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lasconsentidas · 4 years ago
Los mejores productos para el cuidado de la piel de más de 50
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Sin importar que apliques pocos productos o seas una verdadera maximalista en lo relacionado con el cuidado de la piel, lo único cierto es que todas tenemos que adaptar nuestra rutina de acuerdo a las necesidades que van apareciendo. Debido al curso natural de la vida y la gravedad, las arrugas, manchas de sol y la resequedad aumentan conforme pasamos a la mediana edad.
VER MÁSÁcido retinoico o la vitamina que tu piel necesita para rejuvenecer en 3, 2, 1…POR MELINA ABACHE 📷
Es por eso que muchas comienzan a ver rutinas que van más allá del cuello, para lograr el balance perfecto cuando se tiene más de 50 años. Desde la mejor manera de reducir arrugas, pasando por lograr más brillo y mejorar la textura de piel, aquí los expertos nos comparten las herramientas para lograrlo fácilmente con una rutina de belleza diaria, para principiantes.
Limpia y tonifica
Lo repetimos, el mejor cuidado para la piel de más de 50 es comenzar con una limpieza diaria. La piel madura debe ser hidratada con un limpiador suave, que no le quite a la piel sus aceites naturales ni que tampoco irrite las más sensibles. Para aquellas con pieles resecas, la dermatóloga newyorkina Patricia Wexler, aconseja emplear productos que fortalezcan las capas protectoras de la piel y que incluyan ceramidas.
‘Luego de usar un removedor de maquillaje oleoso, aplico una crema limpiadora, aplico agua ligeramente tibia para enjuagar, y seco mi cara con pequeños toques con una toalla suave’, nos explica Wexler. Para mantener el PH de la piel, la facialista Joanna Czech recomienda usar un tónico que además de una capa extra de humectación y actúe como un vehículo para aplicar el resto de nuestra rutina de belleza y maquillaje.
Murad Age Reform Refreshing Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
Renée Rouleau Elderberry Soothing Toner. © Cortesía. 📷
Thayers Alcohol-Free Witch Hazel Facial Toner. © Cortesía. 📷
Algenist Genius Ultimate Anti-Aging Melting Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
Dr. Barbara Sturm Balancing Toner. © Cortesía. 📷
Exfolia pero no exageres
En lo relacionado con la exfoliación, tanto los exfoliantes físicos como los químicos (AHA o BHA) pueden ser usados en pieles maduras, pero con extrema precaución. ‘Sí, la exfoliación es necesaria, pero no abusemos’, explica Czech. ‘En las mujeres de más de 50, la capa externa de la piel se vuelve más delgada y por ende, delicada’.
Para evitar cualquier complicación, Czech recomienda llevar al mínimo la exfoliación física que puede ocasionar micro rupturas en la epidermis. Para remover células muertas de forma segura, Wexler recomienda usar un exfoliante suave como el limpiador Regenerating Exfoliating de Tata Harper. Este limpiador contiene microesferas de albaricoque, lo ideal es no aplicarlo más de 3 veces por semana. Al final de cada exfoliación se recomienda agregar un elixir calmante con ingredientes activos como ceramidas y manzanilla.
VER MÁSÁcido mandélico: qué es, para qué sirve y los beneficios que debes conocerPOR MARIA BELEN ARCHETTO 📷
Para una exfoliación química considera el producto Powerglow Peel squares de M-61, que están inmersos en ácidos glicólico y salicílico, así como vitamina K que cura las cicatrices del acné y extracto de arándano, para usar por la noche mejorando así el tono de la piel. Son lo suficientemente suaves para que puedas usarlos con frecuencia.
También puedes considerar un tratamiento de ‘peeling’ semanal como el de rejuvenecimiento de Drunk Elephant que tiene por nombre T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial. Este producto está formulado con un 25% de AHA con una mezcla de ácidos glicólico, tartárico, láctico y cítrico.
Tata Harper Regenerating Exfoliating Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
Eminence Organic Skin Care Monoi Age Corrective Exfoliating Cleanser. © Cortesía. 📷
M-61 Powerglow Peel. © Cortesía. 📷
Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial. © Cortesía. 📷
Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Liquid Exfoliant. © Cortesía. 📷
Susanne Kaufmann Enzyme Peel. © Cortesía. 📷
Date un masaje facial
Un masaje facial diario puede ayudarte a lograr maravillas en el rostro, sin importar la edad. Nos ayuda a esculpir los músculos de la cara (puedes lograr pómulos y mandíbula marcados) y reducir las inflamaciones ya que mejoras la circulación sanguínea, la reparación celular, la tonicidad de los tejidos y estimulas la producción de colágeno.
‘El colágeno es la red de soporte de nuestra piel, es lo que le da la integridad estructural a la piel cuando está cayéndose, se debilita o aparecen las primeras arrugas’, nos explica Rochelle Weitzner, fundadora y CEO de Pause Skincare, una línea de belleza desarrollada para mujeres que están atravesando la menopausia.
Durante la menopausia, las mujeres experimentan una reducción dramática de la síntesis de colágeno. Para ello, Weitzner diseñó una herramienta para estimular los fibroblastos, que son las células que producen el colágeno. Puedes usar tus dedos, o herramientas como la Fascia Stimulating Tool de Pause para estimular los pómulos, la región por debajo de los ojos y la frente.
Para una extra estimulación al final, puedes poner cubitos de hielo en una gaza y pasarlos por la cara. Los cubitos pueden estar infusionados con algún antinflamatorio como el té verde o el té de manzanilla y debes deslizarlos suavemente sobre la piel.
Herramienta estimulante 'Fascia' para el rostro de Pause. © Cortesía. 📷
Roller facial ReFa Carat. © Cortesía. 📷
Roller facial de Joanna Czech. © Cortesía. 📷
Mini dispositivo tonificador NuFace. © Cortesía. 📷
Barra dorada para esculpir el rostro de Jillian Dempsey. © Cortesía. 📷
Herramienta Lanshin intro gua sha. © Cortesía. 📷
Recupera el volumen con extra humectación
En los 30 y 40 tus niveles de ácido hialurónico comienzan a decrecer, esto es lo que hace que aparezcan las líneas finas y las arrugas. Cuando se aplica tópicamente, el ácido hialurónico puede ayudar a reponer y retener la humedad celular (retiene 1000 veces su peso en agua), por lo que es un ingrediente tan común en sueros y humectantes, particularmente en fórmulas dirigidas a pieles maduras.
‘Los sueros tienen concentraciones de ingredientes más altas que las que usamos en cremas o lociones’, explica Wexler, que es fanática del hidratante rejuvenecedor HA5 de SkinMedica. ‘No solo contiene ácidos hialurónicos que se quedan en la dermis, [sino que] sus cadenas complejas de diferentes ácidos estimulan la producción de tu propio ácido hialurónico, aumentando la resiliencia natural de la piel’, explica la especialista sobre el suero cremoso.
Para sellar este suero rico, busca un humectante mezclado con ingredientes que te ayudarán a imitar y ayudar a restaurar la barrera de la piel, como la nueva crema antienvejecimiento KateCeuticals Total Repair de Kate Somerville, que combina ceramidas y un complejo de péptidos especial para calmar la irritación y minimizar el enrojecimiento.
SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator. © Cortesía. 📷
SkinCeuticals Redness Neutralizer. © Cortesía. 📷
Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Eye Supercharged Complex. © Cortesía. 📷
BeautyStat Universal Pro-Bio Moisture Boost Cream. © Cortesía. 📷
Kate Somerville KateCeuticals Total Repair Cream. © Cortesía. 📷
Skinfix Barrier+ Triple Lipid-Peptide Face Cream. © Cortesía. 📷
Trata las arrugas y la híperpigmentación con cuidado
Para arrugas marcadas, híperpigmentación y daño solar invisible, Wexler recomienda usar retinol, un derivado de la vitamina A que se puede aplicar de forma tópica y que ayuda a mejorar la renovación de la piel. De igual forma le da brillo y la tonifica, reduciendo la híperpigmentación y aumentando la producción de colágeno.
Está disponible tanto en fórmulas de farmacia como otras que requieren prescripción. Lo mejor siempre será que consultes con tu dermatólogo quien te recomendará la potencia así como el mejor tipo de retinoide a emplear en tu piel.
Wexler también señala que el retinol puede ser beneficioso para las áreas cercanas al ojo que tienden a arrugarse con mayor facilidad. Allí en combinación con los péptidos, el retinol puede tratar las bolsas y devolver la tonicidad al área.
Wexler recomienda una crema con cafeína como Advanced Night Repair Eye de Estée Lauder (que además contiene ácido hialurónico, pepino y extracto de levadura) que ‘ayuda a desinflamar y deshidratar las células grasas’. También contiene haloxilo ideal para contrarrestar la híperpigmentación.
Otro ingrediente clave para iluminar un cutis apagado y borrar las manchas solares es la vitamina C, que ayuda a tratar y combatir el daño de los radicales libres que causan el estrés oxidativo y el envejecimiento de la piel. El poderoso antioxidante también actúa para desvanecer la híperpigmentación. ‘Comienza con una concentración baja del 10% y aumenta al 15% o 20% según lo toleres’, dice Wexler sobre la concentración correcta para tu tipo de piel en un suero o crema humectante.
Lo que es importante tener en cuenta es que las formas más potentes de vitamina C son vulnerables con la exposición a la luz y, por lo tanto, el uso de vitamina C debe darse junto con una buena cobertura de protección solar y a los rayos UVA / UVB.
Para proteger la piel contra el cáncer de piel y los daños (líneas finas, arrugas profundas, manchas, decoloración y anomalías en la textura), usa protector solar con un mínimo de SPF 30, como el Anthelios Melt-In de La Roche-Posay, una leche protectora solar con SPF 60, ideal para llevar todos los días.
Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Night Cream. © Cortesía. 📷
Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Ferulic + Retinol Wrinkle Recovery Overnight Serum. © Cortesía. 📷
Neutrogena Rapid Wrinkle Repair Serum. © Cortesía. 📷
Ole Henriksen Banana Bright Vitamin C Serum. © Cortesía. 📷
La Roche-Posay Anthelios Melt-In Sunscreen Milk SPF 60. © Cortesía. 📷
EltaMD UV Clear Broad-Spectrum SPF 46. © Cortesía. 📷
Mascarillas para optimizar todo el efecto
‘Para pieles maduras las mascarillas son ideales para hidratar y lograr todo el efecto terapéutico de cada tratamiento’, afirma Wexler. Recuerda también que puedes extender las mascarillas hasta el cuello y la parte posterior de este.
Si tu piel es extra seca o quieres que esté más suave para una ocasión especial, la experta recomienda una máscara superpotente como la de Natura Bisse llamada Diamond Mask, o la Powerlift Instant Tightening Mask de Strivectin. Esta última está repleta de ácido hialurónico y péptidos.
Para desinflamar, busca un tratamiento frío que contenga péptidos como la línea Hydro Cool Firming Face Gels de Skyn Iceland, que es ideal para tratar líneas finas en la frente y en la zona de la sonrisa.
Natura Bissé Diamond Extreme Mask. © Cortesía. 📷
Skin Iceland Hydro Cool Firming Face Gels with Extension and Peptides. © Cortesía. 📷
StriVectin Powerlift Instant Tightening Mask. © Cortesía. 📷
La Prairie Cellular Hydralift Firming Mask. © Cortesía. 📷
Dr. Nigma Talib Treatment Mask No1 - Brightening. © Cortesía.
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lucy-268 · 4 years ago
Meet My OC
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Meet~ Dr. Maggie Layne
Full Name: Margaret Rochelle Layne
Nicknames: Maggie, Megs (by her sister)
Face Claim: Lili Reinhart
Age/Birthday: 29 / November 20
Relationship Status / Love Interest: In a relationship with Dr. Bryce Lahela
Hometown: Northern Virginia
Education: Cornell University for undergrad and Medical School
Occupation: Medical Resident/ Pediatrics
Family: Michael Layne (father), Nicole Grant Layne (mother), Grant Layne (brother), and Alexandra (Lexa) Layne Prescott
Personality Traits: Intelligent, caring, determined, stubborn
Random Facts: She loves hockey and doesn’t care what teams are playing; she is addicted to hot chocolate (Ethan cringes when he sees her carrying around a cup brimming with whipped cream); she and her sister Lexa are polar opposites politically from the rest of the family (their brother Grant is understanding of this; their parents and the rest of the family keep hoping they will change their opinions); she keeps a stash of romance novels (but don’t tell anyone, her sister is the only one who knows about this); her favorite sleep shirt says Underestimate Me - That’ll Be Fun (her mom hates this shirt); she’s a fan of Ryan Reynolds; she used to volunteer at an animal rescue and loves dogs but knows she can’t dedicate the time to one right now.
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courage-a-word-of-justice · 5 years ago
Iruma-kun 10 - 12 | Shinchou Yuusha 9 - 12 (FINAL) | Dr Stone 22 - 24 (FINAL) | BnHA 72 - 74 | Stars Align 9 - 12 (FINAL) | No Guns Life 10 - 12 (FINAL)
Iruma-kun 10
That mascot is still around to annoy poor Kalego, huh? (LOL) I also noticed the demonstration demons have horns like oni.
Oh no! This means Azz-Azz is a prime target for Iruma!
(I was going to write something. Then I got so engrossed in the action, I forgot to…)
LOL, Sabro’s too heavy for Team A to lift!
Oh, Iruma’s hair isn’t tied anymore…
“…pruning this cactus.” – Does Eggie-sensei like plants?
Ooh, the first double-parter ever for this show, I think it is.
Shinchou Yuusha 9
Apparently ep 10 got delayed…*sigh*
LOL, thre’s product placement for a certain ice cream brand in this episode, huh?
Can we not with the boob grope???
*Rista takes care of Mash and Elulu* - Rista’s such a mom sometimes…
Stars Align 9
This one scene with Nao looks really blue…it’s almost unsettling.
Oh dear…I understand the sentiment of an inferiority complex all too well.
Dr Stone 22
Now we’re back to good ol’ science vs. survival of the fittest philosophy clash. Now, see, that’s the Dr Stone I like best!
Torricelli’s law.
Why is mica like baumkuchen? Probably because it has a lot of layers…
Wow, for WSJ – which encouraged fangirls all over the world to make yaoi/shonen ai ships – they sure tossed out the yaoi/shonen ai option real fast…
Skarn. I’ve never heard of it until now.
Magma, staring at the product of magma…LOL.
I…don’t get it. Even after watching the bit again, I don’t understand why Magma was trying to save Senku.
So…as is said for most WSJ series, the treasure was the friends we made along the way…LOL, what a way to acknowledge a trope.
Lemme guess…surprise birthday party? (Sorry, when I was reading up on Magma earlier, I saw that Magma helps with a birthday surprise for Senku and I found out what it was.)
I wonder if Rei is still up there at this point…? (Who’s Rei? You’ll find out if you read the Byakuya reboot…)
Well, “Rock Day” only works in Japanese. The language would’ve drifted over thousands of years so it shouldn’t work in the year 5731 (or whatever year Dr Stone is set).
Dr Stone 23
One episode until the end…but I’m away over Christmas, so I’ll have quite a bit to catch up on when I’m back. Update: I never did end up going away over Christmas.
Senku is much more of a trickster hero than an action hero. That’s been pretty obvious all the way through, but here it’s at its most obvious.
Oh, so Kaseki made the village bridge? Is that a correct assumption…? Update: I think the answer was yes from the manga.
How much chemistry does Gen know, anyway? Assuming he’s a humanities person because of psychology and his tricks, it must only be basic, right?
Thse intense stares…I’ve been reading JJBA: DiU lately, so I’m expecting an 80s-style “!!” to appear over someone’s head at this point, LOL.
Ooh, hardware. In fact, it looks like the inside of a computer…or, more relevant to this case, a phone.
So it’s not “rules are rules” anymore? Now Kinro’s changed his words to reflect his faith in Senku…hmm! Interesting! (Update: A quick google says Kinro is 18. Senku is about 18 (+ 3700 years). Plus, after they start dragging Ginro away, Kinro says his trademark line.)
Wouldn’t the coal smoke alert Tsukasa of the village’s location, though…? Then again, thanks to Homura and Hyouga, Tsukasa already knows their location…oops.
Rochelle salt.  
I saw that one shot of the world from the 1st OP and I thought there was meant to be a post-credits segment…LOL, nope.
Dr Stone 24 (FINAL)
The “acquisition message” basically said “We didn’t (just) need one cell phone, (so) it was useless!” Notably, it uses the counter for large items (like computers) for the phone.
Having finished the Byakuya reboot now, I wanna cry every time I hear about the guy…
Oh! The eyecatch is a record!
Basically, what records do is that they recreate sounds by using vibrations created by the grooves of the disc. Sound is a set of vibrations.
“Astronauts are science elites…” – Except maybe Lillian Weinberg…
I like Shamil out of the guys from the Soyuz the most. He’s a cross between Tsukasa and Senku. Stoic yet skeptical, a voice of reason for Byakuya’s sillier outbursts.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the shield was made with CGI, tbh.
Byakuya’s humour here is betraying the emotional capacity of the scene…it’s gone from “100% tear-inducing” to “confusing”.
Please sing Tsubasa wo Kudasai, Lillian…*crosses fingers*
I didn’t get what I wanted, but oh well. This song is good too. (I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the record player was CGI too. It’s good CGI for sure.)
LOL, Puyo Puyo! Even Sherlock Holmes! Dragon Ball, Nintendo Switch, VR, Saiyuki! It’s like a treasure trove of references!
Normally the s2 announcement comes after the credits, so I was thrown for a loop when it was announced before the ED…anyways, this is the end of the s1 coverage. See you for s2!
BnHA 72
[no notes, sorry!]
Iruma-kun 11
Robin looks like Iruma…(this vaguely annoys me.)
I noticed Keroli (sp?) is in the back left, alone…that’s kinda sad.
Sabro is hella tall…even taller than Azz-kun, and that says something.
Ah…I love Eggie-sensei. He’s so funny!
Really? I thought Sullivan wrote them (the rules).
I wanna see an episode where Eggie-sensei can’t turn into his fuzzy form and has to do familiar activities with Iruma. That, or an episode where Eggie-sensei has some human parts and some familiar ones (although that would scare some little kids, I think…)
What a Machiavellian mindset Eggie-sensei has!
Iruma’s got wine, people! Underage drinking is a no-no! (partially joking)
Good on ya, Clara! Go kick those girls to the kerb!
The butterflies are so beautiful in this show!
So basically school clubs.
Hmm…it’s almost a Fordist approach. I mean, “freeing yourself up to do other things” is basically the entire ethos of that.
NGL 10
I was reading JJBA: DiU today and Colt seriously looks like a Jojo’s character…
“Your face is just like…”
N-No way! You mean, the Victor Mary’s wanted to see all along…is the other gunhead…?! Geesh, what a plot twist!
Stars Align 10
“We all play to win.” – That’s very Maki of you, Maki.
Shinjo/Oshimi???? That must be Ryoma…! By the way, what’s up with these Itsuse twins…?
Who’s Hatanooka? Update: That’s the team with Joy in it…and those fangirls who busted Mitsue up.
F*** it…Arashi, I wanna pummel you someday.
LOL, you can sell your temmates out with chanpuru, huh, Arashi?
Did Maki suggest something subliminally…?
*Maki and Toma run around* - LOL, this play is completely unorthodox, haha. I can tell even if I’m no expert.
Shinchou Yuusha 10
We’re back after another week’s break…
Come to think of it, how do fantasy worlds have concepts of “hours”?
LOL, how convenient it was that there just happened to be a dude needing healing walking past! (partially sarcastic, partially meaning it since the circumstances foreshadowed it)
“Talent”, eh? *stares at the camera, which is showing Rista’s boobs, with disapproval*
The Demon Spirit Orb is basically a monster cell from OPM 2, isn’t it…?
If Seiya came from our world…then I’m sorry, Wolks, but whoever told you is completely and utterly wrong. *gestures at all the conflicts around the world, including political turmoil*
“Are you calling…”  
No Guns Life 11
Second-last ep!
Oh great…another yandere?(I read JJBA: DiU hardcover vol. 2 yesterday, so I’m still thinking about Yukako Yamagishi…)
There’s a convertible in the OP, though…I wonder if that will come into play later. Update: Even if it does come into play in the future, it doesn’t happen in ths cour.
Stars Align 11
It was like Joy was showing off to the camera…LOL.
Apparently, Joy’s name is a weird reading for yorokobi (happiness).
This feels like a final episode…
Hmm. I thought Yonex sponsored this. Turns out that’s a parody logo after all (or at least, here it’s a parody).
One of the Itsuse bros looks exactly like Maki, so it’s confusing…
I’m still confused as to why Shijo Minami’s shirts say nantei on them. The minami might be nan in another way of reading it, but…the shi can only be read kokorozashi otherwise and while the jou can be read many, many ways, tei isn’t one of them.
Ume = plum blossom, so that purple-pink colour really suits them.
BnHA 73
Eri’s name means, literally, “to break reason”.
This scene with the stars and the dancefloor…that’s new.
Iruma-kun 12
Sometims you forget this dork *points at Azz* is more powerful than Iruma and Clara…
You can see Clara and Iruma in the shot of Azz-kun.
The reason why I like calling Kalego “Eggie-sensei” is because he doesn’t like it! 
I love how the narrator is even aware it’s been mentioned several times Iruma can’t decline requests.
New Magic is basically science…?
Oh, it would be hilarious if this character Iruma just bumped into and he (Iruma) would be in a Battler together…but I’ve read spoilers, so I know what Iruma will join…
Is this some kind of allegory for technology…?! *eyes sparkle* Yes, I want in! Iruma! Join this club!
Even this demon’s clip is a book! Amazing!
Clara! She dab! In a pot!
Come to think of it, in the basic premise, Iruma-kun (the show) is Kenja no Mago, right? The Wise Man’s Grandson…sort of.
Shinchou Yuusha 11
Almost at the end…I’ll sorely miss this show.
Is Tiana some former version of Rista…?
How old is Seiya again…? Update: Apparently he’s 17…and if he’s the same age as he used to be in this flashback, then…kinda squicky, no?
Stars Align 12 (FINAL)
I heard this show dropped the ball and that Nao’s mother got a rant, but otherwise I don’t quite know what happens here…so let’s finish what we started. Update: Nao’s mother’s rant was in a previous episode.
Oh hey! It’s that running thing Nao and Taiyo were doing…I think. (I don’t think I’ve grasped everyone’s names, even over 12 eps, so I had to check Taiyo’s name up.)
Oh, these gremlins…*sighs happily but also exasperatedly* No wonder this show took out a top 10 position for my 2019 list.
I’m worried now…there’s always a last minute thing to ruin an episode on this show.
I always thought Ryoma’s hair was pretty nice…(small LOL). That’s just my bias for bishonen showing though.
I’m…scared now…Maki’s dad must’ve come back and the red in the sky really sold that moment…
Maki…no!!!!!!!! Aw, f***, that’s the final seconds…geesh, way to end the series. If this were a 2 cour, I’d definitely watch the next one, but since I heard through ANN that this is all we have so far, really, the only thing I can do for a passion project is hope another cour gets funded and (maybe) purchase what I can to help out. Well, that’s it, folks, skedaddle out of here until next time.
No Guns Life 12 (FINAL)
This pendant reminds me of the mana compass I saw in Fate/Zero yesterday.
I bet Danny planted those footprints…or something like that. Update: Yup, he did.
Come to think of it, is Juzo still missing his arm from last time…?
“You weren’t my client, little lady.” – There’s one of two possible options here, I think: 1) the hands guy was or 2) Danny was.
I wonder, will the hand Extended ever become his (Juzo’s) left hand? Or will he get an Extension for it?
Wow, second huge end-of-season cliffhanger! Juzo got a new buddy, it seems…anyway, see you in spring!
Cautious Hero 12 (FINAL)
If the Valkyryja (sp?) isn’t magic…what is it???
That one guy lying on the side of the fountain, looking all drunk…LOL.
Geez, you make me wanna cry, show!!!
Even the alarm clock is dejected…geez…
This is…the best conclusion of the fall season in that Seiya defeated the Demon King and the story wrapped up properly, but the worst in that Seiya died. No one died in Stars Align, even if they failed a tonne! So…I dunno. I guess it should be happy it ended optimistically…anyways, enough of my moping. See you next time.
BnHA 74
Shin Nemoto = “the truth of the origin of the sound”, if you stuck the particle no between each character.
Tintin got scary, LOL.
Lemillion, making “no capes” go out of fashion again (LOL).
Wow, talk about a clip show…! This is really one.
Check the end of the episode, don’t forget to watch the post-credits segments, people.
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Dr Rochelle Skin Expert Paket Mini 15gr Original
Dr Rochelle Skin Expert Paket Mini 15gr Original
  Dr Rochelle Skin Exper Paket Mini 15gr Original adalah paket perawatan kulit komprehensif yang dibuat oleh ahli dermatologist dari Singapura, dengan bahan baku diimport dari singapore dan switzerland yang diracik secara profesional. Menjadi solusi terbaik untuk mengatasi banyak masalah pada kulit dan perawatan kulit ini sangat aman untuk digunakan.
Dr Rochelle Skin Expert Luxury merupakan…
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years ago
How residents are living in Vermont, America's most vaccinated state
How residents are living in Vermont, America's most vaccinated state
They clasped hands and rock stepped and spun in and out of quick embraces to swinging jazz rhythms on one of the last hardwood ballrooms in Burlington.
“I thought partner dancing was always going to be the last thing to come back from the pandemic because there’s so much interaction,” said one dancer, Lorilee Schoenbeck, a naturopathic physician.
“It’s aerobic in each other’s faces and you’re constantly changing partners… In this dance venue, this would be an absolute super spreader.”
But these dancers are all vaccinated. They reside in America’s most vaccinated state — 83.7% of Vermonters 12 and over have received at least one shot, according to health officials.
Throughout Vermont, hospital Covid-19 units are mostly empty. Bars and restaurants are hopping again. In remote rural towns, diners, country stores and campgrounds are filling up.
As the national health crisis evolves into “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” in the words of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Vermont health officials tout the Green Mountain State as the safest place in America.
Many Vermonters are venturing out, unmasked and with no fear, just as the CDC recommended on Tuesday that fully vaccinated people wear masks indoors in US counties with soaring transmission rates.
“My question is, ‘Do you want to have a life again?'” Schoenbeck said. “We’re living. Get vaccinated. Get back in the game.”
Vaccination push continues
Around the corner from downtown Burlington’s bustling Church Street Marketplace, Dr. Mark Levine, state health commissioner, sat at a small conference table in his office and rattled off statistics that enabled Gov. Phil Scott to lift all Covid-19 restrictions in mid June.
Vermont was the first state to partially vaccinate at least 80 percent of residents 12 or older. The current rate of more than 83% compares with the nation’s 66.6% one-dose rate — according to the CDC — for the same age group.
More than 67% of the state’s roughly 624,000 residents have been fully vaccinated, compared with about 49% for the US overall.
The state has maintained one of the country’s lowest infection rates — currently at 1.6% for a seven-day average, according to the health department’s Covid-19 dashboard. Vermont has had 259 Covid-19 deaths.
“It’s the lowest number of deaths on the continental US,” said Levine, sitting in front of a bobblehead of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
The state’s last Covid-19-related death was on July 10, Levine said. In June and July, the state has had four deaths. There are five Covid-19 patients hospitalized in the entire state.
Vermont’s first vaccine was administered in mid December. The state’s vaccination campaign isn’t done.
“The whole strategy is, we want a Vermonter to essentially stumble on the vaccine,” Levine said.
“If you’re at one of the beaches on Lake Champlain here in Burlington or you were … on Church Street, you’re not going to see a vaccine tent every day but you’re going to see it sometimes. That’s the sort of strategy. We’re going to make sure it’s all around you… If there’s a state fair, it’s got to have vaccine. If there’s a farmers’ market or a flea market, it’s going to have vaccine.”
Along Church Street Marketplace, visible from Levine’s downtown office, the wide four-block concourse is crowded with people — most not wearing masks. Its bars, shops and restaurants have been filling up. Outside Vermont’s own Ben & Jerry’s, dozens of young people — many not wearing face coverings or social distancing — line up in clusters for ice cream day and night.
The eastern shoreline of Lake Champlain, where signs with Covid-19 safety messages have been replaced with warnings of harmful cyanobacteria blooms in the water, teems with couples, children and pets. Burlington is in Chittenden County, which has a vaccination rate of 85.4%.
“We’re trying to tell people … fall and winter is what we’re worried about,” Levine said. “We want that vaccine rate up now in anticipation of the following winter so we don’t have to change our behavior at that time.”
Restrictions lifted ‘because it’s safe to do so’
On June 14, when Vermont became the first state to vaccinate more than 80% of its population over the age of 12, Gov. Scott, a moderate Republican, announced Vermont’s state of emergency would formally end at midnight.
“Why? Because it’s safe to do so,” the governor said.
At the same time, however, the Delta variant was starting to dominate the US.
A handful of states have been driving the bulk of the nationwide Covid-19 case surge and the threat of serious disease and death is to the unvaccinated, according to White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients.
Last week, just three states — Florida, Texas and Missouri — that share low vaccination rates accounted for 40 percent of all cases nationwide, Zients said.
And hospitals are filling up with Covid-19 patients again, this time with younger patients than before, according to doctors in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida and Missouri.
The only way to halt the resurgence, health officials said, is to get more people vaccinated.
“Even if somebody comes into Vermont and has the Delta variant … and they get sick and they’re infectious while they’re here in Vermont,” Levine said.
“If 83-plus percent of the population is vaccinated. That variant runs into a wall. Now, people who’ve been vaccinated … can still get sick with the variant. We’ve seen that all around the country. But the reality is its likelihood of creating any major outbreak is really small because it’s going to keep running into people that it can’t actually get transmitted from because they are going to be immune.”
‘Community response and collective action’
At Northwestern Medical Center in St. Albans, a community hospital about 28 miles northeast of Burlington, a staff member took a lunch break last week at the nurse’s station in the shuttered and dimly lit Covid-19 ward.
The hospital treated its last Covid-19 patient in early May, said Dr. John Minadeo, chief medical officer.
“It’s a sign of, at this point in time, your vaccination status in the community,” Minadeo said of the empty ward. “But I believe that’s why we don’t have patients in these beds… So this is evidence of — you’re in a vaccinated community, you’re not going to have hospitalizations.”
St. Albans is in Franklin County, where 73.7% of residents 12 or older have received at least one vaccine dose, according to the state health department.
Minadeo said the hospital was prepared to activate the ward if needed.
“We have to think the fall is coming and assume that, you know, it may happen again,” he said. “We’re in a little bit better shape because we’ve done it once before.”
Vermont’s success in vaccinating its residents is attributed to various factors, including the accessibility of vaccine sites; overall trust in the political leadership and science; an aging, mostly white and liberal populace; and a generally health conscious population with a strong sense of civic responsibility.
“A lot of people see Vermont as being exceptional in some ways,” said Anne Sosin, a policy fellow at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.
“And it’s a really blue state but if you look a little bit closer … we’re a much more purple state than many understand. There are many rural barriers to health care and Vermont demonstrated that if you bring vaccines to places where people live, work and play that you can overcome many of the obstacles to achieving high rates of vaccination. Vermont not only used its health care system and large sites, but it’s also brought vaccines out to firehouses, schools, community sites, pop up clinics, gas stations and beaches.”
Sosin said rural Orleans County, in one of the most remote and conservative parts of the state, has a vaccination rate of 70.8%. She said she was vaccinated in an Orleans County firehouse.
Orleans is one of three far off Vermont counties — near the Canadian border — that make up a region known as the Northeast Kingdom, where residents take pride in their individuality and separateness.
“The high rates of vaccination are a testament not only to a really well run state program but to the vast community infrastructure in that part of the state,” Sosin said.
Another Northeast Kingdom county, Essex, has the lowest vaccination rate in the state at 58.5%. The other county, Caledonia, has partially vaccinated 70.8% of its 12 and over population.
“One really important lesson right now, as I think about what’s happening across the country, is the importance of community and solidarity,” Sosin said. “And I know that sounds kind of soft but we hear the CDC saying, ‘It’s in your hands.’ This is a very individualistic approach to the pandemic. Yet Vermonters really highlighted the importance of community response and collective action.”
‘A lot of older Vermonters … don’t like change’
At the Mooselook Diner in the Essex County town of Concord, about 90 miles east of Burlington, waitress Justine Alegria Cummins, 25, said neither she nor her children have gotten the vaccine because she fears “adverse effects” from the shot. The place was hopping during lunch hour one day last week.
“It never affected me in my personal life enough to make me want to get the vaccine,” she said of Covid-19.
Another waitress, Angela Marshall, 46, said she is not an anti-vaxxer but has not received the vaccine because she doesn’t believe enough time was spent researching it. She said she tested positive with Covid-19 about six weeks ago and was bedridden for two weeks.
“I couldn’t move,” she said. “I couldn’t do anything.”
She recovered but said she still won’t get vaccinated.
Down the road at the Pettyco Junction Country Store in St. Johnsbury, on the lower edge of the Northeast Kingdom, a retired 67-year-old contractor named Bernie Timson said he will remain part of the unvaccinated state population.
“They put you on a spot where they’re saying, ‘If you’re not vaccinated, you can come in my store but you’ve got to wear a mask,'” he said. “I’m not going to put a mask on to come in your store. I’m still going to store but I ain’t putting a mask on. There’s no way I’m putting the mask on because that just puts you as a mark — you ain’t vaccinated.”
At Moose River Campground, owner Mary Lunderville said the campground is full and that she and her husband have had to turn down reservations because there’s no room.
Lunderville, who wouldn’t give her age but described herself as an “early senior,” said the couple was initially reluctant to get the vaccine because they were “unsure if it was going to be safe.” When vaccinated friends did not become ill, she said, they agreed to get the shot in mid April mostly in order make their customers feel comfortable.
“I like to make sure my campers are happy and safe,” she said.
Lunderville said she still requires masks and gloves when people help themselves to food at the big holiday dinners on the campgrounds.
“There are more real Vermonters on this side than out of staters who moved to Vermont,” she said. “A lot of older Vermonters like my husband they don’t like change. It could be just because they’re afraid of change. It could be stubbornness.”
‘I don’t feel any fear going out’
At the sweltering Champlain Club in Burlington, bandleader Louis Prima’s famous combination of “Just a Gigolo” and “I Ain’t Got Nobody” blared from speakers as the swing enthusiasts switched partners.
“A-one, a-two, a-you know what to do,” said instructor Jean Elizabeth Shockley, using the phrase made famous by Lindy Hop pioneer Frankie Manning.
Shockley said there were at least 20 new faces on the dance floor on this Tuesday evening in mid July.
All participants had to show their Covid-19 vaccination card for admission to the weekly Vermont Swings class and the two-hour dance.
“There’s a different kind of energy here,” instructor Maria Garrido said. “People are proud and aware of what Vermont has done…. I’m personally worried about the variants and surges but I really am proud of what we accomplished. I feel that for the most part we’re able to get closer to normal and it’s really exciting.”
Trim and energetic at 73, David Rose lamented that his dance partner of eight years was absent this evening because of her refusal to get the vaccine.
“In fact, all during the pandemic she was saying, ‘Oh, David, we got to dance. We got to dance.’ And I said, Vermont Swings is opening up. Let’s go and she says, ‘I can’t do that. I’m not vaccinated.’ “
Rose said the state’s biggest challenge will be convincing the remaining unvaccinated residents to get the shot.
“It’s sad for me that she feels that way and that she can’t come in because they won’t let her in,” Rose said of his longtime dance partner. “I don’t want to offend her and push her… I asked, ‘Why don’t you want to get the vaccine?’ She says, ‘I think it’s some kind of game to make money by the pharmaceutical companies or the government telling us what to do.’ “
Natalie Nachtigal, 32, said she moved to Burlington in September from Florida, which reported an average of 10,452 new cases each day over the past week — more than triple the daily average from two weeks ago, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.
“I don’t feel any fear going out and a lot of it has to do with a sense of community that Vermont really lets shine,” she said. “It’s very apparent in community members that it’s kind of like one-for-all rather than an all-for-one community mentality.”
Mark Jerome Feinstein, 26, moved to Vermont one month ago from California, where San Diego and Los Angeles counties both reported their highest number of cases since February, and hospitalizations in LA County more than doubled in two weeks.
“It was definitely a weight off my shoulders to realize that I was going to a place where life could be a little bit more normal,” Feinstein, a PhD student in psychology at the University of Vermont, said between dances.
“You don’t know whether Delta or Covid 2021 or 2022 is coming down the pike. And so you might as well go out and have some fun as safely as possible, as respectfully as possible, while you can.”
After all, he said, the dances they’ve been practicing came about in the wake of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, World War I and the Great Depression.
“It’s this funny little microcosm where we get to dance the same dances that they did so that they could celebrate being alive,” Feinstein said. “We can do the same thing.”
. Source link
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biotulinsupremeskingel · 5 years ago
6 Tips for Face care from 50
Face care from 50 - the ideal beauty routine according to experts
From wrinkle reduction to the best whitening treatments, skin care professionals share their best facial care strategies for women over 50.
Facial care over 50 - a guide
Whether you are a facial care minimalist or a facial care maximalist, your skin care routine is likely to change in the long run if you tailor it to your needs. Due to gravity, the signs of aging - wrinkles, sun spots, crepe-like texture of the skin and loss of volume - are most noticeable in the middle of our lives, which is why many women over 50 years of age make an effort to adjust their facial routine to their individual needs. From the best ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles to the most effective whitening and replenishing masks, skin care professionals share the best strategies and ways to expand your arsenal for an ageless complexion and perfect facial care for women over 50. 1st beauty tip for face care over 50: Cleanse the face properly For daily facial cleansing, mature skin should be treated with a mild, non-irritating cleanser that does not deprive the skin of its natural oils and does not irritate dry and sensitive skin. In case of dry skin, New York dermatologist Patricia Wexler, M.D., warns against using a cleanser with skin-protecting ingredients such as ceramides, as the skin is normally very sensitive. "After an initial cleansing to remove my make-up, I use be:clean Micellar Cleansing Liquid then rinse with lukewarm water and dab my skin dry with a soft cloth," explains Dr. Wexler. To maintain the pH balance of the skin after cleansing, prominent dermatologist Joanna Czech recommends using a toner that also provides an additional layer of moisture and can "serve as a carrier" for the skin care steps that follow. 2. beauty tip for face care from 50: peeling the facial skin Exfoliation? Yes! - But don't overdo it. Both physical and chemical (AHAs and BHAs) peels can be used on mature skin, but proceed with caution. "Yes, exfoliation is necessary, but don't overdo it," says the Czech instruction. "In women over 50, the outer layer of skin becomes thinner and softer." In order to avoid skin irritation, Czech recommends being careful with physical peelings, which can lead to microcracks on the epidermis if used incorrectly. To safely remove dead skin cells, Wexler recommends a gentle exfoliation, such as Tata Harper's Regenerating Exfoliating Cleanser with its apricot-colored microspheres, no more than three times a week, followed by a gentle elixir with soothing ingredients such as ceramides and chamomile. For a mild chemical peel, try the Powerglow Peeling Squares of M-61, which are pre-soaked with glycolic and salicylic acid, as well as acne scar healing vitamin K and skin tone deepening blueberry extract, gentle enough for daily use. Or think about a weekly exfoliating treatment like Drunk Elephant's resurfacing T.L.C. Sukari Babyfacial, formulated with 25 percent AHAs with its blend of glycolic, tartaric, lactic and citric acids. 3. beauty tip for face care from 50: treat yourself to a facial massage
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Sculpting face of mature woman with massage A daily facial massage works wonders for the skin at any age, but is especially transformative for mature skin. It models facial muscles (meaning more defined cheekbones and jaw bones) and reduces fluid retention, improves circulation and cell turnover, tightens tissue and increases collagen production. "Collagen is the supporting lattice of our skin - it's what makes up the structural integrity of the skin, and as the concentration of collagen decreases, the skin becomes looser, flabbier and wrinkles form," explains Rochelle Weitzner, founder and CEO of Pause Skincare, a line developed for menopausal women. Because post-menopausal women experience a dramatic decrease in collagen synthesis, Weitzner has developed a special tool to stimulate fibroblasts, the cells that produce collagen. Using the fingertips or a tool such as Pause's fascial stimulation tool, the facial muscles are kneaded and contoured, moving them along the jaw line and upwards towards the cheekbones, under the eyes and across the forehead. For an extra boost at the end, ice cubes infused with anti-inflammatory green or chamomile tea are taken and then allowed to glide over the skin, says Czech. 4. beauty tip for face care from 50: restore the loss of volume with additional moisture At the beginning of our 30s and 40s, the hyaluron levels in the body begin to decrease, making fine lines and deep wrinkles more visible. When applied superficially, hyaluronic acid can help replenish and store cell moisture (it contains 1000 times its weight in water), which is why it is so commonly found in serums and moisturizers, especially in formulas for mature skin. "Serums have higher concentrations of ingredients than we use in creams or lotions," explains Wexler, who is a fan of anti-aging products such as Biotulin Supreme Skin Gel from MyVitalSkin. "Not only does it deliver hyaluronic acid to the dermis, its complex chains of different hyaluronic acids stimulate the production of its own hyaluronic acid and thus increase the resistance of its own skin," she explains about the anti-wrinkle gel. To ensure that the rich gel is fully absorbed into your skin, look for a moisturizer that is blended with ingredients that help to mimic and restore the skin's barrier, such as Biotulin Daynite24+, which contains hyaluronic acid and a special combination of grape seed oil, shea butter and squalanes to soothe irritation and minimize redness. 5th beauty tip for face care over 50: Treat wrinkles and hyperpigmentation carefully For wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and invisible light damage, Wexler recommends the use of Retinol, a derivative of Vitamin A, which, when applied superficially, promotes skin renewal, brightens skin tone, eliminates hyperpigmentation and supports collagen production. It is available in both prescription and over-the-counter strengths, and it is best to consult your dermatologist who will advise you on the correct amount and the best type of retinoid to use. Wexler also points out that retinol can be particularly beneficial in counteracting pale skin around the eyes because, in combination with peptides, it stimulates the formation of new collagen, which in turn helps stretch the tissues, she says. To combat puffiness and bags under the eyes, Wexler recommends an eye cream containing Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil (like the Biotulin eyeMATRIX Lifting Concentrate Eye Cream ), cucumber or yeast extract to "deflate and dehydrate the fat cells" and Haloxyl to combat pigmentation. Another key ingredient to lighten a pale complexion and erase sun spots is Vitamin C, which helps to treat and combat free radical damage that causes oxidative stress and skin aging. This powerful antioxidant is also effective against hyperpigmentation. "Start with a low concentration of 10 percent and increase it to 15 or 20 percent depending on tolerance," says Wexler about finding the right concentration for your skin type in a serum or moisturizer. It is important to know that most highly effective forms of vitamin C are susceptible to exposure to light, and therefore the use of vitamin C must be combined with UV-A/UV-B protection, which should be used independently. To shield the skin against skin cancer and skin damage (fine lines, deep wrinkles, spots, discoloration and texture anomalies), you should use sunscreen products with a minimum SPF 30 every day, such as Biotulin UV30 Daily Skin Protection Cream. 6. beauty tip for face care from 50: face mask for optimal results "For mature skin, facial masks are wonderful for moisturizing and adding additional therapeutics," says Wexler, "something that can be easily extended to the neck and décolleté with a mask. If the skin is particularly dry or if you want a smoother and firmer complexion for a special occasion, she recommends a highly effective firming mask such as the Bio Cellulose Mask, which is loaded with hyaluronic acid and peptides. For the anti-swelling treatment she recommends a cooling treatment. To do this, place the Biotulin Bio Cellulose Mask in the refrigerator for a few hours so that forehead furrows and laughter lines can be smoothed out.       Read the full article
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papermoonloveslucy · 8 years ago
A Tribute to Danfield
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From 1962 to 1965 Lucille Carmichael, Vivian Bagley and their children lived in the fictional suburb of Danfield, New York. Lucy and Viv say they've been living together for five years, coming together like a female odd couple after Lucy was widowed and Vivian and her husband Ralph divorced. The town was also home to banker Theodore J. Mooney and his family, who appeared on the scene in late 1963 as the custodian of Lucy's trust fund. They all lived in Danfield for 84 episodes over three seasons, although when Lucy finds a “Vote for Dewey” button under the sofa, it indicates that she could have lived there since at least 1948. All of the locations listed below were mentioned or depicted on the series. 
Those that got camera time (or at least signage) are designated with a star (*). Locations that took the characters outside of Danfield (ie; Milroy University, Lucy's alma mater) were omitted. See if you can remember the episodes they were featured in!
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Founders: Daniel & Lucybelle Field* (1852-1911)
Senator: John R. Dodds (D)
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Outlying Destinations
Ridgebury, Brewster*, New Rochelle, Greenview*, Sandy Cove*, Stone Mountain, Paradise Grove*
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Government & Education
Danfield Police Department*
Danfield Volunteer Women's Fire Department*
Danfield US Post Office*
Danfield Welcome Wagon (Contact V. Bagley)
Danfield Chamber of Commerce
Danfield High School – Home of the Bears*
Danfield Adult School*
Danfield PTA
Dr. Gitterman's Vocal and Dramatic Studio
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Danfield Embroidery Club
Danfield Literary Society
Danfield Women's Club
Danfield Gardening Society
Danfield Art Society
Danfield Wine Tasting Society*
Cub Scout Pack 57*
Starlighters Charity
Hospital Helpers*
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Elm Tree Inn*
Danfield Hotel*
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Tony DiBello's Italian Restaurant*
Cafe Tambourine
The Pink Pheasant Restaurant
Four Corners Cafe (CLOSED)*
The Colonial Inn
The Gourmet Room at the Danfield Hotel*
The White House Cafeteria
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Entertainment & Culture
The Ritz Cinema
The Bijou Theatre
Danfield Community Players*
Iris Theatre*
Ladies Barbershop Quartet*
Carnival (Summer Only)*
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Curry Office Building (Rooftop Billboard Available)*
The Danfield Glove Factory
Handy Dandy Vacuum Cleaner Sales*
Acme Employment Agency
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Home Repair
Cresant's Hardware*
Peterson Home Contractors
Paisley the Plumber LLC
Harry Tuttle Plumbing & Violin Lessons*
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Holly Cleaners
Oscar's Cleaning and Dying*
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Food Retailers
Friehoffer's Bakery
Trumbull's Bakery
Barney's Catering Service (Delivery)
Old Man Armstrong's Candy Shops
Grandma's Dandy Candy Shop (Under New Ownership)*
Wilbur's Ice Cream Parlor*
Ernie's Butcher Shop*
Krause Butchers
Oscar the Butcher
Iriving's Meat Market
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Fashion & Mercantile
Bigelow's Department Store*
Marshall's Bedding
Flo's Beauty Shop & Nail Salon
Dr. Fleischer's Beauty Salon*
Dede's Dress Shop
Madame Fifi's Fine Furs*
McCullough's Gift Shop*
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Auto & Transportation
Danfield Cab Company*
Friendly Al Used Car Dealer*
Roy Long's Truck Rental*
Turner's Coal Delivery
Danfield Filling Station
Danfield Train Depot*
Danfield Lake Marina
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Health & Medical
Doctor Parker, GP
Doctor Warren, DDS
Doctor Jacoby, Optometrist*
Doctor Kaufman, Glasses & Contact Lenses
Danfield General Hospital*
Children's Hospital
Lazy Days Health Farm*
Hoffstedder's Drugstore (at Oak Street and Long Ridge Road)
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Fitness and Recreation
Riverview Country Club Golf Course*
Sheldon's Judo and Karate Dojo*
Danfield Little League Tigers*
Oscar’s Tigers Bowling League
Danfield Pee Wee Football League*
Danfield Women's Softball Team*
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Misc. Retail
Herb's TV Repair*
Rudy's Record Store*
Harold's Stationery and Art Store*
Meryl's Flower Shop*
Danfield Sporting Goods*
Sam's Pet Shop*
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Donohue Pomerantz Lombardy & McClay 
Danfield Attorney Service *
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The Danfield Bank*
Phillips Stockbrokers*
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The Danfield Tribune*
Danfield TV News*
“The Talent Discoverers Show”*
WLDJ Radio*
For Sale
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3 Bedroom Split Level Home at 123 Post Road* (extensively remodeled in November 1963) – Contact Lucille Carmichael
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4 Bedroom with Large Yard at 429 Elm Street* – Contact Theodore J. Mooney
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The Bellingham Estate* – Contact the Danfield Bank
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Four Corners Cafe* – Contact Vivian Bagley
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Farewell Danfield! Next stop, California!
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