#Crane Operator Certificate
elite-offshore · 3 months
A career as a crane operator can be quite lucrative and rewarding. However, this being a skill, depends on individual interest. Here are some factors to consider:
1. Crane operators are often in demand, especially in offshore, construction, shipping, and manufacturing industries. As infrastructure projects increase and construction continues to expand globally, the need for skilled crane operators remains steady.
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2. Crane operators can earn a good income. Salaries vary based on factors such as location, experience, and type of crane operated, but generally, they can earn above-average wages.
3. Operating a crane requires specialized skills and training. As you gain experience and expertise, you may have opportunities to operate more advanced equipment or move into supervisory roles. The training for offshore Offshore Crane Operators are in 3 stages. It takes time to become an Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 operator. Elite Offshore Pvt Ltd, based in Navi Mumbai, provides training and certification of crane operators for Mobile RT Crane, Offshore Crane, EOT Crane, Hydra & Farana etc. They also provide training and certification for Crane Inspectors. You may get in touch with them for more details..
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4. As long as construction and related industries exist, crane operators will be needed. This provides a certain level of job stability, although economic fluctuations can affect demand to some extent.
5. Crane operators often work outdoors and in various weather conditions. They may also work at heights, which can be challenging for some individuals but exciting for others. The offshore crane operators work on offshore rigs. There are floating cranes with capacity in thousands of tonnes.
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6. Operating heavy machinery like cranes comes with inherent risks. Safety protocols must be followed diligently to prevent accidents and injuries.
Thus a career as a crane operator can be fulfilling for those who enjoy working with heavy machinery, have a good sense of spatial awareness, and are committed to safety. It offers a combination of job stability, good pay, and opportunities for advancement for those willing to invest in training and gaining experience.
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At safetyfirsttraining, get your overheard crane training operator certification. Our safety course will give you training about all types of overhead cranes, equipment handling and safer operation procedure. Visit website for more info!
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steal-this-album · 2 years
first career choice is mechanical engineering/math bc i'm autistic but also second career choice is construction because just imagine
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cranetraining7 · 2 years
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But How much Does Enrolling in a Crane Certification Cost?
In case you are interested in becoming a crane operator and don't have any formal education, what would be the best way to get started? Maybe you're thinking of seeking admission into a crane operator program. This is definitely the right step.
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strictlyfavorites · 1 year
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Section 46, Grave 366-11
He wanted to join the Marines, but he was too short. The paratroopers wouldn't have him, either. Reluctantly, he settled on the infantry, and ultimately became one of the most decorated heroes of World War II. He was Audie Murphy, the baby-faced Texas farmboy who became an American legend. Murphy grew up on a sharecropper's farm in Hunt County, Texas. After his father deserted the family, he helped raise his 11 brothers and sisters, dropping out of school in the fifth grade to earn money picking cotton. He was 16 years old when his mother died, and he watched as his siblings were doled out to an orphanage or to relatives. Seeking an escape from this difficult life, Murphy enlisted in the Army in 1942 — falsifying his birth certificate so that he appeared to be 18, one year older than he actually was. 
Following basic training, Murphy was assigned to the 15th Regiment, 3rd Infantry Division in North Africa. First entering combat in July 1943, during the invasion of Sicily, he proved himself to be a proficient marksman and a highly skilled soldier. He consistently demonstrated how well he understood the techniques of small-unit action. Murphy landed at Salerno, Italy to fight in the Voltuno River campaign, and then at Anzio to be part of the Allied force that fought its way to Rome. Throughout these campaigns, Murphy's skills earned him advancements in rank, because many of his superior officers were being transferred, wounded or killed. After the capture of Rome in June 1944, Murphy earned his first decoration for gallantry.
Shortly thereafter, his unit was withdrawn from Italy to train for Operation Anvil-Dragoon, the invasion of southern France that began on August 15, 1944. During seven weeks of fighting in that successful campaign, Murphy's division suffered 4,500 casualties, and he became one of the most decorated men in his company. But his biggest test was yet to come.
On January 26, 1945, near the village of Holtzwihr in eastern France, Lt. Murphy's forward positions came under fierce attack by the Germans. Against the onslaught of six Panzer tanks and 250 infantrymen, Murphy ordered his men to fall back to better their defenses. Alone, he mounted an abandoned, burning tank destroyer and, with a single machine gun, contested the enemy's advance. Wounded in the leg during the heavy fire, Murphy remained there for nearly an hour, repelling the attack of German soldiers on three sides and single-handedly killing 50 of them. His courageous performance stalled the German advance and allowed him to lead his men in the counterattack which ultimately drove the enemy from Holtzwihr. For this, Murphy was awarded the Medal of Honor, the United States' highest award for gallantry in action.
By the end of World War II, Murphy had become one of the nation's most-decorated soldiers, earning an unparalleled 28 medals (including three from France and one from Belgium). Murphy had been wounded three times during the war. In May 1945, when victory was declared in Europe, he had still not reached his 21st birthday.
Audie Murphy returned to a hero's welcome in the United States. His photograph appeared on the cover of Life magazine, and actor James Cagney persuaded him to embark on an acting career. Still shy and unassuming, Murphy arrived in Hollywood with only his good looks and — by his own account — "no talent." Nevertheless, he went on to make more than 40 films. His first part was just a small one in the 1948 film "Beyond Glory." The following year, he published his wartime memoir, "To Hell and Back," which received positive reviews. In 1955, he portrayed himself in the movie version of the book. Many film critics, however, believe that his best performance was "The Red Badge of Courage," director John Huston's 1951 Civil War epic based on the novel by Stephen Crane. 
Murphy retired from acting after 21 years, and subsequently bred race horses and pursued various business ventures. But he struggled financially, due to gambling and unsuccessful investments, and he declared bankruptcy in 1968. Murphy suffered from what is now known as post-traumatic stress disorder, experiencing headaches, depression and nightmares; he once said that he could sleep only with a loaded pistol under his pillow. In 1971, at the age of 46, Murphy died in the crash of a private plane near Roanoke, Virginia.
Audie Murphy is buried in Section 46, just across from the Memorial Amphitheater. A special flagstone walkway has been constructed to accommodate the large number of people who stop to pay their respects to this hero. 
Medal of Honor citation:
"2d Lt. Murphy commanded Company B, which was attacked by 6 tanks and waves of infantry. 2d Lt. Murphy ordered his men to withdraw to prepared positions in a woods, while he remained forward at his command post and continued to give fire directions to the artillery by telephone. Behind him, to his right, 1 of our tank destroyers received a direct hit and began to burn. Its crew withdrew to the woods. 2d Lt. Murphy continued to direct artillery fire which killed large numbers of the advancing enemy infantry. With the enemy tanks abreast of his position, 2d Lt. Murphy climbed on the burning tank destroyer, which was in danger of blowing up at any moment, and employed its .50 caliber machinegun against the enemy. He was alone and exposed to German fire from 3 sides, but his deadly fire killed dozens of Germans and caused their infantry attack to waver. The enemy tanks, losing infantry support, began to fall back. For an hour the Germans tried every available weapon to eliminate 2d Lt. Murphy, but he continued to hold his position and wiped out a squad which was trying to creep up unnoticed on his right flank. Germans reached as close as 10 yards, only to be mowed down by his fire. He received a leg wound, but ignored it and continued the single-handed fight until his ammunition was exhausted. He then made his way to his company, refused medical attention, and organized the company in a counterattack which forced the Germans to withdraw. His directing of artillery fire wiped out many of the enemy; he killed or wounded about 50. 2d Lt. Murphy's indomitable courage and his refusal to give an inch of ground saved his company from possible encirclement and destruction, and enabled it to hold the woods which had been the enemy's objective."
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dandorime · 4 months
Reginald Crane's moustache twitched, the only hint of the frown hiding beneath it, as he plucked a yellow envelope from the stack of intragency mail on his desk.
A training missive? For HIM? There must have been some sort of clerical error.
He flipped the envelope over to examine the address:
Mr. Reginald O. Crane, EOD
Hmph. He'd kindly asked HR to stop including his middle initial in official correspondence nearly a year ago...
Perhaps it's a joke, he thought as he neatly tore a strip from the edge of the envelope. It would be rather funny, he had to admit, if HR decided to send him something about his lapsed field agent certifications, given how often he was tagging along with Agent Phoenix these days. Perhaps he should recertify on the latest technology, just to be safe...
The trifold sheet he slipped from the envelope was surprisingly thick for a single sheet of paper, and textured besides. They didn't often use linen laid stationery these days, Crane thought. And... wait, had this been prepared on a manual typewriter? The uneven, slightly blueish shadow around the black ink letters, deeply embossed by the spring-lever keys that had struck them into the paper, was a nostalgic sight. The entire Agency had switched to electric machines more than a decade ago. He hadn't seen a manual since he'd left field operations for a handler's office.
Very peculiar, Crane thought to himself as he began to read:
To Mr. Reginald Crane, Master Field Agent Handler, EOD;
We hope this letter finds you well.
Our records indicate that you are eligible for participation in the Agency's Advanced Certificate Education (ACE) program. This two-week camp has been established to better cultivate the skills of our most accomplished operatives in a real-world challenge setting.
As a handler, you will be paired with an equally skilled agent to work cooperatively through a series of simulated missions, in conjunction with other agent-handler pairs, in the fully automated Victorium facility....
"Hey, Reggie, you got a minute?"
Agent Phoenix hovered in the doorway of Crane's office with a ripped-open yellow envelope in hand. He looked uncharacteristically nervous.
"I, uh, just got this from HR..." he began awkwardly, but stopped when he saw what Crane was reading.
"Wait, you too?"
"Yes," Crane nodded, "although I can't understand why. I'm up-to-date on all of my requirements..."
He did his best to suppress a cheeky grin as he glanced sideways at his fidgeting agent, knowing full well that Phoenix had been out of compliance for months now.
"Er, I might have let some of my certifications lapse," Phoenix winced, scanning the letter as if he half expected it to self-destruct if he read it too many times, "allegedly... but it's strange, it doesn't seem like the letter is about that."
On a whim, Crane held the letter up to the light streaming through his office window. The shadow of the genuine Agency watermark appeared in the middle of the page: an eye, it's spiral iris the unique livery of the Enhanced Operatives Division.
"Strange indeed," he agreed.
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phykios · 5 months
Hi phykios! I love you, your writing are so amazing. The Marble King is one of the best pieces on ao3, hands down. Really. One. Of. The. BEST. FICS. EVER. The worldbuilding, the dialogue, the history, the angst. SO. GOOD. Omg I die a happy death every time I read it (I have done so multiple times). Thank you for doing what you do!!!!!! If it is possible, may I ask for a bit of the shipwreck fellowship Thalassa story or the one where Sophia is born during (during?!) Percy's dissertation defense?
🥰 tysm anon!! marble king really does hold a special place in my heart and i'm glad ppl are still vibing with it
as requested, a bit of shipwreck hunting to whet the appetite 💖
Annabeth frowns. “That’s the embassy?” 
Percy nods. “Uh huh.” 
“But it’s so… nothing.” 
He shrugs, readjusting his backpack, gripping the strap before it slides off his shoulder onto the wet pavement. In his other hand is his eldest daughter’s, squeezing it tight as she twirls around, her sneakers making little whirlpools beneath her feet. “That’s what I thought.” 
Now, technically, it is a Tuesday, and Junie should have been in pre-k, wowing all her teachers and outperforming all the other kids by a mile. But, well… turns out the genes run a little bit deeper than just looks. The teacher had not been exactly sure how Junie had managed to flood the classroom via the little sink in the corner. But it seemed pretty clear that she had. She hadn’t been expelled, exactly. But it had been suggested she seek education and enrichment somewhere else. Honestly, Percy and Annabeth were a little charmed by it. Apples and trees and all of that. But they did worry that it heralded things to come. 
“I mean, there’s nothing,” Annabeth says again, craning her neck upwards. “No decoration, no sculpture… There’s nothing there!” 
“Nothing but pilasters.” 
She gags. 
“At least the one in Boston is next to the bar from Cheers.” 
She blinks at him, uncomprehending, and Percy makes a note to himself. 
“So how long do you think this will take?” she asks. 
“Because if it’s not that long we can just wait out here for you.” 
He shakes his head, kissing her on the cheek. “Don’t waste the rest of your lunch break on me.” Besides, his back itches in the way that means it’s probably going to rain soon. “I’ll pick up Lucie from my mom’s place, and I’ll have dinner ready by the time you get home.” 
Percy is long-since immune to the domesticity of such a statement. Or at least he thought he was, because the way Annabeth grins at him, leaning forward to capture his lips in a stronger kiss, makes him want to do a little jig with Junie, right here on the sidewalk. 
His daughter certainly seems to agree, if the way she spins faster is any indication. 
Annabeth slides her own bag off her shoulder, and pulls out a bulky file folder, handing it to him. “One last check?” 
“Hit me.” 
“Award letter?” 
“Check,” he says, thumbing through the pages. 
“Proof of insurance?” 
“Background check?” 
“With fingerprints, and without allegations of underage terrorism.” 
That had been a fun and nerve-wracking experience, getting his fingerprints taken. He had been sweating bullets for a week, expecting his brief bout of monument-related arson to have the FBI kicking his door down. 
“Visa application?” 
“Plus immunization forms, birth certificate with apostille, and two hundred dollars cash.” 
He blinks. “I thought you had it.”
Annabeth snaps her gaze to him, eyes blazing. “Are you serious?”
“Kidding!” Reaching into the folder, he pulls out his shiny new passport, flapping it in the air. “Kidding.” 
She swats at him. “Seaweed brain…” 
“Sorry, sorry,” he laughs, kissing her again. “It’s all good, promise.” 
“Don’t be an idiot in front of the ambassadors, or whoever it is you meet in there, okay? Save your dumbassery for something less high-stakes.” 
Scoffing, he slips the passport back into the folder. “Excuse you, my dumbassery is only reserved for the lowest of low-stakes operations.” 
“Just go in and get your stupid visa.” 
Try as she might, her shortness is only undercut by the final kiss she leaves him with. “Love you, too.” 
Percy crouches down. “See you soon, Honey Dew,” he says, kissing her forehead. “Go have fun with mommy!” 
Junie’s only response is to kick water in his direction.
Yes, he stands and watches them leave, smothering a laugh, even as it begins to drizzle on him, until they turn the corner.
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bailey808 · 1 year
Me , a few years ago, I was a construction engineer, maintenance technician, landscape maintenance and design.
My original dad was an engineer, worked on oil rigs , crane operations, my step dad is an electrical engineer, also worked on oil rigs , of shore and on land . Is a marine electrician, and linesman,
As a young boy our nabours had a truck company, we will all go see them ,I used to drive industrial size forklift carrying wood around site after school where my mum worked, with no qualifications whatsoever. Grew up playing around heavy industrial dangerous equipment, like it is a play ground, I now walk in fount of massive rigs on site with no fear, because I have an natural instinct when there is danger. So hard core and alternative gay. I don't fit in anywhere, because I have so much to say .not into commercial structure social values, behaviour disorder, because I have no one to provide assistance. Because I blow everyone away with hard truth.
People say I have an attitude, and I definitely do .
But stared my career with 4 years multi media artist background, movies production, sound editing, computer design, ceramic, have solid work around the world. Can produce music videos, and interor design production, program lasers ( 3D holographic) blue > 16 km range Green > 12 km range. and design details and specifications, EX > thunder strobe, UV 3D visuals , video projection, and even mobile military grade hand held laser , sound activation live , x 6 × 4 green 2× 50mw 2x 150 mw 2 x blue 150mw > just for fun , development, electronic music production, Techno > post nu Rave > European ( Germany, Belign) concept architecture, self supported and sustainable, future based technology and development. Study aĺl the time > coverage all specific information, the universe, outside and inside hyper intelligence, superpsychic , Alien life ,the Prymids, ancient history, am highly spiritual with no specific religion, into conspiracy theories, new technology, militarily, space development, now I do reviews on Google maps > in less than one year it's now over 85.000 views , millions watching on social media platforms, taking about subject matter that goes way over everyone's head, and they get sacred of what I have to say , because it contradictory to what everyone believes, so it makes my life a living he'll, I also have certificates interpersonal communication level 2 > interpersonal communication with different cultures level 3 , first aid core health > level 3 > resuscitation > specialist in emergency situations, but get endless people telling me I have mental health problems, when its the complete reverse, because I don't know anyone that has as many certificates and abilities like myself, and I know how to be treated, this is how it is , if others have issues, I push them away, so whenever I hear this, I get facts and certistics, maps , plans , information, for backup to support everything I say and do .
Yes I'm one of a kind
I was born this way.
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cranegodservices · 9 months
Annual Crane Inspection Checklist A Step-by-Step Guide
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Cranes are powerful and versatile machines that are used in a variety of industries. However, they can also be dangerous if not properly operated and maintained. One of the most important aspects of crane safety is conducting regular inspections.
What is An Annual Crane Inspection?
An annual crane inspection in Arizona is a comprehensive examination of a crane to identify any potential safety hazards. The inspection should be conducted by a qualified inspector who is familiar with the type of crane being inspected.
What is the Purpose of an Annual Crane Inspection?
The purpose of an annual crane inspection is to:
Identify any potential safety hazards
Ensure that the crane is in compliance with applicable regulations
Help to prevent crane accidents
What is Included in an Annual Crane Inspection?
An annual crane inspection typically includes the following:
A visual inspection of the crane’s structure, including the boom, mast, and outriggers
An inspection of the crane’s hoisting and slewing systems
An inspection of the crane’s electrical system
An inspection of the crane’s safety devices
An inspection of the crane’s documentation, including the maintenance log and load charts
How Often Should Cranes Be Inspected?
Cranes should be inspected annually. However, more frequent inspections may be required depending on the crane’s usage and environment.
What are the Benefits of Annual Crane Inspections?
Annual crane inspections can provide a number of benefits, including:
Reduced risk of crane accidents
Improved crane safety
Reduced insurance costs
Extended crane life
Best Practices for Annual Crane Inspections
In addition to the specific requirements of the annual crane inspection, there are a number of best practices that should be followed to ensure that the inspection is thorough and effective. These best practices include:
Using a qualified inspector
Following a written inspection checklist
Documenting the results of the inspection
Taking corrective action on any identified deficiencies
Annual Crane Certification
Once the annual crane inspection is complete, the crane should be certified as safe to operate. The certification should be valid for one year.
Continue reading Annual Crane Inspection Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide
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ntls-24722 · 1 year
i just realized i never shared the Human DJMM's various stupid pieces of lore on here? Which is horrendous bc that's my main. thing? for him???
Originally his universe was going to be way darker since it had the themes of genetic modification but I decided against making it as dark as I originally had it, and so now he's an old man who was a product of very unethical genetic fuckery and I could focus on that storywise, but I have put the most thought into making him as weird and eccentric as possible. If he's old he's got stories to tell and by god does he have stories
Note: I may have posted about this before, but i cannot for the life of me find it, so if i did, you're reading this again BUT I have some new ones
born april first
he was born with one of his pairs of arms having feet instead of hands, and his feet were instead hands. and had to get them surgically switched.
went to clown college, was a professional clown for most of his life, and he has his certificate of completion AND his ceramic, registered clown Egg proudly displayed in his office
He is the reason why you legally cannot operate a crane drunk in the state of Utah
He got RABIES after getting attacked by a squirrel while he was operating a peanut stand. He is also one of the only people in history to survive rabies
In highschool he was in a heavy metal band and was the lead instrumentalist. The instrument in question? A whoopee cushion
His great grandmother is alive and evil, and she keeps coming to harass DJMM. She is 127 years old. Nobody knows how she's alive, but DJMM in particular wishes she wasn't.
He was formerly a news reporter but got fired because he faked and reported a government report detailing how aliens were already hiding among humanity on live television. He was pressured by the US government to renounce his statements, which he did, but he followed up with another hoax (supported by even more faked studies) where insects were making a coalition to retake the Earth. This hoax actually was successful.
His biggest idol is Nelson the Clown, who in 1845 who got pulled by 4 geese in a river and caused a bridge to fall down because of all the people who clamoured to see the spectacle. He recreated it in his era by constructing various removable extensions to his wheelchair that essentially turned it into a chariot so it could be powered by 4 emus. He rode it around times square
He is his universe's equivalent to the macro falco guy - He is unironically extremely attracted to Shrek and Fiona and has commissioned thousands of artworks and fanfics depicting and detailing a polyamorous relationship with them and his Shrek OC/Fursona: The itsy bitsy spider
He has a fix-it fanfic that includes said fursona that rewrites some of the Shrek universe that currently has 250k words
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constance-michaela · 1 year
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I think this is a 'digitally enhanced' version of the photograph I posted a few posts back.
She is ready for the jib to swing her gently out from the quay and then be lowered slowly into the deep water of the river, such that she is fully immersed for a period of five seconds only, to avoid any unexpected respiratory distress.
By specific arrangement, she shall then be lifted from the water to be re-immersed eleven more times at nominally five minute intervals, each immersion to last for fifteen seconds.
She's been looking forward to this experience for so long and has prepared so carefully!
The 'Ducking Stool' is an innovative device that was developed in medieval times to facilitate the public punishment - and humiliation - of errant women, such as prostitutes or women considered to be 'shrews' - a term used to describe women who were considered to be 'difficult' or 'contrary' - or proven (or thought to be) dishonest.
A man who had found his wife unfaithful might also sponsor such a punishment ... a reckoning!
In modern times, such punishment is not thought to be appropriate - or at least, only rarely. Of course, there are 're-enactments' here and there and the practice still has a 'specialist' following of those, especially women who enjoy its (quite obvious) sexual connotations.
The lady pictured has become an early - indeed pioneering - recreational follower of 'the stool' and we see her here on holiday in this remote and secret place. We can share her evident enjoyment of the situation she has painstakingly engineered for herself.
She knows she is completely safe 'in the hands' of the lesbian couple who own this mill. The equipment is fully serviced and she has been shown all the documentary certification of that. She is of course aware that equipment failure such as crane pulleys jamming or ropes breaking has had tragic consequences for some ladies in the past through death by drowning as it became impossible for them to be lifted quickly from the water. She has no wish for such a thing to happen to her and she feels every possible measure has been taken to minimise risk and assure her safety.
If we 'download' the photograph and 'expand' (enlarge) it to its maximum extent, we can observe the care she has taken in the preparation of her dress.
She wears a cotton 'seersucker' dress which is sufficiently 'sheer' (sufficiently translucent) for us to observe the lace trimmed petticoat she wears beneath, which is of course sufficiently long to fold down - so perfectly - well below her knees.
She considers herself to be properly petticoated.
The manner of her dress is - of course - most conservative - and she also chooses to wear a matching bonnet in 'a nod' to former times.
We can clearly see her smile ... as she reflects so contentedly ... and happily ... in her situation (some might say her 'feminine predicament') ... and looks forward in eager anticipation to the hour or so ahead! She sits back into the chair, so comfortably, her arms tied to the arms of the chair for her comfort and safety.
The woman taking this photograph, one of the couple owning and operating this facility returns across the low bridge (out of camera) and takes the controls of this - even then - electrically operated ... well, ... crane.
The lady pictured is then swung slowly away from 'quayside' to a position high over the water of this deep, slow flowing river.
She is free to remain there for at least a few minutes before she signals she is ready to be lowered by raising her left arm.
She finds it a wonderful thing, to sit so comfortably above the deep water into which she has chosen to shortly be completely immersed.
She feels the warm sunshine and moments of cool shade as the occasional breeze eases white clouds gently across the sky ... as gently as her dress rests over her petticoat, she reflects.
The chair ... the Ducking Stool ... sways slightly in this gentle, but fickle breeze ... she feels perfectly happy ... contented ... and so peaceful.
Everything is so quiet.
The time has come!
She raises her left arm.
Her smooth descent into the deep river water below commences.
She sighs with pleasure.
She watches her shoes near the surface.
Then ... so soon! ... she feels them fill with water!
Down she goes ... the water to her ankles now!
Then ... the hem of her dress ... then her pretty lace trimmed petticoat.
She feels how her dress starts to float so sensuously over her petticoat ... and as the water rises over her knees, she feels it flood her knickers ... she gasps with pleasure ... a pleasure which she recognises contains sexual elements!
Likewise, her brassiere - nestling so secretly beneath her petticoat - is likewise filled ... the gently rising water to her shoulders now ... she knows the water level is up to her neck and rising to her chin ... time to take a deep breath ... and close her eyes!
The river water invades her hair and bonnet with equal efficiency ... remorselessness - and as it does ... she disappears from view to take her first ducking.
After five seconds of pleasure and admittedly some disorientation she is lifted from the river. Water pours from her clothing and person and she loves how she can hear it splashing back in to river!
She's lifted back to the height from which she was first lowered in, some six feet above the water. She'll be lowered back in nominally five minutes, the lesbian couple keeping a strict eye on the time.
As she sits there, soaking wet, feeling the warm sunshine, her clothing feeling heavy and so turgid, her shoes still full of river water, her water laden bonnet feeling so deliciously cloying over her head ... the lady knows she really has experienced something quite wonderful: a complete ducking! In her clothes.
So soon ... her second - of twelve complete immersions - commences. Her shoes 'topped up' ... her knickers and bra refilled ... her bonnet too ... and - just as she had hoped - how perfectly sensuously her dress floated over her pretty petticoat.
Longer now, to enjoy her soaking. Long enough to feel the almost imperceptible current of the river ... flowing ... moving ... at wiil, it seemed ... through her clothes.
And then ... snoothly raised from the water.
Then, five minutes or so later ... her third ducking
For some reason ... or reasons ... she didn't fully understand ... she was quite astonished to realise that she was becoming sexually excited.
She just 'went with it' ... and experienced a stunning 'touchless' vaginal orgasm ... privately ... deep beneath the surface of the river.
/This draft is nearly finished / Will be soon! ... X
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Considering a career as a Wind Turbine Technician
If you're considering becoming a wind turbine technician, there are a few things you should know before jumping into this career path. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
Education and training: To become a wind turbine technician, you generally need a high school diploma or GED certificate and either technical school certification or an associate's degree in wind turbine technology [1]. You can also train on the job, but having some formal education and training can give you a leg up in the field.
Job outlook: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of wind turbine technicians is projected to grow 44 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 1,900 openings for wind turbine technicians are projected each year, on average, over the decade [2]. This means that there will likely be plenty of job opportunities in the field.
Salary: Earnings for wind turbine technicians can vary depending on location, employer, and experience. According to the BLS, wind turbine technicians earned a median annual salary of more than $61,000 in 2022 6].
Job duties: Wind turbine technicians are responsible for performing routine maintenance, troubleshooting problems, and dealing with urgent issues on the three primary parts of a turbine - the tower, the blades, and the nacelle, composed of the generator, gearbox, and brakes [11]. The role can be physically demanding and may require working outdoors in harsh weather conditions [4].
Skills needed: Wind turbine technicians need to be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently [5]. They should also be comfortable using hand and power tools, as well as computer equipment, to fix and maintain turbines [16]. Safety is also a critical aspect of the job, so wind turbine techs should be familiar with safety procedures and comfortable climbing up to 300 feet in the air [16].
Overall, the field of wind turbine technology offers promising job prospects and the opportunity to work in a hands-on environment that contributes to ecological health. It can be physically demanding, and you'll need to be comfortable working outdoors and at heights, but the rewards can be significant. If you're interested in pursuing this career path, be sure to research education and training options, as well as job opportunities in your area.
1] "If you're interested in becoming a wind turbine technician or a similar profession in renewable energy, here are 10 jobs you may consider: 1. Environmental scientist 2. Crane operator 3. Industrial project manager 4. Electrician 5. Mechanical engineer 6. Land acquisition specialist 7. Construction equipment operator 8. Construction laborer 9."
URL: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-become-a-wind-turbine-technician
[2] "Job Outlook. Employment of wind turbine technicians is projected to grow 44 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 1,900 openings for wind turbine technicians are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who ..."
URL: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/wind-turbine-technicians.htm
[3] "To become a wide turbine technician, all you need is a high school diploma (or GED) and a technical school certificate or associate's degree. You can train on the job or enroll in a technical school to become one. These requirements enable you to start your career earlier than many other career options. Contributing to ecological health"
URL: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/pros-cons-being-wind-turbine-technician
[4] "The role of a wind turbine technician can be quite demanding. If you're outside on location, you can face harsh weather conditions, heavy materials, and machinery risks. What Does It Take To Become A Certified Wind Turbine Technician You need proof of high school completion, like a school diploma."
URL: https://blog.pcitraining.edu/blog/things-to-know-about-becoming-a-wind-turbine-technician
[5] "The ability to identify a problem, compile a list of issues, and identify the proper procedures needed to diagnose and repair a wind turbine is paramount for wind turbine technicians. While there are always going to be issues to manage, it is up to the technician to get the optimal performance from the wind turbine by solving problems quickly ..."
URL: https://miat.edu/2021-12-what-qualifications-do-i-need-to-become-a-wind-turbine-technician
[6] "Earnings can vary depending on your location, employer, and level of experience. According to the BLS, wind turbine technicians earned a median annual salary of more than $56,000 in 2020—or hourly wages of more than $27. The lowest-paid 10% of technicians earned less than $40,000 and the highest-paid 10% earned upwards of $83,000."
URL: https://www.imagine-america.org/become-wind-turbine-technician/
[7] "I've personally tried to convince applicants looking for a summer internship to drop out of their wind turbine tech school to come work full time. Additional schooling isn't required, but you might be building experiance in a more remote area in Wyoming, Texas or Indiana. RIPmyGuardianAngel • 1 mo. ago."
URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/wind/comments/11hlajn/looking_how_to_get_into_wind_turbine_technical/
[8] "Once you earn your A.A.S. degree in Advanced Energy Technician, you will be prepared to start your career in the field of renewable energy. You will be working with outside and may have to travel to different locations. You will have to learn to use a variety of electrical tools and measuring systems."
URL: https://www.tccd.edu/academics/courses-and-programs/programs-a-z/credit/electronics-technology-advanced-energy-technician/
[9] "The average age of an employed wind turbine technician is 42 years old. The most common ethnicity of wind turbine technicians is White (60.3%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (21.5%), Black or African American (9.0%) and Unknown (5.0%). In 2021, women earned 93% of what men earned. 4% of all wind turbine technicians are LGBT."
URL: https://www.zippia.com/wind-turbine-technician-jobs/demographics/
[10] "All individuals planning to become wind turbine technicians must complete a series of steps before qualifying for a job. The first step involves completing high school and earning a high school diploma or GED certificate. From there, many aspiring technicians enroll at a community college or technical school to study wind turbine technology."
URL: https://www.bestcolleges.com/trades/electrical-technology/how-to-become-a-wind-turbine-technician/
[11] "The role of a wind turbine technician is straightforward. You'll perform routine maintenance, troubleshoot problems and deal with urgent issues on the three primary parts of a turbine - the tower, the blades and what's called the nacelle, composed of the generator, gearbox and brakes. Beyond that, additional education can lead you into ..."
URL: https://www.grainger.com/know-how/business-operations/people-management/kh-the-job-you-want-wind-turbine-tech
[12] "15 Essential Wind Turbine Technician Skills For Your Resume And Career 1. LOTO Here's how loto is used on wind turbine technician resumes: Perform Test-Verify-Test on equipment and perform LOTO. Perform LOTO procedure on daily basis. Fill out reports and LOTO procedures."
URL: https://www.zippia.com/wind-turbine-technician-jobs/skills/
[13] "Working as a wind turbine technician, or wind farm technician, is an excellent career choice if you enjoy being outdoors, don't mind heights and enjoy a physical and mental challenge. The work generally involves maintaining the performance of wind turbines and ensuring they operate as intended."
URL: https://uk.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/how-to-become-wind-turbine-technician
[14] "Working as a wind turbine technician allows you to apply your knowledge of sustainable energy technology in a hands-on environment. Wind turbine technicians require specialized education and training in mechanical systems and green energy to maintain wind-powered generators."
URL: https://ca.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/how-to-become-wind-turbine-technician
[15] "You can earn your Basic Wind Turbine Technician GWO certs at Wind Academy by Siemens Gamesa in Orlando. 3 week program, state of the art facility, resume assistance, guaranteed interview before you graduate. $12600 tuition, no student loans. 2."
URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/windturbine/comments/vrs342/how_much_do_wind_turbine_technicians_make/
[16] "Safety is super important in wind turbine technician work. Wind turbine techs use safety harnesses and must have training in safety procedures. They need to be comfortable climbing up to 300 feet in the air and using hand and power tools, as well as computer equipment, to fix and maintain these awesome machines."
URL: https://www.uti.edu/blog/wind-turbine/how-to-become-a-wind-turbine-technician
[17] "The main wind turbine component that wears out over time is the blades. The blades are made of composite materials subject to fatigue and can eventually crack. The leading edge of the blades is also subject to erosion from wind and rain. Another factor that can damage wind turbine blades is lightning. Lightning can cause a blade to break or ..."
URL: https://safetyculture.com/topics/wind-turbine-maintenance/
[18] "A wind turbine service technician has to be able to perform various tasks such as installing blades, inspecting equipment, troubleshooting problems, and repairing damaged parts. Therefore, they usually start their shifts in the morning and finish during the afternoon to complete their tasks. This article will provide insight into a wind tech role."
URL: https://blog.pcitraining.edu/blog/turbine-technician-what-is-a-wind-turbine-technician-work-schedule
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d-dean-senpai · 2 years
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Mobile crane repair
Avezaat Cranes has responded like no other to the greatly increased demand for fast and expert repairs and overhauls of mobile cranes. The options range from a fast service should a breakdown occur, to a general overhaul when a crane has become seriously damaged by, for example fire, falling in the water or another calamity.
If required, the whole process from recovery to returning ready to operate along with certification can be fully taken care of. All mechanical, hydraulic, drive and electronic components are also examined and repaired to be returned as new if required. The available capacity of manpower, technical resources and materials means a crane for overhaul can be returned fully ready for use in a very short period.
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cranetraining7 · 2 years
But How much Does Enrolling in a Crane Certification Cost?
In case you are taking into consideration getting a job as a crane operator and you don’t have prior education, what do you understand the best way to take to get into this profession? You could be thinking of going for an admission into a crane operator school. And you would be absolutely correct and you’re taking the right path.
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Strong recommendations are stated for everyone to get professional training from a school that is NCCCO-accredited, where formal training is not required by NCCCO. However, for you to have an edge getting the crane certification, it is mainly recommended to take such training by admitting in a course provided by the school.
Know all the instructions on how to apply for and take CCO certification practical test. The details below are specific to the Mobile Crane Operator training.
The Practical test fee for exam on each crane type is $60. The exact fees must be paid when completing the online practical exam form. The same fees will be applied for retest exams. Lattice Boom Crane: $60 Telescopic Boom—Swing Cab: $60 Telescopic Boom—Fixed Cab: $60 An extra $20 fee will be demanded in case if: An application form is unfulfilled Complete payment is not received or credit card is not working for any reason An applicant requests changes to the application
How much does admitting for a crane certification cost?
There is no appropriate answer to this question since the market is regularly changing. The tuition also differs on the basis of comprehensiveness of the training program. Although to give you an approximate estimation of crane certification cost, many schools deliver complete courses for the cost ranging from $1,000 to $2000, relying on the type of crane you want to get certified in. The institute you’ve chosen may provide an additional cost for practical training with their trainer on standby at an hourly rate of $60 to $100.
NCCCO Certification Testing Cost
If you aim to become a certified operator, you have to clear the two-part series of the NCCCO test – the written test and practical part of it as well. The region where you are residing in may have different rules, yet most of the US states need the operator to be NCCCO certified. The NCCCO certification cost is an additional amount you have to pull from your pocket. In case you have taken together the other exams of NCCCO, is $50 for 1 articulating boom crane type, and $60 for 2 type’s exam.
The quantity will also differ on the basis of what method you want to take the test. You can take the exam either via paper-and-pencil test (PPT) or computer-based testing (CBT). In the domain of Mobile Crane Operator Program, the PPT written test cost is $150 whereas its equivalent CBT is $200. The practical exam cost for the mobile crane on 1 type is $50, in 2 mobile crane types is $60 and in 3 mobile crane types is $70.
If you are paying for Tower Crane Training Exam and you are a new candidate, the PPT written testing fee is $175 whereas the CBT method is $210. The practical coaching exam fee for tower crane is $50. When you are taking both the Mobile Crane and the Tower Crane Training Program at the same time, the written PPT is $40 and the CBT is $75 and the practical training is $50.
When you want to enroll for Overhead Crane Operator Training Program as a new candidate, the PPT written test fee is $155 and the CBT is $190 and the practical test is $50 and you will be taking both the mobile crane and overhead crane operator training programs altogether, you will only be charged $50 for the PPT written test and $85 for CBT exam. The NCCCO certification cost is $50. While the practical exam charges for both of these crane training programs is $60.
In Joint Boom Crane Operator Program for a new candidate, PPT written test charge is $165 and the CBT is $200, On the other hand, the practical exam fee for this type of crane is $70, if you are taking 2 joint crane types, the practical exam fee is $80. If you are having the Mobile Crane Training and the Joint Boom Crane Programs altogether at the same time, the PPT written fee is only $60 and CBT is $80.
Why is it essential to get enrolled in a Crane Training Course?
The training course is intended to prepare you for the NCCCO written and practical exams needed for the certification. It is just through having these courses under your belt that you can be ready to work safely in a risky workplace. The better aspect a crane operator gets in taking the training is the understanding one can implement in operating the tools and the second important thing is generating his confidence operating the crane. It is a valid conformity with the law for you as an operator. However not all states need the operator to have such program, would you know in the future that having the training could be a federal necessity?
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The course will train about load limitations, reading rated capacity, uplifting & handling processes, proper tool scrutinizing, proper crane maintenance and many other different important subjects. Such topics are crucial in the functioning of your job in the worksite. The most risky place to work in is where surrounded by heavy machineries. When such equipments are in operation and in connection with the heavy loads being lifted, the risk upgrades rapidly for the operators and for other workers near. It is hence very important for you to have the training course to decrease the danger and be quick and active while performing the job with ease and safety.
For more details on crane certification cost, explore https://cranetrainingacademy.com/ 
Read Also:- 
Are you looking for crane operator classes?
Top Academy for training for crane operators
How can I obtain a crane operator certificate
Are you looking for crane certification cost?
How can you get crane operator certification and training?
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stgeorgecranes · 4 days
The Ultimate Guide to Franna Crane Hire in Sydney 🚧
If you’re planning a construction project or need a reliable lifting solution in Sydney, Franna crane hire might be the perfect fit for your needs. Franna cranes are renowned for their versatility, efficiency, and the unique advantages they offer in various lifting scenarios. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about Franna crane hire in Sydney, including why they are the ideal choice, their benefits, and how to hire one.
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What is a Franna Crane?
Franna cranes, also known as pick-and-carry cranes, are a type of mobile crane designed for maneuverability and ease of use in tight spaces. They are characterized by their compact size and powerful lifting capabilities. This makes them a preferred choice for projects that require flexibility and precision.
Why Choose Franna Crane Hire?
Versatility: Franna cranes can operate in various environments, from construction sites to warehouses. Their ability to lift and transport heavy loads while moving makes them invaluable in tight or congested areas.
Efficiency: With their powerful engines and robust lifting capacities, Franna cranes are designed to handle demanding tasks quickly and efficiently. This can significantly reduce project timelines and increase productivity.
Ease of Operation: The intuitive controls and compact design of Franna cranes make them easy to operate, even for those with limited experience. This user-friendly nature ensures smooth operations and minimizes the risk of accidents.
Cost-Effective: Hiring a Franna crane can be more economical compared to purchasing one. This is especially beneficial for short-term projects or tasks that don’t require a crane on a regular basis.
How to Hire a Franna Crane in Sydney
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Assess Your Needs: Determine the specific requirements of your project, including the type of load, the lifting height, and the space constraints. This will help you choose the right Franna crane for your needs.
Find a Reliable Provider: Look for a reputable crane hire company in Sydney, such as St George Cranes. Ensure they have a fleet of well-maintained Franna cranes and offer competitive pricing.
Check for Certifications: Make sure the crane hire company complies with Australian safety regulations and that their cranes are certified for use. This ensures that you’re getting a safe and reliable piece of equipment.
Arrange for Delivery and Operation: Coordinate with the hire company for the delivery of the crane to your site. Discuss the duration of the hire, any additional services, and the operating instructions with the company.
Benefits of Choosing St George Cranes
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At St George Cranes, we pride ourselves on offering top-quality Franna crane hire services in Sydney. Our fleet of Franna cranes is meticulously maintained to ensure peak performance and safety. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and ensuring your project runs smoothly.
Contact Us Today! 📞
Ready to elevate your project with Franna crane hire? Contact St George Cranes today to discuss your requirements and get a competitive quote. Our friendly team is here to assist you with all your lifting needs.
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phykios · 10 months
goooooooooood morning, have a fic preview of the five times sequel :3
Annabeth frowns. “That’s it?” 
Percy nods. “Uh huh.” 
“But it’s so… nothing.” 
He shrugs, sliding the diaper bag off his shoulder, gripping the strap before it slides onto the wet pavement. In his other hand is his eldest daughter’s, squeezing it tight as she twirls around, her sneakers making little whirlpools beneath her feet. “That’s what I thought.” 
“I mean, there’s nothing,” she says, craning her neck upwards. “No decoration, no sculpture… There’s nothing there!” 
“Nothing but pilasters.” 
She gags. 
“At least the one in Boston is next to the bar from Cheers.” 
She blinks at him, uncomprehending, and Percy makes a note to himself. 
“So how long do you think this will take?” she asks. 
“Because if it’s not that long we can just wait out here for you.” 
He shakes his head, kissing her on the cheek. “Don’t waste the rest of your lunch break on me.” Besides, his back itches in the way that means it’s probably going to rain soon. “I’ll pick up Lucie from my mom’s place, and I’ll have dinner ready by the time you get home.” 
Percy is long-since immune to the domesticity of such a statement. Or at least he thought he was, because the way Annabeth grins at him, leaning forward to capture his lips in a stronger kiss, makes him want to do a little jig with Junie, right here on the sidewalk. 
His daughter certainly seems to agree, if the way she spins faster is any indication. 
Annabeth slides her own bag off her shoulder, and pulls out a bulky file folder, handing it to him. “One last check?” 
“Hit me.” 
“Award letter?” 
“Check,” he says, thumbing through the pages. 
“Proof of insurance?” 
“Background check?” 
“With fingerprints, and without allegations of underage terrorism.” 
That had been a fun and nerve-wracking experience, getting his fingerprints taken. He had been sweating bullets for a week, expecting his brief bout of monument-related arson to have the FBI kicking his door down. 
“Visa application?” 
“Plus immunization forms, birth certificate with apostille, and two hundred dollars cash.” 
He blinks. “I thought you had it.”
Annabeth snaps her gaze to him, eyes blazing. “Are you serious?”
“Kidding!” Reaching into the folder, he pulls out his shiny new passport, flapping it in the air. “Kidding.” 
She swats at him. “Seaweed brain…” 
“Sorry, sorry,” he laughs, kissing her again. “It’s all good, promise.” 
“Don’t be an idiot in front of the ambassadors, or whoever it is you meet in there, okay? Save your dumbassery for something less high-stakes.” 
Scoffing, he slips the passport back into the folder. “Excuse you, my dumbassery is only reserved for the lowest of low-stakes operations.” 
“Just go in and get your stupid visa.” 
Try as she might, her shortness is only undercut by the final kiss she leaves him with. “Love you, too.” 
“Can you say ‘bye’ to daddy, baby?” She asks their daughter, taking her hand. 
Junie’s only response is to kick water in his direction. 
Undeterred, Percy crouches down, smothering his laugh. “See you soon, Honey Dew,” he says, kissing her forehead. “Go have fun with mommy!”
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