#Corrupted poth
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evelynhuskya · 6 years ago
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Corrupted Poth
Finally...I finished it <3 hope ya guys like it❤️
Corrupted Rurik ~ @nelly-the-dog @nelldoga
Rurik ~ @angexci
Corrupted Lotus ~ @evelynhuskya (me)
Lotus ~ @nekophy
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rachelbethhines · 4 years ago
Tangled Salt Marathon - Max and Eugene in Peril on the High Seas
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So we have another obligatory animal focused episode. This one fairs much better than Max’s Enemy and King Pascal; but it’s still ultimately useless filler. 
Summary: Rapunzel and the group are finally leaving Tirapai Island when the cargo ferry arrives, but Eugene and Maximus get into an argument, resulting in them falling overboard. They manage to save themselves on a passing ship, but discover it to be a prison ship where all the criminals, including the Stabbington Brothers, Lady Caine and Axel have escaped and taken control. Eugene and Maximus attempt to escape, but discover the villains' plot to ambush the cargo ferry and set out to stop them. Meanwhile, Rapunzel and the group discover Eugene and Maximus are missing and set out to rescue them.
There’s No Ticking Clock In Season Two and That’s to the Series’s Detriment 
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So we’re finally leaving the island and this bit of dialogue tells us that they were on said island for at least six weeks. Which matters not in the slightest in the grand scheme of things; which is the problem. 
In addition to there being no outside threat forcing Rapunzel on this journey, there’s also nothing that’s forcing her to hurry up. So we’re doubly lacking in tension. There are no stakes in season two so things feel over long, and arcs that have the heroes stay in one place for more than two episodes at time stop the momentum of the series dead; leading to tedium for the viewers. 
We Didn’t Need King Pascal Just to Set Up the Firefly
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The firefly is one of the few elements in the show that has proper set up and resolve. It’s established as the threat in one episode and then used as the solution in this episode. However both episodes are utterly useless in the over all arc so, while clever, it’s a wasted idea. It’s also unneeded since this intro exposition re-explains what the firefly is and what it’s deal is in case people missed out on King Pascal anyways. 
The Reason Why this Max Focus Episode Works, but Not Max’s Enemy, is Because It’s a Double Act
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The problem with the mandated animal themed episodes every season is that Max and Pascal aren’t strong enough characters to work by themselves. They’re sidekicks; they’re designed to play off other characters. The writers seemed to clue in on this by making this episode and Max’s episode in season three, team up episodes. So now today’s episode becomes a Eugene focused episode too. Which in turn allows for their character dynamic to be fleshed out more. 
We needed more interesting combinations of the mains in episodes like this one in order for the group to feel like a group. We also desperately needed to do something similar for Pascal instead of just rehashing the same plot for him over and over again. 
This Plot Point Makes No Sense
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When I first saw this episode, I thought it was foreshadowing later developments for season three, seeing how it’s one of the few episodes in season two that connects back to season one. However, once you know the events of season three, this episode no longer makes logical sense within the greater narrative. 
For you see, Andrew and Varian have teamed up to take over Corona at the beginning of season three. Yet that begs the question of why didn’t Frederic ship them away on the prison barge as well. Varian you might could excuse being missing here given his age, but Andrew? There’s no reason to keep Andrew around; none that is given on screen anyways. 
Also this mutiny couldn’t have taken place after the Saporian take over either. For starters all the guards retreated from Corona entirely when it became evident that the Saporians were in charge. That’s a stated plot point in Rapunzel’s Return to explain why Cap is missing. There wouldn’t have been a need for a mutiny if Andrew just let all the criminals go and there’d be no reason why Andrew would send them away using his own guards. The Saporians are small in numbers and that would be a waste of manpower. 
Also, because the Saporians are outnumbered, it doesn’t make sense to send away potential allies. Lady Caine has more logical motivation to join Andrew in his take over than Varian does. She just wants revenge on Frederic and riches. She cares nothing about ruling a kingdom and holds no qualms about hurting others; so she’d be the perfect partner for Andrew’s plans. Add in the fact that she has a whole gang/small army of criminals under her command, and she could have brought along some much needed manpower. 
Lady Caine is Wasted!!!
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Speaking of Lady Caine, this is her final appearance in the show. Introduced in the pilot as an important character, yet given only three episodes and shoved out of the picture before the final season. And they didn’t even bother to bring up her original motivations or goals in any of her return appearances. 
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Chris mentioned in interviews about how he wanted to ‘defy audience perception’ and so pulled a bunch of bait and switches in the writing; but this isn’t that. This is just straight up lazy writing. There’s nothing clever about introducing a character as being important and then not using them. It’s a frustrating waste of time and a waste of a concept; not a surprising ‘gotcha’ for the audience. 
Proper set up and resolve exists in storytelling in order to get your audience invested in what is happening and then give them a satisfying pay out for their continued involvement. Modern television writers have gotten so caught up in ‘shocking’ twists that they forgot the importance of giving satisfying endings to their audience. Because if the audience isn’t satisfied they will walk away. Hooks alone are not enough to keep them around as evidenced by the series ratings drop. 
Also, Why is Weasel Here?
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I once suggested that this episode would make more sense if Max’s Enemy came before One Angry Princess in season one. Implying that Caine and the gang were sent away before Andrew’s arrest. This idea flies out the window with Anthony the Weasel here. He was last seen running away at the end of The Return of Quaid. How the hell did he wind up here? 
He had to have been arrested, put on trial, and then shipped away with the other criminals in between TRoQ and PotHS. Which just raises a whole bunch of other questions.   
How much time has passed between then and now?
What did Weasel do to get caught in Corona?
Why did it take so long to ship Caine and her gang out when it was just a matter of days for Attila to be banished? 
Why wasn’t she put on that same barge Attila was going to be put on?
If there was enough time to ship Attila and the Weasel out then there was plenty of time to ship Andrew and Varian, so why are they still in Corona?
Why is there even a prison barge to begin with? Are they just that stripped for room and man power in Corona’s dungeons?
Where does the prison barge actually go to? Does Corona own a prison island or do they have a deal with another kingdom? What is the world building behind this plot point? 
Also where the heck did Dwayne go? 
You Need Villains 
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In the end it doesn’t matter. This is just a lame excuse to get rid of all of the season one villians besides the Stabbingtons. Which only stick around because they’re movie originals and need to reappear and be redeemed before the wedding short; otherwise they’d be gone too. 
Which is the dumbest idea ever! Season two and even the first half of season three is devoid of any main antagonists so why are we getting rid of anyone who could potentially fulfill that role? Who’s stupid idea was this? What were they smoking? This goes against basic writing 101. There’s no story if there’s no conflict! 
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Eugene Has a Point
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Like there are reasons why law enforcement aren’t on call 24/7 and there are also reasons why different territories have different jurisdictions. Not complying to that undermines law and order, not upholds it.
If a police officer from the US could arrest people while on vacation in Spain, it’d be a political nightmare. Even extrication of wanted criminals who seek refuge in other countries requires permission and cooperation from those countries governments or you’d be violating international law; which potentially could be seen as an act of war. 
Also you would still send in people who are actually on duty. Right now there are protests in my country regarding the lack of accountability police officers have. Plenty of cops break the law both on and off duty because they know they can get away with because of the nepotism within the force.  Max pulling out a guide book that essentially gives Corona’s guards permission to ‘enact justice as they see fit’ while even off duty is clear case of an abuse of power, and futhers the narrative that Corona is a dictatorship/police state that persecutes it’s most vulnerable citizens. 
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The fact that the narrative then rewards this line of thought by placing Max in the right on this is just another check off in the long list of promoting authoritarian beliefs that this series teaches. People with power are held to different standards then those without. That’s just a fact of life. Having Eugene or Max acknowledge that this does break the law but is still right thing to do would be far better message and give the characters more complexity. 
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Who gets to decide what is ‘bad’ here? What is this ‘something’ they are meant to do? This rule is a gateway for corruption because it’s not clearly defined and relies too heavily on the idea that guards are naturally ‘honorable’ and good and not, you know, people. 
There’s a saying in law school. Nothing is simple and fair. If it’s simple then it’s not fair; and if it's fair then its not simple. 
Laws are complex because life is complex, people are complex, and not everything applies the same way because situations are different. That’s why we have courts. And yes, sometimes there’s too much discrepancy in sentences, leading to some people being harshly over punished while others get away with little more than a slap on the hand; but having things the other way around would still cause such discrepancy as not everyone’s experiences are equal to begin with. 
And before you say I’m reading too much into a kids show, this is a conflict that the episode itself has decided to introduce. If you wanted a simple message about doing the right thing than ‘the law’ should not have been brought up at all. Because laws are not simple, they are not universal, and they are not infallible. If the writers thought this idea too complex for their audience then they shouldn’t have introduced the idea. 
It's better to not bring up deeper subject matter at all than to introduce it and then not address it properly.  
Oh, and We Get Confirmation that Corona Speaks English, for Some Reason... 
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This was also hinted at this in the supplement book, My First Year As A Princess; which was suppose to replica of Rapunzel’s Diary in the show, though it’s sverealy been paired down from the original concept. 
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Anyways, it’s pretty much canon that everyone is indeed speaking English on screen, even though there’s no logical reason for this. Chalk it up to yet more lazy world building. 
Corona is never hinted to being a replacement for England itself. The few hints we get to it’s placement on the world map suggests it’s on the main continent of Europe and is a peninsula. Other real world languages like, French, Italian, and German are confirmed to exist, with Italy at least being a real location in this world. 
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Also we spend this whole season traveling to other kingdoms. So why would everyone speak English? This is before British and American imperialism, and before the internet, so English wouldn’t be a default secondary language for the many countries that it is today. So how does this work? 
Once again, if traveling the world is a big plot point of your story then you need to determinate where and how your main protagonist fits into that world. If they’re a princess of a kingdom then we need to know where that kingdom is in relation to the surrounding places we visit or discuss.  
Axel is Still Useless
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Max didn’t need a rival. This character adds nothing to the over all story and is one villain/character too many in an already overstuffed series. I don’t mind the idea of pairing down some of the minions and other background characters. I just take issue with getting rid of all of the villains. Particularly interesting ones that could have done more, like Weasel or Lady Caine. 
The Very Existence of Lady Caine Undermines Both Rapunzel’s and Cassandra’s Arcs
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So the series wants to present this idea that Rapunzel is compassionate and is all about giving second chances, yet Caine, one of the most sympathetic villains in the show next to Varian, is given zero chance at all. The show is too busy trying to make Rapunzel look ‘bad ass’ by easily taking down an seemingly equal badass female villain, that doesn’t stop to think about the implications of this conflict. 
The series fails because the only people Rapunzel redeems are people that she needs something from. She needs Styalan to gain the Eye of Pincosta. She needs Varian to help defeat the Saporians and ease her bruised ego. She needs Cassandra because she’s her best friend and it hurts her personally for them to no longer be friends. None of the redemptions in the show are actually about the characters who are redeeming themselves, it’s about their effect on Rapunzel’s personal life. 
But placing Rapunzel’s personal feelings above what other characters actually need is the opposite of compassion. It’s selfishness. It doesn’t make Rapunzel the focus of the story it just makes her look like an ass. 
Moreover Lady Caine’s arc is directly tied to Corona’s corrupt legal system. Rapunzel can’t be this purveyor of change if she and the show never acknowledges why the system must change to begin with. 
Last off, Cassandra’s arc is then diminished by the existence of more sympathetic villains like Caine and Varian. They have more reason to do the things they do, and their actions connect back to their goals. Cass doing worst things for less reason, and then getting away with less punishment than them, is a slap in the face to the viewers. It turns her from a likeable character to an unbearable twat, and makes her later redemption a product of nepotism rather than act of agency on her part. 
Everyone is ill served by writing Caine out and not giving her a conclusion to her personal conflict. Rapunzel, Cassandra, Frederic, and Lady Caine herself are all denied a chance to grow as characters and that’s infuriating to watch. 
Also Yes, This Episode was a Big Missed Opportunity to Add Urgency to the Plot
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As previously mentioned, season two needed an ongoing external conflict. Anyone of the villains on the ship could have been the main antagonist of the second half of the season. Just have the person in question escape in the confusion, or overthrow the new crew of the ship a second time. Then have them show up later looking for a fight. 
My money is on Lady Caine, but the Stabbingtons or Weasel could have done just a well. Caine wants revenge on Rapunzel. The Stabbingtons are after Eugene. Weasel wants power and riches, so capturing the princess and holding her for ransom could have been a goal. Then have them learn about this hidden power then voila you gotta a set up for a race to the end of the quest.  
You also could just picked an underling at random and then elevated them to main villain by giving them a good goal and a backstory. 
Also finally, Andrew and/or Varian, we’re options that they could have added in here. Varian more so than anybody else as he already has reason to go after the moonstone because his father. 
Heck, you still could have added Varian and not made him the villain if you didn’t want to. This could have been the start of his redemption arc instead, and one of the previously mentioned villains,a Brotherhood member, or one of Zhan Tiri’s Disciples could have still served as the main antagonist. 
In short, most of the problems with Tangled’s story are really easy fixes and the writers had multiple options at their disposal that they didn’t take. Which is just further evidence to last minute rewrites and Chris and Ben’s missamangment. 
I enjoy this episode because it’s one of the few to tie back into season one, but it’s is a missed opportunity and it is a shame that it went nowhere. 
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dollopopaint · 4 years ago
Ok so like- I have a few ideas that I wanna get done before Wednesday (when I start up a perspective again) but I know I won’t get them all out sooo- what would you guys like to see?
Corrupted fell (ties) + lotus fell designs
Business man dictator dilf
More undercafe misery art (because he’s fun to draw)
A CT mini comic focused on blue.
A pearl (mitski) animatic
Another horrortale animatic
& CT animatic
Fiction art.
Dsmp art
Se 4 villians (I will have to remove important details for the sake of spoilers if I do draw them)
Poth art (I know who would want this)
I will probably do all of these at some point but which ones should I do first?
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ichigosatsuki · 4 years ago
Long list of my random ship kids! :D
Francine - She/Her, Lesbian, half human/half skeleton, older sister of Saru
Saru - He/Him, Straight, skeleton, younger brother of Francine
Butterscotch - She/Her, Lesbian, human with skeleton magic
(Crackship) Temmie x Flowey:
Daisy - She/Her, Straight, a Tem with vines in her back, sister of Tonto
Temmie x Annoying Dog:
Tonto - Gender neutral but is fine with male pronouns, Asexual+Romantic, a fluffy dog with tem hair, brother of Daisy
Glamour - He/Him, Pansexual+gynesexual, a skeleton with added robot parts
(Crackship) PaperJam x Palette:
Construction Paper - He/Him+They/Them, Pansexual, Skele-inkling (a skeleton made/formed of ink)
Wicker - He/Him, Pansexual, skeleton/fire elemental
(Crackship) Crossberry:
Rasoira - She/Her, Bi-curious, skeleton
Cremé - She/Her, Bisexual, skeleton
(Crackship) Fell!BurgerPants x Tale!Papyrus:
Nexus - He/Him, Aromantic+Bisexual, a cat with a skeletal tail
Brexr - He/Him, Bisexual, skeleton, youngest brother of Cypress and Rosemary
(Cypress and Rosemary are owned by my cousin)
WanderStruck - He/Him, Straight, skeleton, twin brother of Obsidian
(Crackship) PaperJam x Goth:
Obsidian - Nongendered but is fine with he/him+they/them pronouns, Panromantic, Skele-inkling, twin sibling of WanderStruck
Basil - He/Him+They/Them, Abrosexual+Demisexual, skeleton
(Crackship) CrossBerry:
Arco Star - He/Him, Gay, skeleton
Alexza - She/Her+They/Them, Bi-curious, Glitch-ton (an error/glitched skeleton), older half sibling of Boysenberry
Boysenberry - He/Him, Bisexual, semi-corrupted skeleton, younger half sibling of Alexza
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iotaths-unrest · 4 years ago
Session 31 Summary: The Wake-Up Call
With the fleeing of Ivyrm The Tempest, and no following miasma, the party’s only choice is to keep going forward. As the party investigates a few concerning paintings, Cynthia splits off from the others for a while without warning. The party eventually rejoins and rests one more time before one last fight in the realm of the miasma. Waking up, the party gets caught up to speed by Airoman and Jeeves.
> Roth questions why the miasma never appeared after Ivyrm left. He assumes that it was because the dragon left of her own choice. He then investigates the room for more clues and hints, and then he finds a note that yet again lets them know things they already know. 
> The party assesses their ability to go into another fight. Wall and Cynthia go back and forth with a “I’m fine, go heal the other” argument concerning Paddy’s healing. Paddy heals Wall and Roth with 13 points each, and then heals Cynthia for 24. 
> In the next room, they find a painting depicting the whole party unconscious in the same room where Roland appeared. Roth draws a mustache on Wall. However, before more antics could happen, Wall notices that Cynthia is not present with them. Wall asks for Paddy to go find her, as Paddy has “a closer relationship to the captain”. 
> Wall and Roth go further to investigate more paintings, notably a painting of a burning city. Wall tells Roth to try to figure out if the paintings are magical, and then they notice a stone door with ornate, mahogany trim that has Abyssal runes. The runes are hard to read, but a few say “Death”, ”Path”, ”Breath”, and “Exit”. Roth continues to try to gain insight on the runes while Wall investigates the next room with his familiar. One shadow creature appears into a large stone golem, similar to the ones the party saw in the room they last saw Arumon. However, the golem appears to be corrupted and in pain. 
> Wall reminds the party that the golems were a hard fight even in prime condition. At this point, Paddy returns and tells the party that Cynthia is being “sus” and had ordered him away. The party decides to try to talk to her, but they get distracted by the paintings again. 
> With the conflict unresolved, everyone decides to take a short rest, and then they head back to the final boss.
> The shadow forms into what is named the Plagued Golem, and Paddy starts with a bonfire. At this point, the gang notices that the golem has magical resistance, as it passes with advantage. Brik, Wall’s owl, helps whoever attacks next.
> The Plagued Golem acts afterward, sending poison in the gas. Brik (and maybe Uther?) gets hit by the poison. Nur dodges, and then Wall sets up Shield of Faith and starts attacking. He hits, but similar to the last few fights, he does little damage. Roth lands one of his beams of Eldritch Blast. Cynthia declares a vow and unleashes her radiant wings.
> Paddy shoots the Plagued Golem, but the golem appears to be more interested in Cynthia. It attacks her with its Infect attack and lands, managing to also make her lose another point of Intelligence. Uther gets slammed once as well. 
> Yet again, Nur dodges. Uther and Wall try to attack the Plagued Golem, and Roth sends a Witch Bolt. Unfortunately, the witch bolt does not hit. 
> Cynthia starts to attack finally, landing twice. The Plagued Golem cracks and sends out a burst of poison. Everyone fails, including Wall and Nur, who usually are not included in the miasma saves. Roth loses 1 Dexterity, Paddy loses 1 Strength, Nur loses 1 Constitution, Cynthia loses 1 Intelligence, and Wall loses 1 Intelligence.
> The Plagued Golem then lands another Infect and two slams, this time going after Cynthia with the slam and Uther with the Infect. One of the slam attacks crit and the other hits, but Cynthia manages to stay standing after the two hits. Nur tries to rush to Cynthia’s aid and drag her away, but she is too far away for Nur to be able to drag her away. 
> Wall and Uther strike the Plagued Golem, but Roth misses with Eldritch Blast. Cynthia attacks twice, yet again dealing a lot of damage. However, Cynthia’s luck runs out, and the Plagued Golem slams her to the ground (notably on the raw audio timestamp of 2:00:22). > GalaxyKoi, despite being the main healer, asks for heals and gets 22 HP from Paddy. However, the Plague Golem crits Cynthia again after hitting Uther with an Infect (and making him lose 1 Strength). Nur drags her unconscious body towards Paddy. Wall and Uther attack the Plagued Golem again, and the Plagued Golem infects Uther. Cynthia fails a death save, but is soon after brought back up by Paddy.
> Not much to note until Cynthia and Paddy’s turn, where Cynthia hits once, and Paddy finishes the Plague Golem with a gunshot. (I want to note that, if he had missed, Cynthia would have gone down again, possibly even dying if more than one hit occured. Paddy makes the deciding shot in every potentially-bad situation, I swear.)
> No miasma follows as the Plagued Golem breaks down, but everyone begins to feel suddenly tired, even Wall. Everyone falls asleep.
> As everyone wakes up, Wall first notices a few of Uther’s bandits, and they fall down in reaction to Cynthia’s eyes opening. The area had been transformed into a hospital, and various bandits had been tending to their wounds. Cynthia tries to go back to sleep for a moment, but Roth encourages her to stay awake.
> One of the bandits fetch Airoman, with Jeeves and Zephyr coming in some time after. Airoman greets the crew (and Uther) awake, asks how they’re doing, and asks how much the party knows. Airoman explains that it had now been four years, and their time is growing thinner by the day. Orakiul, the blacksmith the party met, is in the process of ascending to godhood. The other gods have also been asking many favors of Orakiul, such as creating a “semi-stronghold” in Airoman’s dungeon, which is where the party now is. The other part was “assembling everything necessary for the ritual involving Cynthia, and that sword.” 
> Most cities in Iotath are destroyed except for Vunedar and another city: Glurizbig, the old gnomish captial. Zorin is protecting Vunedar, and Ivrym the Tempest is protecting Glurizbig with an army of Duergar. The elves have attempted to send aid, but nothing has come of it.
> We also get the hint that Roland is some sort of minion or right hand of Gond, who went mad very early into the campaign. > Poth is alive! He’s a scout for the rebellion. Airoman assures Cynthia and Roth that he is out hunting with Hoth. 
> (Another brief note: Roth says “I hope I grow to be a cool lich too” to Airoman.) > Roth gains 10 healing potions from the room, and then Paddy says that he’s going to craft himself some beer. Cynthia says that she wants some time to walk around and talk to Airoman about the future. 
> “We don’t keep much alcohol in residence since the… Incident.” The “Incident” involved Uther’s Blue Bandits getting too rowdy. Paddy leaves off with Jeeves in search of potatoes. 
> Airoman finally is the one to tell Cynthia about what Nur truly is. “Nur’s there, Nur’s always been there.” Nur is an ancient celestial that has existed before the gods. 
> The miasma is similar to the newer effects of the Living Plague. 
> Vadithas is in Vunedar, and his cure worked for a while, but it eventually became ineffective. 
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askcorraychildhelix · 5 years ago
Thoughts and Info
This ask blog is about Helix not his parents please only leave asks about Helix.
I don’t care if you’re a poth fan or a pray fan the ship is by definition neither Rurik himself is a third party in this.
I dont wright fanfics I hate “sin” and want nothing to do with it, any implications to the sort of relationship Corrupted Rurik and Ray had in the past are non-canon and can just be ignored I’d rather leave that stuff up to any fanfic righters to take into their own interpretation. The only thing that’s important is Ray hates Corrupt and the entity is just using Ray to get what he wants out of Rurik.
If you’re someone I’ve roleplayed Helix with I will admit I’ve probably broke canon several times (that goes for any of my other OCs as well)
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anju-ds · 6 years ago
My original audio got corrupted so uh heres a different cover edit. Yay?
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Also im taking down stuck in peaceville zoo so 
Here’s PJs cover. For my silly au. Pj was difficult. His design was done and made all that was left was color but I couldn’t figure out his stupid hair!
Originally it was gonna be black but the color didn’t quite blend in with “PJ” black looked off I tried giving him blue dyed tips but nope.
I tried a blue stroke nope
I tried half blue hair todoroki style but nope nothing was working
Til PJ told me why not all navy blue hair.
I didn’t want to make another blue haired character cause of Sansu she already has blue hair. But it was navy blue so I gave it a shot and believe it or not I liked it. Navy blue with black faded tips the white was just my failed attempt in lighting. PJs Design is my favorite along with spoilers Palette’s design. I’m still editing the song Please come back. Another spoilers for POTH.
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asknightmareanderror · 5 years ago
From what I've seen dusk is either his own AS (alternate Sans) or one of the children of poth (Pallette and Goth). If neither of these work I have created a multiverse for this purpose in particular, Ink you wont be disappointed (hopefully).
Huh, well. I know of two Bluescreen’s that exist throughout the multiverses. One of them is a ship child of Error and Blueberry, the other is Blueberry but...corrupted? From being in the anti-void for too long? Something like that.
“%...in that multiverse, Error kept Blueberry in his void when a reset happened...it tore him in half. The more innocent, childish side of Blue returned home, younger...whilst the other turned into a glitch...that creates bluescreens wherever he sets foot.%”
“We do have a place where all the ship kids go...but we don’t mention it because it would literally break time and space altogether...”
“Especially with the kids who’re just there for shits and giggles...”
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nell-dino · 6 years ago
Can we shipp Lotus with corrupt?? Because, doesn't exist fell!poth anymore
Who told u Fell Poth doesn’t exist anymore dude? It exists. No one said it was forbidden to draw Fell poth just cuz a new ship became canon or smt. Ship whatever u like my dude. As for the question, ye go ahead any ship is welcome here
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fireballfilms · 6 years ago
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It’s been a while but here they are! These are my Pudding (bottom) and Cupcake (top) Minecraft skins. I really like how both of these turned out. The skin editor I used was Novaskin.
The Cupcake skin was rather tricky to do since he has such a complex design. But as you can see I managed. The hardest part was getting all of his design to fit on the player model, I had to shift his design around a lot. Getting the flowers on his sash to fit in was worst of all. The Pudding skin was made based off of another pudding skin that I had found but I certainly changed a lot on it. I changed the hat and everything from the waist down as well as added the like across his jacket and I added his goopy arm. Making the goopy arm was not really all that difficult and was quite fun. The hardest part of his skin I would say was getting all the detail on the hat to fit. I went through a lot of edits when making the Pudding skin.
My Other Poth Skins: Muffin & Jelly M!Goth & V!Palette Corrupted Rurik Swapfell Poth Swap Poth Shattered Dreams Poth More Oberon
Cupcake belongs to - @nelly-the-dog / @nelldoga
Pudding belongs to - @nelly-the-dog / @nelldoga
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ducktastical · 7 years ago
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OKAY, I’m just gonna say this took forever to make, me and fireballfilms at the bottom, Ink, Reaper, Geno, Caretaker Poth, Classic Cray Goth Palette Pastel and Swirl, Swap Palette(Pibbidy) Goth(Seme, pronouced SEKE and or Gloom) and Twinkle (swap Pastel), Swapfell Goth(Gloom) Palette(Pibs), underfell Goth(Lotus) Palette(Rurik) Fell Pastel and Ray (fell Cray), Muffin Jelly Pudding and Cupcake, Flowerfell, Corrupt(Corrupted!Rurik) C!Rurik(before he turns fully Corrupted) C!Lotus (C!Ruriks Lotus), Vampverse Mummy Goth and Vampire Palette (but i like to call them M and V), Disbelief Goth, HOLY– SORRY but that’s all of them
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evelynhuskya · 6 years ago
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Corrupted Poth w.i.p
Cant belive what I just did (im starting(dat ship)....)
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askdreamtalebros · 8 years ago
Dream, do you ship lustberry ( or afterdeath ( or poth ))? Was that sin ship?
Dream~ I support just about all relationships as long as they aren’t mean and corrupt!
((the mod, however, does not.))
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fireballfilms · 6 years ago
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I’m a little iffy on posting this because the second Minecraft skin is more of an edit than my own but here we go... Both of these skins are versions of Corrupted Rurik. On the top is after the change and on the bottom is before the change when Rurik has the blood running down his face. The skin editor I used was Novaskin. At the time of making the Corrupted Rurik skin my biggest challenge was finding good refs of the skin as there were no full body refs of him then. As more updates about Corrupted Rurik came out I had to keep editing the skin. (I might edit the skin in the future as well as make a skin for Corrupted Rurik’s true form once there is a ref of that) As for the skin of Corrupted Rurik with the blood that I would say is more of an edit as I didnt have to do much when making it. I basically just put blood on Rurik’s face (the edited version I had made). Much love to the original Rurik skin I edited from! I absolutely love how they did the jacket on that skin. The only changes I made when I edited the original were to the head/hat. (If anyone knows who made the original Rurik skin and can prove it I will gladly credit them where credit is due) My Other Poth Skins: Muffin & Jelly Cupcake & Pudding M!Goth & V!Palette Swapfell Poth Swap Poth Shattered Dreams Poth More Oberon Corrupted Rurik belongs to - @nelly-the-dog / @nelldoga Rurik belongs to - @angeutblogo
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fireballfilms · 6 years ago
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Here we have the other half of the pudding crew! These Minecraft skins are Muffin (top) and Jelly (bottom). I really do love all the pudding crews’ designs! The skin editor I used was Novaskin.
The Muffin skin was about the same level of difficulty as the Cupcake skin was. Muffin too has a very detailed design and making that skin also involved a lot of shifting things around to get it all to fit. Though I did sorta already have an idea in my head as to how it would turn out thinking back to how the Cupcake skin turned out and comparing it to that. I’d say the hardest part of the Muffin skin was getting all the overlapping colors to not blend together such as the bow around his waist. Jelly on the other hand was a hole other can of worms. It is very difficult to find any references of him as there are only like 3 pictures of him with color and all of which are from the torso up. I was unable to give his shoes much detail as there are no full body images of him and I wasn't about to bug his creator for one. Also the colors on Jelly might be slightly off... I’ll likely have to edit his skin at some point in the future when there is more art of him (if there’s ever more art of him).
My Other Poth Skins: Cupcake & Pudding M!Goth & V!Palette Corrupted Rurik Swapfell Poth Swap Poth Shattered Dreams Poth More Oberon
Muffin belongs to - @nelly-the-dog / @nelldoga
Jelly belongs to - @nelly-the-dog / @nelldoga
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fireballfilms · 6 years ago
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I made two more versions of the Oberon Minecraft skin for the different kinds of wings he can have. On the top is Oberon with his white wings he gets when he’s happy, and on the bottom is Oberon with his black wings he gets when he’s angry. The skin editor I used was Novaskin. Both skins are an edit from the original Oberon skin I made. My Other Poth Skins: Muffin & Jelly Cupcake & Pudding M!Goth & V!Palette Corrupted Rurik Swapfell Poth Swap Poth Shattered Dreams Poth Oberon belongs to - @shattereddreamsau
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