You unwrap a bar and break off about a quarter of it before handing it to him. He wolfs it down at a speed that would put Wrecker to shame.
“Not so fast, we don’t want you to throw it back up,” you say, then hand him another quarter. He takes his time to properly chew it, and makes a sound of disgust once he’s swallowed it.
“Shit, how old is that?” he says, though he still holds his hand out for more.
“Sorry, it’s fairly out of date. I was in such a rush to get to you that I didn’t think to grab anything else,” you say, handing him the rest. “Looks like it isn’t too bad though,” you say, watching him eat.
“It’s better than raw fish,” he says, pausing to swallow with a grimace. “But not by a lot.”
“Well, it’s all I’ve got, but I’ll be able to get you properly fed once we get back.”
“How much longer will that take?”
“Shouldn’t be more than a few hours. Oh! I should open the comm channels up and let them know we’re nearly there.”
With that, you get to your feet and move into the cockpit. Crosshair watches you go without really paying attention, lying back down on his side. He’s on the verge of sleep when the sudden, shrill sound of the ship being hailed rudely yanks him back into awareness.
He groans, then decides to move so that he can more clearly hear whatever his brothers have to say. He pulls himself to his feet and shakily makes his way through the ship, stopping just outside of the cockpit doorway.
Inside, the ship's holo-comm activates, and you find that it’s Tech. He looks relieved for a moment before worry clouds his face and he speaks.
“Finally, we have been trying to get ahold of you since you left,” he says.
“What for? We’re nearly there now,” you say, confused.
“No, you’re not,” Tech says, his expression and voice severe. Crosshair, recognizing this, moves closer, taking a few steps into the cockpit. You’re too distracted by the feeling of your stomach dropping to notice this.
“The nav system-,” you start, quickly glancing at one of the many screens in a nearby console.
“Is incorrect; it cannot properly function when the hyperdrive is broken.”
“Broken?” you repeat, the sensation in your gut changing to a heavy, sinking feeling.
“I tried to warn you before you left the atmosphere, the hyperdrive has become too unstable to safely use.”
“But I got in and out on the way to Kamino just fine,” you say, your confusion starting to morph into panic. Echo steps into view.
“You haven’t noticed anything off?” he asks, and you curse under your breath. You take a minute to describe the unfamiliar screeching sound you had heard when activating the drive earlier.
“I was afraid of that,” he says, seeming to talk to himself more than you.
“I’m in hyperspace now, but can’t I just shut the drive off?” you ask. Tech returns to the forefront.
“Do not do that!” he says, and the uncharacteristic sound of anxiety in his voice prompts Crosshair to move closer again. He stops next to you and comes into view on the other side of the call, then you both hear Omega in the background.
“Crosshair! Hunter, they got to him!” she says, but nobody reacts to her, as Tech continues to speak.
“If you shut it down in this state, you could crash into something at hyper speed or wind up in wild space, if it doesn’t fail catastrophically and blow the ship apart. Unless the two of you can fix the drive-,” he says
“I’ll die here instead,” Crosshair mumbles, interrupting. Though his voice is low, you can still clearly hear him, and your near-panic is abruptly forgotten. Tech sees the change in your expression and hastily tells you to call him back before the comm breaks up into static and disconnects. You turn on your heel to face Crosshair, seething.
“So I should have just left you there, is that what you’re telling me?” you say, standing a breath away from his face.
“At least out there someone could still get to me!” Crosshair shouts, though hoarsely. “And you didn’t have a problem leaving me before!”
“If you weren’t so damn proud none of this would be happening. You didn’t have to stay behind!” you shout back, frustrated.
“Fuck you, you still left me there,” he says, and as he turns away, you grab his shoulder. Your grip is firm, but your tone has softened significantly.
“Crosshair, please,” you sigh, suddenly exhausted, and though he barely heard you, he freezes. “The moment this ship was in the air, I regretted it; all I could think about was going back for you. I fucking begged Hunter every day, but he refused every single time,” you continue. Crosshair steps back from you and sits heavily into one of the cockpit seats. You can tell he’s still angry, but it seems like he’s willing to hear you out.
“He changed his mind?” he says, sounding skeptical.
“No, he didn’t,” you say, sitting on the edge of the seat directly across from him. “I had enough and finally left on my own,” you say, your voice still soft.
“Well that was reckless,” he says bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest. “Anything could have been waiting for you out here; the Empire knows this ship and its signature.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You briefly describe how you were avoiding everyone, how angry you had been, how you cracked just enough to tell Wrecker why. Crosshair doesn’t say anything, but his posture has relaxed enough for you to notice.
“Omega talked to me later about it. She suggested I come alone,” you say. Crosshair raises an eyebrow at you.
“You didn’t think of that before?” he says bitterly.
“Of course I did!” you snap, then stop and take another deep, calming breath. When you speak, your voice is low again. “I thought about it, about you, constantly. I know how the nav system and everything else works, and I can fly the ship just fine, but I didn’t know how to mask its signal. I told Omega that and apparently she’s seen Tech and Echo do it often enough to learn how.”
“So she told you, and you stole the ship,” Crosshair says.
“Hunter found out as I was leaving the atmosphere. He called and tried to talk me out of it. Said I could be playing right into the Empire's hands,” you say, noticing a faint smirk on Crosshairs face that vanishes just as quickly as it appeared.
“But I didn’t care. We got into a screaming match over it. Tech interrupted, but I was so pissed off I shut down all of the comm channels and made the jump,” you say.
Crosshair, his arms now resting at his sides as he leans forward, studies you for a moment before he huffs again and stands. He starts to pace, albeit unsteadily, around the small space and speaks again.
“I don’t know how you managed to make it to Kamino at all, you’re damn lucky you didn’t get trapped like this on the way. You could’ve died out here, completely alone, and they’d never know, I’d never know what happened to you,” he says. You sit quietly and allow him to rant. When he pauses for breath, you can’t help but chuckle softly at him. He comes to a stop in front of you and stares you down, asking what the hell is so funny.
“You’ll still care if something happens to me,” you say, getting to your feet and watching him. He blusters for a moment, and you can see a faint flush cross his face.
“That's not the point!” he says, abruptly turning away again. “Why would you do something so-,” he says, but you interrupt him.
“Stupid?” you say. “Well, I guess love makes people do stupid things,” you continue, and watch as Crosshair freezes completely.
“You’re lying,” he says, unable to look at you. “Maybe you did before I… but you don’t, you can’t, not now.”
A spark of indignation grows in your chest, and you speak without thinking.
“Do you really think I would have risked capture or worse if I didn’t? What do I have to gain from coming all this way, in a ship with a hyperdrive that might kill me, taking you back and taking care of you, just to lie? Especially about this?” you say, raising your voice just enough to be noticeable. You take a few steps and stop in front of him.
“It’s not worth the risk just to make you feel like shit,” you continue, your voice leveling back out. “You’ve been doing a good enough job of that on your own. Just because you hate yourself does not mean that I do too.”
Crosshair shakes his head and steps backwards away from you, scrunching his face and closing his eyes.
“So you- despite what- what I-,” he says, his speech fragmented. He pauses, collecting himself. “You- you came back for me,” he says in a whisper, finally opening his eyes and meeting your gaze. You move closer to him again, then reach up and gently hold your hand to the unburnt side of his head.
“Because I love you,” you say, looking into his amber eyes.
He stares at you in disbelief for a moment, then his face scrunches up again and he weakly wraps his arms around you. When the weight of everything finally hits him, his legs shake and his knees buckle. You catch him, steadying yourself enough to carefully move the both of you onto the floor against a wall. You settle into a seated position. Crosshair, his weakness catching up to him, drops into your lap. He hides his face where your neck meets your shoulder, his breath hitching. You hold a hand to the back of his head and pull him tightly against your chest, running your other hand up and down his back in a gentle, soothing motion while his shoulders spasm. Nobody speaks for a few minutes as your words sink in.
“I never wanted any of this,” he eventually says, his voice cracking.
“I’m so sorry, Crosshair,” you say, shifting yourself enough to look him in the eye.
“Dont- don’t do that. It’s not your fault,” he says, barely keeping himself together.
“It’s not entirely your fault either,” you say. Crosshair looks up at you, confused, and you continue: “You still have your chip. They lied to you.”
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Taglist: @madameminor @kaminocasey @jennamelinda12 @arctrooper69 @the-cantina @jedi-hawkins @salaminus @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @griffedeloup
To be added to or removed from this list, reply to this post.
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crocuta-corvax · 2 years ago
Got Mint? (Part 1) - Isekai Bad Batch
Author’s Notes: Crosshair loves mouth stuff, he especially loves your mouth, the mint is just an added bonus. - I'm going off the notion, if it isn't mentioned in SW canon, i can pretend if it is/isn't real, I've decided mint how we know it doesn't exist in SW universe as far as they know ¬u¬ Haha wow I finished the first half, I have more for this prompt planned. Relationships: Crosshair x Reader Tags & Warnings: Smooching, Oral Fixation, +18?? I think, it's very earnest kissies
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"What do we do if he sees us?" Both you and Crosshair had been sent to tail a target for Cid, and now together you were standing watching a nervous looking Rodian make his rounds at every stall in the bustling marketplace from a quiet off-the-street courtyard.
You're familiar with his curt answers now, it wasn't necessarily from rudeness, Crosshair just didn't waste his breath on more words than were necessary.
"Right..." you huff, a little agitated at the waiting and pop a piece of gum in your mouth. Crosshair watches as you do this, he'd always been curious about this gum stuff you always had with you, but never asked, it seemed to be your equivalent of his toothpicks, an oral focus that helped him concentrate. He figured it best to leave it to you, after all, you'd been teleported here from another universe whilst you'd been out doing a "supply run", and of all the food you had with you, this was all that was left. Someone Wrecker had already eaten most of the rest, but you'd staunchly protected the gum like a Pyke with Spice. He didn't want to take your "toothpicks" from you.
You can feel Crosshair's eyes on you as you watch the Rodian slowly make his way toward your vicinity. The feel of his gaze sends a flush of warmth to your face and neck- to think you had THE Crosshair staring at you right now, if the Clone Appreciation Community back on Earth could see this, they'd flip their shit.
Over the past few months of your “accidental” arrival in this universe he'd gone from being deeply suspicious, to warming up to you, to the two of you being so comfortable just existing in each others spaces that you had no doubt that he harboured feelings for you on some level- he'd be busy cleaning his Firepuncher while you would lay across his lap doing the "homework" Tech had given you to help get to grips with this universe. You treasured your alone time, so did he, but being alone with him was somehow so much better.
And of course there was the purposefully teasing you- he enjoyed getting you riled up with rampant flirting, slightly too long hugs, lingering touches and near kisses. You wondered if that's what he was doing right now, with his eyes still fixed on you, plotting a new way to rile you up.
You dare a glance over at him and he's smirking at you, of course he is, "Can I help you?" he drawls, making you roll your eyes playfully,
"You're supposed to be watching." you sigh, casually discarding the finished gum in a nearby bin. He rolls the toothpick between his teeth while maintaining his smouldering gaze on you, "I am."
His words send another flush of heat to your cheeks and he chuckles before flicking away his toothpick and leaning over you, one arm resting on the wall above you, kriff he's so fucking tall, "Our mark is too close, we need a distraction." He gently grabs your chin as you start to turn to see, "Don't look." He leans in closer, and you can feel the warmth of his breath on your face, a soaring feeling rushes up through your body as you bite your lip. In this moment he could do anything to you you realise, and you wanted him to.
"They always get uncomfortable with public affection." he murmurs against your mouth, gently ghosting his lips across yours as a silent request, one you eagerly permit by parting your lips and closing the searing hot space between the two of you.
Your lips practically melt against his as Crosshair gently pulls you closer into his body, one hand secure around your waist, while the other slowly traces along your jaw. Kriff, he's so warm...
Having never tasted mint before, your sweet cold breath had Crosshair intrigued. Running his tongue over your lips to gain entry to your mouth, that you so deliciously granted, had him reeling in pleasure at the taste of your tongue on his. How could someone taste so good? His grip on your waist tightened a little and the hand he had been using to send shivers down your neck moved to the back of your head, running his fingers through your hair and gripping just a little, as he deepened the kiss, causing you to softly moan into his mouth, your fingers digging into his back as you held on to him.  
After what felt like a delectable eternity of his mouth on yours, you pull away to catch your breath, and look up at Crosshair who briefly scans the marketplace before turning back to you with that sly smile of his, "I think it worked."
"Oh, good. Good..." the surprise as to what just transpired has you flustered while Crosshair gazes down at you, revelling in the fact that he finally got to kiss you, and leaving him wanting more of the delicious lingering tingle of mint you left on his mouth.
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tea-time-for-bee-time · 2 years ago
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It’s coming….
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stardust9905 · 1 year ago
Well shi- 🫠😍🤭❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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Killshot Part 2
Summary: After what you thought was going to be a one night stand, you quickly find out that Commander Crosshair still wants you.
Pairing: Imperial Crosshair x Imperial!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI Slight exhibitionism? Public Sex, slight choking, Oral, P in V, unprotected sex, Authority Kink
Word Count: 1.1K
Part One︱Part Two | Part Three
You can find it on AO3 Here!
Killshot Masterlist
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Your pants are around your ankles and your front is against the cold wall of the training room. Anyone could walk in and see the commander on his knees for you, with his face buried in your dripping cunt. Somehow that turned you on more.
The commander had practically slammed you against the wall once the door was closed. He had immediately dropped to his knees, mentioning how he woke up thinking about how good you tasted and how he wanted to taste you again. Who were you to deny your commander?
“Fuck… more, please.” You whine, looking at the door.
He hums as he spreads your cheeks for easier access. “So wet for me, lieutenant.”
Your knees buckle slightly at him calling you that. Mostly because you weren’t expecting it. You were expecting something a little more crass out of him.
As if he can read your mind, he teases you. “Or would you prefer me to call you my little whore again?”
“E… either works.” You pant.
The commander continues lapping at your wet pussy, right up until you hear voices coming in. He quickly pulls you down behind a barrier before you can panic. He unexpectedly pulls your pants the rest of the way off and leans over you.
“What are you doing?” You gasp.
He puts a hand over your mouth and lines himself up with your dripping entrance.
“You want it?” He smirks.
You nod underneath his hand. He must have already calculated the probability of getting caught and decided it wasn’t a big chance. Or decided you were worth getting reprimanded or possibly getting thrown out of the Imperial Army for. Either way, you became instantly more wet at what was happening.
The voices start discussing something about scheduling but you can’t focus on that because he starts to slide into you slowly. You try so hard to keep your moan in, to little avail. What came out of you was more of a pathetic whimper. You still couldn’t get over how big he was for such a slender man.
The commander lets out a long breath through his nose, resting his forehead against yours and moves his hand away from your mouth. “Maker, you’re so tight for me, aren’t you?”
You buck up into him to try to get him to start thrusting but he’s not moving. You look up at him and he’s smirking again.
“I asked you a question.” He lifts your thigh a little higher, letting you know that he’s ready as soon as you give him his answer.
“Yes, commander.” You whisper.
“Good girl.” He pulls out of you slowly, only to thrust back into you hard, knocking the air out of you slightly.
Maker, you were so turned on even though you know you shouldn’t be. This man was your superior. You were in a public space. There were people around. Everything about this situation should turn you right off. But it just makes you want this man more.
The voices sound like they get a little closer and you think the commander is going to stop pounding into you but he doesn’t. He doesn’t even slow down. He just keeps smirking at you, knowing that you’re absolutely going to take what he’s giving you, consequences be damned.
He tilts his head at you, as if he’s asking you what you want. You mouth the word ‘more’ and he gets a dark look in his eyes, speeding up and yet trying to keep the sound of skin slapping against skin to an extreme minimum. You know it’s got to be hard for him, remembering how eager and giving he was last night.
Suddenly, the man who said he didn’t care what your name was, was risking it all to have you right here and now. It was almost kind of sweet if you thought about it.
You hear the voices stop talking once the door shuts. You both let out moans you’d desperately been trying to keep in.
“Fuck, commander.” You groan as he slams into you harder, gripping your thighs and pushing them closer to your chest.
He groans at you calling him that and you can’t help the idea that pops into your head You slide your legs down around him and flip the both of you over so that you’re on top of him.
“You like when I call you that?” You smirk down at him.
“Maker… yes.” He gasps as his eyes roll back.
“You like having this kind of control over me, don’t you?” You whisper, grinding your hips against his as you ride his cock.
“I do.” He moans, gripping your hips so that he can guide you, pushing you back and forth on his length. “You feel… so good.”
You can tell he’s holding back but you don’t want him to. You want him to give you whatever he has to offer. You want to feel him on you… on your skin. You never want to forget this.
He gets slightly impatient with you and flips you back over, but on your stomach so that he can push himself into you from behind, even closer than before. One of his hands slides up your neck into your hair and grips tightly, yanking back so that his other hand can wrap around your throat. “Your pussy is mine now, understand?” He whispers in your ear as he thrusts harder than before.
“Y-yes.” You whimper.
“Yes what?” He doesn’t let up.
“Yes, commander.” You groan.
The sounds of him slamming into you are so loud, echoing off the walls and neither one of you can bring yourself to care. He lets go of your throat so that he can rub your clit, telling you that he wants you to come at the same time as him.
You want to give this man everything he wants or asks of you. You want nothing more than to please him. That’s why you get excited when you feel that familiar warmth pool in your stomach, sending the heat throughout your whole body. Your orgasm comes quickly, but his fingers don’t let up on your clit. You stifle your moan with your arm as he starts to come undone behind you.
“Fuck!” He groans into your neck, slowing his thrusts.
He pulls out of you gently and slides off of you so that you can turn over to look at him. He’s actually smiling at you, if only ever so slightly.
“Did you mean what you said?” You ask, softly.
“What?” He stands up to put his clothes back on.
“About my pussy being only yours?” You start to put yours on as well.
“Oh… It was just a heat of the moment thing.” He shrugs.
“Right.” You nod. “Of course.”
You stand up, finishing putting your clothes on as he leaves the room, leaving you behind.
Well, okay then.
You definitely needed a shower… and breakfast.
TAGS: @livi-s @studioramekin @zoeykallus @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @wolveria @misogirl88
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meshla-cyarika · 11 months ago
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Instantly thought this during this scene 💀
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wanderer-six · 10 months ago
THE GALA - A Clone Dating Sim
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You are a Jedi General. The Council has assigned you a very important mission: the infiltration of a Separatist gala on Raxus. But you will not be going alone--you are allowed to bring a date on this adventure. In the heart of enemy territory, who will you count on to watch your back?
Ideal play experience is on desktop! (I think you can play on mobile it just looks a lil yuccy)
Clone bbs x Fem!Jedi player FEATURED CLONES: Sergeant Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, Wrecker, Captain Rex, Commander Wolffe, and ARC Twins Fives & Echo
RATING: 18+ MINORS DNI - The paths can be SFW or NSFW depending on your choices (2nd option is always the NSFW one!) - general warning for smut if you make those choices, more specifics below the cut!
Additional (less relevant) info beneath the cut!
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COMPREHENSIVE WARNINGS LIST: In general, lots of flirting, innuendo, pet names. Established relationship for all
Hunter: LOTS of flirting (he is a whore), p in v sex
Tech: Oral (f receiving)
Crosshair: Fingering
Wrecker: Not much for him honestly, implied canoodling (p in v), oblivious boy ���
Captain Rex: dirty talk, praise, oral (m! Receiving)
Commander Wolffe: rough! p in v
Fives & Echo: Multiple clones (no clonec*st), lots of flirting, Echo is self conscious!
-ART ASSETS I drew all of the Clone art! I found the most nakedest screencap I could of any of them (SURPRISINGLY DIFFICULT) and then traced the base, then looked for Star Wars Male Fashion (WAY FUCKING HARDER) to draw on them and dress them up! I think for Hunter and Fives/Echo I just went crazy but for all the rest lmk if u can spot who I stole the outfits from, i deadass dont remember at this point For Background art I found them all on google images - from what I recall, it's mostly concept art and screenshots from games! -ENGINE I made this in Twine, an incredible tool for making text-based games! I highly recommend looking into it. It's really easy to use and there are a ton of tutorials online!
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AN: Thank you so much for playing! Please let me know what you think, I had so much fun making this✨✨ it is so phenomenally cringe but I hope you all enjoy ♥ (also if you spot any bugs or typos, please feel free to let me know and I will fix!!)
TELL ME YOUR FAVORITE PATH I like Rex Crosshair Wrecker the best I think
"""taglist""" - @shinyshayminflower @starrylothcat @pb-jellybeans @jediknightjana
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leenathegreengirl · 1 month ago
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Just these two being best friends 🥰💚💕
💚Tag List💚
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @returnofthepineapple @antisocial-mariposa @techs-stitches @resistantecho @kimiheartblade @dezgate @sunshinesdaydream @rex-targaryen @freesia-writes @heidnspeak @justanotherdikutsimp
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floofyroro · 5 months ago
To Be Held
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Pairing: Crosshair/Reader
Words: 682 (fic vignette)
Tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, semi-established relationship
Summary: In a quiet moment together, you inquire about Crosshair's scar.
A/N: Many drabbles sit untouched in my notes app. I'm getting tired of staring at my longer WIPs and I think I just need to share something at this point. Please accept these crumbs and let me know if this resonates with you. 🙏 Part 2 is here.
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Your touch is feather-light against his temple. He allows his head to lay limply across your lap and despite how intimate it feels, he can’t find any reason to care. Not when your fingertips trail back and forth from his cheeks to his neck. When they reach his shoulders, you press into him, making quick work of any lingering tension.
“What’s the story behind this scar?” 
He goes rigid and you must notice because you pause your minstrations as a result. 
“I’m sorry.”
A pause. 
“I… we don’t have to talk about—“
“Bracca,” he interrupts you, causing you to quiet. 
“It happened on the planet Bracca while I was still serving the Empire.”
His voice feels hoarse from disuse. When your touch resumes, albeit with more hesitance, so does he.
“I was… targeting my brothers and Omega. But I was facing an ion engine when it ignited. I... couldn’t get away in time.” 
The breeze picks up once more, the curtains billowing in the background. Crosshair welcomes the salt-licked sensation that’s brought in by the wind, finding that it contrasts nicely against the rise of his own internal body temperature. 
His body seems to remember the moment far too well. Crosshair has to tamp down against the rising fear, the rising anxiety that threatens to overtake him. He feels it all creeping over his shoulders but this time…
This time, your touch is already there to combat these ghosts. It takes your lithe fingers, your dexterous thumbs to press into him and he finds that maybe he can move on from these moments, these ghosts. 
If only while by your side.
While you remain silent, he reassesses.  Perhaps with time, you’ll come to find that he isn’t worth the commitment, that his baggage is too daunting to carry. With each layer that he bares before you, he finds that his confidence in being vulnerable is challenged. Will continue to be challenged. He wonders that with time, it’ll ease.
You sigh. 
He waits, anticipating a form of rejection. He wonders if looking up into your eyes would reveal a look of disgust.
You don't give him much time to ponder further.
Your hair trickles against his nose before he registers that you’re leaning down to cradle his head to your chest. Soft hands support him, and the sound of your heartbeat thrums against his cheek, his temple. 
It’s a rather nice sound. 
“You have been through so much.” 
It takes him a moment too long to parse the meaning of your words. These aren’t words that should be directed towards him. No, not with the mountain of sin weighing heavily on his shoulders. 
Instead of accepting them, he focuses on your heartbeat, the sound a balm for these thoughts.
It’s a soft, lulling thing.
But your caress against his temple, his scar, is what brings him back to you. 
He doesn’t know what to say to that. He… 
His chest tightens because yes. He can admit that he has gone through enough. An arm snakes around you in his own attempt to return the embrace, the action surprising yet natural. 
You tighten your hold on him in response. 
“I’m sorry, Crosshair. But I’m so glad you’re here now,” and he opens his eyes to find that his gaze is clouded, his cheeks dampening as he tries to inhale steadily, “here, where you’re safe. Here, with me.”
There’s a crack in your voice and it causes his heart to stutter. He isn’t used to this. This.. feels too good to be true. Is he dreaming? The rational side of him berates such a thought because obviously he’s awake and he’s here, with you, with kind words directed towards him, their meaning a nectar which he feels drawn to, finding that he’s ravenous for more.
Instead of speaking, he uses his palm on your back to pull you closer, the pressure of your chest against him welcome and grounding. Without a second thought, his fingers brush against your spine, your shirt catching against the callouses on his hands.
He’s never been good with words anyway. 
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moodymisty · 2 years ago
hi !! congrats on your milestone, you deserve it!! :D 💜
I saw the "accidentally saying a pet name" and I was immediately intrigued how that would go with Crosshair and Hunter if you're willing? :0 or just with Cross if it's to 1 character, I'm sorry if I confused smth HDJAHKF
SFW if possible? i just need smth cute atm aa
again congrats and I hope you're doing okay !💜💜
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Awww thank you so much!! I don't know if I deserve it, but I'm so happy that people enjoy my stuff! And no you didn't get anything confused, lets give Hunter and Crossy some love.
Relationships: Hunter/Fem!Reader, Crosshair/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None, Both pre-order 66
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✦ Hunter ✦
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You don't know why out of every thing you've done- Every hill you've climbed, stairs ascended and rocky path treaded, this one goddamn seam on the gangplank of the Marauder always manages to get you.
It's made you trip up multiple times, once so even ending up face planted in the dirt right in front of everyone else. Up or down it never fails to catch the toe of your boot, the moment you don't consciously remember to lift your feet up higher to avoid it.
"Are you all coming anytime soon?"
Wrecker groans, rolling his eyes when he realizes everyone isn't right behind him. He complains about feeling like he's starving, Crosshair and Tech both telling him to can it as they join him outside. That just leaves you and Hunter for last, having taken the longest to get ready.
The two of you walk out of the ship mostly side by side, and in your excitement to get some food, you fail to once again remember that little lip of metal that always trips you up. It catches the toe of your shoe and sends you flying forward, attempting to stumble and catch yourself.
Hunter jolts forward and grabs you at the waist, skidding forward slightly after catching you. Your hands are partly held outwards and you'd been prepared to catch your own fall, but Hunter's strong grip stops you halfway down.
"Woah, easy there sweetheart," He says the moment you have your feet under your center of gravity again. His hands grip your stomach and waist, the fabric of your top bunching and pulling awkwardly.
However you can feel the moment he realizes what surprisingly intimate word has slipped from his lips, removing his arms from you the second you have your bearings about you. He lets out a small cough.
"I, Uh..."
His eyes glance away from you, but when they look back, you're smiling.
"Thanks for the save, Hunter." He can feel his brothers eyes on him, even as he nods at you and attempts to hide the way his face feels a little hot.
✦ Crosshair ✦
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If there is one thing consistent about Crosshair, it's that he always loves to call you names. Things like 'princess', illuding to your demands for specific things. Like wishing they'd pick up after themselves, or for the Marauder to not smell like bottled, concentrated 'man'.
But it's all laced with sarcasm and his overall brand of incorrigible ass, so you've never taken any of it seriously.
Afterall it seems as if he can barely stand your very being in the same vicinity as him, why would you let his words get to you? It's all just him being a jerk or at best, just teasing. Though at least most of the time he seems to barely stand you- other times he's far more talkative than you'd ever expect of him.
The pilot's seat creaks a bit as you lean back into it a bit more, pulling your legs up to tuck them beside you.
Crosshair is confusing; You can't ever seem to get a solid read on him or how he really feels about you.
"How long you been in here?"
Well now, speak of the devil.
You look to your side and see Crosshair standing between the pilot and co-pilot seat, looking out of the viewport at the stars and planets streaking past. He glances down at you for a moment, face still forward.
"I've been here since a bit before Tech left. Finally managed to get him to leave."
You manage to mostly hold back a yawn, but it still forces you to make a small noise in your throat. It's been awhile, and watching the ship in hyperspace is more than a little boring. If anything, the lull of the engines, bumping of metal on metal, and the soft glow of the safely lights on the floor have only served as your new favorite lullaby since you had made the Marauder your home away from home.
"I'll take over." His voice is curt, and steady. You look up and shake your head.
"It's fine, Crosshair. I'm not that tired." And you don't want the others to think that you shirked out on your duty, as much as they'd never think it.
Crosshair simply takes a step closer and put his hand on the headrest of the seat. He notices the way your eyes seem heavy, your body slouched.
"Go sleep, doll. I'll cover for you."
You're used to ignoring his words but, the softness of these ones strike you. When you look up at him in surprise however, he's already patched up the tiny little crack in his exterior he let crumble.
"Cross? What di-" He jerks his head in the direction of the bunks.
"Go." He leaves no room for argument, and so you get up and move to slip past him.
His face noticeably turns away from you, waiting until you're safely out of sight before he mouths insult after insult at himself for letting that slip, and almost embarrassing himself.
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dumfanting · 1 year ago
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Going Back, ch 4
Chapter 3
AO3 Link
Rating: M, mature
Warnings: hallucinations, starvation, dehydration, needles, nondescript nudity | second person pov, g/n reader, present tense
I’ve been working on this one for over a month and decided to just go ahead and post the damn thing instead of stressing over it being the ‘right length’.
2214 words
G/N reader/ Crosshair
He’s almost impressed by how vivid this particular hallucination is, then he passes out.
After the shouting match Hunter had gotten into with you, it takes him a long time to calm back down. So long, in fact, that when he returns to the rooftop, he can tell by the sun that it’s late in the afternoon. The door screeches open as he steps out, and his brothers heads whip in his direction. He walks over and finds Omega curled up into Wrecker’s side and staring vacantly into space. Nobody says anything, until Omega breaks the silence with a hiccup. 
“I’m sorry Hunter. This is all my fault,” she says, tears spilling over, and Hunter flinches like he’d been slapped. 
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“What makes ya think that?” Wrecker asks, surprisingly quiet. 
“When I was talking with them last night, I- I asked why they didn’t just go back to Kamino alone, and they said they wanted to, bu- but they couldn’t because they didn’t know how to mask the ship’s signal,” Omega says, hiccuping again. 
“I was telling them how to do it over the comm until you caught me. They never would h-have left if I didn’t, and now they’re stuck in hyperspace and can’t get out and it’s all m-my fault!” she says, her tone growing frantic as she continues before bursting into tears. 
Hunter softly says her name and hunkers down across from her; she throws herself into his chest, nearly knocking him over as she sobs out "I'm sorry” over and over. 
“That is true,” Tech says. The others shoot him a dirty look and he raises his hands before continuing. 
“They couldn’t have left without that information from you, yes, but this is not your fault Omega,” he says, and she turns to look at him, confused. 
“B-but you just said-,” she says, sniffling. 
“You simply gave them information. You bear no responsibility for what they do with it. They could have stopped and turned back, but chose not to. That decision, and its consequences, are entirely upon their shoulders, not yours. None of this is your fault,” he says. Omega sits back and rubs at her eyes. 
“I still shouldn’t have told them,” she says, though her cries are tapering down to an occasional hiccup. 
“There’s no point in dwelling on that now,” Echo says. “We can’t change what’s already happened. But we can change what happens next.”
“Well, I guess we can try,” Omega says, calming down. She turns and looks to Hunter, as do the others. “But how?” she asks him. 
“There’s not a lot we can do from here,” Hunter admits. “But if they open the comm channels, we can at least tell them what’s wrong,” he says. 
“And how to fix it?” Omega asks, sounding hopeful as she looks back at Tech. 
“There are one or two things that we can try, depending upon the damage to the drive. There is no guarantee it will work, but there’s no guarantee it will fail either,” he says. 
“We just hafta keep calling ‘em,” Wrecker says, his comm unit back in his hand. 
Meanwhile, in hyperspace aboard the Marauder, you’re in the cargo bay. You’ve spent the last hour trying desperately to find anything edible. You finally spot a small box of ration bars tucked away into a corner, seemingly forgotten, and snatch it up. The box feels nearly empty, and when you open it up there are only three bars left inside. You take them out, and you notice that they’ve been expired for several weeks. You drop-kick the box across the space and curse at yourself forgetting such a basic and important thing. 
You then pause for a moment and take a deep breath. You’ll both be able to eat when you return to Ord Mantell, and you aren’t concerned with yourself anyway. You just hope that Crosshair can survive for another day or so on these bars. Expired is better than nothing, you think, and tuck them into a pocket before moving back to the bridge. 
Once there, a quick check of the navigational system tells you that you’re less than three hours away from Kamino. You nod to yourself and head into the bunks. You set the ration bars aside, then crawl into your bunk, hoping for some rest. Over an hour passes, and all you’ve done is stare up at the bottom of Tech’s bunk, your hands trembling and your heart racing. You try to distract yourself from your growing anxiety by getting up and looking around for anything you’ll need, not if, but when Crosshair comes back with you. 
You have all the medical necessities; being prepared for anything is the one thing you never budge on, and there’s a decently sized tank of drinking water with them in the cargo hold. You again realize that he’s going to be filthy, and after you check, you find the water reservoir is full enough for one shower, maybe two. On the heels of this, it occurs to you that he’s going to need something clean to wear, so you return to the bunks, searching everyone’s compartments. You dig up a set of leggings from Tech’s clutter of stuff, but the only other thing you can find is one of Wrecker’s shirts. That would be huge on its own, but it’ll be even more so with the dramatic weight loss you’re expecting. You again start thinking about what state Crosshair will be in when you get there, and you pray to the Maker that he’s alive. 
The navigation system chirps at you, and you return to the pilot's seat, shaking badly. You flip a few switches, preparing to leave hyperspace, and when you shut the hyperdrive off, the ship lurches forward with a loud screech as it slows back down. The lurch is normal, but that sound definitely is not. Before you can worry about it, Kamino comes into view, and you immediately focus on your mission. 
It started raining only hours after Crosshair watched everyone he’s ever cared about fly off without him. About three rotations after that, the rain was seemingly replaced by needles, with each drop that fell on his skin feeling like a sharp sting. The wind roars around him as he’s curled tightly into himself on the center of the platform. Aside from the constant noise of wind, rain, and his own chattering teeth, Crosshair can still faintly hear the steady, low beeping of his tracking beacon. 
Someone has to know he’s here, or at least have noticed that he’s been missing for so long. A small voice in his head laughs at him and says “You’re just another clone. They destroyed this place with you in it. The Empire doesn’t care about you,” and he forces the thought away, having lost count of how many times he’s already done so. He does matter, he has to. They’d given him command, that can’t have been for nothing. 
A bright flash of light catches his eye. He never really noticed that lightning can look like searchlights until he got stuck here. Having been tricked by his mind before, he ignores it. The wind picks up and imitates the sound of an engine, just like it had all the days and nights before. Although he thinks this sound is familiar, he still doesn’t look for it. No point in falling for another hallucination. 
The platform shakes as something large touches down on it, and the engine-like noise of the wind stutters to a halt. He knows it’s not the wind now; He’d recognize the sound of the Marauder anywhere. He feels the platform vibrate underneath him as a single set of footsteps rush towards him, and just before they come to a stop, he shivers so hard that he falls to one side and just lies there, too weak to even sit back up. 
Now there’s a voice, and it sounds exactly like yours, but he knows better. A pair of warm arms wrap around him, so he gives in and looks at who they're attached to. It’s you, holding him close as tears and rain mix on your cheeks. He’s almost impressed by how vivid this particular hallucination is, then he passes out. 
Crosshair, who had been floating in the hypnagogic state between awareness and unconsciousness, suddenly feels his entire body lurch forward. This, in combination with a shrill screeching sound, is enough to wake him completely. He sits up, and it takes so much effort that once he’s upright, he’s panting for breath. Breath that has no humid or salty taste. Confused, he turns his head and finds himself in a bunk, under a pile of blankets, sheets, and even a few tarps. 
He bends an arm and hisses loudly at a sharp stabbing sensation in the crook of his elbow. Someone’s placed an intravenous line into him. His eyes follow the line up to a saline bag, hanging from his rifle as a clearly improvised drip stand. The bag is already halfway emptied, and the drip is fast. He takes a breath, intending to raise his voice and demand to know where he is, but instead falls into a sudden coughing fit. 
He hears hurried footsteps and looks toward the sound to find that it’s you. He tries to speak, but can’t. You hold up a finger in the universal ‘hang on a second’ gesture and dash out of the room before coming back with a small flimsi cup of water. He tries to lift his arm and take it from you, but the IV jabs him and he hisses again as he drops his arm back down. 
You wedge yourself into the bunk next to him and hold the back of his head while you bring the cup to his chapped lips. The indignity he feels evaporates the moment the liquid passes down his throat. He relaxes into your touch, allowing you to gently tilt his head back as he sips at the water. Once the cup is emptied you crush it and carelessly toss it aside, then use your free hand to softly hold the side of his face and maneuver him to look at you. 
“Wh- where-?” Crosshair says, his voice barely audible. 
“You’re in my bunk, on the ship. You’re safe now, I’ve got you,” you say, keeping your voice soft but speaking clearly. Tears sparkle in your eyes. You shift a hand down to his bare chest and hold your warm palm against his heart, and this is when he realizes that he’s completely undressed. When he says your name, his voice is slightly clearer. 
“Why am I naked?” he says, confused, and you can’t help a soft laugh as you shake your head. 
“You’re hypothermic, your blacks were soaked through,” you say, then gently guide him onto his back again as you stand. You swiftly replace the emptied saline bag with a new, full one and slow the drip. Once you’re satisfied with that, you strip yourself completely, and Crosshair makes an odd noise, somewhere between a chuckle and a cough. 
“Not wasting any time, huh?” he says with a faint smirk. You roll your eyes but smile at him. 
“You’ll take in body heat faster if it’s skin on skin,” you say and he makes a ‘yeah right’ sound at you. 
Minding his IV, you have him sit up enough for you to settle in behind him. He leans back into you and gasps before instinctively curling himself around you as tightly as he can. You allow this and, ignoring how cold he is, entwine your legs with his while also wrapping your arms tightly around his upper back and shoulders, keeping his chest pressed close to yours. You reach over and adjust the pile of covers to surround him, taking care to tuck it all in closely. He rests his head in the hollow of your shoulder and takes a long, deep breath before yawning. You plant a soft kiss to his temple and you feel his breath across your throat as he quietly says “You’re so warm…” before quickly falling asleep again.
Drowsiness threatens to overtake you too after about ten minutes, but you keep yourself awake by periodically checking his pulse and monitoring the IV drip. The second saline bag is nearly empty already. Without waking him, you manage to wiggle out from behind Crosshair and get to your feet. You redress yourself and quickly switch out saline bags, slowing the drip for a third time. You expected dehydration, but not to this degree, and worry about how much you have left. You tell yourself that it’s fine since you’ll both be planetside soon. 
You adjust the pile of covers over Crosshair again, taking another look at the scarred side of his head, and something important suddenly occurs to you. You slip out of the bunks and start searching around Tech’s workbench. You find what you're looking for tucked away behind a box in a nearby compartment, and breathe a tentative sigh of relief when the chip reader powers up. You return to Crosshair's side and gingerly move his head just enough to scan it. The device beeps and the screen lights up almost immediately. 
You look at the readout and have no idea how to feel; His chip is still there. 
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Chapter 5
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crocuta-corvax · 2 years ago
Sub Crosshair? Sensory deprivation?? More likely than you think!
Authors notes: Ok, ok, ok, so at first I thought Crosshair would be total top, an absolute dom. But on reflection I can see him being something of a switch, and he can get kinda subby when he’s tired/over-stimulated (as much as he pretends he’s not lol) As someone who’s familiar with sensory overload (I’m neurodivergent) I agree with the general consensus that he could easily get over-stimulated due to his bio-engineered vision. So when he’s feeling that way, he just wants to feel safe, protected and loved on in a gentle way. (And depending what level of over-stimulation he’s at, he’d be inclined to have some *spicy* slow, soft, gentle loving if it’s with a trusted partner.) This leads me to my follow-up/secondary point; Crosshair enjoys sensory deprivation when he’s in a subby mood. Relationships: Crosshair x Reader Warnings: A little grinding, blindfolding, sensory deprivation, over-stimulation/sensory overload, bit of praising, small self-deprecating moment at the end.  ------------------------- "Aaand done!” you mutter to yourself, smoothing the last wrinkle of a now immaculately made bed. Pleased with yourself, you turn to leave your personal quarters when the whoosh of the door startles you and Crosshair is standing there in the doorway, eyes closed, fingers pinched at the bridge of his nose. “Cross! You made me ju- wait, you okay?” Crosshair cracks open one eye to look at you as he makes his way into your room, letting out a soft but exasperated sigh, “I’m fine, just... just tired.”  Dropping his gear at the foot of your bed he plops himself down on the fresh sheets, “Fresh bedding just for me? You shouldn’t have.”  You smile at his half-hearted joke before sitting down next to him and gently cupping his stubbled cheek with one hand.  “Yes, just for you.” you say softly before kissing him ever so gently on the lips. He sighs, and you feel his shoulders loosen just a little while he leans slowly into you. You were familiar with these moments, on occasion he’d return from a mission in an over-stimulated state, wanting to be left alone until it subsided. ‘The nature of having genetically enhanced vision.’ Tech had told you. Though since you’d come into his life, he’d found comfort being around you, gradually letting his walls down to the point where you were the one he came to when he needed to cool down.  You’d found over time that, when he was like this, he’d become softer and more amenable to letting you take the lead when he didn’t feel too far gone with sensory overload, and with the way he eased himself into your arms and sighed under your peppering of tender kisses on his mouth and jaw, you felt like it was one of those moments. Perhaps, you thought, this might be a good time to see if he’d be interested in an idea you’d had recently. “Cross?” “Mm?” “Would you let me try something?��� He pulled back a little to look at you with half-lidded eyes, “I’m listening...” With a little smile, you leave his embrace for your bedside table. Pulling a long piece of fabric from it, causing Crosshair to quirk his eyebrow with curiosity, “And this is?” You settle yourself back at his side and he pulls you into his lap before you place the fabric in his hands, “For you!” you say as he runs the fabric through his hands, it’s silky to the touch, and he hums in apparent approval of the material. “I was thinking about how you get over-stimulated, and this might help when you want to relax with me.”  His eyes shift from the fabric to you, “You want to blindfold me cyar’ika?” Something in the way he looked at you made a shiver run up your spine and the heat rise in your cheeks and thighs. “O-only if you want to!” you squirm a little in his lap, and you feel the hand he had resting on your ass squeeze a little. “Go ahead.” You could hear the softness in his otherwise blunt response, and smile at his confirmation. Taking the fabric from his hand, you straddle his lap so you can carefully wrap the material round his eyes, making sure it covered enough to not let any light in, but not too tight to cause discomfort. Cupping his face in both your hands you brush your thumb over his cheek, “How’s that feel?” He hums under his breath, languidly moving his hands along your waist, “Mm- not bad.”  “Good.” you whisper, brushing your lips over his, making him catch his breath. “Are you going to play with me cyar’ika, is that it?” his words would sound sterner if not for the slight neediness in his voice and the heat beginning to flush his cheeks. “Only a little bit,” you resume peppering his jaw with kisses, his breath hitching just a little more, “But mostly I’m just going to give you all the love you deserve.” A low moan escapes his lips, catching him by surprise, “K-kriff cyare. What’re you doing to me...”  You respond by running one of your hands up the back of his neck, tilting his head backwards so you can slowly run your tongue over his exposed throat, drawing a deeper, lower moan out of him. His hands return to your ass, pulling your hips closer to his, making you feel the rising heat through the seat of his blacks. You can’t help yourself but slowly grind on him while you keep his head in place to kiss along his throat, drawing moans from both of you. How his cyare looked after him, he didn’t deserve you, he thought to himself. This was going to be a long, sweet night. 
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agender-wolfie · 6 months ago
Y’all need to understand what gender neutral actually means. Saying “This fic is gender neutral and there are no pronouns or descriptors used” then using “pretty girl” or “that’s my girl” immediately after is NOT gender neutral! Stay out of our spaces if you can’t respect us.
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idontknowanyonesblog · 9 months ago
How I think the bayverse bots would react after having an argument/ disagreement with there s/o
This one includes Drift, Crosshairs, Bumblebee, Hound, Hot Rod and Optimus
Cade calls reader kid a few times but he literally calls everyone younger then him kid so don’t worry😭
Drift was stressed. He felt like Optimus was relying on him more and more ever since the TRF came after the autobots. Meditating was something Drift did to calm himself down so that’s what he went to do. He sat on the far side of the junkyard trying to clear his thoughts before you came over to him to tell him something before he interrupted you and went off. You just looked up at him bewildered that he would blow up at you for no reason at all. You scoffed at him before speaking in a hurt tone “well if you wanna be alone then we can arrange that!”. It literally took him like 10 seconds to realize that he shouldn’t have done that but you had already walked away. You decided to give him the silent treatment for a few days. It was hard for him to watch you walk right past him and not even look his direction. Once he finally decided enough was enough he cornered you and gave you a genuine apology. “I’m so sorry my precious flower I didn’t mean to yell at you, I wasn’t thinking clearly but that still isn’t an excuse.” He said to you as he kneeled down and bowed his head in shame. How could you not forgive him? Especially as his bright blue optics were full of guilt. He looked like a kicked puppy. “It’s okay Drift, I understand. You just were really stressed out.” You said reassuringly to him to make sure he didn’t feel TO bad. He still felt super guilty and took you out on a drive through a really nice country area and told you how much he loves you and loves being with you.
We all know Crosshairs can be a rude jerk (once in a while tho) so it’s no surprise you two finally had an argument. He just being snapping, rude, irritated for no reason and just overall an asshole that day. “What’s your problem Cross? You’ve been so…bitchy to me all day! If I did something wrong just tell me!” You said in an annoyed voice, finally having enough of this. Your words just seemed to piss him off more. He looked at you and went off about how you never leave him alone and how everyone is always on his ass etc. You huffed and walked away not wanting to deal with him anymore. It had been a few hours and he still didn’t come looking for you which actually kinda hurt. You assumed he just didn’t care or felt no remorse but that quickly changed when Cade came over to you. “Listen kid, you needa go make things right with your hissy fit boyfriend over there cus apparently you two got in a fight and now he won’t talk to anyone!” Cade said slightly out of breath from running across the junkyard. You were shocked. Not only because of what Cade told you but because Crosshairs literally never told anyone anything so it was a bit of a surprise he told Cade you guys had an argument. You sighed and went to look for him and when you finally found him he was facing away from everyone with his arms crossed like a child that had just been sent to time out. It was actually kinda funny but this wasn’t the time to laugh. “Crosshairs…I’m sorry that I said you were acting bitchy. I-I didn’t mean to say it like that, I just wanted to find out why you were so rude to me today…” You said in a soft voice as you stepped closer to him. “No, it’s fine. I’m the one who should be apologizing, I didn’t mean to yell at you love.” He sighed and turned to look at you. You smiled at him and walked up to him. He picked you up and placed you on his shoulder and proceeded to tell you how much he loved you for the next 10 minutes.
Arguments with Bee were extremely rare like EXTREMELY rare, but that doesn’t mean they don’t happen from time to time. It was late when the two of you got back to the junkyard and to say you were pretty pissed was an understatement. He was being reckless and dangerous with you so you scolded him (and yelled in a very angry manner at him) until your throat was sore. He made a sad little wiring sound and slumped forward, clearly ashamed of himself. You left without saying a word. You woke up the next morning to the sound of something tapping on your window. You groaned and got up to open the curtains and when you did you saw Bee kneeled down and tapping at your window. You sighed and went outside so you could see him fully. You put your hands on your hips as he looked down at you with his light baby blue optics. “Bee listen, I-“ before you could finish he cut you off with a static sound. A few moments later the lyrics to careless whisper started to play out of his radio.
“So I'm never gonna dance again the way I danced with you~
Never without your love~
Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd~”
A small laugh escaped your lips and you let out a little smile at him. You rolled your eyes playfully at him. “Okay okay, I forgive you Bee!” You chuckled lightly. “Good-I love you” his radio buzzed out between crackles. Just as you were about to go back inside his radio buzzed once more. “Love me, love me, say that you love me~” The cardigans, nice band choice. You turned to look at him with a large smile. “I love you very much Bee.” He made a happy little clicking and wiring sound as he bent down to you. You placed a hand on the side of his muzzle and gave him a small kiss before going back inside.
Hound was know for being reckless and making poor decisions and this was another one of those poor decisions. The day started off fine until Cade said he needed him to come with him to check out a demolished town about a two or so hours from the junkyard. You heard Cade say something about “traces of energon” and you automatically knew this wasn’t going to end up well. Hound and Cade left the Junkyard for over 6 hours which you made you worry. A twisted sick feeling in your stomach as you prayed that they would come back unharmed, and well they did come back, they didn’t come back unharmed. Cade explained how the TRF found them and how they had to get out of there. Cade was scratched and bruised everywhere and Hound looked worse than you’ve ever seen. After patching up Cade and fixing Hound they got the scolding of a lifetime. Cade went inside his trailer while you decided to walk away from Hound and settle this more in the morning. The next day you went to go find him and went off about
how reckless he was being. “I just don’t understand why you have to always put yourself in these situations! I-i was worried sick a-and I thought you weren’t going to come back!” You said in distress. Hound looked extremely guilty and regretful. He knew how much you worried for him. “I’m sorry Y/n, I really am! I didn’t think twice about it but at least we got out alive. Damn fleshy no good back stabbing humans…” He muttered the last part. You sighed and looked up at him. “It’s fine Hound, I was just really worried. Just please try not to be as careless next time.” You said softly to him. He met your gaze and nodded. “I won’t, I promise. I love you Y/n.” He said. “Love you to Hound.” you said with a light smile.
Hot Rod:
This takes place at Sir Edmontons castle when Bumblebee and Cade arrive so like reader lives at the castle with Sir Edmonton.
Hot Rod was acting strange around you. Giving you short replies to your questions and barely speaking to you ever since Cade and Bumblebee arrived at the castle. It upset you that suddenly he just stopped talking to you but there was only so much you could do. You decided to take a walk through the gardens to clear your head and on the way you found Bumblebee. The two of you chatted a little bit until you saw Hot Rod in the distance and waved to him. He waved back and looked like he was about to come over until he noticed Bumblebee standing next to you and turned away. So that’s the problem. He was mad about you and Bumblebee spending time together. Bumblebee made a small wiring sound and shrugged as he looked down at you with a confused expression. “It’s nothing personal Bee, I’ll go talk to him…” you sighed and went in the direction where Hot Rod was going. Once you caught up to him you realized you were walking near the edge of the cliff that met the ocean. The sunset casting a beautiful orange glow onto the castle grounds. “Hot Rod, what’s wrong? You aren’t speaking to me lately.” You asked him softly as you walked next to him. “There is nothing wrong Amour.” He said a bit irritated. “Don’t lie to me, I saw the way you looked at Bumblebee. And it’s no coincidence that as soon as he shows up you stop talking to me so please just tell me what I did wrong!” You pleaded in a hurt voice. Hot Rod sighed before coming to a stop and kneeling down in front of you. “I’m sorry chérie, I just feel like as soon as Bumblebee came you stopped speaking with me as much and I got jealous so I stopped talking to you.” He admitted in a remorseful tone. You could see the guilt on his face as he refused to make eye contact with you. You felt just as bad, it was never your intention to ignore him, you were just curious when you got to meet another autobot for once. You placed a hand on the side of his face gently. “Hot Rod, I’m so so so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to seem like I was uninterested in you, I was just curious about finally meeting another autobot. I would never try and replace you my love.” You said to him with a soft expression. “ I you didn’t mean anything by it Y/n, it was irresponsible of me to act like I did. I love you more than anything.” He said as he placed his hands around your waist and lifted you up. “I love you to Hot Rod.” You giggled before kissing him gently.
Optimus Prime:
Because Optimus wasn’t really in the last knight that much until the end of the movie I’m just gonna stick with the junkyard for this one sorry guys🙏
Optimus was tired. He was tired, stressed, sore and exhausted from everything. For months he had been protecting the autobots, you and Cade. He had been protecting his friends. His family. You noticed how tired Optimus was and you barely ever saw him anymore. You wished he could catch a break but he always overworked himself. One night he looked rougher than usual and that’s when you finally spoke up. “Optimus, you need to rest. You’ve been working your ass off day and night to keep everyone safe and happy but you don’t take the time to make sure you’re safe and happy.” You said as you paced around in front of him. His deep gravely voice braking you out of your trance. “I’m not a child Y/n, I know what I need and I do not need to rest.” His comment made you clench your fists. You were simply trying to look out for him and he gives you some snappy little comeback. You knew it wasn’t his fault, he was exhausted and obviously frustrated with everything going on. A sigh left your lips as you muttered a small goodnight to him before walking away to get some rest yourself but all night you couldn’t stop wishing that he was at rest to. Optimus watched as you walked away, a feeling of guilt ate away at his spark. You were trying to do what was best for him and he pushed you away. After talking a bit with Cade about the little argument he decided to finally get some rest and deal with it in the morning. Once morning finally came Optimus spotted you walking to the auto shop in the middle of the junkyard. You heard his loud thunderous footsteps and looked over at him, your expression a bit gloomy from what happened yesterday. He kneeled down to you and looked you deep in your eyes. “I’m so sorry for talking to you like that the other night my sweetspark, I didn’t mean to snap and you were right, I do need to rest.” He said in a deep tired voice. He looked so guilty but only sincere with his apology to you that it made your heart flutter. You smiled softly at him before speaking. “It’s okay Optimus, I’m just glad you’re starting to realize what’s best for you.” He nodded and gave you another apologetic look before standing up again. “I must go out with Cade, he needs me for something but I will be back shortly. I love you Y/n.” Optimus said before transforming into his truck mode. “Love you to Optimus and be safe.” You said back to him as he drove off towards Cade. You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
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