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profilingevil · 14 days ago
I had a blast in the Mob Museum as we snuck into the SpeakEasy to film this interview. Don't miss it!
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seriesmagicx · 25 days ago
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🚔 Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York: Staffel 14 – Ein würdiger Abschied? 💙  
Die finale Staffel von "Blue Bloods - Crime Scene New York" ist da und bringt noch einmal alles mit, was die Serie so einzigartig macht: packende Kriminalfälle, tiefgehende Familiendynamik und moralische Entscheidungen, die zum Nachdenken anregen. Über 14 Jahre hinweg haben wir die Reagan-Familie begleitet – ihre Höhen und Tiefen, ihre Werte und ihren unerschütterlichen Zusammenhalt.  
Doch wie fühlt sich das große Finale an? Die letzten Folgen liefern gewohnte Spannung, starke Charakterentwicklungen und emotionale Szenen. Dennoch bleibt die Frage: Hätte man der Serie einen größeren Abschiedsmoment geben sollen? Viele Fans haben sich nach einer klaren Würdigung des Serienendes gesehnt.  
Trotzdem bleibt "Blue Bloods" eine der herausragendsten Krimi-Serien, die Polizeiarbeit und familiäre Werte so tiefgründig miteinander verknüpft hat. Ein Must-Watch für alle, die Charaktertiefe, spannende Ermittlungen und emotionale Geschichten lieben!  
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its-cafechills-kool · 1 year ago
Guns and Gulaabs Series: Netflix's Latest Foray into Dark Comedy
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"Guns & Gulaabs" is a 2023 Indian Hindi-language series that combines black comedy with the thrills of a crime drama. Created by the acclaimed duo Raj & DK, the Netflix original series stars a talented ensemble including Rajkummar Rao, Dulquer Salmaan, Adarsh Gourav, and Gulshan Devaiah. The series is set in the 1990s, a period rife with crime and violence, yet it manages to blend in love, innocence, humor, and romance, offering a multifaceted viewing experience.
The story revolves around characters like Paana "Spanner" Tipu, played by Rajkummar Rao, and Arjun Varma, portrayed by Dulquer Salmaan, whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways. The series showcases a time when rugged crime was the order of the day, yet love and innocence found a way to coexist amidst the chaos. The narrative is further enriched by the music of the era, with Kumar Sanu lending his voice for a romantic track within the series.
With its release on August 18, 2023, "Guns & Gulaabs" has been made available in Hindi and dubbed in several other Indian languages, broadening its accessibility. The series has been well-received, with a Koimoi review giving it a 3 out of 5 rating, calling it a "brilliant idea." This reception underscores the series' appeal, combining nostalgia with a fresh take on the crime-comedy genre.
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self-publishingjournal · 2 months ago
Don't miss out on this incredible winter ebook sale. All 13 novels in the award-winning CRIME series, regularly priced at $49.00, Now, for a limited time only $15.00 at chuckmorganbooks.com.
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chuckmorganbooks · 2 months ago
WINTER AUDIOBOOK BUNDLE SALE...For a limited time, get 3 full length audiobooks from the award-winning CRIME series, in a starter bundle, for only $5.00. Normally priced at $4.00 each. Don't miss out on this incredible offer. ORDER THE CRIME SERIES AUDIOBOOK STARTER BUNDLE AT: http://dlvr.it/THhCsL #booktokbooks #crimefiction #booktok #mystery #thrillerbooks #WinterSale #ReadingCommunity #AudiobookBundle #BookRecommendations #CrimeSeries #LiterarySale #BookDeals #CrimeFiction #MysteryThriller #Audiobooks
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randomnessreloaded · 2 months ago
Uncover the enigma of Leslie Burchart—a life filled with scandal, transgression, and shocking crimes. From mysterious beginnings to a controversial legacy, this story will leave you speechless. 🕵️‍♂️✨
#LeslieBurchart #TrueCrime #UntoldStories #ScandalsUncovered #MysteriousLives #CrimeSeries #ShockingRevelations #HistoryUnveiled
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ahmedrezk20231997 · 1 year ago
Enjoy the chemistry of crime drama. #ChemistryInAction #CrimeSeries https://br-ba.net/
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allcnaprograms · 2 years ago
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#shapeshifter #shapeshifting #shapeshifters #planelady #airplane #aircraft #notreal #titan #titansubmersible #titanic #mh 370 #government #shady #sideeye #bryankohberger #idaho #idahomurders #bryankohberger #pullman #pullmanwashington #washington #washingtonstate #abc #abcnews #crimenews #news #insideedition #truecrime #crime #ghost #crimeseries #idahocollege #roommates #news #bryankohbergeridaho #boiseidaho #boise #crimejunkie #crimetiktok #statetrooper #police #lawenforcement #speeding #speedingticket #pulledover #ticket #speedlimit #cop #policeofficer #suspect #travelnurse #nurse #rn #lpn…
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cnacertificationprogram · 2 years ago
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19659001 #shapeshifter #shapeshifting #shapeshifters #planelady #airplane #aircraft #notreal #titan #titansubmersible #titanic #mh 370 #government #shady #sideeye #bryankohberger #idaho #idahomurders #bryankohberger #pullman #pullmanwashington #washington #washingtonstate #abc #abcnews #crimenews #news #insideedition #truecrime #crime #ghost #crimeseries #idahocollege #roommates #news #bryankohbergeridaho #boiseidaho #boise #crimejunkie #crimetiktok #statetrooper #police #lawenforcement #speeding #speedingticket #pulledover #ticket #speedlimit #cop #policeofficer #suspect #travelnurse #nurse #rn…
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teamivankaye · 2 years ago
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Good news for our UK team members: 'Sister Boniface Mysteries' is coming to UKTV Drama Channel & as a box set to UKTV Play from next Friday, 26th May 2023! 😀👑 Ivan's episode showing his local butcher & town dignitary Ted Button in a new function is 2x07 'Stiff Competition'. Make sure to watch it & to give it a good rating on IMDb! Discs announced for 4th September 2023 on Amazon UK. And yet again we have a load of #meme looks. 👌 Happy weekend! 😊 . #IvanKaye #TedButton #SisterBonifaceMysteries #ScreenshotSaturday #SaturdayScreenshots #SisterBonifaceMysteriesSeries2 #StiffCompetition #TVseries #mystery #comedy #crimeseries #BritBox #BBC #DramaChannel #UKTV #UKTVPlay #butcher #dignitary #show #memeface — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/Byb7Lpj
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seriesmagicx · 27 days ago
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„The Irrational“ – Staffel 1: Psychologie trifft Krimi🧠🔍  
Krimiserien mit Tiefgang sind selten – doch „The Irrational“ bringt genau das! Diese Serie kombiniert Verhaltenspsychologie mit spannenden Ermittlungen und gibt faszinierende Einblicke in die menschliche Psyche.  
Der brillante Verhaltenspsychologe Alec Mercer nutzt sein Wissen über kognitive Verzerrungen, Manipulation und Verhaltensmuster, um komplexe Fälle zu lösen. Doch nicht nur die Kriminalfälle stehen im Mittelpunkt – die Serie behandelt auch moralische Dilemmata, emotionale Konflikte und psychologische Tricks, die unser tägliches Leben beeinflussen.  
Was „The Irrational“ besonders macht, ist die Mischung aus spannender Unterhaltung und wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Es geht nicht nur darum, Täter zu überführen, sondern auch darum, warum Menschen so handeln, wie sie es tun. Wer „Lie to Me“ oder „Mindhunter“ mochte, sollte dieser Serie definitiv eine Chance geben!  
📺 Meine Meinung: 
„The Irrational“ bietet eine erfrischende Perspektive auf Kriminalfälle und zeigt, wie Psychologie in der echten Welt angewandt wird. Ein Muss für alle, die intelligente Serien lieben! ✨  
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mikedeodatojr · 3 years ago
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@awastudiosofficial Only 5 days left until the much-anticipated series THE FOURTH MAN by Jeff McComsey (GRENDEL, KENTUCKY) and Mike Deodato Jr. (BAD MOTHER, REDEMPTION) debuts in comics shops. Have you added it to your pull list? Click on Bio Link. #fourthman #truecrime #january #newseries #comics #comicbooks #comicart #thriller #crimeseries https://www.instagram.com/p/CYKmOqbp8ad/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sneakpeeknews · 3 years ago
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Gave them ideas how to beat Arturo Roman
#moneyheist #web_series #Netflix
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jaydasfi · 3 years ago
This is my very first post. Life isn’t that Interesting yet, so I often watch crime series. Tonight I’m having a bottle of wine along, so I’ll either become the criminal man or the policeman.
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chuckmorganbooks · 2 months ago
WINTER AUDIOBOOK BUNDLE SALE...For a limited time, get 3 full length audiobooks from the award-winning CRIME series, in a starter bundle, for only $5.00. Normally priced at $4.00 each. Don't miss out on this incredible offer. ORDER THE CRIME SERIES AUDIOBOOK STARTER BUNDLE AT: http://dlvr.it/THg0KQ #booktokbooks #crimefiction #booktok #mystery #thrillerbooks #WinterSale #ReadingCommunity #AudiobookBundle #BookRecommendations #CrimeSeries #LiterarySale #BookDeals #CrimeFiction #MysteryThriller #Audiobooks
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francoisgoeske-world · 3 years ago
Der Countdown läuft: Die neuen Folgen von BLUTIGE ANFÄNGER mit François Goeske als Kilian Hirschfeld starten #heute um 19:25 h im #ZDF - euch allen nen schönen Abend! 🥂😉 ————- #francoisgoeske #kilianhirschfeld #blutigeanfänger #tvpremiere #neuefolgen #crimeseries #krimiserie #videooftheday #heuteabend https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-L8e-g8fA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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