Nesta Archeron (Harry Potter AU)- Chapter 22 (Invisible Cloak)
Summary: It’s Christmas morning and all the students that remained in Hogwarts celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. And Nesta get’s a surprise from someone she doesn’t even know.
December 25, 2001
“Nesta, wake up!” Nesta shot out of her bed, her cat Lucky meowing in surprise.
Almost 2 weeks after the students left, the only students that were here were 4 Slytherins, 5 Hufflepuffs, and 2 Gryffindors. There were no Ravenclaws that stayed at Hogwarts this year.
Nesta and her friends decided to hang out at the Great Hall. They would help their Professor Clotho with the giant Christmas tree, They also did a game called Secret Santa. Catrin told Nesta that Secret Santa was a Christmas tradition. “You would write your name on a piece of paper, put it in the bowl, and which ever name you pull out is the person you have to by a present for.” Catrin explained.
So throughout the first week, the girls (along with Yrene and Rowan), bought presents for each other. Nesta was Nora’s Secret Santa. Nesta let her cat Lucky spy on Nora to see what she wanted for Christmas. Turns out, Nora was a big fan of The Little Mermaid and would love a little mini Ariel to have to cuddle in bed.
So as a result, Rowan would take the girls to the mall to shop individually. He took Bryce first, then Nora, and finally Nesta. They both traveled to the muggle world to search for Nora’s new toy. They went to 4 different stores until they’ve finally settled on Toys R Us. Nesta’s eyes beamed as she ran through every single isle in the store until Rowan lightly yanked her by her shirt, reminding her that they needed to shop for Nora.
In the end, they settled on a 12 inch Ariel plush that was over 30 bucks. Rowan refused at first, not wanting to spend the allowance he just earned. But, Nesta told Rowan that an 11 year old didn’t have any money to buy it. So, sighing in defeat, Rowan gave up his allowance, making Nesta promise to pay him back one day.
It was now Christmas morning, and Nesta tried not to squeal too loud, afraid to wake up Rowan who hated waking up so early. Lucky hissed, annoyed about waking up in the morning. “Sorry girl. Nora’s voice startled me a bit.” Nesta said, rubbing the back of her head.
Nesta pulled the covers off her and raced downstairs her oversized nightgown trailing behind her. “Coming!” Nesta cheered.
When Nesta made it downstairs, she couldn’t believe her own eyes. There was a Christmas tree in the middle of the common area with a star at the top. Nora and Bryce were looking up at Nesta as she came into view. Nora was wearing a navy blue two set of pajamas with yellow stars. Bryce was wearing a purple night gown that said, ‘Mondays are for Chumps.’
“Merry Christmas Nesta!” Bryce and Nora said together. Nesta chuckled, making her way downstairs. “Merry Christmas guys.”
“How did you sleep?” Nora asked. Nesta sat in a little circle around her friends. “Pretty well. What about you guys?” Bryce rolled her eyes and laughed. “Sleep is for the week. I can stay up later than my own mom.”
“And yet you still fall asleep at 7pm.” They young Slytherins turned to see Rowan. His eyes were filled with bags and his white hair was filled with wrinkles. But his expression was filled with joy. Maybe he’s not angry after all. Well, at least that’s what the girls think.
Yawning, Rowan slumped on the ground next to Bryce, ruffling her loose hair. Bryce stuck her tongue out. “Meanie!” Bryce pouted as Rowan smirked. “Oh, so I’m a ‘meanie’. The, I guess I’ll just have to get rid of all the convenient presents that are conveniently under the tree and that they conveniently have my name on it and that they are conveniently address to all of you.”
Nesta and the girls gasped, realizing that the multiple presents weren’t just from each other. The that the girls didn’t recognized were wrapped up in white and gold. Rowan told them about his family colors.
Nesta didn’t know who raced to the tree first, but by the time they all did, the girls were already ripping through the fabric.
Throughout the rest of the day, Nesta, the Slytherins, the Hufflepuffs, and Ruhn and Lidia from the Gryffindor house, decided to celebrate Christmas in the Great Hall. In there, Nesta was able to find out that her Secret Santa was Gwyn. She gave him a sweater that had the letter ‘N’ on it. Gwyn blushed a it. “My mother insisted that you were given one.” Nesta chuckled. “It’s okay. I always wanted an ugly Christmas sweater.”
As the day had drawn to a close, Nesta Gwyn and Catrin were the only ones that were in the Great Hall. Everyone else decided to hit the sack early or owl message their families a Merry Christmas. Nesta and the twins gossiped about famous Christmas movies, until Catrin noticed one last present under the tree. “Hey Nesta, look. There’s a present for you.” Catrin pointed out as she crawled under the Christmas tree and pulled out a soft present wrapped in a white bow.
Catrin handed it over to Nesta. “Who’s it from?” she asked as Nesta checked the note on the present:
To Nesta,
The should come in handy. Merry Christmas Nesta.
“It doesn’t say.”
“What is it?” Gwyn asked as Nesta unwrapped the present. Nesta realized that it was a cloak. A black cloak. “Try it on Nes.” Gwyn suggested. Nesta wrapped the cloak around her. The twins gasped.
Nesta looked at them confused. “What’s wrong?” she asked as Catrin and Gwyn stuttered a bit. “N-Nesta y-you uh...” Gwyn gestured to all of Nesta. Nesta looked down at herself. But she couldn’t check herself. Because she couldn’t see herself. “My body’s gone!” Nesta exclaimed.
Gwyn looked at Nesta with a thinking tone. “Your body’s not gone. You’re invisible.” she proclaimed as Catrin gasped. “That’s right. This must be an invisibility cloak. Whoever wears it, becomes invisible.” Catrin explained.
Nesta took off the cloak. Maybe this could be useful.
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