#Crazy redd x reader
yandere--stuck · 4 years
Maybe a Crazy Redd x reader who got hurt/is in need of comfort? 👉👈
This isn't exactly what you meant, I think? But I hope you like it!!
Really, you shouldn't have been running.
Just as Isabelle had predicted, the chilly air and ominous looking clouds had given way to a rainstorm, aligned by the whipping winds that threatened to carry you and your fellow villagers away at times.
Most of the other residents on the island had tucked themselves away in their own homes or that of a friend's to weather out the storm. You would have done the same, and probably should have…
Except for the fact that Redd's boat had pulled up to the dock.
He had most likely done so to stay somewhere safe while waiting out the storm, and for that you were grateful. You couldn't help but feel fondly toward the sneaky fox. You'd be crushed if something bad happened to the guy! And plus, you were looking forward to adding new artwork to the museum!
Umbrella in hand, you raced to the dock, rainboot-clad feet occasionally slipping on the wet grass, leaving you to fumble for footing. You kept your head down and forced yourself forward, fighting against the winds that threatened to push you back or carry you away. As troublesome as the storm was, you couldn't help but find it a bit thrilling! And besides, you were making great time in spite of it all! In fact, you were so close to the ship, about to reach the dock and-
You slipped and fell flat on your face. 
You let out a groan as you skidded to a hault in front of the wooden dock. Your hands ached from where they had launched out to catch your fall, only to slip out from under you. Your knees smarted, as well, in spite of the padding from your pantlegs. You wouldn't be surprised if you'd gotten a few bruises, if not anything worse.
"Cousin!" Your head was still spinning as you heard a familiar call out.
The sound of footsteps approached rapidly, and you lifted your head to see Crazy Redd hustling over to you.
Lifting yourself shakily to your hands and knees, you looked up as the fox loomed over you, ears tugged downward and beady eyes swirling with concern.
"You okay there, 'Cuz?" He held out a paw, which you took, helping you to your feet. "That looked like a pretty nasty spill."
"Yeah, I'm fine." You breathed out. You attempted to take a step forward, only to stumble as pain shot through your limbs. You let out a soft cry of pain as you caught yourself.
"That doesn't sound fine to me," Redd clicked his tongue, coming over to your side. "Here, let me help ya."
Crazy Redd maneuvered one of your arms over his shoulders, letting you lean your weight against him. You grinned, thinking his reaction a bit silly. It wasn't like you had broken anything! Still… His concern was rather sweet. You leaned into his hold, his tail wrapping around your side as he led you onboard.
"Don't worry, cousin, I'll get ya patched up in a jiffy." Redd grinned at you, flashing his fangs.
It was probably just your imagination, but… Was the grin a bit… Devious? And, why did the entrance to his ship seem so dark and ominous now?
And why did his other arm come to wrap around your side, pulling you closer to him, so tight that you were certain you wouldn't be able to squirm free?
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yandere-ac · 4 years
I noticed in the recent update that there was a net to keep the MC from swimming too far *cough escaping cough*. It got me thinking about what if the MC- in guise of trying to find more creatures- finds an opening big enough for them to squeeze through and almost escapes. I'm not really sure which villager/character would fit best in this situation though.
Okay so like anon, not to be like that but I would dIE FOR YOU! THIS IDEA IS SO GOOD!!! YOUR MIND! ITS TO POWERFUL ANON! But yeah this was really fun to write and I choose my two favorite bitter ex boys both wanted the same poor representative. You guessed it, it’s out boys!
Yandere Tom Nook X Reader X Yandere Redd
Sneaking. You were sneaking. It was a beautiful summer day, kids were outside playing, some were out fishing or catching bugs. But where were you? You were sneaking like a teenager trying to get past their overprotective parents. You didn’t want to sneak but you had no choice. Ever since Redd first showed up on the island Tom had been more protective than ever. He didn’t want you to wander off without him, he wouldn’t let you go outside without his permission and sometimes he would want you to sleep in his house. You used to love Tom but nowadays he was just too overbearing for your comfort. You and Tom never really said out loud that you loved each other and you never did any couple-stuff. But both of you knew, you both were in love. Or, that’s how it used to be at least. Any and all feelings for Tom that you had gone right out the door once you lost control of your life.
“Y/N? Where are you going, dear?” Shit. He had found you, he had heard you. And now he was gonna stop you. “I-umm...I was just gonna go outside and search for some sea creatures for blathers” you said, trying and failing to mask the fear and worry in your voice. “Oh? Is that right...hmm...well do you need to do that? I mean, what if you drowned? What if you got attacked by a shark or octopus? Or worse! What if Redd showed up!? You remember what happened last time right? Do you want that to happen again?!” Tom asked you, you knew very much what had occurred between you and Redd, in fact just thinking of it sent shivers down your spine and formed a pit in your stomach. But at the same time, you didn’t want to stay with Tom, you’d be lying if you said that he didn’t scare you at times. Sometimes at night, you’d hear him mumbling things in his sleep, things that made every part of your brain scream to run away and never return, yet your body refused to listen. You worried about his well-being and especially now since he seemed almost obsessed with you. “Tom, listen...I haven’t been out of the house without you for some time now and I was just hoping to have some privacy. You know I’d never wander too far off” you grabbed one of his hands, taking your other hand to gently stroke his cheek. You felt him lean into your touch as he closed his eyes. These were the moments you missed, the tender, loving gestures that you and he would exchange. But now, these moments were just a way of getting you out of his intoxicatingly strong grasp. You didn’t want to stay with Tom, not in the slightest, that Tom whom you once loved died when he started limiting your freedom.
“Mmm...oh well...I guess if you know what you’re doing. Then sure, you can go out for a while yes, yes?” He said, this brought an actual smile to your face as you gave him a hug to which he giggled in reply. “Alright! I’ll see you later Tom!” “Be careful!”
And so, you were off. You ran straight to the shop to buy a wet suit, and then you ran straight to the water to do a cannonball. You laid in the water for about twenty minutes before rising up and swimming around. You didn’t bother trying to climb over the net, you knew it was useless as any major disturbance on the net sent a notification to Tom and inform him of your apparent escape. You learned that the hard way. So instead you just tried to relax for now. Later you might visit some of your residents and maybe go talk to sable, it has been a while since the two of you talked. But for now, you were trying to find sea creatures to give to Blathers. That was until you saw something that made your eyes squint before going completely wide once you realized what it was. It was a hole! A big hole in the net! Big enough for you to fit through without alerting Tom! You could escape! You could finally leave this hell!...but...what would happen to Tom if you left, you worried what he might do to himself or the others if you leave...no...you can’t think like that! The reason Tom is unwell is because of you. The only way he can heal is if you stayed away from him, if you didn’t, his obsession would only get worse.
You swim closer to the edge of the net and Closer to the hole. Looking at it you could indeed conclude that It was big enough for you to fit through. Hastily yet carefully you went through it. Making sure not to touch anything on the way out. If you did, it would be game over. Tom would see that something, you, were trying to get through and he would lose it. That’s what made you afraid. But you just couldn’t care right now, you were done sacrificing your life for other's happiness! It’s your time to be a little selfish. To look out for yourself! Carefully navigating your legs out of the hole your whole body was now out, you were out. You could barely believe it! But you wouldn’t stick around to see if Tom saw it or not. You had a plan. There was an island a bit away from yours, which would normally take about five minutes with a plane so it would maybe take about twenty minutes to swim. If you could hold out and keep out of dangerous water, you could make it. You would either make it or drown. Either way, there was no turning back now.
As you were swimming briskly, you started to rethink your decision a little. I mean, abandoning all your friends? And what would happen with Tom? Would he become unfit to take care of Timmy and Tommy? You didn’t want to consider that scenario, you wanted to believe that he would get help. But it was hard when you had experienced how deep his possession over you had gotten. After about halfway there you realized how far away the other island truly was, your arms got very tired and you had swallowed what felt like a ton of seawater accidentally as you had swum. You’re honestly starting to give up hope of reaching the island in time. You were gonna drown. You were gonna drown. You were never gonna see your friends again, never gonna find a significant other, never get married, settle down, get a pet fish with said significant other. Never gonna- Wait...is that a...boat? A little boat, sailing off in the distance caught your attention. Maybe there was still hope! Maybe there was a chance of survival! You had to do something, anything, you had to get its attention.
“HELLO!!! IM HERE!!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!” You shouted at the boat. And as if on cue, it turned around and went over to you. Yes! You had done it! You were gonna survive- Wait a minute...you recognized that boat...was that...oh god, it was! That was no other than Jolly Redd's boat. He was even worse than Tom! You had no time to think before the boat arrived in front of you. “Well well well...if it isn’t my favorite human! What are you doing all the way out here cousin?” He asked you, his voice full of glee, knowing you would need his help. “Get away from me Redd!” You said you didn’t want anything got to do with him. “Oh really? What was 'please help me' about then? I just wanna help Y/N, I don’t know why you’re getting so defensive about this. Now tell me, why are you all the way out here in the middle of the Ocean?” He asked you. Tilting his head while resting his chin above his hand, huge grin present on his face. “...ᴵ ʷᵃˢ ᵗʳʸᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ᵉˢᶜᵃᵖᵉ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵀᵒᵐ” “huh? A little louder cuz, I couldn’t hear ya?” “I WAS TRYING TO ESCAPE FROM TOM OKAY!!! HE PRETTY MUCH LOCKED ME INSIDE OF HIS HOUSE BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID!” Everything became deathly quiet as you said this. Out of all the answers, Redd had NOT expected that one. After quickly regaining his normal posture, he mustered up another smile on his lips. “Well, do ya need a ride, or would you like to swim for another forty minutes, hm?” Forty minutes? You had grossly underestimated the time that it would take for you to swim. “Get away from me Redd, I don’t want your help after what you did...” you told him, refusing to look at the smug bastard. “Oh Y/N. I don’t think you’ve comprehended this situation...you can either come with me or drown. Now I’d understand if you’d want to drown yourself, I would if I had to spend so much time with Nookie. But ask yourself, is this really the way you’d want to go out? By drowning? That’s lame!” He was right, god damn it! You hated that he was right. You were completely and utterly helpless right now and the only way to get out of this would be to accept his help.
You swallowed all of your pride and looked at him. He still had that shit-eating grin plastered across his face. “Alright, you win. I’ll come up on the ship...but as soon as we get to the island, that’ll be all okay!” As you said this, Redd's grin only got wider. He walked away for a few seconds before throwing a ladder down on the side of his boat closest to you. You could practically feel his joy as you climbed up the ladder. Once you were up, Redd immediately came up to you. Holding his hands together as he looked at you like a giddy kid to open up their presents. “Ohohohooo~ trust me Y/N, you won’t regret this!” He giggled as his movements got more jittery, almost as if he’s restraining himself. “Yeah yeah, whatever Redd,” you told him sternly. You didn’t want to be in his presence for any longer than you had to. Stepping in front of you, the fox pulled the curtain to the entrance open for you. You let out a loud sigh as you saw his dumb gesture. “God, shut up Redd,” you said as you walked inside, you knew he was joking. But jokes were supposed to be funny. And you hated him. “Ah come on Y/N you know I’m just yanking your chain here! I know you can fend for yourself! I’m not like good old nookie-“ “stop!” “Stop what?” Redd looked at you in confusion. “Stop trying to make yourself look better by comparing yourself to Tom! You have no right considering you’re the reason he’s like that! I know what your doing Redd! I’m never gonna join you! So quit trying, let’s just get a move on” you said aggressively, only to be met by the deep chuckles of the fox behind you. Blocking the exit. “What are you laughing at!?” You fidgeted with your hands as you backed up slightly. But it was no use since Redd blocked your exit. “Oh, cousin...you haven’t seemed to have gotten what’s happening right now...I don’t CARE If you want to come with me! You’re coming with whether you like it or not! We’re not stopping at some island. You have nowhere else to go, besides into my arms! So why don’t you make this easy for the both of us and just comply would ya?” Oh...oh no...oh god! He was being serious! “Wha...i...”
As soon as he approached you, you bolted off onto the deck. You knew you couldn't get away but you would rather drown than let yourself become some toy to this maniac. But before you could jump off the boat, Redd ran up behind you and hastily scooped you up by your arms. You thrashed and struggled but it was no use. He was so much stronger than you. “Ah Ah ahhh~ you wouldn’t want to do any myths rational now, would you cousin?” He said in a teasing manner. It made you even more irritated than you were scared. And so, you elbowed him right in his face. He instinctively dropped you as you did this but he quickly grabbed your leg and threw you back onto the deck before Anything could happen. There you laid, on the floor with a rage full fox above you. He was still mumbling curse words under his breath as his face still hurt. But he didn’t care, he just grabbed you roughly by the hand as he dragged you inside. You were being pulled to the furniture part of his boat, all while trying to punch, scratch or halt Redd. But nothing worked. Soon it dawned on you where exactly he was taking you. He was taking you to the big iron door at the back of his boat. The one looming door that had a giant padlock on it. “I wanted to do this the easy way Y/N! Trust me, I did! But if you’re gonna act like this then I’ll simply have to do it the hard way!” He yelled as he threw you up against the wall. The impact made you fall down and lose part of your consciousness for a few seconds. While you were trying to regain yourself, Redd opened the padlock with a key. As he turned around he saw what you were trying to do, you were trying to crawl away. You were failing, of course, the meek attempt made him chortle as he now calmed down a little. “Oh Y/N...” he said softly as he picked you up, looking right into your eyes as he continued. “You can’t escape, and no one is coming for you. Better make yourself comfortable because the ride home is long” while he told you this, he walked in the room. It looked like a bedroom. In the middle of it was a mattress, did...did he plan to do this? How long had he planned to kidnap you!? He placed you on the bed and kissed you on your forehead. You tried to protest but only weak movements and a small groan came out. Redd walked to the door but just before he closed it he turned to you, eyes gentle and seemed very genuine. “Sleep well...”
That was a couple of hours ago. Redd was now steering the boat and was whistling to himself in glee. He got you, he finally got you! And he didn’t even have to do anything, you were just served to him on a silver platter. But before he could think of anything else he felt a powerful wave hit the entire ship. It sent him falling down to his knees. Some madman had crashed into them! Walking outside with violent steps Redd was getting ready to curse out whoever had driven into them. “HEY! WHAT'S WRONG WITH-“ he quickly shut up once he saw who was in the boat. In the boat that had driven into his side sat a very angry tanooki. It was Tom, as he looked at Redd the glare he gave sent shivers down Redd's spine. Let’s just say, if looks could kill, Redd would be dead where he stood.
“Redd! Where is Y/N!” Tom asked, well it was more of a demand. “How did...how did you find me” Redd was completely and utterly baffled. He was out in the middle of the ocean, yet Tom had managed to get to him. “Where is Y/N. I know they’re here so quit acting stupid and tell me where they are!” Tom was raising his voice more and more as he got madder and madder. Redd has taken everything from him once, he wasn’t gonna let him take it again. “No chance nookie! Don’t you think there’s a reason they’re out here? Maybe it’s because they hate you! Maybe it’s because they hate that you act like a restrictive psycho! Have you ever thought of that Tom! Huh? Huh?!” Redd was now leaning over the railing of his boat. He was almost face to face with his bitter rival. “SHUT UP! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP REDD! I HATE YOU! I-“ Tom grabbed ahold of Redd's shoulders and pulled him down, into the water. “HATE YOU!!!!”
You were peacefully sleeping as the now slightly wet tanooki walked up to your tranquil form. He kneeled down and stroked your cheek, as he smiled to himself. Poor Y/N. Such a sweet individual didn’t deserve to be touched by someone as sleazy and dishonest as Redd. Thus he picked you up and walked over to his motorboat. You were going home.
“Helloooo....wakey wakey...Y/N dear? Can you open your eyes?” You could hear a distant voice say but it was very blurry. Lifting your eyelids open felt like lifting iron weights, but as soon as you caught a glimpse of who was next to you your eyes went wide open with fear. “TOM!?” You threw your body away from him. Backing up until your back was up against the wall. “Ah your awake now, good...you’ve been sleeping for quite some time now. I’ll be honest, for a minute there I thought you were dead” he laughed a little to himself as he said this, a laugh which at one point you thought was adorable but now struck terror right into your chest. “Silly me...oh! Now that you’re awake, are the chains too tight? Do you want Me to loosen them for you?” He asked you. What? You had been so preoccupied with the fear that you hadn’t realized that you did indeed have chains and chuckles attached to your wrists. They were very long so you weren’t exactly chained up to the wall, but they were just short enough so you wouldn’t be able to move around too much. This is when you started hyperventilating. Why were you here? Where was Redd? How did Tom find you?!
“Oh! No no shhh, don’t worry, I’m here, I’m here...Redd won’t ever get you...I made sure of that...” what the hell did he mean by that!? “H-how did you find me?” You asked him, voice quivering just like you were. “Oh Y/N, did you think that the net notifications were the only way for me to see if you escaped?” He said as he petted your head. He hadn’t been so certain whether it was necessary to implant that chip in you, he thought that he could trust you enough but it would seem that he really couldn’t. “By the way, thanks for bringing that up. I’m sure by now you’ve figured out your punishment for trying to leave me. Don’t think just because I’m happy I got you back that I’m not angry, that I’m not sad, that I’m not heartbroken that you would ever think to escape from me! I just want you to be safe and this is how you repay me!” His tone got a little angrier towards the end but he quickly gathered himself in front of you. He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “You hurt me Y/N...but I’m happy you’re alright...and your safety is the only thing that matters right now,” he said as he snuggled up to you. The tanooki was madly in love with you. He wanted you to be with him for the rest of his life. He had tried to do it with you being free. But it had seemed like he couldn’t trust you with that freedom. So, he would have to lock you in, cage you up, keep you with him. Whether you liked it or not. He was gonna be with you. By this point tears had started to well up in your eyes, your whimpers getting stronger once Tom started cooing you, stroking your hair.
“Don’t cry Y/N....I...I love you...”
He said it. He had said it. The three words that you had dreaded him saying. Up until now. You could have just pretended that Tom was just a very protective friend. But now...now? He had admitted to loving you. You couldn’t back out now. You couldn’t keep that level of comfort in that Tom wouldn’t do anything to engage a relationship, but now it was only a question of when he would actually start proposing ideas of dates and stuff. You were doomed. Doomed forever with this possessive, lovesick man. You couldn’t handle it.
You started sobbing. Tears that had threatened to spill started pouring out. The only thing you could do was bury your head in Toms's neck, closing your eyes and hoping this was all just a nightmare. That you would wake up and all of this would’ve just been a dream. But it wouldn’t, this was your life now. And you wished you would have just chosen to drown instead of joining Redd.
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sweettooth-87 · 4 years
If Tom had to say something he liked about you was that kindness you had. That infinite kindness you had, how you always welcomed anyone in your life to the point where the island was overfilled with request of moving in (even though the maximum have already being reached) of people who meet you while making a brief vacation there and ended up loving you.
     Maybe that's why he liked you, no loved hoy he knew someone day he would find that special someone even after that brief accident with redd that he preferred to not remember (and thank God it was the worst moment ever when he knew barely nothing about that side) and that someone is you. How you made his heart flutter with happiness, make his face blush (and thanks the fur for hiding it) how you acted since day 0 with Timmy and Tommy as your own made him just see how you were the perfect match.
     Then Redd had to come into the island and mess with his life, both normal and love one, again. He knew that the fox wanted you when he saw that fake painting in your living room and and got angrier when he hear how it was a "gift" from an admirer so he decided to step up the game too and started to give you gifts under the alias 'from your secret admirer under the mask of the darkness' and felt his heart fill with happiness when he heard how lucky you felt to have two admirers sending you gifts. Until he saw at least one fake painting on every room of your house.
    He knew what the purpose of those were he knew those were to keep an eye on you (and probably other unsavory things) and decided to have a brief talk with his ex-partner [you guys decide the sense but to me here it was a one time thing] so he could leave you alone.
         He went to that damned boat and heard him finishing another scam then after the villager left he entered the boat "hello kitsune" said coldly the tanuki "tanuki" responded the kitsune they looked colder at the other then said at the same time " I know you're name's admirer" they looked surprised at the other finding out they were one of the admirers. The kitsune smiled smugly and said "yes I am and I've gotten more closer to her than you'll ever be tanuki. Oh and by the way yes those paintings are my personal cameras to keep an eye on her so nothing bad happens to her. But you knew since the beginning. Right?" the tanuki nodded and told his enemy " listen or you stop being a creep or I'll tell her EVERYTHING " the kitsune started to laugh and tom looked puzzled" what's so funny? "the kitsune simply said" well I'll tell my side of the story with EVERY single detail and I'm sure she'll think not so fond of you. Racoon dog" "IT'S TANOOKI" said Tom before leaving angrily the boat starting to think how he could become closer to his beloved Name.
My first Tom nookxreaderxredd fic. I'll try to post mor eideas but with the homework might be hard so if I take long for update you know why. BTW thanks for all those blogs making Tom nook and redd x reader content I love you guys
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yolo1650 · 3 years
Animal Crossing One Shot- Your Love (ReddxReader)
Summary: After a stressful outing with your family, you decide to let loose and spend the rest of the night with your most recent hookup.
Word Count: 3170
Warnings: This one definitely is rated M for mature just to be safe, talk of sex, slightly smutty, angst, especially at the end, inappropriate drinking, mentions of drug use, two adults being bad examples, reckless behavior, has adult language, minors please do not read
This was inspired by the song “Your Love” by the Outfield. I also recommend you guys check out the PostModern Jukebox cover of the same song, the vibe really fits this fic’s atmosphere
Thankfully the streets were nearly empty around this time, which made the trip there quick and smooth. The street lights and buildings flew past you at accelerating speeds as you neared your destination.  
You didn't even have to look at your phone to know who it was that texted you, or what it said. Knowing him, it was probably his usual smirking emoji, or an eggplant one if he was feeling particularly frisky today.  
Not that it mattered, because after what you had to go through earlier, you were honestly down for anything.  
It was only after stepping outside of your modest 2012 Honda Civic did you realize you forgot to change out of the clothes you wore to the party. The combined sale value of your outfit and the wine set in your hands had to equal at least triple the sale value of the car alone. Thankfully it was only two in the morning. So no one was around to witness you, the walking oxymoron, lock their rental car before walking across the street.
In all the months that you have done this, this would be the first night where you were reckless like this. You assured yourself that it would also be your last.
The door in front of you opened to a shirtless, grinning fox with a lit cigarette in hand. He was a little bit younger than any of your previous hookups. But you didn't mind, and the sex was definitely much more playful and addicting because of it. Perhaps that was why you found yourself standing in front of his door almost every week for the past three months.  
He whistled a low whistle.  
"You know if you wanted to go out and have dinner, you should have picked a more reasonable hour to meet me."
Trying your best, you repressed a bittersweet laugh. Dinner did sound nice. Then the two of you could remotely feel like a normal couple. Only, you weren't a normal couple. You quickly changed the subject by raising your hands, one which held a wine bottle, and another which held two wine glasses and a wine key.  
"No worries, I have all the dinner we need right here."
Handing him the bottle, you saw his eyes light up in intrigue and excitement.  
Redd never asked you to spend money on him and neither did you, as the two of you knew damn well that these meetings had to leave a paperless trail. If anything suspicious showed up on your credit card statement, your parents were sure to find out and it would be bad news for the both of you. It also did his ego some good too, as there was no way he could ever do better than this fancy bottle of wine.  
You only started bringing a complimentary drink this past month, all usually from your family's cellar. Not that Redd was complaining or anything. You were already one hell of a main course, why not spice it up with a nice little appetizer?  
So what was it this time? A deep, mature Merlot? A fun, fruity Pinot Noir? Maybe it was one of those simple and bold Chardonnay he liked so much last time. He put out his cigarette before turning the bottle over and examining its label.  
"Ahh, you know, I've always wanted to try-"  The length of the name alone was enough to stop him mid-sentence. "Mmm, sorry sugar, I can't accept any gifts with names I can't pronounce."
You chuckled and moved next to him to see for yourself. As you took the bottle from his hands, you gave no protest when he pulled you closer with his hand at your waist. You grinned at the sight of the familiar label.
"It's Pinot Noir," you explained. "More specifically, a Maison Leroy, 1989."  
Redd couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at the sight of that mischievous twinkle in your eyes.  
"My parents are so going to hate me when they find out that this is gone."
Your own eyes met with his own, which held an expression that made your heart stop.  
"Rough day, huh?" He asked.  
"You know it, handsome," you whispered into his ear. A pleasant shiver ran down his spine.  
As you went off to prepare the drinks in the tiny kitchenette he had, Redd closed the door and leaned against it. Usually the pet names were more or less his sort of thing. But every once and a while you would throw in a few of your own and every damn time, it would always drive him crazy. Everything about you drove him crazy. Your soft hair. Your lively eyes. Your amazing body. Your beautiful smile.  
Watching you open the bottle with a little pop, he felt something stir within him. A want to hold you closer than ever before and never let go. A desire to wake up with you curled against him, instead of seeing you walk out the door. A need to share with you his heart, his soul, and his everything.  
But the two of you weren't in that kind of relationship now, were you?
Still deep in thought, Redd didn't even see that you were already carrying your drinks to the bedroom.
You looked back to his piercing, half-lidded gaze and, after interpreting it for a lustful one, flashed a sly grin in return.  
"Well come on then, I didn't come here to be drunk and alone tonight."
To Redd, those words only confirmed what he already knew, that you were only here for a good time.  
One of the first lessons your parents taught you, as their only child and heir to one of the world's richest corporations, was to be very selective of who to trust. It wasn't until recently that you realized that anyone who gave that advice were the ones that should be distrusted the most.  
How ironic.  
It seemed like from that point on your entire life was defined by irony. You were the most alone when you were surrounded by your family. The deadbeat apartment of a stranger’s was more like home than the pristine mansion that you grew up in. Your most treasured memories were held within the cheap fabrics of a futon. And as you sat on top of the lap of a criminal, next to a half-empty bottle of wine, you swore you've never felt more safe than when he wrapped his arms around your waist.  
Your own arms have found the perfect spot on Redd's shoulders. It brought his face nice and close to your own, which not only made kissing his lips easy, but also his jaw and neck as well. Hot breaths tickled the inside of your ear, causing you to giggle uncontrollably.  
"Redd, you're so drunk," you said as you rested your forehead against his own. Your own words were just as jumbled as the nonsense you heard before. "Whaddjiya say?"
Looking at his flushed face, you watched as his lips curled into a lazy grin as he hummed. His eyes were half lidded and full of adoration. Being this close together, you were sure he could hear how fast your heart was beating.
You didn't even know Redd for very long, or really knew him at all for that matter, and yet with one look he was able to send your heart racing. Well, you knew he was an artist, not only well adept in the visual arts but the art of conning as well. But that never bothered you. You've known some family members who've done far worse, scamming people out of their own pride and disgust for the poor. Redd only scammed because he needed to, and that made him the most honest person that you've ever met.  
And the best part was that you could actually be yourself around him. Without the judgmental gaze of your family or their friends, there were no rules, no worries, no box to be squeezed into. It was just you and Redd, and he has never judged you once for it.  
He pecked your nose with a gentle kiss.  
"I said, ya look beautiful darling, being all dressed up like that and all."
Even after two full glasses, you still felt a new wave of heat rushing into your cheeks. You gave a small, strained smile before locking lips with him once again. The kiss, slow and full of longing.  
At first you liked seeing Redd a little bit drunk. He would get a little more cuddlier, and a little bit more direct with his flirting. With that, it was like you could pretend for just a few moments that you were more than just a hookup. But now it just made your heart throb as you were reminded of the events that brought you here in the first place.  
Pushing those feelings down a familiar one rose up on top. Cupping his face with your hands, you deepened the kiss as you adjusted yourself to sit right on top of his growing erection. As you moved your hips back and forth, Redd moaned underneath you. He moved his hands from your waist, down to grip you from behind, pushing you into him more. After breaking away, the two of you shared a moment of reprieve, as your breaths came out in short pants. You grinned a devilish smile before speaking.  
“While I’m glad you like the outfit, I was hoping you could rip it off me, sport.”
Redd flashed his canines, displaying a sinful glee of his own.  
“Feeling anything in particular today?” He asked.  
You leaned in and whispered hoarsely into his ear. “Just surprise me.”
A low growl came out of Redd's mouth as he pushed you down on top of the futon, making you giggle. You’ve seen Redd’s body on top of you like this dozens of times. But this time, there was a nervous fluttering inside you as his fingers skillfully undressed you. At first you just chalked it up to the excitement of having sex with him.  
But the butterfly sensation remained even as he deeply kissed you. His hands caressed your body, its touch was gentle, leaving every square inch aflame. When your eyes locked with his, the nerves came back stronger than ever, and deep down you knew the real answer. It left only one question in your mind:  
Was it possible to be in love with someone you barely knew?  
By now, Redd already knew all of your sexual preferences. Usually you liked it a little on the rough side, some days more than others, depending on how stressed out you were. On the occasion when you were in a really good mood, you'd like something more on the teasing side. Him on the other hand, well, he wouldn't say he really had a preference. He always enjoyed sex with you. It wasn't every day where he met someone who's stamina rivaled his own, and the challenge that provided was something Redd was always down for.  
But this time, your request was to "just surprise you," and at that moment he knew he wanted to do something new and different. While you were the same smart, confident and snarky person who walked into the bar and captured his interest months ago, things just felt different now.
Even though you never outright said much about yourself, you never really had to. Whatever you left unsaid you would say it ten times louder with your actions. He knew you came from good money, even your more modest clothes were well over how much he made in a year. But you've never acted like any other booshi he's known. No empty promises and pity looks, no flashy speech to protect your ego and to talk down scum like him. You didn't even bat an eye when he told you how he makes most of his money. In fact, he's never met anyone who yelled "fuck the rich" as loudly or as proudly as you.  
The two of you were kindred spirits. Left bitter by the betrayal of the world and yet still managed to find each other. Tonight was the night where he'd show you that, using his whole body to do it.  
At the end, only breathless gasps were uttered between you. Both of your cheeks were colored red, despite the alcohol having already left your systems. Your backs were leaned against the only pillow that he owned. You were the first one to speak.  
"I don't know if it was the Leroy that did it this time, but that was probably the best sex I've ever had."
Redd swung his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. He looked at you with a prideful grin.  
"Oh yeah? Care to explain?"
That would have been the second time he's seen you blush like that tonight, like a spark of kitsunebi. Its beauty flashed briefly before disappearing once again, a trick in the light. Your eyes had trouble meeting his gaze. They constantly flitted back and forth between him and your lap as you struggled to find the words.
"If felt..."
Were you embarrassed? You, the one that openly admitted and pursued your alcoholic tendencies. You, the one who, after wrecking a bar because one sleaze couldn't take a hint, nonchalantly left a six figure check into the manager's hand and walked away. You, the one that shamelessly banged as many people as paintings he's forged. Unbelievable. Redd's smile only widened as he witnessed your tongue-tied condition. Eventually you sighed in defeat and turned away. Your answer was just barely above a whisper.
"...I don't know, just different. But in a good way."
He reached out and gently grabbed your chin, turning your face back to him. Your faces were close enough for a kiss. But really, he just wanted to get a good look at that flustered face, and damn did you look adorable. He could just stare at it all day.  
The words came tumbling out of him before he even knew it.  
"Is it crazy that I might be in love with you?"
For just an instant, he saw it. That look of dread, that face that someone made when everything went wrong. It left as quickly as it came because soon enough your hungry lips crashed into him, and he was reminded of the first night you were together. The kiss was forceful, not once giving him time to breathe. Before he knew it, you had him pushed against the wall with an arm on either side of his face. In the next second you had released your hold on his lips and looked down at him with half-lidded eyes.
"Yes," was your only response before crashing in on him again.  
Well, that certainly wasn't the answer he was expecting. He remained stiff and motionless underneath you, unsure how to respond. But the feeling of you on top of him was tempting, to just melt into your touch was too easy. He kissed you back. That look that he thought he saw earlier was probably just his imagination, and what you probably meant to say was that you liked crazy people. Good thing they called him Crazy Redd.
When you bit down on his lower lip, it sent small tingles of electrifying excitement between you two and he pulled you closer. It just felt so right to have you in his arms, he was sure you felt it too. Why else would you be on top of him right after he told you he loved you? As you traced teasing kisses down his stomach he could tell you were asking for a second round. His expectant gaze being the only confirmation you needed to keep going. Any fears he had before ceased to exist once he looked into your eyes, full of passion and confidence. He loved you, and deep down, he knew you loved him too.
Hearing Redd's soft snores next to you was your cue to start getting dressed. You tried your best to be quick and it wasn't because you were about to be late for work. Grabbing all of your things, including the Leroy, you head towards the door. But before you reached for the doorknob, you dared to turn back at Redd’s sleeping body.  
Even though you've seen his peaceful face countless time, every time, even now, it still felt like it was the first. You felt your heart swell along with the gentle rise and fall of his chest as you walked closer. Looking down, you tried your best to memorize every square inch of his serene face, its slender shape, a cute, twitchy nose, high cheekbones and thin eyebrows, You were even close enough to place a kiss right between those eyebrows. It wasn’t like he was going to wake up, especially after last night. Just a sweet little kiss goodbye before you ever saw him again.  
You breath hitched and you pulled yourself away from his face, suddenly remembering yourself. As you made your way back to the door, you tilted your head back, taking a few gulps of last night’s wine. You urged yourself forward. Redd’s face wouldn’t look so sweet if you stayed any longer. You imagined his fine eyebrows, strained as they knit together in anguish, his bright eyes now simmering embers, and his lips sealed tight into an uncharacteristic frown. Stealing one last glance at the Redd behind you was like comparing day and night. You were doing yourself a favor by having your last memory of Redd’s face be this one, and not the one you’ve been fearing all night.
Finishing up the last of the wine, you left the apartment as the memory Redd's confession last night replayed in your head. If Redd was crazy for just loving you, you had to be downright mental to be driving away like this.
As you bit your lip and clenched your shaking hands onto the steering wheel, you deeply wished the ache in your chest would go away. You wished he didn’t confess to you tonight, of all nights. You wished you didn't go to that party with your family before coming here. You wished you had the choice to just be happy, because in just a few months you were going to marry someone you could never love. The only one you did love you've just left alone in his futon, and you were never going to see him ever again.  
After getting on the highway, you weren't sure whether to feel surprised, agitated or indifferent when you felt hot tears prickle at the corners of your eyes. You swallowed a hard lump in your throat. Unfortunately you’ve just finished whatever alcohol you had on you and your Vicodin was in the other car. Your only condolence was the fact that there was always more time to cry in the shower after you got home.
Kitsunebi-also commonly known as foxfire. Used in folklore as a means to lead travelers astray
Ohhhhh booyyyyyyy. I told ya’ll this one was going to be a doozy. 
But also, wow! My first (kind of) songfic! I decided to leave out the lyrics throughout the fic, it just messed up with the flow too much. Especially since I added so much background info, the reader here is just half a step away from being a full fledged oc XD
If you liked reading things like these, I’d recommend Friends with Benefits (a Hetalia fic), by YourHero213 on Wattpad. (It actually has a happy ending lol)
If you’re looking for something with more substance, more unrequited feelings and more romantic tension, I’d highly recommend I’m a Fool to Want You (a Hazbin Hotel fic) by DisneyFanatic2364. I’ve linked the one on AO3, but it’s on fanfction.net as well. 
Both of these writers are a big inspiration for my own writing. So I hope you can show them some love too!
Let me know what you guys think, constructive criticism is especially welcome here :D
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spooky-ghost-boi · 4 years
I think my brain just died.
Warnings: Feederism, Yandere Tom Nook, character death, mentions of smut, Mafia AU.
Description: Mafia Au but this fic sucks, read at ur own risk.
You had really expected anything.. But this?
You were part of a gang, if you could call it that way. Led by a slightly chunky Tanuki man called Tom Nook. You had actually thought you were gonna have a fun start into a new life but instead you had a mess of a life now.
“Is there a problem, hm, Y/N?” Your boss and “secret” boyfriend Tom Nook asked. He could see you were pondering about something, but he was also quite focused on eating his cheeseburger and fries.
“No, no. I’m just wondering what will happen in the future.. Like how can I live like this?” You asked as you turned to him.
“I suppose that is a very hypothetical question? Yes, yes! So far it all seems good, doesn’t it? But of course things can change just as quickly. So, maybe you should worry not too much because we will turn out alright anyways.” He said as he waved you over.
You straddled his waist and leaned your head on Tom’s chest, it had gotten a little complicated over the last few months because Tom had gained quite a noticeable amount of weight since the two of you started dating.
He wrapped his arms around you and held you close.
A couple months later Tom and you were even closer than before and keeping the relationship secret was a little more complicated. But you had actually found a way through the air vents that led to Tom’s room which made it easier for the two of you to be together.
You were the one climbing through the vents because you were sure that Tom probably wouldn’t fit through them.
As you climbed through the vents you realized Tom was probably still eating dinner as his room was empty. Which was almost correct.
You climbed out the other side anyway and plopped onto the large king sized bed you actually were quite familiar with. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
You waited for maybe half an hour before Tom entered the room.
You instantly noticed he was looking pretty stuffed and he was almost waddling.
“Oh.. Hey, Y/N.” He said slightly embarrassed but walked towards the bed and sat on it. Smiling sheepishly at you, trying to hide that he was blushing.
“Somebody had too much to eat, am I right?” You teased him but sat next to him and freed his soft and slightly big belly. Rubbing it gently. Tom relaxed and you smiled at him
“You could say that, hm?” He said and undid his shirt. “I don’t think I can move right now.” He remarked as he lied on the bed which creaked under his weight.
“I think you should simply relax, Mr. Nook.” You said in a teasing tone as you continued to rub Tom’s stomach.
Over the course of the next couple of days you noticed that Tom was slightly more.. Indulgent whenever he ate but it seemed to be the stress. You had asked him multiple times what was up but he simply wouldn’t tell you.
You were in the middle of feeding him cake and he obediently ate.
“This tastes pretty good.” He remarked in between bites.
“I can imagine, however you should get some bigger pants.” You teased, still continuing to feed him.
He just nodded and kept eating.
It didn’t really take long until Tom had eaten the entire cake, he leaned onto the pillows and made himself a bit more comfortable.
You patted his soft and bloated belly, a little teasingly. “Can’t fall into a food coma now, Nookie! That’s beyond rude.” You mused and Tom groaned a little before he climbed on top of you.
“That better?”
“Much better.” You replied.
After a while you made your way back to your room and got ready to bed. The next morning you somehow weren’t in your bed, instead you were in a room you didn’t recognize.
You were in shock and slightly afraid, since this definitely wasn’t Tom’s house or anything similar.
A Kitsune entered the room and you noticed you were chained onto a bed.
“Oh look, (preferred pronouns) woke up!” The Kitsune smirked at you.
“..” You didn’t say anything because this was all fishy, did Tom play you all the time? You felt hot tears rolling down your cheeks. How did that Kitsune know your pronouns?
“Do you know why you’re here, Y/N?” Redd asked.
You shook your head as your tears kept falling and you were sobbing.
“You’re very dear to Tom and the more likely he believes you’re hurt the more his emotional capacity will rip apart and he will eventually break under all the pressure. It seems he is very attached to you.” The dumbass Kitsune said.
“But why..” You asked, shaking.
“Because Tom is in the way of my success and he is weak.”
You just shock your head before you heard a loud crash come from the other room. “WHERE IS Y/N?!” You heard your Lord and Savior, Tom Nook scream.
It didn’t take another 5 minutes until the Kitsune was lying on the floor bleeding out.
Tom eventually freed you and you hugged him, crying.
“I thought you sold me or something..” You said as you cried into his shoulder.
“I would never, you’re too precious.” Tom said and y’all went home.
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hnychn · 4 years
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pairing: mina x fem! reader
summary: no one every thought you were capable of exploding, but they also didn't know they were only lighting your fuse. and it was slowly getting shorter.
note🐝: warning: homophobia!! i love this girl too much not to write a headcanon about her. also! i know i said i would be working on a hawks fic, but it's a lot harder than i thought it would be lol. so instead, i'll be working on smaller headcanon fics while i work on it! i have a little angsty one coming up next with class a's big three :) as always, lmk what you thought! 🤍 -honey
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so to begin with, your relationship with mina is very much ✨yes✨
like bro, she's so hype and energetic and ready to do just about anything
and you're so calm and down to earth and ready to do just about anything
you just go along with her ideas, no matter how crazy they can be
because you're 🥰whipped🥰
but i mean who wouldn't?
anyways, so as much as I'd like to believe this world is 100% a utopia, it isn't
so when you and mina came out with your relationship,
obviously all of your friends supported you guys,
but there were some people who would give the two of you disgusted looks in the halls
and they would talk shit behind your back,
but never to your face, assholes 😤
but y'all two are some ✨bad bitches✨
so you don't fucking care 🤪🤪
like talk yo shit bitch
but we all know you're just scared 🥰🥰
but recently you notice mina has been a bit reserved with her love for you in public
like, normally she's all over you and kissing your cheeks and shit 24/7 🥰🥰
ugh i love her
and she's a confident girl and you know she doesn't pay much attention to all the nasty words people throw your way
so you don't really worth much
but she has been reserved like i said
and you start to worry 😔✋🏼
in your dorms during cuddle time, you ask her
"is everything okay, amor?"
please i'm spanish let me have this 😩
and she just nods, "of course, babe."
so you leave it at that
because the two of you are so communicative in your relationship
you think she'll tell you when she's ready
but she doesn't
so you get even more worried.
and you go ask jirou about it
and she looks at you a bit weird because
"bitch you don't know?"
you shake your head.
jirou sighs, "some people have been cornering her after school and calling her some. . .not so pretty names for being lesbian.."
and you just-
you have never been one for confrontation,
and actively avoided it
but being friends with bakusquad only riased your chances of being in arguments or fights
you were the passive one of the group
the one hat kept bakugo in line
but everyone had their limits
and yours was just pushed 🥰🥰
completely disregarding the fact that first class was about to start,
you for their names and class number from jirou
and off you were 😌
the rest of bakusquad, who weren't too far off and heard jirou spill the beans to you, were hot on your trail
kiri was trying to rationalise with you, they all were,
🦈 "c'mon, y/n, classis gonna start soon, this isn't worth it."
💥 "be smart about this, dumbass! you'll get suspended!"
⚡️ "maybe you should calm down a bit y/n!"
mina and sero weren't there
the two went off to get some drinks before class started
and were chilling in class thinking y'all just went off to the bathroom or whatever
now, when you get to their class you just-
your hands curled into fists by your side and a calm look on your face
but your eyes were bringing with pure rage
their teacher wasn't there yet either
and you-
"where the fuck is nishida and akame?"
your voice was chilly calm and it sent shivers down everyone's spine
kirishima had a grip on the back of your shirt to make sure you shouldn't do anything stupid
bakugo and kaminari were just standing at the door
a boy and a girl then stood up, a condescending look on their faces
"what's it to you, bitch?"
i'm sorry i just can't write a homophobic slur it physically hurts me 😭✋🏼
"is this about us cornering that pink bitch?"
"you concerned about your lover, freak?"
"the pair of you are nothing but disgusting."
you didn't really take any of their comments to heart
but obviously mina did if she started to be more reserved
and your heart begins to race from all the r a g e burning in your body
because you start to imahinehow mina must have felt
have to face such harsh words alone
and bottling it all up
and how harsh they must have been to have her, a girl so confident and optimistic, become reserved
and in the blink of an eye, you
kiri, baku, and kami are low-key cheering you on
but also ready to jump in if you start losing
which you don't 🥰
because you're a bad bitch 🥰
and you know how to fight 🥰
but you also don't realise that some people begin to record
i won't go into detail about the fight, you can imagine it however you want
plus i'm terrible at writing fight scenes 😭✋🏼
but eventually the teacher shows up
and goes to get aizawa because she recognises the four of you as 1-a students
so he comes, ahaha 😅
and he sees you going at these two students
(highkey proud you're winning).
now, aizawa isn't stupid
he's heard the whispers
and he hates that two of his students are being bashed for just loving
but he's a teacher first and foremost,
so he binds you up and pulls you away from the students
some students groan from the entertainment being over
aizawa glares at them
he gives you a little glare when you struggle a bit in his binds
"kirishima, bakugo, kaminari," aizawa's voice booms through the silence that settled over the class, "detention for not stopping this when i know you three could have very well prevented it."
but i know why you didn't - words unspoken on aizawa's tongue.
"you're coming with me, l/n"
so he unbinds you and the two of you walk to his office
it's silent when you get there and he gestures for you to take a seat
"do you know why what you did was wrong?"
you nod.
"you you regret it?"
your answer came almost instantly, "no. and i would do it again in a heartbeat."
aizawa nodded, "good."
and you-
HUH???? 😀
"i understand why you did it and i don't blame you for wanting to confront the people who hurt mina, but you also understand why i have to suspend you, right?"
you nod.
he nods.
it's a mutual understanding he wouldn't suspend you if he had the choice,
but he has to
so you're suspended .
and the videos the other students took blow up
and it gets back to mina
so she watches it obviously
and 😳😳😳
she was bLUSHINGGG
like bro-
her calm bundle of joy??
absolutely hammering those two students??
she has a hard time believing it
but lo and behold, there's the charm bracelet the two of you add to every anniversary on your wrist
the one you're punching the boy with 💀💀
and -
she has never in her life been more turned on like-
like queen, what? 😀
she bursts into your dorm after school
and throws herself onto you
"baby the was both the scariest and hottest thing i've ever seen.."
while peppering kisses to your neck
and her hand slithers its way up your shirt
c h i l l s
"yeah?" you smirk
she hums and sucks hickies onto your neck-
😌😌😌 yeah. . .
shit gets a little steamy after that 😌😌
the two of you are just chilling in the after glow,
the sweat sticking you two together a bit, but neither of you minded
mina traces over the hickies she left on your chest and neck, "you should get angry more often."
"if it'll lead to more of this, then you know damn straight i will."
after that no one cares to even look in either of your directions 😌
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sleepychai-fics · 4 years
Shigaraki x Fem!Reader - Crushing on the Enemy
Request: @notentirelyhuman: Can you do a one shot with Shigaraki trying to court a fem reader thats part of a rival gang. She’s got a temper but is the strong right hand of the leader. I thought it’d be cute. Dont care if its NSFW or SFW. She likes he’s craziness but is a bit of tsuderee.
sorry it took a while to post. Hope you enjoy!
Pronouns: Female
Words: 1012
Like my content? Consider buying me a Ko-Fi!←(link in bio)
Your opened palms rise up beside you. “I didn’t come here for a fight.”
Despite your words and posture, no one is relaxed. Toga points her knife towards you, her pointed teeth showing in a sinister smile. Dabi glares at you with vigilance, one hand raised in front of him, blue flames flickering from his palm. Spinner has his sword held firmly in his hands. Twice is crouched down, eyes squinted and hands ready to grab his measuring tape. Mr.Compress holds his hat with one hand and stretches another out towards you.
Shigaraki’s redd eyes simply stare at you. Despite the fact that a member of a rival gang, a strong member mind you, is standing in the middle of their hideout, he remains fairly calm.
Being the right hand man, or should he say woman, of a rival gang to the LOV, Shigaraki should feel apprehensive of you. He should be glaring at you and reaching out to decay you into dust. But over the course of the rivalry between groups, he can’t help but admire you.
The few times he’s seen you in battle left him impressed and with the icky feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He despises the feeling with his entire soul. Regardless, it soon became clear to him that his feelings towards you are the opposite of hate.
After taking a long glance at the shabby state of residence, you shrug. “Nice place you got here.”
“What are you doing here?” Toga questions with a growl.
“Where are your other soldiers? Is this an ambush?!” Twice whips his head around so fast you’d think it would be ready to fly off.
“I’m alone. I didn’t come here for a fight.” You shake your hands in emphasis.
“What is the meaning of this visit then?” Mr Compress asks.
A blank expression settles on your face. “I’ve come here with a warning.”
Silence settles over the group as your words sink in.
Dabi speaks up. “Does your boss know you’re here?”
“No. He thinks I’m running an errand. And I will be, soon.” You heave out a sigh before continuing. “You know, I’d like to have a civil conversation.”
Almost immediately after you speak those words, Shigaraki commands his group.
“Stand down.”
There’s no verbal disagreement,only long hestitance. Long enough for red eyes to glare at them. Finally, after nearly a full minute, weapons are  depositing,quirks are deactivated and postures relax a bit more.
You drop your hands to your side. “That wasn't so hard now was it?”
“What did you want to warn us about?” Dabi asks as he leans on the wall.
“Aw, can’t we just chat together like the friends we are?” You reply with sarcasm practically dripping from your voice.
Dabi opens his mouth but Shigaraki interjects.
“Maybe another time, when we’re more acquainted.”
All eyes except yours snap to shigaraki, his eyes are on you.
“If that ever happens.” You roll your eyes before addressing the league. “Boss knows what happened to your base.”
“Everyone knows what happens to our base.” Dabi growls.
You turn to Dabi, frustration evident in your expression. “No shit. Can I talk uninterrupted? I might be able to get to the warning if you shut up for 10 seconds.”
His blue eyes glare at you. You can see his arguments forming in his mind, but he makes the smart move to suppress them and remain silent.
“Thank you.” You groan out before pacing the room. “He knows what happened, and  where you are currently. He plans to ambush you in the morning.”
Everyone turns rigid.
“What?! You’re spying on us!” Twice yells.
“I assure you I’m not. We have a guy who can track people. Before you ask, I have my own way around it.”
Spinner snaps at you. “Why the fuck are you telling us this! Is this some sick mind game you’re playing here?!”
You pause in your steps, a smirk playing on your lips. “A mind game? I wouldn’t call it a mind game.” You turn to face the group, one hand on your hips. “I came  here to warn you. But I’m also here with a suggestion.”
Toga snarls at you. “Why would we trust you?”
You shrug. “I don’t know.But I’m the best chance of survival you have right now.” You turn to face Shigaraki, who’s so far remained silent while staring at you. “I suggest you keep moving. Our guy can only activate his quirk for so long each day. If you keep moving, Boss will never get a proper lock on you.”
Shigaraki hums. “That's a lot of intel you’re giving us. Why are you telling us? Maybe you like us more than your crew.”
A chuckle leaves you. “Nah, I just like the fun game we’re playing. I’dd hate to see it end so soon.”
“So you do like us.” Shigaraki struggles to mask his small smile.
You shrug. “In a way. Take the suggestion however you want. Trust me or don’t its up to you.” you turn to face the door, taking the few steps towards the exit. Just before you leave though, you turn back to the group.
“I’ll see you sooner or later.” With that, you leave. The faint sounds of your footfalls disappearing down the creaky hall.
Immediately after you leave, Dabi faces Shigaraki. “You cannot be serious.”
Shigaraki looks at him in confusion.
“Dude, it’s obvious you got a crush on her and it’s gross.” Spinner adds.
Shigaraki scoffs. “I’ve no idea what you’re blabbering about.”
“Oh don’t play that card with me you love-struck fuck. You couldn’t take you fucking eyes off her. And your attempts to flirt make me want to vomit.” Dabi growls before exiting the room.
“She’s our sworn enemy. As disgustingly cute that was, it won’t work out.” Toga adds before following Dabi out.
Shigaraki growls and yells at them to prepare to move before turning towards the rusted kitchen.
Toga didn’t say impossible. So what if you're the enemy? He’ll shoot his shot with you.
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bamboolan · 4 years
Can you make Bucci gang and La Squadra headcannons for playing Animal Crossing + bonus for s/o included
i didn’t expect this one to be one of my first requests but either way i really like the concept of it. i saw a lot of jojo x acnh art on instagram it was so beautiful i almost cried <3
pairing: reader x bruno, giorno, narancia, mista, fugo, abbacchio, risotto, melone, illuso, ghiaccio, pesci, prosciutto, and formaggio (all seperately)
warning(s): none
Would at first be really confused on why his s/o would want him to play
But after playing the game himself, it's not that hard to understand and he finds himself quickly enjoying it
Would always keep his island open for his s/o and often visits his s/o at their own island
He doesn't really mind what villagers he gets. If he likes the villager's personality, they're staying
He'd give Bucci gang and his s/o what they might need or any extra things he doesn't need himself (like diys, flooring, walls, and fossils)
He can often be found fishing at his beaches
Would go literally broke by trying to buy out Lief's entire stock
Instead of actually being focused on the actual game, you can find him planting entirety of orchards and planting the plants he got from Lief
If his s/o invites him to their island, if they have fruits or flowers Giorno doesn't have yet, he will shake the tree for them and dig up the flowers
Would go to their s/o's island and plant and water the flowers all for free
He's really busy so he doesn't play as often as he wants to
Would go poor very quickly
Would probably have been the one to suggest the game because he liked how the animals looked
He wouldn't understand the island and star-rating concept for a while
His favorite villager is Tangy for obvious reasons
He started playing the game once he saw her, he thought she was super cute
Would grind to have Tangy
He would visit his s/o often to drop flowers off for them and use the joy emote
Animal crossing dates.
When he first heard of it he thought it was a waste of time
He gets very angry at Tom Nook around the 3rd house payment
Like he will barge into the either tent just to wack Tom Nook with an axe
All you would hear is him spamming "A"
If he finds pretty clothes in animal crossing he'll give them to his s/o
Would actually lose it if he got a sea bass one more time
He thinks Merengue's horn is really cute
When brought up the first time he would actually downright refuse
He's interested in the game but he doesn't know how to feel about playing a game with cute animals
Probably listened to Fugo yelling about how horrible Tom Nook was and probably got concerned
Once his s/o asks him enough, he'll cave and buy the game to play it
Immediately understands why Fugo hates Tom Nook but he wouldn't particularly get mad at him
Would pay all of his debts first because he feels bad if he doesn't pay them
Would frequently go to their s/o's island just to take pictutes of you together
Immediately starts playing the game when their s/o first brings up the idea
He's down for pretty much anything
He has a bigger house but pretty much avoids paying his bills
Tax evation
Hates how expensive the fancier bridges and inclines are and how he can't avoid paying it
Would put landmines all over his island and tell you they're just fossils once he unlocks the laugh emote - just to laugh
Goes crazy over turnips and probably buys as much as he possibly can
Will not time travel because he doesnt want to hurt his turnips
Very busy so he doesn't play it often
He thinks the animals are cute and he pays his taxes because either way, he wants a bigger and fancier house
His villager's houses are all crowded together so when he checks if they're crafting he doesn't have to walk around the entire map
Would not admit this, but he finds Zipper disturbing
Would spin around their s/o like a maniac to get them to follow him to this new thing he made
Would make a cafe and then invite you to it for a date
Is in nearly every single animal crossing: new horizons discord
An active seller on Nookazon
Literally grinds to get a double bed or a double bed diy recipe so he can invite his s/o to sleep with him
Would sell villagers if they can be sold he doesn't particularly care about any
But if his s/o wants a specific villager he will try his best to provide it
If he gets Raymond and his s/o wants him he will give Raymond to his s/o
If not, he will probably sell Raymond for a ridiculously high price
Doesn't like how there isn't any alcohol in the game
Would be the person to eat pears and hit rocks with it and not understand why the rock broke
Would go to his s/o's island for supplies
Would give you things in the game that he thinks you'll like
His island's a complete mess
Would make a whole flower orchard just so the two of you can water flowers together
Their s/o would probably have a more organized island and he'd feel really proud of them
His house and room in general have a lot of mirrors
He would put mirrors all over his island too like a random cliff or on the beach for no reason at all whatsoever
If his s/o unlocked Able's he would literally not leave their island
Would put random mirrors in other islands he goes to that aren't mystery islands
Would actively be searching for any tarantulas for money
Probably still has the tent because he doesn't want to pay the debt for it
But then he starts paying the debts once he finds out he can put more mirrors everywhere
Would give his villagers mirrors as a gift
Would downright not play but after being asked by Pesci and his s/o enough he would begrudgingly start playing
Would probably ask Melone about the game so he gets more educated about it because he doesn't want to have to ask Pesci or his s/o for help
His animal crossing character looks exactly like him
Most likely paid Pesci to custom design his suits and other stuff to make sure it looks like him
Would send his s/o and Pesci a letter every day
If he likes the art he'll buy it - counterfeit or not
Almost cried when Redd called him cousin and started giving him discounts
He tries to make sure he never gets counterfeit art so he can give it to the museum because he doesn't want to see a haunted statue or painting
Would be nice to all his villagers and wouldn't kick anyone out
He would put a lot of effort in trying to make his island reach the 5-star rating
If asked, would water their s/o's or Prosciutto's flowers for them
Would probably still do so even if he wasn't asked
Would put a lot of effort into making a flag and his own custom designs for paths
Would start screaming and losing it if he finds out Redd gave him fake art
Would let their s/o take anything from his island even without permission
Doesn't fish often so his aquarium will probably be super empty
Took a while to understand how fishing worked and most definitely starting screaming when he couldn't catch the fish
Would probably fight the rest of La Squadra about the game - Risotto because he extremely respects his capo
Would start screaming angrily if Snowboy melts but he's actually just super sad Snowboy melted
Would invite his s/o to shooting star dates
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derangedangel · 7 years
Deadly Magic
Summary: You and the pack go into the woods to search for a chimera but things go wrong and you have to use your witch powers to save your boyfriend Isaac 
Isaac Lahey x Reader
Word Count: 3,412
Author’s Note: The witch powers are based off of some of my favorite witches: Bonnie Bennett and the show Charmed 
Side Note: Bonnie Bennett deserved better
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This wasn’t how you planned to spend your Friday night; walking through the woods, tracking a chimera down, trying to stop him from causing any more damage than he already had. But most of your nights consisted of you doing something you hadn’t planned. That’s what happens when your friends are supernatural creatures. Also the fact that you’re a witch caused you to have not so normal weekends.
Isaac got out of the passenger side of your car as you met up in front of Roscoe with Stiles, Scott, & Malia.
“Alright,” Scott said as he looked between you all. “Stiles heard that someone reported a creature in the woods while they were camping here over the police scanner. A deputy was sent to check it out but found nothing.  We know it was probably another chimera, but we have to find it before it attacks someone.”
“So what’s the plan?” Malia asked.
“Me, you, & Isaac are going to go check out the campsite where it was reported at. It probably won’t still be there, but we can try to catch its scent. Y/N and Stiles will stay here while she does a locator spell.”
“Can you do a locator spell without anything to go on?” Stiles asked.
“I’ve done it once before. It’s hard without a personal item, but I can still try.” You answered.
“Okay, let’s split up.” Scott said.
You were about to walk to your car to grab the map and the crystal you need to scry, but Isaac stopped you.
“Are you going to be okay with just Stiles?”
You looked up at your boyfriend smiling. It was nice to have someone care about you so much. “I’ll be fine, Isaac. I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
“It’s not you I’m worried about. Stiles will probably find some way to mess everything up.”
“Hey!” Stiles yelled throwing his arms in the air. “I’m standing right here, I can hear everything you’re saying.”
“I know,” Isaac said not even glancing away from your eyes.
“I got this, babe.” You pecked his lips as you walked backwards towards your car not once breaking eye contact with Isaac.
When you got back to Stiles’ jeep, the others were already gone. You spread the map out over the hood of the jeep and dangled the crystal over the map hoping to find the chimera.
The crystal began swinging around, faster and faster. You started to get a bad feeling in your chest as the crystal was spinning quicker. You reached up with your free hand and placed it over your heart as your face grimaced.
“Y/N, are you okay?” Stiles said as he placed his hand on your back.
Suddenly, the crystal was pulled down onto a point on the map.
You knew what was wrong. Your eyes grew wide as you let out a shaky break with only one word leaving your lips.
You started running to where the crystal landed on the map as Stiles tried to keep up.
“Y/N,” Stiles heaved out. “Wait!”
There was no time for waiting, something was wrong with Isaac and you had to get to him as soon as possible.
You made it to the campsite where the others were supposed to look for the chimera. The leaves crunched under your feet as you stopped, looking at the sight in front on you. Isaac was laying on the ground bleeding. His chest was still moving up and down but his breaths were shallow. His hand was lying on his abdomen covering a bleeding wound. Scott was kneeling next to him and Malia was standing right behind them.
Slowly, you approached them as tears began to fall from your eyes.
“Isaac,” you said barely above a whisper but his werewolf hearing let him hear you. His eyelids fluttered up, making eye contact with you.
“Baby,” he murmured.
You fell down to the ground next to him and gently pulled his head into your lap. Scott stepped back to give you two space.
“Why aren’t you healing?” you asked looking down at Isaac, moving his hand from his wound. “Scott why isn’t he healing?” you asked looking up at the alpha.
“I-I don’t know. Whatever the chimera did to him isn’t letting him heal.” He looked down as he said, “And it’s not letting me take his pain away.”
You started muttering no’s to yourself. Flashbacks of Allison dying in Scott’s arms played in your head. You remembered how Scott said he couldn’t take away Allison’s pain. But Ali wasn’t in pain. She was dying and it didn’t hurt.
“Isaac, you have to hold on, okay. We’ll get you to Deaton’s office. And- and he’ll fix it. You’ll be fi-,”
“Y/N,” Isaac interrupted. He reached up and stroked your cheek, wiping away a few tears. “I’m not going to make it to Deaton’s office.”
“Don’t say that,” you said angrily. You turned around to Stiles and said, “Stiles go start the jeep.” You turned back around and looked up at Scott and Malia, “Help me get him up and-,”
“Y/N,” Isaac attempted to shout to get your attention but it still came out pretty low. He began to cough and some blood came out.
You pulled him in closer to you. After he caught his breath he said, “It’s going to be okay.”
“How can you say that? I can’t lose you Isaac.”
“You’re strong Y/N. You can get through this. Promise me you’ll get through this.”
“You’re acting like this is just some assignment I’m failing.”
“Promise. Me.” Isaac’s breathing was getting shallower. You knew it wouldn’t be long before he couldn’t say anything.
“Okay,” you nodded your head. “I promise.” You ran your fingers through his curly brown hair while the other rested on his chest. Isaac let his hand rest on yours while he stared into your eyes. You were the closest person to him. Your relationship was 8 months of pure bliss, and if Isaac had to go, he couldn’t imagine a better way to go than in your arms.
You leaned down and gave Isaac a soft, lingering peck on the lips. As you pulled away, Isaac squeezed your hand one last time, then his eyes shut. His chest stopped rising and his grip on your hand loosened.
The tears began freefalling from your face. You squeezed your eyes shut, but nothing could stop the tears from flowing. Only your sobs and the sounds of crickets could be heard. You leaned over Isaac’s lifeless body, pressing your head to his. You squeezed his hand, silently praying that he would wake up.
A few minutes went by and your cries had died down. You sat up letting go of Isaac sniffling, wiping your remaining tears from your face. You slowly stood up and turned around. The others looked between one another curious about what you were about to do.
Malia stayed behind while Scott and Stiles followed you.
“Y/N, where are you going?” Stiles asked concerned.
“To my car.”
“Stiles can take you, you shouldn’t drive yourself home right now,” Scott said.
“I’m not going home.”
“Where are you going?” Stiles asked.
“I’m going to save Isaac,” you answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Scott and Stiles looked at each other with confused looks on their faces. You made it to your car and began pulling things out of your glove compartment.
“Y/N,” Scott said sympathetically, “Isaac’s gone. There’s nothing we can do.”
“There may be nothing you can do, but I can.” You slammed the car door shut and started walking back to the camp ground.
“What are you going to do?”
You sighed, “After Allison died, I was a wreck. When I went to New Orleans over the summer I spent some time with my cousin the black sheep of the family. She’s the black sheep because she likes to practice some,” you paused and thought for a second, “darker magic.”
“Dark magic?” Stiles asked.
“I told her about all the crap we deal with and what happened to Allison. She told me there was a way I wouldn’t have to go through that again.” You turned to both of them shaking your head, “I can’t go through that again.”
“Is it safe?” Scott asked even though he already knew the answer.
You laughed under your breath, “You’re kidding me right? Nothing we do in this town is safe!” you yelled. “We’re in the woods at night looking for a werewolf experiment gone wrong. We’ve fought a kanima, an alpha pack, and we were put on a hit list with other supernatural creatures. Now isn’t the time to ask if this is safe.”
During your rant you made it back to the campground and spread your supplies on the ground around you.
Malia’s scrunched her eyebrows trying to figure out what you were doing. “Stiles, what’s going on?”
“She’s about to try to bring Isaac back with black magic.”
“Where did she learn black magic from? Her mom is crazy strict about her powers.”
“When she was in New Orleans,” he answered Malia. He turned his attention back onto you and said, “Y/N, I don’t think this is such a good idea.”
“Good thing you don’t have to do it then.”
You spell book was laid out in front of you and you placed your crystals around Isaac’s body. Before you began the spell, you poured the contents of a small black bag into your hand.
Scott knew what it was instantly. “Y/N, why do you need that?”
You blew the mountain ash from your hand and it formed a circle around you and Isaac.
“So you won’t try to stop me.”
You read the spell from the book one time and began chanting it over and over.
“Cinis cinerem. Pulvis sunt pariter. Nunc terga manus. Sana quod est sáucium. Redde quod meum est cum fuit.”
The more times you repeated the spell the windier it got. You began to think the spell wasn’t working, so each time you got louder. You felt the power began to drain out of you.
“Y/N!” Stiles yelled, “Maybe it’s time to stop!”
But you weren’t listening. He crossed the mountain ash barrier and you waved you hand, pushing him back. His body slammed to the ground and he grunted in pain. Malia ran over to make sure he was alright.
You repeated the spell again and your nose began to bleed.
Now Scott tried to reason with you. “Y/N! This spell is too much for you! You have to stop!”
You just continued the spell louder. The blood from your nosed trickled down to your mouth. Your body started shaking and Isaac’s body lifted a few inches off the ground. You knew the spell was working but you weren’t sure you had enough energy left in you to continue.
Everything after that happened so fast. You said the spell with the intention of repeating it until Isaac’s eyes were open again, but it had taken too much out of you. The last time you said it, Isaac’s body dropped back onto the ground and you fell over. The mountain ash surrounding you two blown away.
The others rushed to your side to help.
Scott was on his knees leaning over you. “Y/N? Y/N!” He shouted as he moved your hair out of your face.
Malia’s eyes scanned your body, “Her heart is still beating so she’s not dead.”
“What do we do Scott?” Stiles asked.
“Let’s get her to your jeep.”
“And take her where? To the hospital?”
“This is a witch problem, we should take her to Deaton,” Malia said.
“But Deaton hardly knows anything about witches,” Stiles argued. “He mostly deals with werewolves.”
“Yeah, but what if she wakes up and some witchy stuff happens? How are we supposed to explain that to a bunch of doctors?” Malia retorted.  
“This isn’t the time to argue!” Scott shouted. “Let’s just get her in the jeep and I’ll-.”
Scott suddenly stopped looking up, his eyes searching the woods. “Malia, do you hear that?”
Malia focused her hearing then nodded her head.
“What? Hear what? Regular old human over here?”
“It’s another heartbeat.”
The three heard moaning and everyone looked over to see Isaac moving.
“Oh my God. Y/N’s spelled worked,” Stiles said.
“We’ve got to get Y/N some help now. I’ll carry Y/N and you two help Isaac up,” Scott directed.
As they were walking to the jeep, Isaac was become more aware of his surroundings.
“What’s going on?” Isaac asked trying to keep up with how fast Malia and Stiles were walking.
“Your girlfriend did some voodoo magic knocking her unconscious,” Stiles answered.
“What?” Isaac asked in shock looking at Stiles.
“Yeah, and we’re trying to figure out where to take her,” Malia added.
“Guys, hurry up,” Scott shouted from the jeep. He was carrying you bridal style placing you in the back seat.
Stiles and Malia got to the jeep helping Isaac in the back, then rushing to the front. Scott was seated beside you as you sat in the middle still unconscious.
“Okay, Scott,” Stiles said starting up Roscoe, “Where too?”
“To Deaton’s,” Isaac answered. “And call her Mom.”
“But her Mom-,” Malia started.
“Her Mom will be the only one who knows what to do. She’ll be mad, but Y/N will be alive.” Isaac said as he stroked your cheek.
Hours later, you bolted up. Your breathing was rapid as you looked around realizing you were in your room.
“Hey. Hey, it’s okay,” Isaac said trying to calm you down sitting on the edge of your bed. “Everything’s fine.”
“I thought you were- you were-,” you stuttered.
“I know,” Isaac said stroking your hair. “I’m fine now. Thanks to you.”
You reached up touching his face taking him all in. You wanted to make sure this wasn’t some sick dream playing with your head.
“I’m fine, Y/N.”
Your eyes began to water and a sob left your lips. You pulled Isaac in for a hug. “I thought I lost you.”
“I thought I lost you,” Isaac repeated. He pulled away from you still holding on, “What were you thinking Y/N. You could have died trying to save me.”
You wiped a tear from your faces as you replied, “But I didn’t.”
“But you could have.”
“I’m fine, Isaac.”
“Scott told me what happened. Your nose was bleeding and you were shaking. You were unconscious Y/N. Black magic? Really?”
You pulled your legs up to your chest looking down at your legs covered by your sheets, “You’re alive aren’t you?”
“Yes, but at what cost?!” Isaac yelled. “You could have died. And what if you would have died and I didn’t come back? Huh? It would have all been for nothing?”
“But you’re here! I’m here! Everything’s fine.”
“That’s not the point Y/N. I don’t want you doing black magic again.”
“What?” You looked up at Isaac.
“You heard me. I don’t want you trying to raise the dead again. It’s too dangerous.”
“But it brought you back.”
“I don’t care. You could have died, and nothing is worth that.”
“Isaac, you can’t tell me what to do. If I have to do it again, I will.”
“God what is wrong with you,” Isaac shouted turning away from you. His elbows were on his knees and he began running his fingers through his curly brown hair in frustration. “Why are you so stubborn? Why would you risk your life like that?”
You looked down to where your fingers were fiddling with a loose string from your sheets. “I couldn’t lose you Isaac.” You were quiet for a moment before you whispered, “I love you.”
Isaac slowly lifted his head up from his hands and turned to look at you. Your head was laying on your knees not wanting to look at how disappointed your boyfriend was in you.
“What did you say?”
You sighed, “Isaac, you’re a werewolf. I know you heard me.”
“Just say it again.”
You looked up making eye contact with Isaac. “I love you okay. I know we haven’t said it before. And it’s like the most cliché thing in the world to say it after a life or death situation but-.”
“I love you, too.” Isaac said quickly.
You just stared at him not knowing what to say. You two had been dating for 8 months, but it shocked you to know he loved you too.
“Are you going to say anything?”
“I didn’t exactly imagine having this moment after you died and I fell unconscious, so it’s going to take me some time to figure it out.”
Isaac turned his body to face you more and grabbed your hand. “Y/N, I love you. I would hate if you died trying to do any magic to save me. Especially black magic. Your mother told me doing magic like that has repercussions. I could have lost you today.”
“I did lose you, Isaac. I know that type of magic is dangerous. But I had to do it. And I don’t care what anyone says, I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant I could have you even for a minute longer.”
“There’s no convincing you otherwise is there?” Isaac asked already knowing the answer, reaching up to rub your cheek.
“No,” you replied shaking your head. “But I love that you care so much to try.”
Isaac just grinned at you, looking into your eyes lovingly. He glanced down at your lips briefly, then back up to your eyes. You both leaned in slowly, your lips connecting in a sweet and passionate kiss. Isaac’s other hand reached up and cupped your cheek. You dropped your legs and turned your body so you were facing him more. You slid you hand behind his neck, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, while your other hand rested on his chest. All you were thinking about was how much you loved him.
When you pulled apart, you stared at him with a stupid grin on your face. “See, everything didn’t turn out so bad.”
“I wouldn’t say that just yet,” Isaac dropped his hands from your cheeks.
You scrunched your eyebrows at him, “Why?”
“You mom said I could wait in here until you woke up, but I had to let you know you were grounded for a month.”
“That actually seems pretty fair. I can’t be mad at her for that.”
“I actually think it should be longer since you could have died, but after this the only time I can see you is at school, so I thought it would be best if I didn’t add my two cents.”
“Good idea,” you nodded.
“Yeah, I thought so,” Isaac grinned.
“Well, since I’ll only be seeing you at school for the next 30 days, we should get in as much kissing as possible now.”
“Now that’s a good idea,” Isaac said. “I knew I loved you for more than your good looks.”
“Well, I’m only in this for these blue eyes and this chin of yours,” you said grabbing his chin and shaking his head.
“Oh, really,” Isaac raised his eyebrows, “That’s it. There’s nothing else?”
“How could I forget? I do love these lips of yours.”
Isaac got up from you bed and said, “And on that note, I’ll leave you alone to do your sentencing.”
“Oh, come on baby. I was only kidding. I love how protective and caring you are.”
Isaac slowly began to come back to your bed. “Go on,” he said with a growing smile on his face.
“I love how sweet you are with me and only me.”
“I’m listening,” Isaac said sitting on your bed.
“I love how you are with my mother, and how you watch my favorite movies with me even though you know I’ll just end up quoting it while it’s playing.”
“You should really love me for that last part. It’s not fun watching Clueless for the 100th time when you say all of Cher’s lines.”
“I love that you know who Cher is,” you said wrapping your arms around Isaac’s neck.
“I. Just. Love. You.” You said pecking his lips in between every word. “I love you, Isaac Lahey.”
Isaac had the biggest smile you had ever seen on his face when he said, “I love you, Y/N Y/L/N.”
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
Instead of calling the island rep ‘cousin’ redd immediately calls them “darling” and rep has no idea that he usually calls everyone cousin hehehe
Fejgeifwkcssfk this is so cute aaa!!
The kitsune watched the dim horizon, more grey than anything else. It'd be raining like this all day, Redd was certain. His ear twitched as raindrops hit against his fur, his busted up umbrella not providing much sanctuary from the elements
"Redd!" The kitsune turned about at the call of your voice. Normally, he'd turn tail at the sound of folks shouting his name,(usually they'd sound much angrier and maybe even be carrying torches and pitchforks as they run him outta town), but you were, of course, an exception.
Fighting against the urge to flee, Redd watched as you scampered up to him, all dressed up in a raincoat and hat and boots. Your footfalls caused small splashes of rainfall to hit against your rubber shoes.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite customer!" The kitsune flashed his sharp teeth at you, eyes crinkling as he grinned. "Heya, darlin'."
Something warm bubbled up in his chest as he watched you act all bashful at the nickname. As far as you knew, he called everyone that! Part of him didn't want you to know that that wasn't the case, that he saw you as his one and only, his darling.
"Do you have anything new in?" You asked, almost bouncing with excitement.
"You know I do, darlin'!" Redd nodded, bouncing on the heels of his hind paws. The thought of you buying another fake excited him beyond belief! You having no choice but to hang them up in your house, another chance for Redd to look on on you!... It wasn't like, spying or anything! Simply… Watching over you, but without your knowledge. He was just protecting you, looking out for you!
"That's great, I-," You trailed off, eyes finding their way to Redd's umbrella. "Oh no, your umbrella!"
Redd flushed, waving you off. "What, this? Oh, don't worry. It's just the style! I- it's like ripped jeans, you know, darling?"
You simply rolled your eyes, digging through the supplies you had on you.
Redd almost physically recoiled in shock as you presented your gift to him - an umbrella you purchased from the Nooklings not too long ago.
"Here," You handed the umbrella over to the kitsune. "I don't want you catching a cold."
Redd held the umbrella in both his paws, unable to process that someone had been so… Kind to him. A smile, a genuine one, twitched onto his lips. Warmth bloomed from his chest and spread throughout his body, and his tail wagged happily behind him. See? This is why he loved ya, darling!... AND why he had to watch over you! Do you know how many folks out there would take advantage of a sweetheart like you?
"Well…" Crazy Redd smirked, folding up the busted umbrella and quickly opening up his new one. "I suppose if you insist!"
You simply laughed and rolled your eyes once again, listening to the kitsune as he chatted and led you to his boat. 
In the Residential Services building, a tanooki glared daggers from the window. 
But not at you. No, never at you...
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
I've see your yandere Tom Nook and yandere Isabelle teaming up and raise you; yandere Tom Nook vs yandere Crazy Redd
Crazy Redd: *looks at you*
Tom: *goes crazy goes feral*
Today was the day.
A feeling of melancholy hung over you as you made your way over to the campsite. You tried your best not to feel guilty - he had this coming. He'd been harassing your fellow islanders, his paintings had been exposed as fraudulent by Blathers, his prices were ridiculous! You could go on and on.
Everyone was in agreement - it was time for Redd to go.
The fox wasn't even using the proper campsite, choosing instead to shack up his tent beside it! You kept your face neutral as your eyes roamed over the sign across his tent - "Black Market', with the "Black" shoddily scribbled out with a red marker. You remembered thinking it cute when you first saw it.
Though, as much as you hated to admit it… Part of you was a teensy bit sad to see him go. He had this charm to him, but, it was most likely a learned trait - after all, charisma is a necessity when you're a conman. Still, you couldn't help but find him a bit endearing. His way of speaking, his playful nature, his flirtations. He seemed to favor you out of everyone else on the island, only charging you 3,000 bells your first time shopping there.
You rolled your eyes at the memory. What a gentleman.
Even still, you found yourself coming back to him, even in spite of Tom's insistence that he was a bad egg. Sometimes, you talked for quite a bit with him - about art, his travels, life on the island, your past, his past. You could tell he wasn't being completely truthful about,  well, a lot of what he told you. It was like a game. Like his artwork, it was all about seeing through the inconsistencies and finding the truth in between the lies.
And, maybe, just maybe, it'd be fine if it were just you - someone who learned rather quickly how to detect Redd's frauds and had enough bells to spare just in case you were wrong. But, this was bigger than you. Redd was robbing your friends of their bells and went so far as to verbally harass them and chase them off whenever you came around. Enough was enough. 
The only reason he was even allowed to stick around as long as he did was that Tom had a big enough heart to believe that Redd had changed.
You stepped into the tent, brushing past the tarp entrance, finding Redd dusting off his statues and paintings.
He turned about, flashing a wolfish grin as he spotted you. He set down his feather duster and trotted over to you, his tail beginning to wag.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite Island Rep!" Redd greeted you, eyes crinkling as he smiled. "What can I do ya for, Cousin? I'm afraid I don't have any new works in yet, but I do still have the ones ya turned down!"
"Redd, those are frauds." You said, deadpan.
"You wound me, Cousin!" The fox said, dramatically swooning and feigning hurt.
"I'm sorry, Redd, but it's over," You told the fox. "As Island Representative, I've come to tell you that as of today, you're being evicted from the island's premises. You have by tomorrow to pack up your stuff and leave.'
"What?" Redd recoiled in shock, his confident mask breaking. "You've gotta be kiddin' me! I didn't do anything wrong!"
"You've been selling fraudulent works of art, overcharging for them, and have been repeatedly harassing the folks living here. We have every right to ask you to leave."
"Come on, Cuz'! Anything's legal when the coppers aren't around! And, last time I checked, we still haven't gotten a police station built."
"Stop trying to weasel your way out of this, Redd! You're lucky Tom's given you the day to get out instead of just shipping you out on the next plane out of here."
"Oh, Nook's an old fuddy-duddy! And he's gone soft, anyway." Redd replied, waving you off. "You know, he didn't use to be as much of a goody two-shoes as he is now."
"I'm aware." You said, frowning deeply. "Everyone has their past. Everyone can change. Tom thought that, maybe, you had changed. But, you didn't. And Isabelle, Tom, and I… We all decided that it'd be for the best if you leave."
"Aw, c'mon! Listen, Nook is an old fool and that Isabella-"
"Isabelle." You corrected.
"Whatever. She's just a goody two-shoes! And everybody else on this island is a sucker! You're one of the good ones, though. You're smart. You can see what's real and what's not. We could make bank together! You and me, we could go places!"
"Redd, stop, it's over."
"No, it's done."
You watched as the fox's face fell, his body looking as though it was deflating as his arms hung limply at his sides. You didn't like how it hurt your heart.
He sighed deeply. "Okay, okay, I see I can't convince ya. I'm sorry."
You didn't respond, trying your best to keep your face neutral and your gaze stern.
"Okay, look," The fox spoke up again. "I… I actually really care about you, okay? So, if I can't convince you to let me stay or join me, then the least I can do is make it up to you."
You quirked your brow. You… Certainly hadn't expected this. It wasn't like Redd to be giving. Or to give, at all, actually.
The fox moved over to a sheet that had covered a large object of some sort. You had figured that it was merely keeping the dust off one of his statues… But now, you were curious.
With a flourish, Redd removed the tarp, revealing… A metal cage. You blinked in surprise, you face scrunching up in confusion. What on Earth had made Redd come to the conclusion that you would have wanted this?
As quickly as the thought came, though, you suddenly felt guilty. Crazy Redd had gone out of his way to get you something, despite how outlandish it may seem. Goodness knows you'd received stranger gifts - Kody had gifted you that utility pole the other day… And, even still, you didn't want to turn down an opportunity to push Redd in the right direction.
"Thank you, Redd." You managed a nervous smile, stepping toward the cage.
You stared into the open maw of your gift.  You had to hold back a shudder - the cage seemed to radiate a cold feeling of dread. You noticed a lock by where the door would close, and wondered if there was a key that went with it-
You were suddenly slammed forward, soaring into the cage and crashing against the bars of the cage, the metal pressing coldly against your skin. You stumbled, in a daze, as you turned about. The sound of metal clashing against metal rang in your ears as the fox slammed the door, sharp teething flashing as he smiled deviously. In his paws, he held a key, quickly locking the door before you could get your bearings. 
You launched forward (as much as you could, considering the small space), hands grasping against the bars. Your eyes were wide and wild as you bore into the fox.
"Redd! What are you doing?!" You cried, heart rabitting in your chest.
The fox's tail flicked playfully, his smile wide. "Hey, if I have to leave this little vay-cay spot, I might as well take a souvenir, right?"
"This isn't funny," Your voice was shaky, and you could feel tears building within your eyes. "Let me go!"
"No can do, Cousin," The fox tutted. "You're one in a million. You see… I've really grown to like you. I can't just let ya go! You don't belong here with these nobodies. So, I'll do like ya ask and get outta here by nightfall, and you're comin' with me!"
Dread filled you to the brim as the fox chuckled. One of his paws reached out to grasp your wrist, pulling it past the bars. He leaned down to press a kiss to it, purrs and chuckles bubbling up from his throat.
Tom was worried.
Of course, there was a constant feeling of worry in the back of his mind when it came to you - how were you doing? Were you getting enough rest? Getting enough to eat or drink? Was anyone bothering you? Where were you? Did you need any help?
But, now, he had a real reason to be. He had sent you out earlier that day to kick out a...Particular nuisance, a ghost of his past, a reminder  of pf everything gone wrong in his past and everything he could have ended up being, if he hadn't learned from his mistakes. And, he wanted to believe that the same could be said for Crazy Redd. 
Now, he knew that he should have followed his gut and booted that fox off the island the moment he set his thieving paws on the soil. 
He had plenty of reasons to be concerned, to be angered - Redd was up to his old, slimy tricks, making bank off of scamming poor innocent folks. Though, as much as it shamed him to admit, what really got his hackles raised was how much he seemed to distract you. Redd was no good, and you were practically the definition of goodness! Redd didn't deserve to be near you. He didn't even deserve to be on the same island as you!
The tanooki fiddled with his paws nervously. What a fool he was, sending you off to deal with Redd on your own. You may have been the Island Representative and he and Isabelle knew you could hold your own, but… Redd wasn't like the other villagers.
He maintained a causal visage as he made his way over to the campsite, waving as various villagers as he did. He didn't want anyone to panic. Once he was out of view and the fox's tent grew closer, he steeled his gaze, marching faster and with purpose.  It was becoming difficult to quell the anger boiling within him, unconsciously unsheathing his claws.
Upon closer inspection, a new sign was hung across the tent. In big bold letters, "CLOSED! NOW SCRAM!" was scrawled, along with a doodle of an angry fox. Tom's fur bristled and stood on end as he almost tore open the tent's tarp entrance.
He paused mid-step, eyes going wide as he took in the sight before him. Redd was pushing a gag into your mouth as you squirmed and fought within the confines of a cage. His mind went totally blank as he stood, frozen by the sight in front of him.
Redd jumped as he spotted the figure out of the corner of his eye, glaring and turning about. "Hey, can't you read!?-"
The fox fell deathly silent and still, the wind taken out of his sails. Both animals simply stared at each other..
You spat out the gag, breaking the silence. You grabbed tightly at the bars. "Tom, please, help me!"
Your voice brought him back to the present.  Fury rose up within him, the only thing within his mind was his anger at the fox in front of him - not just for bringing his slimy, horrible business to his island, but for trying to capture you and take you away from him! A deep growl built up in his throat as he shook  with rage.
Redd took a step back, smiling nervously. "Heya, Tom, ol' buddy, ol' pal-!"
Redd was silenced as both you and he witnessed something neither of you had ever seen - Tom growled loudly, opening his maw to reveal a set of sharp teeth, drool dripping from his mouth.
Redd couldn't even more before the tanooki charged forward, running on all fours and colliding with him, slamming him to the ground. Tom hissed and growled at him, raising a paw in the air and unsheathing his claws. Redd squeaked in fear, curling in on himself and hiding his face. 
Tom's paws dove into Redd's pockets, digging out a key and scrambling off of him and rising to his full height. He bayed and hissed and growled and screamed at the fox, chasing him as Redd got to his feet, darting out the door. 
You watched from the cage breathing heavily and blood pounding in your ears. You listened as the Tanooki's roars faded away. And you waited.
It wasn't long before you heard fast footfalls returning to the tent.
And you almost cried with relief when Tom returned to you, hurrying over and fumbling with the key in his paws to free you.
You fell into his arms, weeping as he held you. You let him shush you and hold you and rub at your back. He whispered soft comforting words and nuzzled against you. 
When you looked up at him, you noticed his fur was a bit disheveled. Cute.
"I'm sorry if I scared you," He apologized. "I… Must have lost myself back there."
You couldn't help but laugh, sniffling somewhat. "S'okay, I… Just, thank you so much. He wanted to take me away. I don't know what would have happened if he managed to sneak me out."
"I would never have let that happen," Tom reassured you. "I chased him all the way onto the seaplane, so you don't have to worry about him anymore, hm?"
"Thank you…" You closed your eyes, melting into his warmth as he held you.
"... If you wanted to take a break from your duties as Representative, I'd understand. You went through so much... You deserve a break, yes?"
You simply hummed in response.
Tom knew it was wrong, but… In a way, he was grateful for what had happened. This had sent you right into his arms, where you belong. It felt so nice to hold you.
You were safe, you were still here and you always would be, you were his, he would protect you.  Tpm nuzzled against you, rubbing his cheeks against you as he held you, scenting you - that way, everyone would know you were his, and nothing bad would ever happen again.
He promised.
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
May I ask for Redd content? I love him and barely see anything of him.
🧡 Redd was a simple fox, only wanting for simple things - a roof over his head, some ramen, painting supplies, and a bunch of suckers he can swindle into buying his frauds. This was all Redd needed, and this was how he lived for quite a long time. Yes, Redd was a simple fox with simple needs. Was. And then, he met you. Oh, how sweet and naive you were - it was cute! How quickly you trusted him, the cute, surprised expression on your face when he presented his starting price for the scary painting he had on him, how you had giddily ran off to the museum to present your new painting to the curator. It was… Downright adorable! Oh yes, Redd would be coming back to this island VERY soon.
🖼You… Aren't like the rest of the suckers he's robbed of their bells. You're… Different. Redd finds that he legitimately likes your company. It's a welcome reprieve from having to spend his time alone, out at sea on his rickety boat. You're someone who likes him, even when everyone else despises him - you're his "cousin." You're someone special. He likes you, a lot, more than he has anyone in quite a long time…- Oh, but that doesn't mean he's gonna stop you from buying any fraudulent paintings! The customer's always right an' all that, ya know?
🧡 Don't worry, though! As a yokai, (Just keep that fact a little secret between you and him, okay?), Redd can create illusions and can enchant his paintings! He loves to think about the cute expression on your face when you go to hang up one of his paintings on your wall, only to notice something off about it. And, he uses them to take a peak at you while he's away at another island! It's like he's really there in the room with you!...Except you can't tell he's there, watching you. He especially likes to pop in while you're sleeping - you look so calm and peaceful then! It's so cute! And, uh, it TECHNICALLY isn't spying! You bought the painting, after all! If anything, you basically invited him to look in on you!
🖼You start to notice the fox seeming to follow you around when he comes back to your little island. He's started craving your contact, with how you listen to him, enjoy his company, even just tolerating him. No one's done that for him for a very, very long time, cousin. No one, but you.  And he loves it. He craves your presence, your contact - so, of course, can you really blame him for wanting to be close to you? For wanting to be around you? To keep you aboard his ship for just a teensy bit longer? Redd certainly thinks he's not being unreasonable…
🧡 When he's making his forgeries, Redd eventually notices that he's forming your face into his work. But, that only makes sense, does it not? Much like the artworks made by the greatest artists known to man and beast - you are inspiring, a staple to a culture, a fine work of art. You… Are his muse. Eventually, he decides to make an entire statue made in your image! It's almost as good as the real thing. He'll keep the statue of you for himself, until he's able to keep the real you all to himself. He'll hold and hug and cuddle and caress the faux-you, hoping for and imagining the say when he can be this affectionate to the real you, his dearest muse.
🖼One day, you may notice Redd having more of a skip in his step, more antsy. You assume he's just excited to show his new work to you, seeing as he gets more excitable when you go down to the bottom deck to look over his stock. He disappears for a moment, saying he needs to get something. Only a moment later are you startled by the sudden rocking of the ship, racing above deck to see Redd steering the ship away from your island. The fox yips and wags his tail in delight and pure joy, saying that now you and he can finally be together forever!
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
Redd pulled your lips in a smile, hoping he didn't make you seem as nervous as he felt. Of course, he could give up the act now, if he really wanted, but there was still a chance he could get away with this. And, if he did, there was a chance he could make this more than a one-time thing!
"Ya wanted to see me, Nookie?" He asked in your voice.
See, he had an ace up his sleeve. But, when did Redd not?
Redd held back a frown when Tom winced at the nickname.
"Yes, yes," The tanooki said, voice lilting with unease. "I was wondering… Simply how you were feeling today, if you were doing alright."
"Oh, just fine, Nookie!" Redd makes you answer a bit too quickly. "Don't you worry about me, I'm fine."
"Forgive me, but, would you mind it too greatly if I asked you to not call me that? It reminds me of… Bad memories, I'm afraid."
If his ears were visible, they'd have folded back against your head. "Oh, yeah, of course! I- uh, got it from your ol' pal Redd! Down by the beach, y'know?"
"Oh," A solemn look wormed it's way onto Tom's face. "I wasn't aware you knew of our shared past."
"Just a little bit." Redd quirked your lips into a grin, hoping your visage didn't appear too nervous. 
"I must confess I've been… Worried about you."
"There's nothing to worry about, Noo- Tom. Like I said, I'm fine."
The tanooki sighed. "I'm sorry. I must appear a bit overprotective. Still, are you certain you're feeling well? Redd is… he and I-, let's just say that he's not a normal fox, he's a kitsune-"
Redd fought off the urge to roll your eyes at the tanooki's rambling. He was certain that, had you been mentally awake at the time, you'd be hanging onto every word. You were sweet like that. Luckily, your mind was asleep for as long as he had control, and if you managed to remember any of this, you'd simply think it a dream.
Redd was ready to show his ace. Tom knew something was up, but the kitsune was certain Nook had no idea he had possessed you. Now, for the finishing move to make Nook forget about the whole thing!
The kitsune moved your body forward, leaning forward to plant a kiss on the tanooki's lips. He couldn't help but grin as he felt Tom seize up in surprise, and then just as quickly melt into the kiss.
Ah, memories…
A younger, innocent version of himself would have swooned at the thought of something like this - how Tom was basically kissing the both of you at once. How romantic.
Maybe that part of him wasn't as long gone as he thought.
Sure, you'd be confused if Tom brought this up when you were conscious, but it'd certainly be funny to watch you both flounder about and try to figure out what had happened - and what did kitsunes love more than mischief, huh?
Plus, it did feel good, possessing your body and having the both of you kiss his old flame.
Redd moved to part your body from the tanooki, only to be pushed up against the construction services desk. Your voice spluttered in surprise, cut off as Tom recaptured your lips in his own. Your eyes were bugged out in shock, Redd squirming in Tom's grip.
Tom moaned into the kiss, holding you gently but firmly, brushing the front of his body against yours.
Did- did he know? Was Tom punishing him for trying to pull such a trick?
And- and why wouldn't he let go?
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
yanacnh here! i am WORKING on a full Redd hcs post (cant finish today) but i got overexcited and wanted to share one hc with u cause i thought u might find it interesting!! (i always love ur tags on my posts they cheer me up sm!! ur an ICON.) i discovered kitsune can possess people's bodies and Redd is one, yeah? i don't think he'd do it often, it's just too much effort, he can usually get whatever he wants using his 'charms' alone. but he's yandere for someone nowand just has developed this 1/2
FASCINATION with the idea of *you* being the one he takes control of. it's the ultimate form of closeness! he just sneaks into your room one night, you're fast asleep, so it's no trouble at all to take over. you'll return to consciousness with an inability to move. but you can feel the smile on your face and watch as you prod your own arm with your finger before hugging yourself and crawling back under the covers. when you wake up in your bed the next morning, you can think you had a weird dream
@yanacnh I'm so sorry I took so long to reply but!!!! You're a genous, this is so galaxy brianed so I HAD to write smth for it!!
Humans were such funny, fragile little things. Redd pulled a face on the mirror - your face, rather. The kitsune had known you were a sight to behold before, of course, but seeing you so clearly in the mirror, without the constant blurring of his vision and need to squint to see, was absolutely breathtaking! 
He let out a chuckle, relishing in your melodious voice, all under his control. And the best part? He could savor the feeling of possessing you, quite literally being inside you, while your mind rested. You'd not remember a single thing after he released his hold on you!
Redd poked at the skin of your arm. So fragile, all blunt teeth and fur-less skin. If it weren't for your clothing, he'd bet you'd be chilly in the overcast weather just outside the walls of your home… Though, he certainly wasn't one to talk. Goodness knows that Redd found himself huddling into a ball for warmth at night on his trawler… Hmm, he pulled your lips into a smirk. You were so kind to him, he's sure you wouldn't mind giving away some of your warm, comfy clothes to a poor kitsune in need?
After stuffing your pockets full of your comfiest clothing, Redd strolled out and into the town proper, whistling a tune.
Though, Redd couldn't fight the worry that creeped over him. Redd considered him a great actor. He was more than an expert at performing the role of a charismatic and trustworthy businessman (at least, as far as he's concerned.) But… He didn't know how to act as YOU. Oh gosh, did you even whistle?!
The kitsune's heart, or rather, yours, rabitted in your chest. His eyes darted about to the other villagers doing mundane, morning activities, certain that they'd call him out any moment - but, none of them did. In fact, quite the opposite! They all waved at him, at you, saying their "hello"s and "good morning"s, relieving some of Redd's anxieties. In fact, it felt kind of… Nice? Rather than being yelled at or run out of town, he was being treated… Nicely. He picked up his pace, trying to put distance between himself and the thought that he could get used to being treated in such a way.
As he spotted his boat in the distance, two figures made his way toward him, heading in the direction of the Resident Services building. One of the figures was that yellow dog, Isabella or something or other. And the other was-
The kitsune held back the urge to either freeze up or run in the other direction as fast as your legs could take him. Somehow, he found the resolve to keep his face neutral, your legs moving robotically ever forward.
"Oh, Good morning!" Tom called over to him, or rather to you, raising a paw to wave at you, his secretary(?) mimicking him.
Redd blinked in surprise. After… The incident, he never thought Tom would ever look at him with anything other than hatred and disdain ever again. Seeing him smile, his eyes crinkling with happiness at the both of you… He felt something warm swirl around inside your chest. Your lips were pulled into a wide smile. 
"Heya, Nookie!" Your voice replied, Redd raising your hand to wave at him, waggling your fingers as you dashed by.
Tom suddenly stopped in his tracks, a wave of dread washing over him. What was…?
"Tom…?" Isabelle looked back at the tanooki, quirking her head to the side. "Are you alright?"
Tom blinked. Nookie… He only knew one person who called him that, and it wasn't you. And the inflection and accent in your voice sounded alien coming out of your mouth.
Tom turned to watch you (But was it really?) dash toward Redd's boat.
… He had a bad feeling about this.
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sweettooth-87 · 4 years
write more abt Tom pls!!
I plan on continuing the fic but it will lean towards three separsted routes.
Route 1: Tom's route. They'll be with the title side T (as for Tom his first name) and it'll be if reader chooses him instead of redd and maybe just forgive redd but not being his gf/bf (and I'll try my best to make it gender neutral)
Route 2: Redd's route. Basically Tom's route but with Redd I'll put my own headcanons there as well
Route 3: both. Do I need to say more it'll be both and I plan on making it posible in my fic
Btw sorry if somethings are weird I get my info from ganeolays and wikis sinc I don't have the game Yet and I'm using his furry images so if you don't like humanxfurry don't read this fic
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yandere-ac · 2 years
It nice to see you back! I want request something animal crossing, you know how they added cook not so long ago. Can I have a reader that every time Redd stop off at the island they bring him food that they made. Bonus point if Redd gets jelly when he find out that the Reader give home-cooked food to everyone.
Anon I want you to know that this request singlehandedly made me want to write again. And also, aww <3 it’s nite to be back! Now without further ado…
Sweet fantasy
Yandere Crazy Redd X Reader
⚠️CW! General yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, delusions (kinda, not rly in depth) drugging, kidnapping⚠️
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”Huh. Whats this?” Redd asked, looking at the island representative as if they had two heads. You were standing in his boat, grinning ear to ear as you held up the pink plate right in front of the fox. He looked at it with suspicion before sniffing the air. “A pie?” It was more of a statement than a question but the tone of his voice wasn’t exactly out of curiosity or intrigue. Yet your smile still remained, determined to keep going.
“It’s a peach pie! I made it just for you!” You stated proudly, doing a little nod to put emphasis on the ‘just for you’ part. You could see Redd’s tail flicker, you weren’t sure if it was good or bad but it was something. So you figured you could keep going. “I really like it since the peach slices kind of look like a petal, I thought you might like it.” At this statement you saw Redd’s mouth turn up into a smug grin.
“Really now? Why?” He asked, there was the intrigue you were searching for.
“Well. I’ve always been taught that making food for someone is the best way to show appreciation, love or affection. And since I’m almost done with the museum I wanted to bake something for you to… you know, show my appreciation. I really,” you paused for a second. “I really appreciate you coming down here to the island and selling art.” Your sincerity seemed to catch Redd slightly off guard, if only for a second. But it didn’t take long before he turned back into the normal sly fox he’s always been.
“Why, I’m flattered cousin, really I am.” So far so good. “But unfortunately,” you made a mental sigh as you heard those two words. They never meant well. “I only accept stuff from paying customers.” He held out his arms in a sort of shrug as he looked at you expectantly. You already knew this dance by heart. You sighed, putting the pie down on a nearby counter.
“You really do have strange rules. But alright.” You walked up and inspected the artwork he put on display. After inspecting them closely you picked out one and bought it. It was a fake of course, and Redd was happy doing business with you. He snickered to himself as he picked up the pie.
“Well thank you for the pie. I’ll be sure to enjoy this later, I just ate a big lunch you see. But in the meanwhile, does anything else catch your eye?” He asks with a smirk. You sigh.
“No. Thank you anyways.” Your voice was low as you walked out of the boat. You weren’t sure what you expected, but definitely not having to PAY to give him a gift. But you supposed you shouldn’t have expected anything different from him. Redd let out a scoff after you left the boat. What a strange interaction. And the fact that he actually got you to buy some artwork just to give you some stupid pie.
“Such a gullible human…” he mumbled to himself as he looked over at the pie. It sat on a beautiful pink porcelain plate. There was slight steam coming off of its peach covered surface, it really did look like a flower. Redd picked it up and put it into the freezer. He got his money, that’s all that mattered.
✿ ✿ ✿
4 days. It was 4 days since he last visited your island name. He had been going around, island to island. Selling art in his boat. He had yet to eat your pie. He didn’t want to. The more he waited, the more weird he felt about it. Why would you bake a pie for him? But as the hours went on and food began to run out he felt like he couldn’t put off eating it any longer. He had to stop for food soon but that wouldn’t happen in a day or two and if he waited to eat the pie any longer it would go bad. He figured he would just get it over with. It’s a god damn pie. Who cares if you made it? That you made it specifically for him! To show him appreciation. He didn’t care! It was just a stupid pie.
He has been staring at the pie for at least 15 minutes before he finally cut into it. He took one slice and put it on a separate plate. The piece didn’t tilt over as he shifted it to the other plate. He remember what another villager on an island further away had told him about pie and cake eating in their culture. They were scandinavian, Swedish he thinks. It’s hard to remember. But he did remember what they told him about cake slicing. In their culture, if the slice tips over when you put it on the plate, it means that you will never get married. Such a strange superstition. But that made him wonder, if the slice didn’t tip over, would that mean he would be guaranteed to get married someday? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe he was putting way too much thought into this in order to avoid eating the pie.
He took a breath in, took a spoonful of pie and shoved it into his mouth. He let the bite simmer and dance on his tongue as his eyes expanded with ecstasy. The pie was nothing short but amazing, simply put. He quickly took another bite, and another one. Until the entire pie was gone. Even as it was cold and 4 days old, the taste was incredible. He never knew you were such a good cook. And this was after four days in his fridge. He felt his mouth water at the thought of what a fresh slice of that pie would have tasted like. He felt a warm feeling fill his stomach as he really started to think about what you said before. You had made such a wonderful pie, just for him, just to show your appreciation for him. Suddenly it all hit him at once. He had to go see you.
✿ ✿ ✿
You groaned into your pillow as you looked over to the clock in your room. 2:04 in the morning. The clock was 2:04 in the morning. So who in gods name was knocking like their life depended on it at the door. You dragged yourself out of bed and went over to the door. The moment you opened it Redd rushed in to your house. And that woke you up pretty quick. He looked back at you with wide eyes, they were wider than you’d ever seen them.
“Close the door! Close the door!” He told you, and you, having just woke up and not really having the brain capacity to question stion what was happening, closed the door. He let out a string of strained breaths as he sunk to the floor.
“Redd?” You asked. He gave you a toothy grin as he stood up.
“The one and only! How’s it going cousin? You sleep good?” He asked you. You had to rub the remaining drowsiness out of your eyes as you thought about what you possibly could answer.
“Fine? I.. guess? Redd- I. What?” You were so utterly speechless by this turn of events. Literal minutes ago you were sleeping and now you had to wake your brain up enough to deal with this situation. “What are you doing here?”
“I ran here from my boat. Couldn’t risk anyone seeing me.”
“That does not answer my-“
“I came here for another pie. The one I got turned bad before i could eat it.” There was No way in hell he was gonna admit to coming here in the middle of the night just to get a fresh slice of some god damn pie. He would rather die.
”You came… all the way here for a p-”
”YES??? IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT???” He asked, voice high in tone and laced in defence. It fought you off guard, taking a few silent seconds to blink. Then a smile formed on your face. “What?” Redd asked you.
“Nothing. Nothings wrong with it. How about we make one together? I don’t have any spare ones.” Oh you cheeky little- how dare you turn this into a bonding activity.
“Sounds fun.” Redd said, smile wide and eyes narrow.
And so the two of you stayed up, baking another peach pie. All while talking to each other. You told Redd about why you loved cooking so much, he told you about his recent venture out to sea, you told him about a recent upgrade you managed to make to your house — the second floor. And so on and so forth. It was well into the early hours of the morning and you two were sitting on the kitchen floor, waiting for the pie to be ready in the oven. You were sitting next to each other in comfortable silence. That was, until Redd spoke up.
“Hey so… about what you told me earlier on the boat… was that true?” He asked you. “Do you really appreciate me?” You nudged awake, having rested your eyes. You yawned and looked at him with a tired smile.
“Of course I do. Your art really improves the museum. Not to mention my house.” The last part caught Redd off guard. Your house?
“Wait… your house? What do you mean?” He asked you. You pointed towards the part of the living room you could see from the kitchen. Just above your entrance hung one of the many fakes he had sold you.
“They’re fake, but I do like them still. They remind me of you.” You yawned once more. Did you just admit to knowing they were fake?? And so nonchalantly too???
“You… know? And you don’t mind?” He asked. You shrugged, closing your eyes again.
“I figured if you felt the need to sell fake art you’re probably not in the best spot. Especially if you’re going from island to island. And like I said, they’re nice. If I buy one that’s real then great! I can donate it. If I buy a fake then also great! I can decorate my house or the island! I don’t really care too much. Besides, I like going to your boat and just talking with you. And I feel bad if don’t buy anything…” You admitted. Something about this admission struck something inside of Redd. You liked him enough to buy fake art for thousands of bells just cause you felt bad if you didn’t? Does that mean you care for him? I mean, you seem to like his company judging by what you said (and the simple fact that you didn’t kick him out when you came to him at two in the morning).
He didn’t get more time to overthink as he felt you lean your head against his shoulder. He tensed up for a few seconds as he panicked internally. What should he do? He felt his chest get warm at your contact, especially when you basically cuddled up to him. After a while he leaned his head on your head, trying his best to relax at the contact.
But your sweet moment was quickly interrupted as the clock on the oven started to beep loudly. The shrill sound made you flinch and subsequently pull away from Redd.
“Hey, looks like the pie is done. Come on, let’s dig in!” You said, standing up. You brushed off any potential dust off your lap and reached your hand to Redd, he happily accepted and you pulled him up. Although, he held onto your hand for just a second too long, giving you one of his usual smirks. You two pulled the pie out, sat it on the table and waited for it to cool down. It smelled heavenly, nothing short but heavenly. The steam radiating off the dessert made Redd’s mouth water just at the thought of the taste. This did not go unnoticed by you, letting out a chuckle, you picked up the nearby knife and started to cut into it.
“I think it’s cold enough, give me your plate.” You said. Redd held up his plate in front of you as you cut a slice and placed it on his plate. It stood up, it didn’t tip over… as he put down the plate you cut a slice for yourself. It stood up, it didn’t tip over either… Redd began to think about the superstition about falling slices and his theory about if the slice didn’t tip over. He felt his face get warm as the thought of you in a wedding tux/dress entered his mind. The thought left his head just as quick as it came. He shook his head slightly as he tried to think about anything other than you. But it was hard when you were sitting right in front of him, having just baked a pie with him. With him… with… him…
“Let’s dig in! I’m starving! Morning hunger and all that.” You said as you picked up your fork and dug into the dessert. If he indulged whatever strange fantasy his brain thought of, of you being his… spouse, he supposed you two would cook together very often. These kinds of moments wouldn’t be so short lived, they would appear everyday. He felt his chest become warm at the thought, and as he took a bite out of the warm pie he couldn’t help but completely melt. It was everything it should be. Warm, sweet, moist but not too moist. The perfect texture.
You two stayed at the table for three hours, eating up the entire pie and talking. Redd never knew you were so fascinating, that you had so many entertaining stories to tell. As the light from outside got brighter and more and more villagers walked out of their houses, Redd knew he had to retreat to his boat. You understood that as well, and you wanted to help him. So you gave him a blanket that he draped across his shoulders and you and him booked it to his boat together, laughing together as you did. He handed you the blanket as he stood on the plank leading up to his boat. You two said goodbye and all the while he drove away he couldn’t stop smiling. He had to come here more often.
✿ ✿ ✿
A couple of weeks passed and you two were closer than ever. You and him cooked a lot together, every time he came to the island you were there with a freshly made delicacy, and he was always there to eat it all up with a smile. After a while he even started taking inspiration from you, starting to cook a little himself and selling some of his products at his raffle. He had also gotten a lot more bolder with his visits on the island. He no longer restricted himself to the back of the island. He often met up with you on the beach for small picnics and he almost seemed to relish whenever anyone, especially Nook, saw you with him.
However, interacting more with the island around him wasn’t all fun and rainbows. The more he knew, the more his fantasy started to fall apart. He soon came to find out that you make food for everyone, not just him. It took all his willpower not to tackle and choke out whatever villager he first saw walking around with a carrot scone he knew you’d made. His fantasy of you two cooking together as a domestic activity didn’t feel as special when he knew it wasn’t exclusive to you two. He wanted to be angry with you, but he just couldn’t. It’s not your fault you were so generous, he just had to find a way to keep that generosity for himself. That was the difference between you and Redd. You were generous.
He was selfish…
✿ ✿ ✿
“You know the one thing I will always REFUSE to cook?” You asked Redd, leaning back on the palms of your hands as you two sat on a blanket in the sand.
“No, what?” Redd responded in amusement, knowing this would probably lead to some kind of rant.
“Anything easter related! That bunny- whats his name again-“ you snapped your fingers on the air, trying to remember the name.
“HOPPER!! He keeps hiding eggs everywhere, and I mean everywhere! Oh hey you want to fish? Here’s an egg. Want to chop some wood for DIY projects? Here’s a god damn egg. Wanna dig up some fossils to help your friend complete his collection? Egg.” Redd could only chuckle at your distain of these eggs. You two had been sitting together for at least a couple of hours and by this point both of your bodies were coated with orange lighting from the sun setting. ”Its god damn ridiculous. He makes me want to hide during all of easter.” You let out a yawn as you fell down on the blanket underneath you.
You looked up at Redd with a tired smile. “Hey, it’s getting pretty late. I think I wanna get home, I’m supposed to get up early to help Isabelle with something tomorrow.” You say whilst rubbing your eyes. Redd helped you up.
“Well, could you at least follow me to the boat?” You smiled at his request. Who could say no to a face like that? Not you. And so you walked him to his boat, having polite conversation with him all the while. You could feel his tail brush up against your leg every now and again but you assumed it was just because of his walking pattern. As you two got closer to his boat you felt his hand brush up against yours, this happened multiple times before he finally just grabbed your hand.
“So… we’re here now… hey so I know you said that you had to get up early tomorrow but could you just help me with this thing real quick?” He asked you, this peeked your interest. While you did have to get up early tomorrow, you would never say no to a friend in need
“Sure. What is it?”
”Well i’ve been experimenting a lot with some new flavours of bubble tea and I’m thinking of starting to sell them but I need someone else to try it out first. It’ll be a quick taste test, that’s it.” He told you, looking at you with expecting eyes. You smiled and nodded your head.
“Of course.”
You walked into the boat with him. He walked into the locked door on the right side of the boat, rummaging around before bringing out a glass of bubble tea. You sipped up some of it through the big straw, getting plenty of tapioca balls in one sip. Your eyes went wide as you tasted the drink.
“Oh my-“ you went for a second sip. “Oh my god Redd! What is this??? It tastes amazing!!” You continued to sip up the drink through the boba straw. Redd chuckled at your enthusiasm.
“Oh it’s simple really. It’s brown sugar syrup, it makes the drink really sweet. And you know…” at this point you had drunken up the entire glass. Redd walked up the stairs of the boat and up to the door. He locked it, placing the key inside his apron pocket. “The sweetness is very good if you need to hide the taste of… certain substances.” He went on, you could only nervously laugh at what you could only assume to be a weird joke. “Did you know that sometimes people hide broccoli in brownies in order to trick children into eating broccoli?” He asked you, and as of hitting a lights witch, you felt a sort of fatigue and drowsiness come over you.
“Hey, cousin. You look pretty tired.” He walked over to you, picking you up bridal style.
“What are you…” you felt your eyelids become heavy as you struggled to get your sentence out.
“I think it’s best if you stay here for tonight. Your house is so far away. You can sleep in my bed, I’ll sleep somewhere else.” He opened the door on the left of the boat with his foot, still holding you in his arms. In the room were a refrigerator, a fridge, some sinks and his bed in the far end of the room. He placed you down on the mattress, your eyes were barely open at this point. He gave you one last reassuring smile before he stood up. “And tomorrow, you can go help Isabelle, okay? Goodnight…” he stood up and walked out of the room.
The second he closed the door, he locked it up tight and practically ran to start the boat up. He knew you would hate him for this but he couldn’t care less if it meant getting to have you to himself. He had an entire lifetime to earn your forgiveness, and he was willing to die trying.
If it meant he could have you for himself, if it meant that you two could be together, if it meant that he was only a little bit closer to that fantasy of you two cooking alone then he would do it. Anything to have you. Anything to keep you.
Neither of your slices tipped over, and that had to mean something…
A/N: Alright!! Corn is back! Feels good. Also this totally wasn’t an excuse to go on t agents about strange Swedish superstitions ahah. But this was a really fun did to write, it got some of the creative juices flowing :)
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