#Craterhoof Behemoth
reuxben · 11 months
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Here’s our MTGinktober for “Beast,” starring Amalia Benavides Aguirre and Affectionate Indrik! ¡Uy! Smitten by a vampire, ¿eh?
Click this post’s Source link for this piece’s Making-Of.
More MTGinktober here.
Daily art updates on Instagram and Twitter.
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chinchillacrossing · 2 years
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txttletale · 5 months
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"Don't be ridiculous, Harry, how could I possibly cast a counterspell? I'm tapped out! I already used *all* of my mana. I'm sure a supercop like you can tell that all my lands are tapped. Go ahead, cast your big bomb. We both know you want to, and you know what, *I* want it too, I want nothing more than to see your Craterhoof Behemoth hit the board so you can win the game, because we're all friends here and friends help each other win!"
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memoircomics · 2 years
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Before you ask: I play Blue / Black and my favorite card is Craterhoof Behemoth! What’s your favorite color to play and what’s your favorite card? PS I’m just learning so tell me any fun MTG stuff that excites you please
(Featured in the last slide is the homie B r i a n from Game Parlour SF, one of my favorite places in the whole world and the place where I first learned about games!)
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markrosewater · 1 year
Now that Moonshaker Cavalry has made Craterhoof Behemoth a cycle, when can we expect the other 3? 😁
Magic's maxim: "Two points make a cycle." : )
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overgrown-estate · 1 year
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Previews of "Wilds of Eldraine" from the preview panel at MagicCon Barcelona. During the Phyrexian Invasion, the courts of the Realm were falling and the remnants were desperate to find a way to resolve the conflict. Talion, a Faerie Noble, cast the Wicked Slumber which put the invading army into a magical sleep... as well as most of the people of the Realms. Of course, Ashiok has arrived to take advantage of the situation. The card, 'Sleight of Hand' is reprinted in this set and White gets its own 'Craterhoof Behemoth' in the form of 'Moonshaker Cavalry'. Each draft archetype will revolve around a particular faerie tale. Starting with WOE, each set going forward will have only one Planeswalker card in the set.
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samwiselastname · 30 days
the specific choice of craterhoof behemoth in that post is so good
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drmajalis · 1 year
Disdainful Stroke is a better counterspell than Arcane Denial in Commander/EDH
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Ok but I'm serious, hear me out: Counterspells in EDH are best used when you need to stop something from hitting the field/resolving in the first place, something a simple removal spell doesn't really answer, stuff like Craterhoof Behemoth, or just, board wipes in general. How many of those cards can you think of that cost less then 4 Mana? The only one that immediately comes to mind is Toxic Deluge which you really only see frequently in CEDH tables There's also Fire Covenant I suppose but that's even more of a CEDH exclusive board wipe, like show of hands how many of you have cast or seen someone play Fire Covenant, how many of you even knew it existed? The best thing? Disdainful Stroke is a 10 cent common! Stop letting your opponent draw 2 cards for free with Arcane Denial and just use this underrated gem.
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mngwa5 · 5 months
Life is Strange EDH/Commander headcanons: True Colors Edition
AN: Not a lot of canon stretching for this one really. I can totally see Steph trying to organize a Haven commander pod and roping Alex and a reluctant Ryan into the fray.
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Alex Chen:
Has an incredibly cheese filled Jodah, Archmage list. While she and Steph snicker about the the thematic relevance of Jodah's emphasis on colors, what really attracts Alex is the fact that she can throw around huge, game-swinging spells at a steep, steep discount.
Absolutely uses her powers to read the other players at the table. If you feel sad and internally lament being mana-screwed, get ready to be targeted. If you're excited and getting ready to swing out for lethal or are on the verge of assembling your combo, don't be surprised if Alex suddenly starts politicking with the table to put you down.
On the topic of her own emotions, she will either be the picture of stoicism or a salty little gremlin who lets grudges run deep throughout the night. It really depends on the group, but God forbid if Ryan even swing at her with something as innocuous as a 2/2 squirrel token, you're all in for it.
Doesn't really like creature centric decks and when she does, they're usually being played in service of some other goal. Instead she values high interaction but utterly bullshit lists like Yarok landfall and Prosper tax fraud treasure, much to Steph's chagrin.
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Ryan Lucan:
Kinda like Nathan in the previous installment of this series, Ryan is another case of someone who would really let the in-universe color philosophy affect their out of game choice of commander.
He LOVES the entire concept behind mono-green and endures Steph clowning on him for it because he knows that Birthing Pod and Craterhoof Behemoth do not give a fuck what she has to say when it comes time to shuffle up.
Really enjoys playing ramp heavy stompy decks like Selvala. The more creatures he can shit out, the better.
You already know he has a bird tribal deck too. He started out with Derevi, but splurged immediately and wheeled it into a Falco Spara, Pactweaver list once New Capenna dropped because it combines his love of avian stuff and cheating creatures out.
Alex constantly harangues him about how he never optimizes, but to be honest, it's already pretty serviceable at the Haven Commander Night's power level. There's just something about removing a counter off Soulcatcher and in order to flash out Aven Mindcensor that soothes Ryan's soul.
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Steph Gingrich:
Oh Steph, where do we begin? Nerd queen supreme over here definitely makes routine trips into Denver to LGSs to pick up singles or just oogle fetch lands and art prints.
Isn't actually all that into Magic because she prefers more narrative driven modes of play like TTRPGs and LARPing, but will def throw down especially if it means she could school Ryan and Alex.
Once the AFR set dropped, Steph was suddenly ALL over organizing commander nights.
Once she got everyone together, she proceeded to debut a hum-dinger of a Captain N'ghathrod list much to the chagrin of pretty much fucking everybody in attendance (especially Ryan. Poor guy probably had to watch HER play more of his deck than he did lol).
I am 100% convinced every move she makes in-game would just be a subtle way of trying to flirt with Alex, which is both a great boon to those who can figure that out and a curse when it comes to making deals.
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lexiconarchitect · 1 year
You all decided on Druids, so here it is! Our commander allows us to tap untapped druids to add a green to our mana pool, this allows us to ramp, and drop a big ol' Craterhoof Behemoth on the field for the win!
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niuttuc · 1 year
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Today's budget commander sleepers come from precons, but I rarely or never see them outside those precons. It's really simple, repeatedly, starting the turn you cast the spell, you can turn any token you have lying around (or bad creature?) into a real girl or boy from your deck.
Those two function slightly differently so decks might prefer one or the other, but they roughly work the same, and go in decks that generate tokens reliably. Transforming "real" permanents is also an option, but it carries more risk, whereas cards in your deck are generally universally better than most tokens. Reality Scramble can even work on stray Treasure tokens that are very common in red these days.
If your deck, or even just your commander, reliably creates tokens and is in red, I'd encourage you to consider trying out one of these two. They're very cheap (in $$$) and generate virtual card advantage by turning weak tokens into "free" permanents, Reality Scramble allowing you to avoid dead land draws late in the game too.
They do have some variance to them, I doubt most decks that'd play them will be able to manipulate the top of their library, but hey, that's what makes commander fun! And really, whether you polymorph your 1/1 token into a Spirited Companion or a Craterhoof Behemoth, you're coming out ahead.
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goblin-valley · 1 year
・グルールのためのサーチ集 緑はクリーチャーをサーチしたり踏み倒すのが得意な色なので、クリーチャーに投資した方が幸せになれる。強力な非クリーチャー呪文に投資しても素引きするのは難しい。その点、質の高いクリーチャーを揃えれば豊富なサーチ手段で手札に入れられる。 勝負を決めるファッティをサーチするのが基本だが、マナが詰まっている��きはマナクリを持ってきてもいい。デッキのマナカーブを軽くできるのも長所だ。
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-2能力で、唱えたクリーチャーよりもマナ・コストの小さいクリーチャーをライブラリから場に出せる。 つまり、世界を彫る者、ファイラスをキャスト→鍛冶の神、パーフォロスをライブラリから探してきて場に出す→ファイラスと植物トークンが着地して、全体に14点オーバーの火力をばらまける。 もしくは世界を溶かすもの、アタルカをキャストして歓楽の神、ゼナゴスを出す→アタルカの攻撃力が倍になって一人倒せる。 この鬼畜ムーブで180円はコスト・パフォーマンスが抜群によい。 問題は次のターンまで生き残っていられるか?だ。到達持ちのビーストを出してなんとかビビアンを守りきろう。
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装備品をサーチして踏み倒せるクリーチャー。多勢の兜を引っ張ってきて、一枚で無限トークンによる無限追加戦闘フェイズを始めるので、厳密にはサーチカードではなくて無限コンボパーツに近い。 最初に使ったときには「この2枚が揃えば無限コンボになるのは分かっている……が、具体的にどういう手順で説明すれば無限が成立するのかわからない」という状態になり、同卓した人たちに迷惑をかけた。「挙動がわかっていないからとりあえず使ってから考えるぜ!」というグルール脳も時と場合による。 「戦闘フェイズの開始時に、多勢の兜の効果で山賊の頭、伍堂のコピートークン1を生成します」→「山賊の頭、伍堂のコピートークン1だけで攻撃します」→「山賊の頭、伍堂(トークン1)の効果で山賊の頭、伍堂(トークン1)をアンタップして、追加の戦闘フェイズを加えます」→ブロック指定、ダメージ解決。 ↓ 「追加戦闘フェイズの開始時に、多勢の兜の効果で山賊の頭、伍堂のコピートークン2を生成します」→「山賊の頭、伍堂のコピートークン1、2で攻撃します」→「山賊の頭、伍堂(トークン2)の効果で山賊の頭、伍堂(トークン2)をアンタップして、追加の戦闘フェイズを加えます」(トークン2のみ。トークン1は侍ではないし、すでに最初の攻撃を終えているのでアンタップしない」→ブロック指定、ダメージ解決 ……以下、繰り返して順番に殴っていく。 破壊不能クリーチャーが2体以上いなければ殴り倒せるはずだ。初戦で使ったときは国王ダリアン四十八世がトークンに破壊不能を付けて不発に終わった。
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異なる名前のクリーチャーを三枚選んで、ランダムで手札に一枚加える。どのクリーチャーを引いても大丈夫なように構築を工夫するか、強力なクリーチャーをランダムに加えられるサーチとしてと割り切って使うのがいい。 1マナ重いものの、世俗の教示者のような手札ロスがない。20円。 「サーチはするが無作為なので、再現性が低下するデザイン」は短所に見えて、パーティゲーム的にはいいバランスだと思う。単純に手札に加えるのではなくて、「フィニッシャー持ってくるぜ! 運命のダイスロール!」→「お前じゃないんだよなぁ……」というやりとりが発生する。赤のランダム性が現れていて面白い。
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パワーの異なるクリーチャーを4体選んで、他のプレイヤーに2枚選ばせるけちな贈り物系譜のクリーチャーサーチだ。どのクリーチャーが手札に来ても有利になるようにデッキを構築すれば、1枚で2枚分のアドを取れる。 お気に入りのクリーチャーサーチカードで緑絡みのデッキにはだいたい入れている。
1 激情の共感者 →孔蹄のビヒモスなどをサーチ 3 山賊の頭、伍堂/Godo, Bandit Warlord →多勢の兜での無限コンボ 5 孔蹄のビヒモス/Craterhoof Behemoth 6 鍛冶の神、パーフォロス/Purphoros, God of the Forge このデッキなら対戦相手全員のライフを最低でも14点吹き飛ばせる。 ……という風に選べばどう転んでも必要なパーツを手に入れられる。でもまだ孔蹄のビヒモスを持っていないんだ。
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確定サーチだがタイムラグがあり、生け贄にできるクリーチャーを除去されると辛い。次のターンが回ってくるまでビーストトークンが生き残っている保証はない。買うとしても100円を切ってからだな……と考えていたらパイオニアのグルール・ストンピィでの需要が生まれて値段が上がっている。 鏡割りの寓話も「赤単アグロが使うには悠長すぎるよな……」と思ってたカードパワー審美眼である。
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伝説のクリーチャー限定でサーチできるカードには「緊急時」がある。こちらは1マナ重くなった代わりに「氷雪パーマネント、伝説のカード、英雄譚」のいずれかをサーチできる。 五色デッキで土地が事故った時に、氷雪土地を持ってこられるのが地味に効くかも知れない。こういう細かいところで事故の確率を下げていくのは好きだ。
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5色デッキでは、実質的に「最大5マナ以下のクリーチャー、インスタント、ソーサリーをサーチして、マナコストを支払わずに唱えられる」カードとして運用できる。他のサーチカードとは違い、直接唱えられるのでシルバーバレット戦略と相性がいい。 統べるもの、ジョダーデッキに入れているが、続唱効果が発生するのは「手札から唱えたとき」だけなので微妙にディスシナジー。とはいえ、戦況に適したクリーチャーをそのまま戦場に出したり、ウルザの殲滅破で盤面を流せるなどの柔軟性がある。
・ディミーア編。 主にゾンビデッキで使っている子たち。
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魔性の教示者と納墓がセットになったサーチカード。ファイレクシアの供犠台を手札に、墓所這いを墓地に置けば次のターンから無限ループが狙える。 いいこと尽くめに聞こえるが、大いなる力には代償が伴う。墓所這いを落とした時点でやりたいことが筒抜けになり、「次のターンに無限コンボ成立させる気だな! よし、全員でフルアタックして息の根を止めるぞ!」と、卓のヘイトを一身に集めて退場を余儀なくされる。 ここ最近はソーサリータイミングでのサーチは使い方が難しいと実感している。事実上の「コンボパーツを揃えました。次のターンが回ってきたら命はないと思ってください」宣言だ。相手が次のターンまで待っていてくれるほど牧歌的な環境ではない。 ソーサリータイミングのサーチが生み出す隙をカバーできなければ、無駄にヘイトを集める悪手になりかねない。即死コンボ狙っていませんムーブを精一杯見せて、ヘイトを下げて命乞いするしかない。
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場にクリーチャーが一体必要だが、3マナで無色以外のカードをサーチできる。テキストは「伝説のクリーチャー」と書いてあるが、指輪の誘惑によってどんなクリーチャーも伝説になるので問題無い。悪魔の意図と魔性の教示者の中間ぐらいの性能だ。 青黒のゾンビデッキで使っている。ファイレクシアの供犠台が持ってこられないのが玉に瑕だが、安価なサーチカードとしての使い心地は悪くない。
・ディミーア家の護衛/Dimir House Guard
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jeskaim · 1 year
I’m Back
Hello everyone. I know I haven’t posted in a while because I doubt anyone actually reads these but I decided to start posting again for my own benefit. From now on I’m writing just for me and me alone to track my progress kind of like a diary or journal.
Overall I decided to stop going to FNM on a regular basis but I go to my LGS’s casual commander events which are every day but I go mostly on Monday and sometimes Friday depending on my work schedule. I bring two decks depending on my mood and so far I have at least one official win for each one except for Kumena. My most recent victory is one of my favorites. A few weeks ago I brought Yisan just to take him for a test run and to my surprise I actually pulled off a win. I got his infinite mana combo (Karametra’s Acolyte/Circie of Dreams Druid + Temur Sabertooth + Wirewood Symbiote + any low cost elf) which I was proud of. I think the reason I won was because I got Seedborn Muse in my opening hand and was able to get it out quickly with mana dorks allowing me to quickly get Yisan to eight verse counters and win with Craterhoof Behemoth like any mono-green deck.
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Speaking of Yisan I can’t express how excited I am for the etched foil version in the upcoming Commander Masters set. I have every printing of it so far so I’m glad to be able to add at least two more to the collection. I still have my fingers crossed there will be a borderless profile version like with other legendary creatures in this set. I keep refreshing the preorder page for the etched foil version for when they’re in stock and the variants for when new ones are added.
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Other cards I’m looking forward to are, or course, a MUCH-NEEDED reprint for Capture of Jingzhou for another extra turn spell to put into my Narset deck. To make room I’m cutting Aminatou’s Augury because I don’t feel like it fits the theme of the deck.  I also got four copies of Personal Tutor since I have so many blue commanders built around noncreature spells. During my hiatus I decided to upgrade Gwafa Hazid by adding five fetch lands and cutting the cards like Evolving Wilds and the cycling lands that come into play tapped. If I see any use for Personal Tutor it’s Gwafa Hazid to use it to tutor my win con spell Approach of the Second Sun. I’m definitely looking forward to this set.
I don’t know when I’ll post again but that’s it for now. Since I don’t go to FNM anymore I’ll just post when the mood strikes just to share my thoughts.
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my best friends craterhoof behemoth & risen reef 💕
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mtgdays · 2 years
Budget Magic: Mono-Green Elfball but in Standard!
Is Nissa, Ascended Animist a Standard-legal Craterhoof Behemoth? Is it strong enough to make Elfball a thing in Standard on a budget? Let’s find out! Source: MTG GOLD FISH
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dimestoretajic · 2 years
when hoof resolves against you
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