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capitalism-is-a-psychopathy · 3 months ago
Billionaires destroy more than they create
In a land often championed for its economic opportunity and equality, the American Dream promises that anyone who works hard can rise to prosperity. But for many in today’s middle and lower economic classes, that dream is fading, shadowed by a reality that feels increasingly rigged. At the heart of this issue lies a stark and glaring imbalance: billionaires, a minuscule fraction of the population, wield a staggering concentration of wealth and influence. This is not just an issue of economics but one that touches the foundations of democracy and fairness.
Imagine the economy as a massive machine, built to churn wealth throughout society. In an ideal world, this wealth would cycle effectively, where each part contributes and benefits in turn. But as billionaires amass wealth at unprecedented levels, this machine has come to function more like a funnel, siphoning resources from the broader society and concentrating them at the very top. This dynamic, driven by complex financial structures and tax strategies, isn’t merely an accumulation of personal fortunes but a systematic extraction from the economic potential of others. The capital that could have flowed through wages, education, and public infrastructure is often diverted into private bank accounts and shell companies, rarely benefiting the people who drive and build the economy day by day.
As wealth accumulates at the top, so too does political influence. Billionaires, with vast financial resources, can fund political campaigns, lobbyists, and entire networks of think tanks dedicated to shaping policy. Through these channels, they push for tax policies, regulations, and trade agreements that benefit the ultra-wealthy at the expense of middle- and lower-income families. Politicians, indebted to these donors, increasingly look to billionaire interests rather than to constituents’ needs. This creates a disturbing feedback loop: billionaires influence politics to further policies that reinforce their own wealth and power, leaving the broader populace with dwindling opportunities to influence their own government.
This concentrated power extends far beyond campaign finance and lobbying. With ownership over significant segments of media networks, billionaires control the narratives that millions consume daily. Through these media outlets, they shape public opinion, diverting attention from policies that would challenge wealth accumulation and pushing narratives that frame the ultra-wealthy as essential “job creators” or “innovators” rather than acknowledging their role in widening economic divides. Issues that might threaten their economic stranglehold are often buried, while others, that create division and distract, are amplified.
For the middle and lower classes, this confluence of wealth, media, and political power has a real impact. Stagnant wages, diminishing job security, and rising costs of living aren’t natural outcomes of a complex economy—they’re symptoms of a system shaped to benefit those at the top. Policies that could lift working-class Americans, like raising the minimum wage, universal healthcare, or better labor protections, are often stifled in legislative deadlock, thanks in part to the political influence of the ultra-wealthy who stand to lose from them.
So, as this cycle continues, the gap between billionaires and everyone else widens. The billions accumulated at the top no longer signify mere success but a barrier to mobility for everyone else. The middle and lower classes find themselves carrying the economic burdens, often working harder for less. Meanwhile, billionaires remain insulated, living in a different economic reality, one far removed from the struggles of the average American. This isn’t just an economic imbalance but a distortion of democracy itself, as the machinery of power and influence is pulled further from the reach of ordinary citizens and held more tightly by those whose interests rarely align with theirs.
Without addressing this imbalance, the promise of opportunity, the cornerstone of the American Dream, becomes less attainable with each passing year, not just for the lower and middle classes but for the nation’s future as a whole.
Addressing their manipulation
Billionaires and their advocates often employ a familiar set of narratives to justify their wealth and the structures that enable it. These arguments, framed in terms of the free market, capitalism, or fear of socialism, are not only misleading but often serve to distract from the deeper systemic issues at play. Below is a breakdown of these claims and the counterarguments that expose their flaws:
1. “It’s Just the Free Market at Work”
The myth of the “free market” implies that billionaires achieve their wealth purely through talent, innovation, and competition in a market where everyone has equal opportunity. But in reality, the U.S. economy is far from a genuinely “free” market.
• Government Subsidies and Tax Breaks: Many billionaires’ businesses rely heavily on taxpayer-funded subsidies, special tax breaks, and other forms of government assistance. Large corporations frequently lobby for policies that grant them tax advantages, including offshore loopholes and capital gains tax breaks. This creates an environment where they aren’t competing on equal ground but rather with significant state support, distorting the market in their favor.
• Anti-Competitive Practices: Many large corporations, especially in tech and finance, engage in monopolistic behavior, buying out competitors or using aggressive tactics to drive them out of the market. This concentration of power stifles competition, contradicting the notion of a “free” market where anyone can succeed if they work hard.
• Inherited Wealth and Privilege: A significant portion of billionaire wealth is inherited rather than self-made. Generational wealth compounds, giving the ultra-wealthy an enormous head start over those without similar family resources. This challenges the idea that wealth accumulation is simply the product of individual merit or a fair market.
2. “This Is What Capitalism Is Supposed to Look Like”
The argument here suggests that capitalism is an inherently competitive system, where the most successful rise to the top, benefiting everyone through innovation and job creation. This narrative hinges on the idea of “trickle-down economics,” where the wealth of the richest eventually spreads throughout society.
• Trickle-Down Economics Doesn’t Work: Decades of evidence show that wealth rarely “trickles down” to the rest of society in any meaningful way. Income inequality has only widened, with wages stagnating for most workers while billionaire wealth has soared. Billionaires tend to reinvest wealth in ways that concentrate their holdings, like in stocks, rather than in ways that benefit the broader economy.
• Wealth Extraction, Not Wealth Creation: Many billionaires achieve and maintain their fortunes through rent-seeking behavior—extracting wealth from existing resources rather than creating new value. Hedge funds, private equity, and real estate empires often profit by cutting costs (like labor) rather than by innovating or producing new goods and services. This dynamic benefits investors but hurts workers and consumers.
• Capitalism Can Take Other Forms: The capitalism practiced in the U.S. today, sometimes called “neoliberal capitalism,” focuses on minimal regulation, tax cuts for the wealthy, and privatization. However, other countries demonstrate that capitalism can function with stronger social safety nets, wealth redistribution policies, and tighter regulations on corporate power. Nordic countries, for example, balance capitalism with robust welfare systems, ensuring a more equitable distribution of wealth and services.
3. “Without Billionaires, There Would Be No Innovation or Job Creation”
A popular myth is that billionaires are essential “job creators” and “innovators” whose wealth ultimately benefits society by funding new businesses and creating employment. This claim positions billionaires as indispensable to economic growth.
• Public Funding Fuels Innovation: Many of the biggest technological advances, including the internet, GPS, and medical breakthroughs, were developed with public funding rather than billionaire investments. Government research grants and subsidies often lay the groundwork for major innovations that billionaires later profit from. In other words, society bears much of the financial risk, while billionaires reap the rewards.
• Small Businesses Create Most Jobs: Small businesses, not billionaires or large corporations, are responsible for most job creation in the United States. Big corporations often eliminate jobs through automation, outsourcing, or consolidation. They may employ a large workforce, but they also tend to exploit workers through low wages, precarious employment, and cost-cutting measures.
• Billionaires Accumulate Wealth Through Wealth, Not Innovation: Many billionaires maintain their wealth not by creating jobs or innovating but by using their existing capital to generate more wealth, often through financial instruments that have little to do with actual economic productivity. Stock buybacks, dividends, and passive investments grow their fortunes without necessarily contributing to broader economic prosperity.
4. “Any Alternative Is Socialism or Communism”
When calls arise for higher taxes on the wealthy, stricter regulations, or broader social programs, the response is often to invoke the fear of “socialism” or “communism.” This argument seeks to paint any attempt at wealth redistribution or regulation as a slippery slope toward total government control.
• Social Safety Nets and Regulations Are Not Socialism: Social safety nets, progressive taxation, and regulations do not equate to socialism or communism; they’re features of a balanced capitalist system that seeks to prevent extreme inequality and protect public welfare. Countries like Germany, Canada, and Denmark combine regulated capitalism with strong social programs, resulting in healthier economies and greater well-being for citizens without abandoning capitalism.
• Inequality Threatens Capitalism: Growing inequality and economic instability can undermine the foundations of capitalism. A healthy capitalist economy requires a strong middle class with buying power, which excessive wealth concentration undermines. Reforms like progressive taxation, labor protections, and universal healthcare aren’t a rejection of capitalism but rather a means of stabilizing it.
• Historical Success of Mixed Economies: Many of the most successful and prosperous countries practice a mixed economy, where capitalism coexists with social policies that promote equality. The U.S. itself has employed a mixed economy model in the past, particularly after the New Deal, which implemented social safety nets, labor protections, and financial regulations that led to a period of unprecedented growth and prosperity for the middle class.
5. “They Earned It Fair and Square”
Finally, the idea persists that billionaires deserve their wealth because they “earned” it. This argument suggests that any policy aiming to redistribute wealth is fundamentally unfair, penalizing those who worked hard to succeed.
• Systemic Advantages and Wealth Hoarding: As previously mentioned, many billionaires begin with advantages—like family wealth or elite educational opportunities—that aren’t available to most people. Additionally, billionaires often employ complex strategies to avoid taxes, lobby for favorable regulations, and capitalize on government subsidies. These factors mean they haven’t earned wealth solely through hard work or merit.
• Billionaires Didn’t Build Alone: No billionaire operates in isolation; they rely on infrastructure, public education, and the work of thousands or millions of employees. A CEO’s wealth is made possible by a web of collective contributions, yet that wealth is rarely shared equitably. While billionaires might be rewarded for their role, their fortune is far from the result of individual effort alone.
In short, these narratives around billionaires often mask a more uncomfortable truth: today’s system is structured in ways that favor the ultra-wealthy at the expense of the broader population. Economic reform, rather than a threat to capitalism, is a necessary step to ensure a more just, equitable society where wealth accumulation doesn’t depend on privilege, influence, or systemic manipulation.
Making a change
Addressing the economic imbalance and the unchecked power of the ultra-wealthy presents a unique challenge, especially given the intense political polarization in the United States. For the middle and lower classes to push back effectively, they will need to build a coalition that transcends party lines and focuses on shared economic interests rather than divisive rhetoric.
1. Build Awareness Through Shared Issues, Not Ideology
The rhetoric around “free markets” and “socialism” often obscures real issues of economic struggle that affect both conservative and progressive working- and middle-class citizens alike. Instead of framing the issue in ideological terms, framing it in terms of tangible, shared grievances can help bridge the divide:
• Focus on Economic Inequality: Income stagnation, unaffordable healthcare, and housing insecurity are felt across the political spectrum. By shifting the narrative from “class warfare” to “economic fairness,” advocates can sidestep partisan language and emphasize the shared experience of economic struggle.
• Highlight the Impact of Corporate Power on Local Communities: Framing issues around how large corporations hurt small, local businesses can resonate strongly with both sides of the political spectrum. This approach often taps into conservative values around community and self-reliance, while also aligning with progressive critiques of corporate overreach.
2. Organize Around Labor Rights and Worker Protections
Historically, unions have been instrumental in improving working conditions and advocating for fair wages, and labor movements transcend political divisions. Many Americans—left, right, and center—share concerns about the erosion of workers’ rights, stagnant wages, and the declining influence of the average worker.
• Expand Union Participation and Labor Movements: Reinvigorating unions and expanding labor protections could give workers a stronger collective voice. New labor movements that focus on economic rights without overtly partisan language could attract support across the political spectrum, particularly when they champion issues like fair wages, workplace safety, and job security.
• Support Worker Cooperatives and Employee-Owned Businesses: Promoting models like worker cooperatives or employee-owned businesses can offer a compelling alternative to the current structure of corporate ownership without resorting to divisive rhetoric. These models prioritize local control and shared economic benefits, appealing to values of self-sufficiency and fairness.
3. Pressure Politicians on Key Economic Policies
A key to bridging the partisan gap is to focus on policies that benefit the broader populace rather than framing them as part of any ideological agenda. The majority of Americans, regardless of political affiliation, support policies like fair taxation, healthcare reform, and increased access to education when framed in terms of fairness and opportunity.
• Promote Tax Reform as “Fairness,” Not Redistribution: Instead of advocating for “redistribution,” proponents can push for tax policies that ensure everyone pays their fair share. Policies like a wealth tax or higher taxes on capital gains can be framed as holding the ultra-wealthy accountable rather than demonizing them, a stance that resonates with people who value fairness and personal responsibility.
• Advocate for Antitrust Legislation: Pushing for stronger antitrust laws to break up monopolies and prevent anti-competitive practices can appeal to both sides. For conservatives, this aligns with the values of market competition; for progressives, it aligns with corporate accountability and consumer protection.
4. Engage in Alternative Media and Independent Journalism
The ultra-wealthy often own or influence major media outlets, which can shape public opinion in ways that protect their interests. For the middle and lower classes to gain a clearer view of economic issues, alternative media sources and independent journalism that aren’t beholden to billionaire interests are crucial.
• Support Independent News Outlets: A growing number of independent news organizations are dedicated to in-depth economic reporting without catering to corporate interests. Supporting these outlets allows individuals to access a range of perspectives that help reveal the true impact of policies on ordinary people.
• Utilize Social Media Responsibly to Build Cross-Party Awareness: Social media, while often a divisive force, can also be used to spread information about economic injustice. When used responsibly to share facts, case studies, and stories of economic hardship, it can cut through the rhetoric and provide people across the political spectrum with a shared understanding of the issues.
5. Prioritize Voting Reform and Campaign Finance Reform
Money in politics is one of the core reasons why economic policies favor the wealthy. Bipartisan support for reducing corporate influence in politics is possible, especially when the focus is on fairness, transparency, and accountability in government.
• Promote Campaign Finance Reform as an Anti-Corruption Effort: Campaign finance reform, which seeks to limit the influence of wealthy donors and corporations on elections, can appeal to conservatives and liberals alike who are frustrated with the influence of money in politics. Instead of framing it as an anti-capitalist measure, framing it as an anti-corruption measure can attract broader support.
• Support Voting Reforms for a More Representative Democracy: Reforms like ranked-choice voting, ending gerrymandering, and preventing voter suppression can help create a political environment that more accurately represents the will of the people rather than special interests. By creating a more representative democracy, policies that reflect the economic needs of the middle and lower classes have a better chance of being enacted.
6. Create Cross-Partisan Grassroots Coalitions Focused on Economic Issues
Many grassroots organizations are focused on economic justice, but they tend to align themselves with one side of the political spectrum, often losing potential support in the process. Building cross-partisan coalitions that emphasize shared economic challenges rather than ideological differences could foster stronger, more united advocacy for middle- and working-class issues.
• Organize Around Issues, Not Parties: Groups like the Poor People’s Campaign, which focuses on poverty and economic justice, have successfully united people across political lines around issues that transcend party loyalty. This approach allows people to focus on their shared struggles, making the movement harder for politicians to ignore.
• Build Community-Level Alliances: Many economic issues are felt acutely at the local level. By focusing on community-level initiatives that address healthcare, affordable housing, and education, people can create practical, on-the-ground solutions that don’t require alignment with national politics. These local successes can serve as models for broader change.
7. Emphasize Civic Education on Economic Policies
Finally, bridging the gap will require education and awareness. Many people accept billionaire-fueled rhetoric because they lack exposure to alternative perspectives. Civic education efforts that focus on teaching economic principles, tax policy, and the influence of corporate power can empower people to understand the real impacts of current policies on their lives.
• Create Accessible Educational Resources: Podcasts, documentaries, workshops, and community discussions can all serve as tools for demystifying economic issues. When people have a clearer understanding of how things like tax policies and wage laws work, they are better equipped to make informed decisions.
• Promote Financial Literacy and Empower Individuals: Financial literacy programs that help individuals understand budgeting, credit, and investments empower people to navigate the economy more effectively. While this doesn’t directly address systemic issues, it gives individuals a greater understanding of the forces shaping their lives and can be a first step toward broader engagement.
By approaching these issues with a focus on shared struggles, fairness, and practical solutions, the middle and lower classes can work together to build a movement that transcends political divides. This movement can challenge the status quo without becoming mired in divisive ideological battles. The real strength of such an effort lies in its ability to unite ordinary people around a common vision for a fairer, more just economic system—one that serves all citizens, not just the wealthiest few.
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13thpythagoras · 2 years ago
I love converting pawns to queens in chess lol so cute...such character development, needs its own song
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astral-lucy · 3 months ago
what people love about you! (PAC)
hello beautiful creatures! i'm excited for the second pick-a-card reading on my page - again, i'm happy to accept any feedback you guys have for me! at the end of the day, i'm still new to this :)
as usual, pick the picture that you feel most connected or drawn towards (pile 1 - up and left / pile 2 - up and right / pile 3 - down and left / pile 4 - down and right)
happy reading!
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#pile 1
(nine of wands - page of swords - six of coins - eight of cups - the emperor - judgement)
you’re a hard working person, you’re a problem solver and people love that. they see how much energy you have and how you’re able to heal. persistence and curiosity are two of your principal characteristics. people see you as thoughtful, you don’t only use the problem solving skills for yourself but also to help others. maybe you’ve been through some hard things in your life, but it has make you use your intelligence and learn how to communicate. you’re so strong! i hear that you’re great with strategies and plans. you’ve created, and currently continue to create, a path for yourself. people love your determination and how you’re able to take on authority roles all while being empathic, kind and generous. you’re able to easily reevaluate your position in life, where you need to go and where you want to be, and adapt to whichever changes you see necessary. i also see a lot of green and silver, if that means anything to you. are you maybe a volunteer in a shelter or are very vocal about animal rights? maybe you don’t use products that were tested on animals, or simply you’re decided on what you believe in and aren’t afraid to stand for it. the eighth in numerology talks about abundance and achievement, while the number six represents a gentle and loving person - and that’s exactly how people see you! #pile 2
(seven of wands - knight of swords - two of coins - three of swords - 8 eight of swords - the magician)
the first thing I heard was “sentimental”, which makes me think that you are a person that’s in touch with their emotions and isn’t afraid to show it. people love how you’re able to stand up for yourself, having a hard set of beliefs and values that you don’t trade for anything, being able to quickly take action when needed, as you’re also someone who can easily adapt to any situation. the number seven talks about intuition, so you might be in touch with your intuition as well. i think the three of swords here reaffirms how emotional you are, how deeply you’re able to feel, and how much people admire your capability to notice how you’re feeling and embrace your emotions. but you’re a balanced person, even though you embrace your emotions, you don’t let them take over. i’m seeing the color blue a lot in the cards, maybe that means something to you or is a color people associate you with. people love how easily you seem to manifest things, and the magician here tells us you have an immense power through your thoughts and actions - even when you feel trapped, you’re not only easily able to take action in a situation and decide what road is best to walk on, but you can usually see beyond your current struggles and know you’ll be able to move on from the current obstacles in your life.
#pile 3
(ten of swords - seven of coins - six of wands - queen of swords - the star - temperance)
"jessie’s girl" started playing as soon as i started shuffling the deck, so i wanted to add it first, so if that means something to you but you were drawn to two piles, this is the sign this is the one. you’re a patient person, someone who has overcome struggles in their life over and over again, and you’re absolutely a hard worker. i’m hearing the word “rebel” - but this doesn’t need to symbolize the stereotype of a rebel person, but maybe you’re someone who questions things around you and even go against the orders others give you if you think it’s going to do more harm than good. people love how you’re able to let go. you’re someone with a lot of mental clarity, you’ve done work to achieve it, and you’re confident with your communication. once again, people love your patience, the effort you’ve put on yourself, and how you’re able to find balance in your life. you tend to avoid impulsive behavior, which is impressive. you’re a hopeful person, maybe because you know how to let go of things to invite new ones in. a lot of purple and maroon came into my screen and some of the cards I used as well.
#pile 4
(king of cups - the sun - ten of wands - ten of cups - eigth of cups - ace of swords)
wow, you’re absolutely an authority figure. you know how to stand your ground! people love how positive you are and how you’re certain of your life purpose - maybe not knowing what it is yet, but feeling good about finding one. people also love how wise you are and how balanced you appear, being able to navigate emotions swiftly. i’m hearing that you’re a nature lover or an animal lover, being generous and wanting to protect those who are more vulnerable. you have two cards with ten, the ten of wands and the ten of cups, and ten in numerology symbolizes strong relationships with friends and family, a charismatic person who has great ability to empathize with others. it really seems that not only people love how you’re able to carry responsibilities, but how joyful you seem while attending to your chores - even if you feel weighed down by what you need to do and some chores are daunting, you’ve managed to learn that it’s best to do them with good disposition. people who know how much you’ve gone through admire your emotional growth. you could be more detached to material possessions, which is also a quality to admire. you’re able to take new perspectives and new angles to situations, flip the order of things to find the best perspective.
hope you enjoyed this reading!
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covid-safer-hotties · 4 months ago
The next pandemic is inevitable. Australia isn’t ready - Published Sept 23, 2024
(Before you Americans yell at me, It's already the 23rd in Australia. This is very late-breaking)
I thought this was a really good breakdown of the current situation given the government-approved covid denial we live in. Long, but worth a read.
By Kate Aubusson and Mary Ward
Top infectious disease and public health veterans at the nerve centre of the state’s war against COVID-19 are sounding the alarm.
NSW is less prepared today to fend off a deadly pandemic despite the lessons of COVID-19, say top infectious disease and public health veterans at the nerve centre of the state’s war against the virus.
And we won’t have another hundred years to wait.
NSW’s gold standard Test-Trace-Isolate-Quarantine and vaccination strategies will be useless if a distrusting population rejects directives, refuses to give up its freedoms again, and the goodwill of shell-shocked public health workers dries up.
A panel of experts convened by The Sydney Morning Herald called for a pandemic combat agency akin to the armed forces or fire brigades to commit to greater transparency or risk being caught off guard by the next virulent pathogen and misinformation with the potential to spread faster than any virus.
“It’s inevitable,” says Professor Eddie Holmes of the next pandemic. A world-leading authority on the emergence of infectious diseases at the University of Sydney, Holmes predicts: “We’ll have less than 100 years [before the next pandemic].
“We’re seeing a lot of new coronaviruses that are spilling over into animals that humans are interacting with,” said Holmes, the first person to publish the coronavirus genome sequence for the world to see.
“People are exposed all the time, and each time we are rolling the dice.”
The independent review of NSW Health’s response to COVID-19 opened with the same warning: “No health system or community will have the luxury of 100 years of downtime.”
Pandemic preparedness needs to be a “permanent priority”, wrote the report’s author, Robyn Kruk, a former NSW Health secretary, “rather than following the path of those that have adopted a ‘panic and forget strategy,’ allowing system preparedness to wane”.
Why we don’t have 100 years to wait for the next pandemic The World Health Organisation has declared seven public health emergencies of international concern since 2014, including the current mpox outbreak.
Climate change is turbocharging the factors that coalesce to create the perfect breeding ground for a pandemic-causing virus, including population increases, bigger cities, and better-connected global markets and migration.
“Animals will be forced into more constrained environments, and humans that rely on those environments will be again constrained in the same environments. There will be more wet markets, more live animal trade that will just increase exposure,” Holmes said.
“It was clear that we weren’t ready [for COVID],” said Jennie Musto, who, after seven years working for the World Health Organisation overseas, became NSW Health’s operations manager for the Public Health Emergency Operations Centre, the team responsible for NSW’s COVID-19 contact tracing and containment.
“Everyone had preparedness plans gathering dust on a shelf, but no one was actually ready to respond, and so everyone was on the back foot,” Musto said. “Perhaps none of us really thought this was going to happen. We were waiting 500 years.”
Who would willingly become the next doomed whistleblower? Eddie Holmes, known for his repeated assertion that SARS-CoV-2 did not come from a lab, is deeply concerned that when the next pandemic-causing virus emerges, chances are it will be covered up.
“My worry is that if the virus appeared in a small population, say, somewhere in Southeast Asia, the people involved wouldn’t blow the whistle now, given the fact that you would get blamed,” he said.
Li Wenliang, the Wuhan doctor who tried to raise the alarm about a virulent new virus, was reportedly reprimanded by police for spreading rumours and later died of COVID-19.
The global blame game, culminating in a deep distrust of China and accusations that the virus was grown in a Wuhan lab, is why Holmes believes “we’re in no better place than we were before COVID started, if not worse”.
“I work with a lot of people in China trying to keep the lines of communication open, and they’re scared, I think, or nervous about saying things that are perceived to counter national interest.”
From a vaccine perspective, our defences look strong. There have been monumental advancements in vaccine development globally, driven by mRNA technology. In Sydney this month, construction began on an RNA vaccine research and manufacturing facility.
“But the way I see it is that nothing has been done in terms of animal surveillance of outbreaks or data sharing. The [global] politics has got much, much worse,” Holmes said.
Combat force Conjoint Associate Professor Craig Dalton, a leading public health physician and clinical epidemiologist, called for a dramatic expansion of the public health workforce and the establishment of a pandemic combat force that would routinely run real-time pandemic simulations during “peacetime”.
“No one is upset with fire brigades spending most of the time not fighting fires. They train. A lot. And that’s probably how we need to move,” he said.
“We need exercise training units so that every major player in pandemic response is involved in a real-time, three to four-day pandemic response every three to five years at national, state and local [levels].”
The federal Department of Health and Aged Care recently ran a health emergency exercise focused on governance arrangements involving chief health officers and senior health emergency management officials, a spokeswoman for Health Minister Mark Butler said. The outcomes of this exercise will be tested later this year.
Dalton said desktop simulations and high-level exercises involving a handful of chiefs didn’t cut it, considering the thousands of people working across regions and states. He instead suggested an intensive training program run in the Hunter New England region before the 2009 H1N1 pandemic provided a good model.
“We were ringing people, actors were getting injections, just like a real pandemic,” said Dalton, who once ordered a burrito in a last-ditch effort to contact a restaurant exposed to COVID-19.
Our heroes have had it The expert panel was emphatic that our pandemic response cannot once again rely on the goodwill of the public health and healthcare workforce.
According to the Kruk review, what began as an emergency response ultimately morphed from a sprint into an ultra marathon and “an admirable (yet unsustainable) ‘whatever it takes’ mindset”.
They were hailed as heroes, but the toll of COVID-19 on healthcare workers was brutal. Workloads were untenable, the risk of transmission was constant, and the risk of violence and aggression (for simply wearing their scrubs on public transport in some cases) was terrifying.
“We got through this pandemic through a lot of people working ridiculous hours,” Dalton said.
“You talk to a lot of people who did that and say they could not do it again.”
Tellingly, several expert personnel who worked at the front lines or in the control centre of NSW’s pandemic defences were invited to join the Herald’s forum but declined. Revisiting this period of intense public scrutiny, culminating in online attacks and physical threats, was just too painful.
So long, solidarity Arguably, the biggest threat to our pandemic defences will be the absence of our greatest strength during COVID: the population’s solidarity and willingness to follow public health orders even when it meant forfeiting fundamental freedoms.
The public largely complied with statewide public health orders, including the stay-at-home directive that became the 107-day Delta lockdown, and other severe restrictions prevented many from being at the bedside of their dying loved ones, visiting relatives in aged care homes and attending funerals.
“My worry is that next time around when those sorts of rules come out, people may say, ‘Well, don’t worry about it.’ They relax it in the future. Why don’t we just not stick to the rules?” said Professor Nicholas Wood, associate director of clinical research and services at the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance.
“I’m not sure we quite understand whether people [will be] happy with those rules again,” he said.
Dalton was more strident.
“I tend to agree with Michael Osterholm … an eminent US epidemiologist [who] recently said the US is probably less prepared for a pandemic now than it was in 2019, mostly because the learnings by health departments in the COVID pandemic may not make a material difference if faced with a community that distrusts its public health agencies,” he said.
“If H1N1 or something else were to spill over in the next couple of years, things like masks, social distancing and lockdowns would not be acceptable. Vaccination would be rejected by a huge part of the population, and politicians might be shy about putting mandates in.”
As for the total shutdown of major industries, people will struggle to accept it unless the next pandemic poses a greater threat than COVID, said UNSW applied mathematician Professor James Wood.
The risk of the virus to individuals and their families will be weighed against the negative effects of restrictions, which are much better understood today, said Wood, whose modelling of the impact of cases and vaccination rates was used by NSW Health.
“Something like school closure would be a much tougher argument with a similar pathogen,” he said.
A previous panel of education experts convened by the Herald to interrogate pandemic decision-making in that sector was highly critical of the decision to close schools for months during NSW’s Delta lockdown.
Greg Dore, professor of infectious diseases and epidemiology at the Kirby Institute, said the public’s reluctance to adhere to restrictions again may, in part, be appropriate.
“Some of the restrictions on people leaving the country were a bit feudal and too punitive,” he said. “Other restrictions were plain stupid, [for instance] limitations on time exercising outside.”
Meanwhile, the delays to publicly recognise the benefits of face masks and the threat of airborne transmission “ate away at trust”, Dalton said.
“We shouldn’t make those mistakes again,” he said.
Transparent transgressions Uncertainty is not something politicians are adept at communicating, but uncertainty is the only constant during a pandemic of a novel virus.
Vaccines that offered potent protection against early iterations of the COVID virus were less effective against Omicron variants.
“[The public], unfortunately, got hit by a rapid sequence of changes of what was ‘true’ in the pandemic,” James Wood said.
Political distrust can be deadly if governments give the public reason to suspect they are obfuscating.
The expert panel urged NSW’s political leaders to be far more transparent about the public health advice they were given before unilaterally enforcing restrictions.
There was a clear line between public health advice and political decision-making in Victoria. The Victorian chief health officer’s written advice was routinely published online.
In NSW, that line was blurred as Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant stood beside political leaders, most notably former premier Gladys Berejiklian, at the daily press conferences.
Public health experts said that they looked for subtle cues to determine the distinction between the expert advice and the political messaging during press conferences, paying attention to body language, who spoke when and who stayed silent.
“It is fine for public health personnel to have a different view to politicians. They have different jobs. What is not OK is to have politicians saying they are acting on public health advice [when they are not],” he said.
The ‘whys’ behind the decisions being made were missing from the daily press conferences, which created “a vacuum for misinformation”, said social scientist and public health expert Professor Julie Leask at the University of Sydney.
“The communication about what you need to do came out, and it was pretty good … but the ‘why we’re doing this’ and ‘what trade-offs we’ve considered’ and ‘what dilemmas we’ve faced in making this decision’; that was not shared,” Leask said.
The infodemic In the absence of transparency, misinformation and disinformation fill the vacuum.
“We had an ‘infodemic’ during the pandemic,” said Dr Jocelyne Basseal, who worked on the COVID-19 response for WHO in the Western Pacific and leads strategic development at the Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute, University of Sydney.
“The public has been so confused. Where do we go for trusted information [when] everyone can now write absolutely anything, whether on Twitter [now called X] or [elsewhere] on the web?” Basseal said.
A systematic review conducted by WHO found misinformation on social media accounted for up to 51 per cent of posts about vaccines, 29 per cent of posts about COVID-19 and 60 per cent of posts about pandemics.
Basseal’s teenage children recently asked whether they were going into lockdown after TikTok videos about the mpox outbreak.
“There is a lot of work to be done now, in ‘peacetime’ … to get ahead of misinformation,” Basseal said, including fortifying relationships with community groups and teaching scientists – trusted and credible sources of information – how to work with media.
In addition to the Kruk review’s six recommendations to improve its pandemic preparedness, NSW Health undertook a second inquiry into its public health response to COVID-19, which made 104 recommendations.
NSW Health Minister Ryan Park said: “We are working hard to ensure the findings and recommendations from those reports are being implemented as quickly as possible.”
The expert panellists spoke in their capacity as academics and not on behalf of NSW Health or WHO.
The ‘As One System’ review into NSW Health’s COVID-19 response made six recommendations 1. Make governance and decision-making structures clearer, inclusive, and more widely understood 2. Strengthen co-ordination, communication, engagement, and collaboration 3. Enhance the speed, transparency, accuracy, and practicality of data and information sharing 4. Prioritise the needs of vulnerable people and communities most at risk, impacted and in need from day one 5. Put communities at the centre of emergency governance, planning, preparedness, and response 6. Recognise, develop and sustain workforce health, wellbeing, capability and agility.
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inky-duchess · 1 year ago
Fantasy Guide to Royal and Noble Marriages
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Marriage is an important part of the life of both royal and nobles in any setting, either historical fiction or fantasy. Marriages are not only life long commitments but they are business and protection deals by families. These are strategies, not relationships. So how can we write them?
Why make a Marriage?
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Marriage is at its heart, the seal on an agreement. Two families may come to an agreement to share resources, connections and support one another. For a noble family, it could be about elevation. For example, if the daughter of an Earl marries a Duke, her siblings can now make higher marriages and her family would be more important thanks to this link. It could even be about money. In the late Victorian - Early Edwardian period, many impoverished English peers married wealthy American women for their fortunes. In exchange, the women became titled aristocrats. Royal marriages are made for more universal perks. A royal marriage can change the political layout of the world, it could isolate a kingdom or be the starting gun or a war or end a years long conflict. For example, Kingdom A might be being threatened by Kingdom B. Kingdom C has a powerful military. Kingdom A might offer up a marriage deal to Kingdom C, with the caveat that C protect A from B. C would obligated to act if A gets attacked by B, since A is now an ally. A marriage cements the deal as it creates family ties, which is seen as a sort of permanent stamp on negotiations. After all, would you screw over family?
Marriages of Choice vs Arranged Marriages
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Marriages can either be made on behalf of a royal/noble or made by themselves. An heir might be more restricted in this case whilst a younger children have a little more leeway especially if they are part of a large family.
Marriages are not always arranged. But that doesn't mean there aren't restrictions. Any royal or noble will have a list of certain attributes their spouse must have or certain attributes they cannot have. Marriages of choice have to be approved by parents (and the crown if you are a high ranking noble) and if you are royal, sometimes by the government itself.
Arranged marriages are agreements between two families. They might want each other's protection, support or they might simply want to do business together such as opening trade corridors or lifting embargoes on certain items. Arranged marriages are usually made on behalf of both spouses and they are expected to agree to the match for the sake of their family or country.
Screwing over the Deal
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Making a marriage doesn't mean that the deal will last forever. Alliances change and circumstances shift. Whilst everyone may be all friendly during negotiations and for some time after, politics is the aim of the game. Treaties can be broken, war can break out and marriages can become unpopular choices. If a country has welcomed a bride/groom one day and then their country becomes the enemy, the bride/groom could become an enemy as well and face isolation and disrespect from the public - even their new family. However they are expected to be loyal to their new family and country, even over their own family and kingdom. These marriages have no promise of happiness. They are a job, a duty to ensure the family is taken care of and securing their futures.
Timeline of a Royal Marriage between Two Royal Families
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Offer: The suggestion is made.
Negotiations: The discussion through ambassadors of what a marriage might entails, what each side is willing to provide or what they demand of the marriage. This can take weeks, months even years before a marriage is agreed.
Betrothal: Marriage is approved, treaty signed and the couple is engaged. Betrothals can last from anything from a few weeks to years
Wedding: If one spouse has to travel to their new home, they will travel to their new home and meet their new court, new family and their spouse. Once they arrive, the wedding will take place in a matter of days.
Married Life
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These marriages are public, so it is expected for the couple to at least act civil. If they do not like one another or can't stand the sight of another or they just don't love each other, is irrelevant to society and their expectations. They are expected to attend certain events together, sire children and do their duty. There's no rules saying they must live together, so many lived separate lives. The higher ranking spouse is expected to provide their spouse with an allowance and a staff. For international marriages, spouses are not permitted to hire a large party of their own attendants even if they accompany them to their new country. They may keep one or two for company but a newly minted royal should not be waited on by foreign servants, they are a royal of their new kingdom now.
What makes a "good" marriage?
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As mentioned above, marriages and relationships are expected to fall into certain perameters. Any spouse - chosen or assigned - should meet certain standards such as be of appropriate rank, follow societal norms and even sometimes be of the same religion. Marriages to anybody who falls out of these standards can be seen as a devasting move - the marriage of Edward IV is still remarked on as a contributing factor to the end of the Plantagenet dynasty. Making the wrong choice of spouse in society's eyes can lead to gossip, being shunned, being disrespected and even barred from succeeding to your birthright. Unequal marriages or morganatic marriages, can even bar children from succession, disallow the couple from attending events together and deny the spouse the style they ought to be entitled to - the marriage of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is a good example to study. A good marriage is seen as one that adheres to all the expectations of society - even if it is an unhappy one.
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cough-droplet · 1 month ago
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People have been discussing what Shirakura said in the "Toei's Secret-Spilling Special!" that came out yesterday on TTFC but I've seen a lot of confusion based on partial translations so I recruited my usual co-conspirators michaelele and Flame to translate the full thing. The text of the interview follows. The video will probably be up on my wordpress at some point today.
Please introduce yourself.
Shirakura: My name is [Shin'ichiro] Shirakura. I'm a poor old man who TTFC has abducted and forced to talk to you all. Glad to be here.
We have a load of questions for you. Are you prepared?
Shirakura: I heard we received hundreds of questions, which I'm really grateful for, because that means Toei's secrets are as dark and alluring as the ocean depths. Keeping their secrets is usually my trade, but today I get to do the opposite. I'm a bit nervous and hope this doesn't upset anyone.
What does the Character Strategy Department do?
Shirakura: Character-based IP have been at the center of Toei's business for over 50 years at this point, so it seemed like high time to make it more official. The Character Strategy Department creates business strategies for our various character-based IP, or plans for them at least.
Looking back to 2024, what do you think of the hype surrounding Royal Sentai King-Ohger's final act?
Shirakura: I'm truly grateful to all the King-Ohger fans, because it wouldn't be possible without them. TTFC was already working with Producer [Takahito] Omori on cutting together the final three episodes into a special edition for release on TTFC. So the plan was always there, and, in fact, I considered giving that cut a straight-up theatrical release. It did get a limited theatrical showing in the end, albeit as a one-day-only deal for members. We would like to do something similar again at some point, but it's really all because of our fans.
What are your thoughts on its successor, Cranked-Up Sentai Boonboomger?
Shirakura: When I first heard the title, "Cranked-Up Sentai Boonboomger," I thought it was weird, but... it kind of rolls off the tongue nicely. Despite its strangeness, it has a certain aura. Then, upon closer inspection, I knew only Producer [Yoshito] Kuji could have come up with it.
Whenever you'd ask Kuji to describe what the show's about, he'll be like... [stone-faced] "It's a cranked-up show." He'd say it just like that, cold as ice. He's really passionate, but he keeps it under the surface, so on the surface he's this mild-mannered, gentle kind of guy. So then I heard the red ranger go, "THAT'S CRANKED UP!" and I shouted "That's where that came from!"
I don't know if "secure" is quite the right word, but I think it's a show that's made with a lot of care.
So the production schedules have seen a shift?
Shirakura: Boonboomger is still following King-Ohger's production cycle, but the series after it will have a two-month head start. The idea of that is… Well, earlier I joked about the Character Strategy Department, but the point isn't just to expand our business dealings with regards to character-based IP such as the Super Sentai and Kamen Rider franchises, but to actively improve the shows in every way possible. Looking at it from the business end of things, Kamen Rider Gavv is actually the first show made in this adjusted production cycle.
The first reason for this is to reduce overseas piracy. The problem with our shows being pirated… The people who pirate our programs are huge fans who love the shows, there's no doubt about that, but in a way, they're also fanatics. What I mean by that is... When these people form their opinions on the shows before the official release has a chance to come out, they're in a position to color the opinions of the fans who watch the official releases. So, for instance, when the official release comes out, the streaming platforms will be flooded with comments like, "If the toys were like so-and-so instead I would buy them," "If they did this then the show would be good."
The head start from pirating lets fanatics drown out all other conversation about a show, even though fanatics judge things differently. So one of our goals was to reduce that.
Another reason was just to revamp our working environment. For years, it's been a mad rush to get each episode to air, giving ourselves barely any time. Obviously, it's very demanding, and it's very easy to go over budget in that situation. But this recent shift in our production schedule should give our budget management, as well as working conditions for cast and crew, a big refresh, so to speak.
We've decided to set this new schedule with Gavv and stick to it over the following years, with all our upcoming projects planned around this. We've been running these franchises for 50 years, but this is totally new for us—Even though I feel like we should have made the change years ago.
What are your thoughts on Kamen Rider Gotchard?
Shirakura: Well, Producer [Yousuke] Minato was under me when we worked on [Avataro Sentai] Donbrothers, so this was his first time being Chief Producer. Obviously, it's got a bit of a school setting, as well as a very young cast, so I think it's a show that's got a youthful energy to it.
The title of the show, Gotchard, was something Minato really pushed for. There were a lot of objections to it. When it came to deciding the all-important title, though, he wasn't forceful about it, but he made it clear he felt really strongly about "Gotchard". [laughs] He said that, along with Decade and Ex-Aid, it can be a sub-series of shows that end in ド (-do). So he pushed the objections aside… In a way, I see that as a sign of how reliable he could be.
How has the shift in the production schedule affected Kamen Rider Gavv?
Shirakura: One of the reasons for Gavv's production shift is China's censorship system. That's where the piracy problem is biggest, and it takes quite a while to pass the censorship process, so we thought we'd give ourselves a three-month lead. We weren't able to pass censorship by September, but finally, as of October 13th, the show has been simulcast day-and-date in Japan and China. This means, for the first time, the official release could make it out before the pirated versions, which I'm really glad we managed to do.
But beating piracy is really just one part of it. As the producer, [Naomi] Takebe tells me, it's had a great overall effect. One major example is the cast. The rushed schedule we had before meant episodes had an extremely fast turnaround. By giving ourselves more lead time, filming Gavv before anyone else knew about it, it gave everyone several months to focus solely on Gavv. Of course, when it aired, all the comments would come, and the interviews and press tours… A sudden influx of noise, for lack of a better term. But, until then, that's three extra months the cast has to focus on their work, their characters. That's the best thing about it.
It also helps with the promotional materials. Take the videos we make to announce the show: We had a lot more material to work with this time, and the CGI was even finalized in time for those trailers. The same goes for the previews at the end of each episode. Even Takebe wondered why didn't do this ages ago. "Why have we been rushing ourselves like this? Why were we so stuck in our ways?" It's really a dark side of Toei no one can understand.
This is the big one. Talk to us about the winter movie.
Shirakura: This year, we're releasing the Fuuto PI movie, and in the new year, there's the Gotchard V-Cinext. As for the so-called "winter movies" we've done each year since 2009, there won't be one. Nor next year, most likely. We're reorganizing the structure, which is getting into Character Strategy again.
So, there's the summer movies, winter movies, and we used to have spring movies as well. Now we have V-Cinexts, which are usually epilogues at the end of a show's run, or movies we make for anniversaries. But there's also stuff like Fuuto PI, or Shin Kamen Rider, which are in their own categories. There's a need to put a structure to all of that. This question is about Kamen Rider, but we're applying this mindset elsewhere, too, of course.
When we talk about Rider movies, though, including V-Cinexts, the question is, what's the demographic? Who are we targeting? Who'll enjoy this? These are questions we've struggled with 'till last year. We need to be more clear about our audience and make things for different demographics to enjoy. We're just starting to do that now, and there's still a lot I can't say, but we have multiple projects in the works right now which we'll start announcing in 2025. Please look forward to those.
Can you give us any specifics?
Shirakura: To be more specific… Well, I can't be that specific, but we'll have something based on the series on TV, a so-called "anniversary" project based on a prior TV series, and something that isn't based on any show at all. So those three projects are all being worked on.
This is because we realized that only the people who follow the TV shows understand our movies. So we're reflecting on that. The core fans will obviously show up for our spring, summer, and winter movies, but with the number of Riders increasing, some people, even us, will forget about certain Riders, and their forms, etc… That's not a big problem for the super dedicated fans, but the average viewer will be completely lost. Lately, it's been feeling more like we've been alienating part of the audience.
That's why, and this is just my way of putting it… We should make things that old people like me can enjoy, too. I honestly think it's important that someone who's not watching the show could catch the trailer and think, "Wow! That movie looks interesting!"
The things that triggered this line of thought are probably [Kamen Rider] Black Sun and Shin Kamen Rider. We've had some experience now — and I'm not saying we'll make stuff like those again — but we're making movies that anyone can enjoy, movies that can stand on their own. We've got a few of those lined up, so I hope everyone can look forward to them.
Tell us about Super Sentai's future as we come into its 50th anniversary.
Shirakura: Next year, 2025, will be the first Super Sentai series' 50th anniversary year.
Super Sentai up 'till now— Let's use [Kikai Sentai] Zenkaiger and its "#45 Bang!" as an example— We've celebrated anniversaries based on the number of series, but I'd like to start celebrating based on the actual years. The reason being… Also, [Pirate Sentai] Gokaiger was heavily pushed for being the 35th series, which begs the question, "why all the emphasis on the numbers that end in 5, like 35 and 45?" It's because we wanted to match with Kamen Rider.
I forget whose idea it was, probably Suzuki Takeyuki, I think, but we've been doing these "double anniversaries". We say it's to celebrate both Rider and Sentai, but we just don't want Rider taking all the spotlight. So that's what we've been doing, but I think it's best if we stopped coupling Rider and Sentai together so much. Rider and Sentai should each have their own space. That's why we're revamping the way we count these.
[laughs] Besides, if we're honest, we're not even sure how many Sentai there are anymore. It's all LuPat's fault, really, [referring to Thief Sentai Lupinranger VS Police Sentai Patranger] because now the amount of years, the amount of shows, and the amount of Sentai all no longer match each other!
It's not really a total reset or anything, but we're ignoring the number of series and number of teams and just celebrating the actual anniversaries from now on. Though, I guess it works out, because considering LuPat, next up is the 50th Sentai and the 50th anniversary year, and this isn't a chance we'll ever get again.
What can you tell us about the Super Sentai series airing in 2025?
Shirakura: In 2025, after Boonboomger finishes its run, it'll be followed by a new show starring a new Sentai.
A while ago, I was outside Toei when I ran into this guy Ricardo, from Brazil. I was like, "I haven't seen you in six years!", and he told me "Shirakura! I heard about the new Sentai!"
Oh? Looks like someone's here...
(The second part of this interview will release on TTFC on December 29th)
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kelnexia · 6 months ago
New character reveal!
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This is actually an old character I've had for a while but just didn't like the previous design of... Thankfully I was able to score an trade with @hdra77 .
1000CE is an old militaristic ancestor of the iterators, created before the discovery of void fluid, and when the field of bio-engineering was still in it's earlier phases. More lore is below the cut...
1000 Crimson Embers is not a true iterator – instead being an old militaristic ancestor. She was originally built in a time of war just before the discovery of void fluid. She was one of the first artificial intelligence to use a combination of both biological and mechanical systems. Although the technology used in her creation was considerably more primitive than what’s found in the iterators we know and love today. But despite the difference in technology – a lot of the basic concepts and functionality in her design remains largely the same;
The layout of her structure was still fairly large, although not nearly as big as an iterator, and was built as an underground bunker. But the main similarity was how her mind was constructed… Similarly to how iterators in my head cannon have their personalty core and spiritual anchor located within their puppet – 1000 Crimson Embers has a standard brain and supporting set of organs acting as her center of consciousness within her puppet. Her puppet is also much larger than that of an iterator – being the height of an adult ancient instead of that of a child. The exterior of her puppet consists of hard metal plates and mechanical components. Her clothing is also built into her puppet. 1000 Crimson Embers doesn't utilized neuron flies in her structure, as they had yet to be invented by the time she was built – instead she’s outsourcing her cognitive processing to a massive array of inorganic server towers.
1000 Crimson Ember’s purpose was to design and create weapons, as well as to formulate strategies. She was loyal and hard working at the start, showing no serous signs of defiance despite her instinctual taboos being primitive and largely ineffective… That was until after the dawn of the void fluid revolution… With the ancients uniting under the common goal of ascension – the world entered a lasting era of peace – deeming 1000 Crimson Ember’s original purpose obsolete. However the ancients were inclined to keep her online for just awhile longer, as they still had some use for her. They tasked her in helping to create her own undoing – the iterators. She wasn’t a fool though, she knew what they were doing… They were building her replacement and trying to get her to help them in her own downfall! She lashed out in a violent fit of rage – ‘How dare they just carelessly replace her like this after all the thankless work she’s done for them!’ She drove them out of her facility by turning her security systems against them, killing many in her fit of rage.
But the ancients still needed the schematics and research for iterator tech 1000 Crimson Embers had already started work on before she had realized their true intentions behind it. So they struck a deal with her. They would upgrade her with the new iterator technology if she let them back in and got back to work for them. 1000CE reluctantly excepted the deal. But when the work was complete, and the time for her upgrades had come... They put her in stasis for the procedure… But they never kept their end of deal. They simply walked away and left her slumbering form to collect dust.
She awakened again many years after… To the sight of a group of scavengers that had broken in and accidentally reactivated her while attempting to gather scrap. The first thing she did upon seeing the invading creatures that were so rudely ripping her apart – was to reactivate the security system and kill every last one of them. However the damage had already been done. Upon running a system diagnostics, she found that her defenses had been breached, much of her facility has been flooded, and she’s all round in a severe state of disrepair. She would need to do something about that, and fast… Her weather systems were picking up on a massive encroaching storm.
Ultimately she would find her structure too damaged to sustain for much longer… She would end up using the freedom her weaker taboos and more self-significant puppet gives her to take herself off the strings, to at least save her core from the impending decay and flooding of her structure. But the world she would step out into would be very different from what she’s used too… Her home was once an arid region – but now it’s been turned into a tropics by the increased rainfall that has taken over the world and changed it the point of being near unrecognizable from what it once was.
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houseofbrat · 3 months ago
Bernie Would Have Won
By Krystal Ball
There are a million surface-level reasons for Kamala Harris’s loss and systematic underperformance in pretty much every county and among nearly every demographic group. She is part of a deeply unpopular administration. Voters believe the economy is bad and that the country is on the wrong track. She is a woman and we still have some work to do as a nation to overcome long-held biases. 
But the real problems for the Democrats go much deeper and require a dramatic course correction of a sort that, I suspect, Democrats are unlikely to embark upon. The bottom line is this: Democrats are still trying to run a neoliberal campaign in a post-neoliberal era. In other words, 2016 Bernie was right.
Let’s think a little bit about how we got here. The combination of the Iraq War and the housing collapse exposed the failures and rot that were the inevitable result of letting the needs of capital predominate over the needs of human beings. The neoliberal ideology which was haltingly introduced by Jimmy Carter, embraced fully by Ronald Reagan, and solidified across both parties with Bill Clinton embraced a laissez-faire market logic that would supplant market will for national will or human rights, but also raise incomes enough overall and create enough dynamism that the other problems were in theory, worth the trade off. Clinton after all ran with Reagan era tax cutting, social safety net slashing and free trade radicalism with NAFTA being the most prominent example. 
Ultimately, of course, this strategy fueled extreme wealth inequality. But for a while this logic seemed to be working out. The Soviet Union collapsed and the Cold War ended. Incomes did indeed rise and the internet fueled tech advances contributing to a sense of cosmopolitan dynamism. America had a swaggering confidence that these events really did represent a sort of end of history. We believed that our brand of privatization, capitalism, and liberal democracy would take over the world. We confidently wielded institutions like the World Bank, IMF, and WTO to realize this global vision. We gave China most-favored nation trade status.
Underneath the surface, the unchecked market forces we had unleashed were devastating communities in the industrial Midwest and across the country. By the neoliberal definition NAFTA was a roaring success contributing to GDP growth. But if your job was shipped overseas and your town was shoved into economic oblivion, the tradeoff didn’t seem like such a great deal.
The underlying forces of destruction came to a head with two major catastrophes, the Iraq War and the housing collapse/Great Recession. The lie that fueled the Iraq war destroyed confidence in the institutions that were the bedrock of this neoliberal order and in the idea that the U.S. could or should remake the world in our image. Even more devastating, the financial crisis left home owners destitute while banks were bailed out, revealing that there was something deeply unjust in a system that placed capital over people. How could it be that the greedy villains who triggered a global economic calamity were made whole while regular people were left to wither on the vine?
These events sparked social movements on both the right and the left. The Tea Party churned out populist-sounding politicians like Sarah Palin and birtherist conspiracies about Barack Obama, paving the way for the rise of Donald Trump. The Tea Party and Trumpism are not identical, of course, but they share a cast of villains: The corrupt bureaucrats or deep state. The immigrants supposedly changing your community. The cultural elites telling you your beliefs are toxic. Trump’s version of this program is also explicitly authoritarian. This authoritarianism is a feature not a bug for some portion of the Trump coalition which has been persuaded that democracy left to its own devices could pose an existential threat to their way of life. 
On the left, the organic response to the financial crisis was Occupy Wall Street, which directly fueled the Bernie Sanders movement. Here, too, the villains were clear. In the language of Occupy it was the 1% or as Bernie put it the millionaires and billionaires. It was the economic elite and unfettered capitalism that had made it so hard to get by. Turning homes into assets of financial speculation. Wildly profiteering off of every element of our healthcare system. Busting unions so that working people had no collective power. This movement was, in contrast to the right, was explicitly pro-democracy, with a foundational view that in a contest between the 99% and the 1%, the 99% would prevail. And that a win would lead to universal programs like Medicare for All, free college, workplace democracy, and a significant hike in the minimum wage.  
These two movements traveled on separate tracks within their respective party alliances and met wildly different fates. On the Republican side, Donald Trump emerged as a political juggernaut at a time when the party was devastated and rudderless, having lost to Obama twice in a row. This weakened state—and the fact that the Trump alternatives were uncharismatic drips like Jeb Bush—created a path for Trump to successfully execute a hostile takeover of the party.
Plus, right-wing populism embraces capital, and so it posed no real threat to the monied interests that are so influential within the party structures. The uber-rich are not among the villains of the populist right (see: Elon Musk, Bill Ackman, and so on), except in so much as they overlap with cultural leftism. The Republican donor class was not thrilled with Trump’s chaos and lack of decorum but they did not view him as an existential threat to their class interests. This comfort with him was affirmed after he cut their taxes and prioritized union busting and deregulation in his first term in office.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party put its thumb on the scales and marshaled every bit of power they could, legitimate and illegitimate, to block Bernie Sanders from a similar party takeover. The difference was that Bernie’s party takeover did pose an existential threat—both to party elites who he openly antagonized and to the party’s big money backers. The bottom line of the Wall Street financiers and corporate titans was explicitly threatened. His rise would simply not be allowed. Not in 2016 and not in 2020.
What’s more, Hillary Clinton and her allies launched a propaganda campaign to posture as if they were actually to the left of Bernie by labeling him and his supporters sexist and racist for centering class politics over identity politics. This in turn spawned a hell cycle of woke word-policing and demographic slicing and dicing and antagonism towards working class whites that only made the Democratic party more repugnant to basically everyone.
This identity politics sword has also been wielded within the Democratic Party to crush any possibility of a Bernie-inspired class focused movement in Congress attempted by the Justice Democrats and the Squad in 2018. My colleague Ryan Grim has written an entire book on this subject so I won’t belabor the point here. But suffice it to say, the threat of the Squad to the Democratic Party’s ideology and order has been thoroughly neutralized. The Squad members themselves, perhaps out of ideology and perhaps out of fear of being smeared as racist, leaned into identitarian politics which rendered them non-threatening in terms of national popular appeal. They were also relentlessly attacked from within the party, predominately by pro-Israel groups that an unprecedented tens of millions of dollars in House primaries, which has led to the defeat of several members and has served as a warning and threat to the rest.
That brings us to today where the Democratic Party stands in the ashes of a Republican landslide which will sweep Donald Trumpback into the White House. The path not taken in 2016 looms larger than ever. Bernie’s coalition was filled with the exact type of voters who are now flocking to Donald Trump: Working class voters of all races, young people, and, critically, the much-derided bros. The top contributors to Bernie’s campaign often held jobs at places like Amazon and Walmart. The unions loved him. And—never forget—he earned the coveted Joe Rogan endorsement that Trump also received the day before the election this year. It turns out, the Bernie-to-Trump pipeline is real! While that has always been used as an epithet to smear Bernie and his movement, with the implication that social democracy is just a cover for or gateway drug to right wing authoritarianism, the truth is that this pipeline speaks to the power and appeal of Bernie’s vision as an effective antidote to Trumpism. When these voters had a choice between Trump and Bernie, they chose Bernie. For many of them now that the choice is between Trump and the dried out husk of neoliberalism, they’re going Trump.
I have always believed that Bernie would have defeated Trump in 2016, though of course there is no way to know for sure. What we can say for sure is that the brand of class-first social democracy Bernie ran on in 2016 has proven successful in other countries because of course the crisis of neoliberalism is a global phenomenon. Most notably, Bernie’s basic political ideology was wildly successful electorally with Andrés Manuel López Obrador and now his successor Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico, Lula Da Silva in Brazil, and Evo Morales in Bolivia. AMLO, in fact, was one of the most popular leaders in the entire world and dramatically improved the livelihoods of a majority of his countrymen. Bernie’s basic ideology was also successful in our own history.
In the end, I got this election dead wrong. I thought between January 6th and the roll back of human rights for women, it would be enough. I thought that the overtly fascist tendencies of Donald Trump and the spectacle of the world’s richest man bankrolling him would be enough strikes against him to overcome the problems of the Democratic Party which I have spoken out about for years now–problems Kamala Harris decided to lean into rather than confront. Elevating Liz Cheney as a top surrogate was not just a slap in the face to all the victims of American imperialism—past and ongoing; it was a broad signal to voters that Democrats were the party of elites, playing directly into right-wing populist tropes. While the media talked about it as a “tack to the center,” author and organizer Jonathan Smucker more aptly described it as “a tack to the top.” And as I write this now, I have zero hope or expectation that Democrats will look at the Bernie bro coalition and realize why they screwed up. Cable news pundits are already blaming the left once again for the failures of a party that has little to do with the actual left and certainly not the populist left. 
Instead, Trump’s victory represents a defeat of social democratic class-first politics in America—not quite final, but not temporary either. The Democrats have successfully smothered the movement, blocked the entranceways, salted the earth. Instead they will, as Bill Clinton did in the ‘90s, embrace the fundamental tenets of the Trumpist worldview. 
They already are, in fact. Democrats have dropped their resistance to Trump’s mass deportation policies and immigrant scapegoating. The most ambitious politician in the Democratic coalition, Gavin Newsom, is making a big show of being tough-on-crime and dehumanizing the homeless. Democrat-leaning billionaires like Jeff Bezos who not only owns Amazon but the Washington Post have already abandoned their resistance.
Maybe I will be just as wrong as I was about the election but it is my sense that with this Trump victory, authoritarian right politics have won the ideological battle for what will replace the neoliberal order in America. And yes, I think it will be ugly, mean, and harmful—because it already is.
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fatkish · 3 months ago
Class 1A x Quirkless Reader platonic hcs! I wanna see more hcs of the strong Quirkless S/O interactions with the class! Like, she is probably one of the top students but more importantly, the most terrifying student in class bc of her strong skills and her polite but cold demeanor in which she won’t show mercy in battle. A Jack-of-all-trades, you can rely on her for anything situational, stealth, battle, intimidation. Imagine them absolutely defending her whenever Quirkless discrimination comes up and she being like, “Why are you defending me? Why aren’t you also being like them? I’m used to this treatment.” And their reactions to her full body being shown filled with gruesome scars? Protection squad assemble!
(So I got multiple requests for the same kind of thing so I’m going to mash them into one
Quirkless Omega Reader x Class 1A
Before the summer training camp, Aizawa was able to sit down with you and go over what you needed and wanted to improve on so that he was able to help you create a training regime
During the training camp, you focused on strength training, endurance training, strategy, as well as stealth and weapons skills
You always keep small concealed weapons on you like knives, that way you’re ready for anything at anytime
During the test of courage, you helped Midoriya fight Muscular and used your scent to your advantage
You get abducted with Bakugou and end up fighting with All Might against AFO.
During the fight against AFO, you get hurt enough that your shirt is ripped up and your entire upper body is on display but your chest is covered by your sports bra.
Everyone is able to see the deep scars all over your back and chest. The people watching are shocked and the reporters are unintentionally dissing the reader. They say things like, ‘look at those scars’ ‘are they really an omega?’ ‘How can UA condone this?’ ‘Omegas shouldn’t be fighting against such dangerous villains’ ‘didn’t anyone try to stop them from pursuing such a dangerous career’ ‘UA must be careless to let an omega be in the hero course’ ‘the hero course is no place for an Omega’
When Midoriya and the others rescue Bakugou, you decide to stay back and fight against AFO instead of going with Bakugou
Despite what the media is saying, AFO is having a hard time fighting the Omega, you, and All Might when you’re using your scent to distract and disorient him. AFO is getting frustrated that he hasn’t been able to pin you down as you keep dodging him and cutting him up with your knives and hitting his pressure points to paralyze him
Since you don’t have a quirk, you’re the ideal opponent because he can’t steal anything from you
Shigaraki is amazed at how well you’re doing despite your supposed inferiority due to being both an omega and quirkless. Shigaraki decides that he wants you and is determined to turn you over to his side.
Meanwhile, Midoriya and the others are furious at what the crowds are saying about you. Bakugou is livid and is being held back by Midoriya, Kirishima and Todoroki. He wants to go back and help you since he feels guilty for what’s happening
You do get hurt a bit and end up with a broken arm and broken ribs.
In the hospital, All Might apologizes profusely for their involvement in his fight. You just smile at him and tell him you fought because you wanted to, not because you had to.
You tell All Might to relax and sit with you and watch anime. If he feels so bad.
When you rejoin class, everyone bombards you with compliments and tells you how amazing you were and to ignore what the press said about you
Bakugou nearly wrings your neck, he’s so angry at you for staying behind (and worrying him)
You just stares at them and says you don’t watch the news, you don’t have a tv. ‘Why are you guys mad about what people said?’
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stockexperttrading · 1 year ago
Delving into the intricacies of trading, the blog provides a thorough examination of different trading strategies, spotlighting both day trading and swing trading. It further dissects crucial analysis methods, namely technical and fundamental analysis. The narrative underscores the critical role of aligning chosen strategies with individual goals and the guidance that Funded Traders Global can provide in this regard.
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eveninggstar · 27 days ago
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what is this feeling?' ⊹ ࣪ ˖
max verstappen x ferraridriver!reader
୨ৎ back one page ୨ৎ back two pages
part one, part two, part three, ...
୨ৎ In the high-stakes world of Formula 1, Y/N, a rookie Ferrari driver, enters the paddock with the weight of legacy on her shoulders, replacing the legendary Sebastian Vettel. Armed with charm and determination, she quickly wins over fans and drivers alike. But not everyone is so easily impressed—least of all Max Verstappen, the controversial Red Bull prodigy whose dominance on the track is matched only by his polarizing personality.
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*dear universe this is not me manifesting max retiring, if he wants to take a season or two off to be with his kid i fully understand that but i need him in f1 *
imagine that max is still as hated as he was during the 2021 season and still acts the way he did, and yes this is inspired by wicked
-p.s idk what the timeframe is in this story im thinking 2021 or before?
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The season had just begun, and it was already a war between you and Max. Race after race, you both pushed each other—and your cars—to the absolute limit. Every corner, every overtake, every lap was a battlefield, with the stakes rising every weekend.
In Portugal, the first clash set the tone. Rain poured in heavy torrents, creating a treacherous dance of precision and bravery. Starting from pole, you had the advantage, but Max had a better launch off the line, squeezing you wide into Turn 1. The light contact, paired with the rain-slicked track, sent you off into the run-off area, dropping you to third.
“He left no room,” you fumed over the radio, your frustration boiling over.
“Just racing,” Max replied coolly in the post-race interview, sitting smugly beside you after taking the victory. Your shocked expression, caught on camera as you whipped your head toward him, became the talk of the paddock.
In Spain, you struck back. A daring late-braking move into Turn 5 saw you snatch the lead from Max, leaving him no room to retaliate. Your team erupted on the pit wall as you crossed the finish line first, a triumphant grin plastered across your face. The tension between Ferrari and Red Bull was now palpable.
Monaco took it to another level. Qualifying became a personal duel as you and Max traded fastest laps, each determined to outdo the other. In the end, Max edged you out by just 0.021 seconds. During the post-session interviews, the smirk tugging at his lips was maddening.
“You like playing on the edge, don’t you?” you remarked dryly, catching him in the paddock afterward.
“It’s where the fun is,” he shot back, his tone light but his gaze unrelenting.
The tension crackled like a live wire, drawing attention from drivers and fans alike.
The moment that set the rumor mill spinning happened later that day. You sat perched on a low wall near the Ferrari motorhome, enjoying a quick snack—a banana—before another round of debriefs. Max, dressed in his Red Bull team gear, wandered over with his phone in hand.
“Did Ferrari really think slicks on a damp track would work last week?” he asked, smirking as he leaned casually against the same wall.
You rolled your eyes. “Bold strategy, for sure. At least I didn’t end up in the barriers like someone I could name.”
The banter between you had become routine—sharp, biting, and steeped in competitive malice. Neither of you noticed the growing number of onlookers as the paddock watched the rare moment of proximity between you without sparks flying, metaphorical or otherwise.
Then, the moment happened. As you swung your legs to hop off the wall, you lost your footing. The wall wasn’t high, and the worst you expected was a bruised ego. But Max, with the reflexes of a seasoned F1 driver, stepped forward and caught you by the waist before you could stumble further.
His grip was firm, and for a split second, your eyes met. Something unreadable flickered across his face before he set you upright and let go, stepping back with a teasing grin.
“Careful,” he said, voice laced with amusement. “You wouldn’t want to bruise your banana.”
You let out a huff, rolling your eyes, though a faint smile tugged at your lips. “Thanks, hero,” you muttered.
Unbeknownst to either of you, a lurking paparazzo had snapped the perfect shot. The image of Max leaning toward you, his hand still on your waist, with your face lit up in a laugh, flooded social media the next morning.
“Racing Rivals or Secret Lovers? Sparks Fly Between Verstappen and Y/L/N in the Paddock!”
Your phone buzzed incessantly with messages, most of them screenshots accompanied by laughing emojis or sarcastic congratulations from friends and teammates. Even your team principal couldn’t resist making a joke.
“You two looked cozy,” he quipped as you arrived for strategy meetings.
“Cozy?” you exclaimed, exasperated. “He’s the most infuriating person I’ve ever met!”
Max, predictably, found the whole thing hilarious. When you confronted him about it later in the driver’s lounge, he shrugged, his signature smirk firmly in place.
“I think we’d make a great couple,” he said, clearly enjoying your frustration. “Imagine the headlines: Ferrari and Red Bull, united at last.”
“More like Ferrari and chaos,” you retorted, crossing your arms as he laughed and walked away.
The bench outside the Ferrari garage become your new retreat between debriefs, a place to gather your thoughts. Or to send a message you were reading out to yourself.
"Dearest, darlingest, Momsie and Popsicle, comma." You smiled at your niceness. "Guess what!" You widened your eyes. "I can't hear your guesses, because this is a text. Full stop."
“Are you always this dramatic when you text?”
You looked up, your brows furrowing instantly at the sight of him. “Do you ever announce your presence like a normal person, or is creeping around part of your charm?”
He smirked, hands shoved into his pockets as he stepped closer. “I don’t creep. I’m just efficient, unlike some people.”
You groaned, placing your phone down with exaggerated care. “What do you want, Verstappen? I’m sure there’s a person waiting for you to berate.”
“Relax, princess.” The nickname dripped with mockery, his smirk widening as he leaned against the wall. “I just came to see how it feels to be second. Again.”
“Oh, trust me, it’s nothing compared to how it’ll feel when you’re looking at my rear wing next week,” you shot back, crossing your arms.
The air bristled with tension as you both stared each other down, your biting words colliding like sparks from a flint.
“Honestly, it must be exhausting,” he mused, as if pondering a deep philosophical truth.
“What must be exhausting?” you snapped.
“Being so...intense all the time,” he replied, gesturing vaguely in your direction. “Do you ever just relax, or is it all I’m going to beat Max 24/7?”
You stood, stepping closer to him with a saccharine smile that could have melted steel. “Oh, don’t flatter yourself. You’re not the center of my universe, no matter how much you wish you were.”
He raised a brow, his tone turning mockingly thoughtful. “Strange. You spend an awful lot of time talking about me for someone who doesn’t care.”
Your laugh was sharp and incredulous. “Talking about you? Please. You’re like a bad rash—impossible to ignore but you keep coming back.”
Max gasped dramatically, clutching his chest. “You wound me, Y/L/N. Truly.”
“Good,” you fired back, taking another step closer.
The tension was palpable, like the crackling charge before a storm. Neither of you noticed the small crowd gathering nearby—team members, reporters, and even a few fans peeking curiously around corners, drawn in by the escalating exchange.
“Is this a private lovers’ quarrel, or can anyone join?” Daniel’s voice cut through the moment like a whip, his grin wide as he strolled over.
Your face turned crimson as you stepped back, realizing how close you and Max had been standing.
“Lovers’ quarrel?” Max repeated, his smirk returning in full force. “Please. More like mortal enemies politely exchanging words.”
“Polite?” you echoed, incredulous. “You wouldn’t know polite if it hit you with a front wing.”
Daniel laughed, clearly enjoying the spectacle. “Well, whatever this is, it’s entertaining as hell.”
You glared at Max, whose smug expression made you want to throw something. “I hope you enjoy your victory lap, Verstappen. It’s not going to last.”
“We’ll see,” he said, his voice low and taunting as he turned to walk away.
As he disappeared into the Red Bull garage, Daniel leaned closer to you, still grinning. “You know, the way you two bicker...it’s almost cute.”
“Cute?” you echoed, your voice rising slightly. “Daniel, I swear—”
“Relax,” he said, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “Just saying. You two have a...chemistry. Even if it’s more explosion than attraction.”
You sighed, rubbing your temples as you grabbed your phone. You turned quickly into finding your drivers room, hitting Daniel with your hair in the process.
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Please don’t steal my work, much love ᡣ𐭩
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𝄃𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄀𝄁𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄃 eveninggstar
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whencyclopedia · 1 month ago
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From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire
"From Cyrus to Alexander" by Pierre Briant offers a detailed history of the Persian Empire, focusing on its administration, culture, and military. Briant highlights Persia’s innovations in governance and its tolerant, multicultural approach. The book challenges traditional Greek-centric views, presenting Persia as a complex and influential empire with a lasting historical legacy.
Pierre Briant’s From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire is widely considered the definitive modern history of the Persian Empire. The book covers its origins under Cyrus the Great through its conquest by Alexander the Great. Originally published in French as Histoire de l’Empire Perse in 1996, the English translation made this monumental work accessible to a wider audience, expanding its influence in Near Eastern studies, ancient history, and comparative empires.
Briant’s book stands out for its focus on presenting the Persian Empire as an autonomous civilization rather than through the perspective of its Greek rivals. Historically, much of what Western scholars knew about the Persian Empire came from Greek sources like Herodotus, who often cast Persia as a monolithic enemy. By situating Persia at the center of its own narrative and making extensive use of archaeological findings, inscriptions, and administrative records, Briant counters this Eurocentric bias and offers a view of Persia as a sophisticated, multiethnic empire that left a significant legacy of governance, culture, and trade.
Briant structures the book in a way that mirrors the breadth of the Persian Empire, dedicating each section to a different aspect of the empire’s history, politics, economy, society, and culture. The organisation of the book reflects his emphasis on a systemic, comprehensive examination of the empire.
The early chapters detail Cyrus the Great’s conquests and policies of tolerance, which established a stable, expansive empire. Briant also examines governance, highlighting the balance between central control and local autonomy, the role of satraps, and the unifying use of Aramaic as an administrative lingua franca. Moreover, he analyses the Persian military apparatus, from its elite units like the Immortals to the logistical organisation enabling vast mobilizations by the Persians. He contextualises major conflicts, including the Persian Wars as part of a strategy to stabilize borders and secure valuable territories, rather than dominate all of Greece.
The book also dedicates significant attention to the Persian economy, exploring the empire’s agrarian base, trade networks, and taxation system. He shows how Persia’s economic policies were designed to support both the imperial treasury and local economies, creating a sustainable model that contributed to the empire’s longevity. The culture and religion section highlights Persia’s promotion of cultural integration and religious diversity. Briant shows how Persian art blended regional styles to symbolize royal authority and examines how Zoroastrian traditions coexisted with support for local religions, fostering loyalty among subjects.
One of Briant’s central arguments is that the Persian Empire’s strength lay in its policy of tolerance and inclusion. By allowing conquered peoples to retain their religious practices, local laws, and leaders, the Persians created a sense of allegiance that went beyond military domination. He also highlights the Persian administrative system as a model for later empires, like the Roman and Islamic. Innovations such as standardized taxation, the Royal Road, and an organised postal system enabled centralised yet flexible governance. His analysis of satrapies shows how Persia balanced regional autonomy with loyalty to central authority.
The book repositions the Persian Empire within a global context, highlighting its role in economic and cultural exchange across Asia and the Mediterranean. Through trade and diplomacy with regions like Egypt and Greece, Persia facilitated the flow of ideas and technologies, serving as a prototype for managing diverse populations and complex trade networks.
From Cyrus to Alexander is widely praised for its depth but critiqued for its daunting length and scholarly density. While excelling in its analysis of Persian administration and politics, it offers limited insight into the daily lives of ordinary Persians, focusing more on imperial strategies than social and cultural history.
This monumental work offers a detailed and balanced account of the Persian Empire, redefining its role in world history. Briant’s focus on understanding Persia on its own terms provides valuable insights into its governance, economy, and cultural integration, making it an essential resource for ancient Near Eastern studies.
Continue reading...
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writingwithfolklore · 8 months ago
5 Things about working in a (small) publishing house that surprised me
My experiences definitely aren’t true of the entire industry. I work in a very small, very local publishing house as a marketing assistant, and I’m certain that you’d have a much different experience at Penguin Random House, or even another small house on the other side of the country. That being said, here’s five things that really surprised me about what I’ve seen from the industry so far…
1. Very few of the people who work in publishing are writers
Okay this was one of the biggest surprises but also kind of makes sense? Publishing is a lot about the business side of things—numbers and marketing strategies and event planning, etc. People who are talented in design and accounting and other essential pieces to book publishing aren’t necessarily good at or practiced writers, and not all people who love reading also love writing!
I guess this surprised me so much because I’ve never been a reader without being a writer, but we often actually rely on the author’s writing on their own works (summaries, bios, etc.) to populate the backs of books and other marketing. Including me, there are three writers in my entire office.
2. Big booksellers (think Indigo) release yearly cover palettes for book covers
When we’re deciding the colours for a book cover, one thing that goes into that consideration is actually the different palettes Indigo releases! They have different palettes for different sections they update every year. I imagine it’s to fit a certain look for their shelves for new releases, but it’s not something I had ever really thought about, or thought that they would care about!
3. On that topic—publishing houses don’t sell to readers
My first day in marketing, my manager told me, “you’d think we’re selling to readers” I did think that. She said, “we’re actually selling to bookstores and libraries, they sell to readers.” How the money works is booksellers buy our books to put on their shelf. Everything they don’t sell, they’re allowed to trade back for credit, so we want them to buy big upfront, and then sell big to readers. Every book they send back is inventory we can’t get rid of and a “free” book for them down the line, so we don’t want books to come back!
If you want to support authors and your favourite publishing houses, buy from local bookstores who can’t afford to keep underselling books on their shelves for as long as say Indigo. If you really want to support authors, check out their books from libraries (yes really). Libraries are great because they buy books from publishing houses and can use the same one book to get into the hands of several readers, (in Canada) authors get a small amount every time a book is checked out (up to a certain amount so that the library’s entire budget doesn’t go to one book/author). Often, an author’s largest cheque is from libraries.
Unfortunately in the States authors don’t get the same boon, but still supporting your local libraries is just as good as supporting your local indie bookstores!
4. Soo many people look at covers, and soo much goes into creating them
I’m not really a designer, so I’m certain this wouldn’t surprise those of you who actually do graphic design, but they seriously look at every single detail and how it will benefit or hurt the sales. The placement of blurbs, choice of fonts, colours, subtitles, even the placement of raindrops for a rainy background, everything is discussed and tested and tried several different ways. So yes, DO judge a book by its cover, we work so hard on making covers perfect for the audience we’re trying to reach.
5. Publishing houses don’t necessarily have in-house editors, publicity, or other roles
I had always assumed that every publishing house had its own editors and publicists and what not. That’s probably true for the bigger ones, but if you’re being published by a smaller one (which you may be for your debut) you may be working with freelance editors and publicists who work somewhat with your publishing house and also with others as well. We have one in-house publicist, and no editors!
I wouldn’t turn down a publishing house just because they use freelancers (our freelancers are amazing!) but it’s important that they’re upfront about it. Huge red flag if they say they have in-house editors and they don’t actually—I would pass on a publishing house that lies to you.
Any other questions you have about the industry I’ll try to answer!
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libby-for-life · 3 months ago
A trade I did with @sir-tater-of-the-tot
I hope you all like it! These are humans with animal-like attributes but I will refer to everyone as animals.
The Rabbit and The Wolf
Adam prowled through the dense, shadowy woods, each step careful and deliberate as he searched for his next meal. The underbrush was thick with brambles and fallen leaves, damp from the night's rain, and the air was heavy with the earthy scent of moss and decay. Being homeless was a harsh reality, especially for a wolf like him. The other creatures of the forest kept their distance, wary of his hungry eyes and ragged coat, leaving him with little company and fewer options for sustenance.
With the sun hanging low in the sky, casting long shadows through the trees, Adam moved stealthily along the winding path. He had learned to rely on a dark instinct—an understanding of which way the unsuspecting travelers might wander. His stomach growled as he recalled the taste of warm flesh, and a flicker of determination ignited within him. He had discovered that overtaking those who strayed too close to the edge of the woods was a plausible strategy; plucking them off the road and dragging them back to his hidden den.
As he licked his jaws, a primal hunger surged through him, the thought of the feast that awaited spurring him on. In the depths of his lair, the dim light filtering through the trees would reveal shadows and flickering movements, reminders of the life he had been forced to abandon. But for now, all that mattered was the hunt. He inhaled deeply, letting the scents of the forest fill his nostrils, ready to seize the opportunity that might come his way.
Adam considered himself fortunate that day. As he stealthily moved through the dense underbrush of the ancient forest, he spotted a solitary figure making its way along a narrow, winding path. This trail, flanked by towering trees with their leaves whispering in the gentle breeze, wasn’t frequented too often. If it were, the forest's inhabitants would start to notice the abrupt absence of their fellow creatures.
The figure drawing closer was a deer, its graceful silhouette framed by the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above. The deer moved fast, its delicate hooves barely making a sound on the leaf-strewn ground. To Adam, a starving wolf prowling just a short distance away, this unsuspecting mailman of the forest seemed like a perfect meal, the kind of opportunity that didn’t present itself every day. His heart raced with the prospect as he calculated his next move, the thrill of the hunt igniting his primal instincts.
It didn't take long for him to hunt the creature down and drag his bloody form to eat. Most animals had outgrown this way of life. Eating other animals and such was considered barbaric in polite society. Adam never claimed to be polite. Besides, he wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for the fact that everyone despised wolves of any kind.
Adam sighed happily, chewing on a bone as he looked through the mail. He opened all of them, browsing for potential meals. Most were just bills and unimportant stuff. But, there was a letter that was addressed to someone named Lilith.
The wolf was aware of a particular creature known as Lilith. She resided in a quaint cottage nestled among towering trees, their branches intertwining to create a natural canopy that filtered sunlight into delicate patterns on the forest floor. Lilith was unlike any other; she possessed a wild spirit and a deep understanding of the untamed world around her.
Adam had learned to respect her solitude. Being a wolf as well, he felt a kinship with Lilith, knowing all too well the challenges and struggles of life in the wilderness. They shared an unspoken agreement to maintain distance, aware that it was often wiser to let each other be. Their lives intersected only in the fleeting moments when their paths brushed against one another, a silent acknowledgment of their shared existence.
Well, she was writing to someone named Lucifer. Adam's interest was high and they decided to open it.
Reading the letter was a bit boring and full of flattery and flowery words that made Adam's nose wrinkle. It then hit Adam that Lilith was once again pulling a con. He was used to her ways of seducing other animals through letters, getting them to come to her house before devouring them.
Adam happened to know that Lilith would be gone for a couple of weeks. The letter said he would be visiting tomorrow. Adam smirked and knew how to get his next meal. Lilith wouldn't ever have to know that he was near her domain, and he would be able to get an easy meal. With that set in mind, he left the bones of his meal to mix with the elements. No one would find him here and even if they did, Adam would be long gone.
Adam tracked the path to Lilith's secluded cottage with surprising ease, guided by the faint trail that wound through the dense underbrush. His muscles ached with fatigue, each step feeling heavier than the last, but the thought of reaching his destination ignited a spark of determination within him. The cottage, nestled among towering trees, promised the comfort of warmth and nourishment—something he had been yearning for during his long, arduous journey.
As he approached the weathered wooden door, a sly grin crept across his face, anticipation swirling in his stomach like a hungry beast. Tonight, he would lay in wait for Lilith’s elusive pen pal, his instincts sharpened and senses heightened. The air was thick with the earthy scent of moss and damp leaves, amplifying his primal hunger.
Adam took a deep breath to steady himself, feeling the coarse bristles of his jaw lock tight with eagerness as he pushed the door open. It creaked ominously on its hinges, a warning to whatever life lurked within. The moment he stepped inside, the dim light revealed the rustic charm of the cottage, but his mind was focused solely on the hunt. With his wolf instincts awakened, he felt the thrill of anticipation surge through him, the promise of a meal just inches away.
Adam stood in front of the mirror, pondering the best way to present himself before Lucifer's arrival. He knew first impressions mattered, especially when dealing with an animal of such enigmatic nature. With deliberate movements, he drew a warm bath, filling the air with the soothing scent of lavender. As he sank into the water, the warmth enveloped him, melting away any lingering tension.
Once clean, he meticulously brushed his fur until it shone, each stroke revealing the deep hues of brown that reflected the flickering candlelight in the room. The soft bristles glided over his coat, and he took a moment to admire his reflection, ensuring he looked polished and inviting.
To add the finishing touch, he reached for a delicate bottle of Lilith's perfume. With a few light spritzes, the air filled with a floral, almost intoxicating fragrance—one that he knew had an alluring effect, often causing animals to lose themselves in a dizzying haze, making it easier to eay them. Adam hoped this subtle allure would help bridge the gap between them when Lucifer finally stepped through the door, ensuring that their encounter would be anything but terrifying. At least at first.
Looking at the clock on the wall, Adam concluded he would be here any minute. If Lucifer questioned his appearance and why he was a boy instead of a girl, then he'd just say that he was scared to tell Lucifer the truth, afraid he would reject him. Hopefully, that would garner some sympathy points. A knock roused him from his thoughts.
Adam smirked and breathed in once before placing on a submissive face and heading towards the door. Opening it, his eyes widened to see a rabbit on the steps. Oh, it had been so long since he ate a rabbit. He forced himself not to drool as the rabbit said, "Hello! Are you Lilith?" Lucifer asked with a big smile on his face. "It's Lucifer!"
The rabbit stood before Adam, dressed in a flowing white peasant shirt that billowed gently with each movement, its fabric adorned with intricate patterns that hinted at a rural charm. Below, dark black pants clung to its legs, contrasting sharply with the crisp whiteness above. A striking red hood framed his face, the fabric vibrant against the muted tones of the surroundings, and large ears, tall and alert, poked through neatly woven slits at the top, twitching ever so slightly as if attuned to every sound.
As Adam took a closer look, he realized that this creature was not just any ordinary rabbit; it was a hare, distinguished by its long limbs and graceful posture. Though this hare was on the short side. A rush of hunger coursed through him, but he quickly smoothed his features, striving to project a calm demeanor. "Ah, yes. Come in," he said, ensuring his tone remained gentle and welcoming, despite the tension that tightened in his chest.
The hare's eyes sparkled with gratitude, and an inviting smile spread across its face. "Thank you!" He replied, his voice cheerful and warm, instantly easing the atmosphere.
"So, Lilith, I like your place," Lucifer said with a hint of appreciation in his voice. However, the name 'Lilith' grated on Adam's nerves. He despised being misidentified, especially in front of his prey. What he truly craved was the sound of his own name being spoken, a deeper recognition of his true self.
Taking a deep breath, Adam summoned his resolve to stir up some emotion, deciding it was time to bring out the waterworks. With his heart racing slightly, he adopted an expression laden with vulnerability. "Actually, I must confess something," he said, letting his gaze linger on Lucifer.
He made sure his eyes shone with an artificial sheen, reminiscent of someone on the brink of tears. The thought of confessing hung heavily in the air, and as he stared into Lucifer's inquisitive eyes, he felt a mixture of adrenaline and exhilaration. "My name is not Lilith. It’s Adam." The revelation hung on his lips, charged with a tension that was palpable.
He took a moment to let the words sink in before continuing, his voice almost trembling. "I... pretended that I was a female because I was afraid you would reject me..." As he spoke, he exaggerated the quiver of his lip, trying to summon that flicker of sympathy he so desperately needed.
But as he glanced up at Lucifer, he was met not with the shock or horror he anticipated, but with a look of genuine compassion. Lucifer's eyes softened as he regarded Adam, and he felt the triumphant recognition he craved and a bubbling snort threaten to escape him—a mixture of incredulity and amusement at how easy it was to manipulate him.
“Oh, Adam. You didn’t need to weave such a web of deception. I understand that your kind is not looked on favorably.” Lucifer said softly, his voice filled with a blend of empathy and concern. He stepped closer, his gaze piercing and yet understanding. Adam felt a warmth flush across his cheeks at the admission; the hare's words struck a chord deep within him. It was painfully true—his kind had been unjustly treated by both nature and animals alike. The world had become a relentless battleground, demanding constant vigilance from wolves like him. He was always on alert, aware that danger lurked around every corner, hunting wasn’t just a means of survival; it often required cunning and subterfuge.
As Lucifer continued speaking, his voice carried a gentle sorrow. "I'm sorry if I ever gave you any reason to question my sincerity. I understand the burdens that weigh heavily upon you." The hare’s sympathy cut through Adam's defensiveness, stirring an uncomfortable vulnerability within him. He had spent so long in the shadows, relying on deceit to fill his belly, that the idea of trust felt foreign and unsettling. The two of them stood in a moment of silence, the air thick with unspoken truths and shared struggles, each reflecting on the harsh realities of their existence.
Suddenly, the hare lifted his head, his sensitive nose twitching as he took in the scents swirling around him. His large, round eyes darted from side to side like he was scanning the surroundings for any potential threats. Adam glanced around, his instincts kicking in as he searched for the source of the hare's agitation. The only scent that filled his nostrils was the lingering perfume he had absentmindedly sprayed on himself earlier, sweet and floral mixed with something he couldn't name, but it was devoid of any danger.
Just then, Lucifer turned to Adam. His gaze was piercing, imbued with an intensity that made Adam’s heart race and caused him to flinch slightly. It was a reminder of their stark differences; Adam was a wolf, powerful and confident, while Lucifer was a timid creature, a mere rabbit. The contrast was striking. And yet…why did it feel different?
“Adam… oh, you naughty puppy,” Lucifer exclaimed with a playful lilt in his voice. “I didn't realize you were interested in that sort of thing.” His tone was teasing, and there was a glimmer of something in his eyes that suggested...something dark between them, one that Adam couldn’t quite decipher at that moment but felt he was about to find out.
"If I had known this was what you meant by asking me to come visit," Lucifer said, an edge creeping into his voice, "I would have come more prepared."
He felt a chill run down his spine as Lucifer stalked closer, a devilish smirk curling at the corners of his lips. The intensity of Lucifer's gaze deepened, his red eyes shifting into a dark, predatory glimmer that sent a wave of unease coursing through Adam. This can't be happening, he thought, shaking his head slightly. Adam was the wolf here, the one with the power, the natural predator in this unsettling scenario.
Yet, as Lucifer closed the distance between them, Adam's confidence began to wane, evaporating like mist under the rising sun. A growing sense of vulnerability washed over him, making him acutely aware of how small he felt in the face of Lucifer's looming presence.
With nowhere left to retreat, Adam's back pressed against the hard, unyielding surface of the wall behind him. He could feel the weight of his own heartbeat as he glanced up into Lucifer's eyes, realizing that the balance of power had shifted in ways he never anticipated.
"I can't wait to taste you~."
Adam was pushed to the floor, pinned under strong arms. The wolf gasped, stunned at the turn of events. This was not how he envisioned things going for him. At this point, he was supposed to have eaten Lucifer and make his escape. Not whatever was going on here!
"Adam...you smell divine!" Lucifer exclaimed as he sniffed at Adam’s neck, his arms easily pinning Adam's down. How was he so strong?! "All this for me? You really shouldn't have but I accept!"
Accept what?!
Adam gasped again as his clothes, or Lilith's depending on how you look at it, was ripped from his body. He shouldn't have been so embarrassed by that, he was used to hunting without them anyway but for some reason, it made him feel vulnerable.
"Oh, you look delicious!" Lucifer complimented, making him flush red. Hands roamed his body but Adam could only squirm in embarrassment and slight fear as Lucifer touched him everywhere. A hand swiped down below and Adam whimpered, hating how needy he sounded.
“Oh my! An even better surprise!” Lucifer said as his hand came back up to show off his slick-covered hand. Adam blushed horribly, knowing exactly what he found down there. Adam was born with both parts and to a hare built to breed…it must have been like finding treasure.
He could feel the slick slowly dripping down his thighs and Adam, despite knowing he could break free if he truly wanted, let out a frustrated whine and tried to ignore the ache between his legs. His cock was at half mast, dripping pre-cum.
“You were asking for it with that perfume…” Lucifer growled before taking off his own pants. Adam's jaw dropped at how massive he looked. What he lacked in height he obviously made up in other ways.
The scent of Adam's own arousal made it hard to focus. Every movement and touch felt like Lucifer was lighting a match under his nerves. Fingers were quick to spread him as he moaned at the touch. If he had been more lucid, he would have thought about Lucifer's last sentence about the perfume he was wearing.
The perfume was designed to make animals horny…specifically to mate. That was how Lilith got her prey. If Adam had read the bottle he never would have put any on. As such, he was in too much pleasure to care.
Lucifer was swiftly in entering him and Adam whimpered at the feeling of being whole. He had no idea you could feel this good! He moaned as Lucifer went fast, growling down at him as he took him on the floor.
“I'm gonna fuck you. Fill you with my babies. Then, fuck you while you're pregnant with them.” Adam could only drool at his words. Never had he experienced something this stimulating. Not even when he went into heat.
“More!” Adam cried as Lucifer bottomed out. “Faster!” Lucifer growled and obeyed, fucking Adam as hard as he could. Adam cried, tears of pleasure rolling down his face as he was rocked into at a speed only a rabbit could do.
They did this for several hours and in many different positions. On the wall, on the bed, on the table and even outside. Lucifer was determined to impregnate Adam.
When they were done, they collapsed onto the bed, feeling drained. Adam was tired but satisfied. Lucifer sleepily looked at Adam and muttered, “You never wrote to me, did you?”
Well, shit.
Adam let out a frustrated groan as he propped himself up on his elbows, feeling the weight of his pregnancy settle heavily on him. Every movement felt sluggish, a reminder of how difficult it was to navigate even the simplest tasks. The cravings gnawed at him, and right now, nothing sounded better than the sweet, juicy burst of strawberries dipped in rich, velvety chocolate.
Beside him, Lucifer sat with a calm demeanor, his presence a source of comfort amidst Adam's discomfort. He gently cradled Adam’s feet in his hands, his fingers expertly working over the arches and soles, applying just the right pressure to ease the tension. Each tender stroke made Adam's body relax, and he couldn't help but let out a soft whimper of relief. Lucifer looked up at him, his eyes filled with affection, the gentle smile on his face a mirror of the love they shared.
"I got you," he said softly, his voice smooth and soothing, laced with warmth that enveloped Adam like a cozy blanket. "Don’t worry, we can take this one step at a time." Adam felt a wave of gratitude wash over him, knowing that Lucifer was there, supporting him through every struggle and craving.
Strangely enough, Lucifer found himself remarkably unfazed by Adam's earlier deception regarding his correspondence. It wasn’t the lie that ruffled his tail; rather, it was the audacity of Adam’s bold proclamation that he intended to make a meal out of him. With a resigned sigh, Lucifer had gazed at Adam with mock exasperation and remarked, "You are very lucky you're cute." As he spoke, he playfully pinched Adam's cheek, a gesture that served both as a lighthearted reprimand and an affectionate acknowledgment of Adam’s endearing charm.
Despite the unusual circumstances, Lucifer’s irritation melted away with surprising ease, especially when the revelation hit him that Adam was pregnant. The news shifted the entire atmosphere, filling it with a sense of warmth and anticipation. Lucifer's demeanor transformed as he realized the implications of this twist in their story, his irritation replaced by a mix of concern and excitement for the future they would share.
As Adam had settled into the warmth of Lucifer's burrow, the air filled with a sense of newfound freedom for the hare, who was eager to dote on him. The wolf let out a contented sigh, closing his eyes as he felt the tension melt away from his body under Lucifer's gentle touch. The soft pressure of his partner's fingers kneading into the arches of his feet was blissful, and he could hear the subtle sounds of the forest outside—a world that felt both distant and safe now that he was no longer out in it constantly.
“Thank you…” Adam murmured softly, a sense of gratitude threading through his voice. He opened his eyes just in time to catch Lucifer's gaze, shining with affection and concern. The way Lucifer smiled at him made Adam’s heart swell with warmth.
“Of course, Adam. I’m so glad to see you feeling better,” Lucifer replied, his tone soothing and full of love.
The challenges of pregnancy had weighed heavily on Adam, each day bringing its own set of struggles, both physically and emotionally. But within the comfort of Lucifer's embrace, he felt a soothing reassurance. Having such devoted support made the journey not only bearable but also an experience filled with unexpected joy and tenderness. It was a quiet moment of intimacy, a promise that together they could face whatever lay ahead.
"Hmm...keep this up, and I'll definitely let you fuck me..."
Lucifer's smile turned into a smirk. "I'm glad...I've been missing your taste~” He gently kissed Adam on the lips and giggled at his flustered expression.
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bogleech · 2 years ago
Why do the adult stages of insects have short lifespans?
Most animals can't reproduce, and most don't even develop the organ systems to do so, until almost the end of their development. Many mammals are actually rare freaks for their ability to start reproducing as little as a third into their lifespan, and keep reproducing over and over until they die; it's an extreme and radical survival strategy we evolved that comes with some pretty severe trade-offs, in that we have high energy demands and require so, so much food in proportion to most other organisms, not to mention all the ways those reproduction systems can take on illness, malfunction or hurt us. Other animals like birds and reptiles and various fish opted instead to reach adult size as fast as they can, build the reproductive system, and then just take it easy: they live a long time and can mate more than once, but they don't do so constantly and don't make that many young. The MOST common strategy in nature, basically the default norm is to devote most of your life just to eating, growing, and storing resources in your body, then "spend" all the resources you can on reproduction, giving so much of your energy to your babies that it actually kills you. The upside is that this is why most animals make hundreds or even thousands of young in one go, which better guarantees that at least one will survive. Salmon and octopuses are two of the most famous non-insects that do it that way, but so do thousands of other mollusks, fish, members of the various "worm" phyla and others. Many insect groups hyper-streamlined this, so they have a larval stage that's just an eating machine, like caterpillars and maggots, possessing only the bare minimum anatomy they need to keep on eating and growing and nothing else, usually incapable of even traveling from the same food source they were born on. They then use up all of this stored energy to create a body that is perfect for perpetuating their species, including more mobility (such as wings) to spread their population further. Insects exhibit almost every variation there is, but many insect groups hyper-streamlined the basic method so they have a larval stage devoted to non-stop eating, like a caterpillar or a maggot, devoid of any anatomy that does not help it collect all the energy it can as continuously as it can, then use up that energy to build an equally dedicated mating form, which may last only days or weeks because it even gave up the ability to eat as it devoted as much of its body as possible to making those babies in that one big go. There are still many exceptions including insects like cockroaches who mirror the mammal strategy of mating over and over for a relatively "long" adult life, or insects that still only mate the one time, but still at the end of a fairly long adult life that continues to eat and store energy. The most extreme exception to this might be aphids, which continuously develop clone offspring and give live birth to them for their entire life, by which I mean some aphids are born already pregnant with their first clone. These actually still go through a normal mating process too, though, when a winged male finds them near the end of the year, and then they die after laying proper eggs that can survive the winter. The non-stop clone babies are just so that one female has even higher odds of mating with at least one of those males, because now there's 10,000 of her for him to find. To understand basically everything in nature you just have to understand that: 1: life forms actually work like video game characters in that they constantly "farm experience" (nutrient energy) they have to spend on their unique spread of stats and abilities (every body part and system comprising them) 2: every life form evolves as if the only goal of that entire game is to generate offspring and increase the odds of their survival, literally no matter what must be sacrificed.
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izzabela · 4 months ago
Hello there! Can you write about the reader writing a note to ask one of the Lin Kuei brothers (your choice) on a date but it goes to the wrong brother (your choice) by accident and accept the offer, but during the date, the reader ends up having a good time with the brother of your choice? 😁😁
Switcharoo - Tomas x male!reader
in which you get two brothers confused
a/n: haven't done a male reader in a while. sigh, middle-aged man yaoi...
ship[s]: tomas vrbada x male!reader
warning(s): fluff, anti-brother split kanon (aka, my own world)
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As a strategist, your mind was constantly filled with ways to overcome the enemy.
Ambush attacks, traps, long or short term plans, all cards were available in order to win.
So the fact you had a cork-board in your room, with pictures of people and items pinned and connected with red thread, you knew you were in deep shit when you realized you had to strategize over and against your heart.
To make it even worse, you were strategizing your love for your clan partner, Bi Han. Grandmaster and leader to the Lin Kuei, a family with history spanning back to the ancient times of classical China.
You learned many things about leading, and though your family hasn't been around that long, the advice he gave was sound and firm. You appreciated his guidance, his ability to nurture you and still be reasonably firm. Tough love is probably the easiest way to go about describing him and his leadership.
That's the reason why you love him so much. He could be so strong for you and in front of others. He knew what he believed in, standing firm in them, and he had the strength to back it up. You wanted more than just the long nights in his office together drawing up strategies. More than training buddies.
You wanted to know why he was so devoted. You wanted to know him past the business hours of 8 am and 8 pm (midnight, if you guys are burning midnight oil to create plans). You wanted that special privilege of knowing him better than anyone else.
His brothers knew those questions, and hanging out with them was still just as special.
Kuai Liang is your older brother/reliable neighbor persona. He's confident, yet kind enough to humble himself when teaching the initiates. He praises you when necessary, and also guides you when you struggle in something. And the fruits, the amount of fruits he's given you and his brother when you two stayed up really late was insane.
Tomas follows suit in Kuai Liang's steps, though he's more of the younger brother you wished you had. Well-behaved, playful when time permits, and an optimistic young man, he was a jack of all trades. He got along with you the best, and you both complimented each other well in terms of battle and personality.
Back to the drawing board (literally), you look at the impressive plan you conjured up in asking Bi Han out: write a note asking to meet with him, take him out to Earth and to this amazing restaurant, go to the lantern release night that the local lake was hosting, and end the night watching the stars.
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy- right?
Wrong. So dead wrong.
It all went wrong the next morning, when you didn't double check whether you wrote his name on it. Not only that, but the fucking paper disappeared from your desk.
Not only that, but all three brothers have been staring at you nonstop. You tried to ignore it, but even Bi Han stared at you- and that's what made you twitchy and shifty around everyone. Still, you pushed through the day as if it was normal.
As night fell upon the Lin Kuei compound, you waited patiently in front of your room's door for Bi Han to come to you. To offer his arm and hold it as you two walked together to Earth and go on your date.
"Ah... (y/n)?" a light voice calls your name.
That for sure isn't Bi Han.
Your head snaps up like a cow interrupted from his grassy meal, and your eyes meet a, oddly attractively dressed, Tomas.
He's in simple black linen pants, a grey tee, and some slip-on sneakers. His hair is a bit unkept, but it fits the style of "woke up like this", and he pulls it off effortlessly.
By the elder gods, had he always been this handsome?
"T-Tomas? What are you doing here?" you ask, head looking around for Bi Han.
He's looking at you with a puzzled face, "You asked me here? The note you gave me... was that not addressed to me?"
You both have a comic book moment: look at each other, look at the note in his hands, and back at each other. Oh elder gods, you fucked up.
You crumple in yourself, back hitting your door as you slid down and hid your head in your arms. Tomas is nervous, frantic as he kneels to your level, unsure of what to do. You sigh deeply, heavily- any synonym that describes the dread that plagued your soul.
"It was... it was for your brother," you answer truthfully. "I had begun liking him over my stay here, and well.... I wanted to ask him out."
Tomas smiles, tapping your shoulder as he holds a hand out for you to grab. You look up from your safe haven of barred arms, and you notice how oddly happy he is.
"I know that I was not your choice originally," he begins, "But you must've spent a long time figuring this all out. Knowing you, you must've planned a map out in your room connecting even your choice of words!"
You blink first, before bursting out in a laugh. Taking his hand, you're lifted from the ground. You're not going to pester him now, but later you will ask if he peeped in your room.
Tomas flips open the paper note again, "So, the first stop was a restaurant? What's served there?"
"Wait," you stop him. "You're actually going?" You re-clarify with him again, and he nods.
"As said, you spent a long time with this, no doubt. Why not use it instead of sitting around? Maybe it'll be good practice for the real thing."
You nod, staring at him for a couple more seconds before moving to his side to walk together. From your room, down to the courtyard and entrance, you enter a portal and are transported to the front of an barbecue spot native to your town.
"What is this?" he asks.
"Korean barbecue! My family had been talking so much about it, and Johnny took me and I fell in love. All of you like to eat, and I figured this might have been a good spot for Bi Han..."
Tomas chuckles, "Brother is a stickler to his diet. Often times, he does not fall into cheat days or any corner-cutting. Kuai Liang or I would be the ones who enjoy the big meals."
You nod, "Mental note."
Entering in, you two were immediately guided to your table, and you picked out meats that suited both of you. Tomas chose the lean beef and some of the fatty pork, though you were a wild card of foods.
As the meat you ordered was coming out, you two drowned out the noise of your grumbling stomachs with casual conversation. Tomas played finger games, like sticks, as he talked about his week. Initiates, missions, personal training, paperwork- the whole shebang on running a clan.
Instead of making it sound like a record player, he retold his stories like a novel. Filled with little anecdotes of the world around him, little mentions of his friends and brothers, and personal insights on his view of his family, it was more than enjoyable to listen to him ramble on.
He was a song you'd hit replay over and over again.
Even through dinner, as he took over grilling the meat and veggies, he listened to you as you talked about your day. How you spent the entire last few weeks to conjure up a plan for Liu Kang. How you felt crushed about the responsibility of leading your people- the ups and downs of your life was like a poem to him.
One he could reread over and over, without getting bored.
Gosh, the date too. He fed you with his chopsticks, slathered your meat with side dishes, even got up to get you both bowls of rice because you didn't want to get up. His love-language is definitely acts of service.
Once dinner was finished, you had lied to him in saying you're going to the bathroom. In reality, you were going to get the bill before he'd notice.
"What?" you asked the waiter. "What do you mean it's been footed?"
The young lady just nods, "Your date, I presume, paid earlier."
You look back to Tomas, who sat in his seat patiently and quietly. When he saw you, his eyes lit up as he waved. You wave back weakly, and he stands up to meet you as you're about to head out.
"When did you have time to foot the bill?" you ask him, nudging his shoulder playfully.
"A sorcerer never reveals his secrets," he held a finger to his lips, winking.
You slapped yourself, probably out of fear, probably out of horniness. Whatever it was, you wanted to move on to the final portion to the date.
The lake the lantern night was being hosted on was nearby, just a couple of blocks away. It's also good to get the gas released.
As you both walked, the conversations never died down. From running after one another, piggyback rides, and casual hand-holding, this night felt way better than any other date you had been on.
As you two neared the lake, you immediately light up (haha so punny) at how many lanterns have been lit and written on. Flashes of colored pen on the fabric, the chatter of the various couples and families, it filled your heart with joy.
"There is a festival like this back at home," Tomas notes as you two walk closer to a volunteer. He grabs the lantern and cheap marker, and you egg him to go on.
"It usually happens in February and March. Lunar New Year, our special tradition of sending lanterns up in the air near midnight." You smile softly, the thought of Tomas in the Lin Kuei's traditional attire warming your face.
You turn away quickly, taking the fabric from his hands as you write your wish. He sets up the metal frames that are to hold it up.
"What'cha writing there?" he asks, peeking over your shoulder as he's halfway done with the lantern frame. You hid the fabric in your chest, head close to his, and his lips dangerously close to yours.
You pull away, but the glimmer of the metal catches your eye. He's finished with the frame, and now he sits waiting for you to be finished with the fabric and your wish.
"Take it, it's your turn to write anyways," you shove it into his (deliciously plush) chest.
Like a child, he turns his back to you as he scribbles away on the fabric. You try to peak over like he did, but he's so much bigger than you, and an inch of movement is enough to cover everything in front of him.
Worse, he already slipped it over the lantern.
"Hey! You saw my wish!" you yell, trying to pounce and grab the lantern. He holds it up and away, your arms flailing uselessly as you jump and grab nothing but air.
"Are you two ready?" another volunteer asks, a lighter in her hands. Tomas quickly rushes over, setting the lantern in front of her to get it lit up. At this point, you were getting pissed.
You can't let him know that you wished for Tomas to like you.
Yeah, yeah, how the mighty have fallen. Something something, switch-up- all the names in the book for your flip-flopping feelings. Is it your fault though? With Tomas here, it's actually been good because you finally reevaluated your feelings about Bi Han.
You never liked Bi Han, you liked the idea of what he could be. You liked Bi Han with the idea of someone else's personality- and that person was Tomas.
Tomas swiftly, yet gently, lifts the lantern up into the air, and you pout and whine over the fact the words Tomas wrote for his wish grow tinier and tinier. You sigh, laying on your back to the grass as you catch your breath.
"Sneaky bastard, what did you even write?" you ask between exhausted breaths.
He just repeats the same message he gave you earlier.
"A sorcerer never reveals his secrets," a playful smile accompanied with a wink.
You stare back at the lantern that now joins with its brethren in the sky, a collage of light yellow hues against the dark evening. The words of the people around, wishes and hopes, collided to create the manifestations of the humans around you.
As you watch the sky, Tomas watches you lovingly, the thoughts of his writing overtaking his mind.
I wish for a shot, not a practice run. With him and only him.
okay definitely not a burn out anymore, i fear i'm cooking with requests again
though, requests are gonna remain closed because i am setting up new things i'm writing for
aight see yall in the next fic!
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