catchymemes · 4 years
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"Tenants Keep Your Rent, Landlords Keep Your Distance"
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Covid~ TFP! Optimus x Sick! Human! Reader *Request*
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Requested by the lovely @StardustUltima
Plot: Hi, there! Idk if you're still taking requests, but could you do a TFP Optimus x Sick! Reader where the reader gets Covid and is sick? I just got Covid and am a little bummed out cuz I had to leave the camp I was at. It's totally alright if you don't want to write this. I won't judge! Thank you!
Sorry that you have Covid, requester. It must suck. But I hope that you're feeling better. Many people survived.
Note: the art goes to the owner!
Head area: Brain: Processor / Brain Module Head: Helm Face: Face plate Ears: Audio receptors / Receptor Orifice / Audials Nose: Enstril / Olfactory Sensor Eye brow: Optical Ridge Eyes: Optics Mouth: Intake Lips: Dermas Teeth: Denta/Dentas Tongue: Glossa
Chest area: Chest: Chassis / Thoraxal Cavity Back: Hexa-Lateral Scapula Spine: Bipedalism cord / Back Strut
Chest and back armour: Chest plate Back plate Mid-section plating Neck guard Side plating
Arm area:
Arms: Arms / Restarlueus Forearms: Bitarlueus Hands: Servos Fingers: Digits
Arm armour: Gantlets Shoulder pads Arm guard
Lower area: Pelvis: Pelvis Butt: Aft / Skid-Plate Thighs: Tibulen Calves: Cadulen Feet: Pedes - the high heel bits are called Struts or Heel Struts.
Lower armour: Skirt plates Aft plate / Skid plate Thigh guard Ankle guard
General/Internal components: Muscles: Cables / Pistons - It depends on the area in question. Veins: Fual lines Stomach: Tanks Lungs: Vents - used to stop the con/bot from over heating. Heart: Spark Tattoos: D-con/A-bot Insignias and the lark T-Cog: The thing that allows all Cybertronians to transform, be that their arms or their whole body.
Penis: Spike
Vagina: Valve
Body: Frame
Y/N let out a sneeze again and covered her mouth with her elbow because she coughed. She's been feeling ill for the past few days, almost a week! One day, she suddenly started to cough and the next thing she knew, she sneezed! It got worse that she started to feel ill and hot!
A year ago, a new virus broke out. It broke out in China but no one knew what that new virus was. When someone died, it was so unexpected and unknown what the cause was until the scientists found out that it's a new virus that caused it. They named it Covid-19 or just coronavirus. It belongs to the family of other coronaviruses. There are some other coronaviruses and some of them are dangerous but the new Covid-19... it's getting serious. More deaths came in, people stayed home, kids can't go to school.
In other countries, they started a search on how to protect yourself from the new virus if it arrives in their country. They found good tips like washing your hands, stay home if you feel sick, stay away from the crowds, wear a mask, and stay like 1.5 meters away so respect the distance. Soon, the virus arrived in other countries. In the beginning, China and Italy are the most damaged countries because of how many deaths are reported. Some countries had the virus under control but they lost control and it got worse.
It got so worse that schools closed down, many adults lost their jobs, ... Worse, kids are starting to get infected and they had to stay home. Doctors are doing their best to save people but the people who have illnesses, they're higher victims to die, including kids. It's honestly so depressing. The virus spread in Jasper Nevada and some people got infected. Jack, Miko, and Raf wore masks when they were outside or in school. Y/N followed the rules as well! But, the bad luck arrived and... she got infected. She was now at her house, feeling hot and weak. She can't go to school or else she'll infect others. Jack, Miko, and Raf had to get tested since they had close contact with her. None of them got the virus. Lucky them. June Darby, Jack's mother, is a nurse, and let's just say that ever since the virus arrived in Jasper, she had to work for HOURS! Many doctors and nurses fainted from exhaustion.
Y/N tried her best to take care of herself, to get herself strong again since her body is fighting against the virus. If the scientists found a vaccine already, then they will inject many people. Yes, even if it doesn't protect yourself 100%, your body will recognize very fast when there's a virus inside. If the body starts to fight soon as possible, you have a higher chance of getting healed.
Oh, yeah. Ever since Y/N got the virus, Jack, Miko, and Raf got worried sick about their friend. Y/N couldn't even go to the base! She refused since she doesn't want to get others infected. The Autobots did notice that people wore masks whenever they are in public and they heard about the virus but they got worried when Y/N didn't show up for a week. They got the answer why.
Jack, Miko, and Raf were at the base. When they arrived, they took their masks off. Thye breathed in relief since the masks are so irritated to wear!
"Finally off with the masks!" Miko shouted.
Ratchet, the medic of the Autobots, got annoyed and a bit mad when he heard Miko's loud annoying voice again. He looks over his shoulderplate. "Will you quiet down?! I'm trying to work!"
"Jeez, sorry, doc," Miko grumbled.
Ratchet let out an annoyed sigh and continued to work  He seriously likes to be called by his name, not anything else!
That's when the others came, including Optimus, fragging handsome leader. The Prime then noticed that Y/N was not around again, which got him immediately worried. "Where's Y/N?"
Jack, Miko, and Raf looked sad. They knew the truth, of course since they're humans... Humans can get infected with the new coronavirus. All bots saw their sad expressions. It gave them a sign that something horrible happened.
"Y/N is at her home. You all heard about the new virus, right?"
Everyone at the base nodded.
"Y/N is... infected with the virus. She has a high temperature and is not allowed to leave home."
Optimus couldn't believe what he heard in his audio receptors. His human got infected? Yes, he calls Y/N his human. They're not together, but they both are crushing on each other. He couldn't help but be worried sick about her. You know what? He didn't care anymore what others will say. He ran through the exit and transformed into his semi-truck form. That's when he drove off.
"Wait, where's Optimus going?! Miko asked in shock.
Ratchet showed a little smile while his back is turned. He's proud of his old friend because he's going to help her. He also knows that he's going to transfer her here to the base so that Ratchet can keep an optic on her health. He may not found the cure like how the human scientists are doing now, but he knows how to take of the patients, to make sure that they're strong. In secret, he cares a lot about his loved ones, even his human friends. Nice thing from him, right? "He's going to help her."
At Y/N~
Y/N sneezed again and coughed. She grabbed a tissue from the box and blew. Once she's done, she threw it right in the trashcan. Goal. She really wants to feel better again. It sucks! She let out a weak sigh and that's when her door to the garden opened. That perked her up in alarm. She quickly grabbed a wooden chair and slowly crept to the kitchen, scared and weak. She raised the chair and that's when she was about to swing but a certain familiar servo caught it in time.
"You should be in berth, Y/N."
"O-Optimus?! Oh, gosh... I'm so s-sorry! I thought you were a burglar!" She quickly dropped the chair.
Optimus let out a chuckle and smiled softly. He was in his bipedal holoform and he hid his truck nearby. He doesn't want to attract any Decepticons. His optics filled with sadness, worry, and sympathy when he saw her condition. He looks very weak. She seriously needs help. That's when he picked her up, causing her to yelp and clutch into the Prime for dear life. But when she felt how cold he is, she pressed herself against him.
"I'm bringing you to the base to the base, Y/N. I worry about your condition."
Y/N couldn't help but squeal inside by how cute Optimus is when he worries. She wanted nothing but to kiss him and tell him that she'll be ok. But she nodded her head weakly against his cold metal chassis. That's when she felt sot dermas press against her forehead. Aaaw, Optimus kissed her forehead! But can Cybertronians get infected with human, viruses? Now that worries her the most. "O-Optimus, please let me go!"
Optimus looks worried. "May I ask why?"
"Y-You'll... get infected with my virus!" That's when she burst into tears and cried. She looks away while crying, causing Optimus's spark to shatter. She was scared that he'll get infected with human sicknesses? He couldn't help but looks so lovingly that he made her turn her head gently and that's when he kissed her warm cheek. "We Cybertronians do not get infected with humans sicknesses."
"Yes, Y/N. But I'm very worried about your health. Ratchet will help you."
Y/N nodded weakly and snuggled close against his cold metal. Optimus frowned since he's worried and walked out through the backdoor towards his truck that was hiding. He'll get her stuff later or send one of his teammates to get it. He gently laid Y/N down on the seats and then went in as well.
At the base~
Optimus parked and transformed, causing Y/N to be on his servo. He looks so soft at her weak body. He then walked to Ratchet. "Old friend."
Ratchet turned around and when he saw Y/N, his optics widen. "By the AllSpark, lay her down on the medical berth."
Optimus did as told and Ratchet started doing different tests. At least it was not painful, but it's some of them were unpleasant like, for example, a long then stick where it enters your nose and is like touching your brain! When the tests are finally over, Ratchet held a datapad and looked serious. "Her body is very weak and needs a lot of vitamins in order to make the chance of defeating the virus higher. She needs to drink a lot of water and eat 3 fruits per day."
Optimus nodded. "Thank you, Ratchet."
"Make sure that she has plenty of rest. I'll make sure that the children stay away for their safety. I'll come to check on her health every 3 megacycles (hours)."
Optimus nodded again, gently picked the weak human up, and walked towards his berthroom. The Bots are lucky that they can visit Y/N without a single problem but Jack, Miko, and Raf have to stay away. Optimus entered his room and closed the door behind him. He then laid Y/N down on his berth. He watched her breath for a moment, then he transformed small. He laid down next to Y/N and pressed against her body. Y/N snuggled against him and opened her eyes tiredly. Optimus gave her a soft and soothing smile as he pressed his dermas against her soft lips. Y/N responded by kissing him back happily.
When the kiss was over, Optimus spooned her. "I'll make sure that you're strong again, Y/N."
Y/N smiled while enjoying her sweet cuddles with her new boyfriend. Optimus continued to spoon her and leaving soft kisses on her.
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bad-days-are-ok · 4 years
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monstrousliarstold · 3 years
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pun-master-logan · 4 years
How The Sides Are Dealing With The Coronavirus
 Logan has stayed pretty calm, though he’s ready to flip when he sees people panic buying
"You don’t need 50 rolls of toilet paper!”
“Other people need cleaning supplies too!”
Bonus: he’s a cashier, he has to deal with these people everyday
Deceit would’ve definitely been a panic buyer if he didn’t already have over a month worth of supplies at his apartment (he’s self-preservation, what do you expect)
He loves the chaos though
He watches videos of people clearing out stores in minutes to the time
Roman and Remus live together, it wasn’t ever really a problem because both of their schedules were so hectic, they rarely saw each other
After two days stuck at home together, they nearly killed each other
They can’t stop getting on each other’s nerves
Neither would actually follow social distancing either if it wasn’t for all their friends refusing to hang out
Virgil has been panicking since the pandemic started
He’s constantly convinced he has it
“You don’t have corona.” “But how can you be sure.” “Sneezing isn’t a symptom.” “It could be.” “It isn’t”
He has stock-piled a vast amount of cleaning supplies and refuses to left his apartment
Patton lives with him and is always trying his best to keep Virgil feeling calm and safe
Patton volunteers, delivering groceries to people at high risk of getting infected
He starts bringing Roman along to help because he’s been going crazy stuck in his apartment
Remus tagged along once, but it ended badly, so he just stays home now
Virgil will not let Patton in the apartment when he comes home unless he sprays himself over with Lysol
Everyone is constantly texting/calling each other
Every few nights, they setup video chats during dinner so they can all eat together and talk about their day
They’re all each other support, making sure everyone stays healthy and sane
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kelimesendromu · 4 years
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midnightfunk · 4 years
“Trump has previously expressed concern that aides contracting coronavirus would undercut his message that the outbreak is waning and states should accelerate reopening, according to a person who had spoken with him.“
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The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows a nearly 7% difference in COVID-19 vaccination rates between rural and urban counties. Between December 2020 and April 2021, about 45.7% of individuals in urban counties received a vaccine compared to 38.9% in rural counties.
The urban-rural disparities were also evident when comparing age groups. Among adults aged 18-64 years, vaccination rates were 29.1% in rural counties and 37.7% in urban. For those over 65 years old, vaccination rates jumped to 67.6% in rural counties and 76.1% in urban. Vaccine coverage rates for women in urban counties (48.4%) and rural counties (41.7%) were both higher than rates among men (35.3% rural, 41.9% urban).
The CDC notes, however, that vaccine coverage was not calculated by race and ethnicity because that information was missing for 40% of the data they used.
The urban-rural vaccine disparity varied among jurisdictions. Florida, for example, saw a 13.3% greater vaccination rate in urban counties. Massachusetts had a 10.9% difference and Missouri saw a 10.3% difference.
In some states, such as Connecticut, Maryland, and Michigan, the difference in vaccination rates was less than 1%. In others, like Arizona and New Hampshire, rural counties saw higher levels of vaccinations.
The lower rates of COVID vaccination among rural counties is particularly concerning, says the CDC, because rural communities are at increased risk for severe COVID-associated morbidity and mortality. Rural communities are often older, have higher uninsured rates, and have more limited access to health care facilities.
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oops-fob · 4 years
When you’re stuck in lockdown and quarantine and can’t hug your friends
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illmatic-k · 5 years
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Thank them! Thank them in person...stop being trifling!🙃😩
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Best Third Party Pharma Manufacturer in India
Best Third Party Pharma Manufacturer in India
DOYO is one of the fastest growing third party pharma manufacturers in India. We deal with all aspects of intoxication under one roof. Through our 5 years of working experience in third party manufacturing, we have been relied upon by many medical communities, leading hospitals, medical clinics, etc. to deliver their consistent quality medicine. At a third-party pharma manufacturing company in India, we manufacture all kinds of medicines such as cardio-vascular, diabetic products, derma products, dental range, high antibiotics, third-party, etc.
All stationary machinery in our company is GMP compliant. We have come up with a wonderful opportunity for all startup companies that do not tolerate basic equipment and machinery. We promise to provide you with quality medicines with a clear brand name for your domain. A third party pharma manufacturing in India, we make all manufacturing processes very transparent so that you can check and be satisfied with what kind of raw material or chemical type we are using for the manufacture of drugs.
Key Features of DOYO
- From the beginning, we are committed to offering you the following services:
- Timely delivery of products
- DCGI approved drug range
- Appropriate assistance in trademark and drug registration
- Leakage and breakage-free packing.
- Assistance in promotional materials
An Introduction of DOYO as the Third Party Pharma Manufacturing
Since then, the government has encouraged the establishment of pharma manufacturing companies, many of which have entered the market. But setting up a manufacturing unit can be difficult for them because of the high cost involved. By setting up third-party pharma manufacturing, we want to help all those newly developed pharma companies by regularly offering a range of medicines. With the help of our vast infrastructure facility on campus, we assist them in the chain delivery of the entire medicine. We used rich resources and chemical reactions for better production of all drugs. Here are some of our company's highlights:
GMP and WHO verified companies
Construction in an excise free zone
High-tech machinery
Use rich sources and pure chemical remedies
Immediate delivery of drugs
Maximum customer satisfaction
Our company implements the best strategies for better production of the drug range we offer. For that, we have also built a state-of-the-art infrastructure facility on the premises, which is fully equipped with high-tech machinery. Our infrastructure is well spread over a large part of the earth. It is also monitored by an experienced member and a team of experts. They never let us down when it comes to delivering quality medicine.
100% Quality Assurance
Quality insurance is something that cannot be avoided at any cost. With this point in mind, we are committed to ensuring the highest quality assurance in all of our offered range of medicines. Providing high-quality products for us was not so difficult as we use modern and high-tech automatic manufacturing processes. In addition, after being manufactured on these quality machines, we test each and every medicine on strict quality criteria. As such, there is no compromise on the quality of the medicine manufactured.
Prompt Delivery of Pharma Products under the roof of Reliable Logistics network
We considered time as money. Our company believes in providing all manufactured products within the manufactured time. For that, we are connected to the best logistics partners and distribution channels across the nation. They are able to deliver medicines on time with safe and quality packing. By consistently providing a range of products on time, we succeed in achieving maximum customer satisfaction. The strategy of delivering all the drugs on time is quite simple, we shut down the entire production on time to meet the strict delivery standards. We have strict control over the production, the materials that are used, the timing of our production, and so on. All production processes are also divided into a number of modifications to bring quality results.
Strategies for maintaining customers Relationship
We know that the company will achieve all the heights only if there is trust and mutual understanding between the company and the customers. With this in mind, we understand the needs of our customers, know their set guidelines, number of products, and so on. We are very clear in the beginning only in the beginning. In the early stages of taking orders, we also discuss with them how the whole manufacturing process will be. These are the things that help us maintain long-term relationships with our customers.
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Corona India: Within 24 hours, more than 2.33 lakh patients were found, 1.22 lakh people were cured and 1338 died.
Things have worsened in India.
Coronavirus has engulfed the entire India. In every state, every city, more people are suffering from infection than before. For the first time on Friday, a record 2 lakh 33 thousand 757 people were found infected within a day. During this, 1 lakh 22 thousand 839 patients were also recovered. So far 1.45 crore people have been infected across India. This figure will cross 1.5 million by this evening.
1,338 patients succumbed to these infections within 24 hours. This death toll is official. The bodies that reach the cremation ghats and cemeteries are many times more. The pictures that are coming out from there are really scary. You can guess this by the long queues in the cremation ghats and cemeteries.
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kellykadesperate · 4 years
trump: tells all americans to wear face masks to slow the spread of the virus
also trump (seconds later): no i won’t be wearing one ... it’s not for me ... not my thing
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