#Corneal Transplant
keratoconusgroup · 9 months
How to deal with light sensitivity
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Needles in Eyes
Sticking needles in your eyes might not be as bad as it seems. Any loss or damage to the inner layer of the cornea – the clear surface of the eye – can be permanent and lead to progressive sight loss. Corneal transplantation is the only available solution, and is invasive and limited, so researchers have developed a spiky new approach to restoring lost or damaged cells. They created a sheet of nanoneedles (green in the human cornea sample pictured) that can embed within the inner layer of cornea cells (red and blue), nestling down to the perfect depth. These needles can then directly deliver small strands of genetic material that interfere with a particular gene involved in keeping growth in check. With that silenced, cell growth increased. The nanoneedles can be integrated in contact lenses for long term drug delivery, restoring sight without sore eyes.
Written by Anthony Lewis
Image from work by Eleonora Maurizi and colleagues
Dentistry Centre Lab, University of Parma, Parma, Italy and Centre for Craniofacial and Regenerative Biology, King's College London, London, UK
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Advanced Science, October 2022
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indianhealthguru · 17 days
Eye surgeries are performed to treat a variety of vision problems and eye conditions. The type of surgery depends on the condition being treated, the severity of the issue, and the patient's overall eye health. Here are some of the most common types of eye surgery:
Corneal Transplant
Strabismus Surgery
Retinal Surgery
LASEK Surgery
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)
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vaidyaeyehospital · 11 months
What are common conditions that affect the cornea?
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Common corneal conditions:
Description: Corneal inflammation.
Causes: Infections, injuries, or contact lens issues.
Treatment: Medications, including antibiotics or antifungals.
Description: Progressive corneal thinning.
Causes: Genetic and environmental factors.
Treatment: Corrective lenses, collagen cross-linking, or transplantation.
3-Corneal Dystrophies:
Description: Genetic disorders affecting the cornea.
Causes: Genetic factors.
Treatment: Symptom relief with contact lenses or surgery.
4-Corneal Injuries:
Description: Damage from trauma, foreign objects, or chemicals.
Causes: Accidents or foreign objects.
Treatment: Medications, patches, or surgery.
5-Corneal Abrasions:
Description: Surface scratches or cuts.
Causes: Trauma or foreign objects.
Treatment: Antibiotic ointments, patches, and caution in activities.
6-Corneal Ulcers:
Description: Open sores, often due to infections.
Causes: Bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.
Treatment: Antibiotics or antifungals, depending on the cause.
7-Corneal Scarring:
Description: Tissue damage leading to scars.
Causes: Injuries, infections, inflammation.
Treatment: Medications or corneal transplantation based on severity.
8-Corneal Transplant:
Description: Surgery to replace a damaged cornea.
Indications: Advanced keratoconus, scarring, certain dystrophies.
Treatment: Transplantation of healthy donor corneal tissue.
Regular eye exams by an Ophthalmologist are vital for early detection and management. Individuals with symptoms like pain, redness, or vision changes should seek prompt medical attention.
For more eye-related queries, Consult Dr. Vaidya Which is One of the best Eye Doctor in Mumbai & for more information visit in our hospital at Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital.
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hmsdesk · 1 year
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(via Corneal Transplant Cost in India)
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medifact · 1 year
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Cataract Surgery Cost in Delhi
Cataracts are a common eye condition. That occurs when the natural lens of the eye is. Becomes cloudy, leading to vision loss. Traditional cataract surgery involves using a tiny blade. To make a small incision in the front of the eye. And a device to make a circular incision in the lens capsule. The cataract is then broken up into small fragments using ultrasound waves. Which are then removed. The natural lens is replaced with a new artificial lens. How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery.
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daforged · 1 year
going in for laser eye surgery today and im. not thinking abt it not thinking abt it not thinking abt it
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🎶I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter His courts with praise!🎶
The transplant was a complete success and the doctor said it looks amazing.
I do need some help getting to some subsequent follow up appointments because the facility in Midland is no longer open and I can only go to the one in Lubbock. Hubby has used up all his days off to take me this week.
We'll be heading home tomorrow. Please pray for safe travels and thank you so much for all the prayers💙🙏
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amvision · 2 years
What Eye Conditions do we face and How the Best Eye Surgeons in Delhi Treats Them?
Best Eye Surgeon in Delhi
Who is an Ophthalmologist?
The medical discipline of ophthalmology deals with eye conditions and injuries. The Doctors specializing in this field are called Ophthalmologist.
As per the National Eye Institute, Several eye conditions can cause pain, trauma, discomfort, eye pain and other issues.
There are many excellent eye surgeons in Delhi and the surrounding areas. Consult a local doctor for advice on which surgeon is best for you.
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Various Eye Conditions and Surgical Requirements - at a glance
The eye is one of the most sensitive and important organs in the body. It serves as both a window to the world and an organ of sight. A variety of conditions can affect your eyes, causing pain, vision problems or even more serious health issues. If you're experiencing any pain, difficulty seeing or problems with your eyesight, it's important to seek professional help as soon as possible. Here are few reasons to visit AMVision Eye and Child Care centre in Delhi:
-The AMVision Eye Care Centre, Laxmi nagar is one of the best eye surgeons in Delhi.
-The doctors have years of experience and are very knowledgeable about ophthalmology.
-They also offer a wide range of services such as cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment and refractive surgery.
Lets us understand what happens ahead...
Lasik Eye Surgery
Why is LASIK Surgery deployed?
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LASIK is a safe and effective surgery for correcting nearsightedness and farsightedness. It uses a laser to reshape the cornea so that people can see better with no glasses or contact lenses.
Who Is a Good Candidate for LASIK Surgery?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best candidate for LASIK surgery will vary depending on individual factors such as eye health and vision history. However, some of the most common reasons why people may choose to have LASIK surgery are because they suffer from nearsightedness or farsightedness (a condition in which a person can see things close but not distant), or due to concerns about their ability to wear contact lenses long term. If you think that you might be a good candidate for LASIK surgery, it's important
What to Expect With LASIK Surgery
There are many factors that should be considered before undergoing LASIK surgery, such as your age and eye health. However, some of the most important things to know about LASIK include:
How well does the LASIK procedure work?
About 95% of patients who have undergone Lasik report excellent visual results. These individuals generally see a significant improvement in their vision, with reduced or eliminated nearsightedness and farsightedness. Some people experience minor post-operative complications related to dry eyes or glare but these are typically mild and temporary. Many patients also say that
Cataract Surgery or Cataract Treatment
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It is a surgical procedure that restores vision by removing the cataract lens from your eye. There are many excellent ophthalmologists in Delhi who can treat cataracts and provide you with stunning restored vision. Here is a list of some of the best eye surgeons in Delhi:
Dr Chirag Mittal – One of India’s most renowned ophthalmologists, has treated thousands of patients over his near 20-year career. He is well-known for his skillful cataract surgery and provides superb results to all his patients.
What are cataracts?
A cataract is a cloudy lens. The lens is positioned behind the colored part of your eye (iris). The lens focuses light that passes into your eye, producing clear, sharp images on the retina — the light-sensitive membrane in the eye that functions like the film in a camera.
As you age, the lenses in your eyes become less flexible, less transparent and thicker. Age-related and other medical conditions cause proteins and fibers within the lenses to break down and clump together, clouding the lenses.
As the cataract continues to develop, the clouding becomes denser. A cataract scatters and blocks the light as it passes through the lens, preventing a sharply defined image from reaching your retina. As a result, your vision becomes blurred.
Cataracts generally develop in both eyes, but not always at the same rate. The cataract in one eye may be more advanced than the other, causing a difference in vision between eyes.
It is generally advised to use eye drops to lubricate your eyes. Please discuss with your eye specialist about which drops to use and how frequently.
What are the types of cataracts?
There are different types of cataracts, which can affect any part of the eye. They can be congenital (present from birth), acquired (caused by an injury or disease), or result from age-related changes in the lens.
Cataract types include:
Cataracts affecting the center of the lens (nuclear cataracts). A nuclear cataract may at first cause more nearsightedness or even a temporary improvement in your reading vision. But with time, the lens gradually turns more densely yellow and further clouds your vision.
As the cataract slowly progresses, the lens may even turn brown. Advanced yellowing or browning of the lens can lead to difficulty distinguishing between shades of color.
Cataracts that affect the edges of the lens (cortical cataracts). A cortical cataract begins as whitish, wedge-shaped opacities or streaks on the outer edge of the lens cortex. As it slowly progresses, the streaks extend to the center and interfere with light passing through the center of the lens.
Cataracts that affect the back of the lens (posterior subcapsular cataracts). A posterior subcapsular cataract starts as a small, opaque area that usually forms near the back of the lens, right in the path of light. A posterior subcapsular cataract often interferes with your reading vision, reduces your vision in bright light, and causes glare or halos around lights at night. These types of cataracts tend to progress faster than other types do.
Cataracts you're born with (congenital cataracts). Some people are born with cataracts or develop them during childhood. These cataracts may be genetic, or associated with an intrauterine infection or trauma.
These cataracts may also be due to certain conditions, such as myotonic dystrophy, galactosemia, neurofibromatosis type 2 or rubella. Congenital cataracts don't always affect vision, but if they do, they're usually removed soon after detection.
What are the symptoms of cataracts?
Signs and symptoms (watch out for symptoms in your family) of cataracts include:
Clouded, blurred or dim vision
Increasing difficulty with vision at night
Sensitivity to light and glare
Need for brighter light for reading and other activities
Seeing "halos" around lights
Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription
Fading or yellowing of colors
Double vision in a single eye
How can I prevent cataracts?
There is no one definitive answer, but some tips to help prevent cataracts include living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding smoking, excessive drinking, and using sunscreens that contain harmful chemicals. Additionally, getting regular eye exams is an important step in maintaining your vision health. If you are experiencing any symptoms or difficulty seeing clearly, contact your doctor for consultation on the best way to protect your eyesight.
What’s the treatment for cataracts?
There is no one-size-fits all answer to this question as the best eye surgeries for cataract correction will vary depending on the type of cataract and your specific medical needs. However, some common treatments for cataracts include laser surgery, contact lens removal, and intraocular lens implants.
Dr. Chirag Mittal at AMVision Eye Care is renowned eye specialist in Delhi, and can provide best evaluation and options for long term relief from cataracts. He can be contacted at AMVision Eye and Child Care, Delhi.
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What is Glaucoma and which is the best place to get Eye Surgery done?
There is no definitive answer to this question as glaucoma can be caused by many different factors, such as age, family history, eye health and other medical conditions. That said, some of the best eye surgeons in Delhi who specialize in treating glaucoma are likely to include specialists at AMVision Eye Care, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi amongst others.
What are Squints?
A squint is a narrowing of the visual field that can be caused by an obstruction in one or both eyes. Squints (one of the most troublesome eye problems) normally go away on their own after a few weeks, but they can occasionally lead to vision problems.
Preparing for squint surgery?
If you are considering squint surgery, then it is important to find an eye surgeon who has experience and expertise in this area. There are a number of factors to consider when selecting the best eye surgeon for your particular case, including location, experience, qualifications and prices. If you are in Delhi:
Dr Chirag Mittal - Dr Mittal is a well-known ophthalmologist with years of experience in treating vision problems. He operates out of AMVision Eye and Child Care in New Delhi and offers a full range of services related to squint surgery.
What happens during squint surgery?
During squint surgery, an incision is made in the patient's skin above their eye and a small window is created. The surgeon then uses a special instrument to remove excess tissue on either side of the pupil (the black part of your eye). This allows light to enter directly into the eye, which often improves vision.
After squint surgery
After the squint surgery people may notice improvement in their vision. There are many eye surgeons available in Delhi with different experience and qualifications.
Some of the best eye surgeons in Delhi include:
- Dr Chirag Mittal, an ophthalmologist based out of Laxmi Nagar in Delhi is one of the top eye surgery specialists in India having a vast experience over more than two decades. He has performed operations for cataract, glaucoma and other eyes related problems amongst others.
Returning to normal activities after squint surgery
This can be a little challenging, but with the help of an experienced eye surgeon in Delhi, you can get back to your usual routine quickly and comfortably. Dr. Chirag Mittal and his team are some of the best eye surgeons in Delhi, who have years of experience helping patients regain their vision after surgery.
If you are considering squint surgery in Delhi, contact them for a consultation today.
Cornea Structure
There are a few different cornea structures that can be found in the human eye. The three most common types of corneas are endothelial, epithelial, and glaucoma.
Endothelial Cornea
Epithelial Cornea
Symptoms of Cornea Problems
If you are experiencing problems with your eyesight, there is a good chance that it is the result of cornea problems. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common symptoms associated with cornea problems and their possible treatments.
When Cornea Problems Occur
Cornea problems can occur for many reasons, but they most often develop as a result of age or injury. The protective layer that covers the eye's surface – known as the corneal epithelium – may start to thin due to damage from aging or exposure to toxins and pollutants in air,
Corneal Degenerations
There are many eye surgeons in Delhi who can provide excellent services for corneal degradations. Some of the best Eye Surgeons in Delhi to consider visiting for this purpose include;
1) Dr Chirag Mittal– is a highly experienced ophthalmologist and has been performing surgeries on the eyes since 20 years. He specialises in treating conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and corneal neovascularisation (CNV), amongst others.
Corneal Degenerations can cause permanent vision loss.
How Are Cornea Problems Diagnosed?
The cornea is a thin and clear membrane that covers the front of your eye. When something goes wrong with it, your doctor may diagnose a cornea problem by performing an eye exam and testing for vision problems.
Refractive surgery
This is the most popular ophthalmology procedure in India. Patients from all over the country travel to Delhi for refractive surgery, as surgeries here are considered of excellent quality. Some of the best eye surgeons in Delhi are:
1) Dr. Chirag Mittal
2) Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma
3) Dr. Sandeep Khanna
Eye muscle surgery
One of the common surgeries performed on the eye is surgery to correct muscle problems in the eye. The surgeon uses a small scalpel or laser to cut and remove part of the bulging, irregularly shaped muscles that cause vision problems.
The best surgeons in Delhi specialize in this type of surgery. They may also perform other eye surgeries, such as cataract removal and glaucoma treatment.
Why Does My Eye Twitch?
Twitching of the eye can be due to a number of reasons, but is most often caused by muscle spasms. It may also occur as a result of nerve damage or other medical conditions.
When should my child's eyes be examined?
There is no set time schedule for eye examinations in infants and children, but they should be examined at least once a year. Children with suspected vision problems should have an examination every month until the problem is diagnosed or corrected.
It is best to have your child's eyes examined by an eye doctor at the age of one year, six months and eighteen months.
When should an adult's eyes be examined?
It is recommended that adults have an eye examination every year. If you have a family history of diabeties please do follow the examination schedule.
People Also Ask
What Is visual acuity?
Visual acuity is a measure of how well an individual can see. It is determined by the clarity of vision when looking at objects at different distances.
What are types of Contact Lenses?
There are a few types of contact lenses, including soft contact lenses, rigid contact lenses, and intraocular lens (IOL).
Where to find best Retina specialist in Delhi?
There is no definitive answer to this question as each person may have a different opinion on the best eye surgeons in Delhi. However, some of the top retina specialist hospitals that could be recommended to those looking for quality care and treatment include Apollo Hospital, Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI), and AMVision Eye and Child care.
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yamini0503 · 5 days
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keratoconusgroup · 8 months
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Don't rub your eyes!
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ranimenoneyeclinic · 2 months
Exploring the Potential of Cornea Transplants: A Glimpse into a Promising Future
The cornea is a transparent layer of the eye that allows light to enter inside. The cornea helps protect clear vision, and hence, any damage to the cornea may lead to blurred vision. In a corneal transplant, a part or the entire damaged cornea is replaced with corneal tissue from the donor. Since the cornea of your eye acts like a window to the outer world, maintaining a healthy cornea is crucial if you want uninterrupted vision.
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A corneal transplant is usually recommended if the cornea cannot be healed or corrected. A transplant may be required when medicines, eyeglasses, and contact lenses are unable to restore vision. At Rani Menon Maxivision Eye Hospital, we offer a comprehensive range of eye care treatments, for all corneal problems including cornea transplants.
Conditions that can be treated with Corneal Transplant
There can be several causes for corneal failure, ranging from eye injuries to previous eye surgeries. Here are a few eye conditions that can be treated with corneal transplant.
Fuchs dystrophy, a genetic condition.
Thinning or tearing of the cornea.
Scarred cornea due to infection or injury.
Swelling of the cornea.
Corneal ulcers not responding to medical treatment.
Complications caused by previous eye surgery.
Benefits of Cornea Transplant
Restores vision
Reduces pain associated with a diseased cornea
Treats eye infection
Types of Corneal Transplant
 The type of cornea transplant depends on whether the front and middle layers or the entire cornea are removed. The different types of corneal transplants include:
Penetrating Keratoplasty or full thickness – In this transplant, the doctor removes the entire thickness of the diseased cornea.
Endothelial Keratoplasty- The innermost layer of the cornea is removed in this type of transplant. The endothelium balances the fluid present in the cornea.
Anterior lamellar Keratoplasty (ALK)- During ALK, the surgeon selectively replaces or reshapes the front portion of the cornea, which includes the epithelium and stroma.
Artificial cornea transplant- Artificial corneas, also known as “keratoprosthesis” or “K-pro,” are constructed from biologically inert materials and are primarily used for patients facing severe autoimmune diseases, chemical burns, limited availability of human donor tissue, or recurrent failures with traditional human donor transplants.
Preparing for a Corneal Transplant
Your doctor may advise you to stop any prescription medications and over-the-counter medicines that you are taking. Hence, you need to reveal all your medical conditions to your doctor before corneal transplant surgery.
Eye examination- You will undergo a thorough eye exam to rule out any complications after surgery.
Measuring your eye- Your eye is measured to decide the size of your donor cornea
Treating existing eye conditions to avoid complications- Before surgery, your doctor may treat you for any eye infections or injuries that you may have.
Avoid food and water- It is recommended that you stop taking food or drinking water on the night before your surgery
Check if you can get enough rest to recover post-surgery. You might need six months to a year in some cases.
Finding the right donor
Only the corneas of deceased people are donated for a Corneal transplant.
People who have previous eye conditions or surgeries are not considered for donating cornea.
Note that you will have blurred vision for the first few months after the surgery, which will gradually get better with time. Given enough time to your eye until it adapts to the new cornea.
Rejection and symptoms
If your body does not accept the donor cornea, it starts showing symptoms of rejection. If you identify the following symptoms of rejection, schedule an appointment with your eye care specialist.
Decreased eyesight.
Sensitivity to light.
Although cornea transplant is generally considered safe, there is a slight chance of serious complications, including:
– Eye infections.
– Increased pressure inside the eye (Glaucoma).
– Issues with the sutures holding the donor cornea in place.
– Rejection of the donor cornea.
– Bleeding.
– Retinal complications such as detachment or swelling.
How to prevent damage to the Cornea?
To prevent damage to the cornea, consider these guidelines:
Protective Eyewear: Use appropriate eye protection during activities that pose a risk of eye injury, such as sports, construction work, or handling chemicals.
Avoiding Eye Rubbing: Refrain from rubbing your eyes, as this can lead to irritation and potential injury to the cornea.
Proper Contact Lens Care: If you wear contact lenses, follow proper hygiene practices, including washing your hands before handling lenses, cleaning them as directed, and avoiding wearing them longer than recommended.
 Regular Eye Exams: Schedule routine eye exams with an eye care professional to monitor the health of your corneas and detect any issues early.
Eye Safety at Work: If your job involves hazardous materials or activities, ensure that you use the appropriate eye protection recommended for your workplace.
Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain overall health through a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that support eye health, and avoid smoking, which can increase the risk of eye diseases.
Prompt Treatment: Seek immediate medical attention if you experience symptoms such as eye pain, redness, sensitivity to light, or changes in vision, as these could indicate a potential issue with your corneas.
By following these preventive measures, you can help protect your corneas and maintain good eye health.
For general eye health and good vision maintenance, corneal health is critical. Our state-of-the-art corneal transplant treatments at Rani Menon Maxivision Eye Hospital are intended to improve vision and lessen pain related to corneal conditions. Our wide variety of therapies covers problems that might impact the cornea, from Keratoconus to consequences from prior eye procedures. Patients may begin their road towards better eye health by learning about the many types of corneal transplants that are available and getting ready for the procedure.
Essentially, a corneal transplant is a step toward regaining the clarity and improved quality of life that come with having healthy eyesight, not merely a medical procedure. Our goal at Rani Menon Maxivision Hospital is to give our patients the finest treatment possible so they may have optimal results.
Schedule an appointment with us to discuss your treatment choices if you have corneal problems and start along the path to a clearer, brighter future.
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drjoannagoh · 4 months
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Experience life-changing corneal transplant surgery with Dr Joanne Goh. As the leading expert in ophthalmology, Dr Goh specialises in advanced corneal procedures that restore vision and improve life quality. Don’t let vision issues hold you back — choose expertise, choose care, choose Dr Joanne Goh for your corneal transplant surgery needs. Trust your eyes to a skilled surgeon with a reputation for excellence. Contact us TODAY to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a brighter and clearer future.
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vaidyaeyehospital · 1 year
What is a corneal transplant, and when is it necessary?
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A corneal transplant, also known as a corneal graft, is a surgical procedure in which a damaged or diseased cornea is replaced with a healthy donor cornea. The cornea is the clear, transparent front surface of the eye, and it plays a crucial role in focusing light onto the retina, which is essential for vision. When the cornea is damaged or diseased to the extent that it cannot perform its optical function adequately, a corneal transplant may be necessary.
Here are some key points about corneal transplants and when they are necessary:
1. Indications for Corneal Transplant:
- Corneal transplants are typically performed when the cornea is damaged or affected by conditions that cannot be effectively treated through other means. Common reasons for corneal transplants include:
- Keratoconus: A progressive thinning and bulging of the cornea that distorts vision.
- Fuchs' Dystrophy: A genetic disorder that causes swelling and clouding of the cornea.
- Corneal Scarring: Resulting from injuries, infections (e.g., herpes keratitis), or previous surgeries.
- Corneal Transplant Rejection: In cases where the body's immune system rejects a previous corneal transplant.
- Thinning of the Cornea: Due to conditions like keratoconus or certain corneal degenerations.
- Corneal Degenerations: Conditions that cause structural changes in the cornea, impacting vision.
- Corneal Ulcers: Severe corneal infections that may lead to scarring.
2. Types of Corneal Transplants:
- There are different types of corneal transplant procedures, including:
- Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP): In PKP, the entire central cornea is replaced with a donor cornea.
- Endothelial Keratoplasty (EK): EK procedures replace only the innermost layer of the cornea, where conditions like Fuchs' dystrophy primarily affect.
- Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK): DALK replaces the front and middle layers of the cornea, leaving the endothelium intact.
3. The Donor Cornea:
- Donor corneas are obtained from individuals who have donated their corneas after death. Eye banks carefully screen and store donated corneas for transplantation. The tissue is rigorously tested for infectious diseases to ensure safety.
4. Recovery and Healing:
- After a corneal transplant, patients typically experience some discomfort and require time for the eye to heal. Vision improvement can be gradual, and it may take several months to achieve the best visual outcome. Medications to prevent infection and rejection are prescribed during the recovery period.
5. Success Rates:
- Corneal transplants have a high success rate, with most patients experiencing improved vision and a better quality of life. However, the outcome can vary depending on the individual and the specific condition being treated.
6. Follow-Up Care:
- Regular follow-up visits with an ophthalmologist are crucial after a corneal transplant to monitor the graft's health, adjust medications as needed, and address any potential complications.
Corneal transplants are essential procedures that can significantly improve vision and alleviate discomfort for individuals with severe corneal conditions. The decision to undergo a corneal transplant is made based on a thorough evaluation by an eye care specialist, taking into account the individual's specific eye condition and needs.
It's important to consult Dr. Vaidya one of the Best Cornea Specialist in Mumbai know more information visit our hospital at Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital.
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Corneal Eye Transplant
Improve your vision with a corneal eye transplant from Dr. Chameen Sam. Explore the benefits and detailed process of corneal graft surgery
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