#Counting bodies like sheep (Verse- Port Mafia)
deathavoided · 4 years
Random Starter @frozcnlight
It was candy cane season! So perhaps the thing was bittersweet when it came to Miran. To think it had been a whole year since he had more or less forced the other to be his girlfriend. A whole year since he had taken her hostage in his warehouse and proceeded to make her life a living hell. This including stealing her candy cane and stabbing her in the hand with it. Okay, no one said he was perfect or the best boyfriend in the world. Though he had made a ton of progress since then! That surely had to count for something, right?
Seeing all the brightly coloured displays that was filling the area of Yokohama. It made him sort of wish to share this all with his girlfriend, after all didn’t one of the stores he passed say something about ‘Christmas being a time for lovers’ or something like that. Rituals still made no sense to him, and yes that included Christmas. He knew one gave gifts, but what was the obsession with Santa Claus? Why were there several bratty children running about trying to be nice this time of year? Did they fear this Santa Claus? Was he really some villain? Did he threaten children to be good or else? So this was a concept that appealed to the brunette. 
He could be Santa Claus then. Though he didn’t know many kids. Did Chuuya count as one? Elise was a kid technically, she would probably get a kick out of his Santa Claus. The bratty ability of his boss could simply go poof though if he touched her. He walked towards the center of the tower square to see a line of children waiting with their parents. A big man in a red suit was being handed children. He stopped and watched as the man had woman handing him children and putting them on his lap. The man laughed a big hardy ‘ho ho ho’ and asked the child what they wanted for Christmas. Dazai casually licked at his candy cane as he watched and analyzed. The children seemed to tell this man what they wanted and then got their picture taken. Then he heard the woman dressed like some kind of green creature with jingle bells call next for their visit with Santa. 
Santa. Santa! This was this Santa Claus, not what he pictured at all. Yes, the big jolly fellow --- okay check. Though the sitting on the lap and all, it was odd. Rituals were odd. Why did humans wish to celebrate them. He found himself going back to the hotel,  in all honesty he had been shopping for Miran when he had gotten distracted by the display of this Santa Claus. He quickly spotted his girlfriend when he entered the lobby and he jumped over the front desk to get to her. His jump was smooth this time, though other times weren’t. Inside his suit he had brought another candy cane for her. Though that could happen later. He pulled her into a kiss without care for the few guests. “Miiimiiii~” Perhaps he should ask Strelitzia more about Santa Claus, but in the past he had always come to Miran about rituals. 
The brunette took his girlfriend’s hand, lightly brushing his thumb over it. “I don’t get Christmas” the hotel had even looked like it had been put through the glitter and light machine and shaken and stirred a little bit before this had occurred. “So this Santa Claus.... does he kidnap children in the middle of the night or not?!” Dazai should not ever be able to just waltz into the hotel, even if he did technically live in the suite with Miran. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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frozcnlight said “That tickles!”
Physical Contact Status: Accepting
Soft kisses were peppered along her cheek and down her neck before she exclaimed how much it tickled. This caused the brunette to chuckle. "Miran, don't tempt me to actually give ya something that could truly tickle~" He had a purr to his voice as he held the blond a little closer. This was his girlfriend, they had a strange line of events before getting here. This had been his best friend in the past, the past when he wasn't Dazai Osamu. Though she was his only light in the past, he would rather not remember much of it at all.
This was one of the few moments of true down time for him. He was holding her as they sat curled up on the couch. The moment could be described as sweet. It was the exact opposite of what typically was associated with Dazai Osamu. Miran got to see a completely different side of him when they were behind closed doors. He leaned closer to her , his lips mere inches from hers. "I could make ya scream for me" he purred out in a whisper against her lips before claiming them in a sweet kiss.  He was being playful with her. He was capable of doing that. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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@frozcnlight​ said “Shoot me." { to Dazai ( PM Verse )}
It wouldn’t be the first time and clearly not the last time that someone would ask him to shoot them. Though it was the person who asked that had the brunette staring at the blond as if she had clearly lost her mind. Perhaps she had. “No” such a simple answer left his lips the second that Miran’s words hand ended. Those dark brown eyes staring at her and never letting them. He cleared the space between them and leaned closer to her, shifting to lean down to her height as well. “Now who is the suicidal one? I knew bringing ya into the mafia wasn’t a good idea. Clearly ya lost ya mind.”
Brown looked into blue “my answer will always be the same, so get it through ya head now.” Good thing that Miran’s younger sister wasn’t here to hear her elder sister asking the brunette to shoot her. Though it didn’t stop the brunette from mentioning her. “What the fuck would Zia think if she heard her elder sister speaking like this. I might be ya friend, hell even might be ya boyfriend--- but it by no means I’m gonna shoot ya.” He was firm and actually serious in his words, no joking yet no malice either . His right eye was not bandaged due to them being in the apartment they shared and him being off work for the time being.
A soft sigh left his lips as he finally took her hands in his. “Miran, do tell me where all of this came from? Just because I’m an executive, doesn’t mean I will shoot ya. Rather I like it or not, ya are still part of the Port Mafia too and most of all ya are my girlfriend. Even if ya saying to shoot ya in exchange for how ya tried to shoot me... the answer is still no. Hell, I still don’t think ya having a gun is safe for anyone, including ya.” This had been the thing he least expected when he had stepped into his apartment. “Talk to me, Mimi. Explain to me what brought all of this on” he half lead Miran towards the couch so they could sit and be a little more comfortable. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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frozcnlight said “Oh! I didn’t mean to fall asleep leaning on you.”
Physical Contact Status: Accepting
It was oddly cute how Miran had just been so exhausted that she had fallen asleep leaning against his shoulder. Her soft steady breathing, maybe his girlfriend was spreading herself too thin. He chuckled softly when she apologized for falling asleep on him. "No, it is okay. It was oddly cute. Means ya tired though. Don't tell me ya trying to do everything yaself. What is that assistant ya have or ya employs here for if ya doing so much ya self?"
This was rich, him ranting slightly about people not doing things and forcing it all on Miran. Perhaps it wasn't in so many words, but it was what he was on about. He was a mafia executive, a lazy one that pushed his paperwork on others, especially on Chuuya. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. He softly kissed her head. "Perhaps we should move from the couch to the bed. I don't mind turning in early. I was supposed to head back out, but Mori can get over himself."
So he was actually worried about Miran. She fell asleep leaning on him, when it was cute --- it wasn't exactly Miran behaviour. Just what was she doing when he was away? What was she forcing herself with. He was aware that Miran's family had put so much on her, she even took care of Zia. That girl was a true handful too. Then on top of that she had to make sure the hotel was running. "Babe, maybe ya need to take a little break. It won't hurt" he had yet to move , he was after all used to sleeping on the couch.
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deathavoided · 4 years
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diverse-hearts-ocs said: •"Don't do this again!Please..." - Garth
Bittersweet Reunions Status: Accepting
He didn’t know when everything had changed. When had he started to feel emotions such as this? Garth had been the sole person he had always used, he had tortured Mori’s son more than anything. Yet somehow they had ended up in this situation here. Garth near tears and begging him, but not in terror of what was coming, it was because of something much different. It had all started because of a mission, perhaps Mori had found out about them. They kept it quite secret that they were dating, but when he would take Garth from his tower, he would have him out for quite a while before bringing him back. Perks of an executive that he used to his advantage. 
The state that the brunette was in wasn’t the best in the world. Bandages quite screwed up especially around his neck, fresh wounds upon his face. It truly seen like he had seen hell, this mission hadn’t even had Chuuya with him--- it was a mission that only someone with his mind could pull off-- a one person task of becoming a double agent and destroying an organization from the inside out. His eyes had been pure black when he had first seen Garth, it seemed like he didn’t even recognize his boyfriend at first. Though now brown eyes were looking confused and he wrapped his arms around Garth and pulled him close to him. 
“Garth, ya know I can’t promise that I won’t go on missions for ya father” that is truly what the brunette believed this to be. He pulled back slightly to softly kiss the other’s lips. “I missed ya, did ya know that. It was hell being away for that long and pretending to be part of em.Honestly I hate ya father sometimes” his fingers softly went through those dark locks. “Hey no crying, it is all okay now. I’ll make it up to ya... uh somehow. Maybe I can take ya away just me and ya. No tower, no missions. Just me and ya. How does that sound my darling Garth~” He had gone up to Garth’s tower, no one thought anything of it. He could punish the other as long as he didn’t blind him or make it where he couldn’t be a doctor. Anything was fair game. Though somewhere along the way Dazai stopped abusing the other and started to love him instead. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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@frozcnlight​ said  “I’m sure what ever threat is out there can wait until after Christmas dinner” { PM Verse }
Festive Prompts
The brunette's phone was vibrating nonstop and it only made him sigh. "Mimi, that is not how it works and ya know it. When ya sector most likely could work like that, my side doesn't work that side. Ya know how Chu is. He needs to me hold his hand at all times since he can't decide anything on his own. Stupid chibi." He had to reframe from cussing too much, but it was hard with the vibrating phone that kept going off. Really Chuuya should be more used to things like this happening. What was worse was they were having to work on Christmas. Not that Dazai truly cared or anything, but clearly Miran cared.
Miran also lived in the apartment with him, thus he couldn't just skip out. She might throw out his dinner if he did that. "I don't really want to go, but I don't exactly get the final say on when I'm needed. Executive or not. Sure Chu should be able to handle it, but he might just do something stupid without me. Can we reschedule dinner, babe? I'll try to resolve it as soon as possible, because this phone won't stop going off if I don't go. The door might be kicked down too. I'd rather not get to hear about this repeatedly." That of course meant the door as well. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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@frozcnlight​ said “You made gingerbread zombies?” { PM verse }
Festive Prompts Status: Still Accepting
The brunette couldn't help but smile at his accomplishment. It truly was one for the brunette whose cooking didn't exactly come out as the best anyways. Not like his food could talk and come alive or anything, that would be a true nightmare. Though these little gingerbread men actually had been decorated like zombies. He had been left alone in the apartment, Miran had her own thing to do and well Zia she was still a growing child who needed her education. So he thought he would surprise the girls with these gingerbread men.
So he had tried his best to cook these little treats so well that they didn't turn poisonous. The only poisonous about these things was the decorations. Covered in very elaborate decorations of candy and icing, he had perhaps went a tad overboard with everything. Candy guts were made with things like licorice and fruity string. They were the most realistic thing in the world and that is what made them the stuff of nightmare. They had even been arranged in their own little scene. Some of the gingerbread men weren't zombies and instead were in their little gingerbread town.
Honestly the thing cried that the executive had perhaps been a little too bored or he had perhaps just decided to go a little overboard with everything. "Why not?~ I think I did pretty good if I say so myself. I wanted to do something for ya and Zia~"  Though this might just give Zia nightmares, though it wasn't like he hadn't come home covered in blood many times. Dazai did his best really, and despite being someone who killed and tortured, he was actually quite creative all in all. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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@frozcnlight​ said  “One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted”
Festive Prompts Status: Still Accepting
A little sigh was the brunette's reply to Miran's words. He couldn't help but just lean into her physically exhausted. "What is normal anyways? I think ya lost all means of normal the moment I ever came back into ya life. It was forever lost the moment ya married me." Dark circles were under the brunette's eyes, he looked like shit and had gotten paler. The situation they were in was the reason for it. They weren't even in Yokohama at the moment, they had been forced to a family gathering of his family. Family he had wanted to forget about as long as he lived and even after that. Though no, they couldn't just leave the brunette alone even AFTER he had been disowned.
Dazai didn't sleep at all, not anymore. He probably would just sleep again once they left this place, he didn't trust anyone here except for Miran. These bastards had arranged for it all to happen. Christmas at an exclusive hot spring, it sounded nice in theory , but nothing was nice with the Tsushima family involved. Miran had been forced along due to her being married to him, after their three weddings. "Why can't they just leave me alone" his voice was so soft and strained even. He wasn't even looking at her, he was leaning heavily into her.
"I think I would have more luck with ya family at this point. Though then again some of them are pissed still that I--- how was it worded--- I manipulated and seduced ya into marrying me without anyone else truly knowing." He let out a frustrated noise and went to bury his face into Miran's chest. "Kill me... please. Though I doubt even death would free me from this family" he sounded utterly pathetic as he muttered these words.
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deathavoided · 4 years
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@frozcnlight​ said  “No offence meant, but I do not trust you to carve the turkey” { PM verse }
Festive Prompts Status: Still Accepting
Brown eyes looked at the other, she was joking right? Yet, she was not joking. He kept the knife in his hand "and I don't trust ya to carve it." His right eye was undone from bandages, after all no reason to keep it covered in the safety of the apartment. It was suppose to be a nice dinner, but Dazai couldn't help but bring that up after Miran had told him that she didn't trust him to carve the turkey. He wasn't letting her touch this knife, not after the damage she could do with a gun. He would forever hold that over his girlfriend's head.
"We aren't having Zia do it , so it is either me or ya gonna be going full savage on it." He wasn't joking. "Ya hand might slip and ya might end up carving me. Not my ideal of a good time. It would require pain and ya know how much I hate that. Not to mention having to be patched up by Mori, and he is already in a bad mood." 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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07. the timeline in which they never experience the loss that taught them something important. / for (any) of the dazais ! 
Altered Timelines Status: Accepting
A soft hum left the brunette's lips as he strolled down the streets of Yokohama. He took a glance at himself in one of the store windows. Single brown eye looking back at him, his right eye under the cover of a bandage. Not like his eye lacked sight or anything, no it was just something he had gotten used to and just kept doing ever since he had been fourteen. So perhaps he really should rethink things, though it wasn't like it was stopping things. He was so used to having it in place, wouldn't it be weird to suddenly remove it. It would surprise Odasaku and Ango though if he showed up into Lupin with the bandage missing. He half wondered if some people in the Port Mafia even was aware he wasn't blind under the bandages.
Than again the bandages only pulled all his look together. He couldn't even think of removing any of the other bandages upon his body. A soft sigh left the brunette executive as he continued to move along the slightly busy streets. The holiday season was upon them and he wondered what would be the best he could do for them. What could he possibly do for his two friends?  It wasn't like he was on a job or anything right now, just using free time to walk around and see if anything caught his eye for his two friends. Perhaps a new tie for Ango would be nice, the guy really did need to learn to have a little bit more fun than he allowed himself to have. Though what about Odasaku?
Coming back towards the Port Mafia building empty handed, well it was something that Dazai never did. The brunette was clearly frustrated and in deep thought. One might see him and believe he was going to report to the boss , but really his thoughts were on something else. He stopped at the private studio and he opened the door without a single knock. "Oi help me" he half demanded as he pulled the door closed behind him and let himself in to Sophie's work space. He took a seat on one of the benches and stared at her with his one uncovered eye.
"Ya seem to have ya head upon ya straight. What can I do for Odasaku? I thought of doing something for the angry ginger elf, but he would just probably throw it back at me. Ango, I was think bout a tie. So tell me, what should I do?" He did have his moments, though he still kept his mask intact all the same. Not like he Sophie was truly special to him at all,  even if they had grown a lot together since the first time they ever met. Didn't mean he was going to remove his mask in front of her. Though getting her advice on Christmas, it was something a little different for the executive to do. Though anyone with eyes could see that he did have those he tried to keep close ties too-- even if they were in different departments. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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frozcnlight said “Did you just bite me?!” { PM verse }
Physical Contact Status: Accepting
He was associated with plenty of things, but playful like this was a side that only Miran was able to see. He did seem to do well with her little sister too, both living with him. Though right now the latter was with them, he had taken the moment to bite her on the neck. He chuckled and licked his lips. "Maaaybe~ Though I need to claim what is mine. I just sort of felt like claiming my girlfriend~"  Another thing that most people wouldn't associate with the brunette was that he was capable of actually holding anyone dear to him.
Miran was his best friend from his past, they lived together and now were dating. He wrapped his arms around her "or perhaps I feel hungry and wanted some blood." He flashed his teeth at her playfully before snapping at her. "Rawrrrrr~"  He went to edge and try to bite her neck again. "I want ya bloood~" Dazai was a very brutal person who actually did take trophies such as blood from those who were his victims. He wasn't gentle about it with them, but with his girlfriend--- well he wasn't against biting her like this. "What are ya gonna do?"
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deathavoided · 4 years
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frozcnlight said  ❛ Aye, share the blankets ! ❜
Fluff Status: Accepting
He wasn't used to sleeping with anyone and actually sleeping. He also wasn't used to sleeping with his girlfriend in her bed. The bed was rather soft. Though a promise was a promise, he had promised he would focus more on her and not sleep on the couch or in the newly acquired coffin. That was where the promise had come from. He had to not replace Miran with the coffin. So here they were in this position. Curled up slightly together, Miran exclaiming for him to share the blankets.
It wasn't his fault that he had tried to make his cocoon of blankets, it was his normal thing when sleeping in a bed. "B...b...but I need my cocoon. Just curl up with me and we both be in a nice warm blanket pill." He nuzzled against her , hoping to win her over and to get his blanket pile. "I need the cocoon" a half whine left him as he slightly pulled at the blankets to start to try, once again, to make his cocoon. It was an odd thing, anyone would probably tell the mafia executive that should they ever see him sleeping. That was if they had the balls to say such and if Dazai allowed them near him to see.
Even with being with Miran, some habits stayed. "I could always go sleep in my coffin if ya don't want to curl up in the blanket cocoon with me" he half muttered , it was a childish thing--- but no one said the brunette couldn't be childish. Miran probably knew this better than anyone. He liked getting his way, he couldn't help it. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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frozcnlight said “You've been gone for so goddamn long and the only thing you have to say is HEY?!"
Bittersweet Reunions Status: Accepting
He didn't think he had ever heard Miran Lee cuss before. Perhaps she wasn't even Miran. "Clearly there is something I'm missin here" he spoke as he lowered his raised hand , the very one that had been raised in greeting. Maybe someone had kidnapped the real Miran and had replaced her. Brown eyes looked into blues, a sigh leaving his parted lips. "Look Miran... shouldn't the fact be that I did come back?" Oh, yes all of this was quite messy. He probably could have said more then hey, but in his defense she had started yelling at him about that being all he had to say to her.
So he did what any taller person would do to defuse a short person. He picked the short blond up and kissed her. "Is that better?" A slight purr was in his lips as he held her bridal style. "Come on, the Miran I know didn't cuss. Don't tell me ya were replaced... that meant I kissed someone else. Oddly that isn't the worse of the situation~" He was trying, in his own way, to make her laugh and forget about the fact that he had been gone for so long. He sat her down and pat her on the head. "Also if someone would have let me speak before going on , I would have said more than hey~"
A smirk formed on his lips "so in a way it is ya fault that all ya got back in a response to me being gone for oh so long was a hey." He stuck his tongue out at his fiance in the most childish way out there. A soft chuckle leaving him "so in a way, my wife to be is at fault for everything to have happened here." He did wonder if Miran would have reacted the same way if they had been in the eyes of the public rather than suites. Though it would have been comical, this small heiress making such a fuss over someone who meant business. The brunette was a mafia executive, though he didn't exactly act like it sometimes. He had to take care of some business and had been gone for two long weeks. It was rather a shush shush mission at that, not even Chuuya had been involved in it-- he sort of had got it sprung on him last minute.
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deathavoided · 4 years
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frozcnlight said: ❤️ { Pocky Day \ o \ }
Matcha pocky, it seemed like a good idea when the mafia executive found it. He was very well aware that his girlfriend was obsessed with tea, and so why not try such a type of pocky. He was slightly hesitant himself, but only because he didn’t exactly like bitter stuff. Though this would be something Miran might be into , right? More childish than anything, but they were childhood friends who had quite a hard path before them before they ended up getting together truly. So much had happened for them, maybe this would be nice and make up for ruining candy canes. 
“Miraaaan” he called out upon entering their suite. Well it had been hers before he sort of took over the couch in it. “I have a surprise for ya~” He seem oddly playful. He was still a little hesitant about this. Right he could take the not coated end and give Miran the coated part so he would only have to taste it a little bit. Upon finding her he quickly pluck one of the sticks of pocky out of the newly open box and put it in her mouth, the coating part first. He didn’t give her a moment to stop him and maybe scream at him for violating candy again....He took the other end of the stick into his mouth, clearly hopefully showing Miran that he wanted to play this thing called the pocky game and use it as a means to kiss her. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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@frozcnlight​ said "Coward. That's all you are. A coward." 
That was enough to leave the brunette actually snorting. He couldn’t help it, Miran was hilarious. No one had ever called him such things, yes he had been called many things but never a coward. No, nothing about the brunette screamed coward in the slightest. He was a mafia executive, not exactly someone who was the type to run away with his tail between his legs or anything. No, he was the one to make others do that. Then again he didn’t let them get that far before having a round of target practice, he didn’t miss. He didn’t speak until after he regained himself once more. 
“Good joke, Miran. Though I do assure ya that I am no coward.” Except was he? He hid behind his masks and his safety nets. Miran was the one closest to him. He went to shift his fingers under her chin “ya know if ya weren’t someone I wanted to keep around, I would have already disposed of ya-- especially after that comment. No one had ever called me such a thing.” He softly stroked under her chin as if she was some animal and not a human. “Do tell me why ya are calling me a coward exactly, Miran.” No playfulness or calling her by her childhood nickname of Mimi. 
They were currently in her suite, not like he wouldn’t have done anything like this out in the public eye anyways. There had been a time prior to them realizing who they were to one another and before they began truly dating and not Dazai’s form of torturing her by keeping her as his ‘girlfriend.’ Though during that time he had been downright terrible to her and had made some interesting exchanges in the main lobby of the hotel. He really hadn’t cared, he was a mafia executive, not like anyone could get away with doing much to him. So he saw no reason to behave himself any differently. 
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deathavoided · 4 years
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@frozcnlight​ said “Are you angry with me?" { to Dazai ( PM verse )}
She sounded so small at that moment, fearful even. That was right she hadn’t seen him mad exactly, but she sure as hell probably had heard about what happened to those who disappointed him. He wasn’t Mori’s favourite and next in line to become the next Port Mafia boss because he was all sunshine and rainbows. Hell, nothing really screamed that about the brunette at all. Sure, he could be protective and soft when it came to the blond that was asking if he was currently angry with her. He stopped in his walking and turned to face her.
Until then he hadn’t spoken, he didn’t really know how he felt. They were away from all others, he had taken care of the only company they had once had with them--- so they were completely alone. “If I was angry ya would know that I was. I’m hmm I guess ya could say I’m annoyed. Relieved too I suppose.” He was walking by himself, but it didn’t exactly feel wonderful at all. Though the mask that the brunette wore didn’t even let Miran in, not even when he turned to face her. “Miran, I’m sure ya know that I still don’t believe ya belong here. Though it is not my choice on that. Years has passed , I wouldn’t send my girlfriend away-- but it doesn’t mean I have to like ya being here with me.”
He bit his lip softly, being careful not to draw blood because he bit down too roughly. “Ya shot me , Miran. Yes, I’m not defenseless or weak and one wound isn’t gonna be the end of me or anything--- but ya shot me. I would love to take away ya gun and not let ya have a single weapon--- hell ya weren’t even supposed to be in danger like this.” He wrapped his arms around her and held her close “but I’m glad ya weren’t injured more then ya were” he softly stroked her blond locks. 
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