#Corgi Video
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babyanimalgifs · 10 months ago
When you let your Jewish grandfather babysit your dog...
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10yearsofdnp · 1 month ago
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January 28, 2015: I can just hear Dan's "Phiiiiilllll!" now, bless them 🥹🥰
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golden-girl-daisy · 5 days ago
We howlin
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kingdomofdoggos · 5 months ago
Clap your paws! 👏 🐾😝
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high-quality-tiktoks · 2 years ago
Short kings dont have to bend over when they drop their crowns jus sayin
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gummi-stims · 1 year ago
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Nintendogs charms from kitzat_ on tiktok!
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xplrvibes · 3 months ago
Opinion on latest episode?
Zak Bagans brings me such joy.
He's just such a...doofus. It reminds me of a simpler time.
Other than that, I don't think I have (m)any good things to say about this video. I'll go behind a cut for the meat of this, but reader beware: I am going to be critical and, quite frankly, kind of mean. I am probably going to say some ugly truths that some people don't want to hear. If you can't handle that, skip this and catch me on the next post.
Before the cut, here's a few pre-game positives about the video:
The concept was actually interesting.
I like that it was just snc (and Zak, briefly). Less guests in 2025!!
Colby's outfit in St Augustine made me laugh. Why the high socks and low shorts combo? (Is this a positive? I don't know)
Alright, well that was fun. Now onto the part that's bound to get me in trouble:
I think I'm just going to jump right into the deep end and talk about Sam, first.
*TW: I am not nice about this. Last chance to skip this whole thing if you think that will be a problem for you.*
I struggled with how I wanted to word this, because my initial thoughts throughout this whole thing were not fit to print.
I don't want to be mean.
But like...what the fuck, man.
There is a level of self absorption in Sam that is honestly going to tank this whole channel if he doesn't get it the fuck together. The name on the door isn't "Sam and Friends." It's "Sam and Colby." They are supposed to be 50/50 partners and he has now proven that he thinks his way is the ultimate highway and is repeatedly going into business for himself.
It's disappointing, to say the least.
And I'm going to be very blunt here: I don't care about his need to prove the paranormal to himself, no matter the cost. I don't sympathize with him on that front, even if I can empathize. NONE of us know for sure what's going on after the final curtain call, and none of us ever will until we get there. We are all rowing that same boat to that same destination, but Sam is captaining a ship called hubris and he's headed for a fucking iceberg.
I think the thing that gets me the most about Sam's supreme selfishness is him looking his best friend in the face and disrespecting him by lying to him, trying to take all the big moments in these videos for himself, and completely disregarding Colby's feelings on the matters as if they don't matter. And then when he does tell Colby and Colby gets rightfully upset about it, he starts crying about how it's more important for HIM to prove the paranormal than it is for anyone else in the world because HE needs to believe and HE doesn't believe, and THEN he starts in about how difficult HIS 2023 was to a fucking person who spent half of his 2023 with CANCER.
That is the most manipulative series of events to pull on someone, and the fact that this has happened multiple times on camera is concerning.
When Colby said that it's supposed to be a partnership and it's really not, I felt that. Sam doesn't view them as partners. He views himself as the star attraction and the ultimate top dog of the table and he views Colby in a position of lesser importance.
And sadly, I don't have much hope of that changing.
This is a habit of his. He does this repeatedly. They had a carbon copy of this exact conversation a year ago and NOTHING changed. Hell, they went and filmed Farrar right after this and Sam pretty much guilt tripped Colby into going down into that boiler room, even when he didn't want to.
Nothing is changing.
And here's another really blunt, painful statement: Sam planned this ridiculous bullshit behind Colby's back and continued on with it after watching his best friend kneeling on a floor in front of a doll begging it for forgiveness because he was scared about the possibility of the doll giving him cancer again (I'll get to that in a moment). He heard the tears in Colby's voice when he told Sam he didn't want to disrespect Robert because he never wanted to go through this again.
And then he went into that building and took that photo anyway.
Let that sink in.
Sam's mission took priority over Colby's safety, traumas, and fears.
It's alarming how little regard he has for even Colby sometimes.
I don't know. I think Colby was owed much more of a genuine apology than what was shown on camera. He is definitely owed a fuckton more respect than what's being afforded him.
I have doubts that he's getting either of those.
So all of that dovetails into my other huge issue with this whole video, which is Robert the Doll and the issue of Colby's cancer.
Let me preface this by saying that I do not think any doll caused that cancer, and I'm not thrilled that they are starting to allow this narrative after more than a year of dismissing it.
That being said, I want to point something out here, and I think it's something that everyone forgets sometimes.
Colby went through a very traumatic experience with his cancer journey. And he did it very publicly, while being in the paranormal community.
He is a man with a history of chronic anxiety and a belief in spiritualism and the paranormal. He has also had the fear of reoccurrence of his cancer hanging over his head for a while now.
He's got people on the internet constantly telling him the doll may have caused it. He's got his friends using that as a plot point for their own videos with Robert, to great success.
I'm sure after a while, the cogs in some part of his brain started turning and he started thinking, "You know, if that doll did curse me and that's why I got cancer, apologizing to it will lift the curse and I might not get it again."
He had hope for the fear.
So he goes there - with his best friend who helped him through the entire ordeal and the aftermath and has to know better than anybody what this meant to him - with an apology note in hand *just in case* and he sits down with the owners and asks them what they think about all this cursing business.
And they, with dollar signs in their little beady eyes, tell this scared cancer survivor, "Yep, the doll did it, and he's probably gonna do something even worse to you unless you sincerely repent and mean it with every fibre of your being."
And then, to top that off, Colby tearfully goes off and does this whole dramatic unveiling of this doll and looks like he's going to puke, proving that he's really starting to believe all this shit about the doll fucking him (and only him) over. He writes a heartfelt, if slightly cheesy and dramatic, note begging for forgiveness and includes a whole paragraph in there about what a great and loving friend and business partner Sam is and asks this doll to leave them BOTH alone (a weirdly ironic moment, considering). He comes out of this and quite firmly tells Sam he does not want to fuck with or disrespect this doll in any way because he doesn't ever want to go through cancer again.
And then Sam, knowing all of this, with dollar signs in his beady little eyes, goes and takes a picture of the doll behind Colby's back and starts salivating over voodoo dolls he brought of them (including a doll he brought of Colby which proves he was totally planning on including Colby in this despite his claims of wanting to keep him out of it) so he can put a bunch of dolls together and what...create a ghost doll cyclone?
To be honest, I don't know what the fuck he was actually trying for because it sounded so stupid that my brain short circuited and I started seeing stars, but like what the FUCK.
Why was there not one person in this video prioritizing and showing any concern for the cancer survivor they were all just fucking up again and again with this shit?
I don't think Sam's stupid plan would've worked anyway, cause it quite franky made no sense. But HE thought it would work. And he saw all that and did it anyway.
Colby apologized to that doll because that was his way of getting some kind of control back over his fate. And half the people in that building with him that day purposefully tried to scare him and his fanbase more so they could sell more tickets, and the other half purposefully shit all over his wishes to not disrespect the doll by breaking the first rule of respecting the doll because their need to be #1 on the call sheet trounced everything else.
I just cannot comprehend the lack of disrespect peppered throughout this entire monstrosity.
I'm not even going to touch some of the other shit that went on in this video, because I feel like I've pushed my luck far enough with this one and I'm just disgusted and want to be done with this.
But this video was just bad. I did not like it. I have little respect for Sam right now, I'm once again concerned at Colby's inability to stop people from walking all over him, I thought some of the shit in this video was corny (the whole kneeling in front of the doll thing- why did he have to kneel?) and I'm just really tired of the constant "whoops we want too far, gotta take a few months off now to repent" shit when I know nothing's going to change.
This one gets a -12/10. Zak Bagans is the only reason it even scored that high.
That man is a National Treasure. Not one we want or need, mind you, but a treasure nonetheless.
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ariesalpinesavi · 2 months ago
Y’all know I don’t just put dog sports in my bio yeah?
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babyanimalgifs · 10 months ago
Clever boy
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warau-okami · 6 months ago
"I found a dog"
A PV has been released that lets you enjoy the cuteness of the dog in the anime "Lord and Dog"!
Lord's voice has finally been released! ?
Enjoy the four different atmospheres! !
㊗️Anime adaptation decided, volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the manga are on sale now "#Lord and Dog"
The original manga is being serialized in COMIC Polaris!
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kingdomofdoggos · 3 months ago
Why do they always grow up so fast 🥺
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high-quality-tiktoks · 2 years ago
I just want to play with the horsey🤷‍♂️
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gummi-stims · 11 months ago
Brian Harding from Dream Daddy pretty please? He likes fishing, dogs, and being a proud dad
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🧡- x -💚
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xplrvibes · 3 months ago
holy damn I haven’t watched the new snc video yet and it looks like I missed a LOT 😳 based on what I’ve seen from you and golbrocklovely I truly hope Colby’s okay. Like, that’s so awful what happened
I mean, he's been schilling merch on instagram and happily riding scooters in the streets of Sacramento , so I'm assuming he's fine now lol.
But yea, it was a doozy.
I was thinking about this earlier, but both Sam and Colby were promoting this video as one of their favorites ever, and talking about how wonderful it was and how much everyone would love it.
And I would just love to know why they both liked this so much. Sam comes out of this looking unhinged and selfish as hell, Colby comes out of this either looking like the most gullible man on earth or someone who just unwittingly bought himself another year of calamity courtesy of a doll (depending on whether you believe the doll cursed him or not), and half their fandom thinks they're quitting.
What was fun about this for them? 🤣
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michikusa-gamer · 2 years ago
While playing Monster Hunter World and chatting about corgis with a friend. I had a image of corgis running around my mind with wiggler head on.
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ropnolcart · 1 year ago
Timelapse of the this Forde Painting (Music by Trees & Lucy)
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