#Crazy Bats gave me a good chuckle
senator-mirror · 2 months
just got back from germany!!!!!!
phantasialand coasters (best to worst):
Taron (dfhskdfjndkfsdjfnsdkfjfhsDKFjsndfkjs)
Black Mamba (i like b&m :) )
F.L.Y. (get back row its so good, shame the launches are forceless)
Colorado Adventure (mine train on steroids)
Winja's Fear (um. wtf?)
Crazy Bats (good VR sync, fun ride with a dull layout)
Winja's Force (kinda boring compared to its beefier sister)
Raik (too short, also just not a fan of boomerangs)
edit: i got winja's the wrong way around, the fast one is better
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arminsumi · 11 months
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒꒱ park fling
TOJI x f.reader
Overview; Toji met you at the park and just had to take you back to his car to show you a good time
Content; smut, dilf + tattooed Toji
Warnings; 🔞 mdni, smut, implied milk dad behavior (poor Megumi sorry m'boy)
Kinks; public sex (park), light breeding kink, hookup sex, implied age gap (20s ~ 30s), taking off condom (implied mutually consensual), creampie, car sex, dirty talk, a brief use of pns 'daddy' and 'good girl'
A/N; srry just eyerolling for toji so bad lately thought i'd squeeze out some more yummy content 💕
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He was just someone you met at the park one day. All you knew about him was that he had a son and previously they were on a picnic together, catching up on life like they so rarely do.
It was the holidays. An especially bright sun cursed the summer sky, you constantly kept your hand held to the crown of your head to shade your squinting eyes from the harsh sun rays.
That tall, brooding man crossed your line of sight and immediately snapped up your attention. The way his tight black T-shirt defined his muscular physique made you clench your thighs together tightly. And when he spoke to you? You batted your eyes like crazy and gave him a cheeky, horny smile.
His greasy black hair reminded you of the bad boys you used to crush on back in high school. His bold tattoos were just the cherry on top. Speaking of cherries... he was clearly very interested in yours. "Wanna go someplace quieter?" he asked.
That deep, rolling voice of his went straight to the center of your brain, reverberated in your chest and travelled down south between your thighs, which he knew you were rubbing together because of him. He was sorely aware of the effect he had on girls like you.
After sending his son off down the block to the store for some lame, made-up excuse, Toji took you to his black, pretty Porsche and eagerly squeezed himself inside your needy, wet pussy as you sat pretty on his lap in the driver's seat. He angled your body so that he could get as deep as possible, and you happily let his calloused hands explore your body.
He let out handsome, deep groans while his nasty cock squeezed in and out of your pussyhole. The way he meanly rolled his hips up and roughly squeezed the crease of your hips made you feel like you were his toy — his newfound favorite, his pretty little fleshlight. Those snake green eyes narrowed in pleasure, cockhead skillfully bullying against your G-spot each time he plunged inside.
The condom bothered the two of you so much that you told him to just get rid of it already, so he peeled it off his cock. Sinking inside you raw sent him straight to heaven. And you? You could barely keep a coherent thought in your head. You could feel the texture of his cock, each kink and curve, and the angry veins that decorated his shaft.
He fucked you so good that you just threw your head back in bliss and voiced every bad girl desire in it.
" 'm gonna cum!" you cried, clawing at his meaty biceps. The pleasure was so good you rolled your eyes back and made a face like a pornstar, it made Toji chuckle.
"Cummin' f'me?"
"Mhm! 'm gonna cum, 'm gonna — ahhh, cumminggg!" you squealed, feeling your hole tighten up so much that you really felt the shape of his cock. It had a curve to it that just absolutely drove your pussy nuts.
"Aw, look at you." Toji cooed against your face, admiring your slutty expression as you orgasmed. "Daddy's gonna cum too, 'wanna take it inside like a good girl? Get that pretty pussy knocked up? Hm?"
You nodded and replied with such a frantic "Yes! Yes please! Knock me up!" that he chuckled. It felt so good to cum knowing that you wanted to get knocked up by him; this total stranger who you let rail you in his car even though you talked to him for only two hours, this daddy who already had a son. But hell, he didn't mind having another kid if it came from someone as cute as you.
He barely managed to get any words out before he came. "Ah — fuuuck, 'take it, take it all." he growled lowly in your ear. You felt him throbbing and pulsing, broad chest heaving; for a moment it felt like he was never gonna catch his breath again.
Stilling with an erotic groan, he kept a firm hold on your hips as if he was gonna go in for another round because, truthfully, it just felt too good to throw in the towel yet. Creamy white liquid dribbled out of your little loosened up hole.
Meanwhile, his son returned to find his dad not where he left him, so he scratched the back of his head and rung up his dad's phone. "Dad, where you at? Just up and fucking vanished again?" he sighed sarcastically.
Toji slipped himself out of you with a little pop sound. "Stay put, I'm coming back." he told Megumi.
Aw, he must have really cared about his son, because he drove back to the park to meet him. Of course, not without hastily stuffing another creampie up inside your hole and putting his number in your contacts.
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Now I’m curious of how wife!reader and Miguel meets again 😭 and how they started dating. Do they meet again at a different hosted party and Miguel asks her for a dance this time ((and her name 💀))
🤭🤭 Actually
Pt. 3
The whistling from the referee echoed through as the men on the field began playing. Jessica, once more, had kidnapped you after finding you were in a blue mood after you got ditched in a date.
"Never going through Tinder again." you had mumbled as she offered you tissues.
But of course, partially the reason why you had came was
1. Shirtless men playing
2. Jessica and another red headed woman and you, were in charge of the water and refreshing drinks.
You found out that Mary Jane Watson was her name, or MJ for shorts was dating Peter, the guy that had hosted the carneada. She was pretty easygoing. However, the familiar hulking figure running through the field stood out like a sore thumb.
"Hey" You name was called by Jessica that followed your eyes and smirked
"Oh, that's Miguel."
"I know. Met him at the party remember?"
"Heard he has a girlfriend. But doubt it. "
You shrugged.
"Okay? He just helped me out a little."
A little disappointment settled in your chest.
In any case, your attention was snapped back to the field and the little ruckus on the field. Miguel was held by Peter and another man called Ben, as the rival player kept provoking him. Gabriel pulled him back.
"Oh, Drácula is pissed"
"You kidding? They're playing dirty." MJ spoke, concern plastered all over her face as Peter tried to calm the situation.
You watched from the water station, eyes following the ball, but they couldn't help but to land on Miguel. Shirt soaked in sweat, hair down, some strands sticking to his forehead, and neck, pouty mouth panting and cursing.
"Pasámela, pendejo!" (Pass it, you dumbass! )
A giggle escaped from you as he pinched his nose bridge with one hand. He moved but the crowd gasped. One minute he was walking away and the next he was on the floor, cursing and limping. His knee was scrapped and it bled. The good thing was that the guy that had injured him, got a red card.
"Do you happen to have any first aid kit by any chance?" Peter approached as Jess and MJ shook their heads.
"I think I have one in my car. I'll get it."
Peter smiled and went back to Miguel, mahogany eyes immediately following your form.
When you approached him, he had removed his shirt to dry the sweat off his forehead, to then slick his hair back. Eyes staring at you with a little smirk.
"Pitufina, eres tú?" (Smurfette is that you?)
"In the flesh, Gargamel."
You both chuckled as you sat before him, he was about to wipe the caked blood and dirt with his sweaty shirt. Your hand slapped his away
"¿Estás loco? Se te va a infectar!" (You're crazy? It'll get infected)
"It's just a scrap"
"Cállate. God, your girlfriend must be a saint to put up with you."
A swab of cotton was soaked in alcohol, he quirked an eyebrow at your words and chuckled.
"No tengo-" (I don't have-)
He hissed as your hand wiped the blood first. The chemical stung on his raw skin, but seeing you focused, a little furrow on your pretty face made the sting to slowly fade . You then grabbed a gauze and wiped gently the excess of fluid.
You looked up at him and pursed your lips
"So I can..."
"Sorry, Out of game for now." You laughed at his words and shook your head.
"Who said I wanted to?" He chuckled at yours
"No, I was meaning to do this without remorse." You sprayed him some antiseptic and he batted your hands away with a mild panic expression, as the initial burn was a bit too much.
"Hija de la chin-" (Son of a-)
You laughed. as he fanned the scrap
"Esa mierda arde!" (That shit burns!)
"Ay, no estés de llorón. It's just a scrap remember? " (Don't be a cry baby)
"Not fucking funny" He grumbled as you gave him a bottle of water and a towel. His fingers brushed against yours, the touch lingering for a bit longer than it should.
"For me it is. I'll put a gauze on it okay?
"Déjalo así" (Leave it like that)
"No. It's too fresh for you to keep it exposed"
He was about to bat yout hands away when you loomed the antiseptic spray directly on his wound. He stopped and frowned, a finger trying to threaten you.
"Cuidadito" (Careful)
"Haz caso entonces." (Do as you're told, then)
You just glared at eachother.
"Get a room already." Gabriel casually mumbled as he picked another bottle of water. The rest just looked your way with silent mirth. They had been watching cautiously the interaction between the two of you.
The comment instantly made you pout, a soft flush on your cheeks. Gabriel left.
"Ese pendejo..." (That dumbass)
He grumbled and scratched his neck awkwardly.
"Anyways..." You sighed and applied some vaseline at the wound. Your hands were gentle, caring and soft.
You grumbled your name as you finished covering his wound.
"Right." He nodded with a tiny smile
You were putting the things back in the kit. Eyes following your every motion, you were nervous. He smirked
"Wanna go... and get some food later? My treat"
He blinked at your sudden question. All smugness vanishing from him.
"After you've taken a shower and changed of course" You giggled and looked up at him.
His heart beat a bit faster and he gulped almost imperceptibly.
"Si quieres, claro" (If you want to, that is)
You smirked with a shrug. His mouth gaped softly
"¿Es un si? " (Is that a yes?)
He just nodded, still a little shaken from what just happened.
"Bueno, Adiós Drácula." (Well, see you)
You left after patting his thigh gently, His ears went a little pink.
He didn't see that coming at all. He smiled inwardly. Yeah, he'd better step his game up. He was rusted, but you'd definitely worth the shot.
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alornights · 1 year
Bro I am obsessed with your bimbo!Reader it was so good and it honestly reminded me about the song bimbo doll by Tula Tsoil AND PLS THE THINGS I WILL DO FOR A KYLE ONE 🙏🏾🙏🏾
⟢ smarties
➜ in which ! kyle tries to resist the pretty bimbo girl.
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🌷 ﹫kyle broflovski.
✩ 🦩 warnings﹗suggestive.
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masterlist [ check mlist for details ! ] — previous | next
🏷️ taglist | @corpseinpink , @stephs-inluv , @cyberrmishh , @itszzmoon , @elizabethnightingale4 , @woahnotmecryingoverafanfiction , @venom-ology , @weird0o0 , @loopycorn1123 , @twwkk , @h-harleybaby !
"I don't know..." The girl beside Kyle whined as he finally looked up from his page having spaced out.
Mr. Garrison sighed, "How the hell do you forget your backpack."
"I was in a rush." You murmured with a pout crossing your arms.
Kyle tilted his head somewhat amused by what was going on, usually, it was Cartman or Clyde making a fuss so this was new.
The girl turned to Kyle batting her long lashes with a smile, "Hey you, help me out?"
You giggled pushing your desk to be next to him before leaning into him, "You'll help me out with this stuff, right?"
the only reason you guys even started talking was because you were failing half your classes and you begged kyle to tutor and how could he resist with the way you were staring at him.
even though he's mentally scared due to cartman from continuing relationships he just cant help himself.
trust, he tried desperately not to fall into the rabbit hole everyone else at school was going down with you.
but the way you just seemed to be a little more happier around him made his heart beat and he gave up.
yet he can't help but smile knowing cartman can't nor won't be able to get in the way of you two like he has with kyle's past relationships.
you're too dumb to notice, or you just don't fucking care.
maybe he likes you because your so naive in a way.
either way his head spins and his heart begins to explode with every passing day, his desire to be around you intensifying.
"Who would've thought that you of all people would be interested, let alone falling for Y/N of all people." Stan teased with a chuckle gulping down his soda.
Kyle rolled his eyes taking a sip of his own drink, "Me neither."
"Probably because you're too up your ass." Kenny joked with a grin throwing his bottle at Kyle's head.
everything you did was intoxicating to him, he couldn't breath.
the way you would plop yourself up on his desk your chest a little too close to his face, the urge to just plant his hands on your waist becoming all the prominent in his mind.
the way you'd link your arms with his as you walked through the halls, not paying anyone but him attention.
the way you'd just grab his hands without any notice and start playing with them sent shivers of delight down his body.
he lowkey feels like he's on drugs.
and when you start getting along with his brother? its over, he officially fallen head over heels for you.
and once again i give you a romance trope. bimbo pretty girl with the nerdy hot boy. MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN PEOPLE-
and when you started full on flirting with him he thought he'd die.
"You're so handsome Ky..." You murmur with a smile placing your hands on his shoulders, rubbing them slightly.
"You're making me go crazy." He groaned into your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist to bring you closer.
You giggled wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer, "Am I now?"
he's so interested in the gossip, like actually.
at first, he was iffy when you started telling people's drama but after a while, he was fully invested in these fucking plot lines.
somehow managing to get him to skip class, lord knows how.
oh he turns into such a "rebel" at times with you, maybe even lets you make out with him in the most obvious but not places.
bro starts getting real bold really fast though, calls you angel, precious, darling and all these other things.
confidently just starts bragging to all his friends about having you wrapped around his finger (even tho its also the other way around)
makes a living off of tutoring and dedicates half of it to you.
his dad is also somewhat rich, the guys a lawyer, he probably makes bank and gives allowances to his kids.
"What do you think?" You questioned walking out of the changing room, doing a little twirl before looking at yourself in the mirror to see if you were liking the look.
"Divine." Was all he could say giving you a thumbs up, looking anywhere but your face, watching as your dress began to hike up to your ass due to how tight it was.
"Really?" You questioned happily turning back to him.
He smiled with a laugh. "Really, you look beautiful angel."
you so totally got him into haircare and skin care.
you thought kyle was good looking before? he's looking like an angel sent from heaven a few weeks after consistent care.
you also some how manage to get him to drive you anywhere you wanted for lunch, of course, to study.
loves loves loves getting you to play basketball with him.
lord have mercy on him when you start running. the man is gone.
he'll help show you how to shoot a shot coming up behind you letting his arms go all over you with a smirk.
and god knows what happens when you full on just start making actual moves, actual meaning risky moves.
"Mmmm, Kyle can we go home." You whined, tugging him away from his friends. "Please? 'M so bored watching this."
Kyle sighed kissing your lips lightly, "Soon precious. We're almost done with the match."
You pouted letting your hands go under his shirt to draw circles on his stomach. "Please Ky?"
Kyle paused sucking in a breath taking a look at the other guys who to engrossed in playing basketball before looking at you. "Angel."
"Let's go..." You demanded with an innocent smile, letting your hands fall lower and lower.
Kyle groaned, "The things you do to me, let's go."
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“Don’t be a skxawng, ask her.” Part 7
pairings: neteyam x reader
warnings: cute, fluff, bad writing
key: skxawng - moron, muntxa - mate
summary: Neteyam and you decide to tell Neteyam’s family that they are finally together, but not without messing with them a bit…
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When the teenagers pulled apart from their kiss, neither opened their eyes.
They wanted to stay in the moment forever.
Finally, after relishing in the silence, the pair took a look at each other.
Neteyam’s ears were pulled back, red at the tips, and a shy smile was present on his beautiful face.
Y/n didn’t look much different, with rosy cheeks and a flustered smile herself.
“That was.. amazing,” Y/n finally breathed out.
“Better than I could have ever imagined,” the boy smirked slightly.
“You sure you haven’t had practice?”
You chuckled lightly, shaking your head.
“You’re asking me? I should be the one asking you,” she said with a teasing grin herself.
They couple laughed for a while until they slightly came down from their drunken love high.
“So, what does this make us,” Y/n questioned quietly, looking up at him.
The mighty warrior stayed quiet for a moment, before looking down at her.
“I know exactly what I want us to be.”
Knowing exactly what he meant, she stepped closer to him, making their chests touching, batting her eyes flirtatiously at him.
“Oh? And what do you want then?”
Stuttering, his eyes darted around them, avoiding her gaze.
Neteyam mumbled something that the girl genuinely could here, and she asked him to repeat that.
“I would like to court you,” he whispered, this time Y/n could hear.
“One more time, would you?”
Neteyam knew this time she had heard, but he cleared his throat.
“I would like to court you, ma Y/n,” he said, in a clear voice.
Blushing harshly, the girl looked down with a smile.
Smirking at how the tables had been turned, he put his hand under her chin, and brought her gaze on to him.
“It’s rude not to answer when one, let alone son of Toruk Makto, asks you a question.”
Flustered, you stuttered out your response.
“Y-yes ma Neteyam, it would overjoy me if you courted me,” she said blushing.
A happy grin overtook Neteyam’s face as he stared with love at the girl.
“Erm, if we can, could we tell my family tonight,” Neteyam asked hesitantly.
Y/n’s heart heated faster at the thought of meeting his family.
“I- i don’t know, I mean I already know them,” she stuttered, fidgeting nervously.
“I know, but they haven’t shut up about me asking to court you,” he reassured.
“Besides, they prefer you over me.”
The girl snorted, and Neteyam looked at her lovingly, enjoying her laughter.
“Ok? If it’s not imposing,” she agreed hesitantly.
Lighting up, Neteyam lifted her into his arms, and twirled her in a circle.
“Haha, stop Neteyam,” the pretty girl said, not being able to contain her laughter.
Chuckling along with her, he put her down, smiling.
“Great, they’re going to go crazy,” he laughed excitedly.
As they walked to the Sully tent, the talked about how the dinner could go.
“Ooh, we can even prank them and wait till the end of dinner to tell them,” Neteyam suggested.
“They’ve been complaining nonstop, and to be frank, their lack of confidence in me hurts,” he faked a pout, gripping where his heart was playfully.
Laughing, the girl nodded in agreement.
“As long as it doesn’t upset them too much,” she chuckled.
When they had arrived, Y/n’s nerves came back to her, and worried thoughts came into her mind.
What if they don’t like me?
What if I make things akward?
What if they don’t think I’m good for him.
“It’s gonna go amazing, I do not know why you are worried,” Neteyam said, as if he was reading her mind.
“I know, I know, I just- I don’t want to mess this up, you know,” she said looking away.
Taking a grip of her hand, he gave her a small smile.
“I’ll be right here the whole time,” he assured her, squeezing her hand.
“And besides, they’ll be messing with me the whole time.”
Y/n laughed softly, and squeezed his hand back.
When they entered the tent, the family looked up in surprise, seeing their son with the gorgeous girl.
“Y/n,” Neytiri greeted with a smile.
“Mrs. Sully,” you respectfully answered with a smile.
“Please, call me Neytiri,” she said walking towards the pair.
She got a hold of your hands and put it between the two of you.
“Will you be staying for dinner?”
You looked around the room, everyone’s eyes trained on you, waiting for your answer.
Your polite manners screamed at you to decline, but you saw Neteyam’s hopeful gaze, and nodded kindly.
“If it wouldn’t be too much, I wouldn’t want to impose.”
Neytiri shook her head, as if she had just heard the craziest thing, and she took you to sit, Tuk holding one hand while Neytiri and Kiri walked beside you.
As the ladies left, the boys crowded around Neteyam.
“Damn, didn’t know you had it in you cuz,” the younger brother breathed out.
“Oh shut it,” Neteyam playfully rolled his eyes.
Hearing a throat clear, he turned to see his father with his arms crossed.
“You asked her if you could court her,” Toruk Makto asked.
“Yes, I did sir,” Neteyam answered assertively, forgetting his plan to joke around.
Nodding, Jake put his hand on his eldest son’s shoulder, grinning proudly.
“Atta boy.”
Positively gleaming, the boy smiled back to his father, happy that he approved.
As the boys walked to the girls, Neteyam saw Y/n complimenting and listening thoughtfully to his little sister Tuk.
His heart clenched, the thought of her taking care of his baby sister, made him wonder what it would be like to have a kid with you.
She’d make an amazing mother, the thought creeped into his mind.
Neteyam blushed and grinned at the thought, knowing that he would definitely ask if she wanted kids later in their relationship.
But for now, he would focus on the present, and that meant getting through a family dinner.
Hopefully his family didn’t want to embarrass him.
Yet, as we have learned, luck was never on his side.
Throughout the night, his family shared embarrassing stories, to which Y/n relished in, and Neteyam fumed about.
It was all good fun in the end, and even Neteyam couldn’t help but laugh at his younger self.
By the end of dinner, everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves.
When everyone was finished, Neytiri stood to clean up, only to be stopped by Y/n clearing the table before her.
“There is no need Y/n, you are our guest,” Neytiri tried to protest.
“Exactly, I am your guest, so I will clean up,” the girl answered, not taking no for an answer.
Neytiri aided the girl to the clean up, as everyone else sat, beautifully stuffed.
“Your girl’s kind to your mom. You picked a good one,” his father noted.
Normally, any teasing from his father would make him heat up, but Neteyam was too happy that his lover and his family got along.
“Yeah, I did.”
Lo’ak snorted, shaking his head, causing a confused Neteyam and Jake to turn his way.
“Nah bro, more like she picked your skxawng ass,” Lo’ak laughed hysterically, making Neteyam roll his eyes.
As the mother and girlfriend cleaned up, Neytiri spoke up.
“He adores you,” Neytiri said softly.
Smiling, you answered with a, “really?”
Nodding her head, Neytiri turned to Y/n.
“He only talks about you. I have no doubt he loves you, but he is a teenage boy. Stupid sometimes. If he ever upsets you, you come tell me.”
Blushing at the fact that Neteyam was right about his family loving her more, she nodded bashfully.
As Neteyam went outside to take Y/n home, they bid his family good night, and the girl thanked the Sully’s for an amazing time and dinner.
“Come back anytime,” Jake spoke for the family.
“Thank you sir,” Y/n said gratefully.
The pair bid their goodbyes, and started headed towards her home.
Playfully shoving his now lover, he smiled.
“So what do you think?”
Laughing with relief, the girl turned to him.
“They’re amazing. No wonder your such an amazing man.”
He smiled and took her hand in his.
Both teenager’s heads were beating harshly against their chests, as if they were ticking bombs of love, bound to implode.
Neteyam turned to the girl, stopping both in their tracks.
“I love you Y/n, thank you for being so kind to my family.”
Shyly, the girl tucked her hair slightly behind her ear.
“It wasn’t heard, your family is very kind,” she said bashfully.
Taking a step closer, cupping hee face, he brought her stare to his.
“Really. Thank you, ma Y/n,” he declared with love, gazing through her eyes into her soul.
And they leaned in, kissing one another, relishing on both teenager’s love for one another.
A/n: Sorry it took long to post, I tried to make this one super long! And yes I made a cliffhanger bc I love these two! If you have any suggestions for a part, please don’t hesitate to comment or msg me! Ideas are always welcome!
As always, thanks for the love and support, and comment if you would like to be tagged in the next part or in the tag list for the series!
(P.S., I have a master list containing all the parts of the series to make it easier to track)
Tagged: @kikookii, @dioraaaaaaa, @mashiromochi, @sloppierjewel, @ipoopedmypants47, @adaiasafira, @mommyneytiri, @eskamybeloved, @hannibals-favourite-meal, @secrettreaderr, @liluvtojineteyam, @sadieswifenocaplol, @hisfuture, @jkeluv, @xxannyxx, @erenjaegerwifee
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Coffee shop AU? Nah, gas station AU.
Reader who works the night shift and Ghost who comes in at unholy hours to buy a specific brand of snacks only found there.
This is a request but only if you feel like it!
Emergency Snack Run
A/N: GIRL. I love this. We love us some night owls up here. I think gas station is better lol this took a little longer than expected because life and I had like 50 different ways of how I wanted to end this but I'm happy where it went.
Lt. Simon "Ghost" Riley x F! Gas Station Clerk Reader
Warnings: bothersome customer/attack; unwanted attention
Master List (Tag List at the bottom)
Honestly, you liked working the night shift. It was quiet. And despite what most people think, most of the weird people come during the day. But occasionally someone would come in during your shift that creeped you out enough to keep one hand on the emergency call button and the other on the metal bat that was kept under the cash register.
Anyways. You usually worked the night shifts during the week. Almost no one came in, and you could stock up the shelves or read your magazines in peace. You're technically not supposed to sleep on the job, but if you positioned yourself correctly while sitting behind the cash register, you could hide your face from the camera and from the window well enough so that no one could see that you were sleeping. And the door would hit a bell every time it opened and closed, waking you up from a solid fifteen minute nap.
You liked Wednesdays. Usually it was the quietest, but it also tended to be the most boring. The only reason you liked it was because-
You didn't even have to look up from your magazine to see who it was, but you did anyways. You looked at the time, then smiled up at the darkly clad man. 3:04 AM.
It was almost like clockwork, every Wednesday at around three in the morning. You expected it. Even when he was gone for weeks, sometimes months. And he was finally back.
"Simon! You're back."
You chuckled at his grunt and brief eye contact as he walked through the chip aisle.
"What happened to my crisps?"
Every time he came, you'd put his favorite crips in the same spot and make sure they were well-stocked. You always kept a few bags on the side just in case the shelves were empty.
"You're out." The large man was suddenly by your counter, placing a few drinks on your counter. The corner of his mouth was slightly curved. Only God knows when you'd ever see his full smile.
"Who says I'm out?" You smile and pull out three bags of his favorite crisps from under the cash register and placed them on the counter, beginning to ring him up. "You know the truck comes in on Thursdays, Simon."
"Yeah yeah, thank you, Y/N." Simon chuckled and paid for his snacks.
"Just Y/N? Geezer comes every day at six in the morning always trying to serenade me."
Simon took his change from you and placed it in the empty jar next to the register. You weren't supposed to keep a tip jar, Simon just hated keeping change. So you just kept it there. You smiled at him as you put his food in a plastic bag. He couldn't help but sigh and smile, "You're God-sent, Y/N. That better?"
"Much better. Good seeing you Simon."
"Yeah yeah, see you next week. Call me when that Geezer comes in here, that metal bat isn't going to do anything."
"Yeah yeah, see you next week, Simon." You shooed him away and he gave you a wink as he left the store.
"Geezer, I'm calling Simon!"
Geezer was the crazy person who would come in almost every morning at six in the morning, half-crazy, half-harassing everyone both in and out of the gas station.
"OooOOooH who's Simon? That your boyfriend? I thought I was your boyfriend, Miss Y/N!" Geezer leaned over the counter, getting closer to you. You were the only one working until at least seven in the morning.
It was Monday, you knew it was out of the ordinary for Simon to come to the gas station. He'd given you his phone number months ago on the back of his receipt under a note reading:
When you finish your magazine
You hadn't called him - nothing ever happened that you couldn't handle, and every time Geezer came, someone else would be in the store to help you.
You cursed under your breath and quickly dialed his number, before you could put your phone up to your ear, Geezer was nearly on the counter, nearly cornering you. You didn't get a chance to grab the bat.
You couldn't even comprehend what the crazed man was saying, but thanking whoever was in Heaven when you barely heard Simon's voice on the phone.
"Y/N? You alright?"
"S-Simon! Can you-
"Simon? Is that Simon?"
Simon's heart began to race, he couldn't tell if it was racing in his throat, his ears, or in the bottom of his stomach. "Y/N, keep the phone on. I'm almost there."
He was due to deal with rookie training but he'd rather have Price chew him out. The gas station was only a few minutes away from the base. Simon made it there in less than that.
You didn't even see or hear Simon come in. Geezer had you trapped in the corner by the cigarettes. He saw your phone and threw it to the side. You didn't even process how much the man smelled or how dirty he was, you just wanted him off of you. You could barely keep him off of you and he was practically on top of you.
Your cool and sassy persona had been stripped, you felt helpless - you were helpless. You begged the old man to get off of you.
"Please let me go! Please, the register is open!"
"You think I want money, pretty girl? Why do you think I come here every morning?"
Before you could move a muscle. Geezer was yanked away from you by a large hand. You yelped in fear and covered your face. Simon ran behind the counter and had pulled the old man off of you, not saying a word. Geezer did all the yelling as he was being dragged to the back of the store, loud grunts and moans of pain and pleads for mercy could be heard in between punches.
You stayed on the floor, sobbing under your hands, scared to move a muscle, scared to move your hands away from your face.
The voice was a little rough around the edges, yet soft and gentle. But you were still afraid to look. Simon crouched in front of you, giving you a moment to realize that it was safe. He felt guilty. He never understood why you chose to work night shifts, despite his protests that it was unsafe, and your reassurances that it was ok.
He liked seeing you every Wednesday at three in the morning. You were a constant in his life. A reassurance that something - or someone - would always be there. He should have done something sooner, but he'd let his guard down with you - he'd let it down too much and if you hadn't called him, who knows what would've happened.
After a moment, unsure of what to do, he reluctantly leaned forwards and gently placed his hands on your back against your shoulder blades, speaking out loud every action he did so that nothing would come as a surprise.
"Y/N. Everything is ok now. I'm going to put my hands on your back and move you out of here."
His voice was even softer now. You'd stopped crying and sniffled, rubbing your face as you nodded, allowing him to put his large hands on your back and move you towards him. Simon placed you between his legs, your body and head resting on his body as he held you close, and whispered, "I got you," over and over again.
Your body was still trembling, but it soon subsided the longer you were in in embrace. People started coming in the store but were shooed away by Simon's glares until a police officer eventually arrived to process the scene.
Simon kept you in his arms, remaining on the floor for as long as possible until the officers needed to take your statement and the EMTs needed to give you a look over.
Even then, he didn't leave your side. He didn't want to. He never wanted you to be alone.
Tag List
@ateliefloresdaprimavera @galagcica @sweetybuzz25 @wisedinosaurpolice @itsasecrets-things @ronbon @lieutenantlashfaz @piper570 @shuttlelauncher81 @thanksbutno98 @gabriellathegreat @kult6 @loadedberetta @sarahs-secrets2
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shurisbathwater · 2 years
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*last part*
Toxic!shuri x black fem! reader
❝ 𝖨 𝖻𝖾𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗈𝗐𝗇 𝗀𝖺𝗆𝖾.❞
w a r n i n g s
None really, js alot of arguing and shuri being crazy lmao.
X t r a s
I decided to make it a good ending 😛 this is the last part so don't ask for more 🙄
T a g s
@ziayamikaelson @letitias-fav @honey-teaaaaaaaa @mxyx-rx444
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-𝐘𝐎𝐔 tiptoed into the house slowly. It was pitch black so you had assumed Shuri went to bed and just gave up. It was about 4am in the morning anyway. Surprisingly, that experience with Riri was..the best you've ever felt in a while.
Even after, she took care of you instead of just putting her pants on and leaving like some people did. You switched the lights on to see Shuri sitting on the couch, manspread with a drink in her hand. You jumped at her. Maybe giving her the key to your apartment wasn't the best idea.
"You scared me! Damn."
"Where were you?" Her grills shone as she spoke. "Iut." You grumbled as you kicked your shoes off. "You think you funny? Is that what it is?" She chuckled lightly as she glanced at your neck, full of hickeys.You ignore her and try to walk past, but she gets up and stands in your way.
She towers over you and looks you in the eye. "I said..where were you?" she says, the smell of her whiskey hitting your nose. You look away and glance at something behind her.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you mama." She licked her lips as she said it. She grabs your chin to make you look up at her. You stare up at her, not saying a word.
"Answer the question."
You bat your lashes, no response present.She lets go of your chin and clenches her jaw. "I guess we're equal now." You shrug your shoulders casually.
"You know it didn't mean anything."
"Yet you saw her...a couple hours ago?"
"Stop dragging it." She scoffs.
"Oh please, fyck you."
"Somebody else clearly did." She mutters. You roll your eyes as you push past her, heading to your bedroom. You put your phone on the bed in the bedroom and head into your en suite bathroom.
ᘛ ᘚ
After showering, you expected Shuri to be gone home, but yet you heard her walking around your house. What is going on? You put on your silk pajamas and a satin scarf to protect your hair.
The first thing you looked for was your phone. You left it on the bed, right? Well it wasn't there. You checked under the bed, under the covers, it still wasn't there.
You sighed and went out to the living to see Shuri, still sitting there- with your phone on the counter.
"Riri Williams huh?"
"Why were you-"
"You'd really stoop that low?"
"Lets get this straight, she treats me better than you ever could." You snap back. She rolls her eyes. "If you say so." She says sarcastically.
"You know what? I dont ever want to see you again. Get out." You raise your voice slightly. Shuri's eyes widen, you never, ever shout.
"What?" She replies. "Get. Out before I loose it on you." You say to her. "Ma...can't we just..." her voice trails off. She gets up from her seat and grabs your waist, rubbing it in circular motions.
"I said GET out- and leave my apartment keys here." You commanded as you push her off of you.
She got up with no problems and left through the door.
"You gone regret this one."
"Shut up and get out of my house."
"She'll be running right back to me." She thought.
But yet you never came back.
2 𝗆𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗁𝗌 𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋
It was now almost two months since you had seen Shuri or talked to Shuri. She still tries to reach you but shes blocked on everything. You lay your head on Riri's lap as you both had talked. You and Riri had been together and happy since that night.
Riri secretly took her phone out to get pictures of you. You grinned at her, then realised what she was doing. "Baby, stop!" You giggled as you put your hand at the camera to block the capture.
She laughed along with you as she bent down to give you a kiss on your lips. "I hate you sometimes." You groan.
"Fasho." She said, smirking. "Riri- No-" before you can finish your sentence she picks you up and throws you on her shoulder.
"Let me down!" You whine as you hit her muscular toned back.
She throws you on your bed. "You know you love me. Cmon now."
"-especially when I do this" she kisses your neck softly.
You roll your eyes and grin at her.
"I knew it." She grins back as she showers you with kisses.
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coryothesub · 2 months
Can you do a Snowjanus smut where Coryo is being a brat and Sejanus puts him in his place, pretty please 🥺
Dommy Sejanus is so damn hot sjfislaidjsdfh thank you so much for the ask I guess you can tell that I really enjoyed writing this (always down for sejanus/snowjanus asks btw)
nsfw / mdni / sub!coryo / dom!sejanus
“You're not gonna tell me how to feel just because you're some fine looking district boy. You're still just a district boy, Sejanus!” Coriolanus gave his friend a spiteful look as they walked into an empty room after the reaping ceremony.
Coriolanus had enough on his plate already, not getting the Plinth prize and being assigned to mentor that crazy singing girl was already enough to make him frustrated. And the last thing he needed was this spoiled rich boy moralizing about the cruel nature of the hunger games for the millionth time.
Sejanus was caught off guard by Coryo calling him fine looking during a fight, what did it mean? It sounded so bold and challenging, almost flirty.
“Just go back to your daddy and cry about your impossible hardships, I'm sure he will find a way to bail you out of this just to stop your endless whining,” Coriolanus continued to push his buttons, he was clearly testing his limits.
“Shut up Coriolanus!” Sejanus clenched his fists. He was not having any of this.
“Why don't you make me then!?” The blonde man was now dangerously close, giving Sejanus an arrogant look as he could literally feel his hot breath on his face. 
Okay, either he was truly delusional or were there indeed some sexual undertones.
A cocky smirk appeared on Coriolanus's face, he was clearly throwing down a challenge.
In a split second Sejanus grabbed Coriolanus by the hair and pushed him down on his knees, shoving his face towards his crotch. To his surprise, Coryo didn't even try to put up a fight, Sejanus's heartbeat raised as he felt Coryo's hot breath through the thin fabric of his pants as the blonde boy was fighting for air under his firm grip.
When finally let go, Coryo's face was flushed and his chest heaving. He looked up at Sejanus and he seemed unusually pliant and willing. Sejanus finally connected the dots in his brain.
“You like this, huh?”
Coryo licked his lips in reply. He was so responsive towards his friend’s dominant behavior.
Sejanus unzipped his pants and took out his half hard cock. It was handsome, thick and veiny. Coriolanus felt saliva pooling up in his mouth at the sight alone.
Sejanus chuckled softly, noticing the pure lust in his friend’s eyes.
“So you’ve been such an asshole because you wanted this all along…”
Coryo realized he was far past the point of pretending so he just nodded faintly. Eager to have a taste of the dark haired boy’s cock he moved closer, but Sejanus pushed him away. A devilish smirk appeared on his face.
“Beg for it!”
“Please Sej,” Coryo looked up at him, batting his eyes innocently. “I need to suck your cock.”
“Good boy!”
Sejanus was still grinning, he gave Coryo a few dickslaps and teased him, brushing his tip against the blonde's lovely pink lips.
“God you look so pretty like this, now take it!”
Coryo started sucking avidly, it was his first time sucking off a guy, but Sejanus just seemed to fit so perfectly in his mouth.
He closed his eyes and found his own cock, wrapping his hand around it.
“Nuh-uh, keep your hands to yourself! Don't remember allowing you to touch yourself…” 
Sejanus's voice was now low and husky, his words went straight to Coryo's cock and the poor boy whined around his friends dick. He almost couldn't believe Sejanus could be this cruel.
“If you want to cum, better be good!” Sejanus kept teasing.
Coryo kept quiet since his mouth was full of cock, he flattened his tongue and hollowed his cheeks, bobbing his head up and down just like he had seen in adult movies.
“Mmmm…” Sejanus cooed. “Look at you, Capitol boy, sucking district cock so nicely. Such a slut for me huh…”
Coryo's felt his cheeks filling with red, this was so humiliating. But somehow he liked it so much. He looked up at Sejanus, his pink lips swollen and eyes fluttering.
“Such a pretty little whore,” Sejanus praised him, letting his fingers wander in Coryo's blonde curls.
He thrusted his hips forwards, making Coryo's body tremble as he gagged around Sejanus's thick member. He was so achingly hard now, yet he didn't dare to disobey his friend.
Holding Coryo's head in place, Sejanus started thrusting his hips back and forth, fucking Coriolanus's throat. Gobbling sounds filled the room as Coryo tried to hold steady, feeling his friend's tip hitting the back of his throat.
Sejanus saw small streams of saliva dripping down from the corners of Coriolanus’s mouth as the blonde man's eyes were welling up with tears, but it made him even more vicious in his burning wish to show that hot little Capitol brat his true place.
He fucked Coryo's face relentlessly overwhelmed by the feeling of the blonde's warm wet mouth bringing him closer to the edge.
“Oh fuck Coryo, such a good…” the sentence was cut off by a deep groan as Sejanus came hard, thick ropes of cum shooting down Coryo's swollen throat.
“You did good Coriolanus, so good,” Sejanus gently wiped tears off Coryo's cheek as the blonde boy was trying to steady his breath.
“Please, can I cum now, Sej?” Coryo pleaded looking down at his painfully hard member, his  voice sounded soft and broken from the relentless throat fuck session he had just experienced.
“Come here, baby!” Sejanus said gently as he helped Coryo back on his feet.
“Gonna make you cum now…”
He wrapped his big hand around his friend's cock, causing Coryo to let out a desperate moan. It took less than a minute of Sejanus jerking him off at a rapid pace, their lips pressed together in a passionate kiss.
Sejanus's tongue exploring his mouth combined with his firm grip around his throbbing cock pushed Coryo over the edge and he moaned against Sejanus's lips cumming hard and shooting out a stream of hot cum all over his friend's hand.
“You were being a fucking brat on purpose, weren't you?” Sejanus chuckled softly as they both were coming down from their heights.
“That is an information I can't disclose” Coriolanus replied flirtatiously.
“But I can promise you one thing, Plinth. It will happen again.”
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devotedlykoneshots · 1 year
Genre: smut , minors dni,🔞, best friend to lovers, fake dating
Word count: 4,159
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For as long as you can remember you and d.o have been shipped by your close friends, they always tried to put you two together as much as possible.
You and d.o didn't really mind either, you both loved spending time together and making new memories together.
At least that's what it was for you, just memories to tell your children and grandchildren when you grew older.
D.o and you were the complete opposite but still alike in many ways, when he hated socializing you thrived in it.
When he succeeded in the kitchen you failed astronomically.
You balanced each other but now....all you wanted to do was strangle him, the bastard opened your curtains and let the atrocious sunlight through onto your unsuspecting face.
Ultimately ruining your wet dream about a celebrity you could never have.
"close the curtains! my eyes are
burning! "you were so dramatic but he didn't mind that, you were one of his closest friends in the world and he found it quite amusing but he'd never admit that.
"don't you think you've slept in
long enough, you little vampire?"he asked and sat down beside you pulling the covers off your body.
You threw a pillow in his direction and he easily dodged it , chuckling at your weak attempt to get him to leave you alone.
"Get up , they're serving food at that diner for couples again" you'd forgotten about that, the little diner near the boys apartment always did this every year for valentines day.
"Why aren't we sending Chen? He's in an actual relationship" you grumbled and he pinches your arm , grabbing your other arm to keep you from hitting him.
"I'll buy you dumplings later"he offered and you sat up , stretching with a smile on your face.
It was safe to say you're thoroughly spoiled.
"Deal"you agreed and got up, heading to the bathroom to get ready and kyungsoo headed back to the living room where the guys were watching TV.
"Baekhyun, you're buying y/n dumplings later" he stated as he plops himself down on the couch beside Kai.
You were finally ready to head over to the guys apartment and even though they brought Chen's 'family' car as you'd like to call it there still wasn't enough room for everyone, that's how you end up on kyungsoo's lap and you're convinced they planned this.
By they you mean baekhyun.
"Who are we texting?" Kyungsoo asked and you smiled slightly, turning your head to look at him.
"One of my side chicks" you commented and he snorts, resting his chin on your shoulder as you lean back against his chest.
"Cheating on our anniversary? You wound me" he commented lowly and you'd have to note that was the first time you felt something towards d.o, his low voice just gave you the chills as it resonated in your ear
"Are we there yet?" He raised his eyebrows at you, taken aback by the sudden question and he looks out of the window.
"Almost, you know how slow Chen drives"he chuckles and there it goes again, his deep voice and you tried to refrain from shivering but you couldn't help it.
He definitely noticed.
"Are you cold? I told you to bring a jacket"he scolds you and you bite your bottom lip, you're snapped out of it when he starts to rub your arms in hopes of providing you some warmth.
He had no idea that he was unintentionally driving you crazy.
"We're here" Chen dropped you off at the diner and you both climb out of the car, you headed towards the entrance thankfully it wasn't too packed due to the time and most people were at work.
You had to walk up a flight of stairs to get to the diner, the first floor being the waiting area and you hear a snort coming from beside you.
"You're the clumsiest person I know, how did you survive past childhood?"he chuckles at your frame when you successfully avoided falling up the steps because lord knows how you managed to do that.
"Well it's a good thing I have you here to protect me"you turn to him and bat your eyelashes earning a snort from him before he shoves you lightly, an arm wrapping around your waist as you approached the buffet to further sell the idea of you being a couple.
However you didn't expect to see kyungsoo's boss there as well and witnessing kyungsoo tense up, it was clear that he was just as surprised.
"Fancy seeing you here, I had no idea you were in a relationship."his boss greets him and you smiled.
"He likes to keep me hidden"you say and kyungsoo gives your waist a squeeze of appreciation, thankful for the save.
"Will we be seeing each other at your promotion party?"he then asked kyungsoo, you looked at him confused and completely stepping out of character.
"What promotion party?"you asked and his boss also questioned him, confused that he hasn't told you yet.
"You didn't tell her?"
"We've been so busy lately there wasn't enough time"kyungsoo explained, it wasn't necessarily a lie either but knowing him he wasn't intending on attending his own party.
"Its okay"you assured him before turning to his boss.
"We'll be there"you promised and this time it was kyungsoo who stared at you in shock, disbelief even.
"Well then , I'll let you enjoy your evening, it was nice meeting you-"you take his hand to shake it and give him your name.
"Why didn't you say anything?"you asked him as you both sat on the couch, some of the guys had work and the chen was on a date with his girlfriend.
"I wasn't gonna go, its not a big deal"you snorted, not surprised.
"You got a promotion soo and that is a big deal, when is the party?"you questioned him and he leans back against the couch.
"Its next weekend, out of town"you raised your eyebrows.
"Then I should get packed"you said, standing up and he grabbed your hand, getting your attention.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"he asked, genuinely concerned.
"We have to, can't risk people thinking you're a liar and a fraud"you say and squeeze his hand.
"Thank you"he said and you nodded, pulling away from him to go and get packed. You decided to bring at least 15 different outfits, you never know what you'll encounter over a three day period.
As the days pass by and the weekend approaches you both bid your friends a farewell, surprising you even more once you saw they were traveling all the way to California for his promotion party.
You were once again in disbelief when you'd checked into the hotel, of course you and d.o were sharing a room. You tried not to think too deeply about it and focused more on the room, it was more like a suite.
"I just got promoted to CEO" he answered your question before you even asked, your eyes full of amazement as you took in the room and kyungsoo has never seen you look so beautiful.
The bed is huge and the view is otherworldly , you couldn't believe your best friend has been hiding this life from you all this time.
Yet you still couldn't fathom why this man was still single.
"We're expanding our branch to California" he further explains, which explains why you'd flown here.
"A-are you moving here?" You asked , turning to him and he sat down on the bed. Your heart sank.
He was moving all the way to California.
"I'll come visit when I can" he tells you and you nodded, looking down at your hands and he takes them in his own to pull you closer.
"Don't cry" he says softly and you sit down beside him, his hand pressing against your cheek and you subconsciously nuzzle into his hand.
His heart melts at your little display of affection and the first real action without eyes on you, you were both alone and yet you were genuinely sad to part from him once this was over.
He pulls you into a hug and you hide your face in his neck, he rubs your back soothingly to help you calm down all while your brain tried to come to terms with this new revelation.
You both pull away eventually and he pinches your cheek.
The party started a little bit after 9pm and you spent the last three hours in a room with all of the women, thank god you'd known kyungsoo for a long time because they wouldn't stop asking questions.
Like his boss they were also surprised that he was in a relationship , according to them he'd been asked out several times but declined them all.
This was the part that made you do a double take.
He'd always tell these beautiful and successful women that he already had eyes for someone else, who could that possibly be?
As far as you know kyungsoo had never mentioned having another friend of the opposite gender, could he be keeping her a secret?
"He seems really smitten with you" taeyeon tells you and you bite your bottom lip at that.
Their comments made your mind wander to places and scenarios they shouldn't have, what could a life with d.o offer you.
Were you the mystery interest all this time? If so, why would he turn down the likes of someone as successful as taeyeon for you?
No , this was fake dating. It wasn't real.
Yet you'd never talked about ending the fake dating plan once this was over.
Would you keep fake dating? What did kyungsoo think?
The sound of Krystal telling you she was done with your hair snapped you out of your thoughts, the hair stylist was definitely worth all the hype she got.
You could never get your hair to be this perfect but you'd never had enough money to buy the right products so that was probably why.
"Kyungsoo is a keeper, I wouldn't let him go if I were you" was the last thing taeyeon said before you parted ways when you walked down stairs.
Although you thrived in public situations this was a little out of your comfort zone , kyungsoo was chatting and laughing with his co-workers when you arrived with the rest of the ladies.
You did not fail to catch his attention immediately and he excused himself from the conversation before coming over to you, a smile on his face once he got close.
"You look amazing" one of the ladies had gifted you with a silk brown dress and gold accessories , it was the perfect length and the slit on the side showed off your beautiful thighs.
D.o shook his head before his mind could wander to unholy places meant to be whispered to you within the safety of your room.
"So do you" you're pushed up against him as a group of people walk past you and you look up at him before stepping back.
"Come , let's get you a drink"he wraps his arm around your waist and guides you to the bar, multiple people greeting him and you along the way.
"You're really popular, huh?"he chuckles at that and shrugs his shoulder.
"Something like that"he orders a round of shots for you both and you engage in a competition like you usually do back home.
He let's you win of course as per usual.
"I'm gonna miss you" you state as you stare at him and he smiles sadly at you, leaning forward to kiss your lips but instead he ends up kissing your nose and you both burst out laughing.
"Were you trying to kiss me?"you asked him and he sits his glass down, attention drifting from the shot to you.
"What would you do if I was?"he asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
"Slap you, maybe"you grinned and he snorts, knowing you were probably right.
"That would sell it right?"he asked, you knew what he was talking about but still the thought of kissing d.o sent shivers up your spine.
"Probably" you said and he leans forward, cupping your cheek and your eyes close at the sensation of his warm hand against your cheek.
Your breath hitching when you open your eyes to see how close he was and just then he closed the gap, kissing your lips softly and it was a simple kiss.
No tongue or anything like that but still had your head spinning from the softness, it was a quick kiss before he pulled you into his arm in a hug and kissed your cheeks twice making you laugh.
As the night came to an end you and d.o found yourselves sitting amongst his peers, his hand on your knee to stop your leg from bouncing and your head on his shoulder as you were starting to get sleepy as it was now going past midnight.
"We're gonna head in for the night"his  hand leaving your knee to help you stand, arm around your waist as both walk to the elevator.
"Okay, see you tomorrow"you wondered what tomorrow had in store for you but you were too tired to  think about it further.
The ride up to your floor was quiet but not an uncomfortable silence, kyungsoo picks you up once the elevator opens and he carries you bridal style to your room.
You were wide awake now, not expecting that and honestly you didn't even know he was that strong.
Needless to say you kinda liked it, maybe a little too much.
"We need to talk"he'd said just before you could dip off to the bathroom to get changed.
"Okay....what is it?"you asked him, kicking off your shoes and looking over at him since he had yet to move.
"I don't know when it started or why it even started but all I know is...I like you , y/n and before you even ask its not as a friend"you're shocked but you kind of suspected there was something else going on the more the day moved along.
Especially after talking with taeyeon and hearing how he acted around other women, its very different from how he acts with you.
He's comfortable with you.
"I've liked you for a long time now, its why I didn't bother to date because none of them are you and they could never make me feel the way you do"you felt your heart melt at that, you were the mystery interest this whole time.
You were the one he'd had his eyes on for god knows how long, that explained why he complied with fake dating you for food at the diner.
"I just had to say it. And if you
don't want me that way, we'll
never mention this again. I'll be at your side when you get married, when you have kids, when you find the cure for cancer- and I'll be happy for you. I'll keep my feelings out of it-"you hadn't even noticed you hadn't responded to his confession yet, too caught up with matching up the missing pieces of the puzzle that kyungsoo left for you all these years.
"Soo shut up"you cut him off and he immediately raised his eyebrows.
"Okay, I can do that"he said and you took a deep breath before walking over to him , grabbing his shirt and pulling him to you as you kissed his lips.
Ultimately taking him by surprise but soon enough his hands found your waist to pull you closer to his body , your lips molding together like a seamless harmony and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Is that a yes?"he asked after pulling away for some air, panting slightly and you nodded as your eyes closed.
"I don't want you to keep your feelings out of it"you tell him and he picks you up, pressing you against the nearest wall and you gasp at this new side of d.o that you were witnessing.
"Fuck, I've waited for this for so long" he whispered against your lips as he licks your bottom lip and you open your mouth to let his tongue slip inside , the kiss deepening and his body pushing up against yours.
You whine softly as you feel something hard press against your center and your fingers grip his hair, his lips leaving yours and moving down to your neck as you tilt your head back.
You shiver upon feeling his mouth on your skin for the first time and he grows harder as he listens to you moan his name for the first time.
He wanted more.
"Wait are you sure about this?"he asked as he pulled back and his eyes drift over to your neck, no doubt a hickey already decorating your skin.
"Just fuck me already" you lock your legs around his waist as you make him press against your center again, a groan leaving his lip and you pull him into another kiss.
"Soo" you gasp as his hands grope both of your breasts and you both look down at his hands , he gulps before brushing his thumbs over your nipples and feeling them already hardened.
"Fuck you're not wearing a bra"you blush at his words and work to get his tie loose, nibbling on your bottom lip.
"The girls said I didn't need one with this dress"you gasped again as he rolls your nipples between his fingers through the thin material of your dress and winning him a whimper in response.
"Been thinking about ripping this dress off you since you walked through that door" he spoke and looked up at you before pulling down the top of your dress until your tits spill out of the material, he wastes no time as he licks his fingers and takes your nipple into his mouth all while rolling your other nipple between his fingers.
Your fingers wrap around the door handle to keep you anchored in the world of reality.
"You can't- its not mine" you tell him and he pulls you back into another kiss , carrying you to the bed now and pushing you down against it.
Your hands immediately go to his pants and you hastily unbutton them before pushing them down his legs, you pull him down onto you and your sudden movement makes him gasp.
He curses in your ear as your hand slips into his boxers and your hand wraps around his impressive length, he wasn't long like how you thought he'd be but he was thick.
"I want you inside now"you whine as you stroke his length and he bucks into your hand, a groan leaving his lips as you squeeze his base and pump faster.
"W-we've got all night"he stops you and pulls your hand out of his boxers, his eyes widening as he takes in the sight of you removing your dress and you're only left in a pair of black laced panties.
"My God, you're so fucking
gorgeous like this."he whispered and ran a hand up your body to grab your breasts in his hands, rolling your nipples between his fingers before his hand wraps around your neck and you gasp.
" oh fuck"your back arches off the bed and he trails his tongue up your body as he kisses a wet trail behind, when his tongue flicks at your sensitive buds you wrap your legs around him.
"You're driving me crazy"he coos at your comment before biting down on the plump flesh surrounding your nipple and your body arches again as he sucks it into his mouth.
You didn't know kyungsoo had this side to him and you definitely liked seeing this side, you definitely noticed he was more of a boob guy and you were proved right when he traps his cock between them.
A trail of saliva landing on the head of his cock to help him fuck your tits better and you let your tongue loll out , hearing him curse as his cock hits your tongue each time he thrusts.
"Soo please , I don't need any foreplay. I just need you inside of me. Right now."kyungsoo laughs and pulls away from you , leaning down to kiss your lips and pulling away right after.
"One more thing, baby. Then I'll give you whatever you want" he promised before slipping between your legs and your breath gets caught in your throat as you realized what he was about to do.
"Relax, let me take care of you" you rest your head back against the pillow and bite your bottom lip as he takes off your panties, the first lick pulls a gasp from you before he's delving into your heat and he moans.
"Fuck, fuck"you swear and arch your back as he holds your hips down, looking up at you as he licks your wet core and your fingers grip his hair again.
" kyungsoo"you moan his name again and he groans as he sucks your clit into his mouth, your hips trying to buck against his mouth but failing due to his grip.
"You taste so good" he groans against your heat and his eyes roll into the back of his head as you tug his hair, his tongue licking you feverishly.
"Oh- I'm gonna cum" you cried out, your legs threatening to close around his head but he wraps his arms under your legs and hums in delight as you cum, your body trembling.
He pulls away and licks his lips as he comes up to kiss your lips, your arms wrap around his neck as you deepen the kiss and your hands push his boxers down.
"Please , I need you"you whimper and he pulls back to pull off the rest of his clothes, you hadn't even noticed that majority of his clothes were still on and you just about ripped his shirt off because he was taking too long.
His lips return to yours once he was undressed and you moan into the kiss as you feel his cock grinding against your folds, covering his bare cock in your slick embarrassingly at that.
"you're so wet, I bet I could just-" he pushes his cock into your entrance and you moan at the intrusion, your nails digging into his lower back and he groans as he grabs your hands to pin them above your head.
"Move , please" you beg and he bites his bottom lip as he starts to fuck his cock into you , you both moaning out at the same time and his hands move down to your hips for better leverage.
His thrusts becoming rougher gradually and faster, your moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the room.
You'd feel bad about the red marks that littered across his back layer but right now you couldn't care less, especially not with him deep in your guts like he was.
Definitely not with him whispering praises into your ear about how well you were taking him, how you were crafted just for him and no one else.
"You're gonna make me cum again" you whimper and he reaches down to slap to your clit with his fingers , you gasped and cried out to him.
"You gonna cum all over your best friends cock?"he taunts you and you nodded your head, what would your friends think if they knew what you both were up to on this trip?
"Cum for me, come on pretty girl"he coos into your ear and you cling onto him, your face in his neck as you clench down around him, pulling a groan from his lips as you cum and he fucks you through your state of euphoria without slowing down.
"Fuck- almost there princess"he said and pulled back to drive his cock into your heat faster, now chasing his own orgasm and rolling your nipples between as he further prolonged your orgasm.
"Fucking hell" he quickly pulls and moves over your body, straddling your waist and strokes his cock until he's cumming all over your tits.
"Never pegged you for a tit guy" you smile at him lazily and he chuckles , leaning down to kiss your lips softly.
"Just yours"he gets off the bed and you smile as he disappears in the bathroom, you couldn't help but think back to earlier and him moving halfway across the world.
How would you make it work? Would it have been better not to explore this side of each other?
You only had 2 days left before your lives would change forever.
Well , a lot can happen in 2 days.
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 10 months
Note: Halloween chapter 10. Other chapters here.
Warnings: 18!! smut, fluff, bit of angst. mention of death, animal death, demonic possession, ghosts, bdsm activities.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You learned what would happen if you taunted Sihtric, and he finally opened up about his deal with the Devil.
wordcount: 4,9k
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'Did I tell you to speak?'
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You and Sihtric had been inseparable since that Halloween weekend you first met, but the past few weeks you had barely seen each other. Your job had been very demanding and Sihtric had been called for help by the church. And now that the agony of being apart was almost over, you both couldn't contain your excitement to see each other again.
You: how's my good Christian boy doing? ;)
Sihtric: your good Christian boy has a nice prayer chair in his basement for you, lady…
You: oh I remember
Sihtric: good ;)
You: but seriously, how are you, love? I miss you so much…
Sihtric: I'm okay, it's been quite the month, glad it's almost done
Sihtric: and I miss you too, little bat, so much, you have no idea
Sihtric: can't wait to see you again, my heart's been aching for you
Sihtric: tell me what you want to do this weekend?
You: just… something nice and quiet? nothing crazy, really. work's been stressing me out so much I just need to relax
Sihtric: anything you want, baby, I'll do for you 
Sihtric: I'll come up with something 
Sihtric: promise I'll treat you good all weekend 
Sihtric: miss you 
Sihtric: miss you a lot
Sihtric: love you a lot too 
You giggled like a teenager at the endless incoming texts from your hopelessly in love boyfriend. You couldn't wait to see him again but you were also nervous, as you wanted to know the truth about him. You wanted to know why he had certain abilities that seemed supernatural and why certain demons knew him all too well.
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The weekend was finally here and you ran to the door when Sihtric pulled up at your house to pick you up, early in the afternoon. You opened the door and took in his appearance as he got out of his car; his half shaved haircut, the black jeans with the leather boots, a black hoodie underneath a black fleece jacket and that sweet, huge smile on his face when he saw you melted you completely.
You ran up to Sihtric and jumped in his arms while he was barely prepared, but luckily his reflexes were quick enough to catch you in time.
'Love,' Sihtric chuckled whike trying to get a good grip on you as he stumbled a few steps back.
You took his face in your hands and immediately kissed his lips, much to his delight, and it didn't take long before Sihtric turned your sweet kiss into a sloppy one, as per usual. The more tongue, the more he enjoyed it. And you didn't mind, but you did kind of wonder if your neighbours enjoyed the sight of the intense kissing in your frontyard in broad daylight.
'Gods,' Sihtric sighed as he put you down on your feet, cupping your cheeks, 'I've missed you, my shadow.'
'I missed you too,' you pouted, and Sihtric pulled you in for a tight embrace.
'We're never doing this again,' he said as he held you, 'being apart for so long.'
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Back at Sihtric's place, he took off his clothes as fast as he could. If it was up to him he'd just walk around naked in his house all day. But he figured it's more classy to somewhat cover himself up, so when he found you in his living room he was just in his slim fitting boxers and wearing that black satin robe you love seeing him in.
'So,' you said, still fully dressed as Sihtric pulled you with him into his kitchen, 'what is the plan for the evening?'
'I,' Sihtric said and lifted you up to sit on the kitchen counter, 'am going to cook for you,' he smiled and cupped your cheeks, 'and then we'll watch a movie, any one, you get to pick,' he nuzzled your nose, 'and after the movie,' he pecked your lips, 'or maybe even during the movie, I'll make sweet, sweet love to you,' he chuckled and gave you a firm kiss, 'and after that maybe some hot chocolate?'
'I see,' you giggled, 'and what's for dinner?'
'Well, you can have me,' Sihtric grinned, 'or I can make a rice dish.'
'But what if I want both?'
Sihtric shrugged, 'Perhaps that's an option too,' he winked and slapped your thighs.
You watched Sihtric as he prepared you a whole dish, chopping the vegetables and meat right next to you, and you felt oddly aroused at the sight of the knife in his hands. He carefully took his time to cook for you, and every time he had to pass you to get something he stole a kiss or two. You opened a few texts as Sihtric heated up some pans, and you scoffed as you looked at your phone.
'Damn,' you mumbled.
'Hm?' Sihtric looked over at you, 'what is it?'
'No, eh,' you cleared your throat, 'I just got a text from a friend. Apparently her rather new boyfriend ran over her cat, killing it instantly.'
'Oh, shit,' Sihtric said, 'that's fucked up.'
'Yeah,' you sighed, 'poor thing.'
Sihtric suddenly chuckled. 'Weird that,' he said, 'I had a dream a few days ago that I ran over someone's cat.'
'Really? That's freaky,' you stared at him, 'maybe you predicted it?'
'Nah,' Sihtric shrugged, 'I probably did it in another life,' he winked with a smile and continued cooking.
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'Which sauce?' Sihtric held up two bottles to you from across the kitchen, 'sweet and sour or sweet and spicy?'
'I don't know,' you shrugged, 'which one do you like?'
'No, I'm asking you, love,' he smiled, 'or you want to try them first?'
You nodded and Sihtric made his way over. He dipped his finger in the sauce and brought it up to your lips. You expected him to gently push his finger in your mouth, but then a mischievous smirk appeared on his face. He pulled his hand away from you and smudged the sauce on his bare chest.
'You want to try it?' he smirked, 'go ahead.'
You shook your head lightly with a smile. He didn't even have to try, everything Sihtric did was somehow so erotic, it made you wonder if he was even real sometimes. You brought your lips to his chest and he moved his hands in your hair. A sharp exhale left his lips along with a soft hum as you ran your tongue over his body, tasting the sweet and sour sauce.
'Not bad,' you chuckled and looked up at Sihtric, who was biting down on his lip with a smile.
He repeated the same action with the other sauce but this time he deliberately used a little more, making you use your tongue on him again.
'I like this one better,' you said.
'Let me taste it,' Sihtric husked and he kissed your lips, his tongue entering your mouth with ease. 'Hm,' he hummed and broke the kiss, 'yeah, the spicy one tastes good,' he agreed. 
And then as if nothing happened, he turned and went back to the pan to add the sauce.
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When dinner was ready you both ate on his couch while watching the movie you picked; The Conjuring. You had both seen it over ten times already, and still loved it all the same. But halfway through the movie Sihtric kept glancing at you, and whenever you looked back at him he quickly looked away. He kept this up for minutes. Until he realised you started to ignore him, because apparently you thought Patrick Wilson, who played Ed Warren in that movie, was kinda hot, and Sihtric wasn't having it. 
He then slowly moved closer and kissed your cheek. You smiled at him and brushed your fingers through his dark curls, which satisfied him and he smiled sweetly at you now that he had your attention. But when you brought your eyes back to the tv again, Sihtric glared at you. He knew he could just pick you up, take you upstairs and chain you to his bed, and you'd happily let him. But Sihtric had missed you these past few weeks so he wanted to be gentle, and maybe he even enjoyed the chase tonight, because he clearly had to win you over here, as your eyes were still glued to his tv. 
Sihtric leaned in again and you chuckled softly when you felt he nuzzled your cheek, then pecked your jaw and brought his lips down to your neck with soft open-mouthed kisses. His hands trailed slowly down your body to your waist, then slipping under your shirt.
'Babe,' you murmured, 'I want to watch the movie.'
Sihtric sat back and stared at you, then crossed his arms and shrugged. 'Fine.'
You clicked your tongue and chuckled, 'Sihtric, don't be salty now.'
'No, it's fine,' he shrugged again while staring at the tv.
You bit down a laugh as you saw his bitter face.
'Siht, the movie is over in like half an hour,' you said, 'patience.'
'No, I don't want it anymore now,' he lied.
You knew if you'd straddle his lap now you'd feel he definitely still wanted it, but you also enjoyed him not getting what he wanted right away, so you fought your own urges too, just to taunt him.
'Okay, fine by me,' you shrugged and focused on the movie again.
You sat in silence for the remainder of the movie, and as soon as the end credits started rolling Sihtric switched off the tv, got up to clean the table and kitchen, and then went upstairs. You knew he wanted you to take the bait, but you wouldn't, not right away at least. So you made yourself some tea before you finally went upstairs too. Sihtric pretended to be asleep already, and he was so bad at faking it, but you pretended to buy it and got under the sheets, your back turned to him.
Not a word was spoken but the tension was thick and electrifying. It felt as if you'd touch him now lightning would strike inside the room, blowing all the fuses, as the lust you felt for each other was too powerful for its own good. And you laid in silence for several long minutes after you had switched off the lights.
'What makes you think you can deny me?' Sihtric's voice rumbled low through the bedroom, like thunder.
'I wasn't denying you,' you hissed and smiled in the dark, but he didn't have to know you enjoyed this.
'I should punish you for that,' he said.
'Sure,' you sighed, hiding your amusement and anticipation.
'Fine,' Sihtric said.
He switched on a light, grabbed your ankle and pulled you towards him swiftly. He got out of bed and swung you over his shoulder, walking down the stairs and through his long hallway, to the stairs that went down to his "playroom".
'Sihtric?' you laughed, a little nervous now as he walked into the dimly red lit room.
'Did I tell you to speak?' he asked firmly, and a pleasant shudder went down your spine as you felt lightheaded at his tone.
'Wh- what are we doing here?' you giggled.
'Did. I. Tell. You. To. Speak?' Sihtric asked again, slower this time, and he grabbed your chin after he had put you back on your feet, 'hm?' his mismatched eyes stared at you with an intense gaze.
He then leaned his forehead against yours, pushing you backwards to the spanking bench, the one which looked like a prayer chair. Sihtric took off your shirt and before you knew it your lounge pants were gone too, and he didn't stop until you were completely naked, and then he took off his robe. He pushed you down on the chair and grabbed your wrists firmly with one hand, then kneeled down in front of you and cupped your cheek with his other hand.
'Love?' Sihtric whispered, staring into your dazed eyes, 'love, are you still here?' his sudden soft eyes darted over your face.
'Y-yeah,' you smiled at him.
'A little too much, my bat?' Sihtric chuckled lightly.
'No,' you laughed, 'go… go on.'
Sihtric brushed a few strands of hair out of your face and pecked your lips.
'Trust me?' he asked.
'I trust you.'
'Safe word?' Sihtric asked as he held your chin gently.
'Thunder,' you chuckled at the word you both agreed on last time you were together.
'Thunder,' Sihtric smiled and handcuffed your hands to the chair.
He got up, towering over you, and cupped both your cheeks. 'Safe signal, love?' he asked.
'Three tugs,' you said, and tugged your cuffed wrists three times.
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed in agreement, 'you good?' he asked again.
'Yeah,' you smiled, and your heart skipped a beat when he kissed your lips sweetly.
'Good,' Sihtric smirked, and then he suddenly slapped your face, earning a gasp and satisfied chuckle from you.
Your head was spinning at your dominant boyfriend, and your mouth nearly watered when he took off his boxers and grabbed your chin, teasing your lips with his hard cock.
'Be a good girl for me,' Sihtric purred, 'open.'
You listened to his command and opened your mouth. Sihtric hummed with heavy-lidded eyes, and his lips curled into a smile as the warmth and wetness of your mouth enveloped his entire length.
'Fuck,' Sihtric hissed and threw his head back, while slowly thrusting deep into your mouth. 
His hands were in your hair, keeping you in place, and his mischievous laugh made your core heat up even more. You hummed at the taste of him in your mouth, and Sihtric growled at the sensation it gave him. He looked back down at you, loving the way your reddened lips wrapped so perfectly around him, his thumbs caressing your cheeks as he dragged his cock out and back into your mouth again slowly.
'Good girl,' he chuckled.
He tugged your hair, forcing you to look up and lock eyes with him. The feeling of his warm hands on you, while being restrained as he uses your mouth for his own pleasure, along with the sight of his muscular body towering over you and his heavy-lidded eyes staring down at you, combined with the sound of his soft moans, deep sighs, low growls and his mischievous laughs and chuckles, it was all almost enough to make you reach your own high without even touching yourself. And it drove you wild.
'You like that?' Sihtric murmured.
'Mhm,' was all you could hum, and tears rolled down your cheeks.
Sihtric enjoyed the sight of your tears, knowing they were not caused by pain or sadness, and he wiped them sweetly before he took a faster pace. You moaned and gagged once, to which Sihtric pulled out to give you some air, but not before he slapped your cheek again. 
'I'm going to use that pretty mouth of yours, and you're going to take it,' he growled, then sweetly caressed your slapped cheek and pushed his cock back between your swollen lips again. 'Ah, fuck, baby,' he moaned and looked down at you with slightly parted lips, breathing heavy, 'even better than I imagined,' he smiled, slapping your cheek again, 'good girl,' he said again with ragged breath, 'such a fucking good girl for me,' he hissed, fucking your mouth faster but still carefully enough for you to enjoy it.
You felt his cock twitch in your mouth, and it didn't take long before you swallowed his cum after Sihtric came with a loud grunt. His heavy breath filled the room while he was quick to pull out, kneel down, and he swiftly freed your wrists. Sihtric picked you up and cradled you in his arms as he sat down on the comfy sofa in the centre of the room. You chuckled tiredly, and Sihtric did the same. He kissed your lips softly and nuzzled your nose.
'You okay, my love?' Sihtric whispered, still coming down from his high.
'Yeah,' you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Sihtric kissed your cheeks and lips softly, over and over again, whispering sweet nothings in between each kiss.
'I love you,' 'you're so good to me,' 'you're made for me, darling,' and, 'I can't ever get enough of you, my love,' were words he murmured.
'You think you can handle a little more?' he asked after he had recovered himself.
'Maybe,' you grinned.
Sihtric hummed, smiling, and slowly pulled you with him to the X-shaped cross. He put his boxers on again and you quickly said he wasn't allowed to put on his robe, to which he smirked and agreed.
'Now what?' you asked as Sihtric pushed you up against the cross, 'restraining me again?'
'Just a little,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your lips, then pushed your legs apart with his knee and cuffed your ankles to the cross. 
'Good for you, love?' he asked, looking up at you.
'Yeah,' you breathed, 'not my wrists?'
'No, my queen,' Sihtric said and took your wrists, pressing soft kisses onto your skin, 'you'll need your hands,' he smiled.
Your breath hitched when you felt his lips on your thigh, kissing up to your core. And when he dragged his tongue between your folds you realised he was right when he said you'd need your hands, as you immediately grabbed onto his hair.
'Fuck, Sihtric,' you sighed.
Sihtric hummed against your skin and you threw your head back, enjoying the way his tongue felt and you knew it wouldn't take long before you'd finish this way. Sihtric moaned softly each time you tugged his hair, and he pressed soft kisses to your wet cunt before he slit two digits inside you. You gasped and pulled his hair harder, pushing his lips back on you and the feeling of his tongue and fingers simultaneously pleasing you was almost too overwhelming. Tingles spread through your entire body, your knees became weaker with each stroke of his tongue and each thrust of his fingers inside you.
'Come on, love,' Sihtric breathed, 'I want to drink all of you,' he moaned softly, 'my queen. My darkness, give it to me.' 
You desperately tried to push his lips back onto you, and Sihtric chuckled at your dishevelled state as you tried to grind against his tongue.
'Give yourself to me, surrender,' he smiled at you as you looked down at him, barely able to keep your eyes open or to keep yourself up on your trembling legs.
Sihtric released your ankles and caught you when your legs gave out, and he carefully brought you down to your knees as he lowered his body to the floor along with yours. He laid down on his back and pulled you on top of him.
'I wasn't finished, angel,' Sihtric smiled sweetly, 'you haven't finished,' he said and pulled your hips up to his face.
He hooked his arms around your thighs and pulled you down on him, and he licked, kissed and sucked you in ways you had never felt before. You moaned, laughed, squealed, cursed and squirmed as he held you in a tight grip, moaning against your core as his mouth never left you, and he wasn't going to let you go until you came for him. And when you finally did, screaming out his name while Sihtric drank you in as if you were the sweetest drink he ever had, your head was spinning and you pushed yourself off him as you immediately became oversensitive. 
Sihtric was quick to grab you and pull you in his arms, and he carefully flipped you on your back. You both breathed hard while trying to catch your breath as Sihtric moved on top of you, and you both started to laugh when you locked eyes.
'What the fuck is wrong with you?' you laughed, pushing Sihtric's hair out of his sweaty face before you pressed a kiss to the shaved side of his head.
'A lot, my princess,' he chuckled, 'but if you didn't enjoy this, then I won't do it aga-'
You quickly hushed Sihtric with a kiss, tasting yourself as your juices still lingered on his lips and tongue.
'Well, I guess that means you enjoyed it,' Sihtric played dumb and smirked at you.
You hummed with a smile as Sihtric reached for his robe, grabbing his phone, and he changed the red lights to a warm white with a quick tap. His mismatched eyes scanned your body, and he asked if you were hurt or felt bruises where the restraints had been, but you were absolutely fine.
'Perfect, my love,' Sihtric whispered and kissed your lips, 'you are absolutely fucking perfect for me.'
He pulled you up to him as he sat back and threw his robe around your shoulders, covering you up. He picked you up in his strong arms and carried you over to the unused bed, where he laid down next to you and cuddled up. Sihtric pecked your skin wherever he could as you still tried to come down from your high, and when you finally recovered you returned the favour. You kissed his face, your lips finding each scar he had, letting Sihtric know you loved him entirely. You slowly and softly kissed down his neck, to his chest, trailing your lips all the way down to the birthmark he had right above the elastic waistband of his underwear. Sihtric's breath hitched and he was quick to pull you back up to him to straddle his lap.
'Love,' Sihtric chuckled, cupping your cheeks, 'don't go there. We both won't handle another round tonight.'
'I know,' you smiled and leaned in to kiss his forehead. 
You traced your fingers over his face while Sihtric looked at you, completely in love. He loved the way his black robe hung around your shoulders. You truly were an Angel of Death, he thought, and you simply took his breath away without even trying.
'You know,' you said softly, drawing circles around the small birthmark on his forehead, 'some say that birthmarks are marks of how you died in previous lives.'
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed with a smile, 'I wonder what happened to me then. Got shot in the head by a biker gang?' he chuckled, 'stabbed in my waist with a sword perhaps?'
You chuckled at his fantasies and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his neck.
'You're so silly,' your voice sounded muffled against his warm skin, 'I love you, Sihtric.'
'And I love you, little bat,' Sihtric whispered as he held you tight, 'until the end of time.'
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After you had taken a soothing shower together Sihtric made you hot chocolate with whipped cream, as promised, and you found yourself in his bedroom, sitting across from him in the large and cosy windowsill. The darkness outside hid the view outside, but the rain and wind announced their presence by slamming hard against the window. You were both comfortable and at peace, leaning back against a few large pillows while your legs tangled together underneath a warm fleece blanket. You were still wearing Sihtric's robe, which he deemed stolen by you now, and he was in nothing else than his black sweatpants. You sipped from your hot chocolate and you chuckled when Sihtric got his moustache covered with whipped cream after his first sip.
'Babe,' you laughed, leaning in to wipe his face.
'I know, that always happens,' Sihtric smiled after you cleaned him up, 'thank you, baby,' he said and puckered his lips, blowing you a kiss.
You both enjoyed the sound of the rain for a while as you couldn't keep your eyes off each other while exchanging sweet smiles and soft chuckles, and you earned an occasional satisfied hum from Sihtric when you smiled at him. And after a while you cleared your throat.
'You know I still have questions,' you said hesitantly, 'maybe now's a good time?'
'There was never a wrong time,' Sihtric said, 'we just didn't get to it,' he placed his empty cup on the ground and leaned in to you, 'what do you wish to know, my love?'
'When we were attacked in the living room, I heard you say that Lucifer owed you one,' you said as he took your empty cup, 'what was that about?'
Sihtric nodded slowly and sat back, then took a deep breath.
'So,' Sihtric smacked his lips and looked at you, 'a few years ago Uhtred got almost fatally wounded during a mission. I was already involved in some occult practices, and I did a ritual to try and save his life. I fucked up and somehow summoned the Devil himself,' he said, raking his fingers through his damp hair, 'and I made a deal. My soul for Uhtred's life. And, well, as you know Uhtred is still alive.'
'Sihtric,' you gasped softly, 'why on earth…'
Sihtric made a shushing sound and smiled softly.
'Last year during one of my ghost hunting adventures I encountered Lucifer again. I didn't know it was actually him, until I was about to send the entity back to wherever it came from. Then Lucifer announced himself and, since he wasn't really bothering anyone, I more or less bothered him in an abandoned castle really,' Sihtric chuckled, 'we made another deal. I let him live, so to speak, and in return I got my soul back.'
You stared at Sihtric, 'You've got to be joking?'
'I'm not,' he laughed softly, 'I know it's quite a story. And you're the first one to hear about this, actually,' Sihtric smiled at you, glad that he could share a story as ridiculous as this one with someone who believed him and wasn't going to force him into a mental hospital and medicate him.
'But, wait,' you said, 'that doesn't explain how he owed you one?'
'It doesn't,' Sihtric said, 'I encountered him once more, just before you and I met. He showed up at my home.'
'What, the Devil knocked on your door and you let him in?'
'Actually,' Sihtric chuckled, 'that is exactly what happened. He knocked three times, a deafening sound. A sound a human can't possibly make. And, yeah, I let him in. He needed my help.'
'What?' you scoffed.
'He needed my help,' Sihtric shrugged, 'a demon tried to cross to our world by possessing a young girl,' he explained, 'but that's not how the Devil works, or demons in general. They have rules. They are not allowed to possess or harm unless provoked or invoked and the girl was innocent. Lucifer knew that a priest would turn the demon and send it to Heaven, which is not what he wanted, Lucifer wanted to punish the demon himself. So he needed someone who could do the job, without being, you know… strict about certain rules,' Sihtric winked with a half smile, 'so I helped him rid the demon of our world, back to Hell, where it would get its penance.'
'Fucking hell,' you murmured, to which Sihtric chuckled.
'Yeah,' he said, 'but…'
'There's more?' you stared at him.
'There's more,' Sihtric said, 'apparently there are a lot of demons who try to cross over like that, breaking Hell's laws. So… that is what I do. And that is what I did the past few weeks, when I said I was working for the church. And, sure, in a way I was,' he smiled, 'but I guess I work more for Satan's church. I answer when he calls, and therefore the Devil will always be in debt with me.'
You still stared at Sihtric, not knowing what to say. He understood it was a little overwhelming, and he leaned in to cup your cheeks.
'And therefore, little bat,' he smiled as he whispered, 'you are always safe with me. Because I got the Devil in my corner, and he's more powerful and protective and caring than many think he is. And he can take on many different shapes and forms, but he will never harm you, I promise,' Sihtric said and kissed your lips, 'I hope this is not going to scare you off.'
'N-no,' you chuckled, 'it's just… a lot,' you said, 'I believe you. And I trust you. But… can he take on human forms too?' you then wondered.
'He can,' Sihtric said, 'but it's rare. And also… all that shit that happened with Skade, that shouldn't have happened. I should've seen earlier on it was her doing. I promise, baby, nothing will ever hurt you again.'
'I don't blame you for that,' you said, 'it happened and that's done. If anything, it brought us closer together,' you smiled and Sihtric hummed in agreement, 'so, what happened at the Willow house, the way you opened that door…'
'That was not Lucifer.That ws a protective energy that many would call Michael.'
'M-Michael? The Archangel?'
'That one,' Sihtric said, 'you can always call upon that energy, regardless of your beliefs, and it's the most trustworthy energy actually,' he said and leaned back again, 'and my only concern at that moment was getting you out of there as fast as I could.'
You felt overwhelmed, not just by this story but by the entire day. You told Sihtric you were tired and needed to sleep this all off, and he agreed. You both got into his bed and cuddled up, and before you fell asleep, your mind went over the events of the night you were attacked. You thought about how Sihtric had ordered the demon to reveal itself by clapping his hands, with a deafening sound, louder than humanly possible. And you remembered how Sihtric said the Devil had knocked on his door, with a deafening sound. And you remembered how Sihtric told you that the Devil can take on many shapes and forms, even the shape of a human. 
And isn't it often said that the Devil is a handsome, charming man?
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx
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psychoc1ty · 9 months
✧.* - "hey there."
summary: you run into johnny at a bar, and he's already wanting to know you more.
warnings: drinking, smut, sort of (??) rough sex, dirty talk, aftercare at the end
a/n: this song has me on my knees. enjoy. also thank you river for giving me this smut idea i love u sm. and also if this is short I'm sorry </3
wc: 1146 words
sdt: @riverstalents and @annapresley8 !
you went to a bar with some of your friends, and it was a popular one in town. it was crowded, and the music was blaring. your friends were constantly having to yell at each other to talk.
you wore a laced dress, and you didn't put on much. what was the occasion?
your friends already had drinks with them. you didn't. you only got one for right now, because you don't wanna get drunk right off the bat.
when you went to go get one, you saw women hardly wearing anything, and they were full on drunk. running into people, making out with other guys, etc. you looked away, and you finally made it to the bartender.
"one shot, please," you asked. the bartender got right to work. he was quick with it. he had it done a few seconds right after you asked. you only wanted just a swig of alcohol. the bartender looked at you and saw the shot was small, "do you want another? or a beer by chance?" you didn't mind a beer, you took it.
you grabbed it and tried to find your friends, until you ran into a guy. some of your beer spilt, and so did his, "oh my god. i'm so so sorry." he tilted his head at you, "oh, you're good, doll! no worries." you didn't even know him, and you already started to feel things.
you looked up at him, and he was very attractive. black haired, brown eyes popping out his sunglasses, and a nice body shape. he smiled at you, "so what's your name?" you replied back, "y/n, you?" his smile formed into a grin, "pretty name for a pretty girl, i'm johnny."
you felt yourself start to blush a bit, from the way johnny was flirting with you. johnny apologized for an action you mostly did, "i'm sorry if i got your beer on your dress." you looked down, "did i get my beer on you? because you didn't get any on me. i mostly think this was my fault."
johnny rubbed your shoulder, "you're good, hon'."
you two talked for a bit, and you forgot about your friends. you were so focused on you and johnny's conversation. but all you could tell is that johnny was scanning you up and down.
"also, quick question, do you have a ride home?" he asked, and you took a sigh of relief, "i'm so fucking happy you asked that, because i don't." that's when johnny got you and him out of there.
you both got into the car, and he left, "that place is sometimes a torture, trust me." you nodded at him. the skirt of your dress started to ride up your thigh as he was driving home, and of course, johnny noticed. he just gave a quick smirk.
once you two got to his house and left the car, you went inside. you looked around, that was until you were picked up by johnny. you gasped, "johnny!" it's like he ran away with you. he took you to the bedroom, laid you down, and got on top of you. he started a makeout session with you. johnny seemed desperate for you, and he was.
he moved down your body, leaving some love bites on your neck and chest. your moans were letting out like crazy, "marking me already?" johnny released a chuckle, "oh yes, baby."
afterwards, the way he was rubbing on your body up and down, could tell you that he was desperate for you, it was definite by now. were you that perfect to him? yes. he was rushing to take your clothes off, then went back up to you, "wanna take this off for me? let me see this pretty body, yeah?" you shot a smirk at him, "anything for you, johnny."
he got up off of you, and he just watched you slip your dress off. you only wore panties under your dress, and another smirk decorated johnny's face. he ran his index finger from your lower abdomen, reaching under your panties.
"you're so wet.. so good," he moaned in pleasure. you looked at his lower body, already seeing him start to rise. the way johnny rubbed you, hell he couldn't resist himself. he took your panties off, and he let you kick them off, "good god, doll.."
you whimpered as the air hit your naked body, add in johnny rubbing you. he took his fingers away, and you whined. it was only so he could take his pants off. he couldn't restrain himself anymore, and you knew he couldn't. you watched him as he did.
he took it all off, and looked down at you again. johnny smirked, "i wanna fuck you so badly." you bit your lip, "do it then. i want it rude." he chuckled, and caressed your thigh, "i think i can do that."
johnny aligned himself with you, then going in. you felt a coarse of adrenaline run through your veins as you felt him in you for the first time.
he held onto one of your shoulders, as started to rock his hips back and forth into you. you already let a moan elicit from you, and your hands reached his back. johnny nibbled your earlobe, "your pussy wraps so good around me." you grinned.
his change of pace starting to raise, your nails digged into his back. your head tilted back, with your teeth biting your lip, "fuck, johnny..!" all he did during this time was make you feel good. you never felt this way in a long time.
"i'm glad i'm making you feel good, baby. a girl like you deserves this," johnny groaned as he continuously pounded into you. moans kept escaping your body, "k... keep going.. please!" you always used your manners like he wanted. and he kept going.
your orgasm kept reaching further, getting you close to the edge. johnny's pleasure was overstimulating your sensitive spot, but you still felt the best you could. you let out as much moans you could as you were close, "johnny! i think i'm getting close.."
johnny nibbled your earlobe, "mm, well tell me when you're gonna cum, okay?" you nodded in understanding. johnny continued to pound into you like some crash dummy, and that only made your orgasm grow quicker.
you gave him a warning, "i.. i'm gonna cum!" then you did. he smirked, "good girl.." then he came right after you.
johnny pulled out of you, both of you out of breath. you were panting, johnny went beside you and did the same thing, "you did good for me, i hope you know that." you chuckled, "thank you for making me feel like something. you did it exactly the way i wanted it."
you already knew johnny was good at this stuff when you took the first look.
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posebean · 2 months
rinky adjacent except its shiina kyoudai (hiki) and sakura nee-han (shinju) that me and @nguyenfinity have an au of and are obsessed with have fun reading
um i think its obvious which characters are mentioned and their relations but if you havent seen the main posts for more information:
hiki: https://www.tumblr.com/nguyenfinity/746817271252533248/bean-and-i-have-been-locked-in-the-kitchen-so
shinju: https://www.tumblr.com/nguyenfinity/749132426169729024/so-like-women-oukawa-nee-hans-rehashed-their
also context is theyre at rinky wedding
Hiki loosened his tie, leaning on the balcony rails. He looked up at the stars, watching as they twinkled in the sky.
“What’s a guy like you doin’ out here all alone? Everyone’s inside enjoying the party, I think Kohakun is fighting the groom right now.” He hears an amused chuckle behind him, Shinju sliding up to stand next to him, a champagne glass in her hand.
Hiki gave a lopsided grin. “What’d Amarinrin do this time? That troublemaker really couldn’t go without instigating something, even on this specific day? Pfft, I still wonder what Nikkun sees in him.”
Shinju emptied her glass, setting it down on the railing. “Not sure, probably started it though. Kohakun is definitely making sure he’s getting what he deserves,” she laughed.
“Ha, yeah, definitely if it’s Chiikawa.” Hiki laughed airily, scooting over so Shinju had more room.
“You didn’t answer the question~” Shinju poked him on the cheek, a silly smile.
Hiki scrunched his face, batting her away. “Can’t a guy get some fresh air? All the idols in there are so~ draining. Did you see that one that was climbing the wall? Or the one that was lying on the floor asleep? Crazy bunch, all of them. How does Nikkun stand being surrounded by all of that 24/7~”
Shinju snorted. “Like you’re one to talk? You’re as bad, or even worse than the red one after several drinks.”
“Shi-chan, I do not appreciate this attack on my character~” Hiki whined, resting his hands on the railing.
They stood in silence, looking up at the stars.
“Shi-chan, Nikkun looked so happy.” Hiki mumbled, still looking up.
“Yeah. So did Ama-chan. I guess they’ve both been waiting for this for so long. It’s really sweet.” Shinju smiled, leaning back on the railing.
“He’s an idiot and dumb as fuck, but really the only one that can make Nikkun smile like that. I’m glad that Nikkun found someone that would never let him be alone again.” Hiki sighed, gripping the railing.
Hiki turned slowly, offering a hand to his companion. “Do you think…we could’ve turned out like that?”
Shinju took it, giving a small shake of her head. A sad smile. “It would never work. You know this.”
Hiki laughed, squeezing her hand. “Yeah. You wanted to protect your siblings, I wanted to redeem my family name. Two dreams on separate paths, too far apart.”
Shinju laughed softly, squeezing back. “Yeah. It really wouldn’t have worked, no matter how much your mom tries to use her puppy eyes on me.”
Hiki rolled his eyes. “Pfft. I’ll tell her to stop. Whether we’re together or not, she does see you as family, though. You’re always welcome for dinner.”
“Hehe~ I’m always down for Shiina cuisine. As long as it’s not made by you.” Shinju stuck her tongue out.
“Hey! My instant food prep skills are amazing, thank you very much.”
“Instant noodles and microwave rice do not count as a good meal, your entire family is saying this and you still don’t believe them?” Shinju huffed.
“They just can’t appreciate taste like how I can.”
They stared at each other before both started to laugh, loud and clear and just them up there on that balcony.
Hiki grabbed her other hand, gently pulling her away from the railing. “But just for tonight, Shi-chan. You’re my plus one~ May I have this dance?” He lifted up one of her hands, kissing the knuckles.
Shinju laughed, eyes glittering. “Only for you, Sweetheart.”
They waltzed around the balcony, dancing slowly to the sound of some song that Hiki pulled up on his phone.
“Maybe in another world it’d be us at that table,” Hiki hummed, stepping one way.
“Yeah, after you try to and fail to fight my father over ten times. No, maybe a hundred times.” Shinju giggled, letting him take the lead.
“Hey! I’m hurt that you have no faith in me~” Hiki whined, spinning them.
“I’m just stating the facts, Hikkun.”
Hiki huffed. “Maybe like twenty. They’ll feel sorry for me and then let me win.” He swayed them, slowly and not even on beat with the music.
“I think Kohakun would rather die than have you as a brother. The other two are okay.” Shinju smirked.
“But he’d be fine with Nikkun?! The betrayal!” Hiki feigned a gasp, swaying them to the other side.
Shinju laughed softly. “Well? Tell me more about this other world.”
“Nikkun would want to be on catering…Maybe Mom and Dad will help. Amarinrin would probably be there too, I can’t imagine a world where he isn’t clinging to Nikkun.” He shifted one of his hands to her waist.
“Probably as annoying as always. The Ama-chan guarantee.”
Hiki smiled. “Yeah. You’d probably look very pretty for the first time ever, ha.”
Shinju pulled her hand free and whacked him gently. “I’d probably be the one in the suit, I think you’d fit the dress better.”
“I’m not Nikkun~ Not every man is willing to be a bride.” Hiki snickered. “No one would ever be able to look as pretty as Nikkun, anyways.”
“Hmm hmm~ I agree.”
Hiki spun them again, stepping lightly. “ We’d go wherever we want to, all over the world. I’d show you all kinds of things, maybe we’d have a bunch of near-death experiences.”
“Which you probably would’ve dragged us into, leaving me to haul your ass to safety.”
Hiki laughed. “My ever-reliable Shi-chan~ What would I do without you.”
“Die a stupid death, I guess~”
Hiki stepped forwards, dipping her. “And…I don’t know. It just feels like it’d be nice, that other world.”
“Yeah. It does.”
Hiki leaned in. “Shi-chan, can I be greedy for a second? Can we live in that world for just this moment?” he whispered.
Shinju smiled sadly. “Yeah.”
Hiki closed the gap, soft and sweet.
He pulled back, helping Shinju back up. “Bleh. B-tier champagne. Didn’t Amarinrin listen to any of my suggestions at all? After I worked so~ hard on that list just for him, and for free, too!”
Shinju laughed, rolling her eyes. “He actually ended up getting way more than what you suggested. ‘For variety’ he said. Come on, it’s cold and I want a refill~” She picked her glass up, pulling on his hand.
“Yeah~ Yeah. Okay, that’s enough fresh air for the night.” Hiki laughed, following her back in and leaving that other world behind.
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oddnry-silent · 11 months
•Infront of me.
>Y/N sacrificed himself so that Negan won't get Daryl to be one of them.
(Connected to >You hate me?< one-shot!)
Daryl Dixon x Male Reader
S7 EP1
Pronouns : He/Him
Pure Angst!
TW! Language, Mention of Killing! Guns! Blood!
Color text
Y/N Daryl Negan Rick Maggie Carol
This one-shot contains killing, guns, and it's very detailed. If you're uncomfortable of any of the warnings before or during reading, please read another one-shot. I don't want my readers to be uncomfortable of my work so read at your own risk.
Tears and screams are heard from the group, seeing Glenn and Abraham die brutally by Negan with his baseball bat Lucille.
They kneel on the uncomfortable road with rocks, guns pointed behind their backs so that when they do something stupid, bang.
And the lifeless bodies on the ground makes their blood boil just kneeling there, doing nothing feels so fucking wrong for them.
Negan laughed like a maniac as he looked at Lucille, covered with Glenn and Abraham's blood, some flesh from their heads, everything.
He walked to Daryl and squatted down to face him. "You." He said as he pointed Lucille at Daryl makes Y/N drive crazy just by looking at them beside him.
"You're a big, big problem to us." Negan said as he lowered Lucille and looked at Daryl straight onto his eyes.
"You killed many men of mine, with a fucking RPG? That's what you call a big fucking badass!!" He said with his annoying tone of his.
Negan signaled Dwight and the other men to put Daryl onto he truck. "STOP!!!" Before Daryl was put into the truck, Y/N screamed with all of his heart out.
Negan looked back to Y/N and signaled the men to stop.
"Let's make a fucking deal, Negan." Y/N's voice broke by crying as he talk to Negan. Negan laughed as he squatted down to Y/N.
"No, no, no.." Daryl whispered as he forcing himself to break free from the men but it's useless.
"What do you want, is it Y/N?" Negan said as Y/N nodded, "Kill me with that bat of yours and let go of Daryl." Y/N said while looking at Negan's eyes seriously.
"NO!" Daryl shouted as he got punch by Dwight in the stomach.
"Let go of Daryl and DON'T hurt him." Y/N looked at Daryl got punched as tears fell from his eyes.
"Well well well!" Negan raised his eyebrow chuckling, "So you two have a thing?" Negan looked at Y/N.
"Boyfriends- no, husbands." Negan let out an "oooh" as he looked at Daryl crying.
"Why do you want to sacrifice yourself JUST for him?" Negan asked.
"I don't want you to torture him, I don't want you to lay a damn finger on him ever again. I'm sacrificing my life because I fucking love him with all of my heart." Y/N tried not to cry while talking.
"That's the power of love people!" Negan stood up as he laughed, and hit Y/N's head.
"NOOOOO!!" Daryl shouted as he looked at his husband's face, tears uncontrollably flow through his face seeing Y/N like that.
Blood gushed out of Y/N's face that you can see the flesh detach to Negan's bat.
Y/N sat there as he looked at Daryl, "Look.. a-at.. the paper.. I gave y-you earlier, love.." Y/N smiled at Daryl, as Negan hit Y/N head again the other side this time.
Y/N swinged the opposite way caused by the hit and he sat again. The blood dripped down endlessly and some parts blown with blood, his teeth was showing with a hanging flesh at the corner where Negan hit.
"You still stood up? What about this?" Negan hit the back of Y/N's head, causing Y/N to drop to the ground.
Blur is taking over Y/N's vision as he can only hear Daryl's screams. "I love you, Daryl Dixon.." Y/N tried to speak his last words as Negan hit the back of his head over and over again.
The brain pieces held onto the wires of Negan's bat along with flesh all over it, and blood flooded to the ground.
Daryl cried a lot, causing his body to give up as he kneeled down to the ground. The men didn't held him back up as he cried.
"We'll that is some good sacrificing shit I ever heard!" Negan still laughed like a maniac, making Daryl's blood boil.
"Let's roll out, leave them there." Negan signaled to everyone as they got into their own trucks and left the group, kneeled at the road.
Daryl rushed to Y/N's lifeless body, he kneeled down beside him and held his hand, his tear fell down uncontrollably.
He looked at Y/N's other arm, like it's holding something. He opened the hand, revealing 2 silver rings.
Daryl's eyes widened as he quickly got the paper out of his pocket that Y/N was talking about.
"Hey my love of my life, and the gorgeous man in the whole universe Daryl!
Look, I know I said read this after we drop off Maggie to the hilltop but guess what? I found 2 silver rings during our last supply run, but I don't have the guts to say that time soo will you marry me?
I know you would look up to me right now thinking "why is my man proposing to me with a paper?" I could imagine that right now while writing this!
I don't have time to propose to you because we're both busy and it's okay, as long as you read this letter, you'll say yes right?
I love you with all of my heart until the day I die Daryl, I would never let anyone to hurt you, I would kill someone that will lay a damn finger to you, all of that just for you my love.
Look, I know we met with a bad start but here we are now right? You don't get angry if I save you from a walker!
After you said sorry that night, Carol got inside and I told her about what you said, she laughed! "Us group didn't saw that side of Daryl yet!" She said and we both laugh our asses off (my scar kinda hurt so we stopped HAHA)
I really really reallllyy love you Daryl, you know that right?
I love you Daryl Dixon.
From your husband♡"
Daryl shouted painfully as he hugged the lifeless corpse, he closed his eyes shut and let his tears flow.
The others got shocked from the shout as they all looked at Daryl, Rick decided to walk to Daryl and held his shoulders.
"Hey man, we're sorry for your loss. We should get going now-" "No." Daryl said still hugging Y/N.
"We need to get Maggie to the Hilltop-" "Just fucking leave me alone Goddammit!!!" Daryl shouted at the man, who took a step back.
Rick looked at Y/N's other hand and saw the 2 silver rings. Rick's eyes widened and tapped Daryl's shoulders he went to the group.
The group leaved the spot as they took Glenn and Abraham's corpses while Daryl sat there beside Y/N, crying.
He took the rings and put one in Y/N's finger while the other on on himself. He rested his head to Y/N's back as he smelled his scent at his polo.
Flashbacks him and Y/N runned to his mind, taking over anything that he was thinking about.
After Daryl spoke to Y/N, he got out of the room and saw Carol standing beside the door.
"Did you said sorry young man?" Carol raised an eyebrow as Daryl nodded, "He's tired man, let em' sleep." Daryl looked at Carol and rolled his eyes.
"I'll just give him some meds Hershel gave to me, have a good night Daryl." She smiled and went inside the room as Daryl went outside.
He looked at the endless stars above as he sat at the front porch and sighed, he got one of his cigarettes and lit them up.
He stare at the stars, thinking deeply.
Y' know what, you'll protect him no matter what. I promised to ya, Daryl Dixon. It's your sorry for him because your stupid red head ass got angry at him for saving you.
He chuckled at the thought and went to his tent to sleep.
After that, Daryl protected Y/N no matter what happens. He'll be beside Y/N everytime while supply runs, missions, even at the dinner table. He kills walkers he saw at the distance so it won't hurt Y/N.
"Why ya doing this to me Daryl?" Y/N said suddenly while looking something useful at the shelves.
Daryl got silent as they heard soft groaning. Daryl quickly checked his surroundings, looking for the walker.
He looked at Y/N and saw the walker almost eat him. He quickly pulled the walker out of Y/N to the ground and stabbed the head many times until it was crushed.
"Daryl stop! It's dead!" Y/N pulled Daryl and they looked at the headless zombie at the ground, it's brains and flesh spreaded everywhere and it got Daryl's vest.
Daryl looked blankly at the walker, "Hey I'm sorry-" he turned around to Y/N as Y/N looked at Daryl's vest. "Omoo, you got flesh all over your vest!" Y/N faked cry as he looked at the vest, finding a cloth near them and brushed away the flesh.
"You haven't answered my question, Daryl." Y/N said with an serious tone and Daryl knows he is. "I.." Y/N raised an eyebrow to the taller man and tilted his head sideways.
"I...??" Y/N prolonged the word as he was done brushing off the flesh from the vest and throwed the cloth somewhere at the ground.
"I.. want to make up what I have done to you back then.." Daryl lowered his head and mumbled the words, enough Y/N to hear. Y/N chuckled as he cupped Daryl's face and make him face Y/N.
"It's fine, Daryl. That's not a big problem.." Y/N reassured Daryl as Daryl shook his head, "It is, Y/N-" His words got cut by Y/N's lips connecting to him.
Daryl's stomach exploded with butterflies all over and without hesitation, he kissed back Y/N with his hands on Y/N cheeks.
From that day, they become boyfriends. They care for each other, taking care of each other, and especially, loving each other full time.
From the farm, the prison, to the roads, and straight to Alexandria. They been together and they got their backs for each other.
Not until this day, Daryl failed to protect his love of his life.
That promise he made for his love broke.
He walked back to the hilltop with Y/N on his hands, not talking to anyone. He buried Y/N himself and sat beside him for the rest of the day, with no eat or sleep.
Maggie got out with a plate full of food in her hands and sat down with Daryl at the bench.
Maggie out he plate beside Daryl and sighed. "Look Daryl, Y/N don't want you to be like this. Think about it, him seeing you like this up there makes him sad. You don't want him to be sad because of you right?"
Daryl nodded slowly as Maggie put her hand and rubbed circles at the man's back.
"I just broke the promise I made myself jus' for 'im.. And 'm completely stupid." Daryl said as he looked down to Y/N's grave, silently crying.
"You're not stupid, he knows that you did all of your best just for him, and he wants something for you in return. He didn't said your stupid, Daryl. And you're not." Maggie said as she heard Daryl crying silently.
"It's hard to move on, even for me. I'll never forget what happened and we, we will take our revenge just for them alright?" Maggie tried not to cry as Daryl nodded.
"I will fucking kill that bastard." "Yeah, we will."
It's connected to >You hate me?< one-shot because of the flashback so yeaaaah!
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Bink! Can we please hear about Norman Fucking Rockwell for the WIP name game I'm intrigued
So. This fic. Oh boy. I started writing it back when I came back to writing fanfic in 2020 after finding the lovely ShiSaku ship, and that's when I started actually interacting in fandom and talking to people and not being a lurker! Bc I've read fic for YEARS, and I've left comments and what not back when I was active on ff dot net (which also has my very old and first fanfics I wrote when I was in high school 💀).
And like, my first spicy, smutty fic I published was my KankuSaku fic after I came back to writing fanfic, BUT THIS FIC. This was the first fic where I actually wrote smut. I just never finished it before the KankuSaku one, and ofc, as is my usual now, I got a ton of other plot bunnies and fic ideas I started writing as my attention span drifted 🤣
ANYWAY, around this time is when Lana Del Rey's album Norman Fucking Rockwell!! had just come out and I was listening to it on repeat, and I got the crazy idea to write a ShiSaku fic for each song on that album bc I kept getting inspired🤣 I have a whole document of the ideas for each song.
And so, ANYWAY, long story short, this is one of my first fics I started writing and haven't finished yet bc it's a doozy and is going to be longer than initially planned.
The premise is a modern au AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES, and some mutually secret pining but also maybe they're both in denial, and also best friends with benefits turned lovers. ANYWAY.
Here's a lil snippet for your trouble and having to read all this 🥹 this is also the part of the fic where I definitely used some lines from the song 🤣 SOME SPICE AHEAD 🫡
“God damn,” Sakura panted, long pink hair spread out against her bedroom pillow. Sheet pulled up over her naked chest, forehead slicked with sweat, Sakura looked to her left and arched a brow. “I know it’s been a while for me, but god damn, Shisui.”
He smirked and gave a throaty chuckle before leaning back against her headboard, arms crossed behind his head, her gray sheets low on his hips. She bit her lip as her eyes trailed the lines of his abdomen, remembering how she was trapped beneath his body moments ago.
“God damn is right,” Shisui said, a dimpled grin still on his face as he noticed her appraisal. He raked one hand through his unkempt curls, obsidian eyes crinkled as he continued, “Now why didn’t we do that years ago? I know I’m good at sex, but it’s never been that good.”
Sakura rolled her eyes, ignoring the flutter in her heart as she turned on her side and cradled her head in her left hand. She knew why it was so good for her, but she knew it couldn’t possibly be the same reason for him.
“Shisui, years ago we weren’t even friends,” Sakura said. She looked away quickly when Shisui scoffed and reached out to poke her forehead, trying not to blush. Years ago, as a teen, Sakura had an embarrassing crush on him, but she’d never tell him that.
“Oh, come on. You, Sasuke, and Naruto were joined at the hip growing up,” Shisui started, “and Itachi and I were always there to play with you when those two brats had one of their spats.”
Sakura looked back at him and giggled, batting her eyelashes cheekily before saying, “Hmm, I remember Itachi nicely humoring me while I waited those two idiots out, but I don’t remember you. I only remember an annoying nuisance pulling on my pigtails. Must not have happened.”
“Oi, come here you,” Shisui growled playfully, leaning over and grabbing Sakura by her hips, dragging her on top of him. The sheet fell away from her chest, yet even indifferent to her bareness, Sakura still blushed as Shisui eyed her petite breasts with a grin.
Sakura steadied herself on his lap, bending her legs around his waist, hands resting on his shoulders as she looked into his hooded eyes now that she was on top of him again, nestled against his lower body. Shisui settled his hands on her waist, thumbs slowly rubbing circles into her skin underneath the waistband of her underwear he was too impatient to take off earlier. As he increased the pressure of his thumbs, Sakura hummed at the warmth and closed her eyes, rolling her neck until she heard a pop.
Suddenly, the warmth was gone and Sakura was gasping for breath as her back hit her mattress. Shisui hovered over her, his fingers tickling her sides and drifting towards her armpits–her most ticklish spot. His mouth ticked upwards as mischief bloomed in his eyes.
“S-stop, S-Shisui, oh my god, s-stop!” Sakura laughed, rolling around and clenching her arms against her body to ward off his attack.
Shisui laughed and Sakura’s heart stuttered like it always did, but she ignored it as his fingers drifted down towards the back of her knees. She kicked out trying to escape his grasp.
“Didn’t happen, huh?” Shisui sang, laughter in his throat. “How do I know all your most sensitive places then, huh?”
Sakura giggled and then screamed as Shisui reached the back of her knees despite all her kicking. After a moment of struggling, she finally got out from under him, wrestling him back onto the bed. She locked her knees around his pelvis and pressed her torso flush against his, breasts flat against his chest as her arms pinned his shoulders down. Sakura marveled at how Shisui was still so warm but focused on catching her breath.
Huskily, Sakura said between breaths, “Shisui, we just spent the past two hours fucking each other’s brains out. Of course you know all my sensitive areas.”
“Ah, but do you know mine, Sakura-chan?” Shisui asked, bucking his hips against hers, one eyebrow arched in a challenge.
Sakura laughed, squirming at the sudden arousal she felt at his actions. Looking down at him, she smirked and said, “You know, for someone so tall, and older I might add, you act like such a fucking man-child sometimes, Shisui-kun.”
“You love it,” Shisui murmured, bringing his hands back to her hips and pushing them down against his.
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xanuchi · 2 years
Oh my goodness! I just read your demonic sneeze request and it made me laugh since I also have a crazy loud sneeze. May I request Octavinelle reacting to a crazy loud sneezing reader as well? Thanks! 🥰😂
*rolls up sleeves* (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Say no more, little rose. i got your back >:))))))
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azul ashengrotto ; 🐙
Honestly, you'd scare this poor man right to dEATH whaT aRe yOU thiNKiNg, MC-san?!
He'd be currently addressing papers in his office, thorough organisation with contracts littered through his desk, various names engraved in dark golden signatures sliced through the line of the contract. he stood in front of the desk, humming away, instead of actually sitting behind it as he usually does.
He smiled to himself, like he had just build a house of cards with his sheer patience.
Then you decided to be a lil fuckin' menace and look over to your boyfriend to suddenly do a lil hooty smile, trying to hug him from behind. knock them cards down, shrimpy ~
We do a lil trolling, is called we do a lil trolling ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Suddenly, the dust suddenly swept over you the moMENT AZUL TURNED AROUND AND O H GOD ALMIGHTY a storm churned within your senses—
SHSHSJEJDUEJDJ all you had to say was NOTHING but heavy wheezing and panting, then you lifted your head as you felt another colossal sneeze building up once more—
He hides behind his desK aNd hoLY SHIT he wants to cower in his octopot.
He's bEGGING aNd shAKing iN feaR and he's so scared to ask what the fuCK that horrid noise was—
It sounded like satan gave fuckin birth through the torturous flames of hell and everything was in utter agony—
Wonders how the hell his own lovely, doll (Name)-san can project such a satanic roar of a sneeze- are all magicless humans the same? or are you just the few that can't conTROL tHe aIr rAId sIreNs.
" With that sneeze angelfish, you'll be able to reach across different countries and they'll be thinking God is being sacrificed."
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floyd leech ; 🦐
You've experienced Rook, get ready for the ultimate leviathan.
Floyd flinches softly but other than that he didn't even baT aN eye.
The man literally just fucking heard a lamb being slaughtered, arson with satan probably, and every single bit of an agonising screecH FROM THE PITS OF HELL IN O N E SNEEZE—and he's like 🧍 "ayo shawty u good?"
He leans in, grabbing your chin softly and chuckling softly against your ear—
"Koebi-chan~ your sneeze is so cute. Wanna hear mine?"
He sneezes directly in YOUR EAR E W H—
Mans fucking bROKE all of your senses by just screaming befORE HE SNEEZED WHO THE FUCK DOES THATIPSJDISOFJEODK!;&;&@4&
Imagine Siren Head but 10x louder- with the noises of a fuckin ostrich and god knows what's unholy, all fitted inside this literal scumbag of a eEL—
he does it out of love dw ;)))
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jade leech ; 🦐
Unlike Floyd, he doesn't actually sneeze back but is rather surprised how his darling can even sneeze that loud—
He might as well get you in the ocean to wear off nearby predators because with that fuCKING sNEEZE IT WOULD WARD OFF ANYONE IF THEY HAVE TWO OR MORE BRAINCELLS— UnLESS THEY WANT DAMAGED EARS 💪💪
Jade picks you up softly, asking you if you're okay..
Yk— he won't even bother asking he'll just shut his mouth and probably call an ambulance to make sure you didn't put an imbalance on your bones or shit out on your organs or something—
No- wait. He'll just bring up fuckin poPe francis to baptise the fucking demon out of you and cleanse your whole body.
He haTes certain gerMs— especially bodily fluids and contact with him IT MAKES HIM HEURJRIFJJCE U GH—;;;
Mans will probably try to avoid you for the rest of the day because believe it or noT HIS HEART DIED INSIDE THE MOMENT SATAN SCREECHED ITS wEDDING VOWS OUT IN ONE SNEEZE—
He's scared you might do it AGIANDKAKJSJ but yk what— he'll get used to it the first or second time it happens.
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Help i'm having such a bad day today but ofmgkrjfjf this cheered me up beyond anything,, tysm for requesting darling <33 !! xanuchi wishes you the best make sure to take care of yourself and dRINK SOME WATER U BUFFOON 🔫🔫🔫✨✨✨‼️‼️‼️
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midnightshard06 · 8 months
Flufftober Day 24
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50489362/chapters/129097132
Summary: Sonic comes to visit Tails on a particularly hot day. The two have a nice chat.
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~1000 words
AN: Based in the same au as these doodles from this post- https://www.tumblr.com/midnightshard06/730864248738217984/so-my-brain-decided-to-oh-so-helpfully-have-me?source=share
I am getting so close to just officially making this au a thing I swear
"Why must it be so hot?" Sonic sighed as he put his head down on the table. It was summer at the moment, and honestly it was probably his least favorite season. Even when not in werehog form he’d always had thicker fur than the average hedgehog. It did a great job at keeping him warm in the colder months, and a great job at overheating him in the warmer ones.
Tails walked over and pat his back before putting a glass of water in front of him. He happily took it and drained the glass. "Well, you've always done better in the cold. Thicker fur and all."
"Like you?" Sonic grinned.
"Let's just say you're not the only one who doesn't like this heat." Tails sat down across from him after grabbing Sonic another glass.
"So besides suffering in the heat how have you been buddy?" Sonic took a sip of the second glass of water. 
"I've been pretty good. Thanks to you mostly." Tails took a sip of his own water with a smile.
"Hey I wasn't about to stand by when the fox that saved my life was getting picked on." Sonic reached over the table to ruffle the top of Tails' head. “Plus that happened like forever ago dude.”
Tails playfully batted his hand away. "Still." He fixed his misplaced fur. "I would have been a lot worse off if you hadn't stepped in and gotten people to see the worth in my inventions… and me."
"Well it helped that I had the chance to save your town from those bandits. Gave me a lot of sway with the people." Sonic took another sip. "I would have tried anyway though."
"And that's why you're my best friend." Tails' smile widened.
Sonic sighed as he put his head against the slightly cooler table again. "You're my best friend too bud."
"Maybe I should try and make something to help with the heat." Tails hummed. "How long are you going to be in town for?"
Sonic hummed. "Not sure. A couple weeks maybe? Depends on how careful I am."
"You don't know how to avoid everyone here at night by now? You've been visiting me for over a year." Tails chuckled.
“Look, you have some pretty persistent hunters in this town.” Sonic moved his head so he could look at Tails. “Even though I’m not here all the time, some of those guys are crazy about trying to find me and ‘finish the job’.” He gave an exaggerated shiver. “Have you ever talked to one of those guys?”
“Who? That guy who calls himself Infinite and those other jackals? Can’t say I really care to have any sort of conversation with them.” Tails shrugged. “Have you?”
“Unfortunately. Good to know your enemy and all that. They’re very… passionate about tracking me down. Even tried to convince me to join them on a hunt once since I was acting like I didn’t believe them.” Sonic reluctantly peeled his face off the table. Honestly it was already too warm.
“Imagine the shock on their faces if they realized it was you.” Tails chuckled. “How’d you get out of it anyway? I suspect the only reason they haven’t tried to get me to go on one with them is because I actively avoid them.”
“Well you know me, I’m good at slipping away.” Sonic cleared his throat as Tails gestured for him to elaborate. “I may have gotten their leader to go off on some passionate rant so I could run off.” He shrugged. “It worked at least but now I have to make sure they don’t spot me at night or during the day.”
“I know you’ll manage.” Tails glanced out the window. “Looks like the sun is going to be setting soon. What’s the plan for tonight?”
Sonic frowned and pinned his ears down. “Can’t say I really like the idea of going out for a run in this heat.” He sighed through his nose. “How bout I stick around tonight and help you out. I know you’re not going to bed any time soon. Even if you should.” Sonic gave him a knowing smile.
Tails rubbed the back of his head and looked away. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Suuuuure you don’t.” Sonic sped over to him and once again ruffled the fur on his head. “Hope your workshop is still werehog proof.” He smirked.
“I always make sure it is. Never know when you’ll be dropping by.” Tails chuckled. “Maybe I could experiment with helping you get rid of that extra energy again. I really think we were getting somewhere last time you were here.”
“So long as those experiments don’t literally blow up in my face as they tend to do I’m all for it.” Sonic paused outside the door to Tails’s workshop. “I’ll pop in once I’ve transformed. You go ahead and get whatever you need ready.”
“Got it!” Tails hesitated at the door before wrapping Sonic in a hug. “It really is good to see you.”
Despite the uncomfortable amount of warmth an extra body gave Sonic wrapped his arms around Tails. It was also in that moment that he felt the jolt through his body that signaled the start of his transformation. Well it looked like Tails was getting an extra warm hug then. It didn’t take long for Sonic to change and for Tails to feel smaller than before. The fox playfully struggled in his grip for a moment before Sonic let him go. “Heh, I’ll try and come around more often to see ya bud. Now let’s get to work.” Tails beamed at him and nodded. They were in for a long night, one filled with the same oppressive heat of the day, but Sonic wouldn’t wanna spend it with anyone else.
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