#Cost of MeWe App Development
concettolabs · 1 year
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myblogs-vamsi · 5 months
How To Estimate The MeWe App Development Cost?
 For startups looking to venture into the world of mobile app development, understanding the cost and intricacies of creating a MeWe-like platform is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the various factors that influence the cost of MeWe app development and provide valuable insights for startups embarking on this journey.
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How To Estimate The MeWe App Development Cost?
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techgropseusa · 2 years
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Want to know Cost of MeWe App Development? Social media connects people worldwide with ease. Facebook is a popular and first social media platform that is popular everywhere in the world.
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dennou-translations · 4 years
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K SIDE:GREEN – Chapter 1 (Part 2)
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“‘Electricity’, activate!” Letting out a resonant voice, Hikotarou raised his PDA up high.
Isn’t this guy reading too much manga? Should I stop looking up to him after all? Sukuna thought, hands buried inside his pockets, yet the PDA’s screen started glowing green before his eyes.
As if to sneer at his foolish reaction, a green shine burst from within the terminal. Drawing a zigzag track in the empty air, the green lightning pierced a PET bottle about five meters away. A chemical-like smell of melted plastic drifted from it.
Sukuna approached the burned PET bottle, and as if to say that he was acting without thinking, he touched it.
Instantly, he flung it away. The PET bottle made a loud noise as it hit the ground. White smoke dissipated in the wind. A blistering appeared on Sukuna’s hand.
“What’re you doing?” Hikotarou cackled a laugh.
With his back turned to that laughter, Sukuna was looking down at his hand, forgetting to even blink.
That was real. It was neither magic nor a trick. A real supernatural power.
He had never even imagined that something like it existed in this world. Games were games, not reality. It was exactly because he usually played many of them that Sukuna was perfectly aware of this much – or at least he intended to be.
However, the words that Hikotarou had said to him one day came back vividly. A video game that one could play in the real world. That was most certainly a fact, not a metaphor or anything of the sort.
Sukuna heard an unfamiliar noise. A steadily pulsating beat. That was something Sukuna could hear from nowhere other than his own chest. A fragment of a world that had only ever exited within fiction and fantasy was unmistakably floating before his eyes – this truth was making Sukuna’s heart beat loudly.
“How’s that? It was true, wasn’t it? You believe what I said now?”
It was a wholly different story that Sukuna was annoyed at Hikotarou, who, in a stark contrast with him, was smirking proudly and pushing his PDA against Sukuna’s cheek. He gave quite some thought to knocking down the device, but that would be lashing out while being in the wrong, which was pathetic. After reflecting a little, he decided to attack from a different opening.
“You said you’d bought this thing, right? How much was it?”
When asked, Hikotarou quickly averted his eyes and said in a low voice, “1k.”
“So expensive! Ain’t that the same amount as the promotion points!?”
1k was a short for 1000. In order to rank up within JUNGLE, the points had to be consumed, and the points required when an E-rank was promoted to an L-rank were exactly a thousand. When thinking about earning that many points in an honest manner, it would likely take almost a month.
“Also, didn’t you say this was disposable or something? Don’t tell me this is the end.”
“O-Of course not! I said it was disposable ‘cause there’s a frequency limit! We can still use it!”
“How many times more?”
Meaning that item cost 1000JP for five times of use. Unfair overcharging was an understatement for it. And out of all things, Hikotarou had spent a valuable opportunity to make fair use of those 200JP on a PET bottle. Most likely with the sole purpose of showing Sukuna something nice.
The moment he thought this, something welled up within him.
“Fufu,” he snorted as if about to burst out, a roar of laughter following suit. “Ahahahahaha! What’s with that? Such a waste! Aren’t you an idiot!?”
“Sh-Shut up! It’s fine! Those are my points after all!”
“Even so, you—for something like that—”
“It’s ‘cause you wouldn’t believe what I said if I didn’t do something like this!”
A worked-up Hikotarou was so amusing that Sukuna laughed even louder. If his classmates saw him now, they would be wide-eyed and shocked. Sukuna himself had just found out for the first time that he could laugh with such a strident voice.
“Damn, it ain’t something to laugh so much for. You’re always making such a sour face too,” Hikotarou said with a strained smile. It was apparently influenced by Sukuna’s burst of laughter.
And so, for a while, the two players laughed together.
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“But how does this thing work?” After laughing for some time, Sukuna scanned Hikotarou’s terminal with his eyes. “Doesn’t seem like there’s any mechanism planted in your PDA. It’s the same model as mine.”
“Yeah. Everything is apparently thanks to JUNGLE’s personal use app. Everybody calls it ‘ESP app’.”
If one could use psychic powers upon signing in, then there was indeed no social media more revolutionary than this one. It was about enough to become explosively viral, but it had its own reasons to remain as underground.
According to Hikotarou—
“There are these two types, the ‘skill’ and ‘item’, in the ESP app.”
“Skill” referred to powers that could be used constantly. If people called something a “psychic ability” in JUNGLE, it normally indicated one thing. That when rising to G rank and above, they could choose only one power and use it limitlessly. From among many abilities, they would select just one that matched them and nurture it in their desired direction.
On the other hand, any player could use an “item”. However, it was disposable – as Hikotarou had just showed, one had to spend copious amounts of points for each time of use. In exchange, it could be used in combination with skills to develop various strategies.
“You can clear high-level missions by combining those two – that’s what the upper-rankers are doing, it seems. Well, this is just what I heard, since I’m still in a low rank.”
“Huun. Sounds like you can do a lot, depending on the combination.” Looking through JUNGLE’s store, Sukuna nodded as if impressed.
“Yeah. Sukuna, you should think now about which you’re gonna pick when you turn into a G.”
“That so? I can also use it?”
Up until the present, Sukuna had lived a life where “things that he could not do” did not exist. Which was why he had never once thought that he wanted superhuman powers like those from mangas or movies.
The reason for Sukuna to have butterflies in his chest when he saw the “ESP app” was that JUNGLE had destroyed his world.
It was such a wholly different world that it could completely overturn the things imposed on him until now – the tedious common sense and reality – by his parents and the people at school. Coming in contact with a power none of them could imagine and racing to a place their hands could never reach – how thrilling that was!
When he realized, Sukuna was gripping his PDA strongly. This was neither him fleeing from suffocation nor rebelling against parents. Sukuna had just now come to know the true appeal of JUNGLE.
“Right. Aah, that’s right! I’ll rise too! Then, I’ll use even more amazing powers and accomplish bigger missions!”
“Yeah! That’s the spirit!” Hikotarou nodded, laughing.
Sukuna was also grateful that he existed. Hikotarou was the one who had told him about JUNGLE and showed him its real charm – it was all thanks to him.
If he could one day clear up all sorts of missions using various kinds of psychic abilities with Hikotarou, it would surely be extremely, tremendously fun.
It was Sukuna’s first time being excited ever since he was born.
“Well, see ya tomorrow,” Hikotarou said at the three-way junction on the way home that day, waving his hand.
Sukuna stopped walking involuntarily, as their talk had been at the most interesting part. They had looked into the JUNGLE store list, discussed about this and that combination and just as he figured out the best combo, he had started talking about it.
Sukuna’s house was on the right side of a Y-shaped three-way junction. Hikotarou was about to walk toward the left side. Wordlessly, Sukuna went to Hikotarou’s side.
At Hikotarou’s surprised look, Sukuna pouted and turned away. “It’s fine to go the long way around sometimes, ain’t it?”
Hikotarou blinked repeatedly. That gaze was annoying. Enough to make him almost unwittingly forget the invisible combo that he had finally come up with.
“That so? Then hang out with me for a bit.”
Hikotarou did not try to tease him for it. His countenance surly, Sukuna replied with nothing but a “fine by me” to that grinning face.
And so, Hikotarou took a detour. The place he stopped by was a drugstore in front of the station and what he bought was cat food.
As Hikotarou held two one-kilogram dry food packages with both arms, Sukuna asked as if skeptical, “You had a cat?”
Hikotarou averted his eyes with a rather subtle expression. “It’s not like I’m keeping it.”
Through that single sentence, Sukuna was somewhat able to understand the situation. He followed behind Hikotarou, who was walking mutely.
Eventually, the two arrived at a vacant lot on the outskirts of town. In a corner of said vacant lot, where weeds grew boundlessly, there was a cardboard box. Cries of “mew, mew” that seemed to beg for something could be heard coming from inside the box.
“They were four at first,” crouching down and opening the food package, Hikotarou whispered as though talking to himself. “One was the mother and the others were kitties. But one day, the mother was gone, and when I came to see them after a while, the two other than this one were dead.
Sukuna looked around. On a spot at a short distance from there, he could see two small stones lined up beside the block wall.
“This guy here was about to die too, but I did a bit of research, and after I gave him milk and brought him something warm, he managed to recover one way or another.”
“Won’t you try to take it home?”
Still crouched, Hikotarou looked up at Sukuna. He had on a weak smile. “We can’t have pets at my place. My da—my father hates this kinda stuff.”
“Then—I know; how about you use JUNGLE? Send out a mission to find him a foster parent.”
Hikotarou laughed dryly, “I think whoever takes it on will probably just take the points and send the cat off to a health center.”
Sukuna went silent, crouching down.
The little cat was dirty. Its fur and skin were muddy, its tail bent. It was engrossed in eating the food, but once it looked up, its eyes had hardened mucus on them.
Hikotarou took out a tissue and gently wiped it off. “Wanna pet it?”
“That okay?”
Hikotarou raised his voice as he laughed at the dumbfounded question. With a sour face, Sukuna reached out a hand and touched the kitten. Perhaps thinking that he was food, the kitten thrust its nose onto his palm and sniffed it incessantly. It was ticklish. His mouth distorting, Sukuna endured the sensation. Finally, the kitten pushed its body onto Sukuna’s hand and its sleeping breath began to ensue.
As if not to disrupt the revolving, throaty sound, Sukuna complained in a low voice, “Hey. What do I do about this? I can’t move.”
“Won’t it be fine if you don’t move?”
“You!” He let his anger show, but the kitten might awaken if he moved recklessly. As if having bitten into a bitter-tasting bug, Sukuna looked down at the kitten. “Does it have a name?”
“Yeah. He’s also Nine.”
That was Hikotarou’s handle name. Sukuna stared at him with a look that said, “Don’t give it such a confusing name”, yet Hikotarou was gazing down at “Nine” and laughing.
“I’m glad it’s summer right now. A parentless kitty wouldn’t survive if it were winter. Even then, many dangerous things will likely happen to him, but if he grows up just a bit more, he’ll get by on his own—”
“I’ll,” Sukuna opened his mouth before thinking of anything. “I’ll keep it.”
Hikotarou looked at Sukuna with wide eyes.
“My parents probably won’t allow it, but even so, I’ll keep it. I think I can do it. My house is big. I can think of lots of places that neither my parents’ nor the servants’ eyes could reach.”
“That should be better for this guy than here. I can put up a box, a blanket and things like that in our unused warehouse, and a toilet too, I guess. I don’t know about that stuff, but I’ll look it up later. You can also come over when you feel like seeing him.”
As if angry, Sukuna was making a surly face. Hikotarou looked at that expression of his with rounded eyes. Unable to bear the gaze, Sukuna stared down at the little cat once again.
“Of course, only if you’re okay with it.”
Hikotarou replied to Sukuna’s mumbled words, which sounded like an excuse, with a smile that seemed to shine, “It is! I’m counting on you, Sukuna!”
Sukuna laughed sheepishly. The kitten’s sleeping breath ensued windingly from within his hand. While feeling its body temperature on his palm, Sukuna inferred his opinion by muttering a few words, “By the way, can’t you change the name Nine?”
The home of Nine the kitten was soon found.
There was a wooden shack in a corner of the Gojou estate. Originally used as the gardener’s warehouse, it was now abandoned as the garden tools had been moved to a storehouse in the main residence. The shack, which Sukuna’s parents obviously did not go anywhere near and neither did the servants, was perfect for his purpose. He had arranged the kitten’s needs in a corner of the cramped and dim shack.
He could not possibly bring that cardboard box home, so he had laid a blanket over a basket woven from wood, making it into an improvised bed. The kitten Nine had raised its voice in protest against being moved from its former location, but it soon quieted down after being tossed into the blanket.
He had left it with a box of food, a water bowl and litter for its toilet. He could not take it outside, so he would have to raise it there for a while.
Looking around the small shack, Sukuna had nodded to himself. The kitten would surely be okay there. Nobody would find out. Convincing himself of this, Sukuna had cautiously left the shack and returned to the main house.
Today was the day to eat dinner with his mother.
“How was school, Sukuna?” such words came out of her red lips.
His knife, which had been carefully cutting the meat, stopped moving completely.
Sukuna looked at her with upturned eyes. The appearance of his mother enjoying an elegant dinner on the other end of the pure white tablecloth and silver candlesticks, with two servants at her left and right sides, was almost like the queen of a nation.
“Just normal.”
“‘It was’.”
“It was normal.”
His mother titled her neck a little. With a slight movement from her gaze, one of the servants moved soundlessly and poured wine into her glass.
“Have you been getting along with your friends? Your face has been bright lately. Are you having fun?”
Sukuna was silent.
If she was asking if he was having fun playing with a friend, the answer was yes. But not with the friends she had provided for him – Ninomiya and his former followers. It was with a smart and lively boy named Kue Hikotarou.
What would his mother do if she found out about Hikotarou?
She did not approve of anything that did not act in accordance with her will approaching him. Needless to recall the matter with Ninomiya, if his mother knew about Hikotarou, she would certainly try to keep him away. He could not think that she would be appreciative of things like JUNGLE.
Hikotarou might have to transfer schools because of him. As this possibility crossed his mind, Sukuna was horrified.
After thinking a little, Sukuna answered, “Yes, I am having fun, Mother.”
So you have nothing to worry about. So don’t meddle in anything and leave it as that. Leave me alone—
His mother drank a sip of wine, smiling. “Is that so? Then I’m glad. Your happiness is my happiness—”
Suddenly, the smile disappeared.
She stood up from the chair as if kicking it away. The glass collapsed with a smashing sound, the wine spilling and dyeing the tablecloth red. Approaching the frozen Sukuna with big steps, she firmly grabbed the hand that was still holding a knife and raised it with force.
A raspy voice came out of her lips, which were once tightened into a thing line, “What is this?”
Stock-still, Sukuna looked at it. He had a burn on his right hand. It was the wound that he had earned himself right after school today, when Hikotarou showed him the ESP app.
It had happened due to his own carelessness, and until just now, Sukuna had even forgotten that he had a burn. After all, it did not particularly hurt and he thought it would heal soon.
But his mother was different.
“Explain, Sukuna.”
Sukuna’s mother thought of him as a treasure. He was her property, like gemstones and rings. Of course his mother would be angry if said property was damaged. Whatever the property itself thought did not matter.
Sukuna spoke with a voice that sounded like a gasp, “It—is nothing, Mother. This is just—”
“‘Just’ what?”
“I was eating something hot during lunch and... I touched the food with my fingers...”
It was a painful excuse if he were to say so himself, but he could not think of anything else. Talking about Hikotarou was out of question. If he said he had borne it in class, there was no mistaking that she would check with the school for confirmation. If the lie were exposed, Sukuna’s mother would thoroughly investigate his surroundings.
If this happened, Hikotarou’s existence would definitely be revealed. And if she found out about Hikotarou, farewell would be waiting in the not-too-distant future.
Sukuna’s mother stayed dead-silent, peeking at his face fixatedly. Halting his breath, Sukuna accepted her gaze.
“Is that so?” muttering these few words, the mother let go of Sukuna’s hand.
Sukuna pulled his hand to his chest as if stealing it back. His heart was beating with strong thumps.
As a Crescent Moon-like smile once again crept on his mother’s red lips, she reached her hand out to caress his head. “Mother has an urgent matter to take care of. I will be going now, but you can eat dinner by yourself, right?”
Swallowing saliva as if swallowing lead, Sukuna answered, “Yes.”
“Really? You are a good child, Sukuna.”
Stroking Sukuna’s head in a noticeably rough manner, his mother turned on her heels. The way that the wine splashed on the back of her skirt looked like a spurt of blood was forever seared into Sukuna’s eyes.
Five: You there?
Nine: I am. Got any business with me?
Five: Nothing that you can call “business” in particular.
Nine: Then what is it? Can’t sleep?
Five: Hey. Didn’t anything happen to you?
Nine: I don’t get what you mean.
Five: I mean, like...
Five: Didn’t anyone, like your parents or people from school, say anything to you?
Nine: Aah, I get it. Is it about JUNGLE?
Nine: I told you, didn’t I? That the level of anonymity is super high in JUNGLE. You can change the app icon anytime so nobody can tell who you are just by looking, and you can also hide that you installed it if you feel like it. You’re scared of being found out ‘cause you’re from a good family, right?
Five: No! That’s not it!
Nine: Then what is it?
Five: Like I said...
Five: It’s nothing.
Nine: What’s up with you?
Five: I said it’s nothing!
Five: Just, if anything happens at school, make sure to tell me. ‘Cause I might be able to do something about it.
Nine: Don’t say such creepy things out of nowhere... What, you mean something’s gonna happen to me?
Five: I don’t know. But this is a what-if.
Nine: Yes, yes, thank you for your kindness.
Five: I’m serious!
Nine: Then I’ll answer seriously; I won’t rely on you even if that happens. JUNGLE players are independent by default. No matter if they have friends, they don’t do that kinda thing. Aren’t you the same?
Nine: ......
Nine: Sukuna? You awake?
Five: I am.
Five: I get it. It’s just like you said. Forget about that.
Nine: Ah, that so? Then are you done? I ain’t done with tomorrow’s homework yet.
Five: Haa? You should finish homework the moment you get it.
Nine: Shaddap! G’night!
Five: G’night.
The next day and the one after, Hikotarou did not show up at school.
Sukuna was fretting about all sorts of things, yet it was not as if he could do anything. Hikotarou had said that in the chatroom, but if Sukuna’s mother attempted to keep him away, there was surprisingly little that Sukuna could do.
Sukuna’s mother loved him and tried giving him whatever he wanted. However, it was completely impossible to change her opinions through his. Plead as he might, his mother would do as she willed. His voice would not reach her.
But that did not mean he could fold his arms and watch.
He was the first and only friend that Sukuna could respect ever since he had been born. Just thinking about this friend having to go somewhere far away because of him made chills run through his spine.
Until now, he had never experienced so much fear and anxiety. Although he did feel suffocated and disturbed by his mother’s actions, he had never felt dread.
Before he realized, Sukuna had sneaked out of his room and headed to the shack. He opened the door gently. Relying on the light of his PDA, he found the basket he had left in a corner. Wrapped in its blanket, the kitten Nine had been sleeping soundly.
However, perhaps noticing Sukuna, Nine looked up at him with its round eyes. Raising a sweet cry of “mew, mew”, it scrambled its way up the basket, crawled out and ended up rolling down to the floor with a thump.
“Ah, h-hey—”
He frantically picked Nine up, but this time, it climbed up his arm. As he let it do as it pleased out of not knowing what to do, Nine reached Sukuna’s shoulder, rubbed its head against his neck and curled up on the spot. It was warm and ticklish.
Sukuna’s cheeks slackened. Supporting Nine with one hand, he made sure it would not fall. Sitting down in a corner of the shack, he whispered in pauses, “I gotta protect him, huh.”
As if to respond to his talking to himself, Nine cried out a “mew, mew”.
Even though he had consolidated his determination, on the very next day, Hikotarou popped up in front of Sukuna as he was getting ready to go home.
“Hey, Sukuna. Have you become an L ranker ye—ouch, owowowowow!”
As Hikotarou waved his hand lightly with the same bright smile as usual, Sukuna forcibly grabbed his wrist and went out to the corridor.
Hikotarou raised his voice in protest, “Wh-What’re you doing?! That hurts!”
“Shut up! Why did you take days off!?”
While Hikotarou was not coming to school, Sukuna had imagined all sorts of bad things. Such as, he could be preparing to be transferred or his parents could have told him to stay away from Sukuna. That was why he was awfully irritated by Hikotarou’s carefree smile.
However, Hikotarou, who had no idea about that, said while cackling a laugh, “My bad, my bad. I was just a bit busy with missions lately.”
Apparently, Hikotarou had been absent from school due to fake illness. As he said that he had been running around town while pretending he was at school in order to accomplish JUNGLE missions, Sukuna was flabbergasted.
Feeling spent, Sukuna leaned against the wall. He gave Hikotarou a sharp gaze. Fretting had made him look like an idiot.
At that moment, he realized something. Hikotarou’s forehead was just slightly swollen above his right eye.
“What’s that?”
As Sukuna pointed at it, Hikotarou raised his voice with an “aah” and said, “I hit it in the middle of a mission. Nothing to worry about.”
“Nobody’s worried.”
“Thought so. That aside, wanna go on a mission now?”
At Hikotarou’s shining eyes, Sukuna asked curiously, “Missions can be done in duos?”
“What, you didn’t know? There’s an urgent mission coming out now!”
“‘Urgent mission’?”
Despite finding the unfamiliar term strange, Sukuna tapped on JUNGLE and opened the “mission” tab. As he did so, the words “urgent mission” were indeed dancing over the top row. Unlike the other missions, a large red font was used for it.
The title was “Urgent Mission: Uwagami Town Survey”.
“Activating urgent mission. The mission content is a survey around Uwagami Town. Please record the cityscape and roads of Uwagami Town in photos and videos and upload them. For the photos, the reward is 5 JP each, and for the videos, 50 JP per minute. We will pay double the reward for videos near Uwagami First Street. Details are as follows─”
Sukuna dry-swallowed. “This is around here?”
“Yeah! So it’s a chance! It was activated just now, so most of the players haven’t noticed!”
Hikotarou was excited. Of course he was. Uwagami Town – moreover, the First Street – was precisely the surroundings of Uwagami Elementary, which Sukuna and Hikotarou had to pass through. Meaning that they would earn JPs just by taking pictures of this area. It was as if dirt had turned into gold.
“All right! Let’s go!” Squeezing his PDA, Sukuna gave a broad nod. As if he were infected by Hikotarou’s enthusiasm, his chest started throbbing.
Uwagami Town was a high-class residential area located in the heart of the city center. The adjacent Shimogami Town was a government district where governmental facilities were concentrated, and many people who belonged to government agencies lived in it. In particular, there were police officers stationed in front of mansions where important people lived, watching for suspicious figures.
To start off, Sukuna took a picture of one of said police officers. The police officer merely squinted without saying anything.
“First, 5JP!”
“Let’s go steady! Steady!”
Talking loudly to each other, the two took pictures one after another. A two-lane main street that ran from east to west through Uwagami Town, an enormous building under construction, a vast parking lot, commercial buildings lined up as if to jostle one another, a spacious park and the children playing tag in it.
Upon a more careful look, there were countless other people taking pictures like Sukuna and Hikotarou. Salary men, high school girls, housewives and even elders who, no matter how one looked at it, were over 70 were positioning their PDAs to photograph and record the streets. Amongst them, there were also those who were being interrogated by police officers due to taking pictures too unreservedly. They indeed looked suspicious.
The chances that Sukuna and Hikotarou would be questioned were slim, but they somewhat did not want to be regarded as the same as those people, so they started moving to less popular locations.
“Let’s go, Sukuna!”
“Ah, wait!”
The main street of Uwagami Town stretched through a beautifully maintained city, but when one entered one of the back streets, an old townscape spread out. The back alleys, so narrow that it seemed people would have a hard time just passing each other in them, had branches and leaves hanging over them as if they were tents. Hikotarou and Sukuna sprinted under the sunlight coming through the gaps between the leaves, storing everything that caught their eyes in pictures.
At the veranda of a wooden house, an old woman was napping with a cat on her lap. Just beside the gutter stood an outdated red post. In front of a mysterious shop, there were three lined-up statues of tanuki. Sukuna photographed them all with refreshing surprise.
“It might be my first time coming to a place like this.”
Hearing the whisper that leaked from Sukuna while taking pictures, Hikotarou made a skeptical face. “Your house is around here, ain’t it? Never went exploring?”
Sukuna shook his head. The only part of Uwagami Town he knew was the main street up to the school and its surroundings. He had never made side-trips or eaten outside – he was never given the choice to go “exploring”.
Because by no means would his mother allow such a “vulgar” conduct.
Head tilted, Hikotarou said with a nonchalant voice, “Hu~n... Welp, that’s okay. Then, I’ll be your guide!”
“You know much about it?”
“This area’s my backyard!” Hikotarou said, full of confidence and grinning.
With just a step, they jumped over a stream fortified with concrete. As an unknown dog barked at them, Sukuna laughed at Hikotarou for dropping his PDA. They hopped onto the block walls and rushed through as if to sew the gaps between the houses.
All of it was a new world that Sukuna did not know about. Every time he took cuts of said world, his JP went up. He was accumulating the power to open novel worlds. Absorbed in it, Sukuna pressed the shutter over and over.
Eventually, by the time that this unfamiliar world began to dye itself in the colors of sunset, an electronic sound suddenly echoed from the PDA.
“Urgent mission concluded! The cumulative JUNGLE Points will be calculated now. Please note that any subsequent shooting will not be converted into points!”
As the end of the mission was announced, Sukuna and Hikotarou looked at each other’s faces at the same time.
“How many did you take?”
“About 200, I guess. I’ll probably rank up with this!”
As Sukuna said so, Hikotarou grinned. “Then let’s celebrate!”
Hikotarou turned around, going back the way they had come from. Sukuna followed behind him.
Two arrived at the shop with the tanuki statues that they had seen on the way. The sign that the tanuki were holding had the words “snacks shop” on it.
Sukuna stared at it in puzzlement. “What’s a snack?”
“For real?! No, well, that’s right. You’re a rich kid.”
Sukuna was offended by the disbelief in the way he spoke. However, Hikotarou opened the glass door unconcernedly and stepped into the store.
It was small and dim. The objects tightly crammed into the cupboards and baskets were all things that Sukuna did not get very well.
When he picked one up and inspected it, he found that it was a bag with richly colored gummy-like things inside. It looked like some new type of poison, but he could not rule out the possibility that it was food.
“Sukuna, you’re taking that? Then me too,” Hikotarou said, stealing it from Sukuna’s hands.
“No, hum—”
“Granny~, I’m leaving the money here~.”
Ignoring Sukuna’s voice, Hikotarou put money on the front edge of the unattended entranceway and then took cider from the refrigerator. Without time to do as much as be surprised at this innovative system, in which the owner of the shop did not have to even show her face, Sukuna was taken outside by Hikotarou and the two sat down next to the tanuki.
“My treat. We’re celebrating your raising of status!”
Being handed the colorful gummies bag, Sukuna stared fixatedly at it and opened his mouth in hesitation, “Hey, is this...”
“Edible?” was what he intended to ask, yet Hikotarou was devouring them without paying him any mind. Apparently, it was really food.
He opened the seal. If his mother knew Sukuna was eating something that had any foreign substance in it, his mother would probably pass out. That was why Sukuna closed his eyes, readied himself and threw it into his mouth.
“How is it? Good?”
As Hikotarou asked innocently, Sukuna said with an indescribable facial expression, “Tastes like chemicals.”
“That’s what’s good about it. Feel like you’re gonna get addicted to it one of these days?”
“Don’t wanna be.”
Sukuna washed his throat with the cider. Heaving a breath, he looked at the tanuki statues beside him.
“I didn’t know this kind of store existed at all.”
“Told ya that this area was my backyard, didn’t I? There’s lots of other places like this one!”
Earnestly impressed with an “eeeh”, he casually asked, “So your house is around here?”
Hikotarou’s smile instantly thinned. “Hm, well, kinda like that.”
Hikotarou’s complex facial expression caused Sukuna to hesitate asking any further, so he kept his mouth shut. It might be that he did not want to talk about his home circumstances. It was not as if Sukuna wanted to pry either.
Hikotarou was completely different from his “school friends” of until now. He knew Sukuna was a member of the Gojou family, but was not swayed by that. He saw Sukuna for what he was.
So his home circumstances did not matter.
“I see,” Sukuna replied with a mutter, looking up at the sky.
A large airship was crossing the sky, which was painted in sunset colors.
As he ate the mysterious gummy candy and drank the cider, a question left Sukuna’s mouth out of the blue, “By the way, what was so urgent in that urgent mission?”
“Well, ain’t it kinda weird to make a survey of the city into an emergency? Just what’s the reason to investigate the city in such a hurry?”
Folding his arms, Hikotarou began to think. “Now that you mentioned, it’s indeed suspicious. The reward’s too high in the first place.”
“For starters, who issued that mission? I’d never heard of an urgent mission until now, y’know?”
Sukuna opened his PDA, which was in the middle of charging, tapping the “mission” tab. Even if a mission had already ended, one could check the details from the history category.
Hikotarou explained while doing the same as him, “Just like the name says, urgent missions are missions with a high level of urgency. They’re easy to spot ‘cause they come from the top of the list, but they charge a lot, so not many people issue them. To begin with, only upper rankers can activate these. Well, the one who issued it was—”
“H. N”.
That was the name of the player who had triggered the urgent mission. Apparently formed of just initials, the handle name was tasteless and dull. Even as they tried jumping to the user page, most of the information was private. There was no doubt that this was a top ranker, but they found out nothing more.
Staring in a daze at H. N.’s user page, Sukuna opened his mouth, “Since we’re at it, let’s try to guess. This guy’s objective, I mean.”
“I’m in.”
Meaning that, just as when Hikotarou’s mission and Sukuna’s JP gains had been speculated about, they would try to conclude what goal this H. N. person had that warranted issuing an urgent mission.
“It told us to take pics of the city. Is he a cameraman or something?”
“There’s no way a pro would use photos taken by amateurs. He’s better off doing it himself on that matter.”
“So, in any case, he just needed a big amount of them? He used lots of users for it ‘cause he wouldn’t be able to handle it on his own?”
“If he were taking a bunch of pics alone, he might be warned off by the police. But if it’s done in large numbers, he’d get the pics even if one or two people were caught. Besides—” Sukuna pointed to a sentence in the mission details. “Here says, ‘back alleys that aren’t on the map will give you bonuses’. So he wants info on backstreets, secret paths and the like?”
“For what?”
“The only thing that comes to mind right off the bat is, well – a preliminary investigation, I guess.”
“Of what?”
“Let’s see; some kind of data—”
“Like an escape route?”
The duo’s smiles disappeared at this casual phrase.
Those were disturbing words. As they could not grasp the whole picture, their imaginations were awfully agitated. Pulling their faces close to each other’s, the two continued the “speculation”.
“Escape route for who?”
“If he gotta run, he must be a criminal.”
“Like, say, a robber?”
“There’s government buildings here, so ain’t it more possible that he’s a terrorist?”
The “caw, caw” cry of the crows echoed comically. The two burst into laughter at the same time.
“N-No way! There’s no chance that’d be it!”
“Y-Yeah! None, none! No way there’d be terrorists in Japan!”
While laughing, they were aware there a somewhat dry ring was mixed in it. Indeed, something of that sort was, first of all, probably impossible. However, it was not as if it did not exist.
Most importantly, there was nothing they could do now. They had already submitted the photos. No matter what H. N. was scheming, they could do nothing about it.
Even so, unable to erase the vague fear he had once acquired, Sukuna peeked at his PDA. In that moment, a fanfare-like sound played from the PDA. A holographic image of a deformed parrot character – Jumpy – appeared, dancing around Sukuna and Hikotarou’s general area.
“Urgent mission accomplished! 2745 points added to your JUNGLE Points! Rank up! Five has been promoted to JUNGLE L-ranker. Congratulations.”
Just like dates changed, the rank display in his own page was replaced with a flashing noise. From E-ranker to L-ranker. Along with that, the functions that had been restricted until now were unlocked as well. New rank mission ordering rights, mission activation rights, AR function usage rights—
Sukuna felt that his world had expanded yet again.
When he looked to the side, Hikotarou was raising his cider bottle with a cheerful smile.
“Congrats on your promotion, Sukuna!”
As Sukuna gave a lopsided smile, he and Hikotarou had a toast with their cider bottles.
Yeah, that’s right.
JUNGLE was the source of Sukuna’s power. It was a window that showed a new world to someone like him, who was bound hand and foot by his parents and simply made to walk the rails that had been decided for him.
No matter how shady it was, he could not think of losing it. That was about as terrifying as losing Hikotarou.
“Hey? Sukuna?”
He came to his senses. It seemed Hikotarou was calling him.
“A-Aah. What is it?”
“Just wondering how the cat Nine is going.”
“Aah, he’s so well that it’s a problem. He climbed on my shoulder a while ago—”
“Eh~, what’s up with that? He’s never done that with me!”
Laughing at Hikotarou’s sullen face, Sukuna said, “Then come see him next time. He’ll be happy too, for sure!”
“Yeah, true. One of these days.” Hikotarou laughed faintly, filling his mouth with cider.
He woke up early that day.
“6AM?” as he whispered, a yawn came out. Sukuna turned off his PDA, put it in his sleepwear’s pocket and got up from his bed.
He had to wake up earlier than usual ever since bringing Nine in. That was the expected, as he was the only one looking after it. He had to set up a time to take care of Nine before going to and after returning from school.
He quietly slipped out of his bedroom and headed to the first floor, sneaking out through the window of an unused guest room. He had secured this “escape route” by making use of Grass Root. He picked places where the servants would not be and times when they would not be around, rushing within the stipulated period.
Therefore, he was at ease. He had made sure that by no means would anyone find out about it.
Upon opening the door, Sukuna learned that this was nothing but an assumption.
Nine had disappeared from the shack.
His heart resounded with a strong thump.
He wondered if it was hiding somewhere. It was a kitten. It might have crawled into a spot that would not cross his mind.
However, he could not find such a breach anywhere in the shack. Neither could he hear its voice. It would always come crying loudly and cling to Sukuna whenever he arrived.
There was only an empty basket and a blanket that had grown cold in there.
He peeked into the bowl that he had filled to the brim with water. It had not decreased in the slightest. Was it not going thirsty or hungry, wherever it was? For starters, where had it even gone? His own expression full of anxiety was reflected over the water in the bowl.
As he looked at himself in blank amazement, a sweet voice coiled around him from behind, “Sukuna.”
His body trembled with a start.
As he turned around with eyes wide-open, his mother was standing at the shack’s entrance. Her red lips were forming a smile. Both her arms were holding a basket with a pure-white kitten on it.
“If you want something, you can just tell your mother.”
Grinning at him while he was motionless as if frozen, Sukuna’s mother left the basket with the white kitten by his feet. Not making the littlest movement, the white kitten stared fixatedly ahead, as if already disciplined to do so.
Words finally spilled from his dry mouth, “Where’s Nine?”
His mother tilted her head, but after catching on, she at last said, “If you mean that filthy one, it has been disposed of.” She spoke while smiling, “You wanted a cat, right, Sukuna? If so, you should purchase a proper one.”
Her hand caressed Sukuna’s hair. As though she were admiring a treasure.
“You mustn’t touch such a dirty stray cat like that one. What if you were scratched and contracted some disease? My dear Sukuna, I can’t let you do that.”
Sukuna looked down at the white kitten. It was well-manneredly, quietly sitting in the basket. There was a luxury accessory, adorned with a golden chain and red ribbon, fitted around its neck.
It was a choker.
While he was looking down at the kitten, a dark emotion gushed forth within Sukuna. It was a sensation that he had tasted countless times until now. When those people had tried to provide him friends. When he found out that those people were watching his room. That was the feeling that welled up inside.
He had managed to swallow it down until now. He had been able to control it. Because he was aware, somewhere in his heart, that there would be no going back once he laid it bare.
But he believed that, if he gulped it down now, something within him would definitely end up broken.
Therefore, Sukuna reached out and took the bowl full of water in his hand. As he glared at his mother, the smile disappeared from her red lips. Fear did not surge even as he saw this. More strongly than that, the dark emotion – “hatred” – was filling Sukuna from the inside.
“WHO—” He swung up the water bowl. “—SAID I WANTED A CAT?!!”
Sukuna slammed it at the kitten.
The bowl did not hit it directly. It collided with the nearby wall, bouncing off a big splash. Struck by said splash, the kitten let out a cry and jumped off the basket. It ran to a corner of the shack and gazed up at Sukuna as if scared of him.
When he saw that look, the dark feeling was gone like a retracting tide.
The kitten was not at fault for anything. It was simply brought here unknowing of anything and made into a replacement for some stranger. It was shameful and pathetic of him to take his anger out on it. He felt like he had become the same kind of person as his mother. Sukuna sensed that his own hatred was aimed at himself.
On the other hand—
Any facial expression had vanished from his mother’s face. She was as expressionless as a Noh mask. Lips sewed into a thin line, she stared intently at Sukuna.
Sukuna did not return the gaze. However, he did not attempt to explain himself either. It was not that he feared doing so. But because he was repulsed of even speaking to her.
After a moment of silence that could be deemed as an eternity, his mother muttered in a few words, “Really? I see.” She then turned on her heels, exiting the dim shack.
Left behind, Sukuna did nothing. He crouched on the spot, burying his face in-between his knees. Recalling Nine’s voice whenever it called for him, the softness of its fur whenever it snuck up to him and the ticklishness of its breath whenever it sniffed him, Sukuna cried with his shoulders shaking.
The white kitten was observing Sukuna.
The next day, Sukuna found the collar that the white kitten had been wearing inside his residence’s trashcan.
That was what happened to the things Sukuna said he did not want.
What should he say to Hikotarou? Lying on his bed, that was all Sukuna could think about.
The answer did not come to him. There was no way it would. The one who had offered to take in the kitten Nine, which Hikotarou found and had been taking care of, was Sukuna himself. There was no way he could tell him that his parents had found out about it and gotten rid of it.
Ever since losing Nine, Sukuna had secluded himself in his room, refusing to go to school or even eat, thinking about this all the while. His parents had knocked on his door and spoken words mixed with persuasion, and every time he heard their voices, he desperately had to overcome the urge to clear them away using the ESP App.
What should he say to Hikotarou? This question without an answer occurred to him whenever he opened JUNGLE and saw messages from Hikotarou piling up.
Amidst his spiraling thoughts, Sukuna became someone who did nothing but fiddle with his PDA. After all, he was able to escape from this reality just by staring at the several lined-up missions in JUNGLE.
The reality was catching up quickly.
It was no coincidence that Sukuna had activated Grass Root at that moment. He was wary of his parents perhaps trying to force him out of the room if he kept shutting himself in it.
Only the security surveillance cameras of the lowest floor could be viewed on Grass Root, but it could detect if someone were to break through the door of his room. He had not decided what to do when that happened, but he imagined that he would likely have to use an item from the ESP App.
However, that did not happen.
The one projected in the surveillance camera was not the robust guard-man. It was a man clad in a wrinkly suit and a boy who he was bringing with him.
“Hikotarou? Why...?”
With the words that he had whispered in a daze, Sukuna awoke at once. There was no “why”. It was because his parents had found out that Hikotarou existed.
Sukuna felt goosebumps. He jumped out of bed and rushed to the door of his bedroom, but gave up on opening it.
There were lookouts on the other side. His mother had arranged a sleepless watch so that she could deal with Sukuna whenever he came out. If he came out, he would quickly be caught and transferred somewhere else. And then, he would never get to see Hikotarou again.
The door’s no good. I need a different means of escape—
He looked back. Outside the window, he could see the trunk of a garden tree about three meters away. Even if one jumped off the windowsill, they would not be able to reach it.
That was the case for ordinary humans. However, Sukuna was a JUNGLE player.
Taking out his PDA, he opened it without hesitation. He activated the item “physical strengthening”, which was within the power of L-rankers.
Instantaneously, a green electric current burst out from the PDA, ran through Sukuna’s whole body and then disappeared into thin air. However, that strength remained within Sukuna. Each time his heart struck a beat, a force that was not his own circulated his blood vessels, his muscles absorbing it.
A countdown appeared on his PDA. He did not know the reasoning behind it, but once this period was over, his power would be gone as well.
In short, he had no time to waste.
Sukuna opened the window and jumped up. The unbelievable jumping power more than compensated for the three meters. The momentum was so strong that he almost missed the tree trunk, spiraling around it when he reached out and clung to it. His eyes spinning from the gymnast-like maneuver, Sukuna jumped from branch to branch and landed as if rolling down.
Sukuna broke into a run barefoot.
It was not as if he could do anything by running. Sukuna’s parents would not listen to his opinions. Rather, they may consider Hikotarou even more dangerous as a cause of his rebellion against them.
However, he had a feeling that he would resent it for the rest of his life if he just watched the current situation with a finger in his mouth.
From the position of the surveillance cameras, he calculated the place where Hikotarou would be at right now. It was one of the normally unused reception rooms. He ran along the outer walls, taking a wide turn around the mansion. Holding onto the reception room’s window, he quietly peeked inside.
And so, Sukuna experienced a lifelong regret.
“Good job on your report,” his father said, sitting on an extravagant chair.
The middle-aged man and Hikotarou were standing opposite to him, on the other side of the office desk. The middle-aged man was giving his father a toadying smile. Hikotarou, standing next to him, was merely staring at his toes with a mask-like expressionless face.
Sukuna’s heart began to beat copiously fast. If he kept looking at this scene, he would lose something important. Even though he knew this, he was unable to take his eyes off it.
“You might be poor, but since you have enough brains to be able to talk to him as an equal, we have selected you to be his friend as a special case.”
Sukuna’s breath caught. The conversation he was hearing through the window was as vague as a nightmare, with no sense of reality to it.
“Make sure to do your job modest and humbly. I have already transferred this month’s payment.”
“Thank you very much! Hey, you show gratitude too.”
While bowing repeatedly, the middle-aged man put his hand on the back of Hikotarou’s head and squeezed it with force. Unresisting, Hikotarou let himself be handled and bowed his head. He weakly muttered incoherent words.
He was extending his gratitude. To Sukuna’s father. To the power of the Gojou household.
His father leaned his body against the backrest and looked down at the two. “However, your interactions seem to be going too far lately. My wife is worried that Sukuna might have become defiant due to bad influence from you.”
The face of the middle-aged man quickly turned pale.
“Who was it that put in word so that someone from the fallen Kue family could somehow attend that school? I would like you to be a bit more aware of that.”
“M-My deepest apologies! Hey, you!”
The middle-aged man grabbed Hikotarou’s head violently. Hikotarou let him do as he pleased. He was mumbling something – perhaps apologizing?
Enough already. I don’t wanna see any more of this.
He did not want to see Hikotarou – his friend – like that. Still, in the end, that “friend” was also nothing more than something those people had arranged for him.
After watching Hikotarou receive punishment for a moment, his father raised his hand. “Do that somewhere my eyes can’t reach.”
“Yes! I-I always—”
“Enough of that. Sukuna is what matters now.”
Hearing the name, Hikotarou sluggishly raised his head.
“He has been confining himself in his bedroom all the time lately. I called you here to convince Sukuna. Talk him into it and bring him out of his room.”
“O-Of course! Hiko! Get ready at once!”
“Hum.” At that moment, Hikotarou’s voice sounded clear for the first time. “Sukuna has been absent from school all this time... Is he sick or something like that?”
Snorting, Sukuna’s father narrowed his eyes as if to poke fun at Hikotarou. “There seems to be no problem with his health. Apparently, he had picked a stray cat recently. By the looks of it, he got angry because we disposed of it. Honestly, children are so...”
Hikotarou went stiff. His small hands balled into fists.
“If he wants a replacement, we can provide anything he wishes. So hurry and do something about this. It will be bad for our reputation if the current situation continues as it is.”
Hearing the words of his father, who thought of no one but himself, Sukuna slammed the windowsill with his hand, reinforced by JUNGLE’s superhuman abilities. The only one who noticed the sound was Hikotarou. His eyes alone moved, taking in Sukuna’s figure. Their gazes met for just an instant. Yet Sukuna would probably never forget those wide-open eyes.
Sukuna peeled his body away from the window. He had lost all reason to stay in that place.
The “physical strengthening” was still within its effect time. Making full use of that power, he ran. Tears spilled as he rushed through the estate’s garden.
That was the first friend he had made ever since he was born. For the first time ever since being born, he had admired someone and thought of him as even cooler than himself. He had taught Sukuna about many things. Such as the enormous power that he had never even imagined and a new world that he had never so much as noticed, even though it was lying right next to him. He deemed the memories of breathing in the air of freedom and of playing around shoulder-to-shoulder with him as brightly sparkling jewels.
However, they were not jewels but glass marbles arranged for him by the adults.
He had nothing. The resounding beating of his heart, the new world that shone so vividly – everything had disappeared. Right now, the all that surrounded Sukuna were adults so filthy they made him want to throw up, as well as the fakes they had provided for him—
“That’s not true,” Sukuna muttered little by little.
At the same time, an electronic voice echoed from the PDA in his hand, “The effect time of item ‘Physical Strengthening’ has expired. If you wish to extend the effect time, please add extra JUNGLE Points—”
“Extend effect.”
“Voiceprint authentication confirmed. Consuming JUNGLE Points in order to maintain effect duration.”
Hikotarou was a fake. A fake that his parents had prepared for him. Whenever he was with Sukuna or whenever he laughed, he had been probably making a fool out of Sukuna deep down.
Nevertheless, it was not as if everything was fake.
Only this power, JUNGLE, was real. True strength. A tangible world. Beyond that window, a new world was spreading out. That was the sole truth.
And right now, having wiped the tears away, Sukuna was seeing yet another world.
In that world, Sukuna was free. Sukuna was lonely. Having lost his only friend, Sukuna figured that there was no longer anything chaining him to that place now. The exciting world that he had once had a glimpse of together with Hikotarou was lost forever, and the only thing spreading out before Sukuna was a desolated, perishing world.
Yet he had no options anymore but to jump into it.
Strengthening this resolve, Sukuna set forth while gritting his back teeth.
On the day that Sukuna used JUNGLE’s superhuman abilities to the fullest, stealing everything he could take and vanishing from the Gojou house, a large number of thieves attacked Uwagami Town.
Multiple government officials’ homes were raided at the same time. After suppressing the police officers guarding them as if it were nothing, the thieves robbed all houses of information related to secrets of the state and disappeared into the back streets and alleys of Uwagami Town.
The Metropolitan Police Department identified the case as a large-scale beta case due to the clear criminal techniques and the testimony of police officers describing them as “physical abilities that would usually be impossible”. The command of the investigation was transferred to Scepter 4.
Sukuna only came to know about it much later.
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clevername733 · 3 years
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Download Subway Surfers 1.63.1 Hack MOD Unlimited Money APK Free For Android Mobiles, Smart Phones. Tablets And More Devices. Download SUBWAY SURFERS GAME: Subway Surfers was developed by Kiloo and SYBO games in 2012. It is powered by the Unity game engine and is a non-stop running game. Subway Surfers is available on certain platforms like Android phones, IOS, Mac, Microsoft Windows, etc.
Let’s know more about it!
Subway Surfers is the most popular game all over the world. It is the most popular android game and played by 100,000+ users worldwide. So, let’s find out what are the new things that you will get in its hack mod.
What is the Subway Surfers Hack?
As we all know that, in any game, the most desired currency is coins and diamonds. To achieve any goal or accomplish any mission, this game also requires such currencies. But for some games, it is so difficult to collect these currencies. The reason is, as more you play the game, the more speed increases. This kind of obstacle in any game make you unable to get the highest level or any target.
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This app is one of the easy ways to get unlimited coins, keys, and boards.
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There is no need to root your device to use this app
The introduction of the island in this mode makes it more fascinating
There are beautiful scenes and more difficult challenges that will take you in dream lands
You can play the Hide and Seek game where you have to seek the Easter Eggs, which gives you multiple rewards, too.
It is also allowed to invite your friends and helping them. By helping each other, you can easily hit the target in a short time
There are mew rewards. You have to concentrate more on the game
Lastly, you will find all the characters unlock. Play with your favorite character, and much more.
How to Install Subway Surfers Hack Android?
The downloading link of Subway Surfers Hack Android is given below. Just follow these simple steps. But before downloading, if you have any version of this game, then uninstall it.
Download the game by clicking the given link
Make sure you have allowed “Unknown sources.”
Open the downloaded Apk file
It requires some permission for installation
Given access and install the app
That’s all. Enjoy the game with unlimited features.
Subway Surfers Hack APK Additional Information
File NameSubway Surfers Mod APKFile Size89.7 MBCurrent Versionv1.110.0Requires AndroidAndroid 4.1 and UpLicense TypeFree to PlayLast Updated OnOctober 9, 2019DevelopersKiloo, SYBO Games
The Final Verdict
All in all, the Subway Surfers Hack is the most exciting game that is available for the android user for free. You can freely download it on our site. However, if you have any problem, then comment below. Thank you for visiting us!
Name: Subway Surfers
Description: Download Subway Surfers Hack Apk for Android to get unlimited coins and keys free of cost. Enjoy everything unlimited hack to beat all hurdles in the game.
Offer price: 99.99
Currency: USD
Operating System: Android
Application Category: Game
Author: Kiloo
Subway Surfers Hack is an interminable running match-up co-created by Kiloo and SYBO games. It very well may be played on android, tabs, Kindle, iOS and windows telephone stages.
Android Only
Download the Subway Surfers Mod Apk with the unlimited resources (keys, coins, and cheats), friendly interface, free of ads, no root required, HD attractive graphics, and hacking facility. So, the players can hack the premium features in this modified version. Also, they don’t need to pay for this purpose.
The official Subway Surfers is an exciting game and hundreds of players have downloaded it for playing it. After some time, the lovers of this game started to decrease. The reason is that it has limitations and restrictions on resources and premium features. Therefore, if you want to enjoy it with the desired characteristics, then you have to download the Subway Surfers Hack 2020.
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As you know, many people play games in their free time. Also, a lot of games are available in the market, but the players like that game, which has excellent and unique features. Subway Surfers is a superb game for the players. Since it has limited resources, so the third parties hacked it.
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The hackers launched a unique and superb modified version of Subway Surfers. So, the players can get the resources according to their wishes. Let’s go to the features!
Millions of lovers have downloaded this mod due to its outstanding features. Also, it has many characteristics, but we will describe the main!
Unlimited Resources
The players can get countless coins, keys, and cheats. So, they can get endless chances to get free coins through the keys. Also, the players can play it to end by using the cheating feature. Don’t waste time and get the Subway Surfers Mod Apk.
No Root Required
This hacking version provides the limitless coins for the players. Also, the players don’t need to get the root permission for playing this mod. If you think that you have to provide the verification for downloading it, and then don’t worry because it is available here without verification.
Antiban Version
Don’t need to think about the banning problems at downloading this mod. The reason is that it is launched with the Antiban feature. Therefore, you can download and enjoy it without any fear of banning issues.
Friendly Interface
Maybe, you are not downloading due to the complicated uses. So, you should not worry because it has simple and easy keys. Also, the lovers of the Subway Surfers don’t need to learn the technical things to play it. Even its uses are similar to the original game.
HD Attractive Graphics
Many players download it only enjoy the graphics. For example, the railway track passes across and inside cities deserts, and different countries. Also, players don’t feel the boredom by playing this modified version.
Free of Ads
As you know, the players lose the excitement of playing when they watch ads while playing. Therefore, the players don’t want to watch the irritating ads. If you also want to download the modified version without ads, then you have to tap on the below link.
Without Charges
Many people the Subway Surfers mod Apk and they want to download it on their devices. Also, some lovers don’t have enough resource to download it. So, don’t need to worry because we are providing the free downloading facility of this mod.
If you want to know all the features that are in this modified version, then you should play it. Let me mention the downloading and installing process!
How to Download Subway Surfers Mod Apk?
Are you looking for Subway Surfers Hack 2020 Download? That’s great. All the lovers of this mod can download it here without any problem, but they have to complete the requirements. Let’s talk about the requirements!
NameSubway Surfers Mod ApkPublisherSYBO GamesGenreGames, ActionLatest Version1.118.0 Size95.6 MBMOD FeaturesUnlimited Resources, No Root Required, Antiban Version, Friendly Interface, HD Attractive Graphics, Free of Ads, Without ChargesPlatformsAndroidGet Official VersionGoogle Play Get ModSubway Surfers Mod Apk
Downloading and Installing Guidance:
The players, who need simple downloading and installing guidelines, should follow the below steps. Let’s start to download!
First of all, the lovers of this mod need to connect the supported android with stable internet.
Secondly, go to android security settings and enable unknown options.
After that make enough space and tap on the downloading link of Subway Surfers Mod Apk.
Now, wait to complete the downloading process.
Then, open the downloaded file and tap on the installing button.
With the tapping, the installations process will start and end after a few moments.
Subway Surfers Hack IOS
Some lovers of the Subway Surfers have the iPhone. Also, they want to download this hacking version on it. If you also want to download this mod for iOS, then let me mention the simple process!
Download Games Subway Surf Cheat Apk Pc
At first, connect the iPhone with a secure internet connection.
In the second step, you have to tap on the below downloading link of this hacking version.
Now, get the Cydia impactor and wait to end the downloading process.
After doing this, pull the downloaded Subway Surfers mod and drag it into the Cydia impactor.
Here, open this mod and tap on the installing button.
The installation process of this hacked version will complete in a few moments.
If you face any problem or issue in the downloading process, then don’t worry. So, you should check the internet connection either it is stable or not. It may be possible that your device doesn’t support this version. Therefore, check the device version and storage space.
Subway Surf Game Download
Final Thoughts
As a result, the players can download the Subway Surfers Mod Apk on this platform. Also, we provide his hacked with fully working features and without charges. If you want more details about this Subway mod, then go to the comment section and type your query in it. Keep visiting this platform for recent information. Thanks!
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miketendo-64 · 6 years
Having just watch the same Direct you have, Nintendo’s presentation may not have been as explosive as expected, but DAMN! Smash looks simply incredible and so, because there is a lot to cover, including new fact sheets for Fire Emblem Three Houses and Super Mario Party, here’s a Digest dedicated to catch you up on what you may have missed, starting with a video of the direct:
  Nintendo Smashes E3 with 2018 Lineup, Details About Super Smash Bros. Ultimate:
  Fortnite Arrives Today on Nintendo Switch; New Super Smash Bros., Pokémon Games and Many More All Launching This Year
  LOS ANGELES, June 12, 2018 – Nintendo opened its activities for the annual E3 2018 video game trade show with a bang – and a smash. Showing world-first footage of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo shared details about the latest entry in a series with sales of more than 40 million units worldwide. A new game built for the Nintendo Switch system, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate lets up to eight players square off in action-packed battles that are all about smashing beloved video game characters off the screen. Legendary game worlds and fighters collide in the ultimate showdown at E3 2018, which runs through June 14 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Nintendo made its announcements during its Nintendo Direct: E3 2018 video presentation, which can be viewed at https://e3.nintendo.com. “At E3, we’re showing how Nintendo Switch continues to redefine play, with the broadest range of games people can enjoy together anytime, anywhere,” said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s President and COO. “Fans who’ve debated which Super Smash Bros. fighter is the best now have the chance to settle their differences once and for all, pitting familiar faces against fresh challengers on stages both new and old. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, and the arrival of Epic’s Fortnite on Nintendo Switch demonstrate the strong momentum Nintendo Switch continues to have through 2018 and beyond.”
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will include every single fighter ever featured in the series’ nearly two-decade run, making it one of the biggest crossover events in gaming history. Fans can enjoy returning favorites like Ice Climbers and Pokémon Trainer, as well as newly announced fighters like Ridley from the Metroid series and Inkling from the Splatoon series. The game supports a variety of controller options, including Nintendo GameCube controllers (original or newly designed), Joy-Con controllers or the Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. With Nintendo Switch, players can throw down whenever and wherever they like in Handheld or Tabletop mode while enjoying online play.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate combines many stages and new items, with gameplay that makes it easy for players of all skill levels to jump in. All current Super Smash Bros. series amiibo figures are compatible with the game, and any fighter’s amiibo figure from other series will also be supported. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is set to launch on Dec. 7, exclusively for Nintendo Switch. It is being developed by Nintendo, Sora, Ltd. and BANDAI NAMCO Studios, and is directed by Masahiro Sakurai.
Nintendo also announced that Fortnite, the Battle Royale phenomenon from Epic Games, is available for Nintendo Switch – TODAY. Players can download it for free from the Nintendo eShop, then test their mettle in thrilling crucibles of combat. The action never stops with Fortnite on Nintendo Switch, where players can build and battle together anytime, anywhere. Team up online with friends in the same room or around the world. Weekly updates and new gameplay modes will keep the action fresh for seasoned Fortnite players and newcomers alike.
At its E3 booth this week in the Los Angeles Convention Center, Nintendo will give attendees their first chance to play Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, two Pokémon games launching for the Nintendo Switch system on Nov. 16 at a suggested retail price of $59.99 each. Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! are a new way to experience Pokémon that lets players adventure with their partner Pokémon in the vibrant Kanto region, discover fresh and exciting Pokémon encounters and Trainer battles, as well as share the adventure cooperatively with a friend anytime, anywhere on one Nintendo Switch system. Players can even transfer Kanto region Pokémon into the game from the Pokémon GO app. These games serve as an entry point to the Pokémon series for newcomers, but they also provide fun and engaging experiences for Pokémon fans of all ages. A new accessory, called Poké Ball Plus, comes with Mythical Pokémon, Mew and is sold separately from the games. Poké Ball Plus includes a pressable analog stick and button, so players can control the new games entirely with the accessory, if they want. Nintendo is announcing two bundles, in which players can get Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! or Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! with one Poké Ball Plus at a suggested retail price of $99.99 each.
  Other upcoming items announced during the Nintendo Direct include:
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Expansion Pass owners also will gain access to Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country to be released on Sept. 14. In this new story mode, players uncover the full history of Jin and the fall of his homeland, Torna, which existed 500 years before the events of Xenoblade Chronicles 2. This new storyline also will be available as a stand-alone retail package on Sept. 21. Full purchase details can be found at Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country.
Super Mario Party: Inspired by the original Mario Party board game play, the beloved series is coming to Nintendo Switch with new mini-games and play styles that make use of the Joy-Con controllers. Super Mario Party includes features like character-exclusive Dice Blocks that add depth to players’ strategy. Up to four players take turns rolling the dice, and individually race across the board searching for Stars. In Toad’s Rec Room, new gameplay links two games and two Nintendo Switch systems for side-by-side fun. The game launches Oct. 5.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses: A new episode of the Fire Emblem series comes to Nintendo Switch for the first time in spring of 2019. The player can maneuver the main character freely and interact with other characters to build relationships and gather information at various points within the game. This turn-based tactical RPG will put new strategic twists on battling, with formations of troops supporting individual units on the battlefield. Players will get to know three main characters – Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude – who play key roles in the story.
DAEMON X MACHINA: A new fast-paced mech action game from Kenichiro Tsukuda is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2019. Players take their customizable Arsenal powered suit on a variety of missions to thwart the enemy at all costs. They can choose and equip their Arsenal with a multitude of weapons, obtain more from downed enemies and swap them on the fly to suit their strategy in the face of ever-changing threats.
Overcooked! 2: The kitchen mayhem returns in this sequel from Team17 and Ghost Town Games that’s brimming with even more recipes, characters, kitchens and co-op madness. Bake, barbecue or broil with up to three other players in wireless local and online play modes. Save the world from clumsy cooking when the frantic food-juggler arrives on Aug. 7.
Killer Queen Black: Redesigned from the ground up, the acclaimed arcade extravaganza that became a multiplayer phenomenon is coming to Nintendo Switch. Players can hop on a snail, hoard berries or wipe out the enemy’s queen to claim victory for their team in Liquid Bit and Bumble Bear Games’ Killer Queen Black, when it launches first on Nintendo Switch later this year.
Hollow Knight: Venture through the beautifully hand-drawn, mysterious landscapes of a vast forgotten kingdom in Team Cherry’s Hollow Knight, an action-adventure filled with gripping combat and haunting secrets. Hollow Knight on Nintendo Switch also includes the new items, areas, characters and bosses from the currently released contact packs – all available today.
Octopath Traveler: Players can take another early look at Square Enix’s upcoming fantasy epic when the Octopath Traveler Prologue Demo arrives June 14 in Nintendo eShop for Nintendo Switch. Play the demo, then use the save data transfer feature to carry your choices into the main game, once purchased, where players can live the stories of each of the eight travelers and freely explore the world of Orsterra. Octopath Traveler is scheduled to launch on July 13.
More great games are coming in 2018, including Dragon Ball FighterZ and Dark Souls: Remastered from BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus from Bethesda Softworks, Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate from Capcom, EA Sports FIFA 19 from Electronic Arts and Starlink: Battle for Atlas from Ubisoft, which includes characters and content from Nintendo’s Star Fox franchise that are exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version of the game.
  To celebrate E3 2018, Nintendo eShop will offer savings on select digital games that helped make some of the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game’s fighters famous, as well as other great digital games on Nintendo Switch and the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. The sale kicks off on June 14 at 9 a.m. PT, and runs until 8:59 a.m. PT on Thursday, June 21. The full listing of digital games on sale will be posted to https://e3.nintendo.com/ sale on June 14 at 9 a.m. and can be purchased directly from the website for download or in Nintendo eShop.
As always, people can keep an eye on https://e3.nintendo.com for all of Nintendo’s latest E3 updates, including today’s Super Smash Bros. Invitational 2018 and the final round of the Splatoon 2 World Championship, and lots of gaming details on Nintendo Treehouse: Live | E3 2018.
  Last but not least, Nintendo has also provided a bunch of screenshots for various things, which you can see below:
  Source: Nintendo PR
#NintendoDirect #E32018 Digest: #SuperMarioParty, #SuperSmashBrosUltimate and More – June 12, 2018 Having just watch the same Direct you have, Nintendo’s presentation may not have been as explosive as expected, but…
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wahumorway-blog · 6 years
MyEtherWallet, the most popular crypto wallet service on the internet, is finally getting a mobile app as it bids to increase security for its users.
Today the company introduced MEW Connect, an iOS app that allows users to access their wallet through MyEtherWallet but without the need to type their private key. There are already solutions that allow them — such as hardware keys from Trezor and Ledger — but MEW Connect is offering the benefits for free.
The app is launching in the coming days as a limited iOS beta. Given that the website receives more than 600,000 visitors per day, demand for the beta is likely to be high. Those who aren’t successful this time around shouldn’t have too long to wait as a full launch is expected to come by the end of September. An Android version is also in the works and is expected to be released around the same time.
How does it work?
It’s really quite simple. The app uses a QR code scanner that replaces the need to enter a private key. Entering information like a private key on a website is something that people have always been warned against doing. Recent analysis suggests that more than $7 million has been stolen via phishing attacks on wallet services, but still people can be lazy or reluctant to buy a hardware wallet, so it’s a practice that continues to happen.
Now, using the MEW Connect app you simply scan a barcode on MyEtherWallet.com, which opens your wallet account using a peer-to-peer connection.
On the technical side, MyEtherWallet confirmed it is using Apple’s keychain services to encrypt the app — which it said retains data on-device — and pair it with the web-based peer. There are plans to utilize the Touch ID feature in iOS in the future, but the feature is currently absent.
The app itself requires a master password to be set first — the app scores passwords and encourages stronger ones — and it provides a set of backup words, much like a device from Trezor or Ledger. The master password is designed to prevent unauthorized access, for example, if you lose your phone. The backup words, meanwhile — which should be written down on paper and stored carefully — are the key to getting access to your wallet in the event that you lose your phone.
That’s essentially it at this point. The app exists to remove the need to enter a private key. In testing, it worked fairly consistently across different browsers and computers I used, although there could be issues as with all alpha versions of software.
Payment potential
What’s particularly exciting, however, is what the app could become as and when it adds new features.
The main app screen includes a debit card style design and it’s easy to imagine that some form of payments, most obviously peer-to-peer, could be added to massively simplify the process of sending crypto.
But that’s not going to happen soon, according to MyEtherWallet founder Kosala Hemachandra, who told TechCrunch that he doesn’t want to rush introducing new features. Hemachandra said the intention is to move slowly to ensure users are comfortable with the app, but he did admit payments are on the roadmap.
“That’ll be the best use case for crypto we can implement in the near future,” he said in an interview. “If you want to go mainstream, that’ll be a huge advantage for the whole industry. First, we want people to get used to this MEW Connect concept, scanning a QR code and creating a P2P link.”
For now, the app does include a link that lets people buy crypto via a third party. That’s an approach MyEtherWallet has taken on its website service, and the affiliate money generated from that is enough to make the business profitable, cover payroll for its staff of 15 and generally keep the business sustainable.
Hemachandra said he knocks back interest from investors on a daily basis.
“I’m not really a fan of VCs,” he said candidly.
Removing private key risk
For the beta launch, Hemachandra said he’s hoping that lots of bugs are unearthed to improve the app experience.
“My hope is beta users will be developers who can go through our code. I really believe in open source and we don’t plan to hide anything,” he said.
Like MyEtherWallet.com, the plan is to publish the code for the MEW Connect iOS and Android apps online to allow scrutiny from the community. Given the reach of MyEtherWallet, this is definitely one project to keep a keen eye on.
Another is MyCrypto.com, a similar service whose founders include Hemachandra’s former business partner at MyEtherWallet, Taylor Monahan. The company recently removed private key access from its website for the same reasons to the launch of MEW Connect: user safety.
“Mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is unlikely in a world where a mis-click can cost you your life savings. Tragically, even when a user takes painstaking precautions in verifying that they are on the correct site before entering their private key, a compromise of the site itself can still result in a total loss of user funds,” MyCrypto.com CTO Daniel Ternyak explained in a blog post.
That two of the web’s largest wallet services are moving on from private keys is an important step for the crypto industry.
Crypto’s most popular wallet service is getting a mobile app for secure login MyEtherWallet, the most popular crypto wallet service on the internet, is finally getting a mobile app as it bids to increase security for its users.
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concettolabs · 10 months
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/solar-eclipse-in-cancergood-karma/
Solar Eclipse in Cancer~Good Karma
Solar Eclipse in Cancer~Good Karma
By Astromatrix
This total solar eclipse presents a highly charged New Moon in its home sign, Cancer, relating to home life, parenting, and nurturing — as well as loyalties to other clans or tribes we belong to. Eclipse events often coincide with something or someone being concealed or neglected.  The need to be in a safe community is very important at this Solar Eclipse, as we may be more sensitive to our environment around us. Those touched by this Solar Eclipse and Lunar types will do better in tranquil, suburban areas then frantic city centres.
This New Moon July 2019 Solar eclipse is a fantastic one for creating good karma and healing relationships since Saturn is conjunct the South Node of this moon. Saturn ensures that nothing gets out of hand and everything is in its right place.The solar eclipse with the Moon in Cancer obscuring the Sun, is a time to think harder about what is better for us. Where should we invest energy in new growth? What old habits or relationships are we prepared to let go of? We may not have the time or resources to maintain all the lifelines we can access. Of course the Nodes being so close to the new moon are what turn it into a Solar Eclipse and the closer they are to the moon degree the more total the solar eclipse is.
 Solar Eclipse developments can have a greater impact than normal New Moon events, so there may be issues to handle around households and family changes. Its good to think about the eclipse in terms of signs, planets and their respective seasons. The Moon in its home sign Cancer, is linked with the summer and thriving life. It connects with fertility, motherhood, and the initial giving of life. Capricorn and its ruler Saturn, at the other end of the scale relates to winter, decline and degeneration. These are all key points in natural everchanging cycles. Sometimes it is not completely obvious what is heading towards increase and what is on the wane in our lives. But we may have a keener perception of such developments around this eclipse.
Usually the effect of the eclipse can last up to six months until the time of the next eclipse. This gives us time to clarify which way direction is the best for us. It is worth noting that Saturn remains strongly placed in his native sign of Capricorn and with the close conjunction with the South Node, there is a powerful pull back to the past. We may once again need to address traditional versus modern parenting styles or how we take care of our elderly relatives. Some people may feel the lack of family ties and nurturing, particularly where death or illness have taken their toll.
This may be a time for looking to new sources of connection and emotional and physical sustenance. Others will be trying to build up defenses against an uncertain future whilst Saturn is sextile misty Neptune. If we allow just over the typical 4° orb for a sextile aspect, then we can also take into account a Sun–Moon connection to Uranus. Plus, Uranus in Taurus is conjunct asteroid Vesta, fanning a warming fire! The earthy realms of Taurus remind us of the good things of life and all the comforts and pleasures that cost money.
Solar Eclipse sextile Uranus can bring surprises and opportunities. This is a good solar eclipse to try something new and exciting and you should have enough freedom to do so. You may have flashes of insight or discover new perspectives and ideas from personal interactions. Creativity is stimulated and you should feel comfortable expressing yourself in better ways.There may be reasons to examine more closely where our financial lifelines will remain sound for the future. New or different earning opportunities could also present themselves. With Uranus, only one thing is sure: We cannot take anything for granted!
Saturn sextile Neptune is the strongest aspect in the solar eclipse chart beside the Sun conjunct Moon. It is also the major planetary aspect of 2019 and it can bring growth  from spiritual pursuits. This aspect helps you make your dreams come true with hard work and a sensible, realistic approach. The Sun and Moon are also square Chiron, showing that, although taking steps towards any healing may be hard work, it is perfectly possible to reach that joyful destination.
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weekinethereum · 8 years
February 19, 2017
News and Links
DevCon3 is in Cancun in early Nov.
Perfect location for a Texan like me who speaks Spanish
Edcon happened last week.  Here are all the slides I could find: Swarm, Status, SmartPool, William Mougayar, Melonport, iEx.ec, Ledger, ABDK on Secure Token Development, Christoph Jentzsch on Ethereum Governance Mechanism, Nick Dodson's ARES Governance Protocol, and Vitalik's Intro to cryptoeconomics
Stuff for Dapp developers
Library Driven Development in Solidity
Ethereum.rb - json-rpc Ruby library
Inside an Ethereum transaction from Cointract
Truffle Box - easy authentication via uPort or smart contract
EthRaspbian and EthArmbian images update, with IPFS
Mahesh Murthy: Full Stack Hello World Voting Ethereum Dapp Tutorial — Part 3
Client releases
Geth now supports Hardware wallets, v1.5.9 release
Keep the developer diaries alive?
Vitalik's "So far in 2017" R&D roundup
Vitalik: Intro to cryptoeconomics - slides from Edcon talk
Reitwießner: zkSNARKs for Neural Network weights?
Long list of big companies involved in Enterprise Ethereum
Enterprise Ethereum launch event on Feb 28 in "Brooklyn"  (Bias alert: I'm not linking to the event because it is on TicketLeap's competitor)
Job listing for the Product Manager for Enterprise Ethereum
Fred Ehrsam: VR is a Killer App for Blockchains
SecondLife Founder Philip Rosedale: Metaverse Identity on the Blockchain
MyEtherWallet v3.5.0: Swap ETH, BTC, and REP inside of MEW via Bity
Phil Daian: How I learned to stop worrying and love ETC
The Etherian: a weekly update of every Ethereum project
Peter Vessenes forms a partnership to consult and invest in Ether projects.  Interesting anecdotes in the post as well.
The movement of early Bitcoin adopters to Ethereum has been slow but inexorable.
Lots of folks on the Ethtrader subreddit discussing The Flippening - when Ether's market cap overtakes Bitcoin
Related: "The True Cost of Bitcoin Transactions" by Erik Voorhees
Project Updates
Project Oaken won $100k for first prize at the UAE Gov Hackathon
EthNews interview with Project Oaken
Consensys and Vinay Gupta release vision paper for UAE government
Maker moves undistributed MKR into a foundation
Blockchannel podcast interview of Jaak's CEO Vaughn McKenzie
Sports Betting on Ethereum, v 0.2
How Swarm City will do its token swap for the old Arcade City tokens.
Legal and regulatory Q&A from Iconomi
Consensys unveils its stablecoin project, made possible through a decentralized derivatives market.
Bangor protocol: a bridge token to enable easy currency conversion.
Token Sales
CoinFund's Jake Brukhman: Toward more equitable token sale structures
WeTrust does a CoinFund Q&A
Cosmos roadmap and white paper bounty
Jae Kwon talks to Epicenter about Cosmos
Cosmos and Polkadot talks at Berlin Meetup
Melonport sold out in 14 mins
OmiseGo - an e-wallet for the unbanked - planning Q2 token sale
I chatted with The Bitcoin Podcast about token sales, my motivations for doing this newsletter, TheDAO and why I've never been a Bitcoiner. 
I'm probably not the most interesting or entertaining podcast guest, but I'd still appreciate your tweets and upvotes.
Epicenter interviews Silvio Micali who has a PoS-type algorithm called AlgoRand
15 "Blockchain and Us" interviews of people in crypto done by Manuel Stagars, including Taylor Gerring and the mayor of Zug
Zug, Switzerland’s Crypto Valley
Simon de la Rouviere: Eustress, Complexity, Social Systems Design & Blockchain Tokenization
Dates of note
Feb 27 – Etheroll token sale ends
Feb 27 – Intellisys private equity “Mainstreet fund” sale begins (closed to US/EU citizens, KYC done by exchange for initial purchase and for dividends)
Feb 28 – Contingency sale ends
Feb 28 – Humaniq token sale begins
Mar 1 -- WeTrust token sale begins (1st day bonus, weekly price changes)
Mar 1 -- Qtum sale begins
Mar 14 -- Ethereum Name Service (ENS) released on public chain
Mar 24 – Matchpool token sale begins
Mar 26 -- SuperDAO token sale begins
“Feb/Mar” – iEx.ec token sale begins
“Feb/Mar” – Gnosis token sale likely to begin
"March" -- Cosmos token sale begins
April 24 -- the Rice Blockchain for Business conference
Q2 -- Omise GO token sale
[I aim for a relatively comprehensive list of Ethereum sales, but make no warranty as to even whether they are legit; as such, I thus likewise warrant nothing about whether any will produce a satisfactory return. I have passed the CFA exams, but this is not investment advice. You can find my investing thesis and token sale appreciation strategies in previous newsletters.]
Daily updates?  Last week I asked if anyone was interested in daily updates, and about 5 people responded that they were. So either no one is interested or it's not worth emailing me about at [email protected]
Subscriber growth has definitely slowed as we get near 1500, presumably because Reddit is tapped out.
If you enjoyed this, I'd love it if you shared it on a social network:
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endenogatai · 5 years
The winners of The Europas Awards 2019 display Europe’s continuing diversity and ambition
The Europas Awards for European Tech Startups came around again last week (Thursday 27th June), and once again proved that Europe’s enormous diversity in startups continues to shine through on the world stage.
Once again TechCrunch was the exclusive media sponsor of the awards, alongside new “tech, culture & society” event creator The Pathfounder. Attendees, nominees and winners were given discounts to TechCrunch Disrupt in Berlin, later this year.
The awards cover 20 categories, including new additions such as cover AgTech / FoodTech, SpaceTech, GovTech and Mobility Tech.
After an intense round of public voting and judges’ deliberations, the awards were held in the ‘Summer Festival’ atmosphere of the lawns of the iconic Geffrey Museum in London’s ‘Silicon Roundabout Area’ of Shoreditch and featured street trucks, lawn games, music and a fantastic after-party!
The judges came from the creme-de-la-creme of the European tech scene and their picks for the winners were combined with the results of a week of online voting.
Photos from The Europas Awards are now on Flickr where you can download them. They are also on Facebook here. The Live stream hosted by Hermione Way starts here, the panel sessions are here and The Europas Awards ceremony starts here.
You can sign up to get news of next year’s awards and similar events here.
The sponsors this year where: Bizzabo World Datanomic Forum Currency.com Target Global Bayer G4A CommsCo Isotoma iHorizon FieldHouse Associates Rocketmakers Burlington PR Home Grown
So without further-a-do here are the winners and finalists for The Europas Awards 2019!
The Europas Awards — Hottest AgTech / FoodTech Startup WINNER: Small Robot Company: Building small robots to transform farming Presented by Gemma Evans, HealthHackers
FINALISTS: Agricool: grows and produces fruits and vegetables inside shipping containers Allplants: Delicious, plant-based meals, delivered. Breedr: a productivity and marketing platform transforming the livestock supply-chain iFarm: Data-driven urban farming technology Ynsect: Designs, constructs and operates giant vertical farm of beetles (Molitors) to produce high grade proteins.
The Europas Awards — Hottest CleanTech Startup WINNER: Solar Foods: Produces an entirely new kind of nutrient-rich protein using only air and electricity as the main resources Presented by Laurence Kemball Cook, Pavegen CEO
FINALISTS: Asperitas: a clean-tech company focused on greening the datacentre industry Naefos: A fintech-IoT platform for enterprises to access off-grid households Bulb: affordable renewable energy for homes and businesses Orbital Systems: a Swedish clean-tech company that develops a water recycling technology to be used in domestic appliances VoltStorage: Solar power storage for your home
The Europas Awards — Hottest CyberTech Startup WINNER: Panaseer: A continuous controls monitoring platform Presented by Pratik Sampat, iHorizon
FINALISTS: UK Barac: Using AI and behavioural analytics to detect malware hidden within encrypted traffic without the need for decryption Cymulate: Breach and attack simulation UK Immersive Labs: A fully interactive, on-demand, and gamified cyber skills platform Passbase: a digital identity platform to streamline the identity verification process and enable identity ownership and reuse across different services PixelPin: a secure authentication system using pictures instead of passwords uBirch: Securing IoT data using blockchain
The Europas Awards — Hottest EdTech Startup WINNER: Perlego: Textbook subscription service
FINALISTS: Busuu: Online community for language learning Get My Grades: online learning platform for English, Maths and Science MyPocketSkill: Connecting teens to pocket money earning jobs Pigzbe: Crypto-friendly, digital wallet for 6+ PitchMe: Skills-based talent marketplace Robo Wunderkind: developing modular and programmable robots to teach children robotics and coding Lirica: Learn languages with the power of music
The Europas Awards — Hottest FashTech Startup WINNER: Metail: virtual fitting room service for fashion retailers that allows customers to create a 3D model of themselves and try on clothes
FINALISTS: Bump: making commerce social Euveka: develops connected smart-mannequins, using custom software, to assist fashion, sports and medical professionals in the prototyping and sale of individual garments Heuritech: anticipating brand and product desirability through the eyes of millions of fashion influencers and consumers HUUB: a logistics and tech platform for Fashion brands Little Black Door: intelligent inventory platform that captures the value of your wardrobe and opens it up to a premium managed marketplace Finda: Professional model booking platform
The Europas Awards — Hottest FinTech Startup WINNER: Auquan: data science platform for financial services Presented by Malin Holmberg, Target Global VC
FINALISTS: Curve: a platform allowing consolidation of all bank cards into a single smart card and app Cytora: Using AI to enable insurers to underwrite more efficiently Divido: a retail finance platform that allows companies to offer instant customer finance Holvi: digital banking for freelancers and entrepreneurs Monese: an online banking platform that offers quick current account opening for all EU residents Moonfare: a technology-enabled platform allowing individuals to invest in top-tier private equity funds Nuggets: Login, pay and verify ID without ever sharing or storing your data with anyone PremFina: White label software to manage insurance policies Yobota: cloud-based platform allows financial services to design and deploy financial products
The Europas Awards — Hottest GovTech, CivTech, PubTech, RegTech WINNER: New Vector: decentralised, secure communication for governments, businesses and individuals Presented by Eloise Todd, Anti-Brexit Campaigner
FINALISTS: Adzuna: digital service that connects jobseekers with employers online and through job centres around the UK Apolitical Apolitical is a global policy insights platform and network helping governments and companies advance their work and business Clause Match: end-to-end solution for fully automating regulatory compliance Luminance: document analysis software to secure big data systems novoville – novoville is a Citizen Engagement Platform, that bridges the gap between local governments and their citizens Safened: Digital KYC Solution SafeTeam: NHS community lone worker app
The Europas Awards — Hottest HealthTech Startup WINNER: BIOS, creating the open standard hardware and software interface between the human nervous system and AI Presented by Rafiq Hasan, Bayer Health
FINALISTS: Ada Health: an AI-powered health platform eQuoo: evidence based mental health game for young adults Lumeon: providing care pathway management solutions to the healthcare industry Natural Cycles: a digital contraceptive app Pregenerate: “cartilage-on-a- chip” to accelerate drug development for arthritis Siilo: secure messenger app for medical teams Straight Teeth Direct: Direct to consumer teledentistry platform that connects users to online dentists globally enabling low cost at home teeth straightening
The Europas Awards — Hottest MadTech (MarTech or AdTech) Startup WINNERS: Ometria: a customer insight and marketing automation platform Videesha Bockle, signals Venture Capital
FINALISTS: Codec: AI-powered audience intelligence for brands MeasureMatch: find, book, pay & rate independent consultants or consultancies to accelerate marketing, commerce & customer experience capabilities PlanSnap: a social planning platform that gets friends together StreetBees: Connecting brands with real people on the ground to gather real time insights Uberall: location marketing cloud Vidsy: helps brands create original mobile video ads at scale Waive: an intelligent trend spotting platform
The Europas Awards — Hottest Mobility Travel Tech Startup WINNER: Voi Scooters: owns, operates, and manages electric scooters for urban commuters Joelle Hadfield, HelloFresh
FINALISTS: Culture Trip: inspiring people to explore the world’s culture and creativity daytrip: platform connecting independent travelers with local drivers Dott: scooter startup minicabit: an online minicab and taxi price comparison and booking service Snap Travel: on-demand coach service Trafi: Mobility solutions for connected cities Wejo: unlocks the value in car data to help create smarter, safer, better and greener journeys for drivers globally
The Europas Awards — Hottest PropTech Startup WINNER: NPlan: machine learning – based risk analysis for construction projects Simon Calver, BFG
FINALISTS: Casavo: market maker within the residential real estate market Good Monday: a digital office management system Habito: digital mortgage broker Home Made: property tech rental agent Hubble: online marketplace for office space Mews Systems: property management software for hospitality operations Planner 5D: 3D home design tool using AI, VR & AR to create floorplans and interior design Reposit: tenancy deposit alternative Urban Jungle: A fully digital insurer, for a new generation of customers
The Europas Awards — Hottest Retail / ECommerce Tech Startup WINNER: NearSt: building the world’s source of real-time local inventory Presented by Audrey Soussan, Ventech
FINALISTS: Festicket: marketplace to discover and book music festival tickets, accommodation, transfers and extras Keep Warranty: app that saves the warranties and purchase slips of your appliances Picnic: online supermarket, that delivers groceries for the lowest price to people’s home Pimcore: digital experience platform to manage product information Spryker Systems: a commerce technology company store2be: Online marketplace for short-term retail and promotion space Trouva: curated marketplace for bricks and mortar independent shops
The Europas Awards — Hottest B2B / SaaS Startup WINNER: Infobip: Full-stack Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) Sally MacDonald, Partner, CommsCo
FINALISTS: Chattermill: Using deep learning to help organizations make sense of their customer experience Dixa: conversational customer engagement software that connects brands with customers through real-time communication Meero: On demand photography service combined with image processing artificial intelligence Paddle: platform for all software companies to run and grow their business Peakon: a platform for measuring and improving employee engagement ProoV: a PoC platform that enables businesses to test new technologies SeedLegals: platform for all the legals startups need to grow and get funded TravelPerk: business travel booking & management platform for companies Unbabel: a ‘translation-as-a-service’ platform, powered by AI and a worldwide community of translators
The Europas Awards — Hottest SpaceTech Startup WINNER: Open Cosmos: Simple and affordable space missions Presented by Dr Barbara Ghinelli, Harwell
FINALISTS: Aerial & Maritime: A Danish nanosatellite-based solution for monitoring aircrafts and maritime vessels Aerospacelab: Develops a constellation of micro-satellites for earth observation and imagery aXenic: Design, development and production of optical modulators for communications and sensing Global Surface Intelligence: Environmental data service Hawa Dawa: Combines proprietary IoT smart sensor data with other sources of data (including satellite data) to give highly accurate data on air quality Monolith: Machine Learning Platform that helps engineers to predict the outcome of unknown, new tests or simulations by reusing historical data Trik: Enterprise drone 3D mapping software for structural inspection Unseenlabs – Unseenlabs designs and develops a spectrum surveillance payload Xonaspace: Uses an XPS and LEO satellite constellation for extremely precise GPS systems
The Europas Awards — Hottest Tech for Good Startup WINNER: Beam: help a homeless person for the long-term by funding their employment training Paula Schwarz, World Datanomic Forum
FINALISTS: eWaterpay: Using mobile technology for the accountable collection of user fees to pay for the maintenance of water supply systems forever Idka: a platform for private groups and organizations, where they can connect, communicate, share and store anything – while their privacy remains intact OmoLab: develops tools that make easier for people with dyslexia to read SafetoNet: an app that protects children online by using AI to detect harmful content, whilst respecting children’s privacy Tick. Done.: a micro-video platform for instant knowledge sharing Winnow: digital tools to help chefs run more profitable, sustainable kitchen
The Europas Awards — Hottest Blockchain Project WINNER: Argent: a smart wallet for cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications
FINALISTS: Aeternity: a scalable blockchain platform that enables high-speed transacting, purely-functional smart contracts AZTEC Protocol: building privacy technology for public blockchain infrastructures Colendi: decentralized credit scoring protocol and microcredit platform with blockchain and machine learning technologies Edge ESports: blockchain-based platform for professional gamers FilmChain: blockchain enabled platform that collects data, verifies revenues and executes stakeholder payment splits for film, TV etc Orbs: a blockchain Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) for large scale consumer applications Veratrak: a shared workspace for collaborating with your supply chain partners
The Europas Awards — Hottest Blockchain Investor WINNER: Outlier Ventures: invests and partners with tokenised communities that will create the new decentralised economy Presented by Kaisa Ruusalepp, Funderbeam
FINALISTS: BlueYard Capital Catagonia Capital Earlybird Venture Capital Fabric Ventures: A venture capital firm that invests in scalable decentralized networks FinLab KR1: crypto token Investment company supporting early stage decentralised and open source blockchain projects Mosaic Ventures
The Europas Awards — Hottest A/A+ Investors WINNER: Atomico Presented by Madhuban Kumar, Metafused
FINALISTS: Accel Anthemis Group Balderton Capital DN Capital EQT Ventures Index Ventures Northzone Project A Ventures Ventech Capital
The Europas Awards — Hottest Early-Stage / Accelerator Investors WINNER: Founders Factory Presented by Jenny Judova, TechHub
FINALISTS: Seedcamp Forward Partners Generation S Entrepreneur First Techstars London The Family 7percent Ventures Backed VC Firstminute Capital LocalGlobe Episode 1 Ventures
The Europas Awards — Hall of Fame This category recognises a person who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to enhance the tech ecoosystem not just for themselves but for others. WINNER: Brent Hoberman of Founders Factory, Founders Forum, Firstminute Capital, Lastminute.com and many other initiatives for startups and entrepreneurs
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/2FWqXAH via IFTTT
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waynekelton · 6 years
The Best Upcoming iOS & Android Games 2019
The mobile gamer can look back at 2018 with an affectionate and misty eye, secure in the knowledge that gaming on mobile devices gets more diverse, sophisticated and polished with each year. In this respect, 2019 also is shaping up to be a banner year on this front.
Roughly speaking, the most exciting upcoming games can be split into three groups: the name-brand megahits-in-waiting, boardgame adaptations, and indie projects. Read on to see what the who’s who of mobile gaming are cooking up for this year’s treats.
Cultist Simulator (Roguelike/Card Game)
This hit indie sensation is making the move to mobile in Spring 2019 as a premium priced game. Cultist Simulator mixes roguelike & card mechanics into a dark rpg adventure where you're on a quest to unearth hidden mysterious of the occult. You can found your own cult, making meaningful decisions at every turn. Combining cards allows the story and your cult to grow, embodying the finest reaches of Lovecraftian tradition. If you die, your followers will attempt to carry on your work.
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (GPS/Location)
Not many have managed to successfully capitalise on the Pokemon Go phenomenon since it release in 2016. Maybe its because Niantic's catch-em-all offering had a bit of a rocky start. Still, the potential for a decent 'gamified' walking experience is still there, and now Niantic are having a second try with another famous IP - Harry Potter. Taking all the lessons they've learned from Pokemon Go and their own game, Ingress, the developer hopes to make Wizard's Unite the game Harry Potter fans deserve. You play the role of a new member of the Statute of Secrecy Task Force, whose job it is to go out into the world and clean up a calamity that’s causing magical beings and objects to proliferate the Muggle world, putting everything at risk. If you’ve played the Pokémon game you can imagine the type of activities you’ll be doing, and where you’ll be doing them.
Again, no firm release date yet but we'd be very surprised if this misses the 2019 calendar year.
DOTA Auto Chess (Strategy)
You may have noticed that the Artefact entry has gone: with player numbers for that game plummeting, we're not convinced that it'll be coming to mobile unless Valve prove to be quite stubborn/committed to seeing this game through the long-game. They'd have to seriously revisit their monetisation strategy, however. Another DOTA-related product that you might be interested in though is the hugely popular DOTA 2 mod, DOTA Auto Chess. It doesn't actually look or feel like chess, but it's proving to be a very popular mode amongst DOTA fans. Drafting and a tight, tactical economy are central to a mainly hands-off experience where you pick your heroes, place them on a board, and watch them fight. It's a very strategic experience, and your choices matter at nearly every stage of a game. You can read more about our thoughts here, but this could prove incredibly popular on mobile, given its low interface needs and high skill ceiling.
A 2019 release for this one is even less certain than COD Mobile below, with pre-registration only being available in China right now. It might technically get a release in some form this year, but we're not sure if that'll include Europe & North America.
Dire Wolf Digital (Board Game)
This isn't the name of a game, but the name of a company that announced this year they're making a bucket-load of digital board game adaptations. Because we only have the announcement text to go on, we've decided to keep the new games all in one place until we know more. The games Direwolf are bringing to digital (which afawk also includes mobile devices) are:
Mage Knights – It's worth noting this is the first step in a bigger agreement with WizKids, so it's likely we'll be seeing more announcements this year.
Wings of Glory – A popular table-top aerial skirmish game.
Raiders of the North Sea – An excellent worker placement game themed around the 8th and 9th century viking raids (pictured).
Yellow & Yangtze – a Reiner Knizia tile placement game of civilization building.
Sagrada – A dice drafting game about creating works of art.
Root – the recent Kickstarter sensation about asymmetrical warfare in the woods.
We're not sure which project is due to appear first - possible WizKids & Mage Knights, given the importance that project has within the announcement? We'll update as we learn more.
Call of Duty Mobile (Shooter/Battle Royale)
Announced at GDC 2019, this latest Call of Duty-on-mobile spin-off is the latest in a long series of mobile adaptations of the hugely popular FPS franchise. This latest attempt appears to be following in the vein of games like Fortnite & ARK - offering a fully 3D, fully-developed version of the main franchise that can run on phones and tablets. From what we know so far, it's going to be a kind of 'greatest hits' compilation of modes, maps, characters etc... and may even feature a Battle Royale mode (putting it in direct competition with Fortnite, which is popular on mobile as well as desktop). We've not had official confirmation its coming this year, but pre-registration is open and we'd be surprised if Activision allow too long a lead time on this.
Mario Kart Tour (Racing)
It’s been practically a year since this title was first announced and outlined with few concrete details added between now and then. Nintendo’s mobile offerings have run the gamut, from the premium Mario Run, the Miitomo social & style app everyone tried and forgot about, to the successful and generally great Fire Emblem: Warriors. Mario Kart is a treasured and classic franchise, even amongst Nintendo offerings, so that reputation guarantees some level of careful handling. It remains an open question whether the game will be a premium or freemium model, but the launch date is still projected to be March.
Diablo Immortal (Action RPG)
Diablo Immortal will draw some side-eye and mockery, having been already made notorious because of its horribly mistimed announcement. (Yes, we have phones, but read the room, Activision-Blizzard). Even more puzzlingly, the game is being created in partnership with NetEase, a Chinese developer whose resume already includes ‘Eternal Realm’ (无尽神域) itself essentially a Diablo clone. Weird stuff: the official license merging with a pretender to the throne to make a hybrid project together. Concerns about endless grind or re-skinning of Eternal Realm are well-founded, but while most of us will be as judge-y as possible we’ll also probably still give the final product a try. Good action RPGs live or die by loot, character progression and above all, delicate-yet-accurate controls, so it will be interesting to see if Diablo Immortal will be a good game as well as the inevitable cash cow.
Five Tribes (Boardgame)
Five Tribes, oldie but goodie, will make its digital debut this year. Days of Wonder has been updating and digitising its catalogue at a steady pace and with fantastic results. Five Tribes central mechanic is just like mancala. Pick a space and drop the meeples one by one along the path. Dead simple, but if you think it makes the game easy, you’d be dead wrong. The Five Tribes each possess unique scoring criteria and effects, and the turn-order bid means timing depends on correctly valuing the current layout. Many simple bits add up to make a nigh-perfect game.
Scythe: Digital Edition (Boardgame)
In another history, the Great War also ruined Europe and annihilated a generation, but its nations and technologies faced the blight and devastation quite differently. With large mechs, steampunk agricultural combines and faux-Eurasian player nations, Scythe gives each player a unique entity to steer to victory. Engine building games are always efficiency races, conversion puzzles, but Scythe’s unique setting, eye-catching miniatures and indirect player confrontation quickly made a it a fan favorite amongst the gaming community. Its rollout on Steam has been smooth experience, with decent AI and a robust tutorial. The assets and UI will translate well to mobile and what used to cost near three figures will be available to most anyone for a fraction of the price.
Terraforming Mars (Boardgame)
Terraforming Mars sounds like a noble goal for all of humanity. In reality, the game is a push-and-pull competition for corporations to garner by prestige by...terraforming Mars. Three categories: oxygen, temperature and ocean coverage dictate the endgame, but to get there, players will reshape the red planet into a bright blue hope. It’s a Euro though-and-though: precisely balanced, intricately co-dependent and inevitably point-based. But the close match between theme and mechanic makes this game deeply satisfying and intuitive to learn and explain, and the action selection mechanic is uniquely innovative and inspired. Just when I think boardgame design is tapped out, something truly exceptional rises to the top.
Mew-Genics (Sim)
This one has been incubating forever but should be worth it when it finally gets here. Ed McMillen (of Binding of Isaac fame) has been teasing this cat-breeding simulator for ages. The game has been described as a mix of Tamagotchi, Pokemon and the Sims, with its signature art style courtesy of McMillen. All bets for a playful wild game about the weirdness, sweetness, malice and all-around havoc of cat-raising seem to be right on the money. The ideas are there, the premise is promising, the only question remaining is when it will get here.
Overland (Finji) (TBS/Survival) 
Overland is tactical turn-based survival meets cross-country road trip (from hell). Each waypoint is a battle, a flashpoint conflict over some minor life-extending objective. Its overland map and procedural generation seem reminiscent of FTL (or its follow-up Into the Beach) but the setting here is familiar people struggling with post-apocalyptic daily hardship. Water, medicine, gas, weapons: the items are banal but vital. The game uses minimalism and scarcity to great effect, sketching characters and strategic scenarios alike with the barest elements.
Impossible Bottles (Rhythm/Action)
Various robots move about in their bottles and raging about like a bull in a china shop. Each level presents one of these Impossible Bottles for the player to fix by manipulating the environment and repairing the situation, or at the very least soothing its sole occupant. A scientist built these robots as part of a perpetual motion machine for unlimited energy, but they don’t quite work as is. The secret to fixing everything is music, or in gameplay terms: rhythm. One-touch gameplay and lush, fantastic art, with a slated mid-year release.
Nowhere Prophet (Card Game)
Nowhere Prophet: this one is a doozy and a little secretive. The dark horse of this race, if you will. In the game, post-apocalyptic leaders trek across a scabrous landscape to gather supporters and supplies, occasionally clashing with foes or environmental dangers. This card game has grid-based combat as well procedurally generated encounters. It’s a card-battler roguelike, essentially, with a unique setting and what seems to be a robust battle system.
Heaven’s Vault (Interactive Fiction)
Inkle (of 80 Days interactive fiction fame) has been teasing their mechanically ambitious Heaven’s Vault for some time now. An archaeologist-slash-xenolinguist explores the dusty remains of an alien civilization on an unknown planet, with a vivid backdrop of sienna sand and celestial blue. There’s some pretty nifty procedural tricks behind the code-breaking and translation, and while its approach to storytelling is a little less handcrafted, it has the potential to have even more surprises and replayability than the globe-trotting 80 Days.
Other Missing Games From 2018
As a reminder, here is a quick list of some other games we were expecting last year, but never turned up:
Void Tyrant (card game/RPG)
Bad North (RTS)
Exodus: Proxima Centauri (Boardgame)
Dungeon Warfare 2 (Tower Defence)
Epic Card Game (Card Game)
Lord of the Rings Living Card Game (Card Game)
Monster Slayers (Card Game) 
EVE: War of Ascension (MMO)
Best 2019 Mobile Releases So far
There's already been some excellent releases this year, and not all of them were expected/on this list. If you haven't already, check these games out:
The Castles of Burgundy (Boardgame)
Star Traders: Frontiers (RPG)
Legends of Andor (Boardgame)
Evolution: The Video Game (Boardgame)
The Escapists 2: Pocket Breakout (Simulation)
Seen any other games coming out this year you're excited about? Let us know in the comments.
The Best Upcoming iOS & Android Games 2019 published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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kayawagner · 6 years
Terrible Habits
Amongst other things I am an indie game developer and a hobbiest programmer. This means that I often find that if I cannot find just the right game or just the right gaming tool it is extremely tempting to create my own.
I really enjoy creating games and adventures. I really enjoy the challenge of learning new skills particularly when I am programming. Right now I am dabbling with Android programming using Java. I can write apps but the next thing I want to get to grips with is changing activities by swiping left or right.
So what has this to do with bad habits?
All of this stuff I do for fun. It costs me nothing to write a game, they are after all simply Word Documents until you decide to take things further. It costs nothing to code a phone app. They take time but they are fun so it is free entertainment.
The bad habit is procrastination. I was chatting with Michael recently, early November I think, and I said that  have a habit of writing blog posts when I am supposed to be doing other things. Well here I am again avoiding doing something that I will enjoy doing by writing blog posts.
So the thing I am avoiding is writing a adventure game book. I imagine that we have all read or played one of these at some point in the past. I started with Warlock of Firetop Mountain and I actually replayed the Sorcery! series last year when I was on holiday.
How I came to start on this journey is rather circuitous. We were talking on the Rolemaster forums about the target audience for the new edition of Rolemaster. Some people seemed think that a new version of Rolemaster would draw in new players from DnD. That is where the first players came from back in the early 1980s for the first edition of Rolemaster.
I tend to disagree. I can find no evidence that new games gain market share from the DnD following. It is more a case that people who play DnD may dabble with other games but tend to keep going back to DnD. If you ever have to change who you play with, because you have moved or your regular group broke up then it is a thousand times easier to find DnD players than any other system.
I was looking at my own habits and those of people I know who tend to play the widest variety of games. The common factor seems to be that we are always moving on. We pick up a game, play it for a while and then something else comes out and that takes our fancy so we pick that up and play that. The process is never ending. What this means for the smaller indie games producers is that although they may sell a couple of hundred copies of their game, the number of people in the market for follow on books is potentially very small. Take Zweihänder for example. I was looking at the Grim and Perilous Library today. The best selling third party supplement has sold less that 100 copies in four months and yet Zweihänder itself has sold something like 10,000 copies.
So it has been bubbling away in the back of my mind as to where do you get new players from.
Jump forward a few weeks and there was an indie game developer on MeWe who was rattling off his design criteria and one of them was to attract new players. I asked how was he intending to do that and the response was to make the game very close to DnD. I thought that those are not new players they are just new customers. A totally different thing. As part of that discussion it came out that one of  the perceived problems with introducing new players was ‘info dump’. Introducing a new setting, all the rules that make up an RPG, all the options for creating characters and so on. Some of these you can avoid by using pre-gen characters for new players. All the character generation choices are taken away and they get to see a model character and how it all hangs together before they have to create their own.
I then had my thought. A game book is a great way of introducing a a setting. You get all the words you need to describe the setting, key NPCs and set the tone. It is easy enough to create a cut down version of any rule set to fit in with the game but at the same time introduce a games core mechanic. At the end of a game book you can prompt people with the idea of limitless adventures if they upgrade to the full RPG version. Game books are a an ideal ‘gateway drug’ for RPGs and every game book reader that you convert into a role player is a completely new person introduced to the hobby.
The advantages don’t end there. A game book is free to create, just like any game it just takes time, creativity and effort. It is free to publish thanks to POD, Drivethrufiction and Amazon’s Direct Publishing.
People pay for books, so what I am seeing as an advert to hook people into buying games, other people are prepared to pay good money for. The average game books seems to be selling for about £4 (€5/$5).
Looking at the actual task of writing a game book at they are remarkably short. Tradition says they are 400 paragraphs long and the average paragraph is just 50 words. Some are much longer but they are balanced by “Your adventure ends here” when you die. 400×50 is just 20.000 words. Compared to a novel 20k words is pretty short, or manageable depending on your point of view.
The ‘direct route’ through a game book is typically 75 paragraphs  or about 4.000 words which feels quite doable. The rest is alternative routes, additional encounters and dead ends. This blog post is over 1.000 words and has only taken half an hour to produce.
So here I am I have a game book to write. If I get on with it I could write it in a matter of days. If I do write it I could earn a few pounds in sales, and then earn a few more pounds in selling copies of my own games and I will have introduced a few more people into the pleasure of role playing. A truly virtuous circle.
But what am I actually doing? I am writing a blog post about how I am avoiding doing what I am supposed to be doing to avoid the thing I am supposed to be doing.
Terrible habit isn’t it!
Related posts:
Confessions of a terrible GM
Long Running Reviews
Long Silence!
Terrible Habits published first on https://supergalaxyrom.tumblr.com
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goarticletec-blog · 6 years
What Apple is doing in 2019
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/what-apple-is-doing-in-2019/
What Apple is doing in 2019
Silly season has hit us once again, and with every website offering some kind of take on Black Friday shopping posts I thought I’d sketch a few notes on some of the all-new Apple products and services I expect to learn more about in 2019.
What everyone knows
We all know a little about the company’s plans:
New iPhones, iMacs, waterproof AirPod 2’s and more.
We can also imagine the introduction of some take on its long-awaited AirPower product (will it be called something different?) and it’s an easy next step to suspect we might see some move toward true wireless energy supply, given its recent activity in that space.
A new Apple Watch is predictable, as should be an updated Apple TV (on which, more below). At least one Apple analyst predicts an all-new iPad mini.
iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS will also see improvements which the company will introduce at WWDC 2019, where you can also anticipate exciting real-world examples of augmented reality being used to transform enterprise communications and daily life.
Here’s a smattering of other predictions:
The Mac Pro
Apple resisted the urge to share any more information concerning its promised Mac Pro upgrade when it introduced new Macs this fall, but the signs look good for the company’s pro desktop. You can anticipate high performance, larger addressable memory space and a focus on modularity, as evidenced by the external GPU’s Apple now supports in all its Macs.
Apple has previously claimed it is taking a “modular approach” to the design, but hasn’t gone into detail. At the same time, it has invested a lot of energy ensuring its iMac Pro, MacBook Pro and even its ‘more pro’ Mac mini ranges deliver most of the horsepower creative professionals need.
These things won’t be built for the mass market (and won’t be priced for it, either, I imagine), but if PCs really are going to become trucks (and they are), then I’m guessing Apple will want Mac Pro to be the fastest, baddest, heavy haulage creative workstation on the digital high road. 
“Apple is working on a completely redesigned, next-generation Mac Pro architected for pro customers who need the highest performance, high-throughput system in a modular, upgradeable design,” the company promised in a 2017 press release.
The T2 chip inside the Mac will make it a video encoding powerhouse. I don’t know if Intel can keep up – is Ming-Chi Kuo onto something?
Apple Maps
If you live in certain parts of California, you will already be using Apple’s improved Maps. These provide more detail about vegetation, building shapes, beaches, back garden swimming pools and more. The company has also started sending pedestrians equipped with Apple Maps monitoring equipment around some U.S. cities.
Apple wants to build a complete set of mapping data of its own from scratch.
Speaking earlier this year, Apple VP Eddy Cue told TechCrunch: “We have been working on trying to create what we hope is going to be the best map app in the world, taking it to the next step.”
Apple has previously suggested it will implement these improved Maps across the U.S. over the next year. International plans have not been announced, but it is logical to expect them to arrive in key territories in the next year.
It will be interesting to see how tightly woven Maps will be in other future Apple products and services.
Apple television
Apple has spent millions of dollars assembling a crack team of high-quality content specialists to put together its push at original movies and shows for it much-anticipated Netflix-style TV service.
The company is expected to introduce this new service in some form in 2019, most likely in fall. It’s also a no-brainer to predict better support for AR on Apple TV, for which a processor upgrade may be required.
Things may become even more interesting if there is any truth in claims the company intends offering a low-cost Apple TV “stick”a la Amazon Fire TV Stick. (Apple TV is second only to Amazon in providing a streaming services box.)
Apple evidently has a vested interest in widening its audience for TV shows, as it will also hope to sell music subscriptions, apps and hardware to new customers who like what it offers.
Waiting in the wings is the speculation that never dies, which is that now Apple owns pretty much all the technologies it needs in order to do something unique, it may even launch its own connected television set – all that product needs is robust 5G networks for such a system to become a real cable cutter’s choice.
A glance toward 5G
The first 5G smartphones will ship in late 2019. They won’t deliver on their hype because most of the carriers won’t have launched 5G networks yet, and probably won’t do so until 2020, or beyond.
We know Apple is working on 5G, and while we don’t expect it to introduce 5G support in 2019’s iPhones, it is slightly possible we’ll hear a little more about how it plans to support the technology on a software basis. That information may not emerge until WWDC 2020, of course.
Meanwhile Apple’s crack silicon development teams are asking themselves “What’s in a modem?”
Those Apple Glasses also look set to be made for 5G – what else do you think your FaceTime Avatar is for? Connectivity (and capacity) is everything in the Internet of Things – even a smart scooter will need fast reliable bandwidth and AI capacity at the edge. **Cough** Not to mention any other form of transport.
Mobile medical devices
Apple’s new Apple Watch Series 4 hosts a fantastic new ECG sensor to monitor some heart conditions, offers a fall detection system and more.
All the same, not every Apple sensor can be manufactured cheaply enough or is sufficiently needed by customers to justify using them/paying for them to be inside every shipping device. Apple has been working on sensors for years, so I think it likely we’ll see it offer up a range of its own iOS-compatible mHealth accessories, such as the sleep monitoring system described in the following patent.
That enterprise push
Have you noticed how big Apple is in the enterprise? The company has quietly worked very hard at this and now has all the ingredients to support complex enterprise deployments across multiple industries.
With this in mind, you can expect Apple to become a little more overt in its focus on enterprise IT across the next 12-months as high-profile productivity apps reach iPad Pro. With consumer sales dampening in the face of global instability, this focus on the enterprise is a smart move by Cupertino. Anyone would think they’d been working towards it for a while.
Meanwhile, its switch into services may prove more fundamental than many believe in future, as ‘access-not-ownership’ models proliferate. 
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theinvinciblenoob · 6 years
MyEtherWallet, the most popular crypto wallet service on the internet, is finally getting a mobile app as it bids to increase security for its users.
Today the company introduced MEW Connect, an iOS app that allows users to access their wallet through MyEtherWallet but without the need to type their private key. There are already solutions that allow them — such as hardware keys from Trezor and Ledger — but MEW Connect is offering the benefits for free.
The app is launching in the coming days as a limited iOS beta. Given that the website receives over 600,000 visitors per day, demand for the beta is likely to be high. Those who aren’t successful this time around shouldn’t have too long to wait as a full launch is expected to come by the end of September. An Android version also in the works and it is expected to be released around the same time.
How does it work?
It’s really quite simple. The app uses a QR code scanner which replaces the need to enter a private key. Entering information like a private key on a website is something that people have always been warned against doing. Recent analysis suggests that over $7 million has been stolen via phishing attacks on wallet services, but still people can be lazy or reluctant to buy a hardware wallet, so its a practice that continues to happen.
Now, using the MEW Connect app you simply scan a barcode on MyEtherWallet.com which opens your wallet account using a peer-to-peer connection.
On the technical side, MyEtherWallet confirmed it is using Apple’s keychain services to encrypt the app — which it said retains data on-device — and pair it with the web-based peer. There are plans to utilize the Touch ID feature in iOS in the future but the feature is currently absent.
[gallery ids="1678138,1678139"]
The app itself requires a master password to be set first — the app scores passwords and encourages stronger ones — and it provides a set of backup words, much like a device from Trezor or Ledger. The master password is designed to prevent unauthorized access, for example, if you lose your phone. The backup words, meanwhile — which should be written down on paper and stored carefully — are the key to getting access to your wallet in the event that you lose your phone.
That’s essentially it at this point. The app exists to remove the need to enter a private key. In testing, it worked fairly consistently across different browsers and computers I used, although there could be issues as with all alpha versions of software.
Payment potential
What’s particularly exciting, however, is what the app could become as and when it adds new features.
The main app screen includes a debit card style design and it’s easy to imagine that some form of payments, most obviously peer-to-peer, could be added to massively simplify the process of sending crypto.
But that’s not going to happen soon, according to MyEtherWallet founder Kosala Hemachandra, who told TechCrunch that he doesn’t want to rush introducing new features. Hemachandra said the intention is to move slowly to ensure users are comfortable with the app, but he did admit payments are on the roadmap.
“That’ll be the best use case for crypto we can implement in the near future,” he said in an interview. “If you want to go mainstream, that’ll be a huge advantage for the whole industry. First, we want people to get used to this MEW Connect concept, scanning a QR code and creating a P2P link.”
For now, the app does include a link that lets people buy crypto via a third-party. That’s an approach MyEtherWallet has taken on its website service, and the affiliate money generated from that is enough to make the business profitable, cover payroll for its staff of 15 and generally keep the business sustainable.
Hemachandra said he knocks back interest from investors on a daily basis.
“I’m not really a fan of VCs,” he said candidly.
Removing private key risk
For the beta launch, Hemachandra said he’s hoping that lots of bugs are unearthed to improve the app experience.
“My hope is beta users will be developers who can go through our code. I really believe in open source and we don’t plan to hide anything,” he said.
Like MyEtherWallet.com, the plan is to publish the code for the MEW Connect iOS and Android apps online to allow scrutiny from the community. Given the reach of MyEtherWallet, this is definitely one project to keep a keen eye on.
Another is MyCrypto.com, a similar service whose founders include Hemachandra’s former business partner at MyEtherWallet, Taylor Monahan. The company recently removed private key access from its website for the same reasons to the launch of MEW Connect, user safety.
“Mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is unlikely in a world where a mis-click can cost you your life savings. Tragically, even when a user takes painstaking precautions in verifying that they are on the correct site before entering their private key, a compromise of the site itself can still result in a total loss of user funds,” MyCrypto.com CTO Daniel Ternyak explained in a blog post.
That two of the web’s largest wallet services are moving on from private keys is an important step for the crypto industry.
via TechCrunch
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deepfinds-blog · 6 years
MyEtherWallet, the most popular crypto wallet service on the internet, is finally getting a mobile app as it bids to increase security for its users.
Today the company introduced MEW Connect, an iOS app that allows users to access their wallet through MyEtherWallet but without the need to type their private key. There are already solutions that allow them — such as hardware keys from Trezor and Ledger — but MEW Connect is offering the benefits for free.
The app is launching in the coming days as a limited iOS beta. Given that the website receives over 600,000 visitors per day, demand for the beta is likely to be high. Those who aren’t successful this time around shouldn’t have too long to wait as a full launch is expected to come by the end of September. An Android version also in the works and it is expected to be released around the same time.
How does it work?
It’s really quite simple. The app uses a QR code scanner which replaces the need to enter a private key. Entering information like a private key on a website is something that people have always been warned against doing. Recent analysis suggests that over $7 million has been stolen via phishing attacks on wallet services, but still people can be lazy or reluctant to buy a hardware wallet, so its a practice that continues to happen.
Now, using the MEW Connect app you simply scan a barcode on MyEtherWallet.com which opens your wallet account using a peer-to-peer connection.
On the technical side, MyEtherWallet confirmed it is using Apple’s keychain services to encrypt the app — which it said retains data on-device — and pair it with the web-based peer. There are plans to utilize the Touch ID feature in iOS in the future but the feature is currently absent.
The app itself requires a master password to be set first — the app scores passwords and encourages stronger ones — and it provides a set of backup words, much like a device from Trezor or Ledger. The master password is designed to prevent unauthorized access, for example, if you lose your phone. The backup words, meanwhile — which should be written down on paper and stored carefully — are the key to getting access to your wallet in the event that you lose your phone.
That’s essentially it at this point. The app exists to remove the need to enter a private key. In testing, it worked fairly consistently across different browsers and computers I used, although there could be issues as with all alpha versions of software.
Payment potential
What’s particularly exciting, however, is what the app could become as and when it adds new features.
The main app screen includes a debit card style design and it’s easy to imagine that some form of payments, most obviously peer-to-peer, could be added to massively simplify the process of sending crypto.
But that’s not going to happen soon, according to MyEtherWallet founder Kosala Hemachandra, who told TechCrunch that he doesn’t want to rush introducing new features. Hemachandra said the intention is to move slowly to ensure users are comfortable with the app, but he did admit payments are on the roadmap.
“That’ll be the best use case for crypto we can implement in the near future,” he said in an interview. “If you want to go mainstream, that’ll be a huge advantage for the whole industry. First, we want people to get used to this MEW Connect concept, scanning a QR code and creating a P2P link.”
For now, the app does include a link that lets people buy crypto via a third-party. That’s an approach MyEtherWallet has taken on its website service, and the affiliate money generated from that is enough to make the business profitable, cover payroll for its staff of 15 and generally keep the business sustainable.
Hemachandra said he knocks back interest from investors on a daily basis.
“I’m not really a fan of VCs,” he said candidly.
Removing private key risk
For the beta launch, Hemachandra said he’s hoping that lots of bugs are unearthed to improve the app experience.
“My hope is beta users will be developers who can go through our code. I really believe in open source and we don’t plan to hide anything,” he said.
Like MyEtherWallet.com, the plan is to publish the code for the MEW Connect iOS and Android apps online to allow scrutiny from the community. Given the reach of MyEtherWallet, this is definitely one project to keep a keen eye on.
Another is MyCrypto.com, a similar service whose founders include Hemachandra’s former business partner at MyEtherWallet, Taylor Monahan. The company recently removed private key access from its website for the same reasons to the launch of MEW Connect, user safety.
“Mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is unlikely in a world where a mis-click can cost you your life savings. Tragically, even when a user takes painstaking precautions in verifying that they are on the correct site before entering their private key, a compromise of the site itself can still result in a total loss of user funds,” MyCrypto.com CTO Daniel Ternyak explained in a blog post.
That two of the web’s largest wallet services are moving on from private keys is an important step for the crypto industry.
Crypto’s most popular wallet service is getting a mobile app for secure login MyEtherWallet, the most popular crypto wallet service on the internet, is finally getting a mobile app as it bids to increase security for its users.
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