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herbalarc · 5 years ago
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Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment. Herbal Arc invented an antivirus formula with a package of essential vitamins and minerals from herbs can strengths your body from coronavirus, common colds, coughing, diarrhea and headaches. If you're feeling any symptoms of COVID19 please try our antivirus. 100% natural, non GMO, Soy free!
Visit for more → https://www.herbalarc.com/product/antivirus/
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jayastudios · 5 years ago
Coronavirus-Virus 3.0 | Prevention, Symptoms and Self-Care of Coronavirus | CoronaVirus Updates|
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hridyamheartcare · 5 years ago
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Basic protective measures against the new #coronavirus
👉Q&A on coronaviruses click here: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses
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naturalhealthbeautycare · 5 years ago
Coronavirus Latest News | What to Do If You Think You Have Coronavirus Symptoms.
Click here to How to start Custom Keto Diet Plan: http://bit.ly/2IhWAFp 
SUBSCRIPBE to watch for more: https://goo.gl/6iEou5
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oneeducation · 5 years ago
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Protect Yourself From CoronaVirus
Coronavirus tends to spread via cough and sneeze droplets which is very alarming. Be prepared to prevent Coronavirus.
Learn how to prevent Coronavirus with Coronavirus Prevention and Control Training Course offered by One Education.
The course is completely free for you.
Enrol Now! https://bit.ly/2troSJI
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chaitanyabharatnews · 5 years ago
स्वामी चक्रपाणि महाराज ने बताया कोरोना वायरस से बचने का अजीब नुस्खा, कहा- गौ मूत्र और गोबर का लेप लगाएं
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चैतन्य भारत न्यूज नई दिल्ली. पिछले कुछ दिनों से दुनियाभर में कोरोना वायरस का कहर जारी है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) ने भी कोरोना वायरस को अंतरराष्ट्रीय आपात स्थिति घोषित कर दिया है। कोरोना वायरस के कारण चीन में अब तक करीब 260 लोगों की मौत हो गई है, जबकि 11800 लोग इसकी चपेट में आ चुके हैं। कोरोना वायरस ने भारत में भी दस्तक दे दी है। केरल में कोरोना वायरस से पीड़ित एक व्यक्ति का पहला केस दर्ज किया गया। इसी बीच भारत में हिंदू महासभा के एक नेता ने इस जानलेवा बीमारी से बचने के लिए एक बेहद ही अजीबोगरीब उपाय सुझाया है। कोरोना वायरस को खत्म करने के लिए कराया जा��गा यज्ञ स्वामी चक्रपाणि महाराज का कहना है कि इस जानलेवा कोरोना वायरस से बचने के लिए गौमूत्र और गोबर का इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। सिर्फ इतना ही नहीं बल्कि उन्होंने ये भी कहा कि, 'कोरोना वायरस के कीटाणुओं को मारने और पूरी दुनिया से इसका प्रकोप खत्म करने के लिए एक खास तरह का यज्ञ भी कराया जाएगा।' गोबर का लेप लगाने से बच सकेगी जान स्वामी चक्रपाणि ने सलाह देते हुए कहा कि, 'गोमूत्र और गोबर का सेवन करने से संक्रामक कोरोना वायरस का प्रभाव खत्म हो जाएगा। अगर कोई शख्स ओम नम: शिवाय बोलते हुए अपने शरीर पर गोबर का लेप लगाता है तो कोरोनावायरस से उसकी जान बच सकती है।' चीन में फंसे 324 नागरिकों को लाया गया भारत  गौरतलब है कि चीन का वुहान प्रांत कोरोना वायरस का सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित क्षेत्र है। वुहान शहर में फंसे 324 भारतीय छात्रों और नागरिकों को एयरलिफ्ट कर शनिवार की सुबह करीब साढ़े सात बजे भारत लाया गया। सभी यात्रियों की दिल्ली एयरपोर्ट पर लगे स्क्रीनिंग कैंप में जांच की गई। इन लोगों के रुकने के लिए दिल्ली के निकट मानेसर में एक केंद्र स्थापित किया है। अधिकारियों के मुताबिक, चिकित्सकों और अन्य कर्मियों की एक योग्य टीम दो सप्ताह तक इन लोगों पर नजर रखेगी कि किसी में संक्रमण का कोई लक्षण तो नहीं दिख रहा। Read the full article
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1tabofficial · 5 years ago
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Do you know: A coronavirus was first isolated in 1937. Precaution/Prevention is the key to good health. #Coronavirus #CoronaVirusSymptoms #CoronaVirusPrecautions #CoronaVirusIndia #HighFever #Diarrhea #Pneumonia #KidneyFailure #Cough #HandHygiene #Knowledge #DYK #PersonalHygiene #HealthTips #PayAttention #HealthFact #ThingsToKnow #TuesdayMotivation #TuesdayThoughts #TuesdayVibes #ComingSoon #LaunchingSoon #StayTuned #onlinepharmacy #Medicines #OnlineMedicines #Health #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #wellness #healthcare #healthcareIndia #India #1TabShipMed #1Tab
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crimemore · 2 years ago
Funeral homes in Beijing are operating around the clock amid a surge of COVID-19 cases, with cremations now backed up for at least five days, funeral parlor staff told Radio Free Asia on Wednesday.
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unifiedcitationjournals · 2 years ago
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Call for Manuscripts! The editors of the Unified Citation Journals are pleased to announce a call for the next issues of Global Research Journal on Novel Coronavirus
Visit: https://www.ucjournals.com/global-research-journal-on-novel-coronavirus-covid-19/
#coronavirus #vaccine #Covid19Tracker #Covid19Variants #CoronavirusNursing #Coronavirusdiabetes #Coronaviruscauses #CoronavirusSymptoms #CoronavirusCases  #新冠病毒  
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aquamistjaipur · 4 years ago
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Please Don't Ignore These Corona Virus Symptoms!! 
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net4news · 4 years ago
What's the difference between the new and old COVID strain?
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The classic signs and symptoms of the COVID-causing virus include a cough, fever, pain and more predominantly, impaired sense of smell. However, as new mutations are being noticed, many suspect that the virus has gotten smarter in the ways it launches an attack on our body. For example, some studies have established that the virus can quickly escape immune defences present along some vital organs, and unleash an attack in more impactful ways.Fever, which is not predominantly seen with ALL cases carrying the original strain is considered to be a more severely seen symptom in cases tested positive for the new mutation.Certain other symptoms such as hearing loss, muscle pain, skin infections and distorted vision, which are otherwise scarcely observed may be more common with the newer strains. As for the double mutant virus, scientists are still studying to establish the manifestations. Yet, many believe it to be less likely to be more infectious than the UK variant. Whether or not it causes more severe symptoms is uncertain too. Mask wearing, and following precautions diligently is the only way to fully safeguard yourself. Source link Read the full article
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infireee · 4 years ago
The Black Death, smallpox, the plague in North Africa, the plague, cholera, the Spanish flu, and now the coronavirus pandemic. The most terrible pandemics and epidemics in human history that you may not have known about. The most dangerous diseases in human history that have claimed the lives of thousands of people. Vaccination in Bulgaria has already started, and people are being vaccinated en masse. Vaccination of people will give new life to people and the world.
The most dangerous virus on Earth, which have appeared in different ways on our earth. What vaccines are produced in Bulgaria, what vaccines Bulgaria has ordered, what vaccines we expect, what vaccines will come to Bulgaria, what covid vaccines are available in Bulgaria, what the vaccines contain. How a person gets coronavirus. How many are vaccinated in Bulgaria. What antibodies mean are few of the questions that worry and interest people.
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naturalhealthbeautycare · 5 years ago
Coronavirus News | How To Tell If You Have Coronavirus 
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divyarishiposts · 4 years ago
क्या कोरोना वायरस से डर लगता है? B.A.M.S Doctor द्वारा | Health Tips by Divyarish
For More Information Contact Us:-9310295401 Email ID:- [email protected] Website:- http://divyarishi.com
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crimemore · 3 years ago
Authorities in Hong Kong on Monday arrested five government workers for faking a COVID-19 app, amid growing concerns that the app facilitates large-scale surveillance of the city’s seven million residents
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unifiedcitationjournals · 3 years ago
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Call for Manuscripts! The editors of the Unified Citation Journals are pleased to announce a call for the next issues of Global Research Journal on Novel Coronavirus
Visit: https://www.ucjournals.com/global-research-journal-on-novel-coronavirus-covid-19/
#coronavirus #vaccine #Covid19Tracker #Covid19Variants #CoronavirusNursing #Coronavirusdiabetes #Coronaviruscauses #CoronavirusSymptoms #CoronavirusCases 
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